Toilet in the country scheme. Building a country toilet: projects, drawings, dimensions

  • 13.06.2019

Although we all perfectly imagine what this simple structure looks like, there is no hurry here. First, you should study your site in order to decide what type of toilet you can build, observing all the rules and sanitary standards.

Only after that you can proceed to the construction of the toilet. And although modern summer residents often prefer buying ready-made toilet houses (and they are offered for every taste), the majority still prefer to build a toilet with their own hands, as they say, “from scratch”.

On the modern dacha usually equip two toilets - in the house and on the street. The home toilet is used at night or in the rain. Outdoor - while working in the garden and garden. So you can avoid the fact that dirt will be worn from the garden on the soles of the house.


  • Classic "rustic" toilet with a pit;
  • powder closet;
  • play closet;
  • dry closet;
  • chemical toilet;
  • peat toilet.

The design of a country toilet - choose wisely

The most important criterion for choosing the type of toilet for a summer residence is the level of occurrence ground water Location on. With a deep standing groundwater (deeper than 2.5-3.5 m), especially if the water is even in heavy rains does not rise above two meters from the ground, any of the above types of toilet is possible. With a high standing of groundwater, this is exactly what we usually have in the areas middle lane– water is close to the surface, a classic toilet with cesspool invalid.

When standing groundwater above 2.5 m, the preferred option is powder closet or backlash closet, as well as a bio- or chemical toilet. Since these structures have a sealed cesspool, the waste does not enter the groundwater and is safe in an epidemiological sense. Let's take a closer look at each of the options.

toilet typeDescription
Classic "rustic" pit latrine (1)This is a cesspool one and a half meters deep, at the top of which there is a corresponding “house”. Everything that falls into the pit accumulates there, gradually decomposing. This toilet is not suitable for big family, because it will fill up too quickly, and the sewage will not have time to ferment. The situation is resolved in two ways: either they transfer the toilet to another place by burying a filled pit, or they clean the cesspool - manually or using a sewage machine.
Powder closet (2)Suitable for areas with high groundwater levels. There is no cesspool here. Its role is played by a sealed container installed under the "seedushka". After each trip to the toilet, a new portion of sewage should be covered with peat, ash or sawdust. When the container is full, its contents are taken out to compost pit, sprinkling with peat.
Backlash closet (3)This type of toilet is suitable for being in the house. This is a structure equipped with a sealed cesspool (next to the outer wall). It is cleaned with a sewer machine. Thus, the pit itself is located outside the house, and all waste enters it through a pipe. The pit should slope away from the house.
dry closetThis is the same as those standing on city streets, a booth with a container that contains active microorganisms that process waste. They buy such a toilet - there are any sizes on sale, dry closets suitable for home and for the street.
ChemicalIn fact, the same dry closet, but with a different waste processing technology. Chemical preparations are used - the contents of the toilet (unlike a dry closet) become unsuitable for use as fertilizer in beds and flower beds.
Peat toilet (4)This is the same powder closet, only of a more modern design. Suitable for home use. This is just a toilet, in the tank of which instead of water is dry peat, and the role of sewer pipes is performed by a waste container. Ventilation is provided in the design - it is taken out into the open air.

Construction of a toilet in the country: by law and harmony by neighbors

There are clear standards for the placement of a country street toilet. This is especially important for those structures that involve the contact of sewage with soil and groundwater. According to sanitary requirements, to any source of water (well, well, river, lake, stream, etc.) must be more than 25 m.

The door to the toilet should not be located on the side of the neighbors.

On a note

When building a toilet, it is better to take into account the directions of the winds that are most frequent in your participation: unpleasant odors should not disturb the neighbors.

When your summer cottage is located slightly on a slope, the toilet should be below the source of clean water - so the waste does not fall into the water.

Concerning country house and buildings of neighbors

  • The toilet must be at least 12 m away from residential buildings, cellars, basements.
  • From the structure of the bath, sauna, shower - at least 8 m.
  • From enclosures for keeping animals, poultry houses, etc. - at least 4 m.
  • From trees and shrubs - at least a meter; at the same distance - from the fence enclosing your summer cottage.

Do-it-yourself toilet - do-it-yourself powder closet

Building a classic "rustic" toilet is not at all difficult and even a novice builder can do it. Therefore, we will focus on the device of a more modern design - a powder closet.

Advantages of powder closet:

  • This design does not provide for a cesspool, and this simplifies its construction. No need to dig a ditch.
  • Powder closet can be erected next to residential buildings.
  • Groundwater is not polluted.

The beginning of any construction is a drawing, since all parts must have accurately calculated dimensions. They should be such that the toilet is easy to use. So, the minimum width of the building should be at least 1.5 m, the depth - at least a meter, the height - 2.2 m. Dimensions can be large, but it is not advisable to make them smaller. Now it's time to decide on the building material. Most often country toilets are made of wood. But you can build a brick toilet, sheathe the walls with a metal profile or slate.

Foundation: laying the foundation of the toilet

The toilet is a light building that does not require a solid solid foundation. Often, a strip foundation is poured under the country toilet - the base is poured only along the perimeter of the walls. When creating a strip foundation for any building, a trench is dug, it is brought higher zero mark and filled with cement mortar. The role of waterproofing is performed by roofing material. The foundation is filled with crushed stone, rubble stone, gravel, broken bricks. Coarse-grained sand and gravel are poured into the trench in layers, each layer should be compacted and poured with water. At ground level, the foundation is poured cement mortar. The plinth is made of brick and insulated with a layer of roofing material. From the outside of the foundation it is necessary to make a blind area.

But it is much easier to make the simplest foundation for a wooden toilet under a toilet: either bury the supports (pillars - concrete, from timber or logs), or make a foundation from concrete blocks or bricks laid out around the perimeter of the structure.

Operating procedure

  1. The first stage is the marking of the site for future construction. Accurately mark the corners of the future building.
  2. As a foundation, we dig in supports. We need four asbestos-cement pipes, their diameter is about 150 mm. Outside, they should be coated with bituminous mastic.
  3. Some types of soils do not have the necessary characteristics for construction: strength, low compressibility, etc. Peat soils usually compress under load, clay soils swell, and forest-like soils can settle under the weight of the building in spring and autumn. Before starting construction, if you are building a brick toilet, such soils require a series of drainage measures or replacement of soil unsuitable for development. To check, it is enough to dig a hole in the place where the building will stand, with a depth of 0.5 to 1.5 m, and see the composition of the soil. The best option for construction is if your soil is based on fine-grained compacted sand.
  4. In the corners of the future building, 4 deep wells (about 70 cm) should be dug. At this depth, pipes are buried in the ground. Although, in general, the depth to which pipes must be buried will depend on the structure of the soil. On some soils, it may be necessary to deepen the pipes by 90-100 cm.
  5. Further, the pipes are poured with concrete mortar to a third of the height. Concrete is compacted by removing air bubbles. Support poles are inserted inside the pipes, most often wooden ones, which are fixed with concrete mortar.
  6. The poles are fixed so that they protrude to a height of 2.3 m from the ground. The location of the pillars should be even relative to the corners.

The easiest version of the foundation of the toilet

For light wooden buildings simply install concrete blocks or bricks. A frame will be placed on them. Such a "foundation" is done like this: upper layer soil is removed to a depth of 30 cm and tightly rammed. A layer of sand is covered at the bottom of the trench, and concrete blocks or bricks are placed on top.

Building a toilet frame

The frame of the country toilet is made of wooden beams with a section of 50 x 50 mm or 80 * 80 mm. Sometimes they take a thicker beam (100 * 100 mm) and even thicker, but this is not advisable. Still required metal corners. The frame is 4 bearing supports installed vertically. We also need a strapping of the roof of our building.

Roof trim: horizontal bars protrude from the body to a distance of about 40 cm. A visor is obtained in front, and a protrusion for draining rainwater is obtained in the back.

We sit well

The correct height of the toilet seat is the key to ease of use of the toilet. A seat that is too high will be uncomfortable for children and short people, too low will cause inconvenience to tall family members. It should be taken into account at what level the floor in the toilet will be located -40 cm upwards is deposited from this height. And keep in mind that there will also be a sheathing on top of the strapping (about 20 mm wide).


  • Screed at the level of the toilet seat, which will appear later. The bars of this strapping are installed in a spacer to the vertical supports of the frame. The height of the toilet seat to the floor of the toilet should be 40-45 cm.
  • For the strength of the frame, diagonal braces are also made on the back and side walls. The frame for fastening the door consists of 2 vertical supports about 1.9-2 m high and a horizontal bar at this height.

On a note

Often, slate or corrugated sheets are used to build a country toilet. It is easier to work with them, but in such a toilet it will be uncomfortable. wooden walls allow air to pass through it, providing natural ventilation.

