Oregano what kind of herb what other name. What is oregano: all about the amazingly useful seasoning! Where to buy oregano

  • 13.08.2022

Sometimes, due to confusion with names, it is difficult to find the product we need. You need to be especially careful when it comes to medicinal herbs. Today we have to find out: marjoram, oregano and oregano are the same plant or not, and how to distinguish them from each other?

Similar coincidences occur quite often - not everyone can distinguish savory from thyme, and cumin from zira. The names of seasonings and spices do not always correspond to the names of the plants from which they are produced.

If you want to know, you can read about it at the link. Let's slightly open the veil of secrecy: two of the indicated names belong to one plant, and the third to a completely different one.

So remember.

Marjoram and oregano are not the same thing!

What is the difference between marjoram and oregano? Both of these plants belong to the same class (as indicated by their Latin names), but differ in species.

Origanum majorana is a plant that we simply call marjoram. It is extremely thermophilic, and, therefore, grows in freedom only in southern countries. It has a pleasant spicy smell, slightly camphoric, very similar to the aroma of cardamom. The taste is spicy and also spicy. Dried and crushed, it is a fairly popular seasoning for many dishes, including meat and potato soups and sauces. Another name for it is “sausage grass”, and marjoram received it, respectively, because it is one of the main spices added to various sausages. Great with fatty fried meats.

To learn more, check out our article.

Origanum vulgare is a plant known to us as oregano. It has an unpretentious character and grows almost throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation, with the exception of the far north and some regions of Siberia. Prefers forests and forest edges, as well as meadows, clearings and fields. Its taste is familiar to our compatriots, mainly from herbal teas. This herb is very often used for medicinal purposes in a variety of diseases, in particular, in diseases of the biliary tract and liver, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, flatulence, constipation, bronchitis, colds, reduced immunity, hypertension, viral infections, boils, gynecological inflammation and relief of menopause in women.

More details about this are discussed in our article, you can read it here. Origanum vulgaris also bears the names of the mainland, bee-lover, zenovka, amulet, matserdushka and, attention; oregano!


Oregano and oregano: the same plant!

The seasoning oregano, mentioned in many recipes, is nothing more than oregano! True, most often for the preparation of spices, it is not collected in the forests, but grown in special areas. So, France, for example, and several other countries are doing this. Seasoning is also suitable for most meat dishes, as well as for some types of mushrooms. Cucumbers are also salted with oregano, added to the filling for pies. The aroma is calmer, but also tart.

What is the difference between marjoram, oregano and oregano?

Despite the fact that marjoram and oregano-oregano are different plants, in cooking they can replace each other quite well in the absence of a “relative”. Both spices are suitable for meat, used in soups. Unless, marjoram, nevertheless, unlike oregano, should not be added to tea.

Some dishes would not be so tasty and original without spicy spices added to them. Oregano, a plant known from ancient times, has an incomparable taste and magnificent aroma. Oregano or oregano - what is it and what is it eaten with?

Oregano is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Lamiaceae family. It has small oblong-ovate leaves and small, two-lipped, pinkish-white flowers, collected in spikelets, forming a panicle. This plant is common in Russia, as well as in Europe and the Mediterranean. It grows on the slopes of mountains, edges and clearings. Translated from Greek, the word "oregano" is interpreted as "mountain decoration". An alternative name is common oregano.

Oregano has an amazing aroma.

By the way, oregano has long been a well-known plant, it was mentioned in his writings by the ancient Greek physician and philosopher Hippocrates.

The main use of oregano is in cooking. The dried and crushed leaves of the plant are used as a condiment.

Useful properties of seasoning

Oregano is also used in medicine. Medicinal infusions, decoctions and teas are prepared from the leaves, stems and flowers of the plant. Oregano is also applicable externally - lotions and compresses with it effectively heal wounds. Baths with the addition of oregano tone and improve well-being.

This is interesting. The legend says that on the island of Crete, animals wounded by hunters - deer, wild goats - looked for and ate precisely oregano (it was also called ash tree). The animals ate the grass, and the arrows soon came out of their bodies by themselves. The wounds healed, and if the arrow was poisonous, the ash tree neutralized the effect of toxic substances. People noticed this interesting feature and began to use oregano for medicinal purposes, and soon discovered other properties of this plant.

