Why dream dark blue. I dreamed of a blue color - interpretation from various dream books

  • 20.09.2019

Not the most favorable tone that a person can dream of. Usually it is associated with melancholy, a gloomy state of mind, especially dark shades, ugly and dirty. And only bright colors, reminiscent of starry sky, are considered favorable, tuning in to daydreaming and love.

If you want to understand what a beautiful aquamarine shade is dreaming of, pay attention to clothes, different tones, and how much of this shade was in a dream. Usually blue and dark bluish tones rarely predict you auspicious events. This is what it means to see things, backgrounds or walls of this shade.

General meaning of blue

Usually dreams are black and white, color, and light and warm tones predominate in them. Seeing a cornflower blue in a dream in large numbers, unless it is associated with shades of the sky - always an unfavorable sign.

Especially when it became predominant in the dream. Pay attention to what exactly was painted in the tonality of the sky, and what feelings this object or thing evoked.

Miller writes that the predominance of tones of the night sky or dirty shades is an unfavorable sign that predicts suffering, depression, betrayal, or coldness in a relationship with a loved one.

The dream interpretation writes that the most favorable dreams with a predominance of a blue hue are flowers, sky and water. If you dreamed of irises, forget-me-nots, lilies or blue delphiniums, this is a sign of pleasant memories, tenderness and nostalgia.

Holding bouquets of these flowers in your hands is a good sign. Despite the loneliness, you will be happy, glad of the circumstances and will be able to find a use for yourself even among those whom you do not understand.

Girl receiving a bouquet as a gift blue flowers or to see a pot of hydrangea of ​​this tone - to surprise. And if a loved one gave blue roses, it means that he will try to surprise you greatly, but his pretentiousness is more likely to scare than cause positive emotions.

This is due to the fact that roses of this tone are practically never found in natural conditions. It is for this reason that receiving blue roses as a gift, even if you really liked it, is an unfavorable sign. They mean the cooling of relations, disappointments and tears.

If you were presented with blue irises, a dream means that you will soon find out unusual news. Giving someone a sky-colored iris is a spiritual joy.

It is good to see a clear blue sky or the blue color of the night if you like the shade. A dream predicts calmness, joy, happiness and a favorable combination of circumstances.

If the skies began to turn blue during daylight hours, beware of a cooling relationship. But when clouds or a beautiful bright rainbow appeared in it, this is an auspicious sign.

Expect unexpected joy, a gift, or good news about a person who is interesting to you, although he treats the dreamer with coldness.

Syn ne stars, lights in large numbers dream of depression, depression and trouble. But if among them you see lights of golden or red color, this good sign.

The dream interpretation writes that such a dream predicts joy, an early deliverance from anxieties and troubles.

But if a magical blue tint, animation or illumination captivates, expect mystical events. Especially when a pregnant woman had such a dream.

Marine shades

A deep ocean of blue tone dreams of coldness, indifference of loved ones and inner strength to overcome all trials. If a woman has such a dream, she will be healthy, but will suffer due to misunderstanding, alienation.

Look into the dark blue sea, see the depth of cold and clear water and notice in it marine life- good sign. You will find the strength within yourself to overcome life's various trials and tribulations, as you will enjoy good health. For patients, such a dream predicts recovery.

A dream in which you see a blue but opaque sea is less favorable. Books write that you will be very worried about unpleasant news from afar. The darker it is, the worse the news that you will recognize.

However, to see the sea and the river on a sunny day of a beautiful shade in summer is a good sign. You will receive good news that will please and help you to accept in difficult circumstances the right decision. The meaning of sleep is preserved at other times of the year.

Swim in a cool source of water in the heat - to recover from illness. But if in the cold you fell into a lake or a hole in the ice, beware of a cold.

This dream is always unfavorable, although some people may dream of a sobering of feelings, insight and sobriety.

Especially if they abuse alcoholic beverages or love a certain person to the point of insanity.

It happens that people see a beautiful shade of a blue pool with a pleasant tone of water, drink mineral water from a bottle of a pleasant color. Why is this dreaming? The dream book writes that after a period of setbacks, you can relax.

It is favorable if the dreamer drinks any pleasant liquid from blue dishes, eat fresh food. It is good to swim on a blue mattress, float or circle.

This dream predicts you relaxation and enjoyment.

But if in clean water It turned out to be an ordinary blue for linen, this is an unfavorable sign. The dream interpretation writes that your peace of mind will be poisoned by unpleasant news.

