Monthly horoscope. Monthly horoscope October horoscope by signs

  • 22.12.2022

Horoscope for October 2017 Aries

October for Aries will be filled with events with a sign of both plus and minus. You will have to mobilize efforts at the very beginning of the month, but by the end of the first decade of October you will feel confident in your own abilities and will be able to solve some problems in partnerships. Make easy concessions, especially in unprincipled matters, and you will see how everything changes. A healthy compromise is now as important to Aries as air. Avoid sharp corners, especially when dealing with opponents. Do not disturb the atmosphere with unnecessary negative emotions. Remember that now the golden mean is more important in everything.
Favorable for - 4, 12, 15, 16, 19, 24, 27, 31. Unfavorable for - 1, 2, 8, 14, 18, 25, 29.

Horoscope for October 2017 Taurus

For Taurus, October will largely be held under the slogan “Remember everything”, in the sense that we have to return to unfinished business, forgotten promises, etc. Now you have an action-style life, events will be stormy and fast, and you will find yourself in their maelstrom. Active rest will be useful for emotional discharge. Taurus will do well in any business, so do not be afraid to take a chance and try yourself in a new role. As Bradbury said, the main thing is to jump off a cliff, along the way you will definitely grow wings. Have a good flight.
Auspicious days - 1, 2, 6, 14, 19, 24, 29. Unfavorable days - 4, 10, 17, 20, 27, 30, 31.

Horoscope for October 2017 Gemini

Mid-autumn is very favorable for you. Creative undertakings will be successful if you are not too lazy to think them over in advance. For example, if you decide to excel and show off your talents at work. For what, by the way, the second half of the month is more successful. The position of the planets is such that you can quite successfully master a new profession, show those qualities of your nature that not only those around you, but you yourself could not guess. Mid-autumn is the time when you are in the middle of the action, but you would like it to be entertaining, and the entertainment program is not yet planned. Psychologically, you may feel constrained, even in the absence of real reasons. But the depressive mood will be short-lived, in the middle of the month life will again acquire bright colors for you.
Auspicious days - 3, 12, 17, 18, 22, 26. Unfavorable days - 5, 7, 10, 15, 19, 23.

Horoscope for October 2017 Cancer

Mid-autumn can be called a time of confrontation. And, paradoxically, in the first place it will be a struggle with oneself. The position of the stars indicates that in the coming month you will be characterized by some kind of internal contradiction. And most likely, it will relate to work. Perhaps you are just confused and tired, and not at all disappointed in your activities, as it may seem. In the middle of the month, you will have to make a forced decision or have an unpleasant conversation. At this time, bureaucratic red tape and complicated paperwork are also quite likely. At the same time, you will be reminded of debts, if you have any. And both about finances and about these obligations.
Auspicious days - 1, 2, 5, 9, 14, 16, 23, 24, 28. Unfavorable days - 3, 7, 11, 20, 21, 25, 30, 31.

Horoscope for October 2017 Leo

The main features of the month's event picture are dynamics, suddenness. There is little time for reflection. You have to act and make decisions quickly. Therefore, it is useful to calculate the options for your actions in advance. There is always a way out of any predicament. We must act quickly, without unnecessary thought. Like a predator who trusts his instincts. Aim only forward. Despite the high labor costs, rapid recovery will allow maintaining high rates. You will cope with the pressures that life offers you now. People around you will not be bored with you - and make you work, and inspire with a creative mood. It is only necessary to concentrate on one important direction for all. Be ready to fulfill the desires of loved ones. There are significant financial costs. If you are planning to renovate an apartment, start work at the end of the month.
Auspicious days - 7, 8, 11, 21, 22, 26. Unfavorable days - 1, 9, 16, 23, 28.