Main health benefits of oregano:

  • Wound healing. Lotions and compresses based on herbs are suitable for quickly tightening wounds.
  • Antimicrobial. Infusions and decoctions of oregano neutralize the action of harmful microorganisms that enter the body along with poor-quality food.
  • Antispasmodic. The gentle action of oregano can relieve spasm and reduce pain.
  • Painkiller. Oil of oregano is used in the treatment of diseased teeth and joints.
  • Soothing. By adding oregano to food, you can get rid of disorders of the nervous system and improve sleep.

Oregano is also very beneficial for women. It can be taken to relieve painful periods. Oregano is also relevant for nursing mothers suffering from a lack of milk. Oregano infusions are recommended to prevent diseases of the genitourinary system. During menopause, the plant helps fight hormonal disruptions.

Oregano is also useful for gastrointestinal problems: it normalizes stools, improves the digestion process, and has a mild laxative effect.

A decoction of oregano helps fight colds by eliminating coughs. In general, this plant is recommended for respiratory diseases: asthma, tuberculosis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, acute pharyngitis. In such cases, not only decoctions help, but also rinses based on oregano.

Oregano compresses and applications help fight eczema, neurodermatitis and acne.

Traditional healers use the plant to treat alcoholism.

What dishes are spices added to?

Oregano is a seasoning with a bright bitter-spicy taste. In cooking, both fresh and dried leaves of the plant are used. In addition, the flower buds of the plant can also be used as part of spices.

Together with basil, oregano is considered an indispensable ingredient in Mediterranean cuisine.

Oregano is added to many dishes.

The original taste and aroma of oregano are used in the cooking process:

  • various spicy mixtures of herbs;
  • pickling vegetables;
  • pasta, pizza;
  • bakery products;
  • a variety of sauces (especially tomato);
  • pickling fish;
  • baked potatoes;
  • meat-based soups;
  • bean dishes;
  • scrambled eggs and omelettes;
  • homemade sausage;
  • fried and stewed meat.

What can replace oregano

What can replace oregano? The taste of the spice is bright and unique. However, the plant has many relatives that can replace oregano in case of its absence.

Marjoram is considered the closest to oregano in taste. Sometimes oil from oregano is replaced with marjoram and the difference is almost not noticeable. A good substitute would be basil mixed with mint or parsley in tandem with dill. Slightly reminiscent of oregano cumin and thyme. You can use a mixture of "Provencal herbs" instead of oregano.

But! You should be aware that the listed herbs do not even have the approximate beneficial properties that oregano differs from.

How and how much to add oregano

The main principle in the use of oregano seasoning is moderation. The strong aroma of spices sprinkled in large quantities can spoil the dish.

How to add oregano:

It is important not to overdo it with seasoning, otherwise you can spoil the dish.

Take a dry spoon, measure the amount of spice indicated in the recipe. Do not pour seasoning from a jar into a hot dish that emits steam. Rising moisture can spoil the oregano that has become in the jar, because of which the latter will stick together into a lump. Fresh grass before use should be finely chopped and mashed with your hands. This will release the unique aroma of oregano.

Advice. Sometimes the exact amount of spice is not indicated in the recipe. In this case, you should first add a quarter teaspoon of seasoning to 4 servings (500 g) of meat and minced meat. Add 1 tsp to the sauce and pasta. freshly cut or dried herbs, in a salad - 0.5 tsp.

When to add oregano:

Fresh leaves are added at the end of cooking to give a bright flavor. The stew is seasoned with seasoning also at the end of cooking. When cooking broth, in combination with other herbs, all plants must be tied in a bundle and put in a gauze bag. It is dipped into the pan, and after cooking the broth is thrown away. In soft cheese, salads and fruit desserts, spice is added in advance. This gives the dish the opportunity to soak in the aroma of oregano.

Despite the obvious positive qualities, oregano spice is not recommended for use in some cases:

  • serious pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • acute forms of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • kidney disease;
  • individual intolerance to plant components;
  • pregnancy (excessive use of spices can provoke uterine contractions, as a result - a miscarriage).

Do not forget that the use of oregano can affect the effect of some medications.