Eye and hair color, body and food

Blue eyes mean inner purity, love and detachment. If you dreamed of a person with a beautiful blue tint of eyes, expect from him good advice, good news. This is a sign of spiritual help and trust.

But if the shade of blue eyes was very cold, unpleasant and burning, you can put an end to communication with this person. The dream interpretation writes that you will be amazed by his indifference and coldness.

Seeing blue hair in a dream - bad sign. If you dreamed of such a person, then the dream means that you will worry about his unpredictable and incomprehensible behavior.

If a familiar girl began to dye her hair in such a color, she will try to stand out from the crowd with some unusual act. Sometimes a dream predicts unpleasant events, a scandal or tears for you.

It is bad if the skin of a dreaming person turns blue or bruised. This is unnatural and can predict illness or a state of depression, both for the one who had such a dream, and for the one who had a hematoma.

The predominance of blue on the body indicates that the dreamer is unpleasant to the dreamer. If these were not bruises, but paint from clothes, then the one you trusted before is most likely lying and exaggerating his troubles.

If the blueness from the body goes away, and the skin takes on a normal appearance, then the dream book writes that this dream predicts joy, recovery from an illness, and pleasant events. Pay attention to exactly where the hematomas were located.

The organs located in these parts of the body are responsible for the senses and vital areas. For example, bruises in the region of the heart mean that a person is offended and suffering, unhappy in love. If they pass, then the negative heart attachment will also pass.

When you dreamed of a blue cat or dog, then this dream does not mean anything, except that the dreamer is abusing watching horror films and computer games.

A whale of this shade or any other fish means that you will face the unexpected. A dreaming blue snake predicts an unusual danger or a strange situation, but a spider or any insect portends fear, a strong fright.

If you dreamed of animals of a blue or blue hue, then they usually prophesy troubles, fears, illnesses and disappointments, except for some. These include birds and butterflies.

A blue or blue parrot, a canary, or an ultramarine bird that brings good luck predict unusual events, joy or news that will surprise you greatly.

And the bright blue color of the butterfly predicts a pleasant acquaintance for men, communication with a creative, but a little frivolous nature. AT women's dreams the appearance of a blue butterfly predicts rapidly changing events, feelings and receiving a gift.

Most Popular Items

Blue shoes dream of an unusual incident or a person who has some kind of strangeness, unusualness. Although much depends on the characteristics of boots, sandals, shoes, their attractiveness and beauty.

If you dreamed of a beautiful shade of suede ankle boots, shoes or open sandals on high heels, expect an unusual occurrence. Men dream of such a dream to the coldness and indifference of their beloved woman.

For a girl to choose or steal blue boots of a pleasant shade - see you soon. Such a dream predicts communication with a coldish person.

To put them on or take them to vilify - to surprise. The dream interpretation writes that this dream predicts good news, joy and happiness in your personal life.

It is especially favorable to see shades close to cornflower blue or ink tones.

A blue dress, especially a bright color, indicates ostentatious indifference and defiant behavior. It is possible that you yourself will cool off towards a person in such an outfit.

If a girl dreamed that her girlfriend put on this dress for a holiday, then she would surprise her with her behavior, coldness and indifference.

Blue tones, reminiscent of dark grapes, indicate mystery or a desire to hide. If blue was only a flower on clothes or a bag, expect bad news.

The dream book writes that you may face betrayal or adversity.

Blue clothes for winter dream of surprise. Too cold tones indicate indifference to you and severe coldness, anger.

A blue sweater dreams of a break in relations, callousness and resentment. The darker its shade, the stronger this feeling will be.

For a man to see his beloved in indigo underwear predicts coldness and deceit. Possible cooling of feelings and resentment.

If the blue girl had only a bag, the dream book writes that this predicts trouble. It is possible that she does not think about the material side of the matter and is distinguished by indifference to everyone and everything.

Watching a blue coffin in a dream is a fright. A car of this color means that you will learn some secret. Becoming the owner of a car the color of a storm or the night sky is a sign of calm and that you will stop worrying about something.

Painting walls or things with blue paint is a sign of depression if this color predominates. When you have just added beautiful cornflower blue touches to the composition, diluting it with various colors, this is a sign of calm and romance.

Seeing blue berries, plums, grapes, blueberries or blueberries in a dream is a dream of tears and grief. But if they simply complement the composition, the dream predicts joy and pleasant moments.

Although the predominance of blue in a dream, if it is not jeans, the sky or the sea, is almost always unfavorable and indicates a black streak in your life.

