The body takes on water. Why is fluid retained in the body? Fish and seafood

  • 30.05.2022

The main problem of weight loss is water retention in the body. You follow a diet, exercise, do not get nervous over trifles, and kilograms stand still, or grow rapidly. Most likely it's the excess fluid. These are not just swelling, but water, evenly distributed throughout the body. Looking in the mirror, you will not notice the signs, but the feeling of discomfort when bending, moving, will not leave you. Clothes that were loose on you a week ago will become tight and uncomfortable. The main thing is that the number on the scales is growing every day. The primary task is to determine the factors that provoke edema, sometimes this is a sign of serious body dysfunctions.

The editors of the site will find out what circumstances provoke slowing down the withdrawal of excess fluid how to deal with the problem.

Causes of water retention in the body, how to overcome them

The reasons why edema occurs are conventionally divided into chronic - appear due to a disease, infection - and situational factors - a response to ongoing events. When circumstances change in the latter case, the body gets rid of edema on its own.

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Main factors:

Junk food - if yesterday you had a great rest, drinking alcohol, eating it with fast food, salty, deep-fried chips, and in the morning you found plus 2 kilograms on the scales - do not worry, the body has not yet coped with the dissolution of such an abundance of food;

Tip: use less salt, it provokes swelling. Daily allowance - 3 grams per day

A sedentary lifestyle - perhaps your work is connected with constant sitting at a laptop, or you are in one position for a long time, then you are guaranteed swelling, try to warm up from time to time;

Women have PMS with swelling - during this period, the arms and legs swell, after menstruation everything returns to normal, the gynecologist will help to cope with the problem;

Medications - some of them cause water retention in the body, means for normalizing pressure cause blood stasis, so puffiness appears;

The period of menopause in women - a change in the hormonal background leads to an increase in body weight, fluid retention;

If you observe swelling in yourself quite often, then you should talk about the chronic form, this symptom indicates the presence of such diseases: heart failure - along with weight gain, shortness of breath, palpitations, myocarditis begin. Violation of the endocrine system, adrenal glands, kidneys.

With swelling of the legs, venous insufficiency often occurs. Treatment for chronic water retention focuses on identifying the underlying cause and prescribing treatment from a specialist. It is not recommended to get rid of them on your own.

Dehydration- Another factor in fluid retention in the body. For example, you drink less than the prescribed dose or don’t drink at all, then the brain receives impulses from other systems about the lack of water, and begins to retain, preserve the water that is available.

Tip #1- Look at your diet. All convenience foods, chips, salty foods delay the withdrawal of fluid, and help - melon, orange, bananas, which contain a lot of potassium. Stick to the norm of at least 2 liters per day. Watch your caffeine intake, enrich the menu with parsley, celery - they help regulate water balance.

Tip #2- more movement. Walk to work, walk, especially with a passive lifestyle. If you often sit, for example, on a bus, your legs become numb, give preference to walking. Change position more often, work at the computer - get up, take a walk.

Tip #3- massage to help. Relieves stress, fatigue, relaxes, gives strength. Find a good massage therapist. After a couple of sessions, you will feel relief. Do not hesitate to go to the doctor or not - go to rule out possible problems with the heart, kidneys, hormones.

Tip #4- a warm bath with salt. Make this relaxation at home. Draw water into the bath at about 38 degrees, add salt and 200 grams of soda. Lie down for 15 minutes, drink a cup of green tea - this is one of the conditions. After, sit in a warm place for about half an hour.

Tip #5- include healthy foods in the menu. Ginger - reduces weight, fights liver spasms, suppresses the desire to eat. Asparagus - its main advantage is fiber, which removes toxins, toxins from the intestines. Dried fruits, fresh vegetables, parsley - all these are natural defenders of immunity.

Tip #6- organic diuretics. These are foods that have diuretic properties. In the summer, give preference to watermelon, it perfectly removes all excess liquid, consists of useful trace elements. Parsley, green tea, grapes. Check yourself for swelling - press your finger on the test area of ​​​​the body. If spots remain after pressure, the skin sinks a little, then your body retains water.

Remember that a healthy person does not have water retention in the body even when drinking a lot of water. Edema is a consequence of a malfunction of some kind of life support system. The sooner you figure out the reasons, the sooner you get rid of this problem.

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Fluid retention in the body occurs for various reasons, and women experience it most often. As a rule, such manifestations occur due to changes in the level of hormones caused by the monthly cycle of a woman, due to disorders in the functioning of the kidneys, the abuse of foods with a high salt content, etc. The reasons that caused the appearance of an increased amount of fluid in the body can be many and not always they are harmless. Sometimes such a condition is a signal of the appearance of pathological abnormalities in the work of internal organs and systems, which should not be left without due attention. In order to prevent the further development of possible pathologies and get rid of edema, it is necessary to find out the causes of their appearance.

