Download food table for first blood negatives. Nutrition by blood group

  • 13.08.2022

Greetings, friends! One of my dear readers today asked a question about nutrition by blood type, she was interested in a diet for a week for the 2nd blood group. By the way, I also have 2 blood types, and negative, but I decided to write about nutrition for all 4 groups so that everyone has something to learn from this article.

Blood type nutrition became extremely popular about 20 years ago with the release of Peter d'Adamo's bestselling book 4 Blood Types - 4 Ways to Health. According to the author (who, by the way, is a naturopathic doctor), if you eat foods that are good for your particular blood type, you can achieve the ideal weight, strengthen immunity and live longer - in my opinion, the usual values ​​​​to which the next innovators are now appealing in the field of nutrition.

The author of the book states that if a person does not follow the method of nutrition according to the blood type inherent in him, he provokes metabolic disorders, which gradually leads to weight gain. Although you should not consider the d'Adamo method as a diet that helps you lose weight, and even more so, use it in that situation if you are trying to lose weight quickly.

If you start to eat, taking your blood type as a guide, the body will begin to be cleansed of toxins and toxins, the joints will function better, you will look and feel better, the body will completely rebuild. However, this is not a quick process, so don't expect immediate results.

The method of dividing food by blood group causes a lot of controversy, which is not surprising: it has many simplifications, inaccuracies and restrictions, in addition, the diet looks like ordinary manipulation and the desire to make money.

If you want to get acquainted with all the nuances (at what time, in what quantity and what specific products can be consumed, that is, to get a “ready menu”), you will need to purchase a book or pay at least for the same “ready menu” on a paid site. Only a list of harmful and useful products is available. Something like this…

And the first discrepancy is that, as it turned out, there are far from 4 blood groups, but several dozen more ...

Well, be that as it may, let's get down to business and consider what are the features of nutrition according to different blood types.

1st blood group

This is the blood of descendants "hunters". Almost a third of humanity belongs to this blood group. The "hunters", as Peter d'Adamo states, the acidity of the gastric juice is increased, therefore they can digest animal proteins remarkably. In addition, the "hunters" have good immunity and a well-functioning digestive system.

Now compare whether this information is about you: the “hunter” is a strong personality, self-confident, by nature is a leader. However, it is difficult for him to adapt to any changes, excessive activity of the immune system can lead to allergies, they are prone to various inflammatory processes, especially in the joints - arthritis, peptic ulcers (due to high acidity) and poor blood clotting. Is it about you?

I bring to your attention a table according to which you can navigate which products are especially useful for this group (they will be indicated by a plus "+"), which are frankly harmful according to D'Adamo (they will be indicated by a minus "-") and neutral (number zero " 0"):

2nd blood group

This is the blood of descendants "farmers". 37.8% of people belong to this group. In "farmers", as D'Adamo states, the acidity of the gastric juice is most often lowered, therefore they are shown strict vegetarianism, since their digestive system does not digest food containing proteins well enough.

A characteristic feature of the "farmer" according to d'Adamo is a high adaptability to change. This type is organized, constant, flexible with any changes in diet, adapts well to teamwork. However, his immune system (provided that a vegetarian diet is not followed) is very weak, which makes the "farmer" susceptible to various infections, in addition, an individual with type 2 blood type has an overly sensitive nervous system.

Well, as a person who has exactly the 2nd blood group, I can admit that there is something in these statements about the characteristic features of the 2nd blood group. However, they are so general that they cannot in any way speak about the 100% truth of nutrition by blood group.

I admit honestly, without protein food, life is not sweet to me. Judge for yourself, the nutrition that d'Adamo offers for the largest group of the world's population does not contain the most complete protein, the source of essential amino acids is an animal.

As for vegetarianism, it is generally undesirable for children, since animal protein is an urgent need for the normal formation of a child.

And yet, if you are interested and find it useful, the nutrition table for the second blood group, then here it is. Note that "+" are extremely healthy foods, "-" are extremely harmful and "0" are foods that d'Adamo calls neutral:

3rd blood group

This is the blood of descendants "nomads". It includes just over 20% of the world's people. Features of the "nomad": a wide bone, according to external signs, the "nomad" is most often long-legged, muscular, has red hair or green eyes. Differs in calmness, ingenuity, incredulity and, meanwhile, optimism. It has a strong immune system, stable nervous system. Well, is this description about you?

"Nomad" is well adapted to the digestion of any product, therefore it is considered an omnivore. So, the diet menu for the 3rd blood group (if you didn’t read the explanation of the symbols above, I’ll tell you: “+” - very healthy foods, “-” - foods that are very unhealthy for your group, “0” - foods that are neutral to your type):

4th blood group

It's blood "new people". 7-8% of people are "new people", that is, mixed type. The difficulty is that the "new person" has absorbed all the characteristics of groups 1 and 2. Despite the fact that the “new person” is focused on meat, protein foods (like type 1 blood), if he has low acidity (which is usually characteristic of group 2), there will be problems with the absorption of such food.

The "new man" has a vulnerable digestive tract, easily picks up any microbial infection. It combines both all the advantages of blood types 1 and 2, as well as all their disadvantages (lucky! ..).

The nutrition menu for the fourth type of blood is especially complex, given all the features of this type:


What I would like to say in conclusion about nutrition by blood group: if you decide to use this system, take your time, change your diet gradually so that the body does not experience stress when new products appear. Take this method as a recommendation, be creative with it. If you want to eat some kind of fruit that is forbidden to your group, eat it, if meat is forbidden to you according to the table (like me, for example), but you really want to, eat it too. Just eat a smaller portion.

By the way, many people, after reading these recommendations on nutrition, adhering to their blood type, noted that they intuitively wanted to eat exactly the foods that were recommended to them. The body itself knows what it needs, it is wiser than us, listen to it and

Be healthy!

P.S. In my next article, I will write about another mega popular nutritional technique that was developed by one person, but hundreds of nutritionists around the world attribute authorship to themselves. So don't miss the posts. It's easy to do: you just have to subscribe to article updates, and you won't miss anything.

For the first time, blood type diets began to be actively discussed on the forums about 20 years ago - it was then that the book by the American physician James d'Adamo "Blood Type Nutrition" was published.

It is interesting that the father of the scientist was originally involved in this topic, so the book presents theories and studies that have been carried out for 50 years. Since then, the number of fans of these diets has been steadily growing.

But how do modern scientists treat it? Existing scientific studies cannot yet confirm the effectiveness of D'Adamo's healthy nutrition system.

In one large study, 1455 adults ate according to the recommendations for blood type 1, and this really had a positive effect on their health. But this effect was observed in people with all blood types, not just the first.

The improvement in health was probably due to the fact that the participants simply began to eat healthier food than before. After all, regardless of blood type, the D’Adamo method focuses on natural and healthy products, as opposed to the so-called “Western diet”, consisting of refined sugar, fast food and trans fats.

