Landscaping tips for beginners. How to start landscaping a garden plot with your own hands

  • 14.06.2019

In this article, we provide advice from Arnie Maynard, who is one of the most popular landscape designers in the UK these days. Regardless of what works he comes across - urban or completely provincial, he creates a magical connection between home, exterior, garden and nature. Combining and constantly balancing between classic, modern and romantic landscape style makes his work exciting and very important.

On his official website, Arnie often talks about "sense of place", which means that you need to delve into the history and mood of the site in order to create something really suitable for him on it. Mainly, Maynard is now working with old English estates in the traditional style, creating cozy and presentable gardens in any area.

Before starting to work, embodying my grandiose plans, which, of course, I have already written down and even sketched on paper, I try to understand what is missing in them. Being critical of my own work allows me to create complete, clear compositions and images, rather than rushing between the implementation of a few "brilliant" ideas. Any garden looks better if it has a few clear lines. For example, a small alley or path lined with trimmed bushes. This makes it more balanced and balanced, and shows that the designer has a sense of proportion. And these are not just words. I spent a lot of client money, which was then fully refunded, on things that quickly deteriorated from the influence of the weather. The tile needs to be durable, the beams a little stronger than you'd like to buy, the bolts need to be more, and the tile can never be "too flat". Work hard and control the result - redo, change, throw away. Only with perfectionism and the desire to achieve the ideal can you create the garden of your dreams. Never start a business if you don’t “burn” it. An intellectual level of interest means little until your eyes sparkle with joy that you have the opportunity to bring your ideas to life. There is always another dimension to add and bring another level of interest and complexity to the garden. The more layers, different corners, original approaches and ideas in it, the better it looks, even traditional. The work of local craftsmen has helped me more than once even in the most expensive orders. In fact, national crafts are no less important than, say, advanced technologies. I love to use them in almost every garden, achieving a sense of patriotism and pride in my country both in myself and in the owners of the garden. Together we support these masters with money, because the demand for them is not very high in our "Plastic Era". The division into zones, similar to the rooms in the house, creates a feeling of aristocracy and constancy. I like to use this technique in a place adjacent to the house, where the owners are especially frequent. Here is their second summer house where they can come and feel at ease in a familiar environment. And everything must be built thoroughly and for a long time. I always study the history of the estate, the garden of which I equip. Sometimes I come across old photographs of the garden, sketches or even plans of the former owners, dated back to the century before last. I always delve into the atmosphere that reigns in each particular place. And I advise you. None new material will not give you the monumentality of stone, the warmth of wood, the grace of braided branches. No project made of plastic will allow you to feel connected to nature. My job is to bring people closer to the earth and make gardening comfortable by modern standards and as natural as possible. Natural materials help me a lot in this.

Tip #10 - Balance formality with green space

I like to first design a place to relax and walk, and then "fill" the landing areas lush and expansive. Thus, I get a convenient structure, which subsequently becomes even more beautiful garden full of natural luxury and wealth.

Tip #11 - Design Zones with Different Seasons in Mind

For example, in one garden I have a small patio for fall and spring, and a gazebo for summer. The distance to the zones for different weather should be different, since no one wants to go to the other end of the site in the heat to “happily relax in the shade.” This means that when building a house and a garden, you should focus on only one idea. For example, create a large vineyard with a small house, or create an artisan carpenter's estate with a workshop and a small garden. Everything must fit together in order to get a solid image. If you're working on an existing building, rebuild it or completely customize your ideas to fit its exterior. Don't build luxurious columnar arbors in the center of the site if you don't like to be seen. You must first identify the basic needs of the family and build on them. You should not look back at neighbors and traditions, they are just a guide. In the classics, you can find answers to questions, but not the questions themselves, which are individual for each individual.

A well-maintained summer cottage is a quiet refuge from the bustle of the city and everyday worries. Fragrant flower beds and a well-groomed garden, alpine hills and paved paths, a homemade pond and fountain, benches and gazebos in the middle of lawns and lawns - everything is designed to please their owners.

There are many ways to organize a small area, even without inviting specialists. To make the landscape design of the site according to the rules with your own hands is an opportunity to show your creative inclinations.

