Microclyster for pregnant women with constipation. Microlax for solving delicate problems of expectant mothers

  • 02.07.2020

Dealing with constipation is not easy, but it is still possible. Doctors recommend that pregnant women mainly move a lot and eat safe laxative foods. Dried apricots, prunes and infusions from them, fresh kefir, raw and boiled beets, carrots, kiwi are perfect for this.

However, no matter how much expectant mothers try to establish normal bowel movements, many fail to do this. And they are forced to turn to medicines, one of which may be Microlax.

This tool is a small tube (volume 5 ml), the contents of which are introduced into the rectum in order to empty it from the stool that has stagnated there. The drug is indicated for use in constipation, encopresis, as well as before such procedures for examining the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, such as rectoscopy and x-rays.

The active ingredients of Microlax are sodium citrate, 70% sodium lauryl sulfoacetate, 70% sorbitol solution. This composition determines the therapeutic effect of micro-enemas:

  • stimulation of water entry into the intestinal lumen;
  • liquefaction and softening of the contents of the intestine;
  • increase in the volume of feces;
  • activation of peristalsis of the walls of the rectum;
  • speeding up and facilitating bowel movements.

Microlax acts only in the lumen of the rectum.

This tool is very convenient to use. After toileting the anus and thoroughly washing your hands, you need to take a microclyster, break off the protective seal, press on the tube until a drop of solution appears in its hole - this will lubricate the enema tip and facilitate its introduction, minimizing discomfort from such a procedure. The tip of the enema is then very gently inserted all the way into the rectum, and the tube is squeezed to introduce the entire contents. Without releasing the compressed walls of the enema, it must be removed from the anus.

The therapeutic effect occurs very quickly - from 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the condition and characteristics of the body.

Can Microlax be used during pregnancy?

The composition of the drug includes synthetic substances, but this does not impose any age restrictions on the use of the drug. According to indications, it is prescribed even for newborns. Moreover, Microlax can be used both during lactation and during pregnancy - both in the early and late stages, since the active ingredients of the drug are not absorbed into the systemic circulation and do not lead to uterine muscle tone, like some other remedies for constipation. It is very convenient to put a microclyster before childbirth for effective emptying of the rectum.

However, this does not mean at all that one can resort to the help of this tool at any time, without control. It should only be used after consulting a doctor. Moreover, the impact of Microlax on the biochemical and physiological processes in the human body (that is, pharmacodynamics) has not been sufficiently studied.

Expectant mothers should also take into account that side reactions in the form of burning are possible, therefore Microlax should be used very carefully during pregnancy for the first time. There are no other contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the components of the drug, for its use.

There are not many medicines that expectant mothers can use to combat constipation. Microlax is considered one of the best. But resorting to his help (as well as to the help of any other) is possible only in critical cases as an exception. You must understand that in this way it is impossible to cure constipation, and therefore get rid of this problem. Microlax brings only temporary relief and, with frequent use, can be addictive, chronic, and even complications during pregnancy.

No matter how difficult it may be, all your efforts must be directed towards achieving regular bowel movements in a natural way. Moreover, despite the high efficiency, Microlax is not suitable for everyone ...

Duphalac or Microlax during pregnancy: reviews

It is unlikely that there will be at least one drug that is guaranteed to be effective in one hundred percent of cases of its use and at the same time will not cause any side effects and signs of intolerance. Microlax is no exception and collects the most controversial reviews. A large number of pregnant women and young mothers speak of the drug most in the best way, because it very quickly, efficiently and conveniently allows you to solve an extremely unpleasant, but very delicate problem. Even when used in newborns, Microlax has proven itself very well. Moms especially like that the enema is small and ready to use: fast, hygienic and hassle-free.

But the drug also has ardent opponents who not only do not recommend resorting to its help, but also eloquently describe why exactly. It must be admitted that according to numerous reviews on the forums, Microlax in fact too often causes an unbearable burning sensation in the rectum after the introduction of an enema. Moms say that the kids just squirm and squeal in pain, and a considerable number of women in a position who have experienced "side effects" on themselves are not advised to use Microlax during pregnancy. Despite the promises of the manufacturer of this enema, softening and liquefaction of feces does not always occur: it happens that dry hard stools are sharply pushed out under the influence of an enema, causing not only severe pain, but even injuries to the anus.

Therefore, instead of this, if without pharmaceutical drugs Well, you can’t do without it, many people prefer to use Duphalac. Pharmacologists do not say that the drug closest to Microlax in terms of the mechanism of action is glycerin suppositories - with a stretch they can be called an analogue of Microlax (or, at least, an alternative).

However, both glycerin suppositories and Dufalac may also show individual intolerance reactions and, it is likely that these drugs may be less effective in one case or another.

The question of choosing a remedy for constipation during pregnancy should be decided only together with the doctor. And no matter which one you choose, do not forget that only a mobile lifestyle, proper nutrition, the use of products with laxative properties, the intake of a sufficient amount of high-quality purified water and complete emotional well-being can help truly reliably: safely and for a long time.

Especially for - Larisa Nezabudkina

The use of microclysters Microlax during pregnancy quickly and effectively solves the problem with the stool.

The drug is completely safe and does not affect the development of the baby. But, like any other remedy, it must be used correctly, having studied the instructions for use and possible side effects.

Causes and consequences of constipation during pregnancy

The cause of frequent constipation in expectant mothers is natural physiological changes. When pregnancy occurs, the production of progesterone is activated, which reduces the tone of smooth muscles. Because of this, intestinal motility is disturbed and, as a result, constipation occurs. Malnutrition due to a change in food habits also affects the regularity of the stool.

In the later stages, the pressure of the growing uterus on the pelvic organs joins these problems. As a result, constipation becomes an almost constant companion of a pregnant woman. Some expectant mothers do not pay attention to this, but it is dangerous to let the situation take its course.

Regular constipation in a pregnant woman can cause:

Fortunately, pharmaceuticals offer ample solutions to this delicate problem. If constipation interferes with life, and a change in diet and conventional laxatives have not worked, topical preparations such as Microlax will come to the rescue.

What is Microlax?

