Church birthday. Happy birthday dear pastor Julia

  • 18.05.2022

Beloved Church, happy birthday! How can we thank you for the wonderful time we spent together? For days and nights, for prayers and fasting, for Vulcan, for Look around, for hundreds of amazing ministries filled with the glory of God! Thanks to Pastor Benjamin for teaching us to live “face to the wall”, for believing in us, showing us “foreign countries” and teaching us to be independent and not to rely on people! Thank you Boris and Bella for putting their soul into us and becoming our close friends! Thanks to the children's ministry for laying a solid foundation in our children and they continue our work! Thanks to all the worshipers for one spirit! Thanks to all the ministers, you are always in our hearts! May we appear before Him, preserving faith and love, and let us rejoice together in Eternity!
Petrovsky Dima, Katya, Sofia, Angelina, Lisa and Adele

The "Church of Jesus Christ" for us is the parental home: the place where we were born again, grew up, studied, served and dreamed; where they took care of us and supported our undertakings, encouraged us in difficult times and inspired us to serve the Lord. We are grateful for your prayers for us. We know that we are remembered here and we are always welcome. Our dear pastors Benjamin and Grace, Boris and Bella, Dmitry and Marina, thank you for your huge loving hearts and faithfulness to the Lord! Happy Birthday dear Church!

Dear brothers and sisters of the Church of Jesus Christ! Congratulations on the upcoming 25th anniversary of the church! We wish you continued guidance from the Lord. And may the work that each of you does for Him grow into abundant fruits in human lives and in the Kingdom of God!

Happy Birthday to the blessed "Church of Jesus Christ" in Minsk, including pastor Dmitry and the leadership team! May Jesus continue to manifest Himself through each of you, and you let it happen! May His love, power and glory work powerfully in each and through each of you!

It seems like just yesterday we became part of our big church family. But we have 25 years behind us and we have seen how we, our brothers and sisters, grew up; how families were created; children and grandchildren were born, how many grew up in the ministry, how lives changed. We have seen wins and losses. But despite all the obstacles and temptations, we remained one big family. Let's continue to glorify God together and preach the gospel to people, serve the Lord and each other. From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate each of you on the upcoming Birthday and wish you unity and love.

Precious to our hearts is the Church of Jesus Christ! Congratulations on your 25th anniversary! This is a serious figure, but we believe that the best years are yet to come! We thank our church for the time in which our pastors laid the foundation for future success in us, for the support of brothers and sisters. We believe that our relations will develop further. We will always be glad to see you at our place.
With respect and love, Pastors of the Kyiv Church "Hope for the Nations" Vadim and Tatyana Kalatsey

My church, may the awesome blessings of God be upon you this day and in the years to come. May His blessings never dim in your ministry. May God continue to pour out more and more so that you stay connected to the Vine and live a fruitful life!!!

25 years is a lot or a little? During this time, the church has experienced grace, endured persecution, but the time is coming, as the scripture says, “After that, I will pour out My Spirit on the people” Joel 2-28. God has prepared something great for Belarus and for each of you, God will work in you and through you. People themselves will long to come to Church. You ask when it will come true. The answer is in John 13:25 “If you have love for one another. Everyone will know that you are My disciples.” This is the kind of love that is described in 1 Corinthians 13:1-8.
Acts 2:47 says, “The apostles praised God and were favored by all the people. The Lord daily added those who were being saved to the Church.” Love is the most powerful weapon we have against the enemy. The more we love people, the less power the devil will have over us. Love will make you better! Love people beyond their merit and not because they love you, love not because you want to, but love because it is your essence. Say words of love to someone today and you will feel happy.
Happy Birthday Church!
family of Sergei and Natalia Markovich

I wish you a birthday
And continue to live in the light of God,
Far from all decay
Always walk with Christ in your soul.

No wonder God the Creator brought you into the world
And at the right time sent an update for the heart
To the cry and pain of a desperate soul in response.

I wish you the best with all my heart, love without measure ..

We wish you from the heart for your birthday
We wish you so much happiness
But our true blessing
Only the Heavenly Father can give.

christian birthday
It's so hard to wish...
There is nothing better than God's salvation!!
Who can give more than God?

Let the brook that runs from the mountains
Will please with its flow,
Hurries to meet you again
Your bright holiday - Birthday!

beautiful sunny friends
I wish you a lot on this day!
Be happy and don't be sick
Live in the world for a long, long time!

