How does the Internet affect a person. The World Wide Web in the lives of our children Access to information

  • 21.02.2022

The World Wide Web has long been an integral part of our lives. On the Internet, we work, communicate, shop and even relax. Surely, many of you have repeatedly caught yourself thinking that life would be impossible without the Internet. However, a few decades ago we did just fine without it.

All the necessary information was obtained from books or magazines, films were watched on TV, played on consoles, and purchases were made on store shelves. With the advent of the Internet, life has become much easier. Now we don't need to go to the post office to pay utility bills, it's enough to click the mouse, we pay the bills of mobile operators, order groceries at home, air tickets and much more. We are accustomed to comfort and completely forgot that the World Wide Web has completely swallowed us and our precious time.

Everything would be fine, but the Internet space invades the lives of our children, sometimes at a very early age. Our kids walk less often, communicate less with their peers, prefer virtual friends. It is not uncommon for children to be sucked in by games so much that they cannot imagine another life. They do not eat without leaving the keyboard, they sleep little, their eyes are red from the daily stress. The picture is more than sad. To prevent such a situation from happening to your child, you should follow some simple rules.

Parents should understand that the Internet is for the most part not suitable for use by young users, and in addition to educational and gaming resources, children can literally find foul language, cruelty and promiscuity here in just two clicks. How can you protect your child from the harmful effects of the Internet?

If the child has expressed a desire to spend a period of time on the Internet, familiarize him with the basic rules for using it. First, explain to your child that in no case should you respond to instant messages from strangers, share confidential information, tell about online scams - lotteries, sweepstakes. Share information about prohibited adult sites. Prohibit making online purchases without your knowledge.

Show sites with educational games, colorful cartoons, educational information. Explain to your child that the Internet is intended, for example, not only for entertainment. In Internet portals, you can study, read useful information, and prepare for lessons. Also, games can be found not only entertaining, but also useful. For example, has a lot of games for PlayStation.

Set the child a certain time within which he can be on the Internet. It's better if you don't leave him alone with an unprotected computer.

It will not be possible to completely restrict a child's access to Internet portals, but it is possible to limit at least the subject and range of sites that are visited. There are special programs that will help parents protect their children from the Internet.

The first thing to consider is the impact of the Internet on human health.

The Internet is human health.

Internet and vision.

In fact, it is not the Internet that badly affects vision, but the computer, but the Internet is definitely to blame for this. Let's look at the statistics of those whose vision deteriorates more.

This means that those users who communicate on the computer are more likely to worsen their vision. Such users communicate using the Internet, which means that the Internet negatively affects our vision. Vision deteriorates due to greater fatigue, when a person sits at a computer for a very long time and continuously, vision weakens. Also, vision deteriorates when reading from the monitor screen.

Computer and bad health.

· A person working at a computer for a long time must maintain a relatively immobile position, which negatively affects the spine and blood circulation throughout the body (blood stasis). Blood stasis is especially pronounced at the level of the pelvic organs and limbs. With prolonged disturbances of blood circulation, the nutrition of tissues is disturbed and the walls of blood vessels are damaged, which in turn leads to their irreversible expansion. Such vasodilation is observed, for example, with hemorrhoids.

Long work on the keyboard leads to overstrain of the joints of the hand and muscles of the forearm.

· Working at a computer involves the processing of a large amount of information and constant concentration of attention, therefore, with prolonged work at a computer, mental fatigue and impaired attention often develop.

A person working at a computer is forced to make decisions all the time, on which the efficiency of his work depends. Sometimes it is quite difficult to predict the consequences of a particular step (especially against the background of chronic fatigue). Therefore, prolonged work at the computer is often the cause of chronic stress. Note that the need to process a large amount of heterogeneous (and mostly unnecessary information) also leads to the development of stress.

· Increasingly, there are reports of computer addiction. Indeed, long-term work at the computer, surfing the Internet and playing computer games can cause such mental disorders.

· Working at a computer often absorbs all the attention of a working person, and therefore, such people often neglect normal nutrition and work from hand to mouth all day. Improper nutrition leads not only to disruption of the digestive tract, but also to the occurrence of mineral and vitamin deficiencies. It is known that not a lack of vitamins and minerals negatively affects the process of metabolism in the body, which leads to a decrease in the intellectual abilities of a person. Reduced work efficiency, which in turn causes the need to spend even more time at the computer. Thus, a kind of "vicious circle" is formed, in which prolonged work at the computer is the starting point that determines all subsequent violations.