Causes of fluid retention in the body

The causes that caused edema in the body can be divided into two groups. The first of them, situational, refers to what is caused by improper living conditions in response to adverse circumstances. As a rule, after the elimination of these causes, the condition returns to normal and the swelling disappears without a trace. Chronic accumulation of water in the body is most often caused by various diseases, for the elimination of which it is necessary to take emergency measures. To find out what situations led to fluid retention, it is best to contact specialists. Sometimes it is enough to change your lifestyle and give up bad habits, as a result of which the swelling disappears. You can, of course, try to go the easier way and use diuretics bought at a pharmacy. But in this way it is possible to allow the further development of the disease, which is easier to cure in the initial stage. Even if there are no serious disorders in the body, uncontrolled intake of drugs with diuretic properties can cause addiction to them and wean the kidneys and diuretic system to independently control the situation and get rid of the accumulation of water.

Fluid retention in the body is possible due to insufficient water intake. The norm of water consumption for men should correspond to 2 liters. Women need to drink at least 1.5 liters daily. With existing deviations in the work of the kidneys, the amount of water drunk is discussed with the attending physician. But in all cases, we are talking about pure water, not including juices, fruit drinks or other liquids.

Another cause, the most common, may be dehydration caused by excessive sauna or exercise on simulators. It would seem that everything should happen the other way around, with intense sweating, water is lost, and fluid accumulation cannot occur. But under the circumstances that have arisen, the body is in a state of stress, and out of fear that in the future there will be not enough water, it begins to intensively store it for future use. As a result, water accumulates in the form of edema.

The causes of puffiness can be the abuse of hot spices, salty and smoked foods. Salt has the ability to retain water in the body, which is why when edema appears, it is necessary to refuse salt if possible. In addition to being able to retain water, the sodium in salt removes potassium, which the body needs for normal heart function. The accumulation of fluid can also occur due to passion for sweets and alcohol. In any case, by eliminating foods containing harmful substances from the diet and following a healthier diet, you will only benefit the body.

To eliminate edema, you can eat foods that have natural diuretic properties that can activate diuretic processes. Such products include cucumbers, celery leaves, sweet varieties of peppers, dill, green tea, buckwheat, tomatoes. Dried apples or their peels, which are brewed and drunk like tea, have a very good diuretic effect.

To serve as the cause of the accumulation of excess water in the body is capable of impaired metabolism due to lack of amino acids and vitamins. With a shortage of these substances, their absence is replaced by excess water. Particular attention should be paid to ensuring that the body has enough potassium, sodium and B vitamins. The body reacts quite sharply to their lack by starting to accumulate excess water. It is also necessary to make up for the lack of these substances for the reason that, by activating the processes of urination, the necessary substances in the form of potassium and sodium are washed out of the body along with the liquid. Therefore, taking vitamins in the fight against edema is of no small importance and helps the kidneys work.

When removing the accumulated fluid with the help of diuretics, it is necessary to replace it with plain water. A sign of sufficient fluid content and normal kidney function is urine, which should be light and transparent. The psycho-emotional state also affects the increase in fluid in the body, so it is better not to hold grudges in yourself and enjoy life more.

Edema can lead to a long state of immobility, for example, a sedentary lifestyle when working in the office, which lasts more than 8 hours, and often the lunch break takes place at the workplace. Poor blood circulation in this body position, especially in the legs and pelvic area, will almost certainly lead to the accumulation of excess fluid.

If, after eliminating all of the above situations, the appearance of edema does not decrease, it is necessary to consult a doctor. In addition to excess salt, a more serious situation may be the cause of fluid retention in the human body. Edema can be caused by allergic reactions of the body to a certain type of food, abnormalities in the functioning of the thyroid gland with a decrease in its functions, hormonal imbalance with a lack of necessary hormones, diseases of the kidneys, blood vessels, or the development of diabetes. To identify the condition that caused the swelling, you will need to undergo an examination and take tests.

Pathological causes leading to swelling

The accumulation of fluid in the body, from which he is not able to get rid of on his own, can appear due to a tumor. Its localization in certain places is capable of squeezing blood vessels and disrupting the natural processes of blood circulation. Disturbances in the outflow of lymph, caused by the same reasons, also lead to swelling of the legs, causing a disease in the form of elephantiasis. A serious reason for the violation of the water balance with the accumulation of fluid in the body is changes in protein metabolism, in which the body does not receive enough protein. This condition can occur with kidney disease, during starvation, as well as with liver disease.

Signs of excess fluid

The appearance of edema on the face, legs or other parts of the body brings undesirable changes in the appearance. However, this condition, in addition to the loss of attractiveness, brings significant harm to health. It is very unpleasant in the morning to see your reflection in the mirror with bags under your eyes, hinting at some kind of harmful addictions, although this is far from being true. Yes, and with shoes, too, there are some difficulties, your favorite shoes in the evening become small and simply do not fit on your feet. Loose rings on the fingers become impossible to remove not only in the evening, but also in the morning. In some cases, a lot of water in the body contributes to the appearance of shortness of breath, and also add extra centimeters to the waist. All these symptoms are evidence that the body, for some reason, is not able to get rid of excess water on its own, and too much of it accumulates. Usually women, faced with such problems, mistakenly try to limit their fluid intake.