May the Eternal God bless
Your home, family and everyone around you!
Problems will be all - away,
And close to just what you need!

I give you a bouquet of flowers
Smiles of a thousand hearts,
And “Happy Birthday!” I say
My dear, this evening!

You will give us
We will praise
And you won't give
We will reproach!
Give me the pie!

Straw beard!
You are the owner man
Open the chest
Give me a piglet!

I am a little boy
He brought a sheaf to Christ.
Congratulations on the holiday
I wish you health!

happy birthday congratulations
We wish you a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness
Do not get sick and do not grow old
Get younger year by year

To love the Lord
And you always walked with Him,
So that friends are not forgotten
We were visited more often

Not to cough, not to sneeze
Do not get sick and do not be bored.
To live long, long
And always be healthy.

May the Lord keep you in life
Sends happiness, joy, peace.
Accept congratulations on your birthday,
We wish you all the best!

May every new day bring joy
And let the house be filled with peace.
Love and meekness, mercy, goodness
Let them be the qualities of your heart.

Let the love for the Creator not go out,
But it gets stronger. In thanksgiving prayer
Open to Christ your dreams, desires -
He will be your Helper Himself.

What can we, pastor, wish you from the bottom of our hearts!
Peace, love, renewal and Father's grace!
God in the Covenant of Blood will protect you!
And destroy the forces of evil with the victory of Christ!

Every day the Lord will renew His mercy:
And keep your family under the wings!
May the Kingdom of Light establish in each of you!
The fire of God burns brightly in your hearts!

We embrace you with the love of Christ!
We keep a lot of good things in our hearts about you,
You are so dear to us in our faith, family!
God will fully reward you for your hard work and care!

Together with you, we will wait for Christ,
As His Bride, let's go out to meet Him together!
We will dwell in the Kingdom of God the Father,
And together we glorify the King of all Kings!!!

Happy Birthday
The life you have lived
It's a long paved path.
There were not always roses on the road,
But there is no turning back from her.

It was difficult, but you didn't give up.
It was painful - you did not cry.
And then you were yourself.
And God heard your prayers.

We wish you to be the same
Many years many happy days
Happy Anniversary, we congratulate you!
And we wish you good from the Lord.
Never grow old in spirit.

Double-name-name of this-th-two-on-de-sya-th-th-th “sub and zhno-go "holiday-ka Pas-khal-no-go cycle-la decree-zy-va-et on his do-hri-sti-an-skie is-to-ki (as in the case of Pas-hoy-Vos-kre-se-ni-eat). Birth-of-own-but-Christ-an-sko-th feast of the Holy Trinity happened on the day of the Jewish Pya-ti-de- syat-ni-tsy (ve-ro-yat-no, in May 30 AD), and it was not a simple owl-pa-de-no-eat! In this way, the hri-sti-an-sky ka-len-dar keeps both ter-mi-na. Sa-mo is the name “Five-de-syat-ni-tsa” (Greek. Pent-eq about ste) has a for-mal-character and not you-ra-m-e-e-s-s-s-stu-stvo-e-my-co-being, but it means only that the holiday is co-ver-sha-et-sya through five days after Pascha (both among the Jews, and among the Christians).

Jewish Pya-ti-de-syat-ni-tsa

In Ancient Iz-ra-i-le, it was first-at-first-but earth-le-del-che-sky holiday of Harvest-you, day of ra-do-sti and blah-go-yes -re-niya, when, as a sacrifice to God, they brought “on-chat-ki” gathered by the end of May, the first harvest. Then he began to commemorate and commemorate the year of the ancient-not-go (“vet-ho-go”) Si-nai-sko-go So-yu-for- For-ve-ta, for-key-cheong-no-God with Mo-and-se-em and everything from-ra-il-skim on-ro-house at-near-zi-tel-but through fifty days after is-ho-yes(flight) from Egypt, the dramatic co-being of someone-ro-go and became the basis of the Jewish Easter. This happened, in the opinion of the majority of scientists, in the second half of the 13th century BC. e. So Jewish Pya-ti-de-syat-ni-tsa became-la Happy Brithday Vet-ho-for-vet-noy Church. Now, we’ll understand how the Church of the New Testament, the Church of Christ, was born. About-ra-tim-Xia to the texts.

What happened in Jeru-sa-li-me?

