Cloudberry dolls medicinal properties and contraindications. Cloudberry sepals for cough

  • 02.04.2021

Nature has created many plants that serve man for food and, if necessary, treat various diseases. Cloudberry is a special berry that grows in harsh climates at fairly low temperatures. It received its name swamp amber, royal berry and northern orange because of its healing properties. What are the benefits and harms of cloudberries?

Cloudberry composition

The berry is classified as a dietary product, because it contains only 5% glucose. Cloudberries include: fiber, essential amino acids, pectins, anthocyanins, sugar and dietary fiber.

  • The main wealth of the berry is its vitamin composition (C, A, B1, B2, and PP).
  • Cloudberries have a low nutritional value and equal to 40 kcal (100 g).
  • Vitamin C, found in berries, is 100% more than in oranges.
  • Cloudberries contain many micro and macro elements (magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, silicon).

Due to its medicinal content, berries can be effectively used for the treatment of many diseases and pathological conditions.

Cloudberry in medicine

To improve the body, berries, roots, leaves and sepals of the plant are used. Cloudberry has the following medicinal properties:

  1. Diseases of the stomach. Reduces mucosal inflammation and has astringent properties.
  2. Reduces diarrhea and prevents dehydration.
  3. Colds. Reduces heat and removes harmful substances. Strengthens the immune system and allows you to recover from a long illness.
  4. Stress. Improves mood and relieves fatigue.
  5. Scurvy. Due to the large amount of vitamin C, it reduces the symptoms of the disease.
  6. Heart and blood vessels. Regulates blood clotting and strengthens blood vessels. Stabilizes blood pressure.
  7. Normalizes metabolism. Reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood.
  8. Avitaminosis. It has a good effect on the body of weakened and rickety children.
  9. Tocopherol present in berries improves blood circulation in the extremities.
  10. Accelerates tissue renewal, which is widely used to treat skin after burns.
  11. It has diuretic properties, removes harmful substances and relieves swelling.

In medical practice, a ready-made composition for decoctions is used, and oil is obtained from seeds. Medicines from the berry are used to prevent and treat pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, viral diseases and to increase the body's defenses.

Healing properties of cloudberry leaves

The leaves and sepals of the plant have positive qualities:

An infusion of them is used to treat diarrhea, cystitis and metabolic disorders.

It can be used as a diuretic, astringent, and anti-inflammatory agent. With the help of infusion, cough is cured.

The leaves of the plant, together with fish oil, are used to treat wounds of a purulent nature.

To prepare an infusion, 15 g of dry leaves are poured into 500 ml of hot water. Insist and drink like tea daily.

In the cosmetic industry, the plant has found the following application:

  1. Based on decoctions, preparations are made for hair, skin and body.
  2. Crushed seeds are used as an abrasive base for peels and scrubs.
  3. Seed oil contains natural antioxidants, which are included in anti-aging creams and serums.

Cosmetics that use cloudberries are classified as elite. It is not available to many buyers due to the high price.

For dry and sensitive skin, a mask is prepared in which crushed berries are mixed with heavy cream.

For dull and lifeless hair, use the following remedy:

  • 5 st. spoons of cloudberry infusion.
  • 1 st. a spoonful of berry oil.
  • 1 egg.

The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and whipped. The mixture is rubbed into the scalp and applied along the length of the curls. Leave for half an hour and wash off with warm water.

The effect occurs on the hair after several times of use.

Cloudberry for weight loss

Cloudberries are often used in medical and dietary nutrition. It is used due to the rich vitamin composition and low nutritional value of berries.

It is indispensable in diets that are used to reduce body weight. In many cases, excess weight appears not only due to malnutrition, but also due to violations of the metabolic process in the body. As a result, the energy obtained from food is not fully consumed, but is deposited in the form of fat.

Cloudberry activates metabolism, removes excess fluid from the body and eliminates swelling.

