Why dream of hugging in a dream? What does it mean to hug a dead person in a dream, like a living one? Why dream that a friend hugs.

  • 25.03.2022

Hugs in a dream are one of the most ambiguous and controversial symbols. To understand why hugging is a dream, the dream book takes into account the smallest details, since any of them can give the dream a completely different meaning. It matters who you dream of in real life, whether he is alive, how you treated him before and treat him now.

Interpretations often become allegorical. Sometimes they serve as a warning: hugs in night dreams do not always portend sincerity and friendliness in reality. Yes, and the interpreter recommends that lovers do not rush to understand each symbol literally. Among dreams of such a pleasant content, there are many "shifters" that carry the opposite meaning.

People hug in their sleep quite often. And even those who would never have thought of such a thing in reality. According to the interpretation, what is the dream of an expression of sincere sympathy and in reality will manifest itself in the form of an improvement in relationships with others.

The Small Velesov dream book offers a slightly different interpretation of sleep: hugging in a dream, in his opinion, means significantly spoiling the relationship in reality. Hugs can be harbingers of a quarrel, betrayal, all kinds of misunderstandings.

Why dream of hugging the dead

Dreams in which you happened to hug the deceased in a dream stand apart and are often very impressive. The dream interpretation explains such visions by concern for one's own health. Perhaps the worries are indeed justified: it would not hurt to find out the causes of the ailment.

Since you had a chance to hug the deceased in a dream, try to remember which of the characters was the initiator of the hug. The dream interpretation claims that this is an important detail. If the initiative came from you, there are big changes ahead, if not, then the meaning of what you see is neutral.

When you have to hug a dead person, a dream can personify the character traits that the deceased possessed during his lifetime. It is possible that these are the qualities that you lack at the moment.

Why dream of seeing a dead man alive in a dream and hugging him, the interpreter believes that this is a good sign. A person will come into your life who will help you cope with the loss. After all that you had to experience, fortune will eventually smile at you, you will be able to accomplish what previously seemed unattainable.

Some plots cause bewilderment and confusion, although we are well aware that this is just a dream. Hugging with the deceased father in a dream is brought to those who in reality face decisive actions. Consider the dream as an incentive.

When you have to hug in a dream with a dead father, it is very likely that in reality you will soon have a fairly influential and understanding patron. This person will be on your side, will always support you with deed and advice, to some extent will replace his father.

If you had a chance to see in a dream that you were hugging and kissing your deceased mother, the dream book suggests that you should be careful. The dream image is often a warning of imminent danger. Avoid risky activities and situations that can lead to trouble.

According to the dream book, everything that dreams of cuddling with the deceased mother-in-law appeals to your sense of duty. Perhaps part of the merit of the mother-in-law is that you are used to striving for perfection and not making mistakes. You dreamed of a reflection of the responsibility for everything and everyone that you often experience in real life.

In the case when you had to hug in a dream with a deceased relative, the dream book offers several interpretations: if he looks quite cheerful, changes will occur in the life of the sleeping person: from the weather outside the window to much more significant events.

Why dream of male and female hugs

According to Azar's dream book, explaining why you dream of hugging a guy, your intentions are destined to come true if you hug. If they hug you, you can count on sincere feelings and trusting, warm relationships.

According to other interpretations, a dream in which you had a chance to cuddle with a guy you like can also have a negative connotation. For example, to hint at your excessive gullibility, sometimes turning into recklessness.

What dreams of hugging a stranger portends many new fascinating acquaintances that cannot be called fleeting. Perhaps you will find yourself in a large friendly team. Among the new acquaintances will be your future chosen one.

Hugging in a dream with a man, while experiencing passion and strong feelings, even if in reality you are currently alone, means that the long-awaited meeting will not take long.

If a woman in a dream hugged a man in a bathtub with water, while not experiencing any feelings for him, it seems that the dreamer is in for a fleeting romance that will eventually leak like water from a bath.

According to the Chinese dream book, hugging a husband in a dream is a uniquely auspicious symbol. Such dreams testify to peace and harmony in the family, you did not get bored with each other at all. An event awaits ahead that will make both of you happy.

If you were lucky enough to hug your loved one in a dream, especially after a long separation, the dream book assures you that you are a wonderful couple, and your love has a bright and colorful future.

When you happen to hug your ex-husband in a dream, either you cling too tightly to the past, or it holds you in its steel arms. The interpretation tells you to look around, you may risk missing something important in the present.

