Country septic tank "Rostok": reviews and principle of operation. Septic tank "Rostok" - an effective treatment plant for a country house of any size

  • 03.03.2020

Septic tank for giving Rostock

Autonomous sewer Rostock is designed to collect domestic wastewater from individual houses. The system is made in accordance with SNiP 2.04.03.-85. All Rostok septic tanks are made of resistant food-grade polyethylene, there are also quality certificates for underground tanks. The body of the tank is 100% hermetic, as it is made by rotational molding. The Rostock septic tank has no seams, it has stiffeners. If the installation of the Rostock septic tank is done according to the instructions of the septic tank manufacturer, then the system is not subject to floating and squeezing.

Installation of a soil treatment system

Drainage tunnel (quantity) Filtration area, m 2 Installation cost, rub
1 1,5 8 000
2 3,0 15 000
3 4,5 21 000
4 6,0 29 000
5 7,5 37 000
6 9,0 45 000
8 12,0 59 000
14 21,0 82 000

How the Rostok septic tank works

The Rostock septic tank is a 3-chamber container with an overflow system and shaped elements. Capacities Rostock are non-volatile systems that are great for country houses with non-permanent residence. The treatment of wastewater passing through the septic tank is approximately 80%. Maintenance of a septic tank Rostock does not require much attention, once a year you need to call sewer truck for pumping solid particles. The septic tank is available in 4 versions from mini to cottage.

The ideal for a person is to combine the delights of life outside the city with the preservation of urban amenities. This picture does not fit the lack of not only water supply to the house, but also a waste disposal system that prevents pollution of the site.

Therefore, septic tanks are becoming increasingly popular - devices for the safe disposal of wastewater. Such a structure can be made independently, but it is easier, and sometimes more profitable, to buy a finished product, for example, a suitable model of the Rostok septic tank from EcoProm Group of Companies.

The Rostok lineup is not very wide, but most buyers will find suitable option with the right technical specifications. The main difference between the models is performance, which determines the size and configuration.

  1. Rostock Mini- most small version, containing 1 m3 of wastewater and designed to serve 1-2 people, since the daily output is approximately 0.25 m3. The one-piece container is very compact and lightweight. Its length, width, height and weight are 1.3 m, 1.1 m, 1.8 m and 2.5 kg, respectively.
  2. "Sprout Dachny" represents the tank from integral plastic added with a mouth. The capacity of the tank is 1.5 m3, weight 100 kg, length, width and height, together with the neck, approximately 1.7 m, 1.1 m, 1.8 m. The device can process 0.4 m3 of wastewater daily, designed for home maintenance occupied by 3 people
  3. "Rostok Zagorodny" has a configuration similar to the previous version, but the volume of the tank is much larger - 2.4 m3, which increases productivity to 0.88 m3 / day. Dimensions (LxWxH) are 2.2x1.3x2.0 m, and the weight is 150 kg.
  4. "Rostok Cottage" is the largest reservoir, the length, width and height of which are 2.4, 1.4, 2.0 m, respectively, and the capacity is 1 m3. The empty tank weighs almost 200 kg and can hold 3 m3 of wastewater.

The internal design and method of processing wastewater is the same for all models.

Principle of operation

A septic tank is a container that has a rounded section. This shape, together with special stiffening ribs, reduces the likelihood of the tank surfacing when groundwater rises and gives it additional strength.

The principle of operation of the septic tank "Rostok" is quite simple. Cleaning occurs in stages in two chambers.

  1. First, effluent from the external sewer pipeline enters the primary sump. A flow damper is located at the inlet, which prevents the water from bubbling and, accordingly, the raising of sediment. The incoming water is clarified by the precipitation of heavy suspensions. Partial treatment of the sludge by anaerobic microorganisms takes place in the same chamber.
  2. Clarified water is supplied from below to the second compartment, where it is filtered through a 20 cm layer of zeolite, which requires annual regeneration in a sodium chloride solution.

After such treatment, wastewater is cleaned by about 80%. In this form, it is unacceptable to discharge into the environment. Therefore, an additional stage of soil cleaning or the use of special biofilters is required.

A container for arranging a filtration well or a biofilter is supplied with the Rostock device. You can additionally purchase a ready-made system or equip the post-treatment yourself.

It is the need for an additional step that is the main negative feature of Rostok products.

