What to do on a first date with a girl. What to do with a girl on a first date? How to behave on a first date? From personal experience

  • 26.02.2022

It is very important for you to decide where to go on a first date with a girl. There must be a clear understanding of where to hold it.

Choose the place where YOU like first of all

You must know the very locations and places where you will have a great time with her. YOU SHOULD BE GREAT FIRST, and your condition will be transferred to the girl. Because everything you feel, she feels.

And she can't refuse

Having a clear idea of ​​where to go on a first date and what will you do there you will have self-confidence.

Even when you call her and call her, for example, to bungee jump, she will feel your passion and emotion in what you say. Because you love it.

Your urge to go on a date with you will be transferred to the girl. Both of you will have zeal and a pleasant anticipation before the meeting.

Good places to meet

deserted beach

I like to spend a date with a girl on a deserted beach Volga. There are almost no people there and there is a small beach. I take something with me in advance to lie on.

We hug and lie there with the girl, look at the waves, at the birds, at the ships. We look at each other, do massage, communicate. In warm weather, you can sunbathe together.

Amusement park

My other favorite date place is the summer park.
. It fills me with childhood memories. There are big attractions there, after which both of you will have a high emotional uplift.

I'm not saying rollercoaster ride. Attractions will give emotions and drive, help you get closer will create a story between you.

I walked in this park as a child, I always liked it and therefore it is all the more special for me. If I like this park, the girl will like it there a priori.

Cart ride in the supermarket

Great place to go on a date - is to ride carts in the supermarket. When I'm with a girl, I plant her.

We can choose products, or we can just enjoy the trip.

The hypermarket route is always spontaneous and funny. It gives you a childish pleasant feeling of fun.

In one supermarket they already know me well. I got a couple of light warnings, but that doesn't stop me 🙂

Go shopping together

I had a date with a girl who lives near my house. We went on our first date with her. buy cookies in the supermarket. This is also a good opportunity to meet.

When you change locations and move with a girl, you create a certain history of relationships, a special connection is created. Therefore, it is very important not to sit and stick in one place.


Will stupid to go to a cafe, sit opposite each other and eat something b. Nobody hugs anyone, just talking and eating. Always sit next to me.

Practice your favorite sport together

There were girls who called me to skydive. They know that I am adventurous and love to challenge fear.

You can invite a girl to do your favorite sport. For example, go for a run together in the evening.

Someone likes rope jumping, ice skating, swimming or just sitting in a cafe and drink tea together. To each his own.

The place where you like and where you are comfortable is the best place for a date.

Touch her from the start

More touch girl from the start your meeting. This is what you need to do on the first date from the very beginning.

If you cuddle with her initially, then she gets used to it and it will be normal for her. She will think: Yes, this guy is okay to cuddle and touch. There is nothing like this". Act natural, be yourself. This is the very behavior of a man that you need.

How to behave on a first date with a girl:

If you made the mistake of not touching or hugging the girl from the very beginning, then later it will be somehow strange and embarrassing for both of you. There will be resistance from her side! Therefore, make it easier for yourself to approach the girl - touch and hug her from the very beginning. Touch her because you feel like it, not because she likes it.

If you do everything as I described in the article, then there will be no more questions about how to behave on a first date with a girl.

Top 5 super rules for dating a beautiful girl.

Forget the perfect date

Know that the first date with a girl will never be smooth and perfect. There will always be some element of chance.

There will always be things that are out of your control. You can't calculate everything in advance. That's why don't worry about perfection.

Drop expectations: everything will happen by itself

Let everything happen. The perfect date is one that comes naturally. No need to guess, expect. Spontaneity is your best friend.

Not knowing what to say is normal. Never try to have the perfect date. Let it turn out the way it does.

You experience failure when you want to try your luck. If you do not set such a goal, any negative reactions do not concern you.

When a date is too perfect and even, it's very boring and uninteresting.

Don't buy flowers

I have never in my life bought flowers for a first date with a girl!

If you give flowers on a first date You're ruining everything for yourself, because:

  • harder to touch;
  • she will act arrogant in relation to you;
  • it won't open you;
  • you yourself put her on a pedestal above yourself.

Understand that on the first date, you can just spend time with her and that's enough. No gifts or flowers needed.

