How to destroy a hornet's nest in a hard-to-reach place. How to get rid of wasps in the house? Reasons for the appearance of wasp nests in a private house

  • 15.06.2019

People are increasingly faced with wasp nests under the roofs of houses. Their presence is fraught not only with a constant hum, but also possible bites which is especially dangerous for allergy sufferers. You can get rid of insects different ways: mechanical, chemical, with the help of homemade traps and preventive measures.

Fight against wasps under the roof

In order to subsequently not have to deal with wasps in the attic, it is necessary to regularly carry out preventive measures:

  1. In the spring, carefully inspect attics, balconies and other places where the wasp "family" can settle. At first, their nest is small, consisting of a queen and a few hundred, but within a few months, the "settlement" will increase to many hundreds of insects.
  2. Do not put old unnecessary things, building materials in attics. This is how you create the ideal environment for wasps to build their nests.
  3. Finding cracks in the upholstery of houses, walls, close them immediately.
  4. Do not accumulate food waste near the cottage, house, close garbage cans well. The smell of spoiled food attracts insects.
  5. Do not plant near the house fruit trees, and if planted, regularly collect fruits that have fallen to the ground.
  6. In winter, get rid of old wasp nests, if any, in your attic. Insects often return to old "homes" or equip them with new ones.

Having found insects in the attic of the living quarters, you must definitely get rid of them. The destruction of wasps and wasp nests is associated with a certain risk, therefore, it must be carried out in compliance with the following precautions:

  1. Wear protective clothing in a discreet color. It should be made of dense fabric, have long sleeves and cuffs that fit tightly to the arms. The head should be covered with a hat, hood, and even better - put on a mosquito net. Protect your eyes with something like a ski mask, hands with gloves, legs with boots.
  2. In the evening, insects become less active, so it is better to get rid of the hornet's nest at this time. Also, at the end of the day, they return to the nest, so the chances of you being able to wipe out the entire colony at once are high.
  3. Make sure you don't smell of perfume - sweet scents attract wasps.
  4. Do not use a ladder if the nest is high up. In the event of an attack by a wasp family, you can fall and get seriously injured.
  5. Think about where you will run away in case of an unsuccessful attempt to get rid of the wasp dwelling.

    These insects are very vengeful, so they will definitely try to harm their offender.

  6. Warn neighbors about the upcoming event, and also make sure that children or pets do not walk near the nest.

How to remove a hornet's nest from an attic

The fight against wasps in the country, the attic of a private house is carried out by different methods:




Boiling water pouring, burning

  • effective, wasps die as a result of exposure to high temperatures
  • there is a risk of getting burns, and in the case of fire, burning down the house

Use of chemicals

  • help to get rid of the entire colony of wasps in the attic at once
  • unsafe method, can lead to poisoning


  • easy to make from improvised components - insects love everything sweet and meat
  • do not give a quick result, you have to wait until the wasps die from poison or drown

Mechanical traps

  • easy to do with your own hands;
  • effective
  • do not give quick results


  • helps to get rid of the whole wasp family at one time
  • not safe

Call a specialist

  • safe;
  • effective
  • costly


How to get rid of a wasp nest in the attic with baits:

  1. Place a plastic bottle with a narrow neck next to the hive, pour sweet bait (jam, beer, kvass, compote) on the bottom. Insects will crawl inside, feast on, but they will not be able to crawl back. The method is effective, but not fast, the trap will have to be changed several times.
  2. Process plywood, boards or any other Construction Materials strong adhesive, put them in the attic with poison with a wasp hive. When enough insects stick to them, burn them. The disadvantage of this method is that bees can stick to the boards, the destruction of which is undesirable.
  3. Place a plastic bucket next to the nest in the attic with sweet bait inside. Cover the top with polyethylene, making a small hole in the center. Wait until the container is completely filled with insects, and then get rid of them.

Mechanical methods

How to remove a hornet's nest from an attic by mechanical means:

  1. Drowning. Should be applied in the evening when the whole wasp family gathers in the nest:
  • Pour a full bucket of water, put it under the nest so that it is completely immersed in the container. Use a ladder for support.
  • Leave the structure for several hours until all insects drown.
  • Check for live wasps by hitting the bucket with a stick. If there is no buzzing, hum, the bucket can be removed.
  1. Burnout. To do this, you need to build a fire under the nest itself, but in the case of wooden floor this is dangerous, so you need to burn the wasp dwelling in this way with the help of a barbecue:
  • Place a brazier under the nest, make a fire using pine needles.
  • The smoke will rise up, intoxicating the wasps, suffocating them.
  • When all the insects fly out into the street, remove the wasp shelter and destroy it.
  1. Kerosene, solar oil. Poisoning insects in the attic with combustible substances can be unsafe, this method should be used with extreme caution:
  • Pour kerosene or diesel fuel into a spray bottle.
  • Spray the wasp shelter, being careful not to hit the attic floor elements.
  • Wait for the wasps to die from the poisonous smell.
  • Get rid of the hive.


Chemical preparations will help remove wasps from the attic:


Characteristics, principle of operation

Mode of application

Aerosol Clausa

  • active ingredients - piperonyl butoxide, cypermethrin, tetramethrin;
  • substances penetrate the chitinous cover of wasps, blocking their nerve impulses.

Spray in the attic, tightly closing windows and doors. Ventilate the room after 15 minutes.

Mosquitol aerosol against wasp nests

  • active ingredients - cypermethrin, bioalletrin;
  • vapors envelop the hive, penetrate through the respiratory organs into the body of wasps, block nerve impulses, and cause muscle paralysis.

Spray at a distance of 6 meters, after 2 hours get rid of the hive, ventilate the room

Delta Zone

  • contact-intestinal insecticide;
  • active substance - deltamethrin;
  • causes nerve palsy.

Dilute 2 caps of the suspension with 2 20 liters of water, pour the solution into a spray bottle, spray the wasp hive in the attic


  • active ingredients - piperonyl butoxide, tetramethrin, cypermethrin;
  • blocks nerve impulses.

With the onset of darkness from below, carefully put a tight dark bag on the hive and tie it. Make a hole in it, insert a can of insecticide, spray. When the buzzing stops, remove the nest and dispose of it.


  • poison, half consisting of malathion;
  • blocks the transmission of nerve impulses.

Dilute 100 ml of a concentrated substance with a liter of water, pour the solution into a large plastic bag, put it on the bottom of the hive

The appearance of wasps in the house or in the country is accompanied by a lot of worries and troubles for the people living there. In addition to being quite painful for a person, wasps can be carriers of diseases and infections.

Wasp nests begin to be built in early spring, usually in secluded places indoors. After that, the female lays eggs and already, a month later, one can observe the appearance of the first offspring of insects, the neighborhood with which becomes noticeable and brings anxiety.

Therefore, it is necessary to know how to deal with and protect yourself from wasps if a wasp nest is found in the house or in the country.

How to deal with wasps in the country, in the house?

Wasps choose human dwellings for building their nests, as there is always enough food there to attract their attention. Often you can find ordinary paper wasps, hornets in the house or in the country, sometimes there are earthen wasps.

As places for arranging their nests, wasps usually choose attics, balconies, cracks in the wall and other places where they will be protected from winds and rains.

Wasps must be fought and their nests must be disposed of, because in their neighborhood a person is always in danger of being attacked and getting stings, which are very painful. Wasps can contribute to crop damage, as they use ripening fruits for food. They can carry intestinal infections.

Protection against wasps in the country can be provided in a variety of ways, the most common of which are:

  • Removing wasps by completely destroying the nest;
  • Use of special traps;
  • Harassment with poisonous baits;
  • Access to specialized services.

If the wasps in the house are present in not in large numbers, you can use or sticky paper for flies. It is necessary to calculate all the advantages and disadvantages of each of the wasp control methods and choose the most suitable one.

Tired of pest control?

Are there cockroaches, mice or other pests in the country house or in the apartment? They must be fought! They are carriers of serious diseases: salmonellosis, rabies.

Many summer residents are faced with pests that destroy crops and damage plants.

It has the following properties:

  • Gets rid of mosquitoes, cockroaches, rodents, ants, bedbugs
  • Safe for children and pets
  • Mains powered, no recharging required
  • No addictive effect in pests
  • Large area of ​​action of the device

How to find a hornet's nest?

When wasps appear in a residential area, you need to think about finding and destroying their nest. In order to find a hornet's nest, it must be remembered that for its construction wasps use places that are hard to reach for a person, hidden from prying eyes.

In the country, a hornet's nest can most often be found:

  1. In rarely used utility or household premises, for example, in sheds, toilets, attics;
  2. In niches under slate;
  3. On balconies, loggias;
  4. Among dense thickets of shrubs or hedges.

However, it is rather difficult to check all possible nest-building sites even if small size site. Therefore, you can use effective special methods aimed at tracking wasps.

The essence of this method is as follows: it is necessary to put on open area a piece of meat or fish, the smell of which will attract insects. Then all that remains is to keep a close eye on the wasps, as they will fly from the treat to the nest, making it easy to spot their nest.

In houses, on balconies, finding a hornet's nest is also not difficult. Long-term observations will certainly help to determine in which place the insects fly most often, therefore, their nest will be located there.

I regularly inspect my site, the result makes me very happy! I really liked that it works solar battery. I recommend the repeller to everyone."

How to get rid of a hornet's nest in the house?

There are several main methods used to get rid and destroy a hornet's nest in the house. So, how to get rid of a wasp nest in the house? It is necessary to consider the essence of each method in order to choose the most suitable one.


The use of water to get rid of a wasp nest is possible, when the nest is found in the ground or is under a canopy or in the attic. If earthen wasps are a source of concern, then it is necessary to find their “burrow” in the ground, and then fill it with such an amount of water that it begins to flow out of it.

For this purpose it is recommended to use garden hose, since the volume of any limited container with water may not be enough to completely fill the "burrow". After the hole is filled with water, you need to cover it with a stone.

Sometimes this method may not have the desired effect due to the absorption of water into the soil or in the case when the wasps react quickly and make a new exit from the hole to the outside. If the hornet's nest is under the roof of the house, then the use of water to destroy it is also possible, however, it is more difficult, this requires special training.

This method consists in filling a bucket with water and completely immersing the nest in it, pressing the edges of this bucket tightly to the ceiling. Support the bucket from below using a ladder or a board of appropriate height. Usually insects under water do not withstand longer than a day.

However, before using this method, you should make sure that the entire structure is stable and that there are no gaps between the bucket and the ceiling, as in this case the wasps can find a way out of the trap.


When a wasp nest is found in the ground, a fairly simple and effective way to destroy it is to use some kind of petroleum product, such as gasoline or diesel fuel. It is required to fill the nest with gasoline, moisten a rag in it and close the exit from the hole with it. This contributes to the death of wasps after a certain amount of time.

Also, one of the methods of dealing with wasps is burning the nest. To do this, you need to douse the object with gasoline and set it on fire. However, this method is only suitable for destroying nests located in the ground or on a stone surface in the absence of flammable objects nearby.


One of the most common means used to combat wasps is dichlorvos. With its help, the nest is processed, which must be repeated, since it is almost impossible to destroy all insects the first time.

The use of dichlorvos requires a number of precautions, such as:

  1. The destruction of the nest is carried out at night, when insects have little activity.
  2. Be sure to wear protective clothing that is tight enough, use thick gloves and a beekeeper's mask.

Thus, with the help of one cylinder of dichlorvos, you can relatively quickly get rid of a medium-sized wasp nest.

Special preparations

In addition to the methods of mechanical destruction of the nest, insecticidal preparations with a large spectrum of action are widely used.

Among them are the following funds from wasps in the country and at home:

  1. Karbofos, which is a fairly inexpensive and safe drug, often used to combat other insects.
  2. Insecticide preparations based on chlorpyrifos having a contact effect.
  3. Executioner- a tool with which you can effectively get rid of wasps and hornets;
  4. Tetrix is a professional product used for pest control, however, its acquisition can be quite difficult, especially in small quantities.

Before disinfestation with insecticidal preparations, it is necessary to provide protection open areas body from the danger of being bitten. It is necessary to carry out disinfestation at night.

Call for special services

One of the least time-consuming ways to destroy a wasp nest is to call a special pest control service, which is a team of professionals who have all the necessary protective equipment and special preparations at their disposal. They provide fast and effective disposal from wasps.

What if the nest is not available?

The task of destroying a hornet's nest is in itself very difficult. If the nest is located in a place inaccessible to humans, then there are even fewer opportunities for its removal.

For this, it is recommended to try lure insects into pre-prepared special traps. As bait in such traps, it is better to use meat or fish. At the same time, one must not forget to change the bait and remove insects from the trap.

You can also try hanging a few red pods near the nest. hot pepper. There is an opinion that wasps can change locations themselves, as they do not like bitter.

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Rules for removing wasps in an apartment building

If the wasps settled in apartment building, then the destruction of their nests is carried out using the same methods that were used when there were wasps in the country.

However, there are a number of rules to follow:

  1. It is not recommended to use poisonous chemicals;
  2. The destruction of the nest should be carried out at night, while it is desirable that all residents of the apartment leave the premises for this time;
  3. To prevent wasps from moving into neighboring apartments, it is necessary to install mosquito nets and sewer grates and periodically treat them with vinegar, peppermint oil or citrus fruits;
  4. Be sure to notify all neighbors about the procedure for destroying the hornet's nest so that they can take precautions.

Precautionary measures

When destroying a hornet's nest on your own, you must take care of your own personal protection, since wasp stings in large numbers can lead to serious consequences for human health.

  1. Prepare thick clothing, a beekeeper's mask and thick gloves.
  2. The procedure for destroying the nest of wasps should be carried out at night, when all the wasps are in the nest and do not have much activity.
  3. If during the procedure a wasp or several wasps fly out, they cannot be killed, since when they die, special substances are released that excite relatives and create the danger of an attack by the entire swarm.
  4. If at the first attempt it is not possible to destroy the nest, and the wasps begin to fly out in large numbers, it is necessary to leave without making sudden movements and without succumbing to panic. Before the procedure, it is imperative to think over your retreat path in case of failure. After that, wait a few hours and try to repeat the procedure.


Wasps building their nests in residential buildings can cause a lot of anxiety to the people who live there. Therefore, it is necessary to destroy the hornet's nest on your own or with the help of special services. To do this, it is possible to use a variety of methods - from mechanical destruction to the use of special preparations.

To prevent the appearance of wasps in the house or in the country, you need to ensure that the mosquito nets installed on the doors and windows are in good condition. It is also recommended to regularly collect ripe and rotten fruits that have fallen from trees in garden plots, since they can attract wasps.

If, nevertheless, it was not possible to prevent the appearance of a hornet's nest in the house, then it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the rules and precautions before removing them.

These smartly buzzing hymenopteran insects are considered unique by scientists because of their diet, mode of reproduction, venom composition, and self-defense. They always fight desperately for their nest, made from their own saliva and wood particles, and if it is destroyed, miniature wasps are able to restore it in a day. What is surprising if they make as many as 247 wing beats per second - it is this speed that creates the impression of a buzz that usually warns us of danger. Yes, wasps exterminate harmful insects, pollinate flowering plants, but still we prefer that they stay away from our dachas and country houses. Because their aggression is dangerous to our health. In the article we will consider how to get rid of a hornet's nest in the country forever, what methods of struggle exist.

You need to know the enemy "by sight"! When should you get rid of it?

OS can be classified into three types:

  1. Paper. They have an elongated body and long thin legs. They are called so because they make paper to build their nests: they moisten wood fibers with their own saliva. Their nests are located in fairly protected places - on the ledge, at the end of open pipes, etc. They attack only in case of danger. Their bites are painful but not fatal.
  2. american hornets: with thick black antennae and short legs. Their nests can be found in the ground, on an empty wall. They are dangerous because of their aggression. They can attack in a swarm and sting several times.
  3. European hornets brown with orange dots. They build nests on empty walls or in trees.

If the wasps have settled in your dacha - under the slope of the roof, in the attic, balcony, in the utility rooms - you just need to get rid of them, because you are not sure how they will react to you or your loved ones, even if you are at a respectable distance from the nest . Defending their home, they can attack you in a swarm. You are in danger anytime and anywhere if you are in an area where there is a hornet's nest.

First of all, you need to find out the reason for the appearance of wasps on your suburban area: either they settled here in a nest, or they simply flew in search of food. If grapes and raspberries do not grow near your dacha, if there are no fallen pears and apples nearby, and there are just myriads of wasps, then, alas, you need to look for their nest and destroy uninvited neighbors not one by one, but all together. This measure is especially relevant if:

  • the nest is built in the center of a vegetable patch or flower bed, and the wasps make it impossible to work in the vegetable garden or in the garden;
  • if they constantly curl over the table, in the summer kitchen, on the playground;
  • if the nest is located on a potato bed: in September, when you collect potatoes, you risk being badly bitten.

If the wasps have taken root in the far corner of the garden, then you can not touch them - because they actively exterminate garden pests.

Video lesson "How to deal with wasps in a greenhouse?"

An indicative video in which you can see what a hornet's nest looks like and gardener's recommendations.

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How to find a hornet's nest on the site or in the house?

Wasps cannot be denied ingenuity: they prefer to build their nests in hard-to-reach places closed from prying eyes: in a hollow, under the crowns of trees in foliage or underground, in burrows. If there is no such place, they can settle directly in the grass or on open branches. The summer cottage is just a blessing for wasps: there are so many secluded places! Sheds, toilets, attics, little-used buildings, rubbish heaps, thick bushes, slate niches. Try it, check out all those hidden places! Summer residents came up with a way out: on the veranda or on some other open space put a piece of meat or fish. Wasps immediately begin to flock to him. And this is where you need an eye for an eye: uninvited guests will make flights between the treat and the nest. So you will know where the enemy settled. It is easier to find a nest in the house: you can immediately see where wasps fly most often: into the space between the sheathing and the wall, into the drainpipe, behind the air conditioner.

Road, digging, sand and ... earthen

All of the above wasps exist in nature, but earthen scientists-entomologists do not recognize them. So ordinary paper wasps were dubbed by the people according to one sign: they strictly arrange their nests in the ground for one season - in abandoned anthills or in rodent burrows. When the warm season begins, they carry food for the larvae there, so that at the end of summer they turn into young males and females. V next year earthen wasps choose another site for themselves.

At the same time, there are earthen wasps that lead a special way of life: females catch other insects in their nets, sting them with their poison and immediately, underground, hide them, laying one egg in the body of each of their victims. From the egg, a larva is obtained, which slowly devours the immobilized, but still living victim. Having achieved her death, the larva pupates and retires to rest, for the whole winter, in order to get out of the mink as an adult wasp with the onset of the new season. Individual individuals of such solitary earthen wasps can be very poisonous.

Rules for breeding wasps at their summer cottage

Methods for removing wasps in a country house under a roof are divided into three groups:

  • with the help of poisonous drugs;
  • physical extermination;
  • creating conditions for the wasps to fly away on their own.

If you decide to call the sanitary and epidemiological service, then get ready for the fact that its specialists will use chemicals to kill wasps, which is dangerous for both you and your pets. Yes, and it will cost you a pretty penny. Wouldn't it be better to independently engage in the destruction of these harmful creatures in your summer cottage? Usually this is done in the same way. However, you need to know a few subtleties:

  • fire should not be used to burn wasp nests, if they are placed on a tree or in a wooden building - this can easily lead to a fire.
  • it is necessary to carefully prepare for the procedure in advance. Dress accordingly, because there is a risk of being badly bitten: you should be wearing tight clothes with long sleeves, thick gloves, a beekeeper's mask; you can’t kill separately flying wasps - when they die, they release a substance that excites everyone else, and a whole swarm can attack you; if the wasps flew out of the nest en masse, do not make sudden movements and slowly move away for several hours, after which you continue to work.
  • warn the neighbors of your intentions so that they do not go outside and close the windows.

You need to implement your plan to destroy wasp nests in the evening, when it gets dark - at this time all the wasps will gather in their house for the night - so you protect yourself from bites and get a chance to destroy the entire wasp family at once. If you disturb the nest during the day, you may expect a massive attack. It's best to destroy wasp nest at the beginning of the year. At the end of summer, it’s not worth it: the wasps are very aggressive at this time, since queens are present in the last brood. If before the end of autumn you did not manage to get rid of the hornet's nest, then you should not exterminate it already: the wasps will die themselves, as soon as frosts come. Then you will only have to destroy the empty nest.

Burning and smoking a hornet's nest

The wasp house is built from chewed tree bark, resembling cardboard in structure. Therefore, poured with gasoline, it will burn out in a matter of seconds. But, despite the simplicity of the method, it is not always possible to apply. As mentioned above, this cannot be done if the nest is located on wooden ceiling or under combustible lining. It is possible if the nest is hidden in the ground or on a stone wall.

If you are a supporter of peaceful methods, then try to smoke your uninvited guests smoke. Light the fire so that the smoke from it goes directly to the hornet's nest. Let the fire smoke for two hours: the wasps will leave the nest.

Insecticides in the fight against wasps

This is a universal method. Wherever the home of the wasps is, insecticides will help in any case. The procedure has several stages:

  1. First of all, you need to purchase the product in a specialized store. These can be such drugs: Lambda Zone, Executioner, Sinuzan, Cucaracha, Aktara, Tetrix, Karbofos, Diazinon, etc.
  2. Dilute the product according to the instructions.
  3. Prepare a tight plastic bag large enough to fit the entire nest. Pour 200 g of the diluted product into the bag in advance.
  4. Slowly push the drug bag onto the nest so as to block the wasps from flying out. If the nest hangs under the roof, then the neck of the bag is glued to it with tape. If it is located on a tree, pull the neck over the nest and wrap it with string or tape.

After 2-3 days, remove the bag - all wasps should die. Just in case, before removing the package, knock through it on the nest. If you do not hear buzzing in response, then the operation was a success. If for some reason this method does not suit you, try using insecticidal dust, which can penetrate into the very center of the wasp house. At the entrance to the nest, the wasps smear their paws in this dust and transfer it to other individuals. After a couple of days they all die.

Drown - and the ends in the water!

This method is only suitable if the nest is in the ground, hanging under a canopy or roof - in the attic. In the first version, the nest is poured from a hose with a large amount of water - so that it flows out. After that, the exit to the outside is covered with a stone. The pan is unlikely to help here if the wasp "house" is located deep. This method may not work: the water will soak into the ground, and the resourceful wasps will dig themselves a new way out.

The second option is more difficult. The nest must be completely immersed in a bucket of water for a day, and its edges should be pressed against the ceiling. From below, the bucket must be supported with something (a board, a stepladder). It is necessary to ensure that the structure is reliable and does not fall apart.

Poisoned Lures and Traps for wasps

The easiest and safest way for humans is to get rid of wasps with bait. First of all, prepare it. Sour jam or beer with sugar will do. They need to add a few grams of any insecticidal drug or boric acid and mix. Then pour in a saucer and put in the most prominent place of the site (inaccessible to children and pets). You can hang the bait on a tree branch. Within hours, the wasps will drop dead. Honey cannot be used for bait: not only wasps will fly to it, but also bees, which are not included in your plans to exterminate.

A trap is not much different from a bait. Unless, all the same bait in this case is placed in a special container, from which the wasps will not be able to get out into the wild. You can buy a trap in a specialized store or make it yourself: unscrew the cap from a plastic bottle and cut off the top third. Place the bait in the lower part, and turn the upper part over and insert the neck down into the lower one. Hang the trap on a tree or the wall of your house. The wasps will crawl into the neck, and they will not be able to return back. You will only have to shake out the wasp corpses every few days and replace the bait as needed.

Three original ways to destroy wasps

With the help of Ferry With kerosene With the help of dichlorvos
Prepare a solution of detergent with water so that a soapy consistency is obtained. Use a spray bottle to water the nest for a few seconds. Repeat the procedure several times. When the solution gets on the wings of the wasps, they will not be able to fly. Pour kerosene into a children's machine or pistol and spray the nest until all the wasps fly out of it. Do this procedure for several days. The kerosene will saturate the nest like paper and a wasp's chitinous body, blocking breathing. Dichlorvos and other similar agents will only work to kill wasps if it is possible to isolate the nest from air. For example, cover it tightly with a container immediately after spraying.

Video "A practical way to get rid of wasps"

In this video you can see how many wasps can be kept in one hornet's nest. An effective and efficient way to fight.

Answers to common questions

  1. Can you die from a wasp sting?

A single wasp sting will not lead to serious consequences. But several bites at the same time can be fatal.

  1. When should you spray an aerosol pesticide on a hornet's nest, and when should you not?

This can be done any time the wasps are not annoyed. When they are in an excited state, it is dangerous for a person. You can not stay near a disturbed nest for a long time. We must wait until the wasps calm down and get to work.

  1. How to provide first aid for a wasp sting?

Make sure you are not stung by a bee, but by a wasp. If the last bitten, do not waste time looking for a sting - wasps do not leave it on the skin. From the bite site, you must immediately suck out the poison by spitting it out. To neutralize the poison in the wound, apply a cotton swab moistened with 9% vinegar or lemon juice, a piece of apple, an orange to it.

Hello to all blog visitors! The end of summer is the time of harvesting in our family, I think, like other summer residents.

While my wife was cooking apple jam, wasps began to fly into the sweet aroma of the kitchen, although we have mosquitoes installed on the windows.

Looks like they climbed through the balcony cracks. Surprised by the number of wasps, never happened before.

A little later I found out that they built a nest on our balcony, hence the large number. I share with you how to get rid of a hornet's nest on the balcony yourself.

The owner of any apartment at least once in his life may find himself in a situation where wasps are found on his balcony or loggia.

Occasionally, wasps accidentally flying onto the balcony in most cases do not pose a problem - there is no point in fighting them, just open the window and set them free.

Another thing is when these uninvited guests decide to settle here (or somewhere nearby) by building their nest.

In this case, the wasps on the balcony begin to pose a serious threat, because they are unlikely to indifferently endure constantly coming out on " Fresh air and the people disturbing them.


Very soon, unpleasant neighbors will begin to sting all household members indiscriminately: animals, children, and yourself, in the end.

Neighborhood with wasps on the balcony cannot be called pleasant, because they can sting anyone at any time. This means only one thing - the fight against wasps on the balcony should begin immediately.

As soon as you notice that meetings with these insects have already become constant, you should immediately look for ways to get rid of them, without waiting for the growth of the hornet's nest.

In order to get the wasps out of the balcony once and for all, you first need to try to find their nest. Moreover, it is far from always located in plain sight and directly inside the loggia or balcony - there are a number of nuances here ...

As a rule, wasps have settled on the balcony since autumn. A young female finds a secluded place for wintering among the rubble of old things, and in the spring - with the onset of heat - she begins to build a nest here or under the ceiling.

In the event that the owner of the apartment misses this moment even a little, it will already be difficult to get close to the dwelling of the insects - there will be too many wasps and they will already be able to defend themselves.

Most often, wasps like to create a nest for themselves:

  • under the ceiling inside;
  • under the eaves outside;
  • outside under the windowsill;
  • in pipes for draining rainwater;
  • between walls and sheathing - both inside and outside;
  • with a lot of trash - right in the middle of it.

Despite the variety of places suitable for building a nest, finding its location is usually not so difficult:

to understand where to look for the dwelling of insects, it is enough just to sit motionless for half an hour on the balcony and watch exactly where the wasps fly.

Useful advice!

If such observations did not help, then most likely the nest is located somewhere outside, and the wasps need to be observed from the window.

If, after observing the wasps, you could not see their nest, it may be located outside the balcony.

But you should not categorically start dismantling the rubbish on the balcony or move the lining in search of a nest: wasps can suddenly attack. For a successful outcome of the fight against insects, it is necessary to at least roughly imagine the location of their nest in advance, but you need to look for it carefully.

The nest of wasps at the very beginning looks like a small cone-shaped grayish mold with honeycombs, attached to the ceiling or wall. It is not visible at all in cracks or pipes, but it is noticeable how insects constantly fly in and out of there.

So, let's assume that the first task is successfully completed: either the wasp nest has already been found, or there is a clear idea where it is. Now we need to destroy it.

Moreover, it is to destroy, and not humanely remove and carry away, because in the latter case there is a high risk of suffering from bites (with a large number of them, it can even be life-threatening).

No matter how much you want to eliminate the hornet's nest from the balcony quickly and painlessly, be prepared for the fact that the insects will not retreat so easily, and even they can seriously bite you.

How can you get rid of a wasp nest on the balcony?

There are several effective ways that are worth dwelling on in detail.

Poison with bait

The first - one of the longest ways to fight - to poison the wasps themselves. It will take several days (or even weeks), but it is well suited if the owners rarely visit the balcony.

  1. To remove insects in this way, a simple bowl, tin can or plastic bottle, in the walls of which large holes are cut.
  2. Half a glass of beer is poured inside the makeshift feeder and honey is added (you can do without beer, the main thing here is the sweet bait).
  3. Half a teaspoon of borax or boric acid is also added here (they play the role of a poison), after which all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
  4. At night, when the wasps are inactive, a feeder with poisoned bait is placed near their nest, and the door to the balcony is tightly closed.
  5. If after a few days all the bait is eaten and there are still live wasps left, you will need to add another portion of the mixture to the feeder.
  6. Boric acid is toxic not only to cockroaches, but also to wasps, so poisonous baits can be prepared on its basis.

Practice shows that sooner or later (as a rule, it takes a week or two), all wasps, without exception, die. By the way, they also feed their larvae and the uterus with poisoned bait.

This breeding method can also be used if the wasps start in the attic. Especially often wasps build their nests in the attics of wooden houses.

burning the nest

The second method of dealing with wasps on the balcony is burning the nest. This method, for obvious reasons, is extremely flammable (the nest will burn with a big flame).

It is reasonable to use it only in cases where the dwelling hangs, for example, on the outer concrete wall of a balcony or under the ceiling away from plastic lining and wallpaper.


Burning a hornet's nest is the most effective method of destruction, but at the same time the most dangerous. You can not use it if there is paper (including wallpaper), wood and furniture, plastic, textiles, carpets nearby.

In order to implement this method of getting rid of wasps within the balcony, even in the evening in a bottle of household chemicals you can pour gasoline or kerosene, and close the container itself with a lid with a spray gun.

The nest of wasps is almost paper, and therefore it flares up quickly enough - you just need to spray it a little with a combustible composition at night and immediately set it on fire.

Drowning the nest in water

The third way - quite fast and fireproof, but requiring some skill - is drowning the nest in water.

The method of drowning a hornet's nest in a bucket is quite difficult to perform, but quite effective.

It is worth noting that this method of dealing with wasps has one feature: the insect dwelling must be attached in the middle of a flat ceiling, otherwise it will be problematic to implement the method.

To remove the wasps from the balcony by this method, a bucket is taken, filled to the brim with water and at night rises so that its edges rest against the ceiling, and the nest is completely submerged in water.

Within a few hours, the water container should fit snugly against the ceiling, therefore, as a rule, it is supported from below by some object suitable in height - for example, an ordinary stepladder.
Before you remove the bucket, you should still play it safe and knock on it with a hard object. If the buzzing of the wasps is not heard after that, it means that they died. Otherwise, lowering the bucket is very dangerous!

By the way, this method can be successfully used on country cottage if, for example, a nest of hornets appears there - the closest relatives of wasps.

In addition, along with the first method of destruction, the third can also be used to remove wasps from the attic. Hornets or wasps that have settled in the attic can also be destroyed with a bucket of water.


Before removing the bucket of water, make sure the wasps are already dead.


And finally, the last of the most effective ways to exterminate wasps is to use insecticidal agents against them. This method very efficient but somewhat labor intensive.

  1. A dense and necessarily sealed (without holes) plastic bag is taken, into which a little of any powerful wasp remedy is poured (you can read about them below).
  2. At night, the bag is put on the nest, and the neck of the plastic trap is attached to the surface around it with tape so that the wasps cannot get out.
  3. Insects will die within a few hours, so you should not rush to check the effectiveness of this method.

There are quite a few insecticidal preparations suitable for the destruction of wasps.

After the destruction of wasps in any way, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is always necessary to check if there are any living insects left in the nest. To do this, it is enough to knock on it with a long stick or a metal rod.

Means for baiting wasps

Probably the first thing that comes to mind when wasps start on the balcony is their extermination with insecticidal chemicals.

To date, quite a lot of such drugs are being produced, and some remedies for domestic insects can also be used as a poison. For example, here are some of them:

  • Karbofos is a relatively inexpensive, but effective drug (although it has a strong unpleasant odor)
  • Get is a powerful modern insecticide that is odorless and relatively safe for humans.
  • Tetrix or Cucaracha are one of the most powerful tools, but it is not easy to find them on sale.
  • Means of professional disinsection Tetrix Sinuzan
  • Microcin and Microcin Plus
  • Minap 22
  • Microencapsulated Suspension Delta Zone
  • Insecticide Cucaracha
  • Preparation Executioner
  • Insecticide dust Sevin 5 Garden Dust
  • Pesticide aerosol»
  • raptor

An important point that you should pay special attention to is that liquid concentrates diluted in water for subsequent spraying in the form of a spray, or ready-to-use aerosols, are better suited to combat wasps on the balcony.

To combat wasps on the balcony, it is best to use an insecticidal solution, or an aerosol preparation ready for use in a can.

But powders here, alas, will not work (you will not sprinkle them on the nest; but powders can be suitable for making poisoned baits).

In order to drive out wasps from a balcony or loggia, you can also use some standard garden preparations to protect plants from pests.

If you like the option of preparing poisoned baits, then for this you can add all the same insecticides to the sweet syrup: Get, Delta Zone, Cucaracha.

Cockroach gels are also good, which you can simply anoint in several places near the nest. Adult wasps will eat the poison themselves, as well as bring it into their home to feed the larvae and queen.

Safety rules for the destruction of wasps

The fight against wasps on the balcony, no matter what method is used for this purpose, is still not a safe event.

Insects are ready to defend the nest even at the cost of their own lives, and for humans, multiple bites can be fraught with serious consequences.

That is why, in order to avoid an attack, all work on removing wasps should be carried out:

  • in the most closed clothing, gloves and, preferably, a beekeeper's mask
  • at night, when the wasps are inactive and have poor vision
  • quickly so that the insects do not have time to react
  • at open door to the apartment, so that in the event of an attack by wasps, a retreat path is always ready

If something did not go according to plan, and the wasps began to attack, you must immediately run into the room and close the door behind you. After half an hour or an hour, the insects will calm down, and the attempt can be repeated.

If on your covered balcony the wasp flew in by accident, it should not be killed: it will not cause any harm, but on the street it will be of great use.

A wasp that accidentally flew onto the balcony is best to just let it go back out into the street. A single wasp is very easy to catch and release.

To do this, it is enough to take an empty matchbox, cover it with a wasp on glass or a wall and, without moving the boxes away from the surface, close it.

Open it, respectively, you need already outside the window so that the insect can fly away.

Similarly, you can catch a wasp with an empty glass jar. Sometimes you don’t even need to use a lid, but just quickly put the wasp jar out of the window.

What else can be used from wasps at home?

Bees bring many benefits to people, unlike wasps, although they, apparently, deliver some benefit to man or nature.

But, you see, it’s unpleasant when these “comrades” settle on your balcony, and even with the whole family. No, it would be fine, but they don’t want to pay for the light, and they can even bite.

A wasp nest on a balcony in an apartment is a fairly common occurrence, and it does not bring joy. It's especially frustrating when you start preparing for autumn period, and, like a real hostess, roll up the jam, and these passengers are right there.

But, in addition to being unpleasant, it is also dangerous, especially if you have children. In addition, wasps are also dangerous because they are active carriers of various infections, and if you think that this is not scary, then you are deeply mistaken.

Therefore, in any case, this problem must be solved, and we will tell you how to destroy the hornet's nest.

Useful advice!

Wasps live in families, so if you see several individuals constantly flying near your windows, while you do not attract them, then you should check everything, it is possible that you have a source of big troubles on your balcony or on the roof of the house.

The easiest way is to carefully inspect everything, since the hornet's nest has a remarkable shape. Probably, all of you have seen the swallow's nest, and so the hornet's nest is similar, only several times larger.

So. Problem detected. The first thing you should do is calm down and understand that you can solve it yourself.

Of course, ordinary repellents will not help in this situation, but ... There are more reliable and time-tested methods. Now let's get down to the question itself, how to get rid of a hornet's nest and wasps?


You can go the easy way and buy chemical agent, which is sold in specialized stores for summer cottages and at home.

The drug is applied to the nest itself, and the wasps carry it inside, passing it on to their relatives. As a result, they get sick and die. This is really the easiest, but not always reliable way.

Mounting foam

Another way is to blow out the nest mounting foam, which blow out the windows. Of course, the soul will hurt from such an action, the conscience will torment, but if this is not done, then the face and fifth point will hurt from the bites.

Take the foam and blow out the entrance to the nest at night when all the wasps are asleep. Then it remains only to remove the nest and throw it away.

Wasp trap

You can put a more gentle trap. Cut off the top of the plastic bottle, and pour either sour compote or sugar syrup into the bottle itself. Set a trap near the nest, and the wasps will quickly fill it with themselves.

Of course, such a method is long, but reliable, and the conscience will not be tormented by murder. The second trap - on the crust from a melon, watermelon, apply, again, a chemical agent. The wasps eat him, and that's where their story ends.

Now you know how to get rid of a hornet's nest and wasps, and as you can see, it's not difficult. The main thing is a little courage, patience and effort, and your home will no longer be disturbed!

a source:

Sugar trap

You can get rid of wasps on the balcony with simple improvised means, and at the same time do not use any chemicals. For example, sugar:

  1. In order to expel the wasps from the balcony, you need to pour a little sugar into a plastic bottle, then fill this bottle with a third of ordinary tap water and shake it well so that the sugar completely melts.
  2. Then you need to hang this bottle with the resulting sugar syrup on the balcony. Sweet water will attract wasps.
  3. It is necessary to tightly tighten the neck of the bottle, and in the bottle itself, make holes with a diameter of about the size of an ordinary cigarette, and so that these holes are slightly higher than the level of sugar syrup.

Then the wasps will not be able to get out of your makeshift trap. Let's find out how to drive wasps out of the balcony in other ways.

Soap against wasps

And here is another way to get wasps out of the balcony, which will help you get rid of wasps on the balcony.

  1. Take again a plastic bottle, pour water into it, and in addition pour some liquid soap into the bottle.
  2. Then make a hole in the cap of the bottle, screw the cap on the bottle, shake this mixture slightly so that the soap mixes with the water.
  3. Spray everything around the wasp nest with this soapy water, preferably the nest itself if you can get to it.
  4. When your soap solution gets on the wasp, it will start to lick it, and, as you probably guessed, it will die.

So, one by one, all the wasps from the nest on your balcony will die out, and if not all, then the survivors will quickly understand what's what, and fly away in search of a new home.

Insect repellents

Another fairly common way to deal with wasps on the balcony will help drive wasps out of the balcony is to use various means from insects.

In principle, the same remedies that are usually used against flies or mosquitoes sometimes work against wasps, but not as often as we would like.

In general, wasps are easier to deal with in open areas. For example, their nests in garden trees are usually sprayed with dichlorvos or even burned. But you can't use a flamethrower on your balcony even if you have a flamethrower, right?

True, some daredevils splash their balcony with dichlorvos, but this thing is quite dangerous if used ineptly. And the neighbors won't be happy about it.

So if you decide to overcome the wasps on the balcony with the help of chemicals, it is still better to contact professionals from the insect control service.

Hornets against wasps

Also, hornets help well to drive wasps out of the balcony. How to drive wasps out of the balcony with their help? Hornets catch wasps and turn them into a nutritious gruel, which they feed their larvae.

This method is very popular with farmers, but in your case it will not work, because, as you understand, breeding hornets instead of wasps on the balcony is clearly not the best way.

A hornet's nest must be fought either with fire or chemicals. The first option to try on the balcony is dangerous.

The second (for example, the same dichlorvos) is, in principle, possible.

You just need to follow all the safety rules when handling dichlorvos, so as not to get poisoned.

Moreover, you need to destroy the hornet's nest in a protective suit that completely covers the skin and has a special mesh for the face.

Usually a wasp nest is destroyed at night, when the wasps are sleeping and not expecting an attack.

Useful advice!

If you still managed to get rid of wasps on the balcony in one way or another, you destroyed their nest and completely cleared your balcony of wasps, do not rush to relax.

Do you want to keep the balcony open in summer? So, so that the wasps do not fly onto the balcony again and do not make a new nest there, put mosquito nets that will not allow the wasps to fly onto your balcony, and check if there are gaps anywhere.

Buzzing striped insects are habitual human companions in the city and in the summer cottage. But it’s one thing they just fly around, and another thing is that they built a nest on a balcony or under a roof. Such close proximity brings a lot of trouble, ranging from a constant hum to the threat of bites. If small children or allergy sufferers live in the house, then insects must be destroyed as soon as possible. How to get rid of a hornet's nest? There is various ways struggle, allowing guaranteed and in a short time to cope with stinging insects. To do right choice should study their features and evaluate their effectiveness.

Where to look for a nest?

In Russia, paper wasps are more common than other species. These are industrious social insects that live in families led by one or more queens. Their coloration is black and yellow stripes. Paper wasps build nests in the form of open hexagonal honeycombs. As a material, they use carefully chewed bark of trees and rotten stumps.

Nest of paper wasps

Less commonly, homeowners encounter hornets. This is one of the families of large wasps, the sizes of insects are 25-35 mm. Hornets differ not only in size, but also in color. The head, thorax and stripes on the abdomen may be red-brown. The body is densely covered with hairs. Insects live in colonies with one queen queen. They build large multi-tiered nests with a protective shell. To notice such a structure is not difficult.

Before you start destroying wasp nests, you need to know where to look for them. The uterus chooses a quiet protected place. When inspecting the territory, first of all, they look at deserted areas:

  • building attics;
  • rarely visited outbuildings;
  • roof space;
  • cracks in the wall;
  • peaks of balconies, verandahs and loggias;
  • voids and holes in the ground;
  • hollows and branches of trees;
  • abandoned building materials - boards, slate, cinder blocks, etc.

Attention. The wasp nest is dark or light gray in color. It can be in the form of a ball, cone or honeycomb umbrella.

If the dwelling is built behind wall sheathing or in crevices, then it is difficult to detect it. In this case, it is necessary to follow the insects. You should put the bait of meat. They feed their offspring with protein food, which means that I will take pieces of the bait directly to the nest.

Attention. The wasp house cannot be knocked down with a stick or other object. Enraged predators will swarm and inflict many painful bites.

What to do if the wasps settled on the balcony?

There can be no talk of a peaceful neighborhood with insects that have built a nest on a balcony or loggia. The territory is too small, so the residents will be close to the nest. And the wasps won't like it. Predators will regularly sting people, seeing them as a potential threat. The choice in this situation is small: do not open balcony door until late autumn or destroy the invaders.

The first thing to do is to determine the location of the hornet's nest on the balcony. It may be located:

  • under the ceiling;
  • on the wall;
  • behind the lining;
  • from the outside.

In each case, you will have to act, taking into account the nuances of housing placement.


A universal option is to make a trap with poisoned bait. You will need an empty tin can or a cut plastic bottle. Baits from kvass, compote or beer are poured inside the container. An insecticide is first diluted in the liquid. These funds have a wide spectrum of action. They affect insects in a contact and intestinal way. Substances in the form of a concentrate or powder dissolve easily in a liquid.

Advice. Choose an odorless drug, otherwise the bait will not attract wasps.

One of the inexpensive and effective insecticides is boric acid. The powder is odorless, being a drug, it is safe for humans. For 100 ml of sweet bait, you need half a teaspoon of boric acid. So that the wasps do not drown in the trap, but carry the poison into the nest, you will need to install ladders from sticks. The mechanism of destruction is simple: adults die by eating the poison, and the larvae and the uterus receive the toxin by contact. The only drawback of the method is that you have to wait for the death of insects for 7-10 days.

Chemical insecticides

In a high-rise building, some methods, such as burning the nest, are not available. But there are modern effective drugs that can be used without fear. The most convenient form of release is an aerosol from wasp nests. Thanks to a powerful jet, processing can be carried out while being at a distance from the dwelling of insects. The drug is able to penetrate into hard-to-reach places - behind the lining, in the cracks or behind the baseboard. With it, it is easy to process a nest built from the outside of the balcony.

Popular brands include:
  • Aerosol Klausa - active substances cypermethrin, tetramethrin and piperonyl butoxide. The combination of insecticides makes the product highly toxic to flying insects. It penetrates the chitinous cover and blocks the nerve impulses of the wasps. Adult individuals die within a few minutes from paralysis of all organs. Processing takes place with closed windows and doors. The room is ventilated after 15 minutes.
  • Dichlorvos is a remedy that has been tested for decades of use. Since Soviet times, the formula of the active substance has changed. Modern products use pyrethroid formulations. One bottle is enough to exterminate stinging insects on the balcony. Plus dichlorvos - affordable price.
  • Aerosol Mosquitol from wasp nests - a drug designed specifically for the destruction of flying insects in non-residential premises and on the street. A powerful tool allows you to cope with the nest in a few minutes. The active ingredients - bioalletrin and cypermethrin are second-generation pyrethroids. The two-component formulation is designed specifically to combat stinging insects - wasps and hornets. High pressure allows you to spray the can from a distance of 6 m.

Spraying a self-prepared solution of insecticides will be no less effective. Preparations based on microcapsules - Minap 22, Get, ensure the effectiveness of the composition in any conditions. The prepared solution is poured into a container and sprayed as a spray.

mechanical method

A nest built on the ceiling of a balcony can be destroyed without chemicals. All you need is a bucket filled with water. At night, when the whole family gathers in the house, the nest is immersed in water. To fix the bucket pressed to the ceiling, you will need a stepladder. The design should stand for several hours. This time is enough for the insects to drown. Before you remove the bucket, it is better to play it safe. You can check for the presence of live wasps by hitting the dishes with a stick. If no hum and buzz is heard, all insects are dead.

Precautionary measures

It is necessary to start the fight against stinging insects after taking security measures. They provide:

  1. Put on a protective suit. It can be any clothing made of dense fabric with long sleeves. The head is covered with a hat or hood, the best option is to put on a mosquito net. Gloves are put on the hands, the cuffs of the sleeves should fit snugly against the hands so that the wasps cannot get under the clothes.
  2. Act in the evening, when insects show minimal activity.
  3. It is forbidden to use any perfumes.

Stinging insects - an unpleasant neighborhood in the country

Life outside the city involves close proximity to nature. Wasps are traditional inhabitants of summer cottages. They are our allies in the fight against pests in the garden. Each predator catches and feeds offspring 20-30 small insects. Unfortunately, wasps not only help, but also harm.

  • Insects spoil the crop, especially berries - raspberries, grapes.
  • Aggressive predators threaten the health of children and the elderly.
  • Wasps often become carriers of intestinal infections. They feed on garbage dumps and animal corpses, and then sit on food.

Arriving at the site in the summer, the owners may see an unpleasant surprise in the form of a structure above the entrance to the house or under the roof of an outdoor toilet. It’s not worth taking risks in such a situation; you need to quickly decide how to get rid of a hornet’s nest in the country. Chemical preparations will become an indispensable tool for quick and guaranteed destruction. You can use one of the described aerosols. This option has several advantages:

  • The products are designed for indoor and outdoor use.
  • They are highly toxic to flying insects.
  • It can be used against nests arranged at a height of up to 3-5 m.

After the destruction of the residents, the paper honeycombs must be knocked down with any tool and burned along with the corpses of the wasps.

Less safe, but just as effective, is the use of an insecticide bag. You will need a large and dense plastic bag, scotch tape and one of the insect concentrates. Any chemical agent is poured inside the package:

  • Executioner;
  • Cucaracha;
  • Karbofos;
  • Sinuzan;

Polyethylene is put on the nest, its neck is fixed with adhesive tape. Everything must fit tightly so that the inhabitants of the house do not break free. It is recommended to leave the package for several hours. After that, as in the case of a bucket, it is worth checking the effectiveness of the work. By knocking on the nest, you can verify the death of the wasps. At the point of attachment, the structure is knocked down and disposed of together with the package.

Attention. This method is dangerous, it requires courage and skill. Protective equipment required. People who are allergic to wasp stings should not deal with their extermination.

Ways to deal with wasp colonies

The nest is not always located in a conspicuous place. More often it has to be searched throughout the site. Depending on where it is found, a remedy against wasp nests is selected. A common option is to build a dwelling in the ground. A practical way to get rid of paper honeycombs is to burn them. About a liter is poured into the hole where striped predators live. flammable liquid(gasoline or kerosene), then set on fire. In order not to get burned, you should make a small path of gasoline along which the fire will reach the nest.

Burnout is one of the most effective methods, but it is not always possible to implement it. In some cases, there is a risk of fire of trees or nearby buildings. Water will be an alternative to fire. The dwelling of earthen wasps is poured with two buckets of boiling water. A building found in a hollow cannot be burned or flooded. Insecticides will come to the rescue again. The concentrate is dissolved in water and poured into the hollow. The entrance is tightly closed with a cloth impregnated with the same composition.

The structure of the winged architects can be on a tree branch. In this situation, no better way how to smoke a hornet's nest. A fire with raw branches is laid out under it. It is necessary to place it so that the smoke goes to the honeycomb. Wasps do not like the smell of smoke, in a few hours all adults will fly away. At this time, you can knock down the structure. Inside there will be larvae and pupae, which are better to burn.

Prevention of wasp nests

To avoid fighting stinging insects, you should pay attention to a few recommendations:

  • In the spring, inspect the balcony and other places where a wasp can settle. At this time, their house consists of several hundred and one queen. By the end of summer, the colony grows to hundreds of aggressive individuals.
  • Unnecessary things and building materials should be removed. These are potential nest sites.
  • Seal gaps in walls and gaps between cladding in a timely manner.
  • Do not arrange a dump of food residues near the cottage, carefully close the trash cans. Collect fruit falling on the ground in time. These measures will deprive insects of access to food.