Means for liquefying the toilet in the country. Features and rules for the use of different types of bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools

  • 03.03.2020

Nothing can overshadow a pleasant day in the country, except for the unpleasant smell from the dry closet. Unfortunately, not all houses are equipped with modern toilets with advanced sewage, so there are often cesspools or dry closets on the plots. From frequent use, they can become clogged, overfilled and exude pungent odors. In this case, a special tool for a cesspool will come to the aid of the summer resident. The product is designed for quick release from the overcrowding of the latrine. Preparations are often aimed at removing repulsive odors.

When choosing the right product for a dry closet, you need to remember that this segment of products is divided into 2 types. There are organic and chemical activators. The former are much safer than the latter, but chemo drugs are usually highly active and start working faster. Chemical samples are also more versatile and can handle any kind of contamination. There are 6 samples in the rating below the best means for cesspools.

There are contraindications. Check with your doctor.

Top 6 Best Cesspool Products

6 Tratan

Best price
Country Russia
Average price: 98 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

A concentrated dose of the product will help to cope with blockages and unpleasant odors both in toilets and in latrines and septic tanks. Regular use will eliminate the need to constantly resort to the help of pumping and cleaning. The formula prevents the buildup of waste and grease on drains and sewer systems. One use of the concentrate will help in the processing of waste within a month. The manufacturer suggests dissolving the closed bag in a large amount of water and pouring the resulting solution into a cesspool. The drug acts for approximately 3 days, after which the unpleasant odor is eliminated. To clean the septic tank, the resulting mixture must be kept for 20 minutes and poured into all pipes in the apartment overnight.

The processed products can then be used as the most saturated fertilizer for plants. Users appreciate the product for its resistance to aggressive detergents and low cost. In chlorinated water, Tratan's performance decreases. For cleansing in this case, you will need several concentrated portions.

5 Gorynych

Favorable volume
Country Russia
Average price: 150 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The tool belongs to the biological type of cleaners for cesspools. The composition of the product contains spores of bacteria that break down waste due to the released enzymes. With their help, organics, paper, fats and waste products quickly decompose without an unpleasant odor. Gorynych significantly saves money for pumping and cleaning cesspools. Thanks to its bio-formula, it does not leave behind hazardous waste. Recycling can easily be added to the compost to fertilize the plants. A large volume will limit the purchase of one package for the whole summer.

Buyers notice the economical consumption of the drug. The kit comes with a liquid for mixing the active powder and a bottle. For country toilets small volume, one sachet of bioactivator is enough and only a few milliliters of the supplied liquid. Manufacturers recommend adding water to the cesspool. The contents to be treated must be liquid, as this will give the best results.

4 Live bacteria Biosept

Fast action
Country Russia
Average price: 550 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The package contains two sachets of 25 grams. The component actively eliminates bottom sediment, unpleasant odor, significantly reduces the volume of solid human waste products. The drug also eliminates blockages in pipes and sewer systems. It shows the greatest efficiency in systems with a water drain, but it also works well in cesspools. Bacteria are characterized by rapid activation and onset of action. It takes only 2 hours for the drug to start working in both aerobic and anaerobic situations. To clean the septic tank, you just need to pour the contents of the bag into the toilet drain. To clean the cesspool, mix the drug with water.

3 Dr. Robik Bioactivator 409

High quality
Country Russia
Average price: 599 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

An ideal eco-friendly tool for cesspools. The product is designed for fast and high-quality splitting of fats, proteins, urea and cellulose. Quickly breaks down all human waste products. Bioactivator is suitable for different types cesspools. Works well in both sealed and open bottom pits. The special composition of the product is characterized by an active fight against unpleasant odors and flooding, which can cause a lot of trouble for users of country toilets. The formula of the drug is considered harmless to the environment and humans, because it does not contain dangerous and caustic chemicals.

Many users leave positive feedback about the product and consider it the best. The economical consumption and effectiveness of the drug are valued. The manufacturer claims that it is enough just once a year to pour a portion of the product into the cesspool big size. A liter bottle is designed for a pit of 2000 liters. One of the disadvantages may be the need to pump out the contents of the pit before using the product.

2 BioBac BB-Z 150

Suitable for winter
Country Russia
Average price: 744 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

In the summer season, it is worth thinking about the safety of the country dry closet during the onset of cold weather. The sample will perfectly cope with the task of cleaning even in cold weather. Highly concentrated product for cesspools and septic tanks also works great with drainage systems and pipes. Fights odors and decomposes human waste, grease, paper and other debris. The composition helps in the fight against the development of microorganisms and bacteria that spread infections. Thanks to the drug, stable good job septic systems, latrines and toilets.

One of the significant advantages of the product will be its active work at sub-zero temperatures. The composition copes well with its tasks at -22C. This earned him recognition among many buyers. The downside when buying can be a high price, but in general, due to the large volume and efficiency, users consider the product to be the best.

1 Bioforce Septic Comfort

Better Efficiency
Country: Canada
Average price: 3 254 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The Canadian sample is suitable for cleaning toilets and septic tanks both in the country and in a city apartment. The composition neutralizes human waste products, fights unpleasant odors, and reduces the amount of sediment on the septic tank. The action of Septic Comfort is aimed at preventing blockages of various types and types. Helps avoid filling sewer pipes and restores the balance of bacteria in the septic tank. Packed in sachets, which are convenient to fall asleep immediately in plums or treatment facilities. The composition of the preparation combines the presence of a concentrate of beneficial bio-bacteria, nutrients, minerals and enzymes for the thorough processing of all waste.

The manufacturer advises using one sachet every month to decompose waste products. The consumption of funds must be increased, based on the volume of the treatment system. Many users consider the product to be the best product on the market for cesspools and septic tanks. Others notice that the product works worse with dry closets than with urban wastewater treatment systems. The price can be a big downside.

You can also use conventional septic tanks, which are required for the disinfection of sewage and effluent collected in cesspools.