For more information about the device of the septic tank, see the video:

Advantages and disadvantages of the Rostock system

The construction of an additional processing stage and other features of the treatment plant determine a few negative points:

  1. The arrangement of the additional purification stage is impossible or is particularly difficult in places with high level ground water.
  2. The post-treatment element in any form requires financial costs for the purchase of materials, as well as efforts for installation.
  3. The zeolite layer needs annual treatment with a salt solution.
  4. Once a year, it is required to call a sewage machine to pump out solid sediment. This procedure can be carried out independently using a pump.

But the Rostok device deserved reviews and positive content thanks to several advantages:

  1. For its operation, electricity is not needed, the drains inside move by gravity.
  2. The container weighs little and takes up little space, so it is easy to transport and install without the involvement of lifting equipment. You can even install it yourself, which will save you money.
  3. "Rostok" has a relatively low cost.
  4. The tank is completely sealed and made of strong and durable material.
  5. Zeolite filter increases the degree of purification compared to others anaerobic septic tanks, which reduces the load on the post-treatment stage.
  6. The device allows you to significantly reduce or remove from the expense item the cost of calling a sewage truck.
  7. The station is simply arranged, so it's harder to break.
  8. Bacteria play a supporting role, so the unit is not particularly sensitive to interruptions in operation.
  9. If the inherent performance is higher than required, then this will not affect the operation of the system.
  10. The model range of the septic tank "Rostok" allows you to choose a system that corresponds to a different volume of wastewater.

How to choose a modification?

Model selection treatment plant depends on the required performance, which determines the volume of the tank. It is generally accepted that one person forms 200 liters of waste per day.

This value must first be multiplied by the number of residents, and then tripled, since the wastewater stays in the tank for about 3 days. The result is the volume of the tank.

If 2-3 people live in the house, then the treatment plant should contain 1200-1800 liters of wastewater.

So, the volume of the septic tank "Sprout Country" is 1500 liters, that is, it is quite suitable for the described case. Modification "Mini" is suitable for periodic residence of 1-2 people, and "Country" version - for permanent service of 5-6 residents. The declared performance corresponds to reality, which is proved by the impression of the owners.

So, about the septic tank "Rostok Cottage" with a volume of 3000 liters, positive reviews are very common.

But when choosing a model, it is important to take into account the presence of sanitary equipment that generates a lot of wastewater, for example, a washing machine.

Installation of any modification does not require special efforts, so many owners prefer to mount it on their own.

Do-it-yourself installation

Before installation, you need to decide on a few points.

  1. It is important to choose the right place for a septic tank. The recommended distance between the foundation of the house and the treatment station is at least 5 m, but if it exceeds 10 m, then it is necessary to install manhole. From the device to the road there should be at least 5 meters, underground water sources - 30-50 m, and trees and shrubs - 3 m.
  2. It is important to know the freezing point of the soil. The supply pipe and container must be below this mark. If this is not possible, then it is worth insulating the pipe and tank.
  3. The level of groundwater must also be taken into account. For flooded soils, it is recommended to make a cement base in the pit, to which the septic tank will need to be fixed with cables, since even the special shape of the tank will not be a guarantee against ascent in this case.

Given these nuances, you can proceed with the installation:

  1. First, a pit is prepared for the septic tank and the post-treatment stage, as well as trenches for the inlet and outlet pipelines. The bottom of the ditch for pipes should run at a slope of 2 cm. The dimensions of the pit should exceed the length and width of the septic tank by half a meter.
  2. On the leveled and compacted bottom of the pit for the cleaning station, a sand cushion 10 cm thick is poured or poured concrete base with metal loops for fixing the tank. In the trenches, a sandy base is also prepared with a slope
  3. Release the container and check if it is level.
  4. Lay pipes and connect them to the tank.
  5. Equip a post-treatment system and connect a septic tank to it.
  6. Spend backfill tank with a mixture of cement and sand, tamping every 20 cm. At the same time fill the tank with water. Upper layer covered with soil.

The video describes the installation of the Rostock septic tank in more detail:


For well-coordinated work, Rostok requires fairly simple maintenance:

  • pumping out the sediment from the sump with a frequency of once every 1-3 years, after which it is necessary to fill first the second, and then the first chamber with clean water;
  • filter regeneration with salt solution.

How to extend the service life?

The period of operation of the septic tank "Rostok" is large and reaches 50 years, which is due to the peculiarity of the material. The main thing is to properly install and maintain the equipment, and especially the filter.

