Country antiseptic. Antiseptics for a toilet in a country house or a cesspool

  • 03.03.2020

For the treatment of toilets and latrines, substances are used that can rapidly decompose stool, paper, cellulose and thus prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor (companion of rotting waste products) and rapid filling.

To accelerate the process of biomass decomposition, the following can be used:

  • chemicals (acid or alkaline based)
  • bioactivators for biological destruction of contents cesspool.

Chemistry for country toilet copes well with the task, however, these are strong poisons - formaldehydes, chlorine-containing liquids, ammonium salts. They work at any temperature, breaking the molecules of organic waste. The bad smell disappears, but there is a danger of poisonous (formaldehyde) and aggressive substances penetrating into the ground. Waste after treatment with formaldehyde must be disposed of, they cannot be used as fertilizer.

At the heart of the composition of the bacillus bacterium, their action is enhanced using new achievements of world science. Roetech 47 in the form of a liquid, ready-to-use fraction is used in the warm season.


  • shake the product in a closed vial for a minute;
  • moisten the surface of the processed heap with the contents;
  • add water to transport the bacteria inward.

One vial is enough to treat a volume of 2 m 3 , the biological product will work for six months. The tool has a certificate of environmental safety, is allowed for use in all places, including children's institutions.

Dr. Robik -109 - pour into a hole and forget about the smell

The number 109 in the name means that so many strains of bacteria were put together and forced to act together. In the composition of living microorganisms are in disputes. To wake them up, you need food and water. Waste products serve as food for bacteria. The composition is packaged in sachets. One serving per month should be added to an outdoor toilet and ensure that the crust does not dry out on the surface.

  • The packaging is designed for a volume of 1500 liters
  • validity — 30/40 days
  • The cost of 1 package is 109 rubles

View all product lines and

How to use antiseptic for cesspools:

  • dilute the contents of the package in a bucket of warm rainwater, let it brew for 2 hours, pour into the treatment area;
  • add water to the pit;
  • repeat the treatment monthly.

Green Pine 50 - works with little water

Belgian manufacturers have presented a drug that, with constant use, fills the latrines with the smell of fresh pine. The composition is used even for the treatment of dry closets and VOC toilets. It is effective in outdoor toilets. The smell will disappear within 4 hours, and the waste mass can be used as compost. Sprinkle the composition 1 time per week. At the same time, water is added to the surface of the pit with waste.

  • Duration - two weeks
  • Packing "Green Pine" with two bags costs 128 rubles

The drug is non-toxic, environmentally friendly. Works at a temperature of +4 - +30 0 C. Stored at positive temperatures, in a dry place.

Biological cleaner Septic 250

The composition includes effective microorganisms, in the form of bacteria, amines, minerals and enzymes. The package contains 250 g, but the right amount should be poured out, depending on the volume of the pit. For a pit up to 2 cubes, 200 g of the drug is simultaneously added in the form of a solution, adding 50 g each month.

  • estimated volume (250 g) - up to 2 m3
  • Duration of action - from 2.5 to 5 months
  • The price of a Septic package is 570 rubles

Its difference from other biological compositions is that even at low temperatures it continues to work, but less actively. You need to prepare the composition in rubber gloves and with a gauze bandage. It is not necessary to introduce bacteria into your body.

Biopreparation for septic tanks BioExpert in tablets

The tablet composition of the bioactivator contains live bacteria, enzymes and mineral supplements. When dissolved, the tablet hisses, freeing strains of bacteria to work with. As a result of a complex effect on organic matter, bacteria produce organomineral fertilizer. An effective composition is used in internal sewerage for septic tanks and for the destruction of waste in outdoor conditions.

  • In order to process 4 m 3 of waste, you need to use 1 tablet
  • validity period — 30 days
  • Packaging cost BioExpert 6 tablets RUB 1280

How to use:

  • for outdoor toilets dissolve 1 tablet in 5 liters of water;
  • pour the liquid into the treatment site and forget;
  • the next portion of the drug every month.

Waste after extraction can be used for composting. Live bacteria will accelerate the formation of biomass from green residues.