After Ascension-not-se-niya of the Lord-yes from the mountain of Ele-on-sky, the apostle returned to Jeru-sa-lim. Ten days passed, and the feast of Pya-ti-de-syat-ni-tsy came. The disciples and God-mother, as Jesus Christ commanded them, - writes Evangelist Lu-ka in his continuation Evangelion-ge-lia, - “would they be one-but-soul-but-together. And suddenly there was a noise from the sky, as if from a carrying strong wind, and filled the whole house where they were. And they appeared to them once-de-la-u-schi-e-sya tongues, as if fiery, and fell down one by one on each of them . And all of the Holy Spirit was full, and at-cha-whether to speak in other languages ​​\u200b\u200b" ().

Jeru-sa-lim was re-re-full-nen pa-lom-ni-ka-mi - “Jude-i-mi dias-po-ry (ras-se-i-niya)”, eat-hav- shi-mi-sya from all over the Roman Empire to this second-most significant (after Easter) holiday. They heard an unexpected noise, like a noise-mu-bu-ri and on-moving-ga-th-thunder-things, they came in confusion and hurry-shi-whether to do-mu apo-hundred-fishing. There was no end to their astonishment when they saw de-simple ha-li-le-yan, inhaling-but-ven-but-thing-shih on different languages. More than that, for each of them, the pro-apo-sto-catch sounded-cha-la in his native language! To emphasize this chu-do-many-language-chia (glos-sol a lii), the apo-table of Lu-ka on-ro-chi-to brings a long list of people from all over the Roman Empire, including tea and from-da-lyon-nye outskirts-and-us (see the text of the Apo-so-so-reading below).

Messianic Kingdom or Church of Christ?

It’s time to use the full of non-niya of the ancient pro-ro-chests, - turn to the gathering of the apostle Peter, - Mes- si-an-Kingdom is already os-no-va-no, and Jesus from Na-za-re-ta, ras-fifth “ru-ka-mi without-horse-ny”, re- kres. Namely, He, who rejected, well, blinded, on-cio-on-li-sti-che-sky crazy crowd-sing, and there is both-van-ny Mes- this is the purpose and meaning of the whole vet-ho-for-vet-noy history of expectation. The Spirit of God, pouring out into the world, enlightens the mind of everyone, wishing to become a “citizen-da-ni-n” His King -stva. For this, you just need to s-to-yat-sya and accept baptism “in the name of Jesus Christ”, after receiving at the same time “the gift of the Holy Du -ha" ().

This is the Messianic Kingdom, the meaning of someone-ro-go became in-nya-ten sa-mim apo-hundred-lames only in these mi-well-you, from now on-be- va-et in the world in the ob-ra-ze Church-vi Christ-howl. Sa-mo is the word "Church" (in Greek - Ek-kle-s and a) means “Co-bringing”, and chu-do-no-ma-niya of the apo-stol-sky pro-ve-di yav-la-is-know-me-no- I eat her all-len-th-calling, because listen-sha-te-do-it-is-ho-dyat from the whole All-len-noy (Oh-kum e ny, or Ekum e us), as on-zy-va-whether then the Roman-im-pe-riyu. The tra-gi-che-de-de-le-nation of the peoples, which once passed through the neck at the Wa-vi-lon tower, comes to the con- tsu: God “called everyone to unity”, - as they say in konda-ke, it’s a holiday. Let's read it in Russian trans-re-vo-de (words in square brackets are given for clarification).

“When the Almighty came down and mixed languages

When He gave out fiery tongues [on the day of Five-de-syat-ni-tsy],
then he called everyone to unity.
And we are one-but-voice-but glorify All-Holy about go Doo-ha."

“When people are co-li-dar-us in daring-but-vein-evil, they lose the gift of com-mu-no-ka-tion, the gift of mutually-no-go on -no-ma-niya. But this gift is re-hundred-nav-li-va-et-sya ra-di is-ty-ny. The languages ​​​​of sim-in-whether-che-th, spirit-hov-no-th-fire over the head-lo-va-mi apo-sto-lov mean that the languages and eth-no-che-barriers of pro-rva-na: Is-ti-na goes to a person-lo-ve-ku not as to “el-li-nu”, “Jew” or “ski -fu", but name-but how to che-lo-ve-ku ".

Si-la pro-po-ve-di apo-hundred-la Pet-ra would-la with nothing compare-no-ma: about three thousand-thousand people-lo-age-whether cre- shche-tion on the day of Five-de-syat-ni-tsy. So the New Church was born.

