Opening of a poultry farm. The main essence and the beginning of this business

  • 23.09.2019

Thinking about where to invest in order to get a stable income? We recommend that you pay attention to the breeding of birds in order to sell meat and eggs to the public. Poultry products are in demand no less than from cattle or pigs. Some consumers give diet food more preference. Regardless of the fact that there is enough poultry meat and eggs on the market, the quality of some trademarks doubtful. Therefore, it is worth developing a business plan for a poultry farm or mini-farm in order to assess your capabilities and profitability of such an entrepreneurship.


Before writing a business plan for a poultry farm with calculations, you need to determine the specifics of the enterprise and the type of poultry that will be raised. There are the following directions in the poultry business:

  • Egg farm.
  • Meat farm.
  • Breeding chicks for sale to other farms.
  • Combined breeding (for meat, for eggs, offspring).

The choice of direction will determine the costs and specifics of equipping the premises. Our example will focus on raising poultry for the sale of meat and eggs. Breeding of offspring is a labor-intensive event, so the young will be used only to update the personal population of birds in case of death and sale for meat. At the initial stage, there will be only a chicken in the courtyard. Other types of birds (turkey, geese, ducks) can be purchased when the first profit or consumer demand appears.

Object characteristic

Kind of activity: poultry farming; breeding chickens for meat, for eggs.

OKVED: 01.47 "Breeding of poultry".

Address: settlement in the suburban area of ​​the regional center. The land plot is owned, there is a room for placing feed and products. The bird complex needs to be built. It is planned to breed 2,000 heads (50% meat breed, 50% egg). Requires a building area of ​​more than 200 square meters. m.

Form of activity legalization: IP.

Taxation: ESHN.

Working hours: daily, around the clock. Shipment of products - from 08:00 to 20:00.

List of events:

  • Raising chicken for meat/for eggs.
  • Wholesale sales of products to retail chains.
  • Sales of products at agricultural fairs.

Startup costs

So that the chickens do not get sick, have a good weight gain, a high result in laying hens, you need to ensure comfortable conditions. Dry room with an air temperature of 25 degrees. Perches, nests for laying eggs, feeders, drinkers are required. In the poultry complex, it is desirable to provide constant access fresh air, lighting and isolation of pets from each other, because free range is not supposed (this increases the rate of weight gain and improves the palatability of the bird). To ensure the conditions, it is necessary to purchase equipment, the costs of which are reflected in the table.

The cost of some elements of poultry farm equipment may vary, depending on the specific location of the complex and the possibility of purchasing equipment at a reduced price or used.

Additional investments will be required for vaccination and preventive veterinary work, registration of a veterinary passport for a poultry complex and chickens. Without documents confirming the quality of products, it is impossible to enter into cooperation with retail outlets. We will take into account the issues of coordination with the inspection authorities and the registration of entrepreneurial activities. All this will require about 300 thousand rubles. The total investment at the stage of preparation for the opening can be about 2 million 500 thousand, if we take into account the cost of salaries to employees in the first month after the opening.

We complete the staff

The business plan is focused on an automated poultry farm, but you can’t do without employees. Poultry workers, a livestock specialist, a manager, a sales manager and other personnel units are needed so that the enterprise works smoothly and ensures profit, not losses. The staff, their job responsibilities, salaries and deductions will be reflected in the table:

Position Responsibilities Number, pers. Salary, rub. Total, rub.
Administrative department:
  • Monitoring the situation in the complex, monitoring the activities of employees.
  • Search for suppliers of feed for birds.
  • Administrative matters.
  • Business contacts
1 40 thousand 40 thousand
  • Accounting report (works part-time)
1 6 thousand 6 thousand
Sales manager
  • Finding customers to sell products.
  • Application processing. Preparation of documents.
  • Tracking the sales process in retail chains. Payment Tracking
1 20 thousand 20 thousand
Bird complex workers:
Poultry house
  • Bird care.
  • Providing food, water.
  • Egg sorting control
4 (in shifts) 15 thousand 60 thousand
livestock specialist
  • Development of norms and schedules for feeding birds.
  • Ensuring preventive work in the veterinary direction.
  • Selection of highly productive chicken breeds. Rearing control
1 25 thousand 25 thousand
Hardware Wizard Preventive and repair work factory equipment 1 (part-time) 10 thousand 10 thousand
bird slaughterer Carcass preparation for sale 1 (temporarily, at the slaughter stage) 5 thousand 5 thousand
Handyman Performance different kind work on the poultry complex 2 (in shifts) 12 thousand 24 thousand
Total 12 190 thousand
Contributions to funds 55 thousand
Total monthly expenses 245 thousand

To reduce salary costs in the first period after opening, you can perform some functions yourself:

  • The work of the manager and manager.
  • A livestock specialist may not be on the staff, but a contract for the provision of services with a third-party specialist has been concluded.

You can supplement the staff as the poultry farm gains momentum and when it reaches a stable income.

Estimated implementation period

Opening a poultry farm is a rather lengthy process if there is no ready-made premises. It takes time to agree on the design of the poultry house, its construction, equipment and purchase of the first batch of chicks.

In addition, it is necessary to coordinate the documents in the inspection authorities and obtain approval for the location of the poultry farm in a particular area. Further, the services of a veterinarian are needed so that the products can reach the mass consumer.

A more profitable period for starting a farm can be considered spring or summer, when the cost of public utilities heating and increases the percentage of bird survival at the stage of adaptation. In the table, we note the approximate dates:

The most difficult stage in starting a poultry farm is the stage of finding partners. Eggs have a certain shelf life. Meat breeds of chicken should also be sold as the required dimensions are set. Therefore, the search must be done at the stage of collecting documents so that the first “harvest” of eggs and meat is sold without a trace.

It is difficult for an unknown manufacturer to break into the market, but it is worth spending effort and money on it, even if at first the enterprise seems unprofitable. In extreme cases, a small manufacturer can always sell the leftovers on the market (to local distributors or open their own point of sale).

Income figures

It is possible to determine the profitability of a poultry farm only after calculating income and costs. The first proceeds will be provided by the sale of eggs. Meat products require time to raise young animals. The first batch of slaughter may be in a few months if chicks were purchased, and not grown individuals. Possible income is indicated in the table:

It is possible that the cost of production and its quantity will differ from the plan indicated in the table, and the amount of revenue may change. But for calculations, let's take the enterprise's income of 500 thousand and calculate when the factory reaches self-sufficiency. In the table, we will enter the parameters of income and expense, which the bird complex assumes:

Taxes under the ESHN system are charged twice a year after the tax base is determined. Therefore, at the initial stage, we will not take into account taxes, because profits and expenses may change. To calculate the expected payback period, we take the amount of 90 thousand as a basis. Investments amounted to 2.5 million rubles. If the net profit does not increase, then the costs will pay off within two to three years, given the fact that it will be necessary to constantly update the offspring, especially meat chickens. But with the right planning, it won't be difficult.