Microlax is a special solution for rectal use, placed in a convenient disposable package. The substances contained in it act locally and provide a quick bowel movement.

Composition and principle of action

According to the instructions, Microlax during pregnancy is completely safe for the expectant mother and baby. The composition of the tool includes:

  1. Sodium lauryl sulfate, thinning stool.
  2. Sorbitol, which promotes the flow of fluid to the intestines, as a result of which its contents are actively moving towards the exit.
  3. Sodium citrate, which releases excess water from the stool and thus makes room for the fluid that comes in thanks to sorbitol.

Although all these components are not natural, they are allowed for pregnant women. The listed chemicals do not penetrate into the blood and have an effect only inside the intestines.

Indications for use

Microlax can be used by both pregnant and lactating women, in all situations where you urgently need to cleanse the intestines. Many obstetricians recommend the drug for strong regular contractions before natural childbirth (before the outflow of amniotic fluid). This will eliminate the need to put a regular enema and prevent possible embarrassment at the time of the birth of the child.

When using Microlax during pregnancy, you need to remember that this is an emergency aid for constipation and the remedy does not have a therapeutic effect.

It is not recommended to use the drug on an ongoing basis, because it is not able to eliminate the root cause of the problem. In addition, the intestines eventually get used to such outside help, which only aggravates the situation.

Cost and form of release of the drug

Microlax is sold in tubes of 5 ml. In any pharmacy chain, it can be purchased in packs of 4 and 12 pcs. The price of the drug varies within RUR. for a small irub. for a large package, depending on the manufacturer.

How to use Microlax?

Before the introduction of Microlax, you should thoroughly wash your hands and the anus. Then, the tube with the product is opened by breaking off the seal at the top of the tip. The container with the drug is slightly squeezed so that a solution appears.

After the tip is moistened, it is inserted into the anus to its full length. By pressing fingers on the packaging in the direction from the bottom up, the product is completely squeezed out. Continuing to hold the tube in a compressed state, it is removed.

Only one dose of the drug is used at a time. The laxative effect is expected in minutes, occasionally the effects may appear later (within 40 minutes).

Side effects and contraindications

The drug is well tolerated and has no dangerous consequences. But among the common side effects, women note a burning sensation inside the anus of varying severity.

Patients with hypersensitivity may experience rashes and itching in the anal area. More often this happens if there are rectal fissures, hemorrhoids and other similar diseases.

There are no specific contraindications for the use of Microlax during pregnancy. It is not recommended to use it if you are allergic to any of the components of the product.

For the treatment of constipation to be effective and safe, do not prescribe the drug yourself. The duration of the course of using Microlax in your case and the frequency of using the product must be agreed with your doctor.

Microlax for pregnant women: is it possible or not?

Problems with stool often occur during pregnancy. During this period, a woman may become aggravated with chronic diseases, as her immunity is significantly reduced. In the last months, the uterus crowds neighboring organs, and the intestines are no exception. As a result, many women last dates constipation occurs.

The causes of constipation in pregnant women include changes in hormonal levels. The hormone progesterone is produced during this period in an increased amount: it is necessary to perform its main function - relaxing the muscles of the uterus so that premature birth does not occur. Unfortunately, along with the muscles of the uterus, the muscles of other organs, including the intestines, relax.

constipation remedy

Microlax is an excellent drug for constipation in pregnant women.

When a change in diet does not help, you have to think about more effective means. If a woman previously faced similar problems, took laxatives while pregnant, she does not risk taking these drugs - many drugs are prohibited for pregnant women.

Women are lost when choosing, because it is important not only to solve the health problem that has arisen, but also not to harm the baby. It is also impossible to start this process and not take any action. During constipation, toxic substances accumulate in the large intestine, they poison the body and can harm the fetus.

In addition, excessive stress when trying to empty the intestines provokes uterine hypertonicity and, as a result, premature birth. One of the effective drugs that have a laxative effect is Microlax microclyster. This remedy is often prescribed for the treatment of constipation in pregnancy.

How it works

Microlax does not affect the muscles of the uterus.

Microlax for pregnant women is safe, according to the instructions for the drug. The fact is that this is a local remedy that does not penetrate into the bloodstream, quickly dilutes the stool and removes it from the intestines. This tool is available in the form of microclysters - 5 ml tubes, the contents of which are administered rectally.

The active substance of the drug - sodium citrate - promotes bowel movement within 5 minutes after using the drug. Microlax has the following effects on the body:

  • Stimulates intestinal water supply
  • Liquefies the contents of the intestines
  • Stimulates peristalsis

The advantages of the drug include:

  1. The absence of substances hazardous to the health of the fetus, which are present in drugs of general action
  2. When the drug is administered rectally, its components are not absorbed by the intestinal walls.
  3. Non-addictive and does not relax the intestinal muscles
  4. Does not affect the muscles of the uterus
  5. Suitable for long-term use throughout pregnancy and postpartum

Despite these positive traits drug, it should not be used constantly. You need to think over your diet, eat more vegetables and fruits that contain fiber, and drink natural juices.

Microlax only relieves constipation, but does not treat diseases that can provoke this symptom.

How to apply

Microlax is contraindicated for those who are allergic to the components contained in it.

Microlax should be taken as needed. Course treatment is not required. At the tube with the product, you need to break off the tip and squeeze out a little of its contents to ensure easier insertion.

Lie on your side and insert the microclyster into the anus, squeeze out the drug. Lie down for a few minutes in the same position. The drug begins to act 10 minutes after administration.

Microlax is contraindicated for those who are allergic to the components contained in the preparation. The tool can cause itching, skin rashes, burning sensation in the anal ring. Despite the fact that Microlax is relatively safe remedy, it is undesirable to use it every day. With the help of microenemas, it will not be possible to cure constipation, but only temporarily alleviate the condition. Therefore, you need to try to ensure that the process of defecation occurs in a natural way.

In the first months

If constipation appeared at an early date, this is a sign of the active work of progesterone. Do not despair, you need to drink more water, take long walks and eat fruits and vegetables daily. And if this does not help, you can do a microclyster before going to bed. This is necessary to relieve the tone of the muscles of the uterus and remove the accumulated toxic substances in the intestines.

