Safe locks: classification, types, types, classes and reviews. Electronic combination lock Basic types of safe locks

  • 14.06.2019

There are many legends about opening safes and door locks. For example, they talk about the bear cubs of the past, capable of unlocking a lock of any complexity with a hairpin in a matter of minutes. In fact, a lock, say, of the thirties, a modern pro will also instantly break open with a pair of pins. And with the proper equipment, he will also open an ultra-modern safe with an electronic code.

An element of a door opened by thieves with the help of a so-called spear knife is an exhibit from the collection of our consultants (above). Manufacturers steel doors sometimes they "cheat": the door seems reliable, but in fact the first layer of metal is thin.

Let's debunk a few myths right away. There are no and cannot be people with a criminal past among autopsy masters, since crystal honesty is one of the most important requirements for the profession. Companies that specialize in opening and installing locks and safes most often do not hire new employees at all, making do with a team formed from the very beginning. A beginner is almost impossible to check thoroughly, and trust in this case is very important. In the profession most often come from related specialties. For example, the team of Zamok 911, our consultants, was formed while working in the rescue service. They often had to open doors there - and the rescuers, starting their own business, expanded the scope of their skills.

An element of the door opened by thieves with the help of the so-called spear knife is an exhibit from the collection of our consultants. Manufacturers of steel doors sometimes "cheat": the door seems reliable, but in fact the first layer of metal is thin.

Second important point: any door, any safe is designed to delay the burglar, not stop him. Because there are no means against a professional and cannot be. Unbreakable safes do not exist in principle. The only question is how long the break-in will take, whether it will be carried out with or without damage to the lock. Naturally, the craftsmen always strive for a “clean”, without damage, autopsy.

What is a safe?

In Russia, the concepts of “safe” and “fireproof cabinet” (which, in general, can be called a fireproof safe) are very often confused. Moreover, the products of many foreign firms, originally representing cabinets, we sell under the guise of safes. A person thinks that he is buying something suitable for storing his papers and valuables, but in fact the cabinet opens with two paper clips in half a minute. The bottom line is that there are no requirements for fireproof cabinets regarding the complexity of opening. It's just furniture, even if it's steel and fireproof.

But the arrangement of safes and their locks is regulated next normative documents. Depending on the document (Russian GOST R50862-2005, German VDMA 24992, etc.), safes are divided into a number of classes according to burglary resistance. For example, European standards divide safes into five classes (and several subclasses), Russian ones into ten classes. All the elements of the safe must correspond to the highest, fifth class - both the walls and the door, and, most importantly, the locks. If you put locks that do not correspond to the type on a safe made according to the fifth grade (or install them incorrectly, which also often happens), it immediately loses its resistance to breaking. In addition, you always need to look at what standard the safe is checked for. And then he may be “eighth grade” in malice resistance, but no one knows what this figure corresponds to in reality.

Safe locks can be divided into four types: key, mechanical code, electronic code and exotic (biometric, magnetic, etc.). Oleg Shalashov, an employee of the Zamok 911 company, says: “In general, there are no regularities in terms of complexity. There are very complex keys, there are codes that can be opened in a few minutes. However, the average opening time is more or less known. It takes a professional about 15 minutes for a key lock, and about two hours for a code lock without any equipment, only with the help of hands. With equipment, of course, faster. By the way, a lot depends on the location of the safe. If you can get close to it from any side, this greatly simplifies the process. And once the craftsmen had to work with a safe installed ... behind the toilet. Despite the simplicity of the design, I had to work hard.

In Europe and the USA there is whole line opening equipment companies such as Wendt, Intralock, Steelman or Lockmasters. In fact, this is an eternal race in a vicious circle: some companies make safes, others make tools for opening them, then the first make even more secure safes, and the second make even more serious tools, etc. There is no such equipment on the free market. It is sold only to companies or craftsmen licensed for the relevant work - so to speak, Licensed, Bonded and Certified Security Professionals. Professionals receive appropriate training in Europe or the USA and must have a special certificate confirming their skills.

Key locks are opened with hand tool. The tool can be very different, up to kits-constructors, from which the key can be simply assembled. Assembly takes about fifteen minutes, opening - less than a minute. You can find out which key is needed in various ways. For example, using an ultraviolet lamp. The workpiece is inserted into the lock, the master tries to turn it a couple of times, then looks under ultraviolet light, where there are traces of the lock elements, and at these points changes the workpiece. Attempt after attempt - and after a while a suitable key is obtained. In the photo in the suitcase in the center is a set for forming a key.

