If a girl dreams that she is pregnant. Why pregnancy is dreaming: the main interpretations of an “interesting” dream

  • 30.05.2022

The young lady, who happened to see herself pregnant in a dream, dream books report her real need to feel a new life inside herself in reality. Most often, such stories are dreamed of by girls of childbearing age. But in some cases, a dream can be seen by an elderly lady, and even a man.

  • In the collection of Freud's interpretations, it is noted: to see yourself in a dream pregnant with a belly - to the need to change something in the near future. The dreamer was bored with her usual life. She wants to experience something radically new and interesting. This can apply to any area of ​​life. Sometimes such a dream plot turns out to be a harbinger of the renewal of the sleeping personality.
  • Miller's dream book suggests that seeing yourself in demolition is a sign of conflicts and quarrels with your soulmate. Problems in relationships will arise through the fault of a man. The girl will do everything possible to correct the situation, but she will not be able to do it alone.
  • In the People's Dream Book, your own pregnancy is a great sign. She promises the fair sex a quick cash profit. For example, it can be an unexpected gift (a large amount in an envelope) or an increase in salary.

What does a dream mean for a married, unmarried woman

When a woman dreams of her pregnancy, who has long been married, has children and does not plan to expand her family, it means that a favorable period has come in her life for the implementation of long-standing plans and ideas. It's time to open your own business, change jobs or just actively engage in self-development. In any case, a married lady will be able to achieve stunning results.

If a girl free from marriage regularly sees herself pregnant in a dream, in this way the body “hints” to her that she is ready to bear the child.

Most often, such dreams are seen by the fair sex, who are passionate about their careers and at the same time are already at the age when it is time to think about motherhood.

It happens that a very young lady dreams of her own pregnancy. For her, such a dream may be a harbinger of shame and reputation problems due to her own frivolity. You need to be careful when choosing friends.

See yourself as a pregnant girl, boy or twins

The interpretation of the dream will also depend on what gender the sleeping woman is pregnant with:

  • If a girl, you will have to face something joyful and amazing in real life.
  • If a boy, then in the very near future you can expect rapid career growth and business success.
  • Pregnancy immediately with twins in a dream is a great sign. He portends the sleeping cloudless happiness and unprecedented success.

Sometimes men also see such a dream. For their visions, a similar interpretation is relevant. The born baby boy symbolizes perseverance in the implementation of one's own plans.

Positive pregnancy test

A dream in which a positive pregnancy test appears is very ambiguous. If he dreams of a man who leads a hectic intimate life, then this is a sign - such behavior will not end in anything good. An unwanted pregnancy of a stranger is possible, or even infection with a sexually transmitted disease.

For a virgin, the discussed dream portends problems with reputation.

You need to be wary of gossip, gossip and try with all your might not to give ill-wishers reasons for slander. Otherwise, it will not be easy to regain a good name.

Abortion, frozen, ectopic pregnancy

The meaning of dreams about pregnancy with a negative outcome will depend on the emotional state of the girl herself. If the abortion brought her relief and did not cause discomfort, most likely, a successful long-awaited conception will take place in reality. Or the sleeping woman will be able to solve a problem that has been bothering her for a long time.

A frozen pregnancy is a clear clue that a woman went the wrong way in real life. She made a serious mistake when choosing a job, partner or in some other area of ​​​​life. Now you have to pay for it for a long time.

An ectopic pregnancy from a dream is a clue that a person has many plans and goals. It's just that most of them will never be realized and achieved.

Why dream of your pregnancy and childbirth

If you dreamed of your own pregnancy, which ended in a successful birth, you can safely proceed to the implementation of a plan that has long been planted in your head. It will bring a person not only large profits, but also honor and satisfaction.

Severe painful childbirth portends disappointment. Perhaps the betrayal of a loved one, whom the sleeper always trusted infinitely.

In order to correctly interpret any dream about an interesting situation, you need to take into account a large number of its details and details. If they are quickly forgotten in the morning, it is worth writing down all the important circumstances of the dream that you managed to remember on paper.

