Causes and nature of pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy. Pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy, reasons for what to do Can the lower abdomen hurt if pregnant

  • 27.01.2022

Abdominal pain during pregnancy can be caused by physiological and pathological causes. It is important to understand what causes discomfort in order to take action in time, as sometimes this can indicate pathologies such as uterine hypertonicity and the threat of spontaneous miscarriage.

But we must remember that in addition to the uterus, there are many other organs in the abdominal cavity that can also cause discomfort. That is, abdominal pain during pregnancy does not always mean obstetric problems. To avoid unnecessary fears, you need to know why unpleasant sensations arise and what needs to be done.

If the stomach hurts during pregnancy, many women regard this as a potential threat to the unborn child. But not in all cases, this is a symptom of a threatened miscarriage. Feelings are different, and it is important to learn to identify what they may be associated with.

Causes of abdominal pain during pregnancy:

  • physiological changes in the body;
  • Crick;
  • displacement of the abdominal organs against the background of an increase in the uterus;
  • nutritional errors;
  • overstrain of the abdominal muscles;
  • fetal movements, which also sometimes cause abdominal pain during pregnancy.

But in some cases, the stomach hurts during pregnancy not for harmless reasons.

Medical intervention may be required if:

  • abdominal pain in early pregnancy signals a threatened miscarriage;
  • placental abruption has occurred;
  • has appendicitis.
  • cystitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • food poisoning.

Regardless of the cause that caused abdominal pain during pregnancy, it is better to learn about its origin from a doctor.

If there are alarming symptoms with concomitant pathology (the appearance of bloody discharge from the genital tract, etc.), you should consult a specialist immediately.

Physiological causes of abdominal pain in pregnant women

Drawing pains indicate the growth of the uterus with concomitant sprains and muscles: with a sharp movement, sneezing, this discomfort is felt quite clearly, but there is nothing wrong with it.

In the second half of pregnancy, abdominal pain can be caused by intense movements of the fetus and accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, and lack of appetite.

Digestive problems

How can the stomach hurt during pregnancy? In a healthy future mother, the stomach often hurts during pregnancy due to digestive problems. Diet errors can cause spasms of the digestive tract, which provoke aching pains in the lower abdomen.

The growing uterus during pregnancy can put increased pressure on the organs of the digestive tract, which are located near it. In addition, against the background of hormonal changes, the taste preferences of many expectant mothers change dramatically.

This can cause metabolic disorders, increased gas formation, bloating, dysbacteriosis. All this causes discomfort in the stomach. As an aid, the doctor may prescribe special drugs that improve intestinal motility and reduce the formation of gases, as well as give recommendations on a healthy diet and normalization of the diet.

Ectopic pregnancy

Pain can also be the cause of an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the fertilized egg is implanted not in the uterus, but, for example, in the fallopian tube. An ectopic pregnancy is diagnosed on the basis of alarming symptoms in a woman (pain, dizziness, bleeding) and with the help of ultrasound. The growing embryo stretches and destroys the fallopian tube, causing severe abdominal pain and internal bleeding. This usually happens at 6-8 weeks of gestation. Only an operation can save a woman.

Risk of miscarriage

The abdomen during pregnancy can also hurt because of. In this case, the pain is characterized as aching and prolonged, with a return to the lower back. Often she is accompanied by bloody discharge from the genital tract. A woman needs medical care aimed at diagnosing the condition of the fetus and maintaining pregnancy. Treatment is usually carried out in a hospital setting.

Placental abruption

Discomfort, pain, spasms and a feeling of heaviness do not always indicate pathology during pregnancy. Not intense pain in the abdomen of a pulling and short-term nature is not dangerous for the expectant mother and her child. With the birth of a baby, they will surely be forgotten in the light of new joyful worries and the happiness of motherhood.

Useful video about abdominal pain during pregnancy

When a woman expects a baby, then she naturally has new sensations, and the abdominal area in this case is no exception. But sometimes well-being can be overshadowed by unpleasant sensations with frightening symptoms. How can a pregnant woman be able to distinguish between normal and disturbing sensations, in which it is necessary to see a doctor? What first aid should be given to her if there are any deviations from the norm?

Abdominal pain: influence of pregnancy or pathology?

Pain quite often appears in the abdomen in everyday life, and during pregnancy they are also not uncommon. If our actions are predictable under normal conditions, and we know what to do, then during pregnancy these frequently used activities can become dangerous.

But how to recognize what causes pain in the abdomen, is it dangerous for a child?

