Leveling the floor on the balcony: an overview of the best methods for creating a level surface. How to raise the floor on the balcony: methods and process of raising the floor on the balcony with your own hands How to level the floor on the balcony under the tiles

  • 20.06.2020

Basically, the question of how to level the floor on the balcony is asked if further plans include its glazing and subsequent installation of the floor covering. In some cases, the implementation of such work will have a beneficial effect not only on decorative form premises, but also enhance the structural strength of the balcony slab.

This is due to the fact that the house, and with it the balcony ceiling, built several decades ago, lose their former strength over time. For example, a slab can withstand a load of 400 kg / m2, but due to the fact that it was under open sky, the influence of rain and wind, the coefficient can be safely divided in half. Thus, pouring the floor becomes a very useful event.

Deciding on terminology

For a closer disclosure of the topic, consider 3 categories of balconies:

For each of them, you can use a separate material that will level the surface. If the method is chosen incorrectly, the coating may collapse under negative influence various factors.

open balcony

In the summer it rains here, and in the winter it snows. For this type of premises, a cement floor screed is simply necessary. In addition to leveling, the board surface will be strengthened with a fresh layer. If the house has recently been put into operation, and the condition of the concrete floor is in perfect condition, you can use the OESBi sheet or DSP. As a decorative coating ideal option will use materials such as:

  • Decking.
  • Ceramics.
  • Porcelain tile.
  • Paving slabs.

It must be borne in mind that the base of the structure is largely in limbo. Therefore, choosing a method for leveling the floor on the balcony with your own hands, you should not use heavy materials.


In this case, the floor slab is protected from the effects of snow, rain and wind. However, it is subject to sudden changes in temperature, due to which drops of condensate form periodically. So
The ideal option would be to use moisture resistant materials:

  • Plywood.
  • OESB.
  • Cement strainer.

The flooring can only be used moisture resistant: linoleum, tiles, laminate class 33 or 34.

loggia with heating

A screed for a loggia, which is high-quality glazed and constantly heated in the cold season, is needed directly to level the surface. Absolutely all types of floor coverings used in the living room are used as a finishing layer.

Installation of beacons

Beacons for determining the level

You can accurately determine to what level the floor on the balcony needs to be leveled using a spirit level (water level) or using a laser level. Both tools allow you to outline the boundaries of the plane with an accuracy of 1 - 2 mm. The difference lies only in the complexity of the work. Electronic device will help you make the necessary measurements much faster. But its minimum price starts from 3,000 rubles, when water costs only 300 - 400. Naturally, in order to make a screed on a loggia or balcony, you should not buy a device that will not be useful in the future.

It should be noted that the poured floor on the open balcony should have a slight slope towards the street. This is required so that the water that gets here does not stagnate, but flows out. For a meter of slab width, 1 cm of slope is enough.

Water level measurement

The most visually selected high point floor (the place where it is pulled up as much as possible) and next to it, the first mark is placed on the wall. Using the level on the remaining walls, marks are made on the same border. After that, all given points are connected by a straight line. This is the so-called horizon. A calculation is made of the thickness to which the screed will be poured. Then, subtracting this value from the height of the horizon, the level of the finishing layer of the future floor is marked on the walls.

Measurement with a laser level

Measurements with a laser level

The device is installed at the highest point of the floor (preferably in a corner). After turning on the power, he himself will determine the points of a flat horizontal. After making marks with a pencil or marker, you should turn the level, holding it by the tripod, and mark the horizontal on the rest of the walls. After that, you can safely remove the device and start pouring the floor on the balcony with your own hands.
More expensive models devices show the horizontal not with dots, but with a solid line, which is a more convenient option.

Watch the video on how to properly level the floor:

Floor leveling methods

Modern technologies allow 2 options for how to make a floor screed on a balcony. And each has its own advantages and disadvantages compared to a similar method.

Wet screed

Leveling the floor with a wet screed

When choosing how to make a screed on a balcony, it should be borne in mind that the thickness of the cement-sand layer should not exceed 7 cm. As a result of pouring, the total weight of the structure will increase significantly, and the base may not withstand the load.

The main disadvantage of this method is the turnaround time. It will take at least three days since filling. This is only with a layer of 2 - 3 cm, with a greater thickness, an even longer period may be required. Again, depending on the temperature.