Video about the drug Microlax:

At a later date

The cause of constipation in the later stages is:

  • Growing uterus
  • Taking calcium and iron supplements
  • Treatment with drugs to relieve uterine muscle tone
  • Restriction of mobility due to the threat of miscarriage


Duphalac is an excellent remedy for constipation.

Preparations that can replace the microclyster Microlax have not been developed to this day. There are a number of natural general laxatives that are taken orally, but such drugs are allowed during pregnancy strictly under medical supervision.

Glycelax. Laxatives should be allocated in the form of rectal suppositories Glitselaks. They contain glycerol, which stimulates intestinal peristalsis. Candles are indicated for use during pregnancy with caution.

Duphalac. A laxative used orally. It has an effect on intestinal motility, contributing to the removal of feces. The active substance is lactulose, which is produced by the synthesis of whey. Duphalac does not affect the fetus, but can harm the woman's body. Lactulose is not processed by the intestines and increases the size of feces. Due to this, the intestines increase.

In the early stages of pregnancy, it is safe, but in the later stages, the intestines can put pressure on the uterus. There are other drugs for constipation during pregnancy, but Miklaks is the safest of them. Despite the fact that Microlax reliable remedy from constipation during pregnancy with a minimum of contraindications, it should be used, like all other medicines, only after consultation with a gynecologist.

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Microclyster Microlax during pregnancy

Microlax is a microclyster used at any stage of pregnancy. Doctors prescribe the drug as an alternative to conventional enema. Unlike the classic enema, Microlax is safer.

Is it possible to put a microclyster in the early and late periods

Constipation during pregnancy is a common problem, affecting more than 50% of women. Due to hormonal changes, intestinal peristalsis decreases, and stool retention occurs.

  1. In early pregnancy, the use of microclysters will not harm the fetus, the condition of the expectant mother.
  2. Unlike classic enema, the process is safe, but inferior in effectiveness.
  3. Severe constipation does not eliminate.
  4. Microlax is not able to be absorbed into the bloodstream, leading to uterine tone.

Microlax is a microclyster used at any stage of pregnancy. Doctors prescribe the drug as an alternative to conventional enema. Unlike the classic enema, Microlax is safer.

Microlax micro enema during pregnancy is safe in the early and late stages, but its uncontrolled use is dangerous.

To do a microclyster or not, the doctor will decide. The drug has not been fully studied in terms of pharmacodynamics. The results of the effect of the drug on the physiological and biological processes in the body have not been fully investigated.

Microlax - instructions for use

The drug, like other means, has instructions for use. Before using the Microlax enema, read the manufacturer's recommendations, pay attention to contraindications and precautions.

How it works

Microlax for constipation in pregnant women does not negatively affect the fetus, the well-being of the expectant mother. The agent is not absorbed into the bloodstream, has a safe composition. It acts only in the lumen of the rectum, without interacting with neighboring organs.

The name of the components of the drug:

  • sodium citrate;
  • sorbitol solution 70%;
  • sodium lauryl sulfoacetate 70%.
  • speed up bowel movements;
  • make the act of defecation painless;
  • increase the volume of feces (which stimulates the act of defecation);
  • soften the contents of the intestine;
  • stimulate the flow of water into the intestines;
  • activate the peristalsis of the organ.

The components enter the area of ​​the rectum, where they activate the peristalsis of the organ. The drug helps the flow of water, the feces soften and are removed painlessly.

How to bet

The manufacturer claims that pregnant women can be given Microlax at home without time or quantity restrictions, but do not exceed 1 dose per procedure. If the drug does not help during pregnancy, discuss the tactics of further treatment with your doctor.

Instructions for use at home:

    1. Wash your hands before the procedure.
    2. At the tip of the tube, remove a special seal.
    3. Lie on your left side, bend your legs at the knees.
    4. Gently squeeze out a little for easy administration.
    5. Insert the tip into the anus to the full length.
    6. Slowly squeeze out the entire contents by pressing on the tube.
    7. Continuing to press on the tube, gently pull out the tip.
    8. Wash your hands after the procedure.

How to quickly expect the effect

The laxative effect can be felt immediately after the administration of the drug. Do not immediately run to the toilet. The full effect of the drug occurs after 15 minutes. According to reviews, the therapeutic effect is in 5-15 minutes, depending on the severity of the situation.

How often can you do

Usually, medications for constipation during pregnancy involve a course intake. Microlax is not one of them. The attending physician should determine the number and dosage of doses, based on the condition of the woman during pregnancy.

Despite the high efficiency, the drug affects each person individually. Gynecologists and therapists advise changing treatment tactics if there are no positive results after 2 doses.

The drug is not a therapeutic agent. It's a laxative direct action that relieve symptoms.

When you can not put a microclyster, side effects

Adverse reactions to medication are rare. To avoid adverse effects during pregnancy, take the dose prescribed by your doctor.

Among the adverse reactions are:

  • allergic manifestations (itching, urticaria);
  • diarrhea;
  • stomach ache;
  • burning sensation, severe discomfort in anus.

Adverse reactions can occur at any time, early or late. At the first sign, contact your doctor.

The drug has a minimum list of contraindications. The manufacturer talks about the possibility of its use in newborns, during lactation. Doctors remind: the occurrence of an allergic reaction is not excluded, which will be a contraindication to the use of microclysters during pregnancy.

You can not use the remedy for fructose intolerance, intestinal obstruction. You should be careful with the simultaneous use of rectal preparations and microclysters. It is worth studying information about the compatibility of medicines.

It is forbidden during pregnancy to put a microclyster and undergo treatment for hyperkalemia at the same time. This can lead to intestinal necrosis. Gently do microclystering with inflamed hemorrhoids, anal fissures.

Microlax before childbirth instead of an enema

Enema before childbirth is a procedure that has come to us since Soviet times. It is necessary to free the intestines both from a psychological point of view and from a hygienic one. Nothing should distract a woman from the process of childbirth. An enema helps to avoid an awkward situation in the delivery room.

Free intestine - prevention of infection of the baby.

In maternity hospitals, the usual enema is carried out. The process is unpleasant when a woman has contractions. Therefore, many try to avoid it or replace it with other means of bowel cleansing.

