Soft fat-free cottage cheese casserole. Recipes based on oatmeal

  • 20.04.2022

Today, many of us strive to eat rationally and properly - this allows us to maintain health and a beautiful figure. Curd dishes are used in dietary and sports nutrition.

Cottage cheese saturates our body with useful vitamins and minerals.

Especially important is the use of cottage cheese dishes for children, since a growing body especially needs calcium for the formation of the skeletal system.

The benefits of cottage cheese casserole

Diet cottage cheese casserole without flour is one of the most healthy and delicious cottage cheese dishes, it is definitely recommended to include it in your diet. It is perfect for children and adults, and people with digestive problems.

Curd dishes play a very important role for the growth and development of children, since cottage cheese contains a lot of calcium, protein and is one of the best nutritious foods. And the addition of raisins rich in vitamins and minerals to the curd casserole makes this dish just perfect for little kids. This light diet dish will become simply indispensable in the menu of people who suffer from hepatitis.

Low-calorie cottage cheese casserole is perfect for those who are on a diet and watching their figure.

Recipes for diet cottage cheese casserole

I present to your attention the recipes for dietary cottage cheese casserole. It cooks a casserole simply and easily, even a novice cook can handle the preparation of this curd dish.

The products for cooking are also quite simple: fresh cottage cheese, kefir, eggs and raisins and that's it! You can diversify the dish by adding fruits, dried apricots or prunes to it. By the way, in addition to traditional fruits, you can add vegetables to the cottage cheese casserole, first of all, healthy pumpkin.

The calorie content of cottage cheese casserole is very small - 90 kcal per 100 grams.

The hostess can serve cottage cheese casserole to the table, as an independent dish, or as a light and tasty dessert.

Cottage cheese casserole with raisins and dried apricots

The casserole prepared according to this recipe will not overload your body with excess calories. Instead of dried apricots and raisins, you can use canned pineapples or pieces of your favorite hard fruit in the recipe. If the fruits are sweet, then you can cook without sugar.

  • Fresh and low-fat cottage cheese - 500 grams. The curd should not be too wet;
  • Medium-sized eggs - 4 pieces;
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon, use in the recipe as desired;
  • Raisins, dried apricots or fruits - to your taste;
  • Soda - a small pinch.

Preparing the casserole:

  1. We wipe the cottage cheese, separate the proteins from the yolks.
  2. Beat the whites with sugar, and combine the yolks with the mashed cottage cheese.
  3. Gently combine the curd mass with whipped proteins, add a pinch of soda - mix. Add steamed dried fruits or pieces of fresh fruit.
  4. Put the prepared curd mass into a greased form.
  5. We heat the oven, and put our casserole in it - bake at a temperature of 190 - 200 degrees, 30 minutes. We cool the finished curd dessert and cut it into portions, you can decorate it with fruit or jam when serving.

Curd casserole with apples

Cooking Ingredients:

  • Low-fat cottage cheese - 500 grams;
  • Oat flakes, ground into flour - 3 tablespoons;
  • Medium-sized apple, preferably green varieties - 1 piece;
  • 3 egg whites;
  • Sour cream of the lowest fat content or yogurt - 2 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons.

Preparing the casserole:

  1. We wipe the cottage cheese and add oatmeal, yolks and sour cream or yogurt to it.
  2. Beat egg whites with sugar until white foam.
  3. Wash the apple, peel and core, cut the apple into small strips or small slices.
  4. We combine the protein mass with the curd, add apples and mix gently.
  5. We grease the form, put the curd mass into it and put it in a preheated oven for baking.
  6. Bake for half an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees. When the casserole is ready, when it cools down, cut into portions, pour over with honey and serve.

Cottage cheese casserole with banana and yogurt

  • Fresh and low-fat cottage cheese - 250 grams;
  • One egg, one banana, one pear or apple;
  • Yogurt - 30 milliliters.


  1. Let's make banana puree and combine banana puree with mashed cottage cheese, yogurt and one egg - beat everything with a blender.
  2. Wash the pear, peel and cut the pulp into small cubes. Add the pear to the curd mass.
  3. Lightly grease the silicone mold with oil (if the mold is metal, it must be greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs). Put the curd mass into the greased mold and put it in the oven for baking.
  4. Bake the casserole for 40 minutes at 180 degrees. If it bakes in the microwave, under the lid, then 5-7 minutes, at 100% power, when cooking in the microwave, then you need to leave the dish in it for another 10 minutes.

When the curd dessert has cooled, cut into pieces and serve.

  • Cottage cheese - 200 grams;
  • Apple - 1 piece, pumpkin pulp - 400 grams;
  • Eggs - 3 pieces;
  • Raisins - half a glass, a whisper of salt;
  • Vanillin - 1 sachet (add vanilla to the dish if desired);
  • Sugar - half a glass (you can cook without sugar).


