Lilia Khegay: what does it mean to see yourself in a dream. Why see yourself in the water

  • 30.09.2019

Most of all, we are worried about dreams in which the main figure is ourselves. Seeing yourself in a dream - what can this mean? Why dream of premature aging, pregnancy, wedding? Are such dreams prophetic, do they reflect our hidden passions and desires? These questions can be fully answered by a dream book, to see yourself in a dream has various interpretations depending on the details and details of the dream. So let's take a closer look at why you dream of seeing yourself in one way or another.

You can see yourself in a dream in various images, each of which has its own interpretation.

Looking at your actions from the outside is always useful! But sometimes we forget that we need to stop in the frantic pace of life in order to analyze all our actions. Very often during this period you can see yourself in a dream, and in a very different guise. This allows you to literally look at yourself from the outside. By correlating what you see with the events in reality, you can analyze your goals and actions. Perhaps it is worth changing direction altogether, reconsidering priorities.

What were you wearing in the dream?

Seeing yourself in a dream in a mirror in military uniform speaks of career advancement for men. For women, this means meeting a successful and responsible man with whom you can build a strong family.

Elegant, beautiful clothes speak of your social significance. You are honored and respected by your surroundings.

If you see yourself without clothes

If you are unhappy with how you look without clothes, this indicates problems with self-esteem.

The interpretation of a dream depends on the feelings that you experienced after you happened to see yourself naked in a dream. If you are satisfied with the proportions, are proud and admire your body, then in life you are confident enough, everything is in order with self-esteem. You are also respected by others, you are even, to some extent, an authority for them.

But to see yourself naked in a dream, if at the same time your body does not cause anything but disgust: excess weight, uneven, ugly proportions, painful skin color, various irregularities on the body, then soon you may encounter unpleasant diseases.

However, if you actually have imperfect proportions, and in a dream you saw your real naked body and feel dissatisfied about this, you should pay attention to your attitude to the situation. You should spend less attention and energy trying to fit in with the ideal and redirect your resources to achieve any significant goals.

If in a dream you were caught naked, and at the same time you were shy and scared, you are too susceptible to fear of condemnation. Excessive timidity can become a stumbling block in achieving goals.

Seeing yourself as too old or too young

We are accustomed to correlate age with worldly wisdom, experience, valuable knowledge. Seeing yourself elderly in a dream is a sign that you have already gained enough wisdom and intelligence in your life. This means that we will soon be moving to a completely different level. Of course, the upcoming events will be positive - to match your dignity.

If you saw your old age from the negative side: you saw a weak, miserable, sickly old man, then this indicates imminent illnesses that will deprive you of your reserves of strength and energy. It is worth considering if you happened to see yourself gray-haired in a dream, you may have outlined very labor-intensive and exhausting projects, and this is a sign that you should not torment yourself like that.

Seeing yourself beautiful and young in a dream means that you are surrounded by the attention of men. If you already have a chosen one, seeing yourself young in a dream means that he appreciates true spiritual and physical beauty in you. And you should discard your doubts about this, so as not to inadvertently harm the relationship.

There are other interpretations of why you dream of seeing yourself young and beautiful:

  • Dream Interpretation Grishina. The changes are not for the better. If recently you have dramatically changed your habitual behavior, found a new way to solve problems, turned to a new occupation - most likely, innovations will lead to a worsening of the situation.
  • Online dream book. Some important task could not be completed due to an error on initial stage, which can be found only at the end. If it's not too late, you should postpone long-term projects until later, or try to carefully control the process.
  • Dream Interpretation Gadalkin House. Seeing yourself with familiar people, also young, nostalgia, bright memories, meeting with old acquaintances. Seeing yourself young in the present is a break from reality, wandering in the clouds, fantasies. Most likely on this day, your dream is recommended to be accepted, understood, and be alert.

Did you see the marriage ceremony

Every girl dreams of such a beautiful and significant event in her life - a wedding. But to see yourself as a bride in a dream is not always prophetic dream. Yes, mostly such dreams portend positive events, but in some cases, bad news can also be expected. See also: what is the dream of the bride.

Seeing yourself in a veil in a dream may mean that your chosen one wants to confess something serious to you. At the beginning of a relationship, this may be a declaration of love or a desire to move on to a more serious relationship.

Own marriage followed by fun festivities means good news, amazing and pleasant events in the near future. It can also mean big purchases. However, if this wedding was not played according to your will, or you see that your relatives and friends are unhappy, this is a harbinger of unpleasant events.

  • Dream Interpretation Grishina. Isolation, alienation. You are in a wedding dress - a feeling of loneliness and misunderstanding from others will soon come. You may need help and it turns out that there is no one to turn to. choose, buy Wedding Dress You are doing something that will alienate you from your loved ones.
  • Chinese dream book. Trying on, choosing wedding dresses - to find out that someone is better than you thought about him, the person will pleasantly surprise you. see yourself in Everyday life dressed in a wedding dress - to be in the spotlight.

You dreamed of a new hairstyle

If you saw yourself as a brunette in a dream, someone wants to deceive you.

Seeing yourself as a blonde in a dream means positive, good news. They may be unexpected: your long-forgotten wish will suddenly come true, or you will be invited to spend the evening in good company, they will call you for a walk or even keep you company on a trip.

If you have turned into a luxurious brunette, you should be wary. Most likely, someone is preparing a cunning plan to set you up at work or gossip behind your back. Beware in work matters, carefully check documents, trust only trusted people!

Why dream of a short haircut at home - this means a shortening of your financial budget. Beware of rash spending, correctly prioritize purchases. If you happen to see yourself in a dream with a short haircut, keep an eye on the money you carry with you: theft is possible.

An absurd, strange hairstyle with which you are extremely unhappy means dissatisfaction with yourself and in real life. You want change, dissatisfied with the environment and people around. Such a dream can be considered a kind of sign: act! And do not delay, as negative energy can greatly affect your life.

Other oddities: baldness, mustache, fullness

  • Seeing yourself bald in a dream: how amazing this incident seems to you, how amazing and unexpected the upcoming events in your life will be. Expect surprises, unexpected news and meetings!
  • A dreamed mustache can mean excessive softness and suppleness in character. Your attitude towards people is akin to the attitude of old people towards their grandchildren. This is what a mustache is dreaming of in oneself, this dream can be considered a kind of sign: be less compliant, show more self-confidence, do not let anyone "sit on your neck."
  • Why dream of seeing yourself fat in a dream? Everyone must remember that in the old days, fullness was considered a sign of prosperity, well-being. It is the same here: soon expect great success in financial affairs, business profits or an unexpected inheritance.

You dreamed of your own illness

Usually such dreams are more frustrating and frightening than others. What does such a dream mean? Is this a prophetic dream? What to do in the future: is it worth waiting for diseases? We want to assure you that seeing yourself sick in a dream does not necessarily mean the approach of the disease. On the contrary, it may be a good omen.

For example: to see yourself in a wheelchair in a dream means that your self-confidence and firmness of character are comparable to the steadfastness of our Paralympians! The dream makes it clear that you must definitely believe in your own strengths and capabilities, you can handle any difficulties. It can also mean attracting the attention of others.

Why dream about cancer in yourself - this may mean your fear of acquiring this ailment in real life. Release your fear, tune in to a positive wave. Remember: negative thoughts attract negativity! Why do you dream of diarrhea in yourself - this is a sign to reconsider your attitude to nutrition. Also, the disease can talk about your general fatigue. The body is already screaming for rest, so hear it!

And other unpleasant incidents

  • Why dream of arresting yourself? If you were suddenly arrested in a dream, do not be discouraged: this is not a prophetic dream! On the contrary, soon you will receive good news, good news. See also: what is the dream of prison.
  • Why dream of kidnapping yourself? If in a dream you were taken hostage, this means that in life you are just as if you are "hostage". It can be public opinion, the decisions of your parents, simple self-doubt and inability to express your own position. You should be more respectful of yourself and your feelings.
  • Own death, you see, is a very unpleasant dream. However, it does not in any way mean death in reality. On the contrary, you will live a happy, fulfilling life, you will be bypassed by illness and trouble. You will be happy and loved!

Interpretation of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud and others

Many psychologists, thinkers, and scientists worked on dream books in their time, so do not be surprised that there are several different interpretations of your dream. To be sure of the correct interpretation, try to correlate it with the real events of your life, based on personal knowledge and experience.

Miller's dream book - your business is going great

It’s great if in a dream you notice and admire your beauty. According to this dream book, seeing yourself beautiful can only mean that all your affairs go “with the flow”: easily and naturally! And you have the time and desire to emphasize, show everyone your beauty. Surrounding in admiration for you! However, if in reality you have a serious problem in appearance, then a dream means that you cannot come to terms with your peculiarity.