Preparations for cleaning cesspools are produced in the form of powder, tablets, liquid formulations, granules, etc. How they look, you can see in the photo. All these chemical compositions and biological products allow you to get rid of many problems that arise during the functioning of the sewer system, since they:

  • eliminate an unpleasant smell;
  • decompose organic waste;
  • disinfect sewage;
  • clean septic tanks and drainage wells;
  • significantly reduce the volume of sediment and liquefy the bottom sludge.

As a result of the use of drugs, the frequency of pumping sewage with the help of sewage trucks decreases, and several times.

The use of chemicals for cleaning local sewers

In the last century, various chemical compositions have been widely used to clean local sewer systems, which can be used at any temperature. But biological products are effective, provided that the temperature is from 4 to 30 degrees Celsius. Thus, their use in cold weather does not make sense.

However, a chemical agent for country toilets and cesspools has a significant drawback - it adversely affects environment and the entire sewer structure of the house as a whole, especially on hardware. In turn, biological products do not harm plants and animals and human health. They do not negatively affect the integrity of metal elements and concrete, which are used in the construction of cesspools and septic tanks.

  • as a result of their application, structures are exposed to corrosive processes;
  • they are toxic and can accumulate in nature;
  • their use leads to the inhibition of beneficial microflora and contributes to an increase in colonies of pathogenic bacteria;
  • products formed during the chemical decomposition of waste must not be used in soil cultivation and crop cultivation;
  • such sewage should be removed from the site, with the exception of nitrate oxidizers.

Chemicals for cleaning cesspools

Formaldehyde - refers to inexpensive means, but is characterized by increased toxicity, so it is not currently used. Even 5-10 years ago, this cesspool cleaner was used everywhere in unlimited quantities, but then the high carcinogenicity of formaldehyde and its toxicity were proven.

Ammonium compounds are able to quickly and efficiently process waste, completely eliminate the stench from sedimentation tanks, but they are less effective if they enter an aggressive environment, since household chemicals and detergents negatively affect their properties. There is one more important point- the impact of ammonium (quaternary) compounds on nature and ecology has not yet been fully studied by people.

If the choice is made in favor of the use of ammonium compounds, then the owner of suburban real estate needs to be extremely careful when cleaning the cesspool. It is advisable to drain sewage into sewers or special ditches, or resort to the services of sewers.

  1. If the owner intends to minimize the disposal of waste from the cesspool or even refuse to call the sewage equipment, one should purchase biological products that decompose solid particles as much as possible.
  2. In the event that in the future the fecal matter will be used as a fertilizer, then it is necessary to give preference to bioactivators or nitrate oxidizers. Earlier in the article, it was pointed out that the latest pit latrine remedies are common nitrogen fertilizers.

Based on the above information, we can conclude that a chemical agent for dry closets and latrines is an effective cleaning method, but not always the best one. When using it, you must follow the rules and regulations so that chemicals do not get into the water and do not harm people's health.

Biopreparations and cleaning of cesspools

It is the use of biological products for cleaning individual sewer structures that is considered beneficial from different points of view. In addition to reducing maintenance costs, the materials from which the cesspool is made are not in danger. But under the influence of chemicals, metal products quickly become unusable, and their replacement is required.

Experts recommend: before choosing a liquid for a dry closet or a powder for a sewage sump, compare the characteristics of drugs available on the market. They advise not to give preference to inexpensive products from an unknown manufacturer, as they may not only be of poor quality and ineffective, but also unsafe for people and the environment.

Cesspool cleaning agent: a product for country toilets, dry closets and cesspools, effective preparations in photos and videos

Cesspool cleaning agent: a product for country toilets, dry closets and cesspools, effective preparations in photos and videos

Bacteria for a toilet in the country: the principle of action + tips on choosing a drug

Ensuring cleanliness in the country toilet and fresh air is possible with the help of special means developed on the basis of advanced biotechnology. When choosing an antiseptic for a toilet in the country, they pay attention to its safety for the ecology of the site. Many summer residents are afraid to use biological products, not fully understanding the principle of their action. Some owners of summer cottages do not believe in the effectiveness of the use of such funds and can change their mind only after they hear positive feedback about a specific drug from a familiar person. Indeed, it is very difficult to navigate the rich market offer in order to buy high-quality antiseptic for a country toilet.

Organization of biological waste disposal

Scientists-microbiologists have developed a technology that allows to ensure the resumption of the active process of biological utilization of feces in natural conditions. At the location of the toilet, as a result of intensive soil pollution, many types of beneficial microorganisms disappear. This leads to an increased development of putrefactive and pathogenic bacteria that are dangerous to humans and nature.

In order to prevent such a development of events, scientists proposed to introduce microorganisms involved in the natural self-purification of the soil into cesspools. Being in a "sleeping state", the bacteria are activated after entering the nutrient medium. Thanks to scientific research species communities of microorganisms are selected, as a result of their vital activity, faster disinfection of waste and their partial utilization occur. When selecting bacteria, the following criteria are taken into account:

  • waste decomposition rate;
  • the duration of the process of microbial self-purification;
  • speed of purification of waste from nitrogen-phosphorus compounds;
  • odor removal efficiency.

Important! Microorganisms are introduced in a certain amount, calculated based on the volume of the cesspool of the country toilet. At the same time, their number should exceed the colony of putrefactive and potentially dangerous bacteria. Otherwise, beneficial bacteria for the toilet in the country will not be able to cope with the dangerous microflora.

What is included in the composition of biological products?

The composition of biological products usually include:

  • aerobic bacteria that need oxygen contained in wastewater to live;
  • anaerobic bacteria work without access to oxygen, consuming carbon from decaying organic matter;
  • enzymes, which are organic catalysts, affect the course of biochemical reactions;
  • enzymes that accelerate the course of bioremediation processes.

