Where should Orthodox icons be placed? The meaning of the miraculous Seven-shot icon: where is it better to hang the image in the house

  • 21.09.2019

There are icons in almost every home, with the exception of families of staunch atheists. Previously, people knew and followed the rules for placing holy images. Do we know how to arrange home iconostasis, are church canons so strict today and what should be the red corner of your home?

Red corner in the old days

Our great-grandfathers treated icons with reverence and tried to equip the home iconostasis in accordance with all the rules. The goddess (kiot) with holy images was placed in every Orthodox house in the red corner, in the most honorable place.

Red means good, beautiful. The holy corner was arranged on the eastern side of the dwelling, on the brightest side of the house, since the windows were on both walls forming a corner.

For Orthodox Christian his house is the symbol of the temple. And if in the church the altar is the most holy place, then in the believer's dwelling it is the red corner where the home iconostasis is located, this is a symbolic analogue of the altar.

How did people arrange the iconostasis in the house? The goddess was an open cabinet for icons, more often two-tiered, made of wood and decorated with paintings and carvings.

Icons were placed on shelves, it was not customary to hang them. The images were decorated with a god - a towel made of woven canvas, embroidered at the ends and along one side. The god covered the icons from above and on the sides, but did not cover the holy faces.

Prayer books, holy water, oil for lamps, candles, and incense were kept in the icon case.

Home iconostasis today

Most of us are not too familiar with the requirements for arranging an iconostasis in the house. And the church today does not so strictly require the observance of certain canons, because times are changing and some rules are becoming increasingly difficult to comply with.

Not every house has the opportunity to place the iconostasis in the correct eastern corner. If the layout of housing does not allow - what to do?

It is permissible to place icons on any side of the dwelling. But the place should be remote so that you can pray calmly. When the family prays together, free space will be needed for all those who pray. It is convenient to put the books necessary for this on a portable folding lectern.

Try to place the home iconostasis away from the TV, computer, etc. household appliances. The neighborhood of holy images with technical devices is inappropriate.

You can make an iconostasis with your own hands or buy it, even an ordinary bookshelf will do.

How many icons should be in the house? The point is not at all in their number, you are not collecting a collection of holy images. Icons have another purpose - prayer.

Do not allow the neighborhood of images with books whose content is far from Orthodox views, with various decorative objects such as figurines, figurines, panels, paintings.

Even reproductions of paintings on religious subjects are best placed away from the red corner, paintings and icons are different things.

Posters and calendars with images of popular personalities: musicians, athletes, actors are also unacceptable to be placed next to the iconostasis.

What icons should be in the house?

The image of the Savior is the center of the iconostasis, as in the temple itself. This icon is always the largest in size (the Lord Almighty, the Savior Not Made by Hands). In the red corner it is also obligatory to have the image of the Mother of God with the Child.

The icon of the Virgin should be placed to the left of the image of the Savior. Above these two main icons, it is permissible to place only images of the Crucifixion and the Trinity.

Traditionally, many people supplement their home iconostasis with images of great Orthodox saints. Almost every house has an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, especially revered by believers. People believe that he is endowed with special grace and pray to the saint.

The Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious and the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon are also loved and respected by Orthodox Christians.

Images of the great Russian saints, St. Sergius of Radonezh and Seraphim of Sarov, adorn many home iconostases.

On the goddess you can place the icons of the prophet of God Elijah, the supreme apostles Peter and Paul.

What other icons would you like to have at home? These can be images of especially revered local saints, the archangels Gabriel and Michael, the holy Evangelists, St. John the Baptist, icons dedicated to holidays.

On the place of honor of the home iconostasis, you can place the icon that is especially revered in the family or a holy image passed down from generation to generation (if your family has such a relic).

In the families of believers, the family icon is especially honored, because their ancestors prayed to the Lord before it. After baptism, it was customary to bring the baby to the icon and read prayers. Parents blessed the newlyweds and children with a family shrine, sending them to study, on a long journey, under the images of our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers went to another world.

Personalized icons are traditionally placed on the icon case - images of those saints whose names are those living in the house. Regarding the icons in the home iconostasis, it is better to consult with your confessor.

Priests advise to have at home, in addition to the holy images of the Savior and the Mother of God, mostly icons of those saints to whom family members really turn to with prayers.

It's good when there are icons in every room of your home. Where you dine with your family (in the kitchen, in the dining room), you need to place the icon of the Savior.

In the children's room for a child to communicate with God, it is necessary to have a holy image.

How to decorate a home iconostasis?

It is best to decorate the deity with fresh flowers. Sprigs of consecrated willow are placed near the icons on the day of the celebration of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem, keeping them until the next Palm Sunday.

The house and icons are decorated with birch twigs on the Day of the Holy Trinity (Pentecost), which symbolizes the grace of the power of the Holy Spirit, which is carried by the Orthodox Church.

In front of the icons in the red corner, a lampada is hung or placed on a stand. There may be several lamps, they are lit during prayer, for many they burn all the time when one of the family members is at home. All day the lamp should burn on Sundays and holidays.

A lit lamp cleanses the house of negativity and all filth. It is not customary to light it with a match. This is done with a church candle.

During fasts, green and blue lamps are used, and on holidays - red ones.

It is customary for believers to anoint children and loved ones with a cross-shaped lamp oil in case of illness or some unfavorable events.

The goddess should be crowned with a cross, and all doorposts should also have crosses.

Can reproductions be used?

Holy images painted by hand by icon painters are preferable to reproduction icons. But painted images are much more expensive and not every believer can afford to buy them.

Therefore, reproductions are quite appropriate in the home iconostasis.

The main thing is to buy icons, candles, lampadas, prayer books, crosses in church shops.

According to the style, icons can be ancient (Old Russian, Greek, Byzantine) and Western (academic). The believer can choose the style of the icons according to his taste, but in the iconostasis it is better not to mix images of different writing techniques.

Photographs or reproductions of righteous people, elders, priests should be at home, but they should be placed away from the icons.

Attitude towards icons

Just as in the temple we behave piously, so in front of the images of the saints it is unacceptable to swear, quarrel, offend each other.

The careful and respectful attitude towards icons among the Orthodox cannot develop into worship. The icon is sacred, but still an image. Behind the image, you always need to see the essence.

From the icons the faces of the Lord, the Mother of God, the saints look at us, we turn to them with our prayers and requests for help, intercession, forgiveness.

Divine faces remind us, the inhabitants of the material world, of the spiritual, eternal life about our Savior. And, looking at the holy images, every believer should strive to perfect his soul.

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In everything historical times Vera Christian people needed like air. With her, the Orthodox experienced hard times and illnesses.

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She helped to survive the famine and survive on the battlefield. With faith and hope for centuries, people went to God's temples for help, protection and blessings.

