Chinese lantern legend about its appearance. History of sky lanterns

  • 12.01.2022

Associated with many ancient legends and all of them deserve to be read.

Legend one: the most popular.

The first mention of Chinese lanterns appeared more than 1800 years ago, they were invented by the famous Chinese commander Kong Ming to transmit various messages and signals. Launching flashlights at a certain interval, the military detachments communicated with each other. Light, almost weightless flying lanterns were visible for miles around, especially at night.

Later, in peacetime, Chinese villagers began to use sky lanterns , in order to wish relatives and friends health and prosperity.
Subsequently, not a single holiday was complete without the massive launch of Chinese lanterns. There was a tradition of making wishes by releasing a flashlight into the sky.

Legend two: the most ancient.

The first mention of Chinese flying lanterns appeared in the annals of Chinese monks, as early as the tenth century. The monks of a small Chinese village, during a difficult period of drought and sandstorms, began to light torches every evening and pray. This simple ritual helped them lift the spirits of the villagers in a lean year.

Every day, with the onset of darkness, the village streets were illuminated by the light of torches and, gradually, the unrest among the local population subsided. But this was not enough for life in the village to enter into a familiar rhythm. Then the monks began to arrange weekly "fire" holidays. And in order to add symbolism to the holiday, they built a balloon from light rice paper. Thus, the first flying lanterns.

Further sky lantern launch for a wedding, birthday or any other holiday, has become a wonderful custom. Wish Granting Message sky lanterns spread throughout Asia.

Legend three: Thai.

Tradition launch sky lanterns appeared in Northern Thailand many centuries ago.

This tradition was called yi peng, it appeared thanks to the constantly traveling Buddhist monks.

From generation to generation, the inhabitants of Northern Thailand, launch sky lanterns , or as the locals call them "balls of desires", for all holidays, both religious and private. Before releasing a flying flashlight into the sky, it is customary to make a wish and follow the flashlight with your eyes until it is out of sight.

Fourth legend: Indian.

There is a tradition in India to present sky lanterns to temples and monks, in return, visitors receive enlightenment, tk. the fire inside the lantern symbolizes purification and wisdom.

And Indian girls watching sky lantern flight make their deepest desires.

In India, this tradition appeared more than three hundred years ago, thanks to Buddhist monks.

Currently, the launch of Chinese lanterns for any celebration is becoming increasingly popular.

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Let's dive into history and find out where sky lanterns came from and why.

Despite the fact that sky lanterns have recently begun to come into vogue, their existence goes back far into the past. Almost two and a half millennia ago, an amazingly beautiful tradition was born in ancient China: to launch into the sky flying lanterns. Several stories are connected with the appearance of this custom, each of which causes genuine admiration.

Initial appearance flying lanterns was due to the need to transmit military signals in the dark. But in peacetime it was not necessary to light signal fires, and Chinese lanterns became a symbol of the invisible connection that exists between living people and the souls of their ancestors. There is nothing surprising in this: looking at hundreds of lights rushing into the heavenly distance with sparkling constellations, it is easy to believe that the universe will hear all prayers and fulfill each of the wishes.

According to Buddhists, flying lanterns free people from negativity. It is easy to clear your mind of the accumulated negative phenomena: you need to go through the troubles in your thoughts and set fire to the burner Chinese lantern. Flying away, the ball of desires will take with it all the problems and sorrows.

And Indian girls present sky lanterns as a gift to divine temples. It is believed that the donor will be enlightened, as the fire burning inside the ball indicates the path to the truth and symbolizes wisdom.

Years have passed, and the ancient tradition has not only not lost its popularity, but has become an invariable part of many holidays: from a small family celebration to a festival of grandiose proportions.

Festival where all dreams come true

Traditionally, on the 15th lunar day of the new year in China, Yuanxiao Jie is held - flying lantern festival. This holiday completes the series of New Year's festivities with the final chord. Most Chinese people associate Yuanxiao Jie not only with a masquerade, bright fireworks, cheerful dances, but also with romantic feelings, love confessions, and the fulfillment of their most secret desires. A long time ago, only on this special day, girls were allowed to freely walk the streets and show men an open face.

Chinese Lantern Festival considered Valentine's Day. Perhaps for this reason, the custom of launching flying lanterns into the sky has resonated in the hearts of people around the world. Two elements - Fire and Air - unite and give birth to a miracle, which, according to legend, fills the soul of a person with positive energy, giving him peace and love.