  • The causes of pain are varied, so the doctor studies signs of these pains how they arise - suddenly or gradually, they are sharp, dull or aching, how long they last, is there any relief; pain is paroxysmal or constant.
  • The location of the pain is identified: upper or lower abdomen, or its entire area.

In addition to complications in the appendages and the pregnant uterus, when carrying a fetus, there may be difficulties associated with the digestive organs, diseases of the lungs, heart, genitourinary system - this can also cause pain in the abdomen.

Signs of threatened pregnancy with abdominal pain

The resulting pain in the lower abdomen of a pregnant woman can be an indicator of serious diseases, including surgical ones, they should only be treated by doctors. Such pains are also considered signs of a threatened abortion.

At the initial stage of spontaneous miscarriage, in the abdomen, in its lower part, pain occurs, as during menstruation - they can be pulling or pressing. Such pains usually occur for a period of 10-12 weeks.

The most dangerous pains are in the location of the pubis, in the small pelvis, with pressure on the sacrum, if bloody discharge occurs from the genital tract, and urination becomes frequent.

Such signs may appear after stressful situations, after heavy physical exertion - but if the woman is rested and calmed down, they can go away on their own.

If preventive measures were not taken at the initial stage, then the pregnancy may end in spontaneous abortion. The nature of the pains can change, they can turn into cramping, which are repeated with due regularity.

From the middle of pregnancy pain can be combined with uterine tone: the stomach turns to stone, it is easier to say - it becomes hard. Against this background, there are also uterine bleeding.

When such symptoms appear, you should urgently see a gynecologist in order to get qualified help!

To diagnose such a condition, ultrasound is used - it detects uterine tone (if it is elevated), placental abruption, or abnormalities in fetal development. At the ultrasound session, the state of development of the baby is determined in order to determine the necessary treatment tactics.

In late gestation, cardiotocography, or CTG, is used to diagnose to determine the condition of the fetus, to identify cramping uterine contractions in time, if any.

Features of abdominal pain in a pregnant woman with various pathologies

During pregnancy, conditions develop that contribute to the formation of certain pathologies and diseases, which are signaled by emerging pains.

In the female body, due to hormonal changes, intestinal motility decreases, the contents in the biliary tract stagnate, there is no proper and active outflow from the pancreas, so pathogenic bacteria can actively multiply.

In addition, the immune defense of the body in pregnant women is reduced, and blood supply is disturbed in the small vessels of the internal organs. Therefore, the digestive organs can suffer from inflammation.

With these diseases in pregnant women, characteristic features are revealed. As the uterus grows, the anterior wall of the abdomen and its muscles relax, and the internal organs are displaced - localization of pain can be observed in other places when compared with the usual signs of this disease.

Since the internal organs are displaced, the large fat pad, which in the peritoneal cavity limits the inflammation process, has poor contact with the organs, because the uterus pushes it away. Therefore, inflammation quickly spreads to the peritoneum, which is located nearby - peritonitis develops, which creates big problems in the last three months of pregnancy.

That is why it is necessary to turn to doctors for help in time.

Acute appendicitis during pregnancy, as the most common cause of pain in the lower abdomen

Acute appendicitis is a common pathology of pregnant women requiring urgent surgery.

This disease occurs more often from the fourth to the sixth month of pregnancy. When inflammation begins, a sharp pain pierces the abdomen, which later has a constant aching character, shifting to the location of the appendix.

In its normal state, it is located in the lower abdomen, closer to the right side. But, when the gestational age increases, it moves up.

The pain of appendicitis can cause nausea, vomiting, with a frequent rise in body temperature.

When a woman lies on the right side of the body, the pregnant uterus can press on the inflamed area - so the pain intensifies.

When peritonitis develops, the general condition may worsen, heart palpitations, signs of bloating, shortness of breath, and fever appear.

Pain with cholecystitis during pregnancy

An inflamed gallbladder often provokes cholecystitis in pregnant women. Pathology can be placed on the second line, among the noted pathologies of pregnant women in surgical practice.

Manifestations of cholecystitis are usually accompanied by a feeling of heaviness, with the appearance of pain on the right in the hypochondrium. Chronic cholecystitis is characterized by the appearance of dull, aching pains, and in the acute nature of cholecystitis, the pain is sharp, cramping. They can be supplemented by bitterness in the mouth, bouts of nausea, vomiting, heartburn, signs of bloating.