New dream book - pregnancy

  • Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream is an auspicious dream that portends wealth, good luck, fulfillment of desire;
  • I dreamed of a pregnant daughter - extremely pleasant and happy days of life await you;
  • For a woman, dreaming of pregnancy may mean that she will indeed become pregnant soon;
  • To see a pregnant girlfriend in a dream - she will render you an invaluable service;
  • If a girl sees herself pregnant in a dream, then this promises deceit and shame;
  • To see a pregnant mother - to family reunification;
  • A pregnant sister dreamed - to a rival;
  • If in a dream you feel pregnant and are going to have an abortion - to the loss of the meaning of life, disappointment in your loved one;

Online dream book Mlady

  • If a man dreamed that he became pregnant - to a great surprise;
  • For a married lady, a dream of pregnancy means an early replenishment of the family;
  • If a woman already carries a child in herself and sees herself pregnant in a dream - to an easy and successful birth;
  • If you know in a dream who will be born to you, a boy or a girl, then it will be so in life.

  • Dream of seeing yourself pregnant - to great wealth;
  • Ukrainian dream book - why dream of pregnancy;
  • I dreamed of a pregnant woman - a nuisance;
  • Pregnancy for a girl is a deceit, for a woman it is joy, for an old woman death is behind her.

Slavic dream book - pregnancy

Psychoanalytic dream book - pregnancy

  • If you are a young woman dreaming of pregnancy, at the same time having no real intention of becoming pregnant, such a dream may indicate that you are in the initial transition stage to a new stage of introspection;
  • To see yourself in this position means to observe your exit from the stage of a child and the transition to an adult level;
  • If you are sexually active, but have no intention of becoming pregnant, such a dream can be a harmonious accompaniment to your monthly cycle;
  • A man who sees himself pregnant in a dream is often in a situation where his masculinity or participation in the reproduction of the population is in question. Such doubts often come to the mind of men who see themselves as less active in this regard than they would like to be;
  • The fact of pregnancy in real life can lead to a variety of events in dreams. By their nature, these events can be anything from the most cruel to the ludicrous. This is not surprising, since in real life pregnancy is a source of a whole range of sensations - from excitement to euphoria.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

  • If a woman dreamed that she was pregnant, then in real life this event would not be long in coming;
  • For a man, a dream of pregnancy means that he would like to have a child from his partner.

Pregnancy - Miller's dream book

  • For a woman to dream that she is pregnant means that she will be unhappy with her husband, and her children will be unattractive;
  • For a virgin, such a dream promises shame and misfortune;
  • If the sleeping woman is indeed pregnant, then such a dream will serve as a forecast for her successful resolution of the burden and an early recovery of strength.

Chinese dream book

She dreams that her wife is pregnant - such a dream speaks of the wife's infidelity.

English dream book

  • For a married woman to dream that she is pregnant - this portends the birth of twins;
  • And if a young unmarried woman sees such a dream, this means that the motives of her lover are dishonest and he is not true to her.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

  • Pregnancy in a dream is a sign that you are ready to give life to a new idea, a new vision of the world, or to establish a new relationship. It can also symbolize the imminent birth of a new creative project;
  • It can also mean that you want to get pregnant or that you are pregnant.

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

  • For a girl, sleep is pregnancy - deception awaits you;
  • Why dream of being pregnant for a woman - pride, joy;
  • For a man - to make plans;
  • In a dream, seeing a pregnant woman is trouble.

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

  • Being pregnant is making bold plans;
  • To see a pregnant woman in a dream - to meet trouble.

Russian dream book

  • Seeing yourself pregnant is a harbinger of failure in family life;
  • Seeing a pregnant woman in a dream is a gossip that awaits you.

Modern dream book - pregnancy

  • For a man to see a pregnant woman in a dream - changes in the family;
  • Giving birth - great difficulties in completing the case;
  • Lying with a pregnant woman is a pleasant change;
  • The last to see is to conquer an ardent woman;
  • For a man to see himself pregnant - to carry a courageous plan / a very strong desire to experience / the beginning of a new period in life;
  • For a woman to see herself pregnant - fear of pregnancy or a desire to become pregnant;
  • Seeing herself pregnant is a betrayal;
  • Old woman - danger to life;
  • For a woman to see another pregnant woman - success in the household, an increase in wealth;
  • To give birth in a dream is something bad; love happiness will deceive;
  • Feeling labor pains is a danger to life.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

  • Pregnancy in a dream promises a similar situation in reality. If a man has such a dream, then he wants a child from his current mistress.

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If a girl (or maybe a guy) had a dream about pregnancy, you should carefully understand what this means. Carefully remember your dream and refer to various interpretations in order to most accurately understand the meaning of pregnancy in a dream.