Accommodation in a private country house requires the arrangement of comfort comparable to an ordinary city apartment. An integral part of this comfort is an autonomous sewer system. Its outer part can be built on two basic principles: self-treatment of wastewater and the use of a cesspool. When using a cesspool as storage capacity owners of private houses regularly need to clean it. An antiseptic for cesspools can help in this process.

External sewerage device in a private house

One of the most popular classical ways of arranging an external sewer system in a private house is the accumulation of waste in a cesspool. For this, all pipelines internal system dwellings and, possibly, other buildings on the site are equipped with a single sewer pipe, which brings all the sewer fluid to a common reservoir.

Such a reservoir is regularly serviced by a sewage machine, which takes the accumulated effluents. However, there is another, fairly common way of building outdoor sewerage- This is equipment on the site of the septic tank. With this approach, sewage flows sequentially through several tanks, in each of which a partial purification of the liquid takes place. Depending on the efficiency of cleaning, septic tanks are divided into three types.

Calculation of the volume of external sewage

In order not to overflow treatment or storage sewer tanks, it is necessary to correctly calculate the volume before starting their construction. Calculations are made on the basis of the norms determined by SNiPs and, in general, the volume of the first cleaning tank in the septic tank must be at least three daily volumes of sewage from your home. It is believed that one person, while permanently living in a dwelling, consumes about two hundred liters of water, which, after being used for its intended purpose, is discharged into the sewer. Accordingly, for a family of three, the volume of the primary capacity of the septic tank must be at least 1.8 cubic meters.

Methods for cleaning sewer drains

There are two main ways to treat accumulated sewage. In the general case, both of these methods can be applied both to a conventional cesspool and to the last tank of a septic tank if the system does not provide the proper degree of sewage treatment.

You can simply call the sewer machine regularly so that it pumps out and takes away the drains. This is a fairly simple and time-tested method. However, it requires regular costs to call specialized sewage equipment. The cesspool must be located so as to provide unhindered passage sewer truck, (in open space, next to the roadway) which is not always possible when designing the location of buildings on the site.

In modern dwellings, local treatment of accumulated sewage is usually used. With large initial costs compared to a classic cesspool, the design and construction of such a system allows you to significantly save on payments in the future. cesspool services and even in some cases allows you to reuse purified water for domestic needs, saving in parallel on water bills.

In order for the local sewer system to effectively clean the incoming effluents, sometimes it is not enough just the bacteria originally present in it. Moreover, sewage from modern dwellings often contains substances that are, in principle, harmful to microorganisms. Such properties are possessed, for example, by drains from washing and dishwashers, which in modern home can be used almost around the clock. Therefore, with large volumes of wastewater with such characteristics, it is best to provide for separate collection of wastewater.

In order for sewerage in local treatment facilities reached the desired degree of purification, it is best not to rely on nature, but to add special cleaning substances to the tanks, which decompose into elementary harmless chemical elements both organic and inorganic.

The main types of cleaning agents for local sewage

So, all industrially produced cleaning agents for adding to sewage can be divided into two large groups: septic tanks and antiseptics.

Purifying septic tanks

A cleaning agent with the characteristics of a septic tank decomposes organic residues into elemental chemical fractions.

In order to efficiently break down organic matter, both natural bacterial colonies and artificially grown microorganisms can be used. Such colonies are added directly to the purification tank, where they begin to live.

Artificially grown bacteria have greater cleansing properties than naturally occurring microorganisms. At industrial enterprises, the composition of bacteria is specially formed, which contribute to a more efficient and rapid process of decay. Typically, such complex preparations include enzymes, yeast and putrefactive bacteria.

The use of complex biological septic bacteria many times accelerates the natural decomposition of pollutants. With their skillful use, there may be no need to call and use sewage equipment.

Sewerage treated with complex biological septic tanks, can be used by homeowners to irrigate crops.

Antiseptics for local sewerage

Cleansing substances with antiseptic properties completely neutralize all harmful impurities in sewage.

