Why and how do people hear the inner voice? The inner voice of a person: how to develop intuition.

  • 26.09.2019

We all sometimes ask questions that seem rhetorical to us. Where can we find the strength to start a new, truly our life, freed from the stereotypes that the environment imposes on us? How to learn to listen and hear your inner voice? How to recognize where our true desires are, and where is my mother's attitude to happy marriage and daddy - for a successful career? What needs to be done in order to finally live with one's own mind, having cleansed the brain, like a valuable ore, of unnecessary impurities and slag?

It turns out that there are still people in our lives who manage to find their answers to these questions.

Exactly one year ago, a good friend of mine was dumped by a guy with whom she had a kind of serious relationship. He quit badly, ugly - he went to their mutual friend, and even in the middle of a project that the three of them were doing. The project collapsed into hell, friendship fell apart, personal life was over. A friend howled for two weeks, generously irrigating with tears the surfaces of the tables of all friendly cuisines. She banged her head against the door frame, rolled her eyes and wrung her hands, asking the unfortunate people around her: “How could he? How could they?" Surrounding, not really understanding how, in response, they shrugged their hands and poured more for her. So a week passed. A friend during this time lost eight kilograms, wept enough and ... began to act.

This is where the fun begins. No, the abandoned girl did not come up with and implement a sophisticated plan of revenge on her unfaithful lover and insidious homemaker. She spat on them and ... took up her own life. Now, a year later, I look at her and can only thank the person who left her so treacherously. Her example clearly proves to me: trees grow on stones, and from the most lousy situation you can extract useful new experience and energy for positive changes in life. This is what the personal chronicle of this dive bomber looks like.

Two weeks after the breakup, my friend quit her position as editor of not the latest women's magazine, three weeks later she moved out of her rented apartment. Knots, bales and a favorite sofa were handed over to compassionate friends for safekeeping. An acquaintance bought a plane ticket to Ufa and, having paid off her debts, flew to the Urals with a small backpack and six thousand rubles in her pocket. For two months, the whole company followed the traveler frog, reading her blog with horror and delight: Ufa, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod. The girl stayed with old friends, apparently feeding on the holy spirit. I must say that day by day her posts became more and more optimistic. At the end of November, a friend left for the Crimea - she wanted to swim in the sea.

Just before the New Year, we met in a cafe, and, looking into her enlightened and peaceful face, I was finally able to ask: “Uh, what was that?”. “You know,” a friend leaned confidentially towards me and lowered her voice, “if this eccentric (she, of course, put it more strongly - approx. Aut.) had not left me, I would have continued to live like this, thinking that here she is - my love , here it is - my work and here it is - my friendship ... I would never allow myself to feel that I have long wanted to throw everything to hell! Indeed, in fact, I have long been tired of messing with this sissy, renting an apartment in this hole and every day going to this women's serpentarium, where the main event of the day was Chanel stilettos, on which the editor-in-chief clicked. I would never know what I really want - freedom, travel, the opportunity to choose again! It turns out that I was so tired of worrying about trifles - what to wear to work today, what to cook for dinner ... The gap worked like a bomb - it blew up a ton of slag that had accumulated in my head. I was able to look at my life in a new way. And you know, I don’t regret anything!” I looked at her - no job, no housing, no boyfriend - and felt the slag in my head begin to boil ...

In winter, my friend met her first love, with whom she parted stupidly seven years ago, in the spring she found a new one. interesting work(no office!), in the summer she went to get a second higher education, and now she is planting tulips on her plot in the far suburbs. Apparently, all the slag in her head finally burned out.

Brain hygiene

Not all problems are solved so radically, and not every lifestyle needs to be radically changed. However, if you feel that you are ready to tear your office blouse on your chest and scream after Tsoi: “Our hearts demand changes!”, It is worth taking very specific steps to clear your own head of what prevents you from changing. For example, from a false idea of ​​\u200b\u200bits personality.

1. Take time for yourself. This is not a smooth glossy recommendation to soak in the bath with a magazine in your hands and not a call to set aside a couple of evenings a week for meeting your girlfriends in a cafe! It's about something completely different. If you have long ignored the voice of your true self, then being alone with him at first will be very unpleasant. (And how would you behave with someone who locked you in dark room without water and food and returned after many years?) Turn off the TV (or better, throw it away altogether). Stop playing your car radio at full volume, creating a background sound that interferes with thinking. Destroy the glossy Talmuds that have accumulated under the bed. Let there be silence inside. Absolute, akin to meditative. Then there is a chance that at some point the voice of the inner child will be heard in it - that part of your personality that is responsible for creativity and spontaneity, and not for how to live “correctly”.

If you doubt your own strength to pick it out of the closet in which you put it, seek help from specialists - now there are a lot of psychological trainings aimed at waking up the little sleeping creator inside you. It is the inner child that will help you move things off the ground - move, change jobs, start crocheting or knitting again. In short, to receive joy from life, not profit.

2. Learn to take care of yourself. I'm not talking about a pedicure for 100 euros. I'm talking about spiritual harmony. And do not be afraid that everyone will turn away from you if you suddenly turn to your desires and stop indulging the desires of others. A psychologist lady I knew once told me: “You know, in fact, for happiness, you only need one thing: to do what you want.” While skeptics are shaking their heads dejectedly (and what do you order to feed children?), I’ll clarify: doing what you want does not mean turning from a sacrificial altruistic mother, tortured by diapers and reports, into an inactive extra-class egoist. It means constantly asking yourself the question: “What do I want at this particular moment?” - and find an adequate answer to it. Agree, it’s hard to be tormented by reports at a truly beloved job or turn into a scarecrow buried in diapers, if you don’t fall into hysterics every five minutes on the topic “I’m a bad mother!”. Especially for such neurotics, the British psychotherapist Donald Winnicott developed the concept of “Good Enough Mother”. People are drawn to those who live in harmony with themselves.

3. Keep a diary of emotions. Will it be a closed blog or a beautiful diary with a lock - it doesn't matter. In a world where everything happens too fast, we do not have time to live our feelings. Describing experiences on paper or in in electronic format, you will learn to better recognize your own emotions, find their true cause and be more attentive to yourself. Often we do not notice how we replace feelings with intellect. Psychotherapists talk with laughter about the men who came to the reception for the first time. To the question: "How do you feel now?" the vast majority begin to answer: "I think ..." and become terribly annoyed when the therapist interrupts them and repeats his question. No matter how powerful your intellect is, sometimes it deserves only one thing - to be sacrificed to feelings. In Jungian analysis, there is even such an image - a victim of intellect. If you dream that your head is being cut off in a dream, your inner depths are hinting to you that you need to stop thinking with your head and trust in the flow of life.