You can extend the period between pumping out the sediment and increase the efficiency of stonecrop by adding special bacteria to the septic tank.

How to equip a reliable one with your own hands?

Find out articles on how to independently make a septic tank from eurocubes.

Do-it-yourself sewerage works in a private house - Project development and installation.

The cost of materials and work

One of the advantages of the Rostock septic tank is the price, which differs slightly depending on the model:

  • "Mini" costs about 24 thousand rubles;
  • "Country"- 29 thousand rubles;
  • "Country"- 40.5 thousand rubles;
  • "Cottage"- 47 thousand rubles.

Per installation work depending on the model, you will need to pay from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles.

Biofilter with installation will cost about 21 thousand, and a proprietary drainage well - 11 thousand rubles.

Do-it-yourself installation will save you money.

In any case, with the high-quality installation of the Rostok station, as a result, you can get an effective wastewater treatment system suitable for a summer residence or a small country house. This setting is especially relevant for places with power outages and for houses with periodic human habitation.

Company Trans-Unit will help organize sewerage based on septic tanks Rostock in short time and by pleasant prices in Moscow.

The Rostock septic tank is one of the best known septic tanks on the market. It is designed to purify water as efficiently as possible. A septic tank is a special installation that is needed for both primary sludge and anaerobic processing.

Lineup Rostock

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The device and principle of operation of septic tanks Rostock

At the first stage of the cleaning system, anaerobic bacteria are exposed. After that, a silt-like sediment appears. Over time, it settles to the bottom, and the liquid must rise as high as possible in order to pass the filter layer, whose thickness reaches 200 mm. Each chamber of Rostock septic tanks is made in the form of a cylinder (production material is seamless plastic). Because of this, the product is characterized by tightness, as well as high reliability. It can last for years, provided that the user follows at least elementary rules of operation.

Case material - multilayer polyethylene. This is the most best material for the body. The installation is equipped with special cameras. All chambers are seamless structures, so you can forget about such a problem as leaks. The installation will never leak even if it is used very intensively. At the very top of the product is a neck that protrudes above the ground. It is needed for maintenance, as well as the destruction of sludge. The septic tank is below freezing level.

The Rostock septic tank consists of many elements, each of which performs a strictly defined function. The entire installation of septic tanks Rostock can be assembled from Supplies, as well as pipes (made of PVC), chamber capacity.

Since the body that Rostock septic tanks are equipped with has a cylindrical shape, it is easy to install it in a working pit. In spite of small size cleaning components, they allow you to perform complex purification (filtration, oxidation). Also, the septic tank is able to delay any unnecessary occurrences.

Sewage treatment

The Rostock septic tank is designed for the fastest possible water purification, therefore, to increase its efficiency, the design is reinforced with stiffeners and made of plastic. In operating mode, the system can move waste masses from chamber to chamber. In each of them, both cleaning and post-treatment of wastewater are carried out. In order to prevent swelling, an inlet pipeline is used. All unnecessary entries are retained directly while moving through the pipeline, so the cleaning system of this septic tank copes with even the most difficult pollution.

Possible layouts of the septic tank Rostock

Septic tanks Rostock are equipped with efficient system to get water out. All water that has been purified from contaminants rises up, after which it passes through the zeolite. After that, she falls into another tank. Then all the purified liquid is passed through the filter and poured into a well or pit designed for draining. After the water passes through the soil, it will become absolutely safe for humans. It can be used for any need.

Advantages of septic tanks Rostock

  • Machine cleaning is required only a few times a year. This is much less common than with some other installations.
  • The septic tank is lightweight and small design, which does not have elements made of concrete or metal, so using the product is easy and simple.
  • The Rostock septic tank is reliably protected from emergency overflows, as well as swelling of the mass.
  • The body of the product stands out for its high strength, so it can be used both in a standard environment and in the most aggressive operating conditions. You can install the installation even where similar septic tanks can fail.
  • Rostock septic tanks boast a long service life, allowing them to be used for years without the need for repair or replacement of components.
  • The special design of the overflows will allow you to retain oils.
  • Energy independence is another essential quality, which Rostock septic tanks have. In conditions where there is no electricity, it is impossible to find a similar product for water treatment.
  • Human safety. A septic tank cannot cause any harm to humans, animals, or the environment.
  • High level of water purification. Many similar septic tanks are not able to boast the same stable quality of cleaning, even if they cost significantly more.
  • The septic tank has an original design, which includes an incoming flow damper and shock discharge protection. This design allows you to perform many tasks much faster.