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What icons should be in the house


Attendance at divine services on Sundays and holy holidays has been customary in Russia since ancient times. Temple paintings on biblical themes and a rich iconostasis created a unique aura of holiness in great cathedrals and small churches.




Christian traditions through the prism of modernity


Modern realities are such that not everyone conscientious person can easily observe the centuries-old traditions of Christianity. Many hours of presence in churches at prayer services, participation in the procession of the cross does not fit into the flickering eventful life. A believer does not have time at all to stop, think and realize what is happening.

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Sometimes from overwork there is an acute need to open up, to pour out the soul. The laws of business do not recommend resorting to this. But the exhausted ego is looking for a way out and help. Like a bird in a narrow cage, it needs care and guidance. Turning to the sources of true faith helps to restore lost strength, to accept right decisions both in business and family life.



Do you need icons in the house?


To be under the vigilant constant protection of the Almighty, to be guided by the instructions of the saints is possible thanks to the icons correctly placed in a person’s own dwelling. But do not mistakenly believe that the more images of holy faces in the house, the better for the owners.

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Size and quantity in this matter do not play any role. The unreasonable use of a large number of icons, paintings of the corresponding subjects and church wall calendars can sometimes have the opposite adverse effect on others.

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However, the necessary icons should be used in every home. For a true believer, an icon is the embodiment of saints in material images. The creation of iconography is strikingly different from portrait images.



They capture holiness, purity and chastity in every stroke and in every line. Icons in the house are used for solitary prayers and repentance. In many families that preserve the traditions of true Christianity, holy images are carefully passed on from fathers to children. Bright faces are able to unite different generations. To soften the hearts of the embittered, to revive the magnanimous.

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What to Avoid When Placing Icons


Increasingly in modern world the place of shrines in the house is occupied by a TV and a computer. In recent years, the importance of spirituality and family traditions has been falling sharply. And yet, young people often have questions about the value of home prayer, about the significance of holy faces, about how to properly hang icons in the house.

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Priests are encouraged to place icons on the eastern side of the house in the "red corner". There should be a large free space in front of the iconostasis in order to facilitate access to the shrine. Install icons on the iconostasis in accordance with the church hierarchy on a separate shelf. They decorate the prayer place with fresh flowers, embroidered towels and openwork napkins. During the annual church holiday "Palm Sunday" sprigs of consecrated willow are laid.

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In order to avoid trouble, you can not have the attributes of the modern hungry world nearby: a TV, game consoles, a music center, a computer. It is forbidden to put telephones, money and house keys on the shelf with icons. On the walls adjacent to the "front corner" do not hang posters with images of sports and show business idols, calendars with photos of models and politicians.



Placing idols of cruel reality on the same level as holy icons will not go unnoticed. It is not allowed to form a home iconostasis on bookshelves. Not infrequently, the content of the exhibited books sharply contradicts the centuries-old Christian idea of ​​love and mercy. Ritual attributes should not be confused with such interior items as wall tapestries, graffiti, and sculptures.

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Images of what saints you should definitely have in the house


For any Orthodox family, the main icon in the house is the image of Jesus Christ. For home appeal, it is enough to install a half-length image of the Savior. An important feature of such iconography is the reconstruction of the image of the blessing hand of the Lord. On many icons, Jesus appears as the Arbiter of human destinies. Therefore, the image of the Lord Almighty is given one of the main places in any iconostasis - on the right.



The icon of the Mother of God is usually placed to the left of the main image. A feature of the iconography of this theme is the contact of the bright faces of the Virgin and the baby Jesus. The spiritualized drawing of the Mother of God, filled with endless love, symbolizes the continuous connection between heaven and earth, evokes a feeling of inner trembling reverence. Among the icons of the "Tenderness" type, the most famous Vladimir icon Mother of God. On icons painted according to the Hodegetria (Guidebook) type, with a gesture of free right hand the parent points to the Savior. The most revered among such images is the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

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The icon of the Holy Trinity (Father and Son and Holy Spirit) completes the main part of the "red corner". This image serves as the most famous symbol of unbreakable unity. Reflecting the highest degree of piety, this tripartite image has earned endless love and reverence in Orthodoxy.



If there is sufficient "usable area", you can organize a home altar in 2 levels. Observing the church hierarchy, the image of the holy prophet Elijah, the supreme apostles Peter and Paul, the archangels Gabriel and Michael are often placed below. The image of Nicholas the Pleasant necessarily complements each Orthodox iconostasis. Among the common people, St. Nicholas was revered as a miracle worker.

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A properly composed family iconostasis should be installed in the front corner of the dining room or on the place of execution in the hall. Daily offering of thanks for food and shelter provided during family dinners and dinners will serve the revival of Christian traditions and spiritual values. Directly in the kitchen, it makes sense to place the well-known image of the Last Supper. Free access to the face of the Mentor and Patron will contribute to the formation of the young people's need for personal communication.

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Holy face for everyone


They say that when there are many children in a family, this is God's blessing. For young youths of different sexes, holy icons of a separate content are intended.


Lucky girls

In the girl's room, there must certainly be an image of Xenia of Petersburg. They place their aspirations and hopes on her in determining the best share. At one time, she comes to the aid of desperate girls and women. Helps them get married safely.

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Recently, in Russia, the peasant tradition has been reviving to celebrate Valentine's Day every year - the holiday of Peter and Fevronya. The icon of lovers is a reliable patroness of legal marriage and warm family relationships. Their unbreakable union is an example of eternal values ​​- mutual love and respect, great wisdom and patience.

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The number of worshipers of the holy blessed Matrona of Moscow is growing every year. For those who suffer, she is the wisest guardian of the main sacred values ​​​​and the gracious patroness of numerous lonely hearts. Those who turn to her with deep faith and pure thoughts, help to form a strong family and reward the desperate with the long-awaited happiness of motherhood.

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Boys for prudence

In the boys' room there is usually an icon of the famous Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious, who is considered the patron saint of the army. It acts as a kind of shield, both for the house and for its inhabitants. Her aura is indispensable for the guys preparing to serve in the army. This image is presented as a gift to the baby during the sacrament of baptism.

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For the purpose of instruction, children are often given an image of St. Andrew the First-Called. He is the universally recognized patron of the Russian land. Turning to him helps to increase the craving for knowledge, instills a love for work, brings up a sense of respect for older generations.

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The icon with the face of Prince Alexander Nevsky equally patronizes both generals and privates. Strengthens the strength of the spirit, promotes physical development and self-esteem. Serves as a compelling historical figure for modern imitation.

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Holy place should not be empty


For ease and accessibility of referring to the images, they can be installed on a separate shelf in the front corner of the children's room or placed on a free wall in accordance with the recommendations described earlier.

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At the head of the bed it is customary to put the image of the Guardian Angel of the child. A reliable patron and protector is given at birth to every person. They turn to him at the moment of impending danger and during periods of doubt. Not infrequently, nominal children's icons on special stands are installed indoors.