3. Learn to interpret dreams. At least theirs. No, you do not need to buy a dream book. And Freud's grandfather with his trains, tunnels and bananas should not be completely relied upon either. After all, sometimes a banana is just a banana. In modern psychoanalysis, it is believed that the best interpreter own sleep- this is not someone else's uncle or aunt, but you yourself. No one but you will better understand your images and character strings. And if the analyst can decide that you dream of the needle for fear of violating its integrity, then for you personally it can mean a kind grandmother who embroidered all the time, and that’s how you remember her. The analyst does not know about it. Even if dreams are almost not remembered or remembered with difficulty, do not be discouraged. Practice shows that if immediately after waking up, grab the pen and scribble a few lines, grabbing at least a couple of “sleepy” images, things will go smoothly. The constant habit of writing down dreams leads to an improvement in their memorization. And every dream is a key to your unconscious. The key to yourself, in fact.

4. Praise yourself. The inner critic is always whispering: “You can do more…”? Shut his mouth with a rolled up sock and do not discount your own achievements. The phrase "You can do more" can make any joy pale. According to statistics, more than half of women in Russia do not know how to accept compliments. If you cannot accept someone else's praise, this also indicates that it is extremely difficult for you to adequately treat yourself. Try to start with little things - after all, you can praise yourself for anything, even for delicious coffee brewed in the morning, even for the fact that you finally reached the dentist. Straighten up, straighten your chest and say out loud, looking in the mirror: "I'm done!" (let the people in the waiting room grab their fluxes in surprise). Only a self-confident person can act decisively, changing his life with a firm hand, and self-confidence, if it was not laid in childhood by our dear parents, we are able to grow. And here you need to start with little things. By the way, it is better to answer any compliment: “Thank you”. Dot. And not: “Oh, what are you… Come on…”.

When the child begins to explore the world(crawls, grabs everything), good enough parents help him and stimulate his interest, not forgetting to provide support in time. And they don’t scare you with cries: “Don’t go! Do not touch! Don't poke around!" Your task is to return or grow in yourself the confidence that the world, although not at all simple, is still friendly. It is safe to explore it, looking for new ways for development. Everything will work out if, instead of a critic, you include an inner parent who is balanced and confident in your strengths and abilities. We are all old enough to become both a caring father and a tender mother to ourselves.

5. Get rid of unnecessary information. A couple of weeks without TV - and you remember that you really love not the singer Nyusha, but the Bravo group, not the TV series "Daddy's Daughters", but the films of Alfred Hitchcock. Or make sure of your sincere and ardent love for Nyusha and turn the box back on. In the world of gadgets and the accomplished scientific and technological revolution, it is very difficult to isolate from the stream and consume the information that you need. Separate yourself from the mass of viewers, readers, listeners. Stop aimlessly clicking the mouse while walking around on the links that your colleagues bombard you with. Do not have long conversations in ICQ about anything with people you have not seen for years. Don't "like" photos of strangers on social media. This is your time. Better spend it on creating your news feed in the search engine. Or subscribe to blogs that are really interesting to you - this is especially true if you have not had time to read books on topics that concern you for a long time.

The formation of individuality does not happen quickly, but after all, the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. Learn to trust your own opinion. Mom, grandma and a strict boss can think whatever they want. (They may even be right!) But in order to live your life, you have to make your own mistakes. Then you can record victories exclusively on your account. Remember, you and only you are the captain of your ship. And it's up to you to decide which course this fragile ship will take - to the reefs, aground or to the distant green islands.

In life, one has to see and hear unpleasant, difficult, even terrible things. There's nothing you can do, that's life. It is impossible to plug your ears and close your eyes, although, to be honest, impressionable adults do this sometimes - during a scary movie. Or change the channel quickly. And in life there is no switch button. And we voluntarily listen to the sad and tragic stories of people. Friends, acquaintances, relatives... Or listen to the complaints of the sick and sympathize. We see their suffering. Or we learn about a tragic case from the media and are imbued with sympathy. We are people. It's okay to hear, see, know, participate.

But then it's so bad at heart! We constantly think about what we have learned. It affects our mood and our overall health. And what can happen is that a similar story will happen to us. Illness, accident, injury… Why? But because we are subconsciously involved in someone else's scenario. We kind of said to ourselves: “This can happen to anyone! Nobody is safe. Life is unpredictable!". Actually, sympathy occurs because we imagine ourselves in the place of another. And from the presentation to the real embodiment of the event, there is only one step. Especially if you are an impressionable person.

We need to help and empathize. But there is still a “magic button” for switching channels. Even the kids know her. There is such a childish proverb: I saw a dead dove, for example, you must quickly say: “pah-pah-pah three times, not my infection!”. Funny? A little funny. But this is the moment of mental hygiene. We realize that this is not our situation. Not our destiny. What happened has nothing to do with us. This is not our story, this is the sad story of another person. It doesn't belong to us.

We will provide assistance if needed. If necessary, we will express indignation or support. We will take part if necessary. But sometimes nothing depends on us at all, we saw something unpleasant, terrible on the Internet or on TV ... And we must immediately, as quickly as possible, realize that this is not our story. We have our own destiny. Your life path. We do not take this unpleasant story and imprint it in the subconscious. To capture means to seal. Accept. And this is not necessary.

So say to yourself mentally: “This is not my story. Alien. I won't take it!" And this is quite enough to protect the vulnerable soul. And save energy for active assistance, if needed. A doctor cannot think about each patient for days, he will lose his ability to work. And the doctor must apply security measures against infection. So it is with a kind impressionable person. It is necessary to switch to constructive activity. And continue to live and work. And the switch button is easy to press. “This is not mine!” Give yourself a mental order and explanation. This is enough for self-preservation.

Anna Kiryanova

Publisher: Gaya - March 19, 2019

The great Caruso was once booed at a premiere. And the famous Puccini was not just booed; the audience meowed, squeaked, and in the most tragic places they laughed ... Offensive words were shouted to both Pavarotti and Strauss. They disrupted performances with the participation of great actresses ... And then they cried in the dressing room - the audience did not like it! People criticized the speech, expressed contempt and discontent. Gotta get off the stage!