Video with my approach

In the next video, I made an approach to a girl who was originally talking to someone on the phone.

I interrupted her communication and took her with me. Didn't wait for her to hang up.

The way a guy touches a girl, confidently or dominantly touching her is not very important. In my video, I advise you to pay attention to other subtle points.

By the way, many guys would wait for the girl to finish on the phone. But it's so uninteresting. See all the details of my acquaintance in this video.

If she says buy me this, buy me that

You say, “No, don't wait. I like you! I'm not going to pay for you. I like you, I want you, I can give you a lot of pleasure! But that doesn't mean I'm your sponsor! I'm being honest with you."

And that's it, she immediately understands: Oh what a man. Everything is clear now."

She will not demand gifts and other things.

You let her know who you are.

And that's it. This is a great start to any relationship where everything is built on sincerity.

The beginning of a relationship without lies, where a woman does not try to suck money out of a man and a man is not trying to buy a woman.

I'm not prepared to change my behavior to keep this 22 year old hottie attracted to me!

What you can talk about with a girl on a first date - a detailed article.

How to properly hug a girl.

For the first kiss, suck without words + video of a guy passionately kissing a girl.

The right way to date

Advanced guys never say they're going on a "date with a girl."

The word "date" greatly limits your perception of meeting her.: as if there will be something official like a candlelight dinner, rose petals, fireworks and other heresy. All this will bind and hinder you. Why limit yourself?

Tell yourself: I'm not going on a date, but "to see a girl", "spend time with a girl", "enjoy communication with a girl". You go to meet and "find out if you're right for each other or not".

Exactly this type of thinking will allow you to be yourself and be liberated. You will not feel the great responsibility and importance of the meeting.

You are already self-sufficient and there is no reason not to.

Men have trouble understanding what is, who they are now is enough.

There is no reason to be insecure.

You are - that's enough.

All this knowledge will give you an understanding of how to have the best first date with a girl and get the result.

Call a girl and put everything you learned from the article into practice.

You can also get other secrets of seducing women and dating them by signing up for individual training with me.

You met a girl, called her up and invited her for a walk? Great, congratulations. Now it is important not to lose face. How you act on your first date can largely determine your future relationship. In this article, you will learn how to prepare for your first meeting, what to do and what not to do.

Although this article is written for those situations when you practically don’t know the girl, it is also suitable for the situation when you have known the girl for a long time, but your relationship was cool. In general, everyone will find something important for themselves.

first date- the beginning of your possible relationship with a girl. Therefore, the main tasks are to make a good impression and have a pleasant conversation so that your girlfriend wants to meet you again, and you want to meet her. In addition, on the first date, you can start to “probe” the girl for bitchiness and try to determine whether you need to build further relationships with her.


In order to seduce a girl you need to look good! We all sympathize with neat people and we all “meet by clothes”. Therefore, be sure to clean your shoes, iron your clothes. You must look well-groomed from top to bottom. If necessary, go to the hairdresser's and buy some clothes.

The second important point: you should smell good! Clothes should be washed and you washed. It is advisable to use perfume. A good men's cologne is a must have!

A good smell and clean clothes are needed not only in order to get a "plus" in the eyes of a girl. This in itself gives you confidence. When you know that you look great, you start to behave accordingly.

Is it necessary to give something to a girl at the first meeting? Not necessary. But you can give chocolate. Usually all girls love chocolates. This gift is also pleasant because if you go to a cafe, you can eat it :) It is also not necessary to give flowers, because this is the first meeting.

First contact

Most likely, the girl will come on a date a little wary. They are all so skittish. So don't expect any action from her. All in your hands. You will play first fiddle. She will be led. Don't be afraid to be active and get closer!

Remember this rule: a man with his confidence should remove the uncertainty and fears of the girl. And if a man himself is afraid - there will be trouble!

When meeting a girl, immediately extend your hand to her, say hello. This is an important part of getting closer. Shaking hands at a meeting is a traditional greeting that is not perceived aggressively. However, it allows you to start touching the girl and gradually push through her defenses. This is the first and important stage of rapprochement.

If you do not know how to start touching your companion, read our article " How to touch a girl? – Kinesthetics". You will learn to touch your companion in time.