  1. We rub the apple and pumpkin on a coarse grater.
  2. We wipe the cottage cheese and add grated apple and pumpkin, steamed raisins, eggs, sugar, vanillin and a pinch of salt to it - mix everything until smooth. You should pay attention to the sweetness of the pumpkin, and put sugar to taste so that the casserole does not turn out too sweet.
  3. We grease the form with oil, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and put the pumpkin mass into it. We put the form with the dough in the oven and bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

When the casserole is ready, let it cool in the oven, and then put it on a dish.

Cottage cheese casserole with cheese and herbs

Tasty and healthy!

You can make a snack version of the casserole without sugar. This dish is especially good for people who play sports and lead an active lifestyle, as this diet casserole contains a high dose of protein.

Cooking Ingredients:

  • Cottage cheese - 250 grams;
  • Low-calorie hard cheese - 100 grams;
  • Kefir - 2 tablespoons;
  • Bran - 2 tablespoons;
  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Soda - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Chopped greens - to taste.


  1. Beat the eggs in a bowl and add the well-mashed cottage cheese - mix everything well.
  2. We extinguish soda in kefir and add to the curd mass.
  3. Grate the cheese and add to the cottage cheese, along with finely chopped herbs and bran.
  4. We spread the resulting mass with a silicone mold and put it in the oven - bake for 40 minutes, at 180 degrees. If desired, 5 minutes before the end of baking, you can sprinkle the dish with grated cheese to make the casserole a beautiful cheese crust.
  5. I am a big fan of Ayurveda, Oriental and Tibetan medicine, many of its principles I apply in my life and describe in my articles.

    I love and study herbal medicine, and also use medicinal plants in my life. I cook tasty, healthy, beautiful and fast, which I write about on my website.

    All my life I've been learning something. Graduated from courses: Non-traditional medicine. Modern cosmetology. Secrets of modern cuisine. Fitness and health.

    Hello blog readers. I think each of you at least once heard about the benefits of cottage cheese. Indeed, the product contains a huge amount. Today I will share with you recipes on how to cook a diet cottage cheese casserole. All dishes are extremely light and fast. You won't spend more than an hour. In the article you will find different variations: in the microwave, in the slow cooker, in the oven. Almost everyone wrote how many calories per 100 grams.

    With such a dish you get a light, delicate and dietary breakfast or snack. There are 142 kcal per 100 grams.

    • 3 small apples (250 g);
    • 500 g of low-calorie cottage cheese;
    • 30 g of semolina;
    • 3 chicken eggs;
    • 2-3 tbsp. l. sugar (or sweetener);
    • salt to taste.

    Put cottage cheese in a deep bowl, add grated apples and mix with a spatula.

    Add sugar and eggs to the curd mass and mix. For splendor, you can pre-beat the egg with sugar with a mixer.

    Add semolina, stir the mass.

    Grease the multicooker form with a piece of butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Put the apple-curd mass, close the lid. Set to cook for 45 minutes in the “Baking” mode. As soon as the signal sounds, open the lid, let the casserole cool slightly. Invert onto a large flat plate.

    Cut into portions and serve with natural sugar-free yogurt.

    From low-calorie sugar-free cottage cheese

    It is extremely easy to prepare such pastries in the oven. The whole thing will take you about an hour and a half. Agree, a small amount of time for real pleasure?

    • 3 packs of cottage cheese;
    • 6 eggs;
    • 2 tbsp honey;
    • 1 tbsp semolina;
    • vanillin on the tip of a knife.

    Take the cottage cheese and place it in a deep plate or pan. Use a fork and mash the product thoroughly. Add honey and eggs to the mixture. Stir again. Add semolina and vanilla, continuing to stir. However, be careful not to whip the mixture.

    Add the resulting dough to a mold, previously oiled or sprinkled with flour. Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Bake the cottage cheese casserole for 40 minutes. Cool the dish. You can serve the casserole with natural yogurt and a small spoonful of liquid honey 🙂

    Without flour and without semolina on the Dukan diet

    Many are against adding certain ingredients to a dish, such as flour or semolina. indeed, these products are fast carbohydrates. They increase the calorie content, leading to the appearance of extra pounds. You can even eat such a casserole. It is allowed in any of the phases: attack, alternation, stabilization or consolidation.

    For cooking you will need:

    • 400 g fat-free cottage cheese;
    • 2 eggs;
    • sweetener to taste;
    • 1/3 tsp salt;
    • vanilla, orange or lemon zest to taste.

    Place all ingredients in a deep bowl and mix thoroughly, making sure that no lumps form. You can add orange or lemon zest to taste. Goji berries are also ideal.

    Place the finished mixture in a mold, previously greased with a thin layer of oil or sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Preheat oven to 180 degrees and bake for 30 minutes. Let the casserole cool and serve. Natural yogurt without additives is best suited for dressing. Also, if you have cottage cheese left, you can cook a cupcake in the microwave for breakfast.

    For those who are on the Dukan diet, in a separate article I described

    Quickly in a slow cooker with semolina and raisins

    Casserole is a dietary dish that helps to keep yourself always in shape. 100 g of the product contains only 170 kcal. But despite the fact that this casserole is suitable for athletes and losing weight people, it is very nutritious and tasty. That is why many stop on it when choosing the perfect dish.

