All about the icon of the all-seeing eye. Icon of the All-Seeing Eye of God - meaning, what helps, history

  • 18.05.2022

In the city-ro-de Ry-bin-sk, in the mo-on-styr-sky cha-sovna, arranged-en-noy neda-le-ko from the wok-for-la Ry-bin-sko-Bo-lo- gov-sky iron-noy-do-ro-gi, na-ho-di-sya ancient miracle-do-creative icon-na, im-well-e-may “Nedrem-lying-eye” . Her victim-in-va-la daughter knows-me-no-thing-about-weed-no-ka, pro-so-and-e-ray Ro-di-o-na Pu-cha- ti-na, someone pi-tal to this icon is a special blessing due to family pre-das. Ob-time has 10 vertices in shi-ri-nu and one ar-shin in you-so-tu; he is pi-san on a line, on-kle-en-nom on a de-re-vyan-nuyu dos-ku; his life-writing belongs to the Italian style. Pre-holy De-va iso-brother-same-on in lo-vi-well ro-hundred; She sits in front of the table in someone-on-one with a do-brand on the left side behind-on-ve-sue dark-but-ze-le-no-go -ta. The head of Her is covered with a white roof-wa-scrap, from under which one does not seem to be in-lo-sy. Her most-pure face and her sad gaze lowered us to-lu and turned to the lying God-la-den-ts. The left hand of Bo-go-ma-te-ri, in-ko-I-shcha-I-sya on a hundred-le, supports Her head, and the right sleeping God-gom-la-den-tsa. The eyes of the Pre-eternal Mla-den-ts are behind the roofs, and the head of His is turned to the right-hand side; the right hand is on the right hand of Bo-go-ma-te-ri, and the left hand is on the co-bend-to-lene of His left-howl-leg ; the middle part of the body is covered with white taf-toy. At the bottom of the icon, there is the following inscription: “I am sleeping, but My heart is watching” (). This inscription testifies that the name of the icon “Non-slumbering eye” has a symbolic meaning -tion: she points out that the Savior and His Pre-chi-flock Mother are always vigilant, but don’t care about our spa-se-niya .

Another icon with the same name is on-ho-dit-sya in the city of Ug-li-che of the Yaroslavl province, in Bo- go-yav-len-sky cha-sovne, arranged-en-noy under the so-bor-noy mo-on-styr-sky church-to-view. She is a victim-in-va-na in 1848, a resident-tel-ni-tsey Ug-li-cha A.V. ri-la that this icon is very ancient and has long been considered miraculously creative. Iko-na has more ar-shi-na you-shi-na and 3/4 ar-shi-na shi-ri-na and pi-sa-na on the board of the Italian-Lyan-sky zhi- in-pi-sue. Bo-go-ro-di-tsa is-bra-same-on-si-dya-schey in someone with a window on the right side. Her head is about-ra-shche-on in the left hundred-ro-well and on-roof-to-shoulders on-roof-of-no-go-color, from under someone -ro-go you-bi-va-yut-sya in-lo-sy. The eyes of Bo-go-ma-te-ri in-lu-from-the-roof-you and about-ra-sche-us to the sleeping Pre-eternal Child-den-ts. Her top clothes are go-lu-bo-go, and the bottom is scarlet. Sleeping Bo-gom-la-de-nets in-ko-it-sya on the left knee and left hand Bo-go-ma-te-ri; the head of His ob-ra-sche-na in the left side; the hands are folded under the chest, and the legs are bent in the knees and lowered down. All of His bodies are dressed in a shirt of a white color and in the same way, but in a turn-well-thu white-le-le-well, one edge to -the swarm is raised by the right hand of Bo-go-ma-te-ri to the level with Her right shoulder. Iko-na ukra-she-na in a zo-lo-chen-noy ri-za and wreath-tsa-mi. Other decorations on this icon are three silver images of legs and two silver crosses in the sacrifice -tsa-mi, is-tse-liv-shi-mi-sya after mo-lit-you before this icon. Before this icon, as well as before the first, chi-ta-et-sya the following mo-lit-va Bo-go-ma-te-ri: “ Oh, Pre-div-naya Gos-same, Vla-dy-chi-tse Bo-go-ro-di-tse! Give-and-mi us, come-pa-da-yu-shchih to Thy image; look with your nondream-lying eye on the souls of our sinful tongues; did the heart of the vigilant pray for us the Son of Yours, Christ-hundred God of ours, but from-ba-vit us with faith to Him with-be -ga-yu-shih from a heavy sleep of sins-no-go and from all the enemies of the enemy, yes, save the soul-shi na-sha, like Che-lo-ve- whoever."

