Research water is alive and dead. Dead and living water, fiction or reality? Is melt water useful

  • 26.02.2022

But in order for a liquid to be called ionized, it must contain a large amount of free ions, and in the case of pure water this is unrealistic. So, pure water prefers to exist in the form of molecules rather than ions. And to conduct electric current, ions are needed, because electric current is the movement of charged particles. But pure water is a very weak electrolyte, and therefore practically does not conduct electricity. And for these reasons, "ionized" can not be in any case.

What is "alkaline water"?

For a liquid to be called "acidic", it must contain more hydrogen ions than hydroxide ions. And so that we can talk about an "alkaline" liquid - exactly the opposite: there must be more hydroxide ions than hydrogen ions.

To determine the acidity and alkalinity of water, the pH scale (from 0 to 14) is used. The pH of pure water is neutral and is 7. That is, the number of hydrogen ions is equal to the number of hydroxide ions. Acidic liquids have more hydrogen ions, that is, the pH is less than 7, and the closer it is to zero, the higher the acidity. Alkaline liquids have more hydroxide ions and their pH shifts from 7 to 14.

To clarify: the number of positive and negative ions in a liquid is the same. And in order, for example, to have more positive hydrogen ions than negative hydroxide ions, there must be some more negative ions in the solution. Where can I get them? From other chemical compounds (salts, acids, alkalis), and not from all, but from those that easily dissociate, that is, they break up in water into individual ions. For example, a solution of hydrochloric acid HCl gives an excess of hydrogen ions and therefore will be acidic, and a solution of sodium hydroxide NaOH will be alkaline because it gives an excess of hydroxide ions.

That is, there can be no pure “alkaline water”. The only option is the presence of other substances.

But electrolysis (decomposition of a substance into components using an electric current) of ordinary tap water, for example, is possible. And then people with a miracle device appear who claim that their “ionizer” is capable of creating “dead water” (high acidity) and “living water” (with a high content of hydroxide ions). At the heart of such a device is the simplest electrolyzer (electrolysis apparatus): a container with a cathode and an anode and an internal vessel. The vessel is separated from the main vessel by a parchment partition, which allows the liquids around the cathode and anode to be separated.

And to some extent, these people are right: indeed, due to the fact that potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium salts are always present in ordinary water, the “ionizer”, or rather, the electrolyzer, successfully accelerates ions along the electrodes.

As a result, the liquid around the cathode is alkalized and the so-called catholyte is obtained - “living water”. Its pH can reach 10-11 units. In this case, the resulting alkaline solution is actively in contact with air, more precisely, with carbon dioxide, as a result of which carbonates and bicarbonates of potassium and sodium (soluble) and magnesium and calcium carbonates (insoluble) appear in it. That is, at the output we get the usual "mineral water", however, with salts in an unknown concentration. If you drink it for heartburn, it will work. Like any other heartburn drug, or even ordinary soda dissolved in water.

Around the anode, the liquid is acidified and as a result, anolyte is formed - "dead water", the pH of which can reach 3-4 units. Why "dead" is a question for the ideological creators, apparently, acid in their view is more terrible than alkali. At the anode, during electrolysis, pure chlorine is released, which partially volatilizes, and partially dissolves and forms hypochlorite or hypochlorous acid. That is, in this case, we get a solution of well-known substances that have a disinfecting and bleaching effect. If the wound is treated with this " dead water", it will destroy the bacteria and promote its healing. As well as any medicine intended for these purposes.

The only question that arises in this case is: why pay a lot of money for an "ionizer" when you can buy mineral water in a store, and a remedy for heartburn or for disinfecting wounds in a pharmacy? Moreover, the exact composition of the liquids obtained in the "ionizer" is unknown, which means that the effect of their use will be very approximate.

But here there is a nuance. And how dangerous is the use of such "live" and "dead" liquids? To answer, we need to understand what we mean when we talk about pH in relation to a living organism.

Health and body pH

There is no average human pH. Our organs and individual tissues differ in this indicator. For example, the pH of gastric juice is acidic, from 1.8 to 3.0 pH, in fact, it is dilute hydrochloric acid. The tissues of the stomach do not suffer from it, as they are protected by a special film, which is constantly renewed and protected from ulceration. When food enters the stomach, gastric juice is secreted more actively than at rest, but still, the pH of the stomach always remains acidic.