    In order to prepare a casserole, take:

    • 5 eggs;
    • 100 g of semolina;
    • sweetener to taste;
    • 120 g of kefir;
    • 500 g of cottage cheese;
    • baking powder at the tip of a knife;
    • 20 g raisins.

    Prepare a blender and use it to beat the sugar with the eggs. The output should be foamy mass. Add all the other ingredients to it, gradually mixing each of them. Be careful not to form lumps in the mixture.

    Cook the mixture for 40-50 minutes in the "Baking" mode. Next, let the casserole brew without opening the slow cooker so as not to release the heat. If heat escapes from the device, the dough will settle and the effect of airiness will not work. So she should stand for 45 minutes. When this time is reached, turn off the appliance and cool the dish. The casserole can be served with tea or a low-calorie fruit smoothie.

    More recipes for making delicious cottage cheese casseroles in a slow cooker,.

    Fast in the microwave with an apple

    If your oven breaks down, don't despair! Use the microwave, it will replace the rest of your appliances. Cottage cheese casserole will remain healthy, containing many vitamins of group B. This dish has only 126 kcal per 100 grams of product.

    To prepare, take:

    • 100 g of apples;
    • 180 g of low-fat yogurt;
    • 250 g of medium fat cottage cheese;
    • 1 egg;
    • 20 g dried apricots.

    Mix yogurt and cottage cheese in a deep bowl. Add to a homogeneous mass of eggs. Mix thoroughly, but be careful not to churn the mixture. Peel the apples and cut into cubes or slices.

    Add fruit along with dried apricots to the dough. Pour the mixture into a pre-oiled mold. Put in the microwave, setting the power to 600 watts. Watch your casserole cook. It will take approximately 10 minutes. If the allotted time is not enough, then add a couple more minutes.

    In the microwave, cottage cheese casserole can be cooked even in a mug. I have detailed this and other recipes. When I don’t feel like cooking porridge for breakfast, I often cook a mini casserole in a micro. Yum-yum and full for half a day 🙂

    For diabetics with steamed banana

    Want to diversify your diet? I recommend preparing a cottage cheese casserole with the addition of various fruits in a double boiler. Your family members will definitely love this idea. Since sugar is not used in the recipe, this casserole is ideal for diabetics.

    Take the following ingredients:

    • 250 g of cottage cheese;
    • 2 bananas;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 1/2 tsp cinnamon;
    • sweetener to taste;
    • 1 tbsp lemon peel.

    Puree bananas with a blender. Mix the puree with cinnamon. Whisk the eggs, separating the white and yolk first. Then you can connect them again. Add the egg mixture to the banana puree. Add sweetener to taste. However, keep in mind that it is not a huge need, since the casserole will be sweet due to the addition of bananas.

    Using a blender, mix cottage cheese with lemon zest. Add cottage cheese to the banana-egg mass. Do everything very carefully. You should get a liquid mass, which thickens with a couple. Place the dough into the mold and place in the double boiler for 30 minutes. However, keep an eye on the readiness of the dish, be guided by the power of your equipment.

    What else can you cook steamed cottage cheese casseroles, . They are suitable for diabetics and for those who are on a diet.

    Delicious carrot-curd without eggs

    This is the most dietary and most nutritious dish! Such a vegetable casserole in 100 g of the product contains only 109 kcal.

    For the dish you will need:

    • 250 g carrots;
    • 30 g of semolina;
    • 3 eggs;
    • 180 g of cottage cheese;
    • 150 ml of kefir;
    • 50 ml milk.

    Whisk the eggs thoroughly. Add semolina to the egg mixture. Stir the dough until smooth. Clean the carrots and grate. Best on a medium grater. Add cottage cheese and kefir to carrots. Stir, and then pour in the egg-semolina mixture. Make sure no lumps form.

    Lubricate the multicooker with oil and place the dough in it. Bake for 40 minutes + 20 minutes do not open the lid after the beep. Let the dish cool down a bit. In the oven too. Watch how the crust is browned, take out the pastries. Let it cool down and enjoy it 🙂

    How to cook with pumpkin and cinnamon

    Believe me, this dish is very tasty and the most beneficial for the body! After all, a pumpkin contains a lot. Plus, this pastry is quite low-calorie, since there are only 130 kcal per 100 g.

    You will need:

    • 280 g pumpkin;
    • 360 g fat-free cottage cheese;
    • 3 eggs;
    • 10 g cinnamon (optional)
    • 30 g low-fat yogurt.

    Rub the pumpkin on a fine grater. Mix it with other ingredients. Pour the mixture into an oiled silicone mold.

    Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Bake for 40 minutes. Let the dish cool down. Raisins or dried apricots also go well with pumpkin. However, they will need to be pre-soaked in hot water for about 5 minutes. The rest of the recipes for making the most delicate casseroles with pumpkin,.

    How to cook with zucchini and chicken fillet

    This is the most satisfying and most nutritious recipe for cottage cheese casserole. You will definitely fill up and be able to be full all day! Great breakfast, lunch or even dinner.