How to identify swelling during pregnancy

Puffiness due to excessive accumulation of water may occur during pregnancy. The first signal is swelling of the ankles, which is easy to see from the trace of the gum on the socks. The more it is expressed, the more excess fluid accumulates. Another sign of edema, common to almost all pregnant women, is the appearance of puffiness of the face and eyelids. The detection of a large amount of fluid in the body of a pregnant woman can be determined by the appearance of a fossa from finger pressure, which cannot disappear for a long time.

The appearance of excess water is due to an increase in the volume of blood circulating in the body. Half of the weight that increases over the entire period of pregnancy is fluid. Fluid from the amniotic fluid and from the blood penetrates into the subcutaneous tissue and into the connective tissue. Water retention occurs due to the accumulation of sodium in the body of a pregnant woman, which, in turn, attracts water. Most often, swelling occurs in the later period, and its appearance in other trimesters indicates ongoing disorders, most often in the kidneys.

A woman who is expecting offspring may experience latent edema. Monitoring the state of the fluid is especially important, due to the fact that with excess water, not only the tissues of the pregnant woman, but also the placenta swell, which is unfavorable for the development of the fetus. In such cases, diet and special gymnastics can help, and severe edema can be eliminated by treatment in a hospital.

The appearance of excess fluid during menopause

During menopause, a deep hormonal restructuring occurs in the body, which is expressed by a lack of female hormones. Edema is not considered a severe manifestation of menopause, but their appearance should still alert. It is necessary to find out the reason that caused these changes in the state of the body, especially if, along with edema, there are some other symptoms of approaching menopause. Most often, such violations occur due to violations in the water-salt metabolism, since the accumulation of excess sodium leads to an increase in osmotic pressure and to the accumulation of a large volume of water. A characteristic feature of this condition is swelling of the legs, usually manifested in the evening or in hot weather.

Puffiness during this period can proceed secretly and not be clearly expressed, but manifest itself as heaviness and painful sensations in the legs, which intensify in the evening. It should be borne in mind that the appearance of puffiness during menopause is primarily evidence of metabolic disorders involving potassium and sodium. If this signal of the body is left without due attention, then subsequently such a violation threatens with the occurrence of arterial hypertension and kidney disease.

The appearance of edema in menopause can be a symptom of other pathologies that cause fluid accumulation. This can be manifested by a serious pathology of the kidneys, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, endocrine diseases. Excess water can occur with the use of certain drugs containing hormones, antihypertensive drugs used for hypertension, and antidepressants.

The appearance of edema before menstruation

Many women before the onset of critical days experience the appearance of a sensation of a large amount of fluid present in the body - the so-called premenstrual syndrome in the form of its edematous form. After the menstruation ends, the presence of fluid returns to normal and the swelling disappears. This condition is corrected with the help of specially designed drugs. In cases where swelling before menstruation is too pronounced and is present monthly, you need to make sure that there are no diseases. A chronic increase in fluid before menstruation may be evidence of diseases that occur secretly. The most common case of edema in this situation is the lack of female hormones.

What to do to eliminate edema

There is an opinion that to reduce swelling, you need to limit fluid intake, especially in the evening before going to bed. But in healthy people, drinking water at night does not cause any swelling. If, however, there is an accumulation of fluid in the form of bags under the eyes, swelling of the legs, it is necessary to identify the causes of such a change in the state of health and try to get rid of them. First you need to find out if there are external situations that affect the fact that excess water is not excreted and settles in the subcutaneous layer in the form of edema. If the edema affects the face to a greater extent, a kidney examination should be performed. It may be necessary to begin to follow a more strict diet with salt restriction, reducing the sodium content in this case significantly helps in eliminating edema.

It will help to remove edema during menopause by eliminating the imbalance of hormones, for which replacement therapy methods are used using preparations containing the necessary hormones. The use of phytoestrogens will also help maintain the required level of female sex hormones, which contributes to the state when excess water will go away.

The water balance depends not only on the water you drink, but also on its excretion. This balance can be disturbed by the use of foods that can provoke a delay in the excretion of fluid from the body.

Fluid retention in the body is a serious problem, as a result of which the human body works with a very heavy load. The reasons that lead to the occurrence of water retention: genetic pathologies, somatic diseases, violation of the water regime, irrational nutrition with a high salt content.

Importance of water balance

One of the important components that provide a sufficient amount of fluid in the body is maintaining a balance of water consumption, its intake (proper drinking regimen).