Blood pH is one of the most stable indicators of the human body. Normally, it ranges from 7.35 to 7.42. Arterial has a pH of 7.4, venous due to the presence of carbon dioxide in it - 7.35. These are very important indicators, when they change at least by 0.1 pH, severe pathologies develop. To maintain normal blood pH, the body has several buffer systems at once: bicarbonate, phosphate, hemoglobin, protein and erythrocyte buffer system. In addition, the body also has the urinary and respiratory systems, which are also involved in the regulation of pH.

Normal urine pH level in the morning ranges from 6.0 to 6.4, and in the evenings - from 6.4 to 7.0 and depends on a lot of factors. Unlike blood, the pH of the urine of an average person with no known chronic disease can't be said much without the results of other tests. Normal saliva pH also ranges from 6.4 to 6.8 pH.

With increased acidity (relative to the norm), they speak of acidosis, and with increased alkalinity, they speak of alkalosis. Such conditions are dangerous for the body and indicate problems with. The enzymes of our body work within narrow pH limits, so any global changes in it are a guaranteed failure of biochemical processes.

Let's return to "alkaline water": suppose that a person drinks an alkaline solution obtained in an "ionizer". What happens when it enters the acidic environment of the stomach? The school chemistry course says: there will be a neutralization reaction with the formation of salts and water - and a shift in pH to neutral values. In life, of course, there are situations when the acidity of gastric juice is increased, for example, in some forms of gastritis, which is fraught with damage to the walls of the stomach. And in this case, a person can be tormented by heartburn and other unpleasant sensations, for the treatment of which there are a lot of proven medicines and folk methods. That is, we again come to the conclusion that it is pointless to purchase any special devices to solve long-known problems.

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By the way, since we are talking about the pH of water, a few words should be said separately about ideally pure water - without extraneous ions at all. It is called distilled (distillate) and happens only in laboratories. In reality, all the water that we use in everyday life is a solution of various salts - in low or high concentrations, but salts that give free ions. More salts - they talk about "hard" water, less salts - about "soft". Store-bought mineral water that has a long list of ions on its label is very "hard" water. And doctors often prescribe it to people with various diseases of the intestinal tract.

The theory that both “living” and “dead” water can be made at home was widely spread in the 70s of the 20th century and made a splash at the time. The validity of this concept was never supported by significant evidence, although even today, some people, relying on drawings from famous publications, do not abandon attempts to make electrodes at home.

Let's try to understand this issue from the point of view of science. If you place two electrodes (anode and cathode) in plain water and load them with electric current for 5-6 minutes, then the water molecules will be divided into hydrogen ions (H +) and hydroxide ions (OH-), that is, into acid and alkali ions . Water near the anode will become acidic (pH = 4-5), or "dead", and near the cathode - sharply alkaline (pH = 10-11), it is just called "live".

By placing a semi-permeable membrane in the middle (in the 1970s, a piece of canvas fire hose was used for this purpose), you can prevent these two solutions from mixing. "Living" water is light, has a mild alkaline taste, sometimes a white precipitate, that is, salt, falls in it. "Dead" water has a brown tint, sour taste, gives off a characteristic sour smell, it collects hydrogen and metal ions.

So what is so good about this so-called "living" water, which is a strong alkali? What benefit can it bring? Drinking such water is almost the same as drinking a not very concentrated solution of KOH (caustic potassium) or soda. Such a solution "extinguishes" hydrochloric acid in the stomach, seriously disrupting the digestion of food and causing the body to double the production of hydrochloric acid. Activation of HCI production, even for a short period of time, will lead to a subsequent increase in acidity in the stomach, and this is a direct path to the development of foci of wounds in the stomach and duodenum. Also, the use of alkali will lead to a violation of the acid-base balance in the body and other changes, the consequences of which no one has seriously studied (in the same way, there is no information anywhere about the long-term consequences of the influence of “living” water on the body).

As for the “dead” (that is, acidic) water, the adherents of the aforementioned theory usually recommend using it for external purposes: gargle with sore throat, rub into sore joints, put lotions, etc. Medicine has no particular objections here, although You should still consult with an otolaryngologist or dentist. But you definitely shouldn’t drink “dead” water with diarrhea ...

Properties of living water

Catholyte (living water) and its healing properties

Living Water (LW) is an alkaline solution of a bluish tint, which has powerful biostimulating properties. Otherwise, it is called a catholyte. It is a clear, soft liquid with an alkaline taste, pH 8.5-10.5. You can use freshly prepared water for two days, and only if it was stored correctly - in a closed container, in a darkened room.