No need. First you need to understand who booed you and why; “criticized,” as one failed writer used to say. This writer went to dinner with famous and successful colleagues. And then he said in a satisfied voice: they say, he went to visit, ate a bourgeois, at the same time he criticized everything well there! It became easier on the soul! Much easier…

Even if the depreciating and "critical" reviews are numerous, do not rush to despair and doubt what you are doing. You may be booed on purpose; there are such people - clackers. They were hired to destroy the reputation of a playwright or actor; humiliate and deprive self-confidence, drive into a state of despair. Clackers were hired by envious people and ill-wishers. Or extortionists - they offered to pay money so that the singer, actress or author would not be booed and pelted with rotten tomatoes.

Such extortionists also came to Chaliapin. Like, give us money, otherwise we will publicly denounce and “criticize” you during your speech. We will destroy your career and reputation! Chaliapin immediately turned to the newspaper and publicized the case. Like, some robbers extort money from me. I won't pay! The man was of character. And he did the right thing - he did not pay a penny. He went and sang his arias. He knew his worth.

So it may well be this: you are criticized out of envy. Or they try to pressure you and get something. To force you to capitulate and give something back to the critic clackers: a position, money, a great project, the respect of the management… There are always several clackers. This group. But they agreed in advance how they will devalue and criticize you. There are usually two or three of them. Sometimes they are relatives, sometimes they are colleagues ... As soon as you go on stage, so to speak, they begin to say bad things. Whistle and throw tomatoes...

It has nothing to do with you, that's what's important to remember. The task of the clackers is to inspire you with uncertainty, to force you to abandon the goal. And give what you have - pay them. To humiliate yourself in front of them, start fawning, trembling... First of all, you don't have to believe their "criticism" - these are rotten tomatoes that they brought beforehand. Haven't watched the play yet, but already came with tomatoes in their bosoms. Secondly, we must act like Chaliapin. Openly say that you understand the reason for the attacks. This one whistles because he's jealous. And this one meows because he wants to take away this and that. This one grunts because that is his true nature. He only grunts and knows how.

Clackers can ruin your reputation and mood; but only temporarily. Pavarotti and Caruso are world famous. They still succeeded. Because the main thing is to do what normal people will appreciate. And most of them. Although at first it seems that the whole audience is against you! But it's not. Take a closer look - the same people come forward with toxic criticism. And you should not throw pearls in front of them, sing arias or invite them to dinner ...

Anna Kiryanova

Publisher: Gaya - March 19, 2019


Transurfing practitioners often set their intention on wealth and abundance and begin to actively work with it: they perform practices, restructure thinking, increase the level of personal energy ... But for some reason, everything does not always work out exactly as you want. For example, money comes, but not in the same amount or not so quickly.

Check yourself - are you doing everything right? Or are you missing something? In order for the Transurfing and Tufti techniques in the field of money to work for you 100%, you need to follow a number of rules and take into account all the nuances. We offer you a checklist that will allow you to check in 5 minutes whether you are on the right track, moving towards wealth and success!


One of the basic principles of Transurfing in the financial field is: "Money is an attribute of the goal." And best of all, if this goal is related to your mission, purpose. As Vadim Zeland repeatedly emphasizes in his newsletters, “Money doesn’t just fall from the sky.” But they are automatically applied to your target. If you find your uniqueness, which you are called to bring into this World, and start moving along your true path, then money will come on this path by itself. Therefore, you need to focus not on money as such, but on what you share with the surrounding reality, what your destiny is.

Ask yourself the question: what am I doing perfectly? Or, at least, what am I going to do perfectly when I develop my skill? It can be anything: oil paintings, accounting reports, negotiations with partners, car repairs, interior design ... The main thing is that this goal really “ignites” and inspires you. Having found such a goal, broadcast thought forms: “I am a highly paid specialist”, “I create real masterpieces”, “My work benefits people”, “People like my work and they are ready to pay for them”, “I brilliantly lead projects and make deals "," I am a brilliant manager. There can be many options here - choose what resonates most in your Soul and inspires you.


Money does not come just like that, but it comes for specific things. Ask yourself: what will you do when you get the amount of money you want? Buy Vacation home and car? Travel to trip around the world? Open your business? Get an education in a new specialty for you? Sit down and write down, let you have at least 10 or 20 points - the more the better, allow yourself to dream a little. And then, thinking about money, transfer your attention from specific amounts to these things that you desire.

Remember: for the Universe, your request “I want a lot of money!” does not mean anything. But the intention to become the owner country house on the shore of the lake - already a more "working" option. The thing is that money is energy, and energy must be in motion all the time: you receive it and immediately put it into circulation, invest in a particular business or thing, and use it to realize what you really want. The question here is not the amount of money, but what you are going to spend it on.


The intention in the sphere of money is formulated in exactly the same way as in other areas: in 5-6 sentences you describe the final image of the result, what you want to get in the end. Write only in the present tense, in the affirmative form, without particles “not”. Try to write as specifically, concisely and to the point as possible. Do not go into a detailed listing of all the details and nuances, display only the essence.

To make it clearer, let's look at a few common mistakes that often occur in money intentions. The first example: "I receive 20 million rubles and buy an apartment in the city center." What is wrong here? That the focus is on the money, not the goal. It would be more correct to write it like this: "I live in my own 3-room apartment in the city center."

The second example: "I earn from 300,000 rubles a month." The error here is that your mission is not displayed. It is better to formulate it this way: “I find my favorite job and reveal my talents, I generate and implement brilliant ideas and receive from 300,000 rubles a month for this.”

The third example: "I receive a large inheritance, make a contribution and live on interest, without denying myself anything." This intention is not very effective, since there are no specific things for which money is required. “Without denying yourself anything” is a phrase too vague and vague for the Universe. It would be more correct to write it like this: “I travel 6 times a year and relax in popular resorts, dine in expensive restaurants, dress in world-famous clothes.” In addition, the error here is that a specific way of implementing the intention is indicated: "I receive an inheritance." And, according to the principles of Transurfing, one should not think over the ways of implementation, it is necessary to focus only on the goal itself.


From childhood, we are taught: “Money is evil!”, “All the rich steal”, “It is impossible to be an honest businessman”, “The main thing is to have enough to live on”, and so on. Gradually, these negative attitudes and stereotypes, like anchors, dig into our consciousness and slow us down on the path to success. Often we do not even notice them, but they can become a serious reason that does not allow you to really get rich.

It turns out that very rarely people think about money in a positive way, even those who have already achieved some success in their career or business. But our world is an endless space of options, in which there is enough money for everyone. You are not limited in resources if you yourself do not drive yourself into a framework. Get rid of stereotypes - and you will see how wealth and abundance enter your life and fill it!


It is not enough just to write down your intention and forget about it - you need to work with it regularly. You can use absolutely any Transurfing and Tufti techniques: “Intention Generator”, “Glass of Water”, “Two Notebooks”, “Doors”, working with a pigtail of intention. But one of the most effective tools that works most powerfully in the monetary area is the target slide.