"Clean" opening

The opening of any lock is based on its errors, "loopholes", deliberately or accidentally left by the manufacturers. A hundred years ago, errors in the manufacture of locks could reach a millimeter or more, and various designs there were hundreds. Today, there are several basic types, but the quality of workmanship leaves the craftsmen with a much smaller field for activity. True, two identical castles, in fact, do not exist. Each has its own "face", its backlashes and errors.

A combination lock with the proper equipment is somewhat easier to open than a key lock. For example, the mentioned company Intralock (and others too) makes special automatic pick-ups. Such a gadget is installed on the lock and in a maximum of 36 hours determines the code of the safe using the selection method. More advanced modern models equipped with an "intellectual system": at the same time, it "listens" to what is happening inside the castle and analyzes the sounds, cutting off obviously inappropriate combinations. It takes about 20 minutes to select the code.

Still life: varieties of instrument

When manually opening a combination lock (we are talking, of course, about a mechanical one), you need to use your hearing, since it is impossible to sort through more than a million combinations without equipment. For this, stethoscopes are used, which multiply the clicks and noises inside the castle. Of course, a non-professional will not be able to separate the “necessary” sounds from the “unnecessary” ones, and even with a stethoscope he is unlikely to be able to do anything sensible.

However, modern expensive combination locks are not amenable to electronic selection. The lock is connected to the drive mechanism of opening through a system of gears and can be located at any point of the door. mechanical movement inside such a lock occurs only when the code is fully and correctly typed. In the process of dialing, the lock is “silent”, and it is impossible to pick up the code by ear. Then you have to use rough methods, but more on that later.

Tool for balance cylinder locks

An electronic combination lock is not that much more complicated than a mechanical one. But you can't take it by choice. In almost all modern safes, if the lock is entered incorrectly, the lock is blocked, say, for five minutes. With the second - by ten, and then - on the rise. This does not mean that such a safe is more reliable than a mechanical one, everyone is equal against a drill. It only means that it is more difficult to crack it “purely”.

"Rough" opening

Let's debunk yet another myth. Many believe that after drilling and rough breaking, the safe is no good, only to be thrown away. It's a delusion. Drilling is one, maximum three tiny holes. After opening, the company's employees press cone-shaped plugs into them and brew them. Re-drilling at this point is much more difficult - that is, the safe becomes more reliable. The castle, however, most likely will have to be changed. But high-quality craftsmen also provide such a service.

Car instrument

So, in which case do you have to drill? First, if the lock is broken. Secondly, if it is so complicated that the selection can take several tens of hours, and it needs to be opened urgently. Thirdly, if the lock is electronic or biometric and in case of incorrect selection it will be blocked.

They drill safes in strictly defined places. If the model is typical, known, special templates are used. The central part of such a template is attached to the place of the round dialer; one of the holes on the template (which one is indicated in the special tables) coincides with the drilling point. Naturally, they drill in the weakest point of the castle - in order to unlock it. After drilling, the lock is either already open, or it is not difficult to do this through the resulting hole.

If the safe is non-standard, complex, then first a technological hole is drilled through which a borescope (more often called an endoscope) is passed - a thin tube with a flashlight and a camera at the end. Having studied the interior of the safe with the help of a camera, the drilling point is calculated - and then according to the standard scenario.

Opening electronics, from left to right: Intralock ITL 2000 mechanical combination lock picker, Steelman Engine EAR II industrial stethoscope, Dynatec MIGS borescope.

But not everything is so simple. Manufacturers of safes are actively fighting drilling techniques. Most often, so-called blockers are used. For example, in the most convenient place for drilling, a thin cable can be tight. If it is damaged, the blocker is activated, fixing the lock with the help of an additional tongue. Sometimes throughout inner surface tempered glass is installed on the door: wherever you drill, it will somehow burst when it comes into contact with the drill, and the blocker will work again. Moreover, there is even a “blocker in a blocker” type device! For example, the master drilled unsuccessfully, touched the blocker drive, it worked. The master began to drill a second hole to unlock the lock, and touched the drive of the second lock, which blocked access to the first. All this in the end does not save the safe from opening, but significantly slows down the process.