Catholyte has a beneficial effect on the body, it intensifies metabolic processes, enhances the body's defenses, as well as improves overall health.

"Living" water is called, which, when exposed to the body, causes favorable changes in it: metabolic processes in living tissues are intensified, improving well-being, reducing susceptibility to adverse factors and improving overall health. Living water is characterized by the following properties:

  1. High pH (alkaline water) - catholyte, negative charge.
  2. It is a natural biostimulator, remarkably restoring the immune system, providing antioxidant protection to the body, being a source of vital energy.
  3. Living water stimulates metabolism, improves blood circulation in tissues, increases blood pressure in hypotensive patients, improves appetite and digestion.
  4. Promotes the regeneration of the mucous membrane of the colon with a full restoration of bowel function.
  5. Living water is a radioprotector, a powerful stimulator of biological processes, has high extracting and dissolving properties.
  6. Helps to improve the detoxifying function of the liver.
  7. Living water provides rapid healing of wounds, including bedsores, burns, trophic ulcers, gastric and duodenal ulcers.
  8. Smoothes wrinkles, softens the skin, improves the appearance and structure of the hair, copes with the problem of dandruff.
  9. Living water stimulates the transfer of oxygen and electrons from the external environment to the cells, which normalizes the redox and metabolic processes in cells. This increases the activity of blood cells, tones the central nervous system and striated skeletal muscles.
  10. Promotes the rapid extraction of nutrients from something, so herbal tea and herbal catholyte baths are especially useful, as herbs are better brewed. Catholyte food is much tastier and healthier. The extractive property of living water is manifested even at low temperatures. The extract brewed on catholyte at a temperature of 40 - 45°C retains all useful substances, while they are lost when extracted with ordinary boiling water.
  11. Helps to reduce or even completely get rid of the effects of radioactive exposure.

The use of this liquid helps to increase the body's defenses, improve appetite, normalize metabolic processes, increase blood pressure, improve well-being, heal wounds, trophic ulcers, smooth wrinkles, soften the dermis, improve hair structure, eliminate dandruff; restoration of the colon mucosa, as well as the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract; rapid wound healing.

Catholyte is a natural biostimulant that helps in strengthening the immune system, as well as providing antioxidant protection to the body. This fluid works in two ways: it not only improves overall health, but also enhances the effects of vitamins and other medications taken during treatment.

Dead water properties

Anolyte (dead water) - description and indications for use

Anolyte (MV) - dead water, light yellowish tint. It is a clear liquid with a somewhat acidic aroma and astringent, sour taste. Acidity - 2.5-3.5 pH. The properties of the anolyte can be preserved for half a month, but only if it was stored in a closed container.

Dead water slows down metabolic processes. According to the disinfecting effect, it corresponds to the treatment with iodine, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, etc. But, unlike them, it does not cause a chemical burn of living tissues and does not stain them, i.e. is a mild antiseptic. Dead water has the following properties:

  1. Low pH (acidic water) - anolyte, positive charge.
  2. It has antiseptic, anti-allergic, drying, antihelminthic, antipruritic and anti-inflammatory properties.
  3. When used internally, dead water lowers blood pressure in hypertensive patients, regulates the flow area of ​​blood vessels and improves drainage through their walls, eliminates blood stasis.
  4. Promotes the dissolution of stones in the gallbladder, bile ducts of the liver, kidneys.
  5. Dead water reduces joint pain.
  6. It has a mild hypnotic effect on the central nervous system, reduces muscle tone. When taken, drowsiness, fatigue, weakness are noted.
  7. Dead water improves the excretion of harmful waste products of the body. Perfectly cleans it inside and out.
  8. Restores the functions of the sweat, salivary, sebaceous, lacrimal glands, as well as the endocrine glands and the gastrointestinal tract.
  9. Dead water, acting on the skin, helps to remove dead, keratinized epithelium, restoring local receptor fields of the skin, improving the reflex activity of the whole organism.
  10. It enhances the effect of radiation, so it is not recommended to use dead water inside on sunny summer days, as well as for people living in areas contaminated with radiation.

