Weight loss during pregnancy. How to lose weight during pregnancy? How to lose weight during pregnancy

  • 02.07.2020

Hello dear readers! We all know that pregnant women should "eat for two". I haven't gained a single kilo. Four months of toxicosis knocked out my appetite. At the postpartum checkup, I weighed 8 kg less than before pregnancy. Therefore, to everyone who does not know how to lose weight during pregnancy excess weight I advise you to get pregnant with twins.

I see how hotly discussed on the forums during pregnancy. Many women, having heard enough of the media and girlfriends, worry that he will forever change his figure and cannot be easily gotten rid of.

All future mothers try on from 9 to 14 kg with one child and from 16 to 21 kg with twins. Why do you gain weight during pregnancy? Most of it is the result of a new little person growing in the tummy. The body is also preparing for the new arrival and storing the fat it needs to produce breast milk. By the end of the term we get:

There is no exact upper limit, it differs from woman to woman and depends on the body mass index. Knowing your weight before pregnancy, height, you can independently calculate which category you fall into:

  • BMI<18,5 – у вас недостаточная масса и должны набрать около 12,5-18 кг;
  • BMI is 18.5-25 = you are in the normal range and can afford about 11.5-16 kg;
  • BMI is 25-29 - you are overweight and allowed to gain weight by 7-11.5 kg;
  • BMI>30 - you are obese and can increase the weight by no more than 6 kg.

What happens if I gain more than the norm?

Gaining too much, you can face high blood pressure, increased stress on the cardiovascular system and spine. What else is dangerous overweight during pregnancy?

The expectant mother may face the risk of complications such as diabetic preeclampsia, preeclampsia, varicose veins. And giving birth will not be easy - it will take C-section, fraught with a large loss of blood, difficulties in rehabilitation, infections of the genital and urinary tract.

What happens if I dial less than the norm?

Some thin mothers give birth to perfectly healthy babies. But keep in mind that the risk of having a low birth weight baby increases by 50%. Such children are more likely to end up in intensive care, have problems with vision, hearing, and learning difficulties.

Women are at increased risk of anemia, preterm birth and osteoporosis. It can also lead to the fact that the body does not have enough fat reserves, which are so important for breastfeeding.

I'm ready to eat for two!

As much as I hate to tell you, the advice of compassionate grandmothers that pregnant women need to eat for two is a myth. Regret. Incredibly, the baby takes everything it needs from your body until the third trimester. How many extra calories you need is about 300 per day, which is equivalent to 80 grams of cheddar cheese.

It is especially important to gain the required amount of kilograms when you are expecting twins. Since they are often born prematurely, weight is an important indicator of their health. Therefore, with twins, it will take from 3000 to 3500 kilocalories per day.

I'm not saying that a piece of chocolate cake is now unacceptable - because your body is working hard to create a wonderful baby, so he deserves an award now and then. But do not forget that gaining too much during pregnancy, you will have to work out gastronomic excesses after childbirth.

What is the best way to manage your weight during pregnancy?

It will be right to keep the weight under control. This does not mean that you need to go on a diet or try to lose weight. If you eat well, so does your child. What should be the nutrition during pregnancy?

  • Eat 5-6 small meals a day.
  • Salt food at the end of cooking, salt retains water in the body.
  • Limit sweets and high-calorie snacks: cookies, candy, donuts, potato chips - they are high in calories and low in nutrients. Try fresh fruit and yogurt instead.
  • Avoid sweetened and carbonated drinks. Choose plain or mineral water.

Physical activity and a healthy diet will make you feel better and give you a boost of energy.

What exercises are best for me now?

Keeping moving is really important as it will help the body in the best way prepare for childbirth by building strength and endurance. You will probably be glad to hear that now is not the best time to surprise others with success on weight machines, trampolining or horseback riding. Keep an active lifestyle, and don't waste time rubbing the couch.

Here are some ideas on what to do to keep fit and increase energy levels:

  1. Walk instead of bus.
  2. Staircase instead of elevator.
  3. Go to the park on your lunch break.
  4. If you do housework, do it to music.
  5. Walk your dog (if you have one) more often.