Number of entries: 327

Hello. My wife made me swear on the icon of St. George the Victorious that I did not cheat on her, although we are not married. I decided not to utter the word I swear, distorted the word, and said "I swear that I did not cheat", knowing that swearing is bad. Is it a sin? Please advise.


Hello Gregory! No matter how you change the word, the essence of the action does not change. The Holy Scripture says: “Do not swear at all: neither by heaven, because it is the throne of God; nor the earth, for it is His footstool; nor Jerusalem, because it is the city of the great King; do not swear by your head, for you cannot make a single hair white or black. But let your word be: yes, yes; no no; but what is more than this is from the evil one” (Matt. 5:33-37). Therefore, it is a sin to swear oneself or to force another to swear. You should bring repentance in confession and try to trust each other more. Help you Lord!

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello! Please tell me, the icon of the Mother of God "IMPRESSABLE DOOR" - there is very little information about it, the date of glorification, and is it generally canonical? Save me, God


Dear Victor, there really is not much information on the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Impassable Gates". The icon is known from the 17th century. There is nothing non-canonical in the image itself, however, there are many superstitions around the veneration of this icon, as well as around many other icons, for example, it is used as a "talisman" to protect the home, which is completely unacceptable. In general, I would recommend that you, if you have this icon, then read it on a par with others, but you don’t specifically need to look for it “for the collection”. God bless you!

Archpriest Andrey Efanov

On which side should the icon of Jesus stand?


Anna, I do not quite understand the question. What does "which side" mean? In relation to what? By the way, we must say in full: Jesus Christ. The word Christ is usually omitted by Catholics and Western Christians, which is wrong.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Good afternoon, tell me please, I bought the icon of the All-Seeing Eye of God, I read on the Internet that it is non-canonical, many have different opinions, what is the attitude of the church towards it?


Dear Olga! Not so long ago, Priest Vladimir Shlykov answered a question about this icon. We repeat his answer for you: "... The fate of the icon" The All-Seeing Eye of God "in the Russian Orthodox Church is very difficult. In Russian iconography, this plot appears relatively late - only at the end of the 18th century. It was in the 18th century that it penetrated into Russia, and even entered Freemasonry came into fashion, with its symbols and paraphernalia.One of the main symbols of Freemasonry is the "All-Seeing Eye". By the beginning of the 19th century, this image was gaining some distribution already as an independent icon, although it did not become canonical. its form is more like a graphic image for oriental meditation. In modern spiritual practice, this image is used with pleasure by occultists. A large number of references on the Internet relating to this name refer to magic, the development of "psychic" abilities and similar "miracles". Therefore, I do not I recommend that you place the All-Seeing Eye icon at the center of your spiritual and prayer life... Priest Vladimir Shlykov." Sincerely, the editors of the site "Law of God"

The editors of the site "Law of God"

What to do with the icon after the funeral if it was kept at home?


Svetlana, icons are sacred objects, they should always be in our home. Leave this icon with you and pray in front of it. Icons bring only good, and it doesn’t matter if they are after the funeral or from the church.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Good afternoon! I wear a consecrated golden cross, I want to acquire a golden icon of the Mother of God. Please tell me if they can be worn at the same time, and if so, how is it better - on the same chain or on different ones?


Hello Julia! Wearing a pectoral cross on the chest is the duty of every Christian. And the icon can be worn together with a cross at will and in the way that suits you: you can use one chain, you can use different ones.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Bless, father. What icon is better to hang in the kitchen?