The whole world around us is visible in multi-colored colors, so do not be surprised that sometimes we are visited by brightly colorful dream visions. If in a dream the blue color is the main one, the dream book refers such a phenomenon to the display of sensations and all kinds of aspirations. From the interpretations, it is possible to find out what the blue color is dreaming of, as well as its available shades.

Wardrobe items

Why robes are seen in pronounced blue hues, their feature and purpose will tell. Dream Interpretation blue expresses the masculinity and disposition of the strong half of humanity.

Feminine wardrobe items embody the implementation of ideas and activities in the right direction. Classic blue jeans promise money.

If you happened to consider leather clothes that have cold blue colors, the dream book notifies you that you do not want to live by the will of fate, and you are doing everything in order to turn the situation in your direction.


Had a dream that you were painting the walls with bright blue paint? The dreamed plot in a dream personifies the end of the case, and the feeling of joy for the result. Interpretation affects various areas life: professional growth in the service, spiritual self-improvement, education.

It's no secret that there are many different shades of blue. So, the turquoise tone expresses calmness, blue - peace and emotional liberation, the dark one embodies incontinence, pronounced muddy shades are a disposition to a nervous breakdown.

Blue interior items often reflect the real mental state of the dreamer. The symbol indicates increased excitement, attracting misfortune. In addition, the likelihood of any difficulties increases.

This is the color of magic. Some interpreters believe that blue dreams promise only big trouble. Blue color - symbolizes the feminine, fidelity, balance, meekness, eternity, harmony and peace. It is also constancy, perseverance, perseverance, devotion, dedication, seriousness and rigor.

Sleep Online - Blue

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Clouds are blue or black - unfortunately. The space surrounded by blue or blue walls is joy and happiness.

Dream Meaning - Blue

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Light, color - trouble, danger warning.

Dream Interpretation: what is Blue dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

To see the blue color and experience peace means to realize your daytime anger (whether it was legitimate or not) and the manifestation of your strength (there was a forceful solution to the situation, not necessarily physically). To admit anger even with self-condemnation (the dreamer thinks that it was possible to act softer for ...

What does the dream in which Blue dreams mean

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

The meaning of sleep about Blue (color)

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Threat, warning, danger.

Dream Interpretation: why dream Color blue

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Associations: blue-sea, peace, depth, danger, blue lakes, bruise.

Dreaming Blue color - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Rays of blue or blue things, a landscape in blue tones - all this marks trouble, warns of imminent danger in any of the spheres of life.

Dream Interpretation: what is Blue dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Blue-green - liberation. Freedom of the sea or union of oppositions - affect and intuition.

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Blue color

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Rays of blue or blue things, a landscape in blue tones. All this marks trouble, warns of imminent danger in any of the spheres of life.

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

You are overly emotional and sentimental to the point of insincerity.

Dream Interpretation: what is Blue dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

The appearance of dark blue in a dream symbolizes anxiety, anxiety. Instinct and intuition are activated in anticipation of unknown danger. The need for peace, affection, protection. The world affects us with color, not taking into account our personal preferences. And in response we show some emotions or just feel ...

Dream Interpretation: what the Blue color is dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Mystery, faith, top, writing. Even more - sorcery, meditation, testing, waiting, trading. Any color in a dream, if it occurs too often in it, means too bright - it means out of place, significant in particular, giving the interpretation of the dream additional shades.

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(impenetrably dark / dark blue) - imagination. Intuition. Third Eye.

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Dream Meaning - Light

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Bright and not blue - great luck. To see the light of a lighthouse from the sea is the fulfillment of desires. Equal - certainty. Falls on a sleeping person - to recovery, pregnancy, marriage for a woman.

What does sleep mean - Light

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Bright and not blue - great luck to see the light of the lighthouse from the sea - fulfillment of desires Twilight - Time of difficulties Darkness - Difficulties, uncertainty if you go - the lost will return you will come to the light - big success Color - Bright - good brightness of colors in a dream - ...

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It has long been believed that color carries a semantic load. This was reflected in customs, art, clothing and lifestyle. different countries. Bright, juicy tones - foreshadowed the good, faded and faded were a symbol of destruction, old age, failures. Dark tones have always been considered harbingers of evil. The following is…

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We see dreams every day. As a rule, these are some plots, objects, certain faces, but the color and its intensity are only an addition. But what if it was the color that was at the center of the event, what if one or another shade ran into the memory of everything seen?

