Dream interpretation to open the door from the inside. Open door interpretation of the dream book

  • 21.09.2019

Curiosity. This is what pushes a person to new knowledge and discoveries. Both in reality and in the night's slumber, it is not easy to resist not to see what is hidden behind the open door. And why dream of an open or closed door? You can find out about this by reading the most interesting and useful interpretations of dream books.

It turns out that this is a symbol of an ever-changing being, and the interpretation of night vision depends on what is happening at the moment in real life sleeping. It is curious that the interpretation of a vision can have both a purely pragmatic meaning and a philosophical one. And it is also a likely warning about deceit, deceit and other troubles that await the dreamer in the near future.

Locked or wide open?

Opened door often dreams of people who are not accustomed to wearing a stone in their bosoms, simple-minded, honest, frank. But closed - in night vision it characterizes the sleeping person as a rather insidious person, ready for intrigue. However, the same plot may be associated with hidden obstacles that a sleeping person has to overcome in reality.

What else can dream of both a closed and an open door? Dream Interpretations recommend, if possible, to recall the context of the vision, first of all, the actions that were performed in night vision.

Miller's opinion

The dreamer is actually trying to get rid of the attacks of enemies and restore his honest name, that's what dreams, according to Miller, that you opened the door and entered the room.

The front door in a dream symbolizes the dreamer's state of mind. Depending on whether it is open or locked, you can understand how further events will affect the life of a sleeping person. Another interpretation of sleep that dream books attribute to this image is an obstacle on the way to some goals, and the likelihood of overcoming it. Remember everything that you dreamed about, and you will understand why such a vision is dreaming.

Miller's interpretations

If you see how you are trying to get through the front door to the apartment, but nothing comes out, then, according to Miller's dream book, this means unsuccessful attempts to exclude ill-wishers and envious people from your life.

Had a dream that you were standing in front of someone else's door to an apartment? This is how the dream book explains why such a vision is dreamed of: you are trying to help someone who does not expect this from you. Leave your ideas, do not meddle in other people's affairs if you are not asked about it.

Get ready to overcome obstacles

Dreamed ajar Entrance door to an apartment - a sign that certain circumstances will prevent you from carrying out your plan, upsets Longo's dream book. However, this does not mean that you can put an end to the goal - if you “tighten up”, you can correct the situation.

Also, the dream in which you broke the door speaks of overcoming obstacles. You are determined, and nothing will stop you on the way to your cherished goal, the dream book says. Especially if in a dream you broke iron door and see how it falls on you.

Don't close yourself off from loved ones.

Closing the front door from outsiders in a dream is a symbol of the dreamer's closeness. You do not know how to trust, believing that your affairs and secrets are of no interest to anyone and are not really needed. However, this is an erroneous opinion, learn to trust those whom you consider friends.

Did you dream that it was difficult for you to close the door because it was broken? Remember who broke it in a dream, dream books advise.

The broken door has become so thanks to your efforts - you need to devote more time to the problems of loved ones, and not move away from them. And if it is broken by someone whom you did not want to let into the house, then this is a signal that you, with your secrecy that you spread around your person, provoke others to consider you a callous person, unable to empathize.

Leave everything as it is

Dream books advise not to change anything in life, deciphering what you dream about, how you close the front door, which is broken open. There is a clarification: if you managed to close it, no matter what, then this is a sign that you are simply unlucky in some kind of event.

But if nothing worked out for you, no matter how hard you try, then this suggests that active actions can lead to negative consequences, further aggravating the situation. Leave everything as it is, Fate itself will put everything in its place, the dream books assure.

Kaleidoscope of events

When interpreting what the front door is dreaming of, pay attention to the material from which it is made in a dream, dream books suggest. So she was:

  • metal - the hardness of your character can be envied;
  • wooden - some life stage will end soon and a new one will begin;
  • plastic - beware of hypocrites;
  • fabric - you can be sure of the sincerity of friends;
  • glass - nothing can be hidden from you, you will intuitively feel a catch.

New relationships are waiting for you

Wanting to understand what the open front door is dreaming of, try to remember the details of this dream. So, for example, if in a dream you saw an open white door, then this is a sign of interesting offers that you will receive.

Did the open door leaf lead to a new store in a dream? You will meet a person who will become your business partner, and, moreover, very successful. And if she brought you to the registry office, then this is a romantic acquaintance.