Seeing yourself old means career success, promotion, promotion. Seeing yourself gray-haired is a quarrel, and this mainly concerns family matters.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation - you are out of place

According to Vanga's dream book, seeing yourself in a mirror in a dream portends financial success.

If you saw yourself in the water: swimming against the current or desperately trying not to drown, you should carefully review your life. You are not on your way, not in your position - not in your place! Listen to yourself: where does your energy go and vitality? Is that the case?

If you saw yourself sick, exhausted, in an extremely poor condition, then this is a sign that you have recently committed or are just about to commit a bad deed. You are haunted by the thought of this, and rightly so, because such a dream is a sign of the upcoming retribution for sin.

Many people manage to see themselves in the mirror in a dream. According to this dream book, seeing yourself in the mirror means approaching career success, promotion and financial success.

Freud's dream book - a joyful event ahead

The great psychologist, doctor of medical sciences and thinker, Sigmund Freud was also engaged in the interpretation of dreams. Agree, it is interesting to know the meaning of your dream from the point of view of psychoanalysis. Here are some of them:

  • The appearance of a beard in oneself, on the one hand, can be a sign of the wisdom of the past years, on the other hand, it symbolizes a mask. Under this mask, you hide the problems and mistakes of the past from yourself.
  • If you are cheerful in a dream, you feel good, this means that soon you will take up a new business or project that will bring you good luck.
  • For girls, to see pregnancy in a dream means to meet in life with deceit, betrayal. For a woman - joyful events associated with a sense of pride in oneself. Perhaps you will achieve what you have long dreamed of.
  • If the disease from which you suffer in a dream is incurable, then most likely you blame yourself and regret some imprudent act. If in a dream you are recovering and recovering from a serious illness, then in the near future you will come out “dry out of the water” from some unpleasant situation.
  • If you were fired in a dream, you are in dire need of serious changes. Perhaps they will even be associated with a change of residence. Do not be afraid that you will have to "burn all the bridges." Change will certainly be for the better!
  • If in a dream you comb your hair, then in the near future you intend to show frivolity, thoughtlessness in actions. Gray hair - the approach of misfortune. Hair loss is also an unfavorable sign.
  • If in a dream you are a bride or groom, that at the moment you are on the verge of making one of the most important decisions in your life. The choice you make will determine the rest of your life.

Modern dream book - pleasant changes are coming

  • The dream in which you are pregnant is a sign of the undisclosed creative potential of a woman. You dream of starting a new business that will emotionally fill you.
  • A dream about a wedding with you in the title role means changes in your personal life: unexpected confessions, and possibly even a break in relations. Everything will be resolved soon.
  • Being fired from work is by no means a prophetic dream! He promises success and good luck in business: family, health, career - everything will get better and seem to fall into place.
  • If you saw your own old age in a dream, you will have to face serious diseases in the near future.
  • If you are a participant in a crime, events are taking place in your life that are difficult or completely impossible to influence. In this situation, it is best for you to "go with the flow."
  • If in your dream you suddenly decide to commit suicide, expect problems in the near future. You will be very worried, be in an anxious state.
  • The threat received in a dream means a feeling of fear, helplessness in real life. Your fear is the main obstacle on the way to dreams, such a dream can be considered as a sign: get rid of feelings of guilt and helplessness as soon as possible! More confidence in yourself and your abilities!
  • Cutting your hair means shameful situations. Hair loss in both men and women promises adverse situations, a decline in success in business.
  • If in a dream you saw yourself touching money, this means connections, useful acquaintances, friendship with influential people. The latter will be able to help you climb higher up the career ladder in the near future.
  • If in a dream you were chained to a wheelchair, you are very unsure of yourself. You are afraid of the opinions of others, feel fear, put your principles below the rest.
  • Illness means you are in danger. You want too much, and this can lead to trouble in the future.

English dream book - the influence of a relative

Those events that took place at a time when you were like in a dream will be especially important now. This can be both an increase in the influence of relatives who were born or came into the family at that time, or the response of the political events of that time to the current situation.

Russian dream book - a new love

Seeing yourself as a child, a teenager - forgetfulness, memory lapses; young girl - romantic feelings, love; a married woman or a young mother is a responsible matter that requires great effort.

Dream Interpretation of Artemidorus - communication with youth

Seeing yourself young in the present tense - you will better understand the new generation, communication with the young. To see the past, where you are young - on the contrary, to get stuck on the norms of your time, not to understand the youth.

New dream book - frivolous behavior

If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, then in real life you behave not in the best way. Your childish antics are highly inappropriate and offend the people around you. Others show their authoritarianism towards you and try to control you.

Druid Dream Interpretation - Career Difficulties

You excessively, even grotesquely, focus on your solidity, which makes some people smile, while others misunderstand and interfere with your career and personal growth. Look at yourself in the mirror and laugh.


In no case should you be afraid of your dreams. It is not a reflection of the past, present or future. These are just our hidden thoughts. Dreams reflect the subconscious. Since it is directly related to the intentions of the soul, you may not guess the truth. In this case, dream books will help you deal with the interpretation of what you see. Good dreams to you!

Video "Dream Interpretation - Seeing Yourself"

Why might you dream of seeing yourself in a dream? In general, every person sometimes wants to look at what is happening from the outside. And especially for yourself, because it can help solve many problems, or at least understand in which direction to work further. And it happens that a person can see yourself from the side in a dream So what does this dream mean? Our dream book will easily answer this question.

This dream indicates an inner desire to stand out, no matter how, perhaps with the help of your appearance, which you use as a trump card.

If in a dream you not only saw yourself from the side, but also heard a voice or saw interaction with other people, then pay close attention to these details.

If it seemed to you that you behaved too provocatively, ambitiously, then it's time to think about changing your image.

Your friends and acquaintances consider you too arrogant person.

If this is not the reputation you wanted, try changing yourself, behavior and mannerisms. did you happen to in a dream to see yourself from the side and hear your voice?

A rather rare dream, it portends the receipt of a gift or good news. But if it seemed to you that the voice was smoky or cold, then in reality someone will greatly distort your words.

The situation requires your intervention, look around, pay attention to friends and relatives. Someone wants to deceive you, your plans may collapse due to the fact that you trust.

Check all close people, you don’t need to arrange a semblance of espionage, but it’s necessary to correlate their words with actions.

Good dream - see yourself sleeping next to a friend, this person will not leave you in any trouble and certainly will not be able to betray.

Pay attention: what is this person doing next to you? If he also sleeps, then most likely you can become a victim of deception together. Be careful. If close person reads or drinks tea, then your relationship or friendship may soon collapse for the most stupid reasons or a banal misunderstanding.

A very bad dream. He portends great losses, devastation, hypocrisy and subsequently a long depression. The more beautiful, more expensive the dress, the worse everything will be in real life.

Deception awaits you, it will be almost impossible to achieve the truth, and this will serve as the beginning of a whole series of failures.

If you are with a man, then expect deception from a young man or close friend. Listen less and check the reality more often.

If in a dream I had to to see from the side, then in reality expect gossip that will really appear out of nowhere. It will take a long time to solve problems, but, nevertheless, everything will end very well.

What does it mean to see yourself driving a car?

Everything that happens now should be under your complete control. All financial transactions, household chores, worries and worries of loved ones.

Now is the time to take the reins of government into your own hands. Lead, but remember that not everything is controllable.

Calculate any situation, especially focusing on the little things. You are considered the most worthy person to decide everything now. Don't let your loved ones down. Responsibility for everything that happens lies entirely with you.

You will have to endure too much during this time, the dream warns you that everyone around will consider you guilty of all mortal sins, although you will indeed become a victim of the situation.

There is only one way to avoid this - try not to allow ambiguous situations, cases that can fail, and you can be found guilty.

If from the side in a dream you saw yourself dirty v, then in reality you will be interfered with in some not entirely legal matter, your hands will be dirty, and you will not be able to wash them.

By your actions, albeit unintentionally, you will ruin the life of more than one person. If you want to avoid such a dishonest situation, then before taking on any business, carefully study it, find out all the little things.

You must be sure that everything is legal, and you will not break anyone's life. Too much depends on you now.

The dream book warns you: stay away from all dubious cases and people who can deceive you.

It is interpreted by all dream books as a betrayal and shame, perhaps some of your secrets will soon become known to everyone, and therefore you will not be able to trust people for a long time.

I dreamed of seeing myself from the side pregnant in? Because someone will spread vile gossip about you, you will have to endure the condemnation of others. You will be shamed and condemned in absentia.

It will take a very long time to wash off lies, because not all people can perceive the truth. Sometimes it's easier to believe the artfully crafted gossip.

Miller interpreted such dreams as an opportunity to obtain the necessary information. If you have already managed to look at yourself from the outside, even in a dream, then you can be sure: what you want will be yours.

Also, Mr. Miller admitted that such a dream would help the dreamer in the future: seeing yourself from the outside, you can understand what mistakes, shortcomings in yourself can be corrected.