Opening a poultry farm is a rather laborious process that requires serious investments and does not give immediate income. Given the presence of competition in this segment, you can start a small business with a mini-farm and gradually increase production. If you are sure that there will be no problems with sales, you can start to the maximum.

Every year the number of people who want to lead a healthy lifestyle is increasing. It involves a healthy diet, which is based on high-quality, fresh products. Perishable items such as eggs and meat are best purchased locally. In this regard, the relevance of opening poultry farms in various regions in our country is very high.

In recent years, poultry imports to our country have been declining, and demand is growing accordingly, which can be covered by our own production. Imports of foreign poultry are declining, firstly, due to the fact that buyers are unwilling to buy such meat, knowing that drugs are used to ensure long-term transportation, and, secondly, due to sanctions imposed on foreign suppliers in recent years.

The attractiveness of opening a farm is that the state provides subsidies for opening a poultry farm and benefits for farms (for example, exemption from personal income tax). There are also quite a few regional programs that are aimed at supporting farms. For example, citizens who have expressed a desire to run a peasant farm and who have defended their projects (business plans) are provided with land plots from agricultural land in accordance with the Land Code of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law “On Peasant (Farm) Economy”.

To organize a profitable poultry farm, you will need 1,500 chickens (500 layers and 1,000 broilers, respectively), a land plot with a building of 150 m2, and a staff of 3 people.

Monthly laying hens will bring in total 10,000 eggs, and the sale of 1,000 chicken meat will also be organized. Products need to be sold in a short time due to the fact that they belong to the perishable category, and also pay attention to transportation, which requires certain temperature conditions. Over time, you can increase the number of chickens, while the monthly profit will also increase.

Amount of initial investment 880 000 rubles.

The break-even point is reached On the second month of work.

Payback period 12 months.

Average net profit 90 000 rubles.

2. Description of the business, product or service

In order for the poultry farm to be profitable, government support is needed. In this business plan, the poultry farm will purchase special feed. prices and rent a land plot with a room at a reduced price. In addition, it is worth noting that farms are usually located far from the city, in a rural settlement, where the rental price is much lower. An agricultural land plot can be leased from the state free of charge by building on it own premises for birds. For 1500 heads of chickens, the premises must be at least 150 sq.m., since on one square meter no more than 10 hens should be located. Space savings can be achieved by purchasing three or five tiered battery cages. A big plus of such equipment is also that the cages are already equipped with everything necessary for comfortable keeping of the bird - nipple drinkers, feeders and an egg collector. On the territory of the poultry farm, a site for walking birds is also needed.

There are two main directions in the cultivation of chickens - meat and egg. For this, young chickens of various breeds are purchased.

So, egg chickens include breeds such as Cross, Hissex, Isobrown, Tetra SL. They are able to lay up to 315 eggs per year (but, on average, 20 eggs per month). This category of birds is quite mobile, up to 150 grams of grain is consumed per chicken per day, while it is necessary to add feed additives and vitamins.

For the meat direction, it is necessary to purchase 1000 broiler chicks. They reach their weight limit of 2.5 kilograms about seven weeks after birth. The most popular breeds are the Cornish, Brahma, and Kokhinhin breeds.

It is also necessary to purchase cockerels, given that for eleven hens it will be optimal to have one rooster.

After a couple of generations of laying hens have been grown, you will need an incubator - an apparatus for artificially hatching young birds from eggs. The use of such an apparatus is due to the fact that it is unprofitable to buy new chicks every time. However, for chicks, it is necessary to provide a separate room in which the air temperature will be at least 29 degrees, while for adults no more than 18 degrees. Usually additional heating comes from infrared lamps.

The poultry farm will work around the clock (light, heating), however, workers will be on its territory from 8.00 to 20.00.

3. Description of the market

Sales play a key role in this business. Even if all the technologies are followed, we got the maximum number of eggs and meat, then there is a chance that it will not be sold. In addition, the products are perishable, so it is necessary to decide how the sale will be organized even before the moment you receive it. finished products.

The main areas of implementation will be:

  • Outlets. Sales are carried out in markets and fairs. The main target category will be middle-income people, but people with high incomes will also buy proven quality products. You can organize a retail outlet yourself, or you can give products to entrepreneurs-merchants for sale. You can participate in fairs on your own, as they are not held often.
  • In shops and retail chains. Usually on the shelves there are products of large poultry farms, the price of which is lower than farm products. However, individual stores can also take farm products for sale and check the demand for it. If buyers are interested in the product, the store or chain can sign a long-term supply contract.
  • Individuals who are interested healthy eating. Sales usually take place through the word of mouth method, when people begin to come to the farm themselves, and with increased demand it is possible to organize deliveries once a week.
  • Restaurants and cafes. Work on deliveries is carried out directly with the head, chef or administrator of establishments. It is often more profitable for restaurants and cafes to buy meat and eggs directly from producers than from a reseller, so sales contracts can be long-term.

The advantages and disadvantages of the poultry farm are shown in the table:

Strengths of the project:

Weak sides project:

  • Small investment;
  • Quality products;
  • High competition in the market;
  • small profit
  • Inability to find outlets

Project features:

Project Threats:

  • Opening of several farms in different parts of the region;
  • Organization of an online store
  • Delivery organization
  • Sale of young animals
  • Conclusion of contracts with large retail chains
  • Cancellation of benefits for agricultural enterprises
  • Lack of workers
  • The threat of detection and spread of animal disease

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

For full-fledged work poultry farms must go through a number of stages:

  • Stage of registration and obtaining permits. First you need to choose the legal form. Best Option for the farm there will be the creation of a peasant farm (IP), which gives the right to use the UAT taxation system (the tax in which is 6% of revenue), as well as the right to participate in state support programs and receive subsidies. The main types of OKVED will be: 10.12.1 - "Production of chilled poultry meat", 01.47.2 - "Production of poultry eggs". Next, you should obtain sanitary permits by submitting a number of documents to the SES.
  • The second stage will be the selection of land and premises. If the poultry farm is located on own site, then you need to pay attention to whether the land is agricultural. The room must be equipped in accordance with all standards (temperature conditions, required area).
  • Search for suppliers for the purchase of young animals. The breed, egg production and health of future generations of birds will depend on the selected chicks. The seller is obliged to provide a veterinary certificate and a certificate of conformity.
  • The fourth stage will be the recruitment of staff and the opening of a poultry farm. It should be borne in mind that in the first month of operation, the revenue will be zero, due to the fact that the chicks will not bring eggs, and the broilers will not grow to the desired age.
  • The next step will be the search for points of sale and the organization of pre-sales.
  • As soon as the birds reach the required ages, the poultry farm can be considered open, and it is worth remembering that veterinary certificates must be obtained for products before sale.

6. Organizational structure

To organize the work of a poultry farm, a director is needed who will be responsible for all areas of work. Most often, the director is the owner of the farm, who understands the cultivation of chickens and already had work experience. If the director is a person from the outside, then he must be offered a salary and bonus part of the salary.

The director's responsibilities will include breeding chickens in an incubator, finding suppliers and distribution channels, training staff and developing the farm.