Today, pharmacology offers lightweight options for the procedure. At the pharmacy, you can buy drugs with a laxative effect. The name allowed during pregnancy is Microlax. Despite the minimum dose of 5 ml, the drug thoroughly cleanses the intestines.

When using the medicine, it is worth remembering:

  • the drug can cause a sharp opening of the cervix;
  • according to the reviews of pregnant women, the medication is able to alleviate pain contractions;
  • it is better to use a microclyster directly in the maternity hospital during contractions;
  • the medicine does not always give a positive result, it does not replace the enema.

Replace Microlax can glycerin rectal suppositories of instant action.

Microclysters during pregnancy do not always eliminate the problem. In an emergency, when Microlax and other drugs do not bring a positive result, doctors recommend doing a classic enema. An enema is an emergency method that prevents the symptoms of constipation. She will not be able to fully cure stool retention.

Enema Microlax during pregnancy

During pregnancy in the body of a woman, along with the growth and development of the fetus, the uterus increases, which gradually begins to compress the surrounding organs and vessels, including the intestines. This feature leads to a deterioration in the digestion of the expectant mother, causing stool retention and constipation. Other reasons are also involved in the development of this problem: hormonal changes, iron deficiency, stress, reduced physical activity, changes in food habits.

Composition and form of release

Microlax is a combined preparation, it contains three active substances in its composition:

  1. sodium citrate. It is a peptizer (a substance that causes the transition of a solid substance into a solution). Due to its mechanism of action, sodium citrate at the molecular level promotes the release of water from the feces into the intestinal lumen. This effect facilitates the act of defecation.

In addition to active substances, Microlax contains sorbic acid, glycerin and water. This drug has one form of release - a solution for rectal use. Microlax during pregnancy is used for stool retention from two days, or to prepare the intestine for endoscopic and radiographic studies.

Microlax during pregnancy is used as a microclyster. It takes effect 5-15 minutes after application. The advantage of the drug is the absence of influence on the upper sections of the gastrointestinal tract, Microlax only dilutes the feces located in the rectum, which does not lead to the development of the "lazy bowel" syndrome. Also, this drug does not have any effect on the contractile activity of the uterus, and its rectal route of administration ensures that the drug does not enter the bloodstream, so it does not reach the fetal bloodstream and does not have any effect on it.

Instructions for use

The use of Microlax in the early stages of pregnancy is possible only under strict indications as prescribed by a doctor. In the first weeks of gestation, the formation of all the rudiments of the fetal organs occurs, so the use of drugs at this time is undesirable. In early pregnancy, to combat constipation, you should review your diet to include more fiber in it. It is found in raw vegetables and fruits, especially in cabbage, carrots, corn, avocados, and prunes. Also, special gymnastics and an increase in the level of physical activity.

  • remove the seal on the top of the tube;

Repeated use of the drug is possible with the next constipation. However, do not abuse this drug, best solution problems with difficulty defecation is an attempt to eliminate the cause of the symptom.

Contraindications and side effects

Microlax has no contraindications for use, except for individual intolerance to the components. Side effects after using the drug are rare. Among them there are: pain syndrome in the abdomen, discomfort near the anus, diarrhea. Very rarely, patients develop nausea, vomiting, allergic reactions in the form of urticaria, itching, and local edema. It is impossible to carry out therapy with Microlax simultaneously with oral administration of sodium polystyrene sulfonate and sorbitol. Such treatment can lead to necrosis of the intestinal epithelium.

Analogues of Microlax

This drug has no complete analogues in its composition. The drug Agiolax has a similar mechanism of action, it helps to increase intestinal contents, thin the feces and facilitate bowel movements. The drug has a natural composition, is available in the form of granules for oral administration. Its use during pregnancy should be agreed with the doctor.

Microlax during pregnancy

Microlax, prescribed during pregnancy, refers to laxative drugs that help women in a position to get rid of such a phenomenon as constipation. According to statistics, approximately every second pregnant woman is faced with this type of stool disorder. The causes of constipation during pregnancy are numerous, but in most cases it is caused by an increase in the size of the fetus. This explains the fact that constipation most often occurs in the later stages.

What is Microlax and how is it used during pregnancy?

Microlax, used during pregnancy, is available in the form of microclysters - small tubes with medicinal contents, which are injected directly into the rectum. The volume of one such tube is 5 ml.

The active ingredient of this drug is sodium citrate, which helps to soften the feces and bring them out.

If we list all the actions that Microlax has on the body, then these are:

  • stimulation of water entry into the intestines;
  • increase in fecal masses in volume;
  • increase in intestinal peristalsis.

According to the instructions for the drug, Microlax can be prescribed to pregnant women to combat constipation. This is explained by the fact that the drug acts locally, i.e. directly in the lumen of the rectum, without penetrating the walls of the intestine and without getting into the bloodstream. In other words, - Microlax cannot harm the fetus.

Can Microlax always be used during pregnancy?

As mentioned above, the drug can be used during childbearing. Moreover, Microlax during pregnancy can be prescribed in the early stages. However, in this case, it will not be superfluous to consult a doctor. The thing is that the final pharmacodynamics of the drug during gestation has not been studied. Because the likelihood of side effects still remains, but it is very small.

How to use Microlax during pregnancy?

Having figured out whether Microlax can be used by pregnant women, let's talk about how to administer it correctly.

So before using the drug, it is necessary to carry out the toilet of the rectum. Then gently break off the protective cap, after which you need to slightly press on the tube so that its contents slightly lubricate the tip. This will facilitate the introduction of the tube into the rectum and prevent the possibility of injury to its mucous membrane. After applying the enema, you must remain in a horizontal position for about a minute.

The effect of the use of Microlax microclysters during pregnancy occurs within minutes.

What features should be considered when using Microlax while carrying a baby?

Speaking about the use of Microlax during pregnancy, it must be said that when it is used, side reactions are possible, which manifest themselves in the form of a burning sensation in the rectum.

Often, women in position are interested in the question of how often Microlax can be used during pregnancy.