This is directly related to the Internet, because a person will spend more time at a computer only when he is on the Internet, a person will absorb a large amount of information, communication, and he will lose track of time, and health will deteriorate every minute.

The Internet is an addiction.

Computer addiction is no less dangerous than drug addiction, as it leads to a significant violation of adaptation in society (inability to work, inability to start a family or simply serve oneself).

Internet addiction is a mental disorder, an obsessive desire to connect to the Internet and a painful inability to disconnect from the Internet in time. Internet addiction is a widely discussed issue, but its status is still at an unofficial level: the disorder is not included in the official DSM-IV classification of diseases.

Researchers cite various criteria by which you can judge Internet addiction. So, Kimberly Young gives four signs:

· Obsessive desire to check e-mail.

· Constant desire for the next access to the Internet.

Complaints from others that a person spends too much time on the Internet.

Complaints from others that a person spends too much money on the Internet.

A more detailed system of criteria is given by Ivan Goldberg. In his opinion, Internet addiction can be stated if there are 3 of the following points:

· The amount of time that you need to spend on the Internet in order to achieve satisfaction (sometimes the feeling of pleasure from communication in the network borders on euphoria) increases markedly.

· If a person does not increase the amount of time he spends on the Internet, the effect is markedly reduced.

· The user makes attempts to abandon the Internet, or at least spend less time on it.

The termination or reduction of time spent on the Internet leads the user to poor health, which develops over a period of several days to a month and is expressed by two or more factors:

1. Emotional and motor excitement

2. Alarm

3. Obsessive thoughts about what is happening on the Internet right now

4. Fantasies and dreams about the Internet

5. Arbitrary or involuntary movements of the fingers, reminiscent of typing on a keyboard.

Municipal general education institution

"Secondary school No. 6"

about. Murom, Vladimir Region

Intermediate certification
2010 – 2011 academic year year

Abstract on the topic:

"The influence of the Internet on the life of a modern person."


student 8 "G" Klimova Julia



Korchagina Elena Nikolaevna



Every person has a computer at home, every second person has a computer connected to the Internet. Nowadays, we cannot do without a computer. Its influence adversely affects us, starting with the simplest games, ending with electromagnetic radiation.

Today, the computer is an integral part of everyday life. People spend most of their time at the computer (including their free time), and there is no hiding from it. Computers surround us everywhere: at home, in shops, in offices. Without a computer, it will be extremely difficult for a person.

Usually it all starts with a simple one: a person has entered the Internet for the first time, he wants to know what can be found there, what it is all about. There is an interest in everything that happens there - the thirst for information prompts more and more new sites, chats, etc. Further, a person learns that the Internet is not only a “picture book”. At any time, there are millions of people in it, and the Internet is, as it were, a subworld - an alternative. You can participate in it and influence it. Thus, in about a quarter, addiction appeared after six months of communication with a computer, in half after a year. Everyone "sits down" on his own. Many "hang out" in chats and chat for hours about nothing with virtual interlocutors.

It is especially easy for teenagers to get hooked on the Internet (according to their own communication experience, the majority of “Internet travelers” suffering from this addiction fluctuates between 15-23 years old).

Do you think, a person who spends hours on the Internet: does a harmless computer network do him good or harm at first sight? My work consists precisely in revealing to a person the whole essence of what this Internet really is.

What is the Internet?

The Internet is, first of all, a huge variety of computers and programs. Among the latter, you will find not only those who can solve your specific problems well, but also many more whose abilities you will probably find it difficult to even imagine at first. Today, the Internet has about 112 million subscribers in more than 150 countries around the world. The size of the network increases by 7 - 10% monthly. The Internet - forms, as it were, the core, provides the connection of various information networks belonging to various institutions around the world, one with the other.

The Internet itself has been around for quite some time. However, it was only very recently - around 1990 - that the Internet finally gained the critical mass of users and resources necessary for the network revolution taking place before our eyes. High-speed modems, allowing ordinary users of personal computers to enjoy all the benefits of the Internet without restrictions, appeared even later.

However, this is only part of the answer to the question “what is the Internet”. The Internet today is not only a huge number of computers, but also an incredible number of people. , for whom the network is a fundamentally new way of communication, almost unparalleled in the material world. Man is a social being, and communication with his own kind is one of his primary needs. Perhaps, until now, not a single technical invention (except for the telephone) has made such a revolution in this ancient occupation - human-to-human communication.