The developers of bio-purification means, by combining different types of microorganisms in their composition, achieve the best result in the processing of human waste.

Antiseptic products for country toilets are an ideal solution to the problem of cleaning them from human waste. Preparations can reduce the cost of calling vacuum trucks

Popular antiseptics and how to use them

On the market of biological products developed for cleaning country toilets, there are many antiseptic and deodorizing agents from different manufacturers. The principle of their action is similar, and the methods of application, if they differ, are very insignificant. In each case, you should follow the instructions posted by the manufacturer on the packaging of the biological product.

Polish biopreparation "Saneks"

Summer residents should pay attention to the Polish Saneks biological product, produced in the form of a reddish-brown powder with a subtle smell of yeast. Before use, this antiseptic for a country toilet is dissolved in five liters of warm water, the temperature of which should not exceed 40 degrees. Water must be taken settled and not chlorinated, since chlorine kills living microorganisms. The amount of powder poured into the water is measured depending on the volume of the cesspool. Within half an hour, the solution is given time to swell, while stirring it periodically. After this time, the infused solution is poured into the cesspool.

Polish biopreparation Saneks for cleaning a country toilet, neutralizing a sharp unpleasant odor

This drug can also be poured directly into the toilet bowl, into the sink, etc. Subsequently, the next portion of the diluted drug should be added monthly in an already smaller amount, calculated according to the manufacturer's instructions.

French biopreparation Atmosbio

This product effectively eliminates odor, helps to thin the crust and bottom sediment, significantly reduces the amount and volume of solid fractions, and prevents clogging of sewer pipes. Atmosbio is a compost activator. It is sold in 500-gram cans, designed for 1000 liters. The validity period is six months.

This biological product functions only in the presence of liquid. Re-addition of water may be required during the faecal processing process

The antiseptic is very easy to use. The contents of the jar should be poured into the country toilet, toilet bowl, cesspool and, if necessary, add water there.

Russian biological product "Mikrozim SEPTI TRIT"

This biological product, produced by the Russian manufacturer RSE-Trading, includes living strictly saprophytic microflora, as well as granules of natural enzymes, which contain 12 strains of soil microorganisms. If you use this drug regularly, then you can get an excellent bio-fertilizer from waste, which is useful in your summer cottage. If any chemicals are used, then the decomposed waste will have to be removed from the site and disposed of accordingly.

Before making this tool, up to three buckets of warm water are poured into the cesspool. In a humid environment, a faster colonization of the microorganism in the contents of the country toilet occurs, which speeds up the process of waste processing.

For complete cleaning country toilet, in which the volume of the cesspool is 1-2 cubic meters. m, it is necessary to make 250 g of the biological product in the first month. In the following months, the rate of the drug is reduced by two to three times

American biological product "Bio Favorite"

The liquid preparation, supplied from the USA to the Russian market, allows organizing effective care for latrines, septic tanks, country toilets. The specialized preparation Bio Favorite promotes the breakdown of fecal matter, paper, fats and other substances that end up in the cesspool. With the help of this tool, you can get rid of the unpleasant odor. One bottle contains 946 mm of liquid, which is enough for one year. Using the drug is nowhere easier. The contents of the bottle are poured once a year into a cesspool, the volume of which does not exceed 2000 liters.

Bio Favorite liquid biopreparation, produced by an American manufacturer, effectively dilutes solid fecal matter, and also eliminates

The problem of waste disposal is acute all over the world. Every year, new tools are being developed to help address this issue in a positive way. If you do not know how to clean up a country toilet from waste, contact consultants in stores specializing in the sale of goods for summer residents.

Bacteria for a toilet in the country - how to choose a quality antiseptic?

The choice of antiseptic for the toilet in the country. Anaerobic and aerobic bacteria are included in toilet cleaners in the country.

Overview of funds for a country toilet

A tool for a country toilet and cesspools allows you to get rid of many of the hassles associated with their maintenance. On the modern market there are many drugs with various functionalities, ranging from disinfection to the removal of unpleasant odors.

Note that it is strongly not recommended to use household chemicals, such as biola or bref (bref), for this purpose, since in this case the biological balance in the septic tank or cesspool can be disturbed.

Commercially available cleaning products allow you to quickly and effectively remove waste. However, they do not harm the structure. Some drugs wrap the walls of the tank or cesspool with a film, so that feces do not stick to them.

Depending on the type of composition, toilet products can be:

The latter are considered more effective, their dosage is carried out by special measurements, which, as a rule, are completed with drugs. The measured capacity allows you to spend the substance more rationally.

Liquid products are as common as powder ones, they are multifunctional. For example, they help to get rid of the smell, providing a deodorizing effect, promote disinfection, and also facilitate the cleaning procedure. In addition, liquid preparations - an effective remedy to reduce waste.

Powder and liquid products do not pollute the environment, but the latter have a significant drawback (regardless of composition) - high consumption.

Toilet products can also differ in the composition of the substances they contain. Conditionally accepted divide into three groups:

  • containing biologically active additives;
  • with the addition of ammonium compounds;
  • formaldehyde additives.

Biologically active additives are special enzymes that accelerate the decomposition of fecal matter. The resulting sediment is absolutely harmless to the environment, it is easy to dispose of. This sediment can act as fertilizer for plants and trees.

Ammonium compounds after dissolution work perfectly in an environment where there is not enough oxygen. Therefore, such solutions are widely used in small structures, for example, dry closets. Means with ammonium compounds are distinguished by fast and efficient waste processing, they are also completely safe for both the environment and humans.

Means containing formaldehyde are the most effective, but they are highly toxic, which greatly complicates disposal. Disposal of effluents containing such substances is allowed only through the central sewerage system.

What to look for when choosing

Before you buy a tool for a cesspool or country toilet, it is advisable to read the reviews of those who used it. In addition, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions, for example, it indicates the temperature at which the drug retains its properties.