The attack usually manifests itself due to nutritional errors, if fatty, fried foods are consumed - or when shaking during a trip, due to the filling of the lumen of the bile ducts or the bladder cavity with stones.

During gestation, the pain intensifies when the fetus begins to move.

Features of pain in pancreatitis in pregnant women

The development of pancreatitis is characterized by congestive and acute inflammatory processes of the pancreas.

They develop when:

  • The outflow of bile is disturbed.
  • The diet is not followed.
  • A lot of fatty foods from meat are consumed.
  • Alcohol is consumed.
  • There is a tendency to hereditary diseases.
  • There are stressful situations.

In acute pancreatitis in the upper abdomen, in the so-called epigastric zone, in the hypochondrium, on the right or left, there are acute pains, more often they have a surrounding character. This may be accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure, bouts of vomiting, loose stools.

To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor examines the patient, sends an ultrasound of the gland itself and adjacent organs, writes out a referral for tests to examine blood and urine. If necessary, an additional examination is carried out due to abnormal symptoms of the disease.

If this acute form of gestational appendicitis and cholecystitis, then they are treated using an operative method. You can operate at different stages of pregnancy. Laparoscopic surgery can be used, this is a gentle technique in which instruments are inserted into the internal cavity of the abdomen through small punctures to carry out the necessary manipulations.

If the gallbladder contains stones, and a process of chronic inflammation occurs in it, then the operation is done after childbirth. During pregnancy, chronic inflammation of the abdominal organs is usually treated in a hospital with conservative methods.

In addition to treatment, the doctor selects the necessary diet for the woman, taking into account her disease.

Signs of food poisoning in pregnant women and the nature of abdominal pain

Due to food intoxication, abdominal pain often appears - this condition is usually popularly called "poisoning".

Microorganisms that enter the digestive system through water, food, through unwashed hands, become sources of an emerging disease, which has its own characteristic signs. The pains are localized in the abdomen, in the region of the navel, they are cramping in nature - or there are pulling. They may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, frequent and loose stools, fever.

The disease is diagnosed by studying the data of a medical examination, the results of ultrasound. If necessary, vomit and feces are additionally examined to determine the cause of the disease.

When the condition of the expectant mother is satisfactory, there are no signs of dehydration, which are usually manifested by pallor, weakness, the appearance of cold sweat, rapid pulse, lowering blood pressure - then you can treat toxic infection outside the hospital.

In treatment, the main activities are:

  • Diet.
  • Drinking plenty of fluids to normalize its volume in the body.
  • Removal of toxins from the digestive organs.

While at home, the expectant mother needs to drink more. You can drink ordinary water, as well as mineral (strictly without gas!), Strongly brewed tea; doctors may also recommend a herbal tea with an astringent effect.

To remove toxic substances, 5-6 tablets of activated charcoal should be used 2-3 times a day. The doctor can still prescribe sorbent preparations in age doses.

For the period of the most acute manifestations of poisoning during gestation, a sparing diet is prescribed, which includes boiled, pureed food that will not irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive organs.

Forbidden fatty, fried foods, smoked meats, salinity, bran, dark bread, fruits and vegetables in various forms that are rich in fiber (baked vegetables and fruits, as well as boiled ones, are allowed when the symptoms disappear).

Recommended Diet should consist of cereals, well-boiled, slimy rice or millet soups, oatmeal, well-boiled pasta. Dried bread made from wheat flour, sour-milk products, finely chopped boiled meat, lean fish are added to them. When the condition improves, then the diet becomes less strict.

Pain in the lower abdomen with cystitis during pregnancy

A pregnant woman is often plagued by pain that appears in the lower abdomen. They can form due to cystitis - inflammation of the bladder.

Acute and chronic cystitis manifested by pulling pain, the appearance of heaviness in the abdomen - it intensifies when the bladder is full, and is most intense when urination ends.

Cystitis is manifested by frequent urination; light urine is excreted in a small amount, and when the process ends, blood may appear. All this is accompanied by severe cutting pain.

The disease is diagnosed by studying the complaints of a pregnant woman, after a medical examination, analyzing the test results.

The cause of pain in the lower abdomen can be various surgical pathologies or gestational problems. Therefore, if any alarming symptoms appear, you should consult your doctor. Only he can analyze the symptoms that have appeared and correctly diagnose.

The state of a woman during pregnancy changes in an unpredictable way. Girls in position can experience a lot of unusual sensations, and quite often the lower abdomen hurts in pregnant women. Do not be afraid and panic, this will only aggravate the condition of the expectant mother and baby.