If you had a chance to hug a stranger in a dream, the dream book promises an important business trip or even a long business trip. Interpretation can also be symbolic, for example, portend the receipt of fateful information or a radical change in activity.

According to the dream book, the opportunity to hug in a dream with a woman is most often given to loving men. This time, what you see can be taken literally literally. True, there is one caveat: now there is a high probability of getting into an ugly story and tarnishing your reputation.

Everything that dreams of hugging a girl indicates that one of the relatives or close friends will soon need your support. Try to show understanding towards someone who really needs your help and fully deserves it.

Why dream of a friend, enemy and boss hugging you

If you happened to hug the enemy, the Medieval Dream Book promises that you will be able to emerge victorious from the confrontation in which you are both now.

According to the interpretation of the Medieval Dream Book, those who, in reality, are ready to provide help and friendly support, have to hug a friend, and therefore they also have the right to count on mutual assistance.

Since you were lucky enough to cuddle with your boss, the meaning should be taken as a guide to action. No, do not try to hug the boss in reality, but also do not miss your chance to take advantage of his favor. The dream interpretation says that the boss is very disposed towards you at the moment, even if he doesn’t show it.

Interpreting what it means to hug in a dream with relatives and friends, the dream book promises that in the near future the family will have a reason to gather at the festive table. With a high degree of probability, it can be argued that this will be a positive, joyful event.

When someone tries to hug you, but you do not feel the slightest desire to kiss and hug in a dream, the dream book warns that in the near future you will experience an acute feeling of loneliness, it is possible that being in a crowd.

The dream book offers a positive meaning of sleep: hugging those who are dear to you means gaining success and prosperity in real life.

Now let's find out together if your dream will come true? 🔮 Which I dreamed about today. Exactly this night.

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    There is action on the bed. I ask a friend to hug and he immediately comes up to me and hugs me. At the same time, I experienced such peace of mind.

    I dreamed that I was hugged on the bed, and the person who does not love me, and we communicate little with him. WHAT IS IT FOR?

    I dreamed that I was hugging a guy that I really like. I love him and he doesn't even know me. He is older than me by many years. We met only once. We were at home, I hugged him, he answered. I asked him to hug me tighter. There were guests at home. Or was it some kind of holiday.

    I dreamed of my beloved late grandmother, we had a special connection with her during our lifetime, as mothers and daughters, I dreamed that she came from the other world to see her, and I rushed to hug her, kiss and cry that I miss her very much and I miss her. It was during the day, she was very glad to see me and hugged me back. What is the meaning of such a dream?

    I dreamed that I was kissing and hugging an ex-boyfriend, as if he were alive, but after that I remembered that he was dead and the dream stopped.

    1-Sep-2017 Anonymous:

    I had a dream about how I was at school and a girl (classmate) that I like began to communicate with me. I got up and approached her, and at that moment she hugged me, I felt good, but after she let go and went to her friend, they always go together, and after hugging, I realized that this was not good and sad. But in real life, I confessed to her and I didn’t succeed, but I hugged her in real life! Please help guys!

    I dreamed that my ex-husband was following me, and I was leaving him on purpose, but in fact I love him very much, and he loves me. Then he comes up to me and hugs me, then I him, and we feel such joy.

    In a dream, I dreamed that my class teacher hugged me, hugged me from behind and for a very long time. We have a good relationship with her. Why dreamed of such a long hug?

    Good afternoon, in my life I am a lonely person, and then a beautiful girl dreamed in a dream, we didn’t know her, but in a dream we already splashed water, hugged, kissed, and started dating. Explain please.

    Why dream of hugging your beloved grandfather, who has been gone for more than 10 years. And with all this, I did not experience any fear, but rather some kind of relief and joy. There was no even close thought that Grandpa had been dead for a long time.

    31-Mar-2017 Tatiana:

    I dreamed that I saw a loved one, ran up to him, hugged him and said that I love him very much. But he didn't answer.

    I dreamed about how my beloved man and I ran towards each other. And hugged so tightly. He started kissing me on my left cheek. Then we held hands. She climbed the stairs of a tall, unfinished building. He held my hand and helped me. At the very top, he tells me, look how I can. Climbed under the floor and hung over the abyss. I was so afraid that he would fall. It was very high. Then I saw a high pyramid of very beautiful red apples. And yet we continued to hold hands.

    I dreamed that a friend whom I had not seen for a long time was hugging me, and he lives far away. He didn't want to let go of me. What does it mean?

    • Everyone has their own meaning of sleep. A person always intuitively feels the answer. You just need to feel it with your soul.