    Take some ingredients:

    • 2 chicken fillets (pre-cook them);
    • 3 small zucchini;
    • 3 eggs;
    • 250 g of cottage cheese;
    • 2 cloves of garlic;
    • 2 tsp flour;
    • 250 g of cheese (up to 20% fat);
    • 1/3 tsp salt;
    • spices to taste;
    • 1/2 tsp vegetable oil;
    • 1 medium bulb.

    Chop the onion, chop the garlic. Fry them until soft. Divide the zucchini into 3-4 parts. Cut them very large. Add to the onion and garlic, continue to fry. Simmer further for 6 minutes all vegetables. Finely chop the boiled fillet and mix with stewed zucchini in a deep bowl.

    Whisk the eggs and stir in the curd and cream. Make sure there are no lumps in the dough. Now add grated cheese and flour to the mixture. Add vegetables and fillets to the mixture. Salt and pepper. Lubricate the form with oil and place the resulting mixture there. Sprinkle some cheese on top.

    Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Bake the casserole in it for 30 minutes. Cool the dish so that it does not deform during cutting.

    In addition to cottage cheese, there are many other options for diet casseroles that I have. They will fit into your daily calorie intake and help you to be full for a long time.

    And for clarity, I picked up a simple step-by-step video recipe for cooking casseroles in the oven with semolina, cottage cheese and banana.

    Here are some great casseroles you can make with cottage cheese. I hope you, dear readers, enjoyed this article. Share recipes on social networks and subscribe to updates. Prepare and delight not only yourself, but also your household. Bye Bye.

    Diet casserole with zucchini, potatoes and tomatoes

    Diet vegetable casserole

    People who care about health and a slim figure have bad associations with potatoes and potato casseroles. But potatoes can be cooked in such a way that it becomes really healthy, it’s a pity to refuse for good, it has a lot of fiber and vitamins.

    It is unfair to be so afraid of potatoes, it is better to learn how to cook them correctly so that it is tasty and safe for the figure. Baked potatoes can be extremely tasty and healthy food at the same time, bring many benefits, as, for example, and no more harm than low-calorie baked goods.

    Of course, if you eat potatoes with butter and cream, then you can easily gain weight. And if you cook it in a peel and use it for dietary casseroles, then the taste, vitamins, and no extra pounds will be preserved. In a small baking dish, you will get about two servings of about 200 Kcal each.

    Since lately I try not to eat meat, I exclude these ingredients from the recipe. But it is obvious that meat-eaters will be happy that it is in the recipe. This does not greatly affect the calorie content, be guided by personal gastronomic preferences. Any can be prepared from frozen food too, if not in season.

    Ingredients for a diet casserole with potatoes and zucchini

    • small zucchini 200 g
    • 2 potatoes 200 g
    • 2 tomatoes 320 g
    • cheese or suluguni (original mozzarella recipe) 60 g
    • 50 g ham with chicken (or boiled chicken meat)
    • clove of garlic
    • fresh herbs: basil, oregano, a little thyme and rosemary (dried can be used), salt, pepper


    Boil potatoes with skins in salted water, cool, peel. Cut zucchini into thin slices, salt and drain excess juice. Tomatoes, peel, cut into cubes, put in a bowl and drain the juice left from their cutting. Add chopped garlic, finely chopped (or dried) herbs, salt, pepper to the tomatoes. Cut the ham into small strips.

    Put the ham on the bottom of the mold, then a layer of potatoes, zucchini. Top with cheese (or whatever cheese you use for this recipe). Bake the diet casserole in the oven at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes. This diet casserole can be served hot or cold.

    Diet casserole with zucchini and tomatoes

    Diet casserole with zucchini

    Ingredients for two servings:

    • 1 large zucchini
    • 3 tomatoes
    • 1/2 cup sun-dried tomatoes (adds a lot of flavor, but if you don't have them, you can use 1 canned or none at all)
    • 1 large red onion
    • 4 garlic cloves
    • olive oil or other vegetable oil
    • cheese to sprinkle on top of the casserole (30-50 g, whatever you like or can afford, I cooked several times with feta, cheese, Adyghe)
    • salt, pepper, oregano
    • fresh basil


    Finely chop the onion, chop the garlic, lightly fry so that the onion browns a little, add finely chopped sun-dried tomatoes, salt.

    Lubricate the baking dish with oil, cut the zucchini into thin slices and put a layer on the bottom of the form (half of the norm according to the recipe). Sprinkle this layer with salt, pepper and oregano and do the same with each layer. Next, lay out a layer of sliced ​​​​fresh tomatoes. The next layer is onions, garlic and sun-dried tomatoes, and a layer of zucchini on top.

    Bake in the oven at 180°C for 20 min. At the end of cooking, sprinkle cheese on top of the diet casserole. Sprinkle with basil leaves just before serving.