They are intended for each tomboy personally, as they correspond to the name of the owner. Adults hope that such protectors and patrons will help in the proper upbringing of the younger generation, protect them from many troubles and misfortunes.

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Relief for the sick and the weak


Often in large families, a separate room is allocated for aged parents. There, wise old people who have lived a long, sometimes difficult life, arrange their own things, close and dear to them. In the first place among them are always pious and not infrequently ancient icons.

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Confirming loyalty to Christian traditions with their actions and thoughts, the fathers decided the fate of their children and grandchildren in accordance with the requirements of faith. But now the time has come to give parents a canonized image of the holy great martyr and worldly healer Panteleimon.

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The mercenary Christian holy healer does not leave without due attention people's requests for healing. Heals not only bodily ailments, but also revives the soul. Since time immemorial, he has been a well-known patron of all true doctors and suffering patients. You can install an icon with the face of a saint in the eastern corner of the room, surrounding it with the appropriate church attributes.

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Where can I buy real icons


In order not to be mistaken when acquiring items so necessary for the home, purchases must be made in church shops at churches, at often arranged Orthodox exhibitions and fairs. In such places there is the widest selection of relevant products.

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The rich church decoration of the premises is conducive to peace and tranquility. In the design of holy images, color embossing is most often used. To create a status attribute that is part of a large iconostasis, expensive gold stamping is used. Here you can also buy icon cases - special boxes with glass for careful storage and use of the icon.



In attribute shops, specialists who know Orthodoxy well will gladly give detailed advice. They will help you make an informed choice in accordance with your life situation. When buying an icon, it is necessary to check for the presence of a special hallmark, indicating that this icon has received illumination. It is worth paying attention to whether the text of the offered prayer is attached to the kit. It is very convenient for home use.

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It is easy to communicate with God, having the necessary icons in the house, placed in accordance with Christian principles. Offering daily gratitude to the Almighty, every believer has the right to count on love, care and guidance on the true path.


Icons do not have to be hung on the walls. They can be placed on a shelf specially designed for this purpose. But if there are a lot of icons, then it would be better to hang them on the wall, following some simple rules. If your room is hung asymmetrically, haphazardly and without any thought, it will certainly cause a feeling of inconvenience and dissatisfaction with the placement of icons, a desire to change it. And this greatly hinders and distracts from prayer.

Icons can also and even need to be placed in other rooms. It is also worth hanging in the kitchen. Be sure to place in the children's room an icon of an Angel or Heavenly patron. According to it, it was customary to hang an icon of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos over the entrance to an apartment or house. But now it can be replaced by any other icon or cross.

By the way, when placing icons in your apartment or house, pay attention to the fact that they should not stand or hang together with other paintings (even if they have a biblical theme) or household items. Icons are inappropriate in bookcases, next to toys, cosmetics, photographs of family members, figurines. Also, do not place icons next to the posters of politicians, show business stars, and other celebrities.

Infrequently, but still one has to see photographs of fathers and elders among the icons on the walls or on the shelves. This is canonically unacceptable, since photography captures a specific moment of a person's earthly life, even if it is a church person or even later canonized as a saint. The icon represents him precisely in the image of a saint, in his transfigured, glorified state. Naturally, the presence of such photographs in the house is not canceled. But you need to put or hang photos separately from icons.


  • where to hang icons in the apartment

According to your faith, you will be rewarded. It is necessary to remember the traditions of our ancestors and learn how to properly treat icons and their placement in home. Follow some tips and you will be fine.


The most important thing is that there should be enough free space in front of the “red corner” for the whole family to perform a common prayer. It is desirable to allocate a capacious shelf for the iconostasis. If it does not fit all icons, then the rest can be hung on any wall. It would be wrong to put icons in bookcases or other cabinets, as there should not be foreign objects near them. Icons cannot serve as interior decoration.

Naturally, in every home must be icons Jesus Christ and the Mother of God. Place the icon of the Savior on the right, on the left - the Virgin. Here it is also important to observe the principle of hierarchy. Any revered icon should not be located higher than the icons of the Trinity, our savior, the Mother of God and the apostles. It is desirable that the iconostasis be crowned with a Christian cross.

You can have icons where households dine, so that before the meal you can pray to the Almighty for daily bread, and after dinner - thank you. Above the entrance to the house, the Protection of the Holy Virgin is traditionally hung.

Among the icons there should not be art and engravings with biblical scenes, which are not a priori canonical icons. Accordingly, there is no place for images, elders and even those ranked by the church as Saints. They can be placed elsewhere.

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Icons in the house. Decorating the house with icons has been one of the main customs of the Russian people since ancient times. Today, faith is returning to people, and with it a reverent attitude towards the icon. There is an unspoken list of icons that you must have at home. First of all, we are talking about the icons of the Savior and the Mother of God.

Useful advice

In the temple, a person prays before the holy icons. It is worth doing it at home. Previously, in every house of a Russian person there were icons in the red corner. But in the era of "red corners" people tried to erase even the very memory of the Church, little was preserved and the memory of what icons you need to have in the house and how they should be placed. Where to place icons in the house? In a free and accessible place.

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  • placement of icons in the house

This question sooner or later arises for everyone who acquires an icon or receives it as a gift. And indeed, how to properly place it in the house in order to offer prayer to the Lord and not violate any sacred laws? After all, prayer is a kind of sacrament, and any sacrament must be performed in an appropriate place, and not anywhere. How to hang icons in city or private houses?


Most the best place for in the house - a red corner. It is here, according to tradition, that spiritual, or icon lamps are located. The red corner of the house is opposite the entrance to the room. This location is not accidental, everyone who enters can bow to the images without looking for them for a long time in all corners. It is better that the space near the iconostasis be free and allow all family members and guests to stand up for prayer at the same time.

The altar is located on the east side, and the icons in the house should also be placed so that the worshiper faces the East. However, if you do not have a suitable place for images in the eastern part of the apartment, you can hang them anywhere else. It is important that this is not a blind corner into which sunlight does not fall, but a wall that will decorate and make it even brighter. You can hang it on an ordinary nail or install it on a special shelf next to other icons. If there are a lot of icons in the house, you can make a special iconostasis for them. The main thing is that the process of collecting images does not turn into ordinary collecting. After all, their purpose is completely different, and there is no connection between the number of icons in the house and the piety of its inhabitants.

You should not install icons among books on the shelves, as well as in the shelves of cabinets mixed with cosmetics, figurines and relatives. Also, you can not hang icons next to the toilet or in a row with paintings and other works of art. Remember that the icon is not beautiful and not just an image. The purpose of the icon in the house is the preservation of reverence and faith, as well as sacred patronage. In the bedroom of the spouses, icons can be placed, despite the erroneous idea of ​​​​many that this is a sin.