How to organize the arrangement of a summer cottage

Each sample landscape design suburban area unique, although performed according to the same principles. Therefore, it is worth evaluating all the strengths and weak sides private territory, in order to show all the best in a favorable light, leveling the shortcomings.

An important role is given to functional items, therefore, what is already there is taken into account with adjustments and the addition of what is desired.

When planning, not only the aesthetic aspect is more important, but also the practical one:

  • water supply and organization of irrigation;
  • lighting;
  • terrain slope;
  • ancillary buildings.
  • the presence of fences, partitions and hedges.

This is primary, all other elements are added to the existing ones, based on the plan for the upcoming improvement. It is important to conduct an audit with someone from the outside (friends, relatives, neighbors with a similar wholesale) in order to evaluate everything objectively.

Most likely, along the way you will have to:

  • extend the irrigation system;
  • thin out or transplant berry bushes;
  • uproot old and shading flower beds that do not bear fruit;
  • strengthen sloping areas (due to terraces) and improve drainage;
  • prepare areas for a gazebo and a pool, barbecue or barbecue;
  • mark the configuration of paths and alleys connecting garden objects together.

Tip: Don't worry about upcoming expenses. Much of the list of ideas for arranging landscape design can be done with your own hands.

Landscaping a summer cottage is a long, permanent process that takes several years. But the fundamental reconstruction should be done in one summer, which includes drawing up a project or sketch of the site.

Although flowers and green spaces are the main decoration garden design, but it is easy to vary them annually.

Distribution of functional areas of the site

The total area of ​​the site, the wealth and lifestyle of its owners determine the preferences for the improvement of modern landscape design.

If the family uses their own transport, a parking lot is allocated for it. It could be a car entrance under the gallery vines or curly flowers. A motorcycle or bicycles can stand under a visor made of polycarbonate or slate, decorated with forging.

Today, many summer residents are abandoning traditional beds in favor of decorative design site. But there are many examples when a trellis with curly cucumbers and tomatoes favorably zones a garden.

Curly parsley, colored lettuce, ornamental onions and bushy forms of vegetables can be interspersed with rows of marigolds or garden violets. Beds with paths and an original bench can form a kind of flower bed, as in the photo of landscape design.

It is better to organize a recreation area in the garden in the shade of trees or on a special area under an awning or a shaded gallery.

Appropriate here:

  • stationary barbecue or portable barbecue;
  • white garden furniture with stackable stools;
  • washbasin or sink;
  • niches for dishes and spices;
  • benches and swings.

In such a place, lighting and water supply should be organized so that it is convenient for the family to cook and communicate at a joint dinner or lunch.


Summer is unthinkable without water procedures. The dacha should have a bathhouse, an outdoor shower or a small pool.

Each object should organically fit into the overall concept of landscape design. Under a small inflatable pool for a preschooler, you need a small flat area and a hose connected to the water supply.

Attention: When constructing a capital pool, it is important to consider not only the supply of water, but also its purification and discharge.

A large water consumption is appropriate if you have your own well, and when communicating with the meter, you have to save water in the country.

The playground is another important area of ​​the site, but even a sandbox and a place for games can be organized quite aesthetically. It is important that a comfortable path leads there so that children do not have to overcome obstacles in the form of gooseberry bushes or a collection rose garden.


In a small area, the functional zones border on each other, it is important to distinguish them beautifully:

  • hedges;
  • garden paths;
  • masonry;
  • alpine slides and flower beds.

Major Costs and Efforts of Landscaping and Beautification ornamental plants beautification of the territory adjacent to the house should be directed.

The playground should be clearly visible from the windows and different corners of the site.

Garden decor and landscape design innovations should be in a conspicuous place.

Fruit trees and garden beds can be moved to the limits of landscape design - deep into the country space.

Recreation and cooking area outdoors requires the most effort and cost, it is better to start with it. It is important that sparks from an open fire do not fall on the tops of trees and dry foliage.


Perennial flowers and shrubs require less care than annuals, and they should form the basis of landscaping.

Low-growing plants are planted along the paths and along the edges of the flower bed, large ones - in the center of the flower garden.

