Red beans canned. Useful properties of canned beans for humans

  • 20.04.2022

Canned beans have a very low calorie content - only 99 kcal. At the same time, it contains:

  1. proteins - 6.7%;
  2. fat - 0.3%;
  3. carbohydrates - 17%.

In addition, canned beans contain:

  • vitamins - A, K, E, B1, B2, PP, B6, C;
  • minerals - calcium, iron, potassium, copper, zinc, sulfur.

There are dozens of types of beans, but mostly white and red beans are canned.

Who benefits from canned beans?

The benefits don't stop there:

  • Beans are recommended for diabetics because they contain arginine. It is an amino acid that can partially replace insulin, helping to lower blood sugar levels.
  • Beans should be consumed by those who suffer from anemia or are at risk for this disease. However, the absence of vitamin B12 in its composition requires a mandatory combination with products where there is a lot of this vitamin.
  • Beans are certainly useful for diseases of the kidneys and bladder. It should be made a frequent meal for anyone suffering from heart failure and tuberculosis.
  • Plant seeds are part of the menu for weight loss and maintaining a healthy metabolism.

How to use canned beans for weight loss

Everyone knows the satiety of beans. This is provided by a large amount of carbohydrates present in the product mainly in the form of starch. Proteins are easily digestible, there are few fats, which means that beans can be considered a dietary food and can be included in the diet for weight loss.

Canned beans are a great option for transitioning to a vegan lifestyle. Refusal of meat is sometimes painful, because the body can not immediately switch to predominantly vegetable proteins. Proteins of leguminous plants are to some extent analogues of animal proteins. And to lose weight, just, you need to give up animal fats.

I use cream beans in sweet pies. Instead of butter, I mash boiled or canned beans, bring it to the most homogeneous state, and mix it with sour cream. I add sugar or honey to it. It turns out the cream with which I grease the cakes. The result is a diet fat-free pie. If desired, you can even do without sour cream.

What is dangerous beans in canned food when losing weight

There are contradictions in the nutritional and medicinal value of beans. It is considered dietary and low-calorie. At the same time, this is a heavy food that only a healthy digestive system can handle.

It is better to refuse beans for people suffering from acute gastritis, ulcers, hepatitis, pancreatitis. It should be noted that the beans are digested for a long time, so you need to combine it with light food.

Housewives do not always have enough time to cook dry beans. It must first be soaked and then boiled for a long time. But canned beans can be easily and quickly used for salads and soups, added to stews. But is canned beans useful, and to what extent are all useful trace elements preserved in it?

Useful properties of canned beans

If the beans are canned according to all standards, then it does not lose many valuable substances. It retains up to 70% of all minerals and vitamins and this is not enough! First of all, these are proteins and vegetable fiber. Proteins are necessary for the normal functioning of the body, and they are needed daily as a source of energy and building material for muscles and connective tissues.

For those who monitor their weight and count all the calories they consume, a jar of beans may seem too high in calories. But you need to consider that it has a lot of fiber, which helps digestion and ultimately contributes to weight loss.

In addition, canned beans are useful for intestinal microflora, they are even recommended for normalizing metabolism.

Useful material

  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • cellulose;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin E;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium.

The benefits of canned beans are undeniable for the cardiovascular due to the minerals iron, potassium and sodium.

Are canned beans with additives healthy?

On sale you can see several types of jars: red, white, with the addition of tomato paste, vinegar, with fat and vegetable oil. It is most useful when, in addition to the beans, the jar contains only a brine consisting of water, salt and sugar. All other supplements either increase calories or are simply harmful.

Harm canned beans

The harm of canned beans was revealed in inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as:

  1. with ulcers and gastritis;
  2. with increased acidity;
  3. with gout;
  4. in the first months of pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

How much per day can you eat canned beans

If there are no contraindications, then 100 grams of beans from a jar is the optimal norm.

How to cook canned beans

After opening the jar, drain the brine and rinse the beans. It is impossible to store beans in a metal can after opening.

Recipes for healthy dishes with canned beans

All the goodness of canned beans will be preserved with little or no heat treatment.

