Projects of houses combined of stone and wood: traditions and new technologies. How to build a combined house of foam blocks and wood

  • 17.06.2019
  • Saturday, 7 July 2018 5:25
  • romario
  • Projects of combined houses are named so because of the construction features. For the construction of such a house, several types of building materials are used.

    It can be brick, stone, wood, block and so on. As a rule, the division by materials occurs by floor, but there are exceptions.

    Such house designs undoubtedly have their advantages. For example, using stone as a material for the ground floor, you make the house stronger and more durable.

    The same can be said about the construction of a deepened, fortified foundation. It is necessary because of the increased weight of the structure and the pressure created as a result of this.

    In most cases, the planning and construction of a combined house follows the same principle.

    The lower floor is being built from a heavier and more durable material. It gives the impression of reliability and durability. As the material for the first floor, you can choose concrete plates, brick or stone.

    The second floor does not have to be so heavy. Here, mainly lighter material is used, for example, wood, aerated concrete, or frame construction.

    This trick allows you to immediately achieve several improvements in the quality of construction:

    • The second floor of the house will be much lighter, so there is no need for additional strengthening of the foundation.
    • You can save on thermal insulation materials, since aerated concrete, for example, has good heat-insulating properties.
    • The combination of several materials in construction is not limited to constructive advantages. This combination looks very attractive.

    Stylish appearance and the variety of options for using various construction technologies make such houses popular among users.

    The combined type will help you save on construction and get a full-fledged home, comfortable and modern as a result.

    Combined houses are usually built in two floors. This condition allows you to stabilize the load on the foundation and make the dwelling itself comfortable for living. More floors will require more strengthening of the foundation.

    There is another feature here. Heavier, the first floor, as a rule, serves as common rooms. There is a living room, kitchen and dining room, as well as a toilet and guest rooms.

    And the second floor is reserved for living rooms, which are completely isolated from each other, and a bathroom. See for yourself how simple and convenient a combined home can be.

    The project of a two-story combined house

    The project of the house presented below is designed for living big family. The total area of ​​the house is one hundred and ninety-three square meters.

    The size of the building is nine by twelve meters. Such dimensions make it possible to build a house according to this project on the site even small sizes. However, when planning, consider the need to build other buildings: a garage, a bathhouse, and others.

    To equip the foundation, it is necessary to use monolithic reinforced concrete piles. Here you must take into account the total load in order to achieve maximum stability and reliability of the building.

    As a material for the construction of the first floor, it is optimal to choose ceramic block. This modern material allows you to make the foundation of the house strong, while the walls themselves will be durable and aesthetically attractive.

    The second floor can be built from glued beams. It's not as heavy as wooden frame, and its thermal insulation properties have long been proven.

    Such a construction will be much lighter than, which reduces the load on the foundation.

    Traditionally, all rooms common use in this house are located on the first floor. Here you will find a spacious living room, which is combined in the project with a kitchen and a dining room.

    In addition, the layout of the first floor assumes the presence of a separate office for work.

    On the second floor you will find three separate bedrooms. The entrance to the rooms is through a common hall.

    Both the first and second floors suggest the presence of a place to relax. On the first floor there is a spacious veranda, on the second floor there are two full balconies.

    Utility rooms can be conveniently located on the ground floor. There is a place for a utility room and a boiler room. There is also a spacious wardrobe.

    Such a house is convenient in operation and there will be enough space for each member of the family.

    As for the appearance of the new house, it meets all aesthetic requirements. Such a house will look European-style modern and stylish.

    Addition of a garage or other outbuildings this project combined house does not imply. Such buildings are best located at some distance from the dwelling.

    This will allow you to do landscape design organic and attractive and not spoil the appearance of the house with unnecessary structures nearby.

    It's no secret that time doesn't stand still. Today, a wide range of materials is used for the construction of low-rise buildings. So, brick houses, which are quite popular, are characterized by reliability and fire safety, and wooden - by environmental friendliness.

    But what if we combine these materials under one roof?

    Wood and brick - a smart combination

    Combined houses made of wood and brick can be safely called the highlight of suburban construction. By consumer demand they can be inferior to brick. But this does not mean that they cannot be called popular.

    Buildings of this type have a number of advantages and disadvantages, which will be discussed later.

    Advantages and disadvantages of combined brick and wood houses

    A positive nuance is also the remoteness of the wooden part of the house from the ground, because it is not exposed to the damaging effects of ground moisture.