Comparison of chemical and biological antiseptics

If the entire end of the last century, only chemical antiseptics for wastewater treatment were the most popular, at present they have been seriously supplanted by biological antiseptics. If we compare the use of these products for wastewater treatment in local sewers, we can note the following features

    • Antiseptic chemical products are more suitable for harsh Russian climatic conditions, as they have no restrictions on the temperature of application. Meanwhile, biological antiseptics can only be used at an outside temperature of at least 4 degrees and not higher than 30 degrees, otherwise the colonies of microorganisms die.
    • Chemical antiseptics for latrines can even work with aggressive drains from washing machines and dishwashers. They successfully process even waste with chlorine impurities. But biological antiseptics from the presence of such effluents die almost instantly and will not be able to perform their cleansing function.
    • However, the chemical elements present in antiseptics, in turn, can themselves react with constituent parts sewer system, especially with metal parts. And the ingress of such antiseptics into the ground can cause serious environmental problems. Thus, a chemical antiseptic is only recommended for use in hermetically sealed systems constructed predominantly from resistant materials. polymer materials or concrete. Biological antiseptic in its composition, in principle, coincides with natural environment, so that its entry into the ground does not cause any particular problems, which means that the requirements for the construction of the sewer system will be less stringent.
    • When using chemical antiseptics, the remaining decomposition products cannot be reused, as they contain many harmful elements. But the compost left after the activity of biologically active microorganisms can be an excellent fertilizer on your personal plot.

Varieties of chemical antiseptics for cesspools

The whole variety of chemical antiseptics for cleaning cesspools can be divided into three groups.

  1. based on formaldehyde. For a long time this substance was very popular, but recent studies have shown its increased toxicity and carcinogenicity. All this has led to the fact that chemical antiseptics containing formaldehyde have now practically disappeared from the market.
  2. Antiseptic cleaning agents based on nitrate oxidizing agents. They are quite expensive, but they have an excellent complex effect. So, in their composition there are surface-active substances (surfactants), which quickly decompose organic matter and are an excellent detergent. In addition, such substances are absolutely insensitive to drains from washing machines and dishwashers.
  3. Another type of cleaning antiseptics for cesspools are substances based on quaternary ammonium compounds. They significantly accelerate the process of waste decomposition and completely extinguish the odors of wastewater. But such compounds "do not get along" with drains containing detergents and cleaning agents. In addition, there is the question of their environmental impact on the soil.

In order to effectively use chemical and biological antiseptics, it is best to organize a separate wastewater collection system in the garden. In such a case, faecal wastewater and detergent residues can be collected separately, and therefore the advantages of both compounds can be used.

We clean cesspools with biological antiseptics

Currently, a wide range of biological antiseptics is commercially available. It is advisable to use them for the treatment of wastewater containing exclusively biological and organic residues, since their action coincides with the natural processes of decay and decomposition. With proper design and separate collection of wastewater, you can use the full range of antiseptics to clean cesspools without harming either the sewer system or environment. However, the use of biological preparations imposes special requirements for the insulation of storage tanks, since colonies of microorganisms die at low temperatures.

Prices for antiseptic for cesspools

cesspool antiseptic


In country houses, the owners strive to create conditions comparable to those in city apartments. Comfort in the house is unthinkable without a sewer system. Often there is no central sewerage outside the city, so you have to create autonomous system- an example can be seen in the photo. In its arrangement, two principles are used: the construction of a cesspool and self-treatment of wastewater. When using a sump, there is a need for its regular cleaning. An antiseptic for cesspools can make life easier for the owners.

Creation of external sewerage

Typically, the system looks like this: all pipelines are removed from the house and other buildings and are combined into a single drain, through which all sewage water flows to a common reservoir - a drain pit. To clean the drive, you have to periodically call a sewage truck. Sometimes not cesspools are equipped, but septic tanks, in which drains can be cleaned.
They are of several types:
  1. Absorbent. At the bottom of sealed tanks are special adsorbing substances that process harmful impurities from wastewater. The spent adsorbent is subsequently removed by a sewage machine.
  2. Sealed. Cleaning in such septic tanks does not occur. In them, drains accumulate until the entire volume is filled. Then the containers are cleaned with vacuum cleaners.
  3. Multilevel cleaning systems. In them, drains are cleaned, passing through several chambers. Inside such septic tanks there are microorganisms that, in the course of their life, process organic matter, dividing it into simple chemicals that do not harm humans. Sewer sanitizer is used to colonize beneficial bacteria. Subsequently, the purified liquid can be used, for example, for watering plants, or simply diverted into the ground.