As with other laxatives, doctors do not recommend using it quite often. The thing is that there is a high probability of developing addiction, after which the woman will no longer be able to empty herself. Therefore, Microlax should be used as a means of assistance, in exceptional cases.

In order to avoid the development of constipation during pregnancy, women should monitor their daily diet and include more products containing fiber, and move more.

Microlax for solving delicate problems of expectant mothers

Pregnancy changes not only the appearance of a woman, but also her job internal organs. Most often, the problems with which expectant mothers go to the doctor are associated with the digestive system: heartburn, pain in the epigastric region, and malfunctions of the intestines. It is believed that such conditions are the norm during the period of bearing a child and do not need treatment. However, doctors insist correct work digestive system. To cope with these problems, prescribe medications, which include Microlax.

In which case the doctor can prescribe Microlax

One of the most delicate problems a woman faces during pregnancy is constipation. Indigestion can occur for several reasons:

  • hormonal changes in the early stages;
  • decreased physical activity;
  • restriction of fluid intake due to fear of edema;
  • pressure of the enlarged uterus on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract in the later stages.

After conception, the corpus luteum and adrenal glands (and later in the placenta) begin to produce the hormone progesterone. It tends to have a relaxing effect on the muscles of the internal organs. First of all, its influence is directed to the uterus, which must be in such a state to prevent the threat of abortion. However, the action of progesterone can also extend to the muscles of the intestine, reducing peristalsis and slowing down the digestive system.

Changes in intestinal motility can cause uterine muscle contraction. It is dangerous spontaneous abortion. Therefore, the treatment of constipation during this period is mandatory. If the following symptoms appear, a woman should consult a doctor:

  • flatulence and increased gas formation;
  • irregular stool (1-2 times a week);
  • heaviness in the lower abdomen, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestine;
  • pain during bowel movements due to hard stools.

In some cases, to solve the problem of constipation, you need to consult a gastroenterologist.

Composition and action of the drug

With constipation during pregnancy, Microlax is often prescribed. This laxative drug is available in the form of microenemas for single use. Its active substances are:

  • sodium citrate - stimulates the flow of water into the intestines;
  • sorbitol solution - increases fecal mass due to the action of the previous component, and also stimulates the intestinal mucosa, increasing peristalsis and facilitating defecation;
  • sodium lauryl sulfoacetate - softens feces.

According to the instructions, Microlax can be used during the entire period of pregnancy, but before using it, a doctor's consultation is required. Controlled studies of the effect of the drug with the participation of expectant mothers have not been conducted. Since the active substances of the drug are absorbed into the systemic circulation to a small extent, the development of undesirable effects for the fetus is not expected when it is used.

The main advantages of this laxative are:

  • safety - the solution acts only locally in the intestine and does not affect the digestive organs;
  • hygiene - microclyster, which contains a dose for one dose, is disposed of after being introduced into the rectum, and its reuse is impossible;
  • speed - begins to act 5-15 minutes after application;
  • ease of use;
  • lack of habit.

If a woman suffered from constipation before pregnancy, Microlax is prescribed only in complex treatment.

Instructions for use of Microlax during pregnancy

The microclyster contains the volume of medicine necessary for a single use, and a convenient tip with rounded edges facilitates administration. Instructions for using the drug is simple:

  1. Wash your hands with soap.
  2. Unscrew the cap of the tube and insert the tip into the anus to the full length.
  3. Press on the microclyster and squeeze out the remedy.
  4. Remove the tip and wash your hands with soap.

How often can microclysters be used

Microclyster is applied once a day. If half an hour after the administration of the solution there is no expected effect, with the permission of the doctor, you can use another dose of the drug.

With constipation, in addition to prescribing drugs, there are general recommendations: a balanced diet, including fresh fruits, vegetables and foods rich in fiber, as well as physical activity (if there are no restrictions for them).

Contraindications and side effects

The only contraindication to the use of Microlax is individual sensitivity to active ingredients and other components of the composition. It manifests itself in the form of severe burning and itching. If this feeling is not expressed so sharply and disappears on its own after a few minutes after the procedure, we are talking about a side effect that does not require discontinuation of the drug.

What can replace Microlax during pregnancy

If there are contraindications for the appointment of Microlax, the doctor selects another drug to solve the problem of constipation.

During pregnancy in female body hormonal changes occur, the usual diet changes. This causes malfunctions in the digestive tract, weakening of intestinal motility, spastic constipation. Microlax during pregnancy helps to normalize the stool, facilitate the act of defecation at any time of gestation.

The combined laxative is available as a microclyster with a solution for rectal administration. Microlax has laxative properties, increases volume, liquefies dense fecal masses by entering water molecules into the intestines. Sorbitol in the composition of the drug irritates the receptors of the mucous membranes, stimulating peristalsis, causing the urge to empty.

Note! Microclyster Microlax during pregnancy acts within 5-20 minutes after insertion into the rectal cavity.

The drug is poorly absorbed into the systemic circulation, therefore it does not affect the functioning of internal organs, does not penetrate the placental barrier, and does not cause contraction of the walls of the uterus. It can be used at any stage of pregnancy without the risk of side effects for the fetus.

When appointed

Constipation during gestation adversely affects the condition of the expectant mother and child. With a delay in defecation, the absorption of useful nutrients and vitamins is disturbed, the intestinal microflora is disturbed, and immunity is reduced. The risk of developing intoxication of the body, bacterial infections, inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary system increases.

In the third trimester, solid feces in the rectum can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus, premature birth, circulatory disorders in the small pelvis, which is complicated by oxygen starvation of the fetus with further pathologies. For pregnant women, constipation is dangerous due to intoxication of the body, deterioration in general well-being.

When to use the Microlax enema:

  • bowel movements occur less than 1 time in 3 days;
  • feces have a dry, hard consistency;
  • when visiting the restroom, you have to strain hard;
  • inability to independently perform an act of defecation;
  • flatulence, distension in the abdomen;
  • intestinal colic;
  • feces contain blood impurities;
  • feeling of incomplete cleansing of the intestines after a bowel movement.

Read also Microlax did not work: what to do

It is contraindicated to use a laxative for pregnant women with individual intolerance to the active ingredients of the drug. In case of hypersensitivity, the solution may cause redness, itching, swelling, and a rash in the rectal area.