If the doctor does not prohibit, sign up for a pool or yoga (Pilates) classes. Just let the coach know your position so he can tailor the exercises for you.

It is very good if you can go where there will be many of your like-minded people. On the plus side, you are moving great way make new girlfriends who is on the same date as you.

How can I lose weight after giving birth?

A significant part of the weight will go away pretty soon after giving birth. The baby, placenta and amniotic fluid will make you a dozen pounds lighter. For everything else, a healthy diet combined with regular exercise is the safest path.

But being a mom is pretty exhausting breast-feeding and sleepless nights require a lot of energy. Try to be patient - after all, it took nine months to gain weight, and it's okay to spend the same amount to lose it again.

The main thing is to listen to your body and appetite. You are even looking for ways to lose weight, and from glossy covers they tease photos of stars who have quickly built up after giving birth. If you are hungry, then you are hungry. You don't have to argue with yourself.

Happy pregnancy! See you soon!

For a long time it was believed that there was no need to control excess weight gain during pregnancy. Modern views on this problem are radically different. Of course, a set of a certain amount of extra pounds by a woman is inevitable - but only within reasonable limits. Since the average weight of the fetus, amniotic fluid, placenta and additional blood volume is easily calculated.

What does all of the above mean in practice? First of all, a pregnant woman should not eat anything. What, in this case, should be the correct diet future mother? How to lose weight during pregnancy without harming the baby? Is it allowed to practice fasting days, and should the chosen diet be tied to early or late pregnancy (in other words, vary depending on the trimester)? Let's try to understand the questions posed in detail.

The dangers of being overweight during pregnancy

Excess weight, the harm of which in women is often associated primarily with external unattractiveness, is actually associated with where big trouble. The main one is the imbalance of the body as a whole, resulting in increased pressure, heart problems, progressive degradation of the liver, kidneys and pancreas, poor blood flow, joint destruction and other dangerous diseases.

Excessive during pregnancy speed dial weight increases the danger many times - leading to edema, varicose veins, flat feet and preeclampsia. Finally, obesity also threatens the unborn baby - and therefore throwing off those extra pounds becomes not only desirable, but also necessary.

How is the rate of weight gain calculated?

How to calculate whether the rate of weight gain is normal and safe, insufficient or excessive? Obviously, by weighing - making an adjustment for the term and the woman's own weight before pregnancy. Given that weight gain is uneven, the calculation will need to take into account everything that it consists of. These components are:

  • "strategic" reserves of nutrients (mostly formed already in the 1st trimester) - an average of 1.5–2.5 kg;
  • amniotic fluid - about 1–1.5 kg;
  • fetal weight (increases evenly throughout pregnancy) - in 90% of cases in the range from 2 to 4.5 kg;
  • placenta weight - fluctuates around 0.5 kg;
  • uterus, additional blood volume and breast augmentation - 2-3 kg.

In other words, the total increase in body weight should reach 9-15 kg by the end of the period. And if the excess of this figure (depending on the body mass index of the woman herself) is significant, the leading pregnant doctor is obliged to give recommendations for its adjustment.

This does not mean that the expectant mother will have to go on one or another traditional diet - they are not suitable for pregnant women and can become very dangerous for the fetus. In this regard, a menu of good nutrition for moderate weight loss should provide:

  • full supply of the body with all vitamins and trace elements "for two";
  • precisely balanced ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • the total increase in body weight depending on your BMI (body mass index) is not higher than the figures shown in the table.
Term (weeks) BMI 20 BMI > 26
2 550 g500 g450 g
4 900 g700 g500 g
6 1 kg 300 g1 kg650 g
8 1 kg 600 g1 kg 200 g750 g
10 1 kg 800 g1 kg 300 g800 g
12 2 kg1 kg 500 g900 g
14 2 kg 700 g1 kg 900 g1 kg 100 g
16 3 kg 200 g2 kg 300 g1 kg 400 g
18 4 kg 500 g3 kg 500 g2 kg 200 g
20 5 kg 600 g4 kg 600 g2 kg 800 g
22 6 kg 800 g5 kg 700 g3 kg 400 g
24 7 kg 700 g6 kg 400 g3 kg 900 g
26 8 kg 600 g7 kg 700 g4 kg 900 g
28 9 kg 800 g8 kg 200 g5 kg 400 g
30 10 kg 200 g9 kg 100 g5 kg 900 g
32 11 kg 300 g10 kg6 kg 400 g
34 12 kg 500 g10 kg 900 g7 kg 300 g
36 13 kg 600 g11 kg 800 g7 kg 900 g
38 14 kg 500 g12 kg 700 g8 kg 900 g
40 15 kg 200 g13 kg 600 g9 kg 100 g

Fundamentals of rational nutrition during pregnancy

Dealt with weight gain. Now you need to find out what and how a pregnant woman should eat in order to “enter the schedule” of normal weight gain without harming both herself and the child, since without this it is impossible to answer the question of how to lose weight during pregnancy.

First of all, for this you must adhere to the following rules:

  • have a desire to lose weight - otherwise, all subsequent recommendations will lose their meaning;
  • firmly grasp that sweet treats are not everyday food;
  • enrich the daily menu with products of plant origin (cereals, vegetables, herbs, bran bread, etc.), as well as increase the proportion of protein foods by about 10–15%;
  • eat only steamed, boiled and stewed food (but not fried or baked);
  • exclude sweets from the diet, as well as spicy, smoked, overly salty foods and all fast carbohydrates;
  • do not drink too much liquid;
  • make food fractional, dividing all the food consumed per day into 6-7 meals;
  • reduce the volume of servings of each of them to the volume of a tea cup.

A set of products for the expectant mother should include:

  • low-fat meat (turkey, chicken, rabbit, lean beef);
  • fish (with a predominance of sea - and exclusively in the already mentioned boiled, stewed or steamed form);
  • fermented milk products (almost all, with the exception of hard cheeses, and only fresh ones from well-established manufacturers);
  • vegetables (with a predominance of carrots, sweet peppers, beets, pumpkins, broccoli, potatoes, zucchini, tomatoes and, to a lesser extent, cucumbers and green onions);
  • fruits (from traditional apples, pears and plums to southern apricots, peaches, persimmons and pomegranates);
  • the berries themselves, as well as natural grape, watermelon, melon, cherry and cherry juices and fruit drinks;
  • dried fruits, including compotes from them;
  • herbal and green teas.

How to distribute the menu by receptions?

One of options looks like that.

Since morning- a glass of clean water.

1st appointment- a couple of small apples.

2nd reception (options):

  • 100 g cottage cheese with berries + 100 g low-fat yogurt;
  • a cup of porridge with milk (buckwheat, oatmeal) + a handful of berries or fruits;
  • vegetable salad+ 200 g of kefir.

3rd reception (options):

  • a small dry biscuit with a plate of cheese + 200 g of tea with mint and lemon balm;
  • dried fruits - 35-40 g + 200 g of green tea.

4th reception (options):

  • vegetable or milk soup with porridge + 4–5 boiled meatballs;
  • vegetable side dish + 100 g of meat or fish.

5th reception (options):

  • 30 g nuts + a glass of natural juice;
  • a couple of small apples + 200 g of kefir.

6th reception (options):

  • 100 g chicken or fish fillet + green salad;
  • 100 g cottage cheese with berries + 100 g low-fat yogurt.

7th reception- a large apple or a plate of grated carrots with a teaspoon of honey.

How about off days?

Fasting days during pregnancy, doctors prescribe reluctantly - and only in cases where excess weight is large enough, and the specialist has the opportunity to constantly monitor the reaction of the body to them. But even in this case, the resolution depends on the results of the tests - since the cause of overweight may not be overeating, but any of the serious diseases.