It is worth remembering that in most cases this condition is physiological in nature and does not pose a danger. But sometimes such pain can warn of the development of pathologies during pregnancy, so a young mother should know all the subtleties of this unpleasant sensation. And it is very important not to hide this condition from the specialist who leads the pregnancy, since it can indicate very serious violations and even indicate the possibility of losing a child.

Firstly, there are different types of pain, and secondly, the week of pregnancy in which the girl encountered this sensation is important. This is what the doctor evaluates during consultation in cases of such complaints.

When pain in the lower abdomen is a safe symptom

Since from the very beginning of the conception of a baby in the body of a woman there are many changes that are imperceptible at first glance, pain can be observed, which should not be considered a pathology at all.

Thus, the body simply signals an unusual state.

Harmless causes of pain may include:

  1. In the early stages, this sensation may be a sign that a fertilized egg is being introduced into the tissues of the uterus. This process is called implantation of the fetal egg, and after a few days the pain disappears.
  2. Unstable functioning of the digestive system that occurs due to pregnancy. In this case, the girl often experiences a feeling of bloating in the abdomen and difficulty defecation (constipation). The consistency and color of the stool also change. These symptoms also go away without treatment after the body gets used to the presence of the embryo.
  3. At the end of the first trimester, the uterus becomes larger and changes its position. This is what causes pain. Stretching of the muscle tissue can cause this condition.
  4. Increased production of the hormone progesterone, which helps form the birth canal during pregnancy, can also cause abdominal pain because it makes the ligaments and joints more elastic. The action of the hormone extends to the uterus, which causes characteristic pain.
  5. At a later stage of pregnancy, somewhere in the third trimester, the cause of this phenomenon may be the impact of the baby's legs or arms. When the baby has grown up, his movements can cause pain if he sharply pressed on any internal organ. This happens especially often when the mother's bladder is full.

Only a specialist after examination and examinations can affirmatively say that the cause is harmless. A woman should not wait and hope that everything will pass by itself. If you remain silent at the first sign of violations, you can provoke a lot of complications that are unsafe for the health of the mother and child. Therefore, it is better to immediately tell the doctor about the discomfort than to ignore the problems and bring the situation to a critical one.

Abdominal pain during pregnancy as a signal for the development of pathologies

Carrying a baby is a rather long and difficult process for the body of any woman. And, unfortunately, not everyone goes through it without pain and various deviations. If a pregnant woman has a pain in the lower abdomen, then you should immediately assess the possibility of the presence of such disorders as:

  1. Uterine hypertonicity is the most common cause. This condition is quite dangerous, it requires monitoring by doctors and treatment. The uterus becomes inelastic, which makes it difficult for the baby to fit properly in the womb and can lead to miscarriage. Pain in the abdomen in this case is also accompanied by a pulling pain in the lumbar region.
  2. Frozen pregnancy, when the baby loses viability in the womb. Often in this case, there is an increase in body temperature, nausea and vomiting, and the symptoms that accompany pregnancy disappear.
  3. An ectopic pregnancy is also accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. This means that the embryo does not develop within the uterus and in the tubes. If you do not see a doctor in a timely manner, this can lead to rupture of the tubes, which has quite serious consequences for the woman's body and can greatly complicate further attempts to become pregnant.

Such conditions are often accompanied by smearing discharge of various colors and consistency, this is a sure sign that you need to immediately contact a specialist. Such conditions can lead to irreversible consequences, so you can not hesitate, you must immediately fix the problem under the strict supervision of doctors.

Exacerbation of chronic diseases

In the first stages of pregnancy, a woman's immunity decreases so that the body does not reject the embryo. This can lead to an exacerbation of chronic diseases. Also, this phenomenon may occur as a result of an increased load on all organs and systems, since during this period a woman needs to cope with ensuring the vital activity of two organisms.

In this case, the intensity and type of pain can be very diverse. Despite the fact that these conditions do not directly affect the girl’s ability to bear a child, they can indirectly cause a violation of the development of the baby or a sharp deterioration in the mother’s condition and her inability to fully spend the period of pregnancy and childbirth.

