Research water is alive and dead. Living and dead water: myth or reality, what is the power of living and dead water? Plot from the movie

  • 26.02.2022

Recently, more and more attention has been paid to the use of various filters and water purification systems. This is due both to the deterioration of the general environmental situation in the world, and to the increase in the "literacy" of the end user. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine a modern house or apartment without a softening system, water disinfection, or a filter for drinking water purification. The fact that in the current state of the ecosystem it is necessary to purify water from various chemical and bacteriological contaminants is clear to the vast majority of people. But it also happens like this: One person decides to improve the quality of his life, stop harming his health with low-quality water and install a drinking water purification system in his kitchen, and another “comrade competent in this matter” will tell him: “What are you, it will be dead water!.. You can only drink "living water". And the person continues to drink his dirty, smelly, saturated with bacteria, but "living water".

And if you ask this “expert”: “Why is one water “dead?”, And the other is “alive?” Who did these fluids kill or revive? What does this have to do with water filtering? Specifically, with indication of sources of information. What will be the answer? The answer will be: “Well, I don’t know .... Everyone says like that…". Who is speaking? What for? Let's try to understand this difficult issue. We will do this with the help of open, accessible sources, universal human logic and our reflections. Let's start with terms and definitions. So, "living water" in various sources is called:

  • Structured water is water with ordered hydrogen bonds. This section of "living water" has a lot of subsections that relate to exactly how it is necessary to "order water molecules relative to each other."
  • Pi-water is a prime example of one of these sub-sections - energetic, micro-grouped water.
  • Silver-plated water is water passed through silver, or treated with this metal.
  • Cathode water is water produced at the positive electrode. That is, water with negatively charged particles.
  • Magnetized water is water that has been treated with a magnetic field. As a result, it becomes structured and carries "new information".
  • Water with positive information is water that has memorized good thoughts and words and can now pass them on to the human body. There are many ways to "memorize".
  • Activated, biologically active water is water that is easier for the human body to use, since there is no need to expend energy on the "activation" of water. There are hundreds of ways to activate such water.
  • Water with minerals is water that has passed through minerals and enriched with their particles.
  • Melt water is the water formed after the ice has melted. Therefore, it retains an "ice-like" structure.
  • Water from artesian springs and springs is water that differs in that, passing through the weak magnetic field of the earth, past “especially good minerals”, it acquires the correct structure.
  • Water from fruits and vegetables is also structured water. But in a different way. A cell is a complex structure consisting of millions of molecules. And it is impossible to find water there, which we usually see, it is not there. Why? Because all the water in the cell is associated with organic and inorganic molecules. And forms together with them a single structure. How is it structured? The contents of the cell. What will happen if this water is isolated - to make juice? The cells will collapse - the system will be destroyed. Water will be released. No cell contents - no water structure. There is the contents of the cell - the water is structured.

It turns out here is such a considerable list with items that contradict each other! For example, how to combine two opposite concepts - melted "living" water with a minimum content of minerals and "living" water specially enriched with minerals, including artesian water? Or how, in practice, to enrich “living” water from fruits and vegetables with silver without violating the structure of the cell. And this is the situation in almost all of the above positions. That is, the comparison and analysis of the indicators of "living" water from various information sources tells us that the declared characteristics of the "liveness" of water are directly opposite to each other and, from the point of view of physico-chemical properties, they have nothing in common. It turns out that there is not even a single, generally accepted, scientifically based concept of "living" water. There is only a highly contradictory set of characteristics given to us by various groups of people who, for one reason or another, consider water to be "living" or "dead". Which of them is right? What kind of water is actually "living"? How to resolve these internal contradictions?

To do this, let's turn to the world medical community with all its Nobel and other laureates, to people who have made thousands of discoveries in medicine and saved millions of human lives. How do the world's leading doctors define the concept of "living" water? What water is considered "dead" by the World Health Organization? The answer is simple - no way and no. There are no such concepts as “dead” and “living” water in modern medical science. Not at all! At all! The concept of "water suitable for human consumption" - is. Not a word about "living" and "dead".

What kind of water is this unknown to modern official science, with a tangle of its own, internal contradictions and oppositions? What, in the end, can unite such different concepts under one term “living” water?

There seems to be only one answer - Mystery!

Mystery fascinates, mystery attracts interest. What else attracts a person so much, if not a mystery? Everything mysterious and inaccessible to others arouses interest, and interest is a very strong human ability. You immediately want to touch the secret, and if you don’t need to study entire volumes of scientific works and disappear on expeditions for years to touch the secret ... The secret, here it is, is available and only you are among those few chosen ones who know ...

No matter how you feel about “live”, “dead”, “structured”, “magnetized” and other water, remember before you decide to start its “revitalization”, “charging”, “excretion from ...” and other “dances with a tambourine”, bring the quality of this water to elementary drinking norms and standards. To perform any actions with water that does not meet the minimum sanitary requirements for the content of chemical and bacteriological contaminants in it is at least naive. And remember, not a single water filter that has an official Certificate of Conformity and a Sanitary and Hygienic Conclusion will make your water worse and dirtier than it was.

Almost every one of us in childhood wanted to know if these magical liquids really exist and where these magical liquids come from, in order to collect at least a few drops and use them in our lives when needed. But it is not for nothing that the people say “The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it! A lesson for good fellows!”, because “living” and “dead” water actually exist. And not only in Russia in ancient times they composed stories about miraculous waters.

Let's see - like water is a simple compound in the form of H2O. However, it has long been proven that water has a much more complex structure, which, if desired, can be changed using electrolysis. What for? And in order to get the very "living" water. And what, you ask, is "aliveness" - that it changes pH and redox potential.

It turns out that almost 80% of the foods we eat are acid-forming. I will not list what these products are today, but I will do it in the near future. And it's not about how they taste. It's just that when they are broken down in the body, more acids are formed than alkalis (bases).
What is this or that product - acid or alkali determines the pH. Alkalis have a pH above 7. Acids have a pH below 7. Neutral products have a pH=7.

Since our blood has a pH in the range of 7.35 - 7.45, it is very important for a person to drink water with an alkaline pH daily. Such water has a healing effect and resists the oxidation of the body and diseases that are accompanied by oxidation.

In situations with a long-term acid-base disorder, in order to maintain a normal blood pH, the body is forced to take microelements and other nutrients from all organs (including bones). Of these, with excess acidifying food, alkalis are created to neutralize acids; with excessive alkalizing food, acids are formed to neutralize alkalis.

Literally everything weakens, including the immune system and the brain. A person develops chronic fatigue and other troubles. So how to get this treasured water?

To date, there are a number of devices that are the activator of the "fabulous drug" and help prepare water not only in the laboratory, but also in any household. Moreover, according to experiments, the benefits of such water can be experienced not only on yourself, but also on your pets and plants.

But there is another storehouse of "living" and "dead" water - these are mineral springs. The composition of all mineral waters includes four interrelated components - inorganic minerals, gases, organic substances and microflora. They are dissolved in water, the molecules of which, according to modern concepts, are interconnected by weak hydrogen bonds (with an energy of 20 kJ/mol) and form various polyassociates.

They talk about the unique "information" structure of mineral water, in which information about the substances dissolved in it is "recorded". Ancient thinkers already intuitively guessed this: Aristotle argued that "the waters are like the lands they pass through." Accordingly, the pH level of water, when passing through different rocks, will be different.

And an experienced gastroenterologist will never advise you to "drink some water" without first studying your acid-base balance. Yes, and in the pump room of the mineral spring there will definitely be an introductory plate about the composition and temperature of the water.

From this article you will learn:

  • What is living and dead water
  • What diseases can be treated with living and dead water
  • How to make a device for obtaining living and dead water

Water, which a person uses not only for drinking, but also in other areas of his life, has a lot of different properties. In addition, water can have specific energy useful or harmful to humans. With the help of a modern method of influencing the composition and properties of water - electrolysis - from ordinary water it is possible to obtain a liquid endowed with positively or negatively charged ions. This is the so-called living and dead water.

Living and dead water: myth or reality

Every nation has legends that in one way or another talk about springs or lakes with life-giving water. Living and dead water is mentioned more than once in Russian legends: this water heals the wounds of heroes and brings them back to life.

Statesmen of different eras stubbornly tried to find a drug that prolongs life. What is meant by living water that brings eternal life?

According to the legends of the Slavs, living and dead water is water with magical properties, with the help of which the priest brought the hero who died in battle to life. It happened in the following way: first, the healer irrigated the wounds with dead water, and they immediately disappeared; then watered with living water, and the hero came to life.

And although such legends and epics cannot be considered completely reliable, there is still some truth in them. This is confirmed by historical documents, which contain information about witchcraft manuscripts with magic spells and recipes.

In various sources, you can see information about the presence in the archives of the Vatican of old books with detailed algorithms of actions that are beyond the understanding of an uninitiated person. Many famous people all over the world considered it quite real that water could prolong life.

Russian researchers of folk art have found that the usual expression for us to crush water in a mortar in ancient times meant a certain action that was part of a pagan rite. At a time when Christianity became the main religion in Russia, the original meaning of expressions related to ritual actions was lost or significantly distorted.

It is quite possible that during the period of paganism, Slavic healers and priests of other peoples, using their slander, herbs or minerals, turned water into life-giving. In Christianity, this practice has been preserved to this day. But today you will not surprise anyone with the fact that water can be endowed with special properties, and without the intervention of the Magi: for example, silver or manganese ions.

The generally accepted definition of living and dead water

Many people, calling water living, mean spring, artesian, melted or consecrated water. The very words already evoke a feeling of thirst.

Will water from a pond or swamp, from a river next to a chemical plant, or chlorinated tap water make you thirsty? Hardly. But can we call such water dead, and how can it heal wounds?

  1. dead water

In science, dead water is understood as anolyte - a solution of acids (acidity from 2.5 to 3.5 5 mV), which destroys bacteria. It looks like ordinary water, smells like acid and has a sour, slightly astringent taste.

The antibacterial qualities of dead water make it a good disinfectant. Dead water is used to treat dressings and other medical materials, rooms, linen or utensils.

With such water, it is useful to do wet cleaning in the room of a sick person in order to exclude a possible relapse or to protect relatives from the spread of infection. Dead water helps to remove fleas and bedbugs from the house: for this, the room, beds and bed linen are washed with it.

Dead water is a miraculous way to get rid of colds of the ear, throat and nose. Prevention of acute respiratory diseases or influenza by washing the throat with dead water is good for surviving seasonal epidemics.

The range of application of dead water for medicinal purposes is quite wide. Such water saves from insomnia, reduces nervous tension and pain in the joints, heals damage to the oral mucosa (stomatitis), helps to dissolve stones in the bladder.

Dead water can stay in a sealed container for up to two weeks without losing its qualities.

The scientific name of living water is catholyte. It is a colorless mixture with a slight taste of alkali, the acidity of which varies from 8.5 to 10.55 mV. Such water is able to stimulate the biological activity of body tissues.

Living water is a natural catalyst for the biological activity of the body, it reconstructs the natural defense system of a person, neutralizes oxidation. Such water, in combination with the intake of vitamins, significantly raises the level of vitality in a person.

Catholyte stimulates regenerative processes in the body, increases blood pressure, normalizes appetite and metabolism, and the human condition as a whole becomes better.

Living water heals wounds, including ulcers in the stomach and duodenum, bedsores, burns, quickly heals skin damage. In addition, the use of living water has a noticeable cosmetic effect: the skin becomes softer, wrinkles decrease, seborrhea is cured and the hair structure is restored.

There are a lot of areas of application of living water, and in each of them its miraculous effect is confirmed. You can literally revive wilted flowers by placing them in a container of living water. If you water plants or trees with such water, then the harvest will be richer than usual. Knowing this property, it is actively used in agriculture.

The assertion that living water has a double benefit is quite justified: in addition to its direct healing purpose, it increases the effect of any drug taken by a person for recovery. Houseplants also start to grow better if they are watered or sprinkled with living water.

Unfortunately, the biochemical properties of living water are unstable and last only two days. Even if you store such water in the dark and in a sealed vessel, after two days it loses its special qualities. Recently, there has been an active development of devices that could convert ordinary water into living water.

The main task of the creators of such devices is to make sure that the water remains alive for as long as possible. The owner of the German company for the production of such water, Dine Aschbar, was able to preserve the unique properties of living water in practice, however, according to her, quite expensive equipment is needed for this.

What is the difference between living and dead water

But is the above description of living and dead water the only one? An analysis of various sources of information suggests that there is no single conceptual apparatus on this topic. Different water is called living and dead water, often without providing a scientific basis for it.

There are a number of opinions about what living water is:

  • water with a regular structure;
  • pi-water;
  • alkaline water (catholyte);
  • water after exposure to a weak magnetic field (magnetized);
  • water consecrated in the church;
  • activated (biologically active) water;
  • water with minerals;
  • water obtained from the melting of ice;
  • water that the human body receives by eating fruits and vegetables;
  • artesian and spring water.

There are also a number of opinions about what is dead water:

  • water completely purified from impurities (distilled);
  • water with bad memory;
  • water passing through pipes with right angles;
  • unstructured water;
  • water saturated with silver ions;
  • water with acidic properties (anodic);
  • passive water;
  • water from polluted reservoirs.

If you carefully consider these lists, it is easy to notice the duality. For each characteristic of living water there is a description of dead water: water with a regular structure - unstructured water; magnetized water - water with poor memory (non-magnetized); Pi-water is not Pi-water; cathode and anode water; melt water - non-melt water; water with minerals - purified water (distilled).

To begin with, let's try to understand what is the peculiarity of each water, and after that everything will fall into place.

  • structured water

In such water, hydrogen bonds are organized in a certain order.

There are a number of varieties of such water, differing in the way the ordering was used and how the molecules are arranged relative to each other. What unites them is that the molecules are still in a certain order.

  • Pi water

Energetic microgrouped structured water. It is one of the types of structured water, which was discovered by a scientist from Japan.

  • Anode water

Part of the water that collects around the negative electrode (anode) during electrolysis. The positively charged ions of water allow it to have a positive redox potential. The hydrogen index in this case is less than 7. Water is called dead with the quantitative advantage of hydrogen ions over electrons.

  • cathode water

Water concentrated around the positive electrode, the particles of which are negatively charged. The redox potential is negative. The hydrogen index is higher than 7. Such water is called alive for the characteristic quantitative predominance of alkali anions and electrons in its composition.

  • Water with good information

Water, whose memory has retained positive information (heard kind words or thoughts). Water gives the received message to human cells. There are a number of methods for filling water with the necessary data, for example, church consecration.

  • activated water

Water, which the cells of the human body assimilate easily, without additional activation. In this case, energy is conserved. There are various methods of influencing water, with the help of which it becomes biologically active. This includes changes in its structure, which means that this water is classified as structured.

  • Melt water

Water obtained after the melting of ice retains a special structure. Therefore, melt water also refers to structured water.

You should know that melt water is prepared in a special way. During the freezing process, the first layer of ice formed is removed, and during the thawing, the part of the water that melted last is not used.

  • Water from underground

Water extracted from underground with the help of deep wells or springs that have come to the surface. Passing through natural filters of various rocks, the water is naturally saturated with useful minerals and acquires a special structure. It is also one of the types of structured water.

  • Water with beneficial minerals

Water seeped through mineral deposits becomes enriched with minerals. The most beneficial for humans are calcium and magnesium, they are not subject to the maximum allowable norms. The remaining minerals have restrictions on concentration standards. Therefore, the composition of mineralized water should be controlled so that it does not turn from useful into poisoned.

Water without impurities after distillation in a distiller or water purified by reverse osmosis. Such water can be obtained using some filters and water purification systems.

There are theories that such water leaches salts from human bones, and they become fragile, can easily break. In this context, the phrase optimal composition of minerals is often used.

  • magnetized water

Another type of structured water, which is obtained by exposure to a relatively weak magnetic current. After that, water molecules acquire a certain order and carry other information.

Water from both lists has undergone some kind of filtration and hydrotreatment. These processes are mentioned when describing such a property as water memory. This quality is completely dependent on the structure of water. Water remembers the impact made on it, as a result of which the structure is preserved. The memory is preserved both about the bad influence and about the good. Only structured water is capable of storing information. It is the presence of structure that allows water to remember.

How to make a device for receiving living and dead water

It is not necessary to look for living or dead water in natural reservoirs. At home, it can be isolated in the process of electrolysis. Water obtained in this way is often called activated.

Soviet scientists of the largest medical institutes in the 80s investigated the qualities of living and dead water. The strictest secrecy and inaccessibility of information outside a narrow interested group was the norm of those times, so the bulk of the data received was closed to the public. However, everything secret becomes clear sooner or later, especially when a person is strongly interested in obtaining information. First of all, healers and doctors became such interested people.

The water from the tap becomes activated during the electrolysis process. There is a scientific explanation for the qualities it acquires. Living water is alkaline and excellent for healing wounds. Dead water is a good disinfectant due to its acidic characteristics. Electric current changes the structure of water, removing non-ecological, negative information.

As a result of the reaction of water to the action of an electric current, its natural division into two equally useful parts occurs. To cure a number of diseases, the methods of living and dead water are combined in different ways. For each disease, their own systems for receiving activated water have been studied and selected. On the Internet you can find quite a lot of publications and tables on this topic.

In our country, N.M. is considered to be the author of the device that turns ordinary water into living and dead. Kratov. The invention has its own complicated history. In 1981, Kratov underwent treatment for prostate adenoma and inflammation of the kidneys for more than a month. Drug treatment did not have the desired effect, and the future inventor was offered an operation. The man refused this method of treatment and was discharged.

Simultaneously with the unsuccessful traditional treatment of Kratov himself, his son could not get rid of the wound on his arm for more than six months. The possibilities of activated water have been tested for the healing of this long-lasting sore wound. After washing, the tissues recovered in two days.

Inspired by the success, the creator of the device began to take living water three times a day before meals, half a glass, and soon his health improved significantly. As it turned out, together with the adenoma, the swollen legs were cured in a week and the inflammation of the roots of the spinal nerves (sciatica) disappeared.

For the final verification of the effectiveness of the treatment, Kratov passed the necessary tests in a medical institution. In the clinic, the fact of recovery was confirmed. Another pleasant result was the normalization of blood pressure.

As it happens in life, gradually everyone learned about the results of taking living and dead water, and people began to ask Kratov for help. Among them was a woman who burned her hand with boiling water. Treatment with living and dead water healed a third-degree burn in two days.

For six months, a neighbor's boy suffered from an abscess in his throat and inflamed gums. Standard medical treatment did not help. On the recommendation of the inventor, the boy disinfected his gums and throat with dead water every two hours, then drank a glass of living water. After three days of such treatment, the wounds healed and the child recovered.

How to make an apparatus of living and dead water with your own hands? An elementary device for direct electrolysis can be made from simple items:

  • glass jar with a volume of 1 liter;
  • two rectangular stainless steel plates with high corrosion resistance (145 mm by 40 mm);
  • two pieces of electrical wire (diode bridge);
  • electrical plug;
  • a small bag made of tarpaulin or similar fabric;
  • plastic cover with holes.

On the plastic plane, which will be located directly above the neck of the container, we make two mounting holes for the bolts. Between them we drill a third hole with a large diameter for the diode.

The device for obtaining living and dead water should be assembled in the following order:

  1. The electrodes are bolted to a plastic circle that will cover the neck of the container. Stainless steel plates must be installed parallel to each other.
  2. A diode is installed in the hole between the electrodes and the wire is connected to the terminal located in the cover.
  3. An electrical wire is soldered to the electrode. Segments of wires connected to the diode and electrode are brought to the switch.
  4. A canvas cover should be put on the anode-plate with a diode to collect dead water.

From a canvas bag, you need to quickly pour water into a separate container as soon as you turn off the current. The cathode electrode will create living water around itself. The fabric acts as a membrane and separates the solutions after the voltage is turned off. The diode is an AC to DC converter. The apparatus of living and dead water is ready for use. To obtain healing water, you only need to pour water into the jar and into the bag inside it, and then turn on the power.

If you are not a supporter of the production of living and dead water at home and want to use a high-quality device, you should purchase it from the manufacturer. If you absolutely do not want to delve into the processes of producing a healing liquid, you can simply buy living and dead water.

Application and recipes for the treatment of living and dead water

Listed below are diseases for which the use of living and dead water can be beneficial. It is important to remember the key point: dead water disinfects, living water gives energy. First we use dead water (inside or outside), then after 15-30 minutes in the same way live. The principle of operation is as follows: disinfection is performed with dead water, while living water starts the recovery process.

For three days after eating, you need to rinse the mucous membranes of the nose, throat and mouth with dead water. Drink half a glass of live water 10 minutes after each procedure.

It is possible to cleanse the skin of various rashes in a few days by rubbing it with dead water. For preventive purposes, the treatment is repeated.

  • Joint pain

To remove salt deposits, which most often cause joint pain, it is useful to drink dead water three times a day, half a glass before meals. It is recommended to do this for three days. For greater effect, you can add compresses from dead water heated to 40-45 degrees. Already on the first or second day of application, the pain disappears. A pleasant effect of such procedures is good sleep, lowering blood pressure and, in general, stabilizing the functioning of the nervous system.

  • Bronchitis and bronchial asthma

The course of treatment for bronchitis and bronchial asthma lasts three days. During this period, up to five times a day, you need to rinse the nasopharynx with warm dead water after eating. After 10 minutes, drink half a glass of living water. If after the end of the course the desired effect could not be achieved, you can go to 10-minute inhalations. A liter of dead water is heated to 80 degrees and the steam is breathed.

Inhalation is carried out up to four times a day. The final procedure is done with living water and the addition of baking soda. As a result, the irritation that causes coughing is reduced, and overall well-being becomes better.

  • Gastritis

With this diagnosis, three times a day, 30 minutes before meals, it is recommended to drink living water. On the first day, ¼ cup, in the next two days, ½ cup. By reducing the acidity of the digestive juice in the stomach, pain decreases or disappears, appetite normalizes.

  • Helminthiasis

In this case, an enema is made first with dead water, and an hour later - with live water. During the day, take two to three glasses of dead water. The next day, 30 minutes before eating, you should drink ½ cup of live water.

  • Headache

A headache can be relieved by drinking half a glass of dead water and wetting the head with it. If the cause of the pain is a bruise or concussion, lotions from living water can help. Most often, the pain subsides after 40-50 minutes.

  • Flu

Empirically, the benefits of rinsing the nasopharynx with warm dead water have been proven. You need to do this often, up to eight times a day. At night, drink half a glass of live water. As part of such treatment, fasting is recommended on the first day.

Manifestations of varicose veins should be wiped with dead water, then make a compress with live water (15-20 minutes) and drink ½ cup of dead water. It is important to do this regularly.

  • Diabetes
  • Stomatitis

Systematic rinsing of the gums with live water for two to three minutes, immediately after meals and between meals (additionally up to four times a day), relieves inflammation and heals ulcers. Treatment is carried out within two days.

  • burns

You need to start processing the burned area of ​​​​the skin with dead water. Allow it to soak for five minutes, and then treat the wound with living water. Subsequent washings should be done only with living water. It is better not to pierce the blisters on the skin, and if they nevertheless burst and become inflamed, they must be washed first with dead, and then with living water. Usually burned skin scars from three to five days.

  • Cuts, open wounds

Disinfect the wound with dead water. We apply a cotton or gauze compress moistened with live, and bandage. We do the subsequent processing with living water.

If the wound begins to fester, clean it with dead water. As a rule, healing occurs in a couple of days.

  • Stones in the kidneys

In the morning on an empty stomach drink dead water (5-70 g), after half an hour - live water (150-250 g), then four more doses of live water a day. Gradually, thanks to a systematic intake, the stones in the kidneys will disappear.

  • Upset stomach, diarrhea, dysentery

First of all, it is recommended to exclude meals on the day of treatment. You need to drink dead water every two hours, 100 grams. To enhance the effect, before the production of dead water, salt is added to the container, a third of a teaspoon per liter. Indigestion can stop in about ten minutes, dysentery will pass in a day.

  • Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum

Each time before eating, take 70 grams of dead water inside and then drink 200-300 grams of living water after 15 minutes. Pain is relieved, appetite and the general condition of a person are normalized.

  • Heartburn

You can get rid of unpleasant sensations if you drink living water (100-200 g) before each meal.

  • Hair care

After the usual shampooing, it is useful to rinse the hair with dead water, rinse with live water after a couple of minutes. For a more noticeable result, it is not recommended to dry your hair with a towel.

Seborrhea will pass, the hair will become more obedient and acquire a silky sheen.

  • High blood pressure
  • Low pressure

Living water gives a tonic effect and pressure stabilization. It is drunk before meals (150-250 g) in the morning and in the evening.

  • Rejuvenating treatments

Visible regeneration of the skin and reduction of the depth of wrinkles occurs as a result of regular procedures with dead and living water. Especially if, before preparing live and dead water, add a few pinches of salt to the compartment of the tank with a negative electrode. First you need to wash with salty dead water, then live. It is important to let both water dry naturally on the skin, without the help of a towel. This procedure should be carried out up to three times a day.

Skin rejuvenation occurs especially quickly (in two or three days) in people who lead a healthy lifestyle and have the right eating habits.

How else can you use living and dead water

  1. Live:
  • The aroma of fish soup will be stronger when it is cooked on catholyte. As for the anolyte, it is more suitable for borscht with fresh cabbage.
  • The taste of alcoholic beverages (wine, liquor, vodka) changes for the better if catholyte is used in the recipe.
  • The freshness of the bouquet for a longer period will provide living water. The flower stems are cut obliquely and the composition is placed in such water for a couple of hours.
  • If a live spruce brought from the forest is placed in a container with catholyte, it will not crumble for a long time and will retain its freshness for more than a month.
  1. Dead:
  • Dead water is useful for disinfecting vegetables, fruits and herbs. It is enough just to spray products from a spray bottle. To enhance the effect, table salt can be added to the water before electrolysis.
  • Anolyte can help get rid of cockroaches. To do this, dead water is used to treat places where insects usually hide. For the best effect, you can process all the furniture in the house.
  • Dead water perfectly washes away unpleasant odors, for example, from fish.
  • A glass of dead water relieves a hangover during alcohol intoxication. Living water, on the contrary, contributes to rapid intoxication.
  • You can soak clothes in warm dead water before washing. After that, things are washed as usual, using half the amount of powder or other means. But you need to rinse clothes in living water. This procedure will ensure cleanliness and a disinfecting effect.

  • Dead water helps to increase the shelf life of products. Before putting meat, fish or vegetables in the refrigerator, you need to wash or hold the food in dead water for up to eight minutes. It is important to take into account that the concentration of hydrogen ions in activated water should be in the range of 1.1–1.7 pH. As a result, mold fungi and microorganisms will be washed away.
  • To remove scale from the walls of electrical appliances, it is enough to pour anolyte inside and heat up to 85 ° C. After the solution has been infused for two hours, the scale will be easy to clean with a regular sponge. Another option is to simply leave the dead water in the kettle for a few days.
  • Men can use dead water to descale a car radiator. It is necessary to pour the anolyte into the radiator, drive the engine at idle for 15 minutes, then leave the car alone for about three hours. Repeat procedure. Pour dead water into the radiator and leave it like that until morning. The next day, the liquid must be drained and replaced with ordinary water, which after two hours must also be drained from the system. The final step is to fill the radiator with live water. After that, the scale will move away from the inner surface of the radiator and will be drained along with water.

If the water quality leaves much to be desired…

The problem of dirty water in the house can be partially solved by installing a high-quality filter, but in such systems it is periodically necessary to replace components, because it directly depends on how well the drinking liquid will be cleaned.

At the same time, the question remains: how to ensure that our workplace or a child at school has the best quality water? The best solution is to buy it with delivery.

The Iceberg company offers favorable conditions for servicing its customers:

  • free delivery of water to your home or office: buyers pay only the cost of the goods;
  • wells from which our water is drawn have registration documents in the State Water Cadastre of the Russian Federation;
  • for the extraction and bottling of water, advanced technologies are used, which helps to preserve and increase its quality and natural purity;
  • we also sell modern water coolers and other equipment manufactured by well-known European brands, taking into account existing quality standards. The sizes of pumps and racks for bottles vary, allowing you to install devices even in small rooms;
  • delivery of drinking water to your home or office is carried out at the lowest price, thanks to constant promotions from our company;
  • along with water, you can purchase disposable tableware, tea, coffee and other auxiliary products.

Clean water is valuable, but it should not be worth its weight in gold. Our mission is to provide every home and workplace with high-quality drinking water, so we have prepared the most favorable conditions for our customers.

Water is one of the most mysterious substances on our planet, which has not been studied by modern science to this day. Water is different in its physico-chemical parameters, under certain conditions it can glow in the dark, has healing properties, and can not freeze at temperatures up to 100 degrees Celsius. Water can give life energy to the plant and animal world, and sometimes take it away.

All peoples of the world have references to springs and reservoirs with healing, energetically saturated water that seeps from the depths of the earth. About living and dead water, which heals wounds, relieves diseases, prolongs life, makes it eternal, is told in folk tales and legends.

To the question, without which life on our planet is impossible, each of us, without hesitation, will answer: without air and water. And it is not in vain that for many millennia representatives of different peoples inhabiting the Earth have composed fairy tales and legends about water. Moreover, water so familiar to us was often called “living” and “dead”. What is it - a poetic expression or the fruit of a raging fantasy? But why, then, did these definitions prove to be so tenacious? By the way, references to living and dead water are found not only in fairy tales, but also in the Bible.

They say that in nature “living” is melt water, and “dead” is Epiphany and the one that is taken to Ivan Kupala. Yes, don't be surprised! After all, what did the "dead" water "know", despite its gloomy name? If you have not forgotten fairy tales, then remember that this water healed even the most terrible diseases, relieved inflammation.

So it was not in vain that our ancestors (and we, too) plunged into the hole at Epiphany, despite the bitter frosts typical of this time! And on the night of the 6th to the 7th of July, even the cattle were bathed - so that health would be enough for six months. By the way, have you heard about the amazing properties of Narzan? So, the local population directly says that this is natural “dead” water ... But it healed wounds and restored strength (even brought the dead back to life!), If you believe all the same fairy tales, water is “alive”.

So, “a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it”? May be. Many generations of people took this statement literally and seriously. That is why historical sources contain information about attempts to create an "elixir of immortality." Many rulers in the history of mankind were interested in living and dead water, for example, the Chinese emperor Qin Shi Huang Di (259–210 BC) and the Popes. In Russia, the creation of the "elixir of immortality" was in charge of Field Marshal Yakov Bruce. To do this, Bruce was engaged not only in purely scientific research, but also. Legend has it that Bruce was able to create some of the elixir, but… saved it for himself.

He left a will, according to which his body had to be sprinkled with "living" water. But the servant, opening the vial, dropped it from his hands. Almost all of the liquid spilled onto the floor, and only a small part of it fell on the hand of the deceased. Beautiful fairy tale? Still would! In particular, if we take into account one moment: when the grave of a black magician was opened in the late 1920s for his reburial, then one hand of Bruce was incorrupt ...

Back in the 20s of the 20th century, workers servicing drilling rigs in Bashkiria noticed that dangerous wounds from insect bites heal after 2-3 days if they mess around in muddy clay slurry for a long time. The unsightly mess was taken in a setup near one of the electrodes. Enthusiast-researchers cheerfully set about studying the properties of the mysterious liquid, and a few years later they registered with the Patent Office of the Soviet Union an application for a machine for making ... "living" water! Unfortunately, the beginning of the Second World War put an end to this issue.

However, scientists have not lost interest in the “fabulous” liquid. In the 1960s, a scientific institute was opened in Kazan, in which a separate staff of employees dealt with the issue of clarifying the structure of "living" water. True, even then the enthusiasts were not lucky. 1985 - a devastating article was published in the Pravda newspaper, in which the employees of the institute were dubbed charlatans and sorcerers, after which developments on this topic were curtailed.

And yet, in the 90s of the last century, when the “purely materialistic” view of science was somehow forgotten, several biochemical centers were opened in Moscow at once, which received licenses from the Ministry of Health to sell “living water” installations. But the enthusiasm of the townspeople for innovation soon faded away. The same fate awaited the famous "Chumak banks". In conversations and in the press, the offensive word “charlatans” began to flicker again ... And yet, experts did not stop asserting: living water exists; only it retains its properties for no more than six hours, which the organizations involved in the sale of the “fabulous” liquid did not take into account.

What is a device for obtaining "living" water? Graphite anode, platinum cathode, between them - a glass filter. Mineral water is poured into the installation, through which a voltage of three to four volts passes. After 2 hours, “live” water forms in one glass, and “dead” water in the other. By the way, Margaret Thatcher was very interested in the properties of fabulous water at one time. A chemist herself, the "iron lady" quickly realized all the benefits of using this liquid. Since then, Thatcher's house has been running a plant that produces living and dead water. The result, as they say, was obvious: those around him never tired of being surprised at the youth, vivacity, vigor and strength of health of the English prime minister.

"Dead" water, according to enthusiasts, changes a person physically, makes the body work purposefully at the cellular level, fight diseases. As a result, metabolism is accelerated, appetite improves, and the body is renewed. Sometimes the results are simply stunning: medicine knows cases when hopeless cancer patients got rid of a terrible diagnosis precisely thanks to the intake of such an “unscientific” drug as “dead” water.

As for the use of living water, an experiment conducted in the Department of Cardiovascular Pathology of the Tomsk Medical Institute gave an impressive picture: patients in the control group were able to completely refuse to use drugs. However, it is impossible to dispute the element of self-hypnosis in the treatment by this non-traditional method. But at the same time, none of the experts dare to assert that the water from fairy tales is only a poetic image, the dream of our ancestors about an “almighty” medicine…

1998, December - AiF weekly, the All-Russian Center for Eye and Plastic Surgery of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and OiltradeMarket CJSC organized a 2-month expedition to the Himalayas. The result was a sensational statement: the project participants found living and dead water in the mountains. So humanity is a stone's throw away from healing almost all ailments... The head of the expedition, E. Muddashev, said: “This is the result of many years of scientific research. We assume that the water we found will be able to treat people with diabetes, rheumatism, polyarthritis, atherosclerosis, and even cancer. I believe that it will be possible to achieve rejuvenation of the body ... "

All this is not just words. Scientists have found that around cells affected by cancer, various microbes and viruses, water collects, activating the “death gene” in them, that is, destroying them. And water collects around healthy cells, activating the “life gene”, which contributes to their better functioning. If this mechanism is broken and a sufficient amount of “dead” water is not produced around the diseased cell, the person becomes ill. But the lack of the necessary fluid, it turns out, can be replenished. To do this, the patient needs to drink it ...

Why did researchers start looking for "fabulous water" in the Himalayas? It turns out that it was there that the so-called Somati phenomenon was discovered: yogis introduce themselves into a state of deep sleep (self-preservation), in which their body seems to become stiff, and life processes practically stop; then they come back to life again. And in order to facilitate their entry into the state of Somati, the inhabitants of the Himalayas drink water from secret lakes in the mountains.

In order to bring back to life a person who is in a state of self-preservation, he is again drunk and rubbed with water. But already another! She is also taken in the mountains; water flows directly from the rocks near the unique lakes. Probably, this is the very notorious "living" water. Swami (the highest hierarchy for an ascetic or a monk in Hinduism) Shidda-nanda shared his knowledge about the miraculous lakes located near the Chu-Gompa monastery with the researchers.

Himalayan monks claim that Lake Manasarovar was created artificially 300 years before the beginning of our era, and Lake Rakshas even earlier - 650 years. Modern Himalayan monks implicitly believe the legends that Big People (titans) created such springs as early as 20 thousand years BC. e. and in a new era for the peoples who have gone to live underground. Later, the Titans also descended there. (It is believed that periodically some peoples went to underground cities, while others came out of the ground, like the Tamils, the inhabitants of India and Sri Lanka, who appeared on the surface of the planet about 4,000 years ago.)

The fact that there may be some truth in the words of the monks is evidenced by a mysterious phenomenon that has not found a clear explanation from the point of view of the natural manifestations of the forces of nature. A strong wind blows all the time over Lake Rakshas, ​​and the surface of the water is in a stormy state of varying strength. At the same time, on Lake Manasarovar, just a few kilometers away, the water is constantly calm and mirror-like. Some researchers argue that under the bottom of the southern and central part of Rakshasa there are underground voids with energy devices, which cause eddy currents in a limited area, creating local stormy weather.

Maybe signaling devices have been installed in the area; if foreign objects and people appear within its boundaries, the storm intensifies (this actually happens for an unknown reason). The voids under the bottom of the Rakshasa are connected by a tunnel to the Chu-Gompa monastery, located at the northern part of the lakes. From this monastery, one of the underground passages leads to another cave, a cocoon-shaped reservoir, which receives an ascending stream of water passing through the thickness of the rock.

Here it undergoes primary energy processing and is divided into two different streams - the future "living" and "dead" water. On its way, the water undergoes energy processing several more times with the help of devices resembling optical systems. In addition to lakes and waterfalls with living and dead water, in this area there are three sources of special water that can rejuvenate a person. They are located in the vicinity of the sacred cave and the "materialization of thought."

So, the researchers got to one of the sacred reservoirs. It is located at an altitude of 5,000 m (4,000 of which is almost a sheer wall) and is guarded by militant Sikhs: only yogis and “enlightened ones” can draw water from the lake.

Scientists took a sample of water from different depths of the reservoir, as well as from a "live" waterfall. With the help of special equipment in the same place, on the spot, they determined: all samples “glow”, but in different ways. By the way, yogis use different definitions when describing the liquid of mysterious sources: in lakes it is “wild” for them, and in waterfalls it is “solid”. The initiates say that only the deep layer of lake water has miraculous properties. To get it, yogis dive to a depth of 30 m with a cloth sash in their hands. The deep fluid is denser, so it can be held in this tissue. Divers squeeze the sash and drink the "booty" to cleanse themselves of negative energies and diseased cells.

Afterwards they climb a rock and drink living water; according to yogis, it rejuvenates the body and replenishes strength. The researchers measured the auras of yogis who regularly practice "hydrotherapy" (modern technology makes it possible to do this). The age of the subjects ranged from 63 to 83 years, but the intensity and width of the glow of their aura was greater than that of young and healthy "uninitiated". It is curious that local residents prefer to be treated with “solid” water in case of illness (it does not deteriorate and can be stored at home for a long time). But the "wild" liquid, in their understanding, is intended only for high-ranking yogis to use it ...

The fact that rock water actually stimulates the functions of healthy cells of the body and they, in turn, suppress diseased cells, was also confidently told to the members of the expedition by a local doctor. He himself in his practice gradually moved from the use of medicines to "water" procedures. The doctor claims that there is no need to talk about idle fiction here: thanks to “living” sources, only one case of cancer has occurred in this area over the past 20 years ... And the locals assure: it is better to be born a frog on the banks of the Ganges in the Himalayas than to be a king in what some other country.

In general, according to ancient legends, living and dead water is associated with mountains. Recall that inside the mountain strata there are many minerals containing many different substances. Groundwater, passing through them, change chemically and energetically, acquire new properties. In addition, scientists know that all stones under high pressure release drops of liquid, which is individual for each type of rock. An important role in underground processes is also played by special energy flows, which sometimes cause powerful electrical discharges, earthquakes and an increase in pressure inside the rocks.

As a rule, "underground thunderstorms" interact with atmospheric ones, exchanging energies between the Earth and Space. Moreover, at the same time, the energy of the Cosmos goes to the Earth through the channels of lightning discharges that we see, and leaves the Earth through the channels of the invisible radiation spectrum of “black lightning” (its existence has been known since antiquity). It is possible that these two energy flows, like two electrodes, are capable of causing the release of liquid from stones, which then mixes with groundwater. And electrolysis can lead to the formation of new types of energetically saturated liquids with opposite signs - living and dead water.

At high pressure, part of the modified moisture flows out in the form of a spring or is thrown out one-time along faults to the surface. Moreover, living and dead waters are at a distance from each other. Both versions of the fabulous liquid differ in taste: “dead” is hard, tasteless, and “live” is soft and sweet. Enthusiasts always use "dead" water in the treatment, but then they necessarily fix the result of "live". It also returns energy to the body weakened by the disease.

By the way, according to the Tibetan monks, there are 7 unique sources on earth, and one of them is located on the territory of ... Belarus. But only a small group of people knows about it, who, in fact, decide who is allowed into the coveted place. Initiates are afraid that people ... will simply spoil the source or pump it out to release mineral water. And the local population is slowly using the mysterious water for treatment. They say that in those parts almost no one ever gets seriously ill ...

Belarusian "water from a fairy tale" was used by humorist Semyon Altov. He went to the source on the advice of his director, although he never believed in the success of various "Grandma's" methods. As required, the artist doused himself with water and drank it. At the same time, he did not experience any special sensations, except for the cold. But already upon returning home, miracles began: Altov, who literally could not live without cigarettes, suddenly realized that he didn’t want to smoke anymore ... In addition, many of the artist’s illnesses actually disappeared after that trip, surprising him a lot, and treating doctors.

But it should be noted that not any "dead" water can be used for treatment and recovery. Back in 1932, American scientists discovered heavy water: instead of hydrogen H2, it contained deuterium D2, which with oxygen forms not the usual H2O, but D2O. A certain amount of "heavy" water is always present in the human body. But when its level exceeds the permissible level, poisoning begins.

Nowadays, scientists no longer deny that not only various chemical and electrical processes, but even ... thoughts and words can influence on. No wonder healers made healing water by whispering certain words over it! Moreover, swearing, cursing, just rudeness, as well as anger and bad, heavy thoughts, break the structure of water. As a result, instead of the usual H2O, we get heavy water (D2O). With all that is called, the ensuing consequences ...

Asking such "charged" water for health and body cleansing, as you understand, is not worth it. And vice versa: under the influence of ancient healing slander, as well as just kind words or blessings, structures are formed in the water that resemble in their structure ... the DNA of a healthy person. A similar feature is the water of "living" sources and relict water, which was found in Yakutia in permafrost regions.

In general, there are many mysterious sources on the territory of the former Soviet Union. One of them is Adango, located in the area of ​​the cities of Gagra and Pitsunda. "Black water" (it flows from a black stone) was highly respected by many generations of local centenarians and representatives of the ruling elite. But scientists still cannot explain the phenomenon of the effect of this liquid on the human body. Presumably, in terms of energy, the water of Adango is close to "alive". So, it is worth looking for a “dead” source in its vicinity ...

...Kulikovo field... This legendary place is famous not only for the heroic events of the past, but also for the frightening wells located on the outskirts of the field and filled with real "dead" water. If you unnecessarily dip your arm or leg into it, the limb will simply be taken away ... They say that strange incidents at these wells inexplicably stopped only shortly after the Second World War.

And now - Tyrnyauz. Two mysterious rivers flow here - Adylsu and Adyrsu. Old-timers assure that one of them carries "living", and the other - "dead" water. Many are treated by them in the city. In addition, two groups of plants have been planted in Tyrnyauz, for irrigation of which water from various reservoirs is used. Trees and shrubs grow, and it’s true, in different ways ...

In one of the monuments of literature of Ancient Russia of the XIV century, which tells about a campaign to the ends of the world, there is a mention of "living" water ...

2003 - scientists from the Institute of General Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences created what was, in the understanding of our ancestors, living and dead water. This happened during the electrolysis of ordinary H2O. It turned out that the water familiar to us is not a single substance, but a mixture of two different liquids. If you do not go into technical details, during the experiment, for some reason, part of the water was adsorbed in a tube with aluminum oxide, and the rest settled in droplets on its outer walls. When conducting spectral analysis, it turned out that in one liquid the protons rotated in one direction (ortho-particles), in the other - in different directions (para-particles).

The researchers tested the quality of the water obtained on special bacteria, analogues of cholera vibrios. So, in ortho-water, the “experimental” almost immediately became very unwell ... Therefore, the researchers suggested that they were dealing with just fabulous “dead” water, which inhibits bacteria. A vapor-liquid, of course, has other properties.

The Italians almost immediately decided to adapt it for ultrasound and tomography; It turns out that the use of steam-water makes it possible to significantly improve the image of internal organs. True, the "innovation" is not cheap: about $ 1,000 per gram. It can be stored exclusively frozen, because in the normal state two liquids can exist separately for no more than half an hour, after which they mix again, turning into ordinary water.

…Morning. The kettle whistled softly again in the kitchen. In it, according to scientists, once again, one and a half liters of living and dead water boiled in a barbaric way. It remains to wait until someone invents a way to separate this mixture, but for now, habitually brewing tea or coffee, trying not to throw out irritation ...

Kalmykova V., Guzhvina E., Bauer P., Borodovitsyn I., Fedorova K.

Teaching and research work presented at the annual city conference of research and design work "Idea Fair" won 3rd place



1) Mikhail Potyk, the epic hero, fell in love with the beautiful Avdotya Likhovidyevna, who appeared to him in the form of a white swan. They lived in perfect harmony, but that's the trouble: Avdotya dies, and her betrothed husband forces the underground monster to bring dead and living water in order to revive Avdotya.

We all read fairy tales about living and dead water. In Russian fairy tales, often negative heroes kill good, positive heroes by deceit, cunning. To correct this injustice, the people invented living and dead water. Not everyone knew where this water was located: only sorcerers, wise old men and a gray wolf.