A fasting day, as some of the inhabitants do not quite correctly represent it, does not mean a complete rejection of food at all. Another thing is that the amount of calories consumed on such a day is reduced, and the amount of food consumed is reduced. In particular, teas and mineral water, as well as nuts and other high-calorie foods are removed from the menu. Preference is given to sour-milk and fruit menus, although vegetables and some meat are not excluded.

At the same time, the norm of vitamins and the most important minerals remains at the same level even on fasting days - since it is impossible to deprive the fetus of these important substances in any case.

Pregnancy and fitness

In addition to a balanced diet, another the most important factor healthy pregnancy should be called motor activity. Of course, it does not provide for high loads (as in traditional fitness), but cardio training is the most different types are present in it.

Firstly, such activity includes a set of simple exercises, the purpose of which is to keep the body in good shape, maintain muscle elasticity and improve blood circulation.

Secondly, it is extremely useful for pregnant women to go swimming, walk often and even run a little (at least in the early stages). This prevents the development of varicose veins, saves the spine from pain and at the same time helps to shed excess weight.

For relax correct execution exercises, it is recommended to carefully study the corresponding videos, which are freely available on the Internet in abundance.

Important! Only a doctor can give permission to perform certain exercises or other types of loads!

Follow these simple rules- and your pregnancy (and at the same time childbirth) will be easier, the baby will be born healthy, and excess weight will not bring unnecessary problems.

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Many young women who are preparing for the birth of their baby are seriously worried about extra pounds, because during this period their figure will definitely change, and they will no longer be as attractive as they were in girlhood. Often women ask themselves: “How to lose weight during pregnancy and not harm your baby?”

Pregnancy and weight change

Undoubtedly, the weight of a woman in position should change according to the timing of pregnancy, and it is not at all necessary to get better and gain fat. Some young mothers lose weight until about the 19-20th week, but the remaining days of pregnancy, the child grows rapidly, and the scale arrow goes up. It is considered normal to increase weight by 10, well, a maximum of 12 kg for the entire period of pregnancy. Although these figures are very individual. To control your weight gain during pregnancy, you should reconsider your diet: the body must receive all the necessary micro and macro elements, vitamins, but it is advisable to limit yourself to excessive consumption of certain foods.

Proper diet for a pregnant woman

During pregnancy, many women experience irresistible desire eat some product right now and a lot. Someone is drawn to sweets, someone leans on buns and chocolate bars, and some have a craving for chalk or other exotic products. Such changes in taste appear due to hormonal changes or with a lack of certain substances in a woman's body. It is customary for us to indulge future mothers in everything, and the result of the absorption of some products without measure can damage not only the figure, but also the health of the unborn baby. A proper diet and a variety of foods will help to avoid problems such as excess weight or the appearance of edema from excessive salt intake.

Basic rules for the nutrition of a pregnant woman:

  • Choose the time that is most convenient for you to eat and stick to it daily;
  • Eat small meals;
  • It is advisable to break your diet into 4-5 meals a day;
  • Observe the drinking regime. Pure non-carbonated water - 2 liters per day in the first and second trimester, then on the recommendation of a doctor;
  • Give preference to natural products, fruits, juices and vegetables, avoiding semi-finished products and store-bought meat products: sausages, sausages, ham, canned food, etc.
  • Avoid foods that can lead to allergies. Honey, citrus fruits, seafood, chocolate and strawberries in large quantities are not good for a pregnant woman, especially when there are relatives who suffer from any manifestations of allergies.
  • Eat only fresh food and try not to eat in public places.
  • Exclude strong coffee, tea, carbonated drinks and alcohol;
  • No fast food, chips, crackers and french fries.

What to eat to lose weight during pregnancy?

A growing organism will certainly take everything that it needs from the mother, but the lack of nutrients in the body of a pregnant woman will not affect her health.

It is advisable to remove bakery and any flour products from your diet altogether. If without sweets it’s completely unbearable - eat a small dessert before 12 noon. It is better if sweets are replaced with dried fruits or fruit yogurt.

