The Martens family from Kyshtovka is "now hiding from everyone" in Germany. The Martens family from Kyshtovka "is now hiding from everyone" in Germany The German Martens family

  • 19.06.2022

A large German family of Russian-speaking repatriates Martens, who left for the Siberian hinterland allegedly from school lessons in sexual education, returned to Germany three months later. Messrs. Martens did not explain the reasons for their action, but they promise to return the money they received under the program for the resettlement of compatriots.

Coming from families of Russian-speaking repatriates in Germany, the spouses Eugen and Louise Martens arrived in the Novosibirsk Region at the end of 2016, using the resettlement program for compatriots. Eugen and Louise Martens, who are raising ten children aged 1.5 to 15 years (four sons and six daughters), called Russian journalists a sexual educational program, which, according to them, is carried out in German schools, as the reason for their departure. Allegedly for skipping lessons of "sexual education" by their children, Messrs. Martens were fined, and the head of the family, by decision of the local court, even landed in jail. As a result, the Martens family left a three-story mansion in the town of Esloe in North Rhine-Westphalia and moved to the taiga village of Kyshtovka (600 km from Novosibirsk), where their pen pal lived. In a new place, a large family huddled in a house without amenities, which was rented from locals. Prior to this, the settlers were offered to occupy the former building of the prosecutor's office, but the Martens spouses refused.

“Their departure caused bewilderment. I thought they would stay - if not in Kyshtovka, then at least in Russia.”

According to local journalist Rostislav Aliev, who managed to make friends with the IDP family, nothing foreshadowed the imminent departure of his new acquaintances: the Martens family made far-reaching plans. Eugen Martens - a carpenter by profession - was going to build a house and even managed to find a place. And a couple of weeks ago, the head of the family left for Germany, saying that he plans to organize the shipment of a railway container with things to Novosibirsk. On February 24, Eugen Martens returned to the village for his relatives. Mr. Martens apologized for such a swift departure when he was in Germany. In a telephone conversation with an employee of the village administration, he promised to return the money that his family received under the resettlement program. Eugen Martens did not name the reasons that forced him to return to Europe. “Their departure caused bewilderment. I thought they would stay - if not in Kyshtovka, then at least in Russia,” Rostislav Aliyev told Kommersant. According to him, the residents of the village who visited the Martens house on Tuesday found only a few children's drawings on the floor.

“Compatriots who have moved often make trips to their former place of residence to solve domestic or personal problems, this is a common situation,” the Ministry of Labor of the Novosibirsk Region reported. “On February 25, 2017, the Martens family decided to go to Germany for some reason. Perhaps this is a temporary trip. Officials stress that the compatriots' resettlement program has been in place for three years.

The regional government noted that in case of early departure, the migrants will have to reimburse the costs incurred by the state. At the end of last year, the Martens family was paid 150 thousand rubles - 15 thousand rubles within the framework of the regional program for the resettlement of compatriots. for every minor child. “Yevgeny Martens did not apply to the Migration Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for receiving federal assistance - compensation for travel and baggage, payment of various duties and the so-called lifting fees,” the Ministry of Labor said.

Konstantin Voronov, Novosibirsk

Last December, the Martens family fled Germany to Russia. As the head of the Eugen family said, they could not accept the new rules of German education. In the Esloe community school, children were taught sex education lessons from the age of 10-11. According to the man, his daughter became ill at one of these classes, as the illustrations on the topic were too realistic. The parents decided not to let the child go to these lessons anymore.

The school administration reacted negatively to the actions of the Martens and ordered them to pay a fine for absenteeism of their daughter. The mother and father refused to comply with this order, so they were sentenced to a day's imprisonment. Eugen's wife Louise was not put under arrest, as she was pregnant with her tenth child. And the man spent a day in the cell.

“This is the so-called gender ideology, when a child is told that he himself can decide who he is - a man, a woman or someone else, there are dozens of varieties of all sexes. And they begin to instill this in children in Germany almost from kindergarten. And in school, sex education is already a compulsory subject. Melitta did not want to attend these lessons, ”said Eugen.

The detention of Martens caused a reaction among other residents of the FRG. Demonstrations took place in several cities in Germany against sex education lessons at school.

The Eugen family decided to leave for Russia and settle in Kyshtovka, Novosibirsk Region. They left a three-story mansion in North Rhine-Westphalia and moved to a Russian village. The place was not chosen by chance. Eugen, who was named Zhenya, was born in a village near Omsk, so he knew the Siberian regions very well. His wife Louise also spent her childhood in these parts. In addition, a few months before moving to Russia, they met people from Novosibirsk who helped the family settle all issues.

According to the state program "Compatriots", the migrants were allocated housing and funds for the first time. As reported by the regional authorities, the lump-sum allowance amounted to 150 thousand rubles, at the rate of 15 thousand for each child. However, this amount was barely enough to equip the village. Martens planned to take up farming.