Why dream of pregnancy according to Miller's Dream Book

When a girl who is already in a position dreams of pregnancy (or childbirth) - this is a good sign. Most likely, it is her internal anxiety that is transformed into a dream in such a way that it symbolizes that everything will go well. When a virgin girl dreams that she is pregnant, this is a disaster. Pregnancy in a dream of any other woman means dissatisfaction or future failures in married or family life, possibly problems with children.

Why dream of your own pregnancy - Wangi's dream book

Everything is very individual, depending on who and under what circumstances dreamed of pregnancy. For women and girls who are wondering why my pregnancy is dreaming, Vanga explains this with various things related to female nature and personal life. This may be a hidden desire to give birth to a child, which is based on internal hormonal changes and is reflected in dreams. Or, for example, care and strong affection for a beloved man. For an already pregnant woman, such a dream will symbolize the smooth course of pregnancy and easy childbirth. If you dreamed that you were giving birth, this means an early resolution of some kind of conflict or important matter, so to speak, "a mountain off your shoulders." Vanga believes that a girl to see someone else in the position is for profit. If a guy or a man dreams of his pregnant companion, then this is an expression of his thirst for a serious relationship and family life, perhaps a readiness to conceive a child.

Seeing pregnancy in a dream - Loff's Dream Interpretation

Loff interprets the dreaming pregnancy depending on gender. For a woman or girl, such a dream always has a positive meaning. It can mean sudden good news or cash receipts, a new event in life, a new stage, or a pregnancy that has actually begun. Very often, the hormonal background of a girl in a certain period of the cycle throws similar symbols to the brain in a dream. This may mean a woman's hormonal readiness to conceive a child, or the upcoming menstruation. Being pregnant in a dream is extremely dangerous for a man, because this is a reflection of his complexes and dissatisfaction with his sexual life. Trying on the female role of a mother, a man, as it were, emphasizes that he himself cannot become a father and is not satisfied enough with his level of masculinity. If a woman dreams not only of pregnancy, but also of an attempt and childbirth, Loff's dream book interprets this as an opportunity to start life anew, to change her usual way of life. A dream about easy childbirth - you shift the responsibility for some important business onto someone else's shoulders.

Pregnancy in a dream according to Freud

Freud explains the fact of a dreamed pregnancy by the readiness of the body and brain for its real onset. If a girl dreams that she is in an interesting position, or a man dreams of a girlfriend's pregnancy, then this symbolizes a new stage in the relationship in a couple. If a man dreamed that he himself became pregnant, this would, on the contrary, lead to quarrels or a deterioration in family relations.

Why dream of pregnancy according to Tsvetkov's dream book

This dream book gives completely opposite interpretations. If you dreamed that someone was pregnant, then this is a minor turmoil. Own pregnancy in a dream for a young girl is also not very good, but for a woman in years she promises good luck, prosperity, good news or events. If a man or a guy dreamed that he was pregnant, this is a good sign, a new stage in life awaits him, a great accomplishment.

Dream Interpretation Hasse - interpretation of sleep about pregnancy

Hasse interprets female pregnancy in a dream based on the age of the female. For a young girl, being in a position means success on the personal front and in love affairs, and for an advanced woman, it means illness or even death.

Dream Interpretation Longo

Longo interprets the dreaming pregnancy as a manifestation of hidden desires, believes that this is a reflection of a person’s inner readiness to become a parent, perhaps he has a wedding just around the corner. If a woman sees herself pregnant in a dream, and a man sees his passion, then this is a good sign for conceiving a child.

Pregnancy in a dream

Pregnancy, which was dreamed of by a person of any gender, can promise a radical change in his current status. For example, rich people can soon lose their wealth, and poor people can suddenly get rich. For single men, this kind of dream will be a signal that they are ready to start a serious relationship and meet a good girl. For married people, divorce is not far off. If in a dream your mother (or daughter) turns out to be pregnant - to family scandals and troubles.

The situation is completely different if you dreamed about the process of terminating a pregnancy. This may mean the imminent death of loved ones or a serious illness. If in a dream you took birth, then the meaning of this dream is an early positive achievement, success. If a man sees the attempts and childbirth of his wife and the birth of his own children, then, depending on the number of children, there will be a directly proportional amount of good news in the near future. Seeing someone else in an interesting position in a dream is money. For a woman to see her own pregnancy is not a good sign, this can lead to the loss of a name or reputation, play a cruel joke with her. If the woman is pregnant and in fact, then all dream books are unanimous in the opinion that this is for easy and painless childbirth. If a man or a guy dreams that he met an outsider pregnant woman, this is a sign of an early successful turn in life, in a career or other area, a pleasant achievement that will happen easily and effortlessly.