Nina, you can hang any icon in the kitchen, but usually we hang the icon of the Savior in the kitchen. We read the prayer "Our Father" before eating, and therefore the icon of the Savior is the best.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Father, tell me, please, I wanted to buy a silver icon and engrave it (with my initials) on the back, and later give it to my godchildren. Is it possible to do so?


Hello Maxim! Better bless the godchildren with an icon without an inscription. An icon is not a postcard or a photograph to put your initials on it.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello. I want to make a goddess in the house. What icons are better to put?


Hello Konstantin! Place icons of the Savior and the Mother of God, as well as icons of saints who are especially revered in your family.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello! I was born on August 28th. Once in the church, an employee told me that I should not celebrate my birthday on this day, since it is the day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Is she right? And can I embroider the icon "Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary" and where to hang this icon in the house? Thank you.


Svetlana, the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the Great Twelfth Feast, and we celebrate this day. This is the end of the Dormition Fast, and, of course, you can celebrate your birthday on this day. For some reason, some believe that this is a day of mourning, but this is not so, this is a false understanding of the holiday. Take it easy on your birthday. Icons need to be embroidered with the blessing of the priest, go to the temple and ask. You can hang it where it is convenient for you to pray.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello! How to properly venerate the Shroud? Can only kiss the Gospel and feet, but not hands, because we are too sinful and unworthy to kiss hands? I looked on the Internet - it’s different there: some say that you can kiss your hands, others that you can’t in any case. I used to kiss my hands too - have I sinned and do I need to repent at confession?


Hello Tatiana! By tradition, they kiss the Gospel and the feet of the Savior. The most important thing is not to kiss the face. If something bothers you, it is better to say it in confession.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello. Tell me, please, before which icon can I pray for the right choice of a spouse?


Hello Tatiana! First, lift up your prayer to God. Here is the maiden’s prayer for marriage: “Oh, all-good Lord, I know that my great happiness depends on me loving You with all my soul and with all my heart, and on fulfilling Your holy will in everything. , with my soul and fill my heart: I want to please You alone, for You are the Creator and my God. Save me from pride and self-love: let reason, modesty and chastity adorn me. Idleness is disgusting to You and gives rise to vices, give me a desire for diligence And bless my labours. Since Your Law commands people to live in an honest marriage, then lead me, Holy Father, to this title sanctified by You, not to please my desire, but to fulfill Your predestination, for You Yourself said: it is not good for a man to be alone and, having created a wife for him as a helper, blessed them to grow, multiply and inhabit the earth. Hear my humble prayer, from the depths of a girl's heart sent to you; give me an honest and pious spouse, so that we are in love with him and in harmony with glorify you, merciful God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. " According to tradition, they pray for a successful marriage to the holy blessed Xenia of Petersburg and Matrona of Moscow, as well as the Great Martyr Catherine and the holy reverend princes Peter and Fevronia of Murom. You can also pray to other saints who are closer to your heart.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello! I heard that the Ostrobramsk Icon of the Mother of God should be hung over the front door of a dwelling - is that so? Can you please tell me where to hang it? Can it be hung next to the door?


Gennady, the icon of the Mother of God can be hung in the house in any room or in the kitchen, and of course, you can hang it above the front door. But usually above the front door we hang an Orthodox cross or a sticker with the image of a cross, which is pasted during the consecration of the apartment.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello. My name is Ekaterina. Please tell me, is it allowed if the icons are opposite the sofa on which my husband and I sleep? If not, in what corner of the room should they be moved? We haven't been able to have a baby for a long time. Could this be related?