Horoscope for October 2017 Virgo

Competitors and just ill-wishers can cause a lot of trouble. Your good name may be tarnished in the eyes of the public. Revisit old connections. You may no longer need some of them. Try to keep your promises so that you don't have to listen to reminders of this. It will be difficult for you to move on without dealing with your debts. Do not advertise your actions so as not to provoke possible intrigues. At the beginning of the month, acquaintances will make you pretty worried. In case of difficulties, you can count on help from relatives. In the third decade, a calm period begins. You can concentrate without interference on the arrangement of the apartment, deal with priority family matters. Start important undertakings only after careful preparation. When making decisions, do not refuse the advice of experienced people.
Auspicious days - 1, 9, 13, 23, 28. Unfavorable days - 3, 8, 11, 18, 26, 30.

Horoscope for October 2017 Libra

A good time to start large-scale projects in the embodiment of ideas. The people around you look up to you. Share optimism and friendliness generously. Urgent household problems will require your attention in the middle of the month. Internal doubts and disagreements may escalate. Try to quickly deal with the most important of them. On long trips and business trips, failures, problems with the law are possible. Limit trips to the country. On your birthday, it is recommended to save energy. Overexpenditure of energy can cause in the future a feeling of emptiness, a breakdown. Reflect on future accomplishments. Plan cycles for the coming year. Pay special attention to the development of individual abilities. The position of Venus suggests that now you have to go through some life lessons again, some events will repeat themselves. This can affect both personal life and financial issues.
Auspicious days - 3, 11, 12, 16, 25, 26, 30. Unfavorable days - 1, 5, 10, 13, 14, 21, 28.

Horoscope for October 2017 Scorpio

Your undertakings are moving forward with difficulty. It will take a lot of energy to overcome obstacles in business. Beware of scams and deceit. Do not rush to involve others in your circle of interests. Your plans may encounter opposition from competitors. Observe others, draw conclusions. Focus on solving personal issues. Summarize your accomplishments. The second half of the month is suitable for bold experiments with your appearance. Try to do body shaping, change your hairstyle, resort to the services of a beautician. First of all, you should pay attention to the old and proven means - moderate nutrition and physical activity. It is important to convince yourself that the game is worth the candle and take the first step. Ancient astrologers believed (and not without reason) that the month preceding the birthday is a time of accumulation of strength, as well as putting things in order in affairs and plans. There is nothing new to start at this time. On the contrary, deal with old cases, free up space for yourself for future victories. Periods of apathy, melancholic mood are possible. The best way to overcome this condition is rest. Therefore, if you have the opportunity and desire, take a little time out.
Auspicious days - 1, 5, 13, 18, 19, 28. Unfavorable days - 3, 7, 12, 16, 23, 30.

Horoscope for October 2017 Sagittarius

The first half of the month is a favorable time for establishing love relationships. A romantic candlelight dinner, going out, going to a restaurant will be a wonderful prelude to renew the brightness and passion of feelings. Spend as much time as possible in the arms of your chosen one. Your relationship will be directly dependent on carnal contentment. There is a possibility of transforming your union into an official one. Harmony in love will make it possible to direct business activity to official duties. Your career will be at stake, so don't expect it to be easy. To be successful, you will need punctuality, restraint, and determination. From loved ones you will receive the necessary support and understanding.
Auspicious days - 1, 4, 9, 11, 17, 23, 28. Unfavorable days - 3, 7, 13, 16, 20, 26.

Horoscope for October 2017 Capricorn

The beginning of the month will be psychologically difficult for you, so it’s better not to plan important things. But soon you will take revenge and actively prove yourself in something. And if someone gets in your way, he will obviously not be in trouble. Mid-autumn will be a very busy, even hot time for you, both in terms of events and in terms of experiences. But, as they say, to whom more is given, the demand is corresponding, so do not complain about fate when you once again have to deal with, for example, rush work at work. Even someone as calm and self-possessed as you will find it very difficult not to succumb to an emotional breakdown. In the last decade of the month, it's time to change the situation, have fun. You deserve it! Don't miss the opportunity to attend a fashion event. Moreover, along with optimism, the location of Fortune will return to you, there will certainly be a feeling that the black cloud that has been gathering just above your head for so long has finally dissipated.
Auspicious days - 2, 5, 9, 14, 16, 19, 23, 29. Unfavorable days - 1, 4, 7, 13, 17, 20, 21, 27.