But Miller warned: see- to illness, anxiety and betrayal of even the closest and dearest.

This dream is interpreted as a possible death of your reputation, faith in yourself and relationships with the closest people. This is how the dream is interpreted in which you saw yourself from the outside, according to Miller's dream book.

The dream in which you had to see yourself from the outside is not always good, it may seem strange or incomprehensible.

Indeed, this dream requires a detailed analysis, because it can warn of problems and even suggest their solution. We have explained all the most famous variations of this dream. Be prepared for anything and have a good dream.

\\ u003c ul \\ u003e \\ u003c li \\ u003e Seeing yourself naked - to illness, scandals and unreasonable acts. Swim naked in clean water- to forbidden, but sweet love, for which a woman who has such a dream will be punished. If a woman sees naked men swimming in clear water, she will have many admirers. But if the water is dirty or muddy, beware: one of the jealous admirers will spread evil gossip about you. \\ u003c / Li \\ u003e \\ u003c / ul \\ u003e

\\ U003cUl \\ u003e \\ u003cli \\ u003e A dream in which you admire your naked body portends you many good and worthy admirers. However, it is unlikely that you will be able to stop at one of them; as a result, you will lose everyone. If you are not delighted with the contemplation of your nudity, beware of scandals. If you dreamed that you were swimming naked in clear water, sweet love awaits you, but love is forbidden, for which you will soon have to answer to others. A dream in which you watch naked men bathe in water promises you a lot of admirers. Just try to carefully examine the water in a dream. If you see that it is not crystal clear, but cloudy or just dirty, then you will have a hard time: one of your pseudo-fans will spread evil gossip about you. \\U003c/Li\\u003e\\u003c/ul\\u003e

Nudity - A dream in which you got up naked portends a scandal and some unseemly deeds. They saw someone else naked - get ready for the fact that ill-wishers will try to lead you astray. In addition, illness can interfere with your success. If you dreamed that you suddenly noticed your nakedness and tried to cover it up, your noble feelings will come into conflict with the thirst for unlawful passions. A young woman, who in a dream is carried away by her own nakedness, in real life will achieve a man, but will not keep her. And this is on condition that she is well built: otherwise her reputation will be tarnished by some scandal. If she dreamed that she was swimming naked in clear water, then she would have to enjoy secret love. Seeing in a dream naked men bathing in clear water, she can count on a crowd of admirers. If the water is dirty, a jealous admirer will let some vicious gossip about it. D. Loffa interpreted “naked dreams” as follows: “Nude in a dream is an important event. Often people say that in dreams they were completely naked or dressed only in underwear. Such dreams often reveal our vulnerability, which is hidden under the seemingly impenetrable veil of self-confidence. This vulnerability originates in the part of our being that we hide from others. Concealment can be conscious, for example, hiding a taboo, or less conscious, which comes from our universal conclusion: if others know the whole ins and outs of a person, then he will not be fully accepted and understood by them, moreover, he will be absolutely defenseless. A feature of "naked dreams" is their Feedback with the tale of the king's new dress. If you remember, the tale tells of two tailors who persuade the king to stand naked at the throne, and his courtiers pretend to admire the "new dress". In the end, only a little boy dares to voice the obvious - what everyone sees, but is afraid to say out loud: "Kor ...

Nudity. Seeing yourself naked in a dream - before a scandal, unseemly acts, others - someone will try to lead you astray, as well as to illness. If you suddenly find that you are naked (naked) and try to hide behind - your beliefs will come into conflict with your desires and passion. If a young woman dreams that she likes her naked body, she will get the man she likes, but will not keep him; will be happy thanks to her charm; if she dreams that she is poorly built - before a scandal and the danger of tarnishing her reputation. A young woman swims naked in clear water - she will enjoy secret love, but she risks getting sick or losing her attractiveness; if she bathes in dirty water, her secret deeds will become apparent and her reputation will suffer. For a woman, to see naked men bathing in clear water - to numerous admirers, from whom she will receive a lot of pleasure; men in dirty water - fans will cause trouble, be jealous and gossip, many dream books interpret such a dream.

Nudity - Seeing yourself naked - to illness, trouble. Seeing others naked is a sign that they will try to persuade you to give up your ideas. If a woman sees in a dream naked men swimming in clear water, she will have many admirers. But if the water is dirty or muddy, she should get ready: one of her jealous fans will spread evil gossip about her.

Nudity - to be naked - squalor. Seeing others naked - you will live without worries. Run naked - have cunning relatives. To see yourself naked - you will not be able to hide your shortcomings from friends. Looking at naked people - you will achieve well-being by overcoming many obstacles. Walking down the street without clothes - your relatives are plotting a tricky move, trying to leave you without an inheritance. To be on a nudist beach - you will encounter financial difficulties. Naked children - a strong fright

Miller's dream book is less optimistic: seeing yourself naked in a dream means incurring trouble in reality. If a girl sees herself in a mirror, admiring her own nakedness, it is quite possible that she will be lucky, however, success will be short-lived. If a naked reflection in a mirror is not aesthetically pleasing, avoid conflict situations, swearing is not the best decoration for your image.

Loff's dream book believes that only that woman has to see herself naked in a dream, in whose life a significant event is about to happen, which will turn out to be sudden and very exciting. The dreamer may seem that she is not ready for him. At some point, you will have to experience awkwardness and defenselessness, as if you really were naked.

Why dream of seeing yourself naked should be interpreted based on your attitude towards dreaming of nudity. Narcissism with a naked body in a public place indicates excessive self-confidence, which is not always justified. Disgust or shame should be regarded as a warning: it will not be superfluous to take care of health and reputation.

There is another interpretation of sleep: seeing yourself naked and trying to cover up your nakedness reflects your inner struggle. Secret desires and reputation are not at stake, which risks being called into question if they are fulfilled.

Despite the fact that you try to hide your discomfort in any way possible, no one around you notices, because to them you continue to seem protected and confident, and not at all the vulnerable and vulnerable person that you yourself feel. Through your fear of showing your vulnerability in ordinary life you may appear cold towards other people, and they may feel uncomfortable that you hide your true feelings. If you are missing an important?? pieces of clothing, this means that you are usually a confident person, but it seems to you that a crack has appeared in your armor. However, the more you cover yourself up, the harder it becomes for you to showcase your unique talents. There are often situations in life when the only way to truly express your talent is to simply open up and be yourself.

Our skin forms a visible barrier between our inner and outside world, and sometimes we can feel vulnerable if this barrier is not protected. We often use the words "thick-skinned" or "thin-skinned" to describe how a person reacts when faced with criticism or insult. Now, in many cultures, the naked body in public is perceived much more easily than before; the media surrounded us with images of poorly covered bodies. But even people who dare to expose their skin in public often use tattoos as a statement of identity and a protective barrier.

This dream helps you discover your need for self-expression. It may seem that it is much easier to hide your abilities so as not to expose them to the judgments and criticisms of other people. And although it seems to be the most safe way action, it can lead you to frustration and dissatisfaction. By choosing to keep your talents under wraps, you are often forced to look the way you are expected to, instead of expressing yourself in the way that best suits you. The more you open your talents to other people, the more deeply you understand your uniqueness.

Without any exaggeration, we can say that our exclusive Dream Interpretation of Juno online service - with more than 75 dream books - is currently the most big dream book in Runet. From October 2008 to the present day, it includes the largest number interpretation of dreams of all symbols and images from different dream books- both folk and written by different authors, among which are both well-known interpreters of dreams, and little known yet, but nevertheless, talented authors deserve attention.

Any dreams basically reflect any problems, feelings or thoughts of the sleeper. Any woman can see herself pregnant in a dream at least once in her life, regardless of status and age.

In various dream books, there are sometimes completely contradictory interpretations, therefore, when deciphering any dream, it is imperative to take into account the feelings that were experienced.

What does it mean to see yourself pregnant in a dream

In the Jewish dream book, pregnancy is always the birth of something, the beginning of a new path. If a woman sees herself in a position, this usually does not mean pregnancy in real life, most likely new life turns and events.

If the dreamer actually dreams of a baby, it is quite possible that the dream reflects this cherished desire.

Freud's dream book explains such a dream as the emergence of a new serious relationship, opening oneself from the other side.

Meridian's dream book says that a dream about pregnancy can be a harbinger of a real pregnancy and additions to the family. When there is no such goal in a woman’s intentions, this may indicate successful business transactions, monetary rewards.

If a woman is in an interesting position in reality, this dream may not mean anything special.

In the dream book of the 21st century, pregnancy appears in dreams to increase the level of material well-being, stability of the financial situation, and the successful completion of the work and projects begun.

If you happened to see yourself pregnant in a dream - why dream, the dream book will tell you in many variations.

V modern dream book There are two options for interpreting pregnancy for women:

  • now is the time to implement ideas and ideas, the result will not be long in coming;
  • manifestation of sluggish chronic diseases.