For a day, a person needs 30-50 ml of fluid for every kilogram of body weight. The amount of liquid may vary slightly depending on the ambient temperature, season, health status. The more water is removed through sweat, the more you need to drink to maintain balance in the body.

The water balance depends not only on the water drunk, but also on its excretion, which is carried out by the excretory system, sweat glands. This balance can be disturbed by the use of products that can provoke a delay in the removal of fluid from the tissues of the body, which leads to the appearance of edema, functional disruption of the organs, and, as a result, to the development of diseases.

Foods retain fluid

Foods high in salt, creatine, coffee, some drugs, milk, cottage cheese, toxic substances, and alcohol delay the removal of water from body cells.

Retains water in the body sodium chloride, which is a supplier of ions necessary for normal life. Lack of salt is harmful to the body, but its excess is also dangerous. Many foods contain salt, even if they don't taste salty (% DV).

  1. Flour products and cereals (2-14%): corn flakes; Rye bread; wheat; oat flakes.
  2. Meat and fish (2.5-2.7%): fish; veal; pork; beef.
  3. Dairy products (1-6%): cheese (26-27%); cow's milk; cottage cheese.
  4. Vegetables (1-9%): beets; potato; red cabbage; green peas; tomatoes.
  5. Greens (1-3%): celery; spinach. Champignons, mushrooms (2.5-15%). Eggs (3-4%). Nuts (0.6%).
  6. Fruits, berries (0.6%): bananas; oranges, almonds; dates.
  7. Pickles, pickled, canned vegetables, fruits (1400-2400).

Too much salt

  • in products containing dyes, preservatives: sausages, crackers, sausages, smoked meats, chips, mayonnaise, fast foods;
  • in sweet teas and coffee (excess insulin retains water);
  • in alcoholic beverages.


One of the most delicious and vitamin foods is sauerkraut. But with some diseases, cabbage can not be consumed. It is contraindicated in high blood pressure, kidney disease. Sauerkraut can cause edema or a hypertensive crisis, the reason is a large amount of salt, almost 800 mg per hundred grams.

Daily salt intake

The daily dose of table salt, according to doctors, is about two and a half grams. This is the amount of salt that is found in food (hidden) and the salt that is added to cooked food. More salt will actively retain water, exacerbate pathologies such as hypertension, coronary disease, and diabetes mellitus.

Such patients are advised to reduce salt intake to one and a half grams per day. The daily norm of salt can be obtained from food, especially if their packaging says: E 401, E 301, E 500, E 211, E 331, E 524, E 485, E 339, that is, table salt.

Creatine and water excretion

Creatine is an organic compound partially synthesized in the body. Creatine is found in fish and meat. Creatine is used as a relatively harmless sports supplement that increases endurance and promotes muscle growth. But an excess of the supplement, more than 25 g per day, is undesirable. Creatine causes a delay in the excretion of urine from the body.

Although outwardly edema is not visible, but creatine can retain up to two liters of water, but it is impossible to drive it using diuretics (diuretic drugs). It is also contraindicated to reduce the drinking regimen, since creatine causes dehydration of the body due to the absorption of water by the muscles. On the contrary, you need to drink up to three liters of water to restore the water balance.

The effect of coffee on water balance

The physiological effect of coffee depends on many factors. If you drink more than 3 cups of coffee, then the diuretic effect is provided; if less, coffee retains water in the body. Sweet drinks also work - with an excess of sugar in coffee, the diuretic properties of the drink increase. The reasons why pregnant women are not recommended to drink coffee - it causes swelling, increased blood pressure.

Studies conducted by scientists and doctors have shown why milk, ice cream, cottage cheese, yogurt cause fluid retention in the body. Reasons: when they are used, the secretion of insulin in the body sharply increases, insulin increases the production of the adrenal hormone (aldosterone), which delays the excretion of sodium salts. It is useful to consume dairy products immediately after physical training in order to quickly restore performance.

Toxins and water retention

Alcohol, other toxins, or drugs cause water retention, as water dissolves these poisons, reducing negative effects on the body.

Liquid removal products

Actively remove fluid from the body products, which are listed below.

  1. Fruits (watermelon, strawberries, blueberries, viburnum). With kidney stones, these fruits should be used carefully so as not to cause an exacerbation.
  2. Tomatoes, asparagus, cabbage, lettuce. Not only help the excretion of water, but contribute to the elimination of toxins, accelerate metabolism.
  3. Buckwheat, greens, bell pepper, zucchini, pumpkin, beets.
  4. Diuretic teas from chamomile, chicory, centaury, lingonberry and blueberry leaves.

Vitamins and fluid excretion

Hypovitaminosis, a lack of the necessary microelements can lead to a delay in the excretion of water. Therefore, it is desirable that in the daily diet there are such products:

  • red beef meat, bananas, salmon, salmon containing vitamins B6;
  • fruits, low-fat dairy and lactic acid products with vitamins B, D;
  • citrus fruits, greens, spinach, containing trace elements magnesium, potassium.