A diet with the use of berries or its infusions increases the tone of the body, frees from salt and harmful substances. It is able to improve the natural complexion and beauty of curls. Uplifts mood and copes with depression.

Berries in a ripe state are soft and juicy, with a tart taste. They are included in fresh, frozen and dried food, and various dishes are also prepared:

  1. Northerners use the berry for compotes, jellies and jams. Women use cloudberries as a filling for pies and cheesecakes. Soaked and steamed berries have an excellent taste.
  2. Most Swedes make jam from it. Fresh berries have a tart taste, and cooked with sugar - special. Jam is used as a filling for pancakes and pies. In Sweden, the berry is included in various dishes (mushrooms on toast, etc.).
  3. In Finland, cloudberries are used to make a special liqueur that is served with various desserts. National dishes include berry pies and jelly with cream and milk.
  4. Due to its taste, cloudberries are also used in Norway. It is served with the national dessert with whipped cream and sugar.
  5. In England, they use cloudberry jam, which perfectly complements the taste of sweet dishes.
  6. Tea with berries has been drunk in all Scandinavian countries since antiquity.
  7. Residents of Canada and Alaska bake pies stuffed with cloudberries. In this area, the berry is considered an important food product among the population.

Cloudberries, which have excellent taste qualities, are part of various dishes and desserts. This makes it possible to get not only gastronomic pleasure, but also saturate the body with nutrients and vitamins.

Cloudberry contraindications

Cloudberry, despite its positive properties, can harm the human body. Berries should not be used in the following cases:

  • with individual intolerance;
  • with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis with increased acidity and gastric and duodenal ulcers);
  • with allergies.

Medicines with cloudberries and the berry itself can increase the level of blood clotting, so you should consult a doctor before using it.

Cloudberry is a special berry that can significantly improve your health. It is indispensable in medical and dietary nutrition. In the season of colds, the berry will strengthen the immune system and help in a speedy recovery. Including cloudberries in the diet, you can get delicious dishes and desserts, and saturate the body with vitamins and nutrients. The berry, which has many healing properties, should be used with caution by people who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases and allergies.

Video: useful properties of cloudberries

Cloudberry is a unique northern berry with many useful and healing properties. Its bright yellow berries contain many useful substances, for which it is often called the queen of the north and the royal berry. It has always been valued by man and gathered in large quantities. After all, this berry is not only a food product, but also a valuable healer that can help with many ailments.

How and where does cloudberry grow

There are not many plants that are able to survive in harsh northern conditions. Cloudberry is one of them. It grows even beyond the Arctic Circle. On our territory, it can be found in the tundra and forest-tundra, the northern part of Siberia and the Far East. There is a lot of it in the Belarusian swamps. By the way, in Belarus, cloudberries are listed in the Red Book.

Cloudberry is a common berry in Sweden, Finland, Norway, it is also found in Poland, England, Alaska and other northern regions. In Finland, her image is present on the 2 euro coin. Doesn't that say how valuable this amber berry is!

Cloudberry belongs to the Pink family of the Rubus genus, which is also its closest relative, raspberry. She prefers wet, swampy, mountainous areas, mounds, plains and even coastal places. Its neighbors are sphagnum moss, wild rosemary, shiksha, blueberries, lingonberries and other northern berries and plants. Capercaillie and white partridges love these places, which can serve as a guide for berry pickers.

The plant itself is not tall, but with a well-developed branched root system, which can grow up to 4 meters in length, and the roots go down to a depth of 2 meters.

Cloudberry is a cross-pollinated plant, i.e. There are purely female and male flowers. During flowering, not all flowers are pollinated, so barren plants can be found.

Cloudberries have small serrated green leaves. Sometimes they may have red spots. Around the berries are sepals, which, when ripe, can almost completely close them and open when the berries become ripe.

Although cloudberries can grow in the Far North, they are afraid of cold rains and wind. Reproduces vegetatively and by seeds. Good honey plant.