DIY landscape design photo

Landscape architecture is not a new concept. Mankind, at the dawn of its existence, thought about how to somehow decorate the surrounding space. It is clear that today we have much more opportunities for landscaping, areas, respectively, and the result is impeccable. Today, landscape design allows you to create a real fairy tale even from the most boring terrain.

Starting with a project

Any construction begins with a project - works on landscape design in this sense are no exception. It is clear that you can ennoble your suburban area without detailed plan, however, in this case, it is not necessary to count on an impeccable result.

So, what should the owner of the future garden know so that the result of landscaping and landscaping own site arranged it in all respects?

First of all, you need to decide whether you will contact professional landscape designers.

Behind professional approach to the design of the site says the opportunity to get a truly unique project, where each element will be in its place, will be in harmony with the surrounding space. In addition, serious landscape companies give a guarantee for their work: if the specialists of this company continue to maintain your site in proper condition, take care of the plants, then the guarantee for work is not limited to decades. If you plan to take care of the site yourself in the future, you can count on a guarantee of one year.

However, the services of a landscape designer are not free, and this is the main disadvantage of this approach. In most cases, the owners country houses who want to see the perfect landscape design outside the window of their house, but are not ready to spend a fortune on landscape work, combine independent work and professional services. You can contact a landscape company only for the creation of a project, which you will later implement on your own. But usually we are talking about the creation of a garden by the hands of designers, and the subsequent independent care of the site.

At the same time, each stage of work, both with a designer and independently, has a lot of nuances.

What you need to know when working with a designer

First of all, you need to understand that the more closely you cooperate with a professional, the more the result will meet your requirements and wishes. Remember that even the most experienced, professional specialist will not be able to read your thoughts.

So, in order to create exactly what the customer is counting on, the designer must know the composition of the family, the lifestyle of the customer, must be aware of his requirements, wishes. There are many nuances to take into account. Will you live in the house only during the summer or do you plan to stay here all year round? Do you have children in your family, how many and what age?

Of course, it is necessary to take into account the features of the site - location, relief, area, microclimate, level ground water etc.

Having decided on the answers to all these questions, you should consider the style in which the garden will be decorated.

There are many landscape styles today.

Among the most popular are the following:

  • Regular style (formal). Differs in conciseness and simplicity. Landscape compositions in this case are correctly located in relation to a given axis. It is characterized by strict geometric shapes of elements: shrubs and trees are planted in a checkerboard, rectangular or square pattern, cut, giving them the shape of various three-dimensional geometric shapes;
  • landscape style. Assumes a natural, free placement of landscape elements, the correctness of forms, straightness, symmetry. Often, at first glance, a chaotic, but carefully thought-out arrangement of landscape elements is used;
  • Japanese style. It can be a garden of stones, trees, mosses, seasons. It is possible to mix all of the above elements in one garden;
  • Rural style. Designed for lovers of the rural landscape. Looks great in small suburban areas. Pleasing to the eye with rustic decorations - it can be a scarecrow to scare away birds, a wattle fence with inverted cast irons, and so on. But it must be remembered that all decorative elements should be in harmony with the house;
  • Natural style. Has a lot in common with landscape. The basis is the natural landscape. It is designed for large land areas - you can often see plots decorated in a forest style in boarding houses and rest houses in the Middle Strip;
  • Feng Shui or Chinese style. Basis: Nature and Man are in harmony with each other. Each element of the landscape is located in accordance with the cardinal direction determined for it. The main thing that they pay attention to is the naturalness of the landscape;
  • Mixed style. Today it is almost impossible to find one or another style in its “pure” form. Usually, different areas of the site are decorated in different styles.

Next, you need to service the details of the future landscape project. It is necessary to determine the number and location of sites, tracks. Will an alpine slide, rockery, fountain, waterfall, pond be needed? The artificial relief is discussed separately - stairs, retaining walls, level differences, which are more dependent on the terrain, on the volume of soil excavated during the construction of the pool, house, utility rooms.