      I dreamed that I was walking by the hand and hugging a girl who I really like when hugging, I experienced very sincere feelings, please tell me what this means?

      I dreamed that I was hugging characters from my favorite series, there were very warm friendships, as if we were friends, happiness was in the air. There were 2 guys and I was alone. And I saw only them, and the background blurred.

      He dreamed me. I am at school. Everything is as usual, but as soon as I enter the classroom, I see him. He doesn't go to my school, but somehow ended up right in my class. He does not pay attention to me - he is talking to O. I don’t know how it started, but O and I throw papers at each other. He only then draws attention to me. *Flash* We're walking through the school yard. I run up to him and grab his arm. He doesn't resist. We reach his car. He's about to leave. I drop a light "bye". He also. *Flash* He forgot his sister. Several people, his sister and I run up to his car. He hasn't left yet. He says to me "do you still want to go for a walk? And I say that he forgot his sister. Laughs. Finally we say goodbye. We hug. He presses me. I make him even stronger. He speaks in his ear "Are you going to be in the city on the weekend?" I answer yes. He is leaving. I tell all my friends about this. End of sleep. From Friday to Saturday. The thing is, I know him, but he probably doesn't know me. But I really like him. What does it mean?

      In my dream I killed people who were targeted by demons and I fought with them. And then I met a classmate whom I loved and hugged him tightly, and he was in a misunderstanding and his ex-girlfriend was standing behind him, I killed her with a big ax.

Hugs are desirable and undesirable, because it all depends on the personality of the man who touches the woman. What does it mean to hug a man in a dream? A dream can be a dream for an unmarried girl and a wife with family experience. Dream books will help decipher the riddle.

The vision of the embrace of a beloved or desired man in a dream has no interpretation. Psychologists consider sleep to be a continuation of daytime dreams about the object of love. For young girls sleeping with hugs is a symbol of the desire to find a loved one and arrange a personal life.

However, not only a desired man or an abstract young man (collective image) can come into a dream, but also an enemy. The image of a man can be different:

  • stranger;
  • relative;
  • comrade;
  • Chief;
  • dead.

Hugs with the person you want whom they had not seen for a long time - to an unexpected meeting, the resumption of relations. This dream has an interpretation if you have not thought about this person for a long time. If there were thoughts, then the dream is a reflection of your daytime dreams.

Husband of a spouse in a dream they promise a quarrel and misunderstanding, followed by reconciliation and apology. If the spouse hugged you himself, it means that a plan of betrayal has ripened in his head. If there were hugs with kisses on his part, the fact of betrayal is already evident.

Embrace of a stranger in the presence of her husband- to a scandal on the basis of jealousy. A husband can be jealous, and jealousy on the part of his wife is also possible. Do not bring the conflict to the point of no return, try to smooth out sharp corners.

Hugging with ex-spouse- you are too attached to a past life, it's time to get rid of it. Until you banish the past from your life, you will not be able to find the present.

The arms of a stranger promise a meeting with an interesting person if the man's appearance was attractive. A stranger with a repulsive appearance prophesies misfortune. Either you meet a rogue, or become a victim of violence.

If hugs with a stranger were In bathroom with the water tap open, the meeting will be short-term - only memories will remain from the novel.

If your spouse or guy hugging a girl he doesn't know in your dream, there is reason for jealousy. The man has a fan whose attention flatters his pride.

If a guy hugs a dreamer in a dream from the back, then he has dishonest intentions. He just wants to have some fun with you.

Cuddle with relatives- soon there will be an opportunity to gather together for a festive dinner. The reason for the meeting will be joyful.

friendly hugs

Cuddle with a friend- to a quick separation from him. If a friend lives in a different place, then hugs promise a quick meeting. The dream with the arms of a relative has the same meaning.

If a friend sobbed during a hug, the dream portends an imminent loss. Embrace with a married man in a dream, they portend troubles in family life and a divorce from her husband.

Hug with the boss- get a chance to take advantage of his favor. Do not miss the opportunity to improve your position in the workplace - now is the time.

Hug with the enemy- to reconciliation. The dream interpretation considers a recurring plot with a friendly embrace of the enemy to be a good omen. However, if the enemy was the initiator of the hug, expect a dirty trick on his part.

Cuddle with the deceased- the dream does not have an unambiguous interpretation. If the deceased caused unpleasant feelings, expect illness and sadness. If you hugged a relative or friend, the planned business will be successful.