The use of anolyte contributes to the treatment of pathologies of the oral cavity, lowering blood pressure, normalizing the functioning of the central nervous system, eliminating insomnia, and reducing pain in the joints. This liquid helps to slow down metabolic processes. In terms of its disinfecting properties, it is in no way inferior to iodine, peroxide and brilliant green. In addition, dead water is a mild antiseptic.

The use of liquid will help in eliminating blood stagnation; in the dissolution of stones in the gallbladder; in minimizing pain in the joints; in cleansing the body; in improving reflex activity.

It's important to know! Living and dead water interact with each other, and in order not to harm, follow these important rules:

  • between the intake of catholyte and anolyte there must be a time interval of at least 2 hours;
  • when ingesting pure living water, a feeling of thirst arises, which can be muffled by drinking something acidified - tea with lemon, juice, sour compote;
  • living water - an unstable structure that quickly loses its properties, is stored for no more than 2 days in a dark, cool place;
  • dead - retains its properties for about 14 days, if placed in a closed vessel;
  • both liquids can be used both as a means of prevention and as medicines.

When mixing living and dead water, mutual neutralization occurs and the resulting water loses its activity. Therefore, when ingesting live and then dead water, you need to pause between doses for at least 2 hours!

Video - Living and dead water

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Water "living" and "dead" - myth or reality

Almost every one of us in childhood wanted to know if these magical liquids really exist and where these magical liquids come from, in order to collect at least a few drops and use them in our lives when needed. But it is not for nothing that the people say “The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it! A lesson for good fellows!”, because “living” and “dead” water actually exist. And not only in Russia in ancient times they composed stories about miraculous waters.

Let's see - like water is a simple compound in the form of H2O. However, it has long been proven that water has a much more complex structure, which, if desired, can be changed using electrolysis. What for? And in order to get the very "living" water. And what, you ask, is "aliveness" - that it changes pH and redox potential.

It turns out that almost 80% of the foods we eat are acid-forming. I will not list what these products are today, but I will do it in the near future. And it's not about how they taste. It's just that when they are broken down in the body, more acids are formed than alkalis (bases).
What is this or that product - acid or alkali determines the pH. Alkalis have a pH above 7. Acids have a pH below 7. Neutral products have a pH=7.

Since our blood has a pH in the range of 7.35 - 7.45, it is very important for a person to drink water with an alkaline pH daily. Such water has a healing effect and resists the oxidation of the body and diseases that are accompanied by oxidation.

In situations with a long-term acid-base disorder, in order to maintain a normal blood pH, the body is forced to take microelements and other nutrients from all organs (including bones). Of these, with excess acidifying food, alkalis are created to neutralize acids; with excessive alkalizing food, acids are formed to neutralize alkalis.

Literally everything weakens, including the immune system and the brain. A person develops chronic fatigue and other troubles. So how to get this treasured water?

To date, there are a number of devices that are the activator of the "fabulous drug" and help prepare water not only in the laboratory, but also in any household. Moreover, according to experiments, the benefits of such water can be experienced not only on yourself, but also on your pets and plants.

But there is another storehouse of "living" and "dead" water - these are mineral springs. The composition of all mineral waters includes four interrelated components - inorganic minerals, gases, organic substances and microflora. They are dissolved in water, the molecules of which, according to modern concepts, are interconnected by weak hydrogen bonds (with an energy of 20 kJ/mol) and form various polyassociates.

They talk about the unique "information" structure of mineral water, in which information about the substances dissolved in it is "recorded". Ancient thinkers already intuitively guessed this: Aristotle argued that "the waters are like the lands they pass through." Accordingly, the pH level of water, when passing through different rocks, will be different.

And an experienced gastroenterologist will never advise you to "drink some water" without first studying your acid-base balance. Yes, and in the pump room of the mineral spring there will definitely be an introductory plate about the composition and temperature of the water.

MBOU "Bakchar secondary school"


« liveand dead water: myth or reality»
Performed: Valeria Patrakova, 8th grade student

Supervisor: Zaitseva Lyubov Valentinovna

chemistry teacher

Bakchar 2013

When I read these lines in the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila", I became interested and really wanted to know if living and dead water really exists? If it exists, what is it? What is its feature? Under what conditions does water become alive or dead?


For the human body, water is second only to oxygen in importance. It is a necessary component of the functioning of all organs of the human body. Water promotes digestion, blood circulation, the removal of toxins and the absorption of vitamins. It is also necessary to maintain the normal temperature of the human body. A person needs to know which water has a beneficial effect on the body, and which, perhaps, is even harmful. If there is living and dead water, then what opportunities will it give a person.