The best way to help get rid of excess fluid, toxins, is pure water. Not juices, fresh juices, compotes, teas containing fruits, honey, sugar, which are a complete food, but pure water is good for the body. You can drink bottled non-carbonated water, environmentally friendly, water from mineral springs.

Some doctors and nutritionists say that if you freeze water, you can get structured water that has a beneficial effect on the human body. The greatest diuretic and detoxifying effect can be obtained by drinking warm water in the morning.

Prevention of fluid accumulation

  1. Drink at least two liters of water a day.
  2. Reduce the amount of salt and sugar, or eliminate their consumption altogether. Sugar can be replaced with fruits, natural honey.
  3. Adhere to a rational and proper diet, including fruits, vegetables, cereals, lactic acid products.
  4. Eat dried fruits, raisins, nuts, dark chocolate (in small quantities).
  5. Do not forget that doing physical exercises is useful, and walking in the air speeds up metabolism, leads to more active diuresis.
  6. Do not use diuretic drugs without a doctor's prescription, so as not to cause dehydration of the body.

Compliance with the correct drinking regimen, reducing the diet of foods that retain water is the protection of the body from many diseases.

Fluid retention in the body is an unpleasant phenomenon familiar to most people, especially women. It leads to edema, due to which not only the appearance suffers, but also the load on the internal organs increases. Difficulty removing fluid from the body is a symptom of certain heart and kidney diseases. But most often this happens due to the wrong lifestyle and because many do not know which foods retain water in the body. If edema has become constant companions of life, first of all, you need to adjust the menu, reducing or completely eliminating these products in it. Often this is enough to get rid of bags under the eyes in the morning and a couple of extra pounds.

Why does fluid retention occur in the body

The main reason for water retention in human tissues and cells is electrolyte imbalance. Electrolytes (sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium) play an important role in ensuring the normal functioning of the body. They are responsible for metabolism and affect the composition of the blood. Excessive or insufficient intake of even one of these minerals leads to an imbalance.

Sodium and potassium regulate water-salt metabolism: sodium ions retain water, and potassium removes it. Excess sodium in the body causes the accumulation of excess fluid. Insufficient intake of potassium also provokes edema.

The daily dose of sodium to maintain electrolyte balance is 1.5-3 g. Regular excess of this dose (more than 4-5 g) leads not only to edema, but also to increased blood pressure and kidney disease.

The main source of sodium in the body is foods containing salt. Excess consumption of salty foods is the main cause of morning swelling, but not the only one.

Another reason for water retention is high levels of insulin in the blood, which stimulates the release of aldosterone, a hormone that retains sodium in tissues. Therefore, edema is also provoked by foods and drinks with a high glycemic index.

Thus, there are two main food groups that are able to retain water in the body. Let's dwell on each in detail.

Foods high in sodium

All foods containing a large amount of sodium in their composition are foods that retain fluid in the body. The most common source of sodium is table salt (sodium chloride). Almost all food of animal and vegetable origin contains pure sodium chloride:

milk; seafood; meat; eggs; celery; legumes; cereals.

Their salt content is low, and their consumption is the minimum necessary to maintain electrolyte balance. But in the production of many food products, sodium is artificially added to them. Most often, manufacturers aim to enhance the taste and keep the product fresh for as long as possible, so they add additional forms of sodium instead of salt:

sodium nitrite to improve color and as a preservative; monosodium glutamate to enhance taste; sodium saccharin - sugar substitute; sodium benzoate - keeps the product fresh for a long time (preservative); sodium bicarbonate (baking soda).

These forms of sodium are found in high amounts in all processed foods. The quantitative content of sodium salts in them is expressed in the table.

Name of food The content of sodium salts, mg/100 g

smoked sausage

boiled sausages, sausages

Hard cheeses 900-1300
Hamburgers, sandwiches (fast food) 1000-1200
Sauerkraut 800
Canned fish 400-600
Canned meat (stew) 500-700
Bakery products:

from rye flour

from wheat

sea ​​kale 550
Pickled olives 1500
Canned vegetables (peas, beans, corn) 400-700
Mayonnaise 2000-3000
Ketchup 1500-1800
Soy sauce 5000
Crisps 1000-1700
Rusks, snacks 800-1200

The foodstuffs marked in the table are the leaders in the content of salt, therefore, with a tendency to edema, they should be excluded from your diet in the first place.

A small package of any salty snacks, or just a few slices of sausage, provides a dose of sodium that is several times the daily requirement. The constant addition of various sauces, even to healthy foods with a low salt content, also leads to an overdose of this trace element, provokes electrolyte imbalance and fluid retention in the body.

Foods with a high glycemic index

Another group of foods that cause water retention is foods with a high glycemic index (GI). Its use causes a sharp release of insulin, which leads to the production of the hormone aldesterone. It retains sodium in the cells of the body and causes swelling.