Another large review study from 2013 also did not confirm the effectiveness of this power system.

However, those who practice such nutrition in accordance with the recommendations of nutritionists claim that their health and general condition have improved significantly. Obviously, if a person feels better from a certain nutrition system, then it is worth continuing to adhere to it.

In this article, we will look at what diet theory is all about. Is this true or a myth? What does it give to a healthy person? We will also provide specific food recommendations for each blood type in the form of tables and lists.

The main idea of ​​the d'Adamo system

So, the main idea that James d'Adamo is trying to convey through his book is that blood types are a consequence of evolution. Like, initially on the planet all people had only the first blood group. The rest appeared as a result of a change in diet.

It is well known that the first people on earth ate only vegetables and fruits. But later, animal food was added to their diet (since hunters appeared).

And even later, people learned to cultivate the land, grow grain, and so on. And as soon as their diet underwent cardinal changes, this led to a change in the biochemical composition of the blood, including the appearance of new blood groups. All this happened over tens of thousands of years.

And the essence of the theory is that the owners of the same first blood group are more “adapted” to food of animal origin. Accordingly, it is she who should form the basis of their diet. But people with the second blood type should include plant foods in their diet. Each group has its own “compatibility” with specific types of foods, and intolerances can occur when eating non-recommended foods.

The main idea of ​​James d'Adamo is as follows:

  1. First group. Appeared as a result of hunting thought. The meat of wild animals contains a huge amount of proteins and fats, which is practically absent in vegetables and fruits. But it is worth considering the nuance - the "hunters" used only game.
  2. Second group. It was formed due to the fact that there were tribes that ate exclusively plant foods. The basis of their diet was vegetables and fruits, and not only wild crops. It was these people who made the first discoveries in terms of the cultivation of the earth.
  3. Third group. It appeared as a result of the domestication of wild animals and the emergence of agriculture. D'Adamo himself claimed that the carriers of this blood type descended from "nomads" who did not get food for themselves, but produced it on their own. The key "innovation" among such people is the inclusion of fermented milk products in the diet.
  4. Fourth group. According to d'Adamo's theory, it is a mixture of the 2nd and 3rd groups and appeared relatively recently - only 15 - 18 centuries ago. And the scientist has repeatedly called such people "universal" - their body copes well with game, and with the meat of domestic animals, and with agricultural products.

What does the Rh factor affect?

The Rh factor does not affect how the body "works" with lecithins, so people with both positive and negative Rh should adhere to the general principles of the proposed diet.

But there is only one nuance- Those with a negative Rh factor have thicker blood. Accordingly, they should limit their intake of fatty and protein foods a little. The best option is to give up red meat, pork, fatty beef. Otherwise, there are no restrictions.

Also, those with negative blood types should be more strictly control of the water-salt balance. The best option is to drink plain water as much as possible, with the addition of a small amount of lemon juice (literally 5-10 ml per glass of water).

Now let's take a closer look at the permitted and prohibited foods for each blood type. What foods can you eat and what can't?

First (I)

According to d'Adamo's theory, the owners of the first blood type should definitely include in the diet:

  1. Red meat and beef. Ideally, it should be game, that is, the meat of wild animals. The proteins contained in them constitute the highest nutritional value for people with this blood type.
  2. Liver and organs of animals. Their use allows you to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood and, as a result, accelerate the absorption of nutrients, the formation of lecithins.
  3. Fish. Especially useful are fatty varieties of sea fish, such as sardines, herring, halibut. Also, it would not be superfluous to include shrimp, oysters in the diet - all this contains amino acids essential for the body, including omega-3 (it is necessary).
  4. Seaweed, prunes. Be sure to include vegetable oil in the diet, but preference should be given to olive oil.

By the way, often such a diet is called "ancient Greek." It is believed that all these products were the basis of the diet of the ancient Greeks, which allowed them to own the most powerful army in the world (according to historians).

But the products for the owners of the first blood group are:

  1. Cereals. In fact, all foods high in gluten can be included here. And a gluten-free diet, as you might guess, is ideal for owners of the first blood group.
  2. Dairy. Especially "harmful" are fermented milk products with a high fat content - sour cream, cream, butter and ghee.
  3. Corn, beans, lentils, apples. These are the products that cause "fermentation" and can provoke a sharp change in the intestinal microflora. And in people with the first blood group, it is “oriented” mainly to animal meat and simple proteins.

But d’Adamo referred to the “neutral” products:

  1. leafy vegetables;
  2. sprouted grain;
  3. artichokes;
  4. broccoli.

That is, vegetable food, which practically does not "load" the digestive system, but at the same time allows you to strengthen the immune system. The same sprouted grain, for example, contains interferons that stimulate the body's immune response to the activity of pathogenic bacteria.

Second (II)

The basis of the diet for people with the second blood group involves minimizing the presence of animal food, dairy products in the diet. And preference should be given to plant foods.

According to d'Adamo, it is the owners of the second blood group that are best suited for strict vegetarianism. The diet must include:

  1. Fiber-rich fruits and vegetables. They are a kind of "stimulants" of the digestive function. And it is from vegetables and fruits that a person receives all the micronutrients, fiber, and vitamins necessary for him.
  2. Vegetable oils. Moreover, d'Adamo recommends constantly changing them. That is, one time to use traditional sunflower, then - olive, after - cotton, corn, and so on. They help to indirectly regulate water-salt metabolism, and also provide the body with easily digestible fats, which are eventually transformed into clean energy.
  3. Cereals and cereals. You can also gluten-containing, but you should not abuse such (James generally recommended that everyone gradually give up gluten).
  4. Green tea. Helps to normalize, provides it with the micronutrients necessary for the production of neurotransmitters.

But the owners of the second blood group should refuse the following products:

  1. Red meat. According to d'Adamo, its use leads to inhibition of digestive function, when the body simply stops absorbing micronutrients, even from plant foods.
  2. Dairy products. By the way, even scientists confirm that the owners of the second blood group most often have problems with the synthesis of enzymes that help absorb lactose.
  3. Beans, eggplant, tomatoes, potatoes, olives. They contain "complex" proteins that create a powerful load on the digestive tract, comparable to eating red meat.
  4. Black tea. It contains caffeine, which is in large quantities.
  5. Concentrated drinks. The body is simply not prepared for the use of concentrates, since a minimum of micronutrients is absorbed from them. Oddly enough, but in the ancient world, when people mastered agriculture, no one prepared juices.

Neutral products for owners of the second blood group are:

  1. Fish and seafood. Again, d'Adamo recommends favoring oily sea fish.
  2. Apricots, pineapples, grapefruits, carrots. They contain fiber and vitamin A, help the absorption of calcium.
  3. Poultry liver. Easily digestible, helps produce hemoglobin.

Also check out the table:

Third (III)

According to d'Adamo's book, about 20% of the world's population belongs to this group.