Conditions that can cause abdominal pain during pregnancy include:

  1. Cholecystitis is a disease of the gallbladder, which is accompanied by sharp pains in the right side of the abdomen. Also, the girl's body temperature rises sharply and vomiting appears. In addition, bitterness in the mouth may occur.
  2. Gastritis can also worsen during pregnancy, since squeezing the stomach during the birth of a new life in the uterus can make it difficult to remove gastric juice, which provokes a relapse of the disease. In this case, in most situations, the pain spreads to the upper abdomen, and only sometimes it is transferred to its lower part.
  3. Pyelonephritis, inflammation in the kidneys, often occurs due to the fact that the excretion of metabolic products from the organs is difficult. The condition is characterized by aching pains, as during menstruation, which are given to the lower back. Inflammation can pass without an increase in temperature, but simple tests will immediately show the presence of this pathology.
  4. Cystitis is a disease of the bladder, dangerous for the spread of infection through the reproductive tract, which can lead harmful microorganisms directly to the child. This disease is accompanied by painful and frequent urination. Blood impurities in the urine may also be observed.
  5. Acute appendicitis. The situation occurs when the organ is inflamed, and this requires emergency medical attention, often surgery. In a woman, such an ailment is accompanied by a prolonged attack of pain, which changes intensity, while the temperature rises and vomiting begins.

All these diseases are considered severe and dangerous for both the mother and the baby. They need serious attentive therapy, which is mainly carried out in a hospital. Often doctors have to use drugs that are strong enough to keep a woman's ability to bear a baby. But it is not worth hoping that it will be possible to recover from these diseases on your own.

Without the attention of a doctor, ailments will develop and provoke new deviations.

At the time of bearing a baby, the proper functioning of each organ is important, so it is necessary to monitor the general state of health. In preparation for pregnancy, a woman needs to be examined qualitatively and, if possible, solve health problems.

These tips can only be used after consultation with a doctor and a clear understanding that there are no pathologies and chronic diseases, since if there are any, the doctor prescribes a certain treatment and gives specific recommendations on nutrition and lifestyle. In some cases, for example, it is necessary to minimize movements throughout the pregnancy and follow a strict diet in order not to provoke an exacerbation of diseases.

But if abdominal pain appeared due to non-dangerous physiological causes, then several important recommendations should be remembered:

  1. You shouldn't overeat.
  2. You need to spend at least 4 hours a day outside.
  3. It is important not to forget about measured walking in the morning and evening.
  4. It is necessary to eat light foods that reduce the burden on the digestive organs, kidneys and liver.
  5. No need to take any drugs, even vitamin complexes, without a doctor's prescription.

All this will help strengthen the body and give it the resources to cope with such a difficult task as bearing a child. If there are no pathological factors at the heart of the pain, then it will pass within a few weeks.

After giving birth, a woman can completely forget about these unpleasant sensations. The main thing is to carefully monitor your health and changes in the body. It is worth listening to your body, and it will tell you what violations it has. Modern gynecology and obstetrics, in turn, have a large arsenal of tools to make pregnancy as comfortable and painless as possible.

If pain in lower abdomen during pregnancy- the reasons can be associated with natural changes in the body of the expectant mother, and with various diseases in which you should immediately contact the antenatal clinic.

Causes of pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

Basically, such pain is quite normal, and they vary depending on the timing of pregnancy.

Why does my stomach hurt in the first days of pregnancy?

A fertilized embryo enters the uterus after a few days and attaches to the mucous membrane. In this case, pulling pains may occur, which after a few days pass on their own. Occasionally, the pain may be accompanied by a small amount of spotting spotting lasting 1-2 days.

With an ectopic pregnancy (ovarian, tubal), pain also appears in the lower abdomen or in, at the site of attachment of a fertilized egg. But unlike the normal beginning of childbearing, the pain does not go away over time, but becomes stronger.

And if you do not go to the antenatal clinic in time and do not identify this pathology, in the future there will be a rupture of the fallopian tube. In this case, there is a sharp pain, the state of health quickly worsens, there is a threat to the life of the woman herself. Urgent surgical intervention is required.

Pain in the lower abdomen in the first trimester

With the onset of pregnancy in the body of a woman there is an increase in the level of hormones. Among them, progesterone can be noted, which slows down the rate of digestion of food. Due to this, the fetus receives a greater amount of various nutrients.

During this period, food preferences in pregnant women begin to change, appetite increases, and toxicosis occurs.

All of these factors are the cause of indigestion, which may cause bloating, constipation, and as a result, the appearance of pain in the lower and center of the abdomen.

Pain in the lower abdomen during the second trimester

The growing fetus and the growing uterus affects the nearby internal organs, shifting them in different directions, causing abdominal pain during pregnancy.

During this period, the main burden falls on the intestines, because. a growing uterus makes it difficult for food to pass due to compression of its departments.

