How to learn to make the right decisions? How to make a decision in a difficult situation.

  • 11.10.2019

The whole life of a person consists of a series of decisions - large and small. Some of them affect the rest of your life. Many people have difficulty when faced with the need to make a choice. Let's figure out how to make the decision-making process the most effective, and what methods can be used to do this.

Every day life puts us in front of a choice, throwing up a variety of tasks. What to cook for breakfast? What suit to wear to work? What phone to buy? Where to go to rest during the holidays? Should I agree to the marriage proposal or wait? Quit your job or stay? There are decisions that do not really affect anything, but there are those that radically change life.

All people behave differently when they make decisions. There is a category of people who are called "pofigists". They never suffer from a choice, because they prefer the first one that comes across or the most simple option. They put on the clothes that they take out of the closet first, go on a date with the one who invites them first, get the job that is easiest to get, etc. These people believe that life itself will put everything in its place, so they don’t worth the effort.

Another category of people when making important decisions is guided by intuition. These individuals always listen to their own inner voice and do not doubt the correctness of the decisions made. However, there are not many such people.

Most of the people are individuals who experience difficulties during the choice. They suffer, doubt, weigh each option, but still cannot make a final decision. And when the decision is made, they continue to doubt its correctness. If you are one of those people and do not know how to make a decision, if in doubt, then it will be useful for you to learn a few methods that make the selection process easier.

Method 1. Descartes Square

The essence of the method is to consider the problem you are facing from four different angles. To do this, you need to ask yourself 4 questions. Take a sheet of paper and divide it into four parts in the form of a square. For each section, write one of the following questions:

  1. What good will I get if I fulfill my plan?
  2. What good will I get if I refuse to fulfill my plan?
  3. What harm will I get if I fulfill my plan?
  4. What harm will I get if I refuse to fulfill my plan?

Think and write in each square the answer to the question. By listing all the pros and cons of implementing your plan and not implementing it, you can understand what decision you should make.

If you don’t know how to act in this or that situation and stop doubting, tell the two closest people about the problem and ask them for advice. Folk wisdom says that each person has his own guardian angel who protects and guides on the right path. The guardian angel gives clues through intuition. If a person has poorly developed intuition, then an angel can convey a hint through loved one. Hence the recommendation to ask for advice from the two closest people.

Method 3. "Expanding the scope"

The problem with most people is that they narrow themselves down and see no alternatives. They tend to obsess over “Yes” and “No” options, not realizing that there are other choices. Let's say you want to borrow a car. You see only two choices - take a car on credit or continue to travel by public transport.

By expanding the selection box, you will see alternative options. For example: you can find a cheaper car and buy it no longer on credit; you can refuse a loan and start saving money to buy a car; you can rent a house closer to work and not use public transport; you can generally change jobs by getting a job in another company located close to your home; you can arrange with one of your colleagues to drive you to work in his car for a certain fee. As you can see, there can be many options, the main thing is to see them.

Method 4. "Disappearance of options"

Imagine that the option you like best is not available. For example, the company you want to work for has ceased to exist. Think about what to do in this case. Thinking in this vein, you will discover others, no less interesting options about new work that you haven't seen before because you're fixated on one thing.

Method 5. "Glass of water"

The author of this technique is the American parapsychologist Jose Silva, the founder of the Silva Method, the author of books on non-traditional psychology. He suggests the following: in the evening before going to bed, pour into a glass of clean, unboiled water. Hold the glass with both hands, close your eyes, focus on the problem that concerns you and clearly articulate the issue that needs to be resolved. Then, slowly, drink half a glass, mentally repeating something like this: “This is all I need to make the right decision.”

Place a glass of water next to your bed and go to bed. In the morning after waking up, the first thing to do is drink water and thank your subconscious for the right decision. The solution may come immediately after waking up or during the day. People who have tried this technique claim that it works.

Method 6. "Delay"

If you can't make a choice and make a decision, give yourself a break. When you are excited and your brain is overloaded with information, making the right choice is very difficult. Remember how often in a hurry you made the wrong decision, and then regretted it? To prevent this from happening, take a break, calm down, once again carefully analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your choice. There are not many situations in life that require an instant decision, so don't be afraid to put it off for a while.

Method 7. "Know the information"

Before making a choice, try to find out as much information as possible about the option you are going to give preference to. When it comes to buying a product, read online reviews about it. When deciding to change jobs, find out all about the position you are about to take and the people who have worked there before you. If possible, seek out these people for first-hand information. You understand that the employer may not tell you about all the difficulties that await you, and a person who has already worked in this company before is unlikely to withhold such information.