It is believed that their digestive system is the most "resistant" to a sharp change in diet, it can adapt to any conditions, like nomads who had to wander the world, and for the time of short stops they produced their own food from agricultural and cattle breeding products.

So, the right products for owners of the third blood group are:

  1. Meat and fish. As for meat, you should give preference to homemade. Fish - preferably also grown in artificial reservoirs (on artificial feeding). All this provides the body with essential amino acids, including essential ones.
  2. Eggs and dairy products. They just began to be used when they began to actively domesticate wild animals.
  3. Cereals and vegetables. Moreover, the body of people with the third blood group is the most "resistant" to gluten, but still they should not be abused - this will not bring any benefit.
  4. Vegetables. You can use almost everything, limiting only the presence of corn and tomatoes in the diet.
  5. Fruit. There are no restrictions at all here - you can have apples, citrus fruits, kiwi, and any "exotic" fruits.
  1. fatty pork;
  2. olives;
  3. corn;
  4. lentils;
  5. peanut.

D'Adamo also argues that with the third blood type, alcoholic beverages should be categorically abandoned, even in small quantities. That is, a small glass of red wine at dinner in this case will not bring any benefit.

Neutral products include:

  1. caviar of any kind of fish;
  2. berries;
  3. dairy desserts.

That is, they can be included in your diet without any consequences, but they should not form its basis.

Also check out the table:

Fourth (IV)

James d'Adamo repeatedly called the fourth blood group the "youngest" and, as a result, optimal for the diet of a modern person. In fact, their diet can be very varied and include both plant foods and animal proteins.

The only thing that should be strictly avoided is red meat, game. And the most useful for the owners of this blood group will be the following products:

  1. Soy. Moreover, it should be used as part of a wide variety of dishes. Be sure to include tofu in your diet. It is she who helps to get the main portion of the protein necessary for the growth of muscle tissue.
  2. Fish and caviar. It is a source of essential amino acids and "rare" vitamins.
  3. Dairy. You can completely ignore its fat content. It is fermented milk products that help owners of the fourth blood group to “speed up” digestion and optimize bowel function.
  4. Berries. They are a source of ascorbic acid and non-digestible fiber.
  5. Rice. From it, the body receives starch, which is transformed into complex carbohydrates and energy.

The presence of the following foods in the diet should be limited:

  1. red meat, game;
  2. beans and legumes;
  3. buckwheat;
  4. citrus;
  5. mushrooms;
  6. nuts (especially peanuts, but pistachios and walnuts should still be consumed occasionally).

D’Adamo also claims that in the owners of the fourth blood group, the gastrointestinal tract is the most “vulnerable” to stress and nervousness. Therefore, they should be avoided whenever possible.

The "neutral" products for the fourth blood group include:

  1. dry red wine;
  2. green vegetables and fruits;
  3. potato.

Also see the table:

Sample menu for every day

In The Blood Type Diet, James gives an approximate daily diet for each blood type, but it is not strict.

The scientist repeatedly draws attention to the fact that you need to listen to your body and eat those foods that he wants right now.

In total, an approximate menu for the day for owners of the first blood group is as follows:

  1. For breakfast - buckwheat porridge with fish.
  2. For lunch - beef steak or steak.
  3. Snack - walnuts or a dessert based on them (you can even have a cupcake, but do not abuse "heavy" sweets).
  4. Dinner - boiled fish fillet (mackerel is best).

The optimal menu for the day with the second blood type:

  1. Breakfast - buckwheat porridge with low-fat kefir.
  2. Lunch - baked carp with vegetables.
  3. Snack - walnuts or apples.
  4. Dinner - tuna fillet or baked fish (without spices, only salt is added to taste).

Menu for the day with the third blood group:

  1. For breakfast - 2 chicken eggs (or 6 quail eggs - to choose from).
  2. Lunch - stew with rice (lamb is best).
  3. Snack - almonds or apples, you can dry fruits.
  4. Grilled vegetables or baked chicken meat with vegetables.

The optimal menu for the day with the fourth blood group:

  1. For breakfast - cottage cheese with prunes and powdered sugar.
  2. Lunch - vegetable soup or turnip salad (the owners of the fourth group are in dire need of liquid food).
  3. Snack - pine nuts.
  4. Dinner - rabbit meat in tomato sauce.

Again, this is just an “example” diet. Ideally, it should be compiled by a qualified nutritionist, taking into account the individual physiological characteristics of the patient's body.

Features of the diet for weight loss

First of all, it is worth mentioning that, according to d'Adamo, the diets he proposed are optimal in terms of physiological stress for owners of different blood types.

That is, if you carefully observe them and do not ignore playing sports or just physical activity (even if it's just work), then a person's weight will always be normal.

If for some reason there is obesity (most often it is a consequence of hormonal imbalance or pancreatic dysfunction), then the following rules should be followed for effective weight loss and maintaining harmony:

  1. Minimize the consumption of vegetable oil. Accordingly, in order to lose weight, you should give preference to stews and baked dishes.
  2. Avoid fatty meats. In particular, this applies to domestic beef, pork, duck.
  3. Give up alcohol. The main harm from taking ethyl alcohol is the suppression of enzyme production and disruption of the pancreas.
  4. Follow a gluten-free diet. Grains that are high in gluten are always high in complex carbohydrates. And if too much sugar accumulates in the body, it is “transformed” to simple fatty acids and deposited in subcutaneous fat.
  5. Minimize the consumption of concentrated juices, coffee, black tea, desserts. All of them interfere with the normal control of the digestive process by the brain.

And these rules are universal for owners of any blood group.

It is worth considering that often obesity is a consequence of the fact that fats for some reason are not absorbed or the body practically does not produce insulin. In these cases, any diets are contraindicated - consultation of an endocrinologist is necessary. And the diet proposed by d'Adamo is only suitable for those who do not have chronic diseases of the digestive system.

How do scientists feel about d'Adamo's research?

With the basics of d'Adamo's theory, everything is very clear. But how do scientists feel about his research? In most cases - skeptical.

After all, even in biology classes at school, students are taught that different blood types are a consequence of different protein sets in the walls of red blood cells, and this depends solely on a set of DNA agents, and not on nutrition.

And in support of their words, scientists point out that the diet of modern man is very different from that which was the main one even a couple of centuries ago. For example, today for each person annually there are about 20 kilograms of sugar, and in the middle of the 19th century this figure was 10 times lower. But at the same time, because of this, a new, 5th blood group did not appear. Moreover, even changes in the structure of proteins in the walls of erythrocytes did not arise from this.

Scientists also believe that if you fully follow the theory of d'Adamo, then a person's blood type could change several times throughout his life, depending solely on the diet. But this does not happen, since all the amino acids that make up the membranes of blood cells are nonessential, that is, they are synthesized by the body from almost any other amino acids.

Be that as it may, but there are more and more admirers of this nature of diet food every year.