You can drill not the door, but the wall. This is where the defense methods come into play. The wall of the safe (unlike a fireproof cabinet) is a "sandwich" of several layers of metal of different densities. Maybe not only metal - there are corundum layers in aluminum cases, and reinforced concrete. An ordinary drill will not take such a wall. Special drills are used, and they have to be changed in the process, because each is designed for a different type of material. Vertical walls are also used to guide the drill. They are attached to the safe with magnets, withstand forces up to 700 kg for separation. In the photo - a machine of this type, only a drill is inserted into it, so to speak, "for beauty": you cannot drill a safe like that.

From the box to the plane

Masters have their own tricks and their guardian angels. In the company "Castle 911" we were told several curious cases. For example, one of the masters, leaving for a task, found a rusty key on the street and automatically picked it up (there is such a habit among experts working with locks). And in the client's apartment, a safe with a key lock of just this type was found. The master cleaned the key in a minute - and with a creak, but surprisingly, he approached the safe! "This is how legends are born!" — Laughing employees of the company. Often, customers use characteristic numbers as codes - phone numbers, birthdays, and still they get lost and forgotten! Masters carefully collect and analyze information coming from the customer. Sometimes, knowing the date of birth of the client, you can pick up a code in a minute, starting from it as a base.

Safes are just one of the specializations of master openers. They call to open cars, doors, and once even an airplane had to be opened.

Drilling template revolver type. It is installed in place of the dialer and rotated at a nominal angle, drilling is performed through the hole indicated in the attached table of models.

Apartment doors also have their own characteristics. They cannot be made in the style of safe or storage rooms according to fire safety requirements. Therefore, door manufacturers come up with tricky methods to protect themselves: for example, keyholes are located in places that are inconvenient for hacking - very low or even in the door jamb. It is not difficult to open such a lock with a key, but to crack it - you need to sweat. Often you have to open old boxes, locks on antique furniture and even ordinary travel suitcases, the codes from which happy vacationers simply forget.

Sometimes masters have to work with ATMs (collectors, as it turned out, often forget constantly changing codes). This is a special type of activity, since it is imperative to maintain the performance of a complex and expensive device. No more than a dozen firms and craftsmen throughout Russia have the right to such work; sometimes specialists are called from another city. By the way, service technicians never keep a “thieves' tool” in their arsenal: crowbars, cranks, “openers”, wringers, even if the latter are effective. This is the law.

In general, the work of specialists is full. When at last the opening of locks becomes licensed species activities, and it will be possible to import appropriate equipment from Europe to Russia without any problems, it will become much easier for everyone. Both to us and closed doors and those who open them.

The fate of independent Scotland was decided at the walls of Stirling Castle in the 13th century. However, as modern political scientists believe, the Hollywood story about one of these battles played no less a role in the history of this territory of Great Britain than the real battle. Mel Gibson's 1995 film Braveheart, while containing many historical blunders, reminded the Scots of the 1297 Battle of Stirling Bridge and stirred up their national identity. In July 1999, Queen Elizabeth II inaugurated the first session of the Scottish Parliament, convened following the 1997 popular referendum. No wonder the Scots themselves, emphasizing the importance of this castle, say: whoever owns Stirling rules Scotland.

However, the history of these places began long before the Stuarts. From the cliff of volcanic origin, 75 meters high, a panorama of the river Fort winding at the foot of the mountain, the surrounding fields, hills and forests opens up. This strategically important piece of land has always played an important role in the history of central Scotland. Both the Celts and the Romans have been here, who looked from a height on the northern lands hostile to them - this rock has always stood on the way to the Highlands. Then the Romans left these places. This territory became a crossroads and a place of struggle for four peoples: Picts, Scots, Britons and Angles.

It is believed that a single Scottish kingdom was created after the Scottish king Kenneth MacAlpin (Kenneth MacAlpin,? - 858) defeated the Picts here in 843. After that, in the process of assimilation, the Picts merged with the cattle, forming the Scottish people.

Leaving the Palace, you can admire the huge Great Hall built by James IV for state receptions and special occasions for a long time. This hall is the largest in Scotland, its area is 138 by 47 feet, which is larger than even the hall in Edinburgh Palace. The structure of the roof, made of numerous cantilevered beams and today restored according to old drawings and engravings, makes one admire the skill of architects of the 16th century.