Toilet frame upholstery

The walls of the country toilet are sheathed wooden planks, the thickness of which should be from 20 to 25 mm. They are tightly fitted and nailed to the frame supports. It is better to place the boards vertically, with the top of the back wall and side wall sheathing boards neatly cut off taking into account the slope of the roof (since in this design the roof will slope towards the back wall). In the back wall of the powder closet, a door is usually made through which a container with waste is taken out. The hinged door has a height of 40 to 45 cm (it is made to the height of the toilet seat).

We cut the roof of the toilet with our own hands

The roof of such a structure is usually covered with either sheets of corrugated board, or slate, or metal tiles. The wooden roof is covered with roofing material or other waterproofing material.

The roof of the toilet is made so that it has a hole for the ventilation pipe. The pipe must be sealed.

Making a toilet door

They make a door out of wood and hang it on two or three hinges, depending on how heavy the door is. Also, the door is equipped with a latch, hook or latch outside and inside. Above the door is usually done small window for light to enter. Zealous owners usually glass the window.

If you make the size of the toilet house large enough, you can even hang a washbasin in it.

Toilet seat: the most important thing

What to make a seat and a toilet seat in a powder toilet? It can be boards, lining, moisture resistant plywood. It's best to stop at wood paneling the frame of the toilet seat, the boards must be painted, cut a hole and place an appropriate container under the toilet seat that can hold 20-40 liters. It is better to make the lid of the toilet seat reclining, fixing it on hinges. In addition, you should find a place in the toilet for a container of peat (you can hang it on the wall) and a bucket for used toilet paper.

Toilet with barrel

If on your suburban area high standing groundwater, the easiest and cheap way replace the classic pit latrine with a barrel latrine.

You can, of course, build a formwork and pour a sealed concrete container, but such a design will not be durable, since the contents of the container are very aggressive. And the repair of such a structure will be difficult. The barrel can always be removed and replaced with a new one without changing the location of the toilet house on the site.

Barrel installation

Having chosen a place for the toilet and having cleared the area, they begin to dig in the barrel. The most commonly used galvanized metal or rigid polyethylene barrel. The barrel is buried to its entire depth, leaving only about 70 mm above the surface - so it will be possible to remove it from the pit in the future. After that, the area under the toilet is covered with gravel to the level with the barrel, a small layer of sand is poured on top.

foundation of the foundations

The basis of such a structure can be concrete blocks or brick columns poured in four corners.

For warmth and comfort

The base of the toilet is built from thick boards (the minimum thickness of which is 40 mm). Boards should be made of solid wood, oak is best. Lumber must be protected from wood decay.

The size of the base is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe toilet. It is clear that the smaller the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis desired building, the less building materials required for its construction. But you should not save on the area of ​​​​the toilet: if it is too cramped, it will be uncomfortable to be in it. Therefore, the minimum building area is 120 x 120 cm. The base is assembled using stainless steel screws about 80 mm long and placed on a concrete (or brick) base.

How to protect wooden details

How to protect the wooden parts of buildings from adverse effects on wood: sunlight, mold, insects, fungus, etc.?

Moisture, ultraviolet and bugs are the most common causes of destruction of unprotected wooden structures. Mold and fungus destroy the wood, causing blue and rot. Ultra-violet rays destroy the lignin that binds cellulose fibers. As a result, wooden buildings acquire a dull grayish color and crack. Most often, summer residents process wooden parts of buildings with drying oil. However, drying oil is not very effective against rotting wood, in addition, it does not dry well and it is not very advisable to use it as a wood protection these days. It is better to use modern protective compounds, of which there are quite a lot.

On a note

It is very important that the boards with which the walls of the toilet are sheathed are well dried. Otherwise, after a while, the boards will dry out and cracks will appear in the walls.

Install the walls start from the side.

For the frame of the side walls, it is advisable to use boards 25 x 60 mm. The height of the frame can be from two meters to 220 cm. The frame of the rear wall of the building is erected in the same way. The structure is fixed with screws measuring 40 x 4 mm. The frame of the front wall includes a frame for hanging the door. In this case, the door should be at least 70 cm wide. The frame of each wall, therefore, consists of 4 vertical supports, covered with a horizontal board on top. It is very important that the walls are strictly vertical: at all stages of the construction of the frame and after the completion of its construction, the verticality of the walls is checked using the building level.

From wind and rain

The roof is built after the walls are completely sheathed. Fix it along the line of the upper slope, checking the compliance of the angles of the slope on adjacent surfaces. He must

Since the building is still loosely fixed at the stage of roof construction, then when working at height, just a ladder is not enough, additional insurance is needed. For example, using a reinforced ladder.

be 30 degrees. Having installed the roof, sew up the back wall. Zealous owners also hem overhangs.

The roof in this design is covered with a board. The thickness of the board is at least 20 mm. You can fasten the roof sheathing boards to the rafters with ordinary nails - there will be no special bearing load on a small roof area.

The roof is covered roofing material- use ondulin, metal tile or roofing felt.

It is undesirable to cover the toilet roof with slate - such a coating greatly increases the wind load on the building.

Final check

An important stage of work is the final check. The degree of tightening of all screws, the verticality of the walls and the horizontality of the floor are checked.

  • If there are violations, you can correct the structure by adding gravel under the foundation, installing spacers, etc.
  • The base of the toilet should be carefully fixed; for this purpose, another fastener is placed at the bottom of the foundation. The support columns on the sides are concreted, finally securing the structure.
  • Be sure to check your work for the absence of through breakdowns inside, on the back of the roof and walls. Such sharp tips of nails and screws can cause serious injury to people.

And finally, the interior decoration of our building. It begins, of course, with cutting a hole. First of all, a niche is cut out in the floor of the toilet along the perimeter of the buried barrel (manual, circular saw, jigsaw, etc.). The upper part of the niche is hemmed with a 25 mm board. The niche should be exactly in the center, 200-250 mm from the rear wall of the toilet, and its dimensions should be at least 450 x 450 mm.

Summer residents decorate the "house" at their discretion. The main thing is not to overload it with decorative details, because the structure is rather fragile. The easiest option is to sheathe the perimeter of the front side with a decorative trim.

Reliable protection

Impregnation on wood is applied after the completion of the main construction works. The choice of impregnation today is very large.

  • The tree should be impregnated with an antiseptic, this will protect the wooden parts from mold, fungi, and organic formations. After all, the toilet is an unheated room.
  • All wooden parts must be protected from decay. In conditions of high humidity, rotting can destroy the structure in just two to three years.
  • The refractory coating is very important. A cigarette thrown carelessly in the toilet can cause a fire in this wooden structure.
  • And one more function of impregnation and coloring of the toilet is decorative.

Hanging the toilet door

The door can be made independently or you can use the existing one for the second time. In any case, she also needs to apply protective impregnations. The door is installed on the hinges, which are pre-lubricated with any solid lubricant (grease, for example), which will protect metal parts from rust.

Toilet lighting

Before finishing the interior decoration of our house, you should take care of the lighting. When carrying out electrical work, it must be taken into account that the toilet is a building with high humidity. Based on this, we comply with the following rules:

If there are children in the family

Let's say we use LED lamps with a voltage of 12 or 36 Volts. A voltage converter is installed at the beginning of the power supply line, and the switch will be built into the design of the luminaire. If there are children in the family, then such a safe lamp can be installed at a low height.

  • From the power line support to the toilet should not be more than five meters.
  • The power cable is brought out by means of a mast with a height of at least 250 cm; while the mast must be securely fastened to the rear wall of the toilet.
  • A ground connection is required.
  • Inside the building, cabling is carried out open way, its cross section must be at least 0.75 sq. mm.
  • The luminaire power should not exceed 40 watts. It is safest to use energy-saving lamps. The design of the luminaire itself should be designed for use in rooms with high humidity.
  • The light switch must not be located inside the toilet. Install it on a special shield at the beginning of the power supply line. It could be switchboard, or the switch can be installed inside the capital structure.

We mount the seat

First of all, we need to make a so-called podium. You will need bars 30 * 60 mm in size, as well as self-tapping screws at least 70 mm long, which will connect these bars into the podium structure.

The niche opposite the cesspool should remain free - this will allow you to clean the barrel in a timely manner, and such a toilet will last much longer.

The created structure is sheathed with sheet material, which must be durable (plywood, chipboard, OSB boards). The front wall is closed with a rectangle right size. Fix it with self-tapping screws.

The upper part of the podium - mark the lane sheet material, which will go around the vertical racks of the wall frame. A rectangular part is cut out, and then the grooves are marked, the location and size of which correspond to the racks.

On the upper part we install a toilet seat, which is closed with a lid.

For aesthetics, so that the interior of the podium is hidden from view, install a simple device inside - a plastic box without a bottom and a lid.