“We are going to build a house. We do not expect support from the authorities - we understand that everyone should take care of himself. We will do it at our own expense. Then we will start a farm, at first small. I want to become a farmer. So I have many mastered professions: I am a welder, a carpenter, and a builder. I believe that everything will work out for us. The main thing is that we are now finally at home, in Russia, ”Eugen was initially set up like that.

The department of the Ministry of Labor of the Novosibirsk Region noted that Eugen did not require additional funds from the relevant organizations. “Yevgeny Martens did not apply to the migration department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for receiving federal assistance - compensation for travel and baggage, payment of various duties and the so-called lifting fees,” a representative of the structure said.

According to the residents of Kyshtovka, the Martens were allocated a dilapidated house, in which there were not the best conditions. In addition, the family had to get used to the local frosts, buy warm clothes and heat the stove every day.

“We have no communications, no cult life, no roads. The toilet is outside, you have to go with buckets to the pump for water, the bathhouse is at the neighbors. The children had to sleep on mattresses that were spread out right on the floor,” said a local resident of Kyshtovka.

“They left unexpectedly, drove to Tatarsk, left the car there, apparently, went to Omsk, and already from Omsk, I think, they got to Germany, apparently by plane. I don't think they will have a bad impression of Kyshtovka, I don't think so. We don't say anything bad about them. Our school has two teachers who live on the other side. The math teacher lives right next door. I say, Len, you there, go, make noise in the neighbors, condemn? She says no. We, they say, on the contrary, changed the furniture at home, so we wanted to take them a normal bed, this and that. Well, they left, it's their choice, right? This is their choice,” shared Praskovya Savinova, a resident of Kyshtovka.

According to people, the Martens were supported by other families: they brought toys and clothes to the children, helped to improve their life. The villagers said that Eugen and his wife made far-reaching plans.

However, on February 24, Martens, together with his wife and children, left Kyshtovka. It turned out that the man decided to return to Germany. Eugen did not expand on the reasons that prompted him to do this. Nevertheless, the migrant promised to return the money given to him by the authorities.

“The fact of the treacherous flight of the Martens family to the German homeland outraged all of Russia. Russia gave them everything - mattresses on the floor, floor, a comfortable toilet combined with a cesspool, the lack of sexual education”, “They also plunged into Russian realities there with sex education in the villages. Where, by the age of 15, the girls had already had several abortions, and the people are engaged in unrestrained drunkenness, ”wrote Internet users.


The large family of Evgeny (Eugen) Martens moved into a three-story mansion in Stavropol, provided to them for free use. Evgeny and his wife Louise with 10 children were greeted in Russia with a loaf and dancing, Radio Liberty reports.

The reason for returning to Russia was Yevgeny's disagreement with the introduction of "sexual education" lessons in German schools, which even small children were obliged to attend. This is unacceptable for the religious Martens family. Family in Russia, in the village of Kyshtovka in the north of the Novosibirsk region.

Germany does a lot to ensure that people are financially secure. But spiritually, Germany is in poverty. I can remind you that from the first of November they introduce a rule: when a child is born, it is not necessary to indicate his gender in the birth certificate. And by 2018, the legislator must ensure that this “third gender” is provided for. This means printing all the forms, refurbishing the toilets, and so on. And this is taught to our children, and I disagree with this in my heart. I believe that such a course leads to the destruction of the country. I have pain in my heart for Germany. And in Russia, I feel at home. Here the emphasis is on family values ​​and the birth of children.

Timur Sazonov / Radio Liberty

Two months after the first move to Russia, the Martens returned to Germany, in Kyshtovka the family was forced to live in a dilapidated house. Vladimir Poluboyarenko, a businessman from Stavropol, found out about the difficult living conditions of a large family, he suggested that Evgeny move to his empty three-story house in Stavropol. The Martens agreed.

We live with my wife and daughter on a neighboring plot in a smaller house, we have enough. I emphasize once again - I did not present this house to the Martens. I am handing it over to the government of the Stavropol Territory for use solely for social purposes, for the adaptation of refugees arriving in the Territory. The area of ​​the house is over 500 square meters, it has four separate kitchens, six bathrooms, two swimming pools - so no one will interfere with each other. Given the requests that I have already received, three more German families will appear here in the near future. I will gladly accept them. My self-interest is obvious - my wife and I love children, we have a huge garden, more than 100 trees, it's hard to take care of them, we are both disabled. And we really liked Zhenya's family, - said Vladimir Poluboyarenko.

