How to make the right decisions in life: tips, technique techniques. How to make the right decision

  • 11.10.2019

How to make the right decision

What you need to know before you make a decision, what questions to ask and how to guide your decision

Most people are afraid, do not know or do not know how (do not understand) how to approach and make a decision.

And if we divide the decision-making into stages (steps). What steps are important to make the most correct, final decision?

I will talk about these steps below, but first, what to pay attention to when making decisions.

It often happens that before making a decision, a person does not really know what he wants or which option he should choose.

And here it is important that you do not just analyze, but put aside logic for a while and immerse yourself in attention, feel whether it is really pleasant for you, whether it will be a pleasure for you to do this business for a long time. And we do not focus here only on the result, money and profit. Just listen to inner voice, sometimes a hint may not come right away, and here it’s better not to put pressure on yourself, but to bear the answer, trust your intuition.

You can also ask yourself a couple of questions: "What does my mind tell me?" and answer out loud quickly, without thinking, and then ask: "What does my intuition (my soul) tell me?", and look very carefully at your very first thoughts that come to mind, most often they are the most correct. Observe for yourself what feelings they evoke in you, whether there is something in them that inspires you.

I consider this the main advice and in most cases, this is all that is needed to make the right decision.

Do you know what a famous and successful person said about this:

Feel free to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you really want to become.

Steve Jobs

And it often happens that the situations themselves do not tolerate reasoning from us, you just need to do something and that's it. For example, if you are single, an opportunity has presented itself and you feel that you sincerely want to get to know each other, then you should not go into all these - "What will happen if ...", listen to your heart and just follow it - take some action with the answer to all doubts - "but come what may."

5 questions in decision making

Very often we doubt whether I really need it, why. And especially if the decision affects the global and long term. Here I still recommend listening more to the inner voice, but you can ask yourself 5 leading questions.

First question- "Do I want it X do I want to do this, do I want to have this, do I want to be somebody?"Honestly Answering Ourselves" YES" or " NO".

When you have identified and answered yourself: "YES", I want to do exactly this, move on to the next question, - " If I do this, if I become someone and achieve this, will I be in harmony with myself, with the Universe, or for those who believe, in harmony with God?"

If you answered "YES" to yourself, then ask yourself the following question "If I do this, if I become someone, then bring closer whether it me to my goal, my dream ?"

If your answer is "YES", then ask yourself another question - " If I do this, if I have this, if I become someone, will it violate human rights?"

If your answer is "NO", then go to the last question - " If I achieve my goal, will I do better for myself and someone else? This question is perhaps the easiest to answer.

And having answered your questions, having decided, you need to take action. Right now, at this moment start taking action to change something in your life. To become successful, independent and finally achieve what you so desire. Don't procrastinate telling yourself- "That's it, yes, I've decided that tomorrow I'll start acting", or "I'll think again and then I will finally decide whether I need it or not"- Believe me, friends, it is unlikely that you will decide and start something.

And if you try later, as a rule, this is just another attempt and no more. Do straightaway even the smallest step is important your first step important START.

For example, such a first step is the need to collect useful information, find out what and how. The more details you know, the easier it is to make decisions and move faster and more confidently.

Just worry and don't move

Do not delay making final decisions if you already feel that this is yours, you crave change and you need it, and do not worry too much now about how you will be and when, what will come - these are not the questions now, gradually everything will come itself. Your main goal now is to make a decision.

If you delay making a decision, it means that you have already made a decision - to leave everything as it is.

Remember that Doubts will still remain and you should not get rid of them in every possible way. It’s normal to experience, because no one can predict success and know exactly how everything will go, you can only, to a greater or lesser extent, believe depending on experience and conditions.

And once you make the final decision and start taking the first steps
, all these "HOW" - they will come to you. You will find or you will meet necessary people, and right situations will begin to appear around you. You will begin to attract them to you, this is some kind of amazing phenomenon, but I convinced myself that it works, like a relationship with the universe.

By the way, think carefully for yourself and remember when you started to think about something and do something, no matter what, suddenly, right away or after some time, something started to happen like this - you met the right people or you found yourself in that place and at that time, or the necessary information came across.

So, main - decide.