Important! Before using a laxative, you should consult your doctor. The doctor will tell you if Microlax is possible during pregnancy, help find out the cause of constipation, prescribe a special diet.

If there are cracks or other damage to the rectum, the solution may cause a burning sensation. In such cases, it is necessary to carry out hygiene procedures intimate zone using detergents having a neutral pH.

Terms of Use

Microclyster has a hygienic disposable packaging, ready to use, does not require pre-treatment with antiseptics. There is no need to specifically select the dosage, one tube contains the required amount of the drug for a single injection.

Instructions for the use of mini enema Microlax for constipation during pregnancy:

  1. Wash hands and anorectal area with soap.
  2. Open the seal on the tip of the flexible applicator.
  3. Squeeze out a little solution to lubricate the applicator, this will facilitate the process of insertion into the anus and prevent damage to the soft tissues.
  4. Gently insert the tip of the enema into the anus.
  5. By pressing on the tube, squeeze out its contents.
  6. Remove the tip without stopping squeezing the vial.

After applying the enema, Microlax is disposed of. Do not use an expired product if the packaging is damaged. Too frequent administration of a laxative is not recommended. In case of recurrence of the pathology, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

With chronic constipation, women are concerned about how often Microlax can be used during pregnancy. The laxative works directly in the final section of the rectum and only helps to relieve symptoms, the process of defecation, but does not eliminate the cause of stool retention. Therefore, in case of chronic violation of fecal eruption, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination and a course of treatment.

Application in the 1st trimester

The cause of constipation in the early stages is most often hormonal changes in the body, a change in diet, a decrease in physical activity, taking drugs containing calcium and iron, and stress. Women suffering from delayed bowel movements often doubt whether it is possible or not to use microclysters in the first 20 weeks of gestation, since other laxatives (drops, suppositories) cause intestinal spasms, can provoke uterine hypertonicity, miscarriage.

Read also How to do an oil enema for constipation

It is most safe to use pharmacy enemas based on sorbitol, sodium citrate, lacrilsulfoacetate in the 1st trimester for constipation.

Microlax during pregnancy in the early stages has a mild laxative effect, dissolves feces, facilitates the act of defecation.

The drug does not pass through the digestive tract, is not absorbed into the systemic circulation, so there is no risk of drug intoxication. There is no effect on intrauterine development of the fetus. This is especially important during the period of the 1st and 2nd trimesters, when the formation of all vital important systems at the embryo.

Use in the 2nd or 3rd trimester

In the second trimester, the size of the uterus increases significantly, the organ compresses the intestines and can cause a delay in emptying the rectum. Constipation also develops due to a sedentary lifestyle, unbalanced diet, changes in the emotional background, the position of the fetus, concomitant endocrine disorders.

Microlax during pregnancy helps to normalize the process of defecation, without provoking spasms of the smooth muscles of the pelvic organs. Soft emptying eliminates the possibility of premature birth, as the woman does not have to push.

The drug Microlax during pregnancy in the later stages does not cause the appearance of edema, a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, an increase in blood pressure, an electrolyte imbalance in the blood, like other laxatives.

Laxative Benefits

The main advantage of the drug is that Microlax can be used at any stage of pregnancy without risk to the health of the mother and unborn child. Unlike other laxatives, microclyster does not cause uterine spasms, cannot cause spontaneous abortion, premature birth.

Important! Active substances act locally, do not disrupt the functioning of the intestines, do not affect the natural rhythm of colon emptying. Enema Microlax for constipation does not cause psychological or physiological addiction in pregnant women.

Since the active substances penetrate poorly into the bloodstream, toxic effects on the fetus are excluded. The advantages of Microlax include the possibility of using without selecting an individual dosage, ease of use and rapid action of the drug. Microclysters can be prescribed as part of complex therapy for chronic constipation to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Many expectant mothers are faced with the problem of stool disorders. The problem is complicated by the fact that during this period, popular and effective medications may be contraindicated. With a severe disruption of the intestines, it is not always possible to solve the problem by changing your diet.

What is Microlax for?

Microclyster Microlax is an effective and fast-acting remedy that helps to quickly eliminate constipation of various etiologies. In this case, painless defecation occurs after 7-10 minutes. Due to the fact that the active components of this drug are practically not absorbed by the intestinal walls, the use of Microlax during pregnancy is allowed.

The advantages of this microclyster can be called that:

  1. the composition of the solution does not contain components that could have a teratogenic effect on the condition of the fetus;
  2. Microlax is acceptable for use from the first weeks of pregnancy;
  3. even repeated use of microclysters is not addictive and does not lead to atony of the intestinal muscles;
  4. the drug is easy to use;
  5. the medicine does not affect the uterine tone (more about the tone of the uterus during pregnancy >>>);
  6. due to the fact that the active components of the drug do not enter the general circulation, an overdose of it is impossible.

Instructions for use during pregnancy

According to the instructions for use of Microlax during pregnancy, microclysters are prescribed for:

  • any constipation, regardless of the cause of their appearance;
  • stool incontinence;
  • weakened intestinal motility;
  • pathologies in which it is necessary to facilitate the process of defecation (hemorrhoids, etc.);
  • preparing a pregnant woman for an ultrasound examination;
  • the need to cleanse the intestines before childbirth.

There are few contraindications for microclysters. It cannot be used for:

  1. intolerance or the presence of allergic reactions to the components that make up Microlax;
  2. intestinal obstruction;
  3. intolerance to pregnant fructose;
  4. treatment of hyperglycemia with rectal suppositories.

The microclyster can be used an unlimited number of times. The exact dosage is determined depending on the specific need. The only limitation is that the patient can use a maximum of 1 dose during 1 procedure.

Microlax at different stages of pregnancy

In the early stages of pregnancy, when the laying and development of all organs occurs in the fetus, the use of any medications, including microclysters, is contraindicated for expectant mothers. Microlax during pregnancy in the 1st trimester is allowed to be used only in case of emergency and only as directed by a doctor. To prevent constipation, women are advised to review their diet and add more fiber-rich foods to their diet. Moderate physical activity will help to avoid bowel obstruction.