Timur Sazonov / Radio Liberty

In June, Yevgeny Martens arrived in Stavropol, then Vladimir Poluboyarenko informed the migrant that, in addition to the house, he was ready to provide the family with a dacha in the mountains for free use. Vladimir also helped renovate the Martens' new home and provided the family with food for several months ahead. A week before the arrival of a large family, a new road was laid to the house of Poluboyarenko, Vladimir assures: the construction took place as part of the state program to repair roads on the outskirts of Stavropol.

After my initiative with the invitation of Yevgeny, when everyone understood that Russia is not bastard, not drunk, tearful, and we have decent living conditions, many people responded. They helped with building materials, workers, food. The house was built by the whole world. There was no municipal or regional money here, only private donations, - reports Vladimir Poluboyarenko.

Timur Sazonov / Radio Liberty

Irina Kuvaldina, First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Stavropol Territory, said that the regional branch of the Union of Women of Russia provided assistance in settling the Martens family.

Firstly, these people came from another country altogether, they need some time to live, settle down, and I hope that after some time they will become completely independent people. Secondly, we provide similar assistance to other large families. Last year we bought refrigerators and washing machines for several families. It is always harder for those who traveled, especially those who leave their homeland. People are returning without anything - I hope that they will understand us. Remember: at one time, immigrants from Ukraine came to us, and even earlier - from Nagorno-Karabakh, and we created conditions for them in the same way. The region has experience, and we will help everyone who returns to Russia, - said Irina Kuvaldina.

Timur Sazonov / Radio Liberty

After completing all the necessary documents, Yevgeny Martens plans to start working. In Germany, Eugene worked as a joiner; in Russia, the father of many children plans to engage in agriculture and cattle breeding. For the next year, the Martens family plans to live in a three-story house, and then move to the Alesandrovsky district of Stavropol, where they will build their own house and start farming with the money received from the sale of the mansion in Germany.

Mothers of many children from Stavropol were outraged by the unprecedented generosity of the Russian authorities, Komsomolskaya Pravda reports. At the moment, there are 2,000 families with many children in the city, who also need material assistance.

During the years of raising five children, I received little from the state, 350 rubles per child per month - that's all the support. And once the Stavropol social security issued a couple of kilograms of cereals. I can't remember anything else. Although, having worked for 10 years as a housewife in the Filippsky Children's Hospital and for 9 years as a kindergarten teacher, I probably could have counted on more, - said Nadezhda Badankina, mother of five children from Stavropol.

Radio Liberty

350 rubles a month for a child is, of course, ridiculous money, but we in the family never expected help from the state, we always counted only on ourselves. The main thing is exactly how you feel about this help. If you are waiting for manna from heaven, then these 350 rubles will seem like an insult to you, and if you rely only on yourself, then an additional 350 rubles is a nice addition to your salary, says Svetlana Ilyadis, mother of six children from Stavropol.

Irina Kuvaldina said that the Martens will not receive child benefits, since they are not citizens of Russia. Now the family lives on donations from philanthropists, the Martens will be able to count on social assistance only after obtaining citizenship.

Last autumn, Evgeny and Louise Martens left Germany with ten children as part of a program of voluntary resettlement of compatriots to Russia. As a child, Eugene and his parents moved from Siberia to the homeland of their ancestors, and therefore had the right to participate in the resettlement program. In Germany, the Martens were not satisfied with sex education lessons at school: they are Baptists, this faith has its own characteristics.

However, having lived for almost three frosty months in the north of the Novosibirsk region in an old large house, the Germans suddenly disappeared from Russia. The Austrian human rights activist Harry Moorey, representing the interests of the family, revealed the secret of the Martens' flight.

- Harry, why did the Martens return to Germany?

No matter what they say, Eugene is a good father. Yes, he is not very talkative and does not like to complain. The reason for the flight of the Martens from Russia is children. In February, one of his daughters accidentally fell out of bed and broke her collarbone. The parents took the girl to the district hospital, where she was put in a cast. Household case. But your doctors, and I understand them, reported him to law enforcement agencies. They were obliged to do so. Soon the police came to the Martens and began to find out the circumstances of the injury. Eugene panicked - this is also understandable. Came once, twice. You see, he's been through this before in Germany. The visits of Russian policemen are just an administrative function, nothing will follow them. Well, they would have scolded them with Louise because of an oversight of the child, they would have had a preventive conversation. And Eugene was afraid that his daughter might be taken away from him. For him, this was unacceptable. That is why he gathered his family overnight and left Siberia back to Germany.

- This is the only reason?

Essentially, yes. And, you see, weighty. There was another one, but it is solvable. Local officials ordered the children of Eugene and Louise to go to school. According to Russian laws, every child must go to school. The Germans understood that their children, who did not know a word of Russian, had nothing to do in the Russian school. They wanted to teach the children the Russian language themselves, and only then send them to school. And this is logical. But your laws do not allow children to be homeschooled if they are healthy.