Cuddle with dead father- to gaining a strong patron who can replace the help of his father. You also have to make a responsible decision, on which the future fate will depend.

Interpretation by days of the week

The interpretation of the dream also depends on the day of the week on which you saw the plot of interest:

  • Sunday night - your sex life is not distinguished by prudence;
  • Tuesday night - the hero of your dream is a noble person;
  • Wednesday night - to harmonious relations;
  • Thursday night - your partner is playing a double game;
  • Friday night - to family troubles;
  • Saturday night - promises illness and family conflicts;
  • Sunday night - you will receive a pleasant surprise.

Meaning from dream books

Miller's dream book promises family troubles if spouses hug in a dream. The hugs of relatives promise trouble and illness. If you hugged someone with a feeling of gratitude or joy, the dream prophesies happiness. Hugging with a stranger - to the unexpected arrival of guests.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers also portends a family scandal if spouses hugged in a dream. Hugging a loved one in a dream and experiencing positive emotions is fortunate.

New family dream book portends family troubles if a husband and wife hug each other in a dream. Hugging a loved one with joy is happiness in life. The hugs of a stranger - to unexpected guests.

Modern combined dream book also considers the hugs of a husband and wife a bad omen - disagreements and a showdown await you. Hugging relatives in a dream - they will soon get sick. Joyful hugs of lovers promise happiness, sad hugs - quarrels due to jealousy. A stranger dreams of uninvited guests.

Dream Interpretation Hasse believes that hugs symbolize love. If someone hugs you in a dream, it means that they feel a feeling of love and sympathy. If the dreamer hugs someone, then he will be able to carry out his plan.

Dream interpretation of a gypsy sees in this plot uncontrollable feelings that can lead to trouble. A strong gentle hug promises the spouses a happy family idyll.

Erotic dream book believes that the symbol of hugs is the fear of losing something or someone dear to the dreamer. Hugs - the desire to keep a piece of happiness that fills the dreamer's heart.

Dream Interpretation Longo prophesies reconciliation after a scandal or the creation of a new family. If a dream occurs during the growth of the moon, expect joyful events with a small amount of grief.

A very interesting dream that often predicts spiritual aspiration, intimacy, and not just pleasure. However, hugs in a dream are also different.

They can be strong, strong, but fettering, like a vise, unpleasant, obsessive, pleasant, affectionate, erotic and exciting, friendly or loving.

Therefore, hugging in a dream means different events and emotions in your life. And often the nature of hugs in a dream shows what exactly awaits you in reality. Feelings and coincidences can be very accurate and show the relationship that is waiting for you soon.

To understand why you dream of cuddling with a guy in a dream or with a girl, pay attention to whether you know this person or not, who he is in general and what kind of relationship you have and what kind of character your rapprochements were.

Pleasant or not, whether you feel free and confident or not, and whether there was an erotic subtext or coercion. This is what it means to hug in a dream most often.

Friendly conversation

It is generally considered auspicious in and of itself. However, hugging a person in a dream in a friendly or related way does not in all cases bring you good. It all depends on some of the nuances of the relationship and how you actually communicate and what plans you have for each other.

Hugging a girl in a dream in a friendly way, with whom you do not communicate closely and intimately, means affection, warmth in relationships and joy, unless she subconsciously attracts you like a woman. The dream interpretation writes that you will be able to communicate well in life, please each other and find support, kindred feeling and tenderness.

Most likely, this person will need your moral or even material support, and you will provide it. Also, modern books indicate that you can soon just communicate with her, which will serve as the basis for closer communication.

But if she shied away from eroticism, choosing just a friendly embrace, it would be futile to achieve anything more. Despite common affairs and interests, you will not be together physically. There can be many reasons for this.

Therefore, such a dream is favorable only if you do not experience a subconscious attraction and love for her, which is rare in the modern world for a man who even agrees to friendly communication with a girl he likes and like a woman too.
Why dream of hugging a guy for a girl who she doesn’t like too much, but she appreciates him as a friend? This dream means that very soon you will part and will not regret anything. The dream book also writes that because of inner timidity, he is simply afraid to approach you and tell you about his feelings.

P simply hugging him in a friendly way means female pity for this man, lack of respect and attraction. However, if a girl is hugged by several guys with whom she just communicates, then this dream predicts her success with the opposite sex, the joy of life and happiness.

Friendly hugs with parents, brothers and sisters - to separation and even a change of residence. The dream interpretation writes that soon you will live separately from them and will make great money. Sometimes such a dream predicts a girl a quick and hasty marriage or study in another city.