Below is a list of high GI foods:

all sweets: chocolate, cookies, sweets, halva, waffles, muffins; sweet products; dried fruits; bakery products; potato; cornflakes.

These foods that retain water in the body should also be limited if edema and excess weight are present. When eating high-fat dairy products, the body also begins to produce aldesterone, so they can be added to the list of products that provoke water retention.

Drinks that retain water in the body

When drinking some drinks, the liquid will be retained rather than excreted, so if you are prone to edema, you should limit their intake. For example, beer and sugary carbonated drinks have a high glycemic index, and coffee in small doses has a diuretic effect, but when it is abused or with a lot of sugar, coffee retains water in the body.

Drinking alcohol always causes swelling. Alcoholic drinks are strong diuretics, they remove fluid from the body, but at the same time they upset the balance of all body systems, including the water-salt balance. To remove toxins from the liver, water is needed, so all the liquid drunk after an alcoholic libation accumulates in the intercellular space and causes edema.

How to deal with fluid retention in the body

The best way to get rid of swelling that comes from drinking foods and drinks that cause fluid retention is to completely limit them in your diet.

But due to various circumstances, it is not always possible to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition, so these foods and drinks can appear on the menu of any person. What can be done to minimize the risk of edema after eating foods that cause the accumulation of water in the tissues of the body?

To do this, you should follow a few rules and recommendations.

Drink as much pure non-carbonated water as possible (at least 1.5-2 liters per day). At first glance, this seems illogical: if water accumulates, its intake should be reduced. But the body will react to the restriction of fluid with an even greater delay, it will save it "in reserve". With sufficient fluid intake (except coffee and sugary carbonated drinks), the need for water accumulation will disappear. Exercise and walk outdoors. This helps to speed up the metabolism, improve kidney function and remove excess water faster. If there is a lot of fluid in the body, a bath or a warm bath with sea salt and soda helps to successfully remove its excess. Try to add as little salt as possible when cooking. The salt contained in the diet of a modern person is quite enough for the normal functioning of all organs (even without the use of various sauces, smoked meats and snacks). Eat foods and drinks high in potassium and fiber - they contribute to the rapid removal of excess fluid: green tea and hibiscus; dried apricots and raisins; berries, especially cranberries, blueberries, chokeberries; wheat bran; nuts; bananas; avocado; jacket potatoes; watermelons and melons; herbal teas from chamomile flowers, calendula, lingonberry leaves, blueberries, lemon balm; zucchini; cucumbers. Use the juice of fresh vegetables (carrot, cabbage, beetroot) as a diuretic. It is forbidden to prescribe and drink pharmacy diuretics on your own - they are addictive and remove potassium, magnesium and calcium salts from the body along with sodium salts. Periodically arrange fasting days. Regular discharges on kefir, apples or milkweed prevent stagnation of fluid in the cells (2 tablespoons of green tea are brewed in 2 liters of milk). To eliminate swelling caused by foods high in salt, you need to eat rice or oatmeal in water for several days (unsalted, of course). This is a proven tool that athletes use to dry their muscles before competitions.

If, after excluding products that provoke fluid retention from the menu and following the recommendations for the prevention of edema, they still occur and cause concern, this is a reason to consult a doctor for a comprehensive examination of the body. Perhaps the cause of swelling is a serious disease that requires the intervention of a doctor and the appointment of medication.

Proper nutrition and an active lifestyle are the best means of preventing edema caused by the accumulation of fluid in the body. Daily consumption of clean water, fresh fruits, vegetables, meat and seafood, steamed or boiled, the exclusion from the diet of fast food, sweets and industrial-made sauces is the key to an excellent appearance, the absence of edema and health problems.

Beauty and Health Health

Most people are familiar with the problem of edema and excess fluid in the body. Often, going up to the mirror in the morning, we notice that the face is as if swollen or “blurred”. On the hands and feet, swelling is also determined visually, and by other signs: the shoes are very tight, and the straps of summer shoes cut into the skin; in winter, it can be difficult to fasten the “zipper” on boots.

If “heaviness in the legs” is felt, and the swelling is invisible in appearance, you can press your finger in the lower leg area: there is a trace - there is swelling.

Where do edema come from?

It is not always easy to determine the cause of the “swelling” of tissues and the occurrence of puffiness - competent medical diagnostics is needed.

For example, more fluid enters the body than is excreted; disturbed electrolyte balance or metabolism; have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, liver or kidneys.

Fluid may be retained due to lack of movement, poor posture, hot weather, working in one position - sitting or standing, taking certain medications - including contraception, wearing tight (uncomfortable) clothes and shoes. In women, edema can also be accompanied by PMS, and in most cases pregnancy, although this cannot be considered the norm.