Children in the family were taught the Russian alphabet. Photo by Alexander Kryttsev

According to Harry Moorey, the Martens couple with ten children returned to Germany and currently live in a three-room apartment owned by the parents of Louise Martens.

Living conditions, of course, leave much to be desired, - says Harry Moorey. - In conversations, Yevgeny Martens often recalls Kyshtovka. He says that he and the children were much better there. He speaks with great warmth of the inhabitants of Kyshtovka and conveys his best regards to them.

Recall that in Kyshtovka (680 km from Novosibirsk) a German religious family was settled in an empty house. Of course, housing needed to be put in order. Heating stove, amenities in the yard. The Kyshtovites helped visitors as much as they could. Yevgeny Martens planned to go into farming, he was looking for a tractor. However, in February, the head of the family unexpectedly gathered his wife, children, things and went back to Germany. A scandal erupted. Russian and foreign journalists tried to find traces of the fugitives, but in vain.

Photo of Kyshtovka provided by the editors of the Pravda Severa newspaper

The main version of the flight of the Martens from the Siberian hinterland is difficult climatic and living conditions. However, many were perplexed. After all, the Germans lived in Kyshtovka for two of the coldest months, and suddenly left with warming.

In Germany, the Martens were not the poorest family. They lived in a good three-story house, which would be boldly called a mansion in the Novosibirsk region, - continues lawyer Harry Moorey. - I assure you, Evgeny Martens is far from dummkopf! He knew perfectly well where he was going, what he could hope for. Zhenya is an excellent father and understood that the family could no longer live in Germany: they began to poison the Martens.

Some people think that Russian Germans in Germany are waiting for paradise. Alas. There is a tough regime here, which Russia never dreamed of. For any dissent, you can be fired, and your child can be expelled from school. Returning to Germany in February, the Martens met with sharp condemnation from the local press. They are afraid to leave the house and are again thinking about moving to Russia.

- Harry, please clarify whether the Martens will remain in Germany?

I offered to help Evgeny in obtaining a Russian visa, but he said that he wanted to do it himself. Mostly German Baptists leave for Canada or the USA. There would be Martens carried on their hands. But they don't want to go to America - they want to go to Russia. I emphasize once again: they will not stay in Germany. In April, Evgeny plans to come to Novosibirsk and return the ill-fated 150 thousand rubles that he was given as a lift. After all, some media, including in Germany, accused the Martens of almost theft. Eugene, leaving Germany, sold his house and farm for a penny, but believe me, he is not a poor man. Still, pennies in Germany and in Russia are different. And by your standards, these are quite wealthy people. But he really fears that, returning to Novosibirsk, he will be at the center of a political scandal. He is afraid that at the Tolmachevo airport he will be handcuffed and accused of stealing federal money. But in any case, Eugene will return the funds he received, do not hesitate. He will find a way.

According to the lawyer representing the interests of the Martens, they will definitely leave Germany; where exactly, has not yet been decided. Most likely, the Germans will return to Russia again, but it will no longer be the Novosibirsk region, but the Stavropol Territory or another place in the south of Russia where there is a Baptist community.

Now Evgeny and his family are actively calling to move to the Stavropol Territory. There he is promised a solid home. Most likely, after a visit to Novosibirsk, Zhenya will go to the Stavropol Territory and study the living conditions. Then, if he likes it, he will transport Louise and the children. It seems that there is an order from Moscow to settle the situation with the Martens. If they do not like it in the south of Russia, they will find an apartment in the Moscow region. The Martens are not the only Russian Germans who escaped from Germany. There are many of them, and there are more every day. Now it is still a stream, but soon there will be a river. Russians live separately in Germany and communicate closely with each other. They usually settle next to refugees from Syria, Iran, Iraq and African countries. They feel the negative attitude of the authorities and increasingly look to the east - towards Russia.

REFERENCE - In 2015, thousands of Germans protested against forced sex education in elementary grades. The reason for the protests was the court decision against Eugene and Louise Martens, who were ordered to pay a fine and sentenced to one day in prison because they did not want their daughter to go to school sex education classes.

As Evgeny Martens explained, his ten-year-old daughter felt bad during such a lesson, as the teachers used overly frank illustrations and descriptions for them. The school management issued a fine to the parents of the child for absenteeism. When the Martens family refused to pay for it, both mother and father were sentenced to one day's imprisonment each.

According to the President of the European Information Center for Human Rights in Vienna Harry Moorey, another family from Germany will come to Novosibirsk in the near future.

They have five children, and two almost became victims of German juvenile justice, says the lawyer. - These Russian Germans lived in Germany far from being poor. Unfortunately, in this family, assault by the father did happen. But this is not a reason to take children away from their parents. As a result, they abandoned everything and fled to Kyrgyzstan. And there, too, nothing happened. Now they are begging in Moscow - they are literally begging. The Russian authorities decided to help them and offered to move to Novosibirsk.