If you are going to purchase a product for use in the winter, make sure that it is rated for this temperature range.

We recommend paying attention to bioactivators, this is the best and completely safe remedy for cleaning the toilet in the country. The biological organisms that are part of such preparations effectively cope with the processing of fecal matter, while they are absolutely harmless.

The following qualities can be safely attributed to the number of advantages of such funds:

  • the drug is enough for a long time;
  • a significant increase in the rate at which waste decomposes;
  • no unpleasant odor.

It should be emphasized that it is necessary to observe the dosage of the substance based on the volume of the cesspool or toilet tank. If there are not enough biological microorganisms for the volume, the effectiveness of the drug will decrease significantly. The dosage for certain volumes is indicated in the instructions.

Overview of popular tools

Given the huge selection of pit latrines and latrines available on Russian market, we will talk about the drugs that are in greatest demand.

Bio Favorite, this imported liquid product is highly effective and absolutely safe. A distinctive feature is that it can process not only organics, but also cellulose and fats. Ensures the absence of unpleasant odors.

Bio Favorite

Microzim SEPTI TREAT is a domestic product containing microorganisms that accelerate the decomposition of organic matter. Residues after decomposition can be used as fertilizers. This drug prefers moisture, it is recommended to pour at least a bucket of water into the septic tank or tank before adding.


Atmosbio is a French remedy for the processing of fecal matter. The bacteria included in the composition are able to process the bottom sediment and the resulting crust. It is an excellent compost activator. The only drawback is the short shelf life, the drug must be used no later than six months after manufacture.


Saneks is a Polish-made powder product. The drug has a characteristic red color. Effectively destroys microorganisms and an unpleasant smell. Before adding it is necessary to dissolve in water at a temperature not more than 40 °C. This product can also be used to clean the sink or toilet.


Tamir, which are part of the agent microorganisms (about 80 various kinds) make it possible to convert fecal matter into fertilizer within two weeks. It is considered one of the best drugs.

Bioactivator Green Pine is an excellent Belgian remedy, consisting of freeze-dried bacteria. Promotes the decomposition of fats and feces. The sludge after processing can be used as fertilizer.

Bioactivator Green pine

ARGUS GARDEN is a Canadian bioactive septic tank and cesspool. Supplied in two bags of 18 grams each. One package is enough for a volume of 2 cubic meters.


System Septic Mainteiner DVT-360 is a preparation (made in the USA) that serves for the complete cleaning of local sewers of any type. Promotes the breakdown of organics, oils, fats, tissues, cellulose, hydrocarbons and other elements.

System Septic Mainteiner DVT-360

BIOFORCE Septic is a concentrate of bacteria and their essential nutrients. Breaks down organic waste and reduces sludge volume. Significantly reduces odor.


Biodom is a biological agent for individual sewer systems that allows you to restore the processing processes after the use of chemically active preparations. Accelerates the decomposition of organics, fats, cellulose and starch. Can be used at low temperature.


Roetech - restores biological processes, promotes the decomposition of solid fractions, reduces silting.


One Flush - refers to universal means, neutralizes soap and phenols. The microorganisms included in the composition, in addition to organic substances, break down cotton and cellulose.

One Flush

Devon-N - destroys an unpleasant smell and accelerates the decomposition of organic matter.


Dr. Robik is a simple and effective bioactivator. Decomposes almost any organic matter, as well as fabric, phenols and detergents.

Dr. Robik

Gorynych is a fast-acting binary bioactivator, helps to reduce the amount of sludge, promotes the decomposition of fats and organic matter.


Primus (Primus) - a liquid agent for a country toilet, the microorganisms included in the composition contribute to the decomposition of organic substances.


Means for a country toilet - an overview of 16 products

Overview of products for a country toilet: Bio Favorite, Microzim SEPTI TRIT, Atmosbio, Saneks, Tamir, Bioactivator Green Pine, Primus and others. Photo.

Bacteria and biological products for septic tanks and cesspools

hosts country houses with enviable constancy they solve the same problem - how to clean a cesspool, an outdoor toilet or an autonomous septic tank. Few know what to do in this case, and how to more effectively eliminate this nuisance.

Most often, steps are taken that do not justify themselves from any point of view - neither from the financial, nor from the technical side, nor from the point of view of ordinary logic. But they have long been used to clean septic tanks, cesspools and drain pits - live bacteria.

What are these tools and how to use them?

These are organic bacteria that actively interact with all organic matter in the cesspool. Biological preparations are made up of several colonies of cleansing bacteria and auxiliary enzymes.

Biological products for outdoor toilets and septic tanks

Before you make a choice, you need to know a few simple conditions when using these biological agents for cesspools, as they are very sensitive to various chemical compounds.

These are chemicals such as:

  1. Chlorine and chlorine compounds.
  2. Alkalines in any form.
  3. Phenols and their compounds.
  4. acids and aldehydes.

Biological products turn human waste products into non-hazardous environmental ecology mass, from them you can get valuable organic fertilizers that will be useful in the country or in the garden.

Such biological preparations for cesspools are widely used in the treatment of domestic wastewater and have long been known throughout the world.

The manufacturing companies of these products are very scrupulous about the quality of their products, since not only the comfort of a person living in a house, but also the state of the environment depends on their effectiveness.

The biological preparations used for cesspools, autonomous septic tanks, country toilets actively decompose human waste and effectively solve the problem of household waste disposal in order to maintain ecological balance.

Biologics are designed to prevent:

  1. The development of many pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. Formation of harmful gases and toxic fumes.
  3. Destruction of plastic structures of autonomous septic tanks.
  4. The development of unpleasant odors from a makeshift cesspool.
  5. Irritation of the mucous membrane and human skin.

How to choose an effective remedy

The drug "Doctor Robik"- This is a potent mixture of special bacteria in the amount of 6 pieces. These bacteria were developed specifically for the disposal of household waste. They are poorly decomposed and practically not destroyed by modern chemical and biological means.

