Making potato chips: a step by step business idea. Own business: production of chips

  • 10.04.2022

The business idea involves the acquisition of a production line on which it is planned to organize the production of potato chips. It is planned to produce chips with the most popular flavors among Russian consumers - bacon, chicken and mushrooms. The product will be packaged in special packages of 100 and 200 grams.

The product is designed for a local consumer audience, the proposed geography of the sale of chips is the region where production is based. it is planned to organize it through a local wholesale intermediary who will deliver chips to retailers (kiosks, supermarkets) using their own transport.

Business development prospects

Potato chips are a food product that is obtained by cutting potatoes into thin slices, followed by frying them in special industrial fryers. Although it is not for essential products, stable demand for which is guaranteed by their very essence, nevertheless, chips are quite popular among Russians.

Chips are the main segment of the larger snack market in Russia, which consume more 40% its total volume. And this is, not many, not small, more 100 million tons crispy potato products per year.

In general, the popularity of chips in Russia was formed against the backdrop of the accelerating pace of life of our fellow citizens. The fact that they can be eaten from the package, right on the go, has made chips a very popular product. However, the owners of the leading chip brands, the same lays or Estrella, convincing with the help of massive advertising in the fashion and popularity of their products (especially for young people). However, the opportunity to use them with drinks, with the same beer, also played an equally important role in popularizing chips.

Among the possible risks for business, one should highlight the fact that chips, in general, are considered a harmful product. Yes, and as a healthy lifestyle is popularized in Russia, one can predict a decrease in their consumption and displacement by other products - the same. However, this will happen no earlier than in 5-7 years - by this time, investments in the business will have already paid off.


In general, the attractiveness of organizing a business for the production of chips is that the technology for their manufacture is extremely simple.

  1. The process of making chips begins with the preparation of raw materials, which are potatoes. At the first stage, the potatoes are washed, peeled and cut into plates 1-2 mm thick. To simplify the cutting process, potato tubers should be approximately the same size and shape.
  2. The subsequent stages of the technological process are the processing of cut potato plates with steam and hot water (blanching);
  3. Pre-drying, removing excess moisture;
  4. Frying in sunflower oil (at a temperature of about 150 0C), adding flavors and ingredients, according to the recipe.
  5. Next, the chips are packaged in special packaging bags (with sufficient water-repellent properties), and the finished product is sent to the warehouse.

Equipment and organization of the production site

Now the Russian market has the widest choice of equipment for organizing the production and packaging of chips for the needs of small and medium-sized businesses. In particular, the most diverse options (in terms of cost and performance are offered by the Ural-RT production company):

  1. Producer - firm "Ural-RT".
  2. The complete line includes a washing tub, a potato peeler, a blancher with attachment and basket, a vegetable cutter, a fryer with attachment, a basket, a work table and auxiliary elements. In addition to the technological equipment itself, the complete line for the production of chips also includes a packaging machine.
  3. There are 3 options for equipment performance:
    • 20 kg of chips per hour (potato processing volume - 80-100 kg per hour);
    • 40 kg of chips per hour (potato processing volume - 160-200 kg per hour);
    • 60 kg of chips per hour (potato processing volume - 240-300 kg per hour);
  4. The cost of equipment depends on its performance and is:
    • 20 kg of chips per hour - 590 thousand rubles;
    • 40 kg of chips per hour - 1.743 million rubles;
    • 60 kg of chips per hour - 2.23 million rubles.

The required area of ​​the production site depends on the equipment and its capacity. So, for a line with a minimum productivity of 20 kg per hour, only 55 m2 of production space will be required (plus 20-25 m2 for the warehouse of raw materials and finished products). Accordingly, for lines with a capacity of 40 and 60 kg of chips per hour, production areas of 100 and 140 m2 are needed, with a territory for warehouses of 35 and 50 m2.

Equipment with a minimum productivity can be served by only 3 operators per shift, for installations with a larger capacity, 4 people will be required. In addition, the site needs a technologist (he is also a manager), a fitter, an electrician and a warehouse worker.

Feasibility study of the project

The initial investment in starting a business (with an average productivity of 40 kg of products per hour) will be:

  • Acquisition of a production line - 1.743 million rubles.
  • Delivery and installation supervision of the production line (10% of the cost) - 175 thousand rubles.
  • The cost of preparing the workshop for work (overhaul, finishing) - 500 thousand rubles.
  • Creation of a 2-week (more - not advisable) stock of raw materials - potatoes, sunflower oil, salt, additives, packaging bags - 500 thousand rubles.

The total investment in opening a business for the production of chips will be 2 918 000 rubles.

With an average productivity of 40 kg of chips per hour, 12 hours of operation, 250 working days per year and the condition of reaching 50% of the possible load, the site will produce 60 tons of products per year.

The wholesale selling price of chips is about 200 rubles per 1 kg. Annual revenue for business - 12 million rubles, planned profitability of 20%, payback 18-24 months.

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  • Introduction
  • Conclusion
  • List of sources


Nowadays, the production of crispy slices of fried potatoes has become a huge industry all over the world. As a raw material for them, not only fresh potatoes are now used, but also various types of flour, vegetables, and fruits. Now in Russia quite a lot of brands of chips are sold, including domestic ones. Lines for the preparation of this product are installed both at large potato processing enterprises and become the basis of small industries. The fact is that you can get involved in the production of chips at different stages and make them using different technologies - the amount of invested funds and the volume of production will depend on this.