If the sleeping person is a young person, such a variant of sleep can predict a bright and stormy romance.

The Ukrainian dream book deciphers pregnancy as career planning, the growth of material well-being. The only exception is if he dreamed of a young girl who was not married: betrayal, betrayal and deceit await her.

If you had to see yourself pregnant in a dream - why such a dream is dreaming, the dream book will tell you, taking into account all the details.

Dream interpretation (interpretation): pregnancy in a dream for a woman with a belly

A dream about an interesting position for a woman can be interpreted in different ways depending on the duration of pregnancy.

So, a dream in which a woman has a big belly and is about to give birth suggests that now is the time to implement the most daring plans and ideas.

The feelings that visit the sleeping woman at this time are also important. If she is afraid, feels insecure, then in fact it is these feelings that will prevent her from achieving her goals.

In general, a dream in which a long gestational age has a favorable meaning. It may indicate an unexpected monetary reward.

The modern dream book gives different interpretations depending on the financial situation of the dreamer. If a girl (woman) is wealthy, a dream about a big belly portends her ruin, loss of wealth, while a poor one, on the contrary, receiving money.

Important point! A bad (and good) interpretation does not always need to be taken on faith. Sometimes there are just dreams that do not carry much meaning.

It is also believed that pregnancy with a stomach can be dreamed of on the eve of a joyful event or receiving unexpected good news.

There is another, not entirely positive, interpretation of such a dream: a woman is unhappy in marriage, has problems with children.

As an interpretation, a big belly tells a woman about a possible conception. This does not apply to those of the fair sex who are trying to get pregnant in reality. Such dreams in this case are a simple reflection of daytime events and desires.

Miller's dream book: pregnancy and childbirth

Miller's dream book gives a variety of interpretations of his own pregnancy and childbirth. It is enough to analyze the details of such a dream and compare it with real life.

Your birth usually portends a major success in life, the beginning of a streak of luck and the resolution of many old problems.

If the birth takes place in a hospital under the supervision of an obstetrician, you can expect unpleasant events in your personal life. Giving birth on the floor at home means a woman's strong desire to return past relationships.

If the dreamer is young and unmarried, such dreams may warn that she is leading a too immodest lifestyle, which may damage her reputation.

For a woman who is in an interesting position in reality, pregnancy and childbirth from a dream portend an easy birth and a quick recovery thereafter. For the unborn child, the interpretation is also the most favorable.

Why dream of seeing yourself pregnant in a dream: Vanga's dream book

The predictions and prophecies made by this Bulgarian clairvoyant and healer are being fulfilled exactly to this day, so her dream book can be completely trusted.

For a young girl, a dream about her pregnancy is not the best. He tries to warn her against starting a new relationship, which, apart from the disappointment of the sleeping woman, will bring nothing. Also, such a dream suggests that the girl is waiting for gossip, intrigue behind her back.

Note! If a woman dreams about pregnancy later dates and at the same time, she clearly feels how the child is pushing inside, which means that she has only favorable twists of fate ahead of her.

If such dreams are visited by a lady who is far from reproductive age, this indicates that chores and worries will soon appear in her life that will concern only her.

Successful childbirth adds a positive moment to decoding: all troubles will quickly and without a trace go away.

As an interpretation option, there may be upcoming health problems and their overcoming. At risk - the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.

For a pregnant woman in reality, Vanga's dream book prophesies a happy birth in the near future.

Why dream of pregnancy: the birth of a child (boy and girl)


Women who were able to become the mother of a son in a dream are expected in the very near future career growth or business success. After all a male baby personifies perseverance in the implementation of goals.

Miller's dream interpretation interprets such a dream as an increase in her social status, and if the dreamer is not married, a possible marriage proposal.

A dream ending with the birth of an heir is always to improve financial well-being.

Freud, on the other hand, pays more attention to the emotional component of life, therefore, in accordance with his dream book, the birth of a boy portends the meeting of his soulmate.

Loff's dream book indicates that a woman who sees a newborn in her dream resists the possible onset of pregnancy with all her might.

When a son is born at home, this means that very soon peace, comfort and well-being will settle here.


The birth of a female child in a dream indicates that the dreamer is expecting something new, unknown. It is likely that a new period begins in her life.

If the girl is young, most likely after such a dream it is possible to receive unexpected news that can dramatically change her whole life.

Often such dreams are visited by those who in real life really want a baby.

For a pregnant woman, this dream portends good health and a successful birth.

The resumption of romance in a relationship symbolizes the birth of a daughter in a dream for an adult woman who has already taken place in her life.

If a daughter was born at home, this predicts the beginning of a white streak in life. A a girl who looks like a sleeping woman symbolizes great happiness, success in the professional field, good health and good luck in everything.

What is the dream of someone else's pregnancy (of another person)

It is not always possible to see your pregnancy in a dream, often a friend or woman can act as a future mother. unknown woman. Such dreams also have their own interpretation.

If you happened to see not yourself in a pregnant woman’s dream, in order to find out why this is a dream, the dream book requires you to remember who was in position.

Seeing an unfamiliar pregnant woman in a dream

When a beautiful, well-groomed pregnant unknown woman appears in a dream, this portends an unexpected profit, although a lot of effort will have to be made.

If the stranger is ugly and unpleasant to look at - to worries and troubles.

When deciphering such a dream, the emotional state of the woman who met in the dream plays a role.

If a pregnant woman cries, swears or is nervous, financial losses await the sleeping woman; if he rejoices, laughs, the opportunity to climb the career ladder will soon turn up.

Seeing a pregnant familiar woman (girl) in a dream

This dream can mean various events, interpretation must be made, taking into account the small details from the dream and the facts of real life.

If in a dream you met that friend who is expecting a baby in reality, this does not mean anything, but simply reflects current events. Meeting in this position an old acquaintance whom we have not seen for a long time symbolizes unexpected meeting and renewed friendship.

An unfamiliar pregnant woman promises unexpected material gains or a long-planned major acquisition.

Prophetic dreams are most often remembered very clearly. While empty, meaningless, often unclear and confused.

For pregnant women, such dreams bring easy and painless childbirth.

Why dream of a girlfriend's pregnancy

Pregnancy of a beloved friend is basically good sign.

But some dream books also give negative interpretations:

  • slight malaise;
  • loss of an insignificant share of the capital invested in any project;
  • active actions of ill-wishers and envious people;
  • a quarrel with this girlfriend from a dream is possible.

What good is a girlfriend in an interesting position in a dream:

  • marriage in the near future, moving;
  • complete and quick recovery (in case the woman is sick);
  • making easy profits;
  • implementation creative projects or starting your own business.

If a friend is pregnant in life, then such a dream means an easy birth for her.

Why dream of mom's pregnancy

One of the most common decryptions is that everything that was conceived and planned will be executed. Also, a dreaming pregnant mother can predict the appearance in the life of the daughter of a rich patron in the family or at work.

Most often, a mother in an interesting position in a dream promises a solution to material issues. We are talking about unexpected receipts: winnings, inheritance, gift.

Carefully! If the dream itself was disturbing and restless, its meaning changes to the exact opposite.

When a mother gives birth in a dream, this is a sign of difficulties on the way. If the sleeping woman herself takes birth, you can be sure: very soon she will meet a good reliable person who can become a reliable life partner.

Why dream of a daughter's pregnancy for a mother

The meaning of sleep about the daughter's pregnancy is generally positive. Joyful events, good news await the whole family. This dream is a hint that the daughter has chosen (or will choose) a decent person as her companion.

And The term of an interesting position also matters:

  • early - the daughter will soon become pregnant in reality;
  • late - grandchildren are not yet expected.

Sleep takes on a negative connotation if the mother is unpleasantly surprised or dissatisfied with the position of her daughter.

Seeing a pregnant woman (relative) in a dream

The closer the pregnant woman is to the dreamer in terms of kinship, the more important events await her. Such dreams often come as a warning of possible difficulties.

If the sensations after sleep are joyful, then the difficulties will be minor and fleeting. Unpleasant feelings indicate that the goal may be unattainable.

Why dream of a sister's pregnancy (native or cousin)

The main meaning of a dream about a sister in a position: soon new prospects for making a profit will appear in life, and this can apply to the whole family.

Also it all depends on which sister you dreamed about:

  1. Pregnant Native sister brings joyful news to the sleeping woman.
  2. If the sister is a half-sister - intrusive attention from relatives.
  3. Cousin - the appearance of a certain problem that will disappear soon.
  4. If the sister is not married, in reality she will soon start a family.
  5. I dreamed of a sister who does not really exist - the most difficult test for the one who sees a dream. But if she gave birth in a dream, a difficult situation will be solved by itself.
  6. Huge wealth awaits the woman who in a dream singled out several pregnant sisters. The number of girls indicates the sources of monetary profit.

