How to atone for your sins. How to atone for sin

  • 18.05.2022

How to atone for your sins before the Lord God.

How to atone for your sins before the Lord God.

To atone for your sins, you need to pray heartily. I offer you rare prayers addressed to the Lord God. Redeem, but sin no more.

Dear ones, we should start with the fact that there are too many sins.

For every flaw there is a prayer text.

You could have sinned against your neighbor or by getting rid of the fruit.

All sins cannot be counted.

The prayers that are contained in the manuscripts allow you to atone for those sins that you remember and forgot.

To get started, go to the Orthodox Temple and put 3 candles to the icon of Jesus Christ and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Submit a custom note about your own Health. Don't forget to create a separate one about the Repose of the Dead.

Gain strength and endure at least a three-day fast, atoning for sins by sincerely reading the prayer “Our Father” and Psalm 90.

After communion and confession, having bought 3 candles for home prayer and collecting holy water, go back.

At this stage, you have already atoned for your sins by telling God and Father about them.

To further help yourself in redemption, read special Orthodox prayers addressed to Jesus Christ for several days.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Cast out from me all misfortunes that tempt carnal passions. In redemption, I fall down, I forget about sins in vanity. Forgive me the sins that happened, and they are still not forgotten. Those sins that are still smoldering in the soul, too often smell of illness. May your will be done. Amen.

There is another prayer that helps to atone for your sins by praying to the Lord God.

Merciful God, in word and deed, I sin both in soul and body. I atone for sins before you, which were committed by a difficult fate. Help me to renounce sweetness, from demonic sinful misfortune. Protect and give willpower so that there is no pain in suffering. In the hour of judgment, let go of all sins, and forgive these weaknesses. May your will be done. Amen.

Cross yourself and drink holy water.

The Lord God will forgive sins, while allowing purifying suffering.

