How to achieve muscle relief. Muscle relief How to draw relief on the body

  • 25.03.2022

The relief training program is a complex of strength training with a special diet, the purpose of which is to draw all muscle groups, to reduce the reserves of subcutaneous adipose tissue. In bodybuilding jargon, this process is called "cutting." Low fat reserves make the muscular body as aesthetic and athletic as possible. How to achieve results in the shortest possible time will be discussed in this article.

A real bodybuilder is always in a state of achieving one of the following goals:

  1. gain weight
  2. Dry off and get relief

This article will discuss what specifics in compiling or adjusting your training program will help you achieve high-quality relief.

What is good relief

Let's first define the terminology, what exactly we mean by dried relief. The qualitative relief is characterized by the following characteristics:

  1. Low level of subcutaneous fat (up to 10%);
  2. Muscle stiffness;
  3. Separation and definition.

The most important thing is of course the level of body fat. As you know, everyone has muscles, but it is often not possible to see them under a thick layer of fat. Hence, the main task that the relief training program should solve is the “burning” of excess fat. The next goal is to achieve the proper rigidity of the muscles, which visually makes them more aesthetically attractive, in contrast to the mass-gaining period, when the muscles are filled with fluid and look loose.

And finally, the achievement of such properties as separation, depth and defecation. These criteria apply more to competitive athletes and the methods used to achieve this level of detail are, quite frankly, against the notions of health and a healthy lifestyle. I’m not even talking about the use of doping now (which, of course, is also actively used by competing athletes), but even those diets that are used in preparation do not contribute to health promotion - the absence of carbohydrates and fats, the complete absence of not only salt, but also any other minerals and micronutrients that promote fluid retention, fat burners, diuretics, dehydration... So let's leave separation and definition to the podium and focus on goals that improve our shape, but not at the expense of health.

Basic principles of the training program for terrain

So, our first goal is to fight fat, in this our workouts will largely overlap with workouts on the weight loss program.


To use lipolysis as an energy exchange, there is no more effective type of exercise than the so-called cardio (or aerobic) exercise. Cardio training is effective for burning fat because, unlike, say, strength training, which uses the energy of anaerobic glycolysis, the duration of the load can be quite significant in time! Indeed, when we do a strength exercise, say a shanga press, we do it for 1 maximum 2 minutes, we burn glycogen in the muscles and that’s it, we don’t have the strength to do the exercise further.

No lipolysis (replenishment of energy from fat reserves) is triggered. So, when compiling a training program for relief, be sure to include cardio training in it. Depending on your current state, we vary their volume from 20 minutes to an hour or more daily. Any cardio equipment (steppers, ellipsoids, treadmills, etc.) or, more preferably, outdoor jogging, walking or cycling is up to you. The main thing is that your heart rate is within the corridor from (220 full years) * 0.6 to (220 full years) * 0.8 beats per minute.

Base or multi-rep

Let's figure out what exercises and in what technique should be performed when training for relief. Of course, you can do all types of exercises. Sharpening the relief does not contradict the improvement of the functionality of your body, so of course you can do basic exercises, but you need to do them in a specific manner. You - due to the restriction on carbohydrates - simply will not have the strength to do heavy basic movements with your maximum weights. But doing a “base” with 60-80% of your weights when working on weight is possible and even necessary!

Preparation for the program

You need to start the relief program after the athlete acquires sufficient muscle mass. Proper and balanced nutrition is 70% of success on the way to the cherished relief, but this will be discussed later.

The relief program is a rather difficult test for any athlete. Such training requires much more dedication and self-discipline than training to gain mass. The process of "drying" for each athlete will be different in view of his individual characteristics: physiology, type of metabolism and type of body constitution. For example, someone who is predisposed to the accumulation of adipose tissue must “plow” for three (endomorph). The relief program is designed for bodybuilders who have been training in the gym for a long time. You need to be prepared for the fact that during the execution of the training program the body will lose part of the muscle mass, so its supply should be sufficient by the beginning of the "drying".

Basic rules for terrain training

Relief training is more intense and has more repetitions in each set. This approach allows you to burn more calories. "Pumping" is a key feature when performing each set. This term implies continuous work, when in each set, after completing the exercise with the main training weight, without a pause, a smaller weight is taken to do another 10-30 repetitions. The effect of "pumping" will allow you to burn an unthinkable amount of calories. The program can last from 4 to 9 weeks, depending on the characteristics of the athlete's body.