    Dietary buckwheat casserole with chicken

    Diet casserole with buckwheat and chicken

    Try to cook a diet buckwheat chicken casserole for lunch. Very easy to prepare, tasty, nutritious and not too high in calories. From the indicated proportions, two large servings come out, each approximately 450 kcal. An additional plus is that all the ingredients that are needed, as a rule, are in every home, so it can be prepared without particularly expensive purchases. The casserole is delicious both hot and cold, you can take such a lunch to work, even if you do not have the conditions to warm it up.


    • 100 g buckwheat (dry product)
    • 100 g chicken breasts
    • 400 g tomatoes (fresh or canned) cut into small slices without skin
    • 1 PC. onion
    • 2 eggs
    • 1 tablespoon rapeseed (or sunflower) oil
    • pepper
    • parsley


    Cook buckwheat in accordance with the recipe on the package, drain and leave to cool. Grind the chicken with a meat grinder as for minced meat. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.

    In a pan, fry the onion in oil until golden brown. Add tomatoes and sauté for about 5 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

    Set aside 1/3 of the tomatoes to cool, and add the minced chicken breast to the rest. Fry together for another 3-4 minutes. Cool down. Combine tomatoes with chicken breast, buckwheat porridge and eggs. Mix, season with salt and pepper.

    Pour the mixture into a lightly oiled baking dish. Bake for 25 minutes in a preheated oven at 180 degrees. Grind the remaining fried tomatoes in a mixer and put on top of a diet casserole, bake for another 10-15 minutes. Before serving, sprinkle the finished dietary casserole with buckwheat porridge and chicken with finely chopped parsley.

    Diet casserole with spinach, millet porridge and chicken

    Very easy and healthy recipe. Millet porridge has recently been a very frequent guest on my menu. This is one of the oldest cupolas in the world. In terms of nutritional value, it is equal to buckwheat. Contains a little starch, but a lot of easily digestible protein, vitamins and minerals. Millet is easily digestible and does not cause allergies because they do not contain rhinitis gluten.

    Ingredients (for 2 servings):

    • 100 g millet (dry product)
    • 800 g fresh or frozen spinach
    • chicken breasts (already boiled or baked in a sleeve without fat and chopped into small cubes)
    • low-fat cottage cheese - 80 g
    • 1 egg
    • salt, pepper to your taste
    • clove of garlic


    Cook millet porridge according to the instructions on the package, heat it up or even lightly fry it in a frying pan with oil, add a chopped garlic clove, transfer to a separate bowl. Fry spinach in a pan until excess liquid evaporates (if frozen, fresh, just lightly fry with a little oil, add seasonings to taste.

    Add chicken, millet porridge to spinach, mix everything, simmer everything together in the same pan for 2-3 minutes. Pour the entire mixture into a baking dish. Mix cottage cheese with eggs and pour on top of a diet casserole. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the dish for 5-10 minutes to brown the top of the casserole.

    Diet casserole with chicken and mushrooms


    • boiled chicken fillet - 100 g
    • pasta (dry product) - 150 g
    • 2 eggs
    • natural yoghurt 200 g
    • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
    • champignon mushrooms - 800 g
    • leek 1 large stalk
    • parsley
    • garlic
    • pepper
    • curry
    • nutmeg nutmeg


    Boil macaroni until half cooked. Leek and mushrooms cut into slices or cubes and fry in 2 tablespoons of oil. Add spices: salt, pepper, curry, nutmeg - to taste. Prepare a mixture with eggs and yogurt. Cut the chicken into cubes, season with salt, pepper and garlic.

    Lubricate the bottom of the baking dish with a little oil, then spread the cooked products in layers: chicken, pasta, fried mushrooms with onions. Top everything with the egg mixture. Bake at 180 degrees (preheat the oven in advance) for about half an hour. Serve hot or warm ready-made diet casserole with chicken and mushrooms.

    Enjoy your meal!

    This is a healthy and easy treat. Now you will learn some new recipes. After all, cottage cheese casserole can have many cooking variations.


    • egg - 1 piece;
    • cottage cheese - 0.5 kg;
    • salt - on the tip of a knife;
    • raisins - 0.1 kg;
    • semolina - 2 tbsp. spoons;
    • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
    • vanillin - to taste;
    • butter - 2 tbsp. spoons;
    • sour cream - 0.1 kg.


    1. Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance so that it becomes soft.
    2. Cut the butter into small pieces and mix it with the curd. For convenience, you can use an immersion blender.
    3. In a separate bowl, mix eggs with sugar. Beat them with a whisk or mixer until smooth.
    4. Pour the eggs into the buttercream mixture.
    5. Now add raisins, semolina, salt and vanilla. Mix everything several times.
    6. Grease a baking sheet with oil, sprinkle it with breadcrumbs.
    7. Pour the curd mixture into the mold. Top everything with sour cream.
    8. Send the baking sheet to the hot oven for 40 minutes. Its temperature should be 180 degrees.
    9. Cottage cheese casserole as in kindergarten is ready! Cut it into beautiful portions and serve.

    Classic cottage cheese casserole

    • soft cottage cheese - 0.6 kg;
    • semolina - 3 tbsp. spoons;
    • eggs - 3 pieces;
    • granulated sugar - 3-4 tbsp. spoons.