The more important the decision you make, the more responsible your approach to finding the right information should be. So you protect yourself from deception and prepare for possible difficulties.

Method 8. "Reject emotions"

Emotions make it very difficult to make the right decision, because they distort the vision of the situation. An emotionally aroused person is not able to think sensibly. Therefore, make it a rule for yourself: never make decisions while at the peak of emotions. Anger, fear, anger, as well as stormy joy, euphoria are bad advisers in making decisions.

If you are overcome by emotions, do not make any choice. Give yourself time to cool down, and then take a sober look at the situation. So you will protect yourself from rash acts and their consequences.

How to get rid of emotions?

Even when you understand that emotions are preventing you from making the right choice, you can't always get rid of them. To facilitate this process, use simple methods.


This method allows you to discard momentary impulses and look at the situation in long term. The essence of the method is to ask yourself three questions before making a decision:

  • How will I feel about my choice in 10 minutes?
  • How will I feel about my choice in 10 months?
  • How will I feel about my choice in 10 years?

Let's say you want to borrow an expensive car. You apply for a loan and get behind the wheel of a brand new car. What will you think 10 minutes after the purchase? Surely you will be in euphoria, rejoicing in your acquisition. But after 10 months, the joy will subside, and you will feel the full weight of the credit burden, you will be faced with the need to limit yourself in many things. And in 10 years, when you finally pay off your debts, you will see that your car is old and needs repair, or maybe you are already so tired of it that you want to sell it.

The 10/10/10 method can be used in any situation. It perfectly helps to pacify emotions and look at the long-term consequences of your choice, so as not to regret what you have done later.

stay in the dark

A good way to subdue emotions is to simply be in the dark. Psychologists have proven that twilight or complete darkness calms a person, helps to put thoughts in order. Please note that jewelry stores are always brightly lit. Do you think it's made for gold and gems better played and shimmered in the rays of light? Not only for this. Marketers know that bright lights are more likely to cause a person to make impulse purchases.

If you need to calm your emotions in order to accept the right decision, sit for a while in a semi-dark or dark room think again about the consequences of your choice.

Breathe deeply

Another simple but effective method helping in the fight against emotions - deep breathing. Take 10 slow and deep breaths in and out, and then ask yourself again: “Am I doing the right thing?”.

Think about what advice you would give to a friend.

To reduce emotions and cool the ardor, it is useful to look at the situation from the outside. Imagine that it is not you who is facing the need to make a decision, but your friend. What would you advise him to do in this situation?

Many people notice such a feature in themselves: they give practical and rational advice to their acquaintances, but they themselves, getting into similar situations, behave extremely stupidly. This happens because looking at the problem from the outside, we see only the most essential. And when we ourselves find ourselves inside the problem, then a lot of all sorts of little things pop up, to which we attach too much importance.

The ability to abstract and look at the situation with an open mind gives a significant advantage when it comes to making the right choice.

Method 9. "Following life priorities"

Each person has his own life values, rules and priorities that influence his choice. Always stick to these values ​​and you can't go wrong. For example, you are offered a choice of two positions: one of them is prestigious and highly paid, but requires a lot of feedback from you; the second is less prestigious and not with such a high salary, but you do not need to work overtime and you have a lot of free time. Which one to choose?

To make decisions without doubt and stress, be guided by your life priorities. If your family is in the first place, then choose a position that is not so prestigious and paid, but it will not steal your personal time, which you can devote to loved ones. If you dream of building a career, give preference to a prestigious and highly paid position that will help you move up the career ladder.

Method 10. "Intuition"

Intuition is a wonderful tool that not everyone knows how to use. It can tell you a way out when rational methods have not brought the desired result. And it often happens like this: you make a choice based on logic and rationality, and this choice seems to you the most correct, and the inner voice stubbornly protests against it. Maybe you should listen to him?

Develop intuition, and it will be a great help in different situations, however, do not overestimate its role and do not forget about reason and logic.

Once in a situation of choice, use any of the listed methods, or rather, apply several at once. Over time, you will understand which method suits you best, and you can use it in a variety of ways. life situations. By learning how to make decisions, you will significantly improve the quality of your life.

During our lives, we repeatedly have to take various solutions. And it often happens that we hesitate: to do this or not?

Or we don’t understand at all how we should act ... What should we do in such cases? How to behave so as not to regret what you have done? In fact, there are many ways to help you.

Method one. Reasoning.