Window-cha-tel-noe pro-vision of the apo-sto-lov

What happened to the teachings of Christ? Bo-ho-word-you have been arguing about this for a long time, but, du-ma-et-xia, they will never be able to give one-but-meaning-no-th from-ve-ta . There is no doubt, but only that on this day they finally became true-tin-ny-mi apo-sto-la-mi (“in-slan-ni-ka-mi”). In fear, they fled from Gath-si-ma-nia, and on the day of Ascension-not-se-niya on de-yav-shi-e-sya on the re-creation of the earth th From the ra-il-th kingdom, they are now turning to the whole world. The world will follow them, put them in prison, throw them in the arenas of Ko-li-zey in the la-pas of wild animals, - but o-o-zhet- Xia powerless in front of the mysterious Dar, in the beam-chen-nym in Five-de-syat-ni-tsu.

Three centuries will pass, and the mountains-de-li-the Roman ones im-pe-ra-to-ry, im-no-vav-shi-e-sya “Spa-si-te-la-mi "And" From-tsa-mi-father-of-stva, "and after the death, at-numbers-lav-shi-e-sya Se-on-that to the" dream of the gods "pri- zn a yut themselves modestly-we-mi under-given-us-mi of the Kingdom of Ga-li-lei-go Teacher-te-la.


Almost two thousand-sya-chi years ago, on the day of the Jewish Five-de-syat-ni-tsy, the world took the tai-well Three-one-but th God: The Old Testament knew the One God, in a lo-living-she-th-os-no-va-nie of the Vet-ho-for-the-veterinary Church ; The Son, incarnate on earth, created the Church of the New Testament; The Holy Spirit opened her historical time and acts in her “until the end of time”. In this way, the feast of the birth of the Christ-an-Church is named after the Day of the Holy Trinity.

The divine-word-teaching about the inter-and-mo-from-but-she-nii of the Persons of the Holy Trinity-and-tsy was-lo windows-cha-tel-but sfor-mu-li-ro -va-but back in the 4th century, in the pe-ri-od of the Auger-hundred-thrice-no-tar-ditch disputes caused by the false teaching of Arius Alek- san-dry-sko-go, and for-crepe-le-but in Nikeo-Tsa-re-grad-Sim-in-le-ve-ry. But yes, it’s not known to everyone that the first temples in the name of the Holy Trinity appeared in Christ-an-sky world once - until late e e, not earlier than the 12th century, moreover, according to the opinion of some studies-after-to-va-te-lei, sleep-cha-la on Za-pa-de (in- ask tre-bu-et special-ci-al-nyh research). Soon, in 1335, a modest monk Ser-gius built the first in Russia de-re-viyan-nuyu Trinity Church in the middle of the deaf -go Ra-do-nezh-sko-go-bo-ra, which became the basis of the-no-howl bu-du-schey Tro-and-tse-Ser-gi-e-howl Lav-ry, - the center of -hov-noy life of Russia.

Celebration-ni-ku Five-de-syat-ni-tsy before-she-stu-et Tro-it-kaya Ro-di-tel-skaya Sub-bo-ta - day in mi-but-ve- niya of the dead. On the very day of the holiday, usually immediately after Li-tur-gyi, co-ver-sha-et-sya Ve-black-nya, on some swarm chi-ta -yut-sya three mo-lit-you, turned to the Tri-one-no-God. At this time, for the first time after Pascha, everyone is on a ko-le-ni.

By the Day of the Holy Trinity, the temples and houses are killed with us de-rev-tsa-mi, grass and flowers-ta-mi. This beautiful custom-tea is connected with the is-to-ri-che-sky re-creation-by-mi-na-ni-it about-row-of-wet-ho-for-vet-noy Five -de-syat-ni-tsy, - with-not-se-ni-em God ze-le-not-u-shchih na-chat-kov harvest-you, as well as from Russian to -kind of tra-di-qi-her about-vo-dov of spring and meeting of the summer.

The first no-del-nick after Pya-ti-de-syat-ni-tsy is named after the Day of the Holy Spirit. He is-la-et-sya, as it were, continuing the celebration of the Holy Trinity and, in a special way, is dedicated to a special Her Third Face. From the same day, na-chi-na-et-sya the first seven-mi-tsa along Pya-ti-de-syat-ni-tse; she has a “solid” one, because it’s a post on Wednesday and Friday from me. And with no-del-no-ka the second swarm of sed-mi-tsy na-chi-na-et-sya Pet-rov post.