All maintenance work will be done by handymen. This work does not require special training and education. The level of wages will not be high, since work in rural areas, on average, is estimated lower than in the city. The main responsibilities will be organizing cleanliness on the farm, providing birds with food and water, monitoring temperature conditions, as well as protecting the territory. AT staffing there will be two handymen, working hours 2/2 from 8:00 to 20:00.

Accounting will work remotely, for greater savings, you can use the services of accounting firms.

Welcome dear visitors of our site. Today we will talk about how to draw up a poultry farm business plan for free with all the details, what strategy to choose to promote your project, how much primary funds to start and a lot of other useful information for a novice or experienced entrepreneur.

The instigators of this project intend to sell their raw materials on the market under the brand "house chicken". Which in turn should give products a higher price niche.

To arouse interest in the products of a mini-poultry farm should:

  • Minimarkets are not far from home.
  • Places of processing of chains of supermarkets. It is extremely difficult to sell raw materials without a preliminary agreement. But it seems possible to agree on a sorting place - eggs from large enterprises in packs of 360 pieces are packed in regular boxes (10, 20 or 30 pieces). Their small business will be happy to meet ours.
  • Small nearby bazaars, as well as fast food places of the Golden Ring, are showing interest in a stable supply of quality raw materials.

The business plan for the poultry farm will start with the fattening cycle of the livestock and ensure that our customers are confident that the product adequately meets the high quality in the sales market. Then we proceed to the division of our raw materials under the slogan "Country chicken ...". This should work great for nearby businesses in the area.

This approach is somewhat reminiscent of a similar idea of ​​a company producing special roasted coffee under the name famous brand. Separately, each type of product is presented to customers as a kind of expensive cheese.

The bird must be well fed to be sold.

In our case, direct borrowing of the product is not possible, but should highlight the rare nutritional properties of eggs and meat grown in the poultry farm business plan under consideration. The main thing that we will get when implementing this approach is the ability to sell finished products for 20-35 rubles per kg more than opponents.

Advertising strategy

Despite the small production volumes, as well as close ties with potential buyers, there is a very profitable strategy for the poultry farm business plan - this is product promotion and advertising. It is necessary to obtain accurate information from customers regarding the quality of the products of a small poultry farm. All this should allow timely formation of its place in such a very competitive market, which is considered to be the poultry meat market.

Established relationships with a small number of buyers will provide an opportunity to increase sales and turnover. The version of attaching to 1-2 main customers is acceptable, which will weaken financial losses: the monopoly supplier is trying to increase the debts owed to the enterprise. Looking at it from the opposite side, the increase in the circle of suppliers tells us about secondary transportation costs.

Construction of buildings and structures

The places where the birds will be located will be delimited by the main passage into three parts, each of which will be divided into cells by a wall connected by doors. On the territory of the poultry farm, walks will be arranged from two edges of the building, fenced with a special fence made of a metal lattice with a height of no more than 3 meters. In addition, the walk is divided into small blocks. On the sides of the poultry house, a specialized area will be arranged, as well as a place for the distribution of feed and bedding.

The flooring in the bird rooms will also be made of various building materials not exposing birds to diseases. (clay-sand, wood) On a clay-sand floor, deep underlayment will be used. A wooden floor with slats will become very hygienic, because the birds will not come into contact with the droppings, but its further decomposition in the floor space will worsen the zoohygienic state of the air.

However, some poultry houses using mechanized equipment are equipped with a combined floor with a natural stable surface and deep bedding, as well as a floor with slats, under which there will be a basement with specialized equipment for cleaning bird droppings. Since the reticular floor of the metal grid will be very cold, it will be equipped only in those departments where there will be 100% heating.

In order to determine the size of the territory of the poultry farm, the area of ​​\u200b\u200blimited walking is brought to the fore, which for chickens will be equal to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe floor of the corral where they live, but only in commercial farms, and for ducks - one and a half area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises itself. If we take into account breeding farms, then there the area of ​​\u200b\u200bpens for adult chickens and ducks will be up to 3 meters, for turkeys up to 4 meters, and for chicks of all birds up to half the area of ​​​​the poultry house.

Assuming a permanent stock of 1,000 chickens on the farm, the only and economically beneficial solution for the basis of construction will be "the old walls and advanced equipment." The planned production volumes - 1500 / 4000 heads - will not be the optimal solution, since the project will become non-liquid and will not pay back the production.

The construction of new buildings requires foreseeing nothing less than 10,000 heads. The construction of a new poultry farm, including all buildings and structures, will exceed the maximum investment limit allocated for these works. An important factor is that even an investment of 3 million rubles. taking into account the average industry cost, they will not be repaid in monetary terms even in 5 years, if the projected number of chickens is 1000-4000 chickens. Even if old walls are used, saving on equipment will not work. Equipment will need to be purchased advanced - which will make it possible to reduce labor costs, as well as the consumption of feed mixtures, electricity.

Containment room

The business plan for a mini poultry farm includes the construction of a room for 3,000 heads and an area of ​​100 m2. In order to save space, it is necessary to use the cage method of keeping animals. This method indispensable in our case, and according to zoohygienic requirements, we can recommend a planting rate of about 6 heads per 1 m2. But it should be noted that the cultivation of broilers of such content does not allow and the content of the floor type is necessary. It is easy to understand that more area is required for planting broilers.


Maintaining a favorable indoor climate is the most important rule about zoohygiene. Chickens and growing young must be kept separately from other age categories due to the fact that the heating and lighting regime for this category requires special attention.

For example, daily smokers allow temperatures to reach themselves more or less than 34 degrees, but already at 60 daytime 18 degrees will be more than enough for them. In the first 3 weeks, young animals need good consecration and its lack can be very detrimental to their further growth and productivity. The young grow up and over time, 17 hours of working lighting will be enough. Do not forget that the need for additional sites is extremely important. Since they are necessary in order for the main sites to be disinfected at one time, and the additional ones to give shelter to animals for the duration of the necessary work.

Necessary equipment

Depending on the age of the chickens, the perches will be different, it is possible to make them from slats, such a design will allow you to easily clean the floor from dirt and bird droppings and also disinfect it. There is another type of bedding where it is much deeper and cannot be removed quickly. The plank type allows you to place the bird in several rows and at different levels. The main difference and advantage will be that inside the poultry houses they can be rearranged without much difficulty, this allows the bird not to deny himself walking during the day. The bar at the extreme part of the perch should be rounded. The way you make a perch for a bird will cause a lot of supporting and egg-forming diseases in the animal.


Taking into account the conditions of the zoohygienic requirements of a given species of animals gives us reason to understand what kind of perches are necessary for this bird. The main role of the nest (roost) is to protect the egg from all kinds of irritants, namely dirt. It is worth noting that it causes a greater number of diseases. Also, not only the quality of the eggs, but also their quantity directly depends on the perch, special attention should be paid to the material of the litter in the nests.

The perch is the part of the poultry house where the main goal and idea of ​​this business plan is accomplished. In cases of their absence, chickens will lay eggs on the litter, first of all, this will affect the quality of the raw materials. It is also important to consider that chickens may begin pecking their own eggs. Enough ordinary plywood for a typical nest box, it is possible to use hardboard and other suitable materials.