The interior of the country toilet

If for the construction of the toilet were used quality materials, inside the toilet can not be painted. It is enough just to pickle the boards with a protective coating.

The floor and podium are painted with weatherproof dyes.

The door of the building and the outer walls are still best protected by painting. Surfaces are pre-cleaned old paint, if any, and polished.

Do-it-yourself backlash closet

Such a toilet can be both near a residential building and inside it. Interestingly, with this type of country toilet, the sewer is located outside the walls of the house. Such a toilet is being built where the sewage pit can be heated in the cold. True, you don’t have to heat it, but in this case you can’t use the backlash closet in winter, and in preparation for the winter period, the cesspool is completely cleaned of sewage and waste.

The nuances of the backlash-closet device

  • The cesspool of the play closet is completely sealed. They clean it with the help of a sewage machine.
  • Since sewage is completely isolated, it does not soak into the ground, does not pollute groundwater, and is completely safe in the epidemiological sense. The pit is poured out of concrete, made of brick, followed by plastering, and the easiest, albeit costly, way is to apply plastic containers(caissons).
  • The pit should slope away from the house. This will make it easier to clean up.
  • Leads away from the pit ventilation tube(ceramic or asbestos-cement), which is carried out through the chimney of the stove or fireplace. And a pipe comes out of the chimney, through which warm air enters the pit, preventing its contents from freezing.
  • You can also heat the pit with an electric heater of low power.
  • Above the pit, a sealed manhole cover is needed. It is made double: the upper one is made of metal, the lower one is made of wood. Thermal insulation is laid between the covers.

The only drawback of the backlash closet is the complete dependence of its use on the presence of a sewer machine. After all, a sealed cesspool cannot be cleaned manually. Therefore, summer residents do not often choose this option. If you decide to opt for hiring, consider the possibility of a sewer truck accessing your toilet.

In addition, only a person with some builder skills can build such a toilet. However, this is very a good option subject to the possibility of constructing such a closet and a drain hole near the wall of the house and the availability of access roads for servicing the backlash closet cesspool machine.

It is important that the car can drive up to a distance of 6-7 m to the toilet that it will clean. The sleeve of such a machine is no more than 7 m.

Pit toilet

For a toilet with a cesspool, the house itself is built in the same way as when building a powder closet. However, communications are a little different. So, having made the marking of the construction site, you should start digging a cesspool.

  • You should dig a hole, making a slope towards the back wall of the toilet. The depth of the pit should be about one and a half meters. The bottom and walls of the pit should be strengthened - for this it is rammed with a layer of clay with a thickness of 15 to 25 cm.
  • The base for such a toilet is a base made of timber with a section of 100 by 100 mm. The tree must be treated with antiseptic impregnations. It can also be a construction of a sidewalk curb or concrete blocks laid on the ground.
  • Above the cesspool, a flooring is made of boards that are sewn onto a frame of beams. From below, the flooring is upholstered with roofing material (other rolled material).

Some summer residents prefer to make the pit airtight with concrete. Also, the edges of the pit can be reinforced with wood or bricks.

  • On the back wall of the toilet, as in the construction of a powder closet, a small hinged door is left. Such a hatch (wooden, treated with an antiseptic) will be used to clean the cesspool.
  • From the pit it is necessary to lay a ventilation pipe. It goes near the back wall of the toilet and exits a meter above the roof of the toilet. This may be the most ordinary sewer pipe, on which a visor is attached on top so that water and debris do not get into the pit. The pipe is attached to the back wall of the toilet house by means of clamps. The lower edge of the pipe should be placed 20 cm below the finished floor of the toilet.
  • Around the toilet with a cesspool, it is imperative to make a walkway: rainwater can flood the pit with sewage.

Organic fertilizers of own "production"

"Good" from the cesspools of country toilets is a strong and fast-acting complex fertilizer that contains up to 1.3% nitrogen, up to 0.3% phosphorus, more than 0.3% potassium. A lot of gardeners and gardeners add feces to the soil as fertilizer in the fall, when, preparing a summer cottage for winter, they clean cesspools.

The easiest way is to simply use the waste of the human body in its pure form: they dig grooves near the trees, pile up the feces and carefully cover them with a thick layer of soil. However, this use of the contents of cesspools leads to significant losses of nitrogen.

A bit of theory

On average, an adult human body releases about 500 kg of waste per year (450 liters of urine and 50 kg of feces). For six months, more than 60% of nitrogen can be lost from feces. They may also contain helminth eggs. To preserve nitrogen and destroy pathogens, feces are used mainly for making composts, preferably with peat. The most valuable organic fertilizers for horticultural and horticultural crops are the contents of powder closets. When the faeces in the collection tanks under the country toilet are regularly sprinkled with peat or earth (the best is a mixture of them, each time in a volume of 250 ml or more), this eliminates bad smell, and also prevents the reproduction of flies and retains nitrogen in the fertilizer.

On a note

And yet, peat-fecal compost cannot be used under garden strawberries, other berry crops and those vegetable crops that we eat raw.

Thus, in order to prevent loss of nitrogen, as well as for the purpose of disinfection, feces must be composted by mixing them with high-moor, infertile peat. It turns out that pathogenic bacteria quickly lose their viability in the compost heap. It is best to prepare such compost from May to October. Before frost compost heap cover with earth, and with the next layer - with dry leaves to protect it from freezing.

Fecal compost is best applied as a soil improver, not as a fertilizer. It is introduced into the soil at the rate of:

  • per 1 sq. m of soil - from one to two liters of compost;
  • per 1 sq. m of plot where it is planned to plant plants with a high nitrogen consumption (for example, potatoes, onions different types) - 2-3 liters of compost.

In principle, nitrogen is needed by any trees and shrubs, fruit and ornamental. Therefore, there are no restrictions on the use of nitrogen fertilizers for horticultural crops. Symptoms of nitrogen starvation: oppressed growth; a small number of leaves; poorly developed shoots; weak tillering; dull color of leaves; small inflorescences and fruits.

  • per 1 sq. m of land for plants with a very high nitrogen consumption (nightshade (tomatoes, sweet peppers), corn) - 3-4 liters of peat-fecal compost.

A storehouse of nitrogen

  1. Urine is very effectively used as a fertilizer for nitrogen-poor soils.
  2. Undiluted urine is used to fertilize trees, the ground before sowing, and it is also effective to moisten the compost.
  3. If the grains begin to grow, the urine is diluted with water. It is safe for all cultivated plants to add 1 part urine to 7 parts water.
  4. After fertilizing with urine, the area is covered with earth or foliage so that there is no evaporation.
  5. This fertilizer should not be used in winter. Only during the growing season (spring or summer, as well as early autumn - for those crops that are planted "before winter").

Construction of a country toilet - a modern approach

In the old days, the toilet room in country house arrange was not accepted. However, today summer residents want to live with the same comfort as in an apartment or cottage. Set up a toilet country house quite difficult, but still possible.

Choosing a place for a toilet in the country

Toilet space - separate room or a corner fenced in some other room. It is desirable that the toilet is located near the cesspool, and not on the other side of the house. If this is a corner in any room, and not a separate room in your country house, the partitions are mounted after installing all the plumbing (toilet, sink, etc.) and laying utilities. The partition must be solid, made of brick, lining, chipboard, drywall. They make it two-layer, and between the layers lay soundproofing material.

How to organize a sewer

You can make a pressure or gravity sewer. It depends on the characteristics of each individual suburban area. With pressure sewerage, waste is fed using special fecal pumps, with gravity sewage, it goes away by gravity.

When installing a gravity sewer, it is very important to keep the slopes correctly. The slope must be the same throughout, and then the length of the sewer pipe can be any.

On a note

Very often they make the slope as large as possible, believing that in this way the waste will flow out faster. This is mistake. If the slope is too steep, the liquid drains faster, solid waste is trapped, and the pipes become clogged. Also, the inflow of air to the surfaces of underfilled pipes leads to corrosion and a decrease in their service life.

A pressure sewer is installed if it is impossible to maintain a sufficient slope angle. This may be when, for example, the way

Drainage slope

For novice builders, the difficulty lies in the fact that the unit of measurement of the slope, adopted in the construction literature, is unusual for them - these are decimal fractions of the form 0.03 or 0.008. This fraction is the ratio of the drop height to the length of the pipe. For example, 3 cm by 1 m, or 0.8 cm but 1 m. The length of the sewer pipe in meters, when multiplied by the slope, will give the total slope height along the entire length.

Polypropylene pipes (they do not deform at high and low temperatures and are easy to install) are assembled starting from the bottom, inserting each subsequent one into the socket of the previous one. In places of turns and at the bottom of risers, special revision pipes are required. joint polypropylene pipe with cast iron produced using a rubber cuff.

