Cathedral of the Holy Myrrh-bearing Women. Holy Myrrhbearers Cathedral

  • 22.12.2022

The cathedral was built in 1909 in the Russian style, designed by the architect M.F. Verzhbitsky. The building was built with the support of the famous Azerbaijani philanthropist Haji Tagiyev and private donations. Initially, the temple had the status of a regimental one and was under the jurisdiction of the 262nd Infantry Reserve Salyan Regiment.

During the Soviet period, the cathedral did not escape the sad fate that befell thousands of Orthodox shrines: it was closed in 1920 and began to be used first as a warehouse, and then as a sports hall. In the days of the January events of 1990, two shells hit the bell tower of the temple, due to which it was partially destroyed, the floor sank, the walls cracked, and the roof collapsed. In 1991, the dilapidated building of the temple was transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church.

The opportunity to carry out restoration work in the temple has appeared since the establishment of the episcopal department in Baku. With care and care, repair and restoration work was carried out, and the temple was prepared for consecration. During his First Hierarchal visit to Azerbaijan on May 27, 2001, he performed a great consecration of the Church of the Holy Myrrh-bearing Women and awarded it the status of a diocese cathedral.

With the support of the Azerbaijani philanthropist and businessman Aydin Kurbanov, complex repair and restoration work was carried out in the cathedral: a stone carved iconostasis was built, which houses icons painted by the famous Moscow icon painter Alexander Sokolov. The temple was painted by a group of Moscow artists led by the artist of the Stroganov Academy V.F. Strashko. The necessary church utensils were also purchased.

Upon completion of repair and restoration work on March 24, 2003, the renovated church was opened. The ceremony was attended by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev, Chairman of the Caucasus Muslims Office Sheikh-ul-Islam Allahshukur Pashazade, as well as diplomats and employees of diplomatic missions accredited in Azerbaijan, cultural and public figures.

In April 2003, he visited the cathedral, who donated to the cathedral a particle of the relics of the heavenly patron of Baku - the Apostle Bartholomew.

In June 2005, the cathedral was visited.

In September 2005, His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II again visited the cathedral. During the visit, His Holiness the Patriarch performed the rite of consecration of the chapel at the cathedral.

In the cathedral there is an ark with a particle of the relics of the Apostle Bartholomew - the patron saint of Baku, the revered icons of the Mother of God "Tikhvin" and "Caspian".

Bishop of Baku and Caspian Sea Mitrofan (Polikarpov) was buried in the crypt of the cathedral.

Priest of the Cathedral: Rector Archpriest Leonid Miltykh, 4 priests and 3 deacons.

Address: Baku, military town Krasny Vostok, 126.

"The Baku and Azerbaijan diocese is the diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, which unites parishes in the territory of Azerbaijan."

According to legend, Christianity in Azerbaijan was born thanks to the Apostle Bartholomew, one of the 12 disciples of Christ. After the resurrection of Jesus, the apostle went to Syria and Asia to preach the gospel.

Holy Apostle Bartholomew - the patron saint of the city of Baku

In India, Bartholomew translated the Gospel of Matthew from Hebrew into the local language. There the saint converted many pagans to the Christian faith.

In Great Armenia, where Bartholomew also visited, the apostle performed many miracles and healed the possessed daughter of the king. Having believed in Christ, the ruler with his family and close associates were baptized.

Other residents of Greater Armenia followed their example.

The Apostle Bartholomew performed many miracles and healed the possessed daughter of the king of Armenia.

But the pagan priests seized Bartholomew and executed him. According to legend, the apostle was martyred in 71 in the city of Albanopol (now Baku).

On the day of memory of the Apostle Bartholomew (June 24), a solemn prayer service is held at this place every year with the reading of an akathist to St. Bartholomew, who is considered the patron saint of Baku.

Memorial Day of the Apostle Bartholomew

Until 1936, this place at the foot of the Maiden's Tower was marked with a chapel, on which a memorial plaque with a story about the execution of the saint was placed, later the chapel was demolished.

The Maiden's Tower and at its foot the place of the martyrdom of the holy Apostle Bartholomew, who is believed to have brought Christianity to Azerbaijan

The Baku and Caspian eparchy was established in 1919

In the 1st millennium, Christianity spread widely in the territory of Caucasian Albania and an independent Albanian Church was formed.

