Tangerines and their peels - health benefits and harms, chemical composition, vitamins. Tangerine peel tincture is tasty and healthy, decorates tables and cures diseases! What are tangerine peels for?

  • 30.05.2022

Finally the beloved has arrived tangerine season- the time when orange balls decorate every table and enchant with their aroma!

The medicinal properties of the fruits themselves have long been known to everyone. The pulp of ripe mandarin fruits contains vitamins C, D and K, fiber and other vital substances. But few people realize that this is far from the whole value of the fruit ... What do you, for example, do with a tangerine peel - do you throw it away? Now, after reading our advice, you will stop doing it. Turns out, zest tangerine - a very useful thing!

Uses of tangerine peel

  1. Mandarin tea
    Dried and crushed tangerine zest can be added to tea. Then your favorite drink will also be an excellent prophylactic against colds.
  2. Cooking Assistant
    The ground crusts are used as a flavoring for baking and drinks.

  3. Candied tangerines
    Do you remember we were already cooking? You can also use tangerine zest to make treats.

  4. Decoctions and infusions for the treatment of various diseases
    Decoctions and infusions on tangerine peel are used for cold and even bronchitis. This requires 2 tbsp. l. pour 2 cups of boiling water over the peel, put on fire for 5-6 minutes and leave the drink for about an hour. Take it 3 times a day for half a cup 15 minutes before meals.

    The peel of tangerines is used in medicine to increase appetite and improve digestion. An infusion of peels is consumed 10–20 drops per day 15–30 minutes before meals.

    Rescues tangerine peel and from stress. The essential oils contained in it perfectly calm the nerves, normalize blood pressure and help with headaches. Usually, a bath is prepared to relieve stress, in which you can add a decoction of tangerine peels.

    And also if you want strengthen immunity, then pour 2 tbsp. l. tangerine peels with a glass of vodka and leave for a week. Take the resulting tincture 3 times a day, 20 drops before meals.

  5. cosmetic product
    Tangerine peel is a natural beautician! enjoys great popularity tangerine water. It is very easy to cook it: fill the finely chopped peel with cold boiled water, let it brew for a day and strain. This is a great pore cleanser!

    How about an idea to make scrub? Dried peels are steamed and rubbed on the body. Triple benefits - massage, aroma and vitamins for the skin.

    Masks, lotions, essential oils and soaps - tangerine peel has no equal here!

  6. Moth Remedy
    Put a few dried tangerine peels in your closet and you will protect your clothes from moths.

  7. home plant protector
    Infusion on tangerine peels feed houseplants and spray them from spider mites. In addition, the owners of cats - lovers of nibbling indoor plants are recommended to "decorate" flowerpots with tangerine peels.

  8. Spice
    Crushed tangerine zest is an amazing spice that adds a savory flavor to dishes and also improves digestion.

  9. Air freshener
    The easiest way: if you fill glass vases with pebbles, shells and tangerine peels, then a pleasant atmosphere will always hover in your room. scent of new year.

  10. crafts
    And from the peel of tangerines they make wonderful decorations for the interior that will give a festive mood!

We all love tangerines for their unique aroma, delicate sweet and sour taste, for the benefits that they bring to strengthen the immune system.

However, few people know that tangerine peels have no less valuable properties, so in most cases we just throw them away.

Mandarin peels contain essential oils, phytoncides with antimicrobial properties, organic acids, pectins, carotenoids, a lot of vitamins and minerals.

Preparing tangerine peels for use is very easy. You just need to finely chop the peel into small pieces, put it on a clean surface and let it dry for a couple of days. It is best to store them in a linen bag, a glass jar with a tightly closed lid.

How tangerine peels are used for health:

  • To improve digestion, prevent dysbacteriosis, and flatulence, grind dry peels in a coffee grinder and add a teaspoon to cottage cheese and cereals.
  • With a strong cough, steam inhalations with tangerine peels are made to soften sputum.
  • For a cold, 2 tablespoons of dry crusts are poured into 300 ml of boiling water, boiled in a water bath for 10 minutes, insisted for one hour and drunk the heated infusion three times a day before meals.
  • Tangerine peels have a calming effect on the nervous system, relieve palpitations, relieve nervous tension. They are used as soothing baths, put a small cotton bag with crusts on the pillow.
  • A decoction of the peel lowers blood sugar levels. Take the peel of 3-4 tangerines and boil in a liter of water. Let's insist. Drink the decoction throughout the day.
  • If the nails exfoliate, you need to rub the nail plates with fresh tangerine peels in the morning and evening. Nails become noticeably stronger.