Don't base yourself on decision making From what you have today, think what you want, strive for it and make your decision on that. The fear of failure is always stronger than the possibility of change, it is much more terrible for us to lose something than the desire to try to gain something, but if you are guided only, you will not go far.

And all other questions, such as - "Can I do this?", "Am I doing it right?" "And if it doesn't work out?" - All these questions are not questions of a person who wants more from life. They should be given attention only for a quick assessment of the reality of what is being implemented, in order to correct the course and no more.

Almost every one of you has been in a situation where, having made some decision and started doing something, after a while, maybe quickly, maybe later, you understand - it was necessary differently.

If you do not accept for yourself that there is not and will not be an absolutely right decision, if you are afraid and based on the fear of mistakes, you will never achieve what you dream of. The point is that You either do it or you don't and there's no other choice.. Except as an even worse option, it is being all the time in a waiting state only to think and dream about something, to wait 100% opportunity in the hope that this will come, do nothing, and all the time be in a state of dissatisfaction with yourself and your life.

"Any course of action has its own price and risk. But they are much less than the price and risk of comfortable doing nothing"

John F. Kennedy

What stops you from making better decisions?

We are in different time we are in different states depending on some external or internal factors, and as a result, no matter how smart you are, our consciousness perceives the situation differently. And in making some decision you failed to do right choice because that at that time were not in that condition, you may have been depressed, anxious and overworked, and you simply did not have enough potential.

In another case, when you almost immediately understand what led to the wrong decision, and not because you made a conscious wrong decision, not because " consciousness is not enough", but because it was not possible to restrain oneself, to control oneself by discarding emotions (most often this happens, and this is the saddest thing).

Too often we are blinded by emotions that make us miss important nuances in making one or another choice and which later may be decisive. Therefore, always before making an important decision, calm down, for this it is best to observe the breath for 5-8 slow, calm inhalations and exhalations, and if you are too excited then postpone the decision for a while, let your brain calm down and clear up.

How to be guided in decisions (choice of actions)

Make decisions based on the principles

When making decisions, always remember and be guided by your main principles and sincere desires. For example, if you want to start a business, then you need to consider that it will not be an easy walk, but hard work. Are you ready to sacrifice your comfort, personal time and family time? And what is it all for?

Maybe you will understand that just the same family, comfort and peace, this is what you are striving for, and earning big money can take a lot of that away from you. Some people, starting to chase money, forget about their main values, for the sake of which they began to do it at all.

If you still feel that this business or something else is necessary for you, then go ahead and be bolder.

Focus on the essentials

When you have already decided everything, started to act and determine the direction every day, decide what to do now, always be guided by priority main action, ask yourself - "What is the best right now, at this moment, I can do in order to get closer to my goal?"

And taking concrete action - without delay, you try to do it.. Just don't over tighten.

How to make a decision. Motivation

And for my support, motivation, I highly recommend keeping a diary, this is really important.

How do we make a diary? In a new notebook we write, first questions, then we answer - " Why do I need it?", "What will it give me?", " How confident will I become?", "How will I feel about it?", "How will I live with this??", "What opportunities will this give me?". Describe everything vividly, in colorful images, presenting as if you have already achieved success and are now experiencing these sensations.

And every day you should start by reading the diary, with this most powerful motivation. You perform actions already in a different mood, and with each subsequent day this mood will become better.

In what you write, in 95% of cases you will not believe. Why is that? Because it's all about the (settings) that we have inside, in our subconscious. And if we do not change these attitudes, we are doomed to failure. In order to reprogram, change these programs, you will write this diary. When you put your thoughts on paper, the brain perceives everything differently than when it happens in your head.

But the best thing is if you still, at the same time, find a like-minded person who will share your vision, your goals. And sharing with him your thoughts, or even read them aloud. Everything will begin to boil inside you, you will, as it were, be divided in two. One part will say-" You can not ", other " You will succeed ". And most importantly, with such repetition and discipline you program your subconscious, change your unsuccessful installations.

There are other ways of programming, but this is in other articles. Why others? It's simple - one of us perceives everything visually, then audio information, or you need both together. All this can be easily felt if you just listen to yourself. In the meantime, I recommend learning a little more about with it, it can dramatically change your life as a whole.