But after the establishment of Islam in the territory of modern Azerbaijan, the church fell into decay. Only in the 19th century did Christianity begin to develop again with the advent of the Russians.

Orthodox churches were built in Ganja, Shemakha, Baku and the cities of Dagestan. In the first decade of the 20th century, 17 temples were erected in Baku alone, and more than 70 in all of Azerbaijan.

Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

In connection with the growth in the number of Orthodox in 1905, the Baku Bishops' Diocese was established. In 1919, a separate diocese was created from the Baku vicariate with the center in Baku.

The diocese included parishes along the western coast of the Caspian Sea and the diocese was called "Baku and Caspian". The first to be erected was the Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, colloquially referred to as Nikolaevsky.

During the revolution, all churches were closed or destroyed.

After the October Revolution, when the persecution of the church began, many priests of the Caspian diocese were repressed, and the churches were either destroyed or given over to state institutions of the new government.

One of the first in 1920 in Baku was closed the Cathedral of the Myrrh-bearing Women. The temple housed a warehouse, then a sports hall.

As a barracks, the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary was used during the revolution, and the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral was completely destroyed. In 1936, the last Orthodox church was closed in Azerbaijan.

The revival of Orthodoxy began in 1944 with the opening of the Cathedral in honor of the Nativity of the Virgin

The revival of Orthodoxy began during the Great Patriotic War, when in 1944 the Cathedral in honor of the Nativity of the Virgin was reopened. Then worship was resumed in other parishes of Azerbaijan, which became part of the Stavropol-Baku diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church.

In December 1998, the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' and the Holy Synod decided to establish the Baku Diocese.

so many parishes are in the Baku diocese, of which 14 are urban, 9 are rural

Now the Baku diocese has 23 parishes, of which 14 are urban, 9 are rural. On the territory of the diocese there are 22 functioning churches, 1 convent, 5 chapels, 1 prayer house and 2 prayer rooms on the territory of correctional labor institutions; 5 Sunday schools for adults and children.

In 2006, a temple was erected in Baku in honor of the heavenly patron of the city, the Apostle Bartholomew. It is a side chapel of the Church of the Archangel Michael.

Churches in Baku and Temples of the Baku diocese:

Temple Location

Cathedral of the Holy Myrrh-bearing Women

Baku, military town Krasny Vostok, 126
Baku city, Academician Shamil Azizbayov street, 205

Church of the Archangel Michael

Baku city, corner of Vidadi (former Church) and Zargarpalan (former Spasskaya) streets, 38

Alexander Nevsky Church

Ganja city, st. Haji Ali Huseynzade, 2

St. Nicholas Church in Khachmas

Khachmas city, st. Khanlara, 21

Prayer house in honor of St. Seraphim of Sarov

Sumgayit city, 19 quarter, 24/5, apt. 18

By the decision of the Holy Synod of March 22, 2011, the parishes on the territory of Dagestan, which were part of the Baku diocese, were assigned to the newly formed Vladikavkaz and Makhachkala diocese. After separation, the territory of the Baku diocese is divided into two deaneries:

  1. Baku.
  2. regions of Azerbaijan.

The main temple in Baku is the Cathedral of the Holy Myrrh-bearing Women

Cathedral of the Holy Myrrh-bearing Women

The main church in Baku is the Cathedral of the Holy Myrrh-bearing Women. Erected in 1909 and consecrated in the name of the women who came to the tomb of the risen Christ to anoint his body with incense.

In January 1990, during the suppression of political opposition in Baku, the bell tower of the temple was partially destroyed by shells that hit it. In 1991, when the temple building fell into disrepair, the cathedral was transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church. Restoration and repair lasted several years.

In the Cathedral of the Baku Diocese, particles of the relics of the Holy Apostle Bartholomew and the icons of the Mother of God "Tikhvin" and "Caspian" are kept.

In 2001, His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus' performed a great consecration of the Church of the Holy Myrrh-bearing Women and awarded it the status of a diocese cathedral, and on March 24, 2003, the church was opened.

Ark with the relics of the Apostle Bartholomew

Land of the Apostle Bartholomew. Azerbaijan.

The building was built in 1909 with the support of a prominent son of the Azerbaijani people, patron Haji Zeynalabdin Tagiyev, and private donations from believers. Initially, a wooden building was built on this site, and then a stone one.