After conducting a number of experiments, scientists found that when carbohydrates (the main component of products such as grains, potatoes, etc., as well as their processed products - flour, bran, flakes) are heated to a high temperature, a substance called acrylamide is formed. Acrylamide is an organic compound that has a carcinogenic effect. Therefore, all food products, such as grains, potatoes and their products, flour, bread, biscuits, french fries, chips, snacks, breakfast cereals contain a certain amount of acrylamide, depending on the degree of processing of the product. To avoid the formation of acrylamide during cooking, it is necessary to avoid frying foods rich in carbohydrates for a long time and at high temperatures. However, cooking these products in water or steam does not lead to the formation of an extreme concentration of acrylamide and is safe for health. The type of oil used plays an important role in the formation of acrylamide during the frying process. The amount of acrylamide increases if synthetic fats are mixed into the oil for the preparation of this product. When using olive, palm, rapeseed, sunflower, cottonseed oils of a high degree of purification (necessarily refined and deodorized with an acid number below 0.01.), the amount of acrylamide formed is much lower, and when cooking products in vapors of palm and cottonseed oils, acrylamide is practically not formed. It is possible that it is necessary to change traditional food technologies in order to minimize and even eliminate the formation of acrylamide during food processing and thus prevent acrylamide from entering the human body.

In connection with the foregoing, we can conclude that chips as a type of snack are the most common and most popular in Russia. Their production is low-cost and profitable, which means that the market for chips can be filled with both high-quality products and low-grade products. To understand the products of this type, you need knowledge about raw materials, manufacturing technology, product identification methods.

1. Assortment and quality of potato chips

1.1 Assortment, chemical composition and nutritional value of potato chips

The name "chips" combines three independent types of products that are similar in shape - they are all thin plates ("chip" - "plate" in English), Also, these products are united by the fact that they all go through the frying process in technology. vegetable oil. However, they are very clearly divided into three groups.

Potato crisp. This product, called Moskovsky Potato, has been familiar to us since Soviet times: slices of fresh potatoes fried in oil, seasoned with or without salt.

Crisps potato are molded plates of rectangular (100x40x2 mm) or cubic (square: 40x40 mm) shape or figured products.

Crisps molded. They are made by frying thin plates, flat or corrugated, formed from potato dough, into which, according to the recipe, besides potatoes, cereal flour, starch, and salt are also added. The taste of fried potatoes in such chips is practically lost, therefore, more often, even more aromatic compositions are added to such chips against the background of monosodium glutamate, the most famous and widely used flavor enhancer in the world.

Crisps air. The taste of these chips is very delicate, the presence of starch is almost not felt. To flavor this type of chips, significantly fewer additives are required and, as a rule, natural seasonings are used. In Europe, this type of chips is now preferred. Domestic manufacturers are also paying attention to it. Through the efforts of our Russian specialists, the production technology and the necessary equipment for the production of safe air chips have been developed.

Apple crisps are produced in the USA, China, the Russian Federation and are popular with all segments of the population, and are also the same common delicacy as potato chips familiar to everyone.

By their structure, they are thin dry ruddy slices with multi-colored skins around the edges, they have a bright, light, natural apple taste. The advantages of apple chips include: vitamin C content (up to 30% of the daily requirement); low calorie; absence of cholesterol, carcinogens and fatty acids (vegetable oil and other fats are not used in the manufacture).

Crispy potato is a ready-to-eat fried product and is made from fresh potatoes in the form of slices, straws and plates. One kilogram of crispy potatoes is equivalent to about 4 kg of fresh potatoes in terms of calories. Natural potato chips were first produced in the 19th century in the homeland of the potato in America. Initially, the potatoes were washed, manually cut into slices and fried in vegetable oil, that is, the process of making chips was not much different from the usual frying of potatoes, with the only difference being that the potatoes were cut into thin slices and deep-fried. With the development of breeding science, an increase in demand for this type of product, the volume of production of chips products also increased.

Nutritional value per 100 g of chips.

The content of dry substances and their main component - starch is of decisive importance for the potato processing industry, as it determines the yield of finished products. For processing, it is preferable to use varieties with a solids content of at least 21.23%. In the manufacture of chips and french fries, a higher solids content reduces the absorption of oil or fat. A high starch content may be due to the powdery texture of frozen potato products, which is undesirable.

1.2 Quality requirements for potato chips

The quality of finished potato products depends on the perfection of the technological process of potato processing and on the biological characteristics of the variety.

The quality of potatoes as a raw material for processing is determined by the morphological characteristics of tubers, their chemical composition, physical, physiological and culinary and technological advantages, which depend on the variety, meteorological and agrotechnical growing conditions, maturity, storage and transportation conditions.

An important feature of the variety is its resistance to mechanical damage, which determines the weight loss during processing. The resistance to mechanical damage is affected by the strength of the integumentary tissues. It has been established that tubers of rounded shape and with high strength of integumentary tissues are the most resistant to mechanical damage. The quality of finished products subjected to heat treatment can be affected by the effects of stress (especially in the early stages of tuber development). This leads to darkening of products from the umbilical side of the tuber during processing due to an increase in the content of reducing sugars. Water stress at the end of the growing season can lead to the formation of a dark end on the side of the tuber tip, which affects the quality of potato products such as potato sticks (snacks).

Morphological features are important for process optimization. For the production of frozen and deep-fried potato sticks, tubers with a flat surface, elongated or rounded shape and with certain technological dimensions are used. For example, for the production of fried or frozen potato sticks, the size of the tuber along the largest transverse diameter should be less than 10 cm, for the preparation of French fries - more than 50 mm, for chips, the optimal size is 40.55 mm. The recommended mass of tubers for most technologies is 80.120 g. The number of eyes should not exceed 5.7, their depth should not exceed 1.1.5 mm.

The quality of fried potato products depends on the ratio of amylose and amylopectin in starch, therefore, to obtain chips and fried potatoes in good quality oil, the amylopectin content should be 5.7%.

Reducing sugars are essential in the production of fried potato products. The greater the mass fraction of reducing sugars, the darker the color of the finished products due to the reaction of melanoidin formation. In the production of chips, their content in raw potatoes should not exceed 0.2-0.4%, french fries and dried table potatoes - 0.2-0.5%. Sucrose is not a reducing sugar, but it can begin to hydrolyze at room temperature. In addition to the variety, the content of reducing substances is affected by the composition and amount of applied fertilizers. It was found that nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilizers at a ratio of N: P: K in a ratio of 1: 2: 1 and 1: 1: 2 reduced the content of reducing sugars, while the application of nitrogen fertilizer in a ratio of 2: 1: 1 increased.