These bacteria can process any fat, fabric, phenol, detergents and cleaners. If you use this product for 30 days, you can significantly reduce the amount of non-recyclable waste, which means reducing the number of pumping out of the cesspool, as well as eliminating unpleasant odors.

The biological product "Doctor Robik" has such advantages as:

  1. Ecological purity of the product.
  2. Destroying bad odors from a septic tank.
  3. Efficient decomposition of faeces, organics, cellulose and fats.
  4. Resilience household chemicals.
  5. Reducing the level of auto-disposal.
  6. Safety for people, animals and plants.

This drug is used for septic tanks and cesspools in this way - the package must be diluted in a bucket of water and poured into a cesspool. Another way is to empty the bag down the toilet and flush it several times.

If you use bioactivators, then the natural cleansing of the cesspool is accelerated several times.

Biopowder is a non-toxic preparation consisting of microorganisms and enzymes that accelerate the decomposition of the components of sewage by several times. Wastewater decomposes into solid sludge, gas and water.

When using biological products, the accumulation of sludge is slower, and the septic tank can be cleaned much less frequently.

Bioactivators are available in granules. The industry produces sets of tableted bioactivators that are installed in toilet bowls. The drug with water falls into the pit, and continues to be active for a long time.

Now the functionality of devices and means for primary wastewater treatment is expanding thanks to the efforts of manufacturers. Biological purification of water passes through several layers of stone fiber, as a result of which organic substances decompose into groups of simple substances.

These components form a solid sediment, which is populated by microorganisms that process the remains of organic matter and decompose it into carbon dioxide and water.

Modern biological products are products that have been developed by scientists for many years. different countries and institutes, conducted research in the field of biotechnology. Many scientific discoveries and achievements have already been made in the field of environmentally friendly wastewater treatment.

Researchers have noticed that some microorganisms and bacteria for the toilet can live and develop through the processing of organic waste and materials.

At the moment, such a technology has already been implemented as the artificial cultivation of microorganisms that process a large number of sewage domestic and economic waters in a natural way.

Biological products for cesspools and sewerage

Biological product "Waist Treat" is a chemically non-aggressive liquid in which six anaerobic microbial cultures are populated. This is a safe complex of microorganisms designed for the accelerated processing of feces and household waste in septic tanks and cesspools.

It can handle phosphates and nitrates in waste water. Eliminates all unpleasant odors in septic tanks, latrines and toilets, recycles organic waste, turning it into a liquid.

The biological product "Waist Treat" is intended for cleansing:

  1. drainage systems.
  2. Reduce the volume of waste in the pit latrine or septic tank.
  3. Outdoor toilets and septic tanks.
  4. Destruction of unpleasant odors.

Cesspool cleaning

Today, chemical preparations for cesspools and septic tanks in the form of powders are used very actively. These products perfectly purify domestic wastewater, dispose of waste in street toilets, in compost pits, and also clean the pipes of the sewage system from grease.

For example, the drug "Septifos" is a powder. This tool quickly, and most importantly - safely decomposes all human waste products, utilizes all kinds of pollution and turns unpleasant odors into the aroma of eucalyptus.

The work of the drug "Septifos" is based on the work of beneficial microorganisms that multiply in organic waste.

Preparations for septic tanks and cesspools work at any outdoor temperature. They work great in hard water with aggressive chemical impurities. Their only, but very significant drawback is that they negatively affect the environment and sewerage in general.

Each such preparation on a chemical basis quickly destroys metals.

To clean a septic tank, cesspool, sewer system or toilet, formaldehyde-based chemicals are used, since these compounds are the cheapest.

Until recently, such drugs were used everywhere, but practice has shown that they are very carcinogenic and toxic, and therefore these drugs are no longer produced.

Modern biological products have completely different capabilities due to improved properties and characteristics:

  1. Nitrate oxidizers are common nitrogen fertilizers.
  2. Modern biological products are used in cleaning street toilets and cesspools, as they are environmentally friendly and contain surfactants that turn organic waste into a liquid suitable for pumping.
  3. Moreover, new biological products have a high power of action and do not react with aggressive environment , elements of which may be present in wastewater.
  4. Ammonium compounds are excellent disinfectants that destroy feces.
  5. Biological preparations eliminate unpleasant odors, accelerate the process of decomposition of organic waste.
  6. And the last thing - not a single chemical preparation, even the most modern one, is able to turn feces into compost, and biological preparations do this easily and very quickly.

Most of the dachas have "birdhouse" type toilets with cesspools. Only recently began to do instead of them. The inconvenience of the cesspool is that it quickly fills up, its contents must be pumped out - a sewage truck should be called. Another unpleasant moment is insects and a rather strong smell. Bacterial agents (bacteria) for cesspools can solve all problems at the same time. They process waste to the state of slurry. At the same time, insects and smell disappear, and the contents of the container can be pumped into compost or buried on the site - this slurry is not dangerous, but is an excellent nutrient medium.

Forms of biological preparations for cesspools

Cesspool bacteria are cultured cultures that feed on organic matter. Depending on the form of the preparation, they are dried (powders and tablet preparations) or an aqueous solution is made. In the preparation, the bacteria are in a dormant state; certain actions are required to activate them. They depend on the form of release and are written in detail on the packaging. Accurate execution of the instructions is very important to obtain the result.

Regardless of the form of release, most of the drugs can be used to enhance processing in septic tanks. Dosages change (septic tanks usually have a larger volume than a pit) and the method of "delivery" to the destination. In the case of home sewage, bacteria can also. To do this, the drug is poured into the sewer and not used for at least 24 hours. During this time, microorganisms dissolve fats and stuck waste and water begins to drain better. This is a good replacement for chemicals, especially for septic tanks or for VOCs, because after cleaning with chemicals, the quality of processing is noticeably reduced. And so you just add another batch of bacteria from which the drains will only become cleaner.