Microlax during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester is considered safe. If constipation occurs again, it is allowed to use a new microclyster. However, this remedy should not be abused. If a violation of bowel movements is observed regularly, then in addition to consulting a doctor, review your lifestyle, diet and drinking regimen.

To use Microlax during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester, you also need a doctor's permission. Immediately before childbirth, the doctor may advise the use of microclysters for those women who suffer from constipation. This will prevent the penetration of pathogens from the intestines to the uterus. The drug is not able to have any effect on labor activity.

Side effects

Usually, after using Microlax, side effects do not occur. But in rare cases, patients complained about:

  • pain in the abdomen;
  • allergic reactions in the form of skin itching or rash;
  • burning sensation in the anus.

After discontinuation of the drug, side effects disappear on their own.

What is the alternative to Microlax?

If for any reason future mom a constipated woman cannot use Microlax, the doctor will select for her a safe and no less effective remedy. Medicines with the same composition is not, but in the pharmacy you can find a large number of medicines with similar therapeutic effect. These include:

  1. Forlax. The drug is available in the form of a powder for the preparation of a solution. Take it orally. The instruction to the drug allows its use during pregnancy. However, doctors note that after the abolition of Forlax, the intestines may “refuse” to work independently for some time.
  2. Phytomucil is a plant-based drug. Its main active ingredient was creamy pulp and psyllium seeds. The composition of the drug contains a lot of dietary fiber. Due to this, Fitomucil, in comparison with Microlax, has a milder effect on the body. However, this reduces its effectiveness. It is allowed to take the drug at any stage of pregnancy.
  3. Norgalax is a gel-like laxative based on sodium docusate for rectal use. Despite the fact that the manufacturer indicates the safety of the drug for the fetus, Norgalax is prescribed only in cases where the expected benefits of use outweigh the potential risks. Sometimes the medicine leads to impaired intestinal motility or the appearance of a rash.
  4. Agiolax is a natural preparation in the form of granules. Its main action is to thin the contents of the intestines and facilitate the process of defecation.
  5. Bisacodyl is an effective laxative drug available in the form of tablets, powder and suppositories.
  6. Glycerin suppositories are safe rectal suppositories with a laxative effect.

Only a doctor should choose a laxative for pregnant women. This is due to the fact that each of these drugs has a specific composition and properties, so they can affect the body in different ways.

To get rid of constipation, it is important to use medications that not only improve intestinal motility, but also make the stool softer. Thanks to an integrated approach to the problem, the expectant mother can gently solve the problem and at the same time not harm the baby. Indeed, in such situations, you usually have to push, which can lead to an increase in the tone of the uterus or provoke premature birth.

To the question “Is it possible to use Microlax during pregnancy?”, We received a positive answer.

However, it is worth remembering that during pregnancy there are no 100% safe drugs and the first thing to start with is a change in lifestyle and your diet.

If you sit all day, move little, drink 1-2 glasses of tea and do not drink clean water, do not do gymnastics for expectant mothers, it is natural that you will suffer from constipation.

I am for a healthy approach to pregnancy, childbirth and baby care. Therefore, it is important to eliminate the true cause, and leave enemas as a last resort, when you definitely cannot do without it.

Excellent mood, good health and cheerfulness of a woman during pregnancy is highly dependent on full-fledged work intestines. But during this period, the female body functions with certain problems in the form of a violation of the stool, a terrible feeling of heaviness and often pain in the abdomen. This condition is often the cause of a woman's irritability and she wants to eliminate constipation as quickly as possible. But what if diets do not help, and enemas and most laxatives are contraindicated during gestation? As an emergency, when other methods remain ineffective, doctors advise women to use the modern and fast-acting drug Microlax during pregnancy in the form of microclysters. What is this remedy, how often can pregnant women use it, and is it dangerous for the fetus? Let's look for answers in the instructions for the drug.

Every second woman in position faces difficulties in the work of the intestines. The main cause of constipation in the gestational period is physiological changes in the female body under the influence of hormonal levels and displacement of internal organs.

Smooth muscle tone weakens due to exposure to progesterone, and the diaphragm shifts as the uterus grows and begins to put pressure on the intestines. Such factors greatly complicate the process of digestion of food and the further passage of feces through the intestines.

This phenomenon is completely normal, but this does not make it easier for a woman. Bloating, a feeling of heaviness, poor appetite and weakness are just an external manifestation of constipation. Irregular stools are bad for pregnancy, because the uterus is squeezed by the expanding intestines. In addition, intoxication of the body and active reproduction of putrefactive microflora occur. But the most severe complication of this delicate problem is hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

To eliminate constipation during pregnancy, you need to use drugs that not only stimulate intestinal motility, but also soften the stool. Such a complex method of treatment allows a woman to solve her problem without harm to the baby, because with difficult bowel movements, a woman has to push, and this can provoke uterine hypertonicity, miscarriage or premature delivery.

So that going to the toilet does not cause psychological discomfort to a woman and does not prevent her from carrying a baby normally, doctors strongly recommend fighting constipation with a diet and safe laxatives, such as Microlax.

Microlax and its use during pregnancy

Microlax is a modern and convenient microclyster with a fast carrying effect, which is noted no later than 7-10 minutes later. After using the remedy, the stool quickly becomes liquid and painless intestinal spasms come out on their own.

Although in-depth studies of the drug with the participation of pregnant women have not been conducted, Microlax has been successfully prescribed during gestation and during lactation. Since the constituent substances have a very low ability to be absorbed into the intestinal wall, a harmful effect on the fetus or newborn when using Microlax during pregnancy or lactation is not expected.

Whether excipients of the drug, for example, sorbitol and citrate, enter the milk is unknown, therefore, during lactation, the systematic use of Microlax microclysters is not recommended.

Despite the fact that the drug is often prescribed to pregnant women, it must be borne in mind that each organism is individual, and pregnancy proceeds differently for everyone. There is always a risk that the product will not work or cause allergic reaction. Although Macrolax can be bought at any pharmacy without a prescription, it is better to consult a gynecologist. After all, microclyster helps to get rid of constipation, but does not solve the cause of its occurrence.