So, one of the important dates in the history of the Internet can be considered 1957, when a separate structure stood out within the US Department of Defense (Department of Defense, DOD) - the Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). In the 60s, the main work of DARPA was devoted to the development of a method for connecting computers to each other. It is very important that he led the first research program dedicated to the system of global communication, launched by DARPA on October 4, 1962, J. Licklider (see Appendix No. 1), who published the work "Galactic Network". Also one of the important persons who are directly related to the opening of the Internet is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researcher Lawrence Roberts. (see Appendix No. 2)

Undoubtedly, the explosive growth of the Internet would have been unthinkable without the World Wide Web. In 1989, at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN, Switzerland, Geneva), Tim Berners-Lee developed the technology of hypertext documents, which allows users to access any information located on the Internet on computers around the world.

Why is the Internet needed?

The Internet provides services to man. Within the Internet there are thousands, if not millions, of various services and services. The main Internet services are:

· Access to the information.

· Communication.

Access to the information.

Before the advent of the Internet, traditional sources of information were:

mass media (both paper (newspapers, magazines) and electronic (radio, television));

publicistic literature;

scientific and special literature;

documents of official institutions;

· materials of conferences, round tables and other forms of direct public discussion - text, audio and video;

· analytical studies, marketing reports, market reviews;

reference books, catalogs, personalities, data banks, encyclopedias;

· interview;

graphics, video and audio recordings.

The Internet suggested the following sources:

online media;

· online literature;

· chats, forums, sites, the content of which is formed on the principle of a forum, and other forms of mediated public discussion;

web statistics collected and processed by specialized sites;

· online directories, catalogues, personalities, databanks, encyclopedias;

video and audio podcasting.

Communication via the Internet.

Features of communication via the Internet:

· Anonymity. A person in the network can and does show greater freedom of expression and actions (up to insults, obscene expressions), since the risk of exposure and personal negative assessment by others is minimal.

· Voluntariness and desirability of contacts. The user voluntarily makes contacts or leaves them, and can also interrupt them at any time.

· Difficulty in the emotional component of communication and, at the same time, a strong desire for the emotional content of the text, which is expressed in the creation of special icons to indicate emotions or in the description of emotions in words (in brackets after the main text of the message).

· Striving for atypical, non-normative behavior. Often, users present themselves from a different angle than in the conditions of a real social norm, they lose roles, scenarios, and abnormal behavior that are not realized in activities outside the network.

If you stop and think for a moment about how many means and methods of communication there are in the world today, you will have to admit that there are quite a lot of them and, most importantly, a considerable part of them are somehow connected with modern technical capabilities and, in particular, , with the Internet. Agree that e-mail, all kinds of forums organized in the network space, numerous Internet magazines, etc., and the Internet itself, for many, have become an equally important aspect of everyday life (and its inherent communication) than TV or telephone, and sometimes they (the means of the Internet) completely displace their "backward" brothers.

The impact of the Internet on people.

The first thing to consider is the impact of the Internet on human health.

The Internet is human health.

Internet and vision.

In fact, it is not the Internet that badly affects vision, but the computer, but the Internet is definitely to blame for this. Let's look at the statistics of those whose vision deteriorates more. (see Appendix No. 3)

This means that those users who communicate on the computer are more likely to worsen their vision. Such users communicate using the Internet, which means that the Internet negatively affects our vision. Vision deteriorates due to greater fatigue, when a person sits at a computer for a very long time and continuously, vision weakens. Also, vision deteriorates when reading from the monitor screen.


Computer and bad health.

· A person working at a computer for a long time must maintain a relatively immobile position, which negatively affects the spine and blood circulation throughout the body (blood stasis). Blood stasis is especially pronounced at the level of the pelvic organs and limbs. With prolonged disturbances of blood circulation, the nutrition of tissues is disturbed and the walls of blood vessels are damaged, which in turn leads to their irreversible expansion. Such vasodilation is observed, for example, with hemorrhoids.

Long work on the keyboard leads to overstrain of the joints of the hand and muscles of the forearm.

· Working at a computer involves the processing of a large amount of information and constant concentration of attention, therefore, with prolonged work at a computer, mental fatigue and impaired attention often develop.

A person working at a computer is forced to make decisions all the time, on which the efficiency of his work depends. Sometimes it is quite difficult to predict the consequences of a particular step (especially against the background of chronic fatigue). Therefore, prolonged work at the computer is often the cause of chronic stress. Note that the need to process a large amount of heterogeneous (and mostly unnecessary information) also leads to the development of stress.

· Increasingly, there are reports of computer addiction. Indeed, long-term work at the computer, surfing the Internet and playing computer games can cause such mental disorders.

