Processing a log house from a log with protective compounds. Processing the log house inside and out

  • 23.06.2020

Visiting a bath is an ancient tradition that has retained its relevance even today thanks to its healing properties. Most often, baths are built on suburban areas, installing a log house on the foundation.

When building a bath, it is important to remember that the log house of the bath needs additional protection, because inside it will be exposed to moisture, steam and high temperatures. Seasonal temperature fluctuations and rains also harm the wood, so it is recommended to treat the outside of the log house as well. In this article, we will talk in detail about how to process the log cabin of the bath outside and inside.

Special tools for processing a log house

First of all, it is worth talking about the types of special impregnations that you can easily find in hardware stores.

Impregnations are of the following types:

  • Antiseptic agents are designed to protect wood from negative influences moisture, such as fungus and mold (more: ""). Such pests occur when moisture lingers on wood and in its pores for a long time, so antiseptic impregnations penetrate deep into the wood structure and harden, preventing moisture from entering;
  • Next, it’s worth talking about how to process the log cabin of the bath in order to protect it from fire. In this case, flame retardants that can be used indoors and outdoors will help you. Their non-combustible composition also penetrates the pores of the wood and protects it;
  • Complex impregnations are universal: they prevent the occurrence of mold and fungus, protect against decay and fire. Such compositions are used outside and inside the log house.

Classification of antiseptics

Antiseptics also have their own classification, which you definitely need to familiarize yourself with in order to choose the right way to process the log cabin of the bath inside or outside.

Antiseptics are divided into the following groups:

  • Easily washable antiseptics are ideal for dressing rooms and rest rooms, but they are completely unsuitable for a steam room. They include metal salts, which over time will be washed out of the pores of the wood;
  • For external treatment, it is better to use products that are difficult to wash out, made on the basis of natural and synthetic oils;
  • For the steam room, short-acting impregnations are best suited, which easily tolerate exposure to high temperatures. Such compounds perfectly protect not only from mold, fungus and rot, but also from the bark beetle.

All these impregnations can also be divided into two groups:

  1. Colored impregnations. Compounds that give wood any shade do not have any drawbacks, but they are easier to apply, because the untreated area will be distinguished by its natural color;
  2. Colorless impregnations. Processing the log cabin of the bath with such a composition will be more difficult, however, in this way you will retain the original color of the wood.

How to process a log cabin bath

Before processing the logs inside the bath, you need to stock up on tools. First, prepare a few brushes, because they need to be changed every 2-3 hours of work. They can process the entire log house, however large plots It is better to cover with a spray bottle. It will allow you to do the job faster and better, but in hard-to-reach places it is significantly inferior to the brush.

There are two more ways to cover a log house protective equipment, but they are rarely used:

  • Immersion method. This method involves complete immersion of the structure in a container with antiseptic composition. With this method, it turns out the best impregnation However, it is problematic and expensive to implement.
  • Diffuse or dry processing also used in the processing of a log house. Compositions for this method can be presented as a powder or a thick paste.

  1. In order for the protective layer to turn out to be reliable over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe logs, it is recommended to process the log house before assembling it with crowns;
  2. Before proceeding with the processing of the log house, it is recommended to clean it from various pollution vacuum cleaner;
  3. The processed logs should be dry;
  4. Moisture in the bath is formed on almost any surface, so it is necessary to process all the wood in the bath to avoid the spread of fungus;
  5. Before impregnation, the bath should be cold.

If you use several impregnations, then you can apply them in the following sequence:

  1. Remedies for fungus and moisture;
  2. Insect repellents;
  3. Flame retardant.

When completing the work, you can additionally treat the surfaces with a gel or any primer, but remember that they should not interfere with the penetration of air.

Qualitatively executed processing, as in the photo, will serve for 3-5 years.