It is necessary to adhere to the following rules to achieve maximum efficiency of the time spent in the hall:

  • When performing the exercise, the average weight of the weights should be used, but by no means the maximum;
  • use supersets. Perform two exercises in one set without rest. Excellent study of several muscles of the same group or antagonist muscles. In one workout, you can perform from two to four supersets;
  • use dropsets (pumping). As part of one approach, there is a gradual decrease in the weight of the burden by 20% (about 4-5 times). This allows you to fully work out the involved muscles and significantly speed up blood flow and metabolism;
  • A break between approaches from one and a half to two minutes;
  • After each workout, a good sleep is necessary, and the body should be given at least one, and preferably a two-day break every week.

Example of a program for relief

All of these exercises can be combined for supersets. Each workout should contain dropsets that are used in the second or third set of a particular exercise. Each exercise in three sets of 12-14 times. The first approach is warming up, the subsequent ones are working.

MONDAY (back, chest and abs workout)

  1. Bench press;
  2. Bent-over barbell bench press;
  3. crossovers;
  4. Deadlift;
  5. Pull-ups 3xmax;
  6. Abdominal exercises (three different exercises at your own discretion) - 3x20.

TUESDAY (shoulders, arms, abs)

  1. Bench press standing;
  2. Wiring dumbbells standing;
  3. Lifting the bar for biceps while standing;
  4. Biceps curl on Scott bench
  5. Hammers dumbbells;
  6. Block pull for triceps;
  7. French press;

WEDNESDAY (arms, shoulders, abs)

    1. Bench press behind the head;
    2. Arnold press;
    3. Push-ups on the uneven bars;
    4. Rod pull to the chin;
    5. Taking the dumbbells back behind the body.

FRIDAY (chest, back press).

  1. Dumbbell bench press;
  2. crossovers;
  3. Wiring dumbbells lying on a bench;
  4. Deadlift;
  5. Pull-ups with a wide grip - 3xmax;
  6. Thrust of the horizontal block behind the head;
  7. Lower press exercises 3x20.

SATURDAY (leg press)

  1. Squats;
  2. Vertical leg press on the simulator;
  3. Leg extension and flexion on the simulator;
  4. Exercises for the upper, lower and oblique muscles of the press - 3x20.

MONDAY (legs, abs)

  1. Barbell squats;
  2. Leg press on the simulator;
  3. Squats "Sumo";
  4. Lifting the bar for biceps;
  5. Lifting the barbell on the Scott bench;
  6. Exercises for the upper press 3x20.

TUESDAY (isolation exercises)

  1. Press exercises (two sets for each group);
  2. Exercise on the simulator for the calf muscles;
  3. Shrugs;
  4. Lifting the bar with the hands.

After every seventh training day, there should be a day of rest, which in this case will be Wednesday. For convenience, you can schedule a visit to the hall on the calendar.

Aerobic exercise

This type of exercise is also called cardio training. One or two workouts a week for up to 45 minutes will be a great addition to a general relief program. Easy jogging, swimming, rowing machine are great exercises that will boost metabolism, strengthen ligaments, increase blood flow and help burn fat cells.

Features of nutrition for the period of the relief program

Proper nutrition for the duration of the terrain drawing program is the main key to success. High-protein nutrition with a decrease in the carbohydrate component - this is the formula for effectively saturating the body with the necessary building materials. The number of small meals should be about six. This is necessary to maintain a high metabolic rate.

    1. It is necessary to reduce the calorie content of consumed foods by 10-30%, depending on the body's ability to burn fat.
    2. First of all, you need to cut the diet due to fast carbohydrates: confectionery and flour products, etc.
    3. The minimum share of carbohydrates in the diet should be at least 40%, vegetable fats -10%, everything else in the diet is protein.
    4. It is important to saturate the body with vitamins and minerals, which will help the appropriate complexes. Their deficiency can lead to muscle breakdown.
    5. To get the required amount of protein, you can use nutritional sports supplements. They can make up about 40% of the required amount of protein in the diet. This reduces the burden on the gastrointestinal tract.
    6. The volume of liquid drunk daily should be at least 3 liters. The lack of water in the body slows down the metabolism, and with it weight loss, and also increases the load on the heart.