    Step by step steps:

    1. If ordinary cottage cheese is available, then chop it in a blender or grind it through a sieve to get rid of lumps.
    2. Fold the soft cottage cheese into a bowl and break 3 eggs into it. Mix until smooth.
    3. Add sugar and semolina to the future casserole.
    4. Lubricate a baking sheet with non-aromatic oil and pour the curd mass. Send to bake.
    5. The optimum temperature for cooking is 180 degrees, the approximate time is 30-40 minutes.

    After the specified time, pierce the casserole with a wooden stick, if it is wet, put the dish on to bake further. If the stick is dry, then the casserole is ready. It can be decorated and served on the table. Enjoy your meal!

    Easy diet step by step recipe

    We suggest you cook this dish in a slow cooker, because then you will not need to use so much oil.


    • dry fat-free cottage cheese - 0.4 kg;
    • semolina - 4 tbsp. spoons;
    • soft fat-free cottage cheese - 0.3 kg;
    • vanillin - 1 sachet;
    • chicken eggs - 3 pieces;
    • salt - on the tip of a knife.


    1. In a large saucepan, mix both types of cottage cheese. Mix them by hand so that the consistency is as uniform as possible.
    2. Now add raw eggs to the curd. Blend everything with a blender.
    3. Add dry ingredients to the curd: salt, vanillin and semolina.
    4. Lubricate the bowl of your electrical appliance with butter.
    5. Put the whole mass into the multicooker. Select the "Multi-cook" mode and manually set the necessary parameters. Temperature - 120 degrees, time - 50 minutes.
    6. Casserole in a slow cooker with a crispy crust is ready! Garnish with fresh berries and serve.

    Cottage cheese casserole Nezhenka


    • sugar - to taste;
    • cottage cheese (homemade) - 0.5 kg;
    • lemon (small) - 1 piece;
    • high-grade flour - 4 tbsp. spoons;
    • dried apricots - 0.1 kg;
    • table eggs - 3 pieces;
    • vanillin - 1 pinch;
    • butter - 50 grams;
    • soda - ½ teaspoon;
    • salt - 1 pinch.

    Step by step steps:

    1. Take the butter out of the fridge ahead of time.
    2. Scroll fresh cottage cheese in a meat grinder or chop in a blender.
    3. Mix it with salt, vanilla and sugar.
    4. Rinse the lemon and grate its zest on a fine grater. Transfer it to the curd.
    5. Quench the soda with fresh lemon juice and put it in a bowl with the rest of the ingredients.
    6. Break the eggs into the curd mass.
    7. Add soft butter. Mix everything thoroughly.
    8. Pour boiling water over the dried apricots and cut it into small cubes. Transfer it to the main mass.
    9. Lay parchment paper on a baking sheet, grease it with oil and put the curd mixture there.
    10. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees and send the future casserole there. Place the baking sheet on the middle shelf.
    11. Curd casserole is ready. Decorate it as you wish and treat your family.

    Chocolate and cottage cheese casserole in the oven (without flour and semolina)


    • milk - 0.12 l;
    • cottage cheese - 0.5 kg;
    • cocoa powder - 15 grams;
    • sugar - 0.18 kg;
    • starch (corn) - 3 tbsp. spoons;
    • eggs - 4 pieces;
    • vanillin - 1 pinch;
    • butter - 1 teaspoon.

    Step by step steps:

    1. Mash the cottage cheese with a fork or spoon so that it has a uniform consistency.
    2. Add vanilla and sugar. Mix everything.
    3. Break the eggs. Mix a little by hand and then use an immersion blender. It will break any lumps, and the mass will be tender and homogeneous. Even if in the first step you didn’t get a perfect mixture, then the blender will fix everything.
    4. Transfer the third part of the curd dough to a separate container. Add cocoa there and mix everything.
    5. Put all the starch into the white mixture.
    6. Pour all the milk into the chocolate mass.
    7. Thoroughly beat both mixtures with a blender.
    8. Let's start laying out the dough: 1) Lubricate the bottom and walls of the baking sheet with oil. 2) Lay out a piece of white dough as the first layer. 3) Now make a ball of chocolate dough. 4) Alternate both tests until it is finished. Make a pattern on top with chocolate dough.
    9. Send the casserole to the oven preheated to 180 degrees. Estimated baking time is 40 minutes.
    10. Cool the pastry.
    11. Cut the finished casserole into thin slices so that the pattern is visible, and serve it to the table.

    Baked with bananas


    • honey - 3 teaspoons;
    • cottage cheese - 0.25 kg;
    • vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon;
    • bananas (small) - 2 pieces;
    • refined oil - 1 teaspoon;
    • ice cream - for serving;
    • egg - 1 piece.


    1. Mix cottage cheese with egg. Blend everything with an immersion blender.
    2. Add vanilla sugar and honey.
    3. Cut bananas into rings. Their height should be about 0.5-0.7 cm.
    4. Lubricate the form with refined oil and put the sliced ​​​​bananas in one layer.
    5. Spread the curd mixture evenly on top.
    6. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the banana treat in it for about half an hour.
    7. Cut the banana casserole into pieces, put them on plates. Put a scoop of ice cream next to it. Enjoy your meal!