They produce bacteria for cesspools in preparations of three types:

In principle, the form of release does not matter. The number of microorganisms, their condition and the degree of "freshness" are important. All drugs have a limited shelf life. When buying, be sure to check the dates. The later the date is, the worse - the bacteria could die.

Storage conditions are also standardized by manufacturers. Usually this is the temperature - the drug should not freeze (even cool below + 10 ° C, in theory, should not). It is impossible to know whether the storage conditions were observed. It will only be possible to believe empirically - if the drug does not work, the reason may be that the bacteria died as a result of improper storage.

What to do with bacteria in powder form

Cesspool products in powder form occupy a large part of the market. It is convenient: they are packaged in small bags. It is usually necessary to pour out one bag at a time, more is required only at the start (first) load. Inside there may be a powder, or there may be granules - different manufacturers have different ways.

As a rule, the powder must be diluted in water, left for a while, and then pour the “sourdough” into the cesspool.

Liquid cesspool cleaner

It is a concentrated solution of bacteria. As well as dry preparations, concentrates must be “fresh” and stored at positive temperatures. Overheating is also not allowed - the upper limit of the viability of most bacteria is 40-45 ° C.

Using septic tank fluid is even easier. All that is needed is to measure the required volume (set in milliliters or caps) and pour it into the pit. Sometimes it is required to dilute the drug in water, then pour it. Everything is clearly spelled out in the instructions.

toilet tablets

This type of cesspool bacteria is molded into small, tablet-like discs, only much larger in diameter. There is a certain amount of them in a package or tube. Each tablet is packaged in polyethylene film. Before adding a cesspool, the shell is removed, the product is thrown inside.

If the home sewer is made on the basis of a septic tank, the tablet is thrown into the toilet, waiting for it to dissolve, after which the water is drained.

What effect should be expected

According to the advertisements of some preparations for processing waste in sewage pits, it will contain hardly half the volume of waste, there will be no smell at all, and it will be possible to water the lawn with liquid. Reality is very different from promises. What you can really get:

These are the results of bacteria for cesspools can provide. It is quite the same to recycle drains to a state of clean or almost clean water they are unable to.

Why bacteria don't work

We have already named several reasons - storage conditions are violated or the drug is “old”. In this case, there were simply no viable microorganisms or there were too few of them. But there are other reasons too:

As you can see, there are many conditions that affect the final result. To make it easier to deal with odors from the toilet and for the waste to decompose successfully, it is better to start processing almost immediately after the pit is used for its intended purpose. If a large amount of waste has already accumulated in it, it is more difficult to recycle it.

What bacteria is best for cesspools

No one can unequivocally say “buy this drug and everything will work”. Some of the same tools work perfectly well for others, averagely for others, and almost do not work for others. Possible reasons described above, but it may still depend on the type of waste that falls into the pit. In the country there will be a little chemistry, but, most likely, a lot of organic matter and bacteria will be more active. There are more chemicals in household drains, as a result, the same drug may no longer be as effective, but another one will work very well.

One of the effective drugs - Saneks

In general, what can I advise - try different drugs, starting with cheap ones. One of them will help you. By the way, there is one trick that will help activate the recycling processes. Periodically pour expired kefir or sour milk into the sewer, you can pour out a bag or two of semolina. Bacteria love protein, and there is not much of it in the waste. By feeding them, you stimulate the development of the colony, the decomposition process will go faster.

NameApplication temperaturePackingFor what volumeDrug typeAcidity of the environmentWinter workManufacturer countryPrice
Bioenzyme BIO-P1from 5°C to 40°C1 package 100 gup to 4 m3200 g (2 packs)100 g (one pack)mixture of bacteriaPH = 5.0 - 7.5Works on a double doseCzech6-7$
Biosept 600from 5°C to 40°C24 bags of 25 gup to 4 m34 bags (100 g)2 bags (50 g)mixture of bacteriaPH = 5.0 - 7.5dormantFrance20$
ORO-fresh WC-Activefrom 5°C to 60°C12 bags of 25 gup to 4 m34 bags (100 g)2 bags (50 g)mixture of bacteriaPH = 4.0 - 10sleepingGermany12$
Vodohray30°C to 40°C up to 2 m3100 gr20 g Ukraine12$
EPARCYL (Eparsil) 22 bags of 32 gup to 2 m32 bags (64 g)1 package (32 g)mixture of bacteria France30$
Saneksfrom 5°C to 45°C400 g + scoopup to 2 m32-5 scoops2 scoopsmixture of bacteria and enzymesPH = 5 - 8.5Works at positive temperatures in the pitPoland12$
(SEPTIFOS) Septifosfrom +2°С to +40°С18 bags of 25 gup to 2 m33 sachets (75 g)2 packets (50 g) one twice a month 27,5$
Microzym Septi Treat+2 to 45°C250 gr1-2 m3250 gr50-100 gmixture of bacteriapH = 5 - 9dormantRussia12$
biological product Lucky 30 gr0.5 m31 pack every week1 packagemixture of bacteria Russia1,2$
BIOTELfrom 4°C25 gr1 m3 5-7 grams once a daybacterial-enzymatic compositionin a non-alkaline environmentinactiveRussia1 $
Atmosbiofrom 5°C to 40°C24 bags of 25 gr1 m35 sachets1 pack per weekmixture of bacteria and enzymes France17$
Septic System Mainteiner DWT-360 Mainteiner DWT-360 SSMfrom 5°C to 40°C454 grup to 2 m33 scoops1 scoopmixture of bacteria USA30-40$
Dr. Robik Roebik 109from 5°C to 40°C1 package 75 g1.5 m31 package 75 g1 package 75 gmixture of bacteria Russia1,8$
Dr. Robik Roebik 509 for overcrowded and old pitsfrom 5°C to 40°C798 ml (liquid)1.5 m3single use concentrate Russia14$

There are a couple of comments about the means for country toilets "Doctor Robik". These are products of an American company, but they have a factory in Russia. Russian-made drugs are called Roebik, American Roetech. The price difference is quite significant. Previously, the domestic Robik worked perfectly, so there was no point in overpaying, but in the last year the situation has worsened, so it's worth thinking about.