In the diet, you can use the following products (variate and combine), dividing their intake into 6 servings per day:

      • Vegetables and fruits;
      • Fish;
      • legumes;
      • Brown and wild rice;
      • Kashi;
      • Skimmed dairy products (milk, cottage cheese, kefir);
      • Eggs;
      • Lean poultry and meat;

Thus, the preparation of a proper diet for the duration of the training for "drying" is highly dependent on the characteristics of the athlete. The amount of food consumed depends on the total weight of the athlete, the metabolic rate and the body's ability to burn fat.

An example of training for the relief of the upper body of the performing athlete Vladimir Borisov:

Greetings sports guys and girls! Today's topic is the relief of our muscles. Being big is one thing. But being big and beautiful, that's another thing.

Often among those who visit the gyms you can see those who have a large body mass and great strength in the body, but they are formless. Their muscles are hidden under a large layer of fat and it looks, let's say, not very good.

In bodybuilding, this is simply unacceptable. Muscles should be clearly defined and embossed - then they will be beautiful and attractive. They will be aesthetic. Naturally, you already know all this, but the problem is that achieving muscle relief is really difficult, like everything in bodybuilding, especially when you don’t know what to do.

The following tips will help you achieve muscle relief, because it's worth it, especially if you are already very tired of your shapeless figure. Let's pay attention to 2 key points in this important matter. Your nutrition, and, of course, training. Follow these tips and you will be dry, embossed and beautiful. You will, you will... Look!


The first thing you definitely need to change in your usual diet is to reduce the intake of carbohydrates, which supply our body with energy. With a deficiency of these substances, the body will be forced to burn subcutaneous fat. But this should be done gradually, not abruptly, so that the body gets used to these changes.

As with everything, a certain amount of patience is needed in the diet. The first 2-3 weeks you will hardly notice any changes. And only at 4-5 weeks you will begin to reap the first fruits of fasting: the lines of the body will become more powerful, embossed and harmonious. Drying at least once a year is also very important for the amateur - it eliminates problems in the future.

After all, once you have driven off excess fat, the next time you will have to burn only what has accumulated in just a year. Once you have gone through the diet path, you gain experience once and for all - what, how and why. The most pleasant side of this matter is that with each time both the drying itself and the peak form will be given more and more easily.

At the same time you need go on a protein diet to provide the muscles with the necessary building materials and the necessary number of calories that you need for the day.

These calories should be 35-45% from protein, 10-15% from fat, and 35-45% from carbohydrates. The diet itself should also be different ...

Now you need to eat more often, but in small portions, in order to maintain the metabolism at the right level and not to store unnecessary fat in the body, because then the muscle relief will suffer.

Meals should not be skipped because during times of nutrient deficiency, our body releases the hormone cortisol, which burns our muscles, using them as fuel for the body. Well, no one needs it!

As for special supplements, it will be very appropriate during the period when we are trying to achieve muscle relief and quality - to use carnitine .

First of all, L-carnitine is widely known as a fat burning supplement. transports fatty acids to the mitochondria, where they are broken down with the release of energy. As a result, excess fat is burned and at the same time additional energy is generated that is necessary to maintain a high level of vitality.

But in addition to the presence in the body of the necessary amount of carnitine, to start this wonderful transformation, it is necessary to follow a competent diet and the necessary physical activity.

A very important advantage for athletes is the fact that the use of l-carnitine as a “fat-burning” supplement does not lead to the destruction of proteins and carbohydrates at all.

Muscle relief workouts

You will be greatly helped to achieve muscle relief. They should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach. It's either running on a treadmill or outdoors. You can jump rope. Why in the morning?

Because after sleep, your glycogen stores in your liver are depleted and when you do cardio, the body is forced to burn fat because there is nothing else. And if you immediately had breakfast after sleep, then you would supply your entire body with substances that were burned instead of fat.

And you need to burn fat. Therefore, it is advisable to do cardio in the morning, on an empty stomach. Although there is debate about this, many athletes do this when they want to achieve muscle relief.

Your training itself will also change. You need to do more repetitions with less weight and rest less between sets. But without fanaticism, because it will be hard for you anyway. If you follow all this, then this will be more than enough for you. Fat will melt 100%. I recommend watching the video below. The guy gives good advice and looking at him you understand that he understands exactly what he is talking about:

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In order to have an athletic and sculpted figure, men do not need to have a huge muscle mass, overloading themselves with hard workouts. To achieve a slender body and traced muscles, you must first of all reduce the level of subcutaneous fat. But remember that the struggle for harmony and relief does not begin in the gym, but at the table.