Avoid fried, fatty and smoked foods. All this harms the baby and can lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Steam or grill. Give preference to plant foods that have passed the minimum heat treatment. Regularly consume fish, poultry and lean meats, as these are the main suppliers of protein in the body. From dairy products, choose kefir, low-fat yogurt without additives and cottage cheese. Cheese is a rather high-calorie product: a couple of slices are enough per day.

Fats are also necessary for the expectant mother, the main thing is to use healthy fats involved in the process of hematopoiesis. These are vegetable fats (olive, sunflower, linseed, corn), fatty sea ​​fish(salmon, mackerel, herring, perch, etc.)

Fruits and greens should always appear in the diet of a woman who is expecting a baby. Experiment, show your imagination, because if you feel hungry between meals, then fruit salads, fresh juices and vitamin juices will help you. Then neither you nor your baby will experience a lack of vitamins and fiber. Also, do not forget the wholemeal bread, to which bran, malt, seeds are added - it must also be included in the diet. Porridges from different cereals, muesli and durum wheat pasta will provide the necessary carbohydrates.

Lifestyle and gymnastics

To stay in shape after childbirth and even lose weight during pregnancy, you need to pay great attention to feasible loads, gymnastics and walks. Now there is an opportunity to go in for sports in special groups for pregnant women with experienced instructors. There, the complexes of exercises and loads are selected taking into account the duration of pregnancy. These can be elements of yoga, swimming, gymnastics for pregnant women, fitball, etc. You can do gymnastics at home, especially if you were actively involved in sports before pregnancy. The main rule in sports is do no harm. Feasible stretching exercises, breathing techniques will prepare a woman for childbirth and support her physical form.

Before you start losing weight, you need to really assess the figure. It is important to consider that after childbirth you will lose about 12 kg., This includes the placenta, amniotic fluid, a certain percentage of blood flow and a newborn baby. When you definitely decide that excess weight is present, change the diet. Otherwise, there is a risk of fetal hypoxia, an increase in the body weight of the child, an increase in blood pressure and excessive swelling of the extremities. Weight loss must be correct so as not to harm the baby.

Restrictions on certain foods

  1. Completely exclude peppered, smoked and salty dishes.
  2. Steam food. It is not forbidden to fry meat or eggs, but it is necessary to do this in a Teflon pan without the use of vegetable oil.
  3. Refuse carbonated drinks, packaged juices with an unknown composition. Fresh juices should be diluted with mineral water without gas in a ratio of 1:1. Black coffee prefer chicory, which does not increase blood pressure.
  4. Of the sausages, you can eat only bacon in limited quantities.
  5. Sweet and starchy foods are allowed, but within reason. For desserts, opt for homemade yogurt cakes, dark chocolate, and fruit salad with a little cream. You can drink milkshakes, but only with a natural sweetener ("Stevia"). With regards to baking, it should contain the maximum amount of cereals.
  6. It is strictly forbidden to eat fatty meat. If you really want to, choose the pulp of pork or lamb.
  7. From natural oils, olive and corn are suitable for pregnant women. They can be seasoned with salads or greased the pan with a thin layer when frying.
  8. The number of yolks in the diet should not exceed allowable norms. The optimal quantity is 2 pcs. per day, while the use of proteins is not limited.
  9. Give up homemade "delicacies" such as pickled cucumbers and tomatoes, adjika, jam, and more.
  10. Do not eat meat sauces, which are accompanied by frying or the use of tomato paste.
  11. It is strictly forbidden to snack on snacks (crackers, salted nuts, chips, cookies, etc.). Eliminate food fast food(fast food), semi-finished products and canned food.

What products should you focus on?

