Pregnancy and pain in the heart. Why does the heart hurt in early pregnancy

  • 02.07.2020

Pain in the heart during pregnancy The waiting time for a child is the happiest and most responsible. During this period, often even normal physiological processes do not proceed as usual. All important organs work with an increased load - after all, now it is necessary to provide everything necessary not only for the mother, but also for her baby. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that periodically there is discomfort and pain in different organs, including in the region of the heart.

Are all pains in the heart during pregnancy dangerous?

In most cases, pain in the heart during the time is associated precisely with changes in the mother's body, and then disappear without treatment. But also these symptoms should not be ignored., because if pain appears, it means that the body tells you that you need to pay attention to your well-being. This will help to identify the pathology in time, if any, and take all necessary measures.

When pain in the heart is not dangerous

During pregnancy weight future mother is constantly growing. The uterus and placenta increase, another circle of blood circulation appears and the volume of circulating blood increases. In the second half of pregnancy, due to the growing uterus, the location of the organs abdominal cavity changes, increases on the diaphragm, which, in turn, "presses" on the lungs and mediastinum. Under such conditions, the heart works with a double load, the heart rate increases. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that pain symptoms appear - the mother's heart "gets tired" more than usual. In such "physiological" pains, there is nothing dangerous for mother and baby, if these phenomena appear occasionally, and there are no other symptoms.

Symptoms of "light tingling", heaviness and discomfort in the region of the heart can also be caused by external causes:

    - Uncomfortable posture during work or body position during sleep;
    - stuffy room, heat;
    - weather changes.

This can cause short-term disturbances in the supply of oxygen to the heart muscle and brain, which causes symptoms of discomfort in the heart area. And, although such conditions do not pose a serious danger to the mother and child, you should definitely inform the doctor about your well-being and, if necessary, undergo an additional examination.

Often pain in the heart is called pain caused by intercostal neuralgia. This is a sudden sharp cutting pain on inspiration, not accompanied by a change in consciousness, against the background. Such pain lasts for several seconds, intensifies with movement and disappears without the use of medications. More often this happens during, with physical exertion or sudden movement. This condition does not pose a danger to the baby, but a consultation with a neurologist will not be superfluous, as it may indicate osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine.

When heart pain during pregnancy is a symptom of a serious illness

Despite the fact that all pregnant women experience heart pain, serious primary cardiopathology during pregnancy is not often diagnosed. This is mainly due to the fact that when planning a pregnancy, a woman undergoes a comprehensive examination, and if there are problems with the cardiovascular system, the decision on possible pregnancy taken in conjunction with a cardiologist.

However, there are complications of pregnancy and concomitant diseases, among the symptoms of which there is pain in the heart.

Often the cause of pain in the heart becomes. When there is not only, but also pain in the region of the heart. Pressing, squeezing pain behind the sternum, radiating to the left shoulder blade, left shoulder or chin, on its own or in combination with a headache, or - a reason to immediately call a doctor, since the consequences for a pregnant woman and her child can be serious.

The most common extragenital pathology, accompanied by pain in the heart, is pregnant. To the increasing load on the heart, a decrease in myocardial oxygen supply is added. As a result, tachycardia intensifies, the woman experiences constant discomfort in the region of the heart, later there is a dull pulling pain on the left behind the sternum, severe shortness of breath. Such problems can be avoided if you regularly attend a antenatal clinic and donate blood for analysis in a timely manner. Then your doctor will notice in time that the level of hemoglobin is decreasing, and will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Cardiomyopathy is a dangerous extragenital pathology

One of the rare but serious complications of pregnancy is cardiomyopathy of pregnancy. This pathology develops in women who previously did not have heart disease, in the third or immediately after the birth of a child. The reasons for the development of this complication are not known for certain, but autoimmune processes and a violation of the body's adaptive capabilities play a significant role.

Symptoms of cardiomyopathy include:

    - pain in the heart of a different nature - pressing, dull, sharp;
    - palpitations and tachycardia;
    - arrhythmia;
    - shortness of breath and strong;
    — .

Symptoms of heart failure are increasing, the condition is getting worse and immediate medical attention is required.

Predicting the development of cardiomyopathy before pregnancy and in the first trimester is very difficult. But if a woman is over 30 years old, has problems with being overweight, has a multiple pregnancy, has problems with arterial or a previous pregnancy was complicated by cardiomyopathy, then the pregnant woman is at risk. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe additional examinations - ECG, heart and prescribe treatment.

The prognosis for the mother depends on the severity of the cardiomyopathy. With timely diagnosis and treatment, in most cases, pregnancy is resolved safely, and symptoms and organic changes disappear within 6 months after delivery. In severe cardiomyopathy, the decision on delivery is made taking into account the condition of the mother and child.

For a child, mother's cardiomyopathy, which develops in the third trimester, is fraught with impaired blood supply to the placenta and fetus, oxygen starvation, developmental delay and premature birth.

What are the pains in the heart during pregnancy

When a future mother complains that her "heart hurts", she can mean by this a variety of pains, caused by a variety of reasons. So, what is the pain in the heart? According to the medical classification, pain in the heart is divided into:

    anginal (ischemic) pain arising from insufficient coronary blood flow during physical or emotional stress;
    cardialgia caused by heart defects, inflammatory diseases or vegetative-vascular dystonia.

These pains differ not only in origin, but also in character. Ischemic pain is characterized pressing, burning, constricting pain behind the sternum, radiating to the left shoulder, shoulder blade or chin. Well stopped by nitroglycerin. Very severe, unbearable ischemic pain is characteristic of myocardial infarction, but this is an extremely rare case for pregnant women.