When installing a pressure sewer, the pipes are connected by welding. The diameter of such pipes depends on the requirements of the pump and ranges from 20 to 40 mm.

The outer part of the sewer is placed in a trench. The depth of the trench should be below the freezing level of the soil. Pipes for external sewage are used cast iron, ceramic or asbestos, but they can also be plastic if laid in places where there is no increased load. The pipes must slope towards the drain.

When installing the toilet, remember that its outlet should not be lower than the neck of the pipe. In this case, it is raised using bricks and cement. A toilet bowl outlet is put on the cuff with a seal, the cuff itself is inserted into the pipe.

On a note

If necessary, it is better to put 2 knees at 45 ° than one at 90 °. So the flow of plums will not slow down.

The toilet is located below ground level.

Here it is necessary fecal pump. It is not a problem to purchase one, summer residents are offered a wide range of models that differ in power, distance, method of pumping waste (vertically or horizontally), etc.

The final chord: what to do with the "good" from the toilet

The country sewer system is divided into two types

Hermetically equipped cesspoolSuch a pit is reliably isolated, and it does not pose an environmental hazard. Pit sewers require regular cleaning as the tank fills up. This should be taken into account when choosing a place for its placement: a sewage truck should freely drive up to such a pit.

A cesspool is undesirable if groundwater occurs at a distance closer than 3.5 m from the surface.

It should be located no closer than 30 m from the nearest well. And, preferably, no closer than 15 m from the country house.

The walls of the cesspool should not let water through. To do this, it is concreted or poured with cement mortar.

If the depth of the pit depends on the level of groundwater, then the width is not limited.

Septic tank - wastewater treatment systemSuch a system collects all the waste of summer residents in a special tank, which is called a sump. It provides mechanical cleaning. Modern devices are equipped with a biofilter. Purified water is discharged to a place remote from the summer cottage. A septic tank is used to bring waste products to a state that is safe for the environment.

There are two types of septic tanks: storage and cleaning.

The storage septic tank requires periodic cleaning. It is equipped with fill level sensors.

A storage septic tank is purchased based on the volume required for the family. The volume is calculated from the daily water consumption at their summer cottage. One person consumes from 50 to 250 liters per day.

It is better to purchase a storage septic tank "with a margin". The material of manufacture and the thickness of the walls should also be taken into account, since the septic tank is buried in the ground.

The cleaning septic tank consists of several chambers where the waste is completely cleaned.

Shower and toilet in the country: for beginner builders

Even if in your life you have not built anything more complicated than a stool, you can build a toilet and a shower in your summer cottage.


The walls of the cesspool are best sealed by providing a hatch for pumping out waste.

  1. First, we clean the construction site from roots, trees, bushes and debris. For a family of 3-4 people, we dig a hole one meter wide, 120 cm long, 200 cm deep.
  2. The earth should not crumble into a pit and clutter up the construction site. We take the fertile layer on a garden wheelbarrow to the garden, clay - away from our site.
  3. We strengthen the walls of the resulting pit. We take flat sheets of slate 1 * 2 m in size and cut them with a grinder according to the size of the walls. We lower the sheets down and fix them in the pit with the help of corners from the reinforcement. To this end, we punch holes in the slate and hammer the corners into the wall of the pit.
  4. The gaps between the walls of the pit and the slate should be sealed with reinforcement rods. We put the rods in the slots, then we lay the sheets of roofing material for waterproofing, then we fill in the cement mortar.
  5. We place a sheet of iron at the bottom of the pit: this way the earth will be sealed from sewage.
  6. For now, we cover the finished pit with polyethylene from dampness and precipitation, while we ourselves begin to build a columnar foundation.


A shower and a toilet for a summer residence can be economically combined in one building. The parameters of such a building are: a width of one and a half meters, a length of 3 meters, a height of 2 m 20 cm. Thus, the premises will be 1.5 by 1.5 m in area. However, for a family of three, there is enough building area for a shower and toilet 1.2 * 1.2 m.

On a note

It is very important to spread the slate sheets with wooden bars before pouring the solution.

  1. The building will be wooden, which means that the foundation will be quite columnar, light, 80 cm deep.
  2. We cut 16 wooden stakes and mark the place of the future foundation. Along the perimeter of a rectangle with parameters of 150 by 300 cm, we install 14 stakes every 75 cm. We also put pegs in the far corners of the pit: there will be a hatch through which the cesspool will be cleaned in the future.
  3. We check the location and verticality of the pegs. There should be equal spacing between stakes, all angles should be 90°.
  4. For drilling holes, it is best to use a garden drill with a 13 cm auger. We make 16 holes. We supply each pit with a wooden formwork, the height-length-width of which is 20 x 20 * 20 cm. Using the building level, we equalize the formwork horizontally.
  5. We insert three reinforcing bars into each pit, which are fastened together with a wire - so the foundation will be reliable. We place a rolled roofing material at the bottom of the pit so that the concrete is isolated from the soil.
  6. We fill the recesses with cement mortar. Small crushed stone is often added to cement, based on the ratio of cement, sand and crushed stone 1:3:5. The solution is equal to the formwork.
  7. In the center of each hole we place a metal hairpin with a diameter of about 10 mm. We deepen the hairpin by 12 cm so that 8 cm remain above the cement level.
  8. While the cement hardens, we prepare a wooden beam for the construction of the frame.


We need a beam, the side of which will be equal to 10 cm. When the cement has hardened, it's time to remove the formwork and make the bottom trim of the foundation.

  1. Using a chainsaw, along the length of the sides of the future building, we saw off the bars and connect them to each other half a tree. That is, 5 cm from the thickness of the beam is cut from each side, and so the beams are interconnected according to the principle of a puzzle.
  2. We drill holes into which the studs protruding from our columnar foundation will enter.
  3. We lay the overlap, securing it with a washer with a nut with a spanner wrench.
  4. Do not forget to lay a roofing material under the timber for waterproofing.
  5. The lower trim is ready: the bars lie on poles, tied with studs and nuts. Thereafter wooden bars strappings are covered with a protective composition from external influences.
  6. Above the pit (there will be a floor and a “podium” seat), two metal channels are laid for strength.
  7. Part of the cesspool outside the perimeter of the walls is covered with a board and protected with a moisture-proof material. In the future, the hose of the as-senator machine can be inserted by removing several boards.
  8. We begin to install vertical poles. Their height is equal to the height of the future building - 220 cm. The first pillars are installed in the corners of the building, checking the correctness of their installation with a building level.
  9. We connect the vertical pillars of the frame to the bottom trim using metal plates and corners for fasteners. For reliability, we install spacers at the base of the pillars, securing them with long screws.
  10. We install the next two pillars where the doors will be. Their height is 200 cm, the width between them is 80 cm. Above the door, at a height of two meters, we strengthen the spacer horizontally. And the remaining 20 cm between the doorway and the ceiling will subsequently be glazed. We also fix these pillars with spacers, fixed with long self-tapping screws. When the pillars are installed, it is necessary to make the upper trim: the timber is also connected in half a tree.
  11. The entire structure is treated with an antiseptic composition to prevent wood decay.

Of fundamental importance in the construction of a toilet in a summer cottage is the choice of location, which is regulated by the provisions of the current regulatory documents.

In particular, the distance from the toilet to water sources (, well) is determined, which cannot be less than 25 m and must be located in a lowland.

Much depends on the occurrence of groundwater: the lower their level, the smaller the cesspool will have to be made.

A cesspool may generally be an unacceptable option in the event of a high groundwater table at the site chosen for the construction of the toilet. It is necessary to observe how the wind rose develops, to determine their main direction, so that specific smells do not create problems either in your or in neighboring areas.

The boundary distance is set strictly according to the current standards, which should be studied in advance, and construction should be carried out in full accordance with them. Otherwise, you may have to destroy the building and start over.

How to make a toilet in the country - the preparatory stage

After determining the location for the construction of an outdoor toilet, you can start selecting a design. There are recommendations regarding optimal sizes toilet, the height, width and depth of which, respectively, is 2.2 x 1 x 1.4 meters.

As for the form, everyone chooses their own option, among the most common yard toilet is a teremok, a house or a hut.

To perform the necessary work, you should purchase materials and tools, if they are not available on the farm. You will need:

  1. shovel with a short handle;
  2. scrap, and preferably a solid puncher (in the presence of heavy soil);
  3. a barrel or other container of 200 liters for a cesspool; you can also use a standard well ring with a diameter of 1m;

A shovel with a short handle is useful for digging a hole in which it is not easy to turn around with a longer tool. Hard ground (limestone, heavy clay, gravel, etc.) will require a rock drill, crowbar or pickaxe. For an electric tool, prepare a connection to the power source.