When water is retained in the tissues, the body has to work under conditions of serious overload. This can last for months and even years: many people here simply get used to their illnesses, and believe that there is "nothing to be done about it."

Sometimes, having discovered a tendency to edema, a person seeks to limit fluid intake, but the problem does not go away. Edema remains, the state of health does not improve.

The body needs to remove toxins - this requires water. If it is not enough, the body waits until it has enough, and the kidneys stop working at full capacity. But, having received such problems, people do not calm down, and resort to diuretic tablets: the fluid accumulated “with difficulty” is forcibly removed, and the process begins anew.

What to do to avoid fluid retention and swelling? Eliminate fluid-retaining foods from the diet or reduce their intake to a reasonable minimum. If the edema is strong, for a while it is worth abandoning such products completely, giving the body time to come to its senses and remove excess water without stress. True, it seems to many that it is impossible to do without these products, and they ask the question: what then is there?

Fluid retention products

First of all, "fast food" and ready-made products from the store: bring home - and eat. In the first place, any smoked meats and canned food - meat and fish, salted fish "for beer", as well as beer itself. Any alcohol causes edema: the body is actively struggling with dehydration, trying to restore the acid-base balance, and generally return to normal. Chips, crackers and other snacks rich in salt also cause the body to retain fluid.

Photo: liquid retaining products

In general, salt is found in many products, and in considerable quantities, and we also add it to dishes that consist of these products: for example, we salt salads with sausage, cheese and mayonnaise. Any fried foods also retain water, whether it be potatoes, meat or ruddy pancakes. And pouring potatoes and pasta with ketchup, we seriously impede the work of the kidneys, which already have a hard time.

Fatty homemade sauces, pickles and marinades, canned compotes, high-fat dairy products, eggs, pastries (especially white flour), store-bought sweets - from cakes and soda to chocolates and syrups, convenience foods, aged cheese, margarines and spreads, juices with sugar, sweet tea and coffee - this is not a complete list of products that contribute to the accumulation of fluid.

Let's talk about some products in more detail. There may be doubts about coffee: this popular drink is known to have a diuretic effect. This is true if you drink coffee without sugar, and in a sufficiently large amount - at least 3 cups. But we usually drink sweet coffee, and even with cookies, and the liquid is retained, not excreted.

Everyone knows about the benefits of milk, cottage cheese and yogurt, but when you use high-fat milk, the body begins to produce more insulin, the presence of which enhances the work of the adrenal glands: they produce a hormone that retains sodium salts.

Photo: liquid retaining products

To stay healthy, a person needs only 2.5 g of salt per day, and this is less than 1/3 tsp, so food, to be objective, can not be salted at all. Why? But because salt is hidden in natural, natural products, and not only in store-bought, ready-made and semi-finished products.

So, in a serving of ordinary beets, peas or red cabbage, up to 9% of the daily salt intake can be contained; in pasta and cereals - up to 14%, in greens and mushrooms - from 3 to 15%, etc. It seems like a trifle, but we salt our food when cooking, and even add “something salty” to “brighten up” the menu.

Sauerkraut is the most useful vitamin product, but it must also be used wisely: there is a lot of salt in it - up to 800 mg per 100 g.

Another point is water retention due to excess creatine. This compound enters the body mainly with meat and fish, and is partially synthesized by the kidneys, liver and pancreas. Creatine is a source of energy for muscles (that's why athletes take it as a supplement), but we spend it, with a modern lifestyle, negligible - less than 2 g per day. And we eat meat and fish dishes almost daily, and more than once; excess creatine works on the accumulation of water - up to 2 liters, even if the edema is "not visible to the eye." To restore fluid balance, you do not need to take diuretics or cut down on your drinking regimen; on the contrary, you need to drink up to 3 liters of pure water per day, against the background of a salt-free diet, until the edema “comes down”.

Hidden salt can be "found" in very useful products, although at first glance it seems strange. From 2 to 8% salt contains corn and oat flakes, chicory, green beans, rye bread, potatoes, celery (root), spinach, bananas, raisins, oranges, dates, rose hips, nuts, tomatoes, etc.

Can swelling be avoided?

And now what i can do? Eliminate a product from the diet just because it contains salt? Not at all.

It is impossible to refuse the products that we need for a normal life in any case. But it’s worth reducing the amount of salt, as well as changing your diet for the better: stop eating fast food, prepared food, sausages, mayonnaises and ketchups, and start feeding yourself freshly prepared food, from organic and natural products.

Sugar promotes fluid retention, like salt, and we can do without it for sure, replacing it with honey, dried fruits, jam, etc. - in reasonable quantities.

Walking and exercise, even in the form of morning exercises, greatly contribute to the acceleration of metabolic processes, improve kidney function and prevent swelling.

You should not take diuretic drugs without a doctor, but drinking clean water, up to 2 liters per day, is a must: when the balance of water consumption is observed in the body, edema does not occur. In summer, when the hot sun and hot wind “take away” more moisture from us, you need to monitor your drinking regime especially carefully.