I dreamed that I was pregnant. What is it for? This question is of interest to many representatives of the weaker sex who saw such a dream. And this is no accident. After all, everyone knows that dreams almost always mean something. Quite often, they warn us against upcoming troubles, suggest what to do in a given situation, and also give hope for a bright and happy future. That is why many girls and women turn to the dream book with the question of what awaits if they see themselves pregnant in a dream? This article will be devoted to this.

Being pregnant in a dream promises a poor girl great wealth, and a wealthy woman - complete ruin. It is also worth noting that such an event can be seen not only by the fairer sex, but also by young people. Thus, a married man is threatened with a scandalous divorce, moreover, at the initiative of his soulmate. As for single boys, for them such a strange and unnatural dream means that soon they will meet the girl of their dreams, who will later become their legal wife.

Other interpretations from the modern dream book

I dreamed that I was pregnant. What is it for? The modern dream book interprets this vision in completely different ways. For example, for an innocent girl, such an event promises in reality shame and humiliation. For older women, the dream presented, on the contrary, predicts a very quick recognition and pride on the part of family members, colleagues, close friends, etc. If such a vision came to an old grandmother, then this is to her imminent death.

To constantly see in a dream that she is pregnant is not a very good sign for a person. After all, such an event portends diseases, including quite serious ones. If your dreams are directly related to childbirth, then this is to the nearest liberation from all sorrows and moral experiences, material debts, as well as to the disclosure of some other secret by you.

Seeing yourself pregnant (or another woman) in a dream is an unexpected monetary gain. If such visions come to a girl who is in reality in an “interesting” position, then this only means one thing - her birth will proceed favorably, and the baby will be born strong and healthy.

For a man to see a pregnant belly in a dream - his wife or lover - indicates that the feelings that he experiences in relation to his soulmate are mutual.

Miller's dream book

As you can see, there are quite a few interpretations of dreams about pregnancy. That is why, in order to decipher them, you should carefully analyze the real situation in your life, and only then compare all the events and draw certain conclusions based on the dream book.

According to Miller, a pregnant woman in a dream means that the fair sex will have a quarrel with her beloved spouse in the very near future. In addition, such a vision also portends that her children will be ugly.

What does it mean to dream that I'm pregnant? If a virgin asks about this, the answer will be this: she should be cautious in society, since very soon she will be condemned, shamed and even humiliated. It is also worth noting that Miller's interpretations explain such a vision of a woman in an “interesting” position, by the fact that she will soon have a healthy baby as a result of a favorable birth.

I dreamed that I was pregnant. What is it for?

As you noticed, a pregnant woman or even a man in a dream has a huge number of different meanings. In this regard, it is quite difficult to decide which definition is right for your situation. In order to facilitate the decoding of one's own visions, it should be understood that their interpretation depends on several circumstances. Let's consider them in more detail.

Firstly, a representative of the weaker sex, who in real life is already in an “interesting” position, can see herself pregnant in a dream. As a rule, dream books interpret such visions with reluctance. And this is due to the fact that girls who are so worried about the upcoming birth transfer their violent emotions and feelings from reality into a dream, which makes them not particularly significant.

Secondly, to find out that a pregnant woman in a dream can only be for the reason that in reality she really wants to be in this position.

Thirdly, such visions come to men or women as harbingers of events that have nothing to do with past, present or future pregnancy. It should be especially noted that it is these dreams that are actively interpreted in modern interpreters. After all, only such visions can warn, warn, rejoice or predict.

Detailed interpretation of dreams (pregnancy of a woman)

If you clearly saw yourself pregnant in a dream, but in reality you are far from such a situation, then this may mean the following.

Firstly, at the moment you are at a stage in your life when you are open to something new and are able to do things that are not characteristic of you. Such a dream means that you will soon make an important discovery for yourself, which will later turn your life into a real holiday. But this is only if the pregnancy you saw became a joyful event for you and you felt a surge of strength and energy.

