When is the new year in China. Blog about China

  • 30.06.2022

The most anticipated holiday on the entire planet Earth is the New Year. He comes regardless of any circumstances, children and adults are waiting for him, hoping for a miracle - new health, happiness, well-being. In ancient Mesopotamia, the New Year was celebrated in the spring - along with the awakening of nature, now in most countries it is celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1. In China, honoring the centuries-old tradition of their ancestors, they follow its arrival according to the lunar calendar, every year this event falls on different dates and occurs on the first day of the new moon after the winter equinox.

The myth of the birth of the Chinese New Year

In China, Chun-Tse (spring festival) was not always a welcome guest - two thousand years ago he was expected with apprehension, because that night the terrible Nian monster appeared, taking food supplies, cattle and small children with him. People tried in every possible way to appease the monster - they carried out ransom money to him in the canopy, and they themselves hid in the forests. But one day, before the fateful night, an old man came to the village, he was dressed in a red coat and hat, a gray beard, mustache and fluffy eyebrows adorned his kind face. Grandfather did not want to run away into the forest and asked to be left in the village, one of the residents provided him with shelter. In the morning, the returning people found a living, healthy old man in red clothes, a fireplace burning in the house and a mountain of used firecrackers. Everyone understood what the terrible monster was afraid of, and every year they began to arrange noisy fun, light fires and dress in purple robes. And to intimidate the monster, they came up with a red dragon - a huge, fire-breathing one. Surrounded by numerous scarlet lanterns, he now protects the merry people who stay up all night, make noise and set off fireworks - it is believed that the more noise, the farther Nian will go.

When is Chinese New Year 2017 celebrated?

Celestial country - this is how the Chinese call their state, the patron of which since ancient times was the sky. Chinese astrologers name the animal every year, the cycle repeats every 12 years. Chinese New Year 2017 will be held under the auspices of the Rooster. The dominant element - Water, Fire, Metal, Earth, Wood, also comes into force, but with a frequency of 10 years, 2017 will be held under the Fire sign. Together, we have the year of the Fire Rooster - this is a very powerful symbol that accompanies bold, determined people who, without fear of difficulties, go to conquer their goal. When does Chinese New Year 2017 start? - on the night of January 28, 2018, the people of the Celestial Empire will celebrate a holiday that will last until February 15. Hardworking people allow themselves such a long fun once a year. On the streets there are massive noisy festivities with dances, fireworks, crackers, sparklers. Red lanterns, large inflatable dragons and lions are hung everywhere, people come to visit with gifts in scarlet packaging, and exchange good wishes. It is customary these days to remember departed relatives, they are also commemorated at the festive table, paying tribute to their ancestors.

Astrologers' forecasts for the New Year 2017

The upcoming period will favor stubborn, persistent, courageous, this also applies to career growth and personal family life. The impulsive nature of the Fire Rooster will also affect the international situation - it is expected to be difficult, the predictions of astrologers differ from each other, but the general expected trends are as follows:

  • scientific and technological progress will significantly change the life of a person, biotechnology, electronics, physics will continue their rapid development;
  • spirituality will increase, and even some pagan traditions will be revived;
  • the distance between educated people and opponents of progress will increase, the victory of ignorance and ignorance should not be allowed;
  • oil will continue to dominate, but the search for alternative energy sources will continue;
  • local conflicts will not disappear, clashes between different political movements will continue to occur.

And yet, the fate of the world depends on people. Every inhabitant of the planet has the right to hope for the best, but, unfortunately, everyone has different means and goals. It is necessary to unite the entire world community for the victory of reason and the reign of peace on Earth.