How to use tangerine peels in cosmetology:

  • A mask of dried tangerine peel moisturizes dry and normal skin well. Dried peels are crushed in a coffee grinder and a teaspoon of powder is combined with egg yolk and a teaspoon of sour cream. Apply to the skin of the face and neck for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • Ice cubes from a decoction of tangerine peels perfectly refresh and tone the skin of the face. The peel from two tangerines is infused in a glass of boiling water and poured into molds

How to use tangerine peels in everyday life:

  • Tangerine peels can be laid out in various places in the room. They fill the space with a pleasant aroma, disinfect the air (phytoncides and essential oils), and also create an atmosphere of calm and balance the mood.
  • Tangerine peels can be folded into small linen bags and laid out among things in the closet so that moths do not start.
  • Place the peel of three tangerines in a cup of water and microwave for 5 minutes. Take it out and wipe down the walls. It is very easy to clean, all microbes are destroyed, a pleasant smell is created.

Mandarin mania has begun, hooray!)

This year the feeling of the New Year came much earlier than usual. Probably because the first snow fell early in St. Petersburg and for the first time in many years it did not melt, but lies and makes us happy ❄ I really love tangerines and always look forward to the tangerine season.By the way, a backfill question - what do you do with tangerine peel?

No, no, just don't say that you are throwing tangerine "skins" in the trash can! Do not do that! They have so many uses around the house!

Let's calculate how you can use the peel of tangerines:

✔ Dried and ground crusts are used as a flavoring for baking and drinks. To do this, you need to collect the peel of tangerines and dry it thoroughly in a dehydrator. After that, the crusts must be ground in a coffee grinder into powder. That's all. Now tasty and healthy tangerine powder can be added to your favorite drinks (for example, when you make tea or brew baby compote), as well as add to muffins and cookies. They acquire a delicious tangerine smell - the smell of the New Year.

✔ Dried crusts can be put in a jar of tea - after a while it will acquire a wonderful smell and you will have a strong feeling that you are drinking tea with tangerines.

✔ Very tasty candied fruits are made from the peel of tangerines. To do this, the tangerine peel must be cut into small slices about 3-4 cm in size. And dry the slices in a dehydrator. They can also be used in baked goods. When the crusts dry, they will become much smaller in size, keep this in mind.

✔ Tangerine peel tincture improves digestion and increases appetite. In order to prepare a tincture of tangerine peel, it is necessary to pour the peel in a decanter with hot boiled water and leave overnight. In the morning, you can take a tincture. Take it 1/2 cup before meals.

✔ Decoction and infusion of tangerine peel are used for colds, it acts as an expectorant for tracheitis and bronchitis, and helps to lower blood sugar levels.

✔ "Japanese feature": dried tangerine peels, placed in a plastic mesh, are steamed in a hot bath and washed with them. Triune benefits - massage, aroma and vitamins for the skin. The Japanese know what they're doing

✔ Dried tangerine peels are used in moth linen cabinets. Just lay out the peel of tangerines in the closet and, in addition to the delicious New Year's smell, you will also benefit from the absence of moths.

And I really like this way of using tangerine peel - I dry the peels in a dehydrator and then add the peel to herbal tea. The tea smells delicious afterwards.

Since we are talking about the peel of tangerines today, let's talk about the benefits of the tangerines themselves.

What is the use of tangerines?