How to fill the floor on the balcony with your own hands? Even an inexperienced person in construction will cope with the work. The procedure is as follows:

  • A layer of waterproofing is laid.
  • Beacons are installed at a distance of 50 cm from each other.
    This is done with the help of screws and fishing line.
  • The cement mixture or self-leveling floor is mixed in a container according to the instructions indicated on reverse side package, and poured onto the surface. The resulting mixture is distributed using a trowel and then a rule.
  • After 1 - 2 days, the line of beacons is removed, the surface is rubbed with a trowel with a new mixture. Irregularities should be treated in the same way.
  • It is recommended to lay the topcoat on the floor only after the mixture has completely hardened.

In order to avoid possible cracking of the surface during drying, it is necessary to cover it with a plastic film, periodically spray it with water, and open it only as needed.

Dry screed

Leveling the floor with a dry screed

A dry floor screed will be an ideal option for subsequent insulation. It is carried out with materials that have good thermal insulation performance and meet all the requirements for fire safety of residential premises. Floor screed on the loggia in this way is performed with the following materials:

  • Expanded clay sand.
  • Expanded clay gravel.
  • Expanded clay gravel.

The advantage that a dry screed on the balcony compares favorably with is the time spent on the work. After preparing the surface and determining the horizontal, the material is poured out and leveled with a rule. Immediately after this, a gypsum fiber board is laid on top, after which the finishing floor material can be laid on the surface. Another plus is the absence of “wet” work, since there is no need to stir the cement mortar, use water and dilute dirt. The main disadvantage is the high cost of expanded clay in relation to cement.

Do-it-yourself dry screed on the balcony is performed in the following order:

  • Formwork is installed along the entire perimeter of the balcony.
  • A layer of waterproofing is laid out.
  • Expanded clay no larger than 30 mm is poured onto the surface and rammed until level with the upper edge of the formwork.
  • Gypsum fiber boards are laid on the leveled expanded clay layer.

The video below explains very well how to do a floor screed:

Formwork made of plywood or boards must be treated with an antiseptic that protects the wood from decay and the formation of fungus.

How to align your balcony or loggia, everyone chooses individually. The only thing to be reminded of is that the quality, and maybe the service life of the finishing decorative coating, will depend on how the work is done. For example, laminate flooring requires a perfectly flat surface. Otherwise, over time, due to the fact that he will “play”, the locks will loosen and become unusable. Therefore, the floor screed on the balcony or loggia should be perfectly flat with respect to one plane.

Quite often, apartment owners adapt the balcony as an additional room. Naturally, in this case, it is necessary to carry out a series of operations in order to give the loggia a more residential look. In addition to insulation and finishing, it is also necessary to level the floor. As a rule, the foundation in such rooms is in a far from ideal condition, so it is rarely possible to do without this operation.

There are two ways to level the floor on the balcony - using a concrete screed or using a log device. Let's consider both methods in more detail.

For leveling the floor on the balcony using a screed device you will need a primer, building level, tape measure, pencil, guides), a rule or rail, a wide metal spatula, a dry mix for leveling, a container for mixing the solution.

After preparing all the necessary materials and tools, you can get to work.

Foundation preparation

Initially, it is necessary to remove all things from the balcony, clean the base from dirt and dust. You should also check the condition of the floor. If there are weak areas, destruction of materials, then they should be cleaned. Strong cracks and chips are repaired cement mortar.

The composition must be applied to the entire surface of the floor with a brush. The use of a primer will provide more reliable adhesion of other materials to the surface, protect against various negative influences. environment. The surface is left until the composition is completely dry (drying time is indicated on the package).

In order for the base to be even, it is necessary to determine the so-called " zero mark". According to it, the height of pouring the concrete screed will be determined. To determine the height, choose the most high place On the floor. According to the value obtained, the corresponding points are plotted along the entire perimeter. To mark them evenly, it is necessary to use a laser or bubble building level. This stage is very importance, since the evenness of the screed obtained later largely depends on the correct marking.

Installation of beacons

After determining the height level of the screed, guides (or beacons) should be installed. They will be further aligned. The guides are attached to the solution. Lighthouses should be placed in the transverse direction (in width) in increments of approximately 50-60 cm.

Before proceeding to further work, it is worth waiting until the solution on which the guides are attached grabs.

For pouring, you can use a cement-sand or concrete mortar. The mixture is poured between the beacons, and then leveled with a rule or rail. Thus, the entire surface is filled. You need to align with short movements, holding the working tool with a little pressure. You need to work until the screed is completely flush with the beacons. It is recommended to use a large metal spatula to obtain a perfect surface.