Tags: fluid retention products, which foods retain fluid

The belief that a camel draws water from its humps to survive during long journeys through the desert is rooted in childhood without a trace. In fact, this turns out to be a delusion that can captivate a naive consciousness, but has nothing to do with the truth: humps are made up of fat cells, and therefore they really serve as an emergency source of energy, but those chemical processes that, in theory, can turn this fat into water, unrealistic in desert conditions.

Man is a completely different matter. When we sit or stand for a long time, eat a lot of salt, take medications, or experience dehydration without consuming the prescribed daily allowance of fluid or losing it during physical activity, our body begins to store. This can be understood as a transition to self-preservation mode at any cost, and primarily at the cost of our appearance, and swelling on the face and legs is a clear confirmation of this. One of the main ways in which such a buffer fluid can be released is through natural need, and in order to put these mechanisms into a state of intensive work, natural products called diuretics will help us.


The use of lemon in its pure form is quite difficult for obvious reasons, but no one requires you to do this. The effect can be felt even if you just add lemon juice to water or food. Lemon removes excess water, helps reduce pressure and is number one in the list of effective remedies for the treatment and prevention of certain diseases, in particular urinary tract infections.


Our body receives water not only in its pure form, but also extracts it from food. One example is celery - it has a lot of water, and this provokes us to visit the toilet more often to get rid of it. In addition to its diuretic properties, it is extremely nutritious and facilitates digestion. True, celery may not be to everyone's taste, but many of the products on our list can perfectly complement it.


Ginger cleanses not only the taste buds, but the entire body, rapidly removing toxins from it. It helps to normalize blood circulation, get rid of edema, soothe joint pain in arthrosis and expel all excess fluid away. All these wonderful qualities of ginger will be revealed to you even if you put a piece of its root in a glass of water.


In addition to its diuretic properties, beets provide us with benefits along with antioxidants, including one special one - betalain, found in a rather limited set of foods. Beets can be fried, stewed and boiled, but the microwave oven has a negative effect on its beneficial properties.


Preventing cancer, reducing the likelihood of a heart attack, removing fluid - the status of zucchini as a healthy vegetable is not in dispute. Remember just one thing: the abuse of salt during cooking will reduce the diuretic effect of zucchini.

Cranberry juice

If you have heard that cranberry juice helps treat urinary tract infections, then this is partly due to its diuretic nature. It is only important to observe one condition: the juice must be fresh and natural.


Having experienced the ability of eggplant to remove excess water from the body, some have added it to the list of means to combat excess weight. The method of use is rather unusual: eggplants need to be boiled, and the water that remains after cooking should be drunk. If this seems too strange, then you, in the end, will be left with ready-made eggplants, of which there are plenty of dishes.


One bunch of parsley can be used in many ways: add to a dish, refresh a glass of water, eat just like that, in the end - one way or another, but you will experience all its benefits. And not only a generous diuretic effect is useful, but also antioxidants. As a side effect - fresh breath.

We used to love tea, coffee and Coca-Cola for their tonic properties. But it will be useful to know that caffeine is also a diuretic. It is only required not to exceed the threshold of 200-300 milligrams of caffeine per day, which, in terms of coffee equivalent, corresponds to two to three 200-ml cups.


Oats have deservedly formed a halo of food that stimulates weight loss. On the other side of a serving of morning oatmeal lies the property of oats to absorb excess water - just as it happens with cholesterol.


The main condition for achieving the desired effect is to eat raw tomatoes. Cutting them into a salad or making tomato juice will fulfill this requirement. But if you suddenly have a dislike for their taste, dilute it with other diuretic foods, such as carrots or watermelon. In general, the effectiveness of tomatoes in health is by no means limited to the ability to pump out fluid from the body - cancer prevention and the prevention of cardiovascular disease are worth it to prescribe tomatoes in your vegetable basket.


The extreme water content of cucumbers explains how often they are found in detox recipes. As well as a diuretic, cucumbers have a positive effect on the urinary tract as a whole, prevent the development of diabetes and cancer. The secret is in antioxidants and minerals, including those that a person needs daily.


As children, we weren't forbidden to eat watermelon before bed for a reason. Its fruit is a huge reservoir full of water - so sweet that it is very difficult to break away from eating a watermelon. But you need to overcome yourself, because a significant increase in blood glucose will negate all its positive qualities, including the ability to remove water and salt from our body.


Carrots are often spoken of as a source of useful elements for maintaining our vision, but they also affect other aspects of human health in no worse way, and as an example, the removal of fluid. It does not matter whether it will be part of the salad, or become a side dish - the effect is guaranteed in any case.


We have something else, in addition to appetite, that garlic can excite - the desire to visit the restroom more often. And if you set yourself such a goal, then one or two cloves - or their powder equivalent - will come in handy in the dish.