Seeing yourself pregnant depending on your status

The interpretation of sleep also depends on the status of the woman. Next, dreams that a married or unmarried woman, a girl will dream of will be considered.

Why dream of pregnancy (one's own) for a married woman

According to Vanga's dream book for a married lady, such dreams predict the birth of twins or twins.

Miller's dream book, on the contrary, gives a bad prognosis - a woman is expected to have major quarrels with her husband, a divorce is possible.

Why dream of pregnancy for your own woman (girl) lonely (unmarried)

For a single or unmarried woman, such a dream does not bring anything good. This is a kind of warning that you should be more selective in your connections.

If she continues to act too frivolously, she may find herself in a shameful situation.

In some dream books, this dream is interpreted as a possible deception on the part of a lover.

Why does a virgin dream of pregnancy

For a very young person, such dreams also have a mostly negative interpretation:

  • warning of deceit or betrayal;
  • reflection of fear of sexual intimacy;
  • her state of health may worsen (in case the girl is sick).

In principle, a dream about a pregnant virgin suggests that the sleeping woman wants to get something impossible.

Pregnancy in a dream, which means the gender of the child

If in a dream about pregnancy the gender of the unborn child is known, then such dreams have the following interpretation.

Why dream of a girl being pregnant

Oddly enough, but such night dreams are often visited by those women who in real life do not want to get pregnant.

Many dream books pregnancy by a girl is considered as a message about a conception that occurred in reality.

Felomen's dream interpretation interprets it as receiving a gift in the very near future. Moreover, this gift will be necessary and very pleasant.

Why dream of being pregnant with a boy

From unpleasant interpretations - there is a risk of getting into a car accident.

If a woman is actually pregnant at the moment, this dream can mean a rapid birth.

Good meanings of pregnancy by a son in a dream:

  • obtaining a new, higher position or salary increase;
  • receipt of a large amount of money.

Why dream of twin pregnancy

When a truly pregnant woman had a dream of such content, it is likely that it will be prophetic. Everyone else needs to be especially careful in the near future, to be more attentive to their health.

Various interpretations of this dream are offered depending on the material condition of the sleeping woman.

For the poor, this dream means the emergence of an opportunity to get rich, for the wealthy, on the contrary, the risk of losing their fortune.

Why dream of a frozen pregnancy

Unfortunately, such dreams do not bring anything good: if there is a pregnancy in real life - a miscarriage is possible, if a woman is not pregnant - major household and work troubles.

Poor sleep during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman is subject to various fears that can be expressed through dreams. What to expect a future mother if she had a bad dream.

Why dream of a miscarriage during pregnancy

Whatever nightmare, he dreams of not necessarily bad events, and very rarely turns out to be prophetic.

It is quite possible that such a dream portends an unexpected end to problems liberation from what has been tormenting for a long time.

At future mother such terrible pictures emerge because of the logically arising fear for the life and health of the baby.

Why dream of bleeding during pregnancy

Miller, one of the few interpreters, believes that bleeding for a pregnant woman is a health problem or problems from ill-wishers.

The rest of the dream books interpret such nightmares much more positively:

  • safe delivery (after all, childbirth in a sense is a loss for the body);
  • the birth of a healthy baby;
  • childbirth may start earlier deadline but everything will go well.

In addition, such a night vision can reflect the anxieties and fears that are more or less inherent in every woman in a position.

Sleep orgasm during pregnancy

Many pregnant women experience the phenomenon of orgasm during sleep. They are often afraid of such a state, and completely in vain: an orgasm actually only benefits the fetus and the woman herself.

This happens because hormonal changes in the body begin, blood flow to the pelvic organs increases.

At this time, the pregnant woman sleeps very restlessly, she may even wake up from strong sensations.

Interesting! Women in a position can experience an orgasm in a dream not only during traditional sex with their husband, but also from caresses, touches of completely strangers (perhaps even their own sex).

Dream interpretation - pregnancy test

Often a pregnancy test may be dreamed of. Such dreams are interpreted depending on the position of the woman.

Why dream of a positive pregnancy test

If a woman is in an interesting position, this dream can mean for her:

If the woman is not married or pregnant:

  • quarrels with a husband or friend;
  • unpleasant conversations, gossip;
  • loss and loss are possible.

I dreamed of a pregnancy test with one strip

A test with one strip usually dreams of the collapse of hopes and plans. May portend losses (not only material ones).

For pregnant women, he can symbolize possible problems during childbirth, therefore, it is necessary to take this with all responsibility.

In general, a dream about a test says that at the moment there is some kind of choice. to be done, but the sleeper will not dare. It is on this fateful decision that the further development of events depends.

How to find out about pregnancy in a dream

During the period of the birth of a new life, a woman's hormonal background changes, which also affects the content of dreams.

Therefore, those women who are attentive to their dreams often find out about their interesting position long before the first test results. And for each of them it can be completely different stories.

What dreams portend pregnancy

Fish - dreams of pregnancy

Of all the dreams that portend pregnancy, dreams about fish and its species occupy a leading position. True, the fish in such a dream must necessarily be alive or fresh (if the dreamer eats it).

What dreams of pregnancy, except for fish

From options dreams-predictions about pregnancy emit:

  1. Simple clean clear water - a calm blue sea, a beautiful aquarium, a lake.
  2. Stork or swans.
  3. Butterflies (especially if you catch them).
  4. Collection of mushrooms.
  5. Swimming in clear water, swimming in the sea or lake.
  6. Cabbage.
  7. Lotus flower.
  8. Cornflowers (flowers).
  9. Pearl.

The pregnancy of a woman is a wonderful state both in a dream and in reality. It must be remembered that sleep is just a reflection of our everyday emotions, sometimes a warning. But it’s still not worth taking interpretations too seriously.

From this video you will learn why - to see yourself pregnant in a dream, why you have such a dream and what the dream books say.

This video is an interpretation of a dream about a girl's pregnancy.

Modern dream book If you dream See yourself:

Solves a dream book: Seeing yourself is a good sign. You have grandiose plans for the future, such qualities as positive, dexterity, intelligence will help you realize yourself, do a great job to achieve financial independence. We decided to open our own business - a dream prophesies a good future for it, your business will go up. Dream Interpretation Seeing yourself pregnant for older women does not bode well, but for young unmarried girls it promises a meeting with a positive young man, mutual love.

Dream Interpretation of the XXI century Why dream of Seeing yourself?

See in a dream

To see yourself naked in a dream - in reality you will soon receive an expensive and very valuable gift. If you saw yourself in the mirror - you can seriously quarrel with your soulmate, be careful in your statements, rash words can hurt your loved one. You dreamed of yourself dead or lying in a coffin - in real life, expect trouble associated with your activities.

Dream Interpretation Seeing yourself as a beautiful and confident girl promises a new acquaintance, which will develop into a stormy romance or strong friendship. Perhaps someone influential will lend a helping hand to you, help you develop a business or achieve certain career successes. Why dream of seeing yourself as a man to a girl? A dream predicts that your state of affairs is improving. If you are involved in a lawsuit, then its outcome will be in your favor. Some important document can become the basis for a new undertaking.

Universal dream book What does it mean if you dream of Seeing yourself?

Interpretation of the dream book: Seeing yourself with a bald head on your head indicates the appearance of difficulties on the horizon, you will not be able to fulfill all your plans. Look at yourself drunk - some joyful event will soon happen that will lead you to change your image and lifestyle in general. For a woman, a dream predicts pregnancy. Why dream of Seeing yourself as an old man - an increase awaits you, as well as an increase in wages. You feel bad, feel sad for no reason - soon this apathy will pass. See yourself young in a dream - in reality you are healthy, full of strength and energy. Soon you will achieve not only harmony, but also material well-being.

Dream Interpretation Seeing yourself as a child portends a meeting with a vile and deceitful person who rushes to extremes and does not complete the work he has begun. In a dream, you got fat - your financial situation will improve significantly, just don’t bring yourself to emotional devastation in the pursuit of money.

Dream Interpretation See yourself in a dream to see what you dream of See yourself in a dream to see

Children's dream book What does it mean to See yourself from a dream book?

Why dream Why dream Seeing yourself beaten in a dream - One of the high school students is interested in you.

Why dream of Seeing yourself in a dream - So, something important will happen soon.

Seeing yourself in a hairdresser - Do not go for a walk far from home.

Dream Interpretation Seeing yourself with glasses - You do not notice your shortcomings, although you are trying to prove to everyone around you that they are behaving unworthily.

Why dream of Seeing yourself in new clothes - To changes in fate, moreover, quite significant; for girls, such a dream means a new hobby, some kind of serious romance.

Dream Interpretation Seeing yourself in the mirror - It's time to think about whether you love yourself too much to the detriment of everyone else?

Why dream of Seeing yourself shaved bald - Communicate less with the opposite sex.