Calculation of the volume of a septic tank

The volume of the storage tank must be at least three daily volumes of effluents. It is generally accepted that each person uses about 200 liters of water per day, which is discharged into the sewer. Based on this, the volume of a septic tank for a family of three should be at least 1.8 cubic meters.

Cleaning methods

There are two ways to treat wastewater, which can be applied to both a cesspool and a septic tank in case of an insufficient degree of filtration.

The easiest way is to call a sewage machine to pump out sewage fluid. However, in this case, there are regular costs for calling equipment. In addition, the site must be designed in such a way that the equipment can easily drive up to the sump (near the road, in open space).

Currently, the second method is more commonly used, which consists in local wastewater treatment. In this case, you can save a lot, not only on the services of sewers, but also on water, since the purified liquid can be used for technical needs (more: "").

For the treatment of wastewater, special bacteria are used that decompose organic and inorganic matter into simple chemical elements. It is important to bear in mind that some substances are detrimental to microorganisms - for example, household chemicals. Therefore, with large volumes of drains from a washing machine, dishwasher, it is recommended to make separate tanks (read: "").

Septic tanks and antiseptics for cesspools

Cleaning septic tanks decompose organic waste into simple components. To do this, you can use both natural and artificial colonies of bacteria. Artificially grown microorganisms purify wastewater better, since enterprises select such a composition of bacteria that contributes to faster and more efficient decomposition of organic matter. Usually putrefactive bacteria, enzymes and yeasts are included in such preparations. With the skillful use of septic tanks, the need for the services of sewers completely disappears. Effluent treated with biological agents can be used for agricultural purposes.

Compositions with antiseptic properties are able to completely neutralize sewage fluids.

Differences between biological and chemical antiseptics

Previously, chemical antiseptics were the most popular, but recently many owners of private houses prefer biological preparations.

A chemical antiseptic for drain pits differs in many ways from a biological agent:

  1. Chemical preparations are suitable for harsh climates, since the active substances remain active at any temperature. But biological ones should be used at a temperature in the range of -4 - +30 degrees, otherwise the bacteria die.
  2. When using chemical antiseptics, there is no need to create separate drains, since household chemicals do not affect their action. Even chlorine does not harm such drugs. As for living microorganisms, they immediately die from chemicals for sewer pits.
  3. Substances contained in chemical preparations can react with sewer elements, especially metal ones. In addition, their entry into the ground harms the environment. Therefore, the use of a chemical antiseptic for the toilet is only allowed in sealed tanks built mainly of concrete or polymeric materials. As for biological preparations, they are absolutely safe for nature, so the wastewater treated with them can be discharged into the ground, and the requirements for such sewer systems are not so stringent.
  4. When using chemical antiseptics, decomposition products cannot be reused because they contain many harmful substances. But the compost formed under the influence of biological preparations serves as a good fertilizer.


Now on sale there is a huge selection of biological antiseptics. They are recommended to be used for cleaning wastewater containing organic inclusions, since their action is similar natural processes decay and decay. They do not harm the environment, so the liquid purified with their help can be reused for technical purposes. However, microorganisms are sensitive to low temperatures, so in order for them not to die in winter, the tanks have to be insulated.

Chemical antiseptics

These antiseptics are divided into 3 types:
  1. Containing formaldehyde. This substance used to be very popular, but recently scientists have reported that it is carcinogenic and highly toxic. Therefore, at present, formaldehyde-based antiseptics are practically not found.
  2. Based on nitrate oxidizers. These antiseptics are not cheap, but they quickly decompose organic residues, and they are not affected by drains containing household chemicals.
  3. Based on quaternary ammonium compounds. They not only accelerate the process of decomposition of organic matter, but also completely eliminate bad smell. But at the same time, they cannot be used in tanks that receive effluent from washing machines and dishwashers. Presumably, such antiseptics have a negative impact on the environment if they seep into the ground.

Any do-it-yourself antiseptic for cesspools is easy to use: you just need to add it to the contents of the tank according to the manufacturer's instructions.

One of the important components of life in your own country house is taking care of waste disposal. Quite rarely, a suburban cottage village is connected to a centralized sewerage system - in such cases there is only one way out: the installation of septic tanks or on the site.