Reread your intention, close your eyes, imagine that it has already been realized and for a few minutes immerse yourself in this picture from the future. Where are you? What do you do? Who surrounds you? What do you feel? Visualize everything in great detail. If your intention is to become a successful businessman, visualize your office in every detail. What kind of chair do you have: expensive, with a high back, made of black genuine leather? What suit are you wearing: from a well-known global brand? What kind of paintings hang on the walls: from a prestigious exhibition of contemporary art or classics, or maybe diplomas and company awards? What kind of view opens from the office window: the city center, the busy avenues, the park or the river? What do you feel when your partner agrees to a profitable deal for you: joy, satisfaction, excitement? Stay on this slide for a while and return to your current reality.


Importance is all your imbalanced feelings and emotions: anger, impatience, lust, fears. This is the hook for which pendulums constantly cling to you, subordinating you to their will and turning you into a puppet. By lowering the importance, you become invulnerable. But it is especially difficult to do this when it comes to reducing the importance in financial matters! We are often asked: "How not to worry when bank collectors call every day?". Or: “How to cope with impatience, if the business still can’t pay off, but you want to get into the black already?”.

Reducing the importance of money begins with the realization that from the fact that you will rush things, doubt, strive to control everything and fall into anxiety - nothing will change, it will only get worse. By overestimating the importance, you create excess potentials and squeeze the energy of External Intention. And instead of starting the transition to a new line of life, full of wealth and abundance, you only move away from it or even start moving in the opposite direction.


Only by acting from the state of a rich person can you achieve real success. And, since the world, according to the principles of Transurfing, is a dual mirror that reacts with a slight delay, you must first acquire the state, thinking and psychology of a rich person, and then become such in material reality. In other words, you need to "pretend" that you live in luxury and abundance, and act accordingly. Not to worry when it comes to money, look for new opportunities and sources of income, increase your level of permission, for example, drink coffee in expensive restaurants or buy accessories from famous brands.

Follow the rules that all rich people adhere to and that will help you gradually restructure your thinking. Firstly, have a positive attitude towards money and luxury, do not condemn those who, in your opinion, “litter with money”, do not consider yourself “above all this”, do not say that money is evil. Secondly, expand your comfort zone, love yourself and allow yourself what the Soul asks for. If there are not so many opportunities yet, you can start with little things: drink coffee from an expensive porcelain service, and not from a cheap IKEA mug; there are fresh fruits and farm products, not convenience foods from the nearest store.

Switch from thinking that there is not enough money again, to the thought: “How can I earn more? What else can I do? Where to invest your energy and talents? What sources of income to find, what to learn, what skills to acquire, what opportunity to use? This is how the rich think successful man. He is not looking for obstacles, but for opportunities. Focuses not on problems, but on prospects. He thinks not about the fact that there is no money, but about how to increase their amount. He does not blame the state/boss/competitors, but takes responsibility for his financial situation into his own hands. He declares to the Universe: "I deserve all the best." And this best itself comes to him - the shortest and least resource-intensive way!


Fragment of the live broadcast "Transurfing and money"

The live broadcast with Tatyana Samarina, which recently took place in the Transurfing Center, caused a wide stir. More than 4,000 people have already watched the recording and heard the answers to the questions: what Transurfing and Tufty techniques to increase income work most effectively in the New Time? How to enter the state for which the money "goes"? How to gain financial freedom?

Publisher: Gaya - March 19, 2019

The human brain thinks all the time and enjoys it. He was made to think, and therefore he has no reason to stop.

“The habit of thinking all the time is killing us. Slowly but surely we are approaching our end. We think and think and think, but the human mind still cannot be trusted. And it's a deadly vicious circle." - Anthony Hopkins

I know this is easier said than done, but if you can harness your own mind, you will increase and improve your concentration while keeping a clear head. Get rid of this bad habit and your life will change dramatically.

Below are 11 inspiring quotes that can help you overcome your desire to immerse yourself in endless thoughts:

1. You will never feel free while you are locked in a cage of your erroneous reasoning.

2. Listen and then speak. Think and then act. Wait and then criticize. Forgive and then pray. Try and then give up.

3. Stop worrying about possible failure. Be optimistic about what you want to excel at.

4. Thinking too much means creating problems from scratch.

5. There is nothing in this world that can give you as much trouble as your thoughts can.

6. What do rocking chairs and anxiety have in common? When moving, you do not leave your seat.

7. Stop thinking so much. You can't control everything and everyone. What should be, that cannot be avoided.

8. Dear brain, please shut up and switch off until the morning. I can't take it anymore and I need to sleep.

9. The main reason for dissatisfaction is what occupies all your thoughts.

10. Do not spoil the whole day with thoughts about yesterday. Let go of your past.

11. Great minds listen to their inner voice despite fear.

12. If you are powerless in something, then it is not worth your worries.

Publisher: Gaya - March 19, 2019

Not everyone in this world believes in the Law of Attraction. And I will try to explain why many people fail to use this rule in practice.

When we create attraction in our true selves, the Universe begins to work in the name of fulfilling our desire, which is proof that the Law of Attraction really exists. But it is important that you use this law correctly.

If the desire does not come from our heart, but from the ego, then we will not succeed. You just shouldn't treat the Universe like a magical fairy that fulfills all our whims.

Let's put it this way, if you're like a child making wish lists of all the things you want to have, places you want to visit, and people you want to get close to, it means you don't quite understand how The law of attraction works.

Living by the principle of “I want to receive”, we cease to experience happiness and satisfaction from what we have, who we are and what kind of life we ​​live. Which forces us to constantly be in search of something bigger, better or newer.

It makes more sense to try a different approach. For example, to allow the Universe to choose, rather than make demands on it. Let her guide and show you the way.

By subduing our ego and trusting, we give ourselves a chance to live our unique destiny. All that is required of us is simply to listen to the Universe. Go in the direction she points you.

It is foolish to think that now that we have become adults, we know better what we need than when we were children and made lists of gifts for New Year and birthdays. In fact, our desires have changed little. Now, instead of toys, we dream of money, a high social status, an expensive car, trips to fashionable resorts. Only the form has changed, not the context.

Satisfaction with a new car disappears after a year, after a new model appears - more advanced.

We begin to ask the Universe to send us another other half, as the previous partner did not live up to expectations. Here we meet a new person, but very little time passes, and we are already trying to change him, because again this is not what we need.

Money... There is no need to even talk about how dependent we are on them.

Our constant craving for something new is simply not capable of making us truly happy.