During storage of potatoes at low positive temperatures (2.4°C), starch is saccharified. The sugar content can rise by 8.10%, resulting in a sweet taste and undesirable darkening of the product. The optimum storage temperature for raw materials for processing is 8°C, and for the production of chips 10°C. However, in practice, the storage mode is set taking into account the quality of the potato and the duration of its storage. When storing potatoes at temperatures below 4°C, partial resynthesis of sugars is necessary, for which, before processing, the tubers are kept for 3.7 days at a temperature of 10.18°C.

For the production of dry and fried products, the following varieties are recommended: Albatross, Snow White, Samara, Lasunak, Nakra, Rossiyanka, Zagadka, Slava Bryansk, etc.; for quick-frozen products - Karlena, Atlant, Garant, Krinitsa, Ogonyok, Lorkh, etc. However, it must be borne in mind that the assortment of potatoes is constantly updated, therefore, when choosing varieties for processing, one must take into account data from catalogs of new potato varieties, as well as the results of one’s own tests for suitability for processing, depending on the characteristics of the product range.

potato quality nutritional value

2. Technology and equipment for the production of potato chips

2.1 Technological scheme for the production of potato chips

Natural potato chips were first produced in the 19th century in the homeland of the potato in America. Initially, the potatoes were washed, manually cut into slices and fried in vegetable oil, that is, the process of making chips was not much different from the usual frying of potatoes, with the only difference being that the potatoes were cut into thin slices and deep-fried. With the development of breeding science, an increase in demand for this type of product, the volume of production of chips products also increased. Economic feasibility required additional research and development of specialized equipment capable of meeting the growing needs of customers. This was done and the chip production scheme began to look something like this: washing, peeling, inspection, starch washing, frying, salting and packaging. Equipment was improved, demand increased, and the raw material base grew. The production scheme was finally formed. Today it looks something like this: selection of varieties - cultivation taking into account climatic conditions, the nature of soils, fertilizers used, cultivation, cultivation and harvesting techniques - separation of soil and impurities - storage, taking into account special storage conditions for each variety - submission for processing - sizing - stone separation - washing - inspection - peeling - inspection - slicing - starch washing - blanching (steam or hot water treatment) - cooling - dehumidification - roasting - removal of excess oil - panning (flavouring) - cooling - packing .

Crispy potato is a ready-to-eat fried product and is made from fresh potatoes in the form of slices, straws and plates. One kilogram of crispy potatoes is equivalent to about 4 kg of fresh potatoes in terms of calories. Making crispy potatoes includes the following basic operations:

1. washing and sorting raw potatoes;

2. cleaning;

3. cutting tubers;

4. washing cut potatoes from starch;

5. wastewater treatment;

6. blanching;

7. drying;

8. roasting;

9. introduction of salt and spices.

Washing potatoes in quantities up to 100 kg per hour (corresponding to the production of a product up to 25 kg per hour) does not require mechanization and can be combined with sorting. For washing, two-section bathtubs are used; water consumption - up to 1 liter per 1 kg of potatoes. Technological process. The production of crisp potatoes and potato chips includes the following main operations: washing and sorting raw potatoes, peeling, cutting tubers, washing cut potatoes from starch, sewage treatment, blanching, drying, frying, adding salt and spices, packing and packaging.

Washing, peeling, cutting potatoes. Washing is carried out in continuous washing machines. Potato cleaning is carried out with the help of periodic cleaning machines by erasing the surface layer. After that, the tubers are inspected, i.e. removal of defective tubers and additional cleaning, when the surviving "eyes" and the remains of the peel are cut off. Then, with the help of machines for cutting vegetables, potatoes are cut into plates 1.5-2 mm thick or "straws" with a transverse dimension of 6-10 mm.

Washing from starch, blanching. Washing off starch released on the surface of chopped potatoes is carried out in special baths or special machines with cold water. Blanching is done in hot water using steam. In this case, the decomposition of enzymes that cause the browning of potatoes occurs. Also, when blanching, the intercellular walls soften, which facilitates subsequent drying. Special devices are used - blanchers (water and steam). Immediately after blanching, the potatoes are cooled using a shower device.

Drying and roasting. Drying can be carried out in drying chambers, on conveyor lines or racks using various types of electric heaters or steam, as well as fans. Frying (dehydration) is the main process in the preparation of chips and crispy potatoes. Its task is not only to reduce the moisture content of potatoes to a minimum (7-10%), but also to do it as quickly as possible so that the resulting water vapor, expanding, loosens the mass of potatoes, giving it porosity. To acquire a "crispy" texture, frying in oil must occur at a temperature of at least 140 ° C. Frying baths and ovens are used for frying, differing both in power and in the loading method: periodic (baskets) or continuous (conveyors). Performance depends on the electrical power of the device, i.e. pre-drying increases productivity during roasting, as energy consumption for evaporation is reduced.

Oil removal. Mandatory operations in the production of crispy potatoes are cooling and stripping of excess oil, which are carried out on a special conveyor or using a similar device, for example, a rack with mesh trays.

Adding seasonings. The introduction of salt and spices (flavorings) is carried out in panning machines of periodic or continuous action. Salt and spices are added by sprinkling, spraying or spraying continuously while mixing the product. In all panning machines, mixing is carried out without the use of kneading bodies. Packing and packaging of crispy potatoes is carried out, as a rule, in doses of 25-100 g in bags of polymer film with a printed pattern and the necessary data about the product and manufacturer.

Package. Dosing and packaging (bag making and sealing) is carried out using automatic or semi-automatic filling and packaging machines.

The blanching operation is necessary to obtain a homogeneous product.

This operation is carried out in two large cylindrical blanchers equipped with devices to control the temperature and cooking time, depending on the characteristics of the product. Blanchers work on direct steam supply for heating water and heat treatment of the product. The first serves to deactivate the enzymatic process, which occurs with a rapid passage of the product and high temperature. (~ 80°C) In the second, the product is subjected to a longer heat treatment at a relatively low temperature, which is necessary for the partial removal of starch and reducing sugars using a reverse flow of hot water.