Cardialgia are characterized prolonged aching, stabbing, diffuse pains to the left of the sternum, aggravated by coughing and breathing. Nitroglycerin in this case is ineffective, but conventional painkillers bring temporary relief.

Therefore, it is very important for a doctor to know what kind of pain this is in nature - the subsequent tactics in diagnosis and treatment depend on this.

What is dangerous pain in the heart during pregnancy for the fetus

The main danger for the child is not the pain in the mother's heart itself, but the disease that caused this pain, and the severity of the condition of the pregnant woman. Some diseases - for example, or, lead to a deterioration in the blood supply to the placenta and fetus. Accordingly, the phenomena of oxygen starvation, delay, malnutrition, encephalopathy are possible. In other, more severe cases, the development of a serious pathology can put doctors before a choice - pregnancy or the life of a woman. Fortunately, such situations modern development medicines are extremely rare.

What to do if your heart hurts during pregnancy

The most important thing that every expectant mother needs to remember is no self-treatment! When pain in the heart appears, you do not need to take it yourself, without a doctor's prescription, no drugs - the benefits of taking them are doubtful, but harm can be done to the baby - even ordinary or strictly contraindicated during pregnancy.

When a strong discomfort or pain in the heart area it is necessary to sit down or lie down, calm down, provide access to fresh air, unfasten clothes. In most cases, this is enough for the pain to go away, but in any case, a doctor's consultation is necessary. If acute ischemia is suspected, before the ambulance arrives, you can take a Validol tablet.

In each case, the doctor will prescribe drugs based on the underlying disease. Drugs such as Riboxin, ATP-long, Kratal, Panangin, valerian extract and others are prescribed only after examination and comparison of the expected benefits for the mother and possible harm to the fetus.

Prevention of pain in the heart during pregnancy

The basis for the prevention of pain in the heart for the expectant mother should be a healthy balanced diet. Be sure to include foods rich in potassium, calcium and fatty acids on the menu: bananas, dried apricots, raisins, as well as nuts, sea, dairy products, asparagus, broccoli and Brussels sprouts.

Moderate, daily walks on fresh air and a positive mood will help not only improve the state of the cardiovascular system and prepare the mother's body for childbirth, but also help control weight.

And remember! Pregnancy is not the time to experiment. And pain in the heart during pregnancy - even more so. Therefore, no self-medication and uncontrolled intake of drugs. And any suspicious symptoms should be discussed not with friends, but with your doctor.

Complaints of soreness in the heart, tingling sensation and discomfort accompany many pregnant women. These symptoms do not mean that a woman is developing a serious pathology, but their presence cannot be ignored.

Can pregnancy cause heart disease

Pregnancy creates a serious burden on the circulatory system and body of a woman; she is not able to provoke the development of cardiac diseases, if any were not observed before the conception of a child. Any pain that is not associated with cardiopathologies is considered physiological and is caused by an increase in the uterus.

The period of bearing a baby provokes the development of chronic diseases. In the presence of serious heart disease, a woman should consult a cardiologist at the stage of conception planning and receive appropriate recommendations. With defects (at the stage of decompensation), rheumatic heart disease, myocardial dystrophy, as well as malignant hypertension, severe arrhythmia and cardiomyopathy, conception is not recommended.

These diseases are accompanied by severe pain, shortness of breath, swelling, severe fatigue, heart rhythm disturbances, pathologically high blood pressure. This condition threatens the health of the pregnant woman and the development of the fetus. The baby constantly receives less oxygen from the mother's blood, which is fraught with fetal hypoxia, the formation of severe developmental anomalies, and congenital heart pathologies.

Is the pain in the heart of the mother dangerous for the unborn child

Violation of the normal well-being of the expectant mother is a potential source of threat to the baby. If the mother has an exacerbation of chronic cardiac pathology, she needs to be accompanied by a cardiologist and an obstetrician-gynecologist who monitors the pregnancy. He will control the development of pathology, as well as the condition of the growing baby. If maternal health problems are serious (preeclampsia, anemia, cardiomyopathy), are not detected in time and are not treated, the fetus may develop oxygen starvation (hypoxia).

A significant lack of oxygen in the blood flowing to the baby threatens to disrupt the functioning of his heart, as well as pathologies in the development of the brain, internal organs. Severe violation of the blood circulation of the fetus provokes premature birth.

Lack of oxygen during prenatal development does not always cause serious congenital pathologies. Signs of hypoxia in healthy child: nervous excitability, noted in the first years of a child's life, inability to concentrate, frequent colds, weakness of the immune system.

Physiological pain syndrome associated with the growth of the fetus is not dangerous to his health. The risk is only unjustified self-treatment undertaken by a woman to eliminate it.

Causes of pain

Why does heart pain occur?

The main reason why the heart begins to hurt at the beginning of pregnancy is a significant increase in the load on this organ. On the early dates(1st trimester) hormonal changes begin, leading to an increase in the amount of blood. The child constantly increases the need for nutrition, which provides him with a placental circle of blood circulation. Developing, the baby requires more oxygen supplied to him by blood cells.

The cardiovascular system generates and pumps an increased amount of blood. The increased load is manifested by a drop in vascular tone, their expansion, spastic contractions, changes in the coronary arteries, therefore, heart pain appears in the early stages of pregnancy, accompanying some expectant mothers throughout the entire period of bearing a baby.