Unfortunately, cloudberries are becoming less and less available. This is due not only to the difficulty of collecting it in hard-to-reach places, but also to the uncontrolled picking of berries, which destroys it.

What is useful cloudberry

Local peoples have always appreciated this golden berry. No wonder it is today called the "gold of the Arctic". Small, juicy, amber-colored berries contain many beneficial nutrients that help us stay healthy. Cloudberry contains:

Vitamins: groups B (B1, B2, B3), A, C;

Minerals: calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, cobalt and others;






Fatty acid;


Vitamin C in it is 4 times more than in oranges. In addition to vitamin C, it contains other substances that strengthen the immune system. Vitamin A protects the skin and prevents its aging, and is also very useful for maintaining vision. Vitamin C stimulates the production of white cells, protects against flu and colds.

Cloudberries are a good source of iron, one of the main minerals involved in hematopoiesis. It plays an important role in the production of red blood cells and serves as a good prevention of anemia.

Dietary fiber stimulates the digestive system and prevents bloating. The high water content (up to 80%) prevents constipation. In addition, they regulate the presence of sugar in the blood, which can serve as a preventive measure for the development of type 2 diabetes.

Fatty acids (mainly in the seeds) contained in fruits regulate cholesterol levels.

Potassium helps lower high blood pressure, regulates cell fluid.

Cloudberry, having mild diuretic properties, enhances urination, which can serve as a natural detoxification of the body, helps get rid of edema, flushes out toxins and other harmful substances.

A large number of antioxidant compounds prevent the development of a cancerous tumor, many other chronic diseases, and inhibit the oxidative action of free radicals.

Phenolic compounds protect the body from pathogenic microflora and inhibit its growth.

Medicinal properties of cloudberries

In addition to excellent taste, berries have many healing properties. In folk medicine, the leaves and sepals of the plant are used, and excellent cloudberry oil is made from the seeds.

The medicinal properties of this northern berry include:








Wound healing;



Health benefits of cloudberries

Berries growing in the north have always been considered healthier than those in the south. Therefore, the health benefits of cloudberries cannot be overestimated.

There are not many plants in this harsh climate that can prevent scurvy, one of the serious diseases. Cloudberry is one of them. In addition, she:

Strengthens immunity;

Decoctions with anti-inflammatory properties are prepared from its leaves;

Treats colds;

Has diaphoretic properties;

Kills pathogenic microflora and prevents digestive tract disorders;

Improves vision, including night vision;

Helps with anemia;

Has a strong antimicrobial effect;

Helps to get rid of lamblia;

Improves the functioning of the respiratory system;

Accelerates recovery after a serious illness;

Promotes mental and physical performance;

Serves as prevention of atherosclerosis;

Improves the elasticity of blood vessels;

Has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system;

Cleanses the body of toxins and toxins;

Reduces swelling, including those caused by heart disease;

Improves blood circulation in the limbs;

Helps relieve seizures;

Improves skin regeneration;

Cloudberry extract serves as a prevention of cancer development, slows down the growth and development of cancer cells;

In general, it has a beneficial effect on the human body, restores and heals.

Cloudberries are used in cosmetology. Cloudberry extract is widely used in anti-aging cosmetics, added to shampoos, gels and other cosmetic products.

The use of cloudberries in traditional medicine

The use of cloudberries in folk medicine is close to the use of raspberries. After all, they are close relatives. Cloudberry preparations are used for:

kidney stones;




Poorly healing wounds;

Metabolic disorders;


Gastritis with low acidity;

To increase the acidity of the stomach, grind 2 tablespoons of berries and mix with 50 ml of water. Eat this puree with any meal.

For kidney diseases, take a decoction of 100 ml up to 4 times a day.

Berry juice, mixed in a 1:1 ratio with water, is drunk to increase appetite.

Cloudberry application recipes

Due to its rich chemical composition, cloudberries are used to treat various diseases. Berries, leaves, sepals, plant roots are used. Decoctions, tinctures are prepared from it, healing tea is brewed.