It is said that the oldest part of the castle, which includes the Great Hall, the Old Building of King James IV and the Royal Chapel, rebuilt from time immemorial until 1594, is still inhabited. Here, in the Main Courtyard, formed by these buildings, which are connected by numerous passages, the ghost of an ancient soldier is sometimes seen.

From the walls of the castle, where ancient cannons still stand, all the fields of the great battles for the fortress are visible. From here you have a view of the River Forth and the Wallace Monument, the ancient church of Hollyrood, the cemetery at the foot of the fortress and the city, which has long been located near the walls of the castle.

There is no need to recreate the medieval atmosphere in the town - the road leading from the castle to the town is surrounded by old houses and their ruins. The central street of the city retains its medieval spirit, despite the fact that many houses here were built already in the 20th century, they retained the style and architecture of the 16th-17th centuries; without knowing the details, and you will not guess that you are seeing a remake. For example, in a building called Tolbooth, one can see traces of masonry from the 18th century and traces of restoration highlighted in brown brick.

However, walking along the ancient streets, you no longer pay attention to cars, modern signboards and road signs - symbols of modernity, which organically fit into the city of the 18th century, miraculously brought into the 21st century.

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When buying a burglar-resistant safe, one of key points is the choice of lock type. Visitors to our site often ask us the question of which locks are more reliable - key or combination. But such a statement of the question is incorrect, because the reliability of the lock is determined by its class, and not by type. Another thing is that the types of locks differ in the features of their operation. This is what this review will discuss - about the advantages and disadvantages. various types safe locks. Let's break the locks.

Key locks

Lever-type key locks are traditionally used to equip safes. Their name comes from "suvalda" - plates, a group of which forms a secret part of the castle. Turning the key and setting the bolt in motion is possible only in one case - when the protrusions on the key beard bring all the levers to the corresponding position at the same time.

The most important advantage of key locks is their low cost compared to their code counterparts, with the same reliability. In addition, key locks are extremely easy to operate - there is no need to constantly keep the combination in mind and be afraid to forget it, moreover, they do not require batteries. A safe equipped with a key lock can be installed even in unheated rooms.

If you need frequent and regular access to the contents of the safe, the best choice would be a key lock - dialing the code takes an order of magnitude longer than unlocking with a key. If you buy in this case a safe equipped with a combination mechanical lock, then as a result of saving time, it will often be left unlocked, which will negate the very meaning of buying a safe - storing valuable contents will not be safe.

The only drawback of a key lock is ... the key - after all, you will have to carry it with you or store it, but not anywhere, but only in a safe place, away from strangers.

Safes equipped with reliable key locks are ideal for equipping the manager's office, where outsiders are employees and visitors to the office. During the day, the key is on a bunch with the owner or in the keyhole, and allows you to quickly get a seal, office documents, etc. And at the end of the working day, the safe is locked, the office is put on an alarm, and the key "leaves" home with the boss.

Combination mechanical locks

The second classic type are combination mechanical locks. The first production models were made in 1857. American company Sargent & Greenleef. To open such a lock, you need to dial the correct code combination, most often by repeatedly turning a special knob - "limba". Like key locks, combination mechanical locks are unpretentious to the surrounding operating conditions. In addition, there is no need to be puzzled by the issue of storing the key. But instead, another reasonable question arises - how not to forget, not to lose, and not to allow outsiders to peep the code combination.

A more complex lock device also causes its higher cost. In addition, mechanical combination locks provide the most long time access to content. And if you need to get the seal of the organization out of the safe 20 times a day, you should think about the advisability of choosing this type of lock - it is unlikely that it will improve the efficiency of the workflow.

All combination locks are programmable or not. Most combination mechanical locks are just not programmable, i.e. with fixed code. And if the owner forgets the factory code combination, then it will be possible to restore it only upon request from the manufacturer, and this is a long and thorough procedure.

Safes equipped with combination mechanical locks are best for those with a good memory who need to access the contents from time to time and without fuss - for example, to store a collection at home.

Combination electronic locks

Combination electronic locks appeared at the end of the 20th century, as a result of the development of microprocessor technologies. With their mechanical predecessors, they are united by the principle of operation - the opening is made as a result of entering a code combination from the keyboard.

