Is it possible to glue wallpaper on old wallpaper. Finishing walls, ceilings with wet (liquid) wallpaper According to the composition, liquid wallpaper is divided into

  • 29.08.2019

Decided to make repairs and paste wallpaper? It's time to decide how best to prepare the surface for pasting and whether it is possible to glue wallpaper on various surfaces.

  • The first thing that can happen to old wallpaper is that it will get wet from the glue and fall off along with the freshly glued ones. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a test: smear a small piece of wallpaper on the wall and see what happens. If they are covered with bubbles, delaminate or peel off, then it is better, nevertheless, to clean the walls and carry out pasting on the prepared walls.
  • Do not glue wallpaper if there is a base with a convex relief on the walls, this will negatively affect the second layer of wallpaper.
  • The wallpaper that is glued on top should be a few shades darker.
  • Glue all the places where the wallpaper has moved away from the wall or the seams have parted.

What types of wallpaper should not be glued on top of each other:

  • It is not advisable to choose non-woven wallpaper for the top layer, as they have a slightly transparent structure;
  • For the top layer, it is better to choose paper-based wallpaper.

For water based paint

If you are tired of walls painted with water-based paint, then it is quite possible to decorate the interior by pasting the walls with new wallpaper.

Should I clean the surface of the paint?

If the paint adheres well to the wall, then it is quite possible to paste over already painted walls.

Stick to a few simple rules, and you will quickly and easily update your interior:

  • the first - it is necessary to sand the walls painted with water-based paint;
  • if in some places the paint lags behind, it is better to clean it off with a spatula or an ax;
  • then prime the wall;
  • putty bumps, sand, and apply primer again;
  • wallpaper can be glued.

On liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper is a good modern finishing material. But, if you decide to replace them with ordinary ones, then it is quite possible to paste over the walls without removing the old ones. Liquid wallpaper is a kind of decorative cellulose-based plaster, so it can serve as an excellent base for wallpapering.

Tips for wallpapering a wall that has already been covered with liquid wallpaper:

  • First, you need to check if the layer of liquid wallpaper is damaged. If there are shortcomings, they should be corrected.
  • For better adhesion, prime the wall.
  • If liquid wallpaper has a relief structure or patterns, this may adversely affect top layer ordinary wallpaper.

On drywall

Wallpaper should not be glued directly onto unprepared drywall. There are a number of reasons for this:

  • The glue is very quickly absorbed into the cardboard and it is unlikely that it will be possible to evenly distribute the wallpaper over the surface.
  • Through light wallpaper (especially non-woven) can be seen through dark color drywall.
  • In the future, when it becomes necessary to replace the wallpaper, it will be almost impossible to dismantle the old ones from the plasterboard wall without violating its integrity.

Therefore, it would be most advisable to carry out, which include:

  • drywall primer;
  • sealing drywall joints, using a special mesh tape, for the reliability of the seam;
  • processing with a putty mixture of the place of attachment of self-tapping screws;
  • applying putty on the entire wall (2-3 layers);
  • surface grinding using, first, a coarse-grained mesh, and then a fine-grained one, for a smoother surface;
  • wallpaper primer.

For whitewashing

Whitewash itself is the worst reason under wallpaper. It has a porous structure, due to which the glue is quickly absorbed into the wall, and the wallpaper simply will not be taken. Or the whitewash will get wet and fall off along with the wallpaper.

It is necessary to remove whitewash:

  1. From a construction sprayer, we apply a layer of water to the surface and wait until the surface gets wet and swells;
  2. With a spatula, scrape off the whitewash to the base;
  3. We wash the surface with a rag or sponge;
  4. After drying, the walls must be treated with a primer;
  5. Fill with putty all the bumps and sand these places;
  6. Prime the walls for wallpapering.

For plaster

Cement plaster is a rough surface finish and is not intended for direct wallpapering. It is necessary to pre-carry out putty work, and then paste over the wall.