The interpretation of dreams is one of the oldest occupations of mankind. A few millennia ago, people noticed a connection between dreams and events occurring in reality. Only the priests could explain the meanings of dreams, and a simple person turned to them with a desire to find out what events the dream he saw foreshadowed.

What if the front door is dreaming?

Fortunately, today the interpretation of dreams is subject to anyone who wishes, just look at its meaning in the dream book. From it you can find out, for example, why the front door is dreaming.

Entrance doors in a dream symbolize an obstacle, and its correct interpretation will depend on whether they are closed or open. Closed doors indicate to the dreamer that a certain stage has ended in his life, after which it is possible to sum up. Accordingly, open doors to a house or apartment mean the beginning of a new period in life. A boarded up door may dream of a person who is at an impasse and sees no way out of his situation.

Dreams in which front doors appear are not a sign of any important events. Dreamed doors characterize the psychological state of a person. Most often, doors in a dream are seen by people with low self-esteem, who are characterized by indecision and self-doubt.

The lock in the front door is an additional barrier, due to which the solution to the problem may seem unrealistic. If the sleeping person still manages to open the lock, then he will be able to find a way out of the difficult situation in which he finds himself. The impossibility of unlocking the lock indicates that the dreamer is unable to resolve the issue that concerns him. A dream in which the sleeper himself closes the door to the castle means his intention to forget about the events from the past that cause him a depressing state. Such dreams are typical for people who are depressed.

What portends?

If you dream that the front door is broken into or removed from its hinges, then in personal life dreamer in the near future strangers will try to intervene. To a family man, such a dream predicts treason on the part of the spouse (wife). Hacking the door yourself - to search for unusual and non-standard solutions Problems. A broken door to a dwelling may warn a person to beware of dating dubious personalities, as they can drag him into an adventure. Seeing in a dream how the door falls - good sign, which predicts the sleeping man the beginning of a new period in his life, filled with happiness and prosperity.

Entrance doors slammed in front of a sleeping person indicate future failures. Looking for a door in a dream and not finding it is a very disturbing dream that warns of serious problems. For a patient, such a dream predicts a long illness that can be fatal.

A dream in which a person dreamed of front doors very often happens with bad connotations, indicating problems in life. However, do not panic and submit to fate. In order for life to improve, it is necessary not to give up and look for ways out of difficult situations. After all, he who seeks always finds.

The door in a dream is an ambiguous symbol that can be both a barrier to the path and protection.
All your actions with the door in a dream are important.

The door in a dream is locked, and you need to enter it - an obstacle, an obstacle, the inability to find a way out or an answer.
In a dream, you close the door with a lock, but the door or the lock does not close - these are probably your attempts to "close" from external circumstances and these attempts do not bring you results.
Open doors in a dream and they open easily - you will probably overcome the barrier ; You are “open” to other people and communication with them ; on the way to your goal, you will easily discover " desired door».
Afraid to open the door - this is probably your indecision or fear of action in an important situation ; Perhaps this is your fear for the consequences of starting some kind of action.
You remove the lock from the door in a dream, break the lock and all this is successful - the removal of barriers and obstacles in this period of life, the path to the goal is open before you.
Doors in a dream open themselves on your way - your opportunities at this stage are very high ; in the near future, all doors will be open to you.

Someone breaks into your house in a dream, and you close the doors and try not to let them in - your attempts to protect yourself from people who obsessively want to penetrate your world ; probably someone aggressively wants to invade your life for certain purposes ; someone's attempts without an invitation to "get into your soul" and your resistance to this are likely.
Closing the door in front of someone in a dream - probably someone very much wants some kind of relationship with you, communication, contacts of various kinds and your unwillingness to do all this.
Someone unpleasant to you was chasing you in a dream, but you closed it in front of him - you will be able to avoid some kind of danger or serious problems.
You can’t find the right doors - a situation is possible, the search for a way out of which will be difficult ; difficulty finding a course of action.
You can’t open doors in a dream, the doors open very hard - these are probably attempts to overcome difficulties in the future ; temporary difficulties in achieving the goal, which will require additional efforts to overcome.

There are many doors in front of you in a dream - this is probably a signal that you will soon have to make a difficult choice in which direction to move on. I wish you to choose the right door in such a dream.


If in a dream you enter the door, this portends your futile attempts to get rid of slanderers and ill-wishers.