Men should take into account that oregano has a strong relaxing effect, and therefore may not have the best effect on potency. Regular use of infusions and decoctions of oregano can even lead to sexual impotence.

Oregano is a perennial plant used in cooking and medicine. The bright taste and spicy aroma make oregano leaves a popular spice in many countries. Seasoning oregano is used in Italian, Belgian, Caucasian and many other cuisines.

Oregano is a seasoning well known to all culinary experts around the world and has been used for thousands of years. This plant is also used as a medicinal plant in medicine and has a number of beneficial properties for the human body. True, in our country this seasoning is considered an overseas miracle and is often associated with Italian or French cuisine. Although the plant is well known to many under the name oregano.

Yes, it is not uncommon for spice suppliers and manufacturers to take advantage of consumer ignorance. Therefore, under a foreign name, a well-known plant is often hidden, which is generally available.

This happened with the popular oregano, which is actually sold in domestic open spaces in every pharmacy as ordinary oregano.

What is oregano herb and what does it look like?

Oregano (or amulet, matserdushka, motherboard, zenovka) refers to a medicinal aromatic herb from the Lamiaceae family and the mint genus.

In European countries, it is better known as Mediterranean oregano, which in Greek means “joy of the mountains” and “mountain decoration”. Its name comes from two words: "Oros" - mountains and " ganos" - joy.

In order not to confuse fresh (not dried) spice with marjoram, you need to pay attention to the leaves. In oregano, they are oblong and bright green above, and below - with a gray tint, about 2-3 centimeters long.

In general, this beautiful unpretentious plant grows to a height of no more than 50-70 centimeters. It prefers open sunny areas, mountainous slopes and banks near water bodies.

The plant blooms with small purple flowers from July to August.

Due to the relative frost resistance (but it will definitely not endure the harsh winter of the Far North), not demanding on constant watering and frequent feeding, it is widely cultivated in European and Asian countries. In our country, oregano grows almost everywhere, preferring places on the edge of the forest, in an open dry place, on the slopes of hills and mountains, or among shrubs. Gardeners did not ignore this grass, in which it grows on medicinal beds and simply decorates the garden.

The largest supply of seasoning is produced by Türkiye.

Among the 20 varieties of herbaceous plants, oregano is distinguished:

  • Syrian (its taste resembles a combination of marjoram and thyme);
  • Greek;
  • Sicilian;
  • Turkish.

For dried spices, it is customary to take leaves of a young plant up to 20 centimeters in height.

Oregano herb composition

The chemical composition of this herb causes many useful qualities for humans. Therefore, in the oregano, experts have identified:

  • Essential oil;
  • fiber;
  • Thymol (has antiseptic and analgesic properties);
  • Sesquiterpenes (considered a powerful antihelminthic);
  • Carvacrol (prevents the formation of cancer cells);
  • Tannins (contribute to the removal of toxins and toxins);
  • Ascorbic acid (strengthens the immune system);
  • Vitamin K (regulates blood clotting);
  • Choline (stabilizes the nervous system and fat metabolism);
  • Phenols;
  • In general, vitamins of groups B, A, E, D;
  • Rosmarinic acid;
  • Fats, proteins and carbohydrates;
  • Minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, manganese, phosphorus, copper, iron, selenium, zinc.

A pleasant sweetish aroma is given to the plant by the components of the essential oil pinene, limonene, ocimene, caryophyllene, carvacrol.

Regarding calorie content, opinions differ somewhat. Thus, it varies from 265 to 310 kilocalories per 100 g of product. But keep in mind that oregano, as a seasoning, is not added to dishes in such quantities.

Useful properties of oregano

In view of the fact that culinary specialists and healers of the Ancient World knew about this plant, for many millennia a list of useful qualities attributed to oregano has been determined.