In order to improve the quality of post-treatment, it is recommended to attach a drainage well. In it, purified water can be discharged directly into the ground. Before you install this equipment, you need to watch at least a few training videos. This will make installation much faster. You can find many relevant and informative videos on the video hosting "Youtube"

The septic tank needs constant maintenance. Otherwise, the service life will be shortened and its efficiency will be greatly reduced.

You should not drain water into any reservoir, otherwise it will soon become overgrown with reeds. After that, the reservoir will become a haven for mosquitoes, so living in a house located not far from it will become unbearable.

Description of the range

Rostock septic tanks are widely represented on the domestic market and include the following models:

  • Mini. This model can treat 1.000 liters of sewage, as well as 250 liters in 24 hours. It can be useful in a house where no more than two people live.
  • Country. Volume - 1.500 l. Processing of 400 l of water for 24 hours is allowed. Designed for a small country house in which 2-3 people live.
  • Cottage. Volume - 3000 l. The productivity level of this plant reaches 1,000 liters per day. The septic tank is designed for houses where 5-6 people live

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The problem of waste disposal in country house is one of the most difficult to solve. The comfort familiar to many can be so difficult to change to the eternal problem of getting rid of dirty water and food waste, as well as human waste products. for a country house are one of the best solutions, as they are environmentally friendly, economical, do not need frequent maintenance, and do not require an electrical connection. For many, the absence of the need to connect to the power supply is the main factor for choosing one or another type of sewerage outside the city, and that is why they choose the Rostock septic tank. Reviews about him appear the most positive and enthusiastic. What is unusual about this seemingly simple septic tank. Why do many country lovers choose it for their sewer systems? Let's take a closer look design features and technical capabilities of plastic septic tanks.

The largest manufacturer of plastic products

One of the most popular today is the Rostok septic tank, manufactured by EcoProm Group of Companies, which is one of the largest companies for the production of polyethylene products. At the same time, the cost of the goods offered is an order of magnitude lower. foreign analogues, and their quality is on a par with them. Domestic production and head office are located in St. Petersburg, while representative offices and a dealer network are located throughout Russia. Therefore, finding a suitable seller of a septic tank, as well as a workshop for warranty service in case of any problems, even in the most remote corner of our country, will not require much effort. The septic tank "Rostok" of the U series is one of the most popular domestic products for a country house.

Technical characteristics of plastic septic tanks

Septic tank "Rostok" is an environmentally friendly maintenance-free septic tank. It is made from high impact, chemical resistant polyethylene. Underground plastic containers, in accordance with specifications, can be used both for the disposal and treatment of sewage waste, and for water and diesel fuel, which is confirmed by a certificate of conformity. At the same time, the manufacturer's warranty for manufactured products is 12 months in case of compliance with the installation and operation rules, which will be described below.

tightness plastic septic tank due to the absence of a and its conical shape completely eliminates the possibility of the container floating up even under the aggressive action of groundwater. The polyethylene housing is durable and reliable, and if it is properly installed, it will last for many years. Plastic is not subject to corrosion, resistant to aggressive substances (which include, for example, washing powder, because many are afraid to use it when installed septic tank, which is incorrect), as well as a reinforced body of a plastic septic tank with stiffeners that protect it from possible loads, it is safe to operate in both warm and cold seasons. The operating temperature range for its use is from -30⁰С to +60⁰С.

Sizes of septic tanks

Septic tank "Rostok" country series U is available in three sizes:

How a septic tank works

Two-chamber septic tanks work according to the following principle. On those coming from the house, they enter the first chamber of the septic tank, located underground. The receiving chamber collects and mechanically precipitates the incoming waste, while it contains a special quencher, ensuring the absence of agitation of the waste. Settling substances accumulate in the compartment of the first chamber intended for this, and the resulting gases are removed through sewer ventilation systems. The second is the filtration chamber. It is meshed and cleans the incoming waste in two stages, finally removing pollution. From this chamber, purified water flows through pipes for further purification. The water obtained after such purification meets the requirements of sanitary standards.

At the same time, if the "Rostok" cottage septic tank is completed with a special post-treatment filter (drainage well), then the cleaning quality will be about 95%. If such a filter is not used, then the wastewater will be cleaned by 80%.