Other reasons:

  • Mechanical compression causes pain in the heart during pregnancy. A growing child needs more space. Increasing in size, the uterus compresses the pulmonary artery and diaphragm. For this reason, many expectant mothers in the later stages complain that they cannot sleep lying on their left side at night. This also leads to the fact that a woman in an “interesting position” has a numb left hand, and her heart rate increases.
  • Load on the spine due to the growing size of the uterus, causes discomfort on the left in the region of the heart, which manifests itself at 6-9 months. From the second trimester, the load on the thoracic and lumbar regions increases, the roots of the spinal cord are compressed. Spinal pains are given to the left side of the sternum, it hurts under the ribs, so they can be easily confused with cardiac pathology.
  • Vitamin B deficiency. It is also to blame for the fact that the expectant mother experiences discomfort in the left side of the chest (at the same time, it seems to her that her heart has begun to bother), due to a lack of vitamin B, which provokes a violation of metabolic processes in the nervous tissue.
  • Preeclampsia. Swelling of the limbs and organs causes an increase in blood pressure and pain in the heart muscle. This condition requires an urgent appeal to the observing gynecologist.
  • Anemia. Iron deficiency in the blood causes tingling, shortness of breath, fatigue.

The occurrence of physiological pain syndrome is affected by the age of the mother, her body weight, and blood pressure indicators.

What are the pains during pregnancy

Pain in cardiology is divided into:

  • Ischemic. They are provoked by physical, emotional stress causing insufficient coronary blood flow. Painful sensations are burning, pressing, "squeezing" the left side of the sternum. They radiate to the shoulder left hand, chin or shoulder blade.
  • Cardialgia caused by defects, vegetative-vascular dystonia, inflammation. Characterized by spilled, stabbing and aching sensations in the sternum. Aggravated by coughing and deep breathing.

The nature of the sensations allows you to determine the cause of the condition and choose the tactics of treatment.

Why you should see a doctor

If before conception the girl had no cardiac pathologies, and unpleasant symptoms in the form of slight tingling, discomfort and heaviness are noted due to fatigue, being in a stuffy room, an uncomfortable sleeping position and are not accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, then heart tingling and a feeling of slight constriction in the chest at night are considered not dangerous and do not require a visit to a specialist.

Pain and discomfort should never be ignored.

It is necessary to call a doctor if they are accompanied by:

  • puffiness;
  • pressure increase;
  • tightness behind the sternum;
  • shortness of breath;
  • feeling that the stomach hurts (uterine tone);
  • increased sweating.

In any case, it is necessary to contact a specialist because of pain. Even if they are not associated with serious health problems, it is important to make sure that the change in the mother's condition does not harm the child.

The reason for the appeal is the sick heart of the expectant mother. Knowing about the presence of cardiac pathology, she must appear to a specialist in order to avoid negative consequences for the child and to ensure that the period of bearing the crumbs is not overshadowed by complications.

During pregnancy, women especially carefully monitor their well-being, and this is understandable, because any ailment can affect the baby. And most of all, expectant mothers are alarmed if suddenly there is discomfort in the heart in the early stages of pregnancy or at any other time. In most cases, this is a different, non-cardiac pathology that has similar symptoms and manifestations.

But it is possible that a really sick heart in the early stages of pregnancy, the malformations and anomalies of which are detected at this time.

Most often, during pregnancy, women experience not pain, but discomfort, discomfort, a slight tingling on the left side of the chest. And, fearing the worst, expectant mothers begin to panic and get a little nervous.

In fact, the reason for this in most cases lies in a change in lifestyle and the functioning of certain organs.

The main situations when a pregnant woman may be disturbed by pain in the heart area:

  • Prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position. During pregnancy, especially with an increase in the term, a woman often has to take positions that she had never given preference to before. The same is true in the early stages, for example, at. As a result, the muscle groups that are involved in this process then “raise up” and hurt, including unpleasant sensations that can be concentrated in the region of the heart or given to this zone.
  • Intercostal neuralgia, which is sometimes provoked by even one awkward movement. At the same time, before pregnancy, a woman may not notice such attacks.
  • Unpleasant sensations in the region of the heart may appear with a change climatic conditions e.g. during sudden changes in temperature. More often this happens when the season changes.
  • . Even at the beginning of pregnancy, many women gain decent weight. Sometimes this is due to the additional intake of hormonal drugs, as well as lifestyle changes. For example, if earlier a girl was actively involved in sports, now she is forced to make restrictions. Such fluctuations in weight can increase intra-abdominal pressure and provoke discomfort in the heart area.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia, which can proceed according to the cardiological type. At the same time, at the moments of attacks, the girl feels squeezing and squeezing pain behind the sternum and nearby in this area, and sometimes notes that her heart hurts during early pregnancy.
  • . Pregnant women react more often and more than others to all sorts of emerging problems and unpleasant situations. Many become whiny, others become irritable, due to changes in hormonal levels. With strong psycho-emotional arousal, both positive and negative, it is possible that infringing pains behind the sternum may occur, which disappear immediately after the girl calms down.
  • can occur at any age. Against the background of pregnancy and the stresses associated with it, a change in cardiac blood flow may occur, which will be clinically manifested by pain.
  • accompanied by increased heart rate. In this case, tachycardia can also lead to a feeling of discomfort, lack of air, pain. If arrhythmia joins against the background, periods of fading and sharp shocks, all this is accompanied by stabbing attacks behind the sternum or to the left.
  • Lack of oxygen. Pregnant women are more sensitive to excess carbon dioxide, elevated concentrations cause tachycardia. And this, in turn, entails discomfort, colic in this area.
  • Malformations of the heart, which are often detected for the first time only during pregnancy, since it is during this period that women undergo a thorough examination. In this case, the pains can be mild, disturb with tension or overwork, sometimes there are sensations of “gurgling” and malfunctions along with this.
  • Myocarditis in most cases is a consequence of an infectious disease. Develops as a complication on it. In this case, pain in the heart appears some time after the illness. They are aching, pulling, constant or periodic.
  • Pain in the duodenum and can give to the left side of the chest and somewhat resemble the heart. However, along with this, the girl in most cases notices that they are associated with meals (they occur immediately after eating or, conversely, hungry). Also, other symptoms of indigestion are often felt at the same time: heartburn, belching, a change in the nature of the stool, etc.
  • Pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas, more often occurs when there are some problems in the hepatobiliary system (for example, stones in the gallbladder, its bend, etc.). At the same time, the slightest violation of the diet can lead to an exacerbation of the disease or even to the appearance of a new acute attack. The pains will be localized on the left in the hypochondrium and even in the region of the heart, often they are shingles. In addition to the main symptoms, nausea and even vomiting, bloating are often present.
  • - acute inflammation of the lung tissue. If the foci of infection are localized in the lower lobe on the left, then it is likely that the pain will be of the nature of the heart. Against this background, fever, cough, shortness of breath and other signs of pathology appear.
  • Diaphragmatic hernia are quite rare, but still possible. When they are located on the left side, right under the heart, the symptoms will very much resemble those of the heart.