I suggested that there is living and dead water and it has unusual properties.


The study of the unusual properties of living and dead water.

Research objectives

  • study the theory of selected issues in popular science literature, publications and articles on the Internet;

  • get living and dead water empirically;

  • determine the pH value of different water samples;

  • conduct experiments to study the properties of water on plants;

  • draw conclusions from the study.
Object of study: water.

Subject of study: pH of different water samples and its effect on plants.

Research methods.


  • The study of encyclopedic literature on the topic;

  • Search for information on the Internet.

  • Water sampling for research;

  • Chemical experiment: determination of the pH value of each type of water using a universal indicator;

  • Biological experiment: influence of different types of water on seed germination and plant development.

  • Analysis of the results of the experiment.
Theoretical research methods.

In the process of studying the theory, I found information about living and dead water.

  • Everyone knows about the existence of the Dead Sea, but why is it called that, because the water in it is dead? You simply cannot drown in the Dead Sea, even if you really want to, because it is very salty, the water of this sea is much heavier than ordinary sea water by an average of 25%. It is impossible to drown in such water - the human body is lighter than it. There, a person feels like a float.
There are no fish or plants in this sea, only certain types of bacteria. The name "Dead Sea" does not justify itself, since the water of this sea has miraculous properties. The sea has healing mud, rich in minerals and organic components, its water is healing and charges the body with vital energy.

O-H bond length ratio

to the bond length H - H is 0.618

108 0

According to Petrik's theory, such water is suitable for the human body, it is living water. To preserve the basic structure of water that the planet gave birth to, academician Petrik invented a nano-carbon filter that purifies any water and makes it alive.

  • I also learned that there is the so-called heavy (deuterium) water D 2 O. Instead of hydrogen, it contains deuterium atoms, that is, heavy hydrogen, the nucleus of which, in addition to the proton, also includes a neutron. At a concentration of 35%, in relation to ordinary water, heavy water causes the death of living organisms, and at lower concentrations it acts depressingly, such water can really be considered dead water.
I found interesting information about the effect of living and dead water on plants.

  • Stimulates plant growth
If you water the plants with "live" water according to the following scheme: for 2-3 waterings with ordinary water once - "live". As a result, plants become larger, form more ovaries, and get sick less. And medicinal plants most often require dead water.

  • Accelerates seed germination and disinfects them.
If, before planting, the seeds are kept for 10-15 minutes in “dead” water, and immediately before planting in the ground, soak the seeds in “living” water with a “fortress” (pH = 10.5–11.0 pH) and stand for a day, then seeds germinate better and give stable shoots.

Practical research methods

What kind of water can be called living or dead? For the experiment, I took different water:

  • Raw (tap, from a tap in the chemistry room, the water had a specific smell and taste);

  • boiled;

  • distilled;

  • Snow (melted);

  • Salty (8% sodium chloride solution based on tap water);

  • Acid and alkaline, prepared with a bioactivator for water, the action of which is based on the passage of an electric current through water, resulting in electrolysis of water. Electrolysis is the process of release of substances on the electrodes associated with redox reactions:



2H 3 O + 2e - \u003d H 2 + 2H 2 O



4OH - 4e - \u003d O 2 + 2H 2 O

4H 3 O + 4OH2H 2 + O 2 + 6H 2 O

2H 2 O 2H 2 + O 2

The physical and chemical composition of water changes due to the electrolysis of water. Alkaline water (catholyte), which is a strong biostimulator, is called living water, while dead water is acidic (anolyte, it has a specific smell), which has a powerful disinfectant and sterilizing (does not allow bacteria to develop) action, slowing down the course of biochemical reactions.

The chemical experiment was as follows:

I determined the pH of the medium using universal indicator strips and Likont test strips.


Conclusion: with the help of a chemical experiment, I proved that the composition of water differs in pH. Living water (pH> 7) is raw, salty, alkaline, and dead water (pH

chemical experiment

I decided to study the effect of different water samples on the germination of Dansky watercress seeds, 18 days radish and leaf development, onion root formation.

On the same day, I sowed radish and watercress seeds and watered the crops. In cups with different water, I put onions for germination.

The results of the seedling experiment on the sixth day:

Output: Seeds watered with snow and distilled water germinated best. There were no lettuce seedlings watered with boiled water, and single shoots were in seeds watered with salt water.