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0 Let's rephrase your question. For example: Will a person who commits a mortal sin be saved?
Salvation is a GIFT that Christ gives to everyone who believes in Him. Salvation cannot be earned by exemplary behavior, just as it cannot be a priori lost due to some kind of sin as such.
If a person sincerely repented of sin and loved the Lord with all his heart and never commits it again, sin is forgiven.
The Orthodox Church singles out mortal sins among sins (gluttony, fornication, avarice, anger, despondency, vanity, pride). As you can see, murder in itself (and in the case of abortion we are talking about murder) does not apply to mortal sin. However, abortion is most likely associated with other sins, which can be mortal, because. abortion is done for some reason.
Perhaps this will seem offensive or unacceptable to someone, but any person, even a hardened sinner, has the opportunity to be saved if he repents and turns his heart to Christ.
Remember the place from the Gospel, where one of the thieves hanging on the cross next to Christ turns to Him, recognizes him as Lord.
Christ says to him: Truly I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.
This He said to the thief, who himself admitted that he deserved to be punished!!!
Remember this always. If you have repented, confessed even the most terrible sin before the Lord in an Orthodox church, try not to sin again. And another side of sin. Every person who has committed a grave mortal sin begins to suffer. Sin, like rust, corrodes his soul, sharpens, gnaws like an open festering wound. Naturally, a person seeks to get rid of this feeling (and often it is precisely from the feeling that a person, as it were, wants to forget this sin, wants to kill the memory of it in himself).
And here we face two dangers. On the one hand, despair prevails: I am such a terrible sinner that God simply cannot forgive me, my sin is greater than the Lord's mercy. This is the worst state of mind: a person can either commit suicide, or indulge in “everything bad”, since he still cannot be saved. It is this situation that the holy fathers called blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, when a person rejects God's love and His mercy. It is forgotten that there is no sin that the Heavenly Father would not forgive. The only sin that is not forgiven is that which is not repented of. God forgives both robbers and murderers, fornicators, publicans when they repent and ask for salvation. This is our Christian hope: the door to the Kingdom of Heaven is not closed to anyone. Remember that he himself said that he did not come to save the righteous, but sinners.
But there is another attitude: a person who has committed a sin is looking for a way to get rid of it by fulfilling the penance entrusted to him, so to speak, paying a fine or a fine for electricity stolen from the state. Here a person is guided not by the desire to return God's love, to beg for forgiveness from the Father, but by the desire to get rid of the "debt hole", to regain the former "rights" to be called God's son.
This is the so-called legal approach to the concept of sin and atonement...
Our unfortunate child-murderers want the same thing: they want a specific, clear indication of how to get rid of the memory of sin and posthumous punishment. I emphasize this again: not to cleanse my soul, to return the light to it, having received God's mercy, but to buy off God and from my memory and invent “methods”: how many times to bow, how many to read prayers, how many monasteries to visit, how many relics to venerate . In addition, for fidelity, they pass off their inventions as the revelations of the elders, the blessed ones, the nightly “apparitions” of the saints. Therefore, the question is: is confession and communion enough for forgiveness - also from this category: give me a measure of repentance - three hours of confession and five liters of communion ... Lord, is it enough for You ?! Have you been scolding me enough, like a drunken dad whipping his son for another deuce? Or should I still kneel on the peas in the corner, so that you, the tormentor, will finally let me go?!
Isn't this an underlying feeling that accompanies a woman seeking the "pleasure" of God? But why is it so difficult to understand a simple spiritual truth: you can confess this sin once, but you need to live in repentance and love for God all your life? And it doesn’t matter if you had an abortion or ate sardines on Wednesdays, as nun N. aptly noted in the book “Lament of the Third Bird”.
Repentance is expressed not so much in telling the priest for the thousandth time in confession about his abortion, strainingly squeezing tears from his eyes. Repentance is a change of life, a new life in Christ, a real transformation of the soul, or rather, a striving with all one's strength for this transformation bestowed by the Lord.
And confession with communion is needed not “from”, but “for”. We often perceive confession as washing our hands before receiving the "candy" - the sacrament. We forget that we should long for communion as a union with God, which none of us can be worthy of, but to which He calls us all.
Therefore, the measure of our repentance is determined by the measure of our striving for Christ, the depth of love for Him and hatred of sin."
Save you Lord.
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Modern society often treats religion as some kind of abstract element of culture. Some even go to church to pay tribute to fashion. At the same time, not observing the fasts and commandments, and not knowing the prayers. This approach leads to the fact that people sin without thinking about their actions or their consequences. The realization that something was done wrong comes only after misfortunes occur in their lives. Then, remembering their lives and analyzing what is happening, they realize that they have done a lot of bad things in their lives. And then they wonder how to atone for sins?

Prayer for sins

To atone for your sins, first of all, you should sincerely repent of them. For this, it is better to contact the priest. Those people who often attend church often have their own confessor, but if you are not a regular parishioner, then you can choose a priest yourself. But in this case, you should pay attention to how the confession is conducted. It can flow, that is, a person lists all his sins, and the priest, in turn, lets them go. However, if you really repented of your sins, then this option is unlikely to suit you. Therefore, it is better to choose a priest who will have time to talk with you, during which he will be able to give advice, and you will read a prayer for sins.

Any priest honors the secrecy of confession, and everything you tell him will be kept secret. Therefore, there should be nothing to hide, no matter how scary everything is, it is better to tell everything as it is. As a rule, the priest will give you some instructions that you should strictly follow. This may be an order for a prayer service, fasting or a daily prayer for the forgiveness of sins. It is worth considering that reading prayers should come from the heart, only in this way can you free your soul from the burden of perfect sin, clear your conscience and find peace of mind, and as a result, draw closer to God. In other words, you will cleanse your heart, revive your soul and heal your mind. In the process of repentance, you will immerse yourself in memories, and note the sinfulness of your thoughts, actions, feelings in a certain period of your life, and you will be able to free yourself from an oppressive state.

Many women ask themselves how to atone for the sin of abortion. It does not matter for what reasons they did it, it is important that they realized their mistake. In this case, you need to confess, then the priest will impose penance, which is more of an educational character than a removal of sin. Unfortunately, there is no prayer that removes the sin of abortion, but you can always help other women not to commit it. If you do not have children, then you can adopt a child and raise him, which is equivalent to building a temple. In any case, no matter what sin you have committed, it can be atoned for by good deeds done from a pure heart.