Cloudberry infusion

To prepare the infusion, brew 2 teaspoons of dried or fresh berries with a glass of boiling water and leave for 4 hours. Take throughout the day, divided into several equal portions.

Such an infusion helps with metabolic disorders, gout, kidney stones, gastritis with low acidity, as a tonic for oncology.

In the same way, you can make an infusion from the leaves.

Decoction of cloudberry leaves

One teaspoon of dried leaves, brew 200 ml of boiling water and boil over low heat for about 15 minutes. Remove and insist another 40 minutes.

Strain and top up to original volume. Drink 50 ml 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Cloudberry tea

Cloudberry leaf tea can be drunk in place of regular black or green tea. Very tasty tea is obtained, mixed with: 1 part cloudberry leaves and 2 parts strawberry leaves. You can add green or black tea to them.

A healing drink can be drunk as a tonic by adding honey to it. Drink no more than 2 glasses a day.

Cloudberry for cough

Brew two teaspoons of dried leaves with a glass (250 ml) of boiling water and insist for 4-5 hours, wrapped in a towel. Strain and take 50 ml 4 times a day.

Such an infusion helps to get rid of cough, they drink it with tuberculosis, bronchitis.

Also, when coughing, you can brew the sepals. The course of admission is at least a week.

Cloudberry from cystitis

For brewing, take one part of the leaves and roots. Brew a tablespoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water and boil over low heat for about 3 minutes. Wrap with a towel and leave for 2 hours. Strain and drink 50-60 ml four times a day.

With bleeding

Steep a tablespoon with a glass of boiling water and insist. Drink 70 ml three times a day.

cloudberry berries

Cloudberries are a drupe consisting of several small fruits with a stone inside. Ripe cloudberries are bright yellow amber. Its size is small, only about one and a half centimeters.

In its form, outwardly, it resembles raspberries or mulberries. The main difference is their taste. Cloudberry is more fragrant with sweet and sour, slightly tart taste.

During the ripening season, it changes its color three times. After tying from green, it first becomes red and then gradually acquires an amber color. During ripening, the berry is covered with large red sepals, which turn brown by the end of the season.

Cloudberry seeds are larger compared to raspberry, oblong in shape, reminiscent of rose hips.

Berries are used for colds, coughs, as a tonic. Delicious jams are prepared from them, compote and jam are cooked, juice is squeezed out.

cloudberry leaves

Cloudberry leaves have many medicinal properties, including anti-inflammatory and hemostatic. They are brewed for colds, they have diuretic properties. Leaf decoctions are recommended for kidney stones, as a vitamin remedy in the form of tea, in case of metabolic disorders.

Leaves lubricated with fish oil are used to heal purulent wounds; they have long served as a dressing to stop bleeding in the Khanty and Nenets.

Cloudberry juice

Cloudberries are composed mostly of water. When squeezing the juice, only the seeds and a small amount of dietary fiber remain, mainly the thin skin of the berries.

Northern peoples use cloudberry juice for scabies, lubricating the affected areas with it. It is used in the treatment of long non-healing wounds.

Cloudberry contraindications for use

Cloudberry has practically no contraindications. An exception can only be people with individual intolerance. Caution should be taken by people who have stomach diseases with high acidity, as it increases the production of gastric juice and can provoke an exacerbation of gastritis and stomach ulcers.

When and how to collect cloudberries

Collecting cloudberries is a very laborious process. This is explained not only by the places where this berry grows (it is often very difficult to get to them).

Cloudberries ripen unevenly: some berries may be ripe, others are still ripening. Go for the berry early, there is a risk of picking a not quite ripe and sour berry. Too late - overripe, which quickly deteriorates.

Ripe berries should be amber or orange in color. But judging maturity by color is not always the right way, and it can be deceiving. It may have one half yellow and the other red, because it gets less sunlight.