· Working at a computer often absorbs all the attention of a working person, and therefore, such people often neglect normal nutrition and work from hand to mouth all day. Improper nutrition leads not only to disruption of the digestive tract, but also to the occurrence of mineral and vitamin deficiencies. It is known that not a lack of vitamins and minerals negatively affects the process of metabolism in the body, which leads to a decrease in the intellectual abilities of a person. Reduced work efficiency, which in turn causes the need to spend even more time at the computer. Thus, a kind of "vicious circle" is formed, in which prolonged work at the computer is the starting point that determines all subsequent violations.

This is directly related to the Internet, because a person will spend more time at a computer only when he is on the Internet, a person will absorb a large amount of information, communication, and he will lose track of time, and health will deteriorate every minute.

The Internet is an addiction.

Computer addiction is no less dangerous than drug addiction, as it leads to a significant violation of adaptation in society (inability to work, inability to start a family or simply serve oneself).

Internet addiction is a mental disorder, an obsessive desire to connect to the Internet and a painful inability to disconnect from the Internet in time. Internet addiction is a widely discussed issue, but its status is still at an unofficial level: the disorder is not included in the official DSM-IV classification of diseases.

Researchers cite various criteria by which you can judge Internet addiction. So, Kimberly Young gives four signs:

· Obsessive desire to check e-mail.

· Constant desire for the next access to the Internet.

Complaints from others that a person spends too much time on the Internet.

Complaints from others that a person spends too much money on the Internet.

A more detailed system of criteria is given by Ivan Goldberg. In his opinion, Internet addiction can be stated if there are 3 of the following points:

· The amount of time that you need to spend on the Internet in order to achieve satisfaction (sometimes the feeling of pleasure from communication in the network borders on euphoria) increases markedly.

· If a person does not increase the amount of time he spends on the Internet, the effect is markedly reduced.

· The user makes attempts to abandon the Internet, or at least spend less time on it.

The termination or reduction of time spent on the Internet leads the user to poor health, which develops over a period of several days to a month and is expressed by two or more factors:

1. Emotional and motor excitement

2. Alarm

3. Obsessive thoughts about what is happening on the Internet right now

4. Fantasies and dreams about the Internet

5. Arbitrary or involuntary movements of the fingers, reminiscent of typing on a keyboard.

K. Yang, researching Internet addicts, found out what they most often use. Consider a diagram (see Appendix No. 4)

Prevention and treatment of Internet addiction

What to do? What not to do: punish, turn off the Internet, deprive other pleasures. All these actions are not only useless, but also harmful, as they push the teenager to run away from home.

What to do: support a teenager in overcoming life's difficulties, teach new ways to overcome crisis situations, teach the ability to regulate their emotions, build relationships with peers, manage their time.

Who to contact: obligatory consultation of a psychotherapist (identification of possible depressive disorders) - joint psychocorrectional work of a psychotherapist and a clinical psychologist.

Game addiction.

The next "computer disease" is a gambling addiction, it applies to those who play online games, that is, games on the Internet.

Gambling addiction is an alleged form of psychological addiction that manifests itself in an obsessive passion for video games, computer games, and online games.


Preoccupation, preoccupation with the game (memories of past games, planning future bets, thoughts about how to find money for the game);

· nervousness and excitement during the game, raising the stakes;

· inability to interrupt the game as long as there is cash;

Feelings of anxiety or irritation when it is necessary to limit bets or stop the game;

Using the game as a means to get rid of unpleasant experiences;

attempts to recoup the day after the loss;

lies and attempts to rationally justify their behavior in order to hide the true degree of their involvement in the game;

using illegal methods of obtaining money (forgery, deceit, theft or embezzlement) to continue the game;

Deterioration of relationships at work, in the family, with friends;

Borrowing money from others to pay off existing debts caused by the game.

If you have 4 or more symptoms, this is already a disease ...

Treatment methods:

Without giving vent to emotions, try to consider in detail the real face of psychological addiction. And then take care of yourself: just as carefully look at yourself, evaluate your own strengths and needs. Or the strengths and needs of the one you care so much about. Be aware that this is not as easy as it seems. Not only do we know the people around us rather poorly, we often know ourselves poorly. For starters, at least acknowledge that there is a problem. This is already a big win. Then - the choice is yours.

Positive features of the Internet.

We have considered some of the negative aspects of the Internet, but you can also find positive ones.

We can communicate with people who are thousands of kilometers away, we can exchange information at a distance, we can make all kinds of purchases without leaving home, etc.

Consider the useful features of the Internet.