    With the addition of apples


    • semolina - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
    • flour - 3 tbsp. spoons;
    • sugar - 0.5 cups;
    • homemade cottage cheese - 0.5 kg;
    • apple (large) - 1 piece;
    • eggs - 3 pieces;
    • butter - 70 grams.


    1. Whisk the eggs.
    2. Mix them with sugar.
    3. Grind cottage cheese separately and add it to the egg mass. Blend everything with an immersion blender.
    4. Add mango.
    5. Enter the sifted flour in small portions.
    6. Melt the butter in a water bath and pour it into the curd. The dough is ready.
    7. Grease a baking sheet with oil. Sprinkle everything on top with flour and lay out the curd dough.
    8. Cut into nice slices and arrange them vertically throughout the casserole.
    9. Set the temperature to 180-190 degrees and bake the apple casserole for about 25 minutes. It should become rosy and appetizing.

    Without the addition of semolina and eggs

    If you have vegetarians in your family, then this recipe is for them.


    • cinnamon - to taste;
    • corn oil - for greasing the baking sheet;
    • cottage cheese (fat content 5%) - 1 kg;
    • flaxseed flour - 30 grams;
    • sour cream (15% fat) - 4 tbsp. spoons;
    • oatmeal - 30 grams;
    • sweetener - 15 grams;
    • raisins - 70 grams.

    For glaze:

    • cocoa powder - 30 grams;
    • water - the proportions depend on the consistency of the glaze;
    • sweetener - 3 grams.

    Step by step steps:

    1. Rinse the raisins several times and pour boiling water over them to swell.
    2. Mix cottage cheese and sour cream. Knead this mixture by hand until smooth. Add a sweetener.
    3. Add flaxseed, cinnamon and oatmeal. Mix everything. This component can be made independently. Just grind flax or oatmeal in a coffee grinder.
    4. Throw the raisins in a colander and combine it with the curd mass.
    5. Grease a baking sheet with oil and lay out the curd dough.
    6. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and bake the dessert in it for about 40 minutes.
    7. While the casserole is baking, you can make the glaze for it. Boil water first.
    8. In a small bowl, mix cocoa powder and sweetener. With constant stirring, pour in boiling water. Glaze is ready.
    9. Let the casserole cool, then pour frosting over it. When the glaze hardens, the delicacy can be served on the table.

    Lush cottage cheese casserole with semolina (with raisins)

    • eggs - 5 pieces;
    • cottage cheese - 1 kg;
    • semolina - 5 tbsp. spoons;
    • raisins - 0.1 kg;
    • sugar - 5 tbsp. spoons;
    • vanillin - 1 pinch.

    Step by step steps:

    1. Rinse the raisins and leave them in hot water for 15 minutes.
    2. Immediately separate the whites from the yolks;
    3. Set aside one yolk separately, it is needed to lubricate the casserole.
    4. Beat with a mixer all five proteins in a lush foam.
    5. Lightly beat 4 egg yolks. Add sugar to them.
    6. Grind the cottage cheese a little and put it to the yolks.
    7. Add semolina to the yolks, mix everything.
    8. Mix the yolk mass with proteins. Do it with a spoon. Be very careful so that the whites do not settle.
    9. Add swollen raisins. Mix everything several times and leave the curd dough to infuse for at least 3 hours. During this time, the semolina should swell.
    10. Grease a baking sheet and put all the dough into it. Top the casserole with beaten yolk.
    11. Send the form to the hot oven for 40 minutes. Its temperature should be 180 degrees.
    12. Cottage cheese casserole in the oven is ready! Pour it with condensed milk and put it on the table.

    Diet cottage cheese casserole without flour is one of the most useful. It is perfect for both children and people with digestive problems. This dish will become indispensable in the menu of a person suffering from hepatitis, since, in fact, it is a very light dietary dish. Low-calorie cottage cheese casserole is also good for those who follow the Kremlin diet.

    One name - cottage cheese casserole brings us back to distant childhood, this is the dish that you should definitely return to your diet.

    Diet cottage cheese casserole can serve as an independent dish or be a light dessert.

    Diet casserole recipes:

    All recipes are easy to prepare and do not require any special time and money, or any culinary skills. The ingredients are simple: cottage cheese, eggs, kefir and raisins. Everything! In order to diversify the dish, some add prunes and dried apricots to it.

    The calorie content of cottage cheese casserole is very small - only 90 Kcal per 100g.

    As you know, a dietary cottage cheese casserole plays an important role in the development of a child's body. Cottage cheese is rich in calcium, protein and is one of the best foods in terms of its nutritional properties, and raisins are a storehouse of mineral salts, vitamins and organic acids. Therefore, this is an ideal recipe for small children even up to a year old.