Like mechanical locks, electronic locks remove the issue of storing keys from the agenda and put the question of remembering the code on edge. But unlike mechanical combination safes, forgetful owners of safes with electronic locks will save their nerves and time with the help of the Master-Lock function, which allows you to open the safe with a special master key even if you cannot enter a code combination.

Combination electronic locks are more technologically advanced than their mechanical counterparts, and therefore their cost is even higher. Electronic locks are the most functional - all of them, without exception, are programmable and provide the owner with the opportunity to change the code at will. Moreover, this procedure is very, very simple and does not take much time.

Many electronic locks support multi-user mode - work with a master code and user codes. This mode is very convenient if you need to provide access to the contents of the safe to several people. In addition, you can reduce the risk of losing the code - write down the master code on paper and safely remove it, and use the user code from memory to open it. If suddenly the user code is forgotten, it can be easily changed using the master code. For security reasons, it is recommended to change the user code once a year, as frequently pressed keys are overwritten and the numbers included in the code combination become obvious.

In addition, many coded electronic locks support open-close audit. Additional protection can be provided by an opening delay, the duration of which is set by the owner, as well as by means of protection from picking a code, which consists in blocking the keypad in case of entering an incorrect code.

The weak point of electronic locks is the batteries that ensure the operation of the code panel - you have to monitor the charge level of the batteries and replace them in a timely manner. Combination electronic locks are sensitive to operating conditions and are recommended for use only in heated rooms with room temperature and humidity not exceeding 80%.

Safes equipped with a combination electronic lock are perfect for equipping office rooms when access to the contents needs to be provided to several authorized employees. Also, only safes equipped with combination electronic locks that support the Master-Lock function are used to equip hotel rooms - the presence of a master key will protect the hotel from unnecessary hassle caused by the forgetfulness of guests.

Biometric locks

Biometric safe locks are the youngest, their mass production began in the late 90s and now they are just beginning to appear on the safe market. The principle of operation is based on the technology of owner identification using a sensor and papillary finger patterns. Thus, the key to the safe is always with the owner and cannot be lost or forgotten. In terms of content access time, biometric locks are in the lead, surpassing even key locks in their performance. Per high tech you have to pay - biometric locks are not only the most convenient, but also the most expensive.

The more sensitive the sensor, the higher the secrecy of the lock, but at the same time, the higher the risk that the lock "does not recognize" the real owner. For example, dirty hands or cuts on the fingers may cause unsuccessful identification. To get around this problem, manufacturers equip modern biometric locks with memory for several prints - one print does not work, identification will pass through the second or third. Most biometric locks, like combination locks, support the aforementioned Master-Lock feature.

Like coded electronic locks, biometric locks are powered by batteries and are also demanding in terms of operating conditions. From our point of view, the most interesting niche for biometric locks is gun safes. On the one hand, the minimum time for access to weapons, on the other hand, the minimum risk of access to weapons for household members, especially minors.

The recognized leaders in the production of locks are Kaba Mauer (Germany), Sargent & Greenleef (USA), Steinbach & Vollmann (Germany), Wittkopp (Germany), La Gard (USA) and many others. All modern safe locks provide high reliability, at a relatively low cost.

Now that strong and weaknesses safe locks are considered, it will not be so difficult to choose the most suitable for your requirements and conditions. Decide for yourself where the safe will be installed, what will be stored in it and how often access to the contents will be needed, whether you are ready to pay extra for the convenience that high technology promises. By answering these questions for yourself, you will narrow down the choice of lock type to the one that is most optimal for you.

Safes and furniture manufactured by Promet are equipped with the following types of locks:

-Key cylinder type locks(pin and frame)
The carrier of code information for this lock is a key whose variable profile defines a unique code combination.

- Key locks of lever type
The carrier of code information for this type of lock is a key with protruding barbs, the variable profile of which defines a unique code combination.

-Mechanical combination locks
The carrier of code information for this type of lock are code disks, the combination of which is determined by the location of the code slots and the relative position of the disks relative to each other.
Locks of this type can, in turn, be divided into two groups:

-Combination locks without the ability to change the combination. The code combination of the lock is set during its manufacture, and cannot be changed by the user during operation.

-Combination locks with the ability to change the combination.

