Proper skin care in spring. How to care for your skin in spring Face masks in spring

  • 10.04.2022

In the spring, nature comes to life, and the weather begins to delight with warmth and bright sunshine. But often this joy can be overshadowed by skin problems, which in one way or another concern many of the fair sex. These include dryness, irritation, peeling. In the spring, girls are simply obliged to treat the skin of their faces with increased attention, carrying out regular cosmetic procedures. This will help prolong the natural beauty of the skin and preserve youth for many years.

Causes of skin deterioration

Many women and girls note a deterioration in the condition of the skin of the face with the first arrival of spring heat. This is accompanied by many reasons that have adverse consequences:

  1. Dryness. It is characteristic of absolutely every type of skin. Even combination and oily skin suffers from a lack of moisture, which produces more oil and pores become more open. With the advent of spring, you need to give up winter greasy creams. Choose products with a moisturizing effect for your skin type.
  2. Pigmentation and freckles. It may seem to many that the spring sun's rays are harmless, but in fact they do not skimp on ultraviolet light, as a result of which the upper layer of the epidermis becomes covered with age spots and freckles. The latter are most often observed in owners of fair skin and, in fact, do not represent any harm. Pigmentation can already be called a problem resulting from genetics, taking certain medications or hormonal failure. This issue is best discussed with a dermatologist. In the spring, it is worth using creams with a high level of SPF protection. Whitening masks will help get rid of the initial signs of pigmentation.
  3. Bags and bruises under the eyes. In the spring, this problem may manifest itself due to a lack of vitamins. In addition, chronic diseases and lack of sleep can be the cause. Turning to a doctor, choose the right course of vitamins. It is important to pay close attention to the vitamin groups A and E. Special eye creams will brighten the epidermis and reduce swelling.
  4. Peeling. Many people face this problem. This is due to unfavorable transitional climatic conditions in the winter-spring period. In this case, do regular peels. Don't forget moisturizers.

How to take care of your skin in spring?

The scheme of skin care with the advent of spring is practically no different from the rest of the time. It consists of standard stages - cleansing, toning, moisturizing and protecting.


In the spring, special attention should be paid to cleansing. It is carried out twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. Use special cleansers: gels, foams or milk. Wash your face with filtered water, various herbal decoctions are also suitable for this purpose. Be sure to read how to choose the right cleanser and choose the right option for yourself.


In addition, do not forget about the tonic, which neutralizes the negative effects of chlorinated water on the skin. Thanks to tonics, blood circulation improves, and the skin becomes smooth and fresh. Tonic can be prepared independently. On the positive side, ice cubes made from green tea, mint or cucumber juice have proven themselves.


Pay special attention to moisturizer. When buying, pay attention to its constituent components. For dry skin, the presence of glycerin, vegetable oils, vitamins A and E is desirable. For oily skin, it is better to choose products with a light texture and a minimum fat content. It is good if the composition contains mint or calendula. Some girls experience allergies in the spring, so when choosing a cream, you can give preference to hypoallergenic options. This is especially true for sensitive skin types.


Moisturizing face cream must have sun protection. Preparations with UV filters will help protect the skin from pigmentation and sunburn, as well as premature aging. These creams are used every morning. SPF is adjusted according to skin type. For sensitive, it should be around 30, while for normal, you can choose 15.

In the spring, it is desirable to begin the restoration of the epidermis after the cold season and help it adapt to the changed temperature and humidity. Review your skin care products from the fall, you may need to replace some of them. And all due to the fact that sometimes the epidermis changes its properties and there are often cases when normal skin becomes dry, while dry turns into sensitive. A few rules that you should pay attention to during care:

  1. With the advent of spring, the vitamin supply of the human body is sharply reduced, this is reflected in the functional features of the internal systems, and manifests itself externally on the epidermis. A sufficient amount of fresh fruits and vegetables, greens will help prevent beriberi. Pharmaceutical preparations that are drunk with the complex will not interfere either. In addition, do not ignore external means. Your skin just needs vitamin masks. They can be prepared both independently and purchased in specialized stores.
  2. In winter, weather factors aggressively affect the skin, which leads to the accumulation of toxins, which in turn interfere with proper oxygen exchange and provoke early aging. Help in the removal of harmful substances will allow detoxification. A visit to the steam room has proven itself well. In the salon, you can do hardware lymphatic drainage. At home, it is recommended to use sparing peels that eliminate dead skin particles and normalize oxygen exchange between epidermal cells. For oily and normal skin, this procedure is carried out once every 7 days, for dry skin, 1 time in 15 days is enough.
  3. With the advent of spring, try not to get depressed, avoid stressful situations, sleep at least 8 hours, walk more in the fresh air, as all this can also affect the unhealthy appearance of the epidermis.
  4. Cosmetologists advise using face masks 1-2 times a week. They are considered the most effective remedy and are able to eliminate traces of beriberi. The composition of the masks can be changed regularly, and tap water at room temperature is allowed to remove cosmetic residues.

Useful salon treatments

To date, a huge number of salon procedures have been developed that can rejuvenate the skin, make it fresh and healthy. The effect of them is not long in coming. The only drawback is the relatively high cost, which is why not all girls can visit the salon.

Among the most useful salon procedures in the spring are the following:

  • bioskin- one of the best procedures. It actively moisturizes the skin. Initially, the skin is thoroughly cleansed, peeling is done. Next, a mask with a large amount of hyaluronic acid is applied to the face. The skin is moisturized, wrinkles are less visible, pigmentation is reduced.
  • Facial massage- This is the simplest and most affordable procedure. It enhances the process of blood circulation, normalizes metabolism. Integuments improve elasticity, their tone increases.
  • Microcurrent therapy. Due to the small effect of current on the skin, age spots and wrinkles are eliminated. There is no pain during the procedure.

With the advent of spring, you need to not only update your wardrobe, but also pay special attention to the condition of your facial skin. Proper care is quite real at home and does not require any special skills or time costs from you. It is enough to choose the right cosmetics and use them on a regular basis. Listen to the advice of professionals, and natural beauty will delight you for many more years.

Our skin is sensitive to the first rays of the spring sun. How to properly care for her in the spring? Cosmetologist Natalya Alekseevna Akopyan answers questions.

"There are many holidays in our family in the spring. I usually go to feasts after a busy day, running home only for an hour. How can I put myself in order during this time?"
Irina K., St. Petersburg

Quickly refreshes the face and removes traces of a potato mask. The recipe for its preparation is simple: crush a hot potato, add the yolk and a little milk until a thick viscous slurry is obtained. Apply a warm mask on the face. Keep 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and then rinse your face with cold boiled water.

The yolk mask also gives a quick response effect.

Potatoes will again help you get rid of puffiness under the eyes. Wrap circles of raw potatoes or grated pulp in gauze and put on closed eyes for 15 minutes. The water in which the potatoes were boiled is useful for washing. Contrasting baths for the skin help perfectly, and the procedure should be completed with hot water.

"I find rubbing my face with ice helps a lot. However, my friend says that they should not be abused. What is the best way to make ice?" Nadezhda Barykina, Samara

Wiping the face with ice is a useful procedure that perfectly tones the skin of the face. But it is not prescribed for everyone. For women with sensitive skin, with a pronounced vascular pattern, it is categorically contraindicated. And in all seasons. I would recommend making ice from mineral water or whey. Put the pan with kefir on a small fire until curdled. Freeze the settled liquid in plastic molds.

"Are there any special spring makeup secrets?" Evelina A., Voronezh

The art of makeup is a delicate matter that requires taste and experience. Surely you already know what cosmetic ingredients suit your skin, what tones and shades are preferable for you. Do not change the chosen cosmetics. However, it should be remembered that in spring there is a bright active sun, a long daylight hours, and therefore, all defects become more noticeable. Therefore, in spring makeup, unlike winter makeup, there should be less bright colors and rich tones.

"Often in the spring I have swelling under the eyes. Because of this, the face takes on some wrinkled, stale look."
Sofia Andreevna, 40 years old, Kyiv

First you need to understand the nature of this phenomenon. Edema can be caused by a weakened function of the kidneys, heart, gynecological diseases, chronic overwork, abuse of bad habits. If you have a hernia of the lower eyelids, you need to do cosmetic surgery.