Requirements for installing a septic tank

In accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer's warranty, as well as to comply with the norms of SNiP, the septic tank must be installed 30 meters from the drinking well and 5 meters from the road and trees. It is also necessary to take into account that for cleaning to the septic tank, an entrance for a sewage truck is required. Such an entrance should be as convenient as possible for the work of the brigade in order to avoid problems with cleaning your sewer system. As a rule, sewage trucks have a long hose for pumping waste from 15 to 50 meters long. Installation and installation of the septic tank "Rostok" should be carried out by professional specialists in compliance with the distances to water bodies and residential premises. In this case, you can use the services of the manufacturer's teams, or you can contact companies offering such services. The warranty on the septic tank will still apply.

Installation and assembly process

First you need to choose a place to install it. Next, a pit is dug for a septic tank and a trench for the pipeline, observing the required slope - 2 cm per 1 running meter. ground freezing. For pipes, the depth of their laying is taken into account - about 1-1.5 meters. The bottom of the pit is sprinkled with rubble and sand and is made concrete screed to which the septic tank is attached.

These conditions cannot be neglected, because even if at the time of installation of the septic tank ground water you are not disturbed, they can appear at any time and you will have a hard time. In order for the septic tank chamber to be securely and firmly fixed in the pit, when backfilling, it is necessary to periodically fill it with water and tamp the poured layers. Next, install sewer pipes and are connected to the septic tank, after which all the voids are covered with sand or a sand-cement mixture. The installation of the "Rostok" septic tank is completed by backfilling the installation site with a layer of ordinary earth in order to hide all traces of the work done and sow grass and flowers.

Installing filters or a drainage well for water purification improves the quality of cleaning up to 95%. Biofilters are more expensive and require periodic replacement. The drainage well is made once from concrete rings, which are covered with sand with gravel or expanded clay, and in the future do not require maintenance, working constantly and without any failures.

If the installation of the "Rostok" septic tank was carried out by professionals in compliance with all the rules and regulations for its installation, then in the future you will have to remember it no more than once a year to unload it.

Maintenance of a septic tank "Rostok"

The simplest and fast way cleaning a septic tank from accumulated solid waste is fecal pump. This method is good if there is electricity on the site. If you don’t want to clean the septic tank on your own, then, as necessary, you will need to call a cleaning team that will quickly and efficiently pump out, flush and disinfect your septic tank. The septic tank "Rostok" country, selected in accordance with your needs and the above table, will need to be cleaned of sedimentary sludge approximately once a year.

Cons of a country septic tank

The main disadvantage of such a septic tank is its price and doubts about the reliability of the system before making a purchase decision. Intending to buy a septic tank "Rostok" country, reviews of which are in most cases positive, do not forget that installation and installation must be carried out by specialists. Only in this case you will receive a manufacturer's warranty and get rid of doubts and possible problems in future. The price you pay for the septic tank and the installation team will be compensated a hundredfold for your many years of peace of mind for the operation of the sewage system in your home and the convenience of operating the system at any time of the year. Also, some owners of septic tanks find the need for their annual cleaning not very convenient. But perhaps these are all the disadvantages of a plastic septic tank.

Advantages of a country septic tank

The advantages are reliability, ease of operation, cleaning efficiency and ease of use, as well as their relatively small dimensions. Of course, cesspool services you will need annually, but at their relatively low cost (depending on the region, they are more expensive and cheaper, but on average such a service costs from 500 to 1500 rubles per cubic meter and is calculated based on the complexity of the required work, the remoteness of the septic tank and other factors that need to be clarified when ordering a team). But this is a relatively small cost in comparison with the resulting convenience. By purchasing a septic tank "Rostok", you will solve the problem of sewerage on your suburban area Once and for all.

Living in a private house near the city or in the country requires a carefully planned not only home heating and water supply system, but also wastewater disposal. Thanks to modern technologies today you can perfectly do without a centralized sewage system and not dig a hole for water flow, which needs to be cleaned regularly.

To do this, today there are special devices - septic tanks, which have received excellent reviews. They are equipped with special filters that do not harmful substances and chemistry to get into the environment.

Today we present to your attention an autonomous septic tank Rostock. Consider the lineup, operating conditions of a septic tank, we will give instructions for installing a septic tank and a lot of other useful information.