Above the floor, the nest must be at least 30 centimeters high and be equipped with a 7x3 cm take-off overlap, at a distance of 25 cm from the passage to the perch. You need to know that the nests are placed exclusively so as to prevent the penetration of daylight inside. Bird accommodation requirements allow one perch box for five hens, if there are more hens, then adjacent battery-type boxes can be used. The litter is used differently, as a rule it is hay, straw, and the floor can also be mesh.

Reproductive organs require purified drinking water, also not a small part of it is allocated for proper digestion, which provides the necessary egg and meat productivity.

The designs of drinkers at this stage of development are varied. A limited number of birds will allow you to water the birds by hand, but this is only applicable on small farms. The design consists in a small box, turned upside down, which will allow you to substitute a bucket with the necessary liquid under it, be sure to take into account the conical shape. Structurally, the edge of the bucket should be 20 cm above the edge of the bucket. The laying hen will climb onto the box while receiving water. This will prevent splashing of water around the drinker, which will leave the bedding dry and the water less contaminated with droppings.

Quite convenient are drinkers made of wood in the form of a small trough, as well as a drinker, you can use more special building materials like half a pipe. In cases where it is possible to use half of the pipe, then it should be cut along the edge, carefully sanded or in any way ensured and minimized injury to the animal. It is required shortly before installation to make sure that the pipe is tight to prevent fluid from leaking.

The open part should be protected with mesh material, this will ensure purity for the water, since the bird cannot physically pollute it. The chicks receive water by means of a glass or plastic jar, which must be filled with liquid and installed so that at the bottom there is a tray made of materials such as ceramics, wood or metal. An adult bird will not be friends with this type of drinkers due to the frequent inadvertent turning of the can itself.

Electrical equipment complex

When selecting electrical equipment, it is necessary to take into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, this will allow you to correctly select the necessary equipment. Saving energy should take place from the very beginning of the farm. Given this factor, we will significantly reduce the cost of electricity and the cost of raw materials.

The poultry farm must be equipped with a boiler room, it will allow you to avoid inconvenience in a timely manner in the event of a power outage. They are also indispensable after the appearance of 2-3 populations of laying hens. Cross-breeds provide their offspring with unnecessary use in the incubator.


The poultry farm business plan involves the recruitment of exceptionally experienced and knowledgeable personnel. A minimum of three employees will ensure the continuous production process on the poultry farm, namely the slaughter of adult birds, the collection of eggs, the distribution of feed, the replacement of litter. Connoisseurs of this business sphere note just such a number of workers on the farm. The employee needs to be prepared for this work (poultry farmer-handyman).

This project, due to the large number of mechanized lines, should include a fourth employee responsible for their technical serviceability and timely maintenance of the boiler house (his duties will also include proper maintenance of the boiler house in case of its construction on the territory), cleaning the poultry walking areas.

Implementation of the plan

Distribution of the volume for the production of the finished product for a small poultry farm per one thousand chicken heads per year:

Hens of meat breeds, bred to obtain only meat, reach their slaughter weight in an average of 2 months. Thus, in about 1 year we raise more than five generations of chickens. Finally, in 1 year, approximately 3,000 birds will be raised, or up to 10 tons chicken meat. Now there are enough types of chicken, but the main areas remain - meat and egg.

Egg-laying hens on average produce 220 - 320 eggs per year. Thus, in 1 year, 550 laying hens will bring to the poultry farm up to 110 - 160 thousand eggs. In the summer, before the onset of cold weather, each healthy hen will lay 2 eggs in 1 day. The main occupation of chickens is the brood of chickens. In winter, chickens rush extremely rarely, so chickens are not expected from them. The main thing here is a properly selected breed of laying hens, their content in the chicken coop, all this allows you to get up to 310 eggs per year, which is not enough. And on separate poultry farms and 400 eggs.

So, in particular, in chickens of meat breed, strong meat indicators, but weak egg production, so they are prepared in large quantities for meat. But there are chickens that carry 200-240 eggs a year and quickly gain slaughter weight. They are usually called meat - egg. Here are the given breeds: Poltava, Black bearded and other species.

The business plan of the poultry farm is primarily aimed at this type of egg breed of chickens. They are not suitable for meat production because of his light weight. The weight of the carcass is about 2 kilograms. They need to walk often so they will find food on their own. In this direction of chickens, fat is almost completely absent due to the large physical activity. This egg direction Cross has to demolish from 330 laying hens per year. This species will not leave offspring due to the fact that it was bred genetically. The purchase of such chickens is made at the age of four months.

The breeds of Hissex and Isobrown are considered especially good. With proper feeding, selection and care, these chickens are unmatched.

Also, do not forget about regular feeding, it plays a crucial role in the formation of eggs and the movement of business. The optimal feeding ration will be provided by a specialist with the direction of zootechnics. The basis of the diet is grain. There are 150-180 grams of grain per head per day. Top dressing is carried out by using concentrates that provide chickens with all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Feed additives can well replace cake and meal. Grazing of chickens plays a significant role in the formation of eggs: the grass should be soft, you should not drive the bird onto hard straw, you can also feed food waste.

Income of the poultry farm

The income of the poultry farm is summed up from the proceeds that depend on the sale of eggs and meat from broiler chickens. The projected selling price of 10 eggs is $1. 1 kg of broiler chicken meat - $ 2.

In addition to the sources of the main income, there are several additional ones - such as the sale of egg chickens, as well as the sale of dried manure. The sale price of experienced laying hens is $2/kg. Manure will be sold at the lowest price of $0.09/kg.

It is worth noting that we can use the dried manure for the boiler house as fuel, which will make it possible to save on energy resources during the winter period.

Table of basic income from the poultry farm:

thousand dollars 1 sq. 2 sq. 3 sq. 4kv. 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 years
Eggs - 660 2487 3130 6261 12914 13614 13780
Broilers - 1652 3304 4957 9914 10816 10956 10990
old hens - - - - 1317 1420 1544
Litter - 52 52 52 156 225 230 245
TOTAL - 2364 5843 8139 16331 25272 26220 26559

Poultry farm expenses

The main expenses of the poultry farm today are spent on electricity, grain and feed with various additives. Here we will talk about the standard costs of the enterprise.

Every day, 125 grams of grain is consumed per chicken, as well as 55 grams of compound feed with a variety of vitamin supplements. The next indicator is electricity consumption: for laying hens it is 23 kWh / year, for broilers 16 kWh / year.

In order to correctly calculate the initial cost of a poultry farm, you need to determine the cost of feed and electricity. Looking at costs, the cost control of the poultry farm will be grain and electricity consumption. With the help of them, production costs will be determined, which will be more than 75%.

