Prayer for the taming of an evil heart. How to soften your heart

  • 18.05.2022

Religious reading: a prayer for the softening of the husband's heart to help our readers.

Useful prayer! It really gives peace of mind when reading! It is good to read it when you are in conflict with a dear person! Always helped me!

The Blessed Mother of God has always been the intercessor and patroness of the family and loving hearts. It is customary for her to trust her sorrows and prayers to reconcile with those who, voluntarily or involuntarily, were offended. Prayers addressed to the Mother of God will help against quarrels and disagreements with your loved one.

It is customary to offer prayers to overcome the quarrel to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of the icon "Softener of Evil Hearts", or it is also called briefly "Seven-shot".

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Buy this icon in a church shop, it perfectly heals overheated hearts and calms emotions, acts as an instructive for those who do not see a way out of the vicious circle of their quarrels.

“Soothen our evil hearts, Mother of God, and quench the misfortunes of those who hate us, and resolve all the narrowness of our soul. Looking at Your holy image, we are touched by Your suffering and mercy for us and kiss Your wounds, but our arrows, which torment You, are horrified.

Do not give us, merciful Mother, to perish in our hardness of heart and from the hardness of our neighbors, Thou art truly evil hearts Softening.

“O Long-suffering Mother of God, who exalted all the daughters of the earth in her purity and in the multitude of sufferings that you transferred to the lands! Accept our many painful sighs and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy.

Otherwise, for refuge and warm intercession, unless you, are not vem, but as if you have boldness to those who are born of you, help and save us with your prayers, so that we unstoppably reach the Kingdom of Heaven, even with all the saints we will sing in the Trinity of the One God, always, now and forever and ever. Amen".

If you offer this prayer in the morning and at bedtime, then the person with whom you have a desire to make peace will certainly soften his anger and want to see you.

Prayer for the softening of evil hearts

The icon of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows” and the prayer for the softening of evil hearts are urgent, recommended church attributes and petitions that should be in the house. After all, this prayer word is aimed at preserving peace in the family, combating misunderstanding, discord, as well as the thoughts of uninvited guests, the wishes of the stingy and not pure.

Prayer for family happiness from all misfortunes

You can pray for the softening of evil hearts every day, so that the Mother of God would admonish and guide all the inhabitants of the house and family members on the true path. The word of prayer, spoken from the heart, will be heard. Help will come down with calmness, understanding of grace. You need to reinforce the prayer with church lit candles. Or an appeal to the icon “Seven Arrows”, sincere, honest.

The icon depicts the Mother of God with seven arrows that pierced her heart. The arrows symbolize the seven mortal sins. You need to pray to atone for these diabolical temptations, in memory of life righteous Mother of God on the ground.

If quarrels, disagreements, misunderstandings have begun in your family, turn your inner world with a verbal appeal to the Virgin. The quiet word can be heard far away - the old truth. Pray before the icon, ask for protection for your family, admonishment of loved ones, guidance on the true path:

“Mother of God, who gave birth to the Father of our only God. Forgive me my sins, voluntary, involuntary, committed by knowledge, ignorance. Hear my sincere prayer, do not turn away the face of Your Holy One from me, a sinner. Help my family in repentance, reward everyone with patience and attention. May everyone's soul be filled with faith, be a single example for the whole family. Thank you, Mother of God. And the weather in our house will clear up. So be it, and a fierce enemy pass by the house. Amen"

Sincere words, read in silence at dawn, while everyone is sleeping, will have an effect in speed. And the emotional, spiritual background of the family will regain peace and joy.

Prayer from evil people

The icon with the Face of the Holy Mother of God with arrows is placed above the front door, at the sunrise of the house. If a person came to you with goodness, then he will leave your monastery with goodness. And if with black thoughts, all sorts of bad misfortunes, the guest crossed the threshold, then the icon “Seven-shot” will not allow dark energy in your house, protect from misfortune and evil people, save from the wishes of the unkind.

After the grumbling neighbor, enemy, or other unpleasant guest leaves, go around the whole house clockwise from the front door with a lighted candle. Stay in every corner. Where the candle “cries” and begins to smoke, stay there longer. Close the circle in the same place at the entrance. Thank the Mother of God for help in your home and read the following prayer:

“Mother of God, Queen of Heaven, leave everything interesting with us, keep peace and tranquility in the house, stay with our family. All with misfortunes, anger that came, spend the boundless shores. Drown their longing in the ocean, and leave goodness and love with us. Let the sins in life not touch us and the enemies never come back to us. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Cross yourself three times in front of the icon, thank her in your own words for the help provided. Evil people will bypass your house, and you will have peace of mind.

So, a prayer to soften evil hearts can be read:

The Orthodox prayer for the softening of evil hearts addressed to the Mother of God will perform miracles: it will calm, soften hearts, heal.

Prayer of the Mother of God "Softener of evil hearts"

There are a great many images of the Holy Virgin depicted on the icons and lists from them, one of the most revered and famous is the icon “Softener of Evil Hearts”, also referred to as “Seven Arrows”. Today it is revered as miraculous, and the prayer for the softening of evil hearts is used by believers as a petition for recovery from serious illnesses, elimination of anger and intolerance, cure for serious infections, and granting peace and tranquility.

Iconographic reference

The icon depicts the Mother of God alone. Moreover, there is a difference between the icons "Softener of evil hearts" and "Seven-shooter".

In the first case, the Virgin is pierced by swords, located three on the right and left, and the seventh below.

In the second, the Virgin is pierced by arrows, three on one side and four on the other. Swords and arrows are a prototype of the deep sadness that the Great Benefactor carried in her soul all her life.

Finding an ancient icon

The following has long been known about the first glorification of the "Seven-shooter" image. A peasant from one of the districts of the Vologda province for a long time suffered from pain in his legs and limped heavily, it was very difficult for him to walk and the man's body was very relaxed. He was treated for a long time by many healers and healers, but nothing helped him. But only the Mother of God was able to restore his lost health.

Once, during a dream, a commanding voice was heard, instructing him to climb the church bell tower, find there an ancient icon of the Theotokos and pray fervently before it. Only then will he be granted the desired healing from a serious illness. The peasant came to the temple twice, talked about the "night order" and tried to fulfill the decree given to him in a dream vision, but the ministers of the church did not believe him and did not let him into the bell tower. For the third time, seeing the persistence of the ailing lame man, the acolytes went to meet him: the invalid climbed the belfry and immediately found the icon. She was lying in the dust by the stairs and the ringers, not noticing the shrine under their feet, walked straight along it, as if on an ordinary board. The icon was immediately cleaned of dust, washed of dirt, and a prayer service was served. The peasant, who prayed earnestly during the service, soon received the coveted healing.