The appearance of the Three Countries-ni-kov bib-ley-sko-mu pat-ri-ar-hu Av-ra-amu y Ma-mr and yo-go du-ba(oak-ra-va M a mre near Hev-ro-na), iso-bra-zha-e-my usually in the form of an-ge-lov, in-no-ma-et-sya hri-sti-an-ski-mi-bo -th-word-wa-mi how shelter e noe yav-le-nie in the vet-ho-for-veterinary world of the Holy Trinity. This significant episode of the Biblical history, which had a place for almost four-you-re you-sya-che-le-th back, in-ro-dil for-me-cha-tel-ny ico-no-gra-fi-che type “Tro-and-tsy vet-ho-for-vet-noy”, top-shi -noy-so-ro-go became icon-on “Tro-and-tsa” of the ki-sti pre-be-good-no-go of Andrey Ruble-va.

Feast of the Holy Trinity for the ver-sha-et-sya Pas-chal-ny per-ri-od, ho-ta bo-go-service book Three about d Color includes in itself - in the capacity of “for-the-top-sha-yu-shche-ak-kor-da” - one more-but-re-se-ne - "Week of all Saints." And after-du-u-shchi weeks(Sun-kre-se-nya) go-do-go cycle-la - up to Three about di Post-noy bu-du-shche-go-yes - well-me-ru-yut-sya in ka-len-da-re as “a week after Five-ti-de-syat-ni-tse” . (Only a few of them have in-di-vi-du-al-names.) A week after Tro-and-tsy, from no-del- no-ka, na-chi-na-et-sya "Peter about in the post ”(this year from June 12). It was established in honor of the two great Apo-sto-lovs (“Po-slan-ni-kov”) of Christ - Peter and Pavel, and serves as a go-to-koy to their che-stvo-va-niyu. Za-kan-chi-va-et-sya on July 11 (according to the new style), on ka-nun they are celebrated.

Yuri Ruban,
cand. ist. on-uk, Ph.D. bo-go-word-via

From bo-go-serving-holiday-no-ka

Tro-parr is celebrating, ch. eight:

Blessed are You, Christ e B about ours!
You made simple fish-ba-kov pre-wise-ry-mi,
nis-glorifying them the Holy Spirit,
and through them he caught the All-len-nuyu.
Oh, Che-lo-ve-ko-lu-bets, glory to Te-be!

Kontakion holiday, tone 8:

When the Almighty came down and mixed languages
[in Wa-vi-lon-table-as-your-re-ni],
then with this He raz-de-lil on-ro-dy.
When did He give out fiery tongues
[on the day of Five-de-syat-ni-tsy],
then by this he called everyone to unity.
And so, we are one-but-voice-but glorify the All-Holy Spirit.

Apostolic reading on Li-tur-gyi

[Descent of the Holy Spirit]

1 When the day was Fifty-de-syat-ni-tsy, they all gathered in the same place. 2 And out of the blue, there was a noise from the sky, as if a stormy wind was rushing, and this noise filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 And they appeared to them as if fiery tongues, some-rye, once de-living, fell down on each of them. 4 And they were all filled with the Spirit of the Holy One, and for-cha-whether to speak in other tongues - just as the Spirit gave them to re-re-kat.

5 In Jeru-sa-li-me, there were Jews, people of God, from every nation under the sky. 6 When this noise happened, a lot of people gathered, and everyone didn’t know, why, that those things whether, everyone heard in their own language. 7 And outside of themselves, from surprise, they say: “Look, all these, some-thing-things, if they don’t ha-li-le-yane? 8 Why does each of us hear our native language? 9 Parthians, and mi-dyans, and ela-mi-ty, and zhi-te-li Me-so-po-ta-mii, Judea and Cap-pa-do-kii, Pon-ta and Asia, 10 Phry-gia and Pam-fi-li, Egypt and the surroundings of Ki-re-na in Libya, and the former Romans who arrived here, - 11 Jews and pro-ze- li-you, - Cree-Tyans and Ara-Vi-Tyans, - we all hear that they are talking in our-we-mi languages ​​about great things Bo- live them!”