It is also necessary to plan small garden forms - gazebos, a summer kitchen, sculptures, furniture, and so on. Then a list of shrubs, flowers, trees is compiled that the customer prefers or, conversely, does not want to see on his site. It is also necessary not to forget to clarify, maybe one of the family members has an allergy to some plants.

So, having decided on all these points, landscape designer draws up a project and submits it to the customer for review. If necessary, the project is being finalized. After the final version is created, the project is agreed upon, the drawing development stage begins - this is the plan of pits, sites and paths, plant planting plan, automatic irrigation wiring, designs of retaining walls, pond, pool, stairs, gazebos, master plan. The range of plants is developed by a dendrologist.

From project to garden

Work on the improvement of the site is best to start in the spring, when the soil thaws. Design traditionally begins in winter. On average, work on the project takes one to two months, and by this time spring is just coming, and work on the site can begin, strictly adhering to the plan.

With the help of special equipment, as well as manually all the garbage is removed, work is carried out on the vertical draft planning of the territory. Then comes the turn of the intermediate stage, when bulk and other building materials are imported. And then comes the turn of the final layout.

So, all work on the site is carried out according to a certain scenario. Initially, a vertical layout of the site is carried out, earthworks are carried out - the creation of retaining walls, slopes, rockeries, alpine slides, excavation for platforms, paths, ponds, laying cables for lamps, pipes for irrigation and drainage systems. After paving sites and paths, small architectural forms are installed. And then it starts up fertile soil and planting work begins - from shrubs and trees to flower beds and lawns.

Landscaping work has been completed. Owner country house he sees exactly what he hoped for ... Everyone is happy, the site is original, attractive, harmonious ...

However, you need to remember that if you want the green part of your garden to remain decorative throughout the season, you need to take care of it.

For example, the lawn should be regularly watered and mowed once a week. However, it is common for landscape companies to provide customers with a detailed printout that contains instructions for caring for flower beds, lawns, rose gardens, hedges, and so on. But you can continue to use the services of professionals, enjoying the impeccable design of your site all year round...

So, if you are going to turn your site into a fabulous corner, you need to take care of drawing up a landscape project: decide on the style of the site, the presence and location of all landscape elements on the ground, taking into account both the features of the relief and the characteristics of the chosen style, your own needs and desires, finding between them a certain compromise.

After the project is drawn up, you can proceed directly to landscape work - the process is long, difficult, but exciting. First, a rough layout is carried out, earthworks, installation of small forms, then trees, shrubs, flower beds are planted ... And that's it, welcome to the fairy tale!

Source building portal

Landscaping can do wonders. You probably have a question, how can an inanimate plot of land planted with plants, strewn all over with stones, decorative elements can do something? Very simple. Go to a city park or visit a major attraction in a city. What a nice atmosphere there. What feelings does this place evoke in you? Most likely, very pleasant and warm. Isn't this a miracle? Place, shapes, colors can convey so many feelings and emotions, tell about your creator, about his life and interests. Famous and sought-after designers are so imbued with the idea that they are able to create truly impressive objects of landscape art.

Landscape design of the site is the creation of beauty and harmony around your home

Russian universities train graduate designers. But design is not science, but creativity. Creativity, as everyone knows, is unique and unique in its manifestations. In other words, every person who creates landscape objects brings a drop of his own, unique and one of a kind, soul. Just listening to the prompts of your subconscious, famous designers created historical architectural compositions that have survived to this day. But they were not recognized immediately, for this time had to pass. Therefore, do not be afraid to take the initiative in arranging your site. Sometimes, the most extraordinary and strange decisions create a unique atmosphere of the territory and reveal the true beauty of the human soul.

You will have to work hard to create a practical place for the whole family to relax.

In order to learn the basic lessons of landscape design, advance preparation is required. At this stage, you need to take the time to study guides, manuals and magazines dedicated to the design of suburban areas and their gardens. Fortunately, the Internet is generous as always. In these books, you'll find design tips that will share secrets with you, show you the most common rookie mistakes, and point you in the right direction.

Always start small and implement your ideas slowly, enjoying the process itself, and not just its result.

Of course, nothing can replace live communication with a person. But if you find a suitable book written by a competent author, then you will absorb the makings of a true landscape master.