It is suitable for people who think rationally, who are used to reasoning with.

Try to calculate the consequences of this or that act. It is best to write down all the pros and cons on a piece of paper so that it is clearer. Let's say you were offered new job, but you are in doubt whether to agree or not. Take a sheet, divide it into two halves and on one write down all the advantages of the proposed position, for example, “big salary”, “growth prospects”, “social package”, on the second - negative factors - “work away from home”, “irregular schedule” , "little information about this company" and so on.

Look at both halves of the sheet and count how many pluses and minuses you got. Now highlight what is your priority. After all, suppose a salary and a career can fully compensate for some inconvenience. And it also happens that money and a career are not the main thing for you, but you want to return home early and spend weekends with your family. This method will simply help you visually put everything on the shelves, and it will be easier to finally make a decision.

Method two. Intuition.

Suitable for people with an intuitive type of thinking. Listen to what. If you were offered a job or, say, marriage, and the offer seems to be good, but for some reason you are not drawn to accepting it, then maybe you shouldn’t? And, on the contrary, if your mind doubts, and your heart tells you to do just that, shouldn’t you follow his lead? If earlier your intuitive premonitions have already been justified, then it means that you can quite trust them.

Method three. Test fate.

This is for magically minded citizens. It's about different. Not even necessarily traditional ones, like cards or the I Ching. You can just think: "If the next candy I get from this bag is green, then I will go to this place, and if it is red, then I will refuse to go." The main thing is to get candy without looking.

You can "guess" with the help of hours. Connoisseurs say that if on the dial, when you take a look at it. there will be a "jackpot" - say, 11 hours 11 minutes, then you can be sure: the upcoming meeting or enterprise will be successful for you. If the first two digits are greater than the second two, say 21 hours zero three minutes, you should not be in a hurry to make a decision. If, on the contrary, for example, the clock shows 15:39, then time is running out for you: hurry up so as not to miss your chance.

Now on sale there are special balls for decision-making. You formulate a question, shake the ball and look in the window for the answer. Just remember that the ball does not predict the future, but only tells you what to expect and how best to act in a given situation.

Method four. Reading the signs of fate.

Suitable for those who are interested, if not in mysticism, then in psychology and. When thinking about a solution, pay attention to what is happening around you. Suppose you are going to go somewhere, but you are not sure whether to go or not. And then suddenly the phones start ringing and requests from acquaintances fall upon you, you lose the keys to the apartment and find that the sole of your shoes has come off ... Most likely, Providence tells you: you should not go to this meeting.

Or someone offers you cooperation, and his surname turns out to be the same as that of a person whom you knew many years ago and with whom you had some kind of unpleasant situation ... Is it by chance?

Or you are planning a tour, and suddenly, by a strange coincidence, you come across a post on the Web of a former client of the same travel company who recalls with horror how he used its services ...

They ask you for a large amount of debt, and then the headline of the note catches your eye: “Company N went bankrupt” ...

You've had pain in your lower back for three months now, but you still can't decide whether to go to the doctor. And then you catch a snippet of someone else's conversation in the subway: “I did an ultrasound yesterday, they said - a stone in the kidney ...”

You are considering whether to go on a date with the gentleman who invited you, and they sing on the radio: “Don’t go to meet him, don’t go. He has a granite stone in his chest." Why not a hint?

A “picture” can also carry a hint. For example, you are not sure whether you should associate fate with this particular person. And suddenly you see a couple of tender swans on the pond. Or, on the contrary, you meet a couple of desperately fighting cats on the street ... Draw the appropriate conclusions.

Of course, you should not literally take every little thing for. But if a word or event drew your attention to itself, stuck in your memory, or it clearly seemed to you that “it's all about you”, that it is connected precisely with your situation, then it makes sense to take it into account. Good luck with your decisions!

Our decisions largely affect our entire life. Everyone understands this, but not everyone manages to make the right choice.

At times, we seem to be at a crossroads, and do not know how to make the right decision. In some situations, intuition helps, but in most cases, you have to be guided by cold reason and common sense.

A few simple but effective advice will help you learn to make a decision even in the midst of the most complex and, at first glance, intractable problems.

So how do you make a decision when in doubt?

1. Expand your boundaries.

One of the main mistakes that prevent you from making a choice in favor of one or another option is. We ourselves set rigid limits, and then we try to get out of them. What is it about, and how to learn to make decisions?

For example, you live with your parents and decide to buy a separate apartment, but at the moment there is not enough money to buy a two-story mansion. Two main options immediately appear in my head: buy a mansion on credit, or stay with my parents and continue to collect the necessary amount.