We cannot atone for our sins, but we have hope. The Lord Jesus Christ says that He came precisely to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many (Mk 10:45).

The main thing is not human sins and infirmities in themselves; the main thing - and the first, and the most important thing - is that we are first of all members of the Church, members of the Body of Christ, and only then - sick, weak, powerless, sinful, whatever. The main thing is that, as in all spiritual life, so in repentance, in its center, in the first, main place, He should be - and not some kind of me with my alleged super-sinfulness.

Christ made atonement for our sins at Calvary; we are called to receive His gift through repentance and faith. The Lord founded the Church and established the Sacraments in it - special actions through which He frees us from sins and gives us strength for a new life. Therefore, we just need to come to the Church and bring our sins to confession. The Word of God firmly promises us that if we confess our sins, He, being faithful and just, will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 Jn 1:9). Only Christ can cleanse our sins.

Atonement for sin through prayer can make a spiritual person. To do this, you need to remember your life and your sinful adventures. So you found a case and illuminated it with your consciousness, what it is and how to evaluate your thoughts and actions. If you see your sin and condemn it with repentance, then the sin is immediately atoned for and you ascend in the spirit and your path changes.

Commemoration at the Divine Liturgy (Church note)

Those who have Christian names are commemorated of health, and only those baptized in the Orthodox Church are commemorated of repose.

Notes can be submitted to the liturgy:

At the proskomedia - the first part of the liturgy, when for each name indicated in the note, particles are taken out of special prosphora, which are subsequently lowered into the Blood of Christ with a prayer for the forgiveness of sins

Sin is not just some kind of immoral act, it is primarily a violation of the law of God, the laws of spiritual life established by the Creator Himself, lawlessness (1 John 3:4), or, in other words, sin is a violation of the will of God. Sin did not come from God and not from nature, but from the abuses of the mind and will of its rational beings, about their arbitrary deviation from God, about replacing his holy will with their own, from self-will. The first violator of His will was Lucifer, one of the rank of the Archangel. Now he is Satan, that is, the enemy of God. Therefore, the commission of sin is a conscious or unconscious opposition to God, and one must avoid sin in every possible way, making an effort to do so. That original, natural sin that infected the nature of the first parents, and therefore being hereditary, as long as carnal humanity exists, is the cause for the personal sins of everyone. That is why the Lord said, “There is no man who has not sinned.” Thus, the personal sins of each person come from a damaged human nature, under the influence of the external world, which “lies in evil,” and from the devil. In the case of committing a sin, be sure to repent in order to again become closer to your Creator and Savior, the eternal Defender and Leader.

The Lord forgives us all sins, except for mortal sin. Mortal sin is stubborn impenitence, when the sinner in his bitterness comes to the point that he cannot repent with all his heart. And even if someone was terribly guilty before God, he can, with humility, bow down before Him, bring repentance. Repentance is the basic background of our entire Christian life. The Monk Ephraim the Syrian left us the necessary prayer: “grant me to see my sins.” Again and again: to see one's sin is a spiritual act, of extremely great value for all who seek the Face of the Living God. Moreover, this act is the action in us of God Himself, who is light. Unfortunately, very few people comprehend the true nature of sin in their hearts. Usually they stand at the level of human morality, and if they ever rise above it, it is still not enough (and morality itself, if necessary, can be changed ...) Great ascetics, when they confessed, they accused themselves of every evil, because they did not find such a sin that was not created even by a momentary touch of the mind. And no one can be sure that he is beyond the power of thoughts that visit him. So, to the extent of our ability to see ourselves, we need to confess our sins so as not to take them with us at death.

Indestructible Psalter

The indestructible Psalter is read not only about health, but also about repose. From ancient times, the ordering of a commemoration on the Unsleeping Psalter is considered a great almsgiving for the departed soul.

It is also good to order the Indestructible Psalter for yourself, support will be vividly felt. And one more important point, but far from the least important,
There is an eternal commemoration on the Indestructible Psalter. It seems expensive, but the result is more than a million times more than the money spent. If this is still not possible, then you can order for a shorter period. It's also good to read for yourself.