Cesspools need to be cleaned as they get dirty

Possible ways to treat wastewater with tablets that decompose solid waste

The technologies developed to date make it easy to cope with the tasks of operating septic tanks and cleaning sewage. There are several most effective ways waste disposal in the garden:

  1. The most familiar and simple: calling a sewage truck to pump out sewage.
  2. Chemicals for septic tanks and cesspools, quickly and effectively decontaminating and decomposing sewage.
  3. Biological products for cesspools (septic tanks) - live bacteria for a septic tank are able to process household effluents into a harmless liquid in a matter of hours, which can be used later as biofertilizers.

How the bacterial method works with Dr. Robik

Unlike, any biological sewer works using enzymes and living bacteria that have the ability to process waste in the course of their own life. By adding a septic tank and cesspool agent to wastewater, biomass is obtained - silt and water that are safe for wildlife.

Bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools are a special substance - a mixture of anaerobic and aerobic microorganisms that do not pose a danger to the environment. There are also preparations containing only anaerobic bacteria, which in the process of life do not need air oxygen. If you use a preparation containing, in a sewer tank, to disinfect wastewater, you will need to inject into the air necessary for the life support of bacteria.

Under the influence of microorganisms, sewage is decomposed into silt and water.

In order for the sewage system and the bacteria contained in it to begin their work, it is enough to dilute warm water a certain amount of a biological product and drain it into a cesspool or sewer sump. The use of preparations containing live bacteria of sewage provides:

  • fast processing of waste into organic fertilizers for plants;
  • absence of unpleasant odors and fumes;
  • the possibility of safe use, no irritating effect for humans;
  • safety of plastic and metal tanks (septic tanks).

Bacteria for cesspools are especially effective with regular use of biological agents for the disposal of sewage: over time, the bacterial environment acquires stability and the ability to accelerate reproduction, which leads to more economical consumption of antiseptic for cesspools.

Some restrictions in the use of biological products for wastewater treatment: bacteria that are not afraid of chemistry

Sewer bacteria are not always capable of active life and work on waste processing. While cesspool chemicals contribute to the disinfection of wastewater all year round, the effectiveness of the use of biological products may vary, depending on several factors:

  1. during the cold season (in the range below 3 ° C) and at elevated temperatures (above 30 ° C), when live bacteria for cesspools cease their activity;
  2. in the presence of chlorine, phenols, aldehydes, strong acids and alkalis in wastewater.

The best and the most effective remedy for cesspools it is necessary to select from taking into account all the requirements for the site.

Forms of release of aerobic and anaerobic biological products

Companies that produce bioactivators (biological agents for) offer for sale products manufactured in a variety of ways. different forms, including in the form:

  • Dry powder substances containing microorganisms and enzymes to maintain their biological activity. Packaged in bags and containers, the antiseptic for cesspools is convenient to use and transport, in portions designed for various volumes of wastewater treatment. Powder for cesspools is produced complete with measuring containers. In addition to powders, biopreparations are available in granular form, which is more suitable for use and packaging.
Tablets are easy to use and do not require special preparation.

Each has its own specific application, each type of packaged product is accompanied by detailed instructions, which contains instructions for the safe and effective use of the drug. As a rule, when using biological products sold in the form of dry powders or granules, the composition of the product requires the addition of water in the proportions necessary for the vital activity of anaerobic microorganisms and further efficient waste processing.

  • Liquid biological agents supplied to the market in high concentrations. In order to activate anaerobic bacteria for sewage, it is enough to add a small amount of the agent to the tank (septic tank) (about 1 liter for a volume of sewage up to 2 tons). Concentrated products are effective in the treatment of highly polluted wastewater.

It should be remembered that it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of manufacturers for the use of each type of biological preparations.

  • The release of biological products in the form of tablets, cassettes, packages is the most convenient way to sell and use them. The required number of tablets for waste disposal is sent to the cesspool, after dissolving in the bottom sediments, the bacteria for cesspools begin the process of cleaning sediments due to the vital activity of anaerobic bacteria.

Bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools must be used in accordance with all SNIP standards.