Among them you can see:

  • valuable effect on women's health, especially with difficult painful periods and their delay in adolescent girls due to stimulation of smooth uterine muscles;
  • the establishment of the menstrual cycle in case of its violation;
  • calming effect on the psyche of women during menopause;
  • in some cases, help in prolonging the active functioning of the ovaries and some delay in the onset of early menopause (it happens that it develops at the age of 30);
  • in nursing mothers - an increase in lactation, which is necessary for the baby;
  • help with violations of a sexual nature (for example, with a decrease in libido, sexual incontinence and erotomania), without weakening male potency;
  • Sleeping and calming effect in case of children's increased activity;
  • Increased tone of the digestive system and, as a result, increased intestinal motility, general secretory function, appetite stimulation, which is effective in the treatment of anorexia and chronic gastritis;
  • Prevention of stone formation in the gallbladder;
  • Absorption of toxins and their removal from the body;
  • Anti-inflammatory action for both external and internal use;
  • Diaphoretic-diuretic effect on the body;
  • Expectorant property that helps fight sputum retention during bronchitis and pneumonia;
  • Help in the fight against alcoholism and "home" getting rid of a hangover;
  • In cosmetology, compresses from steamed oregano are known to relieve itching of the skin, which is additionally accompanied by its infiltration;
  • Alcohol tinctures based on oregano in combination with cosmetic oil are used for dermatitis, seborrheic eczema, burns, herpetic eruptions;
  • In perfumery, oregano becomes the basis for toilet soaps, lipsticks, toothpastes and colognes.

Oregano seasoning where to add

Inexperienced housewives habitually confuse oregano seasoning with marjoram. But dried and fresh oregano is considered the owner of a delicate smell and a spicy-bitter taste.

In the composition of cooking spices, oregano is represented by both leaves and flower buds.

The special distinctive features of the herb help to use oregano for cooking:

Different nations use this spice in their own way. So, for example, in Belarus and the Caucasus, it is put when pickling cucumbers and mushrooms. But in our country it is brewed mainly as a fragrant aromatic tea.

Oregano, which is part of the mixtures, is added in the preparation of various meat pates, homemade sausages, including those made from liver. It is well suited for both fried and baked and stewed meat.

When adding oregano to dishes, you need to remember that the aroma of this seasoning is strong and pronounced, it is added in minimal quantities. Otherwise, you can get the opposite effect and spoil the dish.

What can replace oregano

In view of all this, it is worth noting that oregano is ideally combined with black pepper, basil, rosemary, thyme, thyme and the same marjoram.

Of course, oregano cannot be completely replaced. Nevertheless, each herb, with all the similarity of aromas, still has characteristic differences. Therefore, housewives sometimes have to "manage" and give the dish a similar flavor. Therefore, if oregano is not at hand at the moment, but you need it according to the recipe, you should resort to such little tricks.

Replace oregano with a mixture of "Provencal herbs". By the way, oregano is often included in many such mixtures.

You can replace with basil, to which add a little finely chopped mint. More similar in appearance to basil with dark leaves.

If there is thyme in the medicine cabinet, you can grind it and sprinkle it on the dish.

If there are no spicy herbs with a pronounced aroma, then dill and parsley, which many always have in stock, will do. You just need to finely chop both herbs.

How much to add oregano

When cooking, housewives are more interested in the question of how, how much and at what moment one or another spice or spice should be added in order to give the dish the desired taste and aroma.

These rules apply to oregano as well. So, you need to add oregano like this:

Take a dry spoon and add the amount of dried oregano seasoning required by the recipe. Never pour herbs from a jar into a hot dish that is steaming. Rising moisture can reduce the flavor and spoil the seasoning residue in the jar, the spice can "stick together" into a lump.

Finely chop fresh oregano before adding and can be lightly mashed with your hands to release the flavor. This trick works with everything and herbs.

The main question is when to add oregano.

Fresh oregano can be added towards the end of the boil for more flavor. Mixed with other spices can be added at the beginning. But this is a rare case.

It is also added to stew at the very end of cooking.

In dishes such as salads, fruit desserts, soft cheese is added in advance to allow it to stand for several hours and soak up the aroma. You can insist vegetable oil or vinegar on the grass and then use them to season dishes.

Oregano is added in small amounts. If the recipe does not clearly indicate the amount of seasoning, do this: first add 1/4 teaspoon for 4 servings or 500 grams of meat, minced meat, etc. If the aroma and taste suit you, in the future you add just such an amount. If not, you can add a little.

When cooking the broth, when oregano is added together with other herbs, you need to tie all the herbs in a bundle or put in a gauze bag and lower into the pan. Remove and discard after cooking.