But, if you, nevertheless, decide to glue the wallpaper on the plaster, you should follow a few tips.

What is worth considering when we glue the wallpaper on the plaster:

  • Clean the surface from dust and crumbling elements;
  • The plaster has a coarse-grained surface, so very thin, structureless wallpapers will not work;
  • The wall will have to be primed in several layers;
  • Apply glue to wallpaper and wall.

Consider all the above tips, and your repair will pass without problems and troubles. And the updated interior will delight every day. Happy renovation!

On what surface can liquid wallpaper be applied? Getting started on the repair and construction, you need to strictly plan it. This refers to the existence of an estimate of expenses, a list necessary materials and tools. Strict planning and calculation will help to reduce the time of its implementation and improve the quality.

Surface before sticking liquid wallpaper need to align and remove all minor defects.

You can do it yourself at home. It's not too much hard work. The availability of tools and materials, knowledge of application technology, maximum accuracy in work - these are the components of success. Since wallpaper is applied to various surfaces, the technology for applying them is also different.

How to prepare walls and ceilings for wallpapering

Work surfaces must be cleaned as they contain material residues. Liquid wallpaper has water in its composition, it can be absorbed into an uncleaned surface and give stains and stains. But it doesn't end there.

This concept includes compaction and leveling with a primer, which, in addition, performs a protective function. It is desirable to apply it in three layers in order to obtain smooth surface, and bring the places where there are depressions with a primer to the level of the main sections.

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Preparing walls for renovation

For walls that have already been putty, concrete or brick surfaces, one technology is used. The fact is that these surfaces are highly absorbent of liquids, so applying them even a large number paint has no effect.

To achieve it, it is necessary to get rid of irregularities with the help of a gypsum mixture. Then prime and paint the surface twice.

The primer, in case of its absence, can be replaced with a mixture of paint and PVA glue in a ratio of 1 to 2. Then putty is performed. The mixture must be freshly prepared, at least 0.5 mm thick, so that defects do not appear under it. Surfaces should be painted three times to avoid moisture penetration.

How to prepare a base from bare concrete in unsatisfactory condition?

Particular attention should be paid to the base of bare concrete, which has a high degree of wear. It needs to be plastered cement mortar, which will create a protective layer for old peeling walls.

Preparing the walls of worn-out old-style rooms for applying liquid wallpaper.

These walls are problematic in the sense that the quality of the materials from which they were made is called into question. Applying liquid wallpaper on them without prior preparation is fraught with a decrease in the quality of work due to the possibility of stains and stains of unknown properties appearing on them.

It follows from this that the preliminary cleaning and protection of the base, which has already been mentioned above, must be especially thorough.

For this purpose, the working surface is first treated with impregnation or primer, then two more layers of primer are applied, and only after that the surface is painted over.

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Plasterboard wall preparation

When applying putty to walls, keep in mind that it is applied to all surfaces, and not just to the joints to which gypsum concrete is attached to the walls. This is necessary so that the joints do not stand out from the general surface of the walls.

After the walls are dry, they must be covered with a protective layer of white paint, as the putty is not a waterproof agent.

If you used gypsum putty, then PVA glue should be added to the water-based paint in a ratio of 1 to 3.

If the partitions were installed using black self-tapping screws, then rust may appear on them from moisture over time, which will spoil the appearance of the wall covered with liquid wallpaper. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully prime the joints and self-tapping screws with putty or oil paint.

Particular attention should be paid to places where water flowed, which in former times were processed blue vitriol. Such places must be treated with paint.

How to prepare wooden surfaces to apply liquid wallpaper?

Wooden products of all kinds are deformed, so they need a high-quality protective layer, consisting of antiseptic treatment, primer and putty.

How is the preparation for applying liquid wallpaper of walls painted with paints of different shades?

This wall design was in vogue in the recent past. To prepare such walls for applying liquid wallpaper, it is necessary to putty them gypsum mixtures then paint facade paint, add PVA to it in a ratio of 1 to 3.