How to choose the best tree for a log house

If you have not yet chosen the wood for the bath, then pay attention to the list of suitable wood:

  • Spruce can be used to build a dressing room, but for wet rooms this is not the best the best way;
  • Aspen perfectly tolerates heat and moisture, however, when heated, it can emit a smell of bitterness;
  • Birch absolutely not suitable for wet rooms, but for a dressing room this is a good option;
  • You rarely see a sauna made of oak and ash due to their price, however, they are also suitable for building a log house;
  • Alderperfect option for the construction of a bath, because its price is acceptable, and moisture resistance is quite high.

Many may also recall cedar, larch and aspen, but this wood is completely unsuitable for building baths.

Among suitable wood, preference should be given to conifers, because they contain resins that include phytoncides - natural antiseptics. Having chosen such wood, you do not have to think about how to cover the log cabin of the bath from the outside or inside.

Despite beneficial features needles, only spruce is ideal for a bath, because, for example, larch resin, when heated, takes a liquid form and flows out of the logs.

Treatment with copper sulphate

This method is distinguished by its availability, because the price for it is quite low. The downside of copper sulfate is its toxicity, which increases when heated, so it can only be used for external treatment of the bath.

To treat the bath with copper sulphate, you will need:

  1. brushes;
  2. Protective equipment (rubber gloves, tight clothing and a respirator);
  3. Brushes with hard bristles.

Processing the log cabin of the bath from the outside with copper sulphate:

  1. Clean and dry the wood surface;
  2. Apply blue vitriol and rub it thoroughly;
  3. Wait for it to dry and apply 3-4 more layers.


Now you know how a log house is treated in a bath outside and inside. Processing will significantly increase the life of the wood, so the time and effort spent on processing will not be wasted.

The protruding ends of log cabins are important element the whole structure, the protection of which requires special attention. Stop the negative impact environment the processing of the end surface of the logs of the log house with special means can be done. Measures taken in time will allow the tree to dry evenly, which will positively affect appearance buildings.

Why is it necessary to process the ends of logs

Log cuts need additional protection, because at first they crack, darken and change their natural shade to gray.

The reason for this is that the softest inner part tree.

Even in order to leave the log house in its natural form, the ends will still have to be treated with preparations. This is due to several reasons:

  1. Increased dampness. Open sections are vulnerable to the influence of external factors. Longitudinal fibers absorb water more actively than transverse ones, because of this, this part of the log quickly becomes damp.
  2. appearance of the fungus. A large amount of moisture is the cause of mold. It softens the cut line, for this reason the open ends rot, then crack.
  3. Uneven evaporation. Moisture evaporates faster through saw cuts, this causes deep cracks and deformation of the log crowns.
  4. The appearance of insects. Rapid evaporation of moisture contributes to the appearance of friability. Because of this, the inside of the tree becomes vulnerable to temperature changes, and is also easily attacked by woodworms and other insect larvae that destroy it.

Processed ends slow down the evaporation of moisture and make this process more uniform. During shrinkage and shrinkage, the logs crack less, retaining the heat-shielding properties of the structure and its appearance.

What is the best for processing

After identifying the cause of the problem, it is necessary to find ways to solve it. It is important to choose the right tool to protect the ends of the timber so that they do not crack.

Sealant treatment

A wooden building will last longer if the end sections are covered with a special sealant. It will seal existing cracks and prevent future cracking. After application and drying of the coating, a protective layer forms on the surface.

The use of sealant does not require additional processing of wood with various antiseptics.

Thanks to the sealant, it will be possible to forget about cracks for a long time. It has the following effect:

  • protects from excess moisture;
  • reduces stress inside the log;
  • gently clogs pores, while allowing the surface to "breathe".


Another method of processing is the coating of logs with paint.

The paint must be diluted with a solvent before application.

Using paint as a putty:

  • allows you to seal the timber, creating a surface protective layer;
  • protects cuts from water and other external factors;
  • provides uniform evaporation of moisture;
  • protects the surface from cracks.


Traditionally, lime was used to process saw cuts.