Ekaterina, icons should be in every room and in the kitchen. Icons can hang on the wall opposite your sofa, and you don’t need to associate this with your problems in any way. You can make a prayer corner in the house, it will be even better. Choose a corner where it will be more convenient for you, and pray there together for all your needs. Pray to the Mother of God Feodorovskaya, the patroness of the family. She is also prayed for the birth of children. You can pray to Saints Joachim and Anna. Prayer Hear us, Merciful and Almighty God, may Thy grace be sent down by our prayer. Be merciful, Lord, to our prayer, remember Your Law on the multiplication of the human race and be a merciful Patron, so that by Your help the established by You will be preserved. By Your powerful power You created everything out of nothing and laid the foundation for everything in the world that exists - You also created man in Your image and sanctified the union of matrimony and the foreknowledge of the mystery of Christ's unity with the Church with a high mystery. Look, Merciful, upon Your servants (names), united by marriage and begging for Your help, may Your mercy be upon them, may they be fruitful and may they see the son of their sons even to the third and fourth generation and live to the desired old age and will enter the kingdom of heaven through our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom all glory, honor and worship is due with the Holy Spirit forever.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Good afternoon! Happy Easter! And my question is this: is it possible to place an icon over a mirror in the hallway? Thank you in advance for your response!


Natalia, icons should be in every room and in the kitchen. Icons do not have to be placed on a shelf, they can be hung on the wall in a convenient place. If there is no other place, then, I think, an icon can be hung above the mirror in the hallway.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello, I swore on the icon and did not keep my word, what should I do now?


Galina, the Holy Scripture says that we should not take oaths at all, "do not swear either by heaven or by earth." In itself, your action is already sinful, because you began to take an oath, and even more so, on the icon. I don’t know what kind of oath you took, but in any case, you must definitely repent of this in the church with the priest, and tell him everything in detail, then he will tell you what to do. For the future - never swear by anything or anyone. Everything will be fine

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

The heavenly world, full of various religious heroes, can be seen depicted on ancient religious shrines. Their artistic images, clearly presented on sacred canvases, can have different semantic meanings. One of these is the All-Seeing Eye icon.

History of the icon

According to some literary information, the alleged place of the appearance of the All-Seeing Eye icon of God is considered to be the Vladimir region. It was there that local icon painters created such a wonderful masterpiece, the artistic elements of which cause a special delight among connoisseurs of art and Orthodox believers.

What do the symbols on the icon mean?

Those who have seen the icon of the watchful eye more than once remember perfectly well its main distinguishing features, clearly presented on this sacred canvas. The key details of the All-Seeing Eye icon fill the image with a deep meaning, allowing people to form an important idea about the existence of the earthly world, which is under the influence of the almighty Jesus Christ.

The central figure of the icon is the image of Christ the Savior. Located in the circle of this icon-painting composition, it radiates a bright, blessed light from itself, penetrating the souls of people praying for help.

The multiple eyes, which are represented in the inner part of the next, larger circle, are an expression of the relationship that can be traced between spiritual and earthly reality. Their quantitative diversity personifies ordinary people who, despite their individual and seemingly independent existence, are completely under the influence of Jesus Christ.

The last and, perhaps, the most significant circle is assigned to the Lord God. It is depicted at the top of this circle.

Being on an elevation, he appears as the main leader of the entire Kingdom of Heaven, which consists of various heroes of the Bible. From there, God blesses all living and peaceful inhabitants.

Thus, the icon of the All-Seeing Eye of God allows us to emphasize the following important thoughts:

  • Jesus Christ watches and watches over all living people, some of whom he separately tries to help, radiating his beneficial light on them.
  • The Mother of God is the guardian and protector of people.
  • The Lord God, the main peacemaker and creator of all life on earth. At the same time, everyone is subject to his authority.

What helps the icon "All-Seeing Eye"

It should be said that the icon of the Mother of God "The All-Seeing Eye" can not be found everywhere. However, this image, like the rest of the holy images, is fraught with great miraculous power.

The meaning of the "All-seeing eye" on the icons is extremely high.

It performs an important protective function, helping people to remove the negative public from themselves, to reveal their unique creative abilities, to protect themselves from loss of vision and complete blindness.

Any home places can act as a separate place for the icon. The most important thing is that this shrine be clearly visible to all family members living in the house, and that it is convenient to say the words of prayer near this place.

Separately, I would like to add that if for some time you completely focus your eyes on the icon of the all-seeing eye, then you can pay attention to the subsequent rotation of the three circular spheres, which, merging together, will create the impression of rotation.