Figure 1 - Technology for the production of potato chips

To improve operation and ease of maintenance, the fryer is equipped with a hydraulic lifting system for all conveyors and the top casing.

All external surfaces of pipes and pipelines are thermally insulated and sheathed with stainless steel to avoid heat loss and safety of personnel working on the line.

In addition to the main oil circulation pump, the fryer is equipped with an additional pump for pumping to a large capacity intermediate storage tank, which in turn has an auxiliary heating system.

2.2 General characteristics of potato chips production equipment

Potato chips and french fries are one of the most popular foods. Potato contains a lot of nutrients, such as protein, inorganic phosphorus, iron, carotene, etc. Potato chips production is made by potato chips production line, and has many advantages such as easy operation, high automation, low consumption of raw materials for product preparation, etc.

Potatoes are poured into the bunker. By means of a vertical, spiral conveyor, the potatoes are thoroughly washed and transferred to a cleaning machine. The potatoes from the washing machine go to the peeling machine. Thanks to the spiral, there is a uniform movement and rotation of products, thereby guaranteeing the cleaning of each fruit, evenly, from all sides. The speed of rotation of the spiral shaft is smoothly regulated by the inverter built into the machine. After cleaning, the potatoes are evenly fed to the inspection table for post-cleaning of potatoes. The conveyor is designed to transport potatoes from the inspection table to the cutting machine. The conveyor is made of stainless steel and food belt. The machine is designed for cutting potatoes in the form of chips and strips (fries) of a wavy shape. The cutting thickness is adjustable. After cutting, the cut potatoes are washed in a washing machine. The machine consists of a water tank, a rotating drum and a conveyor. After washing, the product enters the scalding machine. This equipment is designed specifically for potato chips, designed for scalding potato chips. The equipment consists of a belt conveyor, a spiral scalder and a water tank. Temperature and speed are adjustable. The frying machine consists of a conveyor belt, a lifter, a filter system, an oil temperature control system, an oil supply system, and a heating system. This machine is used for frying snacks, flour foods, meat, etc.

Carforadditionsseasonings. This device consists of a frame, a drum, a lifting conveyor and an accumulator of additives (seasonings). The transfer of the product is carried out by means of a lifting conveyor, the seasoning is quantitatively fed into the equipment in a screw manner, ensuring uniform mixing with the product. The drum is made using a special technology, there are no dead zones.

Figure 2 - Vibratory washing machine MMKB-2000: 1 - drain pipe; 2 - tray; 3 - plug; 4 - holes; 5 - unbalances; 6 - shaft; 7 - auger; 8 - boot device; 9 - box; 10 - plumbing; 11 - flexible coupling; 12 - electric motor

The principle of operation of the machine is to transfer oscillatory motion from a shaft with unbalances to the working chamber, into which potato tubers constantly enter, exerting pressure on each other. The potato moves along the fixed helical volumes of the chamber from the loading to the unloading device. In the process of advancing, the tubers rub against one another and against the inner surfaces of the working chamber, and are simultaneously washed with water jets from a sprinkler. The washed product exits the machine in a continuous stream through the discharge chute.

The structural parts of the machine are a drive shaft with four unbalances and an auger. A loading hopper is installed above the first turn of the auger, and a window with a tray for unloading washed tubers is provided at the last turn. In the upper part of the working chamber there is a water pipe with a spray device. Dirty water is collected in the sewer. The efficiency of washing tubers and root crops increases if they move in a large volume of water and rub against one another. Therefore, washing is carried out when moving them in a crowded state. As a rule, washing machines have several sections designed to remove heavy impurities that settle to the bottom; floating light impurities; obtaining washed raw materials. Often, simultaneously with the washing of vegetables, they are cleaned from the fruit shell.

To clean raw materials, roller, disk and cone machines are used, the working body of which is made of abrasive material. According to the type of conveyor belt, the machines can be roller and lamellar. Washing vegetables, fruits and berries has its own specifics. When processing them, it is necessary to simultaneously take into account two factors - the speed and thoroughness of washing, since with a long stay of plant materials in water, some of the aromatic, coloring and extractive substances are lost. In the catering industry, washing machines of various designs are used.

3. Theoretical basis for the production of potato chips

3.1 Processes involved in the production and storage of potato chips

After conducting a number of experiments, scientists found that when carbohydrates (the main component of products such as grains, potatoes, etc., as well as their processed products - flour, bran, flakes) are heated to a high temperature, a substance called acrylamide is formed. Acrylamide is an organic compound that has a carcinogenic effect. Therefore, all food products, such as grains, potatoes and their products, flour, bread, biscuits, french fries, chips, snacks, breakfast cereals contain a certain amount of acrylamide, depending on the degree of processing of the product. Acrylamide is found in drinking water and is also formed when smoking cigarettes.

Due to its binding properties, it is used in the manufacture of cosmetics. However, cooking these products in water or steam does not lead to the formation of an extreme concentration of acrylamide and is safe for health. The type of oil used plays an important role in the formation of acrylamide during the frying process. The amount of acrylamide increases if synthetic fats are mixed into the oil for the preparation of this product.

When using olive, palm, rapeseed, sunflower, cottonseed oils of a high degree of purification (necessarily refined and deodorized with an acid number below 0.01.), the amount of acrylamide formed is much lower, and when cooking products in vapors of palm and cottonseed oils, acrylamide is practically not formed. Studies on cooking from carbohydrate products at high temperatures (temperatures above 120 degrees) have shown that when frying, ready-made foods in the oven, deep-frying or grilling, acrylamide is formed, but when cooking and steaming it is practically absent. It is possible that it is necessary to change traditional food technologies in order to minimize and even eliminate the formation of acrylamide during food processing and thus prevent acrylamide from entering the human body.