This natural antiseptic is different in that:

  • disinfects the material and prevents the process of decay;
  • not afraid of UV radiation;
  • has a relatively low cost.

However, this composition does not provide long-term protection and is quickly washed off by rain. The treatment will have to be repeated several times a year.

Experts advise using lime only for the first two years, and then using more reliable professional products.

Special processing aids

The modern construction market is filled with all kinds of coatings that protect well wooden log cabins.


Thanks to this solution, the deformation of the log is noticeably reduced.

The composition "BIOTOR" forms an elastic coating, which is absorbed into the wood for several centimeters, due to this:

  • prevents the formation of rot;
  • reduces the number of end cracks and their depth;
  • promotes the removal of excess moisture from the wood;
  • reduces the deformation of the tree during shrinkage.

Biotor retains its protective properties for a long time. It is a frost-resistant and fireproof material without solvents and odor.

After applying the antiseptic, the shade of the wood changes slightly, which allows you to control the untreated areas.

Neomid Thor Plus

The antiseptic creates an elastic water-repellent coating with good vapor permeability, which allows the wood to "breathe".

The cover does the following:

  • protects wood from decay;
  • prevents the development and emergence of microorganisms;
  • reduces the linear deformation of timber during operation.

The resulting colorless film preserves the natural pattern of the wood.

Senezh Tor

The agent penetrates deep into the wood and forms a reflective thick-layer elastic coating on the end surface, which normalizes the evaporation of excess moisture. In addition, this antiseptic:

  • prevents cracking;
  • protects against biodefeats;
  • does not affect the natural texture of wood;
  • provides reliable protection for several years.

The protective composition does not contain prohibited chemical compounds, therefore it is safe for health.

Experts oppose the processing of end sections with the following folk remedies:

  • machine oil;
  • PVA glue;
  • candle wax;

They clog the pores of wood, disrupt air circulation and moisture exchange at the site of application.

Processing technology

By adhering to a certain order of work, it is possible to protect the ends of logs, timber and other large-sized timber.

The processing of the ends of the logs of the log house takes place in several stages :

  1. Trimming- this is the alignment of all protruding logs under one level in length and plumb. To do this, use a chainsaw or electric saw. Facing gives the log house aesthetics: all ends become smooth, without protrusions and burrs.
  2. Edge grinding. Sanding helps prepare the surface for antiseptic treatment. In order for the protective layer to lie better and more evenly, the end of the log must be smooth. The log house is polished with a grinder or a belt grinder. The surface is treated in two stages: the first - with a coarse abrasive, the final - with a fine one.

Grinding the material is carried out in dry weather conditions: processing wet wood will lead to the appearance of nicks and pile, which will not allow to achieve smoothness.

  1. Applying a protective compound. The ends should be plentifully processed with a wide brush at least 3 times. Each new layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried. Drying time of the layer - 24 hours at a temperature of 18-22°C.

When applying a protective coating, it is necessary to carefully process the edges of the end cuts. Processing is necessary only in dry sunny weather.

End processing after shrinkage

After construction is completed, it is better to paint the end surface with a decorative and protective composition, which will gently clog the pores and normalize the evaporation of excess moisture during the operation of the log. As a coating, a special sealant or a product of similar action is used, which creates a durable protective layer. Paint is also suitable for this, which not only prevents moisture and surface scratches, but also gives a decorative look.

Processing the ends of logs is a necessary event that should not be neglected. It is better to produce it immediately after drying. Following simple advice, you can independently process the ends with high quality, without contacting specialists.

Grinding is a mandatory operation that is performed inside and outside the house after the end of the shrinkage processes occurring in wooden structure after construction. Grinding removes various defects from logs, removes blue, and evens out the surface. Sanded wood must be subjected to further processing in a short time, otherwise the surface will be covered dark patina which can only be removed by re-sanding. The processing of the log house inside the house after grinding is carried out with special antiseptic preparations that perform protective functions and protect the wood from adverse factors natural and biological origin. From the article you will learn about how to process a log house after grinding.