Many believe that the matrimonial bedroom and the icon are incompatible things. And they even hang the iconostasis with a cloth at night. This is fundamentally wrong. Intimacy between spouses in marriage is not considered a sin at all. In addition, of course, it is impossible to hide from the sight of the Lord with any cloth.

Useful advice

First of all, in the house it is necessary to have an icon of Jesus and the Mother of God. They are installed on a common iconostasis in the Red Corner. You can also install the icons of the patrons of all family members or any other icons that are valuable just for you.


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Mirror- not a simple item for decorating the interior, it has always been endowed with magical properties. Not every place in the house is suitable for placing mirrors. In order for this piece of decor to benefit from its presence, heed the advice Feng Shui.

You will need

  • - mirror.


Get a large one in which all family members would be reflected as a whole. No one should be "cut off" the head, otherwise the person will suffer from headaches. It is necessary to have a large mirror so that the energy, physical and mental potential of each family member is fully realized.

Place the mirror in a place where it reflects only nice and beautiful objects, such as a vase, a painting, decor, and more. You can specially put a thing next to the reflective surface, symbolizing wealth, success and. Mirrors have the ability to enhance the object reflected in them.

The most successful places for a mirror, from the point of view, are the kitchen, living room and dining room. Hang it opposite dining table, then in your house there will always be enough money and tasty food. If the stove is opposite the door, hang a mirror above it, in this place it will help create a pleasant psychological environment.

Try not to hang or put a mirror in the bedroom. This room is the place to release all negative emotions, the mirror will reflect them back. Put better other symbols Feng Shui. If you can not remove the mirror from the bedroom, hang it so that it does not reflect sleeping people or cover it with a screen or cloth. Otherwise, there is a risk of adultery.

All your mirrors should be framed so that their energy is always positive and directed to the right place, and not scattered. Keeping your mirrors clean also helps to retain positive energy. Never hang a reflective surface in front of windows or front door otherwise, well-being will not remain with you, but will return back to the outside world.

Pay attention to the suddenly cracked mirror - it took trouble away from you. Such a mirror contains only negative energy, try to throw it away as soon as possible. Do not use mirror tiles, it crushes the reflection and can break your life. Do not look into fragments, thereby you will attract failure to yourself.

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Advice 5: What is the meaning of the icon of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos

The Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos is one of the most beloved Orthodox holidays, which is celebrated on October 14th. Many icons are dedicated to him. They depict the Virgin Mary stretching her veil as a sign of special protection. This is how this holiday was interpreted in Russia.

The history of the feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos

The basis Orthodox holiday The protection of the Most Holy Theotokos was laid down by an event that, according to legend, took place in Constantinople in the first half of the 10th century (in 910).

The life of Blessed Andrew the Fool-for-Christ tells about the appearance of the Mother of God in Blachernae Church, witnessed by Andrew himself and his disciple Epiphanius. In those days, the capital of Byzantium was besieged by the Saracens. In the Blachernae Church, sacred relics were kept - the robe of the Blessed Virgin, part of her belt and an omorph (headdress).

Fleeing from enemies, many residents of the city took refuge in the temple in the hope of the mercy and intercession of the Queen of Heaven. During the Vespers, Blessed Andrew and his disciple had a vision. Accompanied by angels, John the Baptist and John the Theologian, the Virgin Mary went to the altar, prayed for the people, and then took off her maforium (cloak) and, holding it, spread it over all those gathered in the temple. As if she wanted to intercede for them before the Savior and hide them from possible troubles. This miracle marked the beginning of a special church service in honor of the Mother of God.

The Russian Orthodox Church has been celebrating the Feast of the Intercession since 1164. And in 1165, Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky built a temple on the Nerl River, consecrated in honor of the Intercession.

The meaning of the icon of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos

In Byzantium, there was a custom to cover the image of the Blessed Virgin with a veil, and, according to legend, once a week this veil miraculously rose for several hours, opening the icon.

However, in Byzantium there was no feast of the Intercession. Accordingly, there were no canons for depicting this event on icons. Such images appeared only in Russia in the XIII century.

One of the earliest Intercession icons is the image on the western gate of the Suzdal Cathedral. By the beginning of the next century, 2 versions of the image of the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos had taken shape: either the Virgin Mary holds the cover in her hands, or it is stretched over the Mother of God.

On these icons, Mary is often depicted in the pose of an orante with her hands raised for prayer. The veil seems to hover in front of the Mother of God, touching her uplifted hands.

On a Novgorod icon of the 14th century, angels support the soaring cover of the Virgin, and above it, with outstretched arms in a blessing gesture, the figure of the Savior shines.

As a rule, both versions of the Pokrovsky icons are multi-figured. Framed by arches and domes, the artists depict the people gathered in the temple, Blessed Andrew with his disciple, as well as saints, apostles and John the Baptist. From both sides, angels rush to Mary, as to the motionless center of the world.

Strict symmetry in the arrangement of figures and architectural details, inherent in the Pokrovsky icons, serves to express inner unity, festive conciliarity. All faces are turned to the Mother of God in a single bright impulse. She is a wonderful cover, whose protection is granted to the entire human race. This is the main meaning of the icon of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos.

In the heart of any European there is a bridge with a thousand locks. The thing is that only twenty years ago there was a tradition to “fasten” feelings in this way. He believes that if lovers, having hung a lock on the railing of the bridge, throw the key into the water, nothing can ever destroy the union of their hearts.

The emergence of tradition

Despite the fact that such a tradition seems very romantic and ancient, it appeared only in the nineties. The Italian writer Federico Moccia for one of his novels could not invent how his characters in love would swear an oath of fidelity and love to each other. Since the action in his novel was set in Rome, he wanted to find some special romantic place in the Eternal City, but there was none. Therefore, the author invented his own tradition. He appointed the Milvio bridge as such a place for all the lovers of Rome, where his heroes swore oaths to each other, hung up the lock and threw away the key.

Since the publication of the novel, the Milvio bridge has been covered with castles, making it difficult to distinguish it under them. Once, under the weight of the locks, a lamppost on this bridge fell. The authorities of Rome tried for a very long time to intervene, to somehow structure this tradition, but to no avail. Italian lovers did not give up their refuge and continued to hang locks on the Milvio bridge.

Over time, this tradition spread throughout Europe. Moreover, any couple in love can take an oath in this way, but in our country, castles, first of all, are associated. In Moscow, for example, the Luzhkovsky Bridge has become a place of pilgrimage for half of all newlyweds in the capital. True, in the case of the Luzhkovsky bridge, the city authorities acted very cleverly. Near the bridge itself, a Tree of Love has been erected, the branches of which can withstand thousands of these lock oaths without harming anyone. After a very short time, the Tree of Love had several more relatives, since all the locks did not fit on the branches of one structure. Now, next to the Trees of Love on the Luzhkovsky Bridge, there are also benches for quarreling lovers. Their design assumes that any person who sits down from the very edge will still slide towards the center.