You can, of course, buy a ready-made toilet, from among those offered by hardware stores, but it will be more interesting to do it on your own. First of all, you need to make a sketch and drawing, not forgetting about ventilation and insulation. Then you can independently build a simple structure from the materials left over from the construction of a summer house or house, or purchase sandwich panels.

Before starting the construction of the toilet, it is necessary to prepare a cesspool. Its dimensions in depth depend on the presence of groundwater and the level of their occurrence. The diameter is determined arbitrarily, there are no special recommendations in this regard.

Work should begin in good weather, when there is no rain. It is advisable to get to the bottom of the sand so that all liquid fractions can quickly be absorbed into it.

The pit must be well cleaned, leveled and compacted its bottom. Then a barrel made of any metal or plastic is directly installed, although it should be borne in mind that the service life of such a pit will not be very long.

Concrete rings for the cesspool look much more preferable. Of course, this is not possible without the use of a crane. No worse is the storage equipment by laying stone or brick, which is reinforced with reinforcement or reinforced mesh, followed by a waterproofing layer and plastering. The conditions for the future use of the toilet will prompt an acceptable option for a cesspool.

How to make a wooden country toilet - device process

The device of the toilet house itself begins with marking and drilling holes, where the posts will be located, which will act as supports.

Toilet foundation

In the case of using the toilet throughout the year, it is necessary to make a foundation deepened below the point to which. The shape of a rectangle is usually used.

Toilet frame

In our case, it is mounted from wood, preferably from a bar, selected according to predetermined dimensions. The outer skin of the structure may not be enough, so it is necessary to strengthen the frame from the inside with braces or scarves.

Toilet seat for a country toilet

The cross bars are mounted at a height of about half a meter - they will be used as the base for the toilet seat.

Toilet roof

Since the toilet has small dimensions, it is therefore possible to lay a roof without using a log. For the roof, you can use materials with almost no restrictions. The only consideration that should be taken into account is that it is desirable to create a single architectural ensemble on the site. Then for the roof of the toilet you need to use the same material as for the house. The last remark concerns the tile covering, which requires the strengthening of the roof frame.

Wall cladding and flooring

For lining the toilet inside and out, an ordinary lining or any other available material is quite suitable. Next, the door is hung, and the floors are laid, which, to your taste, can be made of wood, followed by painting, or lay ceramic tiles on a concrete base.

Exhaust ventilation

Usually located on the back wall of the structure, the ventilation pipe should be brought out above the roof level. In the year-round toilet, today they even equip a small patch for heating.

Do not neglect the rules during the construction of a country toilet, even if it is a simple building, nevertheless, it is very important.

As practice shows, you can build a toilet in a summer cottage on your own, without resorting to outside help.

Construction of a country toilet (form - teremok)

One of the options on how to build a toilet house for a summer residence on your own, step by step photos, shared by the craftsman on the forum house and cottage.

Do-it-yourself country toilet - video

Step-by-step instructions for beginners without experience in construction.

Scheme and drawing of a country toilet

Having got used to city comfort, we try to make our country life comfortable. Agree, what kind of convenience can we talk about if there is no restroom on the territory? It is necessary to take care of the organization of a latrine even at the initial stage of arranging your land.

Having step-by-step construction instructions, building a toilet in the country with your own hands is not so difficult, it is more difficult to choose a place for it and a model that suits you best. But we will help you do it.

We will introduce the rules of arrangement and typical types of country toilets. In the article you will find step by step instructions with drawings that will help build a full-fledged bathroom on the site. And to help the novice master, a video is attached to the article, clearly demonstrating the process of building a closet on the site.

The toilet is not a simple outbuilding. When constructing it, you need to remember some rules, the observance of which will help you not to spoil relations with your neighbors in the country and eliminate possible problems during the subsequent operation of the latrine.

Guided by the rules listed below, we will choose a suitable place for the future building.

It is important that the country toilet is located as far as possible from the water intake point, and if groundwater comes closer to the surface of the earth than 2.5 meters, a latrine with a cesspool cannot be installed at all.

The list of requirements for the remoteness of the toilet from other objects located on the site:

  • 12 meters- to the house, as well as a barn or garage, in which there are underground structures such as a basement or cellar;
  • 25-30 meters- to the source of water intake for drinking;
  • 8 meters- to a bathhouse and a barn or garage without basement structures;
  • 1 meter- to the fence.

Of course, all sites have individual characteristics that must also be taken into account. If the territory has complex relief, then for the restroom you need to choose a flat area below the source drinking water. It is important that feces do not come into contact with groundwater.

If sewage needs to be periodically pumped out, it should be possible to drive a sewage truck to the place of work. Of course, you should take into account the wind rose of your area so that spicy smells do not annoy either you or others.

All these rules are easy to remember, because they are dictated by common sense. It is this approach that should be followed when choosing a structure that you will build on your own site.

Types of country toilets

The main feature that is used to classify outdoor toilets is the way the accumulated waste is disposed of. All the rest, including the construction material, are secondary.

Do-it-yourself country toilets are divided into two large categories: those that have in their design and those that do not have it.

Of course, the types of cabins mentioned below are far from a complete list, because there is also a fantasy, the flight of which cannot be limited. For example, here is a cabin-carriage in which a dry closet and a washbasin are installed.

Cabins for latrines can be bought ready-made or made independently.

They are divided into several types:

  • house;
  • hut;
  • hut;
  • birdhouse.

They differ from each other appearance, sizes, etc. Usually summer residents choose a booth that best suits their aesthetic perception.

Image Gallery

Pit latrines

The basis of the design of ordinary village bathrooms, which we see live, as well as in popular films and cartoons, is a cesspool. Often it is such a structure that is chosen for construction.

The construction of such a toilet, as a rule, does not cause any difficulties. In fact, the sewer complex in this case is represented by a booth and a deep pit. It is in it that the waste of the life of the inhabitants of the cottage comes. There they accumulate, evaporating or partially soaking into the ground.

When it comes to a toilet with a pit, the imagination immediately draws a building with a hole that you have to aim at, but after all, everything can be conceived and made much more modern and neat

Of course, to maintain the cesspool, it is still better to involve a sewage machine, with the help of which waste is removed and disposed of. The size of the pit, the number of users and the intensity of use of the latrine are factors that affect the frequency of calling vacuum trucks.

Sometimes the problem is not solved the best way: they simply fill up the cesspool, digging a new one nearby. This can only be done if the pit was shallow, and the groundwater is located no closer than 2.5 meters from the surface. As a rule, a fast-growing tree is planted over a filled container.

As for that part of the latrine, which is located above the ground, the most different materials:

  • traditional wood;
  • metallic profile;
  • slate;
  • bricks, etc.

The durability of any of these structures depends on the strength of the frame, and ease of use - on thermal insulation and ventilation quality.

Option 1. Budget building made of wood

The obvious advantages of using wood for the construction of a latrine are the relative cheapness of this material and the simplicity of the work performed. The plank frame is quite simple to build. You don't need any special skills to do this job.

A brand new wooden latrine looks very elegant, especially if it is impregnated with a special protective compound for wood and varnished

In addition, the structure made of wood is lightweight, and hence mobility. If there is a need for a new cesspool, the above-ground structure does not have to be disassembled and reassembled in a new location. You can just move it gently.

There is one more obvious advantage wooden toilet. If you use fantasy, then this building can become a real decoration of a summer cottage. It can be stylized as a fabulous house or teremok.

However, along with the advantages, wood has a whole list of disadvantages:

  • drying out, cracking and deformation under the influence of direct sunlight;
  • burnout from ultraviolet radiation;
  • deformation of the frame, mold and fungi - the result of the influence of high humidity.

We should not forget about wear and tear - the effect of time.

If this building is not looked after, then in just a few years it can turn into a wretched wreck from horror films.

Yes, an outdoor structure needs protection. To this end, the boards are treated with a primer, after which a special exterior paint or varnish is applied to their surface, which beautifully shows the specifics of wood.

Option #2. Steel profile construction

There are several options for creating a simple and functional structure from a metal profile, which differ from each other in the material used to make the frame of the structure. In the first case, the frame will be wooden, and in the second - metal.

The metal frame can be welded, for example, from a corner. But, of course, to solve this problem, you will need a welding machine and skills in its operation.

At the next stage of work, the base is sheathed with a metal profile using self-tapping screws or rivets. When using self-tapping screws, protective washers should be used to prevent moisture from entering the attachment point.

Washers will protect structures from corrosion, and it will last longer. Protective properties are also possessed by a special coating applied to the sheets of the metal profile even in the process of its production.

It is better to place a metal profile structure in a shaded place, because in the heat the metal is very hot. Styrofoam sheets, which are used for the interior lining of the restroom, will help reduce the negative consequences of overheating the internal space.