Lead her along

As soon as you met immediately take an active position. Don't ask, "Where are we going?" Just take her and take her wherever you want. Of course, it would be nice to think in advance where you will take her. By making a plan, you will be more confident. Do not forget to find out if the place where you are going to take her is open. It's also a good idea to have a back-up plan. Anything happens...

The main thing is that she understands that you are capable of making decisions and that she can rely on you and relax. It is very important for a girl to see a strong personality in her companion. And, as you know, a strong personality demonstrates strong behavior. Therefore, you must choose the place where you will go, the road you will follow, and so on. Don't ask her, just lead.

Remember, try to walk a little ahead of the girl, as if you are leading her. Don't let her always go ahead of you. You are the leader! First pass along the narrow path, first pass where the two of you cannot pass.

It does not say here that you must climb first everywhere and under any circumstances, no matter what. No. There are situations in which a girl can be missed. Open the closed door for her and let her through. It's gallant. But, in general, try to be ahead and play a leading role.

Where to go? Lots of options. Focus on the weather. If it's warm, you can go to the park. If it's cold - in a cafe. No need to take a girl to an expensive restaurant. So far, she is nobody to you and there is no point in investing in it. Even though you like her.

Should I pay for a girl on the first date? Yes, you can pay. Spending a few hundred rubles on ice cream and tea is not such a big deal. Just remember that at the first meeting you do not need to immediately pull the girl into the club and pour expensive cocktails into her. (Although it all depends on your goals).

It's not time to invest significant resources in a girlfriend! No need to give the impression of a ready-for-all sufferer. Treat her if you feel good or if she is unable to pay. But do not waste over dofiga! Also try to have her treat you at the next meeting. We value what we invest in! So let her invest in you.

Communicate. Be positive

The girl came to meet you not to be silent. She came to rest and probably get to know you better. So don't be dumb. Start saying something. If you don't know what to talk about, ask her a few questions. About her studies, about how she likes to relax, about her hobbies. Somewhere your interests must intersect. Tell about yourself.

Be easy in communication. Don't load it and don't load it. Be positive. Girls often mirror guys, that is, "take over" their emotional state. Therefore, if you are light and cheerful, your mood will be transmitted to her. And if the girl is positive, then in 98% of cases she will pull out further communication herself. You'll just have to go and listen, sometimes putting in your comments. You have to start well...

Positive communication allows you to build the same " rapport"- that is, a confidential contact. This is the basis of your further rapprochement. It is rapport that serves as the basis for the transition to closer contact.

There is no need to complicate anything in communicating with a girl. Just communicate. The simpler the better. No need to load your girlfriend with quantum field theories. Tell her about your last trip to the theater, to the cinema, to the market. Think of a funny story. Guys who can talk nonsense are easier to get along with girls. It is a fact.

Remember, the purpose of communication is not to convey information to her, but to establish positive contact. If a girl has fun and is easy with you, she will strive to continue communication. That's exactly what you need.

Give compliments

Complimenting is an important skill for any guy. Girls love with their ears, and if you sit down well on these most charming ears, then success will be much easier. Many guys are shy or afraid to say nice words to a girl and express sympathy. Therefore, it is much more difficult for them to achieve a good location for themselves.

You can praise anything. From jewelry to leather. Just choose what you like about your companion and say it.

  • “And you are in good shape! I know it's hard to keep yourself like this. Working on yourself is always a difficult task.
  • “You smell great, I like it. What perfume?

Very often, a compliment can be an excuse to touch a girl. When complimenting her rings, you can take her hand. When complimenting your hair, touch your hair. Complimenting a perfume is to lean closer and sniff it. In general, several tasks are solved at once: positive contact is established and the defense is pushed through.

Look at the girl! Rate it!

Many guys perceive the first date solely as a show of themselves. They think that the girl is making a choice and behave accordingly. They go out of their way to make a pleasant impression, as if the girl is the jury, and the guy is some kind of contender. They forget that chasing girls is not a man's goal. The real male goal is the search for resources. A man chooses a girl, not vice versa! If you didn't know about it, we advise you to read " Man - Essence, Correct Goals and Tasks ».