During grinding, bark residues, knots and irregularities are removed from the logs, thus the outer layer of wood is completely removed. After the surface is polished, the logs are left without protection and without proper processing are exposed to various adverse effects.

The outer walls of the house are negatively affected by external factors. As a result of high humidity, mold, fungus and microorganisms may appear on unprotected logs. Under influence ultraviolet radiation the tree may turn yellow. When wood overheats or freezes due to constant change temperature regime surface may crack.

Internal walls wooden house are in more favorable conditions, but, nevertheless, also need protection. The fungus that causes blue wood can also settle on the surface of the logs due to abuse. It is especially important to protect wooden surfaces premises where there is always high humidity: bathroom, bath, sauna.

Please note that the processing of the log house after grinding from the outside and from the inside of the house should be carried out no later than seven days. Otherwise, a dark coating will reappear on the surface.

Means for protecting a wooden house

For protective treatment at home after grinding, several groups of drugs are used:

  • antiseptics;
  • flame retardants;
  • compositions for complex purposes;
  • bleaching agents.

Provide protection of wood from biological damage, which include mold, different kinds fungi, microorganisms and insects.

Antiseptics are presented in two forms:

  1. Impregnation. Characterized by high absorbency. They penetrate deep into the wood fibers for several centimeters, protecting the tree from biodefeats, and also destroy mold foci that have already appeared, colonies of fungi and microorganisms.
  2. Covering agents. They create a protective layer on the surface that does not let moisture into the wood. These preparations are especially relevant for wet rooms.

According to the duration of action, antiseptics are divided into the following groups:

  1. Easily washable. The composition of these products includes metal salts, which are quickly washed off under the influence of water and humidity. These drugs are best covered wooden house from within. However, these products are not suitable for baths, saunas and bathrooms.
  2. Difficult to wash. These preparations contain natural and artificial oils, they are resistant to moisture and other atmospheric phenomena. Therefore, if the question is how to cover the log house from the outside after grinding, then it is best to use hard-to-wash compounds for external processing.
  3. Short term action. Such antiseptic impregnations are quickly absorbed into the wood and tolerate high humidity and high temperatures well. They protect the tree not only from mold, but also from insects. Great for baths and saunas.

Antiseptics are glazing and covering. The former create a transparent layer that completely preserves the natural pattern of wood. The latter form a tinted coating with a matte or glossy sheen.

Wood is very susceptible to fire, it ignites very quickly and burns well. To protect a wooden house from a fire, it is necessary to cover the log house with special means - flame retardants. This group of drugs is designed to protect wood from fire.

Flame retardants prevent ignition and allow the wood to withstand exposure to an open flame for a long time without catching fire.

There are two types of compositions:

  1. Products containing sodium salts. When exposed to fire on wood treated with such a composition, gases are released that prevent ignition.
  2. Non-salt preparations. The flame is blocked by the foam that forms on the wood when exposed to fire.

Complex means

The drugs in this group are universal. They protect the wood from different types adverse impacts. Means prevent the penetration of moisture, protect the surface from fungus, mold and insects, and also prevent ignition.

Blueing of logs is a very common occurrence. The reason for the formation of blue is a special fungus that settles in untreated wood. It is not always possible to get rid of blue spots with the help of.

No matter how well the wood is polished, the spores of the fungus still remain and, under favorable conditions, will again multiply intensively. To completely destroy the fungus, wood is treated with special ones.

All bleaches are divided into two large groups:

  1. chlorine compounds. The main active ingredient in them is chlorine. With chlorine-based products, it is better to treat the log house from the outside.
  2. Products that do not contain chlorine. The active substance in them is hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, alkali, oxalic acid. Chlorine-free preparations are suitable for processing timber inside the house.

The principle of operation of all products is to oxidize the surface, which leads to discoloration of the pigment and the destruction of fungal spores.