And one moment, each person in the process of the journey has such days when everything falls out of hand, there is no mood, well-being, to put it mildly, is not working and you need to continue doing something, but things are not going at all. Write on a card that you will always carry with you your most cherished goal. And when you need to act, but there is no mood, take out your card and ask yourself, "Why and why do you need all this?" And honestly answer this question for yourself. Your response will motivate you to take action and only action will lead you to your goal.

Finally, how to decide:

And always remember, each of us is a unique person, with his own weaknesses, but also his own strengths. And each of us has the right to be who we want!

Good luck in making the right decisions and energy for action! !

Best regards Andrey Russkikh

Check it out for sure! How to fulfill a dream

Choosing the right solution is not easy and risky. All our plans are divided into those, the consequences of which can be accurately predicted and those, the final result of which can only be assumed.

The most difficult thing is when the choice can only be taken at random, without being able to know the chances of a successful outcome.

There are decisions that you can think about for a long time, or take advice from those whose authority you trust. And it also happens that the most serious problem needs to be solved in the conditions of an extreme shortage of time. In such cases, there is no time for thinking and trying on chances. So how do you make the right decision?

Motivated to tears

The most important thing in choosing the right step is motivation and awareness. As they say, you need to know exactly which harbor you are heading for. Otherwise, no wind will be favorable. Motive - main criterion decision making.

It is more important than the question why and for what it is necessary. A clear understanding of motives will give, if not one hundred percent success in the intended enterprise, then at least protect against possible errors in future.

Knowing what you are guided by, thinking about the problem, there is every chance in case of failure not to step on the usual rake. Understanding motives reduces the risk of making a decision that is dangerous for fate. Everything that is done consciously has fewer irreversible and irreparable consequences.

What influences decision making

The lack of information on the issue that is on the agenda will make it difficult to make the right decision. Blurring and unconsciousness of ideas about the subject will lead away from the intended path.

It is possible to take an absolutely correct conclusion and bring it to complete failure by wrong means and careless execution.

And it is possible that the wrong decision can lead to an excellent result, making corrections and adjustments in the course of its execution. Such a development of events is quite in the spirit of the legendary Napoleon - to get involved in a fight, and then we'll see.

Take a break, trust your intuition

If you are in doubt about finding the right verdict, you need to take a short pause and ask yourself: do I have enough information on this issue.

If the answer is no, by the way, there will be a second pause, during which one should ask the question: is it possible to wait a little longer with the final decision? Or maybe even think about it and don’t sign any sentences to fate at all.

But endless hesitation in search of the right answer exhausts nervous system and drive us to distraction. If it is impossible to predict or predict the consequences of a decision made, make it quickly.

In this case, intuition comes into play. And, if there is no sense in logical thinking, you will have to rely on your subconscious. The intuition comes first and is usually the most correct.

The subconscious gives the correct conclusion immediately, and it should be trusted. Don't miss a moment: through a short time intuition will turn off, and security systems will turn on: experience, fears, doubts. Therefore, if logic does not get close to the solution, rely on intuition and on the first thought that comes to mind.

Situation in a box

When making a choice, we usually think about what might happen if it is accepted. The decision-making technique, called , gives universal opportunity learn to look at the consequences of your actions from four sides at once.

Draw a square. In the upper segment, divided into 2 parts, write:

  • What will I get by making this decision.
  • What will I get if I don't take it.

In the lower segment:

  • What will I lose by not making this decision.
  • What do I lose by accepting it.

After that, thoughtfully fill in all four squares. This will give you the most complete picture of your gains and losses in case of making or not making even the most difficult decision in your life.

Postpone until a tricky morning

There is the most faithful and widely folk method responses to difficult questions. In the foreign version, it sounds like: "I'll think about it tomorrow." In Russia, this was a law, which was called "Morning is wiser than evening."

Ask yourself three times if you doubt your conclusions. On the advice of Orthodox elders, before accepting difficult decision, you need to ask God for advice three times in prayer ( Higher Forces, intuition, subconscious).

The first answer will be built on emotions. The second is logical. And the third is that which is closest to the truth. The necessary revelation is always what comes to mind on the third count.

Hat analysis

V difficult situations you can go the right route in a playful way. Imagine that you take turns putting on seven hats. different colors. Each hat in turn dramatically changes the type of thinking.