After that, the screed is left to dry completely. This may take up to several weeks.

Leveling concrete floor

You can also use the log device to level the floor on the balcony. This method is quite easy to perform on your own, and the production time is much shorter compared to the creation of concrete or cement-sand screed. To carry out the process, you will need plywood (it is better to take a thickness of 20 mm), a drill or a screwdriver, a puncher, wooden beam with a section of 40x40 mm or 30x40 mm, a hacksaw for wood or a hand circular saw, a building level, a tape measure, a pencil, wood screws and dowels.

Walkthrough. Leveling the floor on the loggia along the logs

  1. Foundation preparation. All dirt and dust should be removed. The surface can be additionally treated with a primer, which will protect the surface from destruction and the influence of negative environmental factors.
  2. Determining the level of the leveled base. The process is carried out similarly to the above algorithm: the highest point is determined, according to which marks are made building level.
  3. Waterproofing installation. It is recommended to lay waterproofing between the lags. It can be films, or liquid mastic. Mastic is applied to the surface with a brush. The film is attached with adhesive tape.
  4. Log installation. Logs are installed in increments of 50 cm. The height of the crate must correspond to the marks made. For an even location in low places, bars are placed under the logs. The accuracy of the installation must be constantly checked using the building level. The crate is attached to the base with dowels. Moreover, the deeper the fasteners are installed, the more reliably the bars will hold. Therefore, it is recommended to choose dowels with a length of 80 mm. In order for the crate to serve for a long time, it is recommended to pre-treat the bars with a special protective impregnation. She will provide reliable protection from negative environmental influences.
  5. Plywood laying. Plywood is laid on the crate and attached to it with wood screws (it is recommended to choose fasteners 65 mm long). Hats should be drowned in the thickness of the material. As a rule, sheets need to be cut. For this, the width of the balcony is measured, which is then deposited on plywood. After that, the sheets are cut according to the marks made with a hacksaw for wood or circular saw. When laying, it is necessary to provide a technological gap of 3 cm. Plywood can be replaced with chipboard or OSB (also 20 mm thick). OSB and plywood are of higher quality and more reliable, so it is recommended to choose them.

In some cases, the balcony needs to be insulated. In this case, it is necessary to provide for laying thermal insulation material. Can be used as a heater various materials: foam plastic, mineral wool, bulk materials (expanded clay), foamed polyethylene, etc. It is best to choose foam. It has excellent sound and heat insulation properties, is resistant to various environmental influences, including moisture, is durable, inexpensive, and easy to install.

When insulating the floor, it is imperative to provide for the installation of a waterproofing layer(film or special mastic). In this case, it is necessary to provide for the entry of the material onto the wall to a height of approximately 7-10 cm.

Next, the heater is installed. The fixing method depends on the type of thermal insulation material. The insulation must be laid tightly to each other and to the logs (with the second method of leveling the floor). Joints are recommended to be treated with mastic. Next, a vapor barrier layer is provided. This stage depends on the type of insulation. For example, when using foam, a vapor barrier device is optional.

The final stage is the device of the leveling layer: screed or plywood. Further, the floor on the balcony can be finished with decorative material.

Also, for the insulation of the balcony, it is possible to provide for the installation of the "warm floor" system. This procedure is carried out if the loggia will be used as a room for permanent residence.

Thus, there are two ways to level the floor on the balcony. Each of the methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of a concrete screed is to obtain a strong and durable foundation. This floor will last a very long time. However, this will be ensured if the technology is done correctly. In addition, the arrangement of a cement-sand or concrete screed may require long time to dry. It is not recommended to use this way alignment with wooden floors. Filling the screed can not be done when negative temperature environment.

Alignment by lags is characterized by simplicity and fast speed of the process. And even if something was not done quite right, the defect is easy to fix. When installing the floor on the logs, normal air circulation is ensured, and various communications can be laid under the base. However, compared with a screed, such a base may not last so long. In addition, the strength is an order of magnitude lower than the screed.

Reading 7 min.

The balcony slab is constantly under the influence of destructive factors: sun, rain, wind. Because of this, its gradual destruction occurs. One of the ways to protect the balcony slab is to fill the screed. In addition, a screed is needed to level the slab when insulating the balcony. The quality of the flooring depends on its condition. Since the flooring technology is simple, the work is most often done by hand. Initially, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the existing methods of pouring the screed.