Normal feelings during pregnancy

The condition and sensations of a woman during gestation may be somewhat different from those that were before pregnancy. This is especially clear with the increase in time.

It is considered normal if a pregnant woman gets tired more than usual, pain in the heart area can also be associated with this. In this case, there is often a feeling of lack of air and heaviness in the chest, which disappear as soon as the room is ventilated or after walking along the street.

Also, if a woman has some kind of cardiac pathology, she may be disturbed by tingling, squeezing pains, but it is always necessary to inform your doctor and cardiologist who is under observation.

So, the following condition of a woman during pregnancy may differ from the usual:

  • fatigue appears faster, girls are less resilient to physical and other types of stress;
  • at a lower voltage, tachycardia appears, blood pressure may increase.

If, throughout the entire period of gestation, the girl does not notice any discomfort in the heart area, then pregnancy is a feasible burden for her body, and there is no reason to worry.

Watch this video about heart disease during pregnancy:

What should alert

If the heart hurts in the early stages of pregnancy, so that the woman does not suspect, it is imperative to inform your doctor about this. Perhaps this is the first signal of any disease.

The following points should be of particular concern:

  • sudden onset of pain in the region of the heart, which radiate to the shoulder blade, shoulder;
  • if such sensations occur when blood pressure rises;
  • in the case when the girl has a pacemaker;
  • if a woman suffers from phospholipid syndrome or other hemophilia;
  • when the pain is unbearable;
  • if in the background discomfort there is a feeling of lack of air, dizziness, which do not go away when the room is ventilated and oxygen is increased;
  • if you have ever had surgery on the heart (installation of artificial valves, etc.).

Treatment of pain in the heart

Pain treatment depends on the cause of the pain. Sometimes a rest or a light back massage that relaxes the muscles (in the case of neuralgia or spasm) removes all sorts of discomfort.

Pain in the heart can be divided into two groups: anginal and cardialgic. The former are caused by a violation of the blood supply, and the latter appear as a result of a change in the normal functioning of the organ.

Only a specialist after an additional examination can establish the true cause and, in accordance with this, prescribe the most effective treatment. So, for anginal pain, which is less common, vasodilator drugs are needed, and sometimes sedative, anti-inflammatory, and other means are enough to stop cardiological pain.


Pain in the heart in early pregnancy in most cases is caused by uncomfortable and prolonged stay in a forced position, intercostal neuralgia and psycho-emotional experiences.

If a woman has ever noted the appearance of such unpleasant sensations, you should protect yourself from provoking situations, do not burden yourself with work and household chores.

Despite the fact that the pains will not directly harm the baby, the reasons that caused them and the consequences can affect the health of the expectant mother.

Pain in the region of the heart can occur both for cardiac reasons, and simply give to this area in case of disruption of the work of other internal organs. In any case, every girl during pregnancy should be very attentive to her health, since the development of the baby and the well-being of the expectant mother largely depend on this.

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Why does the heart hurt in early pregnancy. Is pain in the heart area dangerous for a future mother?

Pregnancy brings many changes to a woman's organs, and the heart is no exception. In most cases, the pains that arise in it are not dangerous and are associated precisely with the restructuring of the body caused by an increase in the weight of the uterus and placenta, increased nervous and emotional excitability of the expectant mother, changes in blood circulation and oxygen starvation of the myocardium. Only sometimes pain in the heart signals possible pathologies that a woman did not know about before pregnancy.

In our article, we will talk about cases that may be the reason for contacting a cardiologist, and those situations where pain in the heart is only a temporary and independently passing phenomenon. This knowledge will help you suspect a pathology if you already have it, and reassure you if an episode of harmless pain has upset you.

The nature of pain in the heart during pregnancy

Pain in the region of the heart during pregnancy serves as the basis for a comprehensive examination of a woman and a consultation with a cardiologist.

Pain in the heart during pregnancy can have a different origin and, in this regard, are different in nature.

Anginal pain

Such pains are caused by an increased load on the heart, which is provoked by physiological changes in the body of a pregnant woman, mental or physical stress. They are caused (by insufficient blood supply to all structures of the heart).

Angioedema pains are as follows:

  • pressing;
  • burning;
  • contracting;
  • radiating to the left shoulder blade, shoulder or chin.