Shopping over the Internet.

Now it is becoming very popular to purchase through online stores, you choose the product you need, put it in the online basket and pay using a card, ATM or web wallet. It is very convenient.

Internet commerce is developing very actively. First of all, you buy something that can be used to work with a computer or any other office equipment: printer cartridges, reams of paper, computer literature, some types of applied entertainment software. However, other types of goods are becoming easier to purchase on the Internet: clothing, groceries, household items, stationery, technical

Buying online is convenient. But there is a downside to this service. Buyer forums are full of complaints about an imperfect delivery system, inflated prices, complex multi-step ordering systems, a small assortment, and a long wait for delivery. And, most importantly, the likelihood of fraud (that is, that the goods will not be delivered).

Internet money.

Now at this time it has become popular to have an online wallet. This is a kind of wallet, but we cannot see or touch it. it is in interactive space. It is visual, but the money that is in it is a real means of payment. With this money, we can pay for other goods from online stores. This wallet can be registered on various resources. The registration scheme is simple - enter your data. The resources that provide us with the opportunity to have such a wallet are listed in this list:


The Internet has both positive and negative features.

Positive features of the influence of the Internet on a person

Earn money online, job search.

Possibility of payment, the order of many services through the Internet.

Show yourself to the world.

Chat with people, find old friends, classmates.

On the Internet, you can always get the latest news on any topic.

And these are just the main advantages. The needs and demands of Internet users are very different. Some want to get new software. Others are looking for certain documents they need for their professional activities. Still others connect to the network to receive e-mail. The Internet helps everyone.

Negative features of the influence of the Internet on a person

On the Internet there are:

Suicide Clubs.

drug clubs.

Clubs that train novice terrorists.

And many, many other things… In such clubs, you can order your own death, learn how to properly select and inject drugs. So what? After all, everything is possible here and nothing will happen to you for it.

If vision, hearing can be spoiled by means of a keyboard, "mouse" or monitor, then the psyche is primarily affected by more, so to speak, virtual things - games and the Internet. This is something that is "addictive", something from which it is impossible to break away, something without which many no longer imagine their life - this is a manic addiction to the Internet or games.

It is no secret that in cities it is harmful to breathe, modern food is generally harmful, going to bed late and getting up early (without sleep) is also harmful. Studying at the university according to statistics is also harmful (for health), the conclusion is: “Life is harmful, and then why these studies about the harmfulness of the Internet”?

It is necessary to know the measure of everything. There is always a middle ground.

A person always has a choice. And in most cases, he himself decides what is good for him, what will affect him, what he wants to get from it ...

A computer can become a friend or a sworn enemy, it can help in trouble, or it can add a lot of problems, it can help you find like-minded people, or it can lead to loneliness.

You choose!

Application No. 1

J. Licklider

Application No. 2

Lawrence Roberts

Application No. 3

Application No. 4


Sergei Simokovich. "You bought a computer."

Yurieva L.N. Bolbot T.Yu. "Computer addiction"

V.P. Leontiev Directory "Internet"

Guzenko E.N. Suryadny A.S. "Personal Computer. Best


B.G. Zhadaev "Internet for beginners"

Preston Gralla "Tricks. Internet"

Magazines "F5. Internet as a way of life"

The Internet, which has firmly entered our lives, as a fairly new, massive and large-scale phenomenon, cannot but reshape us to suit itself. There are many widespread opinions about how the Internet affects the human consciousness, and they vary from the idea of ​​general stupefaction to the development of superpowers. What do psychologists tell us? How does the Internet really affect our minds?

It turns out that the hours spent on the net affect, first of all, our habits and abilities to remember and search for information within ourselves. What is this influence?

Firstly, psychologists say, the Internet information that we absorb during lunch breaks, short smoke breaks, or just for a momentary need is cut like a salad. The texts on the net are short, the thoughts in them are expressed concisely: read, swallowed - run on. And therefore, the expression “multi-bookaf”, which came out of the network and refers to it, perfectly reflects our slightly contemptuous reluctance to read something voluminous. For what? All the same, only the essence will remain in the head, the meaning that fits in five lines - quite enough to write on Twitter.

Secondly, when reading such small texts, we often do not pay due attention to them. As a rule, it takes us no more than five seconds to read the same status on the social network, and therefore we absorb information hastily, in parallel with other matters and not at the special time allotted for this, but between work, before negotiations or during lunch. As you know, doing a few things hastily, you do not do a single one well. Therefore, it is not clear how Caesar succeeded in one hundred simultaneous cases, and perhaps for this reason, employers block our access to social networks.