Relief: training or diet?

Diet is the main component of training for relief. Exhausting cardio and running can help you achieve leanness, but without changing your eating habits, it's hard to maintain the achieved shape and low percentage of body fat - the most important element of muscle relief.

The first week to enhance the relief is introductory. The main goal is to try out a similar diet for yourself, while not attaching much importance to specific numbers of nutrient and calorie intake. However, starting from the second week, the calculation will be important.

  • From Monday to Wednesday - and reduced calories.
  • Thursday, before lunch - no carbohydrate phase, then a full meal.
  • Thursday, after training - a full dinner.
  • Friday - a meal with a lot of carbohydrates.
  • Saturday - full meals.
  • Sunday - reduced meals in the afternoon.

Muscle relief exercises

Relief training involves an emphasis on a comprehensive program - basic exercises grouped together. Isolation exercises (such as bicep curls) are limited as much as possible because they have minimal impact on metabolism and metabolism.

At the same time, the presented training program combines both cardio, used to burn fat and enhance relief, and strength training, which strengthens muscles and prevents their loss (the most typical mistake of those who want to lose weight is a sharp burning of muscles, not fat).

Muscle growth and fat burning

Workouts are tied to the rules of the CKD cyclic diet. The first three days are used to enhance the relief - the carbohydrate-free phase and low calorie intake contribute to this. Strength training is carried out on the first half of the day on Monday, using the "reserves" of the previous week.

The second half of the week combines increased caloric intake and basic training to maintain a normal metabolic rate. A light workout on Thursday kicks off protein synthesis, while a carb-load on Friday and a heavy workout on Saturday kick-start muscle growth.

Body by Summer 6: Relief Workout

AT Monday performed to enhance the relief and "wash out" glycogen stores. Exercises are performed in supersets - first, 8 repetitions of the first exercise, then, without a break, 8 repetitions of the second. Break 30-60 seconds and move on to the next superset. Only 2-3 cycles.

Superset A:

  • Machine leg extension OR

Superset B:

Superset C:

In Tuesday and Wednesday- no carbohydrate days and optional cardio workouts lasting 40-45 minutes. It can be either a slow run or an ellipsoid or a rowing machine. It is important to monitor the heart rate and work in the zone up to 150 beats (or 60-80% of the maximum heart rate).

Workout on Thursday(comprehensive program exercises) is performed after a hearty meal containing a normal amount of carbohydrates. The weight used is 80% of the usual working weight, the break between sets is 2 minutes. Each exercise includes 3-4 working sets of 8-10 repetitions.

  • OR Leg extension in the simulator
  • OR Dumbbell Bench Raise
  • Circular Abdominal Program

In the second half Thursday and in Friday a diet high in carbohydrates, but with a maximum reduction in fat (especially animal fats). The goal is to replenish as many muscle reserves as possible for a powerful strength training session held on Saturday.

AT Saturday a comprehensive training program is performed similar to Thursday, however, the working weight in the exercises is increased, the number of sets is reduced to 2-3, and the number of repetitions is reduced to 6-8. This approach activates the processes of muscle growth, in fact, preventing their burning.

How to eat for muscle relief?

The main rule of carbohydrate-free days for relief is to consume at least 2 g of protein per day for every kg of body weight. At the same time, daily caloric intake is reduced by no more than 20%. The caloric value is calculated by multiplying the net body weight (minus fat) in kg by a factor of 35.

The amount of carbohydrates is reduced as much as possible, but green vegetables (sources of fiber and vitamins) remain in the diet. It is also necessary to pay attention to the source of fats, giving preference to olive oil and coconut fat, giving up butter and other animal fats.


  • Man weighing 80 kg
  • Percentage of body fat - 15% (or 12kg)
  • Daily calorie intake - (80-12) x 35 = 2380 kcal
  • The number of calories for relief - 2380 minus 20% = 1904 kcal
  • Protein requirement - (80-12) x 2 = 140 g of protein


When working on relief, it is important to remember that diet is the first component of success. The advantage of the CKD carb-free cyclical diet is that it allows you to burn fat and gain muscle mass without losing muscle mass (through carb loading and heavy workouts on Saturday).