On a date, it's not the girl who should evaluate you, but you should evaluate her! You have to decide how it matches your ideas.

So rate your friend! Look closely at her, mark her behavior in different situations. Try to assess how realistic she thinks and acts by asking probing questions. If you don't know anything about how to identify the right girl, read " The right girl: Who is it and How to find it?". If a girl came on a date, this does not mean that she is exactly the one you need. Your task is to weed out the garbage even before a serious relationship began.

Do not be afraid to critically evaluate her views on life and her thoughts. If you don't like something, speak up. You don’t need to look the girl in the mouth and agree to every proposal made. Girls respect strong-willed guys, and such behavior will only add points to you.

The first date is the most exciting and long-awaited. However, it often happens that it turns into a solid illusion. People whose first meeting went well may well soon quarrel and completely lose contact. Why?

Because at the first romantic rendezvous, everyone tries to look their best. Because of this, it is difficult to understand who actually happened to be nearby. How to behave in such a way as to accurately determine whether there are chances for a joint future with a new hobby?

What is a first date?

The first date is the initial stage of conscious contact between two interested people. It can become a basic stepping stone for friendship, relationships, partnerships. And even for personal growth, because on dates not only the partner opens up, but the person herself with all her dreams, desires, ideas.

The first meeting does not always lead to the second, because not everyone knows how to conduct it correctly.

Common Mistakes:

  • talk without ceasing, tell all the ins and outs about yourself, without allowing the interlocutor to insert a word;
  • remain silent or answer with monosyllabic phrases “yes / no”, “possibly”, “understandably”;
  • bring friends or relatives as support;
  • demand something from a companion from the first minutes of acquaintance;
  • behave rudely, uncivilized, trying to show “coolness” (in fact, there is none of it).

But an even bigger mistake is to play someone else's role. And everyone suffered from this defect at least once. On the one hand, this is natural, because you really want to please that pretty macho or that gorgeous beauty. They work - and now the mask of another person slowly but firmly sticks to the skin.

However, this grimacing creates new problems:

  1. in an attempt to please a person, they forget to ask themselves if HE likes his new acquaintance;
  2. playing another person, you can miss your real partner, which this role will scare away;
  3. often the person herself does not notice how disgusting and vulgar the wearing of the mask is in itself. Who can be attracted to her? That's right - the same disgusting and vulgar. Or playing their roles.

If the interlocutor adequately responds to shortcomings, while managing to notice positive qualities, this is already a reason to get to know him better. And if not, is it worth it at all to try?

That is why it is important not only to look closely at the interlocutor, listening carefully to him, but also to behave naturally. An artist's masterpiece with slight scuffs and cracks is valued much more than a glossy painting in a gold frame from an amateur.

What to do on a first date?

1. "Do not care" about appearance.

Elementary accuracy, of course, is important, but if there is no excessive craving for in the soul, then no one requires you to instantly drive it into yourself. It is better to wear clothes from the existing wardrobe, moreover, not the only dress for special occasions or a “happy” shirt.

With a hairstyle, too, you can not be smart. Why not come with the usual styling (or none at all) with tidy, clean, healthy hair? A few more tips:

  • do not experiment with perfume on the eve of the event, choose your usual smell;
  • girls - apply light daytime makeup or decide to come without it, guys - make sure that the beard, mustache does not interfere with communication, lunch / dinner;
  • put on comfortable shoes - you may want to take a walk;
  • do not get hung up on problems in appearance - all the shortcomings are forgotten after 5 minutes of communication;
  • it is desirable that the outfit is also comfortable - the skirt does not jump, the belt does not press, the blouse does not shine through if this causes discomfort.

Consider bee clips, bright yellow bow ties, or other personal quirks. Who knows, perhaps it is on the first date with the next person that she will be lucky enough to meet the same eccentric, soul mate.

“Girls, you should be silent, laugh at his jokes, even if they are not funny, and silently admire him every 30 seconds.”. “Guys, you are obliged to come with expensive bouquets, open your mouth only for compliments and prepare to marry her from the first second you meet”. And 100 more tips leading to a long, but completely unhappy and lonely life.