Why don't we stop asking altogether? Instead, start paying attention to the signs that the Universe gives us that show our true path in life.

Begin to be guided by your true desires in your actions. Our destiny is attracted by who we really are.

Publisher: Gaya - March 19, 2019


A wise Chinese proverb says: "A green reed that trembles in the wind is stronger than a mighty oak tree that breaks in a storm."

Strong people are responsible not only for themselves or their loved ones. They are responsible for the whole world present in their lives.

Strong people cannot be called more enduring and healthier than everyone else. But they realize that they cannot afford to simply lie among the sick and dying while someone's fate depends on them.

Even during a heart attack, such individuals still find the strength in themselves to throw themselves into the water, saving a drowning child, take him out of the water and make sure that his life is no longer in danger. Perhaps after that they will feel their own pain. Physicians more than once had to witness such miracles.

And also strong people suffer greatly from loneliness. And it's not that they can't be in the company. It's just their power! Let's be honest - few of us would think that a strong person suffers from loneliness, is in a state of depression, or has some needs and problems of his own.

They stand their ground, pay their bills on time, cheer others up, share their positive vibrations with those around them, and, as a rule, keep silent about their own difficulties. It is always easy with them, they are very consistent and reliable, although sometimes communication with such personalities is not distinguished by comfort and pleasant sensations.

Sometimes strong people find themselves locked in their own vicious superhero cycle, trying to save everyone around them, losing their own selves in the process.

Therefore, whenever possible, try to remind strong man that he, too, needs to be taken care of.

After all, as in films, such people are the first to come to the rescue at the most difficult moment. And you never know when you will need their help again.

Publisher: Gaya - March 19, 2019


You should ask yourself one simple question right now: how to stop absorbing the negative energy of other people?

Empathy is the ability to recognize and feel the feelings and emotions of others. Sympathy is the ability to feel empathy for other people.

Empathy is usually good, it's what makes us human, but sometimes strong empathy means that you absorb too much pain and suffering around you. This can eventually affect your ability to work and even the very ability to live a fulfilling life.

If you have ever been in the same room with a negative person, you yourself know how toxic their energy, and even their very presence, feels. Given the fact that the world around us is chock-full of negative people, it is very important to learn not to absorb, like a sponge, the negative energy emitted by them. Here are five ways to help you stop doing it:

1. Remember once and for all - you will not be able to please everyone around.

If someone dislikes you, constantly complains about you, or shuns you, don't make it your life's work to convince that person that you are worthy of love, friendship, or even decent treatment. This will only pull you deeper into his field of attraction and make you dependent on his opinion of you.

Not everyone in this world will treat you well - whether you like it or not, but this is a fact. Each person comes to earth with a purpose, and these goals can be radically different from yours. First of all, try to love not someone out there, but yourself - this will create a kind of force field that will not allow you to become dependent on someone else's opinion, like a drug addict.

Also remember that you can't change everyone. Believe me, in most cases you are not at all destined to melt the icy heart of such people and make them at least a little kinder. The best thing you can do when confronted with them is to simply stay away from both them and the energy they emit. negative energy.

2. Pay close attention to who you let into your life.

Your body, mind and personal space is your temple. Think about who you let into this temple, and do you do it voluntarily? Do you force your guests to at least wipe their feet at the threshold, or do they leave dirty marks all over your soul thanks to your connivance?

In the Brazilian dialect of Portuguese, there is a slang word "folgado". It is used in the meaning of "freeloader". In our language, there is no exact equivalent for it, because it is not even a lifestyle, but a special mentality.

There are people who, figuratively speaking, are ready to sit on your head and dangle your legs if you show kindness towards them. If you give such a person a piece of bread, tomorrow he will demand two from you. If you let him stay at your place for the weekend, he will try to stay with you for a week (or even two).

I once thought that my wife was unnecessarily cold and unfriendly to some of our neighbors. But over time, I realized that she simply respects herself, her home and her personal space, and began to behave in exactly the same way.

Kindness and generosity are, of course, good, but when showing them, you must be very careful so that those whom you, out of the kindness of your soul, are trying to help, do not wipe their feet on you. Because it will most likely prevent you from helping those who really need your help. Learn to say “no” and not feel guilty about it.

3. Stop paying attention to toxic people.

Some people just empty the drain tanks of their soul in you and go about their business, getting rid of the negativity. It is, of course, good that you are always ready to listen to even a complete stranger and sympathize with his troubles, but there is a line that you should not cross if you value your own. inner peace and mental balance.

Each of us at some stage became the “favorite ears” of a person who constantly throws out his irritation at us about working moments, problems in relationships, and so on. All these other people's emotions can exhaust you in their own way, and make you measure your life by someone else's yardstick - which is completely unproductive.

Love yourself enough to drown out their annoying buzz, tell them you're not interested. Or at least say that you don't have time for that right now. Believe me, this is not rude or callous, if you just do not want to be a reservoir for someone else's toxic energy.

4. Breathe in nature.

Go to nature, meditate, relax and take a deep breath. Purify the air and water inside yourself, engage in useful physical activity and surrender to the flow. Like a butterfly, gently glide through the air...gently, but with incredible speed.

First of all, pay attention to your own breathing. Proper breathing improves blood circulation throughout the body and helps reduce the absorption of the negative energy of those around you.

Walk confidently through life, walk with your head held high, and don't let anyone make you feel like someone smaller and more insignificant than them.

The caterpillar only crawls and eats everything around, it is chained to the ground. In order to soar into the sky like a beautiful butterfly, it must first acquire lightness.

5. Take full responsibility for your thoughts and emotions.

How you feel depends not only and not so much on the people around you, but only on you - 100%. The Universe directs people into our lives for a reason, but in order to put us to the test. How we perceive ourselves is much stronger and more important than how other people perceive us.

You are not a victim at all, and no one has more power over you than you do. Think about how your thoughts and expectations could bring to life most of the situations that gave you and give you inconvenience. What if the reason is your level of patience, irritability, or over-compassion?

If you do not bother to stop for at least a second to look into your own soul, you will still consider yourself a victim of the whole world, even if in fact it is not so at all.

Once you take full responsibility for how you feel and how you react to external stimuli, you will begin to understand yourself better and deeper. And when you begin to understand yourself better, it will not be so easy to unbalance you anymore.

Try as often as possible to put yourself in situations that increase your level of internal energy, rather than lower it.

When communicating with a person, think about whether you feel good in his presence, and whether he feels good in yours. Believe me, you deserve all the best, and it's time for you to understand this already.