Option #3.Major brick bathroom

A brick building is indeed a capital structure. On the one hand, this is good: it is less exposed to negative external factors and will last a long time. But a capital structure, especially if it is, cannot be moved from place to place.

Therefore, it is necessary to think in advance and well not only the location of the toilet itself, but also the method of cleaning the pit under it.

The brick toilet looks monumental: pay attention to its concrete base. It cannot be moved, but it does not matter, because the choice of a place for it must have been well thought out.

It is advantageous to build such a structure in the case when the brick remains after the construction of the main cottage or garage. This, by the way, will give unity to the entire complex of buildings.

Please note that between the above-ground structure with and the underground parts of the structure there should be concrete floor. The total cost of such a toilet will be decent.

Toilets without a pit

If rocky soils lie close to the surface in your area or there is a high level of groundwater, then you cannot dig a hole. How to make a toilet in such a country house? The way out of this situation is the construction of a structure that functions in accordance with other principles.

These restrooms include:

  • bio or chemical toilet;
  • powder closet;
  • play closet.

Each of these restrooms has its own design features that are worth talking about.

No. 1. Hygienic backlash closet

The German word "luft" means air. Backlash closets got their name because they have separate ventilation for the bathroom and cesspool. In this design, a pit dug in the ground is replaced by a sealed container.

Moreover, this storage tank for waste may be located outside the bathroom itself. As a rule, it is placed at the back wall of the main heated structure with a toilet.

In this particular case, the connecting pipe between the toilet seat and the tank is installed vertically so that waste can fall into the sealed tank by gravity

The storage tank and the toilet are connected by a pipe. If the toilet is located above the room with the tank, then the pipe is installed vertically.

For the tank located behind the wall, an inclined pipe is intended. Sewage must enter the drive under the influence of gravity - by gravity.

To maintain the backlash closet, you need to contact the vacuum trucks, which will periodically empty the drive. To facilitate their work, the sewage tank is given an elongated shape. Of course, this version of the toilet is more hygienic than those considered earlier.

Difficulties in the operation of the backlash closet arise in the cold season, when the drive has to be heated in order to clean it.

No. 2. Waste-free powder closet (peat toilet)

A distinctive feature of the powder closet is a small capacity, only 20 liters, which is placed directly under the toilet seat.

This type of restroom is considered the most effective in cases where the groundwater level at the location of the cottage is close to the surface and because of this earthwork is limited.

No. 3. Bio- or chemical toilet

The principle of operation of a dry closet, which is becoming more and more popular among summer residents, is similar to that laid down in a powder closet. The peat mixture also takes part in the processing of waste.

Substances that are involved in the processing process can be both dry and liquid. Special bacteria are used as active elements.

When operating at a summer cottage, such a bio-toilet should be used only those active substances that are recommended by the manufacturer

There are also chemical latrines in which chemicals play the role of active substances. I must say that they are not cheap, so "advanced" summer residents, in order to save money, try to replace them with bleach or formaldehyde.

This cannot be done, because these substances are toxic, and it is dangerous to use them in such compact devices.

It is acceptable to use liquid preparations such as Bio Favorite, Microzym Septi Treat and Tamir. Powdered formulations have also proven themselves well: Saneks and Atmosbio.

Criteria for selecting a suitable design

Obviously there are plenty to choose from.

To do right choice and subsequently do not regret it, you should pay attention to such factors:

  • the size of the budget allocated for construction;
  • expected intensity of exploitation;
  • the height of the water horizon in the area where the toilet is installed;
  • the amount that will be allocated in the future for the maintenance of the restroom.

It is also necessary to correctly assess your physical abilities and skill level.

Even with the complete absence of finance, you can come up with just such a design, which also has the right to be called a country toilet

The choice of the type of structure and the material from which it will be built depends on the objective factors associated with the location of your land, and on the subjective (your financial capabilities).

Instructions for the construction of the "birdhouse"

The frame of the classic "Birdhouse" is made of wood. Various materials can be used as cladding. The roof of the cabin can be with one or two slopes. The cabin will be built over the waste pit.

You can find out how to do it by reading the article recommended by us.

How to make peat powder closet yourself?

Since we already know that peat-treated feces make good fertilizer, before building a powder closet, think about where the compost site will be.

Stage #1. Getting ready for work

To build a powder closet, we need:

  • boards;
  • plywood;
  • fasteners (screws and nails);
  • toilet seat.

Ready-made seat can be bought at the store.

Stage #2. Basic rules for the construction of a powder closet

Before you make a peat toilet in the country, you need to assemble a box. To do this, we need four boards, which should be fastened together with self-tapping screws. In order to be able to install the feces accumulator inside the box, a cutout is made in its front part.

Next, take a sheet of plywood and cut a hole in it. This sheet is used for sheathing the upper part of the box. We install plywood so that the technical hole is located directly above the storage tank.

For the convenience of placing the drive under the technical hole, it is not at all necessary to make a cutout in the front of the box: you can simply make the plywood element folding

You need to attach legs to the box, calculating their height so that you can easily install and remove the drive. It remains to fix a comfortable seat around the technical hole. As already mentioned, a powder closet seat can be bought at the store. Depending on the material of manufacture, it will cost you from 250 to 5000 rubles.

Under the hole is a container for feces. It should immediately be filled with about five centimeters of peat. It is better to have several storage containers so that they can be changed as they fill up.

Like any other, a peat toilet needs ventilation. For this purpose, you can use the pipe already known to us with a deflector attached to it. It is not necessary to lower it into the container itself. A hole in the cabin door will also be useful. It will increase the level of ventilation and allow the use of daylight to illuminate the cabin.

He will acquaint you with the drawings of country wooden toilets, made in the form of a hut, with the contents of which we advise you to familiarize yourself.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Now, at least theoretically, you know how you can independently build a toilet in the country. But to see the whole process with your own eyes is always useful. You can imagine it visually by watching the video offered to you.

It remains only to apply the knowledge you have gained in practice. country toilet different from all other outbuildings. It has restrictions on location and distance from other objects.

In addition, there are different models latrines, differing both in their underground and above-ground parts. It is very important to properly equip the latrine. We hope that we have helped you in solving this problem.

The restroom at their summer cottage allows you to work without being distracted. And you don’t want to go home just to get into the toilet - you can put dirt on the floor. Therefore, one cannot do without a restroom located in the garden. But how and from what to make it? There are rules in building a wooden toilet.

Features of a wooden structure

Summer residents prefer to build a toilet from boards on their site. It is a latrine with a cesspool (backlash-closet) or a structure where a container for biological waste (powder-closet) is used instead of a pit. Both types of toilet are very convenient, but the powder closet needs to be cleaned much more frequently.

It is worth stopping at a backlash closet for a summer resident who has a large family who constantly works on the site. A powder closet is suitable for two or those who spend not so many days a year in the country. In this case, a special container for collecting biowaste will need to be emptied no more than once a month.

This restroom is made of planks

A wooden toilet is in greater demand than a plastic or metal one. A toilet made of wood has a lot of advantages, however, there are also disadvantages.


  • The wooden structure looks beautiful and, most importantly, is combined with nature. It becomes more original after painting;
  • A minimum of finance is spent on the construction;
  • It is operated for a long time if it is processed once a year and periodically cleaned;
  • Wood masks unwanted odors and smells pleasantly like a forest at first;
  • When the life of a wooden toilet is over, it can be taken apart and burned in an oven.


  • Wood is a material susceptible to fire. To avoid unexpected fire, you can cover the boards with a heat-resistant agent;
  • The wood gradually becomes damp and rots, which can be prevented by treating it with a special preparation;
  • Over time, the wooden structure deteriorates, because bugs start up in it. So that they do not eat wood, the toilet will have to be treated with a pesticide.

Preparation for construction

First of all, they make a drawing of the future structure, that is, a wooden cabin with a cesspool under it. A toilet schematically depicted on paper will greatly simplify the assembly of the restroom frame.

Drawings and correct dimensions

A summer resident can use ready-made drawings of a wooden toilet. He will only need to thoroughly study them and strictly follow the recommendations. Otherwise, the design may turn out to be twisted and sloppy.

Among all types of outdoor toilets, the most common is the "birdhouse", the shape of which is a rectangle. Unlike the "hut", it requires less skill in construction.

View of the toilet from different sides

Toilet frame and interior decoration

A latrine in the form of a "birdhouse" is usually built 2.3 meters high. The standard width of this design is one meter. And the length of the wooden toilet is less stringent, it can vary from one to one and a half meters. But if you wish, you can slightly increase all other indicated sizes.

Required materials and tools

For the construction of the toilet, materials will be needed in a certain amount. According to calculations, only for the construction of a cesspool, the summer resident will have to prepare in advance:

  • 4–6 reinforced concrete rings or a metal barrel;
  • 0.25 m3 sand;
  • bag of cement;
  • 2 buckets of rubble.