So, according to foreign technology, chips from fresh potatoes (Lays, Estrella) and molded chips (from a mixture of dry mashed potatoes and starch) Pringles are produced in frying ovens in oil for at least 6-7 minutes at a temperature of 165-180 0C. As mentioned above, these are the limiting conditions for an extremely maximum accumulation of acrylamide, here both the high temperature and the duration of processing and the type of oil used, while, according to the technology of the institute, a semi-finished product is used to obtain chips, which are processed with vapors of palm, cottonseed oil for 2- 4 seconds, which virtually eliminates the formation of acrylamide. Studies conducted on testing products rich in carbohydrates during their processing using high temperatures and the duration of baking, frying and steaming showed that 1 kg of the finished product contains acrylamide:

To date, the use of acrylamide in food is not prohibited. The maximum dose of its use is 1 microgram per day, the World Health Organization agrees with this. It can be seen from the studies that chips obtained using the technology of the All-Union Research Institute of Potato Food Products are practically safe in terms of acrylamide content and can be recommended for consumption by both children and adults.

Chips are packed in a strong container that protects them from crumbling and crushing. From above, the chips are wrapped with laminated foil, which protects against moisture and oxidation of fats.

In the case of chips, the traditional solution is to use a metallized barrier based on the MB400/MM480 laminated structure, which has outstanding performance and ensures complete product safety. Laminate MB666/MW647, for example, also provides excellent protection while maintaining all product properties.

The product is recommended to be stored in dry cool rooms. Storage temperature from 0 ºС to 20 ºС, relative air humidity not more than 75%.

Chips should be stored in clean, well-ventilated rooms and protected from direct sunlight, at a temperature not exceeding 20°C and relative humidity not exceeding 75%. Boxes with chips are stacked on racks and pallets at a height of no more than eight boxes. The distance between stacks, as well as between stacks and walls, must be at least 0.7 m. The distance from heat sources, water and sewer pipes must be at least 1 m. It is not allowed to ventilate storage rooms in wet weather and immediately after rain.

3.2 Factors affecting the quality of potato chips

The main raw material is potatoes. Potato varieties "Peredovik", "Druzhny", "Lorch", "Sotka", "Yantarny" are suitable for the preparation of this product - each region has its own leaders in terms of yield and quality. For those who trust foreign planting material, experts recommend Dutch varieties - "Romano" and "Condor". It is advisable not to make chips from mixed varieties of potatoes, because the finished pieces will have different moisture content and may deteriorate during storage.

Choose potatoes of a rounded and somewhat flattened shape, large and medium in size with a small number and shallow occurrence of eyes. Mature tubers of autumn harvest, dry, without diseases and growths, uniform in color, with a strong suberized skin, are subject to harvesting. The size of the tubers in the largest diameter must be at least 5 cm. The dry matter content is at least 20%. It is not allowed to harvest tubers frozen, green, with growths, withered, steamed, with signs of germination, with earth and rubbish, not mature.

During storage, raw materials - potatoes lose their original organoleptic properties, the chemical composition of the tuber changes, the peel thickens, the tubers lose moisture, sugars and enzymes accumulate. Depending on the quality of storage, the above processes occur with varying intensity. It should be noted that all processes of deterioration of raw materials occur at high humidity (moisture content of potatoes is 82%), with a moisture content of potatoes up to 12%, the safety of raw materials without change for up to 1 year is guaranteed. But this is already dried potatoes, and it is not realistic to use it as a raw material for the production of chips.

The issue of improving the technology for the production of potato chips from fresh potatoes and improving their quality in world practice is of great importance. Particularly extensive research is being carried out to improve the color of crispy potatoes - one of the most important indicators of its quality. Its color is influenced by the grade of raw materials, the growing area, agrotechnical methods of its cultivation and cultivation, harvesting time, tuber age and storage temperature. Each of these factors affects the quality of crispy potatoes to some extent.

Flavor additives. Now, both foreign and domestic manufacturers do not spare natural or synthetic aromatic and flavoring additives in order to give their product a new taste and smell. Of the natural flavoring additives, red pepper, salt, chopped dried garlic and herbs are most often used. Don't be fooled by the fact that Cheese Chips are made with real grated cheese. This, however, applies to bacon, and mushrooms, and ketchup, and onions with sour cream. All of these are fragrances. However, the very word "flavoring" should not cause panic fear. In the production of flavorings, not chemically synthesized aromatic substances are often used, but natural ones isolated from real products. Such aromatic products are of high quality, natural taste and smell, but, accordingly, a rather high price. Large manufacturing enterprises are unlikely to save money by buying cheap, low-quality or hazardous raw materials. Such savings will cost them too much in the long run. Therefore, food colorings, flavoring additives, and flavorings are purchased only from respectable global companies that are responsible for the quality of their goods.

In the production of fried potato products, various cooking oils are widely used, among which the following groups of fats can be distinguished:

natural fats based on palm oil that do not contain trans isomers; hydrogenated oils and fats (soybean, rapeseed and other vegetable oils, marine animal and fish fats) containing from 25 to 58% of trans-isomers. mixtures of natural and hydrogenated fats.

In connection with the increasing consumption of fried potato products, scientists all over the world are working on the problem of reducing their fat content. In the USA, a powder formulation has been created that slows down the absorption of oil by food products during their frying. The composition includes an alginic ester and a non-toxic food carrier suitable for use in the manufacture of fried foods. The content of complex alginic ether in the composition of the product is 0.01-3 hours per 100 hours. food carrier. The alginic ester may be mixed with alginic acid, a salt thereof, or other derivatives thereof. The food carrier may be flour. The composition of the agent is applied as a layer on the surface of food products, such as potato columns, before they are fried. Ready-made fried foods are low in fat.

It has been found that the addition of antioxidants (rosemary extract essential oil; sage and citric acid extract) to refined, bleached and deodorized palm oil before frying improves the sensory characteristics of the product during a 5-day oil use cycle. All three antioxidants significantly improve the appearance, taste, smell and other characteristics of the product.


The main factors that form the quality of chips are raw materials and production technology. Chips, despite their popularity, are not a very useful food product, and in some cases can be hazardous to health, because due to the availability of manufacturing technology, its simplicity and quick payback for the production of chips, low-quality and unsafe chips often enter the market. There is a very large range of quality indicators of chips.