Prayer Rules

Prayer for the softening of evil hearts is one of the most powerful prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos. In order for the requested to be realized as quickly as possible, it is necessary:

  • come to an Orthodox monastery;
  • put a candle in front of the icon of Jesus Christ;
  • kiss the lips and forehead to the Holy Crucifix;
  • go to the icon "Softener of evil hearts" or "Seven-shooter", light a candle and read a prayer (you can pray in your own words).

You can pray at home in front of the icon. To do this, you need to purchase a candle in the church, light it during prayer and ask the Queen of Heaven for help in business and intercession before the Lord for the bestowal of Divine Grace.

Prayer before the icon

According to a long-established tradition, before the face of the Holy Virgin, they pray for their enemies, for the mitigation of enmity between people and for the bestowal of a feeling of mercy.

Soften our evil hearts, Mother of God, and quench the misfortunes of those who hate us, and resolve all the narrowness of our soul. Looking at Your holy image, we are touched by Your suffering and mercy for us and kiss Your wounds, but our arrows, which torment You, are horrified. Do not give us, merciful Mother, to perish in our hardness of heart and from the hardness of our neighbors, Thou art truly evil hearts Softening.

To the Chosen Virgin Mary, the highest of all the daughters of the earth, the Mother of the Son of God, who gave Him the salvation of the world, we appeal with tenderness: look at our many-sorrowful life, remember the sorrows and illnesses that you endured, as our earthly one, and do with us according to your mercy, let's call you ti:

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

O much-sorrowful Mother of God, softening of evil hearts and surpassing all the daughters of the earth, in Your purity and in the multitude of sufferings You have transferred to the earth, accept our many painful sighs and save us under the shelter of Your mercy. We don’t know any other refuge and warm intercession for You, but, as you have boldness to the One Who is Born from You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we will unstoppably reach the Kingdom of Heaven, even with all the saints we will sing in the Trinity to the One God now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

O who will not please Thee, Virgin of Grace, who will not sing of Your mercy to the human race. We pray to you, we ask you, do not leave us in the evil of the perishing, dissolve our hearts with love and send Your arrow to our enemies, may our hearts be wounded by peace to those who persecute us. If the world hates us - You stretch out Your love for us, if the world drives us - You accept us, give us the grace-filled power of patience - to endure the trials in this world without grumbling. Oh lady! Soften the hearts of evil people who rise up against us, so that their hearts do not perish in evil - but implore, O Gracious One, Your Son and our God, let their hearts die in peace, but the devil - the father of malice - be put to shame! We, singing Your mercy to us, evil, indecent, we will sing to You, O Wonderful Lady Virgin of Grace, hear us at this hour, contrite hearts of those who have, protect us with peace and love for each other and for our enemies, eradicate from us all malice and enmity, let us sing to You and Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ: Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Important! Your desire will be fulfilled only if it does not contradict the Commandments of the Lord and if it is the Will of God!

The myrrh-streaming miraculous image of the Blessed Virgin Mary is kept on Maiden's Field in Moscow, in the Church of Michael the Archangel. The celebration of the icon, also called "Simeon's prophecy", takes place annually on August 26 and on the week of All Saints.

Orthodox icons and prayers

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

Prayer from scandals and quarrels in the family, with her husband, with children

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In Orthodoxy, the family, the upbringing of children and the relationship between married couples is of high importance. The family is called the "small temple" due to which the family hearth is under the intercession of all the saints and even the Almighty.

As you know, nothing is perfect in this world. Also in a family where there are various disagreements and misunderstandings, however, the main thing to remember is that you are not just a couple, you are a whole union consisting of two people and which is responsible not only for yourself, but also for your children before all the Saints and the Lord .

Prayer for quarrels in the family

In order to avoid any difficulties that have overtaken a couple and to allay all misunderstandings, you can turn to prayer for help, which you can read with different images.

A prayer from scandals in the family is pronounced before:

  • Holy Mother of God;
  • Defender of a pious family - Archangel Barahiel;
  • Xenia of Petersburg;
  • Apostle John the Theologian;
  • Miraculous image of the Mother of God "Softener of evil hearts";
  • Saint Archangel Raphael.

In the Orthodox religion, there are a huge number of defenders of the family hearth from scandals in the house. In addition to the above Miracle Workers, patrons can also include such Saints as Fevronia and Peter, who were able to live happily in love and harmony for a long life, and they died in one hour and one day.

There are also Saints Anna and Joachim (the parents of the Queen of Heaven), who were truly an indicator of an ideal married couple. In prayer, you can turn to these images in case of a quarrel with your husband and other family troubles, when it comes to divorce, and this is done so that peace reigns again in the family, and the faded love is reborn.

But to avoid quarrels with children, to protect the family hearth and the marriage itself, the prayer service pronounced by St. Paraskeva will help. Such conversion in Christianity is considered the most revered as it saves from mental torment.

A prayer appeal to the Saints and the Lord will help you:

  • Overcome difficulties and strengthen family ties;
  • Restore harmony in the house;
  • Establish contact with children and achieve understanding;
  • After a quarrel, a prayer service will help to realize wrong, relieve pride and allow you to realize your mistakes;
  • In some cases, couples with the help of a prayer to a miraculous image can even avoid divorce.

It should be noted that in order to get a greater effect from a prayer petition, it is necessary to visit the temple with your soulmate in order to read a prayer service in hope and faith for a bright and happy future.

Prayer for scandals

Appeal to Archangel Barahiel:

“O great archangel of God, Archangel Barahiel! Standing before the Throne of God and from there bringing the blessings of God to the homes of the faithful servants of God, ask the Lord God for mercy and blessings on our homes, may the Lord God bless us and increase the abundance of the fruits of the earth, and give us health and salvation, good haste in everything, and on enemies victory and overcoming, and will keep us for many years, always. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

Appeal to the Mother of God:

“Blessed Lady, take my family under Your protection. Instill in the hearts of my spouse and our children peace, love and non-controversy to all that is good; do not allow anyone from my family to separation and a difficult parting, to premature and sudden death without repentance.

And save our house and all of us living in it from fiery ignition, thieves' attacks, every evil situation, various insurance and devilish obsession. Yes, and together and separately, clearly and secretly, we will glorify Your Holy Name always, now and forever, and forever and ever. Holy Mother of God, save us! Amen".