In order to learn how to protect yourself from someone else's negative energy, you must first learn to love yourself. So always remember that you are worthy of happiness and peace, that saying “no” is normal, and you yourself create your energy state.

Publisher: Gaya - March 19, 2019


We all find ourselves in such a situation from time to time - we cannot (do not want) to fulfill the request, to assume obligations, to accept the offer, to meet halfway.

Some do not see this as a problem and resolutely refuse, not thinking about how their word will respond. Others, by their awkward refusal, close the necessary door for themselves.

Still others are tormented by doubts, afraid of offending, obscure the true state of things and say “yes”, meaning “no”, and thereby further confuse the relationship.

Everyone has the right to refuse, but how to do it and what will it be? There are simple and effective way. It allows you to not burn bridges, maintain relationships and perspectives, and at the same time it is completely unambiguous and does not create a false impression on the other side.

And it is called the "Sandwich Principle", which consists of four successive layers (for example, the situation is considered when the management of the studio / club offers a novice yoga teacher with no experience to lead a large group for all levels of training):

  • YES. Positive at the beginning: an expression of understanding, recognition of the importance of the task (request), gratitude for the appeal, trust, compliment, etc. “Thank you for your trust, this is very interesting and responsible for me, and of course I would like to lead large groups” ...
  • NO. Polite refusal... "And yet, for today, the optimal number for me is 6-7 people" ...
  • WHY NOT. Explaining the reason, giving arguments ... in view of my limited teaching experience so far and to ensure the necessary quality of practices "...
  • YES. Positive at the end: offer of a reasonable alternative, offer of other help, once again understanding, gratitude… “In the next two or three months of regular practice, I hope to gain the necessary experience and be able to lead a large group. Thanks again for the offer"

Once you open up to share your worries, problems, and successes with your mentors, they will in turn make subtle but direct contact with you, very discreetly at first. In fact, without becoming more familiar with their special vibrations, you may feel that you are making up this connection and therefore decide to reject it.

One of the biggest obstacles to establishing contact with mentors- Distorted expectations about how communication will take place. Most people are surprised at how clear mentors can be. After watching Hollywood movies and reading horror stories, they expect to meet strange creatures in space suits that will appear in the middle of the night, when in fact most mentors are as gentle as the light touch of a butterfly wing on your cheek. So if you're expecting big rants or Merlin at your bedside, you're likely to be disappointed.

Contact with spirit guides happens at a deep inner level - no entities will come to you from outside world. The mastery of perceiving mentors comes with the ability to tune in to these subtleties, to listen to them, and to accept their importance.

For example, after connecting with my first mentor, I saw her as a bright blue dot that hovered above me when I closed my eyes. But as soon as I opened them, the dot disappeared. After learning more about mentors, I realized that this level of gentle communication is quite common. Most spirit guides contact us in such a way that, for at least early stages we think we hear your inner voice, - however, the difference lies precisely in the gap that lies between your voice and the voice of your mentor.

In one of my intuition workshops, I spoke with a woman named Susan. The same thing happened to her - she was stuck and could not contact her mentor.

  • I only hear my own voice, she complained.
  • Are you sure? I asked. - And what does your voice tell you?
  • I asked a mentor to give me advice about my difficult marriage and suggest how to cope with our difficulties, she replied.
  • And what did your voice say? I asked again.
  • He told me to take my mind off my husband and go back to school.

I sat next to her for a while, and then asked:

  • Do you usually say this to yourself or have you thought about it before?
  • I never thought of school as a solution to my family troubles,” she said. - I thought about family therapy and even about divorce, but certainly not about school.
  • And how do you like this idea? Would you like to go back to school?
  • Well, yes, I would love to, - she said enthusiastically. - I always wanted to finish school, but then I got married and forgot about it.
  • I think you really got great advice.

Still tormented by doubts, Susan asked:

  • Do you really think so? Even if it seems to me that it's just mine inner voice?
  • Maybe you thought so, but how often did this thought cross your mind or was it new to you?
  • It was a completely new idea, amazing even... that's why I thought I was making it all up.
  • Such is nature communication with mentors I assured her. - It is so subtle and natural that you may not even hear them if you do not listen. Usually mentors offer something that you have not thought about before. Do you like the advice you received?
  • Yes, Susan replied. In fact, the more I think about it, the more logical it sounds. I want a career, and I feel like I've been postponing my dreams to be a good mother and wife instead of just being me - and maybe part of that is why I feel so miserable. If my mentor really helps me and this is not a figment of my imagination, then it seems to me that the connection is strong - and I am ready to listen to his advice further.

As I told Susan, one of the keys to successful direct contact with your mentors is to speak out loud (ignoring the words themselves) any inner advice you receive. In the unreceptive world of the five senses, we are accustomed to doubting ourselves and subordinating our lives to an external force. In the world of the six senses, our inner voice guides our lives and prevails over everything else. We must listen to it and respect it, speak out and appreciate our feelings without hesitation or excuses.

Do not forget that the main function of your mentors is to contact your soul and give you advice ... But they only do this if you ask them to. When you talk to your mentors, you are simply voicing your choices, as if you were talking to a trusted friend—and the more you talk to them, the more they will respond to you. As I was learning to connect with my mentors, I often asked my mentors about spiritual world and he always replied:

  • What do your mentors say?

I was embarrassed and afraid to say something wrong, muttering:

  • I do not know.

He laughed and said:

  • Ask them.

Surrounded by his aura of love, joy, and security, I timidly turned inward, seeking inspiration in my heart. Worried that it was just my inner voice, I nevertheless plucked up the courage to answer. What was most interesting was not the answer, but the fact that I sat next to such a powerful person inspiring me to speak to my own inner voice (and the voices of my guides) without feeling fear or the need to be on my guard. At first it was difficult - although I grew up in a world full of spirits - but once I learned it became so real and real that there was no going back.

Keep in mind that

by communicating with your guides, you build relationships with beings of light who offer you help, love and friendship. As good friends, they will always listen to you and refrain from judging, never try to control you or force you to do anything, never flatter you to please your ego.

I recently hosted a four-day mentor bonding workshop. The class was attended by one woman, a doctor who practiced Ayurvedic medicine. When I asked my students to contact their mentors and ask them questions, she said, “I don't think these are my mentors. I think it's all me, I'm just very smart."

I asked her to come on stage and openly express what her inner being thinks. She boldly stepped forward, but as soon as she stood in front of the audience, her vibration changed and her confidence was gone. She trembled like that aspen leaf from the proverb, and suddenly burst into tears, suddenly losing all confidence. She quickly discovered that it was very difficult to connect, to trust her inner voice and express it if it was suppressed all the time.