A good garden design has several compositional centers that attract attention. It can be anything - a tree, shrub, pond or bench

Usually two or three books read during the week inspire the newly minted creator to such an extent that he runs at the same hour to the nearest gardening utensils store and buys everything he thinks he needs. Starting from decorative elements and ending with flowers and trees. Doing so is strictly prohibited. Rushing will not lead to success, you will only forget all the little that you have learned. First you need to deal with the order, following which you will be able to choose the right material for the fence and gazebo. The further choice of elements of small architectural forms, trees, flowers and plants depends on this.

Start your journey to the garden of your dreams with one small flower bed or mixborder

Go out into the garden when you have time and desire, work and do not try to do everything at once and in one day

Basic principles of landscape design

  1. The first step is to analyze the backyard territory and deal with the relief of the site. Further arrangement largely depends on this.
  2. Division of land into zones. This includes marking on the plan of the recreation area, garden (garden) and small architectural forms.
  3. Pavement markings. They should provide ease of movement between zones, taking into account the width of the aisles.
  4. Determination of the general composition of zones and architectural forms. At this stage, there is a choice building material, its colors and shapes, as well as the definition of the color of the tracks and the material of their manufacture.
  5. Choice of green spaces and flowers. At this stage, varieties of trees (their forms) and flowers are selected, as well as the territorial location of mixborders, alpine slides.

Consider scale and visualization with plant growth in mind

An important point in landscape design is the size of the plot. The arrangement of flower arrangements, as well as the choice of a place for planting trees, depends on them. In a small area, there is a need for it visual magnification. This effect can be achieved in various ways. One of them is the correct selection of the color of the fence and the asymmetrical planting of coniferous trees along it. Here you need to understand that the square or rectangular shape of the fence creates some kind of frame. To remove them, the fence is painted in light colors, and the trees are planted in groups of 4-5 in a row.

Each element of the garden should organically fit into the overall landscape composition.

Trees must be bought above the fence at least half a meter. Due to this, a visual extension is created.

Conifer hedge

If you want to add depth to your hedge, plant trees in a checkerboard pattern.

Alpine slides are also arranged, which can be supplemented with multi-colored stones. A good idea to expand the territory would be a medium-height hill with a stream. And at the foot of the stream, a small pond is dug, along the banks of which you can plant a moisture-loving fern. If we talk about the recreation area behind the house, then such an object is best placed near the fence. A curly carpet of ivy is allowed on the fence. Such a cascade of architectural forms will create a perspective effect, that is, an external observer, while contemplating this beauty, will feel the depth of space, richness and volume.

Against the background of a perfectly mowed lawn, a path made of concrete slabs, the space around which is covered with small pebbles

The article mentions small architectural forms. On the Internet, they can still be found under the abbreviated name MAF. For a person unfamiliar with this concept, below are the main elements of the LFA involved in landscape design.

  • Terraces, verandas and gazebos.
  • Trellis, pergolas and arches.
  • Garden fences, mixborders, fountains and sculptures.
  • Reservoirs, streams and bridges through them.
  • Other decorations, ranging from free-standing flower vases to garden gnomes.

Wooden bridge over a dry stream

Beautiful decoration of a deaf fence

In addition, every person living in the city meets LFAs every day. These are bus stops, telephone booths, city and park benches and many other elements.

Terraces, gazebos and pergolas

These structures play the same role in landscape design. land plot. They are built to create a recreation area, do your favorite things and just have a good time. Them distinctive features is the location relative to country house, as well as the design.

Outdoor terrace with gazebo and barbecue area

Pergola came to our country from abroad. Her historical homeland is Italy. The design of this facility is simple: four or six support beams are topped with horizontal partitions on the roof. Most often it is made of wood, less often of metal.

Corner pergola made of wood with a sofa for secluded relaxation

It is undesirable to use metal, as it gets very hot in the sun and can ruin the plants that wrap around its elements.

Climbing plants are used to create shading of the space under the pergola. It is preferable to choose densely creeping grapes. It grows without flowering, but it has a non-uniform shade of the leaf (from dark green to burgundy and even red). The space under the pergola is equipped with rain-resistant garden furniture. Also under it, in some cases, you can put a pool. This solution is convenient in very hot climatic regions.