Seeds watered with acidic and alkaline water were placed 3 days later, but shoots began to appear already on the third day.

The results of the experience of seed germination on the thirteenth day:

Lettuce - rare seedlings 4.5 cm high;

radish - shoots 2.5 cm high, thicker and stronger.

Shoots of lettuce are rare from 1 to 4 cm,

radish seedlings are also rare and from 1 to 3.5 cm.

There are no shoots, those seeds that sprouted at the beginning of the experiment died.

Lettuce shoots are very rare, 0.5 cm high;

Radish seedlings are rare, up to 4 cm high.

Lettuce seedlings are rare, uneven, 1 to 4 cm high;

Shoots of radish are rare, from 2 to 4.5 cm high.

Seed germination results on the ninth day

Lettuce shoots are uneven from 1 to 2.5 cm;

Shoots of radish from 0.5 to 2 cm

Shoots of lettuce uniform 3 cm high;

Radish seedlings 3 cm high.

General picture of a biological experiment on the germination of lettuce and radish seeds

Output: The most even, healthy and dense shoots of seeds watered with alkaline, distilled and snow water. Seedlings watered with raw, boiled and acidic water are much worse. There are no shoots of seeds watered with salt water. Although the seeds watered with acidic and alkaline water were germinated 3 days later, seedlings appeared earlier and turned out to be more powerful and strong, practically did not differ from those planted earlier.

Results of a biological experimentfor sprouting onions.

Bulbs of the same size were taken for germination and germinated for 13 days.

IN raw tap Onions do not have a root system in water, the water is cloudy with mold, it has a specific smell, the onion rots.

IN distilled water near the bulb, green feathers appeared, a very good root system - 7 cm long, 4 cm wide.

The roots are stable, even, long.

IN salty water, the root system is absent.

IN boiled water root 11 cm long, 3 cm wide, onion feathers appear.

In the snowy water roots are stable, even, short, length 5 cm, width 2.5 cm. Onion feathers are the largest of all samples.

Onion sprouting in alkaline water was delivered on 4.03. (four days later).

The roots are stable, uneven, long, several sprouts: length 9 cm, width 2 cm.

The results of the experiment showed that the most developed root system in bulbs standing in distilled, boiled, alkaline and snow water. Salt and raw water were not suitable for germination in this case.
Theoretical substantiation of the result of the experiment.

Thus, according to the pH index, live water (pH> 7) includes: raw, salty, alkaline, and dead water (pH that raw water was not suitable for sprouting onions, as it had an unpleasant smell of diesel fuel and contained some harmful impurities Salt water does not contribute to seed germination at all, because it causes the death of plant cells.Alkaline water justified its name "living" - seeds germinated well and onion roots and leaves formed in it.


My hypothesis was not fully confirmed: living and dead water exists, but it does not possess any unusual properties. In this case, the epithets "living" and "dead" are nothing more than a metaphor.


"Encyclopedia of Miracles", V. A. Mezentsev, M, Knowledge 1983; pp. 164 – 170.

"Physics", textbook for grade 11, G. Ya. Myakishev, B.B. Bukhovtsev, M, Enlightenment 2002;

"Chemistry", textbook for grade 9, O. S. Gabrielyan, M, Bustard 2002, p. 136.

Video footage:

Lectures by Academician V.I. Petrik "Nanotechnologies of the 21st century in water treatment"


How many disputes, discussions, hopes and disappointments this phrase has caused over the centuries

Living water is mentioned both by medieval alchemists and serious scientists, and not only in fairy tales about Ivan the Fool.

Water is the most common substance on Earth and the basis of life. Billions of years ago, the cold gas and dust cloud from which our planet was formed already contained water in the form of ice dust. This is confirmed by the studies of the Universe. A person consists of 70 to 80% water. And yet, water is the most unexplored substance.

Superstones and fountain of youth

Is there "absolute water" - a universal medicine for all living things? It is said that in ancient times it existed. It is about her that legends about “living” and “dead” water are composed. We will not discuss all aspects of these phenomena here, but will only talk about what is documented.

Doctor of Biological Sciences Stanislav Zenin believes that water can exist in a form called the differential-phase state. It determines the ability of water to process information, which makes it look like ... a computer. This means that a person, consisting of 80% of water, can be programmed by changing the structure and biochemical composition of body fluids. In the laboratory of Stanislav Zenin, experiments were carried out on the effects of psychics on water. As an example, one of the healers influenced clean water, transferring the disease of a real person to it. After that, ciliates of the genus Sperostones were launched into a container of water, and they were all paralyzed!