Requirements for a balcony screed

There are some requirements for a balcony screed:

  • light weight. The balcony slab is limited load bearing capacity, so the extra weight can destroy it;
  • durability. Due to a poor-quality base, the floor covering is quickly destroyed. Fulfill frequent repairs on the confined space balconies are very problematic;
  • leveling the surface of the balcony slab;
  • plate strengthening;
  • additional thermal and sound insulation;
  • affordable cost of the mixture for pouring the slab. The mixture should be inexpensive, but of high quality.

Types of screeds

The final covering of a floor keeps within on the filled coupler. There are three filling methods:

  1. Wet

The solution is prepared from cement with sand or gravel, and then poured onto the prepared surface of the balcony slab. The drying process takes about a month. To crystallize the solution, the surface is regularly wetted with water.

  1. Dry

The balcony slab is covered with a layer of expanded clay or other bulk material. Top stacked special materials. Such a screed is quickly mounted, but has a drawback - low stability to moisture. This limits its use for unglazed balconies.

  1. Self leveling

There are special mixtures diluted with water. The leveling of the surface of the plate occurs due to spreading liquid composition mixtures. Such a mass has a limited duration of action, so the laying is carried out in accelerated pace. The mixture must not be laid on a frozen balcony slab. A week later, you can apply a top coat.

Self-levelling compounds are available in several types:

  • cement mixtures with the addition of plasticizers. The composition is intended for rough finishing, when there is a large difference in heights or large defects on the slab;
  • mixtures with gypsum create a base before finishing laying. They are characterized by low resistance to moisture, therefore they are not recommended for use on unglazed balconies.
  • finishing mixes. A transparent or colored floor covering is created. These are epoxy and polyurethane compounds. Liquid 3D coatings are especially attractive.

The balcony slab does not withstand every screed. Due to its weight, wet, dry and self-levelling screed is suitable for the ground floor balcony. Dry and self-leveling screed do not have serious weight, so they are suitable for balconies on any floor.

Preparation for pouring the balcony slab

The technology for preparing the base for any screed is almost the same. Because of great influence on the balcony slab of ambient temperature and humidity, reliable insulation of the finish coating is required. Only a high-quality screed guarantees its safety for a long time.

Read also: Balcony and loggia decoration with terrace board

To save time, sometimes the screed is poured directly onto the existing pavement if it is in satisfactory condition. This is wrong, firstly, the height of the balcony is reduced, and secondly, the strength of the screed is greatly reduced. Only a cleaned plate will ensure a decent condition of the screed.

First of all, all things are taken out of the balcony, and then the baseboards and door frames are removed.

During dismantling, there is a lot of dust and debris, therefore, it is better to work in a respirator, and spray the walls with water from a spray bottle to protect against dust.

The method of cleaning the balcony slab depends on the existing coating.

After inspecting the cleaned slab, it is prepared for pouring with a screed:

  • chips and loose areas of the surface are removed;
  • bare places of the tightening reinforcement of the balcony slab are covered with a primer or paint to protect against corrosion;
  • chipped areas are sealed with cement mortar or glue.

Preparatory work is completed by removing debris and dust with a vacuum cleaner. It is known that with a dusty base, a wet screed is not securely fastened.

At the final stage, the plate is primed. The primer not only removes dust, but also creates an insulating layer. Most often, the primer is applied in two layers. The drying period usually takes up to 8 hours.

Pouring wet screed

Most balconies are filled with wet screed. Choosing this option, it must be borne in mind that a layer thicker than 5 centimeters can destroy the balcony slab. This filling has a drawback - big time drying. For example, a 3 cm thick layer dries completely after three days at normal temperature. In addition, pouring is carried out under certain conditions, since at low temperatures the solution loses its strength.

It is not difficult to prepare a solution: cement, crushed stone and river sand are mixed with water to a concentration of thick sour cream.

The screed is poured in stages:

Residents of modern panel houses know firsthand what an insufficient area of ​​an apartment is. Most people strive for more comfortable living, that is, to increase living space. This can be done through the use of a balcony or loggia. But in most cases, these rooms are cold and not suitable for organizing living space. To make them more comfortable, it is necessary to carry out finishing work, the main of which is the arrangement of the floor on the balcony with your own hands.

How to choose flooring materials

There are the following options for arranging the floor on the balcony, each of which involves the use of special building materials:

Balcony floor made of plywood with insulation

In addition to the above options, it is possible to install a floor heating system. This is the most expensive type of flooring, but it also provides comfortable temperature inside the balcony at any time of the year. Depending on budget and cost utilities, choose water or electric equipment option. In this case, the floors on the balcony must be pre-prepared. That is, it is necessary to carry out waterproofing, insulation, leveling.