In the first section, I reviewed the literature on the production of potato products, where the production technology was presented and the technological processes for the production of potato chips were described. In the second section, a brief description of the technology for the production and storage of raw materials was given. The third section describes the factors affecting the quality of potato chips.

A product such as potatoes is used both for home processing and for processing into food. In the first case, starch, alcohol, fine flour are produced from potatoes, and in the second case, chips, crackers, dry mashed potatoes, etc. are made from potatoes. Manufacturers divide the entire range of potato processing products into four conditional groups: dried (these semi-finished products are designed for long-term storage for at least one year), fried (these products have a short shelf life, which is no more than three months), frozen (these products have a short shelf life - three months or more) and, finally, canned (for short-term storage for no more than three months).

List of sources

1. Ivanova T.N. Commodity research and examination of food concentrates and food additives: A textbook for students. higher textbook institutions / T.N. Ivanova, V.M. Poznyakovsky. - M.: publishing center "Academy", 2004.

2. Gritsyuk V.N. Commodity research of agricultural products and raw materials: Textbook for universities. - M.: Economics, 1986.

3. Krasovsky P.A. etc. Goods and its expertise. - M.: Center for Economics and Marketing, 1998.

4. Paramonova T.N. Express methods for assessing the quality of food products. - M.: Economics, 1988.

5. Rodina T.G., Vuks G.A. Tasting analysis of products. - M.: Economics, 1994.

6. Taver E.I. General rules for the examination of the quality and quantity of goods: IVSE. PR - 002 - 96. - M., 1996.

7. Khlebnikov V.I. Technology of goods (food). - M.: Dashkov i K, 2000.

8. Grishin M.A. Technology of drying fruits, vegetables and materials for food-concentrate production. - M.: Kolos, 1995.

9. Gulyaev V.N., Alimova T.Zh. Handbook for laboratory workers of food concentrate and vegetable drying production. - M.: Agropromizdat, 1986.

10. Obrovolsky V.F., Lamachinsky V.A. The concept of development of vegetable raw materials in apparatuses with intermediate extraction (theory and practical application) // Storage and processing of agricultural raw materials. - 1995. - No. 5.

11. Zhurman A.I., Karpov V.G., Lukin N.D. Actual issues of development of the production of extrusion food products // Storage and processing of agricultural raw materials. - 1997. - No. 2

12. Kharinov P.D. Technology of production of chips // Magazine "Processor" 2005-№12

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Chips are, one might say, the most popular product in the snack series. Crispy potatoes first appeared in 1850 in America. Then their production was established in the UK. Modern chips are made from raw potatoes or from various types with the addition of starch.

The popularity of chips is high not only abroad, but also in our country. After all, this product can be eaten immediately from the package on the go, and given the accelerating pace of life of citizens, it is very convenient. Since the use of all kinds of flavoring additives, the demand for this product has increased several times.

Equipment for the production of

Currently, a huge range of production equipment for the production of chips, as well as for their packaging, is presented on the country's market. Options may vary in performance and cost. For small and medium-sized businesses, various production lines from different manufacturers are offered.

The production line includes washing tub, potato peeling machine, blanching machine, basket and attachment, vegetable cutter, industrial fryer with basket, work table and other auxiliary items. In addition, the production line is equipped with a packaging machine.

The area of ​​the production room depends on the working equipment and capacity. If the production line has the smallest capacity (20 kg / h), then a room with an area of ​​​​at least 55 m² will be required. In addition, you will need a warehouse, approximately 25 square meters. Accordingly, for high production production lines, premises of up to 140 square meters will be required, plus a warehouse of up to fifty square meters.

A minimum automatic production line for chips production can be operated by only three people per shift, while a larger production line will require four people. Of course, a technologist must maintain an automatic production line, who at the same time can perform the duties of a manager, a fitter, a warehouse worker and an electrician.

Chips production technology

Chip production technology is quite simple. First comes the preparation of the potatoes. It needs to be washed, cleaned and cut into thin slices of 2 mm. Then treat with steam and boiling water. The potatoes are then dried.

Then the plates are fried in vegetable oil, all kinds of ingredients and flavorings are added. I sprinkle salt and spices, spray or sprinkle on the product, constantly stirring it. For packaging chips, special moisture-proof bags are used, in which the product can be stored for quite a long time.

For the production of chips, you will need the appropriate premises, equipment and raw materials. In addition, you need to get a certificate, both for production and for the product itself. The premises for the production of chips must comply with all SES standards.

Detailed video how to do it in the classic way:

How Pringles are made:

Raw potatoes can be used to make chips, but the quality of the raw materials must be impeccable, and this is far from always possible. Therefore, basically, chips are made from pellets. Pellets are blanks that are stored for a long time. The production of chips from such a semi-finished product has some advantages. Firstly, the convenience of storage and transportation, and secondly, the resulting product can have a wide variety of shapes and consumer properties.

Pellets are made using potato and grain products (rice, corn, potato flakes, flour, etc.). how after frying they look more like natural potato slices.

It takes only 10-15 seconds to fry chips from pellets, while it takes 2 minutes to fry regular chips. In addition, they contain up to 40% oil, which is 25% less than conventional ones, therefore, they are less high-calorie. Pellet chips have a stable taste, correct, beautiful appearance without "eyes".

Many potato processing enterprises produce pellets. This raw material is mainly packaged in kraft bags of 25 kg. Flavoring additives can be very different: bacon, cheese, paprika, garlic, dill, etc.

The technological process for the production of chips from pellets is very simple. First, the semi-finished product (pellet) is quickly fried in vegetable oil, and then, according to the recipe, seasonings are added. After frying, the chips take on a variety of configurations.

Chips production: organization of an enterprise + the technological process of making chips + what to buy from equipment for the workshop + renting a room for a factory + purchasing raw materials + recruiting full-time employees + marketing and advertising + how to calculate profit?

Such a popular type of snack as chips came to us from abroad. Now they are made not only from potatoes, but also from fruits or starch, other food substitutes.