In the absence of chronic ailments, you can help yourself. Moisturize the skin of the eyelids with a lot of cream. Use mostly alcohol-free tonics. Limit salt and fluid intake - swelling is often the result of malnutrition. Try not to drink at night. The last fluid intake is three hours before bedtime. It is better to sleep on your back. At home, a special cream labeled "from puffiness under the eyes" can help. Use folk remedies - lotions from a decoction of parsley, chamomile or sage.

"Are there special rules for skin care in the spring?"
Anna Sukhinina, Bryansk

In spring, the skin, like the whole body, feels an acute shortage of vitamins. The skin becomes drier and requires more fatty components. Especially if you are over thirty. With the first spring warmth, you can return to moisturizers. Add oil solutions of vitamins A and E to creams and masks. You should resort to the masks themselves more often than in winter. The most important thing in spring skin care is to achieve such an effect that you do not feel dryness, tightness, discomfort.

"In the spring, my already pale lips turn colorless. Is there anything I can do to help myself?" Maria Fedorovna, Moscow region

Well revitalizes lips frequent rubbing with ice. Not bad in the morning and evening to lubricate them with vitamin A in oil or warm vegetable oil - olive or any other stone fruit: apricot, peach.

"Should I use foundation in the spring or allow my face to bask under the rays of the spring sun?" Oksana S., Sumy

Foundations, especially in sunny spring weather, should be used only when necessary, as a decorative tool that corrects defects. If you do not have a tendency to spring pigmentation, then it is better to open your face towards the first gentle sun.

"With the first rays of the sun, wrinkles around my eyes begin to appear." Lyudmila V., Kolomna

To improve blood circulation in the eyelids and prevent wrinkles, it is advisable to do special procedures every evening. Cleanse the skin with cosmetic milk or tonic. Apply a nourishing eye cream. Do not forget to constantly moisturize the skin around the eyes and make cucumber and potato masks.

If the condition of wrinkles around the eyes continues to bother you, consult a dermatocosmetologist for a radical treatment - injection of a gel, micro-resurfacing.

"How to get rid of pores, which for some reason are more in spring?"
Victoria, Tula

To make the pores less visible, a mask made from a mixture of baby powder and calendula tincture helps. Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous mass is obtained and apply on the face. Keep the mask for at least 15 minutes in a horizontal position with raised legs in a room with an ajar window. Wash off with warm, then cool water. An egg white and lemon juice mask is also effective.

"What to do with freckles? They prevent me from enjoying life."
Liza, 17 years old, Moscow

Freckles are wonderful in my opinion. They are a sign of youth. Think about it, is it worth it to worry about freckles? But... if I haven't convinced you, declare war on freckles. Photoprotective creams, whitening masks made from cucumber, carrot juice, egg white with lemon and white lily petals will help you. Brew half a glass of petals with one glass of water. Steamed petals are applied to spots and freckles.

“I have very oily skin. What spring masks can help me?
Elsa, Nizhny Novgorod

For oily skin, freeze ice from a decoction of string and celandine. Use alcohol based lotions. Try to limit your intake of animal fats, coffee and salt. For oily skin, a mask is suitable: half a pack of ordinary yeast, one yolk, a few drops of lemon juice. Be sure to add fermented milk products to it: kefir, yogurt, yogurt, fermented baked milk, sour cream.
Another effective mask for oily skin: beat the egg white until a thick foam is obtained, add a few drops of lemon juice and mix with oatmeal (hercules crushed in a coffee grinder). Apply the mask on the face in a dense layer for 15 minutes. To enhance the effect when the mask dries, add another layer on top.

"What to do in the spring with very dry skin?"
Zoya Fedorovna, Krasnoyarsk region

It is useful to wash with warm vegetable oil - olive, peach, corn, apricot. Wipe the face and neck with a cotton swab dipped in it.

Helps egg-honey mask. Mix the yolk of a raw egg, one teaspoon of honey, half a teaspoon of oil. To the resulting mass, add a little or ground oatmeal in a coffee grinder until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained. Don't forget that your skin requires a lot of moisture and oil.