Appeal to Xenia of Petersburg:

“Oh, simple in the way of her life, homeless on earth, the heiress of the cloisters of the Heavenly Father, blessed pilgrim Xenia! As if before, you had fallen ill and sorrowful to your tombstone and filled it with consolations, now we too, overwhelmed by pernicious circumstances, resorting to you, we ask with hope: pray, good heavenly lady, that our steps be corrected according to the word of the Lord to the doing of His commandments, and yes God-fighting atheism will be abolished, which has captivated your city and your country, casting us many-sinners into mortal fraternal hatred, proud self-exaltation and blasphemous despair.

Oh, most blessed of Christ, for the sake of confounding the vanity of this age, ask the Creator and Giver of all blessings to grant us humility, meekness and love in the treasure of our hearts, faith in strengthening prayer, hope in repentance, strength in a difficult life, merciful healing of our soul and body , chastity in marriage and care for our neighbors and sincere ones, our whole life renewal in the purifying bath of repentance, as if all-praisefully singing your memory, let us glorify the miraculous in you, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Trinity Consubstantial and Indivisible forever and ever. Amen".

God bless you!

Watch also the video of prayer for family well-being:

Prayers for Conflict

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Registered: Mar 2012

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This article contains: a prayer to soften the heart of a husband - information taken from all over the world, the electronic network and spiritual people.

There are a great many images of the Holy Virgin depicted on the icons and lists from them, one of the most revered and famous is the icon “Softener of Evil Hearts”, also referred to as “Seven Arrows”. Today it is revered as miraculous, and the prayer for the softening of evil hearts is used by believers as a petition for recovery from serious illnesses, elimination of anger and intolerance, cure for serious infections, and granting peace and tranquility.

Iconographic reference

The icon depicts the Mother of God alone. Moreover, there is a difference between the icons "Softener of evil hearts" and "Seven-shooter".

In the first case, the Virgin is pierced by swords, located three on the right and left, and the seventh below.

In the second, the Virgin is pierced by arrows, three on one side and four on the other. Swords and arrows are a prototype of the deep sadness that the Great Benefactor carried in her soul all her life.

Finding an ancient icon

The following has long been known about the first glorification of the "Seven-shooter" image. A peasant from one of the districts of the Vologda province for a long time suffered from pain in his legs and limped heavily, it was very difficult for him to walk and the man's body was very relaxed. He was treated for a long time by many healers and healers, but nothing helped him. But only the Mother of God was able to restore his lost health.

Once, during a dream, a commanding voice was heard, instructing him to climb the church bell tower, find there an ancient icon of the Theotokos and pray fervently before it. Only then will he be granted the desired healing from a serious illness. The peasant came to the temple twice, talked about the "night order" and tried to fulfill the decree given to him in a dream vision, but the ministers of the church did not believe him and did not let him into the bell tower. For the third time, seeing the persistence of the ailing lame man, the acolytes went to meet him: the invalid climbed the belfry and immediately found the icon. She was lying in the dust by the stairs and the ringers, not noticing the shrine under their feet, walked straight along it, as if on an ordinary board. The icon was immediately cleaned of dust, washed of dirt, and a prayer service was served. The peasant, who prayed earnestly during the service, soon received the coveted healing.

Prayer Rules

Prayer for the softening of evil hearts is one of the most powerful prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos. In order for the requested to be realized as quickly as possible, it is necessary:

  • come to an Orthodox monastery;
  • put a candle in front of the icon of Jesus Christ;
  • kiss the lips and forehead to the Holy Crucifix;
  • go to the icon "Softener of evil hearts" or "Seven-shooter", light a candle and read a prayer (you can pray in your own words).

You can pray at home in front of the icon. To do this, you need to purchase a candle in the church, light it during prayer and ask the Queen of Heaven for help in business and intercession before the Lord for the bestowal of Divine Grace.

Prayer before the icon

According to a long-established tradition, before the face of the Holy Virgin, they pray for their enemies, for the mitigation of enmity between people and for the bestowal of a feeling of mercy.

Soften our evil hearts, Mother of God, and quench the misfortunes of those who hate us, and resolve all the narrowness of our soul. Looking at Your holy image, we are touched by Your suffering and mercy for us and kiss Your wounds, but our arrows, which torment You, are horrified. Do not give us, merciful Mother, to perish in our hardness of heart and from the hardness of our neighbors, Thou art truly evil hearts Softening.

To the Chosen Virgin Mary, the highest of all the daughters of the earth, the Mother of the Son of God, who gave Him the salvation of the world, we appeal with tenderness: look at our many-sorrowful life, remember the sorrows and illnesses that you endured, as our earthly one, and do with us according to your mercy, let's call you ti:

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

O much-sorrowful Mother of God, softening of evil hearts and surpassing all the daughters of the earth, in Your purity and in the multitude of sufferings You have transferred to the earth, accept our many painful sighs and save us under the shelter of Your mercy. We don’t know any other refuge and warm intercession for You, but, as you have boldness to the One Who is Born from You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we will unstoppably reach the Kingdom of Heaven, even with all the saints we will sing in the Trinity to the One God now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

O who will not please Thee, Virgin of Grace, who will not sing of Your mercy to the human race. We pray to you, we ask you, do not leave us in the evil of the perishing, dissolve our hearts with love and send Your arrow to our enemies, may our hearts be wounded by peace to those who persecute us. If the world hates us - You stretch out Your love for us, if the world drives us - You accept us, give us the grace-filled power of patience - to endure the trials in this world without grumbling. Oh lady! Soften the hearts of evil people who rise up against us, so that their hearts do not perish in evil - but implore, O Gracious One, Your Son and our God, let their hearts die in peace, but the devil - the father of malice - be put to shame! We, singing Your mercy to us, evil, indecent, we will sing to You, O Wonderful Lady Virgin of Grace, hear us at this hour, contrite hearts of those who have, protect us with peace and love for each other and for our enemies, eradicate from us all malice and enmity, let us sing to You and Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ: Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Important! Your desire will be fulfilled only if it does not contradict the Commandments of the Lord and if it is the Will of God!

The myrrh-streaming miraculous image of the Blessed Virgin Mary is kept on Maiden's Field in Moscow, in the Church of Michael the Archangel. The celebration of the icon, also called "Simeon's prophecy", takes place annually on August 26 and on the week of All Saints.