When creating the base and booth, you will need the following:

  • 4 concrete blocks;
  • 2 m2 roofing material;
  • 2 buckets of sand;
  • 3 six-meter edged boards with a size of 100 mm / 50 mm;
  • 3 six-meter floor boards 9 mm thick;
  • Edged board 25 mm (6 meters long);
  • Wooden six-meter beam 0.05 / 0.05 m;
  • Reinforcement cuttings of 0.5 meters;
  • Galvanized meter sheet.

The top of the booth will need to be covered with 8-wave asbestos-cement slate, of course, painted.

The building can be sheathed with clapboard made of needles (length - 3 meters, width - 87 mm). The lining will take 4 packs of material.

The assembly of the frame must be carried out using nails 1.2 cm long, 70 mm, 40 mm and 100 mm long (for slate) and self-tapping screws 70 mm long.

A summer resident who plans to independently build an outdoor toilet with a “podium” and a window needs to purchase additional materials and items:

  • Sedushku;
  • Glass 0.5 / 0.1 m, galvanized hinges and bead (1.5 meters) for the window.

The door is constructed from a block with dimensions of 0.9 m / 2 m. To frame it, you need 5 running meters clypeus. You will also need to purchase hinges, door handles and a latch in advance.

To work with wood materials, you need to arm yourself with a hacksaw, planer, hammer and screwdriver. And when creating a cesspool, you will need a shovel.

Instructions for building a simple wooden toilet

  1. Looking for a suitable location for the toilet. According to the rules, it should stand 25–30 meters from the groundwater flow. If it is impossible to maintain the sounded distance, then the summer resident needs to immerse a sealed container in the cesspool so that biowaste does not seep into the ground.
  2. Take a shovel and make a hole in the ground. There are no special requirements for its size, but it should slightly go beyond the walls of the toilet or be strictly under it. It is advisable to put tires on the bottom and walls. However, instead, a metal barrel with a volume of 200 liters can be lowered into the pit. The container immersed in the ground must be filled up on the sides, and the soil around must be tamped. A good replacement for a metal barrel is special plastic containers, reinforced with metal ribs.

    Installation of a container for collecting biowaste

  3. Concrete blocks are placed at the corners of the runners of the future restroom. The foundation with "pillars" is covered with roofing material for waterproofing.

    Creating a foundation from blocks and boards

  4. They begin to create a base: skids are made from the bars, and then they are connected and placed on a ready-made platform. The boards must be covered with an antiseptic.
  5. Floor coverings are laid on the runners. So that during the operation of the toilet from below cold air, With reverse side floorboards are sheathed with OSB sheets. Between the boards put heat-retaining material, that is, foam. OSB sheets are again attached to the floor from above. At this stage, a round hole is created in the floorboards for the drainage of feces.

    Here they made a square hole in the floor

  6. The walls of the restroom are assembled from boards 100x50 mm, using nails and self-tapping screws. The wall frames are fixed to the platform using the same self-tapping screws, as well as corners.

    Frame construction

  7. Start building the carrier system pitched roof. Notches are sawn in the rafters, and then they are installed on the top board of the gable and side walls. Then they are nailed. OSB sheets are placed on top of the structure, that is, under the roof, laying insulation between them, and a material that protects against moisture penetration. Lastly, slate is attached to the top.
  8. Make a door. To make it strong, it is pulled diagonally with two bars. The door is sheathed in the same way as the walls of the restroom. After that, hinges, handles and a latch are attached to it.

Completely finished restroom

Do I need to sheathe a country toilet inside and out?

Finishing the country restroom inside is not necessary. But if the summer resident is not too lazy and sheathes the walls, floor and ceiling of the toilet, then the structure will last much longer. As a material for interior decoration of the restroom, you can use:

  • Styrofoam sheets that are attached to the walls tightly to each other, providing insulation from wind and moisture;
  • A film stretched over supports slightly separated from the outer walls. It serves as a barrier to the penetration of cold air into the room;
  • Ordinary or decorative edged boards that lay out all the walls inside the toilet;
  • Lining, that is, the most aesthetic material for decoration.

If you took on interior decoration restroom, then do not forget about the outer skin. Covering the outside of the toilet is a guarantee of its long service life, despite the effects of precipitation, low temperatures and winds. The material for external protection of the wooden structure of the latrine can be:

  • Drywall;
  • Siding;
  • plastic panel;
  • Metal profile.

Wooden toilet in the country the right decision, because it fits perfectly into the rural landscape and does not require high costs. Usually summer residents build it in the form of a "birdhouse" with a height of more than two meters. If desired, you can extend the life of such a toilet by completing the internal and exterior finish clapboard and siding, respectively.

No one will argue that such a primitive building as a country toilet is one of the main structures, the construction of which is started in the first place. Agree that on a suburban area you can do without country house, gazebos or fences, but without a toilet in the country - no way. A self-built country toilet will provide minimal comfort, which will allow you to fully relax and work.

Before starting excavation work, it is necessary to study the sanitary and hygienic requirements and, in accordance with them, choose the installation site.

Features of country toilets

Installing a toilet in the country is not difficult, while it is quite possible to do it yourself without resorting to outside help. It is important to take into account some features of such construction:

  • Mandatory compliance of the installation site with sanitary and hygienic requirements presented to cesspools;
  • It is impossible to allow a do-it-yourself country toilet to create inconvenience to neighbors ;
  • At the start of construction, it must be a method of emptying the cesspool is provided ;
  • The choice of toilet design directly depends on the water horizon of the site. With a low placement of groundwater, the cesspool should only be of a sealed type .

Following our instructions, you will not only be able to properly build a country toilet with your own hands, but also save yourself from the problems associated with its operation.

Varieties of toilets for summer cottages

In the country, you can build one of several designs of toilets. The selection criteria can be both the height of the water horizon and the frequency of use of the closet, and the value financial costs which are planned for its construction and maintenance.

All existing outdoor latrines can be classified according to the way waste is disposed of. Consider some of the most popular designs.

Toilets with cesspools for summer cottages

This is perhaps one of the most popular designs in rural farmsteads and suburban areas. It is not difficult to build a cesspool-type toilet with your own hands in the country, because the usual deep pit serves as a sewer, in which liquid residues evaporate or soak into the ground.

The depth of the pit directly affects the frequency of its cleaning, so it is not often necessary to rake out the garbage. Most often, the hole is simply covered with soil, digging a new one next to it. An elevated structure can be anything - you can build a country toilet with your own hands from boards, bricks, slate sheets or metal profiles. The main thing is that the necessary strength of the frame is provided and ventilation is present.

  1. Wooden toilet. The choice of such a design is justified both by the simplicity of construction and its low cost. agree to build wooden toilet do it yourself with minimal skills. Wooden structure often stylized as a fabulous house, having received not only a functional, but also an aesthetic structure. Often, not boards, but clapboards are used for sheathing the frame. Such a do-it-yourself country toilet also looks stylish, as evidenced by the numerous photos posted on the network. The most important advantage of a wooden building is that when the hole is filled, it is dug in another place, and the house is transferred.

  1. Toilet from metal profile sheets. There are two ways to install such a structure. The first one uses wooden frame, and in the second - a base welded from profile metal pipes. Then the base is sheathed with slate sheets using self-tapping screws or rivets. It is not difficult to build a toilet from profile sheets with your own hands, but this design gets very hot in the summer in the country. It is best to install a metal closet in a permanently shaded place and sheathe it from the inside with polystyrene foam sheets.

  1. Brick toilet. Before you build a brick toilet in the country with your own hands, inspect the site well, study existing projects, watch the video. It will not be possible to transfer such a structure to a new place, so it is necessary to provide a way to clean the cesspool. When constructing a brick building, do not forget about the need to install a concrete floor.

play closet

This type of toilet resembles the design described above. Its feature is the device of the cesspool. Most often her walls and bottom are sealed so that during filling it was possible to pump out waste with a sewage machine. Equipping this toilet in the country with their own hands, they dig elongated pit, for the possibility of unobstructed installation of the vacuum hoses. A huge disadvantage of backlash closets is the impossibility of cleaning them in winter period therefore, if necessary, install a pit heating system.

Powder closet

This toilet has a small (maximum 20 litres) waste container installed under the high chair. After coping with natural needs, the waste is covered with ash, sawdust or peat. To do this, a box with these bulk materials is installed in the room. If you are interested in the question of how to make a toilet in the country, remember the disadvantages of powder closets: pouring the contents of a sewer tank into a compost pit with your own hands is not the most pleasant procedure. We will not be silent about the huge advantage of such a closet - with proper ventilation, it can be placed even in a country house.