Her tears dried as quickly as they came, and she felt free and renewed. And then I asked her to voice the question she asked the mentors and give us only "her own smart answer."

  • I asked them how I could improve my skills as a doctor and healer. They said, "Be yourself."
  • Is this the answer you gave yourself? I asked.
  • I think yes.
  • Well, let's find out. Ask your inner self: what does it mean to be yourself?

She asked and answered:

  • Be honest, loving and caring.
  • To share with people my intuitive abilities and ability to understand their wounds - especially if they are caused by a lack of love and support in the family - and tell them that I can use my ability to love and help them heal.

I noticed that the vibration of these words was very different: they were simple, clear and authentic. The class nodded in agreement, and I asked her:

  • Is it your own "I" or someone else?

After some hesitation, she replied:

  • No, it's not me. Maybe deep down I want to be like that, but as a doctor, I can't connect so closely with my patients. I'm usually not that open and bold. I just try to show my patients that I love them, but I never say it.
  • Do you feel the difference between the old style of communication and the words of your own "I", although both are expressed through your voice? I asked.

She nodded and said:

  • If you really look at this difference, you can say that I heard this other voice, but ignored it. And it really is like a mentor. In general, the more I hear it, speaking out loud, the more it resembles the voice of my grandmother, whom I knew as a child. She often told me that love heals... Do you think she could be my mentor?
  • Ask, I suggested.
  • Are you my grandmother? she asked.
  • Yes, and I'm glad you're finally listening to me.

I and everyone present laughed because I felt the vibration of truth in her voice.

And now - practice!

When in doubt or need advice, say out loud:

"I want to ask my mentors" - and then do it.

Let them answer you, and you say: "They say (such and such)." Don't think that all this is just a figment of your imagination - just listen to the content and vibration of the words that will appear when you simply allow your inner self to express itself freely. Train in this way for 10-15 minutes a day.

It will also be helpful to work with a reliable and open friend with whom you have common interests and who also wishes to contact mentors. Practice in turns - first you, then your friend - asking the mentors for advice, and then tell each other about everything that your inner being feels, trying to see the differences in the vibrations of the response. The most important thing is to feel comfortable, enjoy the conversation and consider it familiar and important. Let this exercise be your entertainment; enjoy the exploration process.

Establishing connections with mentors is the art of subtle communication, and the more you practice expressing your inner world, the easier it will be for it to become part of your outer world.

continuation -

based on materials from the book: Sonya Choket - "Ask your mentors. How to get advice and help from the Spiritual World"

Almost every person is familiar with his inner voice, but not everyone knows what it really is. inner voice(intuition?), and when to listen to it, and when not.

In various psychoanalytic and psychotherapeutic schools (currents), I-states are called differently, usually, in practice, a person considers three parts of the "I": 1) I-stereotypical, controlling, critical - Parental "I"; 2) I-rational, logical, real - Adult "I"; 3) I-irrational, fantastic, archetypal - Children's "I" (it is also creative, creative, intuitive).

Everyone can easily realize, and after some training (observation of themselves and others), and identify their inner voices in almost any life situation, including in fictional, not real.

For example, you wake up in the morning on an alarm clock to work, to school, to university, but you don’t feel like getting up, and you seem to hear the inner voice of the “Child” - you may not walk, take a walk, you’re tired of everything ... you would have to sleep more ... But then the voice of the inner appears “ Parent” - I’ll skip you, well, quickly out of bed and to work ... Then the Adult “I” joins the “internal conversation” ... evaluates the situation here and now, tests reality, builds forecasts for the near future, and makes the final decision - “I get up and go to work...

All this happens quickly, and in reality, literally, you may not hear these inner voices (dialogue) - unless, of course, you have schizophrenia and you have not taken psychotropic drugs, psychedelics - rather, you can feel them, notice them in your own way behavior and some thoughts.

In the same way, in any life, including a stressful situation, a person has an inner voice of one of the ego-states of the RIA (Parent, Adult, Child). It all depends on which I am more developed (endowed with psychic energy, strength and power) (RVD test).

Is it worth listening to the inner voice, and which one, if there are three of them?
Of course, it is useful to listen to your inner voice, but you must first learn to distinguish subpersonalities in yourself - I-states (RSD). It's quite simple, just observe yourself: your thoughts, feelings and behavior in various life situations.

Yes, sometimes it is quite difficult to determine what ego state you are in at a particular moment in time, especially in a critical, stressful situation. But it doesn’t matter, you can always work through this situation later, in your imagination, vividly and colorfully recalling the past situation, and watching it in your head like a video - at this moment you can analyze which inner voice (IRD) was saying something to you and what I-state you went about.

And since your reactions in similar situations are almost the same (the script, the life program fixed in childhood affects), you can easily listen to the necessary and useful inner voice, adviser and often protector and assistant.

How to distinguish inner voices (IVD)?
Recognizing which inner voice is now speaking in you, or who is having a dialogue or argument with whom inside your head is quite simple, you just need to understand and remember how this or that I-state manifests itself - it is easier to observe them in others, projecting onto yourself.

As you already understood (see above), that the inner voice emanating from the Parental "I" criticizes, blames, scolds, orders, forbids, prejudices... His "favorite" words: must, must, must not, supposed, do - do not do , required, be - don't be, etc. Sometimes the inner Parent both allows and protects, with the words you can ... and be careful, etc.

Favorite feelings and emotions of the inner Parent are anger, anger, irritation…sometimes, tenderness and joy…but rarely…

His posture and gestures, along with facial expressions, are threatening, arrogant, arrogant, dominant, etc.

The Inner Child lives according to the “I WANT” principle, therefore the Parental I-state and the Childhood are essentially antagonists - they often oppose each other, which can lead to a conflict within the personality, and therefore to personal and psychological disorders of a person, up to neurosis and psychosis .

Favorite words of the child's I-state - I want, I don't want, I will, I won't ... speech is usually shortened, short phrases and interjections are often used, such as Wow!, Cool!, Cool! “Great!…Oh, Ah, etc.

What remains is the Adult, realistic and rational ego-state, with its own inner voice, by the way, this “I” in a harmonious personality should have the right of the last vote, i.e. decision making in any given situation.

Adult "I" - unemotional and insensitive - like a robot. Only dry logic, intellect and reason are like a living computer. Equal gestures and postures, “stone” facial expressions, a calm and even voice ... Adjusted, accurate words and phrases without “water” ... For example - “what time is it” - “five hours” ...