Most often, women use Microlax during late pregnancy, when it becomes especially difficult to deal with constipation due to the greatly enlarged uterus with the fetus.

Microlax is an auxiliary method of emergency care for prolonged constipation, so you should not abuse excessive intestinal stimulation. Even if hormonal changes are the cause of constipation, part of the problem can be solved by adjusting the diet and special physical education.

Microlax has the following advantages:

  • The solution does not contain substances with a teratogenic effect on the fetus, unlike drugs of general action.
  • It is acceptable to use Microlax during early pregnancy.
  • Rectal use prevents absorption of the drug into the bloodstream.
  • The drug does not provoke addiction (lazy bowel syndrome) or does not relax the muscles of the intestine.
  • Very comfortable from a hygienic point of view.
  • Does not affect uterine tone.
  • Approved for regular use during pregnancy.

Microlax during pregnancy: instructions

Microlax is a rectal solution, which is contained in a convenient package in the form of a disposable microclyster. Its active substances have only a local effect and guarantee a quick defecation. This is a drug from the French manufacturer Famar Orleans, which has no other pharmaceutical forms and analogues.

Composition and pharmacological properties

Outwardly, Microlax resembles a colorless solution of a viscous structure filled with small air bubbles. The tube with a sharp tip contains 5 mg of solution. In one carton there can be 4 or 12 microclysters.

The drug belongs to the group of laxatives that affect the digestive system and metabolic rate.

The composition includes three active ingredients:

  1. Sodium citrate - displaces water from the feces, which is in a bound form.
  2. Sodium lauryl sulfoacetate - facilitates the penetration of the rectal solution into the feces.
  3. Sorbitol solution - crystallizes and accelerates the process of water displacement.

Other components of the drug include: water, glycerin and sorbic acid.

Microclyster Microlax during pregnancy exhibits chemical and mechanical effects. The drug is a non-toxic agent that exhibits a moisturizing and irritating effect. Getting into the feces, the solution dilutes them and enables the patient, who suffers from constipation, to perform an act of defecation in 5-10 minutes. The process of displacement of bound water molecules (peptization) helps to soften the contents of the intestine, filling its lumen with liquid and easy bowel movements.

General indications for the appointment of Microlax during pregnancy

Over-the-counter use of Microlax during pregnancy is always fraught with various consequences. Despite the high safety of all components of the drug, its use without a doctor's prescription can adversely affect a woman's health. For example, with individual hypersensitivity, a woman may be disturbed by severe burning and itching in the anus. And when misapplication indigestion and microtrauma of the mucous membrane may occur. To prevent such consequences from appearing, consultation with a specialized specialist should be mandatory.

Argued indications for the appointment of the drug Microlax during pregnancy are:

  • Constipation of various nature.
  • Weak motility of the stomach.
  • Encopresis (fecal incontinence).
  • Bowel cleansing before childbirth.
  • Preparing pregnant women with stool disorders for a planned ultrasound scan.
  • Medical procedures associated with manipulations on the rectum (X-ray, rectoscopy).
  • Diseases requiring relief from the act of defecation (hemorrhoids, rectal injuries).

Microlax: use during pregnancy and dosage

Before mass production of Macrolax, studies were conducted to determine the correct number of applications per day and possible signs of overdose. So, in the course of monitoring the participants from the tested group, it was found that side effects occur in isolated cases, and an overdose does not occur at all, since the solution does not enter the bloodstream.

Referring to the test data, the manufacturers claim that it is possible to use the Microlax enema during pregnancy without restrictions, both in time and in quantity. The dosage is selected according to need, and treatment can continue until the resumption of normal bowel function. The only restriction on the use of Microlax is the use of no more than one dose of microclysters per procedure.

Rules for using the enema Microlax:

  1. Remove the seal on the tip of the tube.
  2. Slightly press down on the tube to release a drop of solution and facilitate the insertion process.
  3. Insert the tip to its full length.
  4. While squeezing the tube, completely squeeze out the contents.
  5. Pull out the tip while continuing to squeeze the enema.

Are there any contraindications to Microlax during pregnancy?

The list of contraindications for Microlax is very small. It can not be used if a woman has an individual intolerance. This manifests itself in the form of severe discomfort in the rectal zone after the introduction of the solution.

It is also forbidden to put a microclyster with a diagnosed intestinal obstruction and with fructose intolerance.

It is better not to give a Microlax enema during pregnancy if the woman is being treated for hyperkalemia with rectal suppositories. Failure to comply with such precautions can provoke necrosis of intestinal tissues.

Possible complications after using Microlax during pregnancy

Adverse reactions are recorded extremely rarely and mainly these are:

  • Allergic manifestations (urticaria, itching).
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Burning in the anus.

Microlax during pregnancy. Budget analogues of the drug

If Microlax has to be used not in extreme cases, but regularly, then its cost can significantly complicate treatment. In such cases, you can resort to cheaper laxatives, which are also prescribed during gestation.

Unfortunately, there are no full-fledged analogues of this remedy, but the following drugs show a similar effect:

  • Dufallac (Netherlands).
  • Normolact (Ukraine).
  • Glycerin suppositories (Russia).
  • Mukofalk (Germany).
  • Transulose (France).

It is better to choose a replacement for microclyster Microlax with a doctor, since other drugs have a different chemical composition and affect the body of a pregnant woman in a different way.

Microlax during pregnancy - reviews

Women who often used Microlax for problems with defecation noted its high efficiency and speed of action. In addition, tubes with a solution are very convenient to use, since they do not melt in the hands like suppositories, everything goes very hygienically and the woman does not feel psychological discomfort.

The design of the tube allows a woman to independently carry out the tip insertion procedure even at the latest gestation periods.

But there are downsides to the drug. This is primarily its cost (350 rubles per package with 4 tubes) and a short-term effect.

To get rid of constipation for a long time and without any complications, treat only according to the scheme agreed with the doctor. Although the drug is safe for the child, it does not solve the cause of the problem. Therefore, first consult a doctor on how to establish a daily routine to normalize bowel function and find out if Microlax can be taken during pregnancy in your particular case.

Constipation during pregnancy. Video