Before processing log walls with protective agents, it is necessary to remove all dust and chips from the surface with a vacuum cleaner that formed during grinding, and then wipe the wood with a rag.

The ambient temperature during processing should not be lower than plus five degrees with a humidity of about 80%.

Impregnations are applied in the following sequence: antiseptic, bleaching compound, fire-fighting agent.

Antiseptic and fire retardant impregnation is applied in two layers. Each new layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried, after about 24 hours. After using bleach, the surface is washed with water.

The company "Master Srubov" produces processing and painting wooden houses on high professional level. We use only high-quality and certified antiseptics of well-known manufacturers.

The specialists of our company perform the processing carefully and accurately, strictly following the technology of work. We guarantee high quality painting, compliance with contractual deadlines, cleanliness at the facility.

You can call a specialist and ask your questions at the coordinates on the page.

-> Log house with your own hands -> Processing the walls of the log house

Actually, at first I didn't want to write this chapter. Because the conclusions that follow will disappoint many. However, these conclusions are based on the traditions of Russian wooden architecture and the experience of many generations of carpenters.

If a log cabin is cut from solid logs, it does not need varnish, paint, or any other coating. Moreover,
any coating interferes with the natural air-moisture exchange of the log, and therefore worsens it operational properties, contributes to the development of rot, mold, and other diseases, and thereby significantly reduces the service life!

Our ancestors knew this very well and NEVER covered logs in wooden buildings!

RULE NINE: Log walls made of solid logs do not need to be coated with any compounds!

Sometimes you can hear that our ancestors did not cover log cabins because they were poor, beggars, and there were no such materials then!

They were neither poor nor beggars. A paintwork materials was no less than now, and - natural, the quality is an order of magnitude higher than modern ones. It's just that over the millennia of wooden architecture, people have become convinced of the detrimental effect of any coating on log walls.

That is why in Russia various carved things were common there - they not only decorated log buildings, but also distracted the eye from the black walls.

Well, the one who was a complete and incorrigible aesthete upholstered his house with boards (lining) and painted these boards. For example, in Belarus, 90% of wooden houses are decorated in this way.

Residents of the Scandinavian countries covered the log cabins with the so-called Swedish or Finnish compositions, which are time-tested, and through which the logs really breathe. You can easily find the composition and method of preparation in Runet. I covered with a Finnish composition wooden fence and I will not say that he pleases my eye. You can experiment with the color of the composition and painting technology, however, I will say right away that the service life of this paint is no more than five years, which is clearly not enough for outdoor coatings.

If you have a chopped bath, then I would not advise at all to cover its walls with anything, regardless of what it is made of: solid logs or rounded logs or any kind of timber.

The composition of any coatings for wood includes components against insects, rotting, mold and fungus: in plain language - pesticides, as well as fire-fighting components - fire retardants. The log house breathes, and through the interventional sealant, these substances easily penetrate into the building. Then, through the cleansed skin pores, they will safely go straight into your bloodstream, bypassing the protective filters of the body. And the blood will deliver all these delights to the tissues of the body, to the brain, to internal organs… Therefore, no matter how sellers of varnishes and paints praise their products, they will have to choose between the external beauty of the bath and their own health.

Sometimes you can hear such a question: “What to do if mold appears in a newly built log house?”

Mold in a new log house can only appear if it was built from undried logs. One of the main conditions for the appearance of rot and mold is the increased moisture content of wood (more than 19%). Therefore, the only cure in this case is intensive drying. Drafts, fan heaters, stoves... Surface antiseptic treatment is ineffective, as decay processes take place inside the logs. Moreover, main reason(high humidity) remains.

If you have a log house, then in the living room there are completely different temperature and humidity conditions, so any kind of finish, varnishes, paints will no longer act as detrimentally as in a bath.

And, although I am against any log wall covering, I will give you some tips that I hope will reduce the negative effects of this procedure.

If the log house of your house is assembled from dried material, then you can cover it from the outside immediately after assembly.