This rational "I" literally perceives reality, without children's inventions and parental stereotypes, without ignoring the "here and now" situation. It is the voice of the inner Adult "I" that must give you the last, decisive information, it is in the inner Adult that you need to process the voices of the Parent and the Child, including demands and intuition, and make a decision.

However, a common problem is that for many people the Adult Ego State, which, in fact, is the arbiter between the contradictions of the Parent and the Child, does not have the necessary strength and power (energy), so people often get into a psychological dead end and freeze in psychological games, not knowing which inner voice to listen to. Emotional-psychological, mental suffering begins, withdrawal into oneself, apathy, passivity and depression ... in other cases,

anna base

Intuition in psychology means the sixth sense, the inner voice of a person, helping and prompting him how to answer or act. She is a premonition and prediction of the future, which cannot be rationally explained. This is what distinguishes it from logic. It is difficult to imagine at least one person who has not experienced the power of intuition. It is present from birth in every person.

intuition and logic

There are two contemplations of reality: intuitive and logical. They constantly fight with each other: logic is crushed by intuition and often does not trust it, and intuition is rejected by logic. If they work together, they will stop fighting. The meaning of intuitive work is the generalization of information that we collect from the inner and outer world. It can process an infinite amount of information for some period of time, and then issue solutions that do not require confirmation. This is expressed in the person's faith, and we understand what needs to be done and how to act, and we feel that this is the right and right decision.

When logic operates, it puts the conclusion of intuition to the test and, in the absence of a result, often rejects the solution recommended by intuition. In thinking, intuition is represented as a strategist, logic as a tactician. The main line is given by intuition, and the time and manner of this action is decided by logic. The operational achievement of the result is the interaction of the generalizing factor (intuition) with the linear factor of thinking (logic).

Both positive and negative information is important for the inner voice. From it, she highlights positive moments that lead to the best result. Judgments do not interfere with her work. Take a breather and see what is being done. Watch for signs, symbols, images and pictures.

Each sign and image is of considerable importance for the solution. They cannot be deciphered by a logical method. In short, intuition is a powerful and impressive "tool" to use. You just need to learn how to use it.

So how do you listen to your intuition?

Play the “inner child”

From childhood, they were taught how to live fairly and correctly: study well, find a job, build personal life. But everyone understands the word "correct" differently. This also needs to be taught. A child sits in a person who is afraid to say something. The main thing is to remember this kid who wants something unreal and let him come out. He will say what he wants. If it is impossible to bring it into the light through meditation, contact psychotherapists who can awaken the people responsible for the creative process.

Learn relaxation

Know how to enter into yourself, be silent for one day and eavesdrop on the inner self. Stay alone with yourself and develop this ability. A large number of people can't imagine life without TV, radio sound effects, tape recorder. But it is difficult to break through these obstacles, so the sixth sense becomes silent and does not have time to convey to you what you want. Take a break from everything, lie down for a while in silence, drive everything out of your head and accept the truth, leading internal dialogue with myself.

Learn how to concentrate

This method is a continuation of relaxation. Take the same position that you took when relaxing, and inhale and exhale deeply. Switch off with your thoughts, and concentrate on breathing, watch it and do not be distracted by third-party voices.


You can move on to meditation after mastering the relaxation and concentration exercises. Take, as in relaxation, the same position. Then breathe deeply for a few minutes, concentrating on your breath for as long as your thoughts give room for silence. Breathe deeply. Breathing should be quiet and calm. Listen to the inner voice. Do this exercise every day and until you listen to yourself without using these methods.

Parse dreams

If meditation is out of reach, go to the subconscious. It also tries to bring our intuition to us. Explaining dreams, it is easier to understand what is happening in the subconscious. You can not read dream books. The main thing is to understand what images from dreams mean to you. It often happens that dreams are not remembered. Therefore, put a pen with a piece of paper next to the pillow, and as soon as you wake up, write down what you saw in your own reality.

Keep a diary

Observe your feelings and keep a diary. Thus, you will understand what makes a person prosperous, happy, successful, prosperous. In it, do not write all day every second, write down only what gave rise to positive and negative feelings within 24 hours. This makes it possible to better understand oneself, change one's mood, and feel one's inner self. Then, perhaps, one's attitude will change.

Love yourself

The main and main property is adequacy in relation to oneself. Say nice words to yourself, accept compliments with gratitude, and don't refuse or justify them. Self-criticism is the main factor. But all is well within reason. Praise yourself, even for small things. Trust yourself, accept thoughts, emotions, even if they seem not so logical. Live once, so live more correctly for you, and not for others.

Listen to your body

Everyone knows that people with limiting gifts have heightened intuition. Do not use the main hand for several days. If you're left handed, do whatever right hand and vice versa. Close your eyes, sit in silence to listen to the inner voice.

Intuition training and its development

Intuitive thinking is trained and developed through special exercises. For this you need:

  • focus on a specific issue;
  • listen to the first feelings that arise inside you;
  • deal with the created sensations and feelings and follow the received messages.

Develop your intuition by working with cards or other objects that are distinguished through your inner instinct. Do these exercises for 20 minutes a day and gradually add time.

It is often necessary to listen to yourself and distinguish the thoughts swarming in your head from your inner voice. Transfer all concentration and attentiveness to emotions and sensations. If you feel that the solution to a question is not correct, but you feel it is logical, accept and observe it. If you are dissatisfied with the result, do not be sad and disappointed, because over time your intuition will give you more accurate instructions.

When appropriate, deviate from premeditated plans or use maps in an unfamiliar place.

People often have a fear of missing out. This fear will close the channel of connection with intuition. For this, one cannot set difficult tasks for oneself. Do not use this method for accepting and solving important tasks and problems that relate to property and finances.

The development of concentration will help you learn to choose the inner voice among the many voices that are heard in your head. Using meditation, martial arts, physical exercises, solving puzzles or puzzles, you will get the result and achieve its stability. Do it systematically.

Every person's intuition is different. One tells the truth, and the other lies. Test your intuition and find out when to trust it and when to beware. Check it when watching movies and predict how the object seen at the beginning of the movie will affect its script. This can be done with friends, and compare your inner voice with the intuition of others.

Listen to your inner voice real life. Predict the actions of acquaintances, friends, relatives, colleagues. When talking with old comrades, guess how the story ends. You can thus test the presence of intuition and develop it.

Don't let your intuition, along with your subtle instinct, let you down. Feel positive things, and when you do, do things to improve the situation. Develop your sixth sense and use it to do noble and good deeds. enjoy useful tips psychologists. We wish you good luck in business! Health, happiness, prosperity to friends, relatives. Give many joyful days to loved ones. Your intuition will be your guide.

February 15, 2014, 11:48