The only door you enter in your dreams - the door of your childhood home - promises you future happiness and an environment of kindred souls.

If you look at the door at night in the pouring rain, this promises you unforgivable antics and frivolous meetings.

Seeing others entering or leaving the door means possible difficulties in putting your affairs in order; for peasants and politicians, this dream is full of particularly bad omens.

If the door suddenly breaks off its hinges when you try to close it, and at the same time injures someone, the dream portends danger to your friends.


Doors open - shared love, a generous offering.
Locked doors are an obstacle, meeting unpleasant people.
Burning doors - a visit from friends.
New doors - to the birth of a son.
Doors open - love (for women), woman (for men).
Not finding doors is an obstacle.
The doors opened - success in all matters.

Threshold - decision; to cross - the device of life, recovery.


Opening a door in a dream is a luxury, unjustified expenses; way out of a difficult situation; commit adultery.
To see an open door in your house - uncertainty and painful forebodings; cheating on the part of a friend.
The door in your house opens by itself, creaks and dangles on its hinges - an unclean conscience; friends will betray; danger.
Locking your door is a great danger, you will need a lot of courage.
To see someone else's door locked - friends will turn away; uninvited guest find yourself.
Hacking the door - you will meet an obstacle on the way.
To see a richly decorated door is to desire something unattainable.
To see a small door in your apartment is something secret and forbidden in your life, something that you try to hide even from the closest people.

Some creatures pass through it - the personification of vice.
The closer you see yourself to her, the worse.
Wind turbine with spinning wings - hike evil forces, temptations, a great life test.

Discussion: 63 comments

    Good day. Please help me determine how much sleep threatens in real life. A little background: we rested with a young man in Abkhazia, where I felt very bad for the entire period of rest, and I spoiled him for the young man, finishing him off with absolutely disgusting questions about past relationships, taunting him every time and bullying him (nothing like this for myself at all observed). There I had various strange and sometimes frightening dreams, but always memorable dreams, the worst of which is the following. Night. Not a drop of light, only the moon in the window. I am in the empty house (hut) of my great-grandmother in the Kuban, where until the age of 16 I was on vacation every year. On the street, something frightening me walks around the house (it felt like a monster from the Soviet cartoon "The Scarlet Flower") and I feel that it really wants to get inside. It howls furiously and like an animal, choking, makes growling sounds, sometimes similar to crying. I frantically check the windows dark rooms whether closed. Yes. Later comes the terrible realization that the front door is open. I run headlong to the entrance, something tends to the same place, but outside. The door is strong and the bolt is heavy. I manage to close it at the last moment.


    1. Hello Anna. Your fears, worries and stupidities generated by this have a good chance of ruining everything you bet on. They're breaking on the door. Do not give them the slightest chance, change in relation to your soulmate. Draw conclusions at least from your own mistakes, if you can’t draw from others.


    Hello! I had a dream that a man was breaking in the door and demanding to open it, saying that a friend had allegedly poisoned him, but for some reason I was very scared. He knocks on the door and I have a big fear. In the end, he opens the door, and I freeze and woke up, I never saw my face. What does this dream mean, is it connected with it, that a guy recently offended me very much and I was very worried about this?


    1. Someone wants to use you without asking your opinion. and most likely he succeeded ... or succeed.


Dreams in which they walk along the corridors, get confused, opening countless doors, are dreamed by many. Such dream plots are not uncommon. Showing people a closed door or opening it slightly, our subconscious mind tries to warn about important things that we intuitively guess about, but cannot express in words. An ajar door and an unfamiliar apartment that you find yourself in always make you think in life - to determine who lives here by the situation, to understand how you got into someone else's life ...

If you dream of a door and you manage to open it, you need to remember the dream thoroughly: say the story out loud in the morning so as not to forget it in the future. The analysis of such a dream will help to know the future and analyze the past, drawing the right conclusions.

In order not to search through dream books, choosing the options you like - closing the book with unfavorable predictions - you can try to generalize the visions and their plots.

Closed or open door

A closed door is an unknown barrier that you yourself put on the path to the future, afraid to voice what you already intuitively understand. Also, the plot can mean the unknown.

The entrance is open, but you do not dare to enter:

  • fear of the future;
  • an offer that needs to be answered quickly;
  • an opportunity to improve life, for which - you know - you have to pay with something else. Because you don't know, you're afraid to take advantage.