If a log house was cut from a damp forest, then it will be possible to cover it no earlier than in two years.

After removing the darkened outer layer, the outer walls of the house can be covered.

Regarding the brand of composition, based on the experience of my friends, I will say the following: high-quality, “breathing” compositions are very expensive, but there is no alternative to them. Purchase compositions of well-established foreign manufacturers. Before buying, try to find those who have already used these compounds to cover their walls. Because the vast majority of relatively cheap coatings are “housewarming paints”, since their real service life is no more than three to five years.

If you covered the logs from the outside, then you cannot cover them with varnishes and paints from the inside! The log must “breathe” on at least one side.

Quite often, one has to deal with an unacceptable action in relation to solid logs, which modern builders deliberately perform - with an electric jointer or a cutter-nozzle on a chainsaw, the outer layer is removed.

This is done with only one purpose: to please the eye of the customer with the whiteness of freshly planed wood, however, at the same time, normal healthy logs are crippled, as the wood fibers are cut and opened.

On the surface of the log there are loose inner layers, which are less resistant to environmental influences.

Moreover, if the material is not dried for at least a year, due to the increased drying rate of the upper layer, increased cracking will occur on the surface of such logs. Cracks a few centimeters thick are found only in logs treated in this way, in rounded logs and profiled timber.

If such logs are covered with something else, then this will only aggravate the situation, since the release of moisture into the atmosphere by the logs will slow down significantly. And wood moisture content of more than 19%, as I said, is the main prerequisite for the development of various diseases.

The service life of a covered log house is several times less than that of an uncovered one!

The way the world works is that you have to pay for everything! But for some reason, very often, the price for external beauty is our health!

Well, such a feature of the tree: it turns black over time! But after all, we don’t paint (at least not yet) our skin to look more beautiful, and we don’t cut off our fingers so that they are all the same length ...

Nowadays, much attention is paid to private construction. Almost any owner of a wooden house knows that for the construction of a particular wooden structure, a high-quality log house is required. To build a bathhouse or your own wooden house, you need to make a lot of effort. Even before the start of construction, preparations are underway required material. This primarily applies to wooden logs from which the log house will be made. For the construction of new wooden houses, before the log cabin goes directly to the construction site, it must be treated with a solution of antiseptic agents.

To build a house, you need a quality log house. For this you need good logs and their correct handling.

This stage is very important, since an untreated log house can quickly change color and be exposed to mold. As a result of all this, the tree will lose its consumer qualities. Logs are processed not only before transportation, but also after. Very often, the surface of the log house turns blue or is exposed to moldy fungi. One antiseptic is not able to fully protect the log house for the house. You have to use other active substances. These include bleaching, fire-resistant agents. Let us consider in more detail how the log house is processed, why antiseptic, fire retardant, bleaching agents are needed.

bleaching agents

In order to prevent the appearance of fungus, you can use bleaching agents.

You can process a log house for the house with bleaching agents. This group of drugs is designed to protect the log house from a special fungus that can cause blue wood. The market has a large number of tools with similar properties. The most popular and effective are such tools as Sagus, Neomid 500, Saga and others. Neomid 500 is available as a concentrate, from which it is necessary to prepare a working solution. The ratio of substance to water is 1:1.

A good result is given by the tool for processing the log house Sagus. Like Neomid 500, it bleaches the log house and gives it a good appearance. After applying this mixture, it is advisable to treat the log house with an antiseptic Neomid.

One of the newest is the Liga drug. It allows you to get rid of blackness, blueness. The tool gives the tree its primary appearance. Of great importance is the fact that wood processing for a house or a bath is carried out only after it has completely dried. In most cases, the log cabin has time to get wet. For its complete drying, it will take from six months to one and a half years.

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Means for protecting the log house from fire

It is very important to treat the log house of a new house with substances that reduce the possibility of fire.

Neomid 530 is designed to protect the log house from fire.