Horoscope for October 2017 Aquarius

The difficulty of the upcoming month is that your aspirations, ambitions will not coincide with real opportunities. Mid-autumn is a very important time for you. Now you will have the opportunity to correct old miscalculations, how to work on the mistakes in your life. Now fate will offer you to make some serious choice, this can take place in the form of those events that began last month. This is the choice of your direction, how and where you are now moving. It is likely that you decide to change something in your life in a fundamental way. For example, a profession. The last decade of the month will also require you to concentrate in business, composure and responsibility. But this is also the time of unexpected decisions, when you manage to get the old question off the ground, solve some problem. The whole autumn, in principle, can be a difficult time in communicating with seniors in position or age.
Auspicious days - 2, 7, 10.11, 15, 22, 25, 29, 31. Unfavorable days - 4, 6, 9, 13, 19, 23, 27, 30.

Horoscope for October 2017 Pisces

For you, autumn will begin in the style of "action". September will be a very dynamic month for you. Don't be alone, company is important to you right now. Pay special attention to your appearance. The ability to dress with taste and behave with dignity is always noted by others. This month you are especially in tune with the fashion wave and are looking for your own ways to perfection. You will probably want to make some adjustments either in your appearance or in life events. If you have a vacation planned in September, try to combine business with pleasure so that the rest is not at the expense of health. In general, the beginning of autumn is the time to resolve those issues that you have been putting off for a long time. Give preference to old cases, complete them, keep the promises made. It is likely that the long-standing protracted conflict will now be resolved. The position of the Sun advises not to be too emotional - this can negatively affect the immediate environment. You are now contradictory - either loyalty itself, or a time bomb.
Auspicious days - 4, 11, 12, 16, 27. Unfavorable days - 1, 6, 9, 20, 23, 30.

Horoscope for October 2017 Aries

Your interest in partnerships will come first. It can be both new business contacts and romantic connections. There is a high probability of concluding profitable contracts.

Horoscope for October 2017 Taurus

Due to the position of Venus and Mars, you will be the center of attention of the men around you. There may be an affair with one of your colleagues, and your communication will be related to work.

Horoscope for October 2017 Gemini

The position of the Sun and Mercury heightens your interest in love and romance. During this period, you may well meet a person with whom you will begin a long-term relationship.

Horoscope for October 2017 Cancer

You will be sociable and active. But due to the position of Mercury and the Sun, you will prefer to communicate only with close people. They will appreciate your interest in their problems and affairs.

Horoscope for October 2017 Leo

During this period, you will be interested in material well-being and physical condition. In addition, you will be very friendly and easily find a common language with almost anyone.

Horoscope for October 2017 Virgo

A large cluster of personal planets in the sign of Virgo will make you very sensitive in love and friendship. In addition, you will be worried about financial issues.

Horoscope for October 2017 Libra

The conjunction of the planets will emphasize your modesty and unwillingness to take the initiative in communication. At the same time, you will lead a fairly active personal and business life.

Horoscope for October 2017 Scorpio

You will be captivated by new love prospects. You may meet a man who will make a very strong impression on you. But you won't let him know right away.

Horoscope for October 2017 Sagittarius

Most likely, you want to promote some creative idea, and you have a chance. True, now, under the influence of Jupiter, you will have to make every effort for this.

Horoscope for October 2017 Capricorn

You will be proud of your achievements and acquired skills. But due to the influence of Saturn, you will sometimes begin to withdraw into yourself and reflect - to doubt the correctness of your actions.