The best manufacturers of live bacteria for Topas, Unilos, Tank, Unibac, Astra septic tanks and cesspools

Along with the growth in the scale of suburban construction, the needs of the population for new generation life support systems are also increasing. Such systems include devices autonomous sewerage in need of effective means of biological treatment of sediments. Among such means, you can choose the following:

  • "Doctor Robik" - according to user reviews - the most effective means for the disposal of wastewater on an individual farm. "Doctor Robik" for cesspools contains a composition of potent bacteria Bacilus that can break down sediments, including proteins, fats, cellulose, nitrates, starch, urea, destroying at the same time unpleasant odors.

It has a preventive effect on the state of drainage, destroys fossils, cleans the pores, contributing to the removal of purified water into the ground. Validity - 1 year.

Average prices - 1300 rubles. for a bottle of 798 ml. Designed for waste volumes up to 2000 liters.

  • "Sanex" for cesspools is a substance whose action is based on the use of bacterial processing of sewage, including vegetable waste, fats, paper, vegetable residues, etc. Prevents precipitation, eliminates unpleasant odors. Sanex can be used to clean deposits on drain and drain pipes.


Available in powder form. Before use, "Sanex" is diluted in a certain ratio with heated water and, after infusion, is poured into the sewer. It is produced in various modifications, including Sanex + EcoSeptic - for biological cleaning of septic tanks, Sanex + EcoDrain - for cleaning deposits sewer pipes etc. 230 rub. for a 100 gram package.

  • "Bioseptic" - the best remedy for the disposal of sewage waste in septic tanks, cesspools, sewer pipes. The bacteria contained in the "Bioseptic" process biological waste (fats, tissue residues, detergents, phenols, including waste solids) into gel-like substances, destroying and neutralizing odors. Treatment with "Bioseptic" helps to reduce the need for pumping out sewage. Price - from 1500 rubles. per package 960 g. Designed to treat 2000 liters of wastewater.
  • Waste utilizer-biocomposition « . Environmentally friendly composition based on bacterial treatment of sewage. To achieve the result, it is recommended for periodic monthly use. Prevents clogging of septic tanks and sewer pipes. Price: 100 rubles. for a package of 100 g.

Bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools are necessary for owners of cottages and private houses.

Sooner or later all owners country houses face the problem of processing wastewater, waste, feces. A properly selected antiseptic for a toilet in the country will help solve this problem by getting rid of harmful microorganisms and stench.

The article provides detailed overview different types antiseptics, their features of application, advantages and disadvantages are described. To facilitate the task of choosing the right drug, we have listed the main criteria for a competent purchase, and also indicated the best manufacturers biological and chemicals.

The accumulation of sewage and faeces not only emits an unpleasant odor, but can cause contamination of soils with toxic substances or become a breeding ground for harmful microorganisms.

Various types of modern antiseptics allow you to effectively solve the problems of servicing a cesspool or a local sewer network of a country house

To get rid of them, various ways disinfection and recycling of waste that can be used in different types sewer systems.

Cesspools and septic tanks

For a long time, residents of small settlements used outdoor closets equipped with drain pits, which require periodic pumping with the help of sewage trucks. Antiseptics can greatly facilitate this process by reducing the frequency of waste disposal.

Now dwellings are often equipped with local sewer systems with septic tanks - special modules where waste is accumulated and disposed of.

  • anaerobic bacteria that thrive in the absence of oxygen. They are distinguished by high productivity, which allows them to be used both for cleaning drains of cottages and country houses, and in local sewer systems of guest houses, campsites.
  • Aerobic microbes. Since they are able to exist and multiply only in the presence of oxygen, the sewer system should be equipped with means of forced ventilation. With constant air injection, such bacteria do an excellent job of cleaning pits / septic tanks, however, in the event of technical failures, their performance drops sharply.

As a rule, several types of microflora belonging to both aerobic and anaerobic groups are simultaneously used in modern biological products. This allows you to increase the effectiveness of the funds, contributes to the uniform cleaning of the entire volume of the sewer system.

In this case, bacteria, which need oxygen, process the wastes on the surface, while anaerobic microorganisms corrode the compacted bottom masses.

In addition to bacteria, biopreparations for a toilet in the country house include enzymes that accelerate the processes of fermentation and decomposition, as well as enzymes that enhance the effect of microflora on organic matter, and excipients.

Types of bioactivators for toilets and septic tanks

Biological products can be produced in different forms: in the form of liquid, powder, capsules, tablets, granules.