All our earthly life, from birth to the last breath, in its final result, it is possible to see and evaluate in one moment. Imagine a vessel of perfectly pure glass, full of water; at first glance, you can tell whether the water is pure or not, and how much. So it will be with us on the transition to another world. Every movement of thought, even a fleeting one, leaves its mark on the general quality of our life.

Suppose that during the entire period of my earthly existence only once an evil thought ran through my heart, for example, murder. And this single thought will remain a dark spot on the body of my life if it is not cast out through repentant self-condemnation. Nothing can be hidden: “There is nothing hidden that would not be revealed, and secret that would not be known” (Luke 12: 2-3). And for each evil thought, we will be tormented in ordeals, as a result of which - an intermediate judgment: the soul will go either to God, or pushing away from God, it will move “into outer darkness”, to endless torment.

“If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He, being faithful and just, will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:8-9). Through sincere repentance with resolute self-condemnation before God and people, the inner man is purified, and the water in the vessel, passed through the spiritual filter of repentance, is restored to its purity. But whoever does not repent becomes an enemy of the Church. Just as rotten branches fall from a tree, so do unrepentant sinners fall away from the head of the Church, Jesus Christ. Christ Himself is the vine, and we are the twigs that feed on life. Archimandrite Ambrose (Yurasov) says: “Sometimes they come to me for confession and say: we have no sins. I ask you, do you go to Church, do you pray? It turns out, no, they don't go, they don't pray. And they do not recognize sins for themselves: they say, we do good, we bring benefits. Then I ask such people: are these chairs useful? - yes, they do, - and earthworms do good? - Yes, good. - Are the chairs alive? - Dead. - What about spiritual worms? - Not. Here you are like these chairs or those worms ... "

What are we to repent? First, in their own sins; secondly, in the sins to which we have led our neighbors through inducement, temptation, or a bad example; thirdly, that they did not do the good deeds that they could have done; fourthly, that they were taken away from the good deeds of their neighbors; fifthly, that the good deeds themselves were done with sin in half. And in all such matters one must ask one's conscience. Consciousness of one's sins and self-reproach in them are the first steps on the path of repentance.

Sorokousty is a prayer service that is performed by the Church daily for forty days. Every day during this period, particles are removed from the prosphora.
The elder Schema-Archimandrite Zosima noted that the entire history of mankind is measured in "weeks and forties." “For forty days Christ appeared to his disciples, staying on earth until the feast of the Ascension of the Lord. The holy feast is the fortieth day of the Ascension of the Lord. Easter, everything goes by magpies, weeks and magpies. And the history of mankind also goes by weeks and magpies. Sorokousts are ordered for health, especially for seriously ill patients.

Sometimes it seems difficult to draw a line where sin begins. What is the difference, say, between curiosity and inquisitiveness, between indifference and dispassion, between fashion and custom? In such cases, the easiest way to find out the differences is in opposites. Curiosity is opposed to restraint and modesty, curiosity - stupidity and laziness. Indifference is opposed by sympathy and responsiveness, dispassion - nervousness and fuss. To neglect fashion means to preserve chastity, freedom and independence of taste. To neglect custom is to be proud of oneself and to despise people. Reflecting on other similar qualities, one can learn to determine the boundaries of moral and spiritual behavior.

Some people consider a small sin to be a big one, but they hardly think about grave and great sins. So, for every pancake in fasting, they are ready to shake themselves, and insults and condemnations of their neighbor, killing him in the eyes of others, are considered almost nothing.

Before we go to confession, we must forgive everyone everything. Forgive without delay, now, and never remember insults! Live as if they never existed. We must be reconciled to all our neighbors. Only then can we hope to receive forgiveness from the Lord.

To repent means to feel lies, madness, the weight of one's sins in one's heart; it means to realize that they offended by them their Creator, Lord, Father and Benefactor, infinitely holy and infinitely abhorring sins; means with all my heart to desire correction and smoothing over them. And just as we sin with all the powers of the soul, so repentance must be whole-hearted. Repentance only in words, without the intention of correction and without feelings of contrition, is called hypocritical. And the coldness of the heart in confession, as in prayer, is from the devil, he is the coldness of the hellish abyss.