There are common features of male behavior on the first date, in which the chances of a successful love meeting reach 95%

All people are unique, and women especially, but this does not prevent them from responding equally to the actions of men. As for the first date, everything is still more standard there, and templates work as well as ever. The first date can be the last one, and here you can’t make mistakes that let more than one man down.

There are common features of male behavior on the first date, in which the chances of a successful love meeting reach 95%. Following the following plan, you will not succeed in failing the first date.

1. Choosing a place for communication

It doesn't have to be just the cinema or some other place where you can't talk. You need a little time for talking, for making love contacts. It is desirable that the girl knows where you are going, because jeans in the opera are bad manners. She may not forgive it.

If walking, you get hungry, then most likely she will also not refuse to have a bite. If it's cold outside, then warming up and sitting somewhere is more important than all your charm and sense of humor. If you only knew how many girls complained about the stinginess or stupidity of the guys and their unwillingness to go anywhere. Almost all of them didn't get a second date, much less sex. You pay in a cafe or somewhere else only you. This is not discussed.

2. Be a gentleman

Treating a girl as a friend or buddy is not acceptable. She is here as your potential girlfriend, and if you act in an exquisitely polite and gallant manner, she will definitely appreciate it. Good manners show a good upbringing of a man and that you are ready to take care of a woman.

That doesn't mean you have to run around her like a golden egg. It is enough to observe the usual norms of etiquette: push the chair when she sits down and push it away when she gets up, help get out of the transport, open the doors. Girls like to dress as frankly as possible and as a result they get cold. You should give her a jacket or jacket when it gets cold, even if she refuses and kicks. Besides, this is another reason to hug her.

3. Smile and be cheerful

A date is a joyful event, it is a taste of hope, joy and an upsurge of strength. I don't think you want her to tell her friends about her date with the surly goblin. And you should be worried about the word not "goblin", but "sullen". Smile, she must see that you are doing well, you are not puzzled by world problems and glad to see her.

Scientists from University College London and Imperial College London have found that the human brain issues a similar command to someone else's smile or laughter. As a result, a smile helps to establish communication in society, and for you with the female sex.

4. Compliments on a date

She, for sure, spent more than one hour in front of the mirror before the date. If you do not pay attention to her or part of her wardrobe, it will be at least unfair. Look and count what she is proud of, that's praise.

But do not be clumsy like Bear in raspberries, the compliment should be fleeting and barely perceptible like the scent of perfume. Forget sugary and rude compliments. The smarter the girl, the harder it is to please her with a compliment. Be honest in your compliments and don't use flattery by praising something she doesn't have.

5. Behavior on a date

Watch your body gestures and don't make mistakes on a date. Do not give out your nervousness, boredom, insecurity and other unflattering traits. Be cool but friendly. She should not read in your body language what you do not want to show.

6. Be attentive to the girl

Forget about the phone on a date and do not look at other girls, no matter how hard it is.

Keep your ears up and listen to everything she has to say. This is later, when you will already meet with her, you will occasionally let her words go past your ears. You'll get away with it later, but not now. If you pull away or nod miserably, it won't do. And don't yawn!

Another plus of attention is additional information from her. Everything she says, you have the right to use to further her conquest.

7. First date conversation

"Do you hate it too?"
- What exactly?
- An awkward silence. Why do people need to talk about something in order to feel at ease?
- I do not know. This is a good question.
- Only when you find your man, you can be silent for hours and enjoy it. Film "Pulp Fiction".

You will not be able to remain silent, you are not yet “your people” to allow yourself to do this. Girls love with their ears on a date.

Avoid sensitive topics, dangerous turns, do not speak categorically in anything. Leave yourself room for maneuver.

If she says that she is fond of, for example, astronomy, say that you are also attracted by the stars since the days of Dunno on the Moon. But do not rush to uncover your "telescope", especially on a first date, otherwise you will be offended.

Shot from the film "Pulp Fiction"

8. Dating Intimacy

Sexual tension is always present between a man and a woman. Don't get emotional and don't scare her away. Let's get used to it a little first. You can still open your arms.

9. End date

End the date a little earlier than she wants. Thank her for the company, look into her eyes and don't forget to smile. And the farewell kiss? At your discretion.