Model range and their technical characteristics

Septic Rostock - these are several model options:

  • Septic Mini;
  • Septic tank Country;
  • Septic tank Cottage.

From the name, one can partially understand the difference in the use of Rostock septic systems, but they have a single function - to ensure the continuous operation of the Rostock autonomous sewage system. The main difference in the work of Rostock septic tanks is the size, and, accordingly, the number of people that the Rostock septic tank can serve per day.

Septic Mini

It has small dimensions, the Mini 1000l septic tank is an option for giving where 1-2 people live. Septic tank Mini is capable of processing 250 liters of wastewater per day. Septic tank Mini 1000l is easy to install, as the production of their polyethylene material guarantees a low weight of the system. It is not equipped with any metal structures. The tightness of the Mini is guaranteed by the solidity of the structure, and the shape allows the septic tank to settle in the pit and not rise up when groundwater appears in the pit.

Septic tank Rostock Country 1500l

Higher capacity system than Mini 1000l. When using it, it is possible to serve 4-5 people, and the volume of the processed liquid per day is 400 liters. The septic tank Rostock Country 1500l is perfect for houses where they live permanently. The autonomous sewerage system of the septic tank Dachny is easy to install and install in the pit. Rostock Country 1500l has an elongated shape, which makes it easier to pump out the liquid when filling the container.

Septic tank Rostock Cottage

This is the largest option, as it has a capacity of 3000l. Rostock Cottage 3000l has the largest capacity among all Rostock septic tanks - 1 cubic meter per day. It can be installed for a house where 5-6 people live permanently. If you look at the photo of the models of this Rostock septic tank, you can see that they differ slightly in the shape of the container and in size. More reviews about this septic tank Rostock.

Principle of operation

A septic tank Rostock or any brand is a filter for purification, after passing through which the waste water becomes again suitable for technical use or become harmless environment if it is drained from the septic tank into the ground. Septic tank Cottage 3000l or Country have general principle work, which guarantees 100% cleaning of the liquid.

  1. Water first of all enters the Rostock septic tank with all impurities, small particles of debris and solids. The first receiving tank of the Rostock septic tank separates the liquid from the sludge. In this part of the tank, the sludge settles, and the liquid passes into the next chamber, where the filter is located - a layer of zeolite. Each Rostock septic tank contains such a sorption layer, the main condition for its effectiveness is flushing and reactivation with saline. Live bacteria work in this part of the Rostock septic tank, which divide the waste stream already in the septic tank into sludge and liquid.
  2. It is worth noting that at first the liquid passes through the strainer of the Rostock septic tank, where the liquid and small debris are separated, which moves to the septic tank along with wastewater.
  3. After all this, 80 - 95% of the water in the country septic tank is already purified. But to clean it up to 100% in the Rostock septic tank, additional treatment is needed, for which the liquid enters the Dachny, Cottage, Mini septic tanks into an additional tank. Any model of the Rostock septic tank has it. Also, cleaning is possible in an expanded clay or sand-crushed stone filter arranged in the ground. Reviews about this design are worse than about the additional tank for the Rostock septic tank.
  4. The sludge settled in the septic tank Rostock, as well as small particles of garbage, are pumped out by a sewer machine or by hand. Such autonomous sewerage is the provision of the site not only with a convenient septic tank, but also with water for watering the beds.

The principle of operation of the septic tank Rostock Dachny after it correct installation, not different from others modern systems wastewater treatment, but its uniqueness is that it is possible to clean the Rostock septic tank without the participation of a sewer machine.

And if the house is far from the city, and there is no way to order a car to clean the septic tank, then this suburban option septic tank Rostock for you will be the best solution to the problem of wastewater treatment from a cottage or cottage.

Septic tank scheme, drawing

To understand how the Rostock Zagorodny septic tank works, you should look at it in a section in the photo in the catalog or on the Internet, where you can also familiarize yourself with the rules for installing the Rostock septic tank. This Rostock septic tank system is a one-piece cast container without a single structural weld, which is the best solution for the tightness of the septic tank. The material of the autonomous sewage tank (septic tank) is multilayer polyethylene, which ensures environmental friendliness and lightness of the Rostock septic tank tank.

The cylindrical shape of the Rostock autonomous sewage tank was invented in order to avoid the Rostock Zagorodny septic tank pit floating to the surface under groundwater pressure after its installation. The exit to the surface of the septic tank well, when properly installed, makes it easy to clean manually or with a machine.