Occupying more than 50% of all efforts preparatory work various types surfaces have been carried out. The walls are reliably protected from moisture penetration into the area where liquid wallpaper will be applied. Now you need to correctly prepare the mixture and start applying them to the walls.

Before gluing the wall, it must be properly primed.

in container required dimensions pour out a mixture of liquid wallpaper, after thoroughly stirring it so that the lumps disappear. Then, having carefully studied the instructions for diluting the mixture, we combine it with water.

Remember that the water should not be hotter than 30 ° C, and the ratio of water and paint is in the proportion of 6 liters of water per 1 kg of wallpaper.

You need to combine the mixture in the following order: first, decorative additives, in particular sparkles, are poured out, then the main part, that is, the mixture with wallpaper, is mixed with water with thorough stirring.

Then the resulting mixture without air, in a container tied with cellophane, or in a cellophane bag is left for 12 hours. After the set time, the mixture should acquire the consistency of a thick dough.

Liquid wallpaper - very unusual material, with which you can create grooved, stone-like or fleecy surfaces. But it is necessary to adapt to such a composition - there are some subtleties in its application.

Types of liquid wallpaper

Traditional liquid wallpaper has little to do. Rather, they are reminiscent decorative plaster. But if the latter requires additional finishing, then liquid wallpaper is useless - immediately after drying, they look unusually impressive and resemble thick felt in structure.

The composition of this material includes gelatin, pieces of oak bark, mica chips, cotton, algae and silk. Often it includes metallic gold or silver threads. They can decorate both walls and ceilings. On sale there are ready-made liquid mixtures or powdered materials that require dilution with water. If desired, ornaments or patterns can be applied to liquid wallpaper, the material can be mixed with colored pigments and decorated with stucco decorations on top.

The surface of liquid wallpaper is grainy, resembling stone or felt

The composition of liquid wallpaper is divided into:

Silk: the most expensive, with a high content of pieces of silk threads;

Cotton: can contain up to 98% organic cotton;

Cellulose: are much cheaper than silk and cotton, consist of wood products.

Advantages and disadvantages of liquid wallpaper

We briefly list the main advantages of this material:

Lack of seams: the wall looks integral, without joints, typical for classic wallpapers;

Soft wallpaper has an excellent sound-absorbing and heat-insulating effect;

Since they hold on very firmly, are not afraid of drafts and do not move away from the wall, they can cover any curved surfaces;

Dust does not stick to a material with a minimum electric charge; during long-term use, walls and ceilings can be easily

You can use it even in unheated rooms: it is absolutely not afraid of temperature changes;

Since liquid wallpaper does not shrink, they are quite suitable for finishing new buildings;

You can stick them on any surface: concrete, plaster, drywall, metal, wood, paint and even plywood;

High aesthetics: with the help of this material, you can create interiors in a variety of styles;

When contaminated, stains can be quickly removed with a stain remover;

Maintainability: in case of damage to a separate section, it is only necessary to dilute the composition in water and repair the pieces that have come off with a solution; after drying, this place will be completely invisible.

Repairing a damaged surface is very easy

To the minus of liquid wallpaper low moisture resistance can be attributed - they are not intended for a bathroom, sauna or bath. However, to reduce the absorption of moisture, they can be additionally coated with acrylic. The second disadvantage is the high price. The cost of packaging, which is enough for 3-7 square meters. m, depending on the composition, it can be 400-2000 rubles. But if you wish, you can make liquid wallpaper yourself from finely shredded paper with the addition of pieces of thread.

Applying liquid wallpaper in stages:

1. Before pasting, the surface is cleaned of the remnants of the previous wallpaper, the protruding caps of dowels, nails are removed and carefully leveled.

2. If the walls were painted with acrylic with the addition of colored pigments, they must be treated with a primer so that the dye does not show through. primed it is also necessary to have porous surfaces that can absorb moisture from the solution - concrete, wood, plaster, etc.