It was difficult to get her, to go far behind her.

But the water was worth it: if you pour dead water on bloody wounds, they stopped bleeding. After that, it was necessary to sprinkle the dead hero with living water, restoring his life.

A.S. Pushkin in the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila", which uses the plots of Russian folk tales, described the use of living and dead water:

“... And the old man stood over the knight,

And sprinkled with dead water,

And the wounds shone in an instant,

And the corpse of wonderful beauty

flourished; then living water

The old man sprinkled the hero.

And cheerful, full of new strength,

Trembling with young life

Ruslan gets up ... "

According to some scientists, fairy tales have a real basis. So is the fairy tale a lie or does it really contain a hint of the facts existing in nature?

We decided to find out:

Do living and dead water really exist or is it a folk fiction?

What properties does this water have?

Can a modern person find and use fabulous water for its intended purpose?

Water is one of the most mysterious substances on Earth. It can glow in the dark, not freeze at temperatures close to minus 100 degrees,

she can give life force to the animal and plant world, and sometimes even take it away.

Even humans are 80 percent water.

We believe that water has magical properties and our ancestors were not cunning when they composed works of folklore about living and dead water.

In our work, we used the following methods

Study of fairy tales of different peoples and scientific articles

Setting up experiments

Searching for information on the Internet


Before starting work, we conducted a survey of students, parents and teachers of the gymnasium. To the question: “Do you think there are living and dead water?”, Interrogated with answers like this: exists - %, exists only in fairy tales - %. “What kind of water can be called living?” - spring -%, mineral -%, holy -%, melted water -%.


Our group was engaged in the study of various works that mention living and dead water. The legends of Ancient Rome and Babylon describe the meaning of water in various rituals. In Babylon, an unworthy person was buried with the words: “May God deprive you of an heir pouring water” and, conversely, a hero who died in battle “should lie down in paradise, drinking living water ". In Greek myths, the titans received eternal life from the sources of immortality.

After reading Russian fairy tales, we learned that our ancestors saw the human principle in water: mother water, they said. Ancestors believed that the properties of living water have

spring water, having washed it, people become more beautiful both in face and soul. In silence, surrounded by nature, far from noise, the water became quiet, beautiful, useful, and therefore alive. mermaids.

But finding a spring with clean, living water is just as difficult for us, city dwellers, as it is for fairy-tale heroes.

We decided to find out what properties living water has. In the medical reference book, we found a mention of living and dead water: living - increases immunity, increases efficiency, restores the body from the inside, dead - heals cuts, relieves inflammation., It is used in medicine to process bandages. But how to get it?

Chemistry came to our aid. Chemistry teacher Inna Viktorovna Zhilkina showed us how to get such water using electric current. This method is called electrolysis. We needed a vessel with water and a preparation for electrolysis. When we passed a current through the water, the water particles were divided into positive and negative. With the help of a special partition, they can be separated from each other: negative particles have all the properties of living water, and positive particles - dead.


This method of obtaining living and dead water seemed difficult to us and we decided to explore

melt water. It turns out that melt water has a composition similar to that of a human cell. People who constantly drink melt water live much longer, get sick less often, they are more active. It is important to use melt water correctly: freeze water in a closed vessel during the day, defrost it naturally in the evening and drain without sediment. And here we have a glass of living water, which can keep the body in great shape. This method does not require us to spend time and money.


Is it possible to use mineral water to "revitalize" the body? From the encyclopedia, we learned that healing properties have been attributed to mineral water since ancient times. People knew how to be treated with water gushing from the depths of the earth.

Even in ancient Rome, thermal baths with mineral water were known. They treated colds and rheumatism. It was also used in Ancient Greece, Assyria and Russia.

Under Peter the Great, the first springs were discovered in Karelia, and then in the Caucasus. Many of them are considered saints, healing the soul and body.

I wonder what kind of water - living or dead, flows from the tap in the apartment? Where does it originate and how does it come to us? Vodokanal employees told us that the water we wash ourselves with and use for drinking is the water of the Akhtuba River.

But her lively qualities leave much to be desired. Water is chlorinated, purified, heated. So it turns out that water comes to us not yet dead, but already barely alive. Such water needs to be calmed, defended, restored in filters. That's when it will benefit the body.

So what does it mean that there is not so much living water in nature? Is it possible to revive dead water?

It turns out that this is very easy to do: even a child can do it. Scientists have proven that water can exchange energy. Place a glass of water on the palm of your left hand, and place the palm of your right hand at a distance of 5-10 cm from the surface of the water. After 5 minutes you will feel pressure - a glass of living water is ready, which strengthens the body. And if we change hands, we get dead water that heals wounds.

And you can also revive water and reward it with healing qualities with the help of words. Yes, don't be surprised!

Finally, scientists have discovered what our ancestors knew a long time ago: water is a small computer: it has a memory, absorbs and transmits up to 70% of information, and reacts to the words and thoughts of a person. Our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers did not need these proofs, they already knew what miracles can be done with the help of thought and water.

The most living water is holy, enchanted by prayers. Kind words restore the water cell, while evil words destroy it. This is how water cells change from different words.

Therefore, you need to drink water with good thoughts, do not speak evil offensive words at the table.

In addition, from the distant past, a tradition came to us after bathing, rinsing the child, saying: “Like water from a goose, so thinness from a child!”, Because water washes away not only dirt, but also bad energy.

Even scientists cannot answer this question. They believe that with the first whistle of the kettle, we get equal parts of living and dead water. And yet no one can share this mixture.

Abroad, boiled water is enlivened with ice cubes. Strange: iced tea, iced coffee.

And our group investigated the ecology of living and dead water. Do you think living water can become dead? Certainly! Studying folklore, we made conclusions about what good relations our ancestors had with water, and how far we are from such relations. Well, for example, who today asks permission from the water to drink it and thanks, having drunk? Therefore, the water on the planet used to be crystal clear, as were the thoughts of people. It is not in vain that the Bible mentions Jesus Christ walking on water. They say that water, like a mirror, reflects the soul of a person. The current state of water resembles an ecological catastrophe. Overgrown ponds and lakes, cubic meters of dirty water discharged into rivers - all this destroys the fabulous properties of water. There is less and less magical water on the planet. By destroying the water, we will kill the fairy tale in reality.

After doing our work, we learned:

Our ancestors were right when they talked about the existence and properties of living and dead water

Now we know what water to drink to improve health, and what to use to heal wounds.

We have learned to revive water

Learned about the traditions and customs of the Russian people and the peoples of other countries

We decided that we would save water and try to restore the spiritual connection with water sources.

Thanks for attention.