The "" body is popular, that is, getting rid of the fat component with an increase in muscle mass. Usually this effect is achieved through low-calorie and low-carbohydrate diets, but with the addition of physical activity. Despite the positive external result: an increase in relief, such diets are harmful to the body, because carbohydrates are the main source of our energy. Refusing them, the athlete quickly loses strength during training and harms his body. Proper "drying" only manipulates the amount of carbohydrates consumed, but does not eliminate them. At the same time, it is also distributed depending on the day of the diet.
A carbohydrate alternation diet saves energy for intense activities. It speeds up the metabolism, helping the development of the body. Eating fruits, vegetables and natural protein products has a positive effect on the general condition of the body, and the absence of strict food prohibitions does not strain the nervous system.

The carbohydrate alternation diet implies only the use of fresh natural products. There is no fixed menu. Nutrition should be varied, full of vitamins and minerals, but suitable for the principles of carbohydrate alternation. Alcohol and sweets are completely excluded.
Principles of the carbohydrate alternation diet.
The main role in this diet is given to the constant manipulation of the amount of carbohydrates consumed. Let's say you give yourself two months to lose weight. You divide this segment into four-day cycles. The first and second days of this cycle are low-carb, protein intake is at the level of 3-4 grams per kilogram of body weight, while the carbohydrate intake is 1-1.5 grams. The third day is high carbohydrate, carbohydrate intake can be 5-6 grams per kilogram of body weight, while protein intake can be reduced to 1-1.5 grams. The fourth day is moderate: protein intake is 2-2.5 grams per kilogram of weight, carbohydrates are 2-3 grams. Ideally, such a diet should become a principle of life for you and continue even when the result is achieved.

Physical activity during the carbohydrate rotation diet is not reduced, but only regulated. Since carbohydrates provide a lot of energy and calories, the carbohydrate days of the diet will be the most intense in working with the body: do strength exercises. Protein days mean moderation in training: aerobics and running are suitable. As a result of proper "drying", the athlete not only loses a few kilograms of fat mass, but also increases muscle mass - due to proteins and strength training. Consequently, the muscles acquire a pronounced relief.

Everyone understands that 100 kilograms of live weight can look different. If you put next to the “reference” Schwarzenegger (whose weight at the competition was just a little over a centner) and a person who has never been engaged in physical activity, but has the same weight (“thanks to” subcutaneous fat). Naturally, outwardly the second option does not look very good - after all, the number on the scales is not the main criterion for assessing appearance. In this regard, everyone pays attention to the muscular relief - the problems of finding which we will now consider.

Muscle relief

What do they mean when they talk about "muscular relief"

A beginner may not understand what exactly will be discussed. In this article, we will analyze one of the two (probably) main issues of bodybuilding - gaining relief (another one is this).

The muscular corset that covers our skeleton under the skin has a certain shape. If the percentage of subcutaneous fat exceeds the permissible norms, the muscles are hidden under its layer. That is, in fact, working on muscle relief means burning excess fat and drawing muscle groups - the same press, for example.

It is impossible to answer the question about muscle relief in a nutshell - it is too confusing and complex, and too many factors influence it. We will pay attention to each of them. It will be about:

  1. Body type.
  2. Diet and nutrition.
  3. Workout.
  4. Cardio.
  5. Sports nutrition.

Each point is interconnected with the others and needs to be worked out. Now - the details.

Point one - body type

If you have already begun to get acquainted with the theoretical foundations of "iron", then you should know that according to the widespread Sheldon system, there are 3 types. Each of them, respectively, has its own nuances during physical exertion and reacts to them differently. The same is true when it comes to terrain training. This point, unfortunately, cannot be changed, and here everything depends only on how nature disposed of it.

The first type is an ectomorph. Usually high growth, long but thin bones, a small amount of subcutaneous fat and no tendency to accumulate it, a low level of physical strength, difficult and long-term weight gain. It is very easy for people belonging to this type to decide how to achieve muscle relief (usually they stand out clearly even without training and do not require special diets), but they have an acute problem - how exactly to make these muscles grow. With intensive training, usually a separate work on the relief is not required - the muscles immediately grow “dry” and do not need to be adjusted.

The second type is an endomorph. In fact, it is the exact opposite of the previous point. Usually short stature, tendency to accumulate subcutaneous fat and difficulty getting rid of it, relatively rapid weight gain. It will be very, very difficult for people of this type to achieve “dry” muscles - only a tough program and a diet for muscle relief will make it possible to cope with the task. And be prepared for the fact that as soon as you stop adhering to the required regimen, the muscles will very quickly disappear again.