Climbing plants can hide anything and anywhere

On the outdoor terrace practical to use rattan furniture with removable cushions

A place to rest can be arranged both on a stone-paved platform and on a wooden platform.

The arrangement of the terrace implies its location near the house, or rather, it is attached to it. The main difference between such a structure and a veranda is open accommodation. That is, a canopy or one wall is missing. This characterizes the building as a purely summer vacation option. If it is planned to use the terrace in winter, then it is done with retractable glass doors which is very convenient. But then it will no longer be a terrace, but a combined veranda.

Original terrace with seating inside

Closed gazebo for winter holidays

The device of the gazebo implies the presence garden furniture, fireplace and barbecue.

When installing a gazebo, you need to pay attention to the presence of a leeward side. If there is one, then one wall must be made deaf, or loaches should be planted.

The blank wall of the gazebo is placed on the leeward side

  1. When organizing general style landscape, all zones should overlap with each other. Smooth lines of paths and tree crowns are complemented rectangular shapes gazebos or other buildings.
  2. With a relatively small area, use the methods of visually increasing the space.
  3. Installing flowerpots in several levels will save space, as well as simplify the daily care of flowers and plants.
  4. If household plot located on a slope, which implies a large amount of land work, you can use this in favor of design. Arrange decorative retaining walls using natural stone. Also in this case, alpine slides, a pool or a pond are arranged at the lowest elevations of the earth.
  5. With especially large differences in ground level, it is necessary to organize a site in several levels, separated from each other by retaining walls. From the point of view of landscape design, in such areas it turns out to arrange extraordinary and very beautiful architectural compositions. The only downside is the hefty investment.
  6. On large land holdings, it is possible to install a fountain and large flower arrangements. If finances do not allow you to purchase a fountain, then you can make decorative elements with your own hands, such as boats, windmills, or multi-level flower arrangements. Also a great solution would be to organize a large alpine slide.
  7. Before choosing one or another design option, you need to review different combinations and combinations of architectural elements. For a visual representation of compositional solutions, use computer programs that allow you to combine the LFA and pre-evaluate your presentation. The advantage of this software is the presence of tips and ready-made images and solutions.

Stones of various sizes and shapes create the effect of a mountain landscape

Color in the landscape is the most important rule for creating the desired effect. The main one is always green, but interspersed with other shades give more expressiveness.

Perennial flowers and shrubs require less care than annuals, and should be used as the basis of landscaping.

Landscaping is a very interesting and rewarding business. You will get mass positive emotions and have a great time with your family.

Low-growing flowers are planted along the edges of the flower bed, and large ones - closer to the center of the flower garden

landscaping suburban area- a long process, taking several years

Video: how to change the design of a narrow area

Photo of landscape design and garden decorations

It is important to understand that the result of design activity will be visible in five or six years, when each plant will take its place along with paths, paths, ponds, small forms, and a lighting system. And only then will they begin to form the dramaturgy of space, which the author envisaged at the beginning of this difficult path, with color, textures, sizes.

It becomes clear why the first steps in landscaping a garden are so important. Too much time and effort can be spent on fixing bugs. For those who are interested in getting in touch with the art of creating beautiful gardens, we start landscape design lessons.

Lesson 1. Necessary equipment. Drawing up a landscape map

Landscape design is a field of activity that is not the prerogative of professionals. Experience shows that in most cases people like exactly what they create themselves in accordance with their worldview and taste preferences.

So, let's begin. The first thing we need to do is measure the design area. They will be needed in order to complete the basic site plan and display the results of the survey on paper. It is irrational to carry out the design directly on the land plot, since the inevitable mistakes and miscalculations are easier to correct on paper.