  1. During this period, you need to eat more foods rich in fiber. These include figs, almonds, whole wheat, dried fruit, sesame, rye and wheat bran. Do not forget about cereals and legumes, rye, whole grain bread, carrots, spinach, potatoes, brown rice, lentils, broccoli, apples and citrus fruits.
  2. As for proteins, they are found in white meat, lean fish, dairy products, seaweed, eggs, hard cheese, beef and pork meat. Important! The fat content of dairy products should not exceed 1% for kefir, 1.8% for cottage cheese, 1.5% for milk, 20% for cottage cheese.
  3. The correct carbohydrates that do not harm a pregnant woman include the following: whole grain black bread, tomatoes, cabbage, greens, zucchini, grapes, dried fruits, cereals, bell peppers and beans.
  4. Drink at least 3 liters of fluid per day, of which 2 liters should be pure mineral water. Do not abuse green tea, it leaches calcium from bones. Of the components for freshly squeezed juice, give preference to apples with celery, pears with peaches, apricots, grapefruits, oranges, grapes. It is advisable to add greens (parsley, dill) to the fresh.
  5. Make sure you always have on hand fresh vegetables and fruits. Put them in a basket and put them in a conspicuous place. Remove cookies, sweets and purchased cakes from view on the top shelf of the cabinet.

Basic rules for losing weight

  1. Cook meals in your own juice by brushing them with a little lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. Get a sleeve, foil or baking bags, use the oven. Well, if there is a slow cooker, it allows you to cook food without using oil and saves beneficial features products.
  2. Visit a doctor who guides you throughout your pregnancy. Warn that you are going to go on a diet, ask for a course of multivitamins.
  3. You probably know, but it’s worth reminding you: do not drink alcohol under any pretext. Many do not shy away from drinking a glass of red wine; when losing weight, you cannot afford this.
  4. Observe food hygiene. After eating, do not lie down to rest, take a seated position or go for a walk. The last meal should be no later than 4 hours before bedtime.
  5. While eating, focus on the movement of the tongue, palate and cheekbones. Chew carefully, don't rush. Eat fractionally every 2.5-3 hours. Portion should not be more than 450 gr.
  6. Pregnant women need to take a comprehensive approach to losing weight, since the diet is quite free. Sign up for special gymnastics for pregnant women, attend classes 2-3 times a week. Go to yoga, Pilates, stretching, water aerobics or just start swimming in the pool.

You can't go on a diet for weeks or months, because the body is not ready for this. Specialists have developed a technique that consists of a two-day interval unloading. Every week on Mondays and Thursdays, switch to the diet below.

Do not skip meals so that the body does not make up for losses twice. Unloading days are suitable for girls throughout pregnancy, with the exception of the last 2 months.


  1. Start the day with a 3 egg omelette (2 yolks, 3 whites), 300 ml. whole milk and fruit salad (apple, kiwi, grapefruit).
  2. After 3 hours, drink freshly squeezed juice from 1 apple, 1 pear and celery. Eat a vegetable salad with the addition of 300 gr. boiled chicken breast.
  3. For lunch, cook a light soup, meatballs with buckwheat. Fill your dishes with sour cream. Make a salad with 1 boiled potato bell pepper, cabbage and carrots.
  4. After 2 hours, eat 250 gr. fish baked in the oven, 300 gr. low-fat natural yogurt, drink herbal tea.
  5. In the evening, cook stewed vegetables with meat (zucchini or eggplant, tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes, onions, carrots, herbs, chicken or turkey). 20 minutes after eating, drink 200 ml. kefir or ryazhenka.
  6. A few hours before bed, make carrot or cabbage juice with dill. Drink 200 ml.


  1. After waking up in the morning, prepare 170 gr. flaxseed porridge with the addition of 20 gr. oat bran. Eat 1 muesli bar or a salmon sandwich with butter and cheese. Wash down with fruit juice diluted 50:50 with water.
  2. After a few hours, eat 200 gr. low-fat cottage cheese with sesame seeds and dried fruits (raisins, dried banana, kiwi, dried apricots). After 25 minutes after eating, drink a decoction of wild rose.
  3. 1 hour before lunch, prepare a milkshake with strawberries, currants and blackberries, sweeten it with Stevia.
  4. For lunch, cook soup with meatballs, potatoes and durum wheat pasta. As a main course, eat brown rice with 1 slice of bacon and a slice of whole grain bread, 300 gr. vinaigrette, lemon tea without sweeteners.
  5. After 1.5 hours, eat the cheese mass with one handful of almonds. Drink 300 ml. rosehip decoction.
  6. For dinner, eat a salad of a variety of vegetables, add 3 boiled eggs, 100 gr. boiled beef and 10 ml. lemon juice. Drink 270 ml. grape juice.
  7. 2 hours before bedtime, prepare a mixture of 300 ml. kefir and chopped dill. Drink in several doses with an interval of 10 minutes.