In a red hat, you are too emotional and excited. In blue you become more intuitive. In lilac - more rational. In pink - unreasonably arrogant and uncritical. The black hat will plunge you into the abyss of negativity and defeatism. The orange hat will cover you with fantastic and impossible projects.

But the last White Hat is the acquired wisdom. Having considered and combined all your “hat analysis”, you will make the most sensible and realistic decision.

Everyone knows from experience that giving advice is easier than accepting it from others. But another thing is also true: face to face - you can’t see the face, the big one is seen at a distance.

When it comes to our person and our future future, ubiquitous emotions prevent us from making the right decision. The right decision will hide in the back of consciousness, and become deaf behind the emotional background. Imagine that the choice is not in front of you, but in front of your friend. What would you advise him? Here, emotions will recede, and common sense and adequate advice will come to the fore. Since it is no longer about your destiny, and you can, stepping aside from yourself, argue from the standpoint of logic and sanity.

Decide on your priorities

It happens that an opinion that you consider exclusively yours is imposed on you by the surrounding reality. People tend to take other people's aspirations and desires for their own out of pure imitation.

Being like everyone else, striving for what the majority strives for is a common mistake in the decision-making process. Suppose a neighbor visited an exotic country and was satisfied.

Do not rush to issue a passport. Resting in hot countries is the decision of a neighbor. After pausing, you can come to a surprising conclusion about what is for you the best vacation there would be a tent on the bank of a local reservoir.

Buddy opened own business and drives a Bentley. And why do you need a Bentley, if you have already given all your love to a mountain bike? And you prefer quiet and contemplative classes to the hassle with your own business.

And in general, your principle: “Money can’t buy the best?” So it turns out: never confuse other people's life constructions with your own.

Don't get emotional

How to make a difficult decision if you constantly doubt your feelings? Today - one mood and, therefore, a certain decision. Tomorrow a different confidence has settled in us, in accordance with which we turn 180 degrees.

And the day after tomorrow they rejected everything that they decided and came to some new frontier. All these jumps are the result of emotions, not logical reasoning and reliable information.

And, as you know, there is nothing worse than a verdict taken in the heat of the moment, in a fit of emotional storm. The worst and most disastrous decisions are those that come from our passions. They have no place in making fateful conclusions.

Never try to shift the burden of making a difficult decision onto someone else's shoulders. Make your choice yourself. By this you prove your maturity, determination and ability to keep your own life under control.

Otherwise, your life will be controlled by other people and random circumstances. Do not blame anyone if in difficult situations you did not cope with your obligations. We must learn to take full responsibility for the decisions made and be responsible for their consequences.

long box

Having chosen your path, immediately begin to take the first steps along it. When you shelve a task, you lock up your determination and learn to receive endless delays from life.

This forms a person capable of decisive action, an inert defeatist. Do not breed bad habits: do not put off the necessary for tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, for "in a week."

By doing so, you run the risk of never doing something important. Once you've reached your final verdict, map out the means to achieve it, and jump right into the action.

In difficult situations, always keep in mind the end result of your intentions. Visually paint a picture of what will happen if your plan is implemented, and strive to get there with all your might.

Then you will not be afraid of delays and bumps along the way. If you clearly see the goal, you will always get to the right place. This will not allow you to turn off the selected route and leave everything halfway.

Follow your decision and walk the road to the end - the only way find out if we made the right choice. If you don't pass, you won't know.

No regrets

Do not regret what and how you decided, even if as a result you did not get what you wanted. Even if fate handed you something that you didn’t aspire to in any way at all.

Tell yourself: this was one of those intentions, the consequences of which were not easy to predict. Yes, and to know for sure whether it was correct or not, there is no probability.

If you had gone the other way, wouldn't the consequences have been even more unpredictable and sadder? Perhaps this was your most correct choice of all possible.

And, if you calmly take full responsibility for the consequences of your decisions, you walk through life more confidently, and most importantly, at the speed you personally need.

Finally, for lovers of mathematics and statistics, we recommend watching Dan Gilbert's video " What prevents people from making the right decisions?»

The life of each of us is an endless stream of decisions. You constantly have to choose: what to buy, how to spend the evening, which profession to choose, which deal to accept and which to reject, etc.