There is a violation of digestion, there is constipation, bloating, leading to the appearance of various pain sensations.

In addition to these reasons, it pulls the lower abdomen during pregnancy and due to stretching of the muscles of the uterus and ligaments that hold it.

Pain in the lower abdomen, characteristic of the third trimester

Before childbirth, the uterus increases to its maximum values. The woman feels her heaviness, the moving fetus causes discomfort.

The uterus presses on the bladder, increasing the urge to urinate. If it is impossible to visit the toilet, there are stabbing and pulling pain sensations that spread to the perineum and disappear after urination.

In late pregnancy, for such symptoms, it is important not to miss the onset of childbirth, and when their clear periodicity becomes, immediately go to the maternity hospital.

Pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy caused by pathologies

They can occur in any period of pregnancy, both in connection with diseases of the internal organs, and for other reasons.

Uterine hypertonicity

It occurs due to contractions of the uterus, causing discomfort and discomfort, similar to pain before menstruation. When the uterus is in good shape, oxygen deficiency may occur, which is a threat to the fetus.

Causes of occurrence:

  • Various inflammations
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Abortion
  • uterine fibroids

The symptoms are:

  • Tense lower abdomen
  • Drawing pain radiating to the lower back


It occurs due to a decrease in the body's defenses, in which infection with a fungus can occur and an inflammatory process occurs.


  • Itching of the genitals
  • White curd-like discharge
  • Sour smell

cutting pain

As a rule, it occurs when digestion slows down or constipation occurs.

But during the bearing of a child, the risk of the appearance or exacerbation of such diseases of the digestive tract as:

  • Appendicitis
  • Dysbacteriosis
  • pancreatitis
  • Intestinal obstruction

These pathological conditions can lead to the appearance of acute, cutting or stabbing pain. It is almost impossible to get rid of them on your own, a visit to the attending physician is required.

Sharp pains in the abdomen during pregnancy can be a symptom of an inguinal hernia (tear or divergence of the abdominal muscles). In this condition, acute pain occurs, which is aggravated by the movement of the fetus or the tension of the abdominal muscles.

This condition is very dangerous, you need to seek qualified medical help.

It's a dull pain

Debilitating, aching pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy can be the result of a variety of pathologies, primarily exacerbated gynecological diseases of a chronic nature.

These include:

  • Salpingitis
  • Adnexitis (inflammation of the uterine appendages)
  • Salpingoophoritis

Similar pains can be caused by:

  • uterine fibroids
  • Growing cyst (cystoma) of the ovary,
  • Other pathologies of the reproductive organs

If the lower abdomen aches during pregnancy, the reasons may be:

  • Misplacement of the placenta
  • Started abortion
  • Premature placental abruption

These pathologies pose a threat to the life of the fetus itself, can adversely affect the health of a woman in position.

These symptoms should not be ignored!

Pain in the right side of the lower abdomen

Pain caused by problems with:

  • Digestion
  • Appendicitis
  • Right uterine appendages
  • Right ureter (quite rare)

Pain in the left side of the lower abdomen

May occur due to:

  • flatulence
  • constipation
  • Inflammation of the right uterine appendages.

The pain is nagging, unpleasant, and can be sharp.

Treatment of abdominal pain during pregnancy

The appearance of such pain should be a reason to visit a gynecologist. Self-treatment is unacceptable, because. can endanger the life of the unborn child, and there will be negative consequences for the woman herself! After all, only a doctor can assess the current condition of a pregnant woman, and according to the accompanying symptoms, with additional research, make the correct diagnosis.

Therefore, with the appearance of ailments, frightening symptoms, abdominal pain during pregnancy, it is imperative to visit the antenatal clinic.

Most women complain that they have pain in the lower abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy. This happens during normal childbearing, but sometimes it can serve as a signal of illness.

Pregnancy is not a disease, but it carries an increased emotional and physical burden on a woman's body.

Periods from 2 to 3, from 3 to 9, from 9 to 12 weeks of pregnancy are considered dangerous. It is necessary to be attentive to health, to observe changes, especially at these times.

You should not take independent steps, you need to contact the doctor.

Variety of reasons

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes great changes. There is a huge restructuring of all functions according to the needs of the fetus, which is why in some cases pain is felt.

The causes of pain in the early stages are divided into:

  • obstetric (they will be associated with pregnancy);
  • non-obstetric (associated with pathologies of organs that are not related to the reproductive system).