What is it connected with? That D'Adamo promotes healthy eating. He recommends giving up gluten, alcohol and giving preference to lean meats, vegetables and fruits. In principle, any qualified nutritionist will confirm that This is the best diet for everyone, regardless of his gender, age, the presence of chronic diseases of the digestive tract.

Scientists also note that the diet, even in the ancient world, significantly depended on the geographical location of the people or tribe. For example, in Africa, hunting thought was rarely used at all - there people were mainly engaged in agriculture. But at the same time, according to the official statistics of the WHO (World Health Organization), among blacks there are the most owners of the 1st and 4th blood groups (higher than that of the Caucasian race). And this is a discrepancy according to d'Adamo's theory.

And we should not ignore the fact that man is a mammal and during the first years of life, the basis of his diet is mother's milk. It has a lot in common with any kind of milk, although it differs in composition. That is why dairy products should be included in the diet of absolutely everyone.

An exception is when the body does not produce enzymes that help digest lactose and its derivatives (in such cases, doctors may prescribe fermented drugs).

But nutritionists even have a negative attitude towards d'Adamo's theory. They argue that such a diet will be the most "harmful" for the owners of the 2nd blood group, who almost completely have to give up animal proteins. Meat contains a huge list of essential amino acids, without which muscle tissue and the skeleton simply cannot grow normally.

Also, nutritionists say that today almost no one eats game in general. Even hunters today prefer to hunt in various kinds of specially equipped reserves, where animals are bred artificially. Like, even with a strong desire to fully comply with the proposed diet, it simply won’t work - the diet of a modern person has changed so much that it cannot correspond to the “old-time” traditions.

It is also worth noting that d'Adamo's book does not talk about many products. For example, honey, which is one of the "safest" sources of iron. All nutritionists recommend using it, and d'Adamo simply bypassed this topic.

Overall, scientists are skeptical about the theory that a person's diet should be changed, depending on his blood type. But at the same time, they indicate that following the diets recommended by him will not bring any harm to health. Unless they completely refuse beans, tomatoes, nuts - they contain essential fatty acids. And their presence in the diet is especially important in children under adolescence.

Is this diet worth it?

At least worth a try. But do not forget about the variety in food. A person, whenever possible, should always eat a variety of dishes. And meat, and purely vegetables, fruits. Ideally, you should discuss this issue with a nutritionist.

But in any case, the diet of absolutely everyone (even vegetarians) should include:

  1. Fish and seafood. They have the highest content of essential fatty acids, potassium and iron, which are extremely.
  2. Vegetables and fruits with non-digestible fiber. The easiest option is boiled beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes.
  3. Complex carbohydrates. Mostly they are found in cereals, in oatmeal, wheat, whole flour. Such carbohydrates can be stored in the body "in reserve" and used, for example, when you need to quickly warm up. Fatty acids cannot be absorbed and transformed into energy as quickly as carbohydrates. Therefore, a sugar deficiency can even provoke an imbalance in digestion when a person has obesity, but he receives too little energy from food.

And another important nuance is the observance of the water-salt balance. But, unlike d'Adamo's theory, one should take into account the juices consumed, and water, and teas, and even first courses - they all contain water, which passes through the process of infiltration in the body and sodium and potassium compounds are extracted from it.


Who should completely abandon this food system? Doctors distinguish several of these categories:

  1. Children up to adolescence. Their digestive system is fundamentally different from that of an adult. For example, their body absorbs both proteins and fatty foods very easily, but it “copes” with vitamins much worse, especially B-groups. Therefore, their diet should be the most diverse.
  2. Women of childbearing age. Their body during this period is fully optimized for bearing a child, when most of the micronutrients enter the placenta. It should not be forgotten that the blood type of the mother and child may differ.
  3. Adults with chronic diseases of the digestive system. Diabetes mellitus should also be included here, since it develops pancreatic dystrophy and replacement of its glandular tissue.

Now let's take a look at the video:


Most importantly, for each person, the optimal diet is purely individual and depends not only on physical activity, but also on gender, age, and even his work.

Therefore, it is better to give a solution to this issue to qualified nutritionists. Those, in turn, always recommend "listening" to your body, as well as maintaining a variety in the diet, eating both animal and plant foods in approximately the same proportions.

On holidays, name days, wishes of good health and long life are often heard. And what does a person do in order to be healthy? After all, everyone loves to eat deliciously, while receiving great pleasure, a piece of happiness, getting rid of stress. But just because it tastes good doesn't mean it's healthy. The topic of getting rid of excess weight has become so popular that out of 20 respondents, 15 people have been on a diet at least once in their lives. And the solution is more than obvious - this is a well-composed diet.

Proper nutrition by blood type

In the late 80s, two dietitians, father and son James and Peter D'Adamo, offered their solution to get rid of extra pounds. Following their logic, it is necessary to return to the origins of the food chain and start eating like our ancestors. Based on the blood group, they divide people into subspecies. It is the composition of the blood that distinguishes one species from another and, accordingly, the diet too.

As a result of his many years of practice, James D'Adamo proved that a properly selected list of products for a certain blood group improves bowel function, speeds up the metabolism in the body and strengthens the human immune system. And as a result, the food received, our body converts into energy, not fat, and extra pounds go away.

What are the blood types?

There are four main types:

  • Group I (O) or “hunters” is universal, the rest of the groups appeared from it. Our ancestors with this type of blood were considered the most hardy, with a good immune and digestive system, high acidity of the stomach, which contributes to the excellent processing of food of animal origin. Therefore, the preference in the diet should be given to meat and fish products.
  • Group II (A) or "farmers", according to Peter D'Adamo, quickly adapt to changes in the environment, but the immune system is rather weak, therefore they are susceptible to various infections. And the stomach will not fail if you do not forget to stick to a diet. In the diet, a maximum of plant foods, a minimum of animal food is recommended.
  • Group III (B) or "nomads" - owners of naturally excellent nervous and immune systems. There are no special restrictions on food, but you should not get carried away with dairy products. Because in many cases the body is lactose intolerant.
  • Group IV (AB) or "mystery" is a mixed type, a mixture of I and II blood groups. Such people have a good metabolism, a balanced nervous system, but the digestive tract requires constant monitoring. Nutrition must be balanced. From products equally should be both meat with fish, and vegetables with fruits.

Diets nutrition blood groups. Where to begin?

Given the characteristics of each type, it is necessary to clearly understand which foods should be included in the diet, and which ones should be discarded altogether. Therefore, food for each category should be divided into three types:

  • useful;
  • neutral;
  • harmful.

A brief description of contraindications and nutritional recommendations by blood group is given in the table below.

Nutrition tables by blood type

For people with I blood group useful will be considered: liver, beef, lamb, seafood, fatty sea fish (halibut, salmon). Walnuts, prunes, figs will noticeably help improve food processing. Accelerate metabolism - spinach, artichokes, broccoli and white cabbage. Salads should be seasoned with olive or linseed oils. Green tea, rosehip and mint decoction, dry red wines are suitable for drinks. Dairy products, cheeses, corn, lentils, all kinds of legumes, apples are considered harmful to the body, as they will significantly slow down the metabolic process in the body. Foods containing yeast and strong alcohol are contraindicated. This diet food must be combined with intensive sports. In this case, martial arts, skiing, aerobics will be effective.