Any of the list of drugs has good reviews. It is impossible to say that all of them are positive, but most of them speak of good results. So that bacteria for cesspools and country toilets do not disappoint, you need to buy them not in the market, but in the store. There are more chances that the rules of storage will be observed. And in order not to buy a fake, it is advisable to buy from the official representatives of the campaign. Information about this can be found on the manufacturer's website in the "Where to buy" section.

The small volume and depth of cesspools bring a lot of difficulties. The contents of the pit have to be pumped out several times a year, and for this it is necessary to rent special equipment, which in most cases is by no means cheap. To solve this problem, cesspool chemistry based on various active substances has been developed. It promotes the decomposition of organic and inorganic debris, removes an unpleasant odor, and disinfects the surface.

Used to clean cesspools 2 types of funds: based on chemical compounds and with live bacteria. The choice between two drugs depends on several factors at once.

  1. The main advantage of any chemicals is that they can be used at any temperature. Bacteria act only in the range from +4 to +30°C. V winter time they are simply useless, which cannot be said about chemicals. They work great even in severe weather. winter frosts. This feature is very useful when cleaning open pit latrines.
  2. If the pit is used as a container for collecting household waste in autonomous system sewers, inside it, in addition to organic debris, various chemical compounds also enter, for the most part chlorine. It is found in almost every household cleaner or disinfectant. Bacteria in such conditions die very quickly, without even having time to do part of their work. Cesspool chemicals are not afraid of even the most aggressive compounds.
  3. Chemicals affect not only organic debris, but also various synthetic materials. In some way, this is even an advantage, but the question can be looked at from another point of view. Chemicals also affect the quality of sewer elements. They are significantly reduce the service life plastic cesspools, and on metal and concrete - they act extremely aggressively.

Another disadvantage of chemicals for cleaning cesspools can be considered their colossal harm to the environment. It is not recommended to use drugs in outdoor toilets located in the garden and vegetable garden. They will greatly affect the quality of the soil. It is unlikely that anything will grow around the toilet in the next 10 years.

For the same reason, the contents of the cesspool, after the use of chemicals, cannot be used to fertilize the soil, although there is an exception here. Some types of chemicals are more environmentally friendly.

The aggressiveness of cesspool chemistry complicates its use. The smell of many products is very strong, so it is better to use them. wearing a mask. Everything is worth protecting open areas skin.

Cesspool cleaning chemicals come in several different forms. More common liquid gels. They do not need to be additionally prepared before starting work, so it is most convenient and easiest to use them.

Can be distinguished 3 main types, into which any chemicals for cleaning cesspools, reviews can be found on each of them. All enjoy approximately the same popularity, but experts do not share such a loyal attitude towards all variants of chemicals. They recommend only some of them, and do not recommend using others.

Preparations are divided into three types depending on the main active substance:


Literally 10 years ago, such means were used everywhere. They were very popular due to their high efficiency and fast action. Recently, formaldehyde-based preparations are no longer produced, they can only be found in someone's stocks.

Very great harm to the environment, toxicity and carcinogenicity of formaldehydes has been proven. Their use is not recommended, but because. such drugs make up a large part of the history of cesspool cleaning chemistry, it would be wrong not to mention them at all.

nitrate oxidants.

In terms of composition, nitrate oxidizers for cleaning cesspools are similar to the same type of fertilizer, so the contents of the cesspool after such treatment can be used for garden work.

Nitrates are safe for the environment, but this does not interfere with their effectiveness. They perfectly process both organic and inorganic waste, remove unpleasant odors, and can work even in the most difficult conditions. The big disadvantage of such funds is the relatively high price.

ammonium compounds.

Such agents work as effectively as nitrate compounds. They perfectly fight unpleasant odors, reduce the volume of the contents of the cesspool, and disinfect the surface. Among the shortcomings, one can single out the fact that in conditions of high chlorine content in household waste, they work less efficiently, and some types of drugs do not work at all.

Rules for the use of chemicals for cesspools

Chemical pit cleaners can be very dangerous if used incorrectly.
On the packaging of any product you can find the following recommendations for use:

  • Before starting work, wear rubber gloves and a protective mask for the respiratory tract. Clothes should be chosen the one that will not be a pity to throw out after cleaning.
  • During the operation of chemicals, gas is released. If, when cleaning a closed cesspool, you do not leave access to the gas outlet, the pressure inside the structure will rise sharply. For metal and concrete pits, such a load can become critical. It is best to slightly open the hatch of the cesspool during cleaning.
  • After cleaning begins, warn everyone in the household that you should not approach the hatch of the cesspool for the next couple of days. First, it is dangerous because of the gas and pungent smell. Secondly, during the cleaning process, the lid will not be closed tightly and stepping on it, a person can easily fall inside.
  • For about a week after cleaning, it is not recommended to light a fire near the cesspool. The gas that is released during the operation of chemicals is highly flammable.
  • When choosing the right amount of cleaning agent for a particular cesspool, carefully follow the instructions. Each tool has its own rules.

Own comfortable house or cottage is the dream of many. However, not everyone thinks about the price of comfort and coziness in it. For example, ensuring the removal of wastewater. Most often, such buildings are not connected to a centralized sewerage system. They are equipped with a cesspool or various septic tanks. Such facilities require cleaning as they get dirty, a laborious and unpleasant event. Properly selected modern facility for cesspools greatly facilitates this procedure and makes it much less unpleasant. In addition, the sanitary facility will need to be cleaned much less frequently.