Traditions and food for Chinese New Year

Over time, gifts change, expensive alcoholic drinks, tobacco, rare products are gradually replaced by a bouquet of flowers and a lottery ticket or a gift certificate, the main thing in congratulations is attention. Even children do not go to bed on New Year's Eve - the celebration should take place with noise and fun, preferably in the circle of relatives, it is not customary to leave the house - otherwise misfortunes and troubles will settle in it. Residents meet the New Year according to the Chinese calendar 2017 in cleanly tidied houses. It is believed that old unnecessary things take away energy, so everything that is no longer used is thrown away or distributed to the poor. To let solar energy, spring power and good spirits into the house, window sills are cleaned of any items, even indoor flowers.

is a subject of special attention. Preparation for the festive dinner begins in a few days - the whole family makes dumplings, triangular envelopes - the symbol of Fire, there should be a lot to be enough for all the guests visiting the house on holidays. Mandatory dishes are fish, chicken, cheese, vegetables, porridge with lotus seeds "Labadjou". According to Feng Shui, sharp corners are avoided in the apartment, so the festive table should be in the shape of an oval or circle. Chinese New Year 2017, what date it starts, and what element favors it, such colors dominate the celebration - scarlet and gold lanterns, candles, napkins, a rooster figurine. Instead of our traditional beautiful Christmas tree, the Chinese put the Tree of Light. This year it will be entwined with yellow and red stripes, lanterns, flowers and colorful garlands. Install the tree in different places:

  • southeast of the house - to attract wealth;
  • east - to strengthen the family;
  • center - ensuring health;
  • north - for a career;
  • south - satisfaction of ambitions.

On New Year's Eve, children are given envelopes with money, which replaced the previous bundle of one hundred coins - a symbol of longevity. Paired gifts for the Chinese New Year 2017, which falls on January 28, will also be traditionally welcomed, as they are believed to bring harmony and understanding in the family. A pair of tangerines, in Chinese it sounds like “wealth”, this gift will certainly be received from each other by relatives and friends who have come to visit. Another gift presented at this time is a figurine of a symbol, in this case a fiery rooster, which protects its owner all year round. Weekends for the Chinese New Year 2017 should be beneficial for everyone, 15 days off give you the opportunity to relax yourself and pay attention to children and elderly relatives.

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New Year 2017 according to the Chinese calendar will come on January 28, and this time the Red Fire Rooster will patronize it. This means that you need to prepare for his meeting.

In China, the New Year is celebrated on a grand scale, the celebrations last for two weeks. Accordingly, the finale of the holidays falls on February 11th. And the Fire Rooster will transfer its powers on February 16, 2018 to the Yellow Earth Dog, writes beautyhalf.ru.

Chinese New Year Traditions

On the territory of the CIS, the New Year in the Chinese style is celebrated for several decades and not in large numbers, but in China - for more than 2000 years, and everyone: young and old.

We took the brightest and most understandable elements of the celebration for ourselves: launching luminous lanterns, dragon dance (not as professional and spectacular as in China, but still), creating sound effects (firecrackers, salutes, fireworks), gifting relatives and friends with money invested in a "Chinese" red envelope.

All this is correct, but you can still use the Chinese New Year celebrations to your advantage. Since this is the Chinese New Year - a holiday of spring, look for a suitable seedling of a tree or a perennial flower, plant it in the country when it's warm - in China they plant a tree (tangerine) during the celebration.

Visit friends or relatives with a traditional New Year's gift - tangerines (in China they symbolize wealth). Residents of the Celestial Empire always devote the third day of the celebration to visits to loved ones.

During the New Year celebrations in 2017, mass fairs, exhibitions and entertainment events similar to the celebration of our Maslenitsa will be held in China. The peak of Chinese celebrations often coincides with the Slavonic farewell to winter. So why share these two wonderful holidays? Participate in the fun, attend concerts, buy original souvenirs at the stalls of street vendors. And if you want more China, book a table in an oriental restaurant where there are no pancakes - only rolls.

How to celebrate New Year 2017 in Chinese

On the eve of the New Year, general cleaning and the process of decorating dwellings begin in Chinese homes. Decorate not only the house inside, but also the yard and garden. The main decor, of course, is rice paper lanterns.

On the night of January 27-28, light up the lights, complete the home extravaganza with the remaining candles and Chinese lanterns - and consider that the holiday was a success.

This evening, gather your family at the same table (in China, everyone tries to come to their parents' house on New Year's Eve), if possible, follow the dress code: dress in red clothes or with elements of a fiery shade.