  1. This is one of the richest vitamin A citrus fruits (681 IU/100 g). According to this parameter, oranges (247 IU / 100 g), lemon (22 IU / 100 g) or pomelo (8 IU / 100 g) cannot keep up with him. In terms of the content of such a substance, tangerines are second only to grapefruits (1150 IU / 100 g) in their benefits.
  2. The benefits of mandarin for the human body lies in its phytoncidal effect. Mandarin juice is able to kill germs in the human body, such as chlamydia.
  3. The benefits of tangerines for beauty, facial skin and hair, not only for women, but for children and men, are also undeniable. Eating tangerines, you will soon notice how the skin acquires a fresh glow, becomes smooth and elastic. This is due to the fact that citrus contains a large amount of antioxidants that protect against the effects of ultraviolet rays and free radicals. Wrinkles can also be reduced, especially if you use tangerine fruit not only as food, but also as an ingredient in nourishing masks.
  4. Include tangerines in your diet. There are benefits for the heart and kidneys, since the fruit is an additional immunostimulant, citrus fruits have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, prevent atherosclerosis and hypertension. Stones and sand are expelled from the kidneys.
  5. There are benefits from sweet tangerines for the intestines. When eating fruits, the digestive process is normalized, and thereby inflammation of the intestinal tract is reduced, and dysbacteriosis is cured.
  6. There are benefits of tangerines and diabetes. The fruit lowers blood sugar levels: it contains valuable components.

In general, both the tangerines themselves and their peel are a complete benefit for the body. Don't miss the season!

Surely there will not be a single person who is indifferent to such a tasty and bright citrus fruit as a tangerine. However, not everyone knows that not only the pulp of this product, but also its peel is suitable for eating. In this regard, we decided to present to your attention a step-by-step method of how to make candied fruits from tangerine peels.

Of course, the process of preparing such sweet products will take some amount of your time and effort, but the end result is worth it. After all, store-bought candied fruits are too dry and contain a large amount of dyes, and sometimes you really want to enjoy a juicy and fragrant dessert that you are 100% sure of!

Candied tangerines: cooking recipes

To make such a delicacy and please your kids, you should purchase a minimum of products, namely:

  • fresh tangerine peels - about 500 g;
  • sugar sand (preferably fine) - 1 kg;
  • filtered drinking water - 200 ml.

Preparing the main component

Candied tangerine peels will turn out tasty and juicy only if only carefully processed ingredients are used for their preparation. Thus, it is necessary to take the peel from sweet citrus fruits, wash it thoroughly in a colander, and then cut into small squares or in the form of not very thin strips. After that, the processed crusts need to be filled with water at room temperature and kept in this state for 3 days. In this case, the liquid must be changed every day 2 or 3 times.

The process of cooking dessert on a gas stove

Candied tangerine peels should be cooked after they are soaked in water, soft and slightly swollen. To do this, the liquid in which the skins were settled must be drained, and sweet syrup should be added instead. It is required to do it according to the following scheme: pour into filtered drinking water and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil, and then cook for about 6 minutes.

After the tangerine peels are filled with sweet syrup, they must be put on fire again. After 10 minutes, the dishes must be removed from the stove, covered with a newspaper and left at room temperature for 10-12 hours. Next, semi-finished candied fruits from tangerine peels should be brought to a boil again and simmer over low heat until the peel is slightly reduced (12-15 minutes). After that, the contents of the dishes must be thrown into a colander and the sweet liquid completely drained. It is not worth pouring out such a syrup, since you can make a tasty and fragrant fruit drink from it.

Drying products

After the done actions, candied fruits from tangerines, or rather, from peels, should be evenly spread out on a sheet from the oven or a table and left in this position for knocking. After 24 hours, the fragrant homemade delicacy will be completely ready for use. It should be noted that it can be served at the table with tea, and used to create delicious pastries.

A quick recipe for candied tangerine peels

The previous version of the preparation of these products requires special patience and time. In the event that you want to make such a treat much faster, the following recipe is more suitable for you.

So, we will need:

  • fresh tangerine peels - 205 g;
  • granulated sugar white or brown - 400 g;
  • citric acid - add to taste;
  • filtered drinking water - about 1.6 l;
  • fine salt - a little.

Processing tangerine peels

Candied tangerines according to the presented recipe will be completely ready for use after 2 hours after the start of their preparation. This speed is due to the fact that citrus fruit peels should not be soaked in water for a long time and dried naturally.

Thus, to prepare a tasty and healthy homemade treat, you need to put all the prepared peels in a saucepan, and then pour water into them and put on fire. Next, the contents of the dishes must be brought to a boil and boil for 10 minutes. After that, the product should be thrown into a colander, rinsed under cold water and put back on the stove, pouring in a similar amount of filtered liquid. By the way, this time it is advisable to add a little fine salt to the crusts. Such an ingredient is necessary in order to remove all the existing bitterness from the tangerine peel.