(Russian trans-re-water ar-khi-mand-ri-ta Ian-nu-a-riya (Iv-li-e-va))

Evangelical reading on Li-tour-gia

(1st option). 1564. Rotterdam, museum
Boymans van Beuningen

Re-al-nym pro-to-ti-pom of the Wa-vi-lon-sky tower-no yav-la-et-sya many-tier-naya, pi-ra-mi-distant form-we, step-pen-cha-thaya tower (zik-kur a t) the main temple of Wa-vi-lo-na, in-holy-shchen-no-go in kro-vi-te-lu - bo-gu M a rdu-ku, as well as me-so-po-tam-sky zik-ku-ra-you of other cities. In Wa-vi-lon tower-nude na-zy-wa-li Ete-men a nk(“Os-no-va-nie of heaven and earth”). At the time of windows-cha-tel-noy redaction of the Five-book-zhia (5th century BC), as part of someone-ro-go, it went into for-ing about the tower, many zik-ku-ra-you, for-counting-you-vav-shie many-ve-to-vuyu is-to-ryu, would you-whether for-bro-she- we had a lu-raz-ru-shen-ny look. The anonymous Biblical author, who lived in Me-so-po-ta-miya, took this as from the initial “unstructured ". At the same time, for-pad-but-se-mit-sky-name of the city-ro-yes ( Bab El, “God’s gate”) they are playing with a swarm of a similar word with the meaning of “mix”. To si-ste-ma-ti-che-ra-ko-pok in Me-so-po-ta-mii (since the 19th century) was usually in the form of ko-well-so-about-raz-no-go co-weapon, op-i-san-no-go-flattering-ni-tsei (Pi-ter Breu-gel Elder, etc.).

To be people of “the same language” according to the ancient-not-waste-ter-mi-no-logia means to enter into one-well im-periu (so-stored-ni-lis boasted-whether you-ra-zhe-niya as-si-riy-sky kings to the address of-in-i-van-nyh on-ro-dov: “I am - lal their people in one language! ”). The tower and the city mean bo-go-bor-che-qi-vi-li-za-tion, built-en-ny on the si-li. But the earthly city, for-du-man-ny as a call to the Sky, is de-rendered to crash: for-du-man-ny its stro-and-te-la-mi like pa -mint-nickname of eternal glory, he, on the contrary, is in a way-of-a-rii a demonic name.

Sa-mo-sure-ren-nye stro-and-te-whether the Wa-vi-lon tower-no pi-ta-yut-sya with the knowledge of not only unity, but also its own is-key-chi-tel-noy unity. Therefore, from-the-existence of another human-lo-ve-che-community, and, consequently, to-va-tel-but, my own ability al-ter-na-tiv-nyh solutions, leads to the idea of ​​sa-mo-to-a-hundred-precise-no-sti and not-sin-shi-mo-sti, pi-ta- there is under-no-ma-yu-schu-yu-sya mountains-dy-nu, someone-paradise attracts you-to-go beyond the borders, define-de-la-e-mye common sense. This is a de-la-et and the meaning of na-ka-za-niya. The Lord does not give up on people, but when he sees that they are not ready for a real, free, unity, na-ru-sewed it from-to-initial-nature-but-em-pi-ri-che-skoe, da-rom-beam-chen-noe unity of language-ka-cul-tu- ry, giving everyone-to-mu on-ro-du the opportunity to go through your own unique is-to-ri-che-sky path in the world-ro-howl is-to-ri .

The main lesson of the Biblical history of the Wa-vi-lon-sky tower-ni - in you-bo-re cultural-tour-no-languages-to-go-pl-ra-liz- ma as a new way of a person , but in the first brotherhood of people. With a story about the Wa-vi-lon-sky "mixture of languages" sim-in-li-che-ski co-from-but-sit-sya story about "sli -i-nii languages" on the day of Pyat-de-syat-ni-tsy in Jeru-sa-li-me (De-i-niya Apost., Ch. 2). God, who once divided languages ​​and people in Wa-vi-lon, now calls them to unity in Jeru-sa-li-me, yes-ruya before-hundred-vi-te-lyam of the many-lingual Roman-empire-per-rii a certain “common-che-lo-ve-che-language”.

From-re-che-niya "va-vi-lon-table-your-re-tion", "mixing of languages" or simply "Va-vi-lon" became on-ri-tsa-tel-ny-mi in many languages.

Lit.:To-po-ditch V.N. The space of culture and meeting in it // East - West: Research-after-before-va-tion. Pe-re-vo-dy. Publication. Issue. 4. M., 1989; Tru-bets-koi N. S. Wa-vi-lon tower and a mixture of languages ​​// News of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. A series of whether-te-ra-tu-ry and languages. 1990. V. 49. No. 2 (March-April). pp. 152-160; Klen-gel-Brandt E. Wa-vi-lon tower-nya: Le-gen-da and is-to-riya. M., 1991; Afa-na-siye-va V.K. Shu-mer myth about the ancestral language // Er-mi-tage readings 1986 - 1994 pa-my-ti V. G. Lu-ko-ni-na. SPb., 1995. S. 154-158.