Judging by the sepals is also not quite the right way. They usually turn yellow-brown and droop down when the berries are ripe. But sometimes this happens with not fully ripe berries.

The best way to tell if a cloudberry is ripe is to do a squeeze test. Choose a berry and lightly squeeze it with your fingers. If it is hard, it is too early to collect such a berry. If it is elastic and slightly soft - such a berry is ready to be harvested.

The berries growing in the valley are the first to ripen. In the highlands, in the swamp, she ripens a little later. You can also judge by the weather. If there were few sunny days, then its ripening may be delayed. In good sunny weather, the berries ripen earlier. Later berries ripen, which are mostly in the shade.

Cloudberries are harvested by hand. It grows one berry per stem, and therefore the process of collecting it is very laborious. It is better to collect it in a shallow, but wide bucket. This berry is very tender and easily crushed.

Cloudberries should not be washed, as they will spoil quickly. Collected berries should be eaten immediately or choose one of the methods of preservation for the winter.

It can be:

To freeze;

Fill with water and store in the basement;

Cook jam, jam, compote;


Wipe with sugar;

Prepare marshmallow or marmalade.

Cloudberries in frozen and soaked form retain all their useful properties and be stored for a very long time, almost all winter.

Here is such a wonderful northern cloudberry, a truly royal berry, a northern orange. It is a pity that you can not buy it in our store always and not everywhere.

Cloudberries are useful, how to choose and eat them

A distant relative refers to a perennial plant Rubus family and is found mainly in wetlands and tundras of the northern climatic zones. This is one of the most capricious forest, because he does not like wind, rain and frost. However, to this day it is considered extremely useful.

Where does cloudberry grow and what does it look like?

Growing predominantly in Siberia, the Far East and Kamchatka, cloudberries, nicknamed the "royal berry", gained wide popularity. Small fruits with a bright sweet and sour taste and spicy aroma are somewhat similar to currant puree. And the fully ripe cloudberry itself resembles in color citrus fruit or miraculous amber.

Chemical and vitamin composition of berries

In some sources, regarding cloudberries, the phrase slips "northern raspberry" or "moss currant" which is not far from the truth - in terms of nutrient content, it is in no way inferior to well-known horticultural crops.

According to research results, amber berries contain:

In small quantities, cloudberries contain about a dozen more substances and elements.

The nutritional value in 100 g of berries:

  • proteins ~ 0.8 g;
  • fats ~ 1.1 g;
  • carbohydrates ~ 7.5 g;
  • energy value ~ 46 kcal.

Berries on 84 % consist of water, which causes their rapid digestibility, and the high content of vitamins C, A and group B makes these northern fruits a good source vital elements for the body.

Useful properties of cloudberry berries and sepals

For the healing effect and beneficial effect on the human body, cloudberries were valued by healers and herbalists. Small orange fruits contain a unique complex of nutrients that has the following effects on the body: impact:

  • improvement and normalization of the functions of the circulatory system;
  • strengthening blood vessels, increasing their elasticity and preventing the development of blood clots;
  • renewal of cells and tissues;
  • acceleration of internal regeneration processes;
  • regulation of blood clotting;
  • strengthening the cardiovascular system and reducing the risk of developing concomitant diseases;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • prevention of premature aging of the body;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • reducing the likelihood of developing viral or infectious diseases;
  • prevention of beriberi;
  • improvement in visual acuity.

Berries perfectly quench thirst, restore vigor, restore strength and relieve feeling tired.

Among other actions inherent in cloudberries, especially allocate:

  • anticancer;
  • diuretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • wound healing;
  • bactericidal;
  • antimicrobial;
  • astringent;
  • diaphoretic.

"Moss currant" is effective in the treatment skin diseases, neurodermatitis and various kinds epidermal lesions. Cloudberry and the oil extracted from it are popular and in cosmetology, on their basis, creams and masks have been created that have a moisturizing, softening and regenerating effect. The berry promotes nail growth and stops hair loss.