Once again bringing the contents of the dishes to a boil, the crusts should be boiled for a quarter of an hour, and then put in a colander, rinsed and repeat the procedure one more time. After the done actions, the peel must be completely drained, and then cut into strips or arbitrary pieces.

At the end, you need to pour a glass of water into the pan, add granulated sugar and make a thick syrup by boiling. Next, add tangerine peels to the sweet liquid, which should be boiled until almost completely boiled. After the pieces of skins become transparent, they need to be thrown into a colander and drained.

Drying process

Ready-made candied tangerines must be placed on a baking sheet, and then put in a warm oven, where they need to be kept for about half an hour. If desired, dried products can be rolled in sugar or powdered sugar.

Proper serving to the table

Mandarin - little orange sun - uplifting. And the healing properties of tangerines are simply incredible.

There are no nitrates in tangerines, but they are filled with vitamins C, D and vitamin K, which is responsible for the elasticity of blood vessels. Tangerines improve metabolism, remove excess fluid, make fat burn, while they themselves are low-calorie foods.

Three to five tangerines a day is an excellent prevention of flu and colds, intestinal infections, food poisoning and indigestion.

One tangerine contains 26 mg of calcium and 12 mg of phosphorus, which strengthen bones and teeth, as well as 8 mg of magnesium, which relieves nervous tension. Scientists have found that this New Year's fruit reduces the risk of developing liver cancer, viral hepatitis, diabetes, and serious pathologies of the circulatory system by almost 9%.

Tangerine peels also have many useful properties. .

So learn to be sure to wash tangerines before you eat them and not throw away the peel. And then you will be able to use them in a variety of ways and save.

Tangerine peels are widely used in folk medicine.

With the peel of this orange fruit, you can cure various diseases, as well as strengthen the immune system.

1. For colds and bronchitis it is necessary to brew 3 tablespoons of dry tangerine peels with two glasses of boiling water. It is necessary to insist the broth for 2 hours. Strain and add 2 tablespoons of honey. It is recommended to use half a glass 4 times a day. This infusion also has an expectorant effect.

2. If you want strengthen immunity, then pour 2 tablespoons of tangerine peels with a glass of vodka and leave for a week or a half. Take the resulting tincture 3 times a day, 20 drops before meals.

3. If you have elevated blood sugar, then it can be reduced with a decoction of tangerine peels: for 1 liter of water, take the peel from under three tangerines and boil the decoction. Take it daily for a couple of teaspoons several times a day.

4. 100 g of mandarin peels and 20 g of licorice root, carefully grind, pour 2 glasses of water, simmer for 30 minutes, strain, divide the liquid into 2 parts and drink in the morning and evening. The decoction has anti-inflammatory action.

Benefits of tangerine peels for beauty

Tangerine peels are also widely used in cosmetology. Due to their beneficial properties, they can be used in the fight against stretch marks, cellulite, and skin care.

1.Can do a refreshing & rejuvenating facial toner. We clean one tangerine, eat the pulp, and finely chop the peels and pour half a glass of chilled boiled water (mineral water can also be used). The tonic should be infused for a day, then it is decanted and rubbed with it on the face in the morning and evening. Wiping the skin with a cotton pad soaked in a natural tonic morning and evening, you will get rid of blackheads and give the skin a radiant look. Such a natural tonic tightens pores and sagging skin, nourishes, fortifies and tones the skin. And you won't pay anything for it.

2. Refresh your face with vitamins tangerine ice cubes. Finely chopped peels of two tangerines are poured with a glass of boiling water. Let cool, strain and pour into ice cube trays. It is useful to wipe your face with such cubes in the morning.

3. Toning face mask. Grind tangerine peels in a blender to make a powder. Mix 1 teaspoon of the resulting powder with egg yolk and a spoonful of sour cream. Stir and apply on face for a quarter of an hour. Rinse with warm water and wipe the skin with tonic. The mask perfectly tones the skin and gives it a healthy look.

4. Homemade tangerine peel scrub

This scrub not only improves the condition of the skin of the body, but also uplifts the mood due to its appearance and wonderful aroma. Grind tangerine peels in a blender or electric coffee grinder and pour tangerine flour into a jar. And then we dilute the flour with water to the state of liquid porridge and process the body.