Before you make the floor on the balcony with your own hands, you need to purchase necessary materials. If the budget for repairs is small, it is recommended to opt for options such as screed and tiles, concrete base with laminate or linoleum. You can also make insulated wood flooring. If the budget is quite large, then you can not deny yourself anything and equip a balcony according to last word technology.

Underfloor heating system - the most expensive type of floor arrangement on the balcony

On a note! The use of tiles is possible only if the surface is pre-levelled.

Preparatory work

After it has been decided what to make the floor on the balcony from, you can proceed to preparatory work. First of all, it is necessary to remove from the balcony all the furniture, things stored there and everything that can interfere repair work. If there is any flooring or old coating on the floor that has become unusable, it should be removed. Then the plate should be cleaned of fungus and other contaminants, and then covered with a special antiseptic composition to prevent the development of harmful microorganisms.

Dismantling the old flooring on the balcony

Next, you need to check the coating for evenness. To do this, you can use the building level, which is applied in different places throughout the floor area. You can also pre-pour water on the floor to find out uneven places, and then check the level deviation. Most flooring options require screeding. this work includes the following operations:

  1. Installation of beacons. The first step is to draw the floor on the balcony with transverse lines every 60 cm. Then cut the beacons ( metal profiles) along the width of the balcony and install them on dowels and self-tapping screws. Alignment of profiles occurs with the help of the same building level and small wooden or hardboard bars, which are placed under the lighthouses. The products are fixed with cement mortar, they also fill the places where the bars were.
  2. Solution preparation. If a dry mix was purchased, then the preparation of the solution must take place in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. For self-preparation, you need to take 3 parts of sand and 1 part of cement. First, the dry ingredients are mixed, after which water is added. After preparation, it is recommended to let the solution brew and mix again after 15 minutes.
  3. Application of the mixture. The finished solution is applied to the floor with spatulas and leveled, taking into account the beacons. Then flooring leave alone for 2 hours, after which the beacons are removed and the resulting strobes are filled with a solution.
  4. Grout. At the very end, a day after applying the material, the surface is treated sandpaper and then coated with a primer. Then you can proceed to further work on the design of the floor.

How to fill the floor on the balcony without beacons:

The finished surface is primed, after which you can proceed to further finishing work, for example, lay a laminate on the balcony.


Depending on the presence of a thermal insulation layer and the type of material used, different results can be achieved on the balcony. In most cases, before leveling the floor on the balcony completely, a heater is laid that does not change the size of the interior space.

Warming without changing the coating

In this case, we are talking about installing a floor heating system. electric type. Installation is carried out as follows:

  • First of all, foamenol foam insulation is laid over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe balcony.
  • The rolled part of the underfloor heating system is rolled out on the prepared base.
  • The edges of the material adjacent to the wall should be treated with bituminous insulation.
  • On the opposite side, it is necessary to bring the contacts and solder them.
  • All exposed conductive parts must be insulated.
  • The thermostat should be connected to the network, and the temperature sensor should be placed under the heating element, while fixing the wire with tape.
  • A hole is drilled next to the outlet for the control panel and a strobe for connecting the cable.
  • Power is supplied from a nearby outlet.

Important! After all the above actions, a test run of the system should be carried out, and only then the final coating should be laid.

Insulation with a change in floor thickness

The first step is to mark the surface. To do this, draw 3 longitudinal lines with an indent from the walls of 5 cm and from each other by 40-60 cm, depending on the width of the balcony. Then brackets are installed along the lines every 30-40 cm. Wooden bars are mounted in the installed fasteners and fixed with self-tapping screws. After that, the installation of transverse logs is carried out (usually no more than 4 pieces are required, spaced at an equal distance from each other). Installed lags are checked by level, after which mineral wool or penoplex is laid between them. From above, the structure is covered with plywood, which is installed on self-tapping screws in increments of 15 cm.

Penoplex is one of the most popular materials for floor insulation on the balcony.

Arrangement of flooring

The last step in arranging the floor on the balcony is the installation of a finishing coating. There are several ways to carry out this operation, but the most popular is the tiled floor.