    Options for cooking diet cottage cheese casserole

    Today, many recipes are used for making flourless cottage cheese casseroles. But the main ingredients are usually the same for everyone: cottage cheese, eggs. By the way, when preparing this dish, you can add not only fruits, which have become traditional for cottage cheese casseroles, but also vegetables, especially pumpkin, to the dough.

    To prepare a low-calorie cottage cheese casserole you will need:

    • 2 eggs,
    • 250 g cottage cheese,
    • 2 table spoons of low-fat kefir,
    • 2 teaspoons sugar (or to taste)
    • a handful of raisins.

    Beat the eggs, mix 250 g of cottage cheese with two tablespoons of kefir. Then combine the two masses into one and add sugar and raisins there. You can also use an apple, prunes or dried apricots.

    Spread the curd mass in a greased form and send it to the oven for 30-40 minutes. Such a casserole can be prepared very simply in a double boiler. To do this, make sure that the kit includes a special bowl for rice, casseroles and other liquid products.

    Recipe diet cottage cheese casserole in a slow cooker

    • Fat-free cottage cheese (3 packs

    600 grams)

    • White yogurt / sour cream 15%
    • 1 egg
    • Sweetener / fructose (to taste)
    • Semolina (5 tablespoons)
    • Fruits / berries (to taste)

    Cottage cheese is thoroughly kneaded with a fork, or using a blender. Add egg, yogurt or sour cream (

    4 tablespoons), sweetener / fructose (

    5 tablespoons), semolina (

    4-6 tablespoons), and mix thoroughly. You can add any fruits or berries to taste, but remember that because of them, the curd casserole can turn out to be liquidish, not dense, since fruits and berries give off a lot of liquid.

    Having kneaded a homogeneous dough, you need to put it in a bowl. Cottage cheese diet casserole in a slow cooker turns out very well in the baking mode. Lightly grease the multicooker bowl with oil so that the casserole does not burn, and spread the dough evenly. We close the lid, turn on the baking mode for 50 minutes, and go about our business.

    Diet cottage cheese casserole with pumpkin

    • pumpkin pulp - 300-400 g
    • cottage cheese - 200 g
    • eggs - 3 pcs
    • apple 1 pc
    • sugar (you can without it) - up to 0.5 cups,
    • raisins - a handful,
    • salt - a pinch
    • sachet of vanilla sugar optional

    And grind the pumpkin and apple or three of them on a coarse grater and add the rest of the ingredients to them. We put sugar to taste, when adding 0.5 cups, the casserole turns out to be quite sweet, so it is important to take into account the sweetness of the pumpkin. Mix everything well until smooth. We spread the resulting dough into a mold (I have a diameter of 19 cm) and bake in the oven at 180C for about 30 minutes. Let cool slightly in the oven and then put on a dish.

    Cottage cheese casserole with dried apricots and raisins

    • Low-fat cottage cheese - 500 g
    • Eggs - 4-5 pcs. (depending on size)
    • Sugar - 1 tbsp (you can use its substitute)
    • Dried fruits or fruits - to taste
    • Soda - a pinch

    Beat egg whites with sugar. Combine the yolks with mashed cottage cheese, a pinch of soda, steamed dried fruits or pieces of fruit. Mix the curd mixture. Gently combine the cottage cheese and proteins, put in a greased form and bake at 190-200 degrees for 25-30 minutes.

    Diet cottage cheese casserole with cheese and herbs

    • Curd - 250 g
    • Eggs - 2 pcs.
    • Kefir - 2 tablespoons
    • Soda - 0.5 tsp
    • Low calorie cheese - 100 g
    • Bran - 2 tablespoons
    • chopped greens

    Whisk the eggs in a bowl, add to the grated cottage cheese and mix well. Soda extinguish in kefir, add to the curd mass along with bran, cheese grated on a fine grater and finely chopped herbs. Pour the resulting mass into a silicone mold. Bake the casserole at 180 degrees for 35-40 minutes. If desired, you can add a cheese crust - for this, 5 minutes before cooking, sprinkle the casserole with a small amount of grated cheese.

    Cottage cheese casserole with yogurt, pear and banana

    Since sweet fruits are used in this recipe, sugar can be omitted.

    • Low-fat cottage cheese - 250 g
    • Yogurt - 30 ml
    • Banana
    • Pear

    Banana mashed. Combine it with cottage cheese, egg and yogurt. Whisk with a blender. Peel the pear from the peel and core, cut into cubes, put in the curd mass. Transfer the dough into a silicone mold (it needs to be lightly greased) or into a metal mold (grease it and sprinkle with breadcrumbs). Bake the casserole in the oven for 40 minutes at 180 degrees or in the microwave under the lid (it will take 5-6 minutes at 100% power). If cooking in the microwave, leave the dish in it for another 10-15 minutes.

    Diet cottage cheese casserole is loved for its speed of preparation and many options for experimentation. This dish requires a minimum of products and only half an hour of time, which is a weighty argument for busy housewives.

    In addition, a low-calorie cottage cheese casserole is a dietary, very delicate and tasty product that is perfect as a light dinner if you really want to enjoy it late in the evening without harming your figure. If you care about your figure, then we recommend the maggi curd diet.