Enchanting holiday, one of the participants of which are wish balls, is celebrated annually in the city of Cheng Mai, located in northern Thailand. Concerts, theatrical performances, festivities accompanied by fireworks and fireworks are held at the festival for several days. Finally, the holiday has died down, and its participants, slightly tired of the impressions, gather together to launch Hum Loy into the sky - flying lanterns.

Only here, in the north of the capital, you can admire this ancient tradition in all its scope and take part in it. The custom came from Burma, which has adjacent borders with the northern provinces of Thailand. For some reason, flying lanterns have not become widespread in the south of the kingdom and in its central part, but in the northern part they are sold everywhere.

By evening, people stream to the riverbank and before the sky lanterns take off, dreamers of all ages make wishes with excitement. Even the most skeptical participants in the depths of their souls hope that their plans will come true.

It happens that the flashlight is not able to take off, or even burns out completely, entangled in the branches of a tree. In such situations, the Chinese are not embarrassed or upset, but laughingly say that so many wishes were made that they could not rise above the ground.

Flying lanterns: the secrets of creation and flight

In China sky lanterns are called Hum Loy or Hum Fei. Thousands of years ago, they were made from generously oiled rice paper, which was stretched over a lightweight bamboo frame. The Chinese used paper impregnated with wax as a burner. Nowadays, Chinese lanterns are made of the thinnest heat-resistant paper, which is in no way inferior to its ancient predecessor.

Flying lanterns can have a wide variety of shapes: from strict and concise geometric shapes to silhouettes of outlandish animals, jewelry or household items.

The principle by which sky lanterns work can be illustrated by the example of an empty plastic bottle immersed in water. In order for it not to emerge to the surface, you will need to make some efforts and keep the container under water. On the contrary: if the bottle is full, it will settle at the bottom.

This phenomenon is based on the law of Archimedes, according to which a denser substance will certainly push out a less dense substance. Flying lanterns are arranged according to the same principle. The flame that ignites inside the dome heats the air to about 100~120°C. As a result of heating, the density of air, as well as its weight, becomes less.

What does this tell us? The fact that the air that is inside the flashlight has become warmer and lighter than the air that is outside. Just as an empty container floats in water, Chinese lanterns rush up in the air. Such a simple explanation from the point of view of physics can be given to the wonderful magic, which in a matter of minutes captures the spirit of all, without exception, the spectators of the silent flight of fireballs.

Through the millennia to the present

Today, in almost every city you can buy flying Chinese lanterns. The popularity that they have is quite understandable: a romantic and memorable spectacle, which can be organized for a very reasonable fee, will envelop any holiday with the magic of magic.

Wish Balls awaken hidden hopes and dreams in us. It would seem that just a second ago, the flashlight was resting in the hands, and now, after just a moment, it is already gradually gaining altitude and lining up in a constellation along with other lights. Looking at the flying lanterns slowly rising into the sky, you sincerely believe that together with a bright light rushing up, all insults and annoyances will fly away, and your plan will certainly come true.

Wishing balls can rise to a height of up to 1000 meters, and if weather conditions and fuel allow, then much higher. On average, the enchanting performance lasts about 20 minutes. And delightful memories are stored in the soul for a long time.

Chinese lanterns are a universal, and at the same time very original and sincere gift that can be made for the New Year, Birthday, wedding, graduation party or even in honor of the victory of your favorite football team. A variety of shapes and sizes will allow you to choose wish balls that will resonate both in the soul of the giver and in the heart of the recipient of the gift.

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Sky lanterns: device

Traditionally, a flying flashlight consists of a light frame, often bamboo, and fire-resistant paper. A dry fuel burner is attached to the lower part of the frame, the flame of which heats the air in the dome and creates lift. The burner is made, most often, from cotton fabric impregnated with a flammable liquid or wax (as an option - stearin). In industrial production, burners are often made from combustible polymers. The dome is made of rice paper (with the addition of mulberry wood) impregnated with an anti-combustible compound. The shape of the dome can be different - a cylinder, a ball, a cone, a heart, figures of animals or household items.

Sky lanterns: characteristics

Weighs (on average) a standard size flying flashlight about 100-150 grams. The light weight and the flame of the burner allow it to rise to a height of about 500 meters while the burner is burning (15-20 minutes).

Launching a Sky Lantern: Precautions

Launching flying lanterns is associated with some dangers due to the use of open flames. It should also be noted that sky lanterns can pose a danger to aircraft (when launched near airports). And another possible nuisance is that an accidental fall in the city or near suburban buildings (for example, in windy weather), which can cause a fire.

Please be careful, take care of your health and property!

Sky lanterns are very beautiful and very romantic. Watch videos and photos:

(Festival in Taiwan, Pingxi)

(another video about Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival)

(British video with photos of sky lanterns)