Many people remember how Alan Chumak and Anatoly Kashpirovsky charged water from TV screens. But the effect of the mass charging of water is very doubtful, because, depending on the characteristics of the body, the program invested in the liquid can bring both benefit and harm.

Well, what about us, ordinary people, not psychics and sorcerers? Do we influence each other psychologically through the aquatic environment? Undoubtedly! Scientists have confirmed this. Feelings such as severe fatigue, unreasonable aggression, bad mood are often the consequences of the negative impact of negatively charged water. Moreover, through the energy-informational field, water maintains a connection with the person who has acted on it. Therefore, if you influence the water, which "remembered" a particular person, then changes can occur in his behavior and health. This explains many secrets of black magic - under the influence of rituals, not the composition, not the chemical properties, but the very structure of water changes. Based on this, magicians, through various practices, can charge water, making it “alive” or “dead”.

World famous American illusionist David Copperfield claimed to have discovered "natural living water". According to the famous magician, this liquid has a number of unique properties and allows you to stop the aging process. The so-called "Fountain of Youth" was found on Copperfield's four Bahamas. Interestingly, it was here that Spanish conquistadors and travelers searched for the “elixir of youth” 500 years ago to no avail!

In an interview with Reuters, the magician said: “I really discovered an unusual natural phenomenon. If you throw dry leaves into this amazing water, they come to life. I myself, washing myself with this water every day for a month, have already got rid of many wrinkles. Wanting to stop the approaching old age, the illusionist was seriously carried away by the idea of ​​​​rejuvenating people. Biologists hired by him are now analyzing the properties of the discovered water and the consequences of its impact on the human body. According to Copperfield, if it is scientifically confirmed that this water is “rejuvenating”, then everyone who is able to pay a tidy sum will be able to buy it.

The most widely known "living water" is holy water. It is known that it does not deteriorate, and diseases are treated with holy three-ringing water. To do this, holy water must be taken from three churches located so that the ringing of one cannot be heard in the other. Water is collected in complete silence, and then drained together. The person carrying it should not talk to anyone they meet, otherwise the healing power may leave.

Not always "living" and "dead" water are used literally, in liquid form. Today, many esoteric practitioners are engaged in the revival of ancient rituals and psychotechnics. So, psychic Alexei Odin introduced the ritual "The Power of Living and Dead Water", found in old books. This is how he describes this magical practice: “Seclude yourself in a room, turn on quiet music, put your feet shoulder-width apart, close your eyes. Slowly count to seven and imagine that you are standing not on the bank of the river, but at your feet - two wooden bowls filled with "living" and "dead" water. Straighten up, and then, bending down, make movements as if lifting the bowls with arms wide open. Then bring your hands together so that the bowls are at the level of the solar plexus. Slowly spread your arms out to the sides and raise the bowls above your head. Then bring them back to the level of the solar plexus. Repeat the ritual twice, then bring your palms together in front of you, as if uniting living and dead water. Raise the bowls to your face, and tip over, as if pouring water on your face. Inhale, open your eyes as you exhale, lower your arms. Perform this ritual daily, and you will be cheerful, cheerful and healthy.

With my own hands!

Psychics claim that "living" and "dead" water can be made at home. Here are two such recipes.

To prepare "living water" take 10 grams of gold. Clean with baking soda, rinse with running water and cover with rock salt overnight. Then rinse again, put in an enamel pan, pour two liters of water and put on fire. Bring the contents of the saucepan to a boil. Add a quarter of a tea saucer of beeswax to the water and boil for 15-20 minutes. After the water has cooled, collect the wax from its surface and take out the gold.

"Living Water" is used to get out of depressive states, after serious illnesses, to raise immunity and increase efficiency. It should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach, no more than one glass.

For the preparation of "dead water" you need 15 grams of silver. Clean them in the same way as gold, put them in an enamel pan, pour two liters of water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Then add a quarter of a saucer of wax and boil for 30 minutes. Collect the wax and take out the silver.

"Dead water" is used to heal external wounds, lower blood pressure, insomnia and ulcers. It also helps with tumors, fever, inflammation and evil eye. It should be drunk in the evening, half a glass at a time.