The locks from the most popular bridges are cut down regularly to make room for new ones. Therefore, it makes sense to hang your padlock away from popular places so that it lasts longer.

Slavic traditions

In Slavic traditions, both bridges and castles were actively used. After the wedding, when the bride entered her husband's house, next to the threshold was always lying open lock. When the young people went inside, the lock was closed, the key was thrown into a deep well. Sometimes the castle was also drowned, which metaphorically closed the marriage.
Until now, many grooms before the wedding move through seven bridges, as this promises happiness.

Bridges in the Slavic tradition have always been considered a symbol of the transition. Therefore, grooms often carried brides across bridges to ensure a happy marriage. So European new tradition lock oaths took root well on Russian soil.

Oncological diseases pose a serious threat to the health of the nation, because they annually claim the lives of many people, young and old. Surgery and radiation therapy- far from a 100% panacea for cancer, so patients often turn to God for salvation. Many icons help to cope with the disease, but the most powerful among them is the “All-Tsaritsa”.


The icon, also called the Greek word "Pantoness", is located in the Vatopedi Monastery, located on one of the shrines of Greece - Mount Athos. It dates from the 17th century, and depicts a seated Virgin in a red robe and Jesus on the lap of the Blessed Virgin. In one hand the Savior holds a paper scroll, the fingers of the other are crossed in a blessing gesture. Behind - two angels protecting them from adversity. This “All-Tsaritsa” is the original image from which several lists were made, three of them are kept in the churches of Russia.

Manifestations of miraculous power began with a legend about how a certain man with black thoughts approached him and began to whisper something indistinctly. The face lit up with a bright light, and the warlock was literally thrown back. He himself admitted that he tried to conjure, and since then swore off doing magic. Later, it was noticed that the "All-Tsaritsa" helps people bowing before her in prayer, asking for deliverance from tumors. Healing is necessarily preceded by the ardent conversion of the afflicted and their strong faith in a miracle. After the spread of the news about Pantoness as a panacea for cancer, lists began to be made from it.

The first copy that became available to the Russians was made with the blessing of Archimandrite Ephraim, who in August 1995 arrived from the distant Vatopedi Monastery as an escort of one of the miraculous lists. It was written in compliance with all the canons to the glory of the Mother of God for the treatment of patients with oncology. When the "All-Tsaritsa" was completed, inexplicable miracles began: the condition of the children's oncology center patients improved significantly. During holy holidays, the icon streamed myrrh several times and radiated fragrance around it. And after the drug-addicted young man was cured, parents began to come to her, praying for the healing of their child.

The first list is located in the Church of All Saints and is periodically brought to the medical institution that gave it its start. Every Monday, a prayer service is held, during which an akathist to the Mother of God is read and anointing of cancer patients is performed. There are two more copies of the miraculous icon in Russia. One of them is in Novospassky Monastery- it is hung with gold items, with the offering of which the recovered people thank the Mother of God. The third "All-Tsaritsa" can be found in the Sovereign convent, which has already recorded several dozen facts of her myrrh-streaming, as well as cases of healing from cancer.

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The Holy Trinity is one of the fundamental concepts of the Christian faith. It distinguishes Christianity from other Abrahamic religions: faith in the One God exists in both Islam and Judaism, but the concept of the Trinity is unique to Christianity. It is not surprising that such an important concept is reflected in iconography.

The Trinity is not only one of the most important concepts in Christianity, but also one of the most mysterious. "One in three persons" - it is impossible to understand, comprehend to the end, comprehend with the mind, it can only be taken for granted, sincerely believing. It is even more difficult to present the Holy Trinity in the form of a specific visible image, but the writing of an icon requires exactly this, and icon painters found a way out, relying on Holy Scripture.

The Old Testament tells how God appeared to Abraham and Sarah in the form of three strangers. The couple welcomed them cordially, not immediately realizing that before them was the Triune God. This episode is one of the foundations of the Christian doctrine of the Holy Trinity, and it is this episode that is often used to depict the Trinity on icons.

The Trinity is depicted as three angels sitting under a tree or at a table with refreshments, sometimes Abraham and Sarah are present next to them.

The most famous of this kind is Andrey Rublev's Trinity. The icon is notable for its conciseness - there is not a single superfluous detail in it: neither Abraham and Sarah next to the angels, nor a "still life" on the table - only a cup that echoes the "cup of suffering" that God the Son is to drink. The figures of angels are perceived as a vicious circle, correlated with the concept of eternity.

New Testament Trinity and Fatherland

In another version of the image of the Trinity, God the Father appears in the form of an old man. The peculiarity of this image is that the head of the Elder is surrounded not by a round halo, as usual, but by a triangular one. On the halo of God the Father are placed, denoting "Existing", as on the halo of the Savior, thereby emphasizing the unity of God the Father and God the Son.

Next to God the Father sits God the Son - Jesus Christ in the same form as He is depicted on other icons. In His hands He holds a cross and an open Gospel. The third face of the Holy Trinity is God the Holy Spirit. He is represented by a white dove hovering over the Father and the Son - it was in this image that the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus Christ at His baptism in the Jordan.

Variant of the New Testament Trinity - Fatherland: God the Son in the form of a child sits on the lap of an old man - God the Father, the Holy Spirit, as in the previous version, is presented in the form of a dove.

In 1667, the Great Moscow Cathedral condemned any images of God the Father (with the exception of images of the apocalypse). Thus, at present, only the "Old Testament Trinity" is the canonical image of the Holy Trinity.


  • About the icon "Trinity"

Often, when visiting an unfamiliar temple, it can be difficult to navigate. There are many icons in the temple, but is there among them the image in front of which you would like to pray. Ask for help from temple employees or parishioners. But if there is no one to tell you, you can look at the type of image and determine for yourself what kind of image it is.

Honor an event

If on this day an event is celebrated from the life of the Savior or the Mother of God, or a saint whose icon you want to approach, then this image is usually laid out on a lectern in the center of the temple. This icon is considered festive. If the temple does not have a separate icon of an event or saint commemorated on that day, then a menaion is placed on the lectern, i.e. month icon. This saint or event will be depicted on it among all the saints and events of this month. On Sunday, the lectern always houses the image of the Resurrection of Christ.

Find the icon of the Virgin

There are many options for the image of the Mother of God. Types of iconography of the image of the Mother of God are divided into several groups.

Type "Tenderness" - in Greek iconography, this type is called "Sweet kiss". The Mother of God and the baby clung to each other with their faces, Christ hugs the Mother by the neck with his hand. Also this type includes icons where the Mother of God is depicted alone. These are the icons of the Mother of God - Tenderness (Diveevskaya), Vladimirskaya, Donskaya, Pochaevskaya, Seeking for the dead, Feodorovskaya.