If all these signs of pain are expressed intensely, then its appearance may indicate. This serious condition is extremely rare in pregnant women.

The stage of pregnancy becomes for girls and women probably the most exciting moment of their whole lives. All sorts of emotions are manifested here: from responsibility to complete happiness. It is important to understand that during such a period, not only the nervous system “worries” in the human body. Any physiological process can not proceed as usual and disturb the expectant mother. The activity of many organs is increased. The load is greater and this is logical, because the whole body provides a normal state for the development of the baby.

It follows that some discomfort is ignored. Along with all organs in the heart, there are also some pains and spasms sometimes. For example, heart colitis during pregnancy is the most common reason for a pregnant woman to see a doctor, let's see how serious it is.

Risk of heart discomfort during pregnancy

It is important to understand that the body is seriously changing during such a period, and often periodic pains in the region of the heart, the left side of the body, are associated with this. After the baby is born, the pain dissipates and nothing bothers the mother anymore, because the loads are weakened, the heart begins to work in the usual rhythm.

But ignoring and refusing to visit a doctor with a complaint sometimes leads to the development of quite serious diseases. After all, any discomfort means that some of the organs in the cardiovascular system can not cope. Yes, it turns out that on the one hand, it’s okay and everything will pass, but on the other hand, it’s still important to see a doctor and get a consultation. After contacting a doctor, it is possible that a pathology is diagnosed at the time and complex treatment will begin at the rate.

Safe heart pain

If suddenly colitis on the left in the region of the heart - everything is fine or not.

Understand that the weight of the mother during pregnancy increases, this suggests that it is more difficult for the heart to work during and after physical exertion. The uterus is subject to increase, the size of the placenta increases. On the fourth - fifth month there is an increase in pressure on the diaphragm, and, accordingly, on the lungs with the heart. A double load on the heart, an increase in heart rate - all this affects the condition of the main muscle and sometimes leads to discomfort in this area. And in the appearance of any pain - this is a common case. It’s just that the heart is also a muscle, it is also capable of getting tired, especially with such constant loads. These pains are physiological in nature (from a scientific point of view).

Why sometimes colitis near or in the heart and what to do. Many people ask this question and there is an answer that is as simple as possible from any point of view. Such external causes as uncomfortable postures during sleep or work, being in stuffy rooms, constant changes in climatic conditions. Yes, such simple reasons can make the expectant mother worry. But it is important to understand that it is best to visit a doctor.

Short-term discomfort occurs due to the fact that the heart or brain transmits information that there is not enough oxygen in this way. Stab both near and in the heart. Intercostal neuralgia can become a source of pain. The pain is sharp and sudden. The pressure in this case is within the normal range, the pulse too. The peculiarity is that it hurts only during a sigh. It goes away on its own, drugs in this case are not used. Stress, physical activity are the main indications for neuralgia. And if they still go to the doctor with stabbing pain, in this case everything will go away by itself.

Heart pain that leads to serious complications

Yes, it was written above that many if not all pregnant women notice pain in the heart, but still serious heart problems that the expectant mother does not know about are rarely diagnosed. After all, a girl during this period undergoes many different examinations, thereby she knows about her cardiovascular problems. And if something is found during the diagnosis, the patient receives all kinds of recommendations and advice, a course and a complex of treatment.

Nevertheless, the disease can develop in a very short period of time. And there are special pains in the heart, when it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Preeclampsia is the main cause of pain in the heart during this crucial period of time. It manifests itself as a headache and heart pain at the time of high blood pressure. The pain has a compressive character, radiates to the region of the left shoulder blade, the left side of the shoulder, the chin - everything that is written in this sentence becomes main reason to see a doctor. The sooner the better, because this is extremely serious. Complications not only for the mother, but also for the child.

Anemia of pregnant women is called the most popular extragenital pathology. And pain in the heart is one of the symptoms. Increased tachycardia occurs against the background of an increase in the load on the myocardium. Pulling pains appear in the left region of the heart, the entire left region of the body is in discomfort. Regular visits to the antenatal clinic, timely blood tests help to avoid this kind of disease.


We will refer this disease to a separate section, since it is rare, but at the same time dangerous. If a woman has not previously had heart disease, then she has a chance for the appearance of such a pathology. Development immediately after the first child is born. The symptoms are serious and it is rather difficult not to notice them: frequent bouts of pain in the heart area, tachycardia, arrhythmias, shortness of breath, swelling of the legs.

All sorts of symptoms develop each time. The condition is rapidly deteriorating. Seeing a doctor is essential and as soon as possible. It is impossible to diagnose the development of the disease earlier. Risk groups - women over thirty, excess weight, problems with a previous pregnancy. There is an appointment of such examinations as ultrasound and ECG.

A timely visit to the doctor in this case can save the life of mother and baby.

What to do for pain

Your heart hurts a lot - go to the doctor, unconditionally, a consultation will not become superfluous a priori and it is important to understand this. What to do is a common question, but the answer you will get from any adequate doctor in the previous sentence. Self-medication can worsen the condition of the mother and child by one or two. Some drugs are simply contraindicated, some are often allergic to the fetus. And the important thing is that you understand that you are not responsible for your own health, but for the health of the child.

Main advice- attend a antenatal clinic, take tests, check up, go for examinations and visit the attending physician on time.

Experts recommend that if you experience even the slightest pain in the heart during pregnancy, urgently seek medical advice. Pain does not always carry symptoms of serious diseases and pathologies. Nevertheless, there is a possibility, and before guessing, it is more reliable for your health and for the health of the baby to seek help from a cardiologist, and the sooner this happens, the calmer you will be.