Those with good immunity II blood group in nutrition, it should be remembered that there are never too many vegetables. Plant foods should prevail, namely: all kinds of vegetables and legumes, cereals, tangerines, bananas, pineapples, apricots, grapefruits. Occasionally, you can treat yourself to low-fat varieties of fish, chicken, turkey. Sugar, wheat flour products, fatty meats and dairy products should be discarded so as not to disrupt the digestive tract and blood clotting. From drinks, green tea, coffee, red wine, pineapple and cherry juices, mineral water are suitable. Harmful is spicy, sour, salty food. With this type of diet, light exercise is perfect. These are calm walking, yoga, swimming, aerobics, cycling.

Diet food III blood group and the list of products should be balanced and include: lamb, beef, venison, chicken, dairy products, eggs, legumes, vegetables, fatty fish. From drinks will be useful: juice from cranberries and pineapple, herbal teas. Seafood, pork, tomato, wheat products and soda drinks should be discarded. Peanuts, corn, sesame are contraindicated for consumption as they accumulate water in the body, and with them extra pounds. Physical exercises should be aimed at developing endurance, but also with a small load on the body. This includes swimming, jogging, gymnastics, aerobics.

IVblood type- owners of good health, well-established work of the digestive tract. Their diet should consist of a combination of products of I and II blood groups. Therefore, the diet should include both meat and seafood with fish, cereals, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, peanuts, walnuts. Of the drinks will be useful: green tea, coffee, rosehip broth, chamomile. It is necessary to limit the use of corn, red wine, ham, beans, pepper. People in this category are most prone to stress, so light relaxing physical exercises (yoga, walking, mai-tai) are an excellent solution.

And in order to start cleansing the body tomorrow with this method, it is worth remembering a few simple rules:

  1. You need to know exactly your blood type;
  2. The general condition of the body and well-being should be good;
  3. Every body is different, so choose your foods carefully.
  4. Diet should be combined with exercise.

In contact with

The blood type diet was first proposed by American naturopath Peter D'Adamo. His theory says that each blood type determines the resistance of the human body to various diseases. Also, for each of the 4 main groups, there are useful, neutral and harmful products. Adhering to the optimal nutrition system, you can lose weight by blood type, increase immunity and significantly strengthen your body.

However, this theory has no scientific evidence. The naturopath compiled it according to the opinion of many experienced doctors.

There are 4 main blood types in total. Peter D'Adamo divided them as follows:

  1. The first is the oldest, from which all the others have gone. He called these people "Hunters". It has about 32% of the world's inhabitants. These people have a strong immune system, there are practically no problems with the gastrointestinal tract. They also have a fast metabolism. However, it is difficult for them to rebuild their body for new diets. should abound in meat dishes in order to constantly saturate the body with proteins.
  2. The second - according to the assumption, it appeared at the moment when people began to cultivate the land. Therefore, the owners of this group were called "Farmers". They make up about 40% of the world's population. These people have adaptive immunity. He quickly gets used to the change of scenery. Common problems of people with this blood type are disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, gallbladder. you need to limit the use of animal fats and increase the amount of vegetable fibers.
  3. The third - they took part from the first and second. They are called "Nomads". There are about 20% of such people in the world. Its representatives have strong immunity, but often suffer from problems with the heart and blood vessels. They are characterized by cancer. The diet must be balanced. You can't categorically reject anything.
  4. - the rarest and newest. Its representatives are called "New People". There are no more than 8% of them all over the planet. Weak gastrointestinal tract, problems with the kidneys, gallbladder, genitourinary system. Various oncological diseases are possible. It is necessary to dilute the food with seafood and exclude fatty meat.

The principles are based on certain foods by blood type. The first is characterized by a greater consumption of heavy food. It is mainly pork, beef, lamb, veal, chicken.

Representatives of the second, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of animal fats and proteins, while at the same time adding a large amount of greens and vegetables to the diet.

For the third, you need a mixed diet. The diet should consist of 60% plant and 40% animal food. They need to carefully consume foods containing lactose.

And for the rarest, the fourth, there are many restrictions. Such people need to reduce the intake of animal and plant foods, diluting the diet with seafood and dairy products.

The diet should be based on those products that are considered useful for a particular blood type. It is also allowed to use neutral. But the harmful ones must be partially abandoned. If the daily intake of nutrients is chosen correctly, the human body will reach the optimal weight and stop there.

This is not a diet in the usual sense, but a long-term nutrition plan. To achieve a significant effect, it must be followed for at least 6 months.

Advantages and disadvantages

As with any long-term change in diet, the technique put forward by Peter D'Adam carries both positive and negative sides.

  1. . You need to eat at least 5 times a day in small portions. According to most gastroenterologists and nutritionists, this is the optimal regimen.
  2. The diet compiled for each group has the correct BJU ratio. And thanks to the allowed fruits and vegetables, it makes it balanced.
  3. Most fruits and vegetables should be eaten raw. As a result, the amount of nutrients entering the body increases.
  4. Allowed methods of heat treatment are boiling, steaming and baking. Using only them, you can restore the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Without strict prohibitions on any products, you can make your menu more diverse.
  6. This diet contributes not only to weight loss for people with different blood types, but also reduces the risk of strokes, heart attacks, diabetes and malignant neoplasms.

To make the effect more impressive, it must be combined with sports exercises and frequent walks in the fresh air.

However, like any other diet, it has certain disadvantages. This is due to the fact that the human body is a unique structure. And what suits someone may be harmful to another.

  1. Scientific unconfirmation of the proposed theory. It also contradicts modern concepts of dietology.
  2. If the body lacks any vitamins or trace elements, Peter D'Adamo recommends replenishing them with (dietary supplements). This approach has not received approval among most scientists and doctors. This is due to the fact that the effectiveness of dietary supplements has not been proven, and the indication for their use indicates the inferiority of the diet.
  3. There is no guarantee that a person will be able to lose weight.


There is no single system for all four species. For each of the blood groups, there are weekly nutrition tables.