In pasta, pizza or sauces, add 1 teaspoon of fresh chopped herbs or the same amount of dried.

In a vinaigrette or salad, add half a teaspoon of chopped herbs or the same amount of dried.

Sprinkle stewed or roasted zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, and other vegetable dishes with fresh or dried oregano.

How to store oregano

Since oregano contains a lot of volatile essential oils, it must be stored in a sealed container. Experienced cooks prefer to store the spice in a glass, hermetically sealed jar so that the essential oils in the seasoning do not evaporate.

Contraindications to the use of oregano

As with any other spice, you must be careful with oregano and use only in prescribed dosages, even if the spice is added to the dish.

The fact is that its decoction (or dried herb) can lead to miscarriage, as well as an allergic reaction.

So the use of oregano must be completely abandoned by pregnant women.

With some diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

With gastric and duodenal ulcers with high acidity.

Kidney disease, liver disease or intestinal spasms.

With some severe neurological diseases.

But all of this has more to do with oregano's medicinal uses than as a spice.

As a condiment, it can in some cases cause an allergic reaction depending on the individual characteristics of the body. In this case, just stop adding it when cooking.

Oregano Seasoning Recipe for Pizza or Bread

Many people know Italian bread with this seasoning. If a pizzeria or bakery bakes such a product, its aroma is heard far beyond its borders. Having prepared the seasoning yourself, you can bake such fragrant bread and pizza in your own oven.


Salt (optional)

All herbs must be dried. Taken in equal proportions. All you have to do is mix them together. Add salt and, after mixing, pour into a jar for spices.

All herbs are also taken in dried form in equal proportions, for example, one tablespoon each.



Black ground pepper (here you can take to taste)

dried garlic

If the herbs are not crushed, do so with a mortar or by hand. Mix and pour into a spice jar. Keep closed. Use for baking bread, pizza or seasoning other dishes.

Oregano is a unique spice that has many health benefits and a distinctive flavor that adds flavor to dishes. Pairs well with many other herbs and is suitable for almost all dishes, including drinks. Include it in your spice set and surprise your family and friends with a "secret" herb.

For useful properties and how to use it, see the video of the program "Live healthy"

Spices occupy an honorable place in the kitchen of a real hostess. Even the simplest dish with the help of spices can be changed for the better almost beyond recognition, just as Cinderella was changed by the dress and glass shoes donated by the fairy godmother. But, you need to know the main properties of spices, otherwise you can accidentally spoil any, even the most delicious, food. So, where can you add oregano seasoning?

What is and how can you replace oregano in cooking?

This spice, which has recently become increasingly popular, also has a different name. In our country, it is known under the name of common oregano. which is discussed in detail here. In Latin, this name is written as Origanum vulgare, and is documented. This herb is also widely used in medicine for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. you can find out from the article.

For the manufacture of spices, the upper part of the plant is used during its flowering, approximately fifteen to twenty centimeters. Cut raw materials are carefully dried under special conditions, and then crushed. But, if this spice is indicated in the recipe, but it is not in the house, what can replace oregano with? Are there any analogues? If necessary, the seasoning can be replaced with some other spices, such as marjoram or za'atar, which is also called Syrian oregano.

What dishes are seasoned with oregano?

The use of oregano in cooking has been known to us since ancient times. Even the ancient Greeks composed legends about its taste and healing qualities, and wine, to which this herb was added, was considered an aphrodisiac. You should know that one teaspoon contains 3 grams of dry oregano. What kind of dishes is oregano seasoning suitable for?


In Russia, the most famous drink with this plant is, of course, oregano tea. Previously, it was used to make kvass. It is also included in some alcoholic beverages. If you want to know, read about it in our other article.


The spice is great for use in various soups. The only exception is chicken broth, in which the spice will be superfluous.

Italian tomato soup

Melt 50 grams of butter in a heavy bottomed saucepan. Finely chop a bunch of celery and simmer in oil for ten minutes. One and a half kilograms of fresh tomatoes thoroughly washed and finely chopped. Also mince three cloves of garlic. Take a little oregano, parsley and thyme. Add everything together to the saucepan. Pour into the resulting mass one and a half liters of ready-made chicken broth, five hundred milliliters of fresh cream and half a glass of vermouth. Salt, add a little white pepper and cook over low heat for fifteen minutes.