3. The dry mix looks like colored sawdust. Before you start mixing it with water, you should carefully study the instructions. Each manufacturer may have their own nuances in the preparation of the solution.

4. The composition is mixed with warm water, its temperature should not exceed 40°C. You will have to mix large particles with liquid only with your hands - it will not work perfectly with any tool. And the fragile particles that make up the wallpaper can be damaged.

5. The resulting solution must be such that when the spatula is tilted, it does not flow down the wall.

Manual mixing

6. If necessary, gradually add to the solution dye. Since the mixture brightens when it dries, it is worth experimenting by choosing a shade on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall.

7. The resulting solution must be insisted for 12 hours.

8. When applying it to the wall, the spatula or grater should be placed under small (15°С) angle to the surface.

The spatula is at an angle

9. After applying the mixture, it can be rolled with a roller so that it adheres better to the wall.

10. It is very convenient to work with a hopper - a special gun in the form of a ladle, designed for applying plaster or liquid wallpaper, or with a spray gun. To obtain a corrugated surface, use a brush or roller.

Depending on the tool used, you can get different types surfaces

11. The mixture is applied from top to bottom corners soft circular motions. You should not hesitate - with prolonged smoothing, the cooling surface will become uneven.

Wallpaper is applied in a circular motion

12. To master the technique, you have to practice. But after drying, the solution can be scraped off the wall and soaked again, so you won’t spoil too much material in the process of mastering the application methods.

Working with a spatula

13. The surface dries depending on the composition of the mixture and the temperature in the room for about 48-72 hours. If ordinary wallpapers are afraid of drafts, then liquid ones dry out better with good air exchange. Therefore, in the room where they were pasted, for this time it is necessary to open all the vents or even windows.

14. The remaining liquid wallpaper in the package will be useful for repairing damage (unless, of course, this becomes necessary).

Volumetric image created using liquid wallpaper

Advice! When applying liquid wallpaper to the ceiling, the mixture is prepared a little thicker than recommended by the manufacturer. Otherwise, the solution will drain.

Is it possible to make high-quality liquid wallpaper yourself?

At proper preparation composition, you can get a completely worthy replacement for expensive liquid wallpaper. We will need:

PVC glue (it can be replaced with bustilat or CMC - cellulose glue);

Gypsum or acrylic-based plaster - they will act as a binder;

Antiseptic to protect material that can absorb moisture from fungus;

Color pigment (color), it can be on any basis;

Finely shredded cardboard, paper or newspapers;

To enhance the effect, you can add sequins and cut threads of silk, lavsan, polyester or cotton to the composition - almost any fabric will do; the length of bright threads is 5-7 cm - in this case they will look more impressive; the optimal amount of tissue in the composition of 10%;

When mineral chips are added to the mixture, the surface will turn out to be corrugated.

So, let's move on to creating a mixture:

We remove metal clips and staples from waste paper, otherwise rusty spots will appear on the walls;

The paper is finely chopped with a knife or scissors, and then filled with water (5 liters of water are needed for 1 kg of waste paper);

After it is soaked (it will take 3-5 hours), we carefully grind the mass with a drill with a mixer; outwardly, it should look like boiled semolina without lumps;

Add glue (200 ml per 1 kg) and plaster or gypsum (10 tablespoons will be needed per kilogram);

When adding color, it is pre-diluted with water.

Advice! If the creation of colored "veins" is required, thick paint is added; it is not necessary to mix it too much in this case.

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Video: How to apply liquid wallpaper

Is it possible to liquid wallpaper... and other answers

Liquid wallpaper can apply on what and how, can liquid wallpaper be glued to the ceiling, painted and washed. These and other answers to questions about liquid wallpaper in our article.

Is it possible to apply liquid wallpaper on the ceiling?