During the Soviet period, the temple was one of the first to be closed in 1920. First, it housed a warehouse, and then a gym. In the days of the January events of 1990, two shells hit the bell tower of the temple, due to which it was partially destroyed, the floor sank, the walls cracked, and the roof collapsed. In 1991, the dilapidated building of the temple was transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church.

The opportunity to carry out restoration work in the temple has appeared since the establishment of the episcopal department in Baku. With the care and care of His Grace Alexander, Bishop of Baku and the Caspian Sea, repair and restoration work was carried out, and the temple was prepared for consecration. During his First Hierarchal visit to Azerbaijan, His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus' on May 27, 2001, performed a great consecration of the Church of the Holy Myrrh-bearing Women and awarded it the status of a diocese cathedral.

The cathedral found a second life thanks to the attention and support of the Azerbaijani philanthropist and entrepreneur Aydin Samedovich Kurbanov. At the expense of this outstanding person, complex repair and restoration work was carried out in the cathedral: a stone carved iconostasis was built, murals were carried out, the necessary church utensils were purchased.

After repair and restoration work on March 24, 2003, the renovated temple was opened. The ceremony was attended by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Heydar Aliyev, Chairman of the Caucasus Muslims Department Sheikh-ul-Islam Haji Allahshukur Pashazade, as well as diplomats and employees accredited in Azerbaijan diplomatic missions, cultural and public figures.

In April 2003, the Cathedral was visited by His Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople, who donated to the Orthodox Christians of Azerbaijan a particle of the relics of his heavenly patron, the Apostle Bartholomew.

In June 2005, the cathedral was visited by the Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia Ilia II.

In September 2005, the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II, again visited the Cathedral. During his visit, the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church consecrated the chapel above the well at the cathedral.

In the temple there is an ark with a particle of St. relics of the Apostle Bartholomew - the patron saint of the city.

Parish of the Cathedral:
Rector - Archpriest Leonid Miltykh, 4 priests and 2 deacons.
Address: Baku, military town Krasny Vostok, 126

Baku. Cathedral of the Holy Myrrhbearers.

With all my heart we loved the Savior,
And not waiting for a reward and a crown,
Holy myrrh-bearing women
They remained faithful to the end.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the 262nd Infantry Regiment was quartered in Baku, which in 1910 was renamed the 206th Salyan Infantry Regiment.
The location of the regiment became known as the Salyan barracks and there
a small wooden church was built for the soldiers around which there was a cemetery.
At the beginning of the 20th century in the Russian Empire, in the quarters of military units, the construction of churches began according to the project of the architect F.M. Verzhbitsky.

The temple was built at the expense of the Military Ministry, but the lack of funds for interior decoration and utensils was compensated by private donations from believers and patron Haji Zeynalabdin Tagiyev.
The construction of the Cathedral of the Holy Myrrh-bearing Women dates back to 1909.
Myrrhbearers are the very women who, out of love for the Savior, received Him in their homes, and later followed Him to the place of crucifixion on Golgotha.
Every woman on Earth is a myrrh-bearer in life - she brings peace to the world, her family, home, she gives birth to children, she is a support for her husband.

It was one of the 3 attached churches in old Baku.
In 1920, by order of the Soviet government, the cathedral was one of the first to be closed, and its rector was brutally murdered. Then this building housed a warehouse, later converted into a sports hall.
In the days of the January events of 1990, two shells hit the roof of the temple, due to which it all collapsed, the floor sank, the walls cracked.

In 1991, the almost destroyed church was transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church.
The project for the restoration of the Russian church is entrusted to the young Azerbaijani architect Elchin Tofig oglu Aliyev.
He had no experience in sacred design and therefore studied a huge number of sources on Russian ornamentation, icon painting, etc., studied the architecture and interiors of churches in different regions of Russia. Azerbaijani stone carvers made a unique stone iconostasis. Clusters of grapes, grape leaves, and the most complex ornaments were cut out of limestone by hand. The national affiliation of the architect and craftsmen in a certain way affected the results of the work - a Russian iconostasis with eastern Byzantine elements turned out, and Azerbaijani motifs sounded unobtrusively and tactfully in the interior of the church.

Well-known Russian artists were invited to paint the ceiling and walls of the temple. The sponsor of the project, the late Azerbaijani businessman and philanthropist A.S. Kurbanov, paid for the production of 29 unique icons ordered from the famous Russian icon painter Sokolov.