New Year's menu this time vary according to Chinese cuisine. Of course, no one will forbid you to serve the most festive of winter dishes - Olivier salad, but chicken, and Chinese dumplings, and fish dishes, and “porridge of material well-being” - labadjow should be on the table.

And where do you get the ingredients for this porridge? In its preparation, one should adhere to the recipe at least a little bit, and in it it requires the obligatory presence of eight components, among which are the petals and seeds of the sacred lotus.

You can safely cook Labadijou in your own way: take rice (it is also welcome on the festive Chinese table) and add meat and six more herbs, spices and sauces to it - you get porridge from eight products.

Chinese New Year 2017 will come tonight, January 28, at 2:06 am Kyiv time. New Year on the Chinese calendar will be 4715 and will be held under the sign of the Red Fire Rooster. It will come on the second new moon after the winter solstice. The Year of the Rooster will end on February 15, 2018.

In the Celestial Empire and other countries of East Asia, they have already begun to celebrate this event, which is only a matter of hours away.

Chinese New Year 2017, Beijing (Photo: EPA)

It is also celebrated in Ukrainian Lvov:

Chinese New Year 2017 is now celebrated in Lviv, 01/27/2017 (Photo: EPA)

There will be three days of celebration, and Lviv residents have been celebrating this event for more than a year. The main location is Rynok Square. The organizer of the action is the Longhwa Cultural Center.

Today the laser show "The Awakening of the Dragon" and the procession of dragons through the streets of Lviv have already taken place. At the weekend there will be all kinds of performances, master classes, a fair.

New Year of the Rooster in Lviv 01/27/2017: celebrated not only by the natives of China

The Chinese New Year is also called "Lunar New Year" because its exact date is calculated based on the phases of the moon.

Chinese astrologers predict that in the year of the Rooster, most countries will follow a tough policy. World governments will "stretch their muscles," but at the same time, 2017 will be the year of victories for diplomacy.

However, it is worth remembering that it was in the year of the Red Fire Rooster that many wars and revolutions began in China.

Astrologers warn that the most favorable time will come in the middle of the year.

As for the personal horoscope, 2017 will be the best year for representatives of such signs as the Dragon, Tiger, Hare and Ox. For representatives of the Rooster sign, the year will be very eventful, and this can be both in a positive sense and in a negative one.

Reference: The Chinese New Year is literally called the Spring Festival. It has long been the main and longest holiday in China and other countries of East Asia.

Gregorian holiday date different every year, but is always within the limits of January 21 - February 20.

The cycle of festivities begins on the first day of the first month and ends with the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of celebrations. At this time, most Chinese families gather for the annual reunion dinner.

The first day of the year begins with fireworks and burning incense - they should scare away evil spirits and attract the spirit of happiness.

According to the Chinese, on this day nature awakens, the earth comes to life. According to the Shangshu narration, the first day of the New Year was the day on which the ancient ruler Shun ascended the throne. His successor Yu followed this calendar precedent.

The Fiery Red Monkey ruled the entire year 2016, and which animal will rule in the new year 2017? After all, 2017 is not a leap year, it will consist of 365 days and will begin on Sunday. this means that the year will be a little easier, without great upheavals and complexities. But when will this same year come, the year of the Red Rooster.

When is the New Year 2017 according to the Chinese zodiac?

New Year 2017 according to the Chinese zodiac is the year of the Fire Rooster, and it will come on January 28, 2017.

It needs to be celebrated, because the Fire Rooster is not just the tenth oriental animal. This is a bright, beautiful symbol of the year. He does not like to sit idle - everything around him must change, boil, so to speak, and seethe! After all, the Fire Rooster symbolizes the Sun, a new day and the beginning of a new and something positive. So let's let him into our lives pompously, arranging a stunning holiday. And what will the new year 2017 look like in a video from our permanent professional astrologer.

2017 year of the Fire Rooster according to the Eastern (Chinese) horoscope

The rest of the articles, how to organize a ham on New Year's Eve, what to cook, what contests to hold and much more -.