    Among the main disadvantages of brick-wooden houses, it should be noted the need for special processing of wood, which protects it from adverse factors.

    Brick and timber - a balance of strength and comfort

    Among the buildings in which brick and wood are elegantly combined, they are quite popular. combined houses from brick and timber. These two materials perfectly "converge" under one roof, complementing each other.

    The massive basement and first floor are the key to reliability and durability. The beam is a tree, so it keeps heat very well. In addition, the tree breathes, and this is the key to a favorable microclimate.

    Another positive characteristic of brick and timber houses is their quick erection. It should also be mentioned that the timber second floor does not need finishing, as it has a very pleasant and aesthetic appearance.

    Combined houses made of timber and brick of the same layout can vary significantly in the cost of their construction. The decisive factor in this matter is the building materials necessary for the construction of a particular dwelling, or rather their price.

    Both timber and brick have many varieties.

    So, in the construction of such houses, the following types of timber can be used:

    • unprofiled- building material used everywhere. However, for the construction of combined houses, it is not used very often, since in many respects it is inferior to other types of timber;
    • profiled- this species has received more recognition in combined construction. The logs are very close to each other, so floors made of profiled timber, as a rule, do not need to be caulked;
    • glued- high-quality building material with high heat and sound insulation properties. Combined houses made of bricks and glued laminated timber, or rather their wooden floors, have high strength, since timber of this type is obtained by alternately gluing lamellas with different directions of fibers.

    In the manufacture of glued beams, all defective areas of wood are removed, which helps to increase the strength of the material.

    Another material, the price of which significantly affects the cost of the entire combined project, is brick. Its price is determined by a number of factors. So, for example, double silicate brick M 150 and red building brick differ in quality characteristics and application area and, as a result, have different prices.

    Due to the fact that brick is a fireproof material, a kitchen and a living room with a fireplace can be located on the ground floor, and the basement floor is perfect for a garage, boiler room and workshop.

    Made of environmentally friendly wood, the second floor is an ideal place for a bedroom, a children's room and a private office.

    Brick house project

    As you can see in the photo, the house has an aesthetic appearance. It is perfect for both seasonal countryside holidays and permanent residence. Having studied the plan of the house, we can safely say that this building has not only a beautiful exterior, but also undeniable functionality.

    The basement (basement) floor of this house has five utility rooms that can be used for various purposes. So, the pantry and workshop will perfectly find their place on this floor.

    The basement with a total area of ​​142.47 sq.m can be used not only as a utility floor, the decisive factor in this matter is the imagination of the owners of the home. For example, on the basement floor, you can create a small corner of comfort and privacy by arranging it with your own hands, starting from your own ideas about a cozy stay.

    A spacious living room, bright kitchen and dining room, as well as a laundry room, which is so necessary for any hostess, are conveniently located on the ground floor. It should be noted that there is a separate room for a wardrobe.

    If the first floor is designed for receiving guests and having a good time with the family for dining table, then the attic is a place of concentration and relaxation at the same time.

    Here is an office where hours of hard work fly by, as well as two bathrooms and a bedroom where you can relieve fatigue after a hard day. labor day. A children's room is also located on this floor. Since the attic is made of wood, then, of course, it is more expedient to place recreation areas in it.

    Brick-log house - exquisite unity

    Another interesting type of buildings, the construction of which uses two various material, is a combined log and brick house. Such structures have a very aesthetic and attractive appearance and do not need cladding.


    The instruction is simple: you just need to order a project and start construction. You can get acquainted with one of the options for combining brick and timber by watching the video in this article.

    Since ancient times, wood and stone have been materials for the construction of housing, without losing popularity. Timber and brick houses are an example of a combined project. A stone building is particularly durable and will last for several generations, a wooden one will show excellent heat saving properties. If both of these materials are used in the construction, revealing the properties as much as possible, we will get a project that deserves attention, which has additional advantages.

    Pros and cons of houses made of brick and timber

    The project of a combined house made of brick and timber has many advantages compared to buildings made of homogeneous material. However, do not forget about the cons:

    • the appearance is different from the classic buildings;
    • selection of a construction team from universal workers or the use of the labor of professionals for two types of raw materials;
    • the complexity of installation when moving from one material to another, the quality of their connection.