Type "Hodegetria" - from the Greek "Guide". The Mother of God is depicted frontally and points with her hand at the baby sitting on her other hand. At the same time, he blesses with his hand. These are the icons of the Mother of God - Iverskaya, Kazanskaya, Smolenskaya, Troeruchitsa.

Type "Sign" - from the Greek "Praying" - the Mother of God with raised hands, the half-figure of Christ in youthful appearance is located in the sphere at the level of the breast of the Mother of God. These icons are the Sign of Novgorod, Korchemnaya, Kursk-Root, Tsarskoye Selo.

Find an icon of a saint

To do this, you need to know who he is: reverend, martyr, healer, apostle, saint, etc. Each rank of saint has its obligatory iconographic attributes. One of the identification marks is clothing. For martyrs, the color of clothing is usually red, while for saints, clothing is dark.

The apostles-evangelists are depicted writing the Gospel, in the hands of the martyrs there is usually a cross or instruments of torture - a wheel, a sword, etc., silverless doctors hold a vessel with medicines or a spoon, the pillars are depicted standing on a pillar.

It is desirable to know the portrait features of famous saints: for example, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Seraphim of Sarov, Panteleimon the Healer, George the Victorious, the Royal Family are almost always recognizable.

You can pray and put a candle to your saint or / and several saints in front of the icon of "All Saints".

Advice 10: Why three stars are depicted on the icons of the Virgin

In the Orthodox tradition, the iconography of the images of the Most Holy Theotokos is widely displayed. This is no coincidence, because the Virgin Mary is the main intercessor and intercessor for humanity before her son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Currently, there are many different icons of the Most Holy Lady of the Mother of God. Each of the images is deeply symbolic. In the iconography of the Virgin Mary, as in the depiction of God or saints, there are features. In particular, on almost all icons of the Most Holy Theotokos on the clothes of the Virgin Mary are depicted. The location of the stars on the maphoria (otherwise omophorion) is as follows: two stars are located on the shoulders and one on the head. This is the most common location for these stars. One may wonder: "Why exactly three stars"? Does it have its own symbolism, and if so, what?

The answer to this question is the following. Three stars on the icons of the Mother of God signify a great miracle. The Most Holy Theotokos is revered by the Church as the Ever-Virgin, that is, in ordinary language, the eternal, permanent Virgin. This means that the Mother of God preserved her virginity both before the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ and at the birth of the Savior, as well as after the birth of the Messiah.

Orthodox dogma says that the Most Holy Theotokos conceived Christ from the Holy Spirit. This immutable truth is reflected in the Holy Scriptures of the New Testament. The archangel Gabriel himself announced to the virgin that what was born in her would be from the Holy Spirit. Equally, the symbol of faith (a prayerful confession of the foundations of the Orthodox dogma, which still sounds in Orthodox churches during divine liturgy) says that Christ was born "of the Holy Spirit and Mary the Virgin."

The holy fathers of the first centuries also wrote, in accordance with the Gospel, about immaculate conception Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The ever-virginity of the Mother of God acquired special dogmatic significance during the time of disputes about the natures of Christ (5th century). The Nestorian heretics called the Mother of God the Mother of God, instead of the usual term "Theotokos". However, the holy fathers defended the Orthodox confession, announcing that Mary gave birth in the literal sense of God - the incarnate second Person of the Holy Trinity. And already in 553, at the next Ecumenical Council, held in Constantinople, it was officially confirmed that the Most Holy Theotokos is the Ever-Virgin - a virgin before, during and after the birth of Christ.

In the house of every Orthodox, there must be an icon of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Cross. This is the main icon for each of us.

Also in the home iconostasis it is good to have an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and saints revered in the family - the patrons of those who live in the house, and those who often pray. You should not have too many icons; in the home iconostasis it is better to have icons of those to whom you regularly pray.

There is no need to put photographs of loved ones, living or dead, in the iconostasis.

BOOK by Archpriest Sergiy Nikolaev about the HOME ICONOSTASIS

The material world that surrounds us, the world of objects - daily witnesses of our life - is not silent. A person's dwelling will tell about the owner, perhaps, more than the owner himself. And if an Orthodox person on the street, on the bus, in the store does not stand out in any way, then his house still has its own characteristics. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to talk about the aesthetics of an Orthodox home.

The parish priest often visits the dwellings of his parishioners. He is called to bless the apartment, to serve a prayer service at home, they are called to the patient to perform the sacrament of unction (unction). During such visits, I always pay attention to what place is given to home icons, how they are kept, whether there are lamps or a candlestick in front of them. Is there a gospel, spiritual books in the house.

It is joyful to come across a beautifully decorated, kept clean, living holy corner with icons, a lamp lit in front of them, a clean veil under the icons. How much love in such care! Yes, this is natural. The most precious thing for us is God. Therefore, the images of the Savior, His Most Pure Mother, the saints of God - holy icons are dear to us.

But it’s a pity for the owner or mistress of the house, where a deformed paper icon half a palm long, and even covered with dust, leans lonely against a chest of drawers or a sideboard, leaning against a random vase.

Sometimes, especially in those families where the Orthodox church tradition was somehow interrupted, believers and quite pious hosts do not know how best to arrange new holy icons, lamps, candlesticks for their home. After all, an icon is a shrine, but it is also a product that has its own shape, appearance, price. How to “fit” it into the current familiar environment?

Where to hang the icon in the apartment?

Previously, all the decoration of the peasant room came from a red, or holy corner with icons. Even the name “room” itself probably comes from a mountainous place (in Russian - heavenly, upper), that is, a place where part of the sky is located - holy icons. And today it is better to determine a convenient, beautiful place for the icons in a free corner or on the wall, even if this requires some rearrangement.

During prayer or on holidays, a lamp or a candle is lit in front of the icons. The flame of a burning lamp, tending upwards, is a symbol of our prayer, our burning towards God. You can see that the lamp is safer in everyday life. But still, for solemn or special occasions, it is good to have a candlestick and candles in the house. There are several types of lamps: hanging and standing. The owner of the house, based on aesthetics and convenience, can choose one or the other.

It is customary to put an icon not directly on a shelf, but on a small beautiful napkin, or, as it is called, a shroud. It can be decorated with embroidery, lace, frill. Here the fantasy, taste and skill of the hostess can fully express themselves.

If there is no free corner or a convenient part of the wall and at the same time it is a pity to violate the existing interior, then the icons can be placed on a bookshelf, chest of drawers, low sideboard, piano. Temporarily, of course. In this case, you should pay attention to which books are on the shelf, whether they are fully combined with the shrine standing above them. Maybe it's better to remove them, or at least cover them with something. See if porcelain dogs, gift cups or other household decorations that are not very needed here are standing next to the icons. Looks ridiculous under the icons and TV. And one more condition: nothing is placed above the icons. Clocks, paintings, photographs and other decorative elements should take their place a little aside. So once it was not allowed to build a building higher than the temple in close proximity to it.