Eleven reasons to see a doctor if you have heart pain during pregnancy:

1. Enlargement and stretching of the ever-growing abdomen may be one of the physiological reasons pain from the heart, as the tummy gradually begins to put pressure on the chest, thereby causing aching, pulling pain.

2. During pregnancy, a woman's body weight increases significantly, the heart starts to work twice as fast. The extra weight puts a significant strain on the heart muscle. The heart now needs to work for two - mom and baby. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to be nervous.

3. If you feel tingling, aching pain in the left side of the ribs, or on the left side of the shoulder blade - these symptoms may indicate the presence of intercostal neuralgia or vegetative-vascular dystonia. There is no particular reason for your child to be excited, but his mother, on the contrary, should make an appointment with a specialist.

4. Pain in the heart during pregnancy of a aching, blurry nature can also be the cause of a sharp change in weather conditions: sudden rain, snow, magnetic storms, a decrease or vice versa, a rise in temperature, sudden jumps, etc.

5. A banal cause that causes discomfort and pain on the left side may be an uncomfortable posture (sitting, lying down). Just try to change your position and the pain should immediately stop bothering you.

6. Also, pain syndrome may well be a harbinger of the manifestation of iron deficiency. So it is necessary to start taking vitamins that contribute to the replenishment of the necessary microelements and vitamin complexes in the body, which necessarily include “iron”. Its deficiency may indicate the presence of dark circles under the eyes or in the pallor of the skin. All dairy products, eggs, greens are rich in iron. leafy vegetables, (cabbage, peas), fruits, etc.

7. Try to protect your health from drafts during gestation. Stay cool in winter and stay out of direct sunlight during hot summers. This can also affect the pain of the heart and the further bearing of the child.

8. Hypertension (high blood pressure) in pregnant women can also contribute to sharp or stabbing pains in the region of the heart. If, with hypertension, you experience severe swelling of the legs () and frequent headaches, then you will urgently have to go through the entire examination and pass the necessary tests. Although, most likely the doctor will prescribe you treatment in a hospital.

9. Angina pectoris is a heart disease that is quite common in expectant mothers. The disease is not threatening, but in any case, it is necessary to see a specialist.

10. A heart attack or a pre-infarction condition can cause sudden and sharp pains in the heart muscle. In this case, the countdown goes not to minutes, but to seconds. In such cases, unfortunately, termination of pregnancy is inevitable in order to save the life of the mother. But this happens extremely rarely.

11. Stress, nervousness, worries - all this can also aggravate the situation and become a precursor to pain in the heart during pregnancy. Remember, nothing and no one should be the cause of your worries and nerves. After all, you are now responsible not only for yourself, but also 100% for the health of the little miracle that lives in your tummy.

In any case, if you find yourself in a sudden or constant aching, pulling, stabbing pain, it is best to consult a specialist. So you will be calmer for your health and for the health of your baby.

Prevention for pregnant women

If, nevertheless, the heart hurts during pregnancy slightly and this does not aggravate your health and future motherhood in general, then you should know what needs to be done in order to somehow reduce the exciting pain in the heart.

First, try to completely relax and calm down, be sure to exclude all negative thoughts. You can brew a soothing herbal tea and get some sleep.

Secondly, during pregnancy, proper and balanced diet. The use of all the necessary vitamins and minerals, which will also "nourish" your heart.

Thirdly, try to walk in the fresh air as often as possible so that “oxygen starvation” does not occur. The norm for the expectant mother is to walk at least twice a day for about two to three hours. A little physical activity will also benefit you and your heart.

We wish your heart to always be healthy!

During pregnancy, the internal organs of a woman and their systems work a little differently, as the body of the expectant mother undergoes all sorts of changes. Naturally, the heart is no exception. Often, while waiting for a baby, a woman’s heart can “make itself felt”: heart pains or tingling appear. Pregnant women quite often complain "of the heart": sometimes it "pulls", then it "whines", then it "pricks". But most often, expectant mothers describe their condition as follows: “somehow it’s not good, it’s not clear.”

Why can pregnant women have heart problems?

In fact, there can be a lot of reasons:

  • weather change,
  • posture is not very comfortable
  • stuffy and heavy air in the room.

All this and much more can cause heart discomfort - it just often leads to intercostal neuralgia and vegetovascular dystonia. Despite the fact that this condition is not dangerous for your baby, it is still better to tell your doctor about it and visit a neurologist.

If, in addition to a “slight tingling” in the heart area, you have severe and swelling, it is better to immediately consult a doctor - and the sooner the better. At the same time, go to the end - you must definitely pass all the tests and see a neurologist, since in many women hypertension turns into late toxicosis. If suddenly such a fate befell you - go better treatment in the hospital.

Do not forget that pain in the region of the heart and palpitations are often a sign of iron deficiency anemia, so do not ignore poor health - it is better to take a number of measures to maintain health.

What will relieve the pain in the heart?

  • First of all, a pregnant woman should remember that she should in every possible way avoid those moments that can provoke a heart disease. Remember that nutrition should be of high quality and balanced, it is necessary to use vitamins and trace elements.
  • At the same time, try not to gain excess weight.
  • Do not smoke or drink alcohol.
  • Walk outdoors more often.
  • Don't give up physical activity: but this does not mean at all that you should immediately sign up for a gym - consult your doctor, let him advise you which sport is right for you personally. In addition, today there are a lot of modern gymnastic complexes that are designed specifically for pregnant women. Yoga is quite popular today.
  • Never self-medicate, and even more so, being in an interesting position. Remember that "harmless" drugs - for example, Corvalol, are categorically contraindicated for pregnant women. And if your heart aches, it’s better to take valerian and run to the doctor.