Fortunately, in most cases, making the right decision is fairly easy. Our subconscious does not have to spend a lot of time choosing one of the options, since it is definitely better. But there are situations when it is not clear which of the chosen options will bring more benefit and less harm.

Remember the legendary movie "The Matrix" when Morpheus offered Neo to choose one of the pills. From the outside it may seem that choosing freedom and life in reality was easier and more correct than forgetting everything and continuing to exist in a fairy tale. In fact, most people choose the other side in their lives.

But we digress a little from the topic. So, there are situations when it is not easy to make the right decision. Each of options has a lot of pluses and even more minuses that we would not like to receive. In addition, each of the options will have a lot of consequences that we could not even imagine.

2 approaches to decision making

There are two ways that can help us make a choice. We have used each of them in our lives, simply, someone chooses one more often, someone uses the second more often.

1. When to enable logic?

Careful consideration of possible options and their consequences is characteristic of making logical decisions. Using this approach, we can weigh the pros and cons, analyze the possible benefits and losses of each of the possible options.

The logical approach is best used in situations where there are many inputs and most of the consequences are easily predictable. As a rule, this approach is better applied in business and in any other business areas of life, in cases where the possible risks are very high.

2. When to use intuition?

Often we find ourselves in a situation where it is almost impossible to imagine further development events. There is no past experience relevant to such situations, and there is no way to extract and analyze information from other sources. And you need to make a decision quickly, because "delay is like death."

In this case, there is nothing left but to listen to your intuition and not make a quick and unambiguous choice. Still, we will not be able to build any accurate forecasts.

The need to make such decisions almost always arises in personal life and in everything that is connected with human feelings and emotions.

Regardless of which approach you tend to take more often, I recommend following these five principles to help you make the right decision:

Principle 1. Never rely on "maybe". Always make your own decision.

Don't wait for things to work out on their own or for someone else to do it for you. Indecision is also a decision, but in this case you are no longer in control of the situation, therefore you are not in control of your life. Often people put off making a decision until there are no alternatives worthy of attention, and this is no longer a decision.

Consciously making a decision, however unpleasant, will prepare you in advance to accept its consequences and, most likely, it will be easier for you to cope with its negative consequences. Or maybe you can even find a way to get rid of some of the problems associated with this.

Principle 2. Make a decision quickly.

Postponing the decision for later, we tend to raise our bet in this game. As a rule, intuition tells us the best ways, but intuition only works for a short time, then all your past experience, fears, doubts and other nonsense that the brain is loaded with comes into play. All this only clutters up our consciousness and encourages us to make mistakes.

The sooner you can make your choice, the more time you have to prepare for its negative consequences. There will be time to “lay straw”, as a result, you will be able to get more out of the path you have chosen.

Principle 3. Once you've made your decision, take action immediately and don't stop.

Nothing delays the achievement of goals like procrastination. Once you postpone the implementation of your decisions, it will not be difficult for you to postpone them in the future, and this is fraught with the fact that you will never achieve the goals for which the decision was made. Often, what we thought about and decided to do is forgotten after a few days. The long box has not been canceled yet - it is in it that all our greatest achievements are stored.

Principle 4. Do not change your decision half way to the result.

Achieving any result takes time and effort. It makes no sense to expect that the result will come easily and quickly. And if you constantly change your decisions, then all this will look like Brownian motion (chaotic movement of the molecules of a substance, in which the substance itself does not move anywhere) and no result will definitely come.

Drive it into your head - you can get the result only by reaching the end.

If you have made a decision to become rich, then act to the end. If you decide in a week that it is difficult and it is better to become healthy. Stop saving money and start eating right. After another week, you will stop eating vegetables, because. you want a barbecue, and decide to be beautiful by playing sports. Then you can continue on your own.

Principle 5. The most important. Never regret your decision.

Often people think that they have not accepted the right decision. It was necessary to act differently. The trick is that you can never know if you did the right thing, because. check is impossible. Always consider your choice as the only correct one.

For example, you bought a car, and a week later its engine broke down. The first thought - it was necessary to buy another, but, on the other, at the most inopportune moment, the brakes could fail. What would be better?

In fact, it is not difficult to make the right decision, it is much more difficult to take responsibility for its consequences! Follow these rules, they will help you and get outstanding results.