Laying tiles

Laying tiles on the balcony begins with the preparation of the mortar. It is recommended to use branded products, as home-made mixes may be too low quality. The prepared solution is applied to the floor with a figured spatula and stretched over the surface. The tiles are pressed to the floor and checked with a building level. Next to it, the next element is laid, and crosses are installed between them, with the help of which the seams will be formed.

Tiles allow you to emphasize the individuality of the balcony interior

In areas near the walls, trimming of the material may be required. To do this, it is better to use a tile cutter, the use of a grinder in this case is traumatic. After installing the entire tile, you must wait a day for the solution to dry, and then fill the seams with a special grout.

Terrace board laying

First, longitudinal logs are installed without rigid fixation, transverse beams are mounted on them, fastened with self-tapping screws. Then, special clips are installed on the transverse boards, which come with the terrace board. The material will be installed in these clamps. The side on which there is a groove is put into clips and so on until the entire roll is lined. The correct installation of each element is checked by the building level.

When laying a terrace board, it is necessary to install logs

Floor painting

First you need to prime the surface. Firstly, the adhesion of the coating will increase significantly, and secondly, paint consumption will decrease. Then the material is poured into a convenient container, a roller is dipped in it and the floor surface is painted over, starting from the far corner. After a few hours, when the paint dries a little, a second coat should be applied. After these procedures, no more work will be done, so you can mount the baseboard. Although some prefer to additionally varnish the floor.

Linoleum laying

A sheet of material is rolled out on the floor and the excess is trimmed. To do this, the edge of the roll is pressed against the wall and cut off just above the floor line to leave a margin. Then the material is removed and a special glue is applied to the surface. Linoleum is again laid on top of the prepared base and pressed firmly to the floor. Further, the entire surface is rolled with a roller, and excess glue is removed with a rag.

Laying linoleum is a fairly simple procedure that does not require special skills.

Installation of laminate or parquet

The first step is to lay a substrate of polyethylene or cork. The material must completely cover the surface to be treated. Fragments of the substrate are fastened with ordinary adhesive tape. Laying parquet or laminate on the balcony starts from the far corner, while the spike should be pressed against the surface of the wall. Then they pick up a row adjacent to the balcony railing.

On a note! Wooden pegs should be inserted into the gap between the wall and the material to form an expansion gap. This gap is necessary so that during the set of moisture, the floor covering does not swell.

Installation of laminate and parquet requires attention and a responsible approach to business


Flood concrete screed and installing flooring on a balcony is quite simple, since its area is small, and the requirements for the quality of the finished coating are lower than for indoor surfaces. The only difficulty that a novice master may encounter is the installation of a warm floor system, so it is better to entrust it to specialists. Everything else can be done on your own, it is only important to follow the above instructions and check the results of the work with the level as often as possible.

The balcony in a new house does not always have a perfectly flat floor, and in old buildings it can be even worse - concrete pavement crumbled or covered with numerous cracks. And then the question arises of how to level the floor on the balcony in order to ennoble and transform this whole room.

If the apartment has a balcony, this is a great success, as it may well expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment, becoming an additional room. An insulated balcony becomes a wonderful greenhouse, a small workshop or even an office where you can place a computer and calmly do your work.

But before the balcony becomes cozy, it needs to be insulated, and effective insulation possible only with aligned and waterproofed floors - with them you need to start work.

If the balcony is open, then you need to level the floor differently, taking into account the decorative coating, the characteristics of which will correspond to the weather conditions of the region.

You can level the floor surface different ways, which will depend on what functions the balcony will perform in the future:

ceramic tiles;

garden parquet;

With the help of log and plywood coating;

Dry or wet screed.

In some cases, insulation for the room is simply necessary, and sometimes it will be redundant. But in any case, before you start leveling the base, it is necessary to carry out preparatory measures.

Leveling the floor on the balcony with a screed

Preparing the base on the open balcony

On an open balcony, the floor surface should not only be leveled, but also have a slight slope so that during rain or snowmelt, water does not accumulate, but flows down into the drainage system. At the same time, the slope must not be too great, otherwise it will be uncomfortable to stand on the floor.