But there is another way to make a decision - a possible alternative. For example, buy a cheaper house, move there and save up for a more expensive option. Thus, you will avoid problems related to credit and living with relatives.

The first thing you need to do to learn how to make a decision is to expand the scope, not focusing on extremes.

Even the wise Solomon once said:
"He who hastily stumbles with his feet."

How many times have we made the wrong choice in a hurry and then regretted it?

Before you make the right decision, calm down as much as possible and carefully weigh the pros and cons. If your phone is literally bursting with calls, and the interlocutor simply pushes you in the back to do this or that act, be careful: you may very soon regret your rash actions. Take a timeout, ask for a delay, and don't worry - there are not many situations in life in which procrastination is like death. You will see that after a short time you will clearly understand how to decide to take this or that step.

3. Get as much information as possible.

For those who want to know how to make the right choice in a given situation, it does not hurt to learn one more truth: do not hesitate to ask.

You will save money if, before an important purchase, you “shake” everything out of the seller that he can only know about this product, especially about its shortcomings. You will avoid problems if you ask your friends about the results of his work before going to the doctor. By reading product reviews, reviews, or even brief movie synopses, you'll save yourself time and hassle and learn to make decisions by asking yourself if you really need it or not.

4. Don't get emotional.

There is nothing worse when, in a fit of anger, the spouses file for divorce, or vice versa, in euphoria or an attempt to "annoy" someone, they get married and regret it a week later. - a dangerous enemy to commit right choice. At the most inopportune moment, when common sense says one thing, emotions can lead to the side and spoil all plans.

How to learn to make decisions? Without giving in to emotions.

Ask yourself the question: how will my action affect my future life, and how will I look at all this in 15 minutes, in a month, in a year?

5. Stay in the dark.

There is one good way make a decision, weakening the influence of emotions - dimming the light.

Lighting has been scientifically proven to affect how a person reacts to different situations, and the results of these experiments are being skillfully used in marketing today.

For example, in most jewelry stores very bright lighting is on, not only so that the buyer can see the product well, but also in order to provoke him to make a quick purchase. Therefore, if you are considering how to decide to take an important step, turn on the soft, subdued lights in the room and be alone with your thoughts, getting rid of excessive emotions.

6. Try and fail.

Yes, it's not a typo. Anyone who wants to know how to make a decision when in doubt must be prepared to make mistakes. We will not quote the great classics now, but experience comes precisely through trial and error.

How to make the right choice without stuffing a single bump? No way. Everyone has their own "rake", and in this article we only tried to warn you how not to step on strangers.

How to make a decision when in doubt? This is a very important question. After all, our whole life is actually a string of decisions made on the simplest and most difficult questions. And it depends on each previous decision what subsequent new questions life will put before us and what opportunities will open up before us. It is strange that the school devoted so much time to trigonometry, but did not give any instructions on such an important issue ...

I have some faithful helpers- proven methods that helped me out many times and helped me make the right decision. I learned some techniques in personal growth trainings, some from the works of great philosophers, and some were suggested to me by ... my grandmother.

Sometimes it gets a little scary how even the simplest decision can change our destiny. Here is an example from life:

The girl was invited to a party in the middle of the week. She thought to go or not to go. Tired after work. Plus there's an important presentation tomorrow morning. Yet I decided to go. And as a result, she met her love. She got married and gave birth to her beloved children. She found her happiness and often wonders what her fate would have been if she had not gone to that party.

So from each of our decisions, even the smallest, depends on what will be the continuation of the scenario of our life.

In this context, I like the movie starring Jim Carrey Always say yes" If you haven't seen this movie, I highly recommend you watch it. Few people know that comedy is based on the biographical book of British writer Danny Wallace, who answered only “YES” to all offers for 6 months. The writer even starred in the film in the "bachelorette party" scene in a cameo role.

So, back to our main question: How to make the right decision when in doubt?.

1st technique "Intuition".

All subsequent techniques are very important, but the role of intuition should not be underestimated in any case. You have noticed that most often we immediately know, we feel what to do. I, for example, I tell myself: “Listen. What is your stomach telling you? You need to listen to your inner voice. But if that doesn't help, I use a few simple and proven techniques.

Actually, this folk wisdom, which is the quintessence of the experience of many previous generations our ancestors. For thousands of years they have noticed certain causes and effects. And this knowledge was passed down from generation to generation. So, my grandmother told me, if in doubt, you don’t know what decision to make, ask for advice from the 2 closest people. Grandmother said that through them the Angels tell you the best solution for you.