Why dream of Seeing yourself sick - Soon troubles will begin at school and at home.

Dream Interpretation Seeing yourself running - Especially if you are running away from someone and cannot escape in any way - you are haunted by troubles, and you cannot avoid them.

See your hair - See your life force and what happens to it.

Why dream of Seeing your face with a white-toothed smile - Watch the Blendamed advertisement less.

Why dream of Seeing yourself with an unusual long hair You feel tired, or you will soon be on the road.

Dream Interpretation Seeing yourself dead - To longevity and good health.

Young see

Dream Interpretation Young see had a dream, why dream in a dream Young to see? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see young in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Youth

Dream Interpretation - Youth

Dream Interpretation - Youth

Dream Interpretation - Young

Dream Interpretation - Young shoots

Dream Interpretation - Youth

Dream Interpretation - Youth

Dream Interpretation - Young

Dream Interpretation - Youth

Seeing a lot of young people in a dream - to health.

See a young girlfriend

Dream Interpretation See a young girlfriend dreamed of why in a dream Seeing a young girlfriend? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a young girlfriend in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Girlfriend

If you dreamed of a girlfriend, then in real life you will receive support from the side where it would seem that it could not be. A dream in which you had a big fight with a girlfriend using assault means that for the rest of your life you will strive for something impossible that is realized only at the end of your life path.

Dream Interpretation - Girlfriend

A friend dreams of matters of the heart.

Dream Interpretation - Girlfriend

A friend dreams of shopping or going to a hairdresser.

Dream Interpretation - Girlfriend

Friendship with a woman who calls herself the friend of your life is to be subjected to the most brazen swindle.

Dream Interpretation - Girlfriend

A woman dreams of a friend - to gossip, gossip.

A man - to a new romantic adventure, for which you will have to pay with your health.

Dream Interpretation - Youth

Seeing young people in a dream interesting men heralds normalization family relations and complete understanding between the spouses after some misunderstanding.

Seeing yourself much younger in a dream means that an attempt to regain your previously lost positions will not be successful, moreover, it can lead to even worse consequences, so it’s best to come to terms with your current situation and leave everything as it is.

If in a dream you see your parents young, this is a harbinger of the fact that you will go to renew your old acquaintance and love relationship with a man who was once rejected because of his own pride and exorbitant ambitions.

If in a dream you miraculously find yourself in the past and see yourself again young, naive, in love with the world and full of good hopes - which means that in reality you will have a favorable opportunity to fulfill your old dream.

If in a dream you marry a young man, in real life you will experience grief from your loved ones. To have a young lover in a dream and indulge in unbridled passions and wild love revelry with him means that in reality the choice you have made is correct and you are needlessly tormented by doubts about this.

Seeing in a dream a young rival who wants and has every chance to beat your lover or husband away from you - such a dream portends fierce competition in business and entrepreneurship.

To dream of a young month portends a promotion at work.

Dream Interpretation - Youth

Seeing young people is everything family conflicts will be settled and you can safely make plans for the future;
youth has returned to you - your efforts to return the lost will not be successful;
for a mother - to see that your son has become young - your old wounds will heal and the cheerfulness and dreams of youth will return to you .;
for a mother - to see her son as a schoolboy - it's time to start improving the family hearth; but if the son dies - misfortune, suffering.

Dream Interpretation - Young, young people

The dream in which you saw yourself young, full of health and strength, portends illness or death for the patient and health, vitality and unbending willpower to healthy people who have a definite goal in life and are determined to go to it to the end. If you dream that you are young and beautiful again, as before, then you will take a happy chance - and you will succeed.

Dream Interpretation - Youth

The young people you dreamed about are a dream, followed by joyful events in your home. But if you see yourself as a young man or much younger than your years, beware of getting sick in reality. You should take some measures to keep your health. For a young man (girl), a dream in which they see themselves as children is a harbinger of happy love and a desired marriage with a beloved person.

Dream Interpretation - Young

Young - Seeing yourself younger than your age - to health. If you are sick, then sleep calms you, the disease is temporary and not serious. Younger than your children - to a long prosperous life. Seeing young those who are already old is to their health. You think about them. Your good wishes help them keep their strength.

My young man is beating

Dream Interpretation My young man beats dreamed of why in a dream My young man is beating? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream My young man is beating by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Beat

Demons or spirits beat you - a very unfavorable omen.

Dream Interpretation - Youth

Seeing young, interesting men in a dream portends the normalization of family relations and complete understanding between spouses after some kind of misunderstanding.

Seeing yourself much younger in a dream means that an attempt to regain your previously lost positions will not be successful, moreover, it can lead to even worse consequences, so it’s best to come to terms with your current situation and leave everything as it is.

If in a dream you see your parents young, this is a harbinger of the fact that you will go to renew your long-term acquaintance and love relationship with a person who was once rejected because of your own pride and exorbitant ambitions.

If in a dream you miraculously find yourself in the past and see yourself again young, naive, in love with the world and full of good hopes, then in reality you will have a favorable opportunity to fulfill your old dream.

If in a dream you marry a young man, in real life you will experience grief from your loved ones. To have a young lover in a dream and indulge in unbridled passions and wild love revelry with him means that in reality the choice you have made is correct and you are needlessly tormented by doubts about this.

Seeing in a dream a young rival who wants and has every chance to beat your lover or husband away from you - such a dream portends fierce competition in business and entrepreneurship.

To dream of a young month portends a promotion at work.

Dream Interpretation - Youth

To see young people - all family conflicts will be settled and you can safely make plans for the future;
youth has returned to you - your efforts to return the lost will not be successful;
for a mother - to see that your son has become young - your old wounds will heal and the cheerfulness and dreams of youth will return to you .;
for a mother - to see her son as a schoolboy - it's time to start improving the family hearth; but if the son dies - misfortune, suffering.

Dream Interpretation - Young, young people

The dream in which you saw yourself young, full of health and strength, portends illness or death for the patient and health, vitality and unbending willpower to healthy people who have a definite goal in life and are determined to go to it to the end. If you dream that you are young and beautiful again, as before, then you will take a happy chance - and you will succeed.

Dream Interpretation - Youth

The young people you dreamed about are a dream, followed by joyful events in your home. But if you see yourself as a young man or much younger than your years, beware of getting sick in reality. You should take some measures to keep your health. For a young man (girl), a dream in which they see themselves as children is a harbinger of happy love and a desired marriage with a beloved person.

Dream Interpretation - Young

Young - Seeing yourself younger than your age - to health. If you are sick, then sleep calms you, the disease is temporary and not serious. Younger than your children - to a long prosperous life. Seeing young those who are already old is to their health. You think about them. Your good wishes will help them save their strength.

Dream Interpretation - Young shoots

Breaking off young shoots of bamboo, come home - the wife will have a son.

Seeing young bamboo shoots portends the birth of new children and grandchildren.

Dream Interpretation - Youth

If you dream of a young man or girl, then this is a harbinger of pleasure.

If you dream that you are young, then this may indicate your imminent illness or even death.

Dream Interpretation - Youth

Youth - how to dream that you are younger, you will get sick.

Dream Interpretation - Young

Getting younger in a dream - to careful care of your body.

Dreamed of a young man passed by

Dream Interpretation Dreamed of a young man passed by dreamed of why in a dream dreamed of a young man passed by? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream. A young man dreamed of passing by by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Past

A meteorite flies past, but does not fall to the ground - a change of residence.

Dream Interpretation - Youth

Seeing young, interesting men in a dream portends the normalization of family relations and complete understanding between spouses after some kind of misunderstanding.

Seeing yourself much younger in a dream means that an attempt to regain your previously lost positions will not be successful, moreover, it can lead to even worse consequences, so it’s best to come to terms with your current situation and leave everything as it is.

If in a dream you see your parents young, this is a harbinger of the fact that you will go to renew your long-term acquaintance and love relationship with a person who was once rejected because of your own pride and exorbitant ambitions.

If in a dream you miraculously find yourself in the past and see yourself again young, naive, in love with the world and full of good hopes, then in reality you will have a favorable opportunity to fulfill your old dream.

If in a dream you marry a young man, in real life you will experience grief from your loved ones. To have a young lover in a dream and indulge in unbridled passions and wild love revelry with him means that in reality the choice you have made is correct and you are needlessly tormented by doubts about this.

Seeing in a dream a young rival who wants and has every chance to beat your lover or husband away from you - such a dream portends fierce competition in business and entrepreneurship.

To dream of a young month portends a promotion at work.

Dream Interpretation - Youth

To see young people - all family conflicts will be settled and you can safely make plans for the future;
youth has returned to you - your efforts to return the lost will not be successful;
for a mother - to see that your son has become young - your old wounds will heal and the cheerfulness and dreams of youth will return to you .;
for a mother - to see her son as a schoolboy - it's time to start improving the family hearth; but if the son dies - misfortune, suffering.