The condition of the skin of the face in the spring

Oddly enough, but in the spring, when nature around comes to life, the skin on the face is going through far from the best of times. After a gloomy winter, when there is practically no sun, it becomes dull and inanimate. In addition, her sensitivity increases, and as a result of this, the first rays of the sun become a real blow for her, due to which small cracks form on her.

After winter, oily sheen often appears, because the skin has not been cleaned properly and the pores in it are clogged. Because of this, inflammation also appears, the skin becomes uneven and tired. A slight impact of the spring wind can only aggravate the situation and provoke irritation and peeling.

It should be borne in mind that in winter, the face, like no other part of the body, was subjected to temperature changes (from the street to the house and vice versa), and this is a serious stress.

The main stages of facial skin care in spring

In spring, the skin needs especially careful care. It includes several stages. It must also be regular and correct. Only in this case the skin will look well-groomed and healthy. Here are the main aspects to consider:


Before restoring the skin, it must be cleansed by removing a layer of dead cells. Only after that the subsequent procedures will be effective. To do this, you can use professional tools and home procedures. The first will be discussed further, so we will focus directly on home care.

It is recommended to cleanse the skin with scrubs. They, in addition to removing dead cells, also cleanse clogged pores on the face. This action is necessary because the sebum particles in the pores cause inflammation and are a favorable environment for the reproduction of microbes. Therefore, you need to regularly scrub 2 times a week, and also steam the skin over a steam of herbal decoctions once every two weeks. After such cleansing, you should always apply a nourishing cream to your face.


In spring, the skin needs the necessary amount of moisture especially strongly. Therefore, you need to use a moisturizer daily, and apply thermal water to your face during the day.

Elimination of fatigue

Often the skin after winter looks dull and tired. This is due to a lack of vitamins, poor circulation and lack of necessary nutrition and skin hydration.

To restore the skin of the face, you need to take care of good nutrition rich in essential vitamins and minerals, walks in the fresh air. It is also recommended to drink a vitamin complex and make masks from fermented milk products and fruits.

Restoring healthy color

The absence of a healthy blush on the face significantly affects the appearance of a woman. Therefore, it is recommended to do a light facial massage every day, kneading the skin in circular rotations from the center to the temples.

In addition, after washing your face in the morning, it is useful to wipe your face with a cube of frozen green tea or herbal decoction (chamomile, calendula or sage will do).

Dealing with hypersensitivity

There are many factors that cause skin to become overly sensitive. In order to minimize them, you should abandon experiments with new cosmetics - it is better to postpone them for another time. In the spring, preference should be given to proven cosmetics. But it should not be left on the face for a long time. It is advisable to immediately remove cosmetics from the face upon arrival home with the help of milk or tonic for washing.

Elimination of oily sheen

It was noted above that oily sheen on the skin in the spring is especially annoying. To fight it, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin and use high-quality powder. It is also useful to purchase matting wipes for cleansing the face during the day. Natural lotions and masks give good results.

Sun protection

The first spring rays of the sun after a cloudy winter can provoke cracks in the skin, rashes and even blisters. To avoid all this, you need to use every time you are going to go outside.

The fight against pigmentation

The appearance of freckles is another spring misfortune. Someone comes to terms with their appearance, and someone begins to fight. Good products that lighten pigmentation are products that have bleaching properties and contain acid. More details on how to use them will be discussed below.

Beauty products for face care in spring

Skillfully selected cosmetics at any time of the year can be an indispensable tool in skin care. In addition, with its help you can achieve such a result that is beyond the power of other means. In the spring, properly selected cosmetics are also very important. In order for the skin to receive everything it needs, it is very important to have the following products in your home cosmetic bag:

Sunscreens with a protection factor of at least 25-30

It is recommended to choose a hypoallergenic product for sensitive skin, because this is how it is in the spring. You need to use such products every time you go outside and reapply them according to the instructions.

If you plan to do cosmetic procedures on the face, then after them use products with a protection factor of 50, because after such procedures the skin is more defenseless than ever.