Good luck, Dmitry Zhilin

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There comes a time in everyone's life when they have to make a difficult decision. How to make the right decision when in doubt? What direction of study to choose? The partner with whom I am now will not disappoint me in the future, do I have love with him for life? Should I accept the offer or can I find more interesting work? These are just some of the dilemmas most of us face.

The choice of what to buy - apples or pears, seems insignificant compared to decisions whose consequences can affect a lifetime. How to be sure what you are taking right decisions? How to avoid internal dissonance, the impression that the option you gave up might be better than the one you chose? How to make difficult decisions?

Decision-making methods

Two decision-making strategies are mainly used - heuristics and algorithms. Thinking algorithmically, a person carefully studies and analyzes, compares the pros and cons of a particular option. Heuristics saves us time because it appeals to emotions, intuitions, preferences, internal beliefs, without "calculation".

It seems that in the case of a difficult choice, it is wiser to think things over carefully several times before making a final decision. Meanwhile, people are very often guided by their hearts rather than their minds - even in the case of making decisions that affect their entire life (for example, when choosing a life partner). How to understand what is best for us in this situation?

Depending on the rank of the problem, a person usually uses from 1 to 3 decision-making strategies. What methods are used in making life choices?

1. Obtaining information from others

When you do not know what to decide on, you often use the support of loved ones, friends, family. Are you consulting, looking for Additional information. If you need to make a difficult decision, you should consult with others, ask what they would do in a similar situation. Brainstorming, exchanging views with others helps to look at the problem from a new point of view.

2. Postponing a decision in time

If no one and nothing helps, take your time with the choice, give yourself time. You may temporarily not feel strong enough to make decisions that could affect your entire life. Postponing a decision until later can be a good idea, because during this time new facts may be discovered that will help make a choice. But it is important not to put it off indefinitely, in the end you need to decide.

3. Eliminate the worst options

When you have several different options and you do not know which one to prefer, make a choice, excluding what seems to be the worst and least interesting. At the end of such a screening, there will be a better alternative.

4. Choosing the lesser evil

The choice is not always between good-better or good-worse: you have to choose between two not the most attractive options. How do you choose between two equally unpleasant alternatives?

You need to choose something that carries fewer potentially negative consequences, and come to terms with the decision. There are things that we simply cannot influence. Therefore, sometimes it is easier to accept the need to make a decision with bad consequences than to make such a choice.

5. Before you choose, analyze

This is a strategy related to algorithmic thinking. List the pros and cons of each of the alternatives and choose the one that has more positive consequences. In other words, a balance is drawn up of the gains and losses associated with choosing one option and rejecting the other. However, such a cold calculation is not always possible, because sometimes emotions take precedence over reason.

6. Act on the spur of the moment

Sometimes there is neither time nor opportunity to consider the proposals received for a long time. Then you need to make a decision spontaneously, immediately, on hot hand. In this case, it is better to trust your instinct, inner voice. Not always, guided by emotions, we act recklessly. In retrospect, this turns out to be the right decision, so trust yourself and your intuition.

7. Descartes square

One of the most efficient and simple ways make a difficult decision. You are invited to analyze any situation or problem from different points of view. To make the right decision, answer four questions by looking at the figure below.

Be careful when answering the fourth question, because your brain will try to ignore the double negative and try to answer like the first one. Don't let this happen!

Why is this method so effective? When you are in a situation that requires you to make a difficult decision, you often get stuck at the first point - what happens if that happens? However, Descartes' square allows us to look at the problem in many ways and make a carefully considered and informed choice.

8. PMI Method

How to effectively make difficult decisions? You can use the Edward de Bono method - the PMI method. This abbreviation is a derivative English words(plus, minus, interesting). The method is very simple. It is based on the fact that before a decision is made, it is comprehensively evaluated. A table is drawn on a sheet of paper with three columns (pluses, minuses, interesting), and arguments for and against are indicated in each of the columns. In the “interesting” column, everything is written that is not good and not bad, but at the same time connected with the decision.

Below is an example. Decision: whether to rent an apartment on the outskirts with a friend?

When this table is drawn up, a scoring is made for each of the arguments in accordance with the direction (arguments for are indicated by a plus, against - by a minus). For example, for someone greater value It has more space than pleasant society. At the end, the value of all arguments is summed up and it is determined whether the balance will be positive or negative.