10. Call after the first date

You take her phone or it has been there for a long time, but when to call a girl after a date? Think about how much she liked you or not? The more she likes you, the longer you can not call. Just remember: SMS or a message is not an option at all, only a call.

The first day - you should forget how much you would not like to hear her pretty voice.

Shot from the film "Pulp Fiction"

If the date was not entirely successful or you did not follow our advice, then you should call on the second day in the late afternoon. If she is not particularly interested in you, she will forget you if you wait longer.

The third day is suitable for most dates. This is a situation where both of you have an interest in each other. She is already quite intrigued and it's time to make herself felt. On the fourth day, she will start to forget you, so don't delay.

Beautiful, funny and crazy first dates to you, and most importantly promising and promising ...

In life, we have to go through many awkward situations. It's embarrassing when you're walking down the stairs, trying to read something from ASAP Rocky, and someone overtook you and heard your pathetic efforts. It's embarrassing when you say something unflattering about the person behind you. It's embarrassing when you're sitting in front of a cake and people are singing "Happy Birthday to you" - what kind of idiotic tradition is this? Plus, I don't like cake either. There is one thing that can rightfully be given the first place in the ranking of the most embarrassing situations in the world, and that is the first date.

Dates are different. Blind dates, double dates, dates after casual sex, so as not to be an asshole in his and her eyes, romantic dates, semi-casual dates - yes, a lot of varieties. For the first meeting, you can invite her anywhere: even to a fashionable restaurant, even to a coffee shop, even to take a walk in the park - whatever comes to your mind. True, before it comes, it would be nice to remember that the situation always sets the tone for communication. Depending on the desired result, you have to choose where to go with the girl for the first meeting in private.

1. Coffee house

Quiet, relaxing, attractive with its unusual atmosphere will allow even the most immature dudes to look a little more sophisticated. It is clear that going to a coffee shop will not surprise her with anything (and on a first date you don’t need to surprise, there is one for this), but it will provide you with the necessary springboard for further progress towards something more interesting. For example, are you not sure if you like her? Do you think you will have nothing to talk to her about, except for routine questions about the weather and business? Take her to the coffee shop! On the one hand, then no one forbids you to move to another location, on the other hand, if she starts taking pictures of her damned latte (why do they love him so much?) and discussing her Instagram photos, you will have a simple and adequate way to quickly retire. Maximum flexibility and minimum stress. Great choice for a first date.

2. Cinema

Do you find it difficult to comply with social conventions? Is it difficult for you to start a conversation from the bay, and in moments of awkward silence you make the same facial expression as the long-suffering Bruno Mars? Fuck all this small talk. This dating option is for you! Cinema is a natural topic of conversation when you first leave the hall. You don't have to make her laugh or entice her. Sit in your chair and relax, the movie will do everything for you.

3. Invite her over for dinner

I must admit, this is a rather bold strategy, however, the reward for courage will be great: who does not take risks does not drink champagne! If you're like a fish out of water in the kitchen, well, so be it. Houses and walls help. At home you are bolder and more relaxed. Home is your territory. You can impress her with yours, then invite her to watch a movie, and then - who knows. The best part about this variation is the fact that you don't have to leave the house. Consequently, the chances of unpleasant situations and a grandiose failure are minimized.

4. Concert

Finding someone with a similar musical taste is priceless. Finding a person who likes to have fun at the performances of their favorite artists is a double jackpot. A slightly more active option than going to the cinema, and the impressions of such a date will be remembered for a long time. Moreover: the girl will associate you with pleasant memories, what could be better! Everything is science. Also, going to a concert is a great way to impress a girl by showing your foresight and interest in her: you remembered her musical preferences and attended to buying a ticket, aren't you great?

5. Walk

I'm not much of a sports fan, but believe it or not, hiking and walking is a great first date option. No matter how much you walk, each walk will be different from the previous one, and if you take a walk, say, in the forest, then this is an adventure. She will understand that you are easy-going, think outside the box and love to experiment. All these qualities attract girls. The walk involves long conversations and jokes: think about how you will entertain her with conversation.

At the beginning of the date, you will be nervous, but along the way you will find that it becomes easier to be with her, the excitement recedes, you calm down and take matters into your own hands. The environment should help you, and as a result you will get a good and strong relationship, but that's another story.