Sometimes it is difficult and painful to reveal all your shameful deeds and thoughts to the confessor without concealment, sometimes it is painful, ashamed and humiliating. But we must overcome this last demonic barrier of false modesty on the path of salvation by reading the “Mercy Door” and the Creed. Otherwise, the wound will remain unhealed and will undermine mental health, remaining a putrid leaven for subsequent sins. For the same reason, confession should not be postponed. Say, it is said, your iniquities, and do not be silent about them, but be justified. The culprit of sin must always be recognized as one's own evil will. Let's not be ashamed of tears in confession. If a person burst into tears, it means that he has reconciled himself, the proud and proud do not cry.

Some Christians, out of shame, cowardice, fear, hide their sins from their confessor. By doing so, they cause great spiritual harm to themselves. Through concealed sins, the devil continues to rule over the soul of the sinner. The grace of God does not heal such a soul. No wonder the priestly prayer at confession says: "If you hide something from me, you will have a double sin."

Prayer for health

A prayer service is a special Divine service in which they ask the Lord, the Mother of God, the saints to send down mercy or thank God for receiving blessings. In the temple, prayers are performed daily, except for the time of Great Lent, at the end of the liturgy. On Sunday, after the early liturgy, a prayer service is performed with the blessing of water, that is, a small blessing of the water takes place. Such prayers belong to private worship and are performed at the request and needs of individual believers. Public prayers are performed on the days of temple holidays, on the New Year, before the beginning of the teaching of the youths, in rainy days, etc. You can also order a thanksgiving service to the Savior on behalf of a person or several people who thank the Lord.

A pure confession destroys unrighteousness, turns away from sin, protects from evil, establishes in goodness, strengthens against temptations, maintains vigilance, keeps the commandments of God on the path, strengthens against temptations, pours holy peace into the soul, multiplies the desire for a pious life and makes a person from day to day. days cleaner and more perfect.

Some may think that according to everything that has been said, you can sin as much as you want, and then you will repent - that's all. But such a thought is a delusion of the devil. The great sacrament of repentance and the mercy of God do not at all give grounds for a sinful life, “for if, having received the knowledge of the truth, we sin willfully, then there remains no more sacrifice for sins” (Heb. 10:26). Whoever, in the hope of repentance, allows himself to sin arbitrarily and intentionally, acts insidiously towards God. The sinner voluntarily and intentionally in the hope of eternal repentance, forgiveness, is suddenly struck by death, and no time is given to him, like a liar, for supposed virtues. “Wash, cleanse; remove your evil deeds from my eyes,” the Lord calls, “cease to do evil; learn to do good, seek the truth, save the oppressed, protect the orphan, intercede for the widow. Then come and let us reason, says the Lord. If your sins be as scarlet, they will be as white as snow; if they are red like purple, they will be as white as a wave. If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the earth; but if you deny and persist, the sword will devour you: for the mouth of the Lord speaks” (Isaiah 1:16-20). To sin, hoping for God's mercy, is "blasphemy against the Holy Spirit", that is, an unforgivable sin.

Likewise, those who say: “Let us sin in youth, and repent in old age,” will be deceived and will be ridiculed by demons. As willfully sinners, they will not be rewarded with repentance, they will die without confession.

The consequences of a sinful life are blindness of the mind, bitterness, insensitivity of the heart: “My iniquities exceeded my head, like a heavy burden they weighed down on me” (Ps. 37:5). What is the consequence of such sinfulness? “My heart has left me” (Ps. 39:13). The mind of an inveterate sinner sees neither good nor evil - his heart loses the ability to spiritual sensations, his conscience is literally burned. When, with the help of God's grace, many of his sins are revealed to a person, then it is impossible that he would not be extremely perplexed by such a spectacle of his life. Through cutting off sins at confession, a person wakes up, his conscience is cleared, which is felt even physically, by the body; the human brain clears up, the soul becomes joyful. In one of the temples of Perm, there was even a case of healing the back of a bent old woman immediately after confession. She, having moved ten meters away from the lectern, suddenly turned sharply and ran back to the priest: “Father, my back has stopped hurting!” she almost screamed. And everyone in the temple began to be touched, as the Lord clearly showed the healing of the sacrament of confession.

