How to grow your own roses from a bouquet. Different ways to root a rose cutting from a bouquet

  • 14.05.2019


Wait for the bouquet to fade (but not complete). From the stems, cut the cuttings so that each has at least 3 buds. That is, each fragment of the shoot must have 2 internodes.

With a sharp razor blade or knife, make a small oblique cut just below the kidney and a straight cut 0.5 cm above the kidney. If there are leaves, remove the bottom one completely, the top half.

Take a drug to improve plant rooting (for example, Kornevin or Heteroauxin, they are freely available in flower shops), dilute according to the instructions and place the cuttings in the solution for 12-14 hours.

Prepare a pot with nutritious and loose earth (you can buy ready-made rose soil in the store). Plant the cuttings at an angle, making sure that the middle bud is above the ground, just above the surface. Lightly press the ground around the cutting with your fingers.

Cut a plastic bottle with an unscrewed cap in half approximately in the center. Cover the cuttings with the top. The optimum air temperature for your plantings is +25°C.

Spray your plantings 5-6 times a day with settled water at room temperature (or even a little warmer). From time to time, you can spray with a weak solution of Zircon or Epin preparations. The soil in the pot should be moist all the time, but not sour.


Rooting takes about a month. All this time you have to literally "nurse" your pets. Will have to be patient.

Useful advice

You can not expose the pot with cuttings under the direct rays of the sun.
Cuttings planted in the ground in June are best rooted.

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  • how to grow roses in the garden

Roses are one of the most beautiful flowers. And how nice it is to leave the house and see several bushes of such beauty on your site! You can also plant these flowers with cuttings, especially since this method of propagating roses is very simple.


Take shoots from flower-bearing semi-burned shoots during the inflorescence period. Cut from the middle of the shoot 5-8 cm long with two or three buds. Cutting with a kidney is also allowed, but a bush from such shoots will turn out, it will often hurt and develop slowly.

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Do not water the cuttings too often, otherwise rotting will occur.

Useful advice

Do not forget to fertilize the bushes, from this they will grow better, become resistant to adverse environments and there will be more flowers.

For the winter, we cover the beds with sawdust and foliage. After frosts, we remove the material with which we covered, and take care of it: in the field, water it. If you are attentive to the cuttings, then in the fall you will already grow a good bush for planting.


  • How to grow a rose from a bouquet at home and plant it

Have you received a beautiful bouquet of roses? If desired, this bouquet can not only stand in a vase for one and a half to two weeks. Roses from a bouquet are also possible. The rose is a rather capricious flower. To grow it at home, you must comply with certain conditions. Rose needs loose soil, light, fresh air, air temperature not lower than +10. root rose best in late spring and early summer.

You will need

  • Cut rose, sharp knife, root stimulant, potassium permanganate or brilliant green, glass jar or cut bottle, planting substrate, pot.


Cut the cuttings as follows: each cutting should have 2 buds. The bottom cut is oblique. Make it at a distance of 6-7 mm from the lower kidney. The top cut is straight. Make it above the upper kidney at a distance of 2-3 cm. Use only a sharp knife.

Either remove the rose leaves or cut them in half. Cauterize the sections with potassium permanganate or "brilliant green". Treat the lower cut of the cutting with a root stimulator.

Useful advice

After planting a rose in the ground, do not forget to water the flower in a timely manner, loosen the soil, and feed it with fertilizer.

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Almost any woman, having received a bouquet of roses, wants to keep such beauty as long as possible. Often attempts are made to make new plants from a donated bouquet of flowers. It is quite possible to do this, but in percentage terms, not everyone flower from a bouquet there is a chance to become a plant in the future. And so how to give a rose from a bouquet new life?


Cut cuttings 10-12 cm long from the middle part of the stem. The cuttings should have 2-3 buds, with the bottom cut at a 45 degree angle 1 cm below the bud, and the top cut straight and cut 0.5 cm above the bud. The upper cut must be burned with brilliant green or potassium permanganate.

Remove the bottom leaf of the cutting, and shorten the upper leaves to a third. Cut the spikes.

Hold the prepared cuttings for 12 hours in aloe juice or growth preparations. Then dip the lower part of the cutting into a powder that promotes the formation and growth of roots.

In rich soil, to a depth of 1.5 - 2 cm, plant the prepared cuttings. Cover with a plastic bottle with the bottom cut off. Watering is carried out through the neck of the bottle. Before planting, the soil must be sprinkled with a 3 cm layer of sand.

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Useful advice

If the cuttings are sitting in a greenhouse, then the glass must be painted over with white paint, if under the bottles, then they must be covered nonwoven fabric. After 4 weeks, cuttings can be planted in open ground.

Roses can be propagated in various ways, but it is best to do this with the help of cuttings. This method is suitable even for beginner gardeners, it is simple and reliable. You can root cuttings immediately in the soil or keep them in water first.


A month later, when the cuttings take root and begin to grow, begin to accustom them to open air. If buds appear at this time, remove them immediately. Remember that the soil is suitable for acquiring roses, and the optimum temperature for permanent rooting is 23-25 ​​degrees.

For the first 2 weeks, spray the seedlings at least 5-7 times a day. Water as needed, remembering to keep the soil moist but not soggy. If it is not possible to organize multiple manual spraying, use automatic fogging systems, especially when it comes to in large numbers rooted seedlings.

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Enthusiastic gardeners do not need to be told how desirable roses are in the garden, how captivating their fragrance is, what an exquisite look they give to a flower garden. Grow roses on your suburban area many dream, but some fear that this occupation is too difficult and thankless - not all roses can withstand the harsh Russian winters. How should roses be grown to avoid disappointment?

Variety selection

First you need to decide on the planting material. It is advisable to take an interest in the latest selection, visit a nursery where rose seedlings are grown. If this is not possible, and you order roses by mail, search the Internet for a company. All large agricultural firms guarantee that the seedlings comply with the declared characteristics and their quality preparation for shipment.

The received shipment should be inspected upon receipt together with the postal staff. Pay attention to the condition of the root system, kidneys and general form seedlings. If the quality does not suit you, immediately write a claim, in this case the postal worker will act as a witness. Large companies they value their reputation and always respond to such cases - return the money or make a replacement.

You should not buy seedlings on the market from unknown merchants - in addition to deception, you run the risk of acquiring a bunch of infections, because no one can guarantee you quality and safety in this case. After purchase, until planting, seedlings should be stored in a cool place, with a moistened root system.

How to plant roses

To plant roses, you need to choose the most ceremonial, bright and calm place in the garden so that they have the opportunity to express themselves in all their glory. Do not forget that roses grow in one place for several decades, so be responsible in choosing a place so that you do not have to replant plants.

Before planting roses, prepare a planting pit with high quality: ideally, such pits should be prepared in the fall, filled with peat, humus, and complete mineral fertilizer. The depth of the pit should be 30-35 cm so that the roots of the plant can freely settle down in it. Pay attention to the grafting site if you are purchasing a grafted rose: it must be at ground level, it cannot be buried in the soil. The roots must be covered with earth, the soil around the seedling should be compacted and spilled with water, observing the above conditions. Mulch the surface of the planting hole with peat.

How to care for rose bushes

It is not enough to plant rose bushes, they require constant care. For lush flowering roses need to be regularly fed, watered, pruned, protected from weeds, pests and covered for the winter.

1-2 weeks after planting, the roses need to be fed with mineral fertilizer, then during the summer, repeat the top dressing twice. It is necessary to water abundantly at least once a week, after watering, the soil surface should be loosened and mulched. To protect against pests, roses are sprayed with insecticides, and for rose diseases - with fungicides. For profuse blooms, remove dead flowers regularly to encourage new buds to grow. An important point is the shelter of roses for the winter. Without this, many varieties cannot grow in our harsh climate, so you should take this issue responsibly.

If you manage to provide a minimum of comfort for roses, they will delight you for many years, decorating your garden all season long.

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Roses can be grown not only in the garden - dwarf varieties feel great on the windowsill. Roses are easy to care for. Try planting one plant - it is possible that after a successful experience, you will want to expand your mini-garden.

Plant and grow: rooting and transshipment of roses

Roses can be grown from cuttings or purchased already formed plants. Cuttings are cut from green shoots with the bark beginning to harden. Cuttings are made in May or June, and the segments are taken from abundantly flowering rose bushes. Cuttings with several buds are suitable for rooting. They should be planted in a special soil for roses. After planting, the cuttings are covered with a glass cap, and after 15 days, when the plants take root, watering begins. When the plant develops a measles system, it is transplanted into a pot. For better rooting of cuttings, it is recommended to use phytohormones.

You can try to root a rose from a bouquet. However, such a flower is hardly suitable for a room; it is better to plant it in a garden.

Store-bought dwarf flowering roses should also be repotted. For a flower, you need to prepare a small pot with nutritious soil and good drainage. The rose bush is taken out of the old pot, the substrate is cleaned from the roots, and then the plant is placed in a new container. After transplanting, all flowers and buds must be removed from the rose - this procedure stimulates further abundant flowering. Transplantation of adult bushes is best done at the end of summer.

How to care for indoor roses

The best place for rose bushes is a bright southwest or southeast window. Flowers tolerate temperature changes well, but do not tolerate drafts. During the period of active growth and flowering, roses need bright diffused light. If daylight is not enough, provide plants with artificial lighting.

Roses need abundant watering with soft water. If the air in the room is too dry, place the plant pots on a tray covered with pebbles and moisten them constantly. Make sure that water does not stagnate in the soil. The air around the roses needs to be sprayed. From time to time top dressing with full complex fertilizer is required. But do not overdo it, otherwise the rose will increase its green mass at the expense of flowering.

If the air in the room is too dry, buy a household humidifier.

In autumn, after the end of flowering, watering is reduced. The plant can be taken out into the garden and buried in the ground. Roses can also overwinter in a basement or other cool, dark room. In the middle of winter, they are brought into the house and the stems are cut to half the height. After that, active watering and spraying begin. In early spring the rose will start to bloom. To prolong the process, pick off faded buds and stimulate the plant with mineral top dressing.

Make sure that pests do not settle on the plants. The rose can be affected by aphids, scale insects or mealybugs. Carefully inspect the stems and leaves, if whitish spots, cobwebs or sticky streaks appear, spray the plant with insecticides.

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Growing roses in the garden, you can limit the care to watering, pest control and pruning for the winter, followed by warming, then roses in pots at home require more attention. They need to provide suitable conditions.

Varieties suitable for growing at home

There are many in nature, but not all of them are suitable for growing on a windowsill. all year round. The main groups of roses most often found in apartments are miniature, tea, Bengal and polyanthus.

Miniature roses rarely exceed 30 cm in height, specimens of 10-15 cm are often found. The flowers are double and often odorless, the colors are very diverse.

Tea roses are also grown in the garden, choosing tall varieties for planting there. For the home, you should use varieties that do not exceed half a meter in height. The flowers of tea roses are very fragrant and come in a variety of colors.

Bengal roses bloom all year round, without a dormant period, and since they are quite compact and unpretentious, they are the best suited for growing on a windowsill. Bengal roses are available in red, white or pink.

A polyanthus rose can grow at home, but it will need a lot of space. For the winter, this type of rose is best cut and placed in a cool place so that the bush gains strength before the next flowering.

The necessary conditions

After purchase, roses often take on a very miserable appearance. To prevent this from happening, you need to observe the special conditions needed by these plants.

First of all, roses need diffused light. Shade and cold are not suitable, but hot southern windows will be fatal for roses. The best option is west or east, and for the summer period light shading. Roses do not like dry air, so in winter you need to spray them with a spray bottle as often as possible, since the air in the apartment with the beginning heating season becomes very dry. In a dry and hot climate, a spider mite will definitely appear on a rose and destroy the flower in a week.

Roses love fresh air, but do not like drafts. The stuffiness has a bad effect on them, especially in combination with a high temperature above 25 ° C.

The soil in which the rose will grow at home should be nutritious, loose and breathable. At the bottom, a drainage layer and a hole for water flow are required. Watering should be frequent and plentiful, the flowers respond gratefully when the soil in the pot is constantly moist. To prolong flowering, wilted flowers are removed immediately with a sharp knife.

Roses need space, so do not fill the entire window sill with plants. Close roses will encourage the spread of pests and diseases. It is necessary to carry out a thorough inspection of flowers for infection at least once a week. spider mite or other pests and diseases.


  • How to grow a rose at home

The spray rose is one of the most famous ornamental shrubs and with its help you can beautifully decorate any personal plot. This plant is incredibly tenacious, so it is much easier to care for them than for other types of roses - climbing, standard and room.

Shrub roses are unpretentious plants that require a minimum of care, moreover, they are resistant to frequent changes in temperature and humidity. These plants can please the eye with their flowering until the first frost. In order to grow spray roses in your backyard, you should know a few simple but important rules.

Planting features, soil and proper watering

Shrub roses should be planted in places protected from the wind. These plants are very photophilous, therefore, for their planting, it is advisable to choose only sunny places on the site. The soil for a comfortable and stable development of the plant must be saturated with organic matter.

Sometimes the soil is “depleted” due to the frequent planting and transplanting of other plants, therefore, in order for the roses to take root well and develop stably, it can be “revived” by adding a little sand, compost and wood ash.

Considering that the rhizome of a spray rose is usually located very close to the surface, the land in the planting sites of this plant must be periodically looked after, clearing it of weeds and debris. The key to the lush flowering of roses is also the periodic loosening of the soil.

Shrub roses are not particularly demanding on watering, so it makes sense to intensively moisten the soil only in the spring. In summer, roses should be watered only if necessary - if the weather is very hot and there is no rain for a long time. Before the onset of winter, roses should be watered very rarely, so as not to provoke the growth of new shoots of the plant, which, as a rule, die under the snow.

In order for spray roses to develop stably, the plant must be pruned. Pruning should be done some time after planting the seedling. So, if buds have formed on a young and not yet strengthened plant, then they must be removed.

Also in the spring, it is necessary to prune damaged and weak shoots, remove shoots that have a dark bark, since the unnatural color of the bark of a spray rose may be a sign of a disease. Do not forget about pruning dried stems.

To protect roses from possible diseases, fallen leaves should be removed in time, since when they rot, a huge number of all kinds of pathogens are formed. In addition, the plant should be periodically fed by adding mineral fertilizers to the soil around the bush. Optimal fertilizer for spray roses are potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen.


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Tip 13: How to plant a purchased rose so that it takes root

Receiving a chic pink bouquet as a gift, women sometimes want to preserve this beauty. They go to all sorts of tricks, trying to root flowers, then to grow rose bushes in their garden.

How to root a rose from a bouquet

Rooting a purchased rose is not so easy, but quite possible. The success of this operation will vary depending on the origin of the rose, its variety and the quality of the pre-sale preparation. If a rose has been cut long ago and treated with special preservatives for better preservation, it is unlikely that it will be possible to root it. In case the rose is fresh, you can try to do this. However, even in this case, to grow a chic rose bush it is unlikely to succeed in the garden - greenhouse roses are grown for cutting, unsuitable for open ground conditions and harsh winters. If the desire to plant a rose is not, you can try to root it in different ways.

Method one

After the buds wither, you need to cut the cuttings from the stems, for this you need a sharp razor. Several cuttings can be prepared from one pink stem, three buds should be left on each section of the stem. The lower cut is made under the leaf, it must be done at an angle of 45 degrees, and the upper one must be made above the kidney and made perpendicular to the trunk. The bottom sheets need to be cut off, the top ones can be left.

Then you should put the cuttings in a solution of "Heteroauxin" or "Kornevin" for 10-12 hours, then plant them in nutrient soil obliquely at an angle of 30 degrees, deepening them to the middle bud. The soil around the cuttings must be compressed and spilled with water. Each stalk must be covered with a plastic bottle cut in half with an unscrewed cork (for ventilation).

To maintain the desired microclimate, the cuttings should be sprayed periodically. warm water and water without letting the substrate dry out. After 3-4 weeks, fresh sprouts will appear from the buds, and miniature roots will form on the roots. After another 2-3 weeks, you can transplant the seedlings to a permanent place in the garden or a large pot.

Second way

The same technology is used for cutting roses, but then the cuttings should be placed in water with a solution of "Heteroauxin" in a bright place, without direct sunlight. It is better to take a tall plastic bottle so that the cuttings fit in it entirely. This will also create a microclimate with high humidity which is necessary for the formation of roots. After 2-3 weeks, a white outgrowth forms on the lower edge of the cuttings - callus, which is the beginnings of roots.

After that, the cuttings are planted in a pot and grow to optimal state. This method is more time consuming and does not always give the desired result. However, the first method does not guarantee success. It is better to use both methods at the same time to increase the chances of a successful outcome of the operation. Of great importance is the cutting time, as well as the characteristics of the rose variety that is supposed to be propagated. Best time for this procedure - the second half of summer and the beginning of autumn. In winter, it is unlikely to get good results.

How to cut cuttings

Before you start cuttings, prepare the tools. To work, you will need a pruner, a sharp knife, blade or scalpel. They must be thoroughly rinsed and wiped with alcohol or another disinfectant.

Cut off the shoots from the bush with secateurs. Cuttings can be cut throughout the growing season, but shoots take root most readily when buds appear on them. Cut them with secateurs, then cut into pieces, the optimal size of which is one internode, that is, each should have 2 sheets. With a sharp knife, scalpel or razor, make a perpendicular cut under the kidney where the leaf ends.

Similarly, you can prepare cuttings of roses you like, but for successful rooting, the flowers must be fresh. You can cut them all year round.

How to root cuttings

Dip the lower cut of the cutting in any of the growth stimulants. These drugs contribute to the active formation of roots, which, accordingly, greatly increases the chances of getting a new plant.

Prepare nutrient substrate. It must be sufficiently breathable and moisture-absorbing. The best option is to use vermiculite for rooting cuttings of roses. Pour it into a wide bowl, moisten and plant the prepared cuttings at an angle. Place the container in a shady spot in the garden and cover with foil, pressing it to the ground. Open the film periodically, wipe off the condensate from it and ventilate the cuttings.

When cutting roses in winter period, a container covered with a film or a plastic bottle must be placed in a sunny place and a backlight should be arranged above it. To do this, attach a special phytolamp or fluorescent lamp at a distance of 35-40 cm from the cutting. Illuminate plants constantly.

After some time, a callus forms on the cuttings, from which the roots will subsequently appear. In mid-July, young branches will begin to appear on rooted cuttings. This will serve as a sign that roses can be transplanted to a permanent place.

Prepare a nutrient substrate for them from humus, soddy soil, peat and sand. Dig a planting hole, fill it with soil, and carefully transplant the seedlings, taking care not to damage the thin roots.

Before the onset of frost, young plants must be covered especially carefully. Spud them with earth and cover with spruce branches. Do the same with rose cuttings rooted in winter and autumn. Plant them in the garden in early summer, when the threat of frost has passed, pick up a shady corner for them, and after the plants start to grow, transplant them to a permanent place in the flower garden.

Green shoots are considered ideal for cuttings, but if you want to admire a beautiful bouquet, you can postpone this procedure until the buds have completely withered.

What is needed in the process of work:

  • sharp knife or secateurs;
  • disinfectant;
  • preparations for rooting;
  • pot for planting cuttings;
  • expanded clay for drainage;
  • priming;
  • plastic or glass containers to create a microclimate;

To grow a rose from cuttings, you should choose woody stems with live buds and elastic leaves.

  1. On the selected stem, the flower is removed along with the buds.
  2. The stalk is cut 15 centimeters long with a sharp knife from the middle of the rose stem. Three living buds should be present on the cutting, as well as a small amount of leaves.
  3. If you want to grow roses from cuttings, another incision method is suitable: the lower cut is made according to the principle of a cruciform, shallow split of the stem.
  4. A cut is made from the underside of the cutting, 6 millimeters obliquely retreating under the kidney. The cutting angle should be 45˚. The upper cut is horizontal, carried out above the kidney at a distance of three centimeters.
  5. The resulting sections are treated with a disinfectant. Its upper part can be additionally sprinkled with activated charcoal.
  6. You can achieve better root formation with the help of a growth stimulator. The cuttings are soaked in a diluted preparation - "Kornevin" for 24 hours. Bred it according to the instructions.
  7. Drainage is poured into the bottom of the pot, then the soil substrate and the cuttings are planted so that two buds remain on the surface, and the third is in the ground. Watered.
  8. The pot is covered with glass containers, creating a microclimate for the future seedling. The plant is placed on the windows on the south side, sprayed regularly several times a day.
  9. A month after the appearance of the first roots, top dressing is done, and the young leaves and buds that have appeared are removed for better rooting.
  10. Two months later, in spring or summer, sufficiently rooted seedlings are transplanted into flower beds in fertilized soil.

As for indoor species, in some cases it is possible to grow a rose from a broken stem. It is lowered into water and after a month and a half good roots appear. young plant planted in prepared soil.

How to grow a rose in a potato

In summer, during the flowering period of roses, young shoots are cut off. To grow a rose from shoots, it is advisable to choose even and thick stems, these take root better.

  1. The stems are cut into segments of 25 centimeters in length, removing thorns and leaves. The cut is made at an angle.
  2. A young potato tuber is taken for each cutting, a hole is made in it and a cutting is inserted into it.
  3. At the bottom of a dug long hole, sand is poured to better drainage soil.
  4. Seedlings are arranged so that the planting depth and the width between them is 15 centimeters.
  5. Sprinkle with earth on top and carefully tamp at the base.
  6. Water at planting and throughout the summer.

By the end of the summer period, rooted seedlings are ready for transplanting. In such an interesting way, you can grow roses of various varieties and get a chic flowering greenhouse.

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Rose is one of the most popular flowers. For many holidays, bouquets of these flowers are given. There are a huge number of varieties. And many women are wondering how to grow a rose so that it pleases with its beauty at home in a pot or in a flower bed.

How to grow a rose

Now, in order to grow a flower, it is not necessary to be an experienced grower or breeder. You can learn about all kinds of growing techniques from the Internet. Moreover, there are several ways to grow a rose, and anyone can choose the best option in their case:

  1. Growing from seed.
  2. Growing in a greenhouse.
  3. Cuttings in water.
  4. Cuttings in the ground.
  5. Cuttings in potatoes.

How to grow a rose from a cutting

For grafting, rose varieties are considered the most suitable, the predecessor of which was wild rose. This plant has a unique feature - almost any fallen branch easily takes root even in not the best soil. Similar properties were obtained by the descendants of the wild rose.

When choosing a rose variety, you should not take the following:

  1. Hybrids native to South America.
  2. Dutch long stems.
  3. Tea European.
  4. artificially selected.

The above varieties require special skills and knowledge. Successful cuttings are observed only in 10% of cases. These flowers are most often bred by budding.

To grow a rose from a cutting, you need to start preparing already at the moment the bouquet falls into your hands. You can root cuttings at any time of the year. For cuttings, there is the following list of strictly defined actions:

  1. From the whole bouquet, it is enough to choose a few flowers. On them it is necessary to remove all the thorns and cut off the buds.
  2. The cuttings are completely lowered into the water for a day.
  3. The cutting must be properly cut. If you make a mistake, then the likelihood of rose germination will decrease dramatically. The length of the entire cutting should be more than 10 cm. It should have at least one kidney. The ideal cut would look like the bottom cut off midway between the nodes and the top end no more than 1cm above the bud.
  4. At the bottom, a cruciform section is made with a sharp knife, the depth of which should not exceed 8 mm.
  5. The top of the cutting is sprinkled with activated charcoal.
  6. The lower part of the plant must be treated special means that stimulates root growth. You can buy it in almost any flower shop.

After all the manipulations, the cuttings must be placed in a vase or jar of water. It will not be superfluous to add a few drops of honey to the water. It is an excellent biostimulant. The plant is covered with polyethylene. We do not change the liquid in the vase, but only add it as it evaporates.

There is an option on how to grow a rose from a cutting in the ground. To do this, instead of a vase with water, processed sticks must be planted in the ground. The main thing is not to forget to water the plant in a timely manner. The soil must always remain moist.

If the option of grafting in water was chosen, then it is necessary to wait for the roots to appear and plant the rose in the ground. If the cuttings were planted immediately in the ground, then we simply expect the result in the form of sheets.

How to grow a rose from seed

Most often, people are looking for a way to grow a rose from seeds that were brought from China. Some doubt that after a long transportation, the seeds will be able to germinate into the most beautiful flower. The question of how to grow a rose from seeds is especially relevant if you want to have rather rare varieties in your collection. The growing process is long and requires control. But if you follow correct sequence, then in the near future it will be possible to enjoy a beautiful flower in your greenhouse or on the windowsill:

  1. Seeds are not just immersed in the ground, but first they are prepared. To do this, you need ordinary gauze or cotton pads. In principle, any object that can retain moisture will do. Even a piece of cotton fabric can be used to germinate seeds.
  2. Pour a little hydrogen peroxide on the substrate and put the seeds. From above they also need to be covered with gauze.
  3. Wrapping everything plastic wrap. No need to pull tight. It is enough to cover slightly to get the greenhouse effect.
  4. At regular intervals, it is necessary to moisten the gauze and wait for the rose seeds to germinate.
  5. Now the seeds need to be planted. This can be done directly into the ground or into special peat tablets.
  6. The air temperature at which you can grow roses at home is 18-20 ° C.
  7. In order for the root system of the rose to develop well, you should not wait for the dissolution of the first buds. They need to be cut.

How to grow a rose in a potato

For some, this method is considered intricate and tricky, but it has been quite popular for over a hundred years. It is especially relevant for home breeding roses. On an industrial scale, it would be quite energy-intensive to perform it. The technology is considered quite simple:

  1. Drainage should be filled in a medium-sized pot. Its height should be equal to 3-5 cm. Next, you need to fill up approximately 1/3 of the entire soil.
  2. Now you need to prepare the cuttings. The procedure is the same as above.
  3. Pierce the potato with the lower part of the handle to about the middle.
  4. In the pot prepared earlier, it is necessary to put a potato with a cutting and dig in with soil.
  5. The pot is placed in a well-lit place.
  6. Many flower growers are advised to create some kind of greenhouse. To do this, it is enough to cover the stalk with a glass or plastic bottle. But in practice, roses grow both with and without such a design.
  7. After strengthening the stems and growing them, roses must be planted in pots.

You have a rose at home. Beautiful flower but, unfortunately, it is not eternal. How I wish there was always such a rose at home! And do you know how to grow a rose from It is quite possible. You only need a little patience and effort.

There is one way, from a cut flower. And it's next:

  1. Cut off the bud and all the leaves, and make a diagonal cut at the bottom.
  2. Put the rest of the stem into the water. And when it gives roots, transplant into a pot.

There is an opinion that only roses with sharp thorns can give roots.


There is another way to grow a rose from a cut flower - cuttings. Cut out the stem with leaves. It is better to leave the cuttings with "heels", then they will take root better. Under the kidney itself, make a neat oblique cut with a sharp razor. The cut must be smooth. Otherwise, the cutting may simply rot. Then make a second cut just above the kidney. This cut should be straight and even. It is better to cut cuttings with three buds (into 2 internodes). In this case, the likelihood of their rooting is much higher. Remove the bottom sheet, and leave the top two with 3 leaves to slow down.

In order to grow a rose from a cutting at home, a special planting box or pot is suitable. The main condition is that they must be clean. Before planting a new plant in a pot, clean and process it. Put expanded clay on the bottom of the pot, then a layer of nutrient soil (you can use the following composition: 2 parts of turf, 1 part of sand and 1 part of leafy soil). On the flat surface Spread river sand in a thin layer.

Then start landing. Plant under the following conditions:

  • landing angle - 45 °;
  • the kidney should be under the stem and close to the ground (1 cm);
  • the length of the cutting protruding from the ground is no more than 10 cm.

Water the cuttings after planting. Then fertilize with potassium permanganate. Planted cuttings will feel better in the shade and under "protection". It is best to cover them with a glass cap or jar. Observe the temperature - up to 20-25 ° C. Overheating will not lead to anything good. For the fastest growth, the cuttings need to be sprayed often: 5 times in the morning and in the evening. But only spray, do not water. Start watering only after they take root (after about 15 days). After this has happened, the glass can already be removed, and the cuttings can be planted in small pots prepared for them. When the roots of the plant get stronger, you can transplant into a larger pot. If during this period buds begin to appear in plants, they must be cut off so as not to weaken them. Don't be sorry. After all, the plant needs to enter into force and take root. And then it will thank you with its beauty and abundant flowering.

How to grow a rose from a shoot

If your rose has given small shoots, you can use two methods:

  • cut out as described above;
  • leave in the water, adding a powerful plant biostimulant to it, which promotes accelerated root growth, wait until the roots grow, and plant.

How to grow a rose from a cut flower? It's not as difficult as it might seem. The main thing is quality care, perseverance and a little patience.


Reproduction of a rose at home is possible with cuttings of a bush from a garden or a bouquet. So you prolong the life of donated flowers. After rooting, young seedlings are transplanted to garden plot where the plant can show itself in all its glory. To make everything go smoothly, we will talk about the selection and preparation of cuttings to obtain a developed root system.

If you decide to grow a rose from a bouquet, wait until the shoots begin to darken and crack. Sacrifice fresh flowers that have stood in water for no more than 2 days, then the survival rate of the cuttings increases many times over. First of all, remove the buds, thorns and lower leaves, and shorten the upper ones by a third. We do this so that the extra links of the shoot do not take the right amount of moisture from the cutting to form the root system. For rooting, take the middle part of the shoot with three healthy buds. It is very important that the buds do not sore black, otherwise the whole growing process may be in jeopardy. The average length of one cutting should be about 15 cm.

rose cuttings

Large cuttings do not need to be cut. They will take too much moisture and prevent the root system from developing properly. As for cutting cuttings, experts recommend making the upper cut straight, just above the location of the kidney, and the lower one oblique, at about 45 degrees, 1-2 cm below the kidney or under the kidney itself. Further, for better survival of the cuttings, we place them in a solution of a root formation stimulator. Perfect fit Kornevin, Heteroauxin, Epin or folk methods such as aloe juice or honey water. If possible, cut and soak as many cuttings as possible in the solution, as there is a chance that not all of them will be able to take root.

For a rose, you need to create certain conditions. Cuttings must be provided equal amount moisture, heat and light, with moderate watering to prevent decay. Also keep the humidity level at 80-90%. To do this, in parallel with watering, spray the cuttings with a spray gun. The greenhouse opens only during spraying, the rest of the time it should be closed, just ventilate it for a couple of hours in the morning and evening.

Rooting cuttings under the bottle

We begin the creation of a mini-greenhouse with the preparation of a nutrient substrate. The soil for germination should be light, fertile and breathable. It is best to purchase special pots with a diameter of 9-11 cm for planting with drainage holes, thanks to which you can always regulate a moderate level of watering. If you do not have such a container, then put any drainage material in the bottom of the pot, such as pieces of styrofoam or small pebbles. Next, fill almost the entire area of ​​the pot with soil. You can use both a special soil for planting roses, and a universal substrate. To make the soil light and breathable upper layer sprinkle the earth with a 3 cm layer of sand. We deepen the already prepared cutting into the soil with sand by about 2 cm, preferably at an angle of 45 degrees, while making sure that the nearest bud does not touch the ground.

After planting, we moisten the soil abundantly. To create greenhouse conditions, we put a transparent bottle on top of the handle. right size, cutting off the bottom from the bottom and deepening the plastic a few centimeters into the ground. We twist the bottle on top with a cork and open the container for 10-15 minutes a day for fresh air. Instead of a bottle, you can use a glass jar. This is how you reach desired temperature inside (about 23-25 ​​degrees). Do not forget about the long daylight hours that young seedlings need so much. Therefore, it is better to put them on the windowsill of the southern part of the house. After the appearance of roots and young shoots with leaves, we do not immediately remove the jar or plastic bottle, but we do it gradually, allowing the plant to get used to dry air. When the shelter is completely removed, we do not stop spraying, performing it daily. If the first buds appear, remove them.

To improve the previous method of rooting cuttings of roses from a bouquet, everyone's favorite potatoes will help. To do this, we cut the cuttings in a familiar way and prepare potato tubers for planting. So that they do not germinate in moist soil, we remove all eyes from them and make deep hole in the middle of the potato. Then we dip the end of the cutting into the powder Kornevin or aloe juice and deepen the cuttings into prepared potato tubers.

Planting cuttings in potatoes

Potatoes for cuttings should be young, peeled, not sprouted, with a maximum nutrient content.

Thanks to the use of potato cuttings in growing roses, the plant receives the necessary nutrients, starch and carbohydrates. In addition, tubers help maintain a constant moist environment necessary for development. young seedling. Otherwise, such cultivation of rose cuttings is practically no different from the previous method. We prepare a similar nutrient substrate, deepen potatoes with cuttings into it, sprinkle with earth and cover the sprouts on top with a plastic bottle or jar.

We water future flowers as the soil dries, and additionally feed the plant with sweet water every five days, at the rate of 2 tsp. sugar in a glass of water. Approximately 14 days after the start of germination, we begin to harden the seedlings by briefly removing the jar or unscrewing the bottle cap. After another two weeks, you can completely remove it. The signal of successful rooting of the cuttings will be the appearance of new buds and the first young shoots with leaves.

Rooting rose cuttings in vermiculite, which can also be replaced with perlite or coconut fiber, shows high performance and survival rate. This method guarantees almost one hundred percent survival rate, subject to the minimum rules of care. Take an ordinary plastic cup, do it from below drainage holes and fill the container with one of the proposed materials, then stick the cutting into it to a depth of 2 cm. Cover the glass with a bag and put it on the windowsill. All further care will be reduced to moistening the substrate.

Vermiculite for growing plants

However, this will also have to be done quite rarely, since vermiculite and other listed materials are able to retain moisture for a long time. After about 3-4 weeks, the cuttings will take root. At this stage, the seedlings are transplanted into a pot for final rooting. You can do it much easier. To reduce unnecessary manipulations, immediately prepare a pot of nutrient soil, make a recess in the middle of it and add vermiculite or coconut fiber to it. Deepen into the prepared planting hole and water it well. Due to better moisture absorption, the roots will quickly appear and grow through the vermiculite into the soil.

However, it is easier to cut a rose in water. To do this, you do not need to prepare any nutrient substrates and additional materials. All you need is a container and water in which you need to immerse the cutting. It is important to emphasize that the rose develops successfully, we do not change the water in the vessel, even if it turns green, but add the necessary amount of liquid to it as it evaporates. To germinate the root system, choose a dark glass container.

Burrito method or how to grow a rose in a newspaper?

This rooting method is known among rose lovers, although there are absolutely different opinions. Many recognize the "burrito" as successful and use this method exclusively, while others call it incomprehensible and one of the lowest in terms of survival rate. However, how many people, so many opinions, now more about the essence. We prepare denser cuttings about 20 cm long and remove all the leaves. Next, we take the newspaper and dip it into a bowl of water, then unfold the moistened paper, level it, lay the cuttings on it and wrap them all over. If the newspaper is small, take another one, also dip it into water, squeeze out excess moisture after wetting and wrap the second layer.

Growing a rose in a newspaper

After that, we put the resulting bundle in a garbage bag and tightly tie it. We send everything to a dark place and forget about the cuttings for two weeks. After this time, we unfold the newspaper and check the condition of the sprouts. During this short period, calluses (growths) and a small amount of roots should form on the lower sections. This means that the method worked, and the cuttings can be transplanted into a pot for further rooting. Alternatively, try wrapping the bottom of the cuttings in damp cotton wool and placing them in a plastic bag. When creating a humid environment and maintaining a constant temperature of 23-26 degrees, a successful result is guaranteed.

Reproduction of miniature roses - what are the subtleties?

Much easier to cut miniature roses, although there are some nuances here. Firstly, the preparation of cuttings and their further propagation is best done in the warm season, from late April to August, to a maximum of September, then the likelihood of survival is doubled. In the remaining months of the year, the probability of rooting sprouts is extremely small. Secondly, young shoots need to create a comfortable microclimate with permanent provision lamp illumination. For cutting cuttings, we select the middle part of the shoot with a thickness of 2.5-3 cm. It is these shoots that take root much faster.

To stimulate growth, make the bottom cut at an angle and cut off all the leaves, leaving a thin twig at the top with one leaf. Next, we prepare a transparent container and pour water into it (2-2.5 cm), for reliability, add a little heteroauxin. We put rose cuttings in a vessel with water and a root formation stimulator and send them to a warm, lit place. As the water evaporates, add the required amount of liquid to the container. To predict how roses will grow further, look at the intensity of root formation. If they form only at the site of the cut of the lower bud, then the seedling will probably be weak. And if the roots begin to grow above the cut of the kidney, the rose will develop quickly.

When the roots of the cuttings reach 1.5-2 cm, it's time to transplant them into a pot with soil. We do this as carefully as possible so as not to damage the delicate root system of the plant. After transplanting, the soil is thoroughly moistened and compacted. At the same time, we do not cover the pot with anything, we put it in a warm, bright place, protected from direct sunlight. A few days after transplanting into nutrient soil, side shoots should appear from young shoots. This will mean that the future rose has successfully taken root. After 2-3 months of intensive care, when the root system of the seedling becomes larger and stronger, we transplant the sprouts into a large pot so that the roots are not crowded.

Exist different ways breeding roses, but we will focus on the most popular = from a cutting. Very often we manage to get a cutting of a plant we like, and what to do with it next so that it does not die is unknown. We will help you grow beautiful flowers from rose cuttings.

You can even grow a rose from a bouquet at home by properly rooting the cutting.

How to propagate roses from cuttings

This is a simple method, consisting in cutting cuttings with three buds and then rooting them. But questions arise how to properly make cuttings, is it possible to root cuttings in water?

For cuttings, the middle or upper part of a healthy tree shoot, which is already finishing flowering, is best suited. Using a special garden knife or pruner, it is necessary to cut the shoots, 10-15 centimeters long, each of which must have at least 3 buds. You need to cut them so that the lower cut, made at an angle of 45º, is directly under the lower kidney, and the upper (straight) one is above the upper third kidney. The technology of growing roses involves the partial removal of leaves (this is necessary to reduce evaporation). The bottom sheet is completely removed, and the top ones are shortened by 1/3.

How to plant a rose cutting

What you need ideally: a sufficient amount of light, air temperature + 23-25ºС, moderate watering and spraying.

Consider two ways to root cuttings of roses:

  • in the soil - for this they are planted obliquely on a prepared bed (if grafting occurs in late spring or summer), or at home in pots with a substrate of peat, sand (most) and fertile land. Cover the landing with a glass jar, creating a small greenhouse. You need to water the plantings as needed, and before planting the cuttings in the pot, you need to add well-washed coarse-grained river sand, into which you need to stick the cuttings (sand will not allow the plant to rot due to excess moisture). When it starts to give young shoots, you can sometimes open the jar to remove the condensate.
  • in water - for this, the cuttings are placed in a container with water and left in a warm, well-lit place. From time to time, the water needs to be changed and topped up, and after 20-25 days the cuttings will have roots and can be transplanted into pots with earth. You can add a root formation stimulator to the water to root the cutting - then the roots will appear faster.

How to grow a rose from a bouquet

Very often there is a desire beautiful bouquet roses grow the same flowers. This can be done, you just need to cut the cuttings in time and germinate them correctly. Cuttings are carried out when the flowers begin to shed their petals.

The cuttings are cut as usual - from below at an angle of 45º, and from above straight. There should be 1-2 buds on the handle. It is better to root shoots from a bouquet in the soil general rules, but they need to be stuck into the substrate strictly vertically, deepening to the first kidney. At proper care they will take root in about a month and begin to produce young shoots. It should be noted that cuttings of local varieties of roses take root better.

If the plants took root in the garden in the garden, then by winter it is better to dig up the first-year-old cuttings and transplant them into pots for wintering, which must be put away in the house or in a dry cellar. And in the second year, they can already winter in the garden right in the soil, provided that the flowers are reliably sheltered for the winter.

To make roses resistant to diseases and pests, you need to take good care of them - water and feed them in a timely manner. The first top dressing is needed when young seedlings reach a height of 15 centimeters. For feeding, it is advisable to take a complex fertilizer, at a dosage of 15 grams per 10 liters of water. Please note that fertilizing roses with nitrogen should be stopped in the middle of summer, but fertilizers with phosphorus and potassium can be applied until autumn.

Growing a rose from a cutting, video

Rose stalk in potatoes, why?

In this way, the potato tuber creates nutrition and moisture for the roots and the cuttings grow faster.

Fresh potatoes contain the optimal set of nutrients. It is a long-term source of permanent moisture and reliable protection from hypothermia, decay, development of bacterial diseases that sometimes affect roses on initial stage growth. In addition, it is technically easy to grow a rose cutting in fresh potatoes.

To germinate cuttings of roses, take tubers that are recently dug up, not sluggish and not spoiled. Remove all eyes to prevent germination.

If the cutting is grown in a pot in winter, then just select dense, large potatoes.

For cutting cuttings, it is not recommended to use shoots with unripe buds, as well as with already faded roses, since it is very difficult to root such cuttings - they simply do not take root. Reproduction by cuttings is also possible from a purchased rose from a bouquet - there is no fundamental difference. But keep in mind that Dutch roses are treated with a preservative compound that provides a long shelf life, it is almost impossible to root them.

The length of the cutting should be 15-20 cm. Thus, from one rose or one shoot of medium length, you can get 3-4 blanks for propagation. The cuttings should be cut with a sharp tool, preferably with a garden pruner, so that the stem does not burst when cut. The lower cut is performed 2 cm below the kidney at an angle of 45°, the upper one is 1 cm above the kidney, and the cut itself can be either at an angle or straight. All lower leaves of the cutting must be removed.

Next, sections of the cuttings are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and then placed for a day in a stimulating solution of any root formation stimulator, prepared according to the instructions for it. You can replace these funds with fresh aloe juice.

After all the preparations, the cuttings of roses are stuck with the bottom part into the prepared hole in the potato. I will clarify that the propagation of roses in potatoes is only suitable for upright varieties. For cultivation climbing rose not a cutting is used, but a layering - a shoot buried and rooted in the soil, because growing a layering in a potato tuber is very difficult.

You can root a rose in a potato tuber at home in a pot, or by immediately placing it in open ground. Planting cuttings directly into the ground gives the advantage that the roses will not need to be replanted, and this will allow them to bloom in the same year or next spring. The site for planting cuttings should be bright, without stagnant water and protected from the wind. Further landing technology is as follows:

  • dig a trench 20-30 cm deep (for planting in rows, or for further transplanting to another place) - for planting single bushes without transplanting, separate holes are dug for each plant;
  • pour a layer of river sand at the bottom of the pit - this is necessary to prevent contact of the tubers with the ground, and to prevent the potato itself from rotting, and with it the cuttings;
  • stick the prepared rose cuttings into the holes made in the potato tubers;
  • place planting material in a trench at a distance of 15 cm from each other;
  • fill the trench 2/3 with earth mixed with sand, lightly tamp.

Landings must be provided good level humidity. Watering should be regular, but not too intense. For the first time, it is recommended to cover the cuttings with a plastic bottle with an unscrewed cap (to provide air access). On sunny days, plants need to be shaded; on cloudy days, remove the bottle altogether. After about a month, when the cuttings take root, the shelter is completely removed.

We plant a rose stalk at home

To germinate roses in potatoes at home, prepare planting containers. Drainage should be laid at the bottom of the pots, then fill the containers with soil mixture (any store soil for flowers will do), along with sand. Place the sprout potato in the pot. Sprinkle with soil.

In order for the cuttings to take root sooner, the soil must remain moist, so at home, in addition to watering, it is recommended to additionally spray future roses with water. A shelter made from a glass jar, a plastic bottle, or a plastic bag will help maintain heat and humidity. After the buds begin to develop on the cuttings, the shelter is removed, and the seedlings are gradually adapted to the conditions of the external environment. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of lighting, but care must be taken that the sprouts do not overheat under the lamps.

There are several ways to grow roses on a plot, and one of them is rooting cuttings from a bouquet. No matter how beautiful the presented flowers are, they will soon wither in a vase, so why not recreate this beauty in your garden? The process of growing by cuttings cannot be called simple, and not everyone succeeds the first time, but it’s still worth a try. To avoid mistakes, you need to learn in detail about which roses are suitable for this, how to properly cut cuttings and other important nuances.

The highest survival rate is for roses grown locally and cut in early summer.

Most varieties imported from abroad are processed with special chemicals, which slow down the wilting of flowers, but reduce their ability to root. Although such roses from experienced gardeners sprout.

As for the timing: in June, the shoots are actively growing even under adverse conditions, and therefore take root better, but in August-September life force plants are declining, which also affects the root formation of cuttings. Worst of all, roses from winter bouquets take root.

Another important condition: the flowers must be fresh. If the water in the vase is not changed for several days, the sections rot, harmful microorganisms enter the tissues of the stems and the rose becomes unsuitable for rooting. Therefore, it is desirable to cut flowers on the same day when the bouquet is presented. If, for some reason, this does not work right away, be sure to put the selected specimens overnight in a clean cold water, after cutting the tips by 1-1.5 cm.

For cuttings choose roses with strong healthy stems in the stage of lignification. This can be determined by the color of the shoots and the thickening of the skin on them. In addition, thorns break off easily in mature stems. Fully lignified shoots with a thick core do not tolerate prolonged moisture and rot. And immature and too thin cuttings do not have time to take root well, as a result of which they freeze out in winter.

To harvest the cuttings, you will need a very sharp knife or pruner so that the stem tissue is not unnecessarily injured during the cutting process. The tool must be disinfected, so you minimize the risk of infection of the planting material.

Step 1. The roses you like are taken out of the bouquet and the condition of their stems is checked. Unopened buds and already opened flowers are cut off (they can be put in wide glasses or a shallow vase with cold water so that such beauty does not go to waste).

Step 2 Flower stems are cut into cuttings of 15-30 cm each. They retreat from the lowest bud down 1 cm and make an oblique sharp cut. Above the second kidney from the bottom, at a distance of 1-2 cm, a cut is made again, but this time straight. It turned out a stalk with two buds. In the same way, cut the rest of the shoot and all the other stems.

Advice! If there is not enough planting material, cuttings with one kidney can be cut. In this case, they are made from 6 to 8 cm long, with the kidney located in the middle of the handle.

Step 3 On each cutting, the lower leaves are completely removed, and the upper ones are shortened by about a third. This will help reduce the evaporation of moisture, and the shoots will not dry out. It is not recommended to completely remove all the leaves in order to keep the sap circulation with nutrients in the cutting. Finally, all spikes are removed.

Step 4 They take a container with clean settled water, dilute any root formation stimulator in it and immerse the prepared cuttings in the solution by a third of the length. Soaking time is about 6 hours.

Advice! Aloe solution can be used as a stimulant for root growth: fresh aloe juice is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:9. Honey water also gives a good effect: you need to add a teaspoon of natural honey to 0.5 liters of water. The duration of soaking the cuttings in such solutions is at least a day.

The concentration of the stimulant should not be exceeded, nor should the planting material be kept in solution. After a day, the cuttings are taken out and rooting is started in any convenient way.

The most effective root stimulants

Name of the drugShort descriptionConsumption rate when soaking cuttings

Biostimulator containing phosphorus, potassium and the main macronutrients needed by plants. Available in the form of a cream-colored powder. When using the product, it is necessary to work with gloves and observe other safety measures.1 gram per liter of water

Organic stimulant with high biological activity, non-toxic. Available as powder, tablets and instant capsules1 tablet per 2.5 liters of water

Biostimulant based on plant extracts, enriched with trace elements and vitamins. Contains glucoside steroids and amino acids that affect the development of lateral roots. Available in liquid form2 drops per liter of water (soaking time 30 minutes)

Organic immunomodulator based on echinacea purpurea extract. Effectively stimulates root formation, can be used simultaneously with Heteroauxin1 ml per 10 liters of water

An effective plant-based growth stimulator and immunomodulator. Non-toxic, can be used in combination with other drugs. Release form - 1 ml ampoules1 ampoule per 2 liters of water

Methods for rooting cuttings

There are several popular ways to root rose cuttings:

  • in water;
  • in the ground under cover;
  • in potato tubers;
  • in the package.

Germination in water

by the most simple option is germination in water. It is better to take spring or rain water, but if there is only tap water, be sure to filter it or at least let it settle. In a chlorinated environment, roots will not develop. The filled container is placed in any convenient place, protected from direct sunlight, and the cuttings are lowered into it. It is very convenient to use glass jars for these purposes - so the planting material is always in sight. Only the lower tips of the cuttings should be in the water, they do not need to be heavily immersed, since excessive moisture contributes to tissue decay.

Cuttings in water - photo

Every two days, the water in the jar is changed to fresh, and so on for 2-3 weeks. After 15-20 days, whitish growths form on the sections, from which the roots develop. Already at this stage, the cutting can be transplanted into the ground, although experienced gardeners advise waiting a few more days for the roots to develop more strongly. The main disadvantage of this method is the low concentration of oxygen in the water, due to which the roots either do not germinate at all, or develop very poorly and rot.

Rooting in pots

Most often, roses from a bouquet are rooted in pots and mini-greenhouses, where they are provided with the most optimal conditions. The roots in this case develop stronger, they are much stronger and more resistant to unfavorable factors. For one cutting, a small pot or a plastic glass of 0.5 liters is enough. Many people use a cut plastic bottle for this purpose. If all the cuttings are planned to be rooted in one box, it should be noted that there should be at least 6-8 cm between the seedlings.

Step 1. The container for germination is treated with a strong solution of potassium permanganate and dried. Soil substrate is prepared: mix 2 parts of garden soil and rotted compost and add 1 part of washed sand. If the soil is loose and fertile, compost is not necessary. It is advisable to warm the finished soil mixture in the oven in order to destroy the seeds of weeds and pathogens in the soil. You can take a purchased universal primer and save time.

Step 2. Small pebbles are poured onto the bottom of the pots for drainage, then the prepared soil to the very top, slightly compacted with your hands.

Step 3 With a spatula or stick, a recess is made in the ground and, carefully, so as not to injure the roots, lower the stalk. Two-bud cuttings are deepened so that only the upper kidney remains above the surface, single-bud cuttings are covered with earth only up to the kidney. Compact the soil around the plantings, water.

Step 4 Make a shelter to create a greenhouse effect.

cuttings in individual pots cover with half-liter glass jars, wrap the boxes with foil. After planting, it is necessary to ensure the temperature in the room is not less than + 25 degrees in daytime, and + 18 at night. Tanks should not be placed in an open sunny place and in drafts.

Water as the soil dries up in small portions.

Successful rooting is evidenced by small sprouts appearing in the axils of the leaves. This usually happens after a month or a little earlier, depending on the variety of roses and growing conditions.

As soon as the first shoots appear, the plant begins to air a little, removing the shelter for a few minutes a day. Gradually, the airing time is increased, and when real leaves appear, they completely cease to cover. It is recommended to transplant rooted cuttings to a permanent place after strong young shoots are formed.

Rooting with potatoes

Potato tubers provide the cuttings with an optimal moisture regime and feed the developing roots with useful carbohydrates. Thanks to potatoes, you can get excellent seedlings with a developed and strong root system, and without much hassle. It is very important to choose the right tuber: it should not be sick, with damaged skin, sluggish. Such a potato in the soil will begin to rot and infect the cutting itself. Before planting, potatoes must be washed, eyes removed, disinfected in potassium permanganate and dried.

To begin with, they prepare a plot in the garden: they choose a place that is bright and protected from the wind, dig a trench about 15 cm deep. A layer of sand 4-5 cm thick is poured onto the bottom and moistened well. In the tubers with a sharp knife they make deep, but not through holes, dip the lower sections of the cuttings in Kornevin, insert them into potatoes. Each cutting needs a separate potato.

The tubers prepared in this way are lowered into the trench and sprinkled with earth.

Tubers with cuttings are laid in a trench - photo

The top kidney should be above the ground. Water again, and then cover the plantings with banks, plastic bottles or film.

Further care consists only in regular moderate watering so that the earth does not dry out and is not too wet. With the appearance of sprouts in the internodes, the plantings begin to ventilate, gradually increasing the time, and after 14-17 days the shelter is completely removed.

Growing roses in a bag

This method is not among the most popular, but is also used quite often. American flower growers call it the "burrito method". You will need a regular newspaper, a plastic bag and cuttings prepared for rooting.

Step 1. The cuttings processed and soaked for a day are taken out of the water and carefully laid on a newspaper.

Step 2 The edges of the newspaper are folded over and a tight bundle is made, which is abundantly moistened with water. Excess water is allowed to drain so that the newspaper does not fall apart.

Step 3 A bundle with cuttings is placed in a bag, tied up and placed where the temperature is kept within 18-20 degrees.

Newspaper-wrapped cuttings sprouted

Once every seven days, the package must be opened, the cuttings carefully examined, and if necessary, the paper should be moistened. If individual copies turn black, begin to rot, they are thrown away without regret, and the newspaper is changed. After a couple of weeks, roots should begin to form on the sections.

Root formation - photo

Planting cuttings in a permanent place

The optimal time for planting rooted cuttings is late spring, when frosts no longer threaten and steady heat sets in. The place for roses should be sunny, closed from the wind and even so that the roots of the bushes are not flooded with water during rain. Planting pits are made according to the size of the roots, the earth is fertilized with organic matter. In seedlings, the stems are cut before planting, leaving 3-4 buds. After planting, the earth is watered, be sure to mulch with peat or sawdust, the bushes are shaded from the sun with covering material. Seedlings should start growing in about 10-15 days, after the adaptation of the root system in the soil.

As soon as new shoots grow to a height of 12-15 cm, roses can be fed with complex fertilizers, herbal infusion or mullein infusion.

In the first year, the bushes should take root well, so you should cut off all the buds immediately after they appear so that the plant does not waste energy on flowering. With the onset of autumn, it is worth providing young roses with a reliable shelter.

Video - Growing roses from cuttings from a bouquet

Video - Rooting cuttings in a bag