Prayer before the shrine

Prayer can be carried out both during the Orthodox Church service together with other people, and independently. Her words are as follows:

Our Father who art in heaven!

May your name be hallowed;

Let your kingdom come;

may Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven;

Give us our daily bread for this day;

And forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors;

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

The All-Seeing Eye is an icon whose meaning is closely connected with the cultural history of Russia. Its plot is young enough for Russian Orthodox iconography. Occasionally borrowed from the Western icon-painting tradition at the end of the 17th century, it became more common only at the end of the 18th century under the influence of the fashion for Freemasonry.

It became an independent image only by the beginning of the nineteenth century - but it was never recognized as canonical: priests do not recommend making it the center of their spiritual life.

Perhaps because it is too ancient, the pagan layer of consciousness, the image is able to affect in an unprepared person. What various mass media unmistakably caught: it is this image that can be seen more often than others in the hands or on booklets of occultists, "psychics", "magicians" and "sorcerers".

What does the icon "All-seeing eye of God" mean in the Orthodox Church

Meanwhile, the image translates into the visual plane two fundamental ideas about God at once:

  1. Meaning for a person: the Lord is likened to a daylight as a source of all light on earth in all its symbolic meanings - vision, warmth, life, love, knowledge, spiritual insight, knowledge.
  2. The perception of the world of people by God: the way of divine knowledge is all-pervasive vision. Interestingly, it is visual perception that forms the etymological basis of any human language, and hence our thinking in general. So vision is vitality, the life of the spirit in general.

The center of the icon is formed by a drawing of the image of Jesus inscribed in the sphere, surrounded by the words "Set my eyes on the faithful lands and with you." It emits radiance and four large rays, elongated triangles, crossing the second and third circles generated by the center.

The next field is a kind of hyperbole of vision: four eyes on the divine face with the praying Mother of God crowning the sphere form the figure of an isosceles triangle. On the border they write the words of joy of a righteous soul, aspiring to God, from the first line of the famous Most Honest.

The speech of the next environment gives a biblical metaphor of the sacred light that transforms the earthly and saves from the darkness of death and sin: "The coal of Isaiah manifest the sun from the Virgin's womb, ascending in the darkness, giving enlightenment to the erring prudence." Here, the light rays emanating from the Savior end with the visual incarnations of the gospel authors or their traditional symbols. This is God's emissary Matthew, the flying eagle in the sky Mark, the meek calf Luke and the spirit of the lion John.

The fourth sphere, which encloses all the previous (and is born the first!) Sphere, recreates the firmament strewn with stars, marked by the presence of three seraphim. Four of them can be depicted (two at the bottom - with manuscripts). Burning with love for the Creator, they glorify: "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts, fill heaven and earth with Your glory."

The composition is crowned by an environment without a lower segment - “The Sky of Heavens”, where three six-winged angels bless Sabaoth. The Holy Spirit emitted by him descends like a dove on the head of the Mother of God, who raised her palms in prayer. The Creator is enclosed in a radiant halo, inscribed with the words of a prayer for the sending down of divine radiance.

Surrounded by clouds, with the holy spirit on his chest in the form of a meek dove, the Lord sits on a rainbow symbolizing hope for people and its foot is a fiery angel with majestically spread wings.

The sacred pictorial plot is as if filled with radiance. At the same time, it is one of the most difficult isographic compositions: the unprepared have to “read” it. That is, the rational principle should speak too strongly, drowning out the immediacy of religious perception.

But the geometric organization of the artistic space is immediately evident: a sphere enclosed in a triangle formed by circles-dots with images of the evangelists and Sabaoth. And these geometric figures are widely universal: the sacred meaning from a variety of spiritual practices is too easily placed in them. For example, the Egyptian eye of Ra, or the third eye of the supreme Hindu deity Shiva, is quite familiar to a modern educated person.