Profits and Losses Report

After a short period of time, starting from the 4th quarter, this project will be able to reach a profitable level of work. As we can see, according to the results of the first year, the net loss is 8650 thousand dollars. Growth in net profit and sales starting from the second year will be able to largely offset the losses of the first year. Thus, the net profit accumulated over two years will amount to 1054 thousand dollars. Profitability in the second year on net profit is 25%. Thus, the growth of sales and profits will be able to increase the net profit accumulated over four years to 11,996 thousand dollars.

Income from the poultry farm in terms of net profit is 40-45%. In general, the poultry farm business plan will be highly profitable with the ability to quickly, within 3 quarters, penetrate into the formation stage.

Profit and Loss Forecast:

thousand dollars 1kv 2kv 3kv 4kv 1 year 2 year 3 year 7 year
-revenues from sales - 2364 5841 8135 9544 10064 11250 11850
-current expenses -5741 -6285 -6936 -7040 -9655 - - -
Profit before tax -5741 -3894 -1112 1095 -6504 6805 6588 6954
Net income (loss -5741 -3894 -1112 1043 -6580 6954 6124 6465
Net profit / loss cumulative -5741 -9665 -9454 -8650 -6548 1054 6254 11996

Cash flow:

thousand dollars 1 sq. 2 sq. 3 sq. 4kv. 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 years
Equity investments 9125 5459 1054 - 9548 2546 - -
Sales revenue - 2554 2154 685 8469 10954 12544 12974
total inflow 9125 3541 966 685 9899 10998 12544 12974
- operational -1215 -1065 -734 -644 -9465 -9546 -10542 -10687
- commercial expenses - -54 -66 -248 -236 -420 -450 -499
-tax payments -0 -0 - 0 -12 -44 -65 -320 -540
Growth of permanent assets -8546 - - -345 -8985 -2548 - -
-change in net working capital 657 -646 -454 -55 -698 -152 -210 -154
Total churn -8954 -1054 -1644 -985 -9856 -10646 -9554 -9865
Free cash 1 -1 325 -325 0 245 9954 10654
Free cash (cumulative total) 1 0 325 0 0 598 9545 11458

Accounting Report:

The table above shows the monitoring of the poultry farm balance. At the end of the first quarter, the balance sheet price of the project enterprise is only 64 thousand dollars. At the beginning next year(Quarter 5) the price of the balance rises already to 72 thousand dollars. Fixed assets account for 55% of assets, current assets- 45%. Over time, with the possibility of growth in sales and repayment of fixed assets, the structure of assets changes in the opposite direction. At the end of the 4th year (16th quarter), fixed assets account for 20%, current assets - 80% of the book value.

Long-term investments

The poultry farm business plan includes investments:

  • contribution to equipping the facility for poultry houses in the amount of 16 thousand dollars;
  • the purchase of more than 100 cages for keeping only chicken eggs in them at a price of $ 12 per cage;
  • electrical equipment (29 thousand dollars.);
  • other equipment, which includes feeders with drinkers, as well as buckets.


It is worth noting that this enterprise, like many in this area, does not pay off immediately, and this should be taken into account, not counting on an early return. This is because by minimizing the investment in the main plans by constructing buildings on old buildings, it is possible with large funds at the initial stage, the possibility of a faster payback was more expected. Of course, a long time is allotted for what to recoup this investment, but this business plan can easily convince you of the opposite. Risks can be managed and by pressing the key levers, the time required for the implementation of a given enterprise can be significantly reduced.

Do not forget that the success of any undertaking depends not so much on financial investments how much from the minds that will implement the main stage of risks. Competent and experienced professionals are able to early stages the beginning of the operation of the enterprise to prevent most of the production errors, if not to completely eliminate them. They also have the necessary knowledge that will help increase the level of production of raw materials. If you hire a veterinarian with experience, you can avoid a large number diseases in animals. This will also increase the productivity of animals, in turn, the payback time of investments will become more liquid, as well as the production itself.

After placing and paying for the order, within 1 (one) business day, a marketing research / business plan will be sent to the specified e-mail. Accounting documents will be sent by regular mail. Our managers will contact you on the specified numbers.

diagrams - 65, graphs - 20, tables - 66

Description of "Typical business plan for a poultry farm for the production of eggs":

The aim of the project is to develop a business plan for a poultry farm for the production of eggs with a financial model.

The provided financial model is automated, due to which it can be adjusted by the client independently. To do this, it is enough to make changes to the main parameters of the project, and the model will be recalculated.

The concept of a business plan for a poultry farm for the production of eggs:

It is planned to create a poultry farm, the main products of which will be chicken eggs and broiler meat.

For the construction of the factory, it is planned to buy out a land plot with an area of ​​*** hectares.

Sales of products will be carried out in the regional market.

Manufactured products:

  • chicken eggs - *** thous. in year;
  • broiler meat - *** kg per year.

Features of a Poultry Egg Farm Business Plan:

  • The livestock of the farm will be: laying hens - *** thousand pieces; broilers - *** thousand pieces.
  • The products of the poultry farm are broiler meat, eggs.
  • Broiler meat will be sold at a price of *** per kilogram.
  • The price of eggs will be 4,000 rubles. per thousand pieces
  • Payback period of the project - *** years
  • The discount rate used in the calculations is 10% per year.
  • ESHN is used in calculations.

The business plan covers:


  • The volume and dynamics of egg production in Russia in value and physical terms for 2012-January-October 2018
  • Analysis of the geography of production in the structure by federal districts and regions.


  • The total amount of necessary investments for the project implementation has been calculated.
  • The investment structure by directions of expenses is given.
  • The project is financed by ***% at the expense of the investor, at ***% by borrowed funds.


  • Dynamics of consumer prices for chicken meat, chicken legs and eggs for 2012 - January-October 2018
  • Producer prices for chicken eggs are considered in the work for the period from 2012 to January-October 2018.
  • Import and export prices chicken eggs by type in dollar and ruble equivalent
  • Price forecast for the chicken egg market for 2019-2024

Import Export:

  • The dynamics of import-export of chicken eggs, domestic chickens, considered in value and physical terms, by countries of departure and destination, for 2012-January-September 2018

The calculations of the financial model include various project performance indicators, including return on sales, the internal rate of return of the project, the discounted payback period of the project, and others.

Market Attractiveness:

  • The highest consumer prices for chicken eggs in 2017 were noted in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug - *** rubles per package, and the lowest - in the Republic of Mordovia - 41.8 rubles per package.
  • At the end of 2017, the consumption of eggs in Russia amounted to *** pieces. per year per user.
  • In 2019-2024, the volume of supply in the chicken egg market in Russia in value terms will grow, on average, by ***% and by 2024 will amount to *** billion rubles.
  • In 2017, the number of poultry in all categories of farms increased by ***% and amounted to *** million heads.
  • The volume of production of chicken eggs increased by ***% and amounted to *** mln.
  • The largest volume of egg consumption was noted in the Central Federal District and amounted to *** pieces. in year. The second place is occupied by the North-Western Federal District - 237 units. in year.
  • In the structure of demand in the chicken egg market in Russia in physical terms, the share of domestic consumption amounted to ***%, and the share of export demand - ***%.
  • In 2017, the structure of imports is dominated by fresh eggs, domestic chickens, which accounted for ***%. The second place is occupied by the import of eggs of domestic hens, fertilized in an incubator - 41.8%.
  • According to experts' forecasts, in 2024 the share of imported products in the supply structure will be ***%, and the share of domestic products will be ***%.