Prayer "Softener of evil hearts"

Difficult periods often arise in a person’s life, and there is simply not enough strength to cope with all the hardships and problems. In such situations, many turn to the Higher Forces for help. The prayer of the Mother of God “Softener of evil hearts” has tremendous power. It helps people cope with both physical and mental problems. It is customary to pronounce it before the icon, which has the same name.

The icon depicts the Mother of God, who holds seven swords in her hands, symbolizing the most important and deadly human sins. The swords are arranged like this: three on the right and on the left side, and one pointing down. There is also a very similar icon, which is called "Seven Arrows". It also depicts the Virgin with swords, but she has them arranged differently: three on one side and four on the other. The icon "Softener of Hearts" is a reflection of the intense suffering that the Mother of God experiences for her Son throughout her life. Therefore, seven swords were chosen, since this number symbolizes the fullness of something, in this case, suffering.

Prayer "Softener of evil hearts"

Prayers before this image help to admit their mistakes and atone for them.

What else does the prayer to the Mother of God "Softener of evil hearts" help with:

  1. The main purpose of this image is to rid a person of bad thoughts and commit various atrocities.
  2. It allows her to protect herself and protect her house from the arrival of people with bad intentions. That is why it is recommended to have the icon "Softener of Evil Hearts" in your home.
  3. The prayer for the icon "Softener of Evil Hearts" is also read in the case when conflicts and misunderstandings arise in relations with loved ones. Many people know that the Mother of God is the main protector of the family hearth. Prayer appeals to her help to return harmony, love and warmth to the family. It is worth noting that they help both in relations between spouses and in tandem parents-children.

In the Orthodox prayer book, you can also find the akathist to the Theotokos "Softener of Evil Hearts", which has tremendous power. It can be read not only to praise the Mother of God, but also in difficult situations when help and support are needed.

Prayer is not a simple set of words, and in order for it to reach the Higher powers, some pronunciation rules must be taken into account. First of all, this concerns sincerity, since the spoken words must come from the heart. Equally important is an unshakable faith in God and his powers.

  1. It is best to pronounce the words in front of the icon, kneeling or sitting at the table. The necessary image can be found in any church shop. It is also recommended to light candles in front of the icon.
  2. It is important that during communication with the Higher Forces nothing distracts, and this applies not only to external stimuli, but also to one's own thoughts. Attention should be focused exclusively on prayer.
  3. It is best if there is a cross on the body during the pronunciation of the prayer, and women are also advised to wear a scarf on their heads.
  4. You need to start by saying the prayer “Our Father” three times, do not forget to be baptized after each time.
  5. It is best to read prayers in the morning and it is worth doing it every day.

Remember that you should not expect help for requests that are associated with any benefit or self-interest. Do not ask and punish enemies or other people. Such appeals always go unanswered. It is important that a person repent of his sins and be cleansed of all the burden on his soul.

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Prayers for a husband's love for his wife and for a happy marriage

All sorts of hardships lie in wait for married couples. Over time, the feeling of love cools down, dissolving in everyday problems. For some, it transforms into a habit and attachment, for others, problems of a worse nature rise outward, not giving a quiet life. But our Lord is all-seeing and all-powerful - a problem corrected in time will grow without a trace, firmly securing the union of two hearts with its grace.

Such a panacea will certainly be a prayer for the love of a husband, the main thing is to call in time to help yourself that power that created everything that exists, and for which nothing is impossible. This prayer will revive lost feelings, forcing you to decorate your gray everyday life with new colors. And of course, it is undoubtedly important - prayer, unlike witchcraft practice, does not break or force a man to do something, it makes real feelings return to his heart.

Naturally, unlike magical conspiracies involving demonic forces, the result is not so fast, but it's worth it. The feelings of a man will be real, without a psychological breakdown. And never a prayer for a husband's love will make him a drunken alcoholic or crazy, as a demon called by a conspiracy usually does. After all, the goal of the Lord is always love, and the demons have one goal - to take possession of your soul through communion with sin.

Patron saints of the family hearth Peter and Fevronia

In Russia, the patron saints of lovers and married couples, the holy saints Peter and Fevronia, are especially revered. The story of their love has become a wonderful example of how true feelings can win and rise to the level of miracles. The power of love of one will be able to crush any adversity and return the love of another to its abode. This is what the story of Fevronia tells about, which charmed Peter so that their souls could not part even after death, giving us an example to follow.

They are the vicars of God over the earthly human life, knowing and helping in the complexities of family life and guarding the united hearts of spouses with God. Prayers to them can create incredible things so that a husband’s love always grows stronger and is a real strong feeling.

If you feel that your spouse's love has ceased to be as strong as it was at the beginning of your relationship, take the time to pray to Saints Peter and Fevronia, but be sure your requests must be accompanied by prayers to the glory of the Lord. In order for the Heavenly Powers to see sincere faith in Christ in your appeals, your prayers should not be in doubt.

In the icon shop, buy an image with the faces of Peter and Fevronia. Then determine the place of the icon next to the marital bed, so that they can illuminate your relationship with their power. Every morning, while your spouse is sleeping, read a prayer to the patron saints over your bed. This same prayer is necessarily read for a dream coming by night.

Prayer for love to the holy noble Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, Miracle Workers of Murom

Do not forget that in order for your voice to be heard, it is necessary to light a candle while reading a prayer - it, like a beacon, attracts the mercy of the patron saints. Then they will respond to your call faster and help you return your feelings to the state when happiness settles in the family.

Holy Martyrs Adrian and Natalia - patrons of marital fidelity

Just as they passed their lives together to a terrible death, so the holy martyrs Adrian and Natalia take care of us from Heaven with their mercy. Having become famous for her steadfastness and faith, having endured torment for the glory of the One God, she became one of the lights, whom we should look up to and who gives us intercession and hope in the love of two spouses. The holy martyrs are especially merciful on the side of a spouse offended by infidelity.

If trouble broke into your family, and one of the spouses embarked on the path of sin, then beg the holy martyrs Adrian and Natalia to give you their mercy and protection, to reason with the stumbler and return him to the family bosom. Strengthen your request to them with your earnest prayer in the temple, and your spouse will return, coming to his senses and realizing his mistakes.

Prayer to the holy martyrs Adrian and Natalia for love in marriage

To eliminate the negative atmosphere in the house following the quarrel between the spouses, put the holy images of the martyrs Adrian and Natalia in charge of your home - buy an icon with them. It has been noted that it will have a beneficial effect on the success of prayer if a photograph of an unfaithful spouse is placed near the icon of the holy martyrs, so that they can influence the thoughts of a person with their power and admonish him to return to his family.