Salad with red beans and eggs

Rinse and strain the red beans, add chopped red pepper, green onion, 1 pickle. Prepare dressing: 1 teaspoon salt, 2 teaspoons minced cumin seeds, 2 cloves grated garlic, ½ teaspoon black pepper, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 6 tablespoons olive oil, 3 tablespoons chopped parsley. Stir and then add 4 chopped boiled eggs.

Omelet with canned beans

Saute chopped tomatoes and onions in olive oil. At this time, beat 4 eggs with a tablespoon of cream, salt and add sweet pepper.

When the tomatoes are soft, add 2 tbsp. tablespoons canned white beans Pour over the egg mass and cook under the lid over low heat. When the omelette is browned Sprinkle grated cheese on top, cover again and turn off the heat.

Most of the plant foods we eat are healthy in one way or another. Today in our article we will consider the benefits and harms of beans, name a group of people who must include it in their diet, give the chemical composition of the product and other interesting characteristics.

White and Red Beans: Health Benefits

According to some scientists, it is red beans that are richest in antioxidants, that is, substances that prevent aging, protect the cardiovascular system from various problems, and help in the prevention of cancer. Considering that beans, and not only red beans, but any other, contain about 20% vegetable protein, while only 2% fat and 58% carbohydrates, it can be considered as an alternative source of protein, especially for those who follow a vegetarian diet. . Many components of this product help to maintain the beauty of the skin, hair and nails. It also reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. In addition, these beans are simply delicious when used in side dishes, salads, and other dishes. They are a very satisfying product, while not overly high in calories. Here it is - white or red beans, its benefits for the body are comparable to products such as currants or cranberries. Be sure to include this very inexpensive and affordable product in your diet.

What are the health benefits of beans?

Considering the chemical composition, we can distinguish the following components of beans, the benefits of which for the body are undeniable. Yes, it contains:

  • vitamins A, group B, in particular B1, B2 and B6, K, PP and vitamin C;
  • in addition, it contains a useful and necessary antioxidant for all of us - vitamin E;
  • also in large quantities, the beans contain minerals - iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, iodine, zinc;
  • essential acids - Omega-3, lysine, arginine and others.

In addition, beans contain a lot of fiber, which is necessary for proper digestion.

How different is a canned product from fresh beans?

Of course, no one uses this legume for food in its raw form - it is very hard, it is either boiled or rolled into jars. Canned beans, the benefits of which are quite high, retain almost all nutritional properties even with this method of harvesting. So, it contains up to 70% vitamins compared to a fresh product and up to 80% minerals. Of course, there is no less protein, fat, carbohydrates and fiber in it than in the raw materials. The only thing when choosing canned food in the store, pay attention to their composition. It is better if salt and other spices were not used during factory cooking, but simply water was added. Then the beans practically do not change in taste, and they can be perfectly used for salads or other delicious dishes.

White and red beans: benefits and harms to the body

If we talked about the nutritional and beneficial properties above in sufficient detail, then the dangers of the product should also be mentioned. Some should take into account that this legume may not be consumed by everyone. It should be eaten with caution by people suffering from the following diseases:

  • increased acidity or gastritis;
  • ulcers or cholecystitis, as well as gout and colitis;
  • people with a tendency to flatulence.

Keep in mind that red beans, the benefits and harms of which (especially the latter - harm) differ from those of other types of beans, cause gas formation to a lesser extent. But still, it must be prepared with care and especially carefully. Please note that any beans are always soaked for at least a few hours before cooking. Some housewives recommend adding a pinch of soda to the water - so the beans will cook faster and become soft. Also, in order to reduce gas formation, it is recommended to add various spices to boiled porridge, for example, dill.