The presence of a shrine in the house obliges the owners to take care not only of the external splendor of the interior, but also of the internal content, that is, it moves them towards piety. Be sure to see if everything in your house is in accordance with the shrine, if there are any contradictions.

In the "Ancient Patericon" one can read an incident that happened to a hermit. Once, during a prayer, a monk saw the Blessed Virgin standing on the threshold of his cell. She seemed to be about to enter, but then she moved away and disappeared. The vision repeated, and the saddened hermit turned to the Mother of God: “Mistress, why do you not want to enter my dwelling?” To which the Mother of God answered: “How can I enter where my enemy is.” The hermit thought for a long time over the words of the Most Pure Virgin and remembered that in his cell among the books there was a book with the works of a certain heretic, which the monk had forgotten to give to the owner. Immediately the hermit brought the book out of the cell.

If the family is friendly, then such “enemies” after discussion at the family council can also be taken out of the house. And almost everyone has them. On this occasion, I remember two cases. Last year, I was invited to serve a prayer service in a house where, according to the owners, it was “not good”. Despite the fact that the house was consecrated, there was some kind of oppression in it. Walking around the rooms with holy water, I noticed the room of the young men, the sons of the owner, where an artistically executed poster dedicated to a famous rock band hung on the wall. And known for its satanic orientation.

After the prayer service, over tea, I cautiously, knowing about the fanatical devotion of some young people to their idols, tried to explain that “bad” in the house may well come from such posters that such images seem to be trying to resist the shrine. The young man silently stood up and removed the painting in question from the wall. The choice was made immediately.

But in another house, the indecision of the owners deprived them of a wonderful shrine. A pious old woman presented a beautiful icon to one man - “The Appearance of the Mother of God to St. Sergius of Radonezh". The icon was beautiful in itself, and besides, it was painted and presented to its owner by a famous Russian hierarch Orthodox Church, which gave her some peculiarity. The new owner found a place for the precious shrine on the wall in the living room, but, unfortunately, three engravings hung opposite. Old engravings in beautiful frames, three portraits of women: Venus, Leda and Cleopatra. Relatives persuaded the owners to remove these three images of the world's harlots so that they would not hang in front of the Virgin, but the unwillingness to destroy the interior and the not quite correctly perceived concept of culture did not allow them to make the right choice.

The next morning, early, as early as decency allows, the phone rang: the pious old woman begged to return the icon to her and return it soon. “I did not sleep all night, it seemed to me that something had happened to my icon. I will give you another one, and bring this one to me, I will give it to you later, ”she asked. Of course, the shrine returned to its former owner, and lovers of old engravings received another icon as a gift. It was put in another room on a shelf among other icons, as it was more suitable there in terms of size and execution. I don’t know whether Lyubov Timofeevna chose a replacement by accident or on purpose. It was also an image of the Mother of God, it was called the “Mammary”. Perhaps there was a hint at the spiritual age of her friends? True, the lesson was not in vain, after a while the place of dubious portraits was taken by three landscapes.

Where to hang an icon?

Sometimes the question arises: in the house there are several rooms, where is it more appropriate to place the icons? There is no special rule. But you pray more often in the room in which you sleep. In addition, prayer requires some solitude. “But you, when you pray, go into your room, and having shut your door, pray to your Father. who is in secret…” (Matt. 6:6), we read in the Gospel. So, in the bedroom it is reasonable to have icons in front of which you will read morning and evening prayers.

If you have a children's room, then there must be an icon in it. The child often in his own way, in a childish way, refers to “God”, it is good if at the same time he can see the image. In addition, any holy icon is miraculous, and it will miraculously protect your child.

Remember that the whole family gathers in the common room, a common meal often takes place here, and a holy image should also be here. Don't forget about the kitchen. In it the hostess spends most of the time. The kitchen is the place for everyday breakfasts and dinners. It is better to say a prayer before eating food, looking at the icon. So, let the icons be in every room and in the kitchen. “... I wish that men would say prayers in every place, uplifting clean hands without anger and doubt” (1 Tim. 2:8), says the Apostle. “Anywhere…”

What icons must be in the house?

There is one more question. What icons are better to have at home? Here, too, there is no rule, but only a pious tradition. Most of our prayers are addressed to the Savior and the Mother of God. It is reasonable to have at home the image of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Most Pure Mother.

In a Russian Orthodox home, most often you will find a triptych: the Savior, the Mother of God and St. Nicholas. The veneration of St. Nicholas in Russia is so widespread that hardly any saint can be compared in this sense with the Miracle Worker of Mirliki. The reason for this is simple: as you know, people don’t go to a dry well for water. Saint Nicholas is loved and revered by us as a quick helper, intercessor and great miracle worker. Almost every family has an experience of his miraculous help.

Pious people usually have the image of their heavenly patron, whose name they bear. Sometimes this or that saint of God turns out to be something close to us. We find in his life some character trait close or beloved to us, we are delighted with some deed or miracle created by “his prayer. There is a desire to have the image of this saint at home. Of course, prayer before him will be especially heartfelt. Our patriotic dispensation, love for the Fatherland can express itself in special reverence and warm prayer before the images St. Sergius Radonezh, Reverend Seraphim Sarovsky, Righteous John of Kronstadt, the right-believing princes Alexander Nevsky, Daniil of Moscow and Dimitri Donskoy. Love for Russia is inseparable from love for miraculous icons Intercessors of the Zealous, Mother of God, through whom so many miracles have flowed to our land. These are the icons of Vladimir, Kazan, Tikhvin, Derzhavnaya and many others.

The feasts of the Lord and the Mother of God are also depicted on the icons. You can have at home the icon of the Presentation, the Annunciation, Baptism, the Protection of the Mother of God.

Look closely at the icon of the Nativity of Christ. What a quiet, peaceful, family, family image. God-Child and looking at the Baby in quiet tenderness Mother and the Betrothed; shepherds worshiping the Savior with the fear and joy of a simple and faithful heart; the sages-sorcerers who brought gifts-symbols, a sign that earthly wisdom is just a part of heavenly wisdom. Peaceful night, and over everything star of bethlehem. How many thoughts and prayers will be born next to this icon.

And take a look at the image "Entering the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple." Parents brought the only, long-awaited, favorite child to the temple in order to leave it there. The girl is only three years old. How cute are the little ones at this time, how pure and innocent! How the mere sight of them caresses a parent's heart! But where is the best place to preserve and strengthen this purity? In the temple. Joachim and Anna gave Mary to be raised in the temple. Look, parents, your child must also honor the Law of God, and your child must be in the temple. Looking at this image of parental achievement and hope in God, pray for your children, meditate on your duties.