Y. Ru-ban

(The article was pre-na-know-for the Russian-si-go gu-ma-ni-tar-no-go en-tsik-lo-pe-di-che-th-word-va -rya Not pub-whether-ko-va-na.)

(to the music of S. Nikitin "Dialogue at the Christmas tree")

What's going on today?

We have a birthday.
Dear, beloved faces are visible in the Church.
Believe that something miraculous will happen
Life will turn its best side to us.

What will be behind all this?

Joy hour.
An hour of congratulations for the dear and beloved Church
The hour of understanding, faith, single hope.
And we will remember this day again and again.

How will all this end?

Supper of love.

A supper of love, are you sure?

Yes I'm sure.
Brother and sister we love you
No matter what happens, we will not forget you!

What follows from this?

Live like Christ
Believe in Him and tell the people about Him!

Do you think this can be expected?

I believe that it is possible, and we must hurry!

1. Service is in full swing everywhere,
But among ordinary days
Suddenly a birthday comes
Great holiday people.

2. Hooray! Birthday today. And the cake? Well, how can we do without cake!?

1. In order for the cake to be wonderful

Cook us now
We are the perfect stuffing
Prepared for you!

2. In the preparation of our dish
We will never forget KINDNESS.
Kindness is for all people
May there be more good ones.
Kindness - it is from the century
Human decoration...

1. Carefully measure out one glass of GOOD WORDS.
Oh, how we need kind words!
More than once we have seen this for ourselves,
Or maybe not words - deeds are important?
Deeds are deeds, and words are words.
They live with each of us
At the bottom of the soul until the time is stored,
To pronounce them at that very hour,
When others need them.

2. Be sure to add four glasses of LOVE with a slide
I am a known love.
I penetrate into the soul, into the body, into the blood.
I am everything in everything and there is no you without love.
You without me are only ringing copper,
The cymbal is sounding, the sound is empty, deceit.
I urge you to love more
Come to Christ, I'll be there.
I will fill you with wondrous beauty.

1. One glass of HONESTY.
I am honesty, the guardian of faith and love.
I honestly call everyone to me.
I am the mirror and the youth of the soul,
I am the guardian of forces in the struggle of life.

2. Further, following the recipe, we will add a glass of HUMILITY.
It contributes every day!
I don't hold myself high
After all, I am humility, friends.
And I melt pride in my heart
Part of eternal life.
Humility is not a disgrace before God.
Although in front of the world it's so funny.
The Lord leads His way
Where the unhumble is cramped.
May with you in the Christian life
I will always be on my way.

1. Take five teaspoons of PATIENCE.
And I call patience.
I am neglected by many today.
But my Lord is a loving Jesus.
And I live according to the will of the Lord only.
On earth, people need me so much,
I am a sure remedy for malice and scandal.
I've saved you from death more than once.
Only souls are saved by patience.

2. The cakes are ready, and now we will season the cake with our industriousness.
I am industrious. Came to you today.
You cannot live without me.
Work hard to feed yourself
And so that you can give to others.
God Himself looks with great joy
For good souls who live in labor.
Work in the field of God you.
Increase the talent that God has given you.
For the soul to have everything in itself,
What does she need to live in Christ?

1. Let's make a cream, we are mysterious together.
And abstinence three servings needed
I am abstinence, but I do not want to be silent
On this holiday. Listen to me.
Refrain from worldly evil,
Keeping holy meekness and patience.

2. We will beat JOY into foam with laughter,
We will fill our whole cake with this quality!
And I was the last one left.
I am joy, I am joy!
When I'm not at home
That dims even the sun's light.
I came to you to ask
Accept me into your family.
I am joy eternal, I live and live.
I'll be here and there in paradise.
I am the joy given by Christ
That he suffered on the cross for us.
He sent me to every house,
So that the light does not go out.
Rejoice every hour and moment
Not earthly, but heavenly.
And wait everyone. Bridegroom will come
Christ to take His bride!

1. More spices of life
And we will serve the dish individually!

2. Of course, the cake is not real.
We will not eat it now,
But the components are all fine,
And in life we ​​really need!
We need to keep them in our heart
And apply in your path.

Compiled by Tatiana Savchuk, Tiraspol. Moldova. Church "New Life".