There are also so-called physiological pains that are observed at the very beginning of pregnancy. They do not cause discomfort, sometimes they are completely invisible.

The first painful sensations begin about a week after fertilization, when the fetal egg is introduced into the endometrium. It is possible that a few drops of blood will be released.

A woman may not pay attention to the pulling feeling from the lower abdomen, taking it for premenstrual syndrome.

The cause of pain in the early stages will be a change in the hormonal background, that is, an increase in progesterone in the blood. At this time, the ligaments will stretch, the center of gravity will change.

Physiological pains do not increase, they are localized in the lower abdomen, often radiate to the lower back. If a woman is worried about this, you can consult a gynecologist.

Reasons based on pregnancy

At the initial stages of gestation, the stomach hurts with the diagnosis of "ectopic pregnancy". This happens when a fertilized egg joins before reaching the uterus, on the ovaries or fallopian tubes.

The fetus is not capable of developing in such places, which is why the woman begins to feel pain in this place. When the fetal egg grows, does not fit in the place of attachment, it bursts at a short time of development.

This is accompanied by acute pain, severe bleeding, dizziness, fainting.

Doctors try at the initial stages to detect the incorrect attachment of the fetal egg and not lead to a rupture.

Then, with its small size, it is possible to remove it.

Another reason is the threat of miscarriage. At the beginning of gestation, for some reason, detachment of the fetal egg may occur. Signs will be pain in the lower abdomen, uterine bleeding.

When these symptoms appear, you need to call an ambulance.

You can not take independent measures, it is categorically not recommended to apply cold or a heating pad to the stomach when it hurts. Timely treatment will give a positive result.

A corpus luteum cyst is the next possible cause of abdominal pain in a pregnant woman in the early stages. The corpus luteum is a temporary formation that is formed to produce the hormone progesterone in the first months of pregnancy.

Sometimes the corpus luteum accumulates a lot of fluid, becomes larger in size, then a diagnosis is made - a cyst. For a pregnant woman and fetus, this does not pose a threat.

In women with this disease, the stomach hurts in one specific place, but not much, without fever and additional symptoms. For such patients there are special recommendations.

When a corpus luteum cyst ruptures, internal bleeding can open, which is why such a rupture should not be provoked.

Women with a corpus luteum cyst should avoid:

  • long walks;
  • lifting weights at all times;
  • sports activities.

In the early stages of gestation, the development of the fetus may stop, a missed pregnancy may occur. The female body rejects the dead fetus, uterine contraction begins, which is why pain occurs.

It will be acute with increased blood flow. During the examination, the doctor makes sure that there are no parts of the fetus left, examines the condition of the uterine mucosa. With the help of medicines, restores the health of a woman.

Diseases of the internal organs

During the period of bearing a child, chronic diseases begin to worsen, new inflammatory processes appear. With a weak immune system, infection can occur.

So the lower abdomen can hurt from cystitis - inflammation of the bladder. If the disease was in a chronic form, then it can worsen in the early stages of gestation.

The growing uterus, which puts pressure on the bladder, provokes a decrease in immunity.

During cystitis at all times there is frequent urination with a small amount of cloudy urine, acute pain in the lower abdomen. Treatment is prescribed by a urologist.

In addition to drug therapy, baths with medicinal herbs are used in the early stages. You need to dress according to the season to prevent hypothermia during pregnancy.

Pyelonephritis can give pain in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar spine. This inflammatory kidney disease is often accompanied by infection, which is undesirable during pregnancy.

The woman may need hospitalization, possibly antibiotics. It is important to quickly identify the onset of the disease in the early stages, so that the treatment is easier.

Another cause of pain in the initial stages is inflammation of the gallbladder, that is, cholecystitis. It is often accompanied by bouts of nausea, even vomiting.

Abdominal pain may increase with a change in body position. It may be whining. With such symptoms, a woman is hospitalized in a hospital.

During pregnancy, the appendix can become inflamed, which will also cause abdominal pain. Soreness begins on the right side, gradually moving down.

Nausea, vomiting, fever join. A characteristic sign of appendicitis is increasing pain in the lower abdomen when walking.

Other reasons

During pregnancy, pain in the abdomen may occur for other reasons that are not related to gynecology. A woman before pregnancy could have pathologies that are manifested by cramps in the lower abdomen.

With these diseases, fever, vomiting, and a general deterioration in well-being are possible, which is undesirable in the early stages of gestation.

At any time, soreness will be felt from the accumulation of intestinal gases. When eating certain foods that increase gas formation, the intestines swell.