Thirdly, this very information, so short and easily accessible, becomes like a drug for us. We cannot live without access to the Internet, it seems to us that the Stone Age has returned especially for us, and while all other people lead a civilized life, we drag out a miserable existence, cut off from social networks, psychological tests, horoscopes, business advice and other things.

Fourth, we are replacing real communication with the Internet. It seems to us that since he gives us so much information, he is quite capable of replacing the interlocutor. That is why we often go to the Internet for advice, to strangers, replacing them with friends, mother and leader. And this is unfortunately. Once the world-famous Mark Zuckerberg "transferred the party to the network", but modern psychologists insist on its return to real life! Where do we spend the most time? At work! That is why the psychological climate in the team is so important: communicate with colleagues - don't let the internet suck you in!

At the same time - and this is the fourth - the Internet creates only the illusion of communication. Changing the status on a social network, sending a tweet or a comment seems to us a live activity, and two or three messages written to a childhood friend found on the Internet are a real conversation. But is it so? Not at all.

Fifthly, the Internet is a kind of reserve for our brain. We know that you can always resort to it if necessary. So why bother and memorize something? The route can be viewed on maps, a small detail can be restored to memory using Wikipedia. All our knowledge is fragmentary and fragmentary, we do not analyze information, we simply absorb it, according to the requirements of the moment and nothing more. Is it good? I think no. This process goes on unconsciously for us, we do not even concentrate on it.

What assessment can be given to these conclusions? Psychologists say that all this simply exists and, apparently, this is an adequate reaction of mankind to the development of digital technologies. On the other hand, if the realization of all this gives us, rather, discomfort, then we are free to break the statistics! Of course, there is nowhere to work without the Internet, but personal communication is a completely different matter. Let's communicate more live, share impressions, meet more often. For work advice, turn to the manager, for help - to colleagues. Show photos to friends pasted into a paper album and read books. Then we are not afraid of any dents!

If you find an error, please highlight a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter.

Now you will read some complete nonsense. You yourself are to blame. The Internet is full of all sorts of nonsense a little less than completely. There was nothing to climb on all sorts of other people's blogs or, even worse, subscribe.

So I will tell you about the true nature of the Web. You will find out which demon you feed, along with a billion others, with your mana. But it's' too late!

A brief summary of the article in four theses:

  1. The web seeks to absorb and digest all the information flows of mankind.

  2. The web engulfs people.

  3. The web simplifies people.

  4. The web affects social institutions.

Thesis #1
The internet is such a thing...
No, bad. It is bad to call phenomena "things". Let's define a small, not too correct, but loved by different marginals such as Pereslegins, the concept: information and energy object. Comrades from Pereslegin's school use this phrase to refer to various social phenomena, such as, for example, bureaucratic machines. Usually, when exploring them, they seek to separate the object from the people-subjects that feed it. It is clear that the bureaucratic machine will disappear in an instant if the bureaucrats that make it up are removed. In much the same way that a cloud of gas disappears, remove the molecules that make it up. But it is inconvenient for physicists to study molecules separately, and it is inconvenient for sociologists and info-objectologists to study separately people who support the “life” of some kind of superhuman formation. So the definition is:

Information object- information that does not depend on the carrier and develops according to its own laws, residing in the information space.

Information and energy an object, respectively, is such an information object that feeds on the energy of the carrier. The word “energy” is used here in a psychological sense, as “the life force of people”, that is, that complexly measurable substance that lives in the souls of each of us, which helps to move, be creative and think that life is not so meaningless. Vryat whether this energy can be measured in joules, but the word has settled. Personally, I prefer the words Mana, Prana or Qi. But not to call our objects information-manic? Let there be energy.

Understand what the information space is, please, yourself. Not small, obvious things to explain to you. You do not live in the forest, but in that very information space, by the way, and this space is the nerve of the powerful technosphere, reliably protecting us all from the horrors of the wild.

Anew. Thesis #1

The Internet seeks to absorb and digest all the information flows of mankind.

The Internet is a complex of many information and energy objects that has developed on the basis of known technologies and is the main consumer of their capabilities, connected into a single super-object by a common desire. The Internet seeks to absorb and digest all the information flows of mankind. And this is the most important thing to know about him.

This desire seems to be embedded in the very essence of the World Wide Web. Each individual member of the Network, each site, search engine, blog, may not be aware of the goal of information capture of the world. Google collects statistics of visits, such as to more accurately show ads to the visitor - this is true. But the objective reason why it is beneficial for Google not to sell the search service for money or places in the top impressions, or do something else like that, but it is beneficial to collect as much information as possible and process it as accurately as possible in order to learn as much as possible about visitors its great directory of links - in the deepest essence of the Internet universe.