Dream Interpretation - Young, young people

The dream in which you saw yourself young, full of health and strength, portends illness or death for the patient and health, vitality and unbending willpower to healthy people who have a definite goal in life and are determined to go to it to the end. If you dream that you are young and beautiful again, as before, then you will take a happy chance - and you will succeed.

Dream Interpretation - Mime

Occult danger emanating from the environment close to you (psychic attack).

Dream Interpretation - Youth

The young people you dreamed about are a dream, followed by joyful events in your home. But if you see yourself as a young man or much younger than your years, beware of getting sick in reality. You should take some measures to keep your health. For a young man (girl), a dream in which they see themselves as children is a harbinger of happy love and a desired marriage with a beloved person.

Dream Interpretation - Young

Young - Seeing yourself younger than your age - to health. If you are sick, then sleep calms you, the disease is temporary and not serious. Younger than your children - to a long prosperous life. Seeing young those who are already old is to their health. You think about them. Your good wishes will help them save their strength.

Dream Interpretation - Young shoots

Breaking off young shoots of bamboo, come home - the wife will have a son.

Seeing young bamboo shoots portends the birth of new children and grandchildren.

Dream Interpretation - Youth

If you dream of a young man or girl, then this is a harbinger of pleasure.

If you dream that you are young, then this may indicate your imminent illness or even death.

Dream Interpretation - Youth

Youth - how to dream that you are younger, you will get sick.

Seeing an old man very young

Dream Interpretation of the Elderly to see very young dreamed of why in a dream the Elderly is seen very young? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see an Elderly in a dream to see very young by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Elderly

Seeing older men and women - to well-being, wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Elderly

If a person sees himself in a dream burying an elderly person - well, this means prosperity.

Dream Interpretation - Youth

Seeing young, interesting men in a dream portends the normalization of family relations and complete understanding between spouses after some kind of misunderstanding.

Seeing yourself much younger in a dream means that an attempt to regain your previously lost positions will not be successful, moreover, it can lead to even worse consequences, so it’s best to come to terms with your current situation and leave everything as it is.

If in a dream you see your parents young, this is a harbinger of the fact that you will go to renew your long-term acquaintance and love relationship with a person who was once rejected because of your own pride and exorbitant ambitions.

If in a dream you miraculously find yourself in the past and see yourself again young, naive, in love with the world and full of good hopes, then in reality you will have a favorable opportunity to fulfill your old dream.

If in a dream you marry a young man, in real life you will experience grief from your loved ones. To have a young lover in a dream and indulge in unbridled passions and wild love revelry with him means that in reality the choice you have made is correct and you are needlessly tormented by doubts about this.

Seeing in a dream a young rival who wants and has every chance to beat your lover or husband away from you - such a dream portends fierce competition in business and entrepreneurship.

To dream of a young month portends a promotion at work.

Dream Interpretation - Youth

To see young people - all family conflicts will be settled and you can safely make plans for the future;
youth has returned to you - your efforts to return the lost will not be successful;
for a mother - to see that your son has become young - your old wounds will heal and the cheerfulness and dreams of youth will return to you .;
for a mother - to see her son as a schoolboy - it's time to start improving the family hearth; but if the son dies - misfortune, suffering.

Dream Interpretation - Young, young people

The dream in which you saw yourself young, full of health and strength, portends illness or death for the patient and health, vitality and unbending willpower to healthy people who have a definite goal in life and are determined to go to it to the end. If you dream that you are young and beautiful again, as before, then you will take a happy chance - and you will succeed.

Dream Interpretation - An elderly woman in white with a book in her hand

Lost some of my insight.

Now he will not notice my mistake.

Dream Interpretation - An elderly person closed his eyes or put on glasses

The old man is the image of immeasurable wisdom and intuition; the embodiment of spiritual fatherhood; he may manifest as a philosopher, a scholar, a beggar, or a king intermediate between heaven and earth.

Male self and female animus.

Dream Interpretation - Elderly people

To be hidden, secret, anonymous.

A stream of thoughts can mean one person or idea.

It may indicate a certain secret hidden in the crowd, which in this case symbolizes a mass of thoughts constantly crowding in the unconscious.

Dream Interpretation - Youth

The young people you dreamed about are a dream, followed by joyful events in your home. But if you see yourself as a young man or much younger than your years, beware of getting sick in reality. You should take some measures to keep your health. For a young man (girl), a dream in which they see themselves as children is a harbinger of happy love and a desired marriage with a beloved person.

Dream Interpretation - Young

Young - Seeing yourself younger than your age - to health. If you are sick, then sleep calms you, the disease is temporary and not serious. Younger than your children - to a long prosperous life. Seeing young those who are already old is to their health. You think about them. Your good wishes will help them save their strength.

The young guy wants to

Dream Interpretation Young guy wants to dreamed of why in a dream a young guy wants to? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a young guy in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Soaring

May have outwardly opposite meanings.

Follow your emotions to decide which value is right for you.

Soaring can be a symbol: liberation and getting rid of problems and restrictions.

To soar emotionally above the situation: can mean a way out of a traumatic experience.

Sometimes people remember that when they get injured, they seem to soar skyward.

Soaring may also indicate that you are in harmony with your feelings and emotions.

You feel spiritual harmony within yourself and swim towards the feelings and at the same time with them.

Swim in the water: means that you have allowed emotions to surface.

Soar in the air: means to rise above all this.

Soaring: also means that you are aimlessly floating above the ground.

Ground yourself.

Set potential goals and take steps.

Dream Interpretation - Youth

Seeing young, interesting men in a dream portends the normalization of family relations and complete understanding between spouses after some kind of misunderstanding.

Seeing yourself much younger in a dream means that an attempt to regain your previously lost positions will not be successful, moreover, it can lead to even worse consequences, so it’s best to come to terms with your current situation and leave everything as it is.

If in a dream you see your parents young, this is a harbinger of the fact that you will go to renew your long-term acquaintance and love relationship with a person who was once rejected because of your own pride and exorbitant ambitions.

If in a dream you miraculously find yourself in the past and see yourself again young, naive, in love with the world and full of good hopes, then in reality you will have a favorable opportunity to fulfill your old dream.

If in a dream you marry a young man, in real life you will experience grief from your loved ones. To have a young lover in a dream and indulge in unbridled passions and wild love revelry with him means that in reality the choice you have made is correct and you are needlessly tormented by doubts about this.

Seeing in a dream a young rival who wants and has every chance to beat your lover or husband away from you - such a dream portends fierce competition in business and entrepreneurship.

To dream of a young month portends a promotion at work.

Dream Interpretation - Guy, young man

Handsome and slender messenger of heavenly seer Forces; angelic image; vitality, active energy for a man, the dreamer himself (based on appearance and behavior). For a girl dream of marriage; for a woman, the appearance of a spiritual helper; maternal or sexual urges. Ugly-looking everything is bad. See add. Dictionary "mythological" (demon, demon, angel of death).

Dream Interpretation - Youth

To see young people - all family conflicts will be settled and you can safely make plans for the future;
youth has returned to you - your efforts to return the lost will not be successful;
for a mother - to see that your son has become young - your old wounds will heal and the cheerfulness and dreams of youth will return to you .;
for a mother - to see her son as a schoolboy - it's time to start improving the family hearth; but if the son dies - misfortune, suffering.

Dream Interpretation - Young, young people

The dream in which you saw yourself young, full of health and strength, portends illness or death for the patient and health, vitality and unbending willpower to healthy people who have a definite goal in life and are determined to go to it to the end. If you dream that you are young and beautiful again, as before, then you will take a happy chance - and you will succeed.

Dream Interpretation - Youth

The young people you dreamed about are a dream, followed by joyful events in your home. But if you see yourself as a young man or much younger than your years, beware of getting sick in reality. You should take some measures to keep your health. For a young man (girl), a dream in which they see themselves as children is a harbinger of happy love and a desired marriage with a beloved person.

Dream Interpretation - Young

Young - Seeing yourself younger than your age - to health. If you are sick, then sleep calms you, the disease is temporary and not serious. Younger than your children - to a long prosperous life. Seeing young those who are already old is to their health. You think about them. Your good wishes will help them save their strength.

Dream Interpretation - Young shoots

Breaking off young shoots of bamboo, come home - the wife will have a son.

Seeing young bamboo shoots portends the birth of new children and grandchildren.

Dream Interpretation - Youth

If you dream of a young man or girl, then this is a harbinger of pleasure.

If you dream that you are young, then this may indicate your imminent illness or even death.

Dream Interpretation - Youth

Youth - how to dream that you are younger, you will get sick.

See yourself in a dream young

Dream Interpretation See yourself in a dream young dreamed of why in a dream I see myself in a young dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see yourself in a dream You are young by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Youth

Seeing young, interesting men in a dream portends the normalization of family relations and complete understanding between spouses after some kind of misunderstanding.