A little about string beans

This type of bean is no less healthy and just as tasty as dry red or white. Let's look at what features green beans have, the benefits and harms of which are described in detail below. First, about how this product has a positive effect on the body. Firstly, it contains a large amount of vitamins - groups B, C, A, PP and a number of others. Minerals - iodine, zinc, fluorine, iron, potassium. Actually, in composition, it is very similar to white and red beans, the benefits and harms of which were discussed above. However, the calorie content of this product is extremely low - about 30 kcal. per 100 grams. Moreover, it is much easier to cook than white or red beans. The pods can be eaten raw, boiled or fried, added to a salad, vegetable stew - anywhere. Also, such beans can be frozen for the winter, it retains its vitamins and nutrients well even after defrosting. Contraindications to eating green beans are almost the same as those of red or white. So, it is not recommended to eat it for those who suffer from stomach ulcers, gastritis, high acidity. It should not be added or prepared for those who have been diagnosed with nephritis or gout. Otherwise, beans, the benefits and harms of which are well studied, and nutritionists can quite unequivocally answer the question of who can eat the product and who can’t, is still recommended for most people in order to diversify the diet and provide the body with vitamins and minerals .

If it is very easy to cook a legume vegetable - it is easy to cook, then things are a little worse with a red one. More precisely, not worse, but more difficult. It needs to be soaked - we have already mentioned this fact, and best of all at night. After that, it should be filled with new water, put on the stove and wait until the liquid boils. Immediately upon boiling, this water must be drained, and then pour new. In this case, the beans retain more nutrients and just taste better. Also, during the cooking process, you can add spices and a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil. In our article, we talked in detail about beans, the benefits and harms were also considered. Agree, there are still more positive properties in the product, so be sure to include it in your family's diet.

Now, for the recipes. And I'll start with the soup.

Soup with beans

Would need:

Broth - 2 liters

Potatoes - 2 pcs.

Carrot - 1 pc.

Onion - 1 head

Sausages - 3 pcs.

Canned beans with vegetables - 1 can


Peel and finely chop the carrots and onions. Saute vegetables in vegetable oil.

It is better to take smoked sausages for this soup, but smoked sausages or sausages are also suitable. We cut them into thin circles and send them to the pan with vegetables. Fry for about 5 more minutes.

We clean the potatoes and cut into slices. Bring the broth to a boil and throw in the chopped potatoes. Cook until almost done.

Add the resulting roast and canned beans to the pan. We give the soup to cook on low heat for another 10 minutes. A couple of minutes before cooking, add chopped greens. By the way, it goes very well with legumes. This soup can be served with sour cream.

Well, now let's move on to the hot.

Meatballs in tomato sauce

Would need:

Minced meat - 500 g,

Boiled rice - 3 tbsp. spoons,

Egg - 1 pc.,

Onion - 1 head,

Garlic - 2-3 cloves,

Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons,

Tomato juice - ½ liter,

Canned beans with vegetables - 1 can.


Mix minced meat with rice and egg and make small balls out of it.

We clean the onion and garlic, finely chop and fry in vegetable oil in a deep frying pan. When they are a little fried, you need to add tomato juice and bring to a boil.

Gently drop the meatballs into the boiling tomato sauce. The sauce should cover them by about half. Leave the meatballs to simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. After that, turn the meat balls over and simmer them on the other side, too, for 10 minutes.

Put the canned beans in the pan between the meatballs and let it warm up well.

This dish is served hot. Garnish is not required for it.

This is a quick and tasty dish. It's very easy to prepare and literally takes minutes.

Would need:

Chicken fillet - 500 g,

Beans, canned with vegetables - 1 can,

Vegetable oil, salt, herbs.


Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.

Add canned beans to the chicken and simmer everything together for about 10 minutes. Along with the beans, you can also add canned corn or green peas.

That's all! Serve sprinkled with herbs. This dish takes less than half an hour to prepare.

Chile in the country

This dish is prepared from only canned food and fresh vegetables, so it is ideal for camping conditions and for summer cottages, especially if there is no refrigerator on it.

Would need:

Any stew - 2 cans,

Canned corn - 1 can,

Canned beans with vegetables - 1 can.

Fresh tomatoes, hot peppers, garlic and herbs.


Put the stew in the pan and bring to a boil. Add beans and corn to the same pan, heat everything together for 5 minutes.

Cut the tomatoes into small slices. We clean the hot pepper and garlic and finely chop (if you do not like hot pepper, then you can not add pepper). Add vegetables to the skillet and simmer for another 5 minutes.

Finely chop the greens and add to the already prepared dish. It must be served hot.

Of course, these are far from all the dishes that can be prepared with canned beans, and each housewife will surely come up with something of her own. And I hope that this collection of recipes will help you with this.