-Electronic locks
The carrier of code information for this type of lock is a code combination consisting of an ordered set of code values ​​(numbers, letters, symbols) entered by the user from the keyboard.

All the types of locks listed above can also be divided into classes of resistance to criminal opening and burglary. The stability class of the lock is set according to the results of tests for compliance with the requirements of standards, for example, Russian GOST R 51053-97 or European VdS / ENV1300


Cylinder lock
(frame), designed for direct locking or drive locking bolts.
- Number of code elements (frames) - 8;
- The maximum possible number of key combinations - 2000

Key lock MAUER lever type

Lever key lock, designed for direct locking or for actuating the locking bolts of the safe in three directions.
-Has certificates of conformity: European class VdS Cl.1 and Russian GOST class A.
-Number of code elements (suvald) - 8;
-Maximum possible number of combinations - 280000;

Mechanical combination lock ROYAL

Combination lock, without the ability to change the combination
. The code combination is set by the location of the code grooves and the driving protrusions on the surface of the discs. The lock is designed to block the locking system of the safe.

-The maximum possible number of lock combinations is 500,000

LaGard Mechanical Combination Lock

Mechanical code lock, with the ability to change the code combination. The code combination is set by the location of the code disks on the drive sleeve, connected to the disk due to the friction clutch, which is opened when the code is changed with a special key.
-Has certificates of conformity: to the European class VdS Cl.1.
- Number of code elements (code disks) - 3;

MAUER electronic combination lock

Electronic code lock. The drive of the locking crossbars of the safe is carried out due to their movement from the handle of the lock. Locking can be done in 3 directions.
-The maximum possible number of lock combinations is 1000000.
- Has certificates of conformity: European class VdS Cl.1, and Russian GOST class A.
-6-digit master code and user code.
-The lock has a lock mode, which is activated when you try to select a code.
- Programming of all functions of the lock is made from the keyboard.
(carried out only in the position of the lock - open).
- Powered by one 9V element.

One of the key points when buying a burglar-resistant safe is choosing the type of lock. Safe locks belong to high security locks and are intended for locking safe doors or as a blocker for a bolt system.Everyone has had to deal with locking mechanisms, and everyone has at least a minimal idea about this device. However, safe locks have their own characteristics associated with their increased secrecy..

Today, four types of different locks are used in metal cabinets and safes, which differ in the principle of construction:

TO key or conventional (pump-action, lever and cylindrical) - open with a key;

Mechanical code - a set of several code digits;

Electronic - by entering a code on the keyboard;

Biometric - application of the user's finger.

Safe key locks the simplest and most affordable of all safe locks. Key locks are pump-action, cylindrical and level:

This group of locks for the majority is the most understandable and familiar. There is a lock and a key to it, with the help of which the lock is opened. The higher the secrecy of the lock mechanism, the more difficult it is to open it with the help of special devices (master keys) and the selection of a key.

Cylinder locks are named after the cylindrical shape of the lock mechanism. Cylinder locks come with "English" and "computer" keys.

Key locks - their history goes back 200 years, they are used for very simple models, have a low price and trouble-free in use. A very wide selection of different models: by prices, levels of secrecy, sizes.Key locks are the least affected by temperature changes and moisture. Simply put, key locks are those locks that are opened with a key. Mechanical key locks are quite reliable, rarely break, have classes of burglary resistance and resistance to opening. If you are going to buy a safe with such a lock, remember that the keys to them are often very long, which makes it very difficult to open, but at the same time makes it very inconvenient to carry such a key. If the key is lost, it is almost always necessary to change the lock of the safe, which is difficult and expensive.

If burglary resistance is required high level- use lever locks. Safes with such locks have very thick doors, and the keys are up to 25 cm long, which makes it difficult to open the safe with a master key, but it is not comfortable to carry such a large key with you, so the key is often put in a certain place, which is dangerous. The only drawback of a key lock is ... the key - after all, you will have to carry it with you or store it, but not anywhere, but only in a safe place, away from strangers. When in When choosing, pay attention to the following points: Firstly, a good lock affects the cost of products and a safe equipped with such a lock cannot cost less than $100 in its simplest design.

Secondly, there are a number of locks that are produced specifically for installation in safes, and they, in turn, have special certification, which allows them to be used to protect valuables from unauthorized access in safes of different protection classes.