This method can be called to some extent following from the previous method: if your Angel cannot “get through” with the right decision to you through intuition, then he passes it on through the people closest to you.

3rd technique "Descartes square for decision making".

The essence of this simple technique is that the problem or issue must be considered from 4 different sides. After all, we often get hung up on one question: what will happen if THIS HAPPENS? Or what will I get if I DO THIS? But you need to ask yourself not 1, but 4 questions:

  • What will, if this will happen? (pros of this).
  • What will, if this NOT will happen ? (pros of not getting it).
  • What Will not be, if this will happen? (cons of this).
  • What Will not be, if this will NOT happen? (cons of not getting it).

To make it clearer, you can ask questions a little differently:

4th technique "Expansion of choice".

This is very important technique. Often we get hung up on only one choice, “YES or NO”, “Do or Don’t”, and in our stubbornness we forget to consider all other options. For example, to buy this particular car on credit or not. If not, then continue to ride the subway. Due to the fact that we fixate only on the option "YES or NO", we forget about other options. For example, an alternative to taking the subway might be to buy an inexpensive car. And no longer on credit.

5th technique Jose Silva "Glass of water".

This is an amazing, effective, working technique. Its author is José Silva, who gained worldwide fame for the Silva Method he developed.- complex psychological exercises. This is how you should do the exercise. Before going to bed, take a glass of water with clean, not boiled water with both hands (you can take mineral water), close your eyes and formulate a question that needs to be addressed. Then drink about half of the water in small sips, repeating to yourself approximately the following words: "This is all I need to do in order to find the right solution." Open your eyes, put a glass with the remaining water near the bed and go to bed. In the morning, drink water and thank you for the right decision. The decision may clearly "come" immediately in the morning after waking up, or it may dawn in the middle of the day. The decision will come like a flash and it will become completely incomprehensible, how could one doubt it. Here it is, the correct solution.

Technique 6: Stick to Your Basic Priorities

The technique is based on the ideas of philosophers Ancient Greece. "Ataraxia" is equanimity, calmness. It is achieved when a person correctly distributes the system of values. After all, most often a person is restless and suffers from the fact that he does not get what he wants.

The key to realizing happiness is very simple: you need to enjoy what you have and not desire what you cannot have! (Aldous Huxley)

The wise Greeks distributed the IMPORTANCE of values ​​and their basic priorities as follows:

  • Natural and natural values like, water and food.
  • Values ​​are natural, but not quite natural dictated by the sociality of all people, for example, the value of having higher education and other similar stereotypical values. Most of these values ​​can be liberated.
  • Values ​​are not natural and not natural. This is fame, success, servility, wealth. This is the opinion of others, condemnation from the outside. Or, conversely, excessive praise. With these values ​​in general, you can easily say goodbye!

So, when you want to get something when making a decision, analyze according to the above classification whether you really need it or these are not natural and not natural values ​​imposed on you by the stereotypes of society. Do not think about what others will think, but at the same time be sure that your decision will not harm anyone.

7th technique "Wait".

When making important and long-term solutions it is important to get rid of emotions. For example, in relationships with loved ones or if you want to change jobs, but are afraid of change.

Sometimes, to make the right decision, you just need to wait. You know that impulsive desires are often difficult to deal with. At the same time, if you wait a little, the desire may disappear on its own. And what seemed to be the first necessity yesterday, today seems completely unnecessary. No wonder they say: "That thought needs to be put to rest."

To get rid of emotions, you can use the exercise called "10/10/10". We need to answer the question “How will I feel about this in 10 hours / 10 months / 10 years?”.


You got the answer to the question how to make a decision when in doubt? And now you have to make your choice. When making a decision, it is important:

  • turn off emotions
  • listen to intuition;
  • ask for advice from the 2 closest people;
  • consider other options, expand the choice;
  • evaluate all the PROs and CONS on the issues of the Descartes Square;
  • evaluate whether the decision is inconsistent with your basic principles;
  • if possible, postpone the decision, wait, "sleep with this thought" using the "Glass of Water" technique.

Under all other circumstances, always be confident in yourself and in your dreamdon't give up, be optimistic. Do not think about what others will think, but at the same time, your decision will be correct only when, after making it, you will have peace of mind and you will be sure that you do not harm anyone and do not go against your principles.

Do not be afraid, take your decision, even if it turns out to be wrong, because "No one stumbles while lying in bed" (Japanese wisdom)!