The business plan contains 65 diagrams, 66 tables, 20 graphs.





3.1.1 Depending on storage times...11


3.2.1. Supply and demand in the chicken egg market in Russia in natural terms in 2012-2018 and forecast for 2019-2024....13 The volume and dynamics of supply in the chicken egg market in Russia in physical terms...13 The structure of supply in the chicken egg market in Russia in physical terms...15 The volume and dynamics of demand in the chicken egg market in Russia in physical terms...16 The structure of demand in the chicken egg market in Russia in physical terms...18 The balance of supply and demand in the chicken egg market in Russia in physical terms...19


3.3.1. The volume and dynamics of supply in the chicken egg market in Russia in value terms...20

3.3.2. The structure of supply in the chicken egg market in Russia in value terms...22

3.3.3. The volume and dynamics of demand in the chicken egg market in Russia in value terms...23

3.3.4. The structure of demand in the chicken egg market in Russia in value terms...25

3.3.5. The balance of supply and demand in the chicken egg market in Russia in value terms...26





3.4.4. EGG LAYER...42





3.7.1. Forecast of the volume of production of chicken eggs in Russia in 2019-2024 in kind...54

3.7.2. Forecast of the volume of production of chicken eggs in Russia in 2019-2024 in value terms...55


3.8.1. The main parameters of egg consumption in Russia as a whole...56

3.8.2. Egg Consumption by Federal District...58

3.8.3. Egg consumption by region...59





















3.12.1. PRODUCER PRICES...102

3.12.2. CONSUMER PRICES...105







5.3. PERSONNEL...126




8.1. BASELINE...130








8.9. CASH FLOW PLAN...150


9. APPS...157




List of diagrams

Diagram 1. The volume and dynamics of supply in the chicken egg market in Russia in physical terms in 2012-2018 (O) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), mln.

Diagram 2. The structure of supply in the chicken egg market in Russia in physical terms in 2012-2018 (O) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), %

Diagram 3. The volume and dynamics of demand in the chicken egg market in Russia in natural terms in 2012-2018 (O) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), million liters

Diagram 4. The structure of demand in the chicken egg market in Russia in physical terms in 2012-2018 (O) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), %

Diagram 5. The balance of supply and demand in the chicken egg market in Russia in physical terms in 2012-2018 (O) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), mln.

Diagram 6. The volume and dynamics of supply in the chicken egg market in Russia in value terms in 2012-2018 (O) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), billion rubles

Diagram 7. The structure of supply in the chicken egg market in Russia in value terms in 2012-2018 (O) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), %

Diagram 8. The volume and dynamics of demand in the chicken egg market in Russia in value terms in 2012-2018 (O) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), billion rubles

Diagram 9. The structure of demand in the chicken egg market in Russia in value terms in 2012-2018 (O) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), %

Diagram 10. Supply and demand balance in the chicken egg market in Russia in value terms in 2012-2018(O) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), billion rubles

Diagram 11. Dynamics of the number of birds in all categories of farms, 2012-2017, million heads

Diagram 12. The structure of the distribution of the number of birds by categories of farms, 2017, %

Diagram 13. Distribution of poultry population by federal districts in 2017, %.

Diagram 14. Dynamics of the poultry population structure by federal districts, 2016-2017, %.

Diagram 16. The structure of the distribution of the number of laying hens by federal districts in 2017,%

Diagram 17. Distribution structure of the number of laying hens by regions, 2017, %

Diagram 18. Average annual egg production of laying hens in agricultural organizations, 2012-2017, pcs.

Diagram 19. The volume and dynamics of the production of chicken eggs in natural terms, 2012-Jan-Oct 2018, thousand pieces

Diagram 20. Structure of production of chicken eggs in kind by federal districts, 2017, %

Diagram 21. Structure of production of chicken eggs in natural terms by region, 2017, %

Diagram 22. The volume and dynamics of the production of chicken eggs in value terms, 2012-Jan-Oct 2018, million rubles

Diagram 23. The volume and dynamics of the production of chicken eggs in physical terms in 2012-2018 (O) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), mln.

Diagram 24. The volume and dynamics of the production of chicken eggs in value terms in 2012-2018 (O) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), million rubles

Diagram 25. Average consumption of milk and dairy products in Russia per consumer per year, kg

Diagram 26. Comparison of the volume of import and export deliveries in the market of fresh chicken eggs in Russia in physical terms, thousand tons

Diagram 27. Comparison of the volume of import and export deliveries in the market of fresh chicken eggs in Russia in value terms, million dollars

Diagram 28. The volume and dynamics of imports of chicken eggs in physical terms, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, tons

Diagram 29. Structure of imports of chicken eggs in physical terms by type, 2014-Jan-Sep 2018, %

Diagram 30. The volume and dynamics of imports of chicken eggs fertilized for incubation in natural terms, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, thousand tons

Diagram 31. The structure of imports of chicken eggs fertilized for incubation in physical terms by countries of departure, 2017, %

Diagram 32. Volume and dynamics of imports of fresh eggs, domestic chickens in physical terms, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, thousand tons

Diagram 33. Structure of imports of fresh eggs, domestic chickens in physical terms by countries of departure, 2017, %

Diagram 34. The volume and dynamics of imports of chicken eggs in value terms, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, thousand dollars

Chart 35. Structure of imports of chicken eggs in value terms by type, 2014-Jan-Sep 2018, %

Diagram 36. The volume and dynamics of imports of chicken eggs fertilized for incubation in value terms, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, million dollars

Diagram 37. The structure of imports of chicken eggs fertilized for incubation in value terms by countries of departure, 2017, %

Diagram 38. The volume and dynamics of imports of fresh eggs, domestic chickens in value terms, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, million dollars

Diagram 39. Structure of imports of fresh eggs, domestic chickens in value terms by countries of departure, 2017, %

Diagram 40. The volume and dynamics of imports of chicken eggs in physical terms in 2012-2018 (O) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), thousand tons

Chart 41. The volume and dynamics of imports of chicken eggs in value terms in 2012-2018 (O) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), USD million

Diagram 42. Volume and dynamics of export of chicken eggs in natural terms, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, tons

Diagram 43. The structure of exports of chicken eggs in physical terms by type, 2014-Jan-Sep 2018,%

Diagram 44. The volume and dynamics of exports of chicken eggs fertilized for incubation in natural terms, 2013-Jan-Sep 2018, thousand tons

Diagram 45. The structure of exports of chicken eggs fertilized for incubation in physical terms by countries of destination, 2017, %

Diagram 46. The volume and dynamics of exports of fresh eggs, domestic chickens in physical terms, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, thousand tons

Diagram 47. Export structure of fresh eggs, domestic chickens in physical terms by countries of destination, 2017, %

Diagram 48. The volume and dynamics of exports of chicken eggs in value terms, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, thousand dollars