The Most Holy Theotokos - the intercessor of wives offended by infidelity

In the case when the misfortune of a quarrel has reached a large size and the family hearth is barely warm, then ask the Mother of God to return your husband's love to you and strengthen your family relationships. Of course, for this you need to try very hard and go through all the tests, attracting the Heavenly Power and the Mother of God as intercessors to your side.

Firstly, it is necessary to cleanse yourself spiritually by going through a seven-day fast, confessing all sins, voluntary and involuntary. The sacrament of communion will be the starting point that will allow you to begin a ritual that can return the love of your husband.

Then it follows in the icon shop to buy the image of the Virgin, called the "Fadeless Color". This icon is revered as the most powerful, capable of unleashing family problems and disagreements. Next, get ready for a forty-day prayer, because only after passing the feat of humility and admiration for the Power of Heaven, you can return what you consider important for yourself - the love of your spouse.

For the next forty days, every morning and at night, send prayers to our God Jesus Christ and Ever-Virgin Mary.

  • First, a lamp is necessarily lit in front of the image of the Virgin "Fadeless Color".
  • Then they read the canonical prayer of the Christian faith three times.
  • Prayer to the Mother of God is read at least seven times!
  • Morning prayer is read exclusively on an empty stomach, only a small amount of holy water is allowed.
  • In the evening, psalms are sure to be read, designed to reason with the stumbled spouse, return his love and heal the family from a quarrel.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos before the icon "Fadeless Color"

“Blessed Virgin Mother of God, we bow to Your most pure image, we sing a song of praise to You, we bring you needs, grief and tears, You, oh, our meek Intercessor, earthly sorrows are so close to You, accept our sighs, help us and save us from troubles. Let us tirelessly and with tenderness call Thee: Rejoice, Mother of God, Unfading Flower.

“We magnify Thee, Blessed Virgin, and honor Your holy image, even our sickness heals and raises souls to God.”

Important! The Lord sees your problem, for he is all-seeing, but you can beg him for help only by proving with all your heart your loyalty to him. Do not treat formally the ceremony and the performance of prayers, feel with your soul the words that will fly from your lips.

Prayer to the Almighty to strengthen love between spouses in the family

In order to strengthen love or revive lost feelings, first of all, they let God into their hearts. By exclusively surrendering to his wise instructions, you can return the love of spouses, turn away the temptation of sin on the side. Any prayer has its own special power, but prayers directed to the Almighty have such crushing power that not a single demon of temptation can stand against it.

Prayer to the Lord God for love in the family

“Great and generous God, who created all kinds of things with Your word, setting the lights in heaven and hanging the earth on nothing, on the sixth day he formed a man from the dust of the earth, and breathed into him the breath of life, then give him a wife to help him, and command: grow, and multiply and fill the earth. Ubo yourself, merciful Master, now remember your commandment about the multiplication of the human race and look with a merciful eye from your holy dwelling on us, your servants (names), the union of marriage from you united and asking for your help: grant us love for each other and about children of grace, may we be fruitful, and may we see our sons even to the third and fourth generation, and may we reach the desired old age, after the end of our belly into the Kingdom of Heaven, let us enter the goodwill and goodness of our Lord Jesus Christ, with Him glory befits You, honor and worship, with the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

Read a prayer before the holy images, be sure to illuminate it with the light of a candle or lamp. Put your sincere faith into every word. Remember that the headship of God must be consciously and undivided in your heart. Only strong faith can perform miracles.

Psalms to strengthen the love of spouses

Psalms are always considered a panacea for any trouble, for the songs of David are part of the Book of all books. They contain a huge power that can not only defeat the demon, but also restore peace and hope to every Christian.

  • Psalm 10 - they read when the spouses are in a quarrel in order to strengthen their love, soften their hearts and bring peace and grace into their married life, sanctified by the grace of God.
  • Psalm 43 - gives the wife the instruction of wisdom, and the negligent spouse, caught in the sin of adultery, admonishes and makes him ashamed of his actions.
  • Psalm 116 - brings his mercy and grace to those families where the Lord is properly revered. Through the diligence of Christians in prayer, the Lord grants the strengthening of the family and the reign of love between spouses.
  • Psalm 126 - reconciles spouses in quarrels. Admonishes both to reverence and respect in the family. Removes sadness from their relationship, adding joy and love.
  • Psalm 139 - they read in the case when a man became unrestrained in anger in order to pacify a family tyrant who raises his hand above his wife's head, refusing her due respect.

The science of family relations requires a serious return. Only by learning to manage our own emotions can we hope to receive goodness from our spouse. Only being a kind and respectful hostess, a woman will be able to count on a similar behavior of her husband. Love is a feeling that can be obtained only by giving it fully to your partner. The Lord, as our Heavenly Patron, is always ready to help and support us in this - we just have to let him into our house and our hearts, sincerely giving him our prayers and aspirations.

Prayer to the Powers of Heaven so that the husband is faithful and loves his wife more than life. . In the event that love and mutual understanding between spouses are violated, the task of the wife is to take care of the preservation of the family in order to keep her from.

Prayer Creed. Prayer for the softening of evil hearts. When you offer a prayer for the coming dream, light a lamp or a candle in front of the image of the Virgin. . A powerful ritual to subdue pride and return love.

Moreover, there are many ways when maternal love and prayer heal lapels and remove the effects of a love spell. Put in front of you photographs of husband and wife, the hope for reconciliation of whom we hope and beg.

Daily prayer from your husband's betrayal is a guarantee that your loved one will be faithful to you. . It will return the husband's love for his wife if he has lost it in his heart. It will protect the spouse from betrayal and seduction to someone else's wife.

Difficult periods often arise in a person’s life, and there is simply not enough strength to cope with all the hardships and problems. In such situations, many turn to the Higher Forces for help. The prayer of the Mother of God “Softener of evil hearts” has tremendous power. It helps people cope with both physical and mental problems. It is customary to pronounce it before the icon, which has the same name.

The icon depicts the Mother of God, who holds seven swords in her hands, symbolizing the most important and deadly human sins. The swords are arranged like this: three on the right and on the left side, and one pointing down. There is also a very similar icon, which is called "Seven Arrows". It also depicts the Virgin with swords, but she has them arranged differently: three on one side and four on the other. The icon "Softener of Hearts" is a reflection of the intense suffering that the Mother of God experiences for her Son throughout her life. Therefore, seven swords were chosen, since this number symbolizes the fullness of something, in this case, suffering.

Prayer "Softener of evil hearts"

Prayers before this image help to admit their mistakes and atone for them.