Day of the week Eating Approximate menu
1 1 Boiled buckwheat and soy cheese
2 Two apples and prunes
3 Vegetable salad with carrots and broccoli. It is seasoned with vegetable or olive oil. Boiled beef
4 Nuts (peanuts, walnuts)
5 Boiled oily fish, fresh herbs
2 1 Barley, boiled eggs (2 pieces), rosehip broth
2 Figs, dried apricots
3 Steamed vegetables, boiled lamb
4 Walnuts
5 Baked salmon, beetroot salad
3 1 Two toasts, soy cheese, boiled eggs (2 pieces)
2 sea ​​kale
3 Lightly fried beef, Jerusalem artichoke root salad
4 freshly squeezed pineapple juice,
5 Baked carp or pike fillet, green salad
4 1 Barley groats, soy cheese, rosehip broth
2 Plums and apricots
3 Boiled chicken breast, onion, parsley, cucumber and tomato salad
4 hazelnuts
5 Baked halibut, asparagus with sweet potato
5 1 Boiled rice, half an orange or grapefruit
2 Grape
3 Braised chicken liver with onions and carrots
4 Walnuts
5 Cucumber and tomato salad, baked carp
6 1 Two peaches, boiled eggs, two toast
2 carrot juice
3 Beef stew with onions, zucchini and asparagus beans
4 handful of almonds
5 Boiled peas, fresh radish and cucumber salad, baked Trout
Before bedtime A glass of milk
7 1 Steamed omelet from two eggs, soy cheese, bread, herbal tea
2 Kiwi
3 Stuffed peppers, mashed carrots and zucchini
4 handful of hazelnuts
5 Baked hake, beetroot salad
Before bedtime A glass of kefir.


Day of the week Eating Approximate menu
1 1 Boiled buckwheat, a glass of kefir, an hour with chamomile, bread
2 Two apples
3 Baked carp, broccoli salad with carrots
4 hazelnuts
5 Chicken fillet, green pea and asparagus salad
2 1 Boiled rice, soft-boiled egg, spinach with Jerusalem artichoke
2 orange or grapefruit
3 Baked pike with vegetables, fresh lettuce
4 Walnuts
5 Tuna fillet, seaweed
3 1 Barley porridge, one slice of hard cheese, bread
2 Blueberry
3 Boiled turkey, brown rice, green salad
4 Hazelnut
5 Baked trout fillet, grilled carrots and zucchini, lettuce
4 1 Barley, a glass of milk, raisins
2 Pineapple juice
3 Stewed onions with carrots and champignons
4 Peanut
5 Cod fillet, sauerkraut with boiled peas
5 1 Corn porridge, yogurt
2 Grape
3 Chicken fillet, boiled buckwheat, cucumbers and tomatoes
4 Walnuts
5 Baked trout, radish with herbs
6 1 Cottage cheese, bread, cherry juice
2 Raspberry
3 Seafood with onions, carrot and cabbage salad
4 sunflower seeds
5 Baked hake, lettuce, fresh cucumbers
Before bedtime Chamomile tea
7 1 Oatmeal, skimmed milk, bread
2 Nectarine
3 Boiled chicken fillet, grilled vegetables, fresh herbs
4 Cashew nuts
5 Baked salmon, cauliflower, onion and green pea salad
Before bedtime Calming herbal decoction


Day of the week Eating Approximate menu
1 1 Two boiled eggs, cottage cheese, raisins.
2 Grapefruit
3 Braised lamb, grilled vegetables
4 Walnuts
5 Baked salmon fillet, asparagus and green pea salad
2 1 Macaroni and cheese, freshly squeezed pineapple juice
2 Two apples
3 Stewed turkey fillet, porridge from zucchini and carrots
4 Almond
5 A glass of kefir, two apricots, toast
3 1 Omelet from two eggs, salad of carrots, peas and greens
2 Nectarine
3 Soup with buckwheat, white cabbage salad with onions and herbs
4 Two bananas
5 Vinaigrette, baked flounder
4 1 Cottage cheese pancakes, grapefruit, two toasts
2 Cherry
3 Boiled beef, asparagus stew, with onions and carrots
4 Yogurt and one banana
5 Baked hake, fresh lettuce, cucumber, one tomato
5 1 Casserole with two eggs, hard cheese
2 Dried apricots and prunes
3 Soup with pasta and chicken fillet
4 Yogurt
5 Baked mackerel, stewed zucchini with carrots and onions.
6 1 Oatmeal boiled in milk, toast, hard cheese
2 apple and pear
3 Soup with rice, lettuce, baked halibut
4 Peanut
5 Stuffed peppers (ground beef), beet, egg and onion salad dressed with mayonnaise.
Before bedtime A glass of kefir
7 1 Two soft-boiled eggs, bread, yogurt
2 Tomato or carrot juice
3 Stewed beef, grilled vegetables, Chinese cabbage salad, green peas and onions
4 Almond
5 Boiled cod, sweet potato and sweet pepper
Before bedtime Chamomile tea


Day of the week Eating Approximate menu
1 1 Yogurt, hard cheese, cherry
2 Pear
3 Chicken liver stewed with onions and carrots, green tea
4 Almond
5 Trout fillet, Chinese cabbage salad, cucumbers, peas and onions
2 1 Cottage cheese with figs and dried apricots, crispbread, green tea
2 Orange
3 Perch soup with peas and carrots, lettuce and beets
4 Peanut
5 Braised lamb, green beans
3 1 Steamed omelette (2 eggs), toast
2 gooseberry and cranberry
3 Chicken fillet baked with zucchini and onions
4 Almond
5 Baked carp, grilled vegetables
4 1 Cottage cheese, raisins, rosehip broth
2 Nectarine
3 Vegetable soup, stewed turkey
4 Walnuts
5 Braised lamb, white cabbage salad with green beans and onions
5 1 Two soft-boiled eggs, a glass of yogurt, toast
2 Two apples
3 Baked salmon, boiled rice, cucumbers with tomatoes
4 Cashew nuts
5 Braised chicken fillet, sauerkraut
6 1 Egg and cottage cheese casserole, grapefruit
2 Currant
3 Red bean soup with chicken, watercress, onion and zucchini
4 pistachios
5 Braised rabbit, boiled rice, lettuce
Before bedtime Chamomile tea
7 1 Oatmeal porridge boiled in water, hard cheese, bread
2 Grapefruit and one banana
3 Chicken fillet baked with vegetables
4 Hazelnut
5 Grilled trout fillet, zucchini, onion and carrot
Before bedtime Herbal decoction

Cooking Methods

The main cooking methods that are suitable for the blood type diet are roasting, boiling and steaming. In all three cases, the products retain most of the vitamins and beneficial trace elements.

If we talk about cooking for a couple, then it is the most useful. The food is juicy, low-calorie and retains all the useful elements. However, not many people like its taste.

When cooking, you need to follow one rule: the more water you pour and the longer you cook, the less useful substances you will get after cooking.

When baking, you need to substitute a tray under the dish being prepared, into which the fat will drain. Thus, you can significantly reduce its calorie content.

What can be on a diet

Before embarking on this diet, a logical question arises: “What can you eat for a certain blood type?”

First group:

  • meat (mandatory several times a week);
  • sea ​​fish;
  • dried fruits;
  • nuts;
  • chicken liver;
  • oily fish;
  • olive oil;
  • seaweed;
  • rice, buckwheat;
  • chicken eggs;
  • River fish;
  • fruits and vegetables.