    It is realistic to achieve the effective use of all the advantages if the materials are correctly arranged and the quality is performed. construction works. Projects of combined houses made of brick and wood are indispensable for difficult types of terrain where flooding is not uncommon: in ravines, near water bodies and at the foot of hills. After all, drying a brick first floor is much easier than a log one.

    Wood as a material is especially sensitive to moisture and prone to cracking, so do not neglect processing. special formulations and impregnations.

    Characteristics of houses made of combined materials

    By insulating the brickwork, you can solve the problem with the rapid cooling of the room.

    Each building material has its pros and cons, and by intelligently arranging brick and wood in one project, they achieve the maximum result. A combined project is better protected from adverse weather than a house made of wooden bricks or timber. Combined projects combine all the best properties and benefit from the use of two different materials. Undoubtedly, a house made of glued laminated timber is initially warmer, but masonry insulation measures solve this problem.


    The microclimate created by wood is incomparably superior to brick rooms, so it is better to choose it for the construction of living rooms and bedrooms. Such material is eco-friendly, breathes, retains heat in the cold period and coolness in the warm. Parts of the living area intended for the kitchen, bathroom and corridors should be made of brick. This approach is the essence of combined projects. The combination of wood for areas of increased comfort with masonry, for rooms of short stay, allows you to save a lot, without sacrificing comfort.


    If the first timber floor is overlaid with brick, then it will last much longer.

    The increased strength of the brick floor gives the combined houses additional reliability during operation. Brick is less exposed to adverse weather conditions, much more resistant to moisture and does not require additional care compared to wooden walls. A brick base, unlike a wooden one, is minimally susceptible to deformation when wet, which will preserve the integrity of the entire building. Even a house made of glued beams is not capable of long time stay in a humid environment. timber house at the level of the first floor, lined with brick, it acquires the characteristics of a combined one, which prolongs its durability, provides reliable protection and simplifies maintenance.


    Projects of combined brick and timber houses have elevated level fire safety. Since the rooms potentially carrying a fire hazard (kitchen, boiler room) are located on the basement floor and are built of stone. Such walls prevent the rapid spread of fire, which will allow timely localization of the fire and prevent it from spreading to wooden premises.

    Construction speed

    Houses made of brick and wood require less time to build a box. If the foundation and brickwork require time for the concrete to set and the mortar to dry between the bricks, then the wooden second floor allows you to complete the assembly in a few days. A timber wall does not require interior decoration, time on the wooden floor also takes a minimum, therefore, immediately after summing up the communications, such a room is suitable for living.

    Issue price

    The wooden floor heats up faster and cools down more slowly, which saves on its insulation.

    The lion's share of the cost of construction is materials, so savings on this item of expenditure will greatly facilitate the construction budget. It is more economical to build a combined brick and timber house than a completely brick building. A lighter weight wooden second floor makes it possible to use a simplified view of the foundation, which will reduce its cost by half. Premises made of wood are able to warm up quickly and retain heat for a long time, which saves on insulation costs. In addition, houses made of bricks and logs depend in price on which brick is used red or silicate, the second floor is made of logs, round timber or glued beams are used.

    Houses made of stone and wood appeared a long time ago. Currently, such houses are becoming more and more popular in.

    - this is usually where the first floor is brick or stone, and the second floor is wooden.

    Project two-story house from stone and wood

    To build it, use or. Each floor has its own distinctive features. They can be characterized as follows:

    1. First floor. It is characterized as a practical building. It is quite strong and stable, well suited for placing a bathroom, kitchen in it.
    2. Second floor. Very warm and comfortable floor, ideal for living. Very well suited for the location in it of bedrooms, an office.

    Wood and stone - their description and properties

    Both types of these building materials have their advantages and disadvantages:

    The combination of these two materials solves many practical problems, and also helps to compensate for the disadvantages of one material, while emphasizing the advantages of the other.

    Advantages and disadvantages of combined houses

    Houses built of wood in combination with brick, like all other buildings and structures, have both their pluses and minuses. The advantages of a combined house include the following indicators:

    The disadvantages of combined buildings include such a significant minus as different dates exploitation of wood and stone. wooden walls suitable for living for half a century. If the walls were built from shields or in the form of a frame, then their service life will be significantly reduced.

    Therefore, after a certain period of time, the moment still comes when the first brick floor is still strong and reliable, and the second wooden floor already in need of renovation.

    In order to extend the life of a tree, it is necessary for construction to choose only high-quality, well-dried and. And also it is necessary to think over the drainage system from the walls. At each stage of construction, monitor the tightness of all sections on the racks and beams of the building.