All major Web sites have the goal of collecting, processing, doing something with some information, and the most valuable information is social, because nothing excites a person more than himself. Strain your mind, think about what else from the information flows of civilization that is not captured by the Network? If you figure out, at the same time, how to capture these streams, you will be given all the benefits. You will become the founder of a startup, a useful person. The world will reward you.

Because the Internet is not just some kind of naked desire to grab everything. Internet is strength. This is the most important, the most valuable, the most complex thing created by mankind in the first half of the twenty-first century. You see, energy is not taken from nothing. Christianity, the ancient great IEO, whose technological basis was a certain doctrine, and whose goal was the salvation (in the Christian sense) of all human souls, absorbed the energy of the agony of Rome, and thanks to it became what we know it to be. The Internet, at its birth, absorbed the energy of the agony of the great utopian projects of the twentieth century. It took two wars - the Second and the Cold War - to develop computer technology to a level where the Net became possible, and it also took the death of the Soviet Union, in order to ride on the wave of euphoria of liberation from the horror of nuclear missiles, on the wave of brilliant, perfectly trained mathematical emigrants from the former USSR, creative energy surged like a wave, filling the emerging technology with meaning. Thus the Web was born.

Again. This is the most important thing written here. The Internet is a force united by the main desire to absorb and digest all the information flows of mankind. Everything follows from this.

Thesis №2

Man is the main source of information in human society. The informational volume of everything that we invent and imagine, say and do, many times exceeds the informational volume generated by forces acting on humanity from the outside, ranging from bird flights to solar flares. Of course, I mean only those natural phenomena that one of the people notices. Perhaps the volume of unnoticed phenomena is an order of magnitude higher, who knows? In any case, we all have approximately the same sky above our heads, and in order not to stare at it all our lives, we ourselves have to saturate the technosphere with information.

In this way, Thesis №2

The web engulfs people.

Since man is the main source of information within humanity, the main subtask of the Web as a living and purposeful phenomenon is to train people who contact it in such a way that they would redirect information flows through it.

The average person thinks in vain about the freedom and independence of his mighty mind. It is very easy to train us. Every psychologist knows what an absurdly huge influence children's fears have. As a child, a little boy was bitten by a dog. He grew up, became a huge fat uncle, and could finish off three mutts with one foot without much straining - but a trained childish fear makes him cross the road at the sight of a shaggy homeless dog wallowing in the dust. The web doesn't bite us like a dog. On the contrary, she unfolds before us her untold riches, offers a thousand entertainments, and in the end firmly puts us on an endorphin needle. Plants children stronger, of course. The web needs children, they will become adults, and maybe give it their whole lives. Part of life will be given without question. It is more pleasant to communicate through the Network. You can find out faster on the web. Everything is on the web. The Internet cannot be boring. The network will accept you for who you are. Your friends will support you. They will like you. They will like your work. They will like your pictures and your taste for reprinting jokes. And if you don't want to, you'll close yourself off from all your friends. Isn't that all you need?

Scary? So we have not yet reached the third thesis.

Thesis №3
The web simplifies people.

As you can see from thesis number 1, the most important thing in all this little reflection, the Network seeks not only to absorb, but also to digest all the information flows in the world. Digestion is very important. It means to understand, to make a part of yourself, not just some kind of information in the sense of a stream of bytes, but meaningful meta-data that can be used further. For example, how Google sells collects statistics for advertising. They really strive to make the machine understand what all these words entered into the search engine mean to the user. The whole essence of Google is hidden in this understanding. Unfortunately, along with the complication of algorithms for processing data streams by machines, there is also a downside. The fact is that in order to better understand what people want, it is not necessary to complicate the understanding. You can simplify the people themselves.

I remind you, thesis number 2. We are excellently trained. Do you know why there is no dislike button on Facebook? It would complicate the communication model. From the point of view of the Web, introducing interface entities that make the masses think at least about the choice between two buttons is a mistake. And in general, how are you going to build a metric for the popularity of posts to complete feeds if the like-dislike space is two-dimensional? Have you thought about it mathematically? Here on Facebook they thought, and decided - no need.