Second group:

  • vegetables (preference is given to fresh herbs);
  • rice, barley, buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • seafood;
  • sea ​​and river fish (low-fat varieties);
  • poultry meat (turkey and chicken);
  • legumes;
  • nuts;
  • chicken eggs;
  • sunflower seeds.

Third group:

  • meat (beef, lamb, veal);
  • fatty and lean sea fish;
  • rice, oatmeal;
  • chicken eggs;
  • fruit;
  • vegetables.

Fourth group:

  • river and sea fish;
  • dairy;
  • chicken eggs;
  • nuts;
  • fruit;
  • vegetables;
  • berries.

What Not to Diet

Any diet involves limiting the use of any products. The division is the same as in the allowed ones. List of prohibited products:

First group:

  • wheat, oats, rye;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • lentils, corn;
  • Black tea;
  • salty food;
  • coffee.

Second group:

  • dairy;
  • wheat;
  • eggplant, mushrooms, potatoes, olives;
  • mango, coconuts, melon;
  • beef, lamb, veal;
  • sweet carbonated drinks, strong tea or coffee.

Third group:

  • pork;
  • seafood;
  • olives;
  • alcohol (prohibited for all groups, but for this one most of all);
  • lentils.

Fourth group:

  • beef, veal, lamb;
  • limited consumption of legumes;
  • mushrooms;
  • corn;
  • persimmon, pomegranate, mango.

Products not included in these lists should be used with caution. Overeating is unacceptable.

Dish recipes

Four recipes that are ideal for every blood type.

Rice salad with prunes

For cooking, you will need 100 grams of rice, 200 grams of prunes, 100 grams of tomato sauce, salt, lemon juice (squeeze from one half).


  • rinse the prunes under running water, soak it in hot water;
  • pull out the bones, put the pulp aside;
  • boil rice and mix it with prunes;
  • add lemon juice, mix thoroughly;
  • season with tomato sauce and salt.

Bouillon with meatballs

For the dish you will need 200 grams of ground beef (low-fat), half an onion, salt, pepper, two boiled eggs.


  • crumble eggs and mix them with minced meat;
  • add pepper;
  • make small meatballs and dip them into boiling water;
  • add onions and salt there;
  • cook for 15 minutes.

Cabbage salad with apples

For this recipe, you need 150 grams of white cabbage, 150 grams of apples, the juice of half a lemon, olive oil, parsley, dill, salt.


  • Grind apples and cabbage on a coarse grater. Mix;
  • chop dill and parsley, add to the mixture;
  • season vegetables and herbs with lemon juice, olive oil and salt.

Vegetable soup

For cooking, you need: half a carrot, 100 grams of white cabbage, 100 grams of zucchini, half an onion, 10 grams of butter, 1 tablespoon of sour cream, salt.


  • peel carrots and onions, rinse under running water;
  • chop all vegetables;
  • put them in boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. Salt;
  • after the soup is ready, add sour cream and butter.


It is not recommended to follow such a diet for pregnant women and people who have had heart attacks or strokes. You can not stick to a diet in the presence of viral and infectious diseases. This also applies to the rehabilitation period after surgery. You can not limit the diet for acute or chronic diseases.

Side effects

With the exclusion of any products from the diet, the following side effects may be observed:

  1. Avitaminosis.
  2. Dizziness, frequent headaches.
  3. Hair loss, peeling nails.
  4. Skin diseases.
  5. Bad breath.
  6. Prostration.
  7. Depression.
  8. Chair disorders.
  9. Pain in the stomach and intestines.

To avoid them, carefully study the composition of purchased products, carefully introduce new foods into daily consumption. Most importantly, never overeat.

Reviews, results before and after

Anna 45 years old

For the past 12 months I have been on a blood type diet. I couldn't decide on it for a long time. Very embarrassed by the negative reviews. However, the technique did not disappoint. Very happy with the changes.

Victoria 26 years old

For a long time I suffered from problems associated with the stomach and intestines. I tried several diets and settled on this technique. Of course, the result does not come in a month or two, but 10 months of restrictions are worth the result. Problems disappeared, and I was able to lose a few extra pounds.

Svetlana 28 years old

The body began to falter at the age of 25. First, problems with the heart began, then blood vessels, gradually they affected the kidneys and liver. In search of a panacea for this, I read a huge amount of materials on the Internet. I decided to try the blood type diet. There were no serious restrictions in it, which I really liked. I felt the effect after 4 months, after 8 a visual result became noticeable. Recommend.

Separation of blood groups began only at the beginning of the twentieth century. Differences in the properties of the blood of individual groups were first discovered by the Austrian scientist Karl Landsteiner and the Czech physician Jan Jansky. To study the features of different types of blood continues to this day. As a result of special studies, it turned out that for each blood group there are separate recommendations regarding nutrition and physical activity. This theory was put forward by the American doctor Peter D "Adamo and even developed a nutritional technique for each group.

The essence of the theory is that the effective effect of food on the body, its digestibility directly depends on the genetic characteristics of a person, that is, on the blood type. For the normal functioning of the digestive and immune systems, you should eat those foods that are suitable for your blood type. In this way, the body is cleansed, it becomes less slagged, the functioning of internal organs improves, and even extra pounds are shed or a normal weight is maintained. Although there are heated discussions around these arguments, today many people support this nutrition system.

Nutrition according to the I blood group

The oldest, original blood group. It is she who is the source of the emergence of other groups. Group I refers to type "0" (hunter), it is observed in 33.5% of people around the world. The owner of this group is characterized as a strong, self-sufficient person and a leader by nature.

Positive properties:

  • powerful digestive system;
  • hardy immune system;
  • normalized metabolism and good digestibility of nutrients.

Negative properties:

  • the body does not adapt well to changes in diet, climate change, temperature, etc.;
  • instability to inflammatory processes;
  • sometimes the immune system causes allergic reactions due to overactivity;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • increased acidity of the stomach.
  1. 1 People with "0" blood type are suitable for a high-protein diet, in which meat is a mandatory product. Any meat is well absorbed (only pork becomes an exception), fish and seafood, fruits (pineapple is especially useful), vegetables (non-acidic), rye bread (limited portions).
  2. 2 It is necessary to limit the use of cereals (especially oatmeal and wheat). The most useful beans and buckwheat.
  3. 3 It is advisable to exclude from the diet cabbage (except for broccoli), wheat products, corn and products derived from it, ketchup and marinades.
  4. 4 Drinks such as green and herbal teas (especially from rose hips), infusions of ginger, cayenne pepper, mint, linden, liquorice, and seltzer water are well absorbed.
  5. 5 Neutral drinks are beer, red and white wine, chamomile tea, as well as tea from ginseng, valerian, sage and raspberry leaves.
  6. 6 It is recommended to avoid the use of coffee, spirits, infusions of aloe, senna, St. John's wort, strawberry leaves and echinacea.
  7. 7 Since this type is characterized by a slow metabolism, then in the fight against excess weight, it is necessary to abandon fresh cabbage, beans, corn, citrus fruits, wheat, sugar, marinades, oats, potatoes, lentils and ice cream. These foods slow down metabolism by blocking insulin production.
  8. 8 Contribute to weight loss brown seaweed and kelp, fish and seafood, meat (beef, liver and lamb), greens, lettuce, spinach, radish, radish, broccoli, licorice root, iodized salt. You can also additionally use vitamins B, K and nutritional supplements: calcium, iodine, manganese.
  9. 9 When losing weight, it is recommended to reduce the intake of vitamins and.
  10. 10 It is also necessary to maintain physical fitness to help reduce weight, namely, it is recommended to do aerobics, skiing, running or swimming.
  11. 11 If the balance of intestinal bacteria is disturbed, bifidobacteria and acidophilus should be taken.