How does prayer help in front of the icon "The All-Seeing Eye of God"

Traditional prayers and doxology are not assigned to this plot of Christian painting. It is the inner aspiration of the one who prays that comes first: the appeal must be, first of all, sincere, coming from the heart.

In grief or joy, with a request or gratitude, the face allows you to speak with the Creator as if He is looking directly at you at that moment.


Even if non-canonical, the face does not disagree with the words of the Gospel, which ascribes sight and omniscience to the Lord. So why superstitiously be afraid and notice primarily Masonic influence? Wouldn't it be better to pay tribute to another attempt of human consciousness to approach the incomprehensible perfection of the Creator?

The icon of the All-Seeing Eye of God, found in some churches, is considered complex in its symbolism. The Church forbids depicting the Lord God on icons, and that is why the author of this image preferred to depict Him in the form of signs and symbols, which is somewhat different from ordinary icon painting. Despite this, the icon is an important relic, it is worth knowing and honoring it.

Image history

This picture, a vivid example of the possible popularization of folk art in religion, has been actively and furiously discussed at all kinds of theological meetings and sessions throughout its existence. Despite the ambiguity of the icon, it has become extremely popular among the Orthodox people.

For the first time it appeared in the Vladimir land, where it was created by the hands of local masters in the style and traditions of Vladimir icon painting, at least the original samples.

It is executed in ocher tones, which is typical for that area. The main distinguishing feature is its simplicity and at the same time the beauty of the composition. But the whole complexity is in the multitude of symbols enclosed in it. After all, it not only differs in its concept from the usual canonical iconography, but also in the way it presents all the keys that reveal the meaning.

Read about other Lord's icons:

  • "The Savior Not Made by Hands"

In addition, this is a fairly young image, the age of which barely reaches 300 years, i.e. is a brand new one. Its creation took place at the end of traditional Russian icon painting, which may be why The All-Seeing Eye contains an ambiguous, at first glance, conceptual author's meaning.

Interesting! A significant part of the clergy is usually skeptical of the icon, but its mysticism did not prevent its popularity among believers from growing.

Icon "The All-Seeing Eye of God"

Meaning and compositional features

The image is a composition rarely found in icon painting. Its meaning is the image of the Lord as light for the entire Universe, and His knowledge of man is equated to the eye, hence the name - "All-Seeing Eye".

Throughout their existence, the icons have already created quite a lot of lists, so on some boards the compositional pictures may differ from the original, which is discussed below.

The compositional image is assembled from many tiny symbols in order to give a single idea of ​​the light of all being - the Lord God. It is He (symbol) located in the center of the board.

The board is divided into 4 circles, each of which contains several important elements:

  1. The first central circle - here is the image of Christ, from which blessing and salvation to every suffering sinner. Around Him is the inscription: "My eyes are on the faithful, to plant the earth with me." 4 beams come from it, which start in the circle and end outside it. They denote the light that comes to the world from Christ and the Lord. At the ends of these rays, already along the edges of the entire image, there are images of the evangelists or their symbolic image;
  2. The second - it is larger in diameter than the first and contains a human face, which consists of only 4 eyes, a nose and a mouth. There is also an inscription in Old Slavonic, which means "My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior." This circle reflects the relationship of the Divine Principle and the world of people, mediated between which is the praying Mother of God, drawn between the 2nd and 3rd circles;
  3. The third circle is marked by the inscription: "The coal of Isaiah manifested the sun from the Virgin's womb, shining in the darkness and bringing enlightenment to the lost." It is crossed by several thick rays coming from the first circle, From Christ. from the center of the main - the Sun of Truth - Jesus Christ;
  4. The most important and last, truncated from below, the fourth circle - it symbolically depicts God the Father, blessing all mankind. The figure of the Lord has raised blessing hands, and its bottom is hidden in a halo. Along the edges of Him is the inscription: "God from the heaven of his radiance vouchsafe me." The background for Him is the clear starry sky, where, according to the Scriptures, the Kingdom of Heaven is located. God the Father is always depicted surrounded by three seraphim or four angels with scrolls. The Holy Spirit flies from the Lord to the Mother of God in the form of a dove.