Hug with relatives before sitting down at the table with them, why dream? The dream interpretation writes that being hugged by them means getting closer to them and approving your plans. But if someone hugs you so hard that they begin to choke you, this is a bad sign.

Pay attention to who in life the dreamed person is for you, since, most likely, he suppresses you and limits your freedom.

When and at night you dream that in a dream a deceased relative hugs you, who treated you kindly in life, this means good changes and that your plans will be successfully implemented.

If it was an unkind person, then such a dream predicts illness. It is especially bad if the dead person is almost strangling and you can’t resist his negative influence in any way.

Hugging the enemy - to reconcile with him. Just wrapping your arms around friends can be a sign of separation or unity and rapprochement with these people, although hopes for mutual love will have to be put aside forever.

Erotic embrace

Subconsciously, they can compensate for the need to sleep in them if no one is around. Usually in such visions, scenes from life are exactly repeated if a loved one has left you or is far away.

However, why dream of a stranger who sticks to you on the street or gives you incomparable erotic pleasure? The dream book writes that you should pay attention to his appearance and how pleasant it is to cuddle with him.

Usually a hug in such a dream means a need for sex, which is not there, or that an event or communication will soon happen, reminiscent of what happened in a dream, although physical intimacy may not occur. Here an important role is played by how pleasant or unpleasant this person was. Sometimes such a dream predicts a girl that a man will soon appear in her life.

Lovers hugging or having sex - to cooling or separation. If someone starts to hug you forcibly, this is a success or the suppression of your initiative by someone else's will.

The dream book writes that if a guy hugs you forcibly and at the same time he is extremely unpleasant to the point of disgust, it means either that you are afraid of intimate relationships in general, or you are afraid that you will have to do what you don’t like. Such a dream can be a rape, an aggressive interference in your life and the freedom of a person with an unkind will.

For example, a strict father who imposes his rules of intimate life. Sometimes a girl has such a dream for danger or a frivolous act, which she will later regret very much.

When you want to get out

Such a dream, in which someone starts hugging you and this is unpleasant, can have one of 3 plots. In one, you are forcibly captured and forced to do what you don’t like, in the other, a person is imposed with a disgusting appearance. In the third situation, you begin to hug your loved one farewell, feeling the pain of losing him forever.

Why is there a dream in which you began to hug an extremely unpleasant person, but you cannot get rid of him? The dream interpretation writes that an event will soon happen that causes a strong disgust.

If a friend or acquaintance begins to pester and show eroticism, then this means a fear of rapprochement with him or that the relationship will move to a closer level.

If you said goodbye to your loved one in a dream, then in fact there is a danger of losing him. Although in some books this event is interpreted as a positive change in your relationship with him, that is, a wedding or living together.

Embrace as a symbol of intimacy in the content of the dream does not reflect the desire for physical intimacy or the satisfaction of sexual desires. Obviously, there is someone or something whose loss you are afraid of, because you know that it will be very painful for you. Therefore, anxiety and even fear are expressed in a dream in the form of hugs, when you cling to another person as close as possible so that no one can interfere with the connection of hearts.

The feeling of belonging to something pure and good overwhelms your being, and the reluctance to lose this particle of goodness is quite understandable. Such a feeling gives you a sense of co-presence, without which the existence of any person is unthinkable. The unity in the embrace gives continuity to the bonds that give our existence harmony and balance. The stronger the hug, the stronger the attachment that the dream symbolizes.

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate dream book

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And other animals often hug each other with their paws or arms to show their good attitude and create a feeling of comfort and safety.

Psychologists have proven that hugs have a positive effect on the emotional background, improve well-being and make a person happier, even if objectively the situation is not in his favor.

Hugs are also used as a greeting between close friends, or.

On the other hand, there are many metaphors associated with hugs and used in a negative context. These are the embraces of death, illness, captivity, environment, and so on. A person who is in an embrace is constrained in movement and in some way depends on the one who hugged him.

Therefore, hugging in a dream can mean both good and bad, depending on who hugs the dreamer, how and in what context.

To see in dreams how a man hugs me

In general, a dream in which a man hugs a dreamer is favorable. Such a dream may portend a future meeting with a lover, happiness and love experiences. Hugs can be an element.