The PMI method cannot be called innovative, it is not fundamentally different from how we make decisions in Everyday life. It seems that he appreciates the strong and weaknesses this choice. Nothing is further from the truth. Most of us, when making a decision, actually take it for ourselves from the very beginning and then select arguments that would justify our choice. Even if it turns out that the decision we made has 3 more minuses, we will still choose it. People are actually not very rational, guided more by personal preferences, taste, etc. Pros and cons on a sheet of paper will allow for an accurate analysis, at least with a partial disconnection of emotions.

People are very often afraid of the consequences of their choices and do not like to make decisions. They would willingly shift the responsibility for their lives onto other people. Unfortunately, if we want to be happy, we must learn to solve our own problems and bear the burden of life's choices. There is no guarantee that others would do it better for us. We will never know if the options we ignored are better than the ones we chose, so don't weep over spilled milk and constantly regret the positives of rejected alternatives. Constantly lasting dissonance kills us morally.

Throughout their lives, every person often has to make an important decision. He also faces the need to choose throughout the day: what to wear, what soap to use, what products to buy home, what series to watch, and so on. And sometimes even such minor everyday issues can put a person in front of a choice, the result of which may depend on mood or even fate.

Big and small problems

If you understand it this way, then our whole life is a chain consisting of links of choices. Well, if these are minor problems: how to cook rice porridge, what color is the tie better fit to the shirt ... Such trifles usually do not leave a trace in the memory. Another thing is when a person's future life is decided from a choice. For example, what profession to choose, whether it is worth connecting fate with a person you like or investing in a business. In these cases, the issue price is determined by other measures. If, having cooked porridge incorrectly, a person runs the risk of being left without dinner, then here the retribution for wrong decision may be the loss of money or even several years of life.

For this reason, making the right decision of this kind is often accompanied by stress. And than longer man thinks, the more this condition is aggravated, which, ultimately, affects his well-being and his ability to resolve the situation.

Why is it important to make a quick decision?

Every person wants something more in this life: build a house, earn money, buy expensive furniture, have a beautiful appearance, raise smart children. At first glance, everything is simple - take it and do it. But there is a small nuance: the possibilities have become so extensive that a person is lost in front of a choice. Some turn off the right path, while others continue to go to the designated goal. Therefore, before making the right decision, it is necessary to analyze and weigh everything well. Today our world is arranged in such a way that not "big eats small", but "agile eats slow". Speed ​​is everything. A small, but actively developing firm can suddenly absorb a clumsy giant.

In order to open your own production and start doing what you love, a person needs not only funds and desire, but also a decision to change his life once and for all. And this is not easy, because there are always doubts. How to take this step, how to decide to burn all the bridges behind and plunge into the world of new opportunities? In fact, there are many ways that help overcome doubts and make the right decision.

Time to choose

If you have time to think about each question, then you should consider each answer option, since you don’t know in advance which solution is correct. The more versions, the more chances to find the best option. You can even write it down on paper. different situations and their possible solution. Naturally, this will take time, but there will be an opportunity to analyze and think everything over.

Essentially, the choice is unique property the man that nature gave him. With it, he can control the reality in which he lives, so as not to become a hostage to unforeseen situations. If a person does not have time to make a choice himself, others will do it for him - parents, social environment, boss, friends. Choice is everything! Therefore, if a person is afraid to make a choice himself, he cannot control his destiny, which means that he will not achieve his goal. If he does not believe in himself, in his success, he will not have the courage to choose. What helps to make the right decision and how to take an important step?

Fear of failure

When making a decision, a person is afraid of the disapproval of others, failures, losing what he has, responsibility, poverty. Sometimes these fears are justified, but they make it possible to understand one truth: no matter what decision is made - right or wrong - loss cannot be avoided, this is the moment that becomes the cause of torment. Therefore, before you quickly make the right decision, you need to kill the fear in yourself. Because of it, the need to choose is perceived as a burden - an attempt by all means to avoid it or delay it for some more time.

In addition, a lot depends on the person: under the same circumstances, someone makes a decision, and someone tries to transfer responsibility to another. Because everyone sees the world differently. Two people, having lived the same situation together, will tell about it in different ways.