May the Angel keep your life
Love will light your path
And instills faith in the best!
Let the heart of sorrow not know!
Live in harmony with yourself!
May the Lord bring peace to your life
And many happy moments
On a wonderful birthday!

We wish well-being
Wealth, great joys ...
But everything that the world offers
In comparison with Heaven - only pennies! ..
What to wish a Christian
What is the happiness of God's child?

Neither faith nor your love!

which God gives

Here's everything you could wish for!

May God bless you in everything
You strive to be like Him
And may He guide your path
Among the thorns of the earth to the holy heights.

Happy Birthday Christian Poems

This life is given to you by God
Everything is done with his permission.
Take it in full today
Birthday Wishes!

And may the Lord grant warmth,
Wisdom - thoughts, and the body - health.
So that you live with God in your soul,
Well, in the heart - with one love!

Let the angel guide you
Doesn't let you fall or stumble.
To be faithful friends
To have someone to smile at.

May God bless you
May joy give your soul
Rain pours abundance
In His great generosity.

Today, my friend, is your birthday,
A bright holiday is a gift from the Almighty to you.
Everything is done only with his blessing
In oceans, skies and on earth.
Pray for peace and happiness
The divine light of love and strength will give,
All troubles and bad weather will bypass your house,
And friends will not turn away in difficult times.

May this bright birthday
Fate brings you to your sweet home
Love, hope, harmony, patience,
Good luck, happiness, like a ferry!
May the Lord keep you forever
From all sorrows and troubles.
May your sleep always be carefree
Always let the light be kind!

I want you from the heart for your birthday
I wish you so much happiness
But our true blessing
Only the Heavenly Father can give.
Therefore my prayer to God
So that henceforth, by His grace,
The sun shone on your way
And in the light of God, everything is easy to bear.
And happiness is what you give to another
From the feelings that you take from the Lord.
May He shine brighter in those windows of the house,
Behind the glass of which you live ...

I wish God's help in business,
bodily and spiritual health,
And seek the truth only in heaven,
And treat people with love.

I wish God for everything-everything to thank:
For joy, for lessons, for talents.
I want to be able to live my life
To leave diamonds for good deeds.

And finally, on this birthday
I wish you many, good summer!

Let the soul be filled with bright faith,
And God will always be in your heart.
Let him guard your every step
And gives strength if you fall off your feet!

May the Lord bless you with health
Because you follow the commandments of God.
And let love reign in your soul
After all, there is nothing more precious in the world!

Beautiful christian happy birthday greetings

What to wish a Christian
What is the happiness of God's child?
Live by Christ! Let it not get cold
Neither faith nor your love!
Hold on to Christ at all times,
which God gives
And celebrate your birthday with God!
Here is my wish!
Without grumbling and without torment
Face adversity and fight
Praise Christ for justification
Pray with thanksgiving!
Work with a young soul
To not know sadness!
My dear friend, the Lord is with you!
What more could you wish for!

The Lord sent a blessing
Congratulate on the birthday.
May the Holy Spirit strengthen you
The Lord gives health!

Let peace reign in the soul
And grace flows like a river.
And be bright and happy
Your way of earthly service!

Live like a Christian in everything
Keep peace in your soul
And never agree
At least change something.
Appreciate your every birthday
As the most precious gift of God.
And all the good times
Accept with reverence!

Happy birthday to you!
And I wish you today
So that God saves from evil,
Save everything that is precious in life.
So that you find the Angel of happiness,
So as not to meet bad weather in life,
So that illnesses pass by,
And peace and tranquility reigned in my soul!

Years go by, and you are more beautiful,
God keeps you warm
You have become a little older
And welcome everyone!

Everyone loves and respects you
You are valued by: relatives, friends,
Everyone calls you an angel
You can't call it anything else!

May God grant you health
Good luck, happiness, long years,
Also - a spiritual expanse ...
You are better in the world, just not!

Happy birthday to you!
God give you love
And health and prosperity,
In righteous deeds - order.
Let him reward you in full
For good deeds.
Keep believing in God
Never be discouraged!

On your birthday we wish you
So that your happiness does not go out,
So that everything was fine in fate,
So that you passionately believe in the Lord!
Let love write on canvas
Those prayers that are sent to God.
And all over the vast earth,
You will surely find your way!

I wish you on your birthday
Let there be peace in the soul
Lord bless you
And let the angel keep on the way.
Start the day by loving the whole world,
Forgive those who offended you.
Let the thoughts be pure
There will be no empty days in life.
Let the birthday give again
Hope, faith and love.