How much is necessary for our soul we will find, looking at the icon "The Presentation of the Lord." Meeting, in Slavic, meeting, that is, the meeting of the Savior and the elder Simeon. What wonderful words the God-bearer Simeon uttered when he took the Infant Jesus in his arms: “Now you let your servant go, Master, according to your word, in peace” (Luke 2:29). Because it was a revelation to the righteous old man that he would not die until he saw Christ the Savior. And when we meet with the Lord, whether in prayer, in His temple, in reading the Holy Scriptures, at the relics of His holy saints, we also part with the earthly, we temporarily die for the cares and sorrows of this life. “Now you let your servant go, Master…”

Why don't you have the image of the Life-Giving Trinity: three Angels sitting at a meal - a symbol of endless love and unity.

What a consolation for Orthodox person to see the omophorion of the Mother of God stretched out over the world on the icon of the feast of the Intercession of the Mother of God. Do not despair, man - and over you is the cover of the Zealous Intercessor.

Icons are now available for purchase. Any consecrated image is a shrine. And a paper lithograph, and reproduced by an icon painter, and an old family image, and a rarity acquired in an antique shop - all this is an icon. Of course, it's nice to have a highly artistic image written by a competent specialist isographer, such today you can buy in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, St. Daniel's Monastery in Moscow, where there are art workshops. It's great if there are old family icons at home. But modern reproduction should not be neglected either. In the Crimea, in Livadia, in the imperial palace in the office of Emperor Nicholas II, a very religious and pious man, the walls are literally filled with icons. Ancient icons, precious in writing, and next to them are simple “village” letters, and in some places lithographs and photographs. And all these shrines - both dear and modest - met the prayerful gaze of the holy man, who stood before them with a tender heart. It seems that the point here is not only what kind of icon is in front of us, but also in ourselves. I had to see indifferent empty faces both in front of the icon of the Mother of God of Vladimir, and in front of the Trinity, letters from Andrei Rublev. “The kingdom of God is within you” (Lk. 17:21), said the Savior.

I would like to wish you that the holy icons often stay before your eyes, moving you to prayer and contemplation, lifting you above worldly fuss, calming passions and healing diseases. Amen.


Icons in our house. About prayer. About mercy. - M.: Danilovsky Blagovestnik, 1997.- 48 p. - (Series "For advice to the priest").

For a believer, it is important how to properly place icons in an apartment. However, in Russia for a long time religion was under an unspoken ban. Therefore, today few people know about the traditions that allow them to competently approach the solution of the issue.

First of all, you need to decide which images of which saints you need. This is an individual decision, which often depends on which of the Saints is the patron of the person, what the believer is going to ask the Lord for.

Most often, naturally, a half-length image of Jesus and the Virgin Mary is chosen. You can use your own wedding icons if they fit the size of the common home iconostasis. Among the most popular images in Russia are the appearance of Sergei Radonezhsky, as well as Seraphim of Sarov, the Great Martyr George the Victorious, the healer Panteleimon.

It is also recommended to have an image in the kitchen if the family gathers for a meal in this particular place, since the prayer to the Holy Saints is offered immediately before and after the meal. Choose the image carefully, trying to stick to general style performance and approximately the same size.

General rules on where and how to hang icons in an apartment

Previously, in each apartment or house there was a place of honor for images, which was called "Red corner". It was believed that the home iconostasis is a kind of window into God's heavenly Kingdom.

The wealth of the owner was often judged precisely by the design of the Red Corner:

  • The place was chosen so that during prayer the person's face was turned to the east, where the day begins. By the way, in Orthodox churches the altar is located on the eastern side;
  • If windows and doors are placed in this place, it is better to arrange an impromptu kiot in another place where there will be enough space for prayer;
  • Often a believer prefers to make an iconostasis over his own bed, feeling more secure under the protection of the Saints at night;
  • If there are few images, it is recommended to make special shelves for their installation or purchase a closed-type cabinet - an icon case. But at in large numbers icons should be hung very thoughtfully, creating a meaningful symmetrical combination;
  • Without fail, the image of the Saint is placed in the children's room. The icon of the Patron of the baby or the Guardian Angel is best suited for this;
  • Traditionally, an image of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos is hung over the entrance to the house;
  • An Orthodox Christian who rarely visits churches can be easily distinguished from a true believer by placing icons close to inappropriate, secular things. For example, placing icons on bookshelves or near toys, cosmetics is considered a big mistake. The image will lose its power, being in the wrong place;
  • The iconostasis should not contain artistic paintings on biblical themes. Of course, the works of famous artists deserve a place of honor. However, unlike the images of the Saints, they do not have power and can disrupt a person’s communication with the Almighty.

The canons of Christianity do not allow the joint placement in the iconostasis of images of recognized Saints and photographs of monks or elders recognized as Saints after death. You can not include a photo in the icon case.

How should the icons be located in the apartment relative to each other

For the scheme, it is necessary to take the principle according to which the icons are located in the Orthodox church:

  • The main place is given to the image of the Savior. As a rule, this is the largest icon in the icon case. The image of the Virgin should be on left hand from Christ;
  • Above these images it is allowed to hang only the Holy Trinity or the Last Supper;
  • Below the main images and to the side of them, it is allowed to place nominal icons, images of Saints, patrons of the profession, etc.;
  • It is necessary to carry out the arrangement taking into account the church hierarchy. You can crown the kiot with an Orthodox cross.

Where in the apartment is it not recommended to hang icons? You can often hear the opinion that it is forbidden to place an icon case in the bedroom, since this place is reserved for sinful pleasures. Even having placed the image of Christ or the Holy Great Martyr in the bedroom, one should cover their images with a curtain at night.

In fact, marital intimacy is not considered sinful, and it is impossible to hide from the Lord with a piece of cloth. Therefore, the placement of images in the bedroom is not considered forbidden in Christianity.

How to take care of images

These rules were developed at the Department of Restoration of the Theological St. Tikhon Institute.

Therefore, any believer must adhere to them so as not to accidentally harm the images of the Saints:

  • If the house has not printed, but icons created with the help of paints, it is necessary to create suitable conditions in order to avoid cracking the paintwork layer. The temperature in the room should be within + 17-20 ° C, humidity - 45-55%;
  • Candles and lamps should be installed so that the soot does not fall on the surface of the images. It should be remembered that on such images it is impossible to remove plaque on your own;
  • It is forbidden to wipe the icons by any means, including holy oil, holy water, etc., since these substances easily penetrate the paint and primer and subsequently it will be impossible to fix it;
  • It is allowed to remove dust from an old image only with a soft squirrel brush;
  • In addition, it is not recommended to install the image near the windows, doors, heating elements, as well as in a place where direct sunlight falls.

Having correctly placed the iconostasis in the apartment, you can offer prayers to the Holy Saints at home. However, one should not think that the images will miraculously accumulate strength and become a kind of talismans that protect the house from failures, envy, damage and other things.