Harm and contraindications

With individual intolerance, berries are not recommended to be eaten in their pure form and included in recipes.

Cloudberry is strictly contraindicated in the following diseases:

  • gastritis, enterocolitis and peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increased acidity;
  • chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys.

At overeating berries can experience itching, a small rash on the body, heartburn and nausea, in rare cases, there is an increase in blood pressure. This should be paid special attention when taking drugs that regulate blood pressure.

Cloudberry for weight loss

Amber berries have the best effect on digestive system. Due to the astringent and fixing action, they effectively restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, remove toxins and toxins, help get rid of excess fluid, which improves metabolism, eliminates swelling and helps to function normally. lymphatic drainage system.

Cloudberry at minimum calories and low sugar content is effective in the fight against excess weight. Various dishes are prepared from it:

Tonic is brewed from cloudberry sepals, and with the addition of berries, homemade marmalade, jam and marshmallow (for example, apple and cloudberry) are prepared - the only sweets allowed in diets.

Forest fruits match perfectly with the majority

The greatest value is fresh berries, which can be added entirely to the morning breakfast or made the basis of a delicious afternoon snack by spreading cloudberry puree on diet bread, or you can drink a glass of kefir with amber juice instead of dinner. Most popular diet food- a salad of grated sweet with the addition of fresh cranberries and cloudberries, seasoned with a slice.

Babies up to 7-8 months cloudberries, like all wild berries, should not be given. Closer to the year, you can introduce it as a component of fruit purees, starting with a few tablespoons and gradually increasing the amount. It is better to give a whole berry from the age of three under the supervision of adults so that the child does not choke on small bones.

How to choose a delicious berry?

The maturation period is early-mid July and lasts only two to three weeks. Interestingly, the red color is characterized "green" fruits, but ripe cloudberries yellow or yellow-orange shade.

When purchasing fresh berries in the market or in the supermarket, carefully examine them for the absence of mold and signs of spoilage. Cloudberry should not be mint and caked, with a lot of juice at the bottom of the package. You should not refuse berries with sepals - they are stored fresh much longer than others.

When buying a frozen product, feel the package. The berries should not be stuck together, and the presence of pieces of ice in the package is unacceptable.

Storage Features

Fresh ripe berries should be stored in a cool place with t 0+4 °C no more 3-4 days, and unripe fruits can easily lie 12-14 days.

Harvesting cloudberries for future use, you can go the traditional way:

  • cook jam, jam, jelly or confiture;
  • roll up compote or fruits in their own juice in jars.

And you can just fall asleep fresh berries sorted from leaves and debris with sugar 1:1 and leave in the refrigerator. Good cloudberries are frozen in plastic containers. The main thing is that the berry is intact and dry, otherwise when defrosted, it will lose most of its useful elements. Urine is also acceptable.

"Northern Amber" is really a royal berry: a minimum of calories and a maximum of benefit. Cloudberry, due to its rich nutritional composition, has amazing properties. Influencing many organs, it normalizes the functions of the main systems, improves metabolism, reduces weight, and also gives a charge of vivacity and strength.