Liquid wallpaper can be applied to the ceiling. The adhesive already included in the composition is reliable and will easily stick the material. The surface is also first primed with Silk Plaster primer, after which it can be applied. Liquid wallpaper is rubbed on the ceiling with a plastic trowel.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper on liquid wallpaper?

Liquid wallpaper can be glued over old liquid wallpaper. In this case, we first recommend painting the wall with white water-based paint. Simple paper wallpaper do not stick on top. Firstly, the texture of the wall is not even enough and will be visible under the canvas, and secondly, the glue will be absorbed into the liquid wallpaper and soak them. Therefore, it is more correct to remove the old liquid wallpaper (by soaking it with water), then prepare the surface for rolling.

Can liquid wallpaper be applied over paint?

Only on white water-based paint. Color may show through or distort the color you choose. White high-pressure paint, on the contrary, after drying, will give a uniform coating, and a slight roughness of the paint will facilitate rubbing liquid wallpaper on the wall.

Is it possible to paint liquid wallpaper and with what?

Most often, there is simply no need for this, because. All colors are presented in our catalog. If you want to make your own unusual color, you can buy a water-based color and add it in equal proportions when kneading. The result depends only on your imagination. We recommend experimenting on a small area so that it is easier to fix later.

Can I use liquid wallpaper on drywall and plaster?

Yes, you can. On plaster - the wall is covered with Silk Plaster primer, after which it can be applied. On drywall - the entire surface is puttied with a thin layer, after which the wall is painted with white high-pressure paint (despite the fact that the wall is already light), this will strengthen the water resistance. If the screws on which the drywall was mounted are not deep enough, it is better to pre-treat the heads with oil paint.

Can liquid wallpaper be washed?

Like ordinary paper, liquid wallpaper is afraid of abundant moisture, as they contain cellulose, silk and cotton. In other words, everything that gets wet. However, there is an easy way out. If you use this coating in the corridor, in the kitchen or other areas where the walls are regularly dirty, then after application, cover the liquid wallpaper with acrylic varnish. It is also sold with us, there is a matte and glossy varnish. With them, you can wash liquid wallpaper by wiping with a damp cloth. Also, the walls will not retain odors. In the bedroom, living room and other rooms where the likelihood of dirt is low, this is not necessary.

Liquid wallpaper is a universal material. It applies easily, lasts a long time and has incredible decorative characteristics. For aesthetic purposes appearance fillers in the form of granules, sparkles and dyes are added to the composition of the wallpaper. The finished mixture is dry fine flakes, soluble in water, which form a relief or smooth coating on the surface. The main advantage of liquid wallpaper is that it can be applied to any surface, it is important that it is well prepared.

Wall preparation

The walls must be made as even as possible, they are heterogeneous in composition, and on the surface there may be remnants of the old coating, glue, putty, self-tapping screws and screws. Applying liquid wallpaper to an uncleaned, wet or uneven wall will cause rust, streaks and yellow spots to appear on it over time.

Important! It is possible to level the surface with liquid wallpaper in layers no more than 3 mm thick, otherwise pits will form and all flaws will appear.

Before working with the material, the wall is painted with a substrate (primer concentrate) in 2-3 layers to protect the wallpaper from everything on the wall and inside it. It is better to choose a substrate that is odorless and quick-drying. The first layer is strongly absorbed into the wall and there is no effect from it, so the painting should be uniform, without “bald spots”.

  • removal of old coating, wallpaper glue, nails;
  • wall cleaning;
  • primer treatment;
  • painting the wall with white paint in two layers;
  • the rust left after the nails is covered with a special paint.

Rules for working with a painted wall

Liquid wallpaper can be applied to painted walls. If you take into account some rules, the result will be very good. First - to remove rust on the wall water-based paint not suitable, because through it the yellowness will eventually appear again. Oil or nitro paint for walls is not the best solution, they will not "breathe". For better adhesion to liquid wallpaper, PVA glue is added to the paint in a small amount.