In this case, the dream is a sign of the dreamer's sexual dissatisfaction, the desire for sexual intimacy both with a specific partner and in general (if there is no partner). There are other interpretations:

  • Gentle hugs symbolize a happy family life. The souls and hearts of the dreamer and her husband (or future husband) will always be together, just as their bodies clung to each other in a dream, merging in an embrace;
  • Sometimes hugs can mean close. In this way, the dreamer's subconscious warns her about a future conflict and reminds you how good it is to hug a loved one instead of quarreling with him;
  • Just as happy is a dream in which a girl or woman, embracing a man, feels joy. Such a dream can be interpreted literally: in the near future, your loved one will actually hug you, and you will experience all-consuming joy and happiness.

If a guy hugs from behind in a dream?

Some girls like it when they are hugged from behind, but if this happens in a dream, you should not flatter yourself: such a dream can portend betrayal or a collapse of hopes. The dreamer in reality behaves too trustingly and carelessly, about which her subconscious is trying to warn.

Another interpretation is a connection with the past. Perhaps, on a subconscious level, the dreamer did not come to terms with and the man hugging her in a dream symbolizes her.

Hot hugs of a stranger - what does such a dream mean?

When a girl dreams that she is hugging her, I am waiting for a change ahead. In such cases, one should try to remember exactly what this unfamiliar young man was like:

  • If he was affectionate, gentle and courteous, the changes will be for the better, if he was cold, unpleasant or evil - for the worse;
  • There is also a version that through a dream about a stranger, the essence of the woman herself is manifested. In other words, in the image of a man embracing her, she herself appears. If such a man behaves aggressively or, on the contrary, sexually, then the dreamer suppresses these aspects of herself in herself and the subconscious mind seeks a way out through a dream;
  • Most often, a stranger in a dream is a collective image of a man whom a woman would like as lover or husband. This is how sexual fantasies and desires find a way out for those ladies who do not have a soulmate or simply have lost their former passion for their man and crave new experiences;
  • If a stranger hugs and - this is also social dissatisfaction, since love relationships serve not only for reproduction and carnal pleasures, but are also an indicator of some success, status in society. Therefore, both women and men want to be loved and proud, if so. Accordingly, if dreams with strangers began to visit too often - it's time to look for a guy. Otherwise, the dreamer's self-esteem may decrease and depression may begin.

Why see how a familiar man hugs?

Familiar people are divided into well-wishers and ill-wishers. If he hugs “his”, friend, buddy, neighbor, this means that soon the dreamer will have to take part in a risky adventure which may be successful.

If the enemy hugged, it means that intrigues are already being built against the dreamer and she should be careful not to fall for the hook.

If a relative is not a father, then a dream for joyful events associated with the arrival of relatives and other guests. It can be one of the relatives, any other festival, the main feature of which is a large number of guests.

If hugs husband which means that the dreamer lacks affection.

If the father, you may have to go through some trials in the near future or learn a valuable life lesson.

The father can also symbolize the powerful patron, which will appear in the girl soon.

See hugs on the shoulders

The shoulder is a symbol of mutual assistance; friends hug each other by the shoulders. Therefore, hugging your shoulders in a dream means that soon you will need the help of someone close to you, or vice versa, you yourself will be forced to help your friends.

If you dreamed of the arms of the deceased?

If in reality, the dream is empty and does not carry a semantic load. If you hug him, you will live a long life.

predicts many small joys that await the dreamer in the coming days and weeks.

Most likely, this will be a meeting with a pleasant and handsome young man who will immediately please the dreamer.

The community of interests, appearance and character will suit her taste, but the relationship will not necessarily be serious (after all, a kiss on the cheek, not on the lips). Only after some mutual efforts will serious relationships become possible, up to the family.

If you feel the strength with which you are hugged in a dream, this may be purely physiological causes (lack of air, compressed chest, abdominal breathing is complicated due to overeating or an uncomfortable bed presses on the ribs).

If the reasons are not physiological, then sleep means strong feelings and emotions that will manifest themselves in the following days.

The desire to escape from a strong embrace - a feeling of being trapped, surrounded, driven.

This means problems at work or school, a feeling of depression and hopelessness that will follow the dreamer in the coming days. One can only advise to be strong and not lose heart, because these troubles are not dangerous, and will soon end, and life will go on.

Let's sum up some

Thus, a dream in which a man hugs a woman is very significant and can mean a close meeting with beloved, so troubles at work, like a sneaky stab in the back, and a holiday involving relatives and best friends. Such a dream is interpreted depending on who hugs the dreamer and how, what feelings and emotions she experiences at the same time.

Often a dream is explained by biology: sexual dissatisfaction or lack of oxygen during sleep.