I wish you inspiration and a lot of strength for all your plans and decisions!

The life of each of us is an endless stream of decisions. You constantly have to choose: what to buy, how to spend the evening, which profession to choose, which deal to accept and which to reject, etc.

Fortunately, in most cases, making the right decision is fairly easy. Our subconscious does not have to spend a lot of time choosing one of the options, since it is definitely better. But there are situations when it is not clear which of the chosen options will bring more benefit and less harm.

Remember the legendary movie "The Matrix" when Morpheus offered Neo to choose one of the pills. From the outside it may seem that choosing freedom and life in reality was easier and more correct than forgetting everything and continuing to exist in a fairy tale. In fact, most people choose the other side in their lives.

But we digress a little from the topic. So, there are situations when it is not easy to make the right decision. Each of options has a lot of pluses and even more minuses that we would not like to receive. In addition, each of the options will have a lot of consequences that we could not even imagine.

2 approaches to decision making

There are two ways that can help us make a choice. We have used each of them in our lives, simply, someone chooses one more often, someone uses the second more often.

1. When to enable logic?

Careful consideration of possible options and their consequences is characteristic of making logical decisions. Using this approach, we can weigh the pros and cons, analyze the possible benefits and losses of each of the possible options.

The logical approach is best used in situations where there are many inputs and most of the consequences are easily predictable. As a rule, this approach is better applied in business and in any other business areas of life, in cases where the possible risks are very high.

2. When to use intuition?

Often we find ourselves in a situation where it is almost impossible to imagine further development events. There is no past experience corresponding to such situations, and there is no way to extract and analyze information from other sources. And you need to make a decision quickly, because "delay is like death."

In this case, there is nothing left but to listen to your intuition and not make a quick and unambiguous choice. Still, we will not be able to build any accurate forecasts.

The need to make such decisions almost always arises in personal life and in everything that is connected with human feelings and emotions.

Regardless of which approach you tend to take more often, I recommend following these five principles to help you make the right decision:

Principle 1. Never rely on "maybe". Always make your own decision.

Don't wait for things to work out on their own or for someone else to do it for you. Indecisiveness is also a decision, but in this case you are no longer in control of the situation, therefore you are not in control of your life. Often people put off making a decision until there are no alternatives worthy of attention, and this is no longer a decision.

Consciously making a decision, however unpleasant, will prepare you in advance to accept its consequences and, most likely, it will be easier for you to cope with its negative consequences. Or maybe you can even find a way to get rid of some of the problems associated with it.

Principle 2. Make a decision quickly.

Postponing the decision for later, we tend to raise our bet in this game. As a rule, intuition tells us the best ways, but intuition only works for a short time, then all your past experience, fears, doubts and other nonsense that the brain is loaded with comes into play. All this only clutters up our consciousness and encourages us to make mistakes.

The sooner you can make your choice, the more time you have to prepare for its negative consequences. There will be time to “lay straw”, as a result, you will be able to get more out of the path you have chosen.

Principle 3. Once you've made your decision, take action immediately and don't stop.

Nothing delays the achievement of goals like procrastination. Once you postpone the implementation of your decisions, it will not be difficult for you to postpone them in the future, and this is fraught with the fact that you will never achieve the goals for which the decision was made. Often, what we thought about and decided to do is forgotten after a few days. The long box has not been canceled yet - it is in it that all our greatest achievements are stored.

Principle 4. Do not change your decision half way to the result.

Achieving any result takes time and effort. It makes no sense to expect that the result will come easily and quickly. And if you constantly change your decisions, then all this will look like Brownian motion (chaotic movement of the molecules of a substance, in which the substance itself does not move anywhere) and no result will definitely come.

Drive it into your head - you can get the result only by reaching the end.

If you have made a decision to become rich, then act to the end. If you decide in a week that it is difficult and it is better to become healthy. Stop saving money and start eating right. After another week, you will stop eating vegetables, because. you want a barbecue, and decide to be beautiful by playing sports. Then you can continue on your own.

Principle 5. The most important. Never regret your decision.

Often people believe that they made the wrong decision. It was necessary to act differently. The trick is that you can never know if you did the right thing, because. check is impossible. Always consider your choice as the only correct one.

For example, you bought a car, and a week later its engine broke down. The first thought - it was necessary to buy another, but, on the other, at the most inopportune moment, the brakes could fail. What would be better?

In fact, it is not difficult to make the right decision, it is much more difficult to take responsibility for its consequences! Follow these rules, they will help you and get outstanding results.

Good luck, Dmitry Zhilin

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