Thanks to his financial support, a large order for church utensils and accessories was placed at the Sofrino enterprise of the Russian Orthodox Church.

During his First Hierarchal visit to Azerbaijan, His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus' on May 27, 2001, performed a great consecration of the Church of the Holy Myrrh-bearing Women and awarded it the status of a cathedral church of the diocese of the Caspian and Caucasian regions.
After repair and restoration work, the renovated temple was opened on March 24, 2003.
In April 2003, the Cathedral was visited by His Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople, who donated to the Orthodox Christians of Azerbaijan a particle of the relics of his heavenly patron, the Apostle Bartholomew.

The temple now houses an ark with a particle of St. relics of the Apostle Bartholomew - the patron saint of the city.
In June 2005, the cathedral was visited by the Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia Ilia II.
In September 2005, the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II, again visited the Cathedral. During his visit, the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church consecrated the chapel above the well at the cathedral.
The work of the architect Aliyev was also appreciated - he became one of the first Azerbaijanis to be awarded the Russian Orthodox Church. Alexy II received the architect at his residence in Moscow and awarded him the medal of St. Sergius of Radonezh, I degree. The head of the Baku and Caspian eparchies, Vladyko Alexander, also did not disregard the merits of the architect, noting them with a certificate of honor.

On March 24, 2003, the opening ceremony of the restored Cathedral of the Holy Myrrh-bearing Women took place in Baku. According to the Trend agency, President of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev took part in it.
The building was built in 1909 with private donations. Initially, a wooden building was built on this site, and then a stone one.
During the Soviet period, the temple was one of the first to be closed in 1920. First, it housed a warehouse, and then a gym. In the days of the January events of 1990, two shells hit the roof of the temple, due to which it all collapsed, the floor sank, the walls cracked.
In 1991, the dilapidated building of the temple was transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church. The opportunity to carry out restoration work in the temple has appeared since the establishment of the episcopal department in Baku. With the care and care of His Grace Alexander, Bishop of Baku and the Caspian Sea, repair and restoration work was carried out and the temple was prepared for consecration. During his First Hierarchal visit to Azerbaijan, His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus' on May 27, 2001, performed a great consecration of the Church of the Holy Myrrh-bearing Women and awarded it the status of a diocese cathedral.

At the beginning of the event, the appeal of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Chairman of the Caucasus Muslim Board was read. In the message, Alexy II expresses gratitude for the support provided to the Russian Orthodox Church. “The reconstruction of the temple is another example of a benevolent attitude towards the Orthodox Church and testifies to religious tolerance in Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan is an example of good cooperation between Orthodoxy, Islam and other religions,” the message says. Then, on behalf of Alexy II, one of the main benefactors - vice-president of the All-Russian Azerbaijani Congress Aydin Kurbanov was awarded the Order of the Russian Orthodox Church of the 1st degree.
Speaking at the opening ceremony of the cathedral, Russian Ambassador to Azerbaijan Nikolai Ryabov called the opening of the temple an important event.
“The opening of the cathedral is really a holiday. This is a holiday for believers, for the Orthodox community, which received at its disposal the cathedral church of the Baku and Caspian diocese. I congratulate all those present here on the opening of this temple, I wish that not a single shell will ever fall on this temple or on Azerbaijani soil. I wish peace and well-being to the Azerbaijani people,” N. Ryabov said.

According to him, the spiritual leaders of Russia and Azerbaijan are close friends, which indicates the closeness of peoples and religions. The Russian Ambassador also expressed satisfaction with the development of cooperation between Azerbaijan and Russia.

G. Aliyev said that religions of many nations coexist peacefully in Azerbaijan since ancient times, and the republic has always been distinguished by peacefulness and tolerance. And today, according to him, all conditions for freedom of religion have been created in independent Azerbaijan. He expressed gratitude to the heads of the Caucasus Muslims Office, the Orthodox Church and the Jewish community for creating friendship and mutual understanding, which can serve as an example for many countries. This ceremony, according to H. Aliyev, is another significant step in the further development of interstate relations between Azerbaijan and Russia.
G. Aliyev presented the Bishop of Baku and the Caspian Sea Alexander with the highest state award of Azerbaijan - the Order of Glory.

Information and photo