The meaning of this image lies in the depiction and interpretation of all the important symbols of Christianity that help a person stay on the righteous path and not deviate from it. Seek the light that comes from the Lord.

Important! The face prioritizes Christianity and helps the believer to create the correct hierarchy in his head - the Lord is above everything and the beginning of everything, Christ is salvation, and the Holy Spirit and the Mother of God help people interact with them correctly.

Who and what helps the image

Why and from what to pray to the icon "All-Seeing Eye"?

This is a universal image that has no boundaries in requests, because a person cannot limit the Lord, from whom and by whom everything is created. The Lord is omnipotent: it saves a person from failures, bestows health and vigor, sends spiritual joy.

That is why you can pray before this image and ask for everything - the Heavenly Father hears all prayers.

The icon protects and helps:

  • from negative influence and evil eye;
  • helps to reveal the hidden abilities of a person and help his spirit rise above hardships and sorrows in search of God;
  • heals blindness and helps to cope with vision problems;
  • patronizes the clergy;
  • protects ordinary people from sorrows and hardships, regardless of work, age, gender or nationality;
  • keeps a person from sin;
  • helps to cope with sinful thoughts;
  • helps the sinner to strengthen his faith;
  • gives parents wisdom for raising children;
  • helps to make the right decisions in both spiritual and carnal life.

It is worth remembering that the Lord is not a magic wand and does not fulfill all our desires. He is a sovereign God and only His will is important for every person. Everything that He sends into life is good for a person.

Important! Icons are not a magical artifact of wish fulfillment. They only help a person to tune in the right way and clear his mind so that the prayer is sincere and fervent.

The Heavenly Father desires that every person first repent and change his heart. To come to God only for the sake of material blessings is to offend His person and neglect His will.

Prayers that are filled with reproaches and demands are likely to go unanswered, since the Heavenly Father cannot go against His own laws, so if a person violates Divine laws and commandments, how can he count on Divine support?

It is worth reflecting on your heart before coming to the image of the “All-Seeing Eye”.

Icon on gesso "The All-Seeing Eye of God"

Where to place the icon and how to pray

This image can rarely be found in the temple, because due to its ambiguity and non-canonicity, not all spiritual servants want to place it.

Nevertheless, initially the icon acted as a decoration of walls, domes, and simply as a temple painting. Until now, it can be seen in such places in temples of the 18-19th centuries, but in more modern churches there is no longer such a painting. Over time, she began to appear as a full-fledged image on the iconostasis in churches and houses.

Advice! The image can be purchased for a personal iconostasis either from collectors (meaning an older image) or in an icon store.

You can acquire such an icon only if your conscience and spirit do not condemn. For many believers, its controversy and the fact that the clergy do not have a single answer causes doubt and reflection. In this case, you should not buy a board. Otherwise, after the acquisition, you must correctly place it among other images.

You can put a lamp on an open shelf, light it during prayer, on Sundays. The central place in the iconostasis should be occupied by the images of the Savior (Christ the Almighty) and the Mother of God (optional). They should also be the largest. On the sides, you can already place the rest of the icons that the owners will choose. These are images of saints, church holidays, angels. The iconostasis should be located in such a way that nothing distracts from prayer.

Among other icons, the All-Seeing Eye should also be placed. It should be clarified that there are no special prayers written for her, but this does not mean that a person cannot pray to her in his usual own words and sincerely tell God about all the problems that tormented him and overcome his passions.

As a prayer, you can read in front of her "Our Father", a canon of repentance, an akathist to Jesus the Sweetest. They are perfect as prayers for reading glorifying and repentant psalms. You can ask God the Father for mercy, for a blessing to study the Scriptures, for having a kind and loving heart, for all spiritual problems.

Important! The icon should not be used for magical rituals, since the Church forbids turning to sorcerers, grandmothers and witches. This in itself is considered a great sin, and using an icon for this significantly aggravates a person’s guilt.

Pray to the image of the "All-Seeing Eye" at home, asking the Heavenly Father for mercy.

Watch a video about non-canonical icons