Cloudberry (berries, sepals) - useful properties and contraindications, recipes Northern nature is not only mosses and lichens. Among the moss swamps, one can see a squat herbaceous plant with berries called royal. This is cloudberry. What does a berry worthy of kings look like? Outwardly, it looks like a raspberry or blackberry. But it has a different taste and aroma. Its fruits are called drupes. Use them fresh and soaked. Jams, jams, marmalades, jellies and marmalades are delicious. Where cloudberries grow in Russia Berries are found in the northern part of both hemispheres. On the territory of Russia, cloudberries grow in the polar-arctic, tundra and forest-tundra zones. There is a lot of it in Kamchatka and Sakhalin. Residents of the Bryansk, Pskov, Smolensk, Kaluga regions know firsthand how cloudberries grow. It is collected in the vicinity of Murmansk and Norilsk. The Far East, Karelia, and the Komi Republic have long been famous for cloudberries. In Northern Europe, it is not only harvested in natural conditions, but also cultivated. Russian summer residents can also buy cloudberry seedlings or seeds to grow the plant in their garden. However, keep in mind that the culture prefers acidic soils. Composition and calorie content In regions with a harsh climate, they say: stock up on cloudberries - say goodbye to diseases. And what is remarkable, the beneficial properties of cloudberries are preserved even after long-term storage. And although the pulp is 83% water, it also has a place for nutrients. The chemical composition of Squirrel berries is 0.8%. Fats - 0.9%. Carbohydrates - up to 7.5%. Organic acids - up to 1.3%. Pectins - 0.3–2%. Fiber - 3.8%. Tannins and carotenoids - 7.9%. Phytoncides, leukocyanins, leucoanthocyanins. Fatty acids - linoleic (Omega-6), alpha-linoleic. Vitamins - C, A, E, PP, gr. B. Minerals - calcium, aluminum, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, silicon. Caloric content of berries Cloudberry refers to low-calorie foods. Nutritional value of 100 g - 40 kcal. The ratio of BJU is 9%:11%:80%. Carbohydrates are mainly represented by mono- and disaccharides, fats are mainly found in seeds. The product is used in dietary nutrition. Cloudberry - useful properties and contraindications Among the gifts of the northern nature, cloudberry occupies a place of honor. Not only berries, but also other parts of the plant can help maintain health and get rid of diseases. The healing effect of the plant has been tested for centuries. Modern nutritionists and doctors continue to explore the benefits of cloudberries. Medicinal properties of cloudberries Modern science has well studied the following properties of berries: thirst-quenching; anti-febrile; antiviral; disinfectant; astringent; wound healing. The use of berry pulp enhances blood clotting, helps to cope with fermentation in the intestines. The tool is useful for heavy metal poisoning, has a fixing effect in diarrhea. And during pregnancy, cloudberries are a source of vitamins. Even scurvy cannot resist this plant. Experienced berry growers do not throw away the sepals either. It is a powerful cure for heart and cold. Leaves with fruits are dried and used to treat gastritis with acidity below normal and malignant tumors. They have a diuretic effect, help with internal bleeding. And the roots are indicated for beriberi and metabolic disorders. But in order for them to be useful, they are harvested in late autumn. Contraindications Gastritis with high acidity. Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Enterocolitis. Individual intolerance. Useful properties of cloudberry sepals Harvesters collect berries together with sepals. Then they are separated and dried. They keep well in a dry place. Raw materials are used to treat colds, bacterial infections and viral diseases. From a cough, cloudberry sepals are brewed with boiling water (3 tablespoons of dry ingredients per liter of water). Insist in a thermos for 2-3 hours. Drink 3 r. a day for a glass 20 minutes after eating. For colds, dry leaves and sepals (2 tablespoons) are taken, mixed with dry currant leaves (2 tablespoons), poured with a liter of boiling water and kept in a sealed container for 4 hours. Drink 150 ml after meals 5-6 p. in a day. To strengthen the immune system 1 tsp. dry sepals are brewed in a glass of boiling water. Drink like regular tea. Useful recipes of traditional medicine For cystitis - 1 tbsp. l. dry leaves and roots pour a glass of boiling water. Heat the collection for 3 minutes, then leave for 2 hours, strain. Drink the remedy before meals 3 r. 1/4 cup per day. With gout, metabolic disorders, diarrhea - 1 tbsp. l. crushed dried roots and leaves with sepals pour 1 cup boiling water. Simmer for 25 minutes on low heat. Infuse for about 40 minutes. Strain and add water so that the volume corresponds to the original. Take 50 ml 20 minutes before meals 4 p. in a day. For indigestion - dilute the juice of berries (2 tablespoons) with water (50 ml) and drink with meals. For skin diseases and cosmetic problems, cloudberry seed oil is applied to the affected areas. After illness, weakened patients are given cloudberry juice with honey in equal proportions 3 r. per day before meals 2 tbsp. l. In the absence of appetite, drink 50 ml of juice diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 before each meal. Cloudberry jam recipe You can, of course, buy cloudberry jam ready-made. But homemade food always tastes better. Most often, cloudberries are ground with sugar. Products are taken in a ratio of 1: 1, crushed in a blender, heated to a boil. When the sugar has melted, rub the puree through a sieve. Packed in jars until it thickens. Roll up lids. When cloudberries are harvested Cloudberries are the first forest berries to ripen in the North. First, a green fruit appears on each stem, later it turns red, and then the berry turns yellow. Already in July-August, among the wild rosemary and sphagnum on the stems, you can see bright dots of amber color. The yellow cloudberry is considered ripe. It is soft, juicy and sweeter. However, it can be stored for up to 2 days, and it is difficult to transport it in this form. In regions where the cloudberry grows, dense reddish berries are often harvested. They do not wrinkle so much, and tend to ripen after harvest. They are stored for up to 2 weeks, while the benefits of cloudberries (and harm, contraindications) remain unchanged. Where to buy cloudberries If you are a resident of the North, then the easiest way to do this is in the market of your city. In other regions, it rarely hits the shelves just assembled. But it can be purchased online. Cloudberries are sold in the form of extracts, jams and preserves. You can also buy cloudberry tincture there. And seed oil is sold in cosmetics stores and regular pharmacies. Serious manufacturers became interested in the plant. Arctic cloudberry extract is included in many well-known brands of cosmetics, and dry leaves and sepals are used in medicinal preparations. Even a spoonful of cloudberry jam eaten once a day will help keep you feeling normal. Read more:

In the northern regions of our country, an interesting berry - cloudberry is very common. It attracts not only with its taste, but also with a bright yellow color. For its attractive aroma, it has been recognized since ancient times. It especially attracted Russian rulers, for which it received its second name - “royal berry”.

But for medicinal purposes, not only fruits are used, but almost the entire plant. Mostly leaves and roots. Despite the wide range of beneficial actions of the royal berry, consider those that relate to the treatment of cough.

Useful properties of cloudberries in the treatment of cough

In the treatment of respiratory diseases, including coughs, this plant is used quite often, especially in those areas where it grows.

Cloudberry features include:

  • It has antibacterial properties, thanks to which it copes with the source of cough.
  • Improves the functions of the respiratory system.
  • Strengthens the immune system, improves blood composition.
  • Softens cough, reduces the number of respiratory attacks and contributes to the treatment of even chronic forms.
  • An antipyretic that helps alleviate the course of the disease

The composition of the royal berry contains many vitamins, trace elements, minerals and acids. People who constantly consume cloudberries are distinguished by good health and resistance to infections.

Cloudberry Cough Recipes

As described above, various parts of this plant are used to prepare cough remedies. In our recipes, we will look at some of the ways to prepare these ingredients.

Infusion of cloudberry leaves for cough

To prepare this cough remedy, you can take both dry and fresh cloudberry leaves. The cooking method is very simple:

Infusion of cloudberry sepals for cough

The sepals of the royal berry have long been a well-known remedy for prolonged and chronic cough. They are brewed, insisted and decoctions are prepared from them. Consider the simplest, but no less effective way to prepare a cure for respiratory disorders. For this you will need:

  • Pour 3 tablespoons of dried cloudberry sepals and several strawberry leaves into a non-metallic liter dish (preferably a thermos).
  • Pour boiling water over everything, close tightly and put in a warm place for several hours.

You need to use the remedy instead of tea throughout the entire period of illness.

Contraindications to cloudberry treatment

No matter how useful this plant may seem, it has a number of very serious contraindications. But with care, you can easily avoid any problems.