Observe food hygiene, do not skip meals. Replace products with similar proportions. Rearrange the components in places or combine them with each other, alternate days in a different order every week. Avoid prohibited foods.

Video: how not to gain weight during pregnancy

It is quite natural and correct to assume that during pregnancy a woman should gain weight. Everything is clear: the child grows and gains weight, the uterus and mammary gland increase in size, the amount of amniotic fluid increases - it seems that the weight gain of the pregnant woman is guaranteed.

But this rule, like any other, has its exceptions. Sometimes women lose weight during pregnancy.

Today we will understand why there is weight loss during pregnancy, when possible. We will analyze the causes of weight loss by trimester, find out if this situation is a cause for concern and what it threatens for the mother and child.

Why you can lose weight in the first trimester

The main cause of weight loss in early pregnancy is toxicosis. Each woman has a different severity of manifestations of toxicosis. Moreover, even with each subsequent pregnancy, a different degree of toxicosis is observed.

In the first half of pregnancy, women often experience a decrease in appetite, nausea, vomiting, and aversion to certain foods. It happens that the body does not perceive certain foods.

Normally, for the first trimester, an increase of 0.5 to 3 kg is normal. But weight loss during this period is common. And this is also an absolute norm, since during this period the size of the child is tiny, the uterus is also the size of a fist, there are still very few amniotic waters.

It is worth noting that weight loss is more typical for women who, even before pregnancy, had well-developed subcutaneous fat. In other words, there is a certain reserve, which, if necessary, can be used for the full development of the child while reducing the intake of nutrients.

Thus, a woman's moderate weight loss in the first trimester is not considered a pathology and is not dangerous for the expectant mother and for the fetus. But at the same time, one should not lose vigilance in any case.

With severe weight loss, the body consumes reserves of adipose tissue. The breakdown of one's own tissues always occurs with the production of ketone bases (ketone bodies), the excessive concentration of which in the blood poses a particular danger to the baby. This breakdown product is able to penetrate the placental and blood-brain barrier and exert Negative influence for development nervous system and especially the fetal brain.

With severe toxicosis and significant loss of body weight, the expectant mother is hospitalized and the water and mineral balance is corrected using intravenous infusions.

Since a gynecologist examines a pregnant woman in the early stages once a month, a woman should know what changes she needs to see a doctor without waiting for the date of the appointment.

For example, if a future mother vomits 3-4 times a day and at the same time there is weight loss, then this condition threatens to dehydrate the body. This, in turn, may lead to harmful effects for the fetus and the mother herself.

Report this to your doctor. The doctor in this case will conduct an examination and examination and decide on the need for hospitalization and restoration of water, mineral, energy balance with the help of medicines.

Do not be afraid of inpatient treatment, because nothing can be more important than the health and well-being of your baby!

Reasons for weight loss in the second trimester

As a rule, weight loss in pregnant women is much less common during this period than in the first and third trimesters. The fact is that during this period the child grows and develops most intensively. Usually women during this period gain from 4-6 kg. But still there are exceptions to the rule.

During pregnancy, a woman is generally distinguished by a special emotional lability and a quick change in mood, a tendency to worry and worry about various, even minor reasons. Therefore, weight loss may be due to stressful situation and changes in the regimen of the day and rest of the pregnant woman.

Weight loss in the second trimester should be reported to your healthcare provider immediately, as there are reasons and physiological reasons for weight loss at this stage of pregnancy is not. If the weight still falls, then there is a problem with the health of the mother or child. Perhaps there are certain diseases or pathology of metabolism. The doctor should timely conduct additional examinations that will eliminate the most common causes of weight loss in the second trimester of pregnancy.