Safe mechanical combination locks

Mechanical combination locks began to be actively used for safes at the end of the 19th century. Mechanical combination locks - do not require a key, but you should remember the code, which is undeniably convenient. Here you no longer need to be afraid of losing the key, you just need to remember the code, which is convenient. To open such a lock, you need to dial the correct code combination, most often by repeatedly turning a special knob - "limba". Like key locks, combination mechanical locks are unpretentious to the surrounding operating conditions.To ensure high reliability against burglary and ensure non-failure operation, as well as longevity, it is recommended to install two locks at once: key and mechanical combination. The biggest disadvantage of such locks is the inconvenience of typing a combination. A more complex lock device also causes its higher cost. In addition, mechanical combination locks provide the longest content access time. And if you need to get the seal of the organization out of the safe 20 times a day, you should think about the advisability of choosing this type of lock - it is unlikely that it will improve the efficiency of the workflow.People with poor memory should not buy safes with such locks. All combination locks are programmable or not. Most combination mechanical locks are just not programmable, i.e. with fixed code. And if the owner forgets the factory code combination, then it will be possible to restore it only upon request from the manufacturer, and this is a long and thorough procedure.

As a result of a more complex lock mechanism, its cost increases and, accordingly, the price of a safe equipped with a similar lock. A safe equipped with a similar lock will cost from $120 - $180 and more.

In order to choose a quality lock of this particular category, you should pay attention to its certification. It confirms compliance with the requirements that are set for the locking mechanism of the combination lock and will simplify the task of the “right” choice.

Safe Combination Electronic Locks

Electronic locks - invented about 40 years ago, as a result of the development of microprocessor technologies. Combination electronic locks are more technologically advanced than their mechanical counterparts, and therefore their cost is even higher. Electronic locks are the most functional - all of them, without exception, are programmable and provide the owner with the opportunity to change the code at will. Moreover, this procedure is very, very simple and does not take much time.Many electronic locks support multi-user mode - work with a master code and user codes. This mode is very convenient if you need to provide access to the contents of the safe to several people. In addition, you can reduce the risk of losing the code - write down the master code on paper and safely remove it, and use the user code from memory to open it. If suddenly the user code is forgotten, it can be easily changed using the master code. For security reasons, it is recommended to change the user code once a year, as frequently pressed keys are overwritten and the numbers included in the code combination become obvious.

Advantages: they are convenient to use, change codes very quickly, their secrecy is extremely high, theoretically unlimited.

There are also many disadvantages: with It should be noted that an electronic combination lock is a very complex mechanism, and therefore very vulnerable, high vulnerability, strict temperature limits, high moisture and shock sensitivity, as well as sensitivity to static electricity discharges, as well as a rather high price for such safes .

Accordingly, the cost of a safe equipped with a high-quality electronic combination lock will be from $ 200 and more.

Safe biometric locks

Biometric safe locks are the youngest, their mass production began in the late 90s and now they are just beginning to appear on the safe market, therefore they have little experience in use, today they are installed on low and medium cost safes. The principle of operation is based on the technology of owner identification using a sensor and papillary finger patterns. Thus, the key to the safe is always with the owner and cannot be lost or forgotten. In terms of content access time, biometric locks are in the lead, surpassing even key locks in their performance. The more sensitive the sensor, the higher the secrecy of the lock, but at the same time, the higher the risk that the lock "does not recognize" the real owner. So, for example, dirty hands or cuts on the fingers can cause unsuccessful identification. To get around this problem, manufacturers equip modern biometric locks with memory for several prints - one print does not work, identification will pass through the second or third.Biometric locks for safes, although today they are the highest achievement, they are still quite volatile. It should be noted that the algorithms used to open the safe lock are not one hundred percent perfect. From our point of view, the most interesting niche for biometric locks is gun safes. On the one hand, the minimum time for access to weapons, on the other hand, the minimum risk of access to weapons for household members, especially minors.

You have to pay for high technology - biometric locks are not only the most convenient, but also the most expensive.

Classification of locks for metal cabinets (safes)

Establishes four classes of locks in terms of burglary resistance: A, B, C, D (in ascending order of classes);

Sets the actual number of code combinations (minimum) that is used in each class;

Contains requirements for resistance to criminal opening of the lock;

Gives an estimate of the value of the coefficient of resistance of the structure to the applied influences (manipulations);