They need to be chosen depending on the type of skin. If it is dry, then they should be oil-based, and if oily, they should be water-based. Thermal water is necessary regardless of skin type, but when buying it, choose the one that suits your skin. Some products are able to mattify oily skin, which means they work like a 2 in 1.

Anti-inflammatory gels

Will be necessary for those who suffer from problematic skin prone to acne. It is recommended to purchase those products that contain extracts of medicinal plants and have a therapeutic effect, fighting the inflammation itself, and not just masking it.

Cleansing scrubs and tonics

Necessary for the restoration of facial skin in the spring. To avoid injury to the skin, you should choose soft scrubs and tonics that do not contain alcohol. Tonic skin should be cleansed daily, and scrub - no more than 2 times a week. If possible, cosmetics should be bought from the same brand, because in the complex you can achieve a much better result.

Spring Facials

The beginning of spring is the best time to visit a beauty salon or cosmetic clinic. Facial skin care in spring may include the following procedures:

Deep cleansing

The deep cleansing procedure is not the most pleasant, but it can be used to achieve the maximum effect. There are two types of cleaning: ultrasonic and mechanical. The first includes the so-called skin resurfacing and is carried out for superficial cleansing, and the second is aimed at a deeper action, during which subcutaneous comedones and acne are removed.

Thanks to the use of medical cosmetics, these procedures are safe and give good results. Deep cleansing is recommended not only in spring, but throughout the year once a quarter. Thanks to him, home skin care gives good results.

Facial peeling

Helps repair skin by removing dead cells and pore contents. After the procedure, the skin becomes smooth, lively and with a natural glow. Peeling is different, but most often they resort to the one that involves the use of fruit acids. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes, after which the skin is covered with a cream with a high protection factor. Peeling is carried out before the active sun appears (until mid-March or early April).


There are several procedures that help to intensively moisturize the skin in the spring. Among the most common are ozone therapy, paraffin therapy. These procedures restore the skin, moisturize and nourish it. They also activate blood circulation and skin cell renewal. Therefore, holding one of them or several will not be superfluous for the face.

Spring home skin care products

In addition to cosmetic procedures, due attention should be paid to home remedies for facial skin care. First of all, you need to eat right, drink enough clean water and rest. All this will help restore the internal state of the body, and consequently, the external one.

You can use folk recipes for skin care. Homemade masks are especially effective. Here are some recipes for masks that are especially useful in spring:

  • Mash up half a banana and stir it in with a tablespoon of fresh milk. Add 4 drops of lemon juice and apply on face for 15 minutes. This mask whitens freckles and nourishes the skin;
  • Chop the spinach leaves and, after measuring out a tablespoon, stir them with the beaten egg white. Leave on for 15 minutes and then wash off with cool water. This mask effectively relieves inflammation and is suitable for problem skin;
  • With the help of heavy cream and any fruit, you can successfully moisturize dry skin. To do this, cream and fruit are mixed in equal proportions and applied to the face. After 20 minutes, the remnants of the mask are removed with a damp cloth;
  • To make the skin even and ruddy, you can put sauerkraut on your face for a few minutes;
  • For girls with oily skin, it is useful to lubricate the face several times with crushed grapes along with the peel and seeds. First you need to apply one layer, wait until it dries and apply the next. Enough 2-3 layers. After applying the latter, you need to wait 10 minutes and wash with cool water;
  • In the morning and evening, the face can be lubricated with a few drops of apricot, almond or jojoba vegetable oil. This is especially useful for dry skin that needs similar moisture. Owners of oily skin should not use these same oils in their pure form, but add them to homemade masks;
  • Mash blackcurrant and apply to cleansed skin for 15 minutes. Such a mask, due to the high content of fruit acids, tightens pores;
  • Parsley decoction is suitable for fighting freckles and hemp. One bunch should be poured with boiling water and filtered after half an hour. Wipe the face with a chilled broth several times a day;
  • Also bleaches crushed lemon mixed with starch. These products should be mixed in equal proportions and applied for 10 minutes on the face. After that, wash your face and apply a nourishing cream to your skin.