Nutrition according to blood group II

This group arose in the process of the transition of the ancient people "hunters" (group I) to a settled way of life, the so-called agrarian one. Group II belongs to type "A" ( farmer), it is observed in 37.8% of the earth's population. Representatives of this group are characterized as permanent, organized people, sedentary, who adapt well to working in a team.

Positive properties:

  • excellent adaptation to a change in diet and to changes in the environment;
  • the functionality of the immune and digestive systems is within the normal range, especially if a vegetarian diet is observed.

Negative properties:

  • sensitive digestive tract;
  • insufferable immune system;
  • weak nervous system;
  • instability to various diseases, in particular to heart, liver and stomach, oncological, anemia, type I diabetes.
  1. 1 Most of all, people with blood type II are more suitable for a less strict vegetarian diet, because they have low acidity of gastric juice, therefore meat and heavy foods are digested with difficulty. Allowed in a limited amount of eggs, low-fat cheese and other dairy products. Vegetarianism also contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system of representatives of type "A", and to add energy.
  2. 2 Since the mucous membrane of the digestive tract is very delicate, it is recommended to exclude acidic fruits: orange, tangerine, papaya, rhubarb, coconut, banana, as well as berries, spicy, salty, fermented and heavy foods.
  3. 3 You also need to exclude fish products, namely flounder, herring, caviar and halibut. Seafood is also not recommended.
  4. 4 Healthy drinks - green tea, coffee, carrot and pineapple juices, and red wine.
  5. 5 Representatives of the II blood group should avoid black tea, orange juice and soda drinks.
  6. 6 In the fight against excess weight, people of type "A" need to exclude meat (chicken and turkey are allowed), since it slows down the metabolism and, therefore, contributes to the deposition of fat, in contrast to the organism of type "0". Dairy products, pepper, sugar, ice cream, corn and peanut butter, and wheat products are also not recommended. It is worth limiting the intake of vitamins.
  7. 7 Promote weight loss olive, linseed and rapeseed oil, vegetables, pineapple, soy, herbal teas and infusions of ginseng, echinacea, astragalus, thistle, bromelain, kvartsetina, valerian. Vitamins B, C, E and some nutritional supplements are also useful: calcium, selenium, chromium, iron, bifidobacteria.
  8. 8 The most suitable physical exercises for blood type II are yoga and tai chi, as they calm and focus, which helps to normalize the nervous system.

Nutrition according to the III blood group

Group III refers to type "B" ( wanderers, nomads). This type was formed as a result of the migration of races. It is observed in 20.6% of the people of the entire population of the Earth and is associated with balance, flexibility and creation.

Positive properties:

  • hardy immune system;
  • good adaptation to changes in diet and environmental changes;
  • balance of the nervous system.

Negative properties:

  • congenital negative properties are generally not observed, but an imbalance in the diet can lead to autoimmune diseases, as well as cause the immune system to become unstable to rare viruses;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome may develop;
  • the likelihood of such diseases as: autoimmune, type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis.
  1. 1 The following foods interfere with weight loss for a type "B" body: corn, peanuts, buckwheat porridge and sesame seeds. They must be eliminated from the diet, because they suppress the production of insulin and thereby reduce the efficiency of the metabolic process, and as a result, fatigue occurs, water retention in the body, hypoglycemia and excess weight accumulates.
  2. 2 When using products from wheat in people of type "B" metabolism decreases, so you need to limit the use of these products. In no case should wheat products be combined with buckwheat, corn, lentils and peanuts (and products made from them) during a weight loss diet.
  3. 3 In addition to the fact that the "wanderers" are omnivores, it is worth excluding meat from the diet: pork, chicken and duck; vegetables, fruits and fruits: tomatoes, pumpkin, olives, coconut, rhubarb; seafood: shellfish, crabs and shrimp.
  4. 4 Recommended drinks - green tea, various herbal infusions (licorice, gingko biloba, ginseng, raspberry leaves, sage), as well as juices from cranberries, cabbage, grapes, pineapple.
  5. 5 You need to give up tomato juice and soda drinks.
  6. 6 The following foods contribute to weight loss: greens, lettuce, various healthy herbs, liver, veal, eggs, licorice, soy, as well as vitamins and nutritional supplements: lecithin, magnesium, gingko bilob, echinacea.
  7. 7 The most suitable and effective physical exercises are: cycling, walking, tennis, yoga, swimming and tai chi.

Nutrition according to the IV blood group

This group belongs to the type "AB" (the so-called " mystery"). Its occurrence is associated with the evolutionary processes of civilization, in which two types "A" and "B" merged, which are opposite. A very rare group is observed in 7-8% of the earth's population.

Positive properties:

  • young blood group;
  • combines the positive properties of types "A" and "B";
  • flexible immune system.

Negative properties:

  • digestive tract sensitive;
  • too sensitive immune system, therefore unstable to various infectious diseases;
  • also combines the negative properties of types "A" and "B";
  • due to the mixture of two genetic types, some properties contradict others, which leads to significant problems in the process of food processing;
  • there is a risk of heart disease, cancer, and anemia.
  1. 1 If you do not adhere to a special diet, then virtually everything can be included in the diet, but in moderation and balanced.
  2. 2 To achieve weight loss, you must stop eating meat and replace it with vegetables.
  3. 3 Tofu is a good source of protein for the "AB" type.
  4. 4 To maintain a normal metabolism, you should give up buckwheat, beans, olives, corn, as well as sharp and sour fruits.
  5. 5 In the fight against excess weight, it is desirable to exclude wheat and camping products from the diet.
  6. 6 Useful for this type of drinks: coffee, green tea, herbal infusions: chamomile, ginger, ginseng, echinacea, wild rose, hawthorn.
  7. 7 It is recommended to avoid infusions of aloe and linden.
  8. 8 Diet for weight loss excludes red meat, in particular bacon and ham, buckwheat, sunflower seeds, wheat, peppers and corn.
  9. 9 Promotes weight loss foods such as: fish, seaweed, herbs, dairy products, pineapple, as well as vitamin C and various food supplements: zinc and selenium, hawthorn, echinacea, valerian, thistle.