The third type is mesomorph. Both in terms of gaining muscle mass, and in terms of working on relief - this type is the most successful. Physical strength, no tendency to accumulate fat and a high rate of fat burning, strong bones and broad shoulders, rapid growth of muscle mass - everything that every bodybuilder needs. If you are lucky, and your body belongs to this particular type - training for muscle relief, most likely, will not be needed - since it will already be of sufficient quality.

Now we can sum up a little: only endomorphs will need serious work on the relief - this is the most difficult type. Ectomorphs and mesomorphs experience practically no problems - the built-up muscles already stand out correctly. If not, a small diet and a change in the program will solve the problem very quickly and very simply.

Point two - diet and nutrition

If we discuss for the relief of muscles, we can distinguish the main postulate: smaller (especially fast ones) and. Their number should only cover the daily requirement, but not exceed it. Pay attention to complex carbohydrates and vegetable fats - they are not so harmful to the figure, but at the same time they allow the body to work in the right mode.

It is impossible to completely limit yourself in fats and carbohydrates! The main sources of energy (not to mention other functions), they are vital for us every day, and even more so during physical training. If you reduce your carbohydrate intake even for one day, go to the gym and try to work out as usual, you will feel weak almost instantly, and it will be very, very difficult to cope with your usual weight.

Another nuance: it is better to eat more often, but less. Train yourself to satisfy your hunger with small snacks. You can (and even need to!) Stock up on food for work or even for training - with a diet, you will probably feel some weakness, which will only increase the feeling of hunger - so you should immediately get rid of it.

Third point - training

This and the previous points are the most important.

Naturally, the program for muscle relief and the program for building them will be different. These differences are as follows:

  1. When working on relief, it is necessary to “dilute” the base with isolating exercises.
  2. Working weights will have to be reduced - maximum weights are good for recruitment, but not for “drying”. You can reduce weight a lot - here the number and speed of repetitions play a big role, first of all.
  3. But the number and speed of repetitions should be significantly increased. When performing exercises for muscle relief, it is best to do more repetitions - 10-20, and at an accelerated pace. But at the same time, do not forget about the technique: each movement must be clear and of high quality. As a result, the muscles should "burn".
  4. It is recommended to forget about rest altogether - it is best that your training program for muscle relief turn out to be circular, that is, all exercises would be performed without interruption, one after another. This is very good - try replacing regular workouts with iron with such exercises. With the right approach and proper execution, they are much more effective for “drying”.
  5. If possible, it is also recommended to increase the number of workouts: the more often you work on yourself, the faster you will notice the result. How much to increase depends on you and on the amount of your free time. If it is impossible to visit the gym, you can supplement the program - it is more difficult to get muscle relief at home separately, but as an addition to the main loads, it is very effective.

Point four - cardio

A treadmill, an exercise bike and an elliptical trainer (as well as any other types of cardio - from running in a stadium to martial arts training) - these are the main assistants for an athlete who wants to achieve relief. Regular and frequent, they effectively drive off excess, leaving "dry" muscles.

By the way, this applies to absolutely all muscle groups - for example, if you want to work out the relief of the pectoral muscles or such problematic abdominal muscles, you should not be zealous in bench press or twisting: exhausting running or riding a bicycle / exercise bike will solve the problem much more efficiently and faster. And no matter how strange it may sound, but the question of how to give relief to the pectoral muscles very often has just such an answer: cardio - more often, faster and longer.

Point five - final - sports nutrition

This item will be relevant for endomorphs, who most experience difficulties with relief (ectomorphs and mesomorphs usually have enough diet and frequent training).

If we consider sports nutrition for muscle relief, first of all, you should pay attention to supplements containing L-carnitine. However, they are not a panacea - you will have to train no less, the fat itself will not go anywhere. There are a lot of names of such drugs, from several manufacturers (this, first of all, depends on the cost). Ideally, their intake should be combined with a diet - only then the question of how to make muscle relief can be solved really quickly.

There are more serious options that should be looked for already in pharmacies. The most popular are clenbuterol and ECA. The first drug is cough tablets, and the second is an abbreviation. It stands for Ephedrine, Caffeine (sodium benzoate) and Aspirin. Such a combination has a much stronger effect on the body and is indeed a drug tested by many athletes. If you are interested in how to give muscle relief, but just diet and training do not help, it is quite possible that this method will be more effective and efficient.