As you can see, spring facial skin care requires a lot of time and effort. But it is necessary to maintain the current state of the skin at a high level, thereby taking care of its future and prolonging its external attractiveness. Therefore, do not treat the needs of the skin of the face with disdain. She needs to be looked after day by day, and then she will be not only attractive, but also truly healthy.

Zyatko Nadezhda specially for the site Women's Issues

Which give us the first rays of the sun, is not reflected in the mirror? On the contrary, the skin looks especially dull, peeling has appeared, the T-zone has become more oily, redness occurs periodically.

Problem: dryness and redness

For six whole months, our skin experienced serious stress. Constant temperature fluctuations, when we left the house into the cold wind, then went down into the stuffy subway, and then spent more than half of our day in heated rooms. Now the temperature outside is rising, but the batteries continue to heat up.

This "temperature pendulum" and "desert effect" is one of the reasons for the disruption of the hydrolipidic film that protects the skin. As a result, we get problems in the form of dehydration, dry skin and flaking. Conclusion - natural protection must be restored.

How to get rid of dry skin

The best way to restore the hydro-lipid layer is to create favorable conditions for the normal functioning of the skin, and then it will cope on its own. Remove makeup in two steps: first dissolve it with micellar water, oil or milk, then use a gentle facial cleanser.

Choose a pH-neutral product, such as can be found in a range of drugstore brands. And remember that mousse products are often milder than gel products.

After you have cleansed your skin, use a toner followed by a nourishing or restoring cream.

For home care, you can try these remedies:

  1. Micellar water Bioderma Sensibio H2O,
  2. Makeup remover Dr. Brandt Xtend Your Youth Dual Fusion Water,
  3. Make-up remover milk Yves Rocher Culture Bio Honey&Organic Muesli Creamy Cleansing Lotion,
  4. Milk La Roche-Posay Physiological Cleansing Milk,
  5. Foam for washing Sanoflore Cleansing Water Foam,
  6. Skin Cleansing Cream Diademine 110,
  7. Skin Rejuvenator Lysedia Revitamax Spray,
  8. Revitalizing night cream Payot My Payot Nuit,
  9. Nourishing day cream Nivea Visage,
  10. Anti-aging cream that activates the protective functions of the skin, La Prairie Cellular Swiss Ice Crystal Cream,
  11. Revitalizing protective cream L "Occitane Creme Ultra Rich Visage,
  12. Revitalizing almond cream for sensitive skin Weleda Mandel.

Dull complexion

Every month, vegetables, fruits and other foods that we eat contain less and less vitamins. We are tormented by hypovitaminosis, in particular, the lack of so-called "vitamins of youth": A, group B, C, E.

Often, due to insufficiently thorough cleansing and exfoliation, a layer of old cells accumulates on the surface of the skin, which themselves are gray in color. They not only make the complexion visually dull, but also prevent the skin from breathing and absorbing the beneficial components of creams and masks.

Restore skin radiance

If you have no contraindications, get in the habit of exfoliating these old particles from time to time. Owners of dry skin can use a scrub no more than 1 time in 3-4 weeks. The rest can use it a little more often, but subject to mandatory moisturizing after.

If necessary, you can take a course of salon bacterial or enzyme peels, sandblasting dermabrasion or oxy-peels, but only after consultation with a beautician.

Do not use homemade products in the form of drunk coffee or ground apricot kernels: these harsh abrasive particles disrupt the lipid layer and contribute to increased sebum secretion.

At home, the following tools will help you:

Spring skin care tips

  1. Scrub based on volcanic ash M.A.C Volcanic Ash Exfoliator,
  2. Peeling mask Lumene LAB "2 in 1",
  3. Dual Action Scrub Mask Erborian,
  4. Activating face cream "Energy charge" Avon,
  5. A hydrating & radiance-restoring cream Erborian Blancde Creme,
  6. Cream for skin radiance Vichy Idealia.

Problem: Shiny skin in the T-zone

Often we mistakenly take shine in the T-zone area as a sign of oily skin. However, in most cases, this is just a consequence of the two previous problems, a sign of dehydration of the skin. And the more actively you begin to polish and degrease the skin in an effort to achieve "purity", the more it will secrete sebum.