Horoscope for October 2017 Aquarius

Your personal relationships will become harmonious and calm. You will radiate charm, many people will begin to show interest in you. You will be more likely to achieve your goals.

Horoscope for October 2017 Pisces

Much in your life will depend on relationships with partners - both business and personal. Everything will be determined by whether you can negotiate peacefully with the people who surround you.

In the video, we watch a detailed tarot horoscope for October 2017 for each zodiac sign:

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Astrologers report that October - a month of restructuring the body and all energy. It cannot be called problematic - it will be a unique time that will help change life for the better.

Trying to find the main enemy among the antagonist planets, do not forget that only your perception of the world affects your life the most. Don't forget that you are at the helm. Only your personal aspirations and hopes will help you overcome the problems and obstacles that come from the interaction of space objects with each other.


Aries, until the middle of the month you can hope for the indulgence and favor of your antagonist, Venus. During the month, it is the planet that controls feelings that will become active for you. It is necessary to meet with problems that will be inseparably connected with the inner world and personal relationships. Until October 13, this is not something to worry about: Venus is marked by a weak position in the constellation Virgo. During this period, it is better not to delay the initiative and be more active. Already on the 14th, your antagonist will change mercy to anger. A long and very difficult period is expected.

The stars indicate undulating moods, depressive states and melancholy, which can take the weak-willed Aries into captivity. Expect support in love, in the arms of a loved one. Remember that harmonious couples will find pleasure even in difficulties.


For Taurus, the main planet in October will be Neptune, which is also your energy opponent, marked by increased activity of a negative nature. Its presence in Pisces will only strengthen the destructive energy. In order to live the coming month without losing ground, and to use the energy of the planet to your advantage to the maximum, you will have to reckon with astrological conditions.

This month, the stars want from Taurus to make their desires more pragmatic, then emotional storms will not disturb so violently. Tune in to business, being attentive to everything you are dealing with. This will help you excel in the areas you focus on. Do not forget about timely rest. Plan activities a few days in advance so you don't waste your energy.


The twins will start October in some bewilderment: they have to solve issues that stretch from the past. At the beginning of the month, you will have to free yourself from all grievances, embarking on the path of harmony. According to the horoscope, one will have to reckon with the destructive energy emanating from Pluto. The impact of this planet on your life will be tinged with negativity as it comes out of retrograde and moves in its usual direction.

The middle of the month will give Gemini the opportunity to express themselves brightly, especially in a team. Do not be afraid to showcase your talents, offer fresh solutions, but do not forget to listen to the opinions of others. Communication with the opposite sex will become more romantic, your thoughts will become more refined. However, astrologers do not recommend looking for a new love: there is a high risk of disappointment. Postpone new plans for November, when nothing will confuse your cards.


This month, Saturn, nestled comfortably in the sign of Sagittarius, will determine the luck of Cancers. Under the auspices of this planet, you will feel extremely uncomfortable. If at the beginning of October you will be depressed, do not blame yourself for apathy and laziness. Try to look at the world differently, every day discover pleasant little things in familiar things and events.

Despite the negative activity of Saturn, new opportunities will open up for you. You will be able to express yourself in creativity and in the intellectual field. The main thing is to make decisions quickly, especially if they affect the financial sphere of life. Take care of the bull by the horns, keep your promises, be guided by common sense, and do not forget about your personal life - the stars will be for those who are brave and emotionally stable.

a lion

For all representatives of the Leo sign, October will be a month of change, new opportunities and good luck. The stars want you to be ready to step over all the obstacles that will surely arise when you do not expect them. Fortunately, under the auspices of Mars, which will not lose its strength until October 21, everything will work out with ease. Don't waste time.

From the 22nd, your patron's activity will drop to a critical level. This will be due to the presence of Mars in the constellation of Libra. Try to remain calm, even if the events of life develop unfavorably. Lions will face problems related to bans. What you want will go against the established rules - most often completely ridiculous. At the end of October, astrologers do not recommend starting anything new.