The best solution for the Country Autonomous Sewerage is the presence of two working chambers of the septic tank, after passing through which the water is 100% purified. Properly selected filters allow the sludge not to stir up when a new flow of water enters, but to settle at the bottom of the septic tank chambers.

In addition, all models of the Rostock septic tank are equipped with protection against the rapid infusion of water into the autonomous sewage tank. This part of the septic tank system is designed for infusion of 200 liters of liquid, which removes the main stress from the septic tank.

Advantages and disadvantages

Installation of a septic tank helps to solve many problems and use the well, which is located near the septic tank, without fear of contamination of groundwater. This autonomous sewage system has more advantages than disadvantages, as you can see by reading the reviews on the website of the septic tank manufacturer. Of the main advantages, users of the Rostock Zagorodny septic tank distinguish the following:

  • A high degree of water purification in the septic tank, because even without one of best solutions- post-treatment, the water in the septic tank Rostock Zagorodny is cleaned by 80 - 90%;
  • The design of the septic tank is guaranteed to ensure tightness and prevent dirty water from seeping into the ground through the seams in the septic tank, if the installation was correct and the tank is not damaged;
  • The septic tank well is very convenient for cleaning, both by machine and independently (the photo shows that the septic tank well protrudes above the ground, making it visible and accessible);
  • Installation anywhere, even where there is no electricity, autonomous system cleaning will work great for the benefit of the owner of a country cottage;
  • Easy installation of the system and ease of operation of autonomous sewage;
  • When selecting the correct volume of the septic tank, you need to clean it once every two years;
  • The multilayer polyethylene used in the production of sewage is durable, which allows the use of a septic tank in country cottages for 10 years or more at low or high temperatures.

According to all state checks, the septic tank (Country, Mini or Cottage) meets all SanPin standards.

The disadvantages of using a septic tank, according to the reviews of the owners, are much less in country cottages or summer cottages, which is why it was chosen the best option for wastewater treatment. Country, Mini and Cottage septic tank models have two disadvantages:

  • The need to call a sewage truck if there is no opportunity or skills to clean autonomous sewerage yourself;
  • The cost of installing the tank is almost equal to the cost of the septic tank itself, and although such work of installation professionals is needed for correct operation the best suburban sewerage, but the price of installation often confuses residents country cottages and owners of dachas outside the city.

But all the shortcomings simply depend on the correct choice by the owner of suburban housing of the desired model of the septic tank. To avoid these inconveniences and feel the joy of a convenient septic tank well and the life of the sewer, you need to consult on the official website of the manufacturer, where you can also buy a septic tank and get installation instructions, as well as read the reviews of system owners.

Installation and installation

Installation and installation of a septic tank for wastewater treatment is carried out by specialists of the company where it is purchased. Installation is done in a certain sequence. Correct installation allows the treatment system to work at full capacity and provide complete wastewater treatment. Self-assembly can lead to malfunctions, or rather inefficient water purification from impurities.

When starting the installation, it is worth considering the following factors. It should be located 5 meters from the house, 30 meters from the well with drinking water, 4 meters from fruit trees so that their roots do not break through the container.

The installation sequence can be viewed in the photo. Installation of cleaning systems is carried out in the following order:

  • Dig a pit for a container right size, it should be slightly larger than the volume of the sewer (the trenches are dug with a slope towards the cleaning system by 22 mm);
  • If the groundwater flows deep, then it is enough to place the system tank on a pillow of crushed stone and sand, otherwise a screed and straps are needed to secure the tank, preventing it from floating when the system is empty;
  • When lowering the structure into the pit, it is worth removing everything sharp from the bottom so as not to damage its walls;
  • The penultimate stage is the connection of the pipeline from the country house to the cleaning system
  • Now you can fill up the structure, not forgetting to leave a well on the surface.

When making a foundation pit, it is worth considering the conditions of the area, the plastic does not deteriorate from low temperatures, and the water inside can freeze and then you have to wait for spring and thaw to resume the construction.

Manufacturer and prices

When deciding to buy a cleaning design for a country house, it is worth considering what the reviews say about the septic tank and that the price will depend on the size of the system. You can’t choose only by photo, you must consider the conditions of use, the number of people and how often it will be used.

Given how many advantages the system has, the cost of acquiring it quickly pays off, as can be seen from the reviews of those who have already bought the complex.