Secondly, seeing yourself in a dream in an “interesting” position may mean that you subconsciously want to become a good and caring mother. Thus, if you are an active young woman who periodically looks at other members of the fair sex and dreams of such happiness as a child, but is not actually ready for this yet, then the pregnancy dream indicates your complete transition to another stage. In other words, you begin to gradually become aware of the possible birth of a baby and, quite likely, very soon, you will deliberately approach this most important event in the life of every woman.

"What does the dream mean that I'm pregnant?" - a question that often worries women. It should be especially noted that such an unusual vision quite often comes to those women who are very active in their sexual life. In this regard, such a dream may be a result of your constant anxieties "what if". Especially if at this stage of your life you do not want or are not ready to become a mother.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

I dreamed that I was pregnant. What is it for? It is the presented dream book that gives an exhaustive answer to this question. But, like other interpreters, he recommends evaluating such visions from 2 sides - do you think about an “interesting” situation in reality, or is such a dream a complete surprise for you? In the event that you dreamed of this event during your pregnancy in reality, then there is no point in deciphering it. After all, such visions do not carry any forecast, but are only a kind of continuation of your emotions and feelings. Of more interesting significance for Vanga's dream book are unexpected events that do not resonate with reality in any way. It is to such dreams that interpreters sprinkle the deepest meaning.

So, let's consider together what lies under the dream, where you saw yourself or someone pregnant.

Seeing yourself in a dream in an “interesting” position - for waking pregnancy

Such visions quite often come to the fair sex of reproductive age shortly before the conception of the baby. It also happens that a woman who is already pregnant sees such a dream, but does not yet know about it. By the way, in this situation, a girl may dream not only of a big belly or the feeling that there is someone in it, but also, for example, images of a small child or even baby animals. After that vision, the woman is advised to check if she is actually pregnant.

Subconscious desire to become a mother or father

Such dreams can be seen not only by women, but also by men. And the more thoughts people have about creating a strong family, including the birth of a child, the greater the chance to see this story at night. There is nothing surprising. After all, the desire to become a mother or father is quite natural for young people. It remains only to implement it.

See in a dream your own or someone else's childbirth

After an interesting and exciting night story, you just want to look into the dream book. Pregnancy and childbirth, according to Vanga's interpreter, does not always mean that you want a child or are already carrying it under your heart. Indeed, such an unexpected dream is quite often preceded by events that have nothing to do with the “interesting” position of a woman.

If this vision came to a girl or a man, then most likely this person is currently in a waiting position. This can also be associated with love, business, friendships, etc. In addition, pregnancy is often dreamed of by those who are ready to give rise to something new in their lives. So, in reality, you can come up with something creative, implement it, and then be content with your own brainchild. Thus, a dream about pregnancy and the immediate birth of a child should serve as a kind of impetus for you and give you that confidence, which is sorely lacking for self-realization and self-expression.

Psychological dream book

What does it mean if in a dream a man sees himself with a "belly"? Surprisingly, it is often the representatives of the stronger sex who have visions of their own pregnancy. The psychological dream book gives two decodings to such an event.

Firstly, this is a new and rather promising project. After all, the state of pregnancy is an unnatural process for the stronger sex. In this regard, interpreters equate this vision with any large-scale undertaking in real life. Moreover, from the emotions in a dream and its outcome depends on how the project will turn out in reality - successful or failed. For example, if a man saw himself pregnant, and then gave birth to a healthy and strong baby, then, most likely, the work of his whole life will fully justify itself. If in a dream such an unnatural process brings only negative emotions and alienation, then in reality it is better not to tempt fate and abandon all planned plans regarding any monetary projects.

It is also worth noting that, according to one version, a man who sees himself pregnant, in reality, has rather weak sexual activity. In addition, such representatives of the stronger sex may be sick with something, as a result of which they have no chance of fertilizing a woman. At the same time, in reality, a man may not even be aware of this problem. In this regard, after such a dream, it makes sense to contact a specialist and pass a series of tests to identify the relevant diseases.

By the way, such dreams can indicate not only the infertility of a young man, but also talk about all kinds of sexual problems (for example, weakened sexual function, unsatisfactory and irregular sex, etc.). In this case, a man who feels the presence of the listed deviations subconsciously tries to fill this rather offensive gap, in connection with which he tries on the state of pregnancy. It should be especially noted that this is a deeply psychological dream. If this vision comes very often and begins to disturb a man, then it is best to seek the advice of an experienced sex therapist, otherwise the person may have other, very real problems.

Seeing a fetus in a dream

As in the previous case, such a vision can be interpreted in different ways. Firstly, to see the very process of conception, as a result of which the embryo is attached to the uterine cavity, symbolizes the birth of a new and rather promising idea. Whether it will be implemented in life or you will have to face a lot of problems depends entirely on the emotions with which you watched this process in a dream. So, if a healthy and strong embryo began its further development, then this indicates future successful undertakings. If the embryo is rejected by the woman's body, then it is likely that great difficulties await you on the path to success. But this does not mean at all that your project will fail.

Secondly, dreams with a human fetus often indicate the development of some serious illness in you. At the same time, you should be especially wary if such a vision came to a child (boy or girl) or a woman of non-reproductive age. In this situation, it makes sense to undergo a complete medical examination. After all, your own body, with the help of such a clear signal, reports that you are starting a serious illness, but so far it is in the initial (or embryonic) stage.

Summing up

As you can see, today there is an incredible number of interpretations of why you dreamed that you were pregnant, giving birth, etc. Of course, you cannot rely entirely on such an interpretation of dreams. The pregnancy of a woman or a man does not always appear to us in a dream as a warning or a warning. In addition, you can understand why you saw this event without using all kinds of dream books. To do this, you just need to think about your life and situations that bother you very much, and the interpretation will draw by itself. It is also extremely important to remember all the emotions in a dream. After all, this is the only way to understand what kind of events await you ahead - joyful and happy or disturbing and sad.

In each dream book you can find an interpretation of pregnancy in a dream. We have already begun to study dreams and told you, and now we will tell you why pregnancy is dreaming.


Pregnancy is an important and crucial moment in the life of every woman. But why dream of pregnancy? Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream - does this mean that it's time for you to bookmark online stores with clothes for newborns, or at least take a test?

We are sure that you have had dreams about pregnancy (your own or someone else's). Let's figure out why pregnancy is dreaming together!

How to understand that a dream about pregnancy is prophetic

One of the most reliable ways to plan a pregnancy in our ancestors was. In addition, it is precisely by the lunar calendar that one can understand whether a prophetic dream is dreaming of a sleeping person or not. The lunar calendar is conditionally divided into three periods: neutral, favorable and unfavorable. For example, it is customary for people to consider a dream that occurred on the first lunar day as prophetic. If you had a dream about pregnancy and you are trying to understand why pregnancy is dreaming, check with the lunar calendar. This information will help you more clearly understand why pregnancy is dreaming.

Pregnancy in a dream for a woman

Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream does not always mean pregnancy in reality. A dream about pregnancy is interpreted differently for married, unmarried, young and elderly women.

So, for those women who are already married, a dream can really become prophetic. For older women, seeing yourself pregnant in a dream is a tragedy. For a single woman, pregnancy in a dream is a sign that she will soon have to listen to gossip and rumors. For young girls, a dream about pregnancy can mean shame or serious problems. We will tell you more about what pregnancy is about in a dream below.

Why dream of pregnancy: Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Vanga interpreted the dream of pregnancy in different ways. For a married woman, a dream about pregnancy can be a harbinger of good news and joy. While for unmarried women, on the contrary, he can promise trouble.

Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream for a married woman can mean replenishment of the family with twins, and if you see an unfamiliar woman pregnant, expect a monetary reward. If in your dream a woman giving birth - get ready to get rid of problems.

Why dream of pregnancy: According to Sigmund Freud

Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream according to Freud is interpreted in almost the same way for both married and single women. Such a dream for married people means that they can safely prepare for family replenishment.

Freud believed that if a single woman sees a dream about pregnancy, then soon a man will appear in her life who will have serious intentions to form a family.

What does it mean if you dream of pregnancy: Loff's Dream Interpretation

According to Loff's dream book, pregnancy in a dream symbolizes readiness for a new status - the status of a parent. Also, a dream about pregnancy predicts well-being.

Be sure to buy a pregnancy test if you are sexually active and dreamed you were pregnant.

Dreaming of pregnancy: Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Dreamed of pregnancy? Look for the answer in the dream book of Nostradamus. The dream interpretation offers several options for sleeping about pregnancy:

  • if a pregnant woman is dreaming - get ready, you may have to borrow money very soon;
  • if you are not in a position and you dreamed of your own pregnancy, most likely you will have minor troubles that will entail minor losses.

I dreamed of pregnancy: Miller's Dream Book

Miller also thought about why pregnancy is dreaming. There are several interpretations in Miller's dream book. If a pregnant woman sees a dream about pregnancy, her birth will go smoothly and most likely it will. For an unmarried woman, a dream about pregnancy can portend a dysfunctional marriage. And for those who are not yet sexually active, a dream about pregnancy can serve as a warning - beware of relationships with strangers, otherwise such communication may lead to bad rumors and you will be disgraced.

Why dream of pregnancy by day of the week

  • dream about pregnancy Monday to Tuesday may dream of news and change.
  • Pregnancy in a dream Tuesday to Wednesday promises loss or waste.
  • Dreaming about pregnancy Wednesday to Thursday Get ready for family quarrels or disagreements.
  • If you dreamed of pregnancy Thursday to Friday You will live a long and healthy life.
  • dream about pregnancy Friday to Saturday to the bustle.
  • Those who dreamed of pregnancy with Saturday to Sunday, you should be ready for changes in your personal life.
  • A dream about pregnancy Sunday to Monday- Changes in the weather.

Why dream of a pregnancy test

A negative pregnancy test dreams of significant losses. If you rejoice at a positive pregnancy test in a dream, big changes await you. For example, you may be offered a promotion or change jobs.

If the test is positive, but there is no emotion, then a dream about a pregnancy test may suggest that very soon your expectations will not come true.

Own and someone else's pregnancy - why dream

If a girl who is not ready for independent life dreams of her own pregnancy, a dream means that soon a new period will begin in her life. Such a dream can be interpreted as a call to action. If you often dream of your own pregnancy, this is a symbol of fear of adulthood. For older women, seeing yourself pregnant in a dream is a sign that you need to take care of your health. If your financial situation is unstable and you dream of pregnancy - a dream of wealth and unexpected profits.

The pregnancy of a friend or acquaintance is dreaming to the joy and happiness of the sleeping woman. If the pregnant woman from your dream is pretty - do not be lazy and work on some business with all your might. The results of such dedication will soon please you.

If the expectant mother who comes to you in a dream is not attractive, get ready for the chores. For people who have their own business, seeing a friend in a position in a dream may suggest that this particular friend will help you with advice in the near future. Seeing a pregnant sister in a dream is a nuisance, and a pregnant mother dreams of those who are worried about their mother's health. If a man dreams that his beloved is not carrying a child from him, the dream can predict treason.

Why does a man dream of pregnancy

By Longo's dream book If a man dreams of his wife's pregnancy, it means that his plans will come true.

By Freud's dream book, a man who had a dream about pregnancy, the dream suggests that he is.

By dream book of Tsvetkov, a man who had a dream about pregnancy should prepare for the imminent implementation of plans.

Loff's dream book interprets a man's dream about pregnancy as his own uncertainty about his reproductive function.

Pregnancy according to the esoteric dream book

Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream according to an esoteric dream book is not good. According to the interpretation, such a dream can promise the sleeping person significant and tangible losses. If in a dream you see someone else's pregnancy, get ready. Soon you will be asked to lend money.

Other interpretations of pregnancy in a dream

Most often, dreams about pregnancy are somehow connected with financial changes. But sometimes your own pregnancy in a dream can mean a willingness to make bold plans.

If in a dream you or your loved ones are waiting for the birth of a girl, this is a good sign. Such dreams are dreamed of by those who will have a pleasant surprise in the future.

If you or your relatives are waiting for the birth of a boy in a dream, be careful! Some dream books interpret such a dream as a warning that you will soon have an accident.

Why dream of pregnancy: stories of readers

Victoria, 24 years old

My husband and I have been planning to have a baby for a long time, but so far nothing has come of it. This, of course, makes me very upset. Recently I had a dream that I was pregnant and I immediately began to look for the interpretation of such dreams in dream books. What I had to read did not please me at all: “unfortunately”, “to troubles in my personal life” and stuff like that. When I no longer had the strength to ignore these thoughts, I decided to go to psychologists. I was asked a lot of questions and we finally realized that I had a dream about pregnancy because I constantly think about how to have a baby and why my husband and I don’t succeed, no matter how hard we try.Also, the psychologist said, that sleep may be the result of fear, insecurity that I am ready for motherhood.I finally realized that it was time for me to take a short break and take a break from the thoughts that haunt me.Therefore, my husband and I took trips to warmer climes.