What else does the prayer to the Mother of God "Softener of evil hearts" help with:

  1. The main purpose of this image is to rid a person of bad thoughts and commit various atrocities.
  2. It allows her to protect herself and protect her house from the arrival of people with bad intentions. That is why it is recommended to have the icon "Softener of Evil Hearts" in your home.
  3. The prayer for the icon "Softener of Evil Hearts" is also read in the case when conflicts and misunderstandings arise in relations with loved ones. Many people know that the Mother of God is the main protector of the family hearth. Prayer appeals to her help to return harmony, love and warmth to the family. It is worth noting that they help both in relations between spouses and in tandem parents-children.

In the Orthodox prayer book, you can also find the Mother of God "Softener of Evil Hearts", which has tremendous power. It can be read not only to praise the Mother of God, but also in difficult situations when help and support are needed.

Prayer is not a simple set of words, and in order for it to reach the Higher powers, some pronunciation rules must be taken into account. First of all, this concerns sincerity, since the spoken words must come from the heart. Equally important is an unshakable faith in God and his powers.

  1. It is best to pronounce the words in front of the icon, kneeling or sitting at the table. The necessary image can be found in any church shop. It is also recommended to light candles in front of the icon.
  2. It is important that during communication with the Higher Forces nothing distracts, and this applies not only to external stimuli, but also to one's own thoughts. Attention should be focused exclusively on prayer.
  3. It is best if there is a cross on the body during the pronunciation of the prayer, and women are also advised to wear a scarf on their heads.
  4. You need to start by saying the prayer “Our Father” three times, do not forget after each time.
  5. It is best to read prayers in the morning and it is worth doing it every day.

Remember that you should not expect help for requests that are associated with any benefit or self-interest. Do not ask and punish enemies or other people. Such appeals always go unanswered. It is important that a person repent of his sins and be cleansed of all the burden on his soul.

Complete collection and description: a prayer for the taming of an evil heart for the spiritual life of a believer.

Having come into this world, into this incarnation, everyone lives their own life, but there are moments when we realize that not everything is going well and smoothly with us. We wonder why this is happening?

Enemies wishing evil may also appear. And very often we pray to the Lord to help us deal with such situations and turn to prayers and icons.

One of the strongest prayers is the “softening of evil hearts” prayer, which helps with illnesses - mental and physical. They pray before the icon "Softening of Evil Hearts", it is also "Simeon's Prophecy" or "Seven-shot", confirming with its name the prophecies of Simeon the God-Receiver of the Mother of God, who lived a righteous life. Presumably, initially its image is considered to have come from South-Western Russia more than five hundred years ago, but there is no exact data on the birth of the icon.

On the icon, the heart of the Mother of God is served with pierced swords - three on the right, three on the left and one below, thereby affirming the full extent of the sadness of her earthly existence.

The seven-shot icon is close and identical in image to the icon “Softener of Evil Hearts”, which differs in the writing of swords - there are three swords on the right side of the Mother of God, and four on the left.

The swords depicted on the icon are also interpreted as 7 deadly sins, and it is necessary to pray for the softening of evil hearts before the image of the Mother of God to atone for these sins.

Believers revere this icon, confirming their power in healing from all sorts of ailments. Thus, a peasant of the Vologda province, suffering from lameness, was healed. Treatment and healers could not help him, and the voice he heard during his sleep directed him to the bell tower of the Ionian Theological Church, where the icon of the Mother of God was located. Thanks to persistent searches, the icon was found upside down in the form of a ladder board. After bringing the image into proper form, a prayer service was served in front of it, and a miracle happened - the sick peasant was healed, and then there were many such examples.

This miraculous icon, surrounded by a procession around Vologda, stopped the cholera epidemic in 1830, justifying people's hopes and giving even more faith in it. One of them is also the worship of the healing icon of the Italian believers. The story tells how during the Patriotic War, Italian mountain rifle soldiers who served in a unit in Belogorye - the south of the Voronezh region - came across a miraculous image of the Virgin and handed it over to Father Policarpo, who served as a military priest of the unit.

According to eyewitnesses, the icon formerly belonged to the Resurrection Belogorsky Monastery. The Italians called her the “Madonna of the Don”, and upon returning home, Father Policarpo brought her with him to a chapel specially built for her, which receives all those who mourn for the Italians who died in Russia.

Let faith into your soul

The Orthodox Church of Russia considers them to be representatives of the same type of icon execution and, accordingly, the days of their veneration were combined - August 13, according to the new style on August 26, and the week of All Saints. It is then that the spoken prayer is considered especially effective.

That is why it is recommended to apply with a prayer for the softening of evil hearts to an Angel with a pure heart and a bright soul. Pray only when you believe. If doubt has crept into the heart, then prayer should be postponed altogether until it is again filled with pious desires.

A sincere prayer to soften evil hearts, uttered in front of the icon, improves intra-family relations, protects from anger and emotional irritation, from attacks by enemies - the request will always be heard.

It is best to light a church candle. Thus, you will improve the concentration of attention, as well as make visually the face on the icon as if alive. Even scientists note that visualization helps to fulfill dreams, and in particular, soften evil hearts.

To find out exactly how to do this - you can watch a lot of videos on the Internet. It will also be useful to listen to the prayers of believers on them, because internally, you will pray with them. Children will also enjoy listening to the holy words, memorizing them for the future.

Prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos

In Christianity, the earthly mother of Jesus Christ, one of the most revered personalities and the greatest of Christian saints.

Prayer to the Mother of God on the icon "Softener of Evil Hearts": comments

One comment

Prayer for the softening of evil hearts is wonderful. It turns anger away from us, even if we deserve it by our actions. And in this, the Mother of God is fair, because if we turn to her for intercession, we thereby acknowledge our sin, bow our heads before a higher power, and show humility. The person who reads this prayer softens himself, the fear of the aggression of other people recedes, and most importantly, internal aggression decreases. The atmosphere around a person ceases to be explosive. Beautiful prayer, and beautiful words in it.

Prayer for the softening of evil hearts

The icon of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows” and the prayer for the softening of evil hearts are urgent, recommended church attributes and petitions that should be in the house. After all, this prayer word is aimed at preserving peace in the family, combating misunderstanding, discord, as well as the thoughts of uninvited guests, the wishes of the stingy and not pure.