    Modern homes are distinguished by a variety of architectural styles and provide a vast field of activity for unusual design solutions. Now low-rise houses and cottages are very popular. For those who strive for exclusivity and sophistication in the construction of their home, there is an excellent solution - a house combined type.

    The history of the chalet

    The combined stone house combines environmental friendliness, durability and individuality. They can combine wood and stone, timber and brick. They are very practical, and sometimes even cost-effective.

    Combined buildings have been used for a very long time. Their ancestors are the houses of the Alpine shepherds or the so-called chalets. These buildings had a stone bottom, and superstructures and terraces were made of lighter materials or wood. Now such buildings are firmly entrenched in our lives.

    The advantage and advantages of combined buildings

    Projects of combined houses built from mixed materials are very practical. Their advantage over other housing options exceeds all expectations. Usually the lower part of the combined house is built of stone and is considered fireproof. It is, above all, excellent fire protection.

    In this part, rooms are designed that need reliable protection from fires: kitchen, garage, sauna, bath and placed household premises such as laundry or boiler room. In addition, stone and wood are environmentally friendly. building material and have high strength, which ensures the durability of the building.

    Another advantage of a combined type building is heat saving. The lower floor, made of brick, will keep cool even in hot weather; in winter, heat is maintained by heating system. The upper tier of the building is made of wood and, according to the laws of physics, will always remain warm, even in the absence of heating, since wood perfectly retains heat, and it usually goes up.

    But the main advantage of such buildings is their low cost, because the materials used for construction can be purchased in your region and you can do without delivery from other areas, which significantly reduces their cost, and construction does not require the involvement of special equipment and the time for their commissioning is significantly reduced.

    In addition to all these advantages, the combination diversifies the architecture, allows for free planning and an individual solution in the decoration of facades and interiors.

    The choice of material for construction

    In the construction of combined houses, stones of natural origin can be used, but their cost will be very high. To reduce the cost of construction estimates, foam blocks, bricks are usually used during the construction of the first floor, or monolithic concrete is poured, since it is this tier that will bear the main load.

    In the construction of the second floor, a lighter material is usually used - natural timber coniferous trees or aspens. Most often, to reduce the cost, they build a house from a combined beam. It is not inferior in design and quality to buildings made of natural material.

    Thanks to a special manufacturing technology, a building made of this material will last even longer than that of natural wood.

    Combination of materials in construction

    Brick and wood equally play the role of a finishing material, so they can be easily combined. Building a house from a combined brick may not require additional facade finishing, since the wood-brick combinations themselves look attractive, the main thing is to choose the right architectural style.

    It is not necessary to design a building according to the scheme: the first floor is stone, the second is wood. It is possible to provide for the frame of the second floor not from wood, but from metal, then in the construction of the second floor there will be elements of masonry or panoramic glazing, which will give the cottage a more interesting architectural option.

    If the combined house provides for three levels, then it is most reliable to complete it according to the project: the basement is a concrete monolith; the first is a brick, and the second is wood, timber or metal carcass followed by display glazing.

    Finishing the combined facade

    The combined building does not have a specific style in the design of the facade. When choosing a building project, it is important to decide on its finish. This may be a design in the same style, which will remove the external difference between the first and second floors.

    The options for such a finish can be different: masonry with facing bricks, paneling or decorative plaster. An alternative design option can be a combined facade of the house. This is the difference in finishing for the lower and upper parts of the house.

    The first floor can be faced with brick, natural or decorative stone, ceramic tiles. If the second floor is made of timber, then it can be left in its original form, simply varnished, or it can be lined with clapboard or wall panels.

    Disadvantages of combined houses and project selection

    Having made a choice for yourself in favor of a combined building, its disadvantages must also be taken into account. We must not forget that the stone will last longer than wood and the service life of the first and second tiers is not the same. Therefore, when choosing a material, you need to carefully study the technologies used to make it, make a choice in favor of high-quality wood, and to assemble the frame, it is better to contact specialists.

    It is also required to pay attention to the correct connection of communications in order to avoid moisture getting on the wooden base and the quality of sealing of all wooden structures.

    Before undertaking the construction of a house, it is important to decide on its external architecture, make a choice of design and design of the building itself. To do this, you can contact construction companies, study photos of combined houses, get advice from an experienced designer, and then the dream of a two-story cottage will become a reality.

    Photos of combined houses