  • Experts say that in order for the cardiovascular system to work as expected, a pregnant woman must eat very well. But not in the sense that she should eat a lot, not at all - a woman should eat right: get all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and trace elements.
  • Do not forget about water: drink a lot - at least one and a half lira a day. Try to have fatty acids, potassium and calcium in your diet, as they have unique ability: improve the functioning of the heart and cardiovascular system.
  • As for the products themselves, the heart “loves” asparagus and Brussels sprouts, sea ​​fish and dairy products, dried apricots and bananas - they perfectly help the heart to work, which is called "for two."

This article contains general information only and is not intended to replace the advice of a qualified professional.

The period of bearing a child is the most joyful and at the same time the most responsible time. For 9 months, the body of the expectant mother experiences an increased load. All systems and organs function "for two". The heart of a pregnant woman works especially hard in the second and third trimester, because the volume of blood circulating in the body and the speed of its movement increase. Therefore, sometimes a woman in a position experiences pain in the region of the heart. How dangerous is it for the baby in the mother's tummy? And what should a woman do when she first felt pain in her heart during pregnancy? We will consider the answers to these questions in our article, and also pay attention to the features of an interesting situation with heart defects in pregnant women.

Why does a pregnant woman's heart hurt?

In most cases, pain in the heart of a pregnant woman appears due to changes that occur with the body in the process of bearing a baby. In the second trimester, the ever-growing uterus begins to put pressure on the abdominal organs, in particular on the diaphragm. This leads to the fact that the heart rate increases, and accordingly the heart works with an increased load. Naturally, in such conditions, the “motor” of the expectant mother gets tired and reports this with light tingling, a feeling of discomfort and heaviness in the chest area on the left side. If such sensations in the region of the heart in a pregnant woman appear occasionally, then they do not pose a danger to the health of the woman and her baby.

Also, external causes can lead to the appearance of pain in the region of the heart, for example:

  • a sharp change in weather conditions;
  • high air temperature in the room or on the street;
  • being in a stuffy room;
  • uncomfortable posture of the body during sleep or work.

Usually, after labor, such pains disappear by themselves, therefore, in most cases, doctors do not prescribe any treatment for women in the position, they recommend more rest and not overworking. Despite this, it is still worth doing an ultrasound of the heart of a pregnant woman in order to make sure that everything is in order with the expectant mother.

In no case should one ignore such a symptom as pain in the heart during pregnancy, because they may indicate that the expectant mother develops preeclampsia. With an increase in blood pressure, a woman in position may feel pressing pain in the chest area on the left side, which is given to the left shoulder, left shoulder blade and chin. If such a feeling is accompanied by swelling of the legs and a headache, then the expectant mother needs to visit a doctor as soon as possible and do an ultrasound of the heart. A pregnant woman also needs to be aware that a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood can lead to pain in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart muscle. With anemia, the supply of oxygen to all internal organs worsens, and the myocardium reports this with a dull pulling pain behind the sternum.

Another cause of heart pain in pregnant women is cardiomyopathy. This pathology can develop in women who have not previously had any diseases of the cardiovascular system. It usually appears in the third trimester, and in some cases immediately after the birth of the baby. If cardiomyopathy is suspected, the doctor will prescribe an ultrasound of the heart to the pregnant woman in order to assess the severity of the condition and prescribe adequate treatment. In most cases, timely diagnosis and effective treatment allow a woman to safely carry the pregnancy and give birth (in some cases, it is prescribed cesarean section) healthy baby.

Regardless of what caused the pain in the heart of a pregnant woman, a woman must understand that no self-medication in this situation is unacceptable, since it endangers the health and life of her and her child. The expectant mother must, as soon as possible, visit a doctor and undergo an examination to determine the exact cause of pain in the chest area. Only a cardiologist, having studied the description of the ultrasound of the heart of a pregnant woman, can conclude what is the cause of the pain, and how dangerous this condition is for the woman and her baby. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment for the expectant mother to maintain the working capacity of the heart muscle and improve blood circulation.

Pregnancy and heart disease

Diagnosis of heart disease in a pregnant woman is not a contraindication to childbearing and labor. The modern level of development of medicine makes it possible to accurately predict the level of risk of pathologies that are dangerous for the health of a woman and a child. Throughout the entire period of bearing a child, the expectant mother will need to regularly visit a cardiologist and undergo diagnostic examinations. In most cases, in the presence of heart disease in a pregnant woman, they are prescribed at least three examinations:

  • for up to 12 weeks, in order to assess the state of the cardiovascular system and the heart in particular and decide on the possibility of carrying a pregnancy;
  • from 28 to 32 weeks, during the period when the load on the heart increases significantly, in order to determine how much the “motor” copes with its function;
  • 2 weeks before the expected date of delivery, in order to decide on the method of delivery (independently or by caesarean section).

One of the main methods for assessing the state of the cardiovascular system is an ultrasound of the heart of a pregnant woman. As additional studies, a woman expecting a baby is prescribed electrocardiography, phonocardiography and dopplerography. Based on the results of the examination, the cardiologist assesses the condition of the heart muscle of the pregnant woman and, if necessary, prescribes medication to normalize blood circulation. The decision on what medications and in what dosages the expectant mother should take is taken only by a cardiologist, while he necessarily takes into account the severity of circulatory disorders and the duration of pregnancy.

If your heart hurts during pregnancy, this condition can have many causes. Very rarely, pain is associated with disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Most often, this discomfort is caused by natural causes and is due to changes occurring in female body during pregnancy. Consider in detail the symptoms and their possible causes.