Prayer for family happiness from all misfortunes

You can pray for the softening of evil hearts every day, so that the Mother of God would admonish and guide all the inhabitants of the house and family members on the true path. The word of prayer, spoken from the heart, will be heard. Help will come down with calmness, understanding of grace. You need to reinforce the prayer with church lit candles. Or an appeal to the icon “Seven Arrows”, sincere, honest.

The icon depicts the Mother of God with seven arrows that pierced her heart. The arrows symbolize the seven mortal sins. You need to pray to atone for these diabolical temptations, in memory of life righteous Mother of God on the ground.

If quarrels, disagreements, misunderstandings have begun in your family, turn your inner world with a verbal appeal to the Virgin. The quiet word can be heard far away - the old truth. Pray before the icon, ask for protection for your family, admonishment of loved ones, guidance on the true path:

“Mother of God, who gave birth to the Father of our only God. Forgive me my sins, voluntary, involuntary, committed by knowledge, ignorance. Hear my sincere prayer, do not turn away the face of Your Holy One from me, a sinner. Help my family in repentance, reward everyone with patience and attention. May everyone's soul be filled with faith, be a single example for the whole family. Thank you, Mother of God. And the weather in our house will clear up. So be it, and a fierce enemy pass by the house. Amen"

Sincere words, read in silence at dawn, while everyone is sleeping, will have an effect in speed. And the emotional, spiritual background of the family will regain peace and joy.

Prayer from evil people

The icon with the Face of the Holy Mother of God with arrows is placed above the front door, at the sunrise of the house. If a person came to you with goodness, then he will leave your monastery with goodness. And if with black thoughts, all sorts of bad misfortunes, the guest crossed the threshold, then the icon “Seven-shot” will not allow dark energy in your house, protect from misfortune and evil people, save from the wishes of the unkind.

After the grumbling neighbor, enemy, or other unpleasant guest leaves, go around the whole house clockwise from the front door with a lighted candle. Stay in every corner. Where the candle “cries” and begins to smoke, stay there longer. Close the circle in the same place at the entrance. Thank the Mother of God for help in your home and read the following prayer:

“Mother of God, Queen of Heaven, leave everything interesting with us, keep peace and tranquility in the house, stay with our family. All with misfortunes, anger that came, spend the boundless shores. Drown their longing in the ocean, and leave goodness and love with us. Let the sins in life not touch us and the enemies never come back to us. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Cross yourself three times in front of the icon, thank her in your own words for the help provided. Evil people will bypass your house, and you will have peace of mind.

So, a prayer to soften evil hearts can be read:

The Orthodox prayer for the softening of evil hearts addressed to the Mother of God will perform miracles: it will calm, soften hearts, heal.

Taming Evil Hearts

Taming of evil hearts.

The very name of the conspiracy says what it is from.

Read the plot in front of the icons, on the water, as you yourself want. He is very strong.

Light a candle in front of the icon, and read for 3 days, 7 times.

“I sit in a sleigh covered with beavers and sables and martens. Like foxes and martens, beavers and sables are honest and majestic between pans and priests, between the world and the village, so my born son would be honest and majestic between pans and priests, between the world and the village. I’m going on the road, I’m already driving, but I’m a dozen, the gentlemen and judges have a yard full of pigs, and I’ll kill those pigs. Judgment by court, century by century!

I sow poppy. All the judges will be inflated, and they are sitting that they eat me. They won't eat me; I have a bear mouth, wolf lips, pig teeth. Judgment by court, century by century.

Who will pick up my poppy, he will give me a court. I will hide my poppy in an iron cad, and I will throw the cad into the Ocean Sea. The ocean-sea does not dry up, no one takes out my kadi, and no one picks up my poppy. Judgment by court, century by century! I lock my teeth and lips with an evil heart, and I throw the keys into

Ocean-sea, in its iron tub. When the sea dries up, when the poppy from the cadi is eaten, then I will not be there. Judgment by court, century by century!”

Conspiracy-amulet from evil people.

If you need to go to people who do not love you, or there is a bad person next to you who wishes you harm, read this conspiracy:

Raise me, O God, to a high mountain,

Pour, Lord, my enemies

Eyes with cold water

And lips, and their teeth with a golden lock. Amen.

If you want to protect yourself from all possible misfortunes, then regularly read this conspiracy:

Heavenly Savior, be ahead

Guardian angel, stay behind

Queen of Heaven, be above your head,

save me whole

From evil people and sudden death.

God save us. Amen.

If you know that you have enemies ready to interfere with you, you should read the following amulet before leaving the house:

Jesus descended from God's Heaven

He crumpled the golden cross with Himself.

I washed myself with dawns, wiped myself with the sun,

Crossed with a golden cross

And closed with locks.

Let these castles be in the sea.

Who will drink this sea and drive away the sands,

The enemy will not come to that.

Jesus Christ, You are the Son of God

Save, save from all evil at all times. Amen.

Jesus Christ, help me. I go to the upper room, there sit kings with kings, pans with pans, all the powers over me are dumb, like walls. "


If you go to those people on whom your well-being depends, and those people are angry with you, go to them, read for fear three times.

"Jesus Christ, help me, I'm going to the upper room, there sit kings with kings, pans with pans, all the authorities over me, dumb as walls. They take plates, I take out a knife from under the heart. I plug my enemies' throats. My up, my truth, my victory, I will turn to all sides, and I am not afraid of you, my enemies.

In a terrible hour for you, have time to call the Angel - Intercessor.

"Come to me and never leave me, wherever I go. Amen."


"The martyr Paraskevi, named Friday, and the martyrs Terenty and Neonil and their children: Sarvil, Fota, Theodulus, Hierax, Nit, Wil, Eunice,

save, save from enemies visible and invisible. Amen".

If you quarreled with an evil person and are afraid that he can harm you, perform such a ritual.

Take a small potato with a reddish or pink skin and at midnight pierce it with a large sewing needle (such needles are also called gypsy needles), saying 4 times a conspiracy: "Anger flew by, but flew past, hit the potato, and settled there."

Put the potato in a plastic bag before morning. In the morning, take the potato out of the bag and throw it away at the crossroads, saying: “It remained there, I didn’t get it, but you, (the name of the evil person), have lost the desire to harm. So be it!”

Leave without looking back or talking to anyone.

1 way. Imagine that you are in public transport. Among the other passengers, you find a person who is staring into your eyes. You move away from his gaze, but every time you return to him, you again meet his gaze, most often evil, unkind. You are frightened - damage "sat down" on you.