Flame retardants must be used without fail. A special place is occupied by such a tool as Neomid 530. In addition to the main action, it is able to protect the log house from damage of a biological nature. In addition, Neomid 530 improves the appearance of the material when decorative processing. This mixture has been used in construction practice for a very long time. An alternative option is Senezh.

The third drug is called KSD. In addition to protecting against fire, it has an antiseptic effect. It is produced in the form of an aqueous solution, which contains flame retardants in its composition. The most optimal way to use it is spraying. You can also apply it with a large brush or roller. The method of immersing logs is often used. In addition to the above, there are complex substances that have several useful and valuable properties at once.

The most common drugs in this group are Senezh ognebio and Phenilax. The first protects the log house from rotting, discoloration, fire. In addition, it prevents the effects of insect pests. As for Phenilax, it is safe for humans and animals, allows the tree to breathe, penetrates deep into the log house and protects from damage. The big advantage is that the log house covered with it belongs to the category of hardly flammable wood.

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Group of antiseptic drugs

To prevent the development of microorganisms and fungi on the logs, use antiseptics.

How to process a log house to prevent the development and reproduction of microorganisms on it? This is one of the most large groups protective substances for the log house. It includes Neomid 440, BIO-Z, Liga-Bioshield, Aquatex. Neomid contains fungicides and insecticides that have a wide spectrum of activity against microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi). It actively protects the log house from damage for up to 15 years. One of the best is Aquatex. In addition to the main mechanism of action, this substance decorates the log house, giving it an excellent appearance.

A log house, processed by him, will look like valuable wood species. It is also important that Aquatex protects the frame for a house or a bath from sunlight, rotting, water. But it is advisable to carry out the treatment only if it is not varnished or varnished, otherwise the active substance simply will not be absorbed. The drug of the new generation is Liga-Bioshield. It acts for a long time and has a wide spectrum.

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Step by step layering

How to process a log house in the first place? There is a certain sequence of applying active agents to a log house for a house.

At the final stage, treat the log house with drying oil in order to avoid blackening of the logs.

  1. First you need to apply an antiseptic. The number of layers in this case should be 2 or 3. Log processing is carried out both inside and outside. Of great importance is the fact that the interval between the layers is done. Each subsequent layer is applied only after the previous one has dried.
  2. The second stage of work is the use of fire retardants. The technology is the same, only the optimal number of layers is 1-2. The substance is absorbed, and in the event of a fire, the surface does not burn, but only chars.
  3. The third step is to protect the log house or bathhouse from water. Wood has the ability to absorb moisture, so the logs must be treated with a water-repellent composition. Particular attention is paid not to the sides of the logs, but to the ends. In these areas, moisture absorption occurs several times more actively. When processing the ends, the product is applied in 4-5 layers. Sides need two coats. Water-repellent substances contribute to faster evaporation of moisture and drying of the log house.
  4. The next step is preparing the surface for applying the finish coat. To eliminate all defects and cracks in the coating, a primer is required. Most suitable option- a primer based on alkyd-acrylic substances. It helps to improve the adhesion of the log house with the finish coating. It must be applied from the outside and inside.
  5. As a finishing layer, bleaching preparations, as well as drying oil, varnish can be used. Bleaching agents prevent the darkening of the log house for the house.

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Methods for applying protective compounds

Applying a thick solution to the logs must be done with a roller.

Depending on which agent is used for processing, the method of its application may be different. There are several methods for applying a protective coating.

The first one is to use a roller or a large brush. This option is more suitable for thick mixtures that cannot be spray applied. This method is more labor intensive.

Preparations in the form of aqueous solutions are applied to the surface of the wood using spray guns. It is known that most protective preparations (mostly antiseptics) contain toxic substances, so the procedure is carried out in a respirator or in a mask and goggles.

The third method is immersion of wood in special baths containing the working solution. Any worker building a house or a bath should know that there is no need to save on protective compounds. It is recommended to use only proven products. It is important to remember that the solution must be applied both on inner surface, as well as on the outside.