Possible ways to treat wastewater

The regular cleaning necessary for each cesspool can be performed in several ways, different in labor intensity:

  • Mechanical. The most common method. It consists in pumping out sewage from the structure with the help of a sewage truck and their subsequent removal.
  • Bacterial-enzymatic. It involves the introduction of specially grown microorganisms into wastewater, which grind solid and liquid sewage and convert them into sludge and water. After such processing, the volume of effluents is significantly reduced.
  • Chemical. Similar to the previous one, only in this case, the sewage decomposes and is disinfected with the help of special chemicals.

The choice is up to the owner. Let's talk in more detail about the bacterial-enzymatic method of cleaning sanitary facilities.

How does the bacterial method work?

The main difference between such cleaning is that enzymes and live bacteria for cesspools act as vacuum cleaners. They are part of the preparations that are added to sewage.

Under the influence of microorganisms, sewage gradually decomposes into sludge and water that are safe for living organisms.

For compositions intended for biological treatment, has the following properties:

  • Transform human waste into an environmentally friendly mass. The sludge obtained as a result of such processing is a fairly valuable organic-mineral fertilizer.
  • Prevent excessive gas formation and the appearance of unpleasant odors.
  • Safe for humans and do not irritate the skin.
  • Do not interact with plastic, metal and other substances, respectively, do not destroy the walls of the cesspool or septic tank.
  • Effective only when positive values ambient temperature. For most drugs, the operating temperature range is from 3 to 30°C. There are varieties for which the upper limit shifts to 45 ° C.
  • Sensitive to chlorine, aldehydes, phenols, strong alkalis and acids.

Biological agents are extremely effective, however, it should be remembered that they are not compatible with chemical compositions and cannot be used in the cold season.

In what forms are biopreparations produced?

Biological treatment products are available in various forms depending on their composition, frequency and ease of use.

Option #1 - Powder Substances

They are a dry powder, which includes enzymes and microorganisms. The preparations are packaged in packages of various capacities, which is very convenient for use and transportation. Biopowders have some features:

  • The basis of the drug are artificially grown saprophytic anaerobic microorganisms found in natural conditions.
  • They can be sold not only in powder form, but also in the form of small granules.
  • Bacteria in such compositions are in a "sleeping" state. To activate them, it is necessary to dilute the composition with water in the proportions indicated on the package of the drug.

The use of the drug is extremely simple. For example, sanex, a popular powder for cesspools, is diluted with warm water, infused for about 20 minutes, and poured into the sewer. Experts warn that the use of biopowders without following the instructions does not give any effect.

To activate the “sleeping” bacteria in the composition of the dry powder, the agent is diluted in certain proportions with warm water and only after that it is poured into a cesspool or sewer

Option #2 - liquid products

Biological products, produced in the form of liquids, are highly concentrated formulations. They include a whole complex of anaerobic microorganisms that easily cope with various contaminants. They quickly decompose sewage into carbon dioxide and water.

home distinguishing feature preparations - a small volume required to process a sufficiently large array of sewage. On average, one liter of product is enough to process 2,000 liters of sewage. For the most effective work the drug is added to the cesspool or sewer in the amount recommended by the manufacturer.

Option #3 - tablet preparations

Very convenient form of release of biological preparations. Does not require any further processing. Tablets are lowered into the cesspool in an amount depending on the volume of the structure. The drug destroys persistent sewer smell, dissolves most of the solid bottom sediments and cleans the effluent from suspended particles. In addition, the use of preparations of this type significantly reduces the need for work aimed at deepening the bottom of the structure.

In addition to these release forms, self-dissolving bags and cassettes with colonies of microorganisms can also be found on sale. In any case, the preparations are based on anaerobic bacteria that live in an oxygen-free environment and do not need mechanical air plugging.

Tablet preparations are very convenient and do not require any special preparation before use. It is only necessary to carefully calculate their dosage, referring to the instructions.

There are preparations intended for autonomous biological treatment plants, which include aerobic microorganisms. These are very effective formulations, but they cannot be used for latrines because the bacteria that make them up need oxygen to survive. Such conditions are provided to them inside specialized treatment plants, in a conventional septic tank they will simply die.

What brands are best to buy?

For those who regularly use chemicals to disinfect cesspools, it becomes clear that this is a very unsafe activity. Most of the chemicals in use today are extremely harmful to the environment and human health. Therefore, more and more owners autonomous sewers make a choice in favor of biological compounds. The most popular among them are:

  • Bioactivator Saneks. Easily handles organic fibres, paper, starches, fats and waste products. It is a powder that must be diluted with water before use. In addition to its basic functions, it significantly improves the condition of sewer pipes. The water obtained as a result of the work of the drug is completely harmless to living organisms. It can be used for irrigation or drained into natural reservoirs.
  • Dr. Robik (Roebik). The tool is designed to work in cesspools and septic tanks. The special composition of microorganisms makes it possible to cope not only with ordinary pollution, but also with detergents, fats and phenols. For its effective use, it is enough to pour the powder from the bag into the toilet bowl and start the water several times after that. One package is designed to process five cubic meters of sewage. If you are seriously dehydrated, you will have to add water and a product to it at the rate of a package per cubic meter of wastewater.
  • Micropan. The composition is successfully used as an antiseptic for small containers and cesspools. The composition of the drug includes optimally selected enzymes and microorganisms that quickly process human waste and paper into a non-toxic mass. The product prevents unpleasant odors and reduces the amount of sewage, which makes it possible to pump out the tank less often. Available as tablets, liquid or granules.

There are no clear criteria for the selection of biological preparations. All of them are effective, the main thing is to use them in strict accordance with the instructions.

Saneks is an effective and popular remedy for a cesspool. The effect of its use is shown in the diagram.

Experts recommend that you always use tableted products if you plan to use the sludge obtained after processing as a fertilizer. Otherwise, you can choose what seems most convenient. Biological preparations are absolutely safe and very effective. Their use makes it possible to easily and painlessly solve a rather complex "sewer" problem.