5. Beauty recipe from economical Japanese women: dried skins placed in a plastic mesh are steamed in a hot bath and washed with them. Triple benefits - massage, aroma and vitamins for the skin. The Japanese know what they're doing :)

Tangerine peels can be used in cooking

1. Tangerine peels can simply be sprinkled with sugar or poured with syrup and make candied fruit.

2. Tangerine peels can be boiled great jam, which can be enjoyed and treated for colds all year round.

To make jam from tangerine peels, the following ingredients are needed:

— Skins from tangerines 250g
— Sugar 350gr

1) Since the tangerines were pre-washed before use, it is not necessary to re-rinse the crusts. Immediately cut them into small pieces, a maximum of 3 by 3 cm.

2) Citrus peels are very bitter by nature, so that this property is not transferred to our jam, they should be soaked in cold water for about 10 hours. You can leave them to soak overnight. In this case, you need to change the water 2-3 times, it just takes away all the bitterness.

3) We drain the water for the last time. Place the crusts in a bowl. Fill with fresh cold water and put on fire.

4) After waiting for the water to boil, pour out the sugar. Stir gently until completely dissolved. And let it boil again.

5) Switch the fire to slow and cook for 2 hours.

6) Then cool and put in the refrigerator overnight.

7) In the morning, bring the jam to a boil for the third time and then cook over low heat for half an hour.

Approximately 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking, you can add a couple of small pieces of pineapple, or the pulp of a tangerine, orange or apple, previously crushed to the same size as tangerine peels.

3. With tangerine crusts it turns out excellent tea: add some dried peels to the tea leaves in a teapot and pour boiling water over it. In a quarter of an hour you will be able to enjoy a fragrant and healthy drink.

4. Dried and crushed tangerine peels are added to meat when frying, to get the original unusual taste.

Tangerine peels are used to make homemade drinks

Recipe for tangerine vodka

50 g of tangerine peels (about 8 small fruits);
1 liter of alcohol;
2 tsp fructose (3 tsp regular sugar);
85 ml of juice from the pulp of tangerines.

Preparation of vodka:

1) Tangerine peels must be peeled from the white peel, which will transfer bitterness to the drink. Squeeze out a little tangerine juice (85 ml) and put it in the refrigerator.

2) The peeled peel must be insisted for 3 weeks on pure alcohol with a strength of 95% (you can take vodka and add a couple of vials of pharmacy alcohol to it - our task is to get a mixture with a strength of at least 45%).

3) After 3 weeks, we filter the infusion and dilute it to 45%, add fructose (sugar) and clarified juice. The drink will become cloudy. You can clarify it with pasteurized milk - for this amount, 75 ml of pasteurized milk with a fat content of 2.5%. The milk should immediately curdle and fall out in flakes, removing the turbidity and softening the taste of the drink.

As a result, you will get a very tasty, absolutely light tangerine vodka, not sweet, soft, with a strong smell of the New Year. You won't feel the alcohol in it. It is advisable to make a drink in limited quantities to drink within 2-4 weeks - they say that the drink deteriorates after long-term storage ... True, it is unlikely to have time :)

Mandarin liqueur

We need:
1 liter of good alcohol;
600 g of sugar;
600 ml of water;
18 ripe tangerines (skin)

It is prepared very simply:

1) Pour the peel of tangerines thoroughly peeled from white into a jar and fill it with pure alcohol.

2) We insist the peels for 2 weeks, filter and cook the syrup: dissolve sugar in water, boil a couple of times, carefully removing the resulting foam, cool.

3) Pour our tincture into the chilled syrup, the drink will become cloudy. This is normal. Pour into bottles, which are then sent to the refrigerator for 3-4 days. Drink chilled in small portions or make delicious cocktails.

And further…

1. Dried tangerine skins are used in linen cabinets from moth...

2 ... as an air freshener and for interior decoration. You can add a bright citrus scent to your room with tangerine peels. Fill glass vases with pebbles, shells, and tangerine peels. The pleasant aroma of the New Year will always soar in your room.

3… to decorate gifts. Various figures can be cut from fresh crusts, dried and used for decoration.

4 ... for soap making. If you are making homemade soaps, you can use tangerine peels to decorate natural soap bars. Orange crusts will give the soap not only a festive look, but also a pleasant aroma.

5. Dry skins are great for lighting a stove or fireplace.

6. Infusion of tangerine skins can feed houseplants and spray them from spider mites.

Like this, just don't throw it away tangerine peels You can great save.