The world through the prism of beliefs

We see our world through the lens of our beliefs and knowledge. They, like filters, are able to pass only the information that is needed. Based on this, important conclusions are drawn. Before making the right decision, one should not give up, one should not give up, otherwise the person will not see a way out of the situation. “I can't do anything. I am a small person. I have nothing but work. I will always have to live in poverty,” such beliefs prevent me from being free, decisive, purposeful, persistent, believing in myself, depriving me of a choice. Because of these blockages important information does not reach our consciousness, we simply reject it.

Is there a choice?

Of course, situations are different, but, regardless of the circumstances, the decision is made by the person himself. But how it will be, conscious or not, is the question. A conscious decision is a clear vision of the future result. The unconscious is expressed in automatic action under the influence of an impulsive, passionate desire: “It happened like that”, “I couldn’t restrain myself”. In other words, a person himself does not understand how he did this or that action, and as a result he cannot realize the consequences.

In reality, we cannot know everything, and sometimes we are not able to perform competent actions in all respects, however, we need to strive for the best, knowing not only ourselves, but also the world. A clear and precise understanding of how to find the right solution to a problem is the basis of an effective choice.

Right Criteria

The main question today, which many people ask themselves: "How to get out of this or that situation?" Experts are sure that there is always a way out if we set the right criteria, which we determine for ourselves.

For example, if a woman wants to create a harmonious relationship and sets herself the task of meeting an athletic, swarthy, wealthy and intelligent man, then this will not be enough. Since such a desire determines only the external forms of the goal. It is necessary to fill the task with content. After all, you can meet many men according to established criteria, but how to understand if there is “the one” among them? This is where you can get confused and make a mistake.

The main criteria for the right choice

For the right choice, the task should be filled with many sub-items: what kind of relationship do you want, what kind of chosen one should be in character. And this goal must be carried in your heart and understand that it is you who are worthy of it. By no means can there be any doubt. You need to believe that a worthy person will definitely meet on your way. It is important to look at inner qualities: will it be comfortable with this man, do you feel joy and peace, do you trust him? Only by answering these questions can you make an informed choice.


Before choosing the right decision, you need to understand that the situation can change in any direction, so our future life depends only on our choice. Global changes require balanced decisions, which you need to be prepared for. And it depends on the desire to manage your life and the ability to be responsible for your actions. The biggest mistake people make is an outburst of emotions that leads to rash actions. Any impasse requires reflection, which takes time. Haste leads to negative consequences, and a person drives himself into a trap. No need to rush, otherwise you will have to start all over again. But as they say, you learn from your mistakes. And that's the kind of experience that wisdom brings.

Choice without lot

How to make the right decision, spending a minimum of time and without risk to health? As a rule, when making a choice, a person weighs all the pros and cons. Psychologists even recommend writing arguments in the form of a table. But what if the result is a proportion of 50x50? How to find the right solution to the problem without resorting to the services of lots? Here are a few standard tips to help solve this problem:

When making a choice, you should look a few steps ahead: what results this or that result will lead to. The only correct decision should come consciously, after carefully weighing all the possible consequences.

Desperate situations

Surely each of us faced unforeseen situations that required an immediate decision: someone managed to accept them, and someone did not. As practice shows, some unforeseen situations do not forgive doubts and oversights, so every person should know how to quickly make the right decision in order to protect themselves and loved ones from unpleasant situations. The main mistake of many people is unconscious actions in an emergency or an attempt to leave because of fear of responsibility. Therefore, it is better to be prepared in advance so that later you do not pay the price for ignorance and ignorance.

How to make the right decision

There are circumstances when a problem needs to be solved right here and now, but a person cannot do anything because he does not know how to do the right thing. In such situations, before making the right decision, it is necessary to remain calm. After all, it depends on how the problem is solved. Collect your thoughts, look into the subconscious, ask your intuition to suggest a way out of this situation. And what solution comes to mind first, this is the answer to your request. Even if you have never developed your subconscious mind, it is worth using your intuition. It is important not to make decisions under criticism and pressure, because being in an unbalanced state, you can make rash choices.

So what helps you make the right decision? This - life experience, lack of fear, intuition, subconsciousness, situation analysis and logical thinking.