In the third trimester, this is common.

On the later dates pregnancy is quite natural weight loss. This is how a woman's body prepares for childbirth. That is why the phenomenon of weight loss on last dates pregnancy is interpreted as one of the harbingers of childbirth.

It is worth clarifying that this is considered the norm precisely in the last weeks of pregnancy (2-3 weeks before delivery). The fact is that the body of a woman before childbirth gets rid of excess fluid, so the urge to urinate in the mother becomes more frequent, swelling decreases.

At this time, there is no longer a need for such an intensive renewal of the amniotic waters of the fetus, as before. In this regard, the body no longer needs to store and retain fluid. Also in the mother's body there is a thickening of the blood and a decrease in the total volume of circulating blood. So nature took care of the woman to reduce the risk of blood loss during childbirth.

What should a pregnant woman know about weight control?

In the first half of pregnancy, a woman visits a doctor every month. Before taking it, it must be weighed, and at the appointment, the doctor evaluates the monthly weight gain, an increase in the circumference of the abdomen and the height of the uterine fundus. Based on all this, he can make a conclusion about whether these indicators are invested in the accepted norms or not.

You need to properly control the weight in the morning on an empty stomach. You need to do this not once a month, but at least weekly.

Temporary unsharp drops in weight gain and loss in pregnant women are absolutely normal. That is, the expectant mother can lose weight in one week, and the next - gain weight to the original numbers. Only a sharp weight gain or loss negatively affects the health of a pregnant woman and is perceived by the body as stress.

Many mothers are too afraid to gain excess weight, even during pregnancy they set themselves some kind of framework or dietary restrictions. Weight loss in this case is natural and suggests that there is not enough nutrition for the baby.

Principles healthy eating(frequent, 4-5 times a day, fractional meals in portions of 200-250 g, boiled and stewed foods instead of fried foods, a minimum of fatty, baked goods and sweets) during the period of bearing a child, no one canceled. Such a diet will allow the body to better digest food and absorb nutrients in conditions of a double load on internal organs(liver, kidneys).

Moreover, such nutrition will help not to gain excess weight and provide the child with useful substances, and not empty calories. Also, with this diet, it is possible to minimize such frequent phenomena during pregnancy as heartburn and constipation.

How does the weight loss of the expectant mother threaten the baby?

I must say that normally, the baby will still take everything that he needs for his development from the mother's body. And if mommy eats normally and still loses weight, then this may mean that the baby at this stage of development does not have enough incoming nutrients, and he receives a supplement from the stored resources of the mother's body.

Your weight loss must be known to the doctor who is in charge of your pregnancy. If he deems it necessary, he will prescribe an additional examination in order to reliably know how the baby grows and develops.

A biochemical analysis of the mother's blood will show if there are disturbances in the water and electrolyte balance, loss of blood electrolytes, microelements (sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium). After all, these disorders lead to disruption in the work of the nervous system, the work of muscles (convulsions), including the contractility of the muscles of the heart, in the formation of the bones of the skeleton.

With the help of ultrasound, you can track the development of the child, the amount of amniotic fluid (oligohydramnios, polyhydramnios), whether there are blood flow disorders in the mother-placenta-fetus system, signs of hypoxia (lack of oxygen) and fetal trophic disorders.

Such a simple study general analysis blood, can tell the doctor about the thickening of the blood, which is a consequence of dehydration of the body, for example, with toxicosis.

Since a pregnant woman who is registered at the clinic and regularly observed, in any case, takes these tests and passes these examinations, then you should not worry. The doctor will notice dangerous changes in the condition of the mother and fetus. Your task is to regularly come to the appointment and fulfill all the doctor's prescriptions.

So, now you know that weight loss during pregnancy is not a pathology, but an occasion for careful monitoring of the health of the expectant mother and fetus. A reasonable attitude to your diet and proper interaction with your doctor will save you from such problems during pregnancy. As a result, the mother will be healthy and her baby will be healthy.