This month the Universe will pay attention to you: you will become very much in demand. The fact is that Jupiter, the antagonistic planet, will become your guide, taking the most comfortable position in order to help you express yourself. You will have to reconsider your beliefs and get rid of the negative programs that prevent you from moving forward.

The transition of Jupiter from the constellation of Libra to the Sign of Scorpio will take place on the 10th, which will change the usual course of life. You will better understand the emotions of other people, which, however, can provoke nervousness. But you can take advantage of your position and do what you previously lacked the courage to do. Take action, don't be in the clouds and don't let people influence you negatively. Do not be distracted by what is not worthy of your attention.


In October, the events of life will revolve around Libra, the time will come for decisive and active action. Your main assistant for this month is Venus. Until October 13, you will be haunted by negative emotions, a sense of fear and anxiety. The fact is that Venus will be under the influence of the Virgo Sign, negatively affecting your emotional background.

Already from October 14, everything will change: Venus will allow Libra to enjoy life, located in your Sign. This will allow you to express yourself in an original and unusual way in absolutely any field. Emotions will subside, giving way to common sense, it will turn out to look at everything with a sober look. site experts advise Libra to act spontaneously, especially in matters of a romantic nature.


Scorpios do not have to actively spend their vitality, it will turn out to relax a little. True, the Moon, which will become an active planet for you in October, will draw attention to itself on a few negative days. Particular attention should be paid to October 7 and 8. This is the most dangerous time for personal initiatives, so stick to your comfort zone without going beyond - then success will not be long in coming.

The moon will no longer disturb your energy except on October 30 and 31. Everyone around will be comfortable, except for you. You will have to interact with people who are not passionate about your goals. But the rest of the days can be devoted to the implementation of the plan: to realize all your plans, work out every little thing and achieve success in the area of ​​interest. Do not be lazy, believe in the best.


In October, Sagittarius will fully feel the energy of Uranus, which will be very ambiguous. The first decade of the month promises to pass without visible changes. At this time, astrologers advise to gain strength, take care of yourself and prepare for the fact that changes are about to burst into your life. Since Uranus affects you indefinitely, you should be more careful. Success will be waiting where you do not expect it, while obstacles can appear out of nowhere, literally from scratch.

In any case, watch what is happening, try to get all negative attitudes and hesitations out of your head, looking at the situation from a different angle. Difficulties and worries will become your faithful companions. However, only through all the obstacles will you be able to take an important step - a step towards a successful life.


October will open all the ways and roads leading to success for Capricorns. Only those who clearly know what they want from life will be able to gain luck. Pay attention to Venus, who will help you with all her might. True, at the beginning of the month it was marked by a weakened position. This will be a kind of preparatory stage for interesting events and changes that will burst into your life later.

Starting October 14, you will need to become better, smarter, stronger. Venus will allow Capricorns to take a fresh look at themselves and get rid of negative qualities. These are the barriers that you have built for yourself. Try to leave your comfort zone. Remember that success starts within.


Your main opponent in October is the Sun. The position of the daylight will not be characterized by increased activity, rather, on the contrary, but this will be enough so that you cannot feel comfortable and relaxed. The union of the Sun and Libra until October 22 is explosive: be vigilant. Beware of negative programs and people that negatively affect you and your life, which may seem hopeless, devoid of all colors. Let yourself go, do what your soul lies in - the stars recommend that this is how to spend October.

After October 22, the Sun will completely lose its strength, and gaps will appear in personal affairs. You should not lay a lot on the last 9 days of the month, luck is still far from you. It will turn out only to control oneself, to come to peace and harmony in the soul.


Pisces will start October in a great mood, at least that's what the stars predict. The Moon will support you throughout the month, the activity of which will not fall below an acceptable level. Your energy will be at its peak - it remains to learn how to use it correctly. Be demanding of yourself, do not spoil your reputation with rash antics.