If you dreamed that the doors themselves opened, you should expect help from the outside, the appearance in life right person. The sashes slammed shut in front of their noses - alas, such a faithful and profitable project should be abandoned, all the same, the plan will not come true.

When you dreamed that you were closing the door:

  • to the end of the case;
  • you will have to refuse to help the person who hoped for you;
  • interfere with a loved one;
  • to a quarrel with a friend;
  • change the environment, moving away from the former circle of communication.

If a married man or married woman turn the key in the lock, closing the door - some incomprehensible questions will be cleared up. The same dream for a girl dreams of an imminent wedding.

Why dream of doors whose doors cannot be moved? Conventions interfere with happiness, in order to achieve something new, it is necessary to discard the old, someone is trying to impose their own opinion, which is absolutely unprofitable.

There is no way to open the door, even with the help of a key - to serious problems at work or in the family. Why dream of a lot of open doors? Fortunately, a gift of fate, the emergence of new opportunities, meeting nice people.

View of the door in a dream

  • The sash is black - it will not be possible to solve the problem without the help of loved ones;
  • What is the dream of a white sash? Relatives or friends need your help, you can’t refuse in any case;
  • The sash is broken or upholstered - the choice to be made is not easy, and a lot depends on it. Or - they let the slanderer too close, and he already launched gossip, from which his reputation suffers. It must be urgently identified and neutralized. The larger the door, the greater the likelihood that the dream will come true;
  • You bend before entering a low doorway - you won’t be able to build a career without difficulty, a high doorway - everything goes into your hands;
  • An old door, but strong and beautifully designed - you shouldn’t fence yourself off from people like that in life, it’s time to open up and forget unreasonable inner fears;
  • What are the new doors for? There will be an addition to the family - a daughter-in-law will enter the house, a child will be born, relatives will appear with whom relations have been lost;
  • Metal door - there are reliable friends; from wood - you need to strengthen the "defense", learn how to protect your own and family interests;
  • Glass new doors - do not get carried away with tempting offers, in the near future you should beware of deception;
  • Why do you dream of knocked-out doors in which the wings barely hang on hinges - stop delaying the decision, especially since not only your own future depends on it.

It is no longer possible to delay, the subconscious shows that if the valves collapse, then the outcome will be unfavorable, first of all - for oneself.

To break in a dream at the door

If you are sitting behind the door in a dream, and someone is trying to break through it and break into the room, but he doesn’t succeed, then:

  • troubles will not touch;
  • will be able to prevent misfortune;
  • new creative ideas will emerge.

You sit behind a closed door and wait for them to release you by breaking it down - you succeed, and there were a lot of people in the room. strangers. If this plot brings joy in a dream, you will get it in reality new job, you get scared - among the many acquaintances there is an enemy, and he must be feared.

If you dreamed that you had to break through the door in the wall and remove the barrier.

It's time to get out from under someone else's influence, which is useful only for a short time. The slightest disobedience, and severe punishment will follow, inadequate to the offense. It's time to get rid of the addiction. They broke down a door or a wall in a dream against their will - to betrayal.

The door in a dream is like a decoration

To see the door of your apartment, in which you lived as a child, is a happy event in the near future. An unfamiliar house and stomping on the threshold - to change.

Did you yourself have to break through the door in the wall, hang the sash? To a new acquaintance or addition. If young people themselves are engaged in repairs in a dream, it is time to change an intimate partner. Repairing an existing sash - to a pleasant incident, breaking it - to increase activity in work.

Acquisition of a door cloth - it is necessary to make a choice. It will most likely fail. Why dream of many doors, and you constantly get in the wrong place, go out, get confused again? The subconscious tells you that views on life are outdated long ago, it's time to rebuild, otherwise luck will turn away.

By the way, other people's points of view can also be correct - it's time to realize this and learn to reckon with the opinions of loved ones.

  • Slam the door - it's time to let go of a difficult situation;
  • A draft in a dream - to the guests;
  • The door slammed shut behind the departing guest - to the party;
  • Painting sashes - to an unexpected inheritance;
  • Burning door - unfortunately; if this is the entrance to your own house - a disease of relatives - to someone else's - to the trouble of loved ones.

If you see a door in a dream, and you understand that it leads to "nowhere", but you still decide to enter, it means that fate gives a chance in life!