church note

A church note filed “about health” or “for repose”, along with candles, is the most massive and common church appeal of people to the Lord, the Virgin and saints

At the proskomidia - the first part of the liturgy, when for each name indicated in the note, particles are taken out of special prosphora, which are subsequently lowered into the Blood of Christ with a prayer for the forgiveness of sins commemorated,

At mass - this is how the people call the liturgy in general, and the commemoration after it in particular. Usually such notes are read by clergy and clergy before the Holy See;

On the litany - a commemoration for all to hear. It is usually performed by a deacon. At the end of the liturgy, these notes in many churches are commemorated a second time, on trebs. You can also submit a note for a prayer service or memorial service.

But dear readers! Please don’t think that the Church focuses us on the concepts of “should” and “shouldn’t”, that the Church, like a kind of pen, slams the door behind us - and that’s all, now there are only fasts and rules, obedience and cutting off everything that is possible. The Church is the house of God in which the human soul grows and develops. The purpose of this life is to become a partaker of Christ in the Kingdom of Heaven in joy and peace. The path to God is long, the whole life. In the spiritual life of every person, regardless of age, there is childhood, adolescence, maturity. And you need to "grow", improve gradually, albeit with compulsion of the will (as in any business), which actually proves love for God. You just need to remember that spiritual growth is the main business of life, a spiritual guideline in any field of life. We must remember the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit, which frees people from the torment of sins and the bitter captivity of the elements of this world, that only in the Church does a person find true freedom.

Repentance presupposes not just the awareness of sin, but precisely sin before God. And this is very important. All the feelings that penitential practice offers us to go through: self-reproach, humility, seeing ourselves as the worst of all, fear of punishment, and so on. - in their true sense, they should be not just human feelings, emotions, movements of the soul, heart, mind - but precisely religious feelings, and positively religious ones at that. That is, they are true and correct only when they are performed in God, before Him, in the context of Him and the Church by the joint action of our soul and the grace of God - co-creation, synergy - but in no case by themselves. I draw your attention to this, for here is the root of all religious errors. Self-reproach is not to convince yourself: I am a freak and a nonentity. Humility is not a complex of guilt and one's own inferiority, in the language of psychology. Repentance is not self-reproach, not at all. I repeat, these are positive religious feelings, that is, they mean: there is a God, He is Love and Mercy; He is my Savior, it is mine, all good and good is all His. Mine - indeed, passions and weaknesses; but in spite of them, He gave me such a gift in the Church - to live by Him, His goodness, goodness and perfection; and I am a member of His Body, I live by Him and do not want to live by myself, by my passions. And for the sake of this, and only this - to live by Him, I do everything: I repent, and I pray, and I refrain, and I struggle with sin, and so on and so forth, which the Church prescribes, - in order to seek Christ, to be with Him, so that by His grace we can make up for our weakness. And not for the sake of simply stating every hour that I am a sinner, not in order to eat myself up. This is what happens in repentance.

And humility is the feeling that God loves me immeasurably, and all others, and we are the same before Him - equally weak and sick, and I, perhaps, more than others; but He accepts us all, heals, nourishes, supports, comforts, admonishes us with great love and mercy, like a mother to a child; and everything is ours before Him, even something good and good - nothing, zero, dust and ashes. This is humility and self-reproach. And all these repentant feelings should bring into the human soul not despondency and despair, not an inferiority complex, which always happens when we deprive repentance of the church context, but - precisely because these are spiritual movements of the soul - the grace of the Holy Spirit. This is not ecstasy, not pink exaltation, not bloody fever - the grace of the Holy Spirit is evidenced in the soul by a subtle, peaceful, joyful, humble, quiet, cool, truly spiritual feeling that gives a person peace, love and freedom - and, as it were, gathers a person into something whole, into what it should be according to God's plan.