Protection. Remember laughter is the strongest remedy. The second piece of advice is contained in the familiar saying: "The wedge is knocked out with a wedge." Seeing such a person, make a false attack on him with your gaze. To do this, you need to start tracking various parts of his body: legs, shoulders, top of the head, stomach. Having chosen one of the zones, you carefully examine it (this part of the number), after a few glances you begin to "hold back a smile", while looking at the intended zone. Do not forget to periodically look into his eyes and again look at the selected area. Success is guaranteed - he will start looking for a defect on himself, and you do not "remove" the defect, as you continue to "observe" it. The person will leave or turn away from you.

2 way. Suddenly, a person comes up to you and utters a phrase that frightens you: you will die soon, you are seriously ill, your loved one will die. There are a huge number of options. If you get scared or try to get away from this person, or want to know the details, then you will receive an encoding for this prediction.

Protection. Without losing self-control and a sense of confidence, calmness and humor, you answer with a smile:

"Thank you, I know. If you don't mind, then I'll tell you what awaits you tomorrow." You can say even simpler: "Already."

The natural question of the interlocutor: "What already?" And you complete your answer: "Everything already. And you too." You can prepare a list of "stupid" answers.

3 way. The person is in direct danger. He tells you nasty things and promises you various troubles, failures, grief, etc. Use a direct defense in the form of the phrase: "You say everything for yourself." Or: "You invite these troubles on your head." After that, calmly leave.

4 way. A person from whom you do not expect anything good offers you a gift: a thing, food, a drink. He prepared the moment when you cannot refuse the offer. This gift can carry coding (slander).

Protection. The simplest thing is to accidentally drop a gift (if it is beating, then it's all over). When the "gift" falls, say the phrase: "What fell from your hands is gone." If it is not possible to get rid of the "gift", then it is necessary to sprinkle it with a small amount of ordinary salt - it removes the slander immediately.

Let me remind you again that the best defense is laughter, smile, emptiness.

You can use a mirror, which must be put in your pocket with the mirror side out - this reflects energy strikes well.

There is universal protection(but only your own!) photo from the evil eye, damage and love spell.

To do this, you need to place a photo on the screen and imagine how it is more and more distorted, trembling and deformed, like a reflection in water or in a distorted mirror.

At the same time, you need to take a sharp knife, take it in your right hand and drive it from right to left between you and the image on the screen, as if you are cutting the threads connecting you and the image. Along with this, it is necessary to read a special conspiracy:

You can't see me in the mirror

you can’t catch water in things!

The word is said, but not thrown at me,

He opened the door and went out the window!

The plot is read five times in a row. Now you can post photos wherever you want, no one will harm you!

Prayer of the Seven-shot Mother of God "Softener of evil hearts"

Good time of the day Everyone! We will be glad to see you on our video channel in YouTube Video channel. Subscribe to the channel, watch the video.

In Orthodoxy there are a large number of various faces of saints. Each of them has its own meaning and are designed to help in a given situation. There are those that are found in the home of every Orthodox Christian, but there are those that we may not even have heard of. Among these there is an image called "Seven-strelnitsa" or "Softener of evil hearts." Those who know the meaning of this image often turn to the prayer of the Seven-shot Mother of God "Softener of evil hearts." Many say that it is really strong and effective and helps in most cases.

The meaning of the icon "September" or "Softener of evil hearts"

Many believe that this is a single icon, although this is not so. They are very similar, but there are some nuances. But among the people they are called by the common name "Semystrelnitsa". The difference is in the arrangement of the arrows. The prayer of the Mother of God "Softening of evil hearts", as well as the "Septurel" is aimed at:

  • softening of evil hearts,
  • reconciliation of the warring,
  • avoid persecution and enmity,
  • healing from cholera and lameness,
  • relaxation,
  • relief of mental anguish,
  • the settlement of mercy in the heart of man,
  • overcoming hostility in relationships.

On the icon of the "seven arrows" the arrows that pierced the heart are placed on two sides (three on one side and four on the other). But on the icon "Softener of evil hearts" - on three sides (three on the left, three on the right and one below). Symbolic in this image is the number 7. Usually it means completeness and excess. So in the case of the icon, this means the fullness of the trials and torments that fell to the lot of the Mother of God.

Arrows signify the 7 sins of man. They pierce the heart of the mother of God, thereby bringing her a large amount of torment and torment. So, in order not to torment your heart with bad relationships with people around you, you should immediately think about the fact that it would not be superfluous to read the words of the request in front of her.

What to ask for

Reading the prayer to the Virgin "Softening evil hearts" will help you:

  • improving relations between family members and relatives,
  • protect yourself from outbursts of anger, irritation and anger,
  • tolerant of other people's intolerance,
  • avoid enemy attacks and others.

The prayers that direct this face, first of all, try to change the relationship between the warring. They must harmonize and remove all negativity.

There are also certain rules for placing this image in the room.

It is advisable to place this image next to the rest of the icons. There are no special requirements, but there are some recommendations:

  • priests recommend covering the icon with a towel,
  • hang an image over the door,
  • no need to put other household appliances next to it, but also other images,
  • do not recommend supplementing the corner with various talismans and other amulets,
  • keep it clean at all times,
  • it is forbidden to broadcast photos of relatives next to her.

It is believed that if you hang this face in front of the door, then those who come to your house with bad intentions will immediately leave it or will not carry out their plan. Since among her positive qualities there is something that will help you avoid attacks from enemies, she will also be the keeper of your home. No wonder this icon has such a name as “Softener of Evil Hearts” - the main task of which is to relieve tense relations between warring people.

How to read a prayer

A prayer for help to the Mother of God can be pronounced anywhere. It could be a house or a temple. Before you should be the face of a saint. It is worth pronouncing the words of prayer slowly and with a confident voice. Try to move away from all the thoughts that disturb you. Many people recommend lighting candles and looking at their flame. Prayer must be read sincerely from the heart. Only faith in the future and focus will lead to a positive result.

The text of the prayer in front of the icon of the Virgin "Softener of Evil Hearts" is in Old Slavonic, but it will be more convenient for many to read the text in Russian. Turning to the Lord or other saints, remember that the Lord performs all miracles, but the Mother of God and other saints act as such a kind of guides from us and to the Lord. Here is the text of this appeal:

“O long-suffering Mother of God, Exalting all the daughters of the earth, according to Your purity and the multitude of sufferings You have transferred to the lands, accept our many painful sighs and save us under the shelter of Your mercy. We don’t know any other refuge and warm intercession for You, but, as if you have boldness to the One born from You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we unstumblingly reach the Kingdom of Heaven, even with all the saints we will sing in the Trinity to the one God now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen."