The best building level according to customer reviews. The best building levels according to user reviews Which building level is the best

  • 23.06.2020

The bubble level is an indispensable tool in construction. With it, you can check the slope and angles, create perfectly straight lines in any plane. Levels are also used when laying pipes, when installing household appliances, vibrating during operation and demanding on the evenness of the base. Such devices should be in the arsenal of any home master, we will talk about their design and selection rules in this article.

Design - features of modern building levels

Bubble level building is structurally a simple tool. It is a bar of solid material, in which several ampoules are embedded, filled with liquid and some air. Measuring marks are applied on the surface of the ampoules, which make it possible to determine the evenness of the measured surface by the position of the bubble. To measure tilted surfaces, you can use the indicators of air deflection relative to the central marks on the ampoules.

Ampoules with air are the most important parts of any level, if the integrity of the ampoule is broken, the device cannot be used. Technical alcohol is usually used to fill ampoules. To increase the functionality of the instruments, some manufacturers add other details to the bar, such as lenses that allow you to better see the bubble. To ensure the ability to operate the level in conditions of lack of lighting, fluorescent components are added to technical alcohol, due to which ampoules with liquid will be clearly visible even at night.

You can also find shockproof models of measuring instruments on the market. During construction, devices are constantly exposed to adverse influences: they are strongly shaken, dropped, which ultimately leads to damage and failure. Long levels are most susceptible to adverse effects, during the fall of which the impact force is significantly greater than that of brands with a short frame. Anti-impact tools are much more expensive than others, but they are more reliable and usually last much longer than cheaper counterparts.

The durability and quality of the measuring device is also affected by its base - a frame consisting of aluminum, wooden or plastic strips. Levels with aluminum bases are the most common, they are made of hollow planks and are very light in weight. However, this is the main disadvantage of such tools. The heavier the device, the better it specifications, the more convenient they are to work with and the easier it is to obtain accurate measurement results.

There are quite specialized models of such devices. For example, to work with metal bases, it is easiest to use special levels equipped with magnets. They can be attached to the base and easily obtain information about the evenness of the surface. A ruler on the long side of the level can also be a useful addition, it will be needed when, in addition to the evenness of the base, other measurements need to be taken.

The simplest models are equipped with only one vial with an air bubble, but today they are considered very outdated and are rarely found in stores. It is much more convenient to use levels equipped with 2-3 containers. In such devices, one ampoule is located on the long, wide side of the bar; it is designed to measure horizontal planes. The second ampoule is placed on the narrow side of the level perpendicular to the first, it is needed for convenient measurement of vertical surfaces. The third flask is placed on a narrow reverse side strips at an angle of 45 degrees, its main purpose is to control the operation of the device.

Bubble levels can be of different lengths. The simplest modifications for home use have a length of 20 cm, while professional devices can reach a length of 300-400 cm. The functionality and efficiency of the level directly depend on the length. In a private house for the installation of household equipment and simple installation work short enough. For laying tiles, longer strips are required, within 40-100 cm. The longest levels are used when performing complex construction and installation work. In the household, they are rarely needed.

Learning to choose measuring devices - what to look for?

The construction market presents spirit levels (levels) in the widest range. Such devices are, perhaps, favorite among manufacturers of low-quality and fake products, because every owner wants to have such a device at hand, but not everyone knows how to choose among the assortment of a hardware store. The spirit level is quite simple to manufacture, but requires the highest precision and the use of only high-quality materials.

Fake and simply low-quality levels are produced in violation of all possible technologies, they are used to create unreliable materials that are not capable of providing the device with decent resistance to external influences and durability. If you are not familiar with measuring instruments, you should only buy products from reputable manufacturers. The following brands have proven themselves well:

  • Bosch;
  • Kapro;
  • Gross Laser;
  • Stabila;
  • Shark;
  • Leader;
  • Yermak.

You should not choose equipment only by cost, keep in mind that devices from these manufacturers are not the cheapest on the market. If you see a Bosch spirit level at a ridiculous price, it’s most likely that you have a fake in front of you, and you shouldn’t buy it.

In addition, you need to choose devices that are fully consistent with the planned work. If you are planning to tile the floor or walls yourself, you need a good household level. No need to buy a very expensive professional spirit level, you will just waste your money. First you need to decide on the length of a suitable tool. The more complex work you are coming, the longer the spirit level you need. Optimal size household level, which can be used to solve various problems - 40-60 cm.

When choosing, carefully examine the device visually, paying special attention to the glass elements. Flasks must be intact, without any signs mechanical damage and impacts. Then you need to evaluate the strength of fixation of ampoules with bubbles on a long bar. The containers should be installed as tightly as possible, they should not stagger and fall off.

On the shelves of hardware stores you can find levels in which the flasks can be adjusted. This is an ambiguous function of measuring devices. On the one hand, due to the adjustment, you can reconfigure the damaged level, on the other hand, the device will be much more vulnerable to adverse mechanical effects, drops and shakes. We highly recommend purchasing spirit levels with a tight fixation of ampoules, they are the most reliable and durable.

After studying the integrity and reliability of the fixation of the ampoules, pay attention to the air in the containers and the marks applied to them. All marks on the flasks should be clearly visible and located in close proximity to each other.

It is best if the control strips on the ampoules are located inside the flasks, and not outside, because due to the active use of the device, the marks on the outer surface can simply be erased.

Regardless of what material the spirit level itself is made of, the device must be heavy, durable and stable. It is best to choose devices equipped with additional stiffeners. You can also choose a device among well-known models that you like visually, but external attractiveness does not affect the accuracy of measurements.

It is highly advisable to pre-check the performance of the level before buying. In large hardware stores, there are special stands with a perfectly flat surface for this. If there is no such stand, you can simply place the level in a horizontal plane and remember the position of the air bubble. After that, the device is rotated 180 degrees and placed on the same surface, in both cases the vial in the ampoule should be in the same position. If there are no deviations in the measurements, the device is working properly and you can buy it.

By the way, even if you do not check the accuracy of measuring flat surfaces with a spirit level in the store, you can do it at home. But be sure to keep the receipt from the purchase, so that in case of problems with the level, it can be replaced with another one. However, experts do not recommend buying measuring equipment, whether it be a bubble spirit level, or a level without preliminary checks. Even the most expensive devices from well-known manufacturers need to be checked, high-quality equipment can be defective and fail during transportation from the manufacturer to the place of sale.

Setting up unfixed spirit level tanks

If you are buying a model measuring device with unfixed ampoules, it can be adjusted and reconfigured if readings go astray. Setting up the device is quite simple, you can easily cope with such a task yourself. To do this, it is necessary to determine the most flat wall in the room. If you have not previously checked surfaces with an accurate spirit level, you can choose the visually most even wall.

Step back from the left corner of the wall about 4 cm and drive a nail into the surface at eye level (you can screw in a self-tapping screw) so that the fastener protrudes on the surface at a distance of 20-30 mm. From above, the spirit level is positioned in such a way that with one side it rests on a screw or nail, and with the long side it lies against the surface of the wall. Adjust the instrument so that the air in the container indicates flat surface. Draw a line along the edge of the level on the wall.

Then turn the device over and repeat the procedure again. If the drawn lines completely coincide, then the device is adjusted normally and can be operated. If the marks diverge, then you will have to additionally configure the device. For this with right side the walls where the marks end, mark a central point between them. The level is laid on the nail so that with one of its edges it is adjacent to the marked point. In this position, the device must be fixed and the ampoule adjusted so that the vial shows an even base.

With the advent of computer and Internet technologies, all stages of obtaining information have become much easier and faster. With the aim of introducing this progressive tool in all industries, almost every modern organization requires from its employees knowledge of the PC in one way or another. When applying for a job, the applicant in the questionnaire must indicate his level of computer use. If a person does not have such experience, then it is much more difficult for him to find a suitable vacancy for himself.

In most cases, a person determines his level of PC use on his own. Currently, there are no standardized programs common to all for this.

PC usage levels

There are several levels of using a personal computer.

User of the low level called "teapot". A person who has only general knowledge, as a rule, uses a computer only for communication in in social networks, on dating sites. Such a user does not know the elementary meanings of keyboard shortcuts and the purpose of programs.

The second level can be attributed to the ordinary user. He, in turn, knows the necessary basics, knows how to work in Microsoft Office programs, knows how to connect a keyboard and mouse. But his knowledge is not enough to use auxiliary keyboard shortcuts, all operations and manipulations are carried out exclusively with the mouse.

The third level is a confident PC user. He knows the necessary minimum of the main installed programs, the architecture of a personal computer, can explain what is inside system block and what serves what. A confident user can independently reinstall the operating system and drivers, easily use search engines.

An advanced user knows everything about the filling and software computer. He is able to disassemble and assemble a PC from components. Easy to use function keys. Can independently fix some malfunctions in the computer.

The next level includes programmers, graduates of technical universities. A person of this level of knowledge will be able to assemble not only a computer, but also a whole server, he can also raise a network, he is quite well versed in writing programs in various languages.

The hacker has the most advanced level of PC knowledge. This word speaks for itself. The hacker knows absolutely everything. Can bypass multiple passwords and hack some servers.

Carrying out repairs requires a large amount of different instruments, including marking and measuring. In order to perfectly evenly make a screed on the floor or plaster a wall, it is necessary to use a level. In this rating, we have included the best building levels that will help you complete all the work efficiently, quickly and comfortably.

Among professionals, products of European brands are popular, and for those who want to save money, products of domestic manufacturers are also suitable. The list of leaders in this field includes the following firms:

  • Stabila– the history of the brand began in Germany in 1889, its specialization is the creation of a measuring tool for accurate, efficient and comfortable use by both beginners and professionals.
  • bison- presenter Russian manufacturer electro-, benzo-, auto-, painting and metalwork tool, thermal and welding equipment. The company has its own testing laboratory, a well-developed dealer network and numerous user services.
  • matrix has been producing hand and power tools since 2003. The main office is located in Germany, the brand is well represented in Europe, Asia, America. Buyers are provided with a 1-2 year warranty for all goods.
  • Kapro– the company has been on the market for more than 30 years, all its products comply with ISO9001, 14001 and SA8000 standards.
  • Stanley- the tool of this company at the end of the 19th century began to be used at construction sites in the United States. The key to the success of the company is a flexible pricing policy, the use of advanced technologies and a good marketing plan.

Most building levels are available in the range of the international company Kapro.

Rating of the best building levels

The winners were determined based on the opinions of users, and the length of their experience with a particular tool was taken into account. The country of production and user complaints about the price and quality of the product, and ease of use were taken into account. Also important point became the frequency of breakdowns, the availability of purchase and service.

The selection criteria were the following characteristics:

  • Purpose;
  • Product type (bubble, magnetic, digital, laser);
  • Dimensions and weight of the tool;
  • Design features;
  • Build quality;
  • Material (plastic or metal);
  • Length;
  • Accuracy of indications;
  • Number of capsules;
  • The presence of plugs on the ends;
  • Additional amenities - magnetic overlay, backlight, liquid color.

Product Popularity and Quantity positive feedback about him also influenced the choice.

Best building levels

Only those products that are accurate, comfortable, simple and easy to use can be called so. They should not weigh too much (no more than 400-500 g). It is very important to have a handle inside and protective rubber pads. The rating included designs of bubble, water, digital, laser and magnetic types.

The best bubble building level

Stabila Type 30 cm- this a good choice for those who need to mark the wall, for its alignment due to the small length, this option is not very relevant. The spirit level is very light, weighing only 100 g, so it can be easily held over your head.

It is convenient that with its help it is possible to fix both horizontal and vertical deviations thanks to special ampoules, of which there are 2 pcs.

The profile is made of aluminum, smooth and non-slip. The reading accuracy is 0.5 mm/m. Although it is metal, it is not afraid of corrosion. A nice plus is the ability to store the tool in a suspended state due to the presence of a special hole in the case for this.


  • Light weight;
  • Thin;
  • Smooth surface;
  • German quality;
  • Wear resistant.


  • Short length;
  • In contact with abrasive compounds, the paint may peel off;
  • The price is above average.

Before choosing a particular option, it is worth familiarizing yourself with different types levels and their benefits, you can do this in the following video:

The most reliable water tool

Bison "Master" 10 m long- this is a reliable hydraulic level, which has found application in laying bricks, pouring the foundation, creating a floor screed. The measurement is carried out only in the horizontal plane, it is also possible to use a tool for marking the surface.

The hose here is very thin (its diameter does not exceed 8 mm), and flexible, so it is convenient to work with it. To determine the readings on the ruler, there are two special plastic flasks with a five-point measurement scale.


  • Does not pass water;
  • You can fill in any water;
  • Does not break;
  • Reliable plugs;
  • Several areas of application.


  • Not very durable plastic flasks;
  • Large weight when filled with water.

best laser building level

Matrix 1 line is a compact level that will facilitate the measurement process thanks to a special design with built-in diodes. It is powered by batteries, which can be simply replaced at the end of the charge. Alignment is carried out manually, by bubble levels.

The only drawback of this model is that its beam has only a horizontal direction. You should not expect too large a sweep angle here, it does not exceed 90 degrees. The body of the product is made of plastic, it is protected from dust ingress. The accuracy class is quite high - the second.


  • Large range;
  • Simple operation;
  • Low error rate;
  • Convenient to use;
  • Does not require preparation for work.


  • More expensive than other models in the ranking;
  • Chinese production;
  • Heavy (390 g).

The best digital (electronic) building level

Kapro 985D Digiman- one of the few models available in different sizes. Devices are available for sale in three lengths - 25 cm, 60 cm and 120 cm. The product is protected from shock, dust and moisture. It is convenient to use it due to the presence of handles-brackets, a backlit display and the possibility of turning the tool by 180º.

“Additional skills” is one of the important blocks that describes computer skills in a resume, the Internet and specialized programs, information on the availability of, for example, a driver’s license, specialized knowledge. Usually, when filling out this block in the resume, difficulties very often arise with the definition of computer skills, the resume often does not indicate computer programs, office applications that the applicant owns.

  • user, advanced user, programmer, administrator;
  • user level, professional level;
  • user, advanced user, advanced user, professional level.

How it is customary to indicate computer skills in a resume - basic rules

  • Information about the degree of computer proficiency in the resume must be indicated in a separate section. This improves readability and adds aesthetic appeal to the resume text. Information should be concise, clear and truthful.
  • In addition to the level of PC proficiency, it is recommended to note the knowledge of generally accepted and specialized programs, office applications (for example, Excel, Word, Internet, Power Point, Outlook Express), operating systems, graphic editors, special accounting and personnel programs, programming languages, databases.
  • It is immediately worth emphasizing that the list of necessary computer programs, about the knowledge and skills with which it is worth writing in a resume, depending on the profession, it can differ significantly. For example, accountants should be told about the ability to work with accounting programs (1C: Accounting), office applications, text editor MS Word, MS Excel. For some positions, it will be important to have skills in MS Access or Power Point. For web designers - work in Adobe Photoshop and other graphic editors, experience with various CMS.
  • When listing all the programs, if there are features and nuances in their work, it is necessary to describe the level of knowledge of the program for each.
  • In the presence of a high printing speed (from 200 beats / min.), It is also advisable to indicate this in the resume.

A good tool is a great help in any job, and a good building level is necessary in any household (to hang a mirror or a locker), when repairing. And for the construction of a bath you will need at least two or three different levels. There are quite a few types of this tool and each has its own characteristics.

Bubble levels are the most popular. Most likely, this is due to their not very high price and sufficient measurement accuracy. These instruments come in very different lengths - from a few tens of centimeters to 3 meters. During construction or repair, levels of several sizes are usually needed: short ones are convenient if you need to check the compliance of small areas, and long ones are indispensable, for example, when plastering works, when installing the crate for lining in the bath, etc.

Bubble levels have one, two or three transparent chambers with a scale filled with liquid with a bubble. The position of the bubble relative to the applied divisions determines the deviation from the vertical and horizontal. If the tool has only one camera, only horizontal surfaces can be controlled, if there are two cameras, vertical and horizontal. There are levels with three flasks. The third, if fixed, serves to determine the deviation from an angle of 45 degrees. But there are models with movable flasks that allow you to determine the deviation from the selected angle of inclination. These will be needed during the construction truss system and some other works.

There are several modifications of bubble levels: some of them have built-in magnets and it is convenient to fix them on metal surfaces. Such levels are also called magnetic levels. There are special tools for masons and tilers: there are places where you can hit with a hammer, which is very convenient.

How to choose a bubble level

The range of prices for these tools is quite large. Definitely, it is hardly worth buying the cheapest ones, unless you need them for one-time work. If you have construction or major repairs, you should choose one of professional levels. Although they cost many times more, they will also serve much longer: they have thick-walled cases for which bumps and falls are not so terrible, some are equipped with rubber pads that soften the blows. The building level stabila proved to be the best. Not bad is the Kapro tool (the manufacturer gives a lifetime warranty on flasks) and Kraftool. These are probably the best building levels available on the market today. If we talk about the middle price category, then Zubr, Stayer and Matrix have proven themselves well.