Peat toilet for a summer residence

The peat toilet is a more advanced powder-closet design. The peculiarity of the device is that there is no need for an additional box with peat - it is poured directly inside. Having visited the peat toilet, the waste is “powdered”, and after filling the sewer tank, it is taken out and taken out.

Choosing the location of the toilet

To build a toilet in the country with your own hands will help our recommendations regarding the choice of a place for future construction:

  • If you are planning a building equipped with a cesspool, then be sure to consider the need for an access road for a sewage truck;
  • The distance from the toilet to the place of water intake should not exceed sanitary standard 25 meters, to nearby buildings the distance should be more than 5 meters, and to the border of the site - 1 meter.
  • Be sure to study the wind rose map and consider their direction.
  • The door of the toilet should open in the direction opposite to the nearest boundary of the site.

In addition, do not install the toilet in very remote places and do not obstruct access routes. Provide free access to the facility.

We build a country toilet of the Birdhouse type with our own hands

The "birdhouse" is a wooden sheathed with any available material, with a single or gable roof. Such a toilet is installed in combination with a cesspool. By equipping a country toilet of this type with your own hands, you can use ready-made drawings or create an individual project.

As standard project you can take the following dimensions for the Birdhouse toilet with a pitched roof:

  1. rear wall height - 2 m,
  2. front - 2.30 m
  3. with a width of at least 1 m.

The dimensions of the base are not less than 1x1m. Installing a wooden toilet with your own hands is a must control of horizontal and vertical surfaces using the building level.

So, we are building the Birdhouse toilet. For work you will need :

  • Concrete border 2 m long - 2 pcs. or sand-cement blocks - 4 pcs.
  • Ruberoid - 2 m2.
  • Sand.
  • Edged board: 6000x100x50mm - 3 pcs., 6000x100x50mm - 1 pc., 6000x90x32mm - 3 pcs.
  • Lining 3000x87mm - 40 pcs.
  • Wooden beam 6000x50x50 - 1 pc.
  • Sheet steel profile galvanized 1520x2000x0.4mm - 1 pc.
  • Door block 900x2000mm
  • Door hinges, latch, handle, nails, self-tapping screws.
  • Paint or varnish.

Let's describe toilet building process in the country with their own hands in stages:

  1. Digging a cesspool not less than 1x1x2 m in size. Remember that the dimensions of the toilet that you plan to install in the country with your own hands are predetermined by the dimensions of the pit. At the bottom of the pit we pour a layer of broken brick or rubble.

  1. As a foundation for a house we install a concrete curb at a distance of no more than 20 cm from the edges of the pit as a ceiling. To do this, we dig it in so that the height concrete base above the ground was no more than 10-15 cm. Instead of a curb, you can dig four blocks of sand-cement mortar at the corners of the cesspool, on which we subsequently install the frame.

  1. Laying on a concrete curb roofing material in 3-4 layers as a moisture insulator.
  2. Building a wooden frame and sheathe it with boards, lining, etc. The floor of the toilet must be laid with a board with a thickness of at least 40mm. It is better to use hardwoods - oak, beech, larch and others.

  1. Cutting a hole in the floor up to 30 cm across. The shape of the "point" can be arbitrary: oval, heart, rhombus, circle, etc.

  1. We install the door and cut out a window of any shape in it for the passage of light.
  2. The roof of the house is covered with roofing material, asbestos-cement or profiled steel sheet.

  1. We paint the structure oil paint or varnish.

When equipping wooden country toilets with your own hands, do not forget to install the simplest ventilation. Its purpose is to divert air from the pit into the atmosphere. To do this, you can take any pipe with a diameter of at least 100 mm. Then, a hole of the required diameter is cut in the roof and podium of the toilet and the pipe is installed at a height of at least 20 cm above the roof. All places where the hood passes are sealed, and a deflector is installed at its end, which will create the necessary traction.

From the inside, the country toilet "Birdhouse" can be done with your own hands sheathe with foam, but to decorate it beautifully suitable material, just watch a video from the network and use ready-made ideas.

We build a toilet of the "Hut" type with our own hands

The "Hut" type toilet, although more difficult to manufacture, looks much more spectacular than the "Birdhouse".

Some craftsmen stylize a country toilet like a fairy-tale house, creating real masterpieces with their own hands. Photos of such buildings from the network amaze the imagination with their thoughtfulness and craftsmanship. Well? Are we building such an original toilet in the country? Then we get down to business and begin to dig a cesspool. Its dimensions can be taken from the previous project. At the corners of the pit, a recess is dug in the ground for the installation of concrete blocks. To control the squareness, not only the distance between the blocks is measured. The diagonals of the base should also be the same.

When installing the foundation, they control the horizontal by placing an even rail on two adjacent blocks, and on top building level. The height of the concrete base should be no more than 15 cm above the surface of the site.

In order not to miss important little things, install a country toilet with your own hands step by step :

  1. Lay any moisture insulator on an impromptu foundation. The roofing material, laid in 2-3 layers, copes well with this function.
  1. A frame is assembled from a 50x50mm timber bases measuring 1x1m and nail it with edged boards. On top of this "deck" a floorboard is arranged.

  1. Cutting a technological hole in the bottom. You can not be limited to a circle and come up with an interesting shape of a “point”.

  1. We cover the wooden base with an antiseptic from all sides. If, when installing a toilet in the country with your own hands, you are not sure of the correctness of your actions, study the instructions in which all processes are described in stages.
  2. Using a sketch or drawing, assemble the back and front parts.

  1. Sew both parts"Hut" from the inside clapboard.

  1. Install the back and front walls on the floor and fasten them with scraps of boards.
  2. Nail the batten boards. At the end of the work, they also need to be sheathed.
  3. Take boards with a length of at least 1800 mm and, resting them on the back and front of the "Hut", pin them to the rails. Thus, we get the roof of the house.

  1. Roofing on our built in the country, you can install a toilet with your own hands, having studied photos of similar structures or making your imagination work. In principle, any material will do, but do we really need banality when we create a house from a fairy tale?
  2. Installing a fad, you can decorate it with a suitable figurine.
  3. We hang doors, having previously provided them with a handle and a hook. From the outside we nail a spinner of arbitrary shape.

  1. Painting the toilet house oil paint or varnish.

When installing a toilet in the country with your own hands, turn on your imagination or watch a video showing a gallery of toilet houses, do not be afraid to experiment. Only in this case you will get an elegant, exclusive structure.

Features of installing a peat toilet

The use of a peat substrate for sprinkling waste is justified for several reasons.

  • Firstly, peat perfectly absorbs unpleasant odors.
  • Secondly, the increased hygroscopicity of the substrate contributes to increased liquid absorption, which ultimately contributes to an increase in the frequency of cleaning the toilet.
  • Thirdly, after direct application, the mixture is used as a fertilizer, since peat is initially rich in bacteria that convert organic waste into compost.

A factory-made peat toilet does not require connection to the electrical network, water supply and sewerage, so it is a truly autonomous design for a summer residence.

The operation of such a toilet is based on the separation of waste products into solid and liquid fractions. If frequent use of the device is expected, then the removal of the purified liquid fraction is provided by drainage or a special hose. The solid fraction is located in the lower container and, if necessary, can be easily removed, since the container is easily removed and has carrying handles.

The advantage of factory designs is also ease of maintenance - it is enough to remove waste from the storage tank, rinse the container and add the substrate.

The easiest way is to buy a ready-made device. For those who want to save money, we will tell you how to make a toilet in the country with your own hands. To do this, you will need several boards, a sheet of plywood, nails and screws, as well as a toilet seat. So, we describe step by step, how to build a peat-type country toilet with your own hands :

  1. We collect the box, connecting four boards with screws. We make a cutout in the front of the structure for ease of installation of the container.

  1. We sew the top side of the box with plywood sheet, after cutting a hole in it for a bucket.
  2. We fasten the legs to the corners of the box in such a way that you can easily replace the waste container.

  1. We install the structure on the legs and attach a seat to the functional hole (it can be factory made of plastic or wooden).
  2. Install a plastic bucket under the hole with a layer of peat previously poured to the bottom up to 5 cm.

  1. If you plan to place a peat toilet in open space, then build a house, for example, the same "Hut".

We specifically do not give the dimensions of the toilet, which is designed for do-it-yourself installation in the country. It is so simple that even a schoolboy can repeat the design. Let me just give a few recommendations :

  • Stock up on several buckets with lids. This contributes to the convenience of using the toilet.
  • Empty the bucket when the waste is no more than a third full.
  • Add composting bioaccelerators to peat.
  • Use factory filler.
  • Dump the removed waste into a compost heap and after the required time you can use it as fertilizer for garden crops.

We hope that our instructions, which describe step by step how to install a country toilet with your own hands, will help you solve one of the primary tasks that arise when developing a suburban area.