  • If the surface of the open balcony has an old cement screed, it must be dismantled. This must be done very carefully so as not to touch the plate. It is best to carry out this process with a perforator.
  • This tool may also be needed when leveling the floor on closed balcony if you plan to carry out repairs with a wet screed. If you do not remove the old one and lay the new one in accordance with all the rules, these layers will seriously weigh down concrete slab, which should not be allowed, as the balcony may collapse.
  • The slope of the floor from the wall on the open balcony should be from 3 to 5 degrees, if there is no connection between the floor and the fence, then the water will freely flow down the surface.
  • If the floor and wall of the balcony are connected to each other, or a small curb is arranged along the edge of the slab, then you will have to make a drain for water - it can be a small groove along the wall and a drain hole or a PVC screed embedded in a PVC screed - a pipe and a drain ladder anywhere gender. In this case, the slope of the screed should be directed precisely towards the drain hole.
  • But first of all, old concrete and small pebbles are cleaned from the slab, and then the floor is covered with a primer.
  • The next step is to install the formwork around the perimeter of the balcony. The joints between the formwork and the floor must be caulked so that the leveling mortar does not flow down.

The screed is poured

  • A thin wire reinforcement grid is laid on the floor, beacons are installed and fixed on it. On an open balcony, you can’t do without them, since in any case you will have to set the direction of the water to the drain.
  • Beacons are placed along long wall balcony according to the level at which you can immediately determine the slope of the floor.
  • Next, the solution is mixed, from cement and sand. You can add fine expanded clay there, which will make the surface warmer. The mixture should be homogeneous and plastic, have good adhesion.
  • The solution is laid out in parts on the prepared surface 3-5 cm above the beacons and leveled using the rule, which is carried out along the beacons.
  • When the screed is completely finished, it is left to dry, but to make it strong, the concrete is sprayed daily with water.
  • This creates the desired slope of the screed on the open balcony. And, for example, to perfectly level the surface under decorative coating on a glazed balcony, you can use a mixture for a self-leveling floor. Dry compositions of such coatings are sold ready-made and are easily diluted with water to the consistency indicated on the package.

self-leveling floor

The solution should be homogeneous and thin, it is poured in the form of small puddles and spread over the surface of the doctor blade, followed by rolling with a spiked roller. This layer will not make the screed particularly heavy, since its thickness can be only two to three millimeters.

  • On top, you can lay ceramic tiles or garden parquet. Ceramic tile will be an additional protection for the base. If a garden parquet made of thermal wood is used, then water will not be able to stagnate on its surface, passing between the lamellas to the screed, and flowing down along the arranged slope.

An excellent solution for an open or closed balcony - "garden parquet"

Leveling the floor with tiles

If the surface is in good condition and has the desired slope from the wall, but minor cracks and chips have appeared on it, then the floor can be leveled with floor tiles.

Minor surface imperfections can be repaired immediately with ceramic tiles

  • First you need to repair all the damage - this is done as follows:

Cracks and chips are expanded and cleaned of dust, treated with a primer;

    • The tile is laid on glue intended for outdoor work - it is resistant to temperature changes and moisture. It is kneaded into a homogeneous mass, taking into account the requirements of the instructions.

floor tile

  • Glue spread on the surface and spread with a notched trowel. Since the surface uneven, and it must be brought to perfection, glue is often put a little more than necessary. Then a tile is laid on it, the back surface of which is also desirable to be smeared with glue and leveled with a notched trowel. The direction of the furrows when laying should be perpendicular. Calibration crosses or other special devices are installed between the tiles to maintain the thickness of the joints and the laying direction.

Convenient modern devices for maintaining the thickness of the joints and the level of the surface of the tile

  • If excess adhesive comes out between the tiles, then it must be removed. The seams must be hollow, since after the glue dries they must be sealed with a moisture-resistant grout - fugue.

Before grouting, the leveling elements are removed - they are carefully knocked down with a rubber mallet or simply with a foot.

Leveling the floor on a closed balcony

Usually, they start leveling the floor on a closed balcony when it is decided to insulate the entire room. This task is more complex and laborious, but the apartment will expand by one more room.

Alignment in combination with insulation can be done in several ways:

  • The cracks in the floor, found after a thorough cleaning, are first expanded, and then sealed with a plastic cement mortar or also with a sealant.
  • After the material dries, the excess must be cut off.
  • Then, it is recommended to install a damper tape along the entire perimeter along the walls if you plan to lay any type of screed.
  • The next step is to lay waterproofing sheets. It may consist of the usual polyethylene film of large thickness or roofing material, which is glued to bituminous mastic.
  • Waterproofing must be raised on the walls the height of the future insulation and leveling system.
  • We must not forget that the waterproofing material must be laid hermetically, preferably without joints. If it is impossible to do without joints, then the material is overlapped by 10-15 cm and the joint is sealed with construction tape or, in the case of roofing material, surfacing.