Chart 49. The structure of exports of chicken eggs in value terms by types, 2014-Jan-Sep 2018, %

Diagram 50. The volume and dynamics of exports of chicken eggs fertilized for incubation in value terms, 2013-Jan-Sep 2018, million dollars

Diagram 51. The structure of exports of chicken eggs fertilized for incubation in value terms by countries of destination, 2017, %

Diagram 52. The volume and dynamics of exports of fresh eggs, domestic chickens in value terms, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, million dollars

Diagram 53. Export structure of fresh eggs, domestic chickens in value terms by countries of destination, 2017, %

Diagram 54. The volume and dynamics of exports of chicken eggs in physical terms in 2012-2018 (O) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), thousand tons

Chart 55. The volume and dynamics of exports of chicken eggs in value terms in 2012-2018 (O) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), USD million

Chart 56. Producer prices for chicken eggs in Russia, 2012-Jan-Oct 2018, rub. per thousand pieces

Chart 57. Consumer prices for chicken eggs in Russia, 2012-Jan-Oct 2018, rub. per pack

Diagram 58. Producer prices for chicken eggs in 2012-2018 (O) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), rub. per thousand pieces

Chart 59. Consumer prices for chicken eggs in 2012-2018 (O) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), rub. per piece

Chart 60. Import prices for chicken eggs in 2012-2018(R) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), USD per unit

Chart 61. Export prices for chicken eggs in 2012-2018(R) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), USD per unit

Diagram 62. Structure of investment costs for equipment and machinery, %

Diagram 63. Structure of investments in the project, %

Diagram 64. The structure of current costs in the 4th year,%

Diagram 65. Structure of tax payments for the project, %

List of tables

Table 1. Requirements for the quality of dietary and table eggs

Table 3. Main supply parameters in the chicken egg market in Russia in natural terms, 2012-2018(O), thousand eggs

Table 4. Forecast of the main supply parameters in the chicken egg market in Russia in real terms, 2019(P)-2024(P), thousand eggs

Table 5. Main parameters of demand in the chicken egg market in Russia in natural terms, 2012-2018(O), thousand eggs

Table 6. Forecast of the main parameters of demand in the chicken egg market in Russia in real terms, 2019(P)-2024(P), thousand eggs

Table 7. Key supply parameters in the chicken egg market in Russia in value terms, 2012-2018(O), RUB million

Table 8. Forecast of the main supply parameters in the chicken egg market in Russia in value terms, 2019(P)-2024(P), million rubles

Table 9. Key parameters of demand in the chicken egg market in Russia in value terms, 2012-2018(O), million rubles

Table 10. Forecast of the main parameters of demand in the chicken egg market in Russia in value terms, 2019(P)-2024(P), RUB mln

Table 11. Dynamics of the poultry population and distribution by federal district 2016-2017, heads

Table 12. Dynamics of the poultry population in agricultural organizations and distribution by region for 2012-2017, thousand heads

Table 13. The structure of the number of laying hens by federal districts of the Russian Federation in 2012-Jan-Oct. 2018, heads

Table 15. Average annual egg production of laying hens by federal districts, 2016-2017, pcs.

Table 16. Indicators of the average annual egg production of laying hens in the subjects of the Russian Federation in 2017, pcs

Table 17. The volume of production of chicken eggs in physical terms by federal districts, 2012-Jan-Oct 2018, thousand pieces

Table 18. The volume of production of chicken eggs in physical terms by region, 2012-Jan-Oct 2018, thousand pieces

Table 19. Egg consumption, 2017, kg per consumer per year

Table 20. Sources of receipt and consumption of eggs, 2016-2017, kg per consumer per year

Table 21. Expenses for egg consumption, 2016-2017, rub. per user per month

Table 22. The share of expenses for the purchase of eggs in consumer spending, 2016-2017, %

Table 23. Consumption of eggs in Russia on average per consumer by federal districts, 2017, pcs. in year

Table 24. Egg consumption by federal districts, 2017, rub. per user per month

Table 25. Consumption of eggs in Russia on average per consumer by region, 2017, pcs. in year

Table 26. Egg consumption by regions, 2017, rub. per user per month

Table 27. The volume of imports of chicken eggs in physical terms by type, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, tons

Table 28. The volume of imports of eggs fertilized for incubation in physical terms by countries of departure, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, tons

Table 29. The volume of imports of fresh eggs, domestic chickens in physical terms by countries of departure, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, tons

Table 30. The volume of imports of chicken eggs in value terms by type, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, thousand dollars

Table 31. The volume of imports of chicken eggs fertilized for incubation in value terms by countries of departure, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, thousand dollars

Table 32. The volume of imports of fresh eggs, domestic chickens in value terms by countries of departure, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, thousand dollars

Table 33. The volume of exports of chicken eggs in physical terms by type, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, tons

Table 34. The volume of exports of eggs fertilized for incubation in physical terms by countries of destination, 2013-Jan-Sep 2018, tons

Table 35. The volume of exports of fresh eggs, domestic chickens in physical terms by countries of destination, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, tons

Table 36. The volume of exports of chicken eggs in value terms by type, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, thousand dollars

Table 37. The volume of exports of eggs fertilized for incubation in value terms by country of destination, 2013-Jan-Sep 2018, thousand dollars

Table 38. The volume of exports of fresh eggs, domestic chickens in value terms by countries of destination, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, thousand dollars

Table 39. Producer prices for chicken eggs by federal districts, 2012-Jan-Oct 2018, rub. per thousand pieces

Table 40. Consumer prices for chicken eggs by region, 2012-Jan-Oct 2018, rub. hall

Table 41. Consumer prices for chicken eggs by federal districts, 2012-Jan-Oct 2018, rub. hall

Table 42. Prices for imports of chicken eggs by types in dollar terms, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, dollars per piece

Table 43. Prices for imports of chicken eggs by type in ruble terms, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, rub. per piece

Table 44. Prices for the export of chicken eggs by type in dollar terms, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, dollars per piece

Table 45. Export prices of chicken eggs by types in dollar terms, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, rub. per piece

Table 46. Main characteristics of the farm building

Table 50. Advantages and disadvantages various kinds poultry keeping

Table 51

Table 53. Possible risks and ways to prevent them

Table 54 Baseline

Table 55. Project income parameters

Table 56. Dynamics of project revenue

Table 57. Parameters of the current costs of the project

Table 58. Expenditure plan

Table 59. Dynamics of tax payments for the project

Table 60. Plan for obtaining and repaying a loan

Table 61. Lender Performance Indicators

Table 62. Data for calculating the break-even point

Table 63. Profit and loss statement

Table 64. Cash flow plan

Table 65. Project performance indicators

Table 66. - The volume of subsidies to livestock to reimburse the interest rate on the loan in 2015 by region, thousand rubles.