Signs of heart failure in women:

  • pain occurs and spreads to the neck, scapula, left arm, in some cases it is felt in the stomach, accompanied by nausea, vomiting;
  • heart rhythm is disturbed, the number of beats per minute increases;
  • weakness, dizziness, faintness;
  • pale skin;
  • profuse sweating;
  • frequent urination;
  • shortness of breath;

Why does my heart hurt during pregnancy?

If the heart hurts during early pregnancy, this is most often not due to the work of the heart itself, but to the fact that all the systems of the woman's body adapt to new conditions.

The beginning of pregnancy is characterized primarily by changes in hormonal levels. Level up:

  • progesterone;
  • estrogen;
  • chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), etc.

This is necessary for the normal course of pregnancy and fetal development. Under the influence, including hormones, the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems mother, the volume of circulating blood increases. As a result, the developing fetus is provided with a sufficient amount of oxygen, nutrients, metabolic products are quickly removed from the body.

When the heart hurts in the early stages of pregnancy, these are neuralgic sensations that arise due to a change in the tone of the autonomic nervous system, which governs all the above changes. For the same reasons, dizziness, drowsiness, increased irritability. Similar symptoms, characteristic of the first trimester of pregnancy, gradually disappear in the second.

Why does the heart hurt during pregnancy in the later stages:

  1. The uterus significantly increases in size, and therefore, a number of anatomical changes occur in the woman's body.
  2. Due to the natural displacement of all the internal organs of the abdominal cavity, the diaphragm experiences pressure transmitted to the lungs and mediastinum.
  3. Nerve endings respond to clamping signals, which are often perceived as a tingling sensation in the region of the heart.

Another reason why the heart hurts during late pregnancy is intercostal neuralgia. It appears due to the fact that with the growth of the uterus in the body of a pregnant woman, the center of gravity changes. To maintain balance, the spine arches and the intervertebral discs experience a greater load. This leads to pinched nerves near the spinal column, which is accompanied by pain in the chest.

Also, at these times, it often develops due to the increased load on the cardiovascular system. The weight of a pregnant woman is constantly growing, the heart rate increases, which in some cases leads to pain behind the sternum and in the region of the heart.

Pressure on the lower ribs while sitting creates a picture of intercostal neuralgia

Are heart pains dangerous during pregnancy?

Serious heart failure is extremely rare. If, during planning and in the early stages of pregnancy, a woman underwent a comprehensive medical examination, she should not be afraid of the occurrence of serious cardiac pathologies.

And yet there are diseases associated with dysfunction of the cardiovascular system, in rare cases, occurring in women in late pregnancy:

  • anemia;
  • preeclampsia;

Anemia of pregnancy occurs due to a lack of oxygen supply to the heart due to a decrease in hemoglobin levels.

At the very end of pregnancy (after the 30th week), the body is rebuilt again, as if "transitioning" from the state of preservation of pregnancy to childbirth and lactation. In very rare cases, this causes complications caused by a new change in the hormonal background. Then preeclampsia (the so-called late toxicosis of pregnant women), as well as dyshormonal cardiomyopathy, can develop.

Every pregnant woman needs to be especially careful when the following symptoms appear:

  • giving to the arm, shoulder, shoulder blade, neck;
  • severe swelling of the legs;
  • headache;
  • arrhythmia;
  • general weakness.

If these symptoms occur, you should immediately call a doctor to prevent the development of complications.

What to do if it hurts in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart?

If your heart hurts during pregnancy, you first need to calm down. After all, most likely, these are natural physiological sensations.

If a pregnant woman's heart hurts, she needs to do the following:

  1. Unfasten top buttons and bra.
  2. Straighten your back, slowly inhale deeply, exhale, repeat several times if necessary.
  3. Open window.
  4. Take a comfortable position, if possible, lie down, relax.

When the heart hurts during pregnancy, and the woman does not know what to do, you should not take medicine, you should immediately call a doctor!

  1. "Valocordin" is strictly prohibited if the heart hurts during pregnancy.
  2. "Corvalol" is strictly prohibited in the first and second trimester, use in the third trimester - only as directed by a doctor.
  3. "Nitroglycerin" is possible for use on the recommendation of a doctor.
  4. "Validol" is contraindicated in uterine hypertonicity and low blood pressure. During pregnancy, it is possible according to the doctor's prescription.

During pregnancy, every woman should follow the following guidelines:

  • you can not drink alcohol and smoke;
  • shoes cannot be worn high heels stand and sit for a long time in a cross-legged position;
  • walk more, walk in the fresh air, regularly ventilate the room;
  • enough rest, sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  • sit only in a comfortable position with a straight back;
  • do not be nervous, avoid excessive fatigue, stress;
  • regularly engage in special physical exercises, swimming is recommended;
  • in the later stages, wear a special bandage;
  • drink at least one and a half liters of water a day;
  • eat right (be sure to include raw vegetables, apples, walnuts, fish, linseed or olive oil);
  • do not gain excess weight.

Useful video

For more information about stress on the heart during pregnancy, see the following video:


  1. If the heart hurts during pregnancy, this is most likely a sign of physiological changes.
  2. In the early stages, discomfort in the region of the heart is associated with restructuring of the endocrine system, and in the later stages - with displacement and compression of the internal organs due to the growth of the uterus.
  3. Relief of the condition occurs with even deep breathing and timely rest.
  4. If a woman is attentive to herself, leads a healthy lifestyle and follows the recommendations of a doctor, she will be able to exclude the development of serious complications during pregnancy and safely give birth to a healthy baby.