1. Required equipment

To perform measurements, we need:

  • Tape measure with soft tape 30 or 60 m long.
  • Tape measure with a rigid metal tape 2-10 m long for measuring, for example, steps or a low fence.
  • Metal rod for fixing the roulette ring during measurements.
  • A writing pad with a notepad clip to keep the paper from being torn off by the wind.
  • Millimeter paper of at least A3 size or more for drawing a basic plan.
  • Notepad A4 format for applying measurement results.
  • Vellum for displaying landscape map layers.
  • Pencils, pens, erasers, felt-tip pens, markers.
  • Garden pegs.
  • Thin twine.
  • Spirit level.
  • A camera for photographing key viewpoints.
  • Compass.

2. Compilation of a landscape map

Step one. measurements.

If the site is large, then break it into sectors. First, draw on paper a primitive diagram of a site or sector. Specify the orientation of the parcel relative to the cardinal points. Schematically indicate on it the main buildings and elements of the garden: the boundaries of the site, buildings, trees, that is, what will not change in your project. Then take measurements, indicate the dimensions on the diagram, make notes in the margins.

Use key reference points: they can be the corners of the house, plot, location of the wall relative to the north direction.

Use string pegs for easy measurements. If there is no fence of the land plot, mark the corners of the plot with pegs and stretch the twine between them. Typically, areas have irregular shape, so stretch the twine from the wall of the house to the edge of the property at a 90 degree angle to the house to make a straight line. If there is no house, then pull the twine at the same angle to the opposite border of the site. Stretch another twine perpendicular to the first. Write down the resulting distances between the pegs and the places where the twine crosses on the diagram.

Measure distances from the wall of the house or from the twine to other main elements of the landscape. Record your measurements in as much detail as possible. Use all your knowledge of geometry when calculating relative indicators.

Thus, you should get a plot diagram or sectors of the site indicating the dimensions and directions of the cardinal points, which professional designers called "croc".

Step two. Basic plan.

Using the sketches and the obtained dimensions, use a ruler and a triangle to draw a basic plan on graph paper. Take the scale as large as possible. For small plots, as a rule, a scale of 1:50 is used (1 cm in the drawing corresponds to 0.5 m on the plot). For large areas, use a scale of 1:100 (1 cm - 1 m).

If you do not have drawing skills, do the following. First, in accordance with the dimensions on the crop, draw the boundaries of the site, then the position of the house and other main elements of the garden. Mark the location of the trees and whatever you would like to keep intact on the site. Apply the prevailing direction of the winds, the cardinal directions, the direction of the tracks. Arrows indicate the direction of photography on the plan, others important elements. If you do everything correctly, then you should get a detailed basic site plan.

Step three. Landscape map.

Place a sheet of tracing paper on top of the base plan and staple them together. Using a soft pencil, colored pencils, markers or felt-tip pens, apply additional parameters to the tracing paper, nfor example, shady and sunny areas or areas of moisture on the site, soil areas.

For each parameter, it is recommended to use different sheets of tracing paper. Each sheet will become a "layer" that will add details to the basemap. On each layer, draw the boundaries of the area. This will make it easier to combine them. Together, the layers, together with the basemap, will make up the landscape map of the site.

3. Computer or pencil?

You probably noticed that I recommend doing all the drawing work manually with a pencil or pen. Let's talk a little about usage. computer programs in landscape design.

They are of two types: graphical (CAD-systems - computer-aided design systems) and three-dimensional modeling with a set of databases of plant and landscape forms (GIS-systems - geographic information systems). Graphic computer programs, such as AutoCAD, Archikad, are designed for drawing and are the same tool in the designer's hands as a pencil and pen. Using them in design is justified if you are already fluent in them. GIS systems are used for 3D modeling in the last stages of design, when the basic concept of a landscape project has already been developed.

The misconception that a computer program will help create a landscape project automatically is common among young and impatient aspiring designers. But the computer is just a way to put creative ideas on paper, which, as you know, are born in the head, and not in a box of chips. Alas, the computer does not yet possess either intelligence or the ability to be creative. Therefore, even professionals initial stage their sketches are carried out with ordinary manual graphics, and with the help of computer programs they make the final drawings of an already developed and completed project.

In the first lesson, we told how the very first and most important stage of landscape design is done - site measurements and a landscape map. The result of these works will become the basis for further development of the project of our garden. In the next issue, we will learn how to collect initial data for design and how to systematize it.

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