The most successful period is expected at the beginning of the month. From October 1 to October 12, Pisces will be able to understand a lot of things that were not clear before. On the 13th, 14th, 15th, 25th, 26th and 27th, do not be afraid to show your aggression - go ahead where you can no longer restrain yourself. The moon will be weakened these days, but the forces should be enough to get rid of many problems.

Astrologers urge not to stop dreaming: it is in October that all wishes are destined to come true. Practice wish fulfillment techniques and don't be afraid to experiment with your life. We wish you a great mood, success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Categories:// dated 27.09.2017

The horoscope for October 2017 predicts a month full of ambitions and desires. But the period is not easy, it can set traps for those who are naive. Creative impulses can be realized in a certain place and at a certain time, however, the more your plans are thought out, the more successful they will be. In other words, those who have clear goals and strong motivation will succeed. That is why it makes sense to develop a strategy for the coming weeks.

On October 10, 2017, one of the important astrological events of the year takes place - Jupiter, the planet of good luck and abundance, changes position and moves into Scorpio, where it will stay until November next year. The transition of Jupiter into this secret sign of the Zodiac marks the beginning of a period of solving the complex mysteries of life, exploring the dark canyons of the subconscious. You can open unused resources hidden in the shadows. The magnetism and healing power of Jupiter in Scorpio stimulate the process of transformation, through which you will achieve a life-changing breakthrough and start new promising endeavors.

The sign of Libra is very active throughout October 2017 due to the transits of the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars. The planetary energies emphasize the symbolism of Libra: social connections, collaboration, art, relationships, love, marriage. This symbolism creates a special atmosphere of the autumn month. If there were quarrels and conflicts in love and marital relationships, then there are good chances to resolve them, and the lovers will come to an understanding again. Now words are no less important than actions, so do not skimp on declarations of love.

Signs of the elements of Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) will give preference to bold projects, in the implementation of which the principle of "here and now" matters. It should be expected that the result will be directly proportional to the effort expended, and the desire for justice will be the main driving factor.

The signs of the Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) are well aware of what they want and are ready to go to great lengths to achieve their goal. You have the ability to understand the true essence of situations - this will be one of your advantages. You are unlikely to have problems and obstacles that are insurmountable at this stage.

Representatives of the air element (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) can count on the support of heaven. In difficult situations, if any, circumstances will suddenly turn in your favor. However, it should be noted that heavenly patronage, which provides additional opportunities, imposes additional responsibility. Remember to evaluate the likely consequences of your actions.

Signs of the elements of Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), the horoscope promises success, including financially. Although planetary influences are mixed, you can win through hard work and perseverance. Remember that it is necessary to make efforts to achieve the desired results.

Read more about what awaits us in October 2017 in the horoscopes for the signs of the Zodiac. In them you will find an astrological forecast for love, career, finances, health and advice of the month.

Horoscope for October 2017 for the signs of the Zodiac

(March 21 - April 20) (September 24 - October 23)
(April 21 - May 20) (October 24 - November 22)
(May 21 - June 21) (November 23 - December 21)
(June 22 - July 22)

many Aries worried about household chores and real estate issues. Conflict should be avoided at work and in the family. New, interesting partners may appear both in business and in love. Remember, polite perseverance will get you far more than brute force. In the first half of October, it will be possible to have a good rest, but you should not go on vacation to distant countries - it is better to relax at home. Persistence and patience can be rewarded in the second half of October with a major success.

At Taurus the time for creativity and love continues. Innovations and far-reaching plans receive a new impetus. You will be busy, for the most part, arranging your personal life. The main events of the month are played out in daily work and in partnerships. Even the risk at this time can be justified if you feel an irresistible desire to make your dreams come true. By the end of the month, Taurus will become freer from duties and worries, their emotional life will become richer, new people will appear in their environment.