Of course, this is an extreme example. Each portal chooses whether to make tree-like comments, or a self-collecting feed, or dislikes. There may be different approaches for different audiences. Somewhere in Habré, information about dislikes suddenly acquires value for the system. Somewhere in LiveJournal, tree-like comments are the most important thing that is there, the main collector and application point of the information flow. But always and everywhere the system is subject to thesis No. 1. Always and everywhere there is the possibility of training the user. So, we, the users of the Net, developing our erudition, intellect, and so on, on the one hand, inevitably become simpler on the other.

I wanted now to give examples, so to speak, from personal experience, to touch on the scale of Tolstoy I am reading now, and other great people - but I decided that it was not worth it. Personal experience against the backdrop of statistics is not worth much. You can do it yourself, come up with examples of how a person who did not know the Internet has a more complex, more integral mind than you. How people you know with a complex and whole mind distance themselves from this source of knowledge, avoid prolonged contact with it, feeling the desire of the Network to understand and primitive them. Great minds don't stick well in the Web. It is terrible for me to understand how poor and primitive my Russian language is, how one-sidedly I touch the topic, how weak my erudite mind is. This is an inevitable disease of absorption by the Internet, partial dissolution in it, and I am glad that I have not yet stooped to a pleasant, thoughtless click on the approval button in an endless feed of pictures and jokes, to the search for jokes and pictures to hem into the feed, to contribute. Yes, there is still room to fall. But this is false joy. To close the mind, something more than therapy is needed, because ten years on the Web are not in vain for a teenager who has become a young man - it is already difficult for me to do without. I can only cite myself as an example, against those whom I read not at the level of drafts on the Web. For a full-fledged mind, something more is needed, something that Leo Tolstoy had and that modern children with tablet computers in their hands do not have. There is no better way to convince than to appeal to the reader's personal experience - I'm sure you can do a good job of demonstrating the fact that the Web simplifies users without me. I just explained why this happens.

Thesis №4
The web affects social institutions.

As follows from the theory of power, every politician wants to know where the power is, and seeks to either take her side or lure her to his own. The power now, of course, is on the Internet. Remember, I wrote about the energy of the collapse of the Soviets? I then forgot to say about space expansion - it also slowed down due to the Network. I won’t say that this is bad - with advanced information technologies, it is easier and more pleasant to explore space, and delaying a lunar colony for several decades, in general, does not mean anything. Well, we will build in 2050 and not in 2000, as the science fiction writers wanted, so what. But we have the Web. The problem is different.

Politicians sense where the power is. And social institutions, starting, in fact, with the government, are controlled by politicians. Therefore, all the social institutions of the world, all education, health care, voting and governance - everything strives to make part of the Network part of itself. The surveillance of the mail by the special services, revealed by Snowden, is, in general, a small and harmless result of the interaction of politics and the web. All these stupid Russian laws restricting freedom of information are an allergic reaction to an information-energy virus that is creeping up on your information flows, unpleasantly controlling people, revealing an unpleasant truth. What seems really scary to me is the USE testing system.

You see, the thinking of children is simplified by the Internet (see thesis #3). I won't say that they are getting dumber - it would be incorrect to say that all the parameters of the multidimensional children's consciousness are getting worse. In a sense, the children of the Web are becoming freer and more erudite. But simplification, the formation of thinking and elementary behavioral reactions is easier to analyze - yes, this is an actual observed truth. And the USE, of course, contributes to the process. The USE was born as a reaction of the Russian Ministry of Education to modern trends, an attempt to move away from the experience of the Soviet Union and meet modern standards of high-quality world education.

What do you think dictates the fashion for these standards? Where is the power in the world? Who or what ultimately dictates the rules of the game to politicians, how to be in trend and keep up with progress?

Yes, you are absolutly right. Alas.

And the more predictable, algorithmically simpler the children's answers to the exam test, the more rigid the evaluation algorithms, the better from the point of view of the primitive machine that we trust the future. And do you now understand that the USE is only an indirect consequence, a small part of a great process?

Now let's talk about what to do. I outlined the essence. Probably, something is written naively or incorrectly, I hope that the grain of truth is true - after all, for many years I have been reflecting on the problem of the essence of the Internet and its impact on the user's soul. It would be a lie to say that everything that happens is evil; focusing on the problems, I barely touched on the positive aspects of the process, but meanwhile they are no less grandiose. In any case, we can't do anything. Of course, you can cut the wires, throw out the phone and go to live in a distant village where the Wi-Fi did not look. You may even save your soul by doing so. But staying here, with all the people, we will not throw our Network into a landfill. Let's see how it absorbs and digests many around us. What will the children of the Net become? It is very interesting.

I will only call for personal caution. You are on the Web. She wants to eat you.