At the beginning of bearing a child, the uterus will also join this process, which gradually increases in size.

It is necessary to reduce the consumption of a large number of sour, salty and spicy foods. Bloating is given by incompatible foods that pregnant women love so much.

Carbonated drinks, mushrooms in any form, canned products, products with vinegar are best excluded throughout the entire period of bearing a child.

You need to be careful about bowel movements. Cases of constipation or diarrhea should be isolated. With prolonged indigestion of food, you should consult a doctor to solve the problem.

At the very beginning of bearing a child and a little later, stagnant feces will poison the body, which will adversely affect health.

We must remember that the baby grows in the uterus. The uterus increases in size, presses on neighboring internal organs, this causes a stomach ache. The ligaments that support the uterus are stretched.

At the very beginning of gestation, it is still difficult for them to stretch, this causes pain. It decreases if you change the position of the body.

If earlier a woman had operations on the pelvic organs with the appearance of adhesions, then they can interfere with the growing uterus.

In the early stages, this will be imperceptible, but then the adhesions will tear, painfully stretch under the pressure of the uterus in the later stages.

When to See a Doctor Urgently

There are situations when a pregnant woman is obliged to consult a doctor at any stage of pregnancy.

Pain, other symptoms signal pathological processes in the body that require immediate medical intervention.

You need to see a doctor at any time if:

  • the pain intensifies, has the character of contractions;
  • the temperature rises;
  • there are discharges;
  • stomach hurts for more than 2 days;
  • pain increases when walking;
  • nausea, vomiting join;
  • pain in the lower abdomen is sharp, cutting, aggravated by urination.

Self-medication is unacceptable. It can harm the child, you should immediately contact an ambulance. This is especially important in the early stages of gestation, when a woman may not be aware of an existing pregnancy.

Carrying out diagnostics

When it hurts in the lower abdomen, you need to see a doctor, even if the woman does not suspect pregnancy.

Many important internal organs are located in this part of the body, and it is sometimes very dangerous to miss their inflammation.

At the beginning of the first trimester, the gynecologist will send the pregnant woman with complaints to the examination.

An ultrasound examination of the abdomen is mandatory.

It reveals pathological disorders in the structure of the reproductive organons, the formation of a neoplasm of a malignant or benign nature, the presence of an ectopic pregnancy.

A more accurate research method is tomography (MRI or CT). In the early stages of gestation, changes in the internal organs of the mother's body can be determined.

If a neoplasm is detected, identify the malignant or benign nature of the tumor.

Laboratory tests of urine and blood are required. They are often handed over, for the timely detection of inflammation in the reproductive system, the mother's body.

Medical assistance

All medicines are prescribed by a doctor. He determines the dosage, regimen of taking drugs, the duration of the course.

Only a specialist can take into account chronic diseases, the condition of a pregnant woman and a child in the early stages of development.

A woman at home is able to adjust her lifestyle in order to reduce pain.

It is useful to actively move, it does not allow bile to stagnate, it helps blood to move from the lower extremities, it is a good prevention of swelling of the legs.

For the work of the intestines throughout pregnancy, you need to eat right. Exclude spices, sauces, spicy seasonings from the diet. Meals should be regular, it is good for bowel function.

The organs of the digestive system are used to producing enzymes at a certain time. Snacking should be avoided, because they affect pregnancy weight, have a bad effect on digestion.

In the last stages, women suffer from constipation, you need to prepare the intestines in advance for this unpleasant situation.

Even at the beginning of gestation, eat more dried apricots, prunes, drink sour-milk drinks for dinner, for example, kefir, fermented baked milk. Such products will help get rid of constipation during pregnancy.

A full bladder should not be tolerated. Its emptying should take place without delay. Soreness in the lower part of the abdominal cavity can cause precisely the pressure of a full bladder on the uterus.

With prolonged sitting, it is useful to change your position more often, this will also help relieve stress and discomfort during pregnancy.


When the stomach hurts, pregnant women often worry. According to them, the child is not well at this time. This is not so, the baby does not feel discomfort.

Often, the lower abdomen contracts a spasm due to the emotional experiences of the expectant mother.

In the early stages of bearing a child, abdominal pain is not dangerous if it is not severe. Women need to calm down, listen to pleasant music, do what they love.

At any time, one must be able to balance one's mental state, although this is not easy, especially when expecting the first child.

You need to consult a doctor, perhaps he will prescribe medicinal sedatives. It's better than experiencing stomach cramps from unbalanced emotions.

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