Today we will talk about what to expect if you happen to see blue in sweet dreams. What does the dream book say about this? For a correct interpretation, pay attention to the following points:

  • Did you happen to see a pure blue color or was it a mixture of several shades (for example, blue-green).
  • Maybe you painted something or someone.
  • What emotions did you experience in your dream (calm, irritability, suffering).
  • Maybe your attention was attracted by some blue object (car, flower, item of clothing).

What does blue color mean in a dream? The dream interpretation offers several options. First, a dream with a predominance of blue is a warning of danger. In the near future, be careful, do not get involved in dubious matters and troubles can be avoided.

Secondly, the dream book sees in this shade a reflection of such concepts as kindness, understanding, loyalty, even humility. It is worth noting that to a greater extent these words are intended for representatives of the beautiful half of humanity and they are considered as a manifestation of femininity.

Thirdly, blue as a manifestation of coldness, detachment. To see a person in bright blue clothes in sweet dreams - in fact, do not count on his support or reciprocity of feelings.

Blue-green color symbolizes freedom. Perhaps we are talking about liberation from any problems, the completion of the work begun. Light blue portends fun about the fulfillment of the plan.

Remember how you felt. If you were calm, then as a result of working on yourself, you came to the conclusion that most situations can be solved without resorting to physical strength and without showing anger. Your main weapon is the power of the spirit. The dream in which given color you experience discomfort, says that in reality you are suffering. From what? From your imbalance. Learn to keep your emotions under control. Being in harmony with yourself is a real pleasure.

To dream in which you paint your face is to become the object of ridicule or be slandered. To paint the face of another person is, on the contrary, to laugh at him. But if you had a dream in which you paint any vehicle, then a surprise awaits you. At the same time, the dream book does not say a word about her character.

What if in a dream your attention was attracted by some specific blue thing: an object, a vehicle, or a plant? Let's start with the wardrobe, namely blue. If a young lady had a dream in which she was dressed in a chic dress of a given color, then in reality the girl is very pleased with herself. In addition, the dream book in this case promises the fulfillment of desires.

If a representative of the weaker sex tries on a brand new blue dress in front, then soon she will have to meet her rival. The outcome of the case depends on the details. The dream interpretation says: you liked the new thing - your rival is not afraid of you; the dress is sewn unsuccessfully - expect intrigues on her part and a fierce struggle for your man.

Acquaintance with a worthy person portends a dream in which a woman is dressed in beautiful blue. If you are a business woman, then this kind of vision promises a meeting with a new business partner.

Next, let's move on to vehicles and talk about what blue is dreaming of. A car of this color is a symbol of calmness, stability, and promises the dreamer care and patronage from a serious person.

And a few words about plants, or rather about. If it's blue, then you should not expect reciprocity from the object of your sigh. The dream book advises not to be upset, because it may well be that this is not your person, but you just have to experience a real feeling. But if you dreamed of cornflowers, which by their nature have such a shade, then either a romantic date or fun awaits you.

Why dream of a blue tint? It's time to take stock. After reviewing the explanations offered by the dream book, it is safe to say that the blue color does not portend serious problems for the dreamer. Of course, there are moments in which we are talking about troubles, but with due diligence, they can be completely avoided.

Seeing a blue color in a dream, many do not attach much importance to it. However, it can portend serious events.

Let's take a closer look at what blue is dreaming of. Below are interpretations of dreams from the dream books of Vanga, Nostradamus, Freud and other dream books.

English dream book

If in a dream you saw a bright blue color, then in real life positive changes await you. You will be able to improve your financial situation, as well as meet your soul mate. If you saw a dark blue color in a dream, then expect unpleasant news. Most likely, they will be associated with loved ones.

Dream interpretation of the subconscious

If you saw blue in a dream, then in real life you will find power and a high position in society. But in order not to lose all this, you need to be tolerant of others and not look down on others.

Autumn dream book

If you saw a rich blue color in a dream, then someone close to you will become seriously ill. It is possible that the treatment will have to be carried out abroad. If the blue color was pale, then you can count on an increase in salary. The authorities will finally appreciate your merits.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Seeing blue in a dream is a sign of severe difficulties with your family members. You will face misunderstanding, anger and hatred. But it's important not to respond in kind. Try to find out the reason for this situation and do everything possible to improve the microclimate in your family.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

If you saw a pale blue color in a dream, then you will receive good news. If he was pale, then a fateful acquaintance awaits you.

Freud's dream book

Seeing a dark blue color in a dream is a passionate romance. Most likely, it will arise with one of the colleagues. But be careful not to let your loved ones know about your relationship. If the blue color was pale, then you will be disappointed in love. But soon you will meet another person with whom you will be happy.