Alignment with log

With the help of a log, you can simply level the base, or you can combine it with insulation and raising the floor to a certain height.

  • The joists can be fixed directly to the base or raised with special devices. To date, there are many types of such elements on sale.
  • If it is decided to raise the coating from the base, then an accurate measurement of this level must be carried out. Usually the floors are leveled along the concrete threshold of the balcony door.
  • To raise the log, adjustable fasteners are used - these are metal studs, stands, holders or studs made of plastic. All these elements are threaded, which helps to raise one of the sides to the desired height above the concrete slab.
  • First, lags are installed along the walls, at a distance of 80 - 100 mm, since it is necessary to lay insulation material between them.
  • Having installed and fixed to the base of the stand with lags, they adjust the level by raising or lowering to the desired height, aligning the two lags with each other in the longitudinal and transverse directions.
  • Further, in the same way, one or two middle logs are installed and they are adjusted in height to the side ones.
  • Any insulation can be used: fill in expanded clay, lay one or even several layers mineral wool or foam.

expanded clay

  • The coating, laid on aligned logs, will make the floor perfectly flat. The logs are covered with thick plywood or massive boards.

Any selected decorative coating is laid on top of the plywood. Under it, if desired, you can even mount an infrared film for underfloor heating. In this case, it is convenient because the heating is turned on as needed, which helps not to waste electricity.

Leveling with extruded polystyrene foam

Extruded polystyrene foam has a high density (about 45 kg / m³), ​​so it can be used to level the surface of the balcony floor.

  • For prepared waterproofed the surface is laid with expanded polystyrene mats of the selected thickness.
  • Along the perimeter of the gap between the insulation and the walls close up mounting foam to form an almost airtight layer.
  • On top of the insulation, it is desirable to lay another layer of waterproofing made of polyethylene film or roofing felt. The second material is preferable, as it is denser and harder to damage with reinforcing material.
  • A reinforcing mesh is laid on the waterproofing material with cells from 50 to 100 mm.
  • If the balcony has a traditional rectangular shape, then along its length, along the walls, metal guides are installed - beacons. They must be installed at the same height, and on the thickness of the future screed, which can be from 30 to 50 mm.
  • Next, on the surface area is placed concrete mix above beacons by 20 - 30 mm. The solution for it should have a thick consistency.
  • As a rule, the solution is leveled and slightly rammed down, since it must occupy the entire thickness from the reinforcement to the height of the beacons.
  • The leveled screed is left to harden and mature. Starting from day 2, it is regularly moistened with water - thanks to this procedure, the screed will gain proper strength and will not crack.
  • Any decorative coating can be laid on the finished frozen screed.
  • If the surface of the screed is too porous, it can be ennobled with a self-leveling floor, and the desired coating can be placed on top.

Dry screed leveling

This way to level the floor on the balcony is becoming more and more popular due to the ease of installation and the speed of work.

  • A special mixture of expanded clay of fine fraction can be poured onto a base with arranged hermetic waterproofing. The layer of material can be from 50 to 100 mm. However, it should be remembered that if the thickness is more than 60 mm, then an additional layer of sheet material will have to be laid approximately in the middle.
  • Beacons can also be installed along the walls and raised to the desired height. The embankment is made above the beacons, the excess material is removed by the rule when leveling.
  • , stack gypsum fiber panels with special locking parts, with the help of which the plates are assembled into a single canvas. The joints are smeared with glue, and then, after laying, they are twisted with self-tapping screws.

dry floor

  • If the second layer of expanded clay will be laid, then the intermediate flooring from gypsum fiber panels must be connected to the wall with sealant. It will not allow particles of expanded clay embankment to get into the joint between the wall and the panels.
  • Further, beacons are again installed to the thickness of the second layer of the screed, and a new batch of expanded clay is poured out, which is also leveled and covered with slabs. The evenness of the surface should be controlled using the building level.
  • The gaps between the wall and the plates must again be sealed with sealant, and after it hardens, cut off the excess.
  • On top of the plates, you can lay any decorative coating, under which you can easily mount a warm infrared floor.

A dry screed is not only easy and quick to install, making the floor even - it is an environmentally friendly design that does not emit any harmful fumes.

Video: a visual lesson on a dry screed device on a balcony or loggia

Starting the repair of the balcony, you can not do without leveling the floor surface. Information about existing ways carrying out work will help you choose the one that is more suitable for its characteristics, materials used and price parameters.