Without preliminary preparation, liquid wallpaper will not stick to a painted wall. Before applying, you need to check how firmly the paint sits - whether it peels off. If there is plaster under it, the wall needs to be tapped and checked to see if it is lagging behind. On the problem area, when tapping, a booming sound will be heard. Identified defects must be repaired immediately to avoid problems in the future.

If the paint and plaster are holding well, you will need a quartz primer to treat the surface before applying the liquid wallpaper. Such a primer increases the adhesion of the finishing material and helps to distribute it more easily. Wallpaper adheres to a highly absorbent wall, so the painted surface must be roughened. To do this, use a primer paint with quartz sand. Processing is best done with a wide brush, and not with a roller.

If the wall is covered with oil paint or another glossy layer, then it is as smooth as possible. Sandpaper will help to make it rough for better adhesion.

Advice! The thickness of the superimposed layer must be adjusted, for this the tilt of the spatula is used. The stronger the blade is pressed against the plane, the sharper the angle and the thicker the layer. facing material and vice versa. At a higher angle of the mixture, more will be cut off.

On what surface can liquid wallpaper be applied:

  • "bare" concrete;
  • brick plastered wall;
  • wall with putty;
  • wood, including fiberboard, MDF and plywood;
  • places with protruding metal parts;
  • painted surfaces.

Important! The color of the walls painted different colors, needs to be compared. Liquid wallpaper over white paint will be lighter and brighter, while on dark paint it will be dimmer and darker.

Application to plaster and whitewash

It is impossible to apply liquid wallpaper on whitewash. It is not enough, as many believe, to cover such walls with a primer. Lime surfaces are highly saturated with moisture and begin to crumble, yellow spots appear. Therefore, the coating is sanded completely to the base material, then oil-phthalic paint or a waterproof primer is applied to the wall.

Many people wonder whether it is possible to apply liquid wallpaper on plaster - not only is it possible, but this is the most suitable medium for intermolecular effects. Plaster is a mineral surface and the finishing material “sticks” to it very well. However, the coating must also be leveled with a special mortar consisting of cement with sand, rotband and putty.

Depending on the composition of the plaster itself, it can absorb a lot of moisture, so it is first treated in 3-5 layers with a primer in order to close all the pores for sure. The crumbling plaster needs to be removed to the firm basis.

Concrete walls are puttied with a gypsum binder before priming. Water-soluble primer lays down quite well on them.

Working with wood flooring

Can liquid wallpaper be applied to plywood? The answer will be unequivocally "no", if it is not processed by anything. Plywood is wooden material, to which excess contact with moisture is highly undesirable, and liquid wallpaper contains a lot of water. Otherwise, the finishing material will simply delaminate and peel off, and the tree will begin to swell. Therefore, applying it to an unprepared surface may result in peeling, a change in the structure of the plywood itself.

Laminated sheets are covered with primer paint with abrasive chips before applying liquid wallpaper. This will help to achieve, if not perfect adhesion to the surface, then very high quality. Alkyd enamel is applied to non-laminated boards, then a primer layer.

Interesting! According to some experts, plywood in direct contact with liquid wallpaper will greatly decrease in area. From the side of the wallpaper, the sheet bends inward.

The easiest way to verify everything that has been said is to conduct an experiment on thin sheet plywood and see what will happen to it and how the finish itself will look.

What you need to know about applying liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper can be applied on almost any surface, including deformable ones (chipboard, plasterboard, plywood, fiberboard), but not on peeling paint, lime, greasy or oil stains. Defective areas are treated with scrapers, special washes for paintwork materials. The main requirement for the surface is the interchangeability of the product, that is, good adhesion, and for this it will be necessary to compare the main components.

The video shows how to prepare the walls before applying liquid wallpaper:

Liquid wallpaper covers small irregularities well. They will ideally lay down on carefully rubbed plaster. The processed plane should be without waves; small cracks and scratches are allowed. In rooms with high humidity work with such finishing material not very comfortable. The temperature in the room must not exceed +40°C.