The fact is that hypersecretion of sebum is a way to protect the skin from aggression. That is why exfoliation, which we talked about above, should be regular and as gentle as possible.

Proper care of the T-zone

Oily, dehydrated skin needs to be cleansed and moisturized gently and regularly. The simplest remedy is an ordinary moisturizer. It, in addition to the standard moisturizing components - hyaluronic and lactic acids, glycerin and amino acids - must contain soothing components, such as panthenol. The cream must be chosen according to your skin type, which can be determined independently or with the help of a beautician.

By the way, a cosmetologist can also prescribe a course of moisturizing masks or even “heavy artillery” - biorevitalization of the skin with hyaluronic acid. But in most cases, you can still get by with just a cream. If you have chosen the right one, after a while the feeling of tightness after washing will disappear and it will stop shining too much.

During cold weather, the skin constantly suffers from a lack of moisture, vitamins, begins to dry out and peel off. This is due to the thinning of the upper layer of the epidermis and the lack of nutrients in the food consumed. Therefore, skin care in the spring should be based on the careful restoration of its protective properties, because the activation of ultraviolet radiation can cause additional harm.

Spring skin care

You can choose the right products and procedures, taking into account the type of dermis, individual characteristics (freckles, age spots), pay attention to pores and problem areas.

Universal skin care tips for spring:

  1. Increase the amount of water you drink per day to 1.5-2 liters.
  2. Replenish your diet with foods rich in vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids - red fish, flax seeds, olive oil and corn.
  3. Take a course of mineral complexes.
  4. Detoxify your skin with lymphatic drainage, baths or saunas.
  5. For the first 2-3 weeks of spring, wash your face only with boiled water, you can add herbal decoctions to it.
  6. Discard alcohol lotions, they are too aggressive for thinned skin after winter.
  7. Use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15.
  8. Be sure to purchase a soft tonic based on or mineral water.
  9. Pay special attention to the skin around the eyes, provide it with additional nutrition.
  10. Use a rich lip balm with vitamin E.

Sensitive and dry skin in spring

These 2 types require thorough hydration and an extra serving of nutrients.

To cleanse sensitive and dry skin, cosmetologists recommend not using water, but light milk, which does not violate the integrity of the natural protective barrier of the epidermis. After washing, it is important to tone with an alcohol-free tonic based on natural ingredients. It will help to narrow pores, refresh the complexion.

Moisturizing the skin types in question should be done twice a day. It is better to choose a hypoallergenic intensive action cream that retains moisture in the cells.

Dry and sensitive skin needs nourishment day and night. In the first case, it is worth applying a cream with a sun protection factor of 15 to 30 (if there is a tendency to freckles). Night cosmetics should be based on natural oils - avocado, jojoba, apricot, shea, almond.

Oily, problematic and combination skin in spring

The care of the described types of dermis includes several additional procedures.

So, skin cleansing should be carried out not only with the help of foams and gels, but soft scrubs or acid exfoliants should be used 2-3 times a week. Such products help control fat secretion and fight inflammation. Tonic can be both with alcohol and without it, the main thing is that it does not irritate the epidermis, does not cause peeling and redness. Cucumber juice, mint decoction, green tea tones well.

Moisturizing and nourishing oily and combination, special is required. It is important to choose light emulsions or gels instead of creams that are quickly absorbed and at the same time matte the surface of the epidermis. It is good if antioxidants, allantoin, calendula extract and bisabolol are present in their composition.

Spring masks


  1. Mash a hot boiled potato, add a little cold milk and 1 egg yolk.
  2. Apply a warm thick slurry on the face for 12-15 minutes.
  3. Rinse with room temperature water, and then immediately rinse the skin with cold water.

For sensitive, dry type:

For oily, combination and problem skin:

  1. Mash half a pack of briquette yeast, mix with 1 tablespoon of kefir, sour cream or unsweetened yogurt, yolk, add 5-10 drops of lemon juice.
  2. Apply the paste on the skin, leave for 20 minutes.
  3. Remove the mask with a cotton pad and rinse your face with cool water.