When choosing a tool, pay attention to the fastening of the flasks: they shouldn't wobble. It is better if they are mounted tightly, without screws. At first glance, the flasks reinforced with screws are good because they can be adjusted independently, but in practice such tools go astray very quickly, and you have to repeat the entire setup procedure again and again. In order to work with the level it was convenient, you must clearly see the flask, the divisions on it and the position of the bubble. The farther apart the stripes on the flask are, the more difficult it is to determine how displaced the bubble is.

Important! Even after a slight drop, the bubble level may begin to "lie", especially for cheap models. For this reason, check the level for accuracy right in the store.

How to check the bubble level

To check the accuracy of the level, you need to put it on any horizontal surface (for example, on a shop window), note the place where it lies, and remember the position of the bubble. Rotate the tool 180 degrees (the part that was on the right should be on the left), set it in the same place and look again at the position of the bubble. If the readings match, the horizontal bulb is set correctly. Repeat the same test on a vertical plane (for example, on a wall). If the readings match there, you can buy this level. If there are deviations somewhere, ask for another one.

For details on checking the bubble level, see the video.

Laser building level

Laser building levels are the most modern and accurate, but also the most expensive. Most budget options cost the same (or more) as professional bubble levels. But this compact device, which is attached to any surface and has a range of up to 100 meters. Laser levels allow you to perfectly set a straight line, some models have the function of scanning the direction in a plane, there are cross models with 2 or more (up to 10) lines, with which you can perform any work. Their only drawback is their high price.

The world leader in the production of laser levels is the German company Bosch - it produces a huge line of laser levels. Compact models include the Bosch PPL5 model.

This device is quite compact, as you can see by watching the video.

The laser level can be mounted on the wall, and along the guide to glue the tiles on the walls in the bath or sauna.

If you are not a professional builder, there is no need to buy expensive levels, which include Bosch products. If you need a laser level only for the construction of a single bath, then it is quite possible to buy a laser level in China. The price of this level on eBay is only 8-9 dollars, and delivery to Russia is free.

Chinese laser level with tape measure (click on the picture to enlarge)
The laser requires three coin-cell batteries to operate.

Water or hydro level

This tool is suitable for determining the presence of deviations of horizontal surfaces. Neither verticals nor planes located at an angle can be checked by them. The water level is a set of a hose (from 5 to 25 meters long) and two glass flasks with a scale printed on them.

Water is poured into this design (be sure to fill in water at room temperature and make sure that bubbles do not form). You can draw a horizontal line by setting the same water levels in both flasks.

Water levels are convenient to use when working with large surfaces(for example, when laying a foundation or piles), but they are inconvenient when working in small spaces. Their main disadvantage: sensitivity to temperature changes: it is impossible to check surfaces located at a distance of less than 1.5 meters from heaters or other heat sources.

The great advantage of water levels is that when correct use, you can ideally die out the horizontal on large planes. For this reason, for marking, it is advisable to use the water level, and not the bubble level.

When buying a hydraulic level, check that there are no cracks on the plastic flasks.

Pipe levels

They work on the principle of bubble ones, but they are small and most often made in the form of a rectangle. Some models are foldable.

They are useful when working with pipes or when laying profiles (some have appropriate holes and / or magnets to make them easier to attach).

There are many types of levels and their various modifications. The main thing is to determine for what purposes you will use them, and choose the most suitable option for them.

Level on Android

What progress has come to ... This is what I want to say when you find out that you can now download and install the building level program on a device running operating system Android (Android).

The building level program in a smartphone

Quite a number of such programs have already been created. a large number of, but there are not as many quality ones as you would like. One of the most popular levels for a smartphone is the program bubble level, which can be installed by following this link .

The Bubble level program allows you to switch the level view.

The Bubble level program allows you to switch the level view

The smartphone is oriented in space with the built-in camera. After installing the program, you need to calibrate the device by placing it on a flat surface.

As you understand, the level for android cannot be considered as a full-fledged tool in the construction of a bath. Although using this level it will be quite possible to hang pictures evenly in the rest room.


During the construction of a bath, as in any other construction, one cannot do without a building level. Since our site is designed for amateur builders, we dare to offer the following gentleman's set:

  1. Hydraulic level (required);
  2. Bubble level (required);
  3. Chinese laser level (you can do without).

This whole set can be bought for only 1000 rubles and it will be enough for all types of work, from pouring the foundation to laying tiles.