List of charts

Graph 1. Index of agricultural production in farms of all categories (in comparable prices, in % to the previous year)

Chart 2. Dynamics of livestock in agricultural organizations for 2010-2015, thousand heads

Chart 3. Monthly dynamics of the Russian production of chilled fresh, chilled meat and offal of edible poultry in physical terms, January 2014 - February 2016, thousand tons

Chart 4. Monthly dynamics of imports of poultry meat and edible offal in value terms, January 2014-February 2016, thousand dollars

Chart 5. Monthly dynamics of imports of meat and edible offal of poultry in physical terms, January 2014 February 2016, tons

Chart 6. Monthly dynamics of exports of meat and edible offal of poultry in value terms, January 2014-February 2016, thousand dollars

Chart 7. Monthly dynamics of exports of poultry meat and edible by-products in physical terms, January 2014-February 2016, tons

Chart 9. Dynamics of consumer prices for eggs by federal districts in 2010-September 2016, rubles/10 pcs.

Chart 10. Monthly dynamics of consumer prices for eggs by months Jan. 2014-Sept. 2016, rub./10 pcs.

Chart 12. Comparative dynamics of producer and consumer prices for eggs in 2010-Aug 2016, RUB/10 pcs.

Chart 13. Investment schedule

Chart 14. Poultry farm sales plan

Chart 15. Obtaining and repaying a loan

Chart 16. Calculation of the break-even point

Chart 17. Dynamics of revenue, costs, profit

Chart 18. Dynamics of net profit

Chart 19. Project NPV and Undiscounted Cash Flow

Chart 20. NPV and undiscounted cash flow for an investor

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Chicken meat and eggs are considered one of the most popular and sought-after food products in Russia. They have a very high biological value for the human body. From an economic point of view, the sale of these products is quite profitable. Today there are many large chicken meat producers on the market, some of them successfully export their products to many countries of the world. For such companies, this business brings a very good profit.

However, there are other ways to make money in this industry. One of them is the organization of such a type of business as opening your own mini-poultry farm. With the right approach to business, this type of entrepreneurial activity can become very stable and profitable.

To be successful and productive in this area, you need some special knowledge in the field of poultry farming, patience, responsibility and a well-written business plan.

The main essence and the beginning of this business

According to recent forecasts of the Ministry of Economic Development Russian Federation, the number of consumers of chicken meat and eggs in the country will constantly increase. The number of national producers of this type of product in the domestic market is also increasing. This is due, first of all, to the reduction in imports of chicken meat to Russia. Therefore, with the right and responsible approach to the functioning of a mini-poultry farm, this type of activity can become very profitable. According to many analysts and experts in the industry, the profitability of this poultry business is 58-60% on average.

Before implementing this type of activity in practice, you must have a well-thought-out and formalized business plan. It must necessarily include the following items:

  • construction of a future poultry farm of a certain size;
  • feature of the premises and equipment for the farm;
  • search and organization of delivery of young chickens;
  • the presence of a feed structure;
  • financial side of the project and investment plan;
  • technological bases for keeping poultry.

For raising chickens, you can start with the purchase of a small number of young animals. To start this kind of business, the optimal number would be 1000 poultry. Your initial costs, not counting the construction of the farm itself and the lease or purchase of land, will be as follows:

  • 86,000 rubles for the purchase of egg and broiler chickens;
  • 110,000 rubles for the construction of specialized cages;
  • 61,000 rubles for the purchase of additional equipment;
  • 52,000 rubles for the renovation of the premises.

Thus, the amount of your initial investment in this type of business will be 309,000 rubles. This is provided that you will start with the number of young animals in 1000 heads. Below, in this article, calculations of the profitability of this type of activity will be given. But first, you need to clarify and analyze all the stages of work on organizing the production of chicken meat and eggs, which should be included in your business plan.

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Primary stages of activity

When building and organizing a poultry farming business, there are many central points included in the business plan from which it is worth starting the corresponding work. To begin with, you will need to decide on the legal form of your future enterprise. Most experts recommend registering such a company as a peasant farm, abbreviated as KFH. The choice of this form is due to important points, as the minimum number of documents and costs for registration.

The best option for paying taxes would be the ESHN regime. In Russia, its value is 6%. ESKhN is deciphered as a single agricultural tax. One of the main features and conditions of this rate is that 70% of your main income will come from the sale of agricultural products.

Further, your business plan must necessarily include all the nuances associated with the construction of the enterprise. The land on which the mini-poultry farm will be located will need to be registered in the form of a permitted use. This land may be owned, purchased or leased. The main thing is that the purpose of the land should correspond to the objects of agricultural purpose. Another prerequisite is the location of your mini-farm at a distance of at least 350 m from residential premises.

The next step is a qualitative analysis of your own start-up resources. you must clearly know all your possibilities with which you plan to start this type of activity. If you have some practical experience and knowledge in the field of poultry farming, then at the first stages of the business it will be possible to manage with a minimum amount of labor. Otherwise, you will be required to hire several highly qualified specialists from this field of activity.

You also need to decide on your own financial capabilities to launch your project. If you do not have enough start-up capital, then perhaps you should try using the following methods to raise the necessary resources:

  • the state program to support farmers: the amount of investment in your business can be about 1.5-2 million rubles;
  • bank lending on favorable terms: there are financial institutions that offer specialized loans for the development of agricultural enterprises at 11-12% per annum;
  • state support program for start-up entrepreneurs in the amount of 350,000 rubles.

Back to index

Production and organizational stage

The main activities that your mini-poultry farm can specialize in can be:

  • production and subsequent sale of meat products and chicken eggs;
  • growing poultry (chickens) using an incubator.
  • For these purposes, experts recommend acquiring the following breeds of chickens:
  • broilers, the live weight of which can reach 5-6 kg;
  • early maturing laying hens that can produce up to 220 eggs per year.

In order to start a poultry business with a number of young animals of 1000 heads, you will need a room with an area of ​​​​110 sq.m. Experts recommend keeping chickens in specialized cages, which are usually set in 2-3 tiers. They can be purchased from manufacturers or you can make your own. This can significantly save space for growing poultry. In accordance with the landing norm, there should be 5-6 young animals per 1 sq.m. in the cage.

On your farm, you can independently reproduce poultry. For this, specialized incubators are used. There is a fairly large selection of this type of product on the market, both imported and domestic. Most experts recommend buying Russian equipment. The ILB brand incubator has proven itself well in practice. It contains more than 700 eggs, and the incubation period for chickens is 22-23 days.

A prerequisite correct content poultry indoors is to control the maintenance of a microclimate that meets the standards. For a population of chickens that are more than 55 days old, +18 degrees will be enough to keep them. Chickens that are only a few days old should be kept indoors at a temperature of + 33 degrees. Due to such a difference in the regime, different age categories of birds must be kept in different compartments and rooms.

The lighting system is very important in poultry farming - for young animals that are not yet 3 weeks old, it is recommended to keep the lights on around the clock in the room. After this period, as the bird grows, this term is reduced to 17-18 hours. The basis of feed for chickens is a grain product - wheat and corn. Various mixtures of flour and cereals are added to the diet, which are rich in all kinds of vitamins and easily digestible proteins. For the normal maintenance of all the main stages of poultry production, a minimum of 3-4 workers is required.