There are few people in Russia who have decided to prepare these delicacies for sale on their own, so the production of chips can be a winning ticket for you. Let's take a step-by-step look at what you need to start such a business.

No. 1. Registration of chips production

First of all, to organize the production of potato chips, you will need to draw up documentation and assign a legal form to your business -.

We advise you to abandon the simple path and form an LLC. Why a limited liability company? The fact is that you will have to communicate and conclude contracts with large companies, suppliers of equipment and raw materials, as well as with buyers. As a rule, they are more trusting of legal entities, rather than private entrepreneurs.

To form an LLC, you will need:

  1. Citizen's passport and TIN.
  2. Application form No. Р21001.
  3. Charter of a limited liability company (2 copies).
  4. Legal address.
  5. Receipt of payment of the state duty - 4 thousand rubles.
  6. The decision to establish an LLC or the minutes of the general meeting, if there are several founders.
  7. The decision of the founders to appoint the director of the company for the production of chips, if the company has more than one organizer.
  8. Don't forget to come up with an original title.
  9. The application must indicate the type of taxation (simplified system) and the OKVED code (15.31 is best - "Processing and canning potatoes").

You can find the address of the tax office where you will go with these papers on the website of the Federal Tax Service:

It will take no more than 5 working days to complete the documentation in the tax service. After you receive a certificate of, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Data on the new company will be transferred to the pension and insurance fund.

After receiving the documentation, open a bank account, order a nominal seal for the LLC.

Additional documentation required for the operation of the potato chips production workshop:

  • Sanitary books of all production workers.
  • Work permit from SES and fire service.
  • Trademark of product quality from Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Certificate of quality of raw materials from suppliers.

Sometimes, because of the bureaucracy, businessmen spend months and months to prepare all the documentation. If the budget allows, it is worth shifting these issues to the shoulders of intermediary specialists.

note A: You are not required to pay for checks, but you still need to be prepared for any additional costs.

No. 2. Chips production technology

Potato chips are a food product that is made from potatoes, which is obvious from the name.

The raw vegetable is cut into thin slices and fried in large quantities, and then seasoned with spices. This potato product is considered high-calorie and not very healthy, but, nevertheless, Russians are happy to buy it as a snack or as a quick snack.

We all ate potato snacks, but few of us were interested in what technology is used to produce chips:

  1. Raw potatoes are washed under running water, peeled. Then the product is cut into slices up to 2 mm thick.
  2. The potatoes should all be about the same size.

  3. Slices undergo heat treatment with steam and boiling water.
  4. In the next step, the potatoes must be dried to get rid of moisture.
  5. Next, the slices must be fried in oil at a temperature of + 150 °. Also, seasoning and flavorings should be used to give taste.
  6. At the last stage, after the chips have cooled, they are packed in a package that should not let moisture and light through.

Ready-made potato chips tend to be stored for a long time (175 days). In this case, there is no need to prepare a special storage room. They will not lose their taste if your workshop keeps the temperature in the range from 5 to 25 degrees above zero - a fairly large range.

Number 3. Potato Chips Production Equipment

If we take into account the fact that the production of chips is gaining popularity in the Russian market, it is not surprising that there are now a large number of lines for mini-shops.

When choosing equipment, it all depends on how much you have, what volume of goods the plant is ready to sell. Depending on the characteristics, equipment for the production of potato chips will differ in price and configuration.

We bring to your attention a set for the production of crispy potatoes, worth 1,400,000 rubles.

This line comes with:

1. Transporter with bath.
2. Washing machine.
3. Cleaning machine.
4. Inspection conveyor.
5. Root cutter.
6. Sorting machine.
7. Mesh conveyor.
8. Blancher.
9. Conveyor-cooler.
10. Furnace with remote generator.
11. dispenser.
12. Mixer.
13. Inclined scraper conveyor.
14. Packer.

Specifications of Potato Chip Making Machine:

  1. Technical productivity: processes 40 kg/hour of potatoes, we have 10 kg of finished products at the output.
  2. Oil consumption - 20 l / hour.
  3. Power - 85 kW.
  4. The number of employees for the line is 5 people.

More information can be found on the website:

There are cheaper lines, but they produce fewer products. If you want to produce 100 kilograms of potato chips per hour, then you will have to spend more than 3 million rubles on equipment. It all depends on how much work you have planned for your workshop.

Do not forget that you will need to organize a workplace for administrative staff and other workers. Buy computers, tables and chairs, work uniforms, organize a small kitchen for employees to have lunch. This item of expenditure will cost you about 80 thousand rubles.

No. 4. Room for the production of chips

We will take as a basis for calculating equipment that processes 40 kilograms of potatoes per hour. To install it, you will need 50 m2. Another 50 meters you need to store products, as well as organize the workplace of staff.

In total, for 100 m2 per month you will have to pay 80 thousand rubles.

Take care of the cosmetic repairs of the premises, because the SES and the fire inspection will definitely come to you with a check.

What will be checked:

  1. SES should check the technology for the production of potato chips, the well-established equipment, the quality of the finished product. Their responsibilities also include monitoring the cleanliness of the premises and equipment, the quality of raw materials, documentation of the serviceability of the line for the production of chips. Your workshop should be free of rodents or insects.
  2. The fire inspectorate undertakes to check the plumbness of ventilation, the presence of a fire system (smoke detector, alarm, built-in fire extinguisher), personnel evacuation plan.

The order should always be, because the check can come again at any time!

Installation of a fire protection system and cosmetic repairs will require additional investments from you - about 20 thousand rubles.

No. 5. Potato chips production: raw material procurement stage

To make chips, you will need a lot of potatoes and sunflower oil, which will have to be changed often.

Vegetable can be replaced with starch dough. It is more expensive, but it needs much less than potatoes, and the substitute is fried faster.

Do not forget about the taste of the chips - it depends on the flavorings and salty seasonings. We advise you to buy several types of them - caviar, bacon, chicken, greens, crab, etc. So you can meet the requirements of any buyer.