Seeing yourself much younger in a dream means that an attempt to regain your previously lost positions will not be successful, moreover, it can lead to even worse consequences, so it’s best to come to terms with your current situation and leave everything as it is.

If in a dream you see your parents young, this is a harbinger of the fact that you will go to renew your long-term acquaintance and love relationship with a person who was once rejected because of your own pride and exorbitant ambitions.

If in a dream you miraculously find yourself in the past and see yourself again young, naive, in love with the world and full of good hopes, then in reality you will have a favorable opportunity to fulfill your old dream.

If in a dream you marry a young man, in real life you will experience grief from your loved ones. To have a young lover in a dream and indulge in unbridled passions and wild love revelry with him means that in reality the choice you have made is correct and you are needlessly tormented by doubts about this.

Seeing in a dream a young rival who wants and has every chance to beat your lover or husband away from you - such a dream portends fierce competition in business and entrepreneurship.

To dream of a young month portends a promotion at work.

Dream Interpretation - Youth

To see young people - all family conflicts will be settled and you can safely make plans for the future;
youth has returned to you - your efforts to return the lost will not be successful;
for a mother - to see that your son has become young - your old wounds will heal and the cheerfulness and dreams of youth will return to you .;
for a mother - to see her son as a schoolboy - it's time to start improving the family hearth; but if the son dies - misfortune, suffering.

Dream Interpretation - Young, young people

The dream in which you saw yourself young, full of health and strength, portends illness or death for the patient and health, vitality and unbending willpower to healthy people who have a definite goal in life and are determined to go to it to the end. If you dream that you are young and beautiful again, as before, then you will take a happy chance - and you will succeed.

Dream Interpretation - Youth

The young people you dreamed about are a dream, followed by joyful events in your home. But if you see yourself as a young man or much younger than your years, beware of getting sick in reality. You should take some measures to keep your health. For a young man (girl), a dream in which they see themselves as children is a harbinger of happy love and a desired marriage with a beloved person.

Dream Interpretation - Young

Young - Seeing yourself younger than your age - to health. If you are sick, then sleep calms you, the disease is temporary and not serious. Younger than your children - to a long prosperous life. Seeing young those who are already old is to their health. You think about them. Your good wishes will help them save their strength.

Dream Interpretation - Young shoots

Breaking off young shoots of bamboo, come home - the wife will have a son.

Seeing young bamboo shoots portends the birth of new children and grandchildren.

Dream Interpretation - Youth

If you dream of a young man or girl, then this is a harbinger of pleasure.

If you dream that you are young, then this may indicate your imminent illness or even death.

Dream Interpretation - To see a goat herd in a dream

Seeing a goat herd in a dream is also lucky sign portending inheritance, good luck and prosperity. A dreaming goat portends a tender but brief feeling.

Dream Interpretation - Youth

Youth - how to dream that you are younger, you will get sick.

Dream Interpretation - Young

Getting younger in a dream - to careful care of your body.

Kissing a young man

Dream Interpretation Kissing a young man dreamed of why in a dream a young man kisses? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a young man kissing in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Youth

Seeing young, interesting men in a dream portends the normalization of family relations and complete understanding between spouses after some kind of misunderstanding.

Seeing yourself much younger in a dream means that an attempt to regain your previously lost positions will not be successful, moreover, it can lead to even worse consequences, so it’s best to come to terms with your current situation and leave everything as it is.

If in a dream you see your parents young, this is a harbinger of the fact that you will go to renew your long-term acquaintance and love relationship with a person who was once rejected because of your own pride and exorbitant ambitions.

If in a dream you miraculously find yourself in the past and see yourself again young, naive, in love with the world and full of good hopes, then in reality you will have a favorable opportunity to fulfill your old dream.

If in a dream you marry a young man, in real life you will experience grief from your loved ones. To have a young lover in a dream and indulge in unbridled passions and wild love revelry with him means that in reality the choice you have made is correct and you are needlessly tormented by doubts about this.

Seeing in a dream a young rival who wants and has every chance to beat your lover or husband away from you - such a dream portends fierce competition in business and entrepreneurship.

To dream of a young month portends a promotion at work.

Dream Interpretation - Kiss

Kissing in a dream with a pleasant and desirable person - to sad thoughts, unspoken claims.

A woman kissing a man - to sadness, anger, irritation.

Kissing a young girl for a man is a sign that dishonest profit awaits you.

Temperamental girl - for the wedding, a new connection.

Kissing an old woman - to longing.

Kissing your sweetheart is the end of enmity.

Kissing an ugly woman is bad news.

Greeting, kissing - to infidelity.

Kiss your mother - you will be successful in your business ventures, your faithful friends will appreciate and respect you.

Kissing a brother or sister is a prediction of pleasure and good relations with friends.

Kiss the executioner - you will receive a gift from a stranger.

Kissing someone's hands - to matchmaking, a new pleasant acquaintance with a future relative.

They kiss your hands in a dream - you will be disappointed.

Seeing children kissing is a prediction of a happy family reunion and success in business.

Birds or animals kiss - a happy dream, portending honors, happiness, a wedding.

Kissing the earth - to separation.

Lot different women kiss, and you see yourself as young men - you will get yourself a friend.

Dream Interpretation - Kiss

Kissing is undoubtedly associated with young lovers. Imagination immediately draws images of two teenagers (not adults!), Frantically kissing on the subway escalator. You can kiss someone, watch others kiss, or have a premonition that you are about to be kissed.

Kissing another in a dream, in this way you can simply realize your sexual desire in relation to someone. And in this case, this is not a kiss for the sake of a kiss, but a kiss in order to feel the energy of love. A kiss is a desire to arouse passion, and it is not necessary that this passion manifest itself.

Do you see others kissing? It means that you know too much personal information about these people or take too active part in their lives. The exception is when you witness your partner kissing, which is a clear sign of infidelity or voyeuristic tendencies in your relationship.

When you wake up feeling like you want to be kissed, it reflects your real sexual attraction to someone. Usually it doesn't get to the kiss itself, because you wake up on it. The reason is the feeling of PROHIBITION: you want a kiss, but you understand that this is not desirable.

What do you experience when kissing: pleasant feelings or threat?

Did you long for this kiss or was it forced?

What were your overall feelings from the kiss: disgust, romantic feeling, or passion?

Dream Interpretation - Kiss

Kiss with your loved one.

Tip of the day: a threat to your relationship. Try to fix them.

Kiss with a friend, colleague, relatives.

Tip of the day: with these people you will have complete understanding. Trust them.

Kiss a celebrity.

Tip of the day: you will be successful in business if you show the traits of your character that are characteristic of this person.

Kiss with an unknown person.

Tip of the day: something is wrong with you. Give up on your goal for a while and change your lifestyle.

Kiss the dead.

Tip of the day: have to give up some hope. Now you need peace and only peace

Dream Interpretation - Youth

To see young people - all family conflicts will be settled and you can safely make plans for the future;
youth has returned to you - your efforts to return the lost will not be successful;
for a mother - to see that your son has become young - your old wounds will heal and the cheerfulness and dreams of youth will return to you .;
for a mother - to see her son as a schoolboy - it's time to start improving the family hearth; but if the son dies - misfortune, suffering.

Dream Interpretation - Young, young people

The dream in which you saw yourself young, full of health and strength, portends illness or death for the patient and health, vitality and unbending willpower to healthy people who have a definite goal in life and are determined to go to it to the end. If you dream that you are young and beautiful again, as before, then you will take a happy chance - and you will succeed.

Dream Interpretation - Purpose

(See interpretation: shoot)

Seeing a goal in a dream means that you are able to achieve what you want. Getting to the goal in a dream is a sign great success. For patients, such a dream indicates that they will soon finish their life path. Looking for a goal in a dream means that you need more determination and perseverance if you want to succeed. Finding a target in a dream is a sign that you are on the right track.

Dream Interpretation - Kiss

If you kiss with a loved one, separation or betrayal awaits you.

Kissing with a stranger, but a pleasant person - to joy, well-being.

With the old or ugly - to the bad news.

With the dead - to the appearance of some kind of secret in you.

Kissing with a person of the same sex - to insincerity in friendship or open enmity.

An unpleasant kiss sucked - to the disease.

Seeing other people kissing is sad.

Dream Interpretation - Youth

The young people you dreamed about are a dream, followed by joyful events in your home. But if you see yourself as a young man or much younger than your years, beware of getting sick in reality. You should take some measures to keep your health. For a young man (girl), a dream in which they see themselves as children is a harbinger of happy love and a desired marriage with a beloved person.

Dream Interpretation - Young

Young - Seeing yourself younger than your age - to health. If you are sick, then sleep calms you, the disease is temporary and not serious. Younger than your children - to a long prosperous life. Seeing young those who are already old is to their health. You think about them. Your good wishes will help them save their strength.

Menstruation in a dream to see yourself