Meat dishes

For meat, a mixture of spices of oregano, basil and marjoram is usually used. In stewed, fried and boiled form, the meat will acquire a brighter and even spicy taste, which has a positive effect on the quality of food.

Meatballs with oregano

To prepare meatballs, finely chop a medium onion and fry it in a small amount of vegetable oil. Mix five hundred grams of any minced meat with this onion, and also add finely chopped garlic, one teaspoon of prepared mustard and one fresh egg to it. Salt, add oregano and some pepper. Meatballs should be fried over moderate heat in vegetable oil.


In Russia, this spice is used to add to the filling of pies with cottage cheese and eggs. In Italy, of course, seasoning is one of the main components of some types of pizza.

Pizza "Margherita"

Put canned tomatoes on the pizza dough prepared in a baking dish, pour over them with vegetable oil and cover with a dense layer of grated cheese. Sprinkle oregano on top. Bake in the oven at 200°.

When preparing salads, such as Greek salad, fresh greens of this plant are needed, but if it is not available, you can use dried herb powder by mixing it with dressing oil. Also, seasoning is used in home and industrial canning of cucumbers and tomatoes.

You can also use this herb for sauces and gravies, especially if they are served with meat.

Oregano also goes well with fish and mushrooms, which is what is used in some countries to prepare especially delicate champignon dishes.

What goes with oregano?

Not all spices are equally compatible with each other. Some of them, when mixed, can simply drown out the spicy smell and taste of each other, while others even make such a monstrous composition that they ruin the whole dish.

Below is a list of spices that oregano pairs well with:

  • Fennel
  • Tarragon
  • Celery

  • Thyme
  • White and black pepper
  • purple basil

  • Reyhan
  • Bay leaf
  • sweet pea pepper

Adding herbs can completely change the taste of the dish, improve it. One such plant often used in cooking is oregano. The sharp taste and unforgettable aroma of this herb fit perfectly into the composition of a variety of dishes. Below we will talk about what oregano is and how to replace it if necessary.

Oregano - what to replace it with?

Oregano is the same oregano, well known to us, or wild mint. The mentioned herb is often confused with marjoram, which is fundamentally wrong - these are two different plants, although they are extremely similar to each other.

Culinary experts love oregano for its pungent taste with a slight bitterness and amazing, incomparable aroma. This spice is universal and suitable for adding to dishes from all types of meat and fish, perfectly complements mushrooms, pasta, pizza, cheeses.

Oregano is even suitable for flavoring beer or wine, marinating, and preparing preparations for the winter.

The main feature of this herb, in addition to its pronounced taste, is the ability to stimulate appetite. Therefore, it is often used in children's dishes for capricious little ones or people with a lack of weight and poor appetite. However, when adding this spice, observe the measure - its taste is so strong that it can easily overshadow all other ingredients.

This plant is a real natural doctor, helps in the treatment of diseases of the throat, nervous system, digestion. He also has contraindications for use: it is not recommended for pregnant women, people with stomach ulcers.

Herbs and their combinations - how to replace oregano in cooking?

Culinary secrets - how to replace oregano

It does not always happen that the necessary component is at hand at the moment when it is needed according to the recipe. Then the knowledge of some subtleties will come to the rescue, allowing you to make a replacement equivalent to this ingredient.

How to replace oregano, when the success of the dish depends on the presence of this component? The following plants and their combinations will help to accurately copy the taste of this herb:

Marjoram is number one on our list. These 2 herbs are remarkably similar and therefore interchangeable;

Basil mixed with mint is the perfect match to mimic the presence of oregano;

Mix of Provence herbs, which includes oregano by definition;

Thyme or thyme, a spice often found and widely used, will also be excellent for our purposes;

A mixture of cilantro and dill - which is even simpler, these herbs, perhaps, do not translate into any kitchen;

A pinch of dried cumin is also a great substitute for oregano.

By learning how to replace oregano in cooking, you will have no difficulty in creating your culinary creations. Perhaps these combinations will give your dishes new unique flavors.