In October, personal life and love will force Gemini a little distraction from external problems. But by the end of the month, a new job or diet will captivate these “adult children”. Dedicate the first half of the month to your loved one, family and household affairs, and the second to your work and health. Beware of deception, do not make hasty decisions. There may be intrigues of secret ill-wishers or deterioration in health. The period from mid to late October will bring you peace and return your self-confidence.

Family problems will be the main concern Cancer in the first half of the month. Sometimes they can be resolved safely, and on other days all your efforts will be in vain. Cancers can feel cheated or become a victim of deception in reality. Perhaps the cooling of friendly relations. Throughout the month, your intuition is increased, allowing you to make the right choice. Listen to your inner voice. In the second half of the month, you will be able to cope with any difficulties.

At Lviv the first decade of October will be most successful. First of all, it concerns creative activities, sports, travel, business. In family life - a stable balance. In relations with business partners, surprises are possible. Support of your events by financiers is not excluded. Trips and travels in October will be a source of many new experiences. Amazing meetings, romantic acquaintances are possible. The first decade of October will be especially generous with events.

In October, fortune turns to face the hardworking and scrupulous Virgins. For many of them, personal action will ensure success in matters of real estate, the acquisition of land, a house. There may be career successes, the addition of a family, the expansion of the worldview, long journeys. Good incomes, a large amount of information, many meetings and burning personal experiences - this is your October alignment. The last decade of October will offer a wide range of opportunities.

At the beginning of October success Libra in some areas of activity will be combined with failures in others. There may be problems at work, your health will be unimportant. Take care of your strength, do not burden yourself with overwork. At the end of October, the circumstances of life will turn sharply in a favorable direction. You will have a rich choice - what to do, where to relax, what impressive changes to let into your life. At the end of the month, everything will turn out well for you. The period until the end of October will be the most successful financially. Libra will have the opportunity to expand the scope of activities.

At scorpions October's main themes are caring for others and settling personal problems. Earnings associated with hard work or a long trip are expected. In October, Scorpions will have the desire and opportunity to improve their living conditions. This month they are given a chance "here and now" to feel the pulse of life, prove their competence and reach a new social level. This influence will be long-term, which will significantly strengthen their positions; however, adventurous projects or the uncertainty of the situation in the house can prevent you from making the right decision. The stars advise you to wait with cardinal changes and not take risks.

At Streltsov a favorable period for relationships with friends and partners will continue. The main and successful events are planned in the field of social activity, in the circle of friends and like-minded people. During October, several joyful events will occur in the life of Sagittarius, which will restore their faith in their luck and in their strength. Starting from the end of October, career achievements can await them. Personal charm and courage will play into their hands.

October will make life easier Capricorn several pleasant events. At this time, it will be possible to pay off some debts. In the first decade, the stars patronize your professional activities. The second decade is associated with various hardships and conflicts. The root of your October successes is in your professional activities, in the business you are doing. Count on the help and support of friends, influential acquaintances, or the public organization to which you belong. Adventures are contraindicated.

October for Aquarius- harmonious period. This month is favorable for travel, study and work. This month will be most intense and tense in the lives of students and teachers of universities and those whose work is connected with long trips. Significant progress is being made in the professional sphere. If a bank loan is needed, it can be obtained with strenuous effort. The end of October is especially successful for stock games and financial transactions. At the same time, it is categorically not recommended to look into the casino - the temptation to try your luck will be great, and the disappointment from losing will also be great. At the end of October there may be a promotion. This is also a time of possible changes in personal life.

In October at Pisces increased personal activity. In your personal life, everything is in order. At the same time, at the end of October, fraud, forgeries, and theft of information are not ruled out. Pisces can also be provided with deliberately false information during this period. Traveling in October will remove the burden of worries from you and open up a world of new experiences, information and feelings. But if it is at this time that things arise that make you decide to stay at home, then take it for granted, and nothing can stop you on the path to success until the very end of the year.