Raw materialWeightTotal amount (rub.)
TOTAL: 459 000 rubles
1. Potato7 tons105 000
2. starch dough2 tons140 000
3. Sunflower oil20,000 liters100 000
4. Flavors100 kg90 000
5. Wrapping paper100 kg24 000

No. 6. Recruiting workers

Without the help of hired workers, you can not cope. The workshop will supposedly work in one shift, 5 days a week. In the early stages, this will be enough.

If you reach a new level, you can increase the number of work shifts and / or purchase new equipment.

Job titleQuantitySalary per month (rub.)
TOTAL: 457 000 rubles/month
1. Technologist1 25 000
2. line worker4 80 000
3. Sales manager1 30 000
4. Accountant remote1 12 000
5. Security guard2 30 000
6. Cleaning woman1 10 000

No. 7. Sales of chips on the Russian market

Where can you sell chips?

Any trading shop will suit you - a shop, a market, a supermarket, a kiosk. The director of the enterprise or the sales manager can agree on cooperation with buyers.

Get ready for the fact that you may be refused, because there are popular brands, their chips have been eaten for years. You must clearly argue why exactly your product should get on the shops.

Make a discount to the buyer. If things go up and people buy your products, then you can then increase the cost of chips for stores.

Production of potato chips.

How are chips made and packaged at the factory?
Equipment for potato chips.

No. 8. Cost and income: when will the investment in the production of chips pay off?

How much money will be needed to organize the production of potato chips?
№. Item of expenses for the first month of workAmount in rubles
TOTAL: 3,181,000 rubles
1. Rental and renovation of premises100 000
2. Purchase of equipment1 480 000
3. Purchase of raw materials459 000
4. Employee salary457 000
5. Advertising90 000
6. Communal payments120 000
7. taxes450 000
8. Additional expenses25 000

The reality is that now stores prefer to buy such products of foreign origin due to the fact that these brands are well advertised.

Attract your buyers with product quality and a pleasant price, then you can outshine the foreign manufacturer forever. It is also worth shaping your competitive advantages based on consumer preferences:

A pack of chips weighing 100 grams costs 50 rubles in Russian stores. The workshop will be able to produce approximately 70 kilograms of finished products per day, and 1,400 kg per month (20 working days).

A kilogram of chips will bring the owner of the snack shop about 300 rubles of net profit. For a month, the profit will be 420 thousand rubles, which means that with the demand for products, the initial investment in the production of chips will pay off in about a year.

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Healthy eating is all the rage. The passion of people for environmentally friendly products prompted the producers of chips to release a new product - fruit. This snack is thinly sliced, dried fruit that mimics the shape of potato chips.

Fast food is popular among young people: athletes, adherents of a healthy lifestyle, as well as girls who follow their figure. The production of fruit chips can be organized at home. The business does not require special knowledge and large financial investments, which makes it affordable for start-up entrepreneurs.

Most areas of food production have a high demand for their products, regardless of the season. In this case, it is not necessary to open a large enterprise, it is enough to equip a small room. Having knowledge of the organization of the workshop and a competent approach to doing business, the initial costs will pay off in a short time.

The production of fruit chips is a new line of business and has a number of advantages:

  • Free niche for small business;
  • Low competition;
  • Minimum initial capital;
  • Demand for the product in the market.

Before translating a business idea into reality, an entrepreneur needs to study the intricacies of manufacturing products and draw up a detailed business plan.

Production technology

The process of making fruits is simple and understandable for beginner businessmen. The following stages of production can be distinguished:

  • Cleansing fruits from peel and seeds;
  • Cutting into thin plates using a special machine;
  • Removing moisture from fruits in an electric dryer;
  • Packing and packaging of finished products.

Note! To give the chips an original taste, you can use various spices, powdered sugar and spices. This will make the product stand out and make it more competitive.

Where to open a business?

The room for the production of fruit chips must comply with the requirements established by the SES. small production can be placed on an area of ​​​​70 square meters. meters. The workshop must be equipped with fire alarms, good ventilation and staff rooms. It will take a lot of time to prepare the premises in accordance with legislative norms.

Necessary equipment

The entrepreneur will need equipment for the production of fruit chips. Particular attention should be paid to this step, since the appearance, “presentation” of the finished product will depend on the quality of the devices. The standard fruit production line includes:

  • Fruit peeler;
  • Vegetable cutter;
  • Electric dryer, or drying chamber;
  • Packing machine.

The cost of equipment depends on the capacity and scale of production. To open a small enterprise, a line producing up to 30 kg of products per hour will be enough. Its average price is 60,000 rubles.

In addition, you need to take care of the storage of products. It will be necessary to purchase refrigerators and build a warehouse for finished goods.

The latest generation equipment makes it possible to produce not only fruit, but also potato and meat chips in one workshop. Despite the high cost of technology, with its help, the entrepreneur will be able to expand the range in the future.

Raw material

The choice of raw materials is one of the key stages at the stage of starting a business. Fruit for production is recommended to be purchased at wholesale bases. It is allowed to purchase damaged goods, as ready-made chips will be produced in sliced ​​form. The main requirements are freshness, absence of rot and lesions on the fruits.

Note! It is better to open an enterprise during the ripening period. At this time, you can significantly save on the purchase of apples, pears and apricots.

Legal registration

A home business for the manufacture of fruit chips may not be registered, provided that the sale of the goods will be carried out by friends or acquaintances. If a businessman plans to supply goods to shops and supermarkets, registration is required. The most convenient option would be. This form of business organization will reduce risks and reduce start-up investments. An individual entrepreneur has the opportunity to use a simplified taxation system and keep records independently.

Business plan

In order to understand whether it is profitable to engage in the production of fruit chips, it is necessary to draw up a business plan for the future enterprise. This will minimize risks and calculate the likely profit. As an example, we use a small workshop for the production of fruits, with an area of ​​​​70 square meters. m.

In order to save money on wages, an entrepreneur can independently perform the functions of an accountant and forwarder. Two workers will be required to maintain the production line, as well as technical staff to clean the premises.