What character will people born under the sign of the Red Rooster have?

Couples who are waiting for replenishment in 2017 are very often interested in what will be the character of children born under the sign of the Fire Rooster? Our astrologer also compiled a general horoscope for newborns. Watch the video horoscope and find out the character of your baby with us.

But, do not forget that the year of the Red Rooster will come only at the end of January, babies born before January 28, 2017 will still be considered born in the year whose mistress is the Fiery Red Monkey. And read about her and the character of the kids of the Red Monkey.

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Chinese New Year 2017: When and how is it celebrated?

From open sources

Chinese New Year is celebrated on the first day of the Chinese lunar calendar. The date differs each year in the Gregorian calendar, but is always between January 21st and February 20th. The exact start time of the Chinese New Year-2017 is January 28 at 2:06 am Kyiv time.

According to ancient myth, at the beginning of each new year, the Chinese hide from a monster called Nian (Chinese for "year"). Nian comes on the first day of the New Year to devour livestock, grain and food, and sometimes villagers, especially children. To protect themselves, the Chinese put food at the entrance to the premises with the advent of each new year. According to legend, the more food there is, the kinder and more compliant the beast will be, and after Nian is satisfied with the food prepared for him, he will no longer attack people and leave them alone.

One day, people saw that Nian was afraid of a small child dressed in red clothes, and they thought that he was afraid of the color red. Since then, every time the New Year comes, people hang red lanterns and red scrolls on the windows and doors of their dwellings and light fireworks. According to popular beliefs, these traditions frighten off the Nian and force him to bypass the settlements.

The 2017 Chinese New Year celebration lasts for 15 days. On February 11, it ends with the grandiose Chinese Lantern Festival.

New Year's Eve is called "the night of the meeting after parting." The whole family gathers at the festive table for the New Year's dinner, which is distinguished by the abundance and variety of dishes. The table is not complete without dishes of chicken meat, fish and "doufu" - bean curd, which we call "tofu", because in Chinese the names of these products are consonant with the words meaning "happiness" and "prosperity". In the north of China, it is customary to prepare dumplings (jiaozi) for the New Year, and in the south - "niangao" (slices made from glutinous rice). There must also be tangerines or oranges on the table - an even number. Eating fish, the Chinese believe, will bring more money and good luck in the coming year.

From open sources

They then set off fireworks to mark the end of last year and the beginning of the next. Each family is simply obliged to launch a few loud and bright fireworks to support the custom, which has its roots in the deep past. Even in ancient times, the Chinese met the holiday with noise and a burning torch, thereby frightening and driving away evil spirits from their relatives and friends.

Celebrations are not complete without the dance of the Lion and the dance of the Dragon. The dance of the Lion involves two people. The greatest responsibility lies with the one who controls the head. He not only sets the direction and rhythm, but also pulls the ropes inside the mask. Under his guidance, the lion comes to life: when the eyes are closed, the ears rise; when the eyes open, the ears fall. The performer of the role of a lion must have not only dexterity, but great physical strength. One mask alone can weigh up to 40 kg. The Dragon Dance is just as spectacular. The painted fantasy serpent is made from linen, slats and wicker and can be up to 10 meters long. The body of the monster consists of sections, the number of which, according to tradition, must necessarily be odd. Each part is carried on a bamboo pole by one of the performers.

Gifts in the New Year are given symbolically: it can be amulets, sweets, souvenirs associated with the symbol of the year. Children are given red envelopes with money along with wishes to grow up healthy and happy. With the development of technology, special mobile applications began to appear, an analogue of red envelopes, with which you can share electronic money. In this case, the amount of money must be even, because. odd numbers are associated with funerals. The number eight is considered lucky because its name sounds like wealth, and the number six coincides with the word "calm" and is also very much appreciated. But the number 4 is considered unlucky, because. sounds like the word "death".

People also decorate their homes with red paper appliqués, banners and